Humor Poetry posted January 11, 2023

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I'm stopped for a traffic violation.


by BethShelby


Heading home after lunch and time spent with a friend,

I had only good thoughts and no plans to offend.

I turned off of the street and into the parkway.

`Twas my normal route home, I drove most everyday.


On the opposite corner, six wide lanes away,

the red traffic light caused a school bus a delay.

It appeared the bus was getting ready to turn.

Moving out of my turn-lane was my chief concern.


My radio was playing a favorite song.

I was making good time and was humming along,

In my rear-view mirror, came a flashing red light.

I had to pull over to discover my plight.


“Mr. Officer, Sir, Did I do something wrong?”

He glared at me sharply and declared loud and strong,

“When a school bus is letting off kids, you must stop! 

Don’t you give me that look. Don’t you know I’m a cop?”




He gave me a ticket and a day to appear.

I decided to fight, as the court day drew near.

I’d not seen a sign letting me know I should stop.

My record was clean; I didn’t need it to drop.


I was a bundle of nerves my first day in court.

When called up to the stand, I held on for support.

The judge did the talking, and he was a good sport.

He had checked my record and got a good report.


I see that you've been driving for many a year.

You have no citations, so you’ve nothing to fear.

I'll dismiss this ticket from your record today.

I've done the same thing, so you will not have to pay.”







Story Poem writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a poem of any type and any length that tells a story.


The bus was stopped at traffic light and there were no houses around. It wasn't a safe place to let off kids. It was six lanes away, and I didn't see a stop sign on the bus.
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