"In Memory of Nomi's Wife, Yvonne"

Chapter 1
Nomi's Sad Loss

By Debi Pick Marquette

On Monday you were married  51 amazing years

On Wednesday, then Yvonne was gone, we feel your heartfelt tears

Our hearts all ache for you, Nomi, you're in our thoughts and prayers

Your family at FanStory will keep you in our cares

It's hard when you were one so long, now your heart broke in two

We only wish that there was more that we could say or do

We'll pray for when the pain will ease, when it won't hurt so bad

When you will think of happy times the two of you once had

A sweet reminder of her smile that catches you off guard 

And it just might surprise you when one hour's not so hard'

She'll be there when a butterfly lands right there by your side

Like joy that came into your life when she became your bride

You'll be in Heaven too someday and I know God agrees

That you will be together and you won't need memories

So Nomi, until then may God keep showing you His way

With love and prayers, we're here for you today and every day

Author Notes
mmy Fortune

Chapter 2
For Nomi

By Debi Pick Marquette

As clocks are stopped and nothing seems the same,
the sound of birds is muffled, day is night,
hold tight, dear Nomi, time will still your pain
and in the mourning God will shine His light.

Chapter 3
Grieving with Nomi

By Debi Pick Marquette

We cannot know our date with death
For God alone knows every breath
We only hope that love shines through
Our actions when our time is due
For Nolan and his lovely wife 
Who weathered storms and conquered strife 
Together they're a mighty pair
Because in faith God's love they share
Although in earthly form she’s gone
His gift of grace, his sweet Yvonne*
Is shining bright on Heaven’s beach
Her love and soul remain in reach
Together they have built a tribe
With acts of love too long to scribe
Their faith endured through every trial
And grew more loving all the while
Oh Lord of comfort show You care
For our dear brother, hear our prayer

Author Notes Notes:
Nomi and his wife were married for over half a century. I can only imagine how great his grief is. We send our prayers for comfort.

*The name Yvonne, if derived from Hebrew could mean "gift of God" (Yohan) or grace of God (Yohanan)

This is one of the many sky pictures I take regularly.

Chapter 4
To Nomi

By Debi Pick Marquette

I sit here on my terrace looking at the view. The sun is setting, I feel upset. A fellow writer has lost his wife, it makes me sad. Tears form in my eyes. One or two spill, down my cheek, as I think of Nomi who lost his beloved wife, Yvonne today.

yellow tulip
shares its fragrance
in eternity

Author Notes My Condolences

Chapter 5
Love Eternal

By Debi Pick Marquette

she smiles at her husband
her spirit shines,
fifty-one years
she is still here
to watch her Nomi
roses bloom
angels sing
the sun rises
and sets
but your beloved
wife is by
your side

Chapter 6
Garden of Gods heart

By Debi Pick Marquette

Though the shadows may surround me
my foes be gathered there.
But they will never move my feet
nor change God's heart of care.

My dear one has departed to
those climes that have no end.
Yet, I know I'll one day join you
to lands beyond yon bend.

We are the children of the light,
God's promises are true.
That He will not forsake us
till we will meet anew.

God's love remains forever safe,
a place outside the veil.
Where none can e're extinguish hope.
On wings of hope we sail.

R.Owen 10/9/2024

Author Notes This is a tribute to Nolan who lost his wife recently. A poem to remind us of Gods mercy and that she departed from this earth, but not beyond his heart, where God plants His everlasting grace and hope, in the garden of His heart. Till you meet again. R.O.

Psalm 116:15
Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints. KJV

Jude 24-25
Now to Him who is able to keep [a]you from stumbling, And to present you faultless
Before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, To God our Savior,
Who alone is wise, Be glory and majesty, Dominion and power,
Both now and forever.
Thanks for reading, R.Owen.


Chapter 7
'Til Then

By Debi Pick Marquette

Our vows were spoken ~
"Til death do us part."
No bond was broken,
though silent your heart.
I slept by your side
for fifty-one years.
My beautiful bride
had not disappeared.
God's angels appeared
to lead you above.
No sound did I hear,
I slumbered in love.
I woke with the dawn,
your mornings were through.
You live in my heart.
No farewell will do ~
Eternal, you are.
We will meet again.
Shine bright as a star,
my darling, 'til then!

Author Notes I received this message from our dear Nomi: "On Wednesday morning I woke up and found that my wife of 51 years had died quietly in her sleep. It was just two days after we celebrated our 51st wedding anniversary."

John 16:22: So with you: Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy.

Chapter 8
God Collects Our Tears

By Debi Pick Marquette

God collects our tears within a bottle
and comes to where we are without delay.
He knows about our sorrows and will help us,
and rides upon the wind and through the fray.
His hands will bind our wounds and mend our souls,
His strength will lift us from the stormy sea.
His mercy is as faithful as the sunrise—
His promises for all Eternity.
{For Nomi in his loss of Yvonne}

Author Notes My poem is for our dear Nomi, and for his family. The loss of a wife, mother and grandmother is life-altering and deeply felt by all. In the Lord we have His love, strength, comfort and eternal life if we believe in Him.

My poem for Nomi was inspired by the scriptures.

Psalm 56: 8--Thou tellest my wanderings: put thou my tears into thy bottle: are they not in thy book?

Psalms 138:3-- In the day when I cried Thou answered me, and strengthened me with strength in my soul.

Lamentations 3:22-23--The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.

Chapter 9
A Thousand Years

By Debi Pick Marquette

A thousand years wrapped up in fun,
A thousand years beneath the sun.
A thousand smiles to grace your heart,
A thousand tears when forced apart.

In a second the one you love,
Is sent to wait for you above.
In a second you can feel her near,
close to your heart where there is no fear.

Forever her love with you endures,
Forever promised, forever yours.
Forever God sends His blessed peace,
Forever in love where pain will cease.

Your hand in hers, hers in the Lord's,
Our hands join yours in sweet accord.

God bless and comfort you, friend!

Author Notes Loss is hard and grief real. We're here for you, buddy!!

A special thanks for the artwork: From Grapes to Wine by MoonWillow on FanArtReview

Chapter 10
An empty space

By Debi Pick Marquette

There is an empty space there now
where once my love you slept.
But now it is devoid of life
yet damp with tears I've wept.

Our lives are but a moment's pause
accelerant of days.
But we can never capture time
nor we its temple raise.

Man's years are just a parody
they mock the pride of me
They slink away without a hint
and hide in evil's den.

Though God provides a place for us
where love can never die.
And He will hide His children there
as in His love they lie.

One day I know I'll join you dear
beyond Earth's golden shores.
Where once again we'll be as one
we'll praise as freedom roars.

R.Owen 11/9/2024

Author Notes I could not resist writing a second poem for Nolan, to back up the wonderful poems others have written for him, please forgive me, it was more than I could resist.
Bless you Nomi,

James 4:14
What do you know about tomorrow? How can you be so sure about your life? It is nothing more than mist that appears for only a little while before it disappears. CEV

Romans 8:38-39
For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come. KJV
Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
R.Owen 11/9/2024.

Chapter 12
Grief Goes Deep

By Debi Pick Marquette

I cannot know another's grief,
emotions can go deep;
I know that sorrow is a thief,
as loss can steal our sleep.

We dwell on memories to soothe
to help our lonely path,
the bumpy journey, never smooth,
abandoned aftermath.

We learn that life is all too short,
and death is short and quick;
relying on our friends' support,
they battle when we're sick.

The end will come for all of us,
we lend a helping hand,
as sometimes life can be unjust,
subsides in grains of sand.

Priorities soon change when we
are lost inside such grief;
and linking hands with you and me
is always very brief.

Author Notes I am so sorry for your loss, our prayers are with you Nomi

Chapter 13

By Debi Pick Marquette

God found a new spirit in His Heaven above,

He embraced her and gave her His unconditional Love

Tears of God's gladness rolled down her face

As God said, "Yvonne, you've found your rightful place. You and Nolan always carried my grace. Nolan will join us at My chosen pace."

It rained that day upon the Earth,
As Nolan's great sadness flowed steadily forth
Though he didn't yet know of his wife's happy tears,
the rain somehow allayed all of his fears.

Author Notes Thank you for reading and teviewing.

Chapter 14
The Answer's in the Heart

By Debi Pick Marquette

Life is full of questions
of the universal kind.
A host of them can fill us up
and swim about our mind.
Why do some folks linger
while others have to go?
Can the love they left behind
Last us? Help us grow?
How can we preserve our times?
Our memories? Our life?
And everything we knew from all
our years as man and wife?
Will there be another chance
to see you face to face?
How can I survive each day without you
in this place?
Thank you for our special times;
I cherish how we grew.
No universal question here;
my heart was made for you.

Author Notes Nomi, I am sending you nothing but love. xoxox

Chapter 15
Thinking of Nomi338

By Debi Pick Marquette

Nomi338 recently lost his wife. Debi Marquette posted a book if you want to add to it. I wrote this before it was created.
It is difficult to express feelings regarding something like this. The I in the poem is metaphorical and represents thoughts someone has when they have lost a loved one. I hope my words bring him some comfort.
My heart is full for I have known love,
And there it will remain.
But now I need to look up above
To find a new domain.
This change is hard, but comfort rests there
Because my love’s at peace.
She's with Him, then we'll share a prayer
That helps the pain to cease.
My days and nights are long without her.
I am trying to cope
Even though life isn’t like we were,
But still I have to hope.
A new journey we both undertake
In diff’rent time and place.
Our love neither of us will forsake
Because our hearts embrace.
I know it’s not the same for you and me,
But true love we both can still guarantee.

Author Notes -The image is mine from the computer.
-The syllables are 9-6 in each line except for the couplet, which is 10-10.
-The rhyme is a-b-a-b and so on. The rhyming couplet with 10-10.

Chapter 15
For Nomi

By Debi Pick Marquette

For Nomi I wish all God's grace will surround
him now.  I wish all the harmony of the universe
will envelop him  and cushion him from the hurts
of the world. Nomi, I do not know you well, we
have reviewed each other, and  I remember you
were always very kind and made me feel better.
You made me smile.  I hope you look for small
joys to sustain you in the months ahead.  Love of
friends and family is still around you. You have
family here.  And we all love you. Write to us
anytime to talk.  Karen

Author Notes Print from pinterest

Chapter 16

By Debi Pick Marquette

An echo trails his steps through vacant halls,
Within the quiet home that holds their years.
He strains to hear her voice, yet silence falls,
And to the floor he sinks with pouring tears.

Beneath the weight of loss, he bends in strife,
For heavy is the heart with grief once known
And harder is the rise without his wife;
To stand against the waves, now faced alone.

Yet darkness won't prevail, for she's the light.
The Angel's whispered prayer he knows so well,
To calm the trembling hands he clasps so tight,
And rise with him again, from where he fell.

Each night he'll pray beside her, as before,
And fall upon his knees for nothing more.

Author Notes For Nomi: A man who has known such grief, yet stands again.
My deepest condolences for your loss.

Chapter 17
The Love Lives On

By Debi Pick Marquette

For five decades Love held you in its grip.
There never was a time you let it slip.
Death claimed Yvonne, it seemed your heart might break,
but what you felt for her, Death couldn’t take.
The Love you shared is hidden in your heart.
As long as you live on, it won’t depart.
Like candy hearts, the memories are sweet.
You’ll cherish them. They’ll make your life complete.
Although you can no longer see her face,
there’s not a single day you would erase,
and if you could you’d live them all once more
to do the same things which you did before.
Your friends may think that really makes no sense.
For troubles faced in life are too intense.
But love grows stronger as we deal with pain.
You are convinced, you’d do it all again.
Yet, one life-span is all we are allowed.
You can’t relive the promises you vowed.
So, you’ll endure until your time has passed,
assured by God, you'll see her face at last.


Author Notes Nomi - My thoughts and prayer are with you.

Chapter 18
The Heart Knows

By Debi Pick Marquette

My tearful eyes see
the empty chair where
our ev'nings were shared.
My searching hand feels
your missing presence
in our lonely bed.
My questing nose hopes
your scent will linger
in barren spaces.
My hungry mouth seeks
to recall the taste
of the lips I miss.
My longing ears try
to hear your sweet voice
in this empty house.
All my senses feel
they have been deprived
of joy that was you.
My broken heart knows
you will always be
right here beside me.

Author Notes My heartfelt condolences to you, Nomi, for the loss of your dear wife, Yvonne. Though her physical presence is no longer here, her spirit and love for you will always be in your heart. May beautiful memories comfort you, my friend.

Chapter 19
Pain in this life

By Debi Pick Marquette

You've never endured such pain in this life,
this unimaginable feeling of losing your wife.

You know she's in heaven, feeling no pain.
The ache in your heart is driving you insane.

Down on your knees, you pray, and you pray.
You wait, and you listen for someone to say.

Nomi, my friend, you're in all of our prayers.
We'll cover your heart with so many layers.

Lean on your family, call on your friends
We will be with you as it lessens then ends.

Moments of joy will replace all that is sorrow.
Until it does, you'll have ours to borrow.


Author Notes This is a poem for Nomi. Prayers, my friend.
God bless.

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