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Some trips we made in North Dakota.
A chapter in the book My Life

Time in North Dakota

by aryr

Life is ongoing, isn't it?
Between the summer of 2016 and until now we have managed to visit and see some rather interesting stuff in various places. Right now I will zero in on what we have managed to see in North Dakota but not specifically in order, lol, but work related.

The Enchanted Highway was created by a farm family and consists of massive displays about five miles apart. The start of this highway is Geese In Flight (154 feet wide and 110 feet tall). All of the structures are made of scrap metal. These magnificent creations consist of Geese in Flight, Teddy Rides Again (in memory of Teddy Roosevelt), Pheasants on the Prairie, The World's Largest Grasshoppers, Deer Crossing, The First Farmers (a Son, the Father and the Mother in their finery) and Fisherman's Dream. The display finishes in the town of Regent with a motel converted into a castle and a Knight fighting a Dragon. It was so enjoyable.

Our next visit (we actually did two separate days) was to Fort Abraham Lincoln State Park. Lieutenant Colonel George Armstrong Custer apparently arrived in Dakota Territory in 1873 to prevent attacks by the Lakota Sioux Indians on the survey railroad workers. He and his wife, Libbie lived there for about three years. Custer died in the Battle of the Little Bighorn. The home was rebuilt and presents some of the original items. Also nearby was one of the 'On-A-Slant Indian Villages occupied by the Mandan, the Hidatsa and the Arikara from about 1575-1781.

We also visited Fort Mandan which was part of the Lewis Meriwether and William Clark expedition to follow the Missouri River to the coast, a total of 3,700 miles. The Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center in Washburn ND provided a great deal of educational and entertaining items. This was very interesting. The Knife River Indian Villages National Historic Site was truly amazing, this was again occupied by the Mandan and Hidatsa people. It was here that Sakakawea lived, she was a young Shashone girl. This site was also a trading area for local tribes and hunters.

We saw the Hague Iron Crosses in St Mary's Cemetery (Hague 1885-1915). The entire cemetery was filled with constructed iron crosses. Some included hearts, others with swords and the area was chained in to allow walking visitors. Of course we stopped in the village at Hague Cafe for authentic German/Russian food, which was yummy delicious.

On one trip we were able to see, we were actually able to walk in, St. Mary's Catholic Church and the stained glass of Mary crushing the head of a snake. The Marquis de Mores and his wife Medora donated this window for the kindness she was met with by the sisters when she had to stay in Bismarck ND a fair distance from Medora which they founded in 1885.

Another time we saw Nord Park and the famous bomb. In Napolean there is something in the giant shape of a baseball. The bomb was deactivated and the Nord's originally thought to use it as a gas tank, then decided if it was painted to look like a baseball it could become of use to the public. Thus Nord Park.

We also visited the Prairie Bells Grotto near Linton, ND. Sometimes people just need a moment of prayer, a roadside shrine. This was accomplished by Mr. Vetter, he started out putting up a tower then found the bells (there are four) and decided to do a grotto. Very much enjoyed and ringing the bells.

Years past we got to visit the Ronald Reagan Minuteman Missile Site used in the Cold War. A site near Cooperstown was made into a museum. The reminders of the furniture used and the menu was fantastic. Oh by the way, the actual missile site was miles away and had been dismantled. We got to travel 50 feet below ground in the pit black darkness. Then we got to see where the Minuteman sat in front of the control board.

Now, of course, nobody could forget Salem Sue, she is a 40 foot tall Jersey cow with horns and teats on top of a high hill. She is the marker to watch for New Salem.

On a different trip, where Jim was actually working/walking as a line surveyor, I got to travel along for three separate days. We went to Garrison and saw the posted Wally the Walleye which is 28 feet long and weighs in at 820 pounds. Apparently, Garrison, Minnesota was in competition before 1980 Garrison ND.

Talking about big animals! In Jamestown, ND one can see up close, live bison, not buffalo-there is only one type of buffalo which is water buffalo as seen in Africa. These are bison. There is a bison one can see from the road which is a sculpture and is 26 feet tall. Occasionally a rare white bison is born, these are of spiritual significance to the Native American Indians.

Who doesn't remember Lawrence Welk, whether in the USA or Canada? He was of German/Russian heritage and born and raised in North Dakota. His parents immigrated to America in 1893 we they had eight children. Ironically Lawrence only spoke German until he went to school then he spoke English and lost his accent. He worked the farm until he was 21 then ventured out on his musical career.

More than once we have driven across the Theodore Roosevelt National Park, it sort of reminds me of the Grand Canyon, it makes one feel small and so very less significant. It is beautiful, so many colors, wonderful horses and bison that roam free. There are only a few communities.

Back in Bismarck, ND, we visited twice the North Dakota Heritage Center and State Museum. We did this in two trips because there was so much to see. The sights cover over 600 million years. The aurora borealis or Northern Lights is where we started. Next an entire section on Native American, the spirituality, customs and archeology is presented. Next are the dinosaurs which I have seen many times before. Then there are costumes that showed the early settlers up to the turn of the century. I learned a lot and definitely felt better for going.

Our adventures continue, we are now in Shady Cove, just north of Medford, Oregon. I will catch up on our travels tomorrow or the next day...

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