"Reflections For The New Day"

Love or Lust

By Jewell McChesney

Author Note:I prefer authentic love...

In desperation
Love is sought
Only to find
The deception of lust
A temporary fix
Portraying security
Seduction of the flesh
Stroking egos
And silky skin
With slow betrayal
Until one day
A wake up call
of rejection

Author Notes We will all fall prey eventually.
Let the truth set you free.

*dedicated to someone from this site who loves to lure writers into his web of lust.


By Jewell McChesney

Author Note:What burdens you today?

Oh, to have the days returned,
when what mattered was,
whether or not my gathered
catepillars and lady bugs escaped in the night
from the cardboard box I kept them in
or the fireflies lost their glow,
or that Gramma got her hand made card,
and my Feed and Wet baby doll
had gone in her diaper
while I slept.
I recall the day I woke to
find peanut butter in her diaper.

I remember when my audience
was made up of my teddy bears and sometimes
my dog Buddy would sit and listen to
me sing and recite poetry with his
ears perked up and eyes widened.
He was the only living creature that would listen.
His wagging tail was my applause.

Other concerns were learning to ride a bike
and my scraped knee that just never could heal
because I fell on it again and again.

Or, when my brothers finally let me in on the
baseball game.
I remember the ball hitting a wasp's nest
and it landed on my head.
Now, that was a legitimate care!
I didn't play again after that.

There was this brown eyed boy
with tousled hair and cool jeans
in the first grade that I had the biggest crush on.
His name was Doug Golden.
Funny how you don't forget your first crush.

Today, my concerns being mostly
about my health and how to pay the bills in time,
whether the house is a home
and will I have my job tomorrow.

My top concern should be this;
Are my little boy's cares being met,
Am I listening to him ramble along
when it seems to be unimportant,
does he know that he is valuable to me
and has much to contribute to the rest of the world?

I will now quit writing and go
catch some frogs, chase butterflies
put together a model car
or play a video game
with my treasured son,
my greatest care in all the world.

Author Notes Picture is of my son Jason, who is now 23. He cut a hole in that sweater so that he wouldn't have to wear it for pics..guess what? Mom always had the last word. (still does, imagine that)

Chapter 1
Pursuing Phenomenal

By Jewell McChesney

Author Note:A constant process of betterment

I have the greatest desire
to be phenomenal;
to reach hearts, not stars.

If I can be extraordinary;
going beyond the usual
or ordinary,
I will then be satisfied.

Until then, I will
strive to be remarkable;
One who is not common,
but, worthy of being noticed.

Not for outward beauty or style
but for what lies
within my very soul,
that which seeps out
of my pores;

Exuding enlightenment,
wisdom and revelation
that comes from
experience and growth.

I want to do so
in humbleness and strength.
Never seeking proud gain
or vain pursuit.

If I show myself conspicuous,
I would hope
it is caused by
an obvious attraction
to my spirit;
being a soul full of beauty
Adorned with grace.

My hope is that the words
I choose penetrate the mind
and encourage the listener
to step out of their box
of mediocrity;

not to bring about jealousy
but challenge to improve.

I am far from this gain.
For now,
I will trudge along
this path of life,
turning obstacles
into stepping stones

taking hours, days,
or weeks if need be
to roll over the boulders
in the road,
just to see what lies beneath.

For hidden there,
could be treasures
I had missed,
if I had not
pursued this quest.

Chapter 2
Failure and Success

By Jewell McChesney

Author Note:I felt that at the end of this, I was rambling and wondered if I should have cut it off somewhere else. Does the ending tie in to the message? I welcome your comments.

If I fail,
have I truly lost?
For when I do
I have the chance to
try again.

If I stumble and fall,
have I truly fallen?
For when I fall
I have the chance
to pick myself up
or possibly to allow
another to assist me.

I shall not ignore the
helpful hand so that
I may encourage
them to enlighten me.

If I am misunderstood
is it such a loss to me?
It is only a loss to those
who do not allow me
to elaborate my words
and bring about knowledge
and light to dark places
of their minds.

Because I am intelligent,
does that mean I am the
most wise?
For the wisdom I carry
may seem shallow in the
mind of someone wiser.

My strongest desire
is to be receptive to
the thoughts and ideas
of others,
in order for them to
teach me from their
own bank of wisdom.

If I am driven,
am I responsible to
direct others?
I want to be purposeful
reasoned and goal directed.
Evaluating all that comes
my way with depth of character,
acquiring a desirable outcome.

I will pursue to be
a problem solver
with peaceful resolve.
For what I put into life,
mine and others,
will be what comes
back to me tenfold.

Chapter 3
A Beautiful Vessel

By Jewell McChesney

Author Note:Society accepts the outward before getting to know the inward. Proceed with caution. You could be fooled!

You've looked upon a beautiful vessel
And enjoyed the outer appearance.
When your eyes fell upon the perfect form
Your mind went places that made your
Blood pump harder and your desires flow.

Appauled by imperfection
One sees the outer cover as an abomination
To your eyes, something that took your mind
To disdain and possibly even hatred.

Judging the vessel by it's outer appearance,
Instead of looking to what it contains.
Outer beauty invites you in,
Captivating you by it's glory.

What lies within this glorious vessel
May be something fermenting with
Sour odor and bitter tasting flavor.
As it is poured out, you are taken
Aback by it's disarming ways.

If you were to take the time to look
Inside the imperfect vessel you may find
That it carries something beautiful
Which has waited to pour itself out
Into your spirit, cleansing your soul
With comfort and grace.

It is you who miss out on the true
Beauty that awaits in pure form;
That which comes from within
But will not waste it's contents being
Cast out like pearls before swine.

Author Notes Have you ever invited the lonely and broken person over for dinner?

Have you ever complimented someone for their smile, when acne covered their face?

Have you ever given a hug to a stranger in a wheelchair, just because?

Do you take the time to think about the wounds on the inside
of a soul, before you judge the scowl on one's face?

Have you noticed the sparkle in the eyes of that obese person
and thought about who they are inside?

Have you ever looked at the most beautiful woman you've ever seen, admiring her and lusting for her flesh until she opened
her mouth and the worst filth and contempt came pouring out?

Tell me, was she still as beautiful?
Would you want to spend one day with her?

Just wondering...

Chapter 4
The Art of Loveliness

By Jewell McChesney

Author Note:Loveliness is something few of us contain usually because of fear or inferiority to it. It is closer than we realize, and can be obtained.

Delightful in beauty,
harmony and grace,
arousing interest and pleasure,
affecting others as if by magic,
irresistibly compelling
and pleasing,
soothing to the eyes and the soul.
As if spellbound,
onlookers are transfixed
to the magnetism
of her spirit
alluring in her own presence,
enticing and captivating
with an irresistible appeal.
Taking others into desire
not only to be enchanted
but to have what she has.
By being around her
they become aware that
something within themselves
is missing ; yet
knowing it is within reach.
For the truly lovely one
does not hoard it,
She doles it out as if
there is plenty of it to go around.
Inviting you to dip into
the bottomless pool
which sparkles as diamonds
in the moonlight.
Learn from the lovely one.
Allow her to take you captive,
instead of running away inferior,
so that she may show you
how you too may have
the gift of loveliness.
She then will send you
on your way to expel
your own enticements.

Chapter 5

By Jewell McChesney

Author Note:no set meter or rhyme


May I sing a song
To deafened ears
Which wait to hear again.

May I tread where others
Not dare walk
with confidence.

May I listen to those
Who feel unworthy
And keep silent for their
Need to be heard.

May I speak when my
Spirit says speak,
Touch those who need

May my eyes be open
To see the unseen things
That lie in hidden places
Of the heart.

May I rise to any
Occasion to be an
Encouraging word,
A listening ear,
A tender touch.

May I be the one
Soul who shared
Herself with vulnerability
And an open heart.

May I not allow myself
To be used negatively
Or walked upon unjustly.

May I never walk
In selfish pursuit
For what I gain
Selfishly will
Only leave me lonely.

Chapter 6
God's View

By Jewell McChesney

photo by Jewell
Passion Play International

When I think of how God sees me
I feel so small in his eyes.
I wonder of his viewpoint
or if he is disappointed in me.

My feeble mind imagines that
he sees me as a tiny speck
on this mass we call earth.

I wonder if I am just a little
insignificant part of his
beautiful creation.

Does he compare me
to the things and people
I deem more worthy than myself?
After all, he created magnificent
gardens full of glorious beauty.

The lily and the rose
are compared to him.
His animals are all so unique,
his eye is on the sparrow.

I know he watches over me
but how does he really see me?
Am I one of those minute beings
in the land of the living?

After all, I've not climbed Everest,
I'm no Billy Graham, nor have
I even laid down my life
for my friends.

Just when I feel small and insignificant
he sends a messenger to remind me,
that if I were the only human
God created, he would have still
sent his son to die for me.

He sees me as covered in his blood,
redeemed by his mercy,
sanctified and made whole.

But then, I asked the Lord,
How do you see my sin?

He replied,

"What sin"?

Chapter 7

By Jewell McChesney

Author Note:photo by Jewell

Dreams are something
To hold on to
To cherish and hope for.
Taking you into a land
Of beautiful places,
And hopeful thoughts.
It is good to let a dream
Take you outside
Of reality or even
Into what is certain.
Close your eyes
And open your mind.
Dream what can be,
See that which is
Yet to be seen.
Past, present, future,
Where will you go?
My hope for you
Is that you are able
To see what good
Lies ahead if you,
Only allow it.
You have my
Permission to dream
To desire, to find hope
Go ahead and visit
The land of the
Beautiful places.
Come back to me
And share what is
And what is yet to behold.

Chapter 8
Her Purpose

By Jewell McChesney

Author Note:This elaborates the subject of the nightmares

Lost innocence




Wounded spirit

Aching soul

Broken marriage

Hidden lies within

Cutting to the core

Visions and memories

Actions she regrets

Anger held inside

Eating away her peace

Holding it all

in a safe place


When blocked out torture

Invaded her subconsious

Revealing itself

Answering the questions

Why she never cried

She didn't know how to laugh

She feared rejection

Her heart ached continuingly

Now and again

it all comes back

trying to invade

her every thought


Only a memory

Not a consumption

Used to bring revelation

to a hurting world

She now shares her story

of hope

a time

Chapter 9

By Jewell McChesney


I look for peace
That passes all understanding
To know that I've made
Decisions headed on
A clear path.

A battle rages around me
And yet there is peace.
I find it inside my soul.

Sometimes I search
Too hard for it
When it has been here
All along.

A knowing in
My knower,
a smile on my face.
I have peace.

Chapter 10

By Jewell McChesney

Today all over the Nation, people are waking to the aroma of a turkey in the oven
and seeing Mom at the kitchen counter, having been awake for hours adorning a flour covered apron,
a rolling pin in hand and a smile on her face.
There's an elated child standing on a chair at her side in assistance with his or her own pile of dough.
The Macy's parade is making background noise to the clanging pots and pans
and kids asking to taste test the pie filling.
They are all thankful for each other, for this time to celebrate with food, fun and laughter.

Today in another part of the nation,a lonely father sits on the edge of his bed, wishing the queen
of his kitchen were still here.It is his first holiday without her. He misses the aroma in their kitchen.
He has to travel today alone, to meet his grown kids and pretend to celebrate a holiday in which he is to give thanks.
His heart aches for his lovely bride but he will be strong, and enter with a large smile and his traditional
bag of candied pecans and surprises in his pockets for the Grandchildren.
He is thankful for his family and proud of his accomplishments.
He'll take time to reflect and remind his children to give thanks.

Today, somewhere in this nation lies a man on a park bench,
not even knowing what day it is; having roamed the streets the previous night, in search for empty cans
to return for money, dreaming of days gone by when life was what we call normal.
He wakes to a tap on his shoulder and an invite from a minister to come eat a turkey dinner at the shelter.
He is thankful for a chance to sleep on the bench last night, for the coat he found at the Salvation Army and for this warm meal ahead.

Today, I sit and ponder all the things I am thankful for on this holiday.
I know that I am to be thankful each and every day of the year, each minute that I am still alive.
There are so many things that come to my mind as I contemplate my life, my family my friends.

I have a roof above my head, a car to drive and money in my pocket.
I am thankful for the material things but most of all I am thankful that I could be the little girl who stood at her Mamma's side baking pies and cookies.
I am grateful that I have experienced many highs and lows. I can look at the previous road I've been on and reflect on lessons taught me by my own choices, good and bad. Knowing God had a plan for me all along; not to harm me but give me hope and a future.

Part of that plan is you. I thank you for all you've been for me as wonderful friends and family.

I am thankful for all that love and life have brought me through.

I am grateful to God who cares for me beyond what I can even
think or imagine.

As you reflect on the reasons for Thanksgiving, please remember those in prayer who have far less than you do. If you can reach out to someone, it's not too late to invite them...even for leftovers. Perhaps something you'd throw away in a week, would be put to good use in the tummy of one who is alone today.

God bless you all.
Thank you for you~

Chapter 11

By Jewell McChesney

Author Note:I know that there are those in the USA that also suffer from hunger. This breaks my heart.

Each and every day,
I travel busy streets
While people rush to shop
or get a bite to eat.
Will it be a Happy Meal
or lobster on a platter?
--Could even skip a meal or two,
It wouldn't really matter
And while I drive and contemplate
through this busy rush
A tiny child has stood for days
for just a bowl of mush.
While we complain that food is bland
or much too hot or cold
This child's momma never worries
of ever growing old.
On her mind as she awakes
to start a brand new day
She's thankful that she's still alive
and starts out on her way
to walk for miles to freshen up
in a muddy stream
while on my mind, I worry
if my garden tub is clean.
Or will I have some petty cash
to catch a sale or two
Did I fill my car with gas
so it'll see me through?
While all along I need to see
my need for nothing more
In my heart, I should be sure
of what I'm thankful for.

Author Notes My daughter came back from South Africa with pictures that made my heart sink of children waiting for hours, for just some boiled cabbage broth. I was certain that if I had gone, I would have tried to get a few of those children in my suitcase with me coming home. My heart goes out to these people and when they take that mission trip again, I will be sure to go!
Also, I work in a buffet style restaurant where I clean up
wasted food at each table. One day I literally broke down in tears when the images of these starving children went through my mind as I cleaned up these tables.
I know, some may think I am way too sensitive. But sometimes, I think we need to be reminded how much we have here in America! We are not poor, we are SO RICH, even what we call "lower class".

Chapter 12
The Light Foreseen

By Jewell McChesney

The Light Foreseen

Today I can see the light
At the end of the tunnel.
I feel I am chained down
At the opposite end,
Looking toward its brightness
And wishing I could move forward.

Trapped in this dark place,
I close my eyes
and hope to fall asleep,
so time will move faster.
sleeping takes me
to a vision of being bound
In this place that I cannot
get out of.
I see it, I know it's there.

Circumstances prevent
Me from being freed
To run toward the light.
My spirit man rises up
And begins to war against
These dark images.

Victory is won.
I shall take this time
To wait and grow.
I have renewed my strength.
My vision is now on
What is ahead.
I see what is to come
and not where I
once basked in misery.

Chapter 13

By Jewell McChesney

Author Note:As the old saying goes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


It is everywhere
disguising itself
when we are not paying attention
In the storm or the calm
It is inside of us
When we allow it

knows no bounds
It is in the eyes
of the wounded soul
with one hope left
The child at a candy store
with only a quarter to spend
On the face of a new daddy
In gentle whispers
of the forest
in the morning
Crashing waves on a shore


We see it in life
and even in death.
So many places to find it,
so many people who carry it.
Let us not forget to watch
and wait...
Even when beauty
seems no longer,
It is still here.

Chapter 14
The Canvas of Dreams

By Jewell McChesney

I sit in the silence of
A brightly lit room
A canvas put before me
Melodious music fills
The air as I contemplate
The scene I will create

An enchanting image
Reveals itself as a memory
A place I go in my dreams
many times over.

Where crickets chirp
And water falls cascade.
Where children play
And lovers enjoy.
Moments in time
Stand but still.

God's creation shines
All around bringing
A sweet fragrance
Of floral gardens
With dew in the meadow

The image takes me
To a land of contentment
Without strife or confusion.
I will enter there once again

as my paint brush
transports me there
in the wonderment
of it's beauty.
I now do not have to
Close my eyes to see
For I've captured it
Care to join me?

Chapter 15
Inner Revelation

By Jewell McChesney

Author Note:Why do we hide from ourselves?

Inner Revelation

You think you hide
who you are
with your careful words,

Only to find that
your words are
recognized as a mask.

Look deeply at
Yourself and that
inner man.

Accept who he is
with imperfection
and great traits, too.

Understand him first,
and reveal yourself.

When you hide from
the man within
you are held captive
by the truth.

Let him be acknowledged
only after you accept
him for all that he is.

You will be surprised
by those who are
longing to meet
This person who
hides within.

Chapter 16
The Unknown

By Jewell McChesney

Author Note:Seek it and it will be found

The Unknown

The unknown
Lies within
But do we enter
This place of
long enough
To dwell there?
Do we dwell
Long enough
To know?
It is in the
Uncertain that
Keeps us seeking.
Or are we
Truly seeking?
Do we want to know?
For deep within
our souls lie all

Chapter 17
The Tongue

By Jewell McChesney

It carries the power
To soften a tune
With melodies fair
And rich pleasure.

It carries the power,
The way it feels upon
Every inch of the skin
Making desires rise.

It carries the power
To heal with its
Careful words spoken
Gently upon hurting ears.

It carries the power
To destroy confidence
Or damage the spirit
For a lifetime.

It is a powerful sword;
It cuts swiftly
Without warning
Or tames the angry beast.

With one soft word
It can turn away wrath
When we choose
to exercise it.

If only we could tame
It at a moment
When our emotions
Flair and we use it
Before we think.

If we did, we
Would carry the power
Instead of its power
Controlling us.

Chapter 19

By Jewell McChesney

Author Note:Fear is bondage


It binds you in itself
Disabling you from
being real,
or pure.
It takes you behind its walls
and holds you captive,
Caged in its darkness
you are blinded.
kept from seeing
the truth which can
set you free.
These walls will
keep others backed away
against their own walls
with an invisible line
drawn between.
so much power
this force holds.
Why do we allow it
to take us in its web?
Freedom is around
the corner where
the key hangs
waiting to open
the lock that holds
the chains.
It hangs at the open
door of truth.
Which has no locks.

Author Notes It is one thing to recognize fear for what it is and how it binds. But it is another to let go of take the key of truth and free yourself from this horrible bondage. It depends on how much you desire it. Some are bound knowingly and bask in their misery. How sad for them.

Chapter 20
Dreamin' Out Loud

By Jewell McChesney

Author Note:Just a bit of fun. No rhyme intended and no meter either. Enjoy!

I found myself
dreamin' out loud today,
imparting my deepest wishes
upon listening ears.
Along with their disbelief
were these wide open eyes
which stared at me with
wonderment as if
I had lost my mind.

I started to stop dreaming
and almost quit
sharing my thoughts.
A co-dependent nature
came over me
and I closed my mouth.
Oh! But for only a moment!
I couldn't keep silent,
not a bit longer.

If I let another's disbelief
of my dreams
stop me from dreaming,
then I have lost all hope,
having given in to the nature
of the cynical creature.

Not that I haven't had
days of doubt, myself
but I find that living in
that very moment of my dream,
I can feel any way I want to feel.
Perhaps give others something
to hope and dream about?

So, why not dream outloud?

Oh, by the way,
I had this idea about this book...
and this painting and this...
beautiful cabin out in the woods
by a trickling stream......
and this music filled my head...
I began to write and to sing...
and to play all my instruments...
and this handsome knight was in
the distance; I just knew he was there...
and he would hear my song...
and he would relate to me and...
wisk me away to his hideaway...
and we'd make passionate love for days on end.....

and you know what else?

Chapter 21

By Jewell McChesney

Author Note:Love is a verb.

How do I describe opalescent to
a man who cannot see?
How do I sing with my heart
to one who cannot hear me?
How do I love the unlovable
and search to know their mind?
Would I fathom the language
of the soul of a mute ?
If you lived in quarantine
would I attempt to pay a visit?
If one was barren with the
greatest desire to carry a child
Could I share the wonder
of pregnancy?
May I attempt to mend
your broken heart
if it were torn in two?
Do I care to know the heart
of the homeless man or how he
arrived at this cardboard abode?
Would I give you my favorite dress
if you were poor and without clothing?
You may hurt me with your words
will I answer softly and turn away?
Will the broken see wholeness
in my eyes and inquire
to know how I received it?
Would I show them how to have it too?
If I saw you abuse your child
would I seek to understand your own hurt?
Would I walk in forgiveness?
Will I never judge?
Can I illuminate in grace?
Will I strive to improve
and live daily in the quest
for betterment and best?
Will I hear my spirit
when it screams out to be kind
when I hurt like hell and want
to lash back at the aggressor who wounds?
Would I lay down my life for my friends?

Can I be an
example of love

Share love

Live love

Can I truly

Author Notes Love is more than fluttering hearts and sweaty palms. It is an action far above the emotion that lies beneath!

Chapter 22

By Jewell McChesney

Author Note:My divorce is final

Taking my broken pencil
from the place
it lay on the floor
where the desk
you took away
used to be,
I wrote on the dusty,
torn scrap of paper;
my lost dreams
and broken promises
which I documented
one by one,
With each press
of the pencil,
I broke more lead
and sharpened it anew,
with each new point made
I felt better as I released
my shattered hopes
and fears
one last time.
After I confessed these
written words,
I took the torn scraps
and placed them into
individual balloons
and filled it with helium.
Marking the outside of the balloon
with the written word it contained,
I gathered the colorful
balloons into a beautiful bouquet,
took them out at dusk,
releasing them forever
into the sunset.
I waited until they were no
longer in sight.


I shouted aloud
until my shout
became a song
in the dawn
of a brand new day.

Chapter 23
New Life

By Jewell McChesney

Author Note:You shall have beauty for ashes, oil of joy for mourning... (see notes)

Rise up out of the ashes, my dear
Feel the sun shine on your face
Look toward the heavens, Love
Sense all beauty to embrace

For beauty comes in many forms
outward glow or that within
Your smile tells me, this I know
that you have happiness within

It's time for you to blossom now
shake off the dust and breath anew
Place yourself in pleasure's rays
Feel the joy awaiting you

Life has taken tolls on you
Don't look back, go forward
Be enriched for what you've learned
In newness you're rewarded!

Author Notes Isaiah 61:
The spirit of the Lord is upon me because He has annointed me...
Vs. 3 console those who mourn...
to give them beauty for ashes,the oil of joy for mourning,
the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness;
that they may be called trees of righteousness...

That's YOU! Be lifted up today!

Chapter 24
The New Song

By Jewell McChesney

A song waits
in the back of my mind
ready to be released into my spirit
by the power of my own will.
I have days that I won't allow
it to come forth and be alive.
Why do I stay satisfied ?
Why do I allow this song to stay
hidden in my soul's shadow?
Perhaps I know deep down
that it is not time for it to be heard.
Not even by my own ears,
but especially yours.
Should I release this music
before it's time to be birthed?
Like a child born too soon,
it may never flourish into full life.
So I will stay content with
the music that plays its
melodious tune to me in the
stillness of the night.
I shall be satisfied
by the strum of the angel's harp
which comforts me in my sleep.
When I awake to a new day;
a new abundant life,
it could be time to sing
a new song.
Until then,
I will listen carefully
to the song in my heart.
I do promise you this:

I will sing it loud
I will sing it clear
when it is time
for you to hear.

Chapter 25
Hope Is Near

By Jewell McChesney

Author Note:Step into the light...(no set meter, or rhyme..just my style.)

A helping hand is here for you
and there you lie in
the myrie clay, wallowing
in your misery
of self doubt,
a root of rejection
and a battered, sorry life.

Next to you sits
that pretty, inviting bottle
and those sparkling crystals
which wait to be
your rescue for a temporary fix.

A hallucinogenic dream
takes you to a mellow
place while it
engulfs you with walls
of self hatred.

A cloud of doubt rises
out of an empty dream
where you visited no man's land.
When you wake to find yourself
all alone again.

Looking in the mirror of life
you find
another day to reflect
on your failure.

Take one more glance today.
Stay a bit longer
and look at the
bright sun that shines
in your window, trying
to seep through the crack
in the dark curtain.

Please stop and see
that there is hope.
There is a message
deep in your heart;
The one I sang to you,
that one blessed moment
when you were listening.

Stop and listen.
Can you hear
the angel's song?

Author Notes Can someone tell me how to put something in "Prose" category when I don't see it in the choices? I know this should probably be there.

Chapter 26
Heaven's Song

By Jewell McChesney

Author Note:Loose rhyme and meter

A melody plays
so heavenly
while the branches dance
of these glorious trees.

Whispers of hope
speak blessings divine
as this tune plays
in perfect time.

Within the call
of the softest breeze,
I hear the song
of sweet destiny.

Pausing to listen
this busy day,
I thought I heard
these soft winds say,

"The universe speaks
of all that is life;
just what you long for
to carry your strife.

Relax for a moment
and listen to me.
A healing song plays
to set you free.

Sense my warm touch
upon your face.
Be blessed with love,
mercy and grace."

Chapter 28

By Jewell McChesney

Author Note:I was challenged to write this. How did I do?

Photo by Jewell


Hearing the whispers of a gentle breeze
blow through the forest
and the waves crash at my feet

To hear the crickets chirping
and catching fireflies at night

Seeing children playing
thinking they are unobserved

A lover's nibble on my ear
and a soft gentle kiss down my neck

A whispered secret kept
between the two of us

The first kiss, so warm and passionate
that turns to a comfortable knowing
of one another's next move

Memories brought back
by just a smell or a touch
or flavor

Dreams and visions
of life, past and present

God's still small voice

All of these are stimuli
to a passionate soul

One passionate for living
for giving and for sharing
all there is

Chapter 29
Remembering When

By Jewell McChesney

Author Note:and Dick and Jane...and the list goes on...

I never thought I'd hear myself say,
"I remember when..."

The Jones got the first
color t.v. on the block
we had to wear dresses
to public school.

I would get a quarter for
my allowance and
spend it on 5 candy bars,

computers were a thing of
the future
and VCR-s were not around yet, either,

Cassette tapes replaced
the 8 track,

when a young girl got pregnant
she got married right away,

when carbs weren't counted
and calories were,

none of the girls in school
had boob jobs
or had even heard of one,
Blow jobs maybe,
but not boob jobs.

If a guy had a pierced ear
we looked to see what side it was on
to see if he was queer.

We never saw a kotex commercial
(how disgusting)
and the Marlboro man was
the best looking guy on t.v.

Cool was HOT and Hot was Hotter
Gay was happy,
and (w) rap was something we did
to our presents.

When we got paddled by
the principal and it
was not considered a sex act

Mom and dad did not spare the rod
or worry about being turned in
to social services when they
used it on us and we had
welts for a couple days!

When being politically correct
meant voting for the right guy
and praying on the lawn of
the white house,

when I had to explain to mom
what oral sex meant.
She thought you talked
your way through it.

(or did she?)

Author Notes OH! OH! This will surely give away my age! (the pic is me at age 5)

Chapter 30

By Jewell McChesney


We use it fast

When we have it.

When there

is not enough,

We long for it

When there is plenty

We complain

There is too much,

Then don't know

How to occupy it.

Time heals

All wounds

Or does it?

Chapter 31

By Jewell McChesney

I am clear, cloudless, untroubled
when serenity abounds within.
Free of storms or unpleasant change,
shining bright and steady
like the moon , serene in glory.
I have a condition of freedom,
completely absent of turmoil;
tranquility in my soul.
I feel free from agitation
of mind or spirit with
self-assurance that brings
a constant in feeling,
or attachment.
I know in my heart that
My spirit is unfaltering
not wavering or weakening
with excellent reasoning,
information, judgment, or grounds.
I have serenity, which brings peace
when I allow myself to relax
and to look forward
to what life has to offer me
and what I can offer life.

Chapter 32

By Jewell McChesney

Author Note:All the fantasy stuff may be fun to write about but what really matters in the end, is, what is reality. I 'd rather hold the hand of one I love for a lifetime than dream of starry nights...

We cannot save a world of woe
with colors of a perfect rainbow,
or wishes that we wish were true,
stars that gleam in skies of blue.

We cannot mend a hurting heart,
with tales of love that never part,
an empty promise will not hold true,
when in the end don't see you through.

A star lit night and full moon beams
cast a shine when darkness reams,
but clouds prevail when you wake up,
revealing pain's bitter cup.

A castle in the sky's moonlight,
with fairies soaring high in flight;
a temporary high won't do,
your fantasies will not deem true.

Believe in possibilities,
in true love, and passion's ease,
in faith that stands the test of time
Believe I'll hold your hand in mine.

Chapter 32
A New Road

By Jewell McChesney

Author Note:This thought came to me one day as I was pondering the changes in my life most recently. Some were by my choice some were by other's choices for me. All things happen for a reason!

A Different Road

Life brings us
pain and sorrow
at times
but it is those
things that
can take us to
a place of traveling
a new and
wondrous journey.
Had we not suffered a little,
would we even desire
to take a new
and different road?
The biggest storms
Bring us the
brightest rainbows.

By, Jewell

Chapter 33
More To Come

By Jewell McChesney

Author Note:The glass is half full; in my book...

Welcome tomorrow
and what is to come

Throw off the sorrow
Your heart has withdrawn

Open it up to take in new life,
purge out the pain,
bitter cup's strife

Scuff off that tarnished desire
Remove with amour
defiling mire

Open your spirit
to fan the flame
of fervor and passion
to love without shame

Let your desire
be more than your dreams
Flow in your cravings
burst at the seams

Taste of your wants
and savor each taste.
Live your dreams,
do not make haste

When scars of the past
take over your dreams,
a darkness pervades
it's not what it seems.

Open your heart,
let love fall at your feet.
Feed your hunger with
what's precious and sweet.

You only live once
so make it worth while.
Just make it for living
don' t let it beguile

Chapter 34
Passion's Storm

By Jewell McChesney

Author Note:No intended meter and loose rhyme

While tempest rages
in your soul
when waves of desire
crash in a surge
Let them quench your
longings deep
Hold not back
this fiery urge

Let this love escape
your being
with all you have inside
Squelch not the joy
that bestows you
Allow desire
to be your guide

Stand and permit
the winds of life
to take you to a
different shore
where freedom calls
and beckons you
with passion's fire
and love galore

See the storm for
it's beseeching
listen to the stormy gale
For in the eye of it's whirling
you'll find strength
Love will prevail

Embrace the winds
upon your face
release your fire
in freedom's grace
Your love will show
the test of time
Sands on this shore
'tween yours
and mine

Chapter 35
Silence Shouts

By Jewell McChesney

Author Note:Be still and know...

Let silence speak
in beauty

Let the quiet shout
in it's own eloquence

Let your vision
take you beyond
what you hear

Let your heart
follow your spirit

Allow your spirit to
awaken your soul's cries

Let the cries of
your soul
be heard

when you
let the circle
be unbroken

by being still

Let your silence
rest your weary mind

let your replies
in the stillness

exemplify all
that is

Author Notes Photo taken just a short distance from my home. I love those Sunday afternoon drives that bring sweet surprises such as a scene like this one.
Don't forget your camera!

Chapter 35
Laughter In The Rain

By Jewell McChesney

Author Note:The greatest storms bring the brightest rainbows.

Recalling the days
of yester-years
I remember the laughter
recollect the tears
Sometimes the laughs
brought forth teary eyes
and then there were times
of legitimate cries
when sorrow became
common place
disappointment wore
a familiar face

If not for the pain
or the grief in the night
I'd not be this person
who searches for light
I'd not know the difference
'tween sweetness and sorrow
I might take for granted
a new day tomorrow
If not for my age
and the memories past
I could wear a frown
each day that would last

But now my thoughts take me
to hope of bright days
without aprehension
with love that's ablaze
from family and friends
or a brand new aquaintance
There's more to explore
whatever experience
It's not to mention
that darkness won't come
for certain it will
when sadness succumbs

But in dissapointment
I could wallow in pity
What would that prove
it wouldn't be pretty
I choose to have joy
beyond comprehension
no matter the cost
it's worth the redemption
I look for more laughter
in spite of the pain
and memories of good times
with growth that I'd gained

Author Notes Thank you Sengwriter for the challenge with three words,
Age, light and sweetness. Hope it is not less than expected!

I know it's long. Hope you enjoyed it and got the moral of the story!

Chapter 36

By Jewell McChesney

Self renewal is evident,
one heartbeat at a time.
Gathering strength
will give you hope,
one sunrise at a time.
Life is always worth living.
It is a celebration
all the time.
At sundown, dreams sustain,
every moment, every time.
Enjoyment for the living,
for now and for all time.
So now I choose
to self renew with hope and
At night, my dreams will
help me to sustain.
And when I stop dreaming
I'll know that I
stopped living
in this place and time.

Chapter 39
From Beyond

By Jewell McChesney

Author Note:When you cry the tears for the ones gone before you, this is what I hear them answering back...Be Blessed

You do not cry in vain, lover,
The dew drops of your love have fallen
and created beautiful crystalline waters
which adorn the landscape of the hereafter.

From wherever I am in this place,
I can see where your tears
have created a beautiful setting.
They cleanse me anew as I wash
my face in them
and I think of you.

I see shiny dew drops
on the rose garden.
Oh, how they adorn the petals
of the multi colored roses.
If it were not for your tears,
The rose would have no life
in this celestial garden.

Hearken unto the fresh breeze
of life where you are
and know that with each new wind
is a new day and your life
must go on.

Do you sense my descent?
Each night as you go to sleep,
I am there by your side.
When you touch your cheek
to your pillow, know that
my soft hand has brushed
your tender brow
and following I touch the
heart of our child.

The leaves off your tree of life
have fallen to the ground here.
A beautiful fragrance fills the air
with each step.
You know how I love the
smell of autumn.

And now, my dear one,
Know that when the
pitter patter of rain
falls upon your face,
It is me speaking in
my own crystal tears
to grace your surroundings
with a lovely remembrance
and a washing anew.
Be blessed today and every day.
I am with you.

All my love,

Author Notes Sengwriter penned a poem with the title, An Incisive Call..
It was to his wife who has passed on.
I wanted him to hear her answer. This was what came
out of a time of meditating. I hope it blesses all who have lost loved ones!

Chapter 40
The Promise

By Jewell McChesney

Author Note:This pic was taken outside my front door after a ten minute down pour.

Seek the truth
of promise
and find it
before your eyes

It hides itself
in tiny observations
of daily renewal

Look at the daily sunrise
which reminds us
to be thankful
for another day to live

There's a message
in the rainbow
gracing the sky
after the hardest storm

The first budding
of spring
and the robin's song

The utterance
of a newborn
never heard before
and the sigh
of first time parents

A first kiss
that could melt
the coldest heart
and the touch of
genuine love

Have you found
your promise


Find a blessing
in every day you live
Find a promise
in each touch you give

Chapter 41
Blessing In Disguise

By Jewell McChesney

Author Note:~photo~ by Jewell ~Lake Superior~ Michigan

A divine purpose
To love
Without reciprocation

A matter of the soul
Strengthening the spirit

To warm cold hearts
without reaching
empty recognition
A satisfaction beyond
the glory

Character reached
by integrity's drive
offers humility's grip
For strength to last a lifetime
And a legacy
to be followed

Chapter 41
More Than Words

By Jewell McChesney

I saw the script
though very short
The content was strong
More than mere words
brought out my curiosity

I had my doubts
I had heard it before
Probably a million times
In precious times
and even in the horrid ones

Sometimes they sounded
as clanging brass
or an ill-tuned piano
as they fell on deaf ears
the aftermath of pain

During an embrace
whispered gently into
my longing soul
they soothed my heart
and captivated my spirit

In this short letter
of adoration
I can't help but try
to read between the
very short lines which
beseech my heart


Chapter 42
I Trust

By Jewell McChesney

Removed armor
In a heap

Worn in unique style
Once shiny and new

by tears
Under stomps
Of determined feet

Metal upon metal
Restricting bolts


Never felt
So free

Chapter 43
The Greatest Gift

By Jewell McChesney

Author Note:For my precious daughter

I wish for you

Extraordinary faith
The kind
that moves mountains
A knowing
in the depth of your soul
that you are loved
A peace
such love will never
leave you

I wish for you

The kind of hope
that brings you light
in dark places
in the midst
of a storm
fortitude to see
beyond adversity
to the strength gained
when you've conquered fear

I wish for you above all

For this is a gift
of greatness
Love which lays down
its life for a friend
The kind more evident
than false pretense

Bigger than
Larger than

The greatest gift
I wish for you-
to love and be loved

Author Notes Margo will be 21 tomorrow! Where did the time go?
She is my pride and joy! (along with her brothers)

*..and now abide faith, hope and love and the greatest of these is love."

Chapter 44
If I Were A Rich Man

By Jewell McChesney

Author Note:

If money flowed like honey
From the richest honeycomb
the sky poured out blessings
More than silver or gold known

If it blossomed in the springtime
From lovely flowered trees
Or sprang up from my garden
I'd forget simplicities

A query made me question
If I had more than I need
Would my heart be made for giving
Or my mind be filled with greed

I have suffered like a street bum
I have hungered as a child
And I've spent my time foolish
Running frivolously wild

Tears have been my comfort
When help was here nor there
I found myself near homeless
Felt lonely in despair

I've watched the greedy suffer
When they couldn't get enough
I saw their hearts grow callous
In actions cold and tough

The answer from my spirit
Is to ponder which is wiser
How useless are these riches
If I hoard them like a miser

Author Notes * loose meter

Chapter 45
The Key To Love

By Jewell McChesney

Revisiting a dreamland bliss,
Where love was found in just one kiss,
Has taken me to truth revealed
Mistaken in a dreamer's field.

The sunrise dawned a sweet surprise,
That love can come in compromise;
Surrendering my selfish pleas,
To wait for truth on bended knees.

Before my eyes I saw a door
Opened wide at heaven's shore.
It glistened in reflections bright
And from it poured revealing light.

A gilded key was in my hand,
unlocking trth and treasures, grand,
By just one quest to God alone,
My burdens lifted at His throne.

I heard a voice so loud and clear,
Reminding me that love was near;
"It's not from man you'll find release,
Love will come when you find peace."

This peace will pour out from my heart,
A love for me will be the start.
I first must love myself discreetly,
To love human kind completely.

For if I have no love for me,
The love of others could not be.
The key I hold is to my soul-
I'll give it freely when I'm whole.

Chapter 46
Search Your Heart

By Jewell McChesney

Author Note:little punctuation on purpose,loose rhyme, no intended meter

You need not be an intellect
Of any master mind
Or a gracious poet
Creating songs of special kind

Or even be a perfect saint
No history of mistake
or walk in grace and dignity
shining a spotless face

Although good works seem kindly
To any human eye
A holy God looks in your heart
Intention He will find

Out of our hearts spring fountains
Of revelations strong
The treasures which are buried there
Become eternal songs

Integrity reveals pure truth
A wicked heart tells lies
Your character paints pictures
For every viewing eye

Take time to rest and listen
To the truth which sits within
Rid yourself of anger
Resentment, fear; all sin

The heart with understanding
Seeks knowledge all his days
But mouths of fools eat folly
Empty words and faithless ways

Before you boast of victories
Be sure to open wide your heart
A haughty saint is irony
His light will have no part

You may speak in tongues of angels
Carry swords upon your side
Or dance a dance of justice
In your heart have foolish pride

A God of Love and mercy
Cannot move through you
Your life a snuffed out candle
in dark exposes truth

A broken heart laid open
For all the world to view
Will find your true salvation
A flame will shine in you

Author Notes Without love we are as clanging brass....

Thanks belgrano for the colorful flame.
This represents to me, true worship.

God bless all who read and review

Chapter 47
To Judge Or Not To Judge

By Jewell McChesney

Do you speak in loving words when a heart is torn in two?
Do you judge and criticize or do you seek what's true?
When others fail to measure up to self-redeeming ways,
we shouldn't condemn in hatred, then go on with our day.

Envisions of one's failure invade a shallow mind,
instead of words encouraging, we lash out thoughts, unkind.
The proud self-righteous army kicks the wounded down,
then walks away in judgment wearing selfish ugly frowns.

My mind is ever pondering the judgment to expect,
if we were found in their shoes; looking back in retrospect.
Condemnation's not redeeming when others fail, you know.
Do we expect these planted seeds will reap us what we sow?

Thy works are now removing splinters from one's eyes.
Blinded by the beam in ours, our mind is hypnotized.
Do we free the drowning from sin's waters without love?
Only God can send a life line with His mercy from above.

His Spirit cries in anguish as one shouts out in lament.
The sin has been forgiven with one prayer of "I repent."
Why does one call him "brother" or "sister" of God's kin?
While bitter roots have choked out love, in self-righteous sin.

One cannot lift burdens while their heart is wrapped in chains.
Haughtiness is hatred. No kindred love remains.
Only God can judge the sinner as one sows of sifted oats.
Will Jesus be our shepherd or will we go out with the goats?

Author Notes Write a 8-24 lined rhyming poem that is Biblically Inspired. The author's notes should have the quoted scripture of inspiration in it.

Matthew 7:3-5 (New King James Version)
And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, Let me remove the speck from your eye?; and look, a plank is in your own eye? Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.

Chapter 48
It's A New Day

By Jewell McChesney

Beckoning -
Change waits
To be chosen
Transition invites
To cross thresholds

Embrace the new
Allow fulfillment
See dawn for the new day
Yesterday in retrospect
Tomorrow's enlightenment

Live to share all that is life
Be embodied by love
Visualize your glorious future
Inhabit your gifts

Allow your spirit to dance
your ears to hear new music
Your voice is for singing
your arms for embracing
Your feet for moving forward

Change waits
I see a new horizon
A glistening morning
Rests in the knowing

Chapter 49
Detour Or Destiny?

By Jewell McChesney

Time knows all bounds
freedom alike
Divinely designed
Life's pathways await

Past reminds
Of dark alleys
Shaded by memories' shadows
Light's absence profound

A destiny chosen
Assuming fate for self
Yet trapping existence
in an endless detour

Recycled decisions
The constant circle
Finally brings revelation
To change what was

To obtain
what we never had

Author Notes reflecting...

Chapter 50
Can I Love?

By Jewell McChesney

Who am I
When free of the past
Loosened from old ties
Restrictions that hinder

Who am I
When I believe in me
When desires of acceptance
No longer matter

Who am I
When I speak of loving
Through written words
Of poetry and prose

I am
Who I
To be

I am
Loving me

So I may


Author Notes And one of the scribes came and heard them arguing, and recognizing that He had answered them well, asked Him, "What commandment is the foremost of all?" Jesus answered, "The foremost is, 'Hear, O Israel! The Lord our God is one Lord; and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.' "The second is this, 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no other commandment greater than these." (NAS, Mark 12:28-31)

Chapter 51
Passionate Pain

By Jewell McChesney

Her heart gushes an outpour
A blessed bleeding sacrifice
Painful passion reigns within
Pressed down and spilling over

Unconditional love gives all
Expecting nothing yet hopeful
She believes in all who speak love
Only to discover passion sometimes lies

Excruciating is the empty life
Void of living truth and light
Speaking only deception
Especially to one's own self

We first must believe in ourselves
Understanding purposeful notion
Seeds planted in our mother's womb
Lie dormant until we nurture them

Her heart gushes an outpour
A blessed bleeding sacrifice
Painful passion reigns within
Pressed down and spilling over

Chapter 52
Living and Loving

By Jewell McChesney

Author Note:The photo is one of mine from fanart. ;) taken from my back yard!

Time has a way of dissipating
through the fog and rain alike
sliding down rainbows
looking for the pot of gold
and finding it for fools
Sometimes it seems ever so apparent
an obstacle in my way
as if to say
"LISTEN TO ME! I have words to share
and inspiration to inspire"

I've fallen in and out of love
realizing that love is wonderful
just in the loving
but to be loved in return is best
I have given and taken (but it's better to give)
Yet I desire that love's streaming
come from the ebb and flow of two alike souls
with opposite natures
creating a pure balance act
in motion and intention as well

how two who love fully
as if on their own cloud nine
seem to float above others-
others who only need and take love
or who seem to enjoy the idea of it alone
as if only a dream unfulfilled

I've been in both places
above and beneath
and now sit content
Finally feeling with my heart
seeing with my spirit
and knowing in my knower
that time is never late
purpose is always evident eventually

In this moment
I am in the now
the ever present bliss of loving
to love eternally
complete peace reigns within me
questions are only minimal for seeking
answers are on the tip of my tongue.

I am content, at peace
and ready for what is to come!

Author Notes Recently someone sent me a pm and asked, "What's new in your world?" I found myself responding poetically, unable to really say ALL that is happening, yet finding myself letting my muse reply.

I hope it makes some kind of sense!

Chapter 53
Dying Daisies And Trampled Hearts

By Jewell McChesney

Author Note:photo by Jewell

Wildflower petals
Plucked to find the truth
No more hold an answer
Than a man in hot pursuit
I gave up childhood games
When I tugged a petal dying
As I said, "He loves me not"
And resolved to stop my crying
An old bouquet reminds me
Of his own childish games
To woo her till he's got her
Then move on to sweeter dames
When my heart became the petal
That was plucked out piece by piece
Then trampled on by apathy
I come to this release
To write a little ditty
Just to get it off my mind
Is like watering a daisy
Of a dying kind
I know I cannot change a man
Or become that flower's seed
I can only mend myself
By meeting my own need

Author Notes ~Smile~

Chapter 54

By Jewell McChesney

Author Note:One first must stop the lie to reveal the truth which frees the soul.

I reached deep within myself
to pull reluctantly on a wounding memory
With a tight clenched fist
Proverbial fingernails broke through
The skin of my core existence

I hesitated to reveal tormenting truth
Certain it would only bring more agony
A deep desire overcame the moment
Wanting to shred it apart like old news
Into a million unrecognizable pieces

Once surfaced from hidden depths
I beheld the pain with newly opened eyes
Years ago the burial kept it down
A bitter stench reminded me it was dead

Author Notes
The pain of the past is dead. I am healed, knowing all things can work for good.
The truth will set you free.

Chapter 55
Small Miracles

By Jewell McChesney

A rare occasion
finding myself
at a loss for words

There's something
about your eyes,
your smile,
your hands....

You have taken
my breath away
I can only sigh

Small miracle, you are
with room to grow
I have fallen in love

Never to be the same
My heart cannot contain
such new-found joy

Your existence-
Potential beyond words
Proof that life
is cyclic
Love is everlasting

Author Notes I love being Grammy!
These cheeks are the most kissable on the planet! !

Photo is Braden Lane
born December 2, 2010
to my oldest son and daughter in love


Chapter 56
Sing Your Song

By Jewell McChesney

A silent song plays
In the eyes of living joy
At the waking of the day
Where no words spoken or sung
Need be exclaimed aloud

No enchantment of fine verses
Or melodic sounds needed
Its cadence is evident
In the bouncy step
Of the confident soul
Who knows purpose within

A soothing lullaby sings
Behind those sleepy eyelids
Even in the darkest night
Where hope is his pillow
And joy his comforter

Chapter 57
By What Measure Do You Judge

By Jewell McChesney

Author Note:His grace is sufficient for us all (loose meter & rhyme)

artwork by VisionaryPoet777

Do you speak in loving words when a heart is torn in two?
Do you judge and criticize or do you seek what's true?
When others fail to measure up to self redeeming ways,
We shouldn't condemn in hatred, then go on with our day.

Envisions of one's failure invade a shallow mind,
instead of words encouraging, we lash out thoughts, unkind.
The proud self righteous army kicks the wounded down,
then walks away in judgment wearing selfish ugly frowns.

My mind is ever pondering,the judgement to expect.
If we were found in their shoes; looking back in retrospect.
Condemnation's not redeeming when others fail, you know,
do we expect these planted seeds will reap us what we sow?

Thy works are now removing splinters from one's eyes,
Blinded by the beam in ours, our mind is hypnotized.
Do we free the drowning from sin's waters without love?
Only God can send a life line with His mercy from above.

His Spirit cries in anguish as one shouts out in lament.
The sin has been forgiven with one prayer of "I repent."
Why does one call him "brother" or "sister" of God's kin?
While bitter roots have choked out love, in self-righteous sin.

One cannot lift burdens while their heart is wrapped in chains.
Haughtiness is hatred. No kindred love remains.
Only God can judge the sinner as one sows of sifted oats.
Will Jesus be our shepherd or will we go out with the goats?

Author Notes The parable of the Sheep and the Goats can be found in Mathew 25
I had it here at first but it's so long, I decided to remove it.
God bless all who read and review and see the truth throughout accompanied by God's grace.
Without it, we'd all die.

We can preach and preach our own manipulating sermons, but without love,all our works and every word will be as clanging brass.

My heart literally aches as I feel what the Holy Spirit feels and hear his still small voice crying out to us all.

I highly doubt that when we stand in line at the Judgement seat of Christ, we'll be pointing fingers any longer.
I surely don't want to be doing so, when my eternity is before me.

Chapter 58
The Dream Chase

By Jewell McChesney

Author Note:Photo by Inner Sanctum

My dreams become
When life seemingly shouts defeat
Belief in the impossible
The search for enlightenment
Lingers in a memory
Through a very dark place
Time and space surround me
Threatening thoughts
Evade truth

Are the lies that bind
While deception
Kicks me from behind
I cannot look back
On a marathon run
At maximum speed
Toward my destiny
The finish line
Is only the beginning

Are life's seeds planted
I have run in circles
Toward a better place
All detours become vacations
I'd rather pick wild flowers
In a field of fantasies
Than find thorns on every rose

Chapter 59
Winds Of Change

By Jewell McChesney

~photo by Inner Sanctum~

Refreshment came to visit
In manifesting winds
From dawn to dusk I've felt them
As if embraced by a genuine friend

I have sensed a still small voice
While gentle breezes blow
Mighty gusts exclaimed such fervor
Of blessings I'd come to know

The gales' foreboding storms
Convey evening's subtle threat
They carry treasures in disguise
Hide desires left unmet

Twilight carries me forward
To midnight's lofty songs
Regaling lyrics' ancient love
Assuring unwavering throngs

Debris of disappointment
Are carried out in time
A welcome fresh anointing
Wafts peacefulness sublime

Passion's winds now fan the flame
As remnant sparks lie dwindling
I soar with them into the skies
A fire now rekindling

How can I fear such awesomeness
When change comes with the breeze
Transporting me to newness
Where passion aims to please

Chapter 60

By Jewell McChesney

Author Note:Feeling overwhelmed

Whisk me away
To buoyant seas
Afloat joyous waters
Beneath a settling moon
Where diamond skies
Light up life
In alluring hope

Remove me please
From beneath
Drowning darkness
Turbulent waters
No more

Carefully please
Place me gently
On a cruise ship
Designed for two

Perhaps maybe
A life raft
For one

Chapter 61
Awakening The Dream

By Jewell McChesney

Author Note:It's about time...

I dreamt of love
and sought it
Passion burns
forever in my soul
For what I've sought
I have found

Passion's fire
fueled the longing
For authenticity
Genuine love
Giving unconditionally
Receiving gracefully

No assumptions to blur
all that is beautiful
about the fullness of love
Just a knowledge
it can be attained

I have it to give
No longer unrequited
I know love
is in me

Author Notes I've come to understand that Love is a choice.

I may have overused the word "love" but since this is all about just that, I have decided to keep it as is.

Happy Valentine's Day,

Chapter 62
Living To Love

By Jewell McChesney

Author Note:think...

I contemplate
Living in love
And loving life
As if love
Could be lost
And life too brief

To imagine
Knowing love
Could be only
Because our life
Won't last forever

How would
We choose to live
How would we
Spend our time

I would hope
It would be

Author Notes If only all
would remove
selfish ambition
looking inward
reaching outward
touching love
living life

for this
I dream
for you
I pray


Chapter 63
Dawn To Dusk

By Jewell McChesney

Author Note:Lake Huron Sunset - Michigan, USA

photo by Jewell

Just as a sunrise
Welcomes a new day
An enlightenment
Waits behind the scenes

In the foreground
Of all future
Lies misty hues of dusk
Do you hesitate to enter?

One glance over the horizon
When heads are lifted
A unique perspective waits
In the setting sun

Do not close your eyes
Before you welcome
Dancing clouds
In a moonlit sky

This is where
A celebration waits
Each sparkle in each star
Creates a silent melody

Anticipation can be yours
If you imagine nature's music
While your soul
takes its first dance step

Chapter 64
Life Line

By Jewell McChesney

If a gypsy
Shows you
A short life line
Or a prophet
Informs you
Of your purpose

Do they both
Tell you
The same thing?

You just don't realize
That the death
You were to
Could bring you

Author Notes Have you died to "self"?

Chapter 65
My Christmas Wish For You

By Jewell McChesney

Author Note:My greatest desire is to know my friends and family are loved.

I wish for you
Deep radiating joy
Enwrapped in
Exuding grace

You cannot hide
Contagious laughter
& secret giggles

From the core
Of your being

Igniting light
Enriching life

From your past
For your future

Wisdom gained

In your soul
The drawing factor
For new friendships

All of this
You abide in
True authentic love


Author Notes Merry Christmas!

Chapter 66
One Day

By Jewell McChesney

The day may arrive
when my limbs
will no longer reach
or bend or stretch
or hug,

My voice
once vivid to all,
candid, full of laughter,
having expressed honestly
will be exempt of value,
grasping at air
for making lyrical sounds.

My feet
carrying purposeful gain
will be suspended; weak,
wearily still.
Nowhere to go.

My hands,
these nurturing hands;
caress old and new life,
create sustinence,
form treasures, rare.
These hands
that speak silent words
of valued truth,
gently touch and tightly grasp,
hold and release
will lose the strength they knew.

These eyes, once of vision
observing life and death,
beauty and abhorrence,
activity and sloth;
love and hate,
will stop all viewing.

The sound of silence
will be enough
for the ears that hear
laughter, anger and sorrow,
peaceful joy and shaming dread.
Ears that hear the Spirit's song,
enjoy a baby's first cry,
echoing every first,
"I love you",
will hear nothing more.

This active, multi-faceted mind;
where dreams and hopes
created peace and chaos,
confusion and discernment,
knowledge forming wisdom
reaching to the heart and soul
will cease to imagine.

This rhythmical heart
so fully satisfied,
strong and faithful;
broken and mended,
intentionally whole
will cease to play my song.

This spirit will rise
to leave its legacy
of living truth and glory.

But not before
this abiding love has its day
to hold the unlovable,
assure the weary soul,
heal the broken,
feed the hungry,
clothe the naked,
saturate the parched,
encourage the downtrodden
and provide for the poor.

Not until my love
can love
no more.

One day....

Author Notes Thank you to MoonWillow for the surreal image.

Chapter 67
When I Stop To Think

By Jewell McChesney

Snippets of memories
return randomly
fluttering butterflies
complete in colorful adornment
showing up out of nowhere
but perfectly welcome

Rhythmic notions
quietly dancing
in the forefront of vision
One blink
they've disappeared
yet they linger
as afterglow

stinging thoughts return
like hungry
pestering insects
draining me dry
in persistent
blood sucking

The choice- mine
Do I focus
on what is lovely-
that which is pure

or allow
the sting of past
to frustrate my senses?

Author Notes just thinkin...

Thanks to Mino again for the perfect piece of art for enhancing my poem. :-)

Chapter 68
Reflections Of Gratitude

By Jewell McChesney

Author Note:My artwork~

I am thankful today and every day
for this time to reflect the joy of
renewal, redemption and restoration,
love, loyalty and freedom,
reasons in every season
to recognize blessings
beyond prosperity,
Having gratitude for life -
no matter what the cost or pain,
to realize peace reigns
in hearts that choose to forgive.

I am honestly appreciative of
friends who have grown with every adversity,
moved ahead after each detour;
who teach the next generation
the importance of loving sacrificially,
shedding light to diminish darkness
in a world where hatred is popular
and death can mean victory or defeat.

Value has enlightened me in glorious
I value my elderly friends.
Whose spirits encase wisdom in golden vessels.
Souls will soon disperse,
yet they will stay forever on my heart.
Where each moment is treasured.

The same value holds true
in each precious child who has yet
to be hindered by opinion and can see
in spiritual realms deeper than my dreams.

I am thankful for a freedom to worship,
love and live, to serve and pray,
to stand one's own ground
with a determined steadfastness,
where diversity should be tolerated
and loving second nature.

Author Notes I dedicate this to my loyal freinds, here.
Ronni, Diny, Jean Lutz, Helvi2, Darkheart, and Melyuki and all others who have honored me with possitive feedback .
some with freindship outside of fanstory. You have encouraged me to keep creating and to stay elevated beyond mediocrity.

Chapter 69
It Was In The Simple Things

By Jewell McChesney

Buried treasures
sit tightly nestled
beneath my creative journal,
I'll call it a tombstone.

My feathered quill
attempted a resurrection,
it scraped and plunged,
dug deep into
once-moist soil,
Yet found only dry thoughts.

Beautiful imagery
and eloquent verbiage
beseech my imagination
from another source.

Traveling forward
along my creative journey,
I know treasured truth
must be derived from Life.

Viewing a sunflower field
blanketed in gold,
I see a robed chorus,
faces turned upward
and arms reaching
toward a periwinkle sky.

Recalling days of yesteryear
when barefoot, I danced
in autumn's fragrant revelry,
carefully choosing
handfuls of weeds
to lovingly give
my momma.

Her thankful smile
taught me gratitude
for the simpler things,
calmer days and sincere love,
as she hummed choruses
and snapped linen on the line,
while summer closed her doors and
harvest sang a victory song.

Next time I feel the urge
to dig in clay soil,
instead, I'll stop and rest,
say a prayer of thanks
for buried memories
and watch with
anticipation's wonder.

A blessing has emerged today-
As I gave up the search
for hidden gold
opened the eyes of my heart
and found it was here
all along~


Author Notes I just needed to start something. A writer's block had me digging for something deep. But today, inspiration came in creation's song.

Chapter 70
Inspire Me To Dance

By Jewell McChesney

When dawn awakens morning's smile
As memories walk another mile
share the whispers of the night
while angels sing and pick up flight

Please listen for all silent screams
those exclaimed in written dreams
sounds of nature's slow refrain
as willows dance on window panes

Oh sense a silent feather's fall
to manifest your spirit's call
Pay attention to the clues
surrounding you in mystic hues

I know you too have found a voice
You visit here in freedom's choice
Remember I do hear your song
and welcome chance to sing along

Inspire tunes again to ring
in every new found offering
Come dance with me between the lines
to music of our heart's designs

All dreamers rise to vision's quest
Write your songs of night time's best
Enlighten all when daylight gleams
Reveal the treasures of your dreams

Nudge me when your morning dawns
Caress my mind with sultry songs
Create romance with just one view
Envision what was born through you

Oh reader of my deepest songs
My hope is that you'll sing along
between the lines of hidden tunes
when secrets rest behind each moon


Author Notes Sorry ~ syllable count is imperfect.
Read it and enjoy for content. It's singable. That works for me. Vouce inflections can change the BaDabum-ness. Haha

Chapter 71
Faded Sheet Music

By Jewell McChesney

Early hours beckon sleep
I lay awake in dream's repose
Pre-dawn whispers a lullaby

I drift into sweet relief
where dreamland's bliss
mingles with the morn

Revisit my subconsious
Autumn composes a sultry tune
Seducing gentle rhythms

Reminiscent love scenes
hold me captive momentarily
between cool cotton sheets

Slumber knows no bounds
Daylight's desire consistent
Just like yesterday

It's another solo sunrise
as my coffee for one
brews in fragrant air

of dawn are keepsakes
Morning's music plays
a horizontal waltz

Today I'll dance
across the stage of life
in a solo performance
to an unforgettable love song

Author Notes Good morning~

Chapter 72
God Sent Me Roses

By Jewell McChesney

Author Note:breathe~

How dare I
God's creative flow
as His love He sends
in just one rose
Beauty poses silently
in tranquil living art
Fragrant as worship
of continuance
tease my senses
to ask for more
How can I not
believe ~

Author Notes My coworker received a colorful bouquet of roses. I've been admiring them all week...
The inspiration for this poem.
Photo taken with my android phone. How fun!

Chapter 73
Simply Believe

By Jewell McChesney

Author Note:We see things as we are...

Photo by Jewell

All that is true
The beautiful things
Or those disdained

Existence of both
It is your decision
Which to embrace

To believe
In a promise
Will reward you
Spiritual fruit

Do you dine
On sour grapes
Or do you bathe
In new wine?

Author Notes Wow....I just noticed the little heart in the clouds.

Keep your eyes open for God's handiwork and his messages all around you!

Chapter 74

By Jewell McChesney

Author Note:Life is good

(My photo)

Do you see surrounding beauty
When all around is dark and gray
Can you visualize good outcome
As you struggle through your day

Do you see the cloud's gold lining
Do you believe the veil removed
Can you hear all life rejoicing
When the outcome is not sure

When your feet no longer guide you
When you stumble on your path
Do you know the traps that hinder
When your life is filled with wrath

Lift your head to see the glory
That awaits your searching eyes
There's a rainbow bright awaiting
After storm clouds leave the skies

Author Notes The bigger the sky
the bigger the sunset!

I love our BIG Western skies!

Chapter 75
Monday Morning

By Jewell McChesney

Author Note:sigh....

Rain pitter patted a wake up call
in unison with Mr. Coffee's gurgles
Tempting aromas tease
Freshly brewed java
mingles with morning dew

Pretty pedicured feet
scamper anxiously naked
across the cool kitchen tile
Like a kid on the beach
the first day of summer break

Tousled amber locks
jump for joy with each bounce
Tiny rays of sunshine
Peek-a-boo around billowing clouds
As white crisp linen opens wide

Blossoms encompassed in clay
Welcome beaming light
In an upward reach
Morning doves sing today's new tune
Contentment resides

Author Notes Embracing every new day is a gift to yourself
Welcome the morning~

It could be your last...

Chapter 76
Day Dreams Linger

By Jewell McChesney

Love bursts forth
in genuine comfort
of growing peaceful days,
adoring gazes
and "don't let go" moments.

Somethin' about
day dreamin'
when it begins at dawn
never ceasing
throughout daytime delights
of a soft memory's kiss.

It's time
for makin' more
The kind
that never waver.
I need some stories
to tell my grandkids-

All about
treasures of the lasting kind
and waking in an afterglow~
I wanna be
the kind of Gramma
that makes 'em blush
and say,
"Tell me again, Grammy...
the story of true love."

Until then,
I will awaken
with a day dream
that begins at dawn
and never ceases
finally coming true

Author Notes Until then...

Chapter 77
Hidden Beauty

By Jewell McChesney

Author Note:What truly matters?

When the eyes see with our spirit
Pushing back all fleshly need
The gifts of heart are opened
Selfish wants no longer plead
Take the time to notice sparkle
In the eyes of someone fair
For in one precious moment
You could let them know you care
Pure greed will not know beauty
Seeking only selfish gain
There are treasures that lay hiding
Underneath a face that's plain
Intentions of the selfish
Are the seeds of bitter fruit
In the end will leave one lonely
With regrets of past pursuit
Loveliness cannot be measured
By the glitter in the night
A jewel never glistens
In the absence of pure light

Author Notes We all end up here one day,
Will we be just older or aged like fine wine?

Real treasures never lose their shine.
Artificial gems do and value was never there to begin with.

Chapter 78
Truest Love

By Jewell McChesney

Soft breath
Against my cheek
A nibble to my neck
Wet kisses
Uniquely ours
Your voice
So gentle
Complete dependence
On my care
Your love
May I hold you forever?
My innocent baby
In my arms

Author Notes Motherhood never leaves us...

I miss those days. Looking forward now to more grandchildren.

Chapter 79
A View From Here

By Jewell McChesney

Author Note:My photograph

I see the glow in children's smiles
I feel the ache of those who cry
I know peace beyond understanding
Recalling days inquiring why-

Why do I hear an unknown song
Familiar only to my soul
Could there be healing in one voice
For making wounded spirits whole

I see a pen glide through the night
Within the dreams of darkened hearts
It dips in golden honeyed truth
For eloquence beseeching art

Sometimes it draws from deeper wells
A pool of liquid languid pain
A blending of all sorrows cast
Where choice of past is wisdom gained

I feel refining fire's flame
Creating gilded treasures fine
Where broken vessels become whole
Reflections of a truth sublime

Intrigued by those who know the fire
I've come to revel in delight
The joy of pain becomes refining
When combined with love and light

Author Notes For Diny and Calvin

I'm here for you~

One of thousands of stories, poems and books available online at

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