Writing Fiction posted January 20, 2022

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A girl who loved to tease.

Wild Rose

by HarryT

There was a coquet called Rose
She loved to take off her clothes
Bug-eyed guys would stare
She teased, "Don't you dare"
But I hope you like my black pantyhose

A Limerick writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Create a limerick

From Poetry Dance:
A limerick is a short, often nonsensical or funny, poem. The rhyme scheme of most limericks is usually aabba.

A Five-line poem

The lines usually are:
Line 1 7-10 syllable, A
Line 2 7-10 syllable, A
Line 3 5-7 syllable, B
Line 4 5-7 syllable, B
Line 5 7-10 syllable, A
But this can vary for this competition.

A Five line, a humorous or thought-provoking poem is the requirement.
You can use the traditional rhyming scheme or create your own.
And syllable count is also your decision.

See poetry dance or other sites for great examples.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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