General Poetry posted August 4, 2022

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The mom had to cry.

My Messy House

by pookietoo

I needed to wash one more load,
Then my washing machine overflowed.
My toddler threw his food on the floor.
Then he wanted me to give him more.
My teen turned his music way up high.
I think I just burned my apple pie.
I just saw a few mice and a rat.
I blinked my eyes, and in flew a bat!
My girl turned the music way up high.
I wanted to scream. Instead I'll cry.
My dog started barking, would not stop.
Where in the world is my kitchen mop?
My spouse came home late, said he was sick.
A kid broke my window with a brick.
I called a dear friend. She was not home.
At that moment I felt so alone.
The tears started streaming down my face.
I felt my life was a big disgrace.
Before anything else will.go wrong,
I will try to sing a happy song.

What A Mess! writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a poem about a mess! As long as your poem is about making a mess, or encorporates the topic of messes, anything goes. Creative approaches are welcomed. Contest voters will be asked to consider the topic when making a choice for a winner. Now let's get sloppy!
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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