General Fiction posted February 15, 2022

This work has reached the exceptional level
Daniel has a dream

Vision from Heaven

by SimianSavant

"The last time I was in heaven on organic LSD, I had a vision of an angel trapped by zombies in a dream house, while God and all of mankind cheered on reality TV as its health declined."

"You're soooooo interesting," gushed Saint Daniel's therapist, leaning forward in her chair and flashing her luscious cleavage. "Tell me more about this amazing psychedelic dream. Your drugs sound super premium and we could be business partners and stuff."

At that very moment, a pack of starving lions burst into the therapist's office. They completely devoured the therapist, not even leaving the bones, in punishment for her apostasy.

105 Word Spiritual Fiction writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
105 Word Spiritual Fiction

6 sentences only

9 required words:
(i) angel,
(ii) Daniel
(iii) dream,
(iv) God,
(v) health,
(vi) heaven,
(vii) house,
(viii) mankind,
(ix) saint,

9 words to avoid in writing the fiction:
I. devil,
II. divine,
III. divinely,
IV. heavenly,
V. hell,
VI. hymn,
VII. immortal,
VIII. satan,
IX. spirit,

Write no name of religion

Write no quotation from any religious scriptures or books

Write no messages, hymns, or proverbs

Write no exclamatory sentences

Write no interrogative sentences

Write a simple, expressive, and plain spiritual fiction

Write a spiritual fiction simply, freely free of strict compliance of technicality like introduction, middle, ending

The picture of Naomi Watts is from "Gypsy", available on Netflix. Displayed here with attribution and not as a commercial promotion.
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