Spiritual Poetry posted November 3, 2022

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where do we go from here?

To blaspheme the Holy Ghost

by Johnny-artist

How did some of us~ to suppose the worst
A belief that one~ has such been cursed.

I would advise rest~ so to continue at best
To grasp that one~ has so unclearly guessed.

A blasphemer is one~ for when to perplex
Where human frailty~ be understood... by the Godhead
But so from contempt~ thus disorderly objects
As one's odd notions~ to recover from... to be ahead.

With the salvation of mankind~ to own such cues
To endure with Life~ as where iniquity be erased
The heavenly Father wills~ and honesty to use
He knows our concerns~ where there be no waste.

O to care so~ within the value of Love's wingspan
One's open and sincere heart~ a wait for redemption
To be liberated with dignity~ within Their plan
A Way for the public~ where be for avoidable damnation.

Thanks Envision for "Freedom"~ where the spiritual approach to knowledge will... where the truth to set one free... an understanding of precious results... with an honesty's boost.
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Artwork by Envision at FanArtReview.com

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