Writing Fiction posted August 23, 2021

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A publisher who writes her own book.

Self-Publishing The Debut Novel

by Raul1

Did you self-publish your debut novel?

Yes, Tom, it was a total disaster. It is what it is.

Sorry to hear about your disappointment, Mary. Why was it?

I had done it in a hurry, and never took the time. I have learned it the hard way. My story structure wasn't complete.

I suggest that you keep working and writing until you are ready to publish.

Tom, you know that I'm new to the writing process. I have learned my lesson and am preparing to write a new novel. It will take somewhat through a five year writing process and so forth. I will take my time for now on.

Good, Mary! You are reacting well!

Dialogue Only Prompt writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a story using only dialogue. No narration, descriptions, or sentence tags. Maximum word count: 1,000

I hope that you will enjoy my dialogue in a story. Enjoy! It is a pleasure!
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