General Poetry posted March 18, 2022

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Peaceful interludes in....

Quiet Corners

by Boogienights

Acrostic Rhyming Contest Contest Winner 
Quelling my angst at the end of the day,
Underneath the stars, away from the fray.
In my little garden, the smell of flowers
Evokes my senses, I'll stay for hours.
Trees softly sing as the wind sways their leaves.

Carelessly moonlight drips down from the eaves.
Overhead, dark clouds, portend soon, a storm.
Rain starts to fall but it's gentle and warm.
Nearby, my house is awash with soft light.
Evenings spent in quiet corners feel right.
Retreating inside, I'm soon off to bed.
Sleep overtakes me, sweet dreams fill my head.

Writing Prompt
Please write an acrostic rhyming poem.

Acrostic Rhyming Contest
Contest Winner
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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