Horror and Thriller Poetry posted October 22, 2021 Chapters:  ...55 56 -57- 58... 

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A True Life Story.

A chapter in the book "The Gift of Life."


by Ricky1024

The author has placed a warning on this post for violence.
Written on October 22nd, 2021
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright �© Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'

Once Upon a Time...
When Time was Once Upon?
I had a Dream if only I could Believe?
I knew deep in my heart that one day I would have a son to call my own.
Two decades we go by and I was now a grown man searching for my Destiny.
Crossing through the waters of Reality.
Testing and retesting and trying to realize my worth?
Yes there would be times that weren't happy.
Times where I would be tested.
Times of sadness and Times of badness.
But I always would?
And I saved my money and realized a man needs a roof over his head before anything else.
And a man needs substance and he needs to grow properly.
That we all after birth have a need if I could only still?


So, I got married at age 28 and started my own family.
Yes, and perhaps my own Dream?
I know deep in my Heart.
I would
And, I would be a Family Man.
But what does it take to achieve?
Must we all first start and
So the children came along.
And, each one?
With their own special song!
Perhaps this family man thing isn't too bad after all?
And, the decades with blend.
Family Life would be my friend.
The teenage years were now upon us and the older girls were soon to be off to college.
I need you every child would achieve.
But for One?
Yes, if I could only?
Believe like he?
Jason had started his band when he was only sixteen.
Already building his dream it seemed?
He said he wanted to also become an auto mechanic and go to Brookdale vocational.
'I loved that auto mechanics class!'
He would say.
And, tell me they were ripping apart a car that day!
They say the car which was locked in third gear quite possibly hit the pole with over 100 mph!
Especially because it had previously been professionally raced.
Yes, at Atco Race Park.
Professionally buy an adult driver in Atco, New Jersey.
But Brian Cole was only seventeen.
(If you know what I mean?)
Nobody loved him anymore.
So, he decided not to love himself.
And, have a dance with the only person he ever would without pre-hension?
"Miss Suicidal Intentions?"
There's no prevention!
The pain gets so terribly difficult.
Yes, that it's too hard to mention!
So, you have to go with the flow.
As you watch the oxygen level of your only sons brain?
Away in the manger?
No crib for his bed?
But I thought it was supposed to be the little Lord Jesus lays down his sweet head?
QYou step to the left.
He stepped to the right.
You fall down on your two knees and pray that night!
You truly with all your Broken Heart?
Even though your life is now falling apart!
You realize that deep down inside!
That this child had achieved?
And, even though my son physically has been gone now for over Eighteen years.
And, he had a Dream then he Believed!
Yes, now it was my time.
Yes, my time to.

*Believe: verb
1) accepting (something) that is true; feel sure of the truth of.
"He came to believe that his life was over."
2) hold (something) as an opinion,
think or suppose.
"I believe we've already met?"
On March 31st 2003.
I came to believe that something was incredibly wrong when I heard the two noises less than two blocks away of the up and coming horrible accident!
And, oy seventeen hours later?
And, after my only son had a Heart attack in the helicopter.
He lay deep in a coma.
Fluid coming from his ears, Raccooned, as if severely beaten in a Prize fight.
And, on March 31st, 2003.
Declared, "Brain Dead"
Shortly after my son Jason's organs would be dispersed throughout the United States to save for fortunate and waiting recipients.
Life after Death!
To learn more about,
'Organ-Tissue Donations?'
Simply contact my dearest friend Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with
"The Gift of Life!"
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at
Jason Richard Smrkovsky
November 5th, 1984~
March 31st, 2003.
Organ's Graciously donated on April 1st, 2003.
(April Fool's Day)
'"And, the Beat Goes On"
Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator.
Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist, 'jodiedikun'
Their Incredible Picture Entitled, "Believe"
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

Artwork by jodiedikun at FanArtReview.com

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