General Poetry posted October 22, 2020

This work has reached the exceptional level
How many can you use in one poem?

Fun Words

by Roxanna Andrews

I was flabbergasted by all the poppycock
and all that malarkey they call sticker shock!

He said my thingamajig, oh, the whatchamacallit,
was covered in gobbledygook and caused my car to quit.

The cost, the whole kit and caboodle, for the repair.
I was wise to his shenanigans, said the price wasn't fair.

That caused a kerfuffle, but I wouldn't be bamboozled.
He said there'd be no charged if I was willing to canoodle!

Well, I am no flibbertigibbet, "I'm not that kind of girl!"
I took my pumpernickel and at his head I hurled.

He stood there flummoxed, all discombobulated,
Said I was too persnickety for a girl who rarely dated.

I said, "Listen here, you little whippersnapper,
I've dated men better than you, twice as dapper!"

He laughed and said that was all codswallop,
He thought I looked like an ordinary trollop!

So I hit him in his dingleberry and skedaddled out of there.
And found myself another guy to do my repairs.

I saw the plaque on Facebook, of course, and thought it would be fun to try to put all the words in a poem. I challenge you to do the same.

Not sure why 'pumpernickle' is one, unless it has another meaning, I could only find bread as the meaning.

'codswallop' was new to me, but it says it is lies and unbelievable stories.

Hope this was fun.
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