A Short Fairytale.
A chapter in the book Shed MoreTearsFairytales@Fables
The Pretty Girl with the Flowers
Follows with another Amazing Journey Entitled,
"With Wings I Can Fly"
"The Pretty Girl"
(With the flowers in her hair)
Written October 26th, 2020
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright © Fanstory 2020
'All Rights Reserved'
'Once Upon a Time there was a little girl lost in the woods.'
'With pretty flowers in her hair.'
'And, welcome back to all ye
dem, der, cow kids, Fanstory reviewers, moms and pops.'
'To another edition of
"Shed More Tears Fairytales and Fables."
'My name is Annie...
'Annie Oakley the Greatest Female-Sharpshooter West of this dem, der, Mississippi River.'
'And, I shall be your narrator as we take you on another journey by Doctor Ricky 1024.'
'And, enjoy this fairytale about the pretty girl with the flowers in her hair.'
'And, I'll be back at the end for, "The Lesson of the Day!"
'Thanks Annie let's begin?'
'Yes, and Once Upon a Time the pretty little girl with the flowers in her hair.'
'Had followed and found to the end of the trail.'
'And, she came across a stream.'
'Where she fell asleep and had a dream!'
'And, in that dream?:
'She dreamed of a lost little boy.'
'And, he too would follow a trail.'
'Yes, this girl with the pretty flowers in her hair.'
'And, in her dream?'
'She saw a lost little boy all alone on a trail.'
'Following the pretty flowers from her hair.'
'And, when she awoke?"
'She saw her reflection in the mirror of the lake.'
'So, she left a note tied with a string.'
'And, then she crossed the log to the other side.:
'And, that was the end of her dream.'
'And, many years would pass as she would live there in a cabin on the other side of the stream.'
There once was a lost little boy who ran away from home.'
'Whom was all alone?'
'So, he and followed the pretty flowers from her hair and came to a trail.'
'Yes, all the pretty flowers that fell from her hair.'
'And, when he picked up the last little flower?'
'He came to the end of the trail.'
'Where he saw the stream.' 'And, he too fell asleep.'
'And, he too had a dream!'
'He dreamed of that pretty little girl with the flowers in her hair and wondered if she was there?'
'There once was a lost little boy who ran away from home.'
'Whom, now was on the same trail!'
'And all alone and when he looked down he saw?'
'He saw a note attached to a string?'
'And, as he read the note?'
'He says the words that she had said...
'If you are the lost little boy that I had a dream?'
'And, followed the pretty flowers on the trail.'
(If you know what I mean?)
'Well, then read the note attached to the string.'
'And, follow me across the stream.'
'I live in a cabin all alone and I've been waiting for you!'
The End.
'I love happy endings and now?'
'It is time for...
"The Lesson of the Day!"
'And, do I see any reviewers?'
'Oh yes, John.'
'And, you're a first timer here.'
'So, what do you think about all this?'
'Well first I would like to say.'
'Thst it was wonderfully written.'
'And a fairy tale with romance along with a happy ending!'
'Always works for me.'
'And, it just makes me realize that no matter how bad things are?'
'If you're lost or you're alone in those woods.'
'Or you been abused?'
'And confused?'
'There's always a Silver lining at the other side of the trail!'
'And, I say these words in the name of Jesus Christ.'
'Well reviewers and readers.'
'There you have it and be sure to come back here in the month of November.'
'For another beautiful...
"Shed More Tears Fairytales and Fables!'
Approximate Word Count: 686.
Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and Hos Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator.
Fan Art Review, this Amazing, as well as, Talented artist, 'Denise B's
And her Incredible picture Entitled, "Pretty girls"
one point
and 2 member cents.
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