"Emerald Isle"

Chapter 1
Emerald Isle

By Begin Again

We are starting another multi-author story and are looking for other writers to join the fun. If you are interested, please read the first chapter below and then message me so I can assign you your chapter. Lori will be writing chapter 2. I hope you are looking to be creative with us and will join in the fun.


The seaplane glided over turquoise waters, the sun catching the surface like scattered diamonds. Lush green hills rose in the distance, framing a picture-perfect private resort—secluded, luxurious, and exclusive. As the plane descended toward the island, excitement buzzed among the nine passengers
— strangers, with an invitation to a week in paradise.

You have been chosen for an exclusive luxury retreat on Emerald Isle. We wish you joy on this special occasion. Everything has been arranged for your pleasure.
Your Host

"This is incredible," Cassidy murmured, squeezing Jake's hand. "I mean — a free honeymoon? We must be the luckiest people on the planet."

Jake stared out the window, muttering, "Maybe, but it feels strange celebrating before the wedding."

Noah Reed, seated across from them, adjusted the cuff of his expensive tailored shirt. "You think a honeymoon is stressful? Try taking over a company division. That's real pressure."

Cassidy rolled her eyes but smirked. "And here I was, thinking we left stress and real life behind."

With an easy confidence, Mark Stanton, older, broad-shouldered, chuckled beside his wife, Olivia. "Well, some of us came for romance, and others, apparently, to talk about work." 
He nudged Olivia, who smiled softly. Olivia, reserved yet elegant, took his hand. "Twenty-five years married. I think we deserve a little indulgence."

Noah raised an eyebrow. "Twenty-five years? Now that's a milestone."

Sitting quietly near the window, Eve Carlson ran her fingers along the edge of her boarding pass. "Some of us are here for — different reasons."

She wasn't elaborating, and no one pressed.

The pilot's voice crackled through the speaker. "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Emerald Isle. Beautiful as ever today."

Peter Langston, the oldest of the group, gave a dry chuckle. "Beautiful? I'll take his word for it. Still getting used to retirement — never thought I'd have time for trips like this."

Lori and Larry Benson, a married couple in their forties, exchanged glances. "Time off is good," Larry said with an easy grin. "We could use the break."

Lori added, "Though I admit, I'm curious. The invitation said it was a 'thank you' for what we did, but what exactly did we do?"

That earned a few puzzled looks.

"I thought it was just a promotion gift," Noah said, frowning slightly.

"A fresh start," Eve murmured.

"Or an anniversary present," Olivia added.

Jake leaned forward. "Wait — do any of you know who sent these invites?"

A beat of silence.

The plane touched down, skimming across the waves, and the question was momentarily forgotten as the excitement of the island took over.

A woman in a crisp white sun dress waited on the dock, her expression warm and polished.

"Welcome to Emerald Isle," she said smoothly. "I'm Celeste, your concierge. It's a pleasure to have you."

The group exchanged nods and smiles as they followed her up the winding path through swaying palms and bright tropical flowers. The resort was stunning.

As they stepped into the open-air lobby, their attention was drawn to a long, beautifully set dining table. Wine glasses were already poured, and silverware was gleaming — the kind of perfection that suggested everything had been prepared well in advance.

And yet — there were no other guests.

At the center of the table, a single silver tray held a note. Noah picked it up and read aloud —

Let the celebration begin. While you dine, a question to consider. What brought you here?

The group laughed it off at first.

Mark lifted his glass. "An all-expenses-paid vacation, obviously."

Cassidy clinked her wine against his. "I don't know who sent this, but I'm not questioning it."

But Olivia's gaze drifted to the bottom of the note — a single, handwritten line, slightly smudged.

What do you have in common?

The breeze shifted. The torches flickered as the setting sun, with its brilliant colors, kissed the turquoise sea goodnight.

Thunder rumbled somewhere in the distance. As the night settled in, they all looked at one another, each one questioning who had sent them the invitation and how strangers could have something in common.

The fire flickered in the dark, and Peter raised his glass, whispering, "To tomorrow."

Author Notes Characters -
Cassidy and Jake - pre-wedding honeymoon
Mark and Olivia Stanton - 25th Anniversary
Noah Reed - single
Eve Carlson - unhappy with a secret
Peter Langston - the oldest in the group
Lori and Lary Benson
Celeste - Concierge
Chef Moreau
Unknown Host

Chapter 2
The First Course

By Begin Again

While sipping on their wine and contemplating what brought them there, entered a striking man through the sliding glass door from the pool's deck, allowing the cool island breeze to fill the room.

"Hello, I'm Max," his light blonde, almost platinum, hair still damp. You could see a fine physique underneath his robe. "I am your host and imagine Celeste has been making you feel at ease."

Upon his entrance, Eve immediately dropped her glass as she knew Max from her past though she could not immediately remember the connection.

The glass shattered into little pieces on the tile floor in the cocktail area next to where the dining room table was set up.

Everyone seemed fidgety and immediately turned to Eve. "Everything ok, Eve?" asked Max.

"Yes, I'm sorry about that. Just an untimely case of butter fingers," She tried to down play the whole thing. Noah, standing nearby, patted Eve's arm to comfort her.

Eve, who looked like a bombshell if she shed the librarian guise with her proper bun and plain dress. She radiated intelligence and no nonsense with her perfect posture, rimmed glasses and serious expression.

"That's ok," said Max. "I'm sure as details emerge about what we know about each other and me, surprising things will surface," he paused for about 20 seconds. It seemed no one inhaled during this time.

"Lighten up everybody. Just trying to keep you on your toes." He chuckled, yet his piercing blue eyes looking deep into everyone as he surveyed the room conflicted with his light-hearted tone. He flashed a smile showing teeth that were as white as pearls and required more maintenance than Crest White Strips could ever provide.

Max was pretty much physical perfection and he knew it. His charisma and mystique made him attractive to men and women alike.

"Well, we shouldn't keep Chef Moreau waiting. He has prepared a delicious meal for us. The table is set. Look for your place card. You'll notice all partners have been separated. No whispering at this table." Celeste left the room to let the Chef know the guests were ready.

The Chef came in to serve the first course of gazpacho soup and Max decided to brag about Moreau. "Chef Moreau was educated at the finest culinary school in the world, Culinary Institute of America, and has been with me exclusively for the past 15 years."

Moreau was pleasant as he grinned and made pleasantries with the guests, but clearly took his cooking very seriously. Gazpacho, lemon grilled chicken with herbs, a side of Mediterranean quinoa salad and peach sorbet for dessert. Celeste brought out two pitchers of red sangria to pair with the meal.

"In vino veritas, right Max?" said Peter, the older distinguished gentleman, raising his glass.

"Cheers to that!" Everyone clinked glasses. Cassidy shot a nervous look towards Larry, Lori's husband. He returned with intense but brief eye contact.

As Moreau walked back towards the kitchen, he felt compelled to look over his shoulder and when he did he saw Mark, Olivia's husband, slide his hand on Lori's knee.

Max also spotted Mark's hand on Lori's knee and boldly said, "Mark, you may want to use both hands to cut your chicken when it arrives."

"Of course," he shot back nervously, his face as flush as a Macintosh. "I had just dropped a piece of bread in my napkin. This soup is really delicious," he said feigning authenticity and trying to change the subject.

Thankfully for Mark, Chef Moreau came out with a tray of the lemon chicken dishes, distracting everyone from Max's comment.

Only one can imagine what happens next during the second course....

Author Notes Hope you enjoy this chapter and see the many directions this can go, starting with Ulla and Chapter 3.

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