General Fiction posted January 18, 2022 Chapters:  ...7 8 -9- 10... 

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1,015 words. The battle begins.

A chapter in the book The Walkers

The Party at the River

by papa55mike

Gabriel Hope leads a formidable team of Angels and Walkers through the Spirit Realm on a dangerous mission to India.
Michael has pushed ahead a few steps and shakes his head at the top of the hill. "You were correct, Gabriel."

Gabe tops the hill then pulls out his binoculars. The trap is perfectly set. Two piles of burning tires fill the scene with putrid smoke. Cars piled up on the highway to form a V leading to the bridge, squeezing the path to a small opening at the center of the bridge. Across the bridge, semi-trailers block the exit. Familiars dance an evil jig to celebrate their coming victory.

Gabe says, "It looks like we're expected. Do you want a look, Cris?"

"Yes, sir," Cris takes the field glasses then exclaims, "They sure are ugly. Horns are going in every direction, misplaced red eyes, and long nasty-looking fangs. I'd say there are at least five hundred of them. Why are there scars all over their bodies?"

Michael answers, "They are scars from the Evil One's whip. He loves to beat the little ones."

Gabe thinks for a moment, then asks, "Is that why you said the Garrote was a young one, Michael?"

"Yes, he hadn't tasted the master's whip yet."

"Well," Gabe smiles, then says, "Let's go have some fun with these little guys."

Cal puts her hand on Gabe's shoulder and says, "You are a twisted thing, big fella."


The party rises to a fever pitch on the Loosahatchie Bridge while Gabe and Michael sneak up to the first car of the trap. Michael turns to Gabe and says, "Let's add something to this party, and this car will do."

Michael slowly takes off his jacket, hands it to Gabe, and seems to grow by the second until he towers over Gabe. He picks up the old vehicle above his head then hurls it towards the party.

Suddenly, the Familiars stop dancing when a grisly howl pierces the darkness. An old Rambler station wagon explodes through the black clouds with great force. The little demons can't move fast enough when the car hits the bridge. Sparks fly everywhere while it speedily skids across the bridge, gathering Familiars along the way. The Rambler smashes into the semis across the bridge, spinning them out of the way. An explosion of red demon mist fills the air across the bridge.

"I'd say you got at least fifty, Michael," Gabe laughs. "You'd be a great bowler."

"I'm calling that a strike," Cal exclaims when she jumps on the hood of a car, pulls her bow off her shoulder, and draws an arrow. "Let's see how many we can take out before we get there." Cal locks in a target. She fires six arrows in succession, picking off three demons in the trees before the bridge, one running away and two too frightened to move on the left of the bridge.

Cris jumps in the back of a Ford pick-up truck and says, "Let me get some of this action!" He shoulders the AR-15 Gabe gave him then begins to eliminate every target he sights.

The Familiars are stunned and quickly head for the shadows under heavy fire, howling all the way.

Gabe turns to Cris and Cal, then hollers, "Keep us covered while we move up."

"We got your back, big man," Cal smiles.

Michael takes his whip of pure blue lightning from his hip and cracks the two cars in front of the trap, exploding them out of the way. "This way, my friend."

"Why, thank you, Michael, for clearing the path." Gabe pulls his two Rugers off his duty belt.

The two of them slowly proceed to the middle of the bridge in complete silence, and it's like the Familiars were never there. Cal and Cris begin to close the ranks until they're all together.

"Where did they go?" Cris asks.

"Oh, they're here, just regrouping for the next wave," Gabe answers while peering through the blackened trees.

Suddenly, hideous howls pierce the silence, and stones begin to pelt the warriors. The grotesque Familiars creep back on the bridge, rapidly swinging slingshots.

Michael cracks his whip to the left of the bridge, exploding the trees and sending the little demons careening into the black expanse below. He then turns to the right, and the darkness explodes in a fiery mass of falling trees and demons when his whip sizzles again.

Cal can't raise her bow, and Cris is busy ducking rocks to raise his weapon. Michael takes his whip then stabs the handle into the concrete; the ground rumbles when he brings down an invisible shield around them. The stones strike the barrier then fall harmlessly to the bridge.

"Let's get them, guys," Gabe smiles, then starts blasting away through the shield.

Cal and Cris smile at each other, then join the party. The red mist is thick from exploding demons until the few remaining flee for cover.

Michael walks over and pulls his whip handle from the concrete, then the shield disappears. He says, "Let's get across before they regroup."

The group jogs up to the semi-trailers when Michael smiles at the others. He looks to the lone star in the sky and, in a quiet voice, says, "Praise You, Father." Michael extends his hands upward, and his body follows, growing to twenty feet tall. He wraps his hands around a trailer then heaves into the deep river bed on the right. Screams of anguish fill the darkness. Michael, giant-sized, walks over to the other trailer and repeats the process. He almost threw it too hard, but it struck the tree stumps then plunged into the ravine. As fast as it happened, Michael, normal-sized, takes his jacket from Gabe.

Gabe laughs then says, "I love it when you do that."

"Now that's what I call a gift from God," Cal smiles.

Cris asks, "Do you think they will follow us, Gabe?"

"Not after that beating. We should be clear until we get to Memphis, but we'll still have to watch for patrols of Legions."

Cal begins to rub her arms and feels the lumps and bruises from the rocks hurled at them. "Those will take a while to go down."

Michael reaches into his coat and hands a beautiful bottle of oil to Cal, then says, "This oil will ease the pain and swelling."

Cal accepts the bottle, then puts a little dab on her fingertip and rubs one of the welts. Instantly, the swelling decreases then the bruise fades completely. Cal asks, "What's in this stuff?"

"It's only olive oil," Michael smiles. "But God, Himself, blessed it for me."

"Well, that should work." Cal starts rubbing the oil on her arms and legs.

Cris speaks up, "You might want to save some for us."

Michael answers, "It will never run dry."

"I should have known that." Cris smiles. "I wonder what day it is?"

Michael tilts his head a little, looking for the answer. "I believe it's what you call New Year's Eve."

"Ah, man," Cris frowns. "I missed my grandmother's Thanksgiving dinner. That's a few pounds I don't mind gaining."

"Growing up with Mom and Dad always in the mission field," Cal smiles. "We usually had something different for our Thanksgiving dinners like Water Buffalo or Yak with no sweet potatoes and stuffing. We were always happy, though, and I sure miss them."

Cris asks, "It's always worse during the holidays, isn't it?"

"Yeah," Cal looks deep into Cris's eyes. "It sure is."

Many thanks for stopping by to read!
Have a great day, and God bless.

The Cast of Characters.

The twelve-year-old girl who her father sold to the Dealer in the prologue.

The Angelic Warriors

Gabriel Hope
At six feet, six inches tall, 295 pounds, Gabe is a 20 year veteran of the Army Rangers, and he's been walking for the Lord for 23 years.

The Arch Angel of Heaven, Prince of God, Commander of the Lord's Armies. His massive size varies depending on the situation. Michael has been friends with Gabe for many years after recruiting him for battles in the Spirit Realm.

Cal Cummings
At six feet, two inches tall, 200 pounds, Cal graduated from Vanderbilt University with a Master's degree in Theology. She also starred in Volleyball and is an Olympic Champion Archer. Five years ago, she was working in the mission fields of Africa when bandits killed her Mother and Father in a brutal attack. Cal barely escaped.

Cris Turner
At six feet tall, 200 pounds, Cris has a Master's degree in Criminal Science and Theology from North Carolina University. He is also an excellent shot with his Colt 45 model #1911. Cris started walking for the Lord three years ago when his wife and son were killed in a plane crash. Cris missed the flight.

The Enemy

Lucifer, Satan, or the Evil One
He is the Supreme Commander of all the demon armies and ruler of the Spirit Realm.

2nd in command under Lucifer, all of the other generals report to him. He uses pride to tempt others.

Commander of the North American army of demons, and he tempts others with burning desire.

Commander of the Western Asian army of demons, and he tempts others with heresy.

The slow marching skeletal soldiers in Satan's armies - Legions vary in size from five to seven feet tall. They are known for their ability to leap upon their prey and are mighty in battle.

They are much smaller than the Legions but quick soldiers that hunt in packs. They cling to the dried-up riverbeds, oceans, lakes, and streams. Familiars carry short swords and sling-shots.

Cambions are one to two-foot-tall demons with oversized reproductive organs. Cambions are created in the Spirit Realm when a demon mates with a male or female human while dreaming.

A super demon that's created when Satan or one of his Generals has sex with a virgin in the Earthly Realm.
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