Writing Poetry posted November 29, 2021

Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted
When talking too much can be a detriment.

I Blew It

by HarryT

When I saw her, I thought she was boiling hot
She was a new girl, cute with long blonde hair
I asked her to dance, she said, “Yes, please.”
I began my old routine, whispered in her ear
At the start I was funny and teased her a bit
Bragged about my accomplishments, she smiled
Didn’t give her a chance to slip in a word,
Thought I was beginning to get somewhere
Pulled her close, but never asked her name

 When the music stopped, she turned and said,
“Thanks for the dance,” her tone cold as ice
She turned her back, walked briskly away  
That’s when I knew I blew it


Use These Words writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a poem of any length or style using these words







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