General Poetry posted December 14, 2020

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free verse what is Love


by fayesh

Love can be an elusive enigma

A poet counts the ways in a sonnet
yet poisons the hearts of youthful passion
those too young, unready to fulfill it

Love binds soulmates with eternal blessings
yet madness can arise when unrequited

Love hurries the steps of distant lovers
and still grants freedom unselfishly

The soul yearns for it in mortal cover
but in the end sheds flesh to return Home
to the arms of the One Eternal Love.

What is Love? writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a free verse poem. Free verse is a form of poetry that does not necessarily follow to any specific meter patterns, rhyme, or any other pattern. Free verse, despite its freedom, often still has some elements of form. Most free verse does observe a convention of lines and structure. No rhyming patterns.
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