By Neonewman
Author Notes |
This is a story that came to me while I slept. I woke and began the tale.
It came easily, and I wonder if I should go forward with a novel and possibly a series as I know how the story ends. |
By Neonewman
When Dodie Rae lowers the car window, the stench of swamp water and its residents is the first thing she notices as she arrives at her grandmother's house.
"Nature's sewage system." she thought.
Humidity dampens her face, stinging the cut on her lip. She parks her car and turns off the ignition as Bay Lynn opens the screen door and hurries toward her, arms outstretched. They lock eyes, and Dodie Rae knows immediately that despite their six-year hiatus, nothing between them has changed.
"Richard hit me," Dodie Rae cries out at once, holding up her dress and the splatters of blood that litter it. "He fucking hit me."
"Come on inside now, Cher," Mama said. "I got some tea brewin' for us."
Dodie Rae steps out sobbing and embraces her grandmother as they walk toward the cabin.
"Now, Cher, Mama's gonna fix everything," she says. "come on into the kitchen now, Cher, and have a seat."
Dodie Rae remains silent at the table while Bay Lynn pours the tea. Bay Lynn turns and places the cups of tea on the table and breaks the silence.
"You know, Cher," she says, "Your Paw Paw hit me a time or two after we married. I'm not proud to speak it, but I'm not ashamed either."
Dodie Rae pulls the steaming tea closer to herself as her eyes meet her grandmother's. Bay Lynn smiles as she takes a loud sip from her own cup.
"What did you do?" Dodie Rae asks. "Did he stop? He always seemed to adore you." Her eyes beg for answers. "You always seemed so happy."
Bay Lynn takes Dodie Rae's hand and says, "We were, Cher. We had a wonderful marriage. I loved that man with all I had. After the abuse started, I didn't know what to do." Bay Lynn places her other hand on Dodie Rae's, "So I did what most women did, I suppose. I made excuses for him, thinking maybe it was my fault," she says. "But it was his fault, Cher. It was always his."
"Yes!" Dodie Rae says. "It was his fault."
"A close friend of mine, more like a sister, gave me a gift, a piece of her she held inside for years." Bay Lynn says, "She told me it protected her from her father, given to her by her mother before she passed."
"What was it?" Dodie Rae asks.
"You've always been impatient, Cher," she says. Bay Lynn reaches into her bra, pulls a small, antique bottle from her bosom, and places it in the center of the table. Dodie Rae looks at the bottle.
"It's a part of me I no longer need since your grandfather passed." She says, "This bottle contains the solution to your problems, Cher." she smiles, "That husband of yours will change and be the best part of your life from here on out, that I promise."
"It's empty!" Dodie Rae says.
"No, Baby Girl, everything you need is inside that little bottle," she says, "all you have to do is open it and breathe deeply, and then all will be well."
"Now?" Dodie Rae asks. "Open it now and breathe in?"
"Yes, Child," she says. "Breathe deep."
Dodie Rae opens the bottle and gags at the foul odor that invades the air.
"Quickly, Cher, breathe in and hold it," she says, " as long as you can, no matter how bad the smell is, or you'll lose it. You don't want to lose it, Cher."
Dodie Rae breathes deep, and her eyes water. "Oh my god!" she says.
"Hold it in," Bay Lynn says. "as long as you can, Honey."
Dodie Rae holds it in as long as she can, then releases it with a cough.
"What the hell was that, Mama?" she says.
"Something that will change your life, Child," she says. "You best be getting back now before that man of yours wakes up." Bay Lynn says, then hugs Dodie Rae and kisses her goodbye. "It's going to be all right, child."
"Thank you, Mama," she says as she walks toward her car. "I love you, Mama. I'm sorry it took so long to come and visit."
"You worry about you, Cher; Mama understands." Bay Lynn holds Dodie Rae's eyes till the girl settles into her car.
Dodie Rae starts the engine and waves as she backs out of the driveway.
"Thank you, Mama! she calls. "I love you."
"I love you too, Cher," Bay Lynn says. "Everything will be alright now, Honey." Bay Lynn In her rearview mirror, Dodie Rae watches her become smaller and smaller until the distance between them becomes too far once again.
Author Notes |
Dodie Rae is a twenty-eight-year-old married woman.
Richard_twenty-nine-year old husband of Dodie Rae is not a good man. Bay Lynn-sixty-seven year old grandmother of Dodie Rae. Thank you, google, for the artwork. |
By Neonewman
Dodie Rae returned home shortly after 3 a.m. She sat in her car awhile, wondering if Richard knew she'd been gone.
"Of course not," she thought." He'd a-called wondering where I was if he knew." She turned off the car and trudged inside, a prisoner to the gallows.
She entered the bedroom and found Richard in the same position she'd left him. Rage swelled inside her as she watched her husband sleep. "How can you sleep, you bastard?" she thought. Dodie Rae stared at him a minute more, then changed into her nightgown and slipped into bed.
She lay beside Richard for the next few hours, wondering if her grandmother was right. Would he change and treat her like a man should like a husband is supposed to treat his wife? Or would he remain the same? Dodie Rae cringed as Richard rolled over, his hand settling against her thigh.
"Shit!" Dodie Rae screamed as Richard's alarm clock went off. Her heart began to race as she waited for him to open his eyes, but the asshole just continued to snore.
"Get up, Richard," she said. "It's 5 a.m. Time to get ready for work."
She heard him moan in disapproval.
Dodie Rae got out of bed and went to the bathroom. In the mirror, she stared at the damage her husband had inflicted a few hours before. A swollen left eye, shadowed with hints of purple, glared back at her above a slightly off-center nose. "No more," she said.
"What did you say, Dirty Rae?" Richard asked.
"I said no more, you piece of shit!" Dodie Rae flung open the bathroom door. Her eyes shone through the darkness. "You will not ever hit me again. Do you hear me?" She growled. "Never."
"What the fuck!" said Richard as he reached for the light. But before he could turn it on, Dodie Rae was on him, pinning him against the headboard and tightening her hands around his throat like a python coiling its prey.
"Get off of me, you bitch!" he screamed and pushed her onto the floor. Dodie Rae stood up, her silhouette growing with the rage fueling her and filling her up. Richard flipped on the light and was astonished by what stood before him.
"What the fuck!" he screamed, trying to wrap his mind around what was standing between him and the door to his freedom from this nightmare.
Dodie Rae's eyes had turned a molten red. Ripples danced across her face as fangs forced their way into view and claws pushed out through her fingertips. She ripped off her nightgown, exposing ordinary flesh from her shoulders down, accentuated by four claw marks across her stomach. Only her head and hands appeared to be transforming.
"What is happening to you?" Richard yelled.
"No more," she said in a deep, raspy snarl. "Never again." Dodie Rae leaped across the bed, raking her claws across her husband's face. Blood sprayed the wall, and Richard screamed for help as if someone could hear him, and Dodie Rae smiled. She grabbed him with one hand, lifted him high, then hurled him across the room.
"Stop!" he begged. "You're fucking killing me."
"That's the idea," she said and smiled again.
Dodie Rae stood and stared at the crumpled mess lying on the floor. He looked like a trash heap on garbage day. "Poor, poor, Richard," she said. "Did you think you could hit a woman and get away with it?" She bent down and drew her lips back, exposing a mouth full of razor-like teeth. "Well, did you?" she growled.
"N-n-no," he said.
"N-n-n-no," she mocked. "Of course you didn't." She stood up, stepped back, and said," You look like a fucking coward, Richard. Stand up and fight like a man." He scrambled toward the door and screamed once more as Dodie Rae's claws raked across his lower back and buttocks. Clots of crimson pooled onto their bedroom floor.
"Please, stop," he cried. "I'll never hurt you again! Just stop!"
"You're right," she said as she lifted him from the floor, her left hand constricted around his throat. "You won't ever hurt anyone again." She opened her jaws, bit into his right hand, and ripped it from his wrist.
Dodie Rae stared at the mangled stump and savored, listening to her husband's whimpers.
"We're almost there, Richard." She lifted him higher. With a final slash, she opened his abdomen, and the sound of his entrails, as they slammed to the floor, was intoxicating, like coins falling from a slot machine after hitting the jackpot in Vegas.
Dodie Rae reached for the bedroom window, grabbed the wooden frame, and pulled inward. Glass shattered and covered the floor with glistening shards of fury. She released Richard's lifeless body at once and became Dodie Rae once more.
Author Notes |
Dodie Rae and her husband Richard experience the essence.
Thank you, google, for the image. |
By Neonewman
"My god, that was liberating!" Dodie Rae shouted, gazing out their mangled bedroom window as the sun peaked over the horizon. She never liked the early morning light shining into their bedroom. Still, today, well, it was simply divine. "I have you to thank for that, Richard," she smiled, placing her hands across her bare breasts while looking at his eviscerated remains. "So thank you, my no longer abusive dead husband."
"Oh, shit!" she said as sirens filled the air. "Who the hell called the police?" Dodie Rae looked toward Route 2978 and noticed a police car racing toward her home. She also saw her neighbors standing outside their home a quarter mile away and wondered what they had seen.
"Nobody saw anything, Dodie," she told herself as she found her torn nightgown and slipped over her head and back onto her body. She walked toward the window as the police car entered her driveway.
She watched as two officers exited the vehicle and approached the front door. Both were in uniform, one slim and the other not. The slim Officer knocked on the door and hollered, " Orange County Police, open the door."
Dodie Rae screamed out the window. "Help me! I think he may be dead." Both officers turned, drew their glocks, and ran toward her voice.
"Let me see your hands, ma'am," the heavier Officer yelled.
She lifted both hands above her shoulders and cried. "Oh god, my husband, please help him!"
They noticed Dodie Rae's swollen, bloodied face and torn gown as they neared the window where she stood, arms still raised. The slim Officer asked Dodie Rae what happened and if she was all right while the other radioed for an ambulance.
"Richard," she sobbed and pointed at the floor. "I think he's dead!"
"Dead?" the slim Officer asked.
"He hit me," Dodie Rae said. "he's never hit me before."
"Did you kill your husband, ma'am?" the slim Officer asked.
"Yes, I did." she thought.
"No!" she cried. "It was something else."
"Something else?" Slim asked.
"I went outside after Richard hit me to think. I heard the window break, then Richard screamed," she said, watching as the other Officer climbed through their bedroom window, went over to Richard, and checked for a pulse. "Oh my, God!" Dodie Rae cried. "My husband is dead," she dropped to the floor, wincing as shards of Glass penetrated her knees. She looked up at the slim Officer. "It was an animal," she said and stood up with the Officer's help. "at least most of it was," she said.
"What kind of an animal, ma'am?" the slim Officer asked.
"I don't know what kind of animal," she said. "I've never seen anything like it before. But it was standing on two legs like a man but wasn't a man. It was more like a wolf at times, but only the head and hands changed, not the body," she said. "The rage in this creature's eyes was paralyzing. I thought it was going to kill me, but instead, it lept out the window and headed towards the woods."
"Ma'am," the Officer said.
"I know it sounds crazy," she said. "But look," Dodie Rae pulled up her gown, exposing four claw marks across her abdomen. "It tried to kill me, too."
"You may be in shock, ma'am," slim said. "I'm Officer Carey; what's your name?" he asked.
"I'm not in shock!" she screamed. "My name is Dodie Rae, and that is my damned husband on the floor." She looked down at the other Officer next to Richard's corpse. "My husband is dead; what am I supposed to do now?" she asked.
"What did you do to make him hit you?" the other Officer asked.
"What the hell kind of question is that?" Dodie Rae asked. Her eyes turn red as ripples form across her face.
The heavier Officer stood up and took a step back. "What's wrong with your face, lady?" he asked.
"My husband just beat the shit out of me, you insensitive bastard," she screamed and ran to the bathroom, slamming the door.
"What the fuck, Riley?" Officer Carey asked as he eased toward the bathroom door. Officer Riley shrugged his shoulders.
"Dodie Rae," Officer Carey said as he knocked.
"Leave me alone," she said.
"Do you have somewhere safe to stay?" he asked.
Dodie Rae looked in the mirror and smiled. "Yes, I can stay with my grandmother, Bay Lynn," she said.
She opened the bathroom door and let Officer Carey in. He gave her a piece of paper with a phone number and the name of a support group she could attend.
"You should think about going; you've been through a lot, and I think this would be good for you," he said.
"Thank you," she said and took the paper.
"The ambulance is here," he said. "Let's get you taken care of, shall we?" he asked.
"Alright," she said. "But I'm not going to the hospital; I can care for myself."
"Deal," Officer Carey said. We'll need you to come down to the station and give us a formal statement when you can."
"Yes," she said as the paramedics entered the bedroom and tended to her wounds. "I can do that."
"Good," Officer Carey said," I'll see you soon.
Dodie Rae shifted her eyes toward Officer Riley and thought. "You and I have some unfinished business, asshole. Catch you soon, Officer-not-so-friendly."
Author Notes |
A new day, a new life for Dodie Rae without Richard.
What will come will be epic in the next few chapters. Thank you, Rachelle Allen, for the interview; I am truly honored, my friend. Thank you, google, for the image. |
By Neonewman
Dodie Rae entered the Orange County Police Department around eleven a.m. She had packed her bags and loaded them with essentials for a night at her grandmother's. She looked around for Officer Carey. A familiar voice behind her made her turn. Immediately, they locked eyes.
"Are you okay?" the policeman asked.
"Yes," she said, noticing concern in his eyes. "I'm just ready to get this over with."
"I understand," he said. "Follow me."
Dodie Rae followed him down the hall. They passed the first door on the left and entered the second door. She had watched enough CSI to know that the first room contained a two-way mirror and figured Officer Not-So-Friendly would be watching from there.
Stay on track, she thought. Put Riley out of your mind.
"In here," Officer Carey said and watched as Dodie Rae walked over to the small table in the middle of the room. "Have a seat."
As Dodie Rae sat down, she asked. "How long will this take?"
Officer Carey sat across from her and assured her it wouldn't take too long. He pulled out a small notepad and pen. "Let's start from when you went outside. Did you notice anyone or anything in the yard?"
"No, but I wasn't looking, you know."
"I can only imagine," he said. "Did you hear anything? Animal sounds,?growling? Anything like that?"
"No, not until the window shattered. Please, don't make me relive this awful night." The pitch of her voice began to rise.
"It's going to be okay, but we need to talk about the animal you saw. Can you do that?"
"Yes," she said, straining to regain her composure.
Officer Carey could imagine his colleague, Officer Riley, in the other room standing up to hear what Dodie Rae would say next.
"Its face and hands transformed into a wolf-like creature, but the body looked human," she said. "Its eyes were terrifying and evil-looking, and I thought it was going to kill me, too!" she started to sob. "I can't do this! I just can't."
"Calm down, Dodie Rae," he said.
"No!" she shot to her feet. "How do you expect me to do this? My husband is in the morgue, I have to plan a funeral, and I'm scared to death to go back to my house."
"Please, sit down, and let me get you a coffee or some water." He smiled. "We're done for today, okay?"
"Thank you," she said and sat back down. "A black coffee would be nice."
Officer Carey left the room to join Officer Riley behind the mirror. Together, they would see if Dodie Rae's demeanor changed when she believed she was alone.
Dodie Rae felt someone was watching her like a specimen beneath a microscope, so she wiped her eyes, placed her face in her hands, and sobbed?" aching sobs worthy of an Academy Award. She knew Riley was watching from the other side of the mirror and stayed in character.
"C'mon," Officer Riley said. "Show me your true colors."
Dodie Rae's ears perked up. These rooms are soundproof! How the hell can I hear him through the mirror? She wondered.
"Uncover your face," She heard Riley, and imagined him leaning forward, almost touching the mirror, willing her to comply. "I know what I saw; show me, dammit!"
Officer Carey returned to the interview room and placed a small styrofoam cup in front of Dodie Rae."Here you are, I know this is hard, Dodie Rae, but the questions are standard procedure and a necessary part of the investigation."
"I know you're only doing your job, and I appreciate that," she said. "But it doesn't make it any less traumatizing."
"I understand. You're no longer a suspect in your husband's death.
"No longer a suspect?" Dodie Rae stood up. "His name is Richard, and how in God's name could you think I could ever do, or even be capable of doing such a thing?"
"Dodie Rae, please, I'm sorry," he stood up as well. "It appears that your hus...I mean, Richard's wounds were inflicted by an animal; we're having them analyzed as we speak." Officer Carey looked at Dodie Rae with empathy. "If you can answer a couple more questions for me, you'll be on your way."
"No!" Dodie Rae can hear Officer Riley say from behind the mirrored wall.
She held back a smile and said, "I'll try."
Officer Carey asked Dodie Rae the remaining questions. Afterward, before releasing her, he said, "I think you should check out the support group," Carey said. "It's bad medicine to keep this bottled up inside."
"I will," she said. "I need to be with my grandmother for a day or two. She'll know what to do."
Dodie Rae gathered her things, stood up, turned towards the mirror, and flashed Officer Riley a hint of a smile.
From her car, Dodie Rae called her grandmother, Bay Lynn. The phone went to voice mail, so she left a message, pulled out of the police station, merged onto Interstate 10, and headed east.
It took an hour into the trip before the phone rang. Dodie Rae answered."Hey, Mama."
"Everything okay, Cher?" Bay Lynn asked.
"It's better than okay, You were right; Richard will never hit me again."
"What happened, Cher?"
"I'm about forty-five minutes away, Mama, We'll talk about it when I get there."
"Okay, I'll have you a sandwich ready when you get here."
Dodie Rae hung up and was delighted by the song playing on the radio. She sang along.
"Hey there, Little Red Riding Hood, you sure are looking good. You're everything a Big Bad Wolfe could want." Listen to me the song said. "Little Red Riding Hood, I don't think little big girls should go walking in these spooky old woods alone."
"Oh, Sam The Sham," Dodie Rae said. "little ole me ain't afraid of nothing anymore."
Dodie Rae pulled into Bay Lynn's driveway and noticed her grandmother sitting on the porch swing, a pitcher of iced tea and covered sandwiches on the table beside her. Bay Lynn stood up and straightened her apron as Dodie Rae stepped out of her car.
"Come on, Cher," Bay Lynn said. "Mama's been dying to know what happened."
Dodie Rae hugged her grandmother and grabbed a sandwich while Bay Lynn poured her granddaughter a glass of sweet iced tea and handed it to her. "Tell me everything."
"Now, who is the impatient one?" Dodie Rae giggled. "We'll talk about Richard after lunch. We don't want to spoil our appetites."
Afterward, Dodie Rae joined her grandmother on the porch swing."Mama, did you know what would happen when I got home?"
"I had an idea, Cher. I knew Richard would be pissed if he found out you were gone."
"Huh!" Dodie Rae said.
"Well, was he pissed when he found out you were gone, or did he even know?"
"He didn't know," Dodie Rae said. "The son of a bitch had no idea I had gone at all."
"Figures, a man like that would think you would be too afraid to leave."
"I'm not afraid of anything anymore, Mama," Dodie Rae smiled. "especially Richard, you seen to that."
"Cher, what happened?"
"After Richard's alarm clock went off, I got up and went to the bathroom. When I looked in the mirror and saw what that man had done to me, I said. No more! Then I fell into a rage.
"A rage?" Bay Lynn asked.
"Yes, and Mama, how I have changed."
"Yes!" Bay Lynn leaned forward. "Did Richard cower in fear?"
"Oh, Mama, you should have seen him! The look on his face right before he died was intoxicating."
"You killed Richard!" Bay Lynn screamed. "No, Cher, No!"
"Why are you so upset, Mama? My god, he deserved what he got."
"No, Cher, It's murder, child. You don't get to decide who lives and dies."
"But, Mama, you gave me the essence. Surely you knew what was going to happen.
"It'll be all right, Cher. No one has to know."
"The police think it was an animal attack," Dodie Rae said. "I gave them a description and told them I watched it kill Richard. Hell, I told them it tried to kill me."
"It's all right, Baby Girl. But You can't ever let this happen again, you hear me?"
"Yes, Mama. The police suggested I attend a support group."
"Good idea, Cher, you stay here tonight, and tomorrow you go home and see when the next meeting is and stick to them."
"I will, Mama. I'm tired I didn't get any sleep last night."
"You go on and lay down. I'll have supper ready when you get up." She paused. "I love you, Child, no matter what."
"I love you too, Mama." Dodie Rae smiled and headed off to bed.
Author Notes |
I want to thank you all who have joined this journey, I'm having an amazing time and am honored to have everyone with me.
Thank you, google for the artwork. |
By Neonewman
The aroma of coffee tantalized Dodie Rae's senses, urging her out of bed and into the kitchen, where she found her grandmother at the table sipping her brew. After pouring herself a cup, Dodie Rae sat with her thoughts, staring at a small bottle resembling the one Bay Lynn had given her two days earlier.
"Good morning, Cher," her grandmother said. "You must've been exhausted, Child; you missed supper and slept right through the night."
"What's with the bottle, Mama?"
"Straight to it, I see. I don't think you need the essence anymore, Cher." Bay Lynn pushed the bottle toward her granddaughter. "So I'll take it back now, you know, for safekeeping."
"I don't think so, Mama," she said, pulling the bottle back. "I'll hang onto it for now."
"Well, I feel it's best as I fear the Rougarou doesn't sit well with you, Cher."
Dodie Rae's eyes widened. "The Rougarou?"
"Yes, Cher. Most folks 'round here say it's a myth, an old wives tale to scare the children, but it's real, Baby Girl. I've lived with it most of my adult life."
Dodie Rae leaned forward, placed her hands on top of Bay Lynn's, and said. "I'm going to leave now."
"Now you listen to me, Dodie Rae! This creature will take over if you're not careful, and I don't want you to get yourself into something you can't get back out of."
She looked at her grandmother, knowing the woman only called her Dodie Rae when she was angry with her. "Mama, I have this under control." Dodie Rae smiled. "Hell, for the first time since I don't know when I feel free of fear and resentment and in total control of my own life." She paused. "Why would you want to take that away from me, Mama?"
"No, Mama. I'm good. I need to tend to things back home. I have a funeral to plan and meetings to attend."
Dodie Rae smirked as she stood up to gather her things. "If Richard's parents want a funeral, they can give him one. I'm going to have him cremated as soon as I get home. He deserves to burn for what he did, don't you agree, Mama?"
"Sure, Cher."
"I love you, Mama. Please don't worry about me. I'll be fine."
"I love you too, Cher, and I'm praying you control that beast inside you. Goodbye, Baby Girl."
Dodie Rae got in her car, rolled down the window, and said, "Goodbye, Mama."
An hour and a half into her drive, Dodie Rae pulled into the I-10 truck stop near Lake Charles, Louisianna, and fumbled in her purse for money for a Dr Pepper and some gas. She pulled out the card the policeman gave her with the support group information and decided to make the call.
"Thank you for calling The Women's Support and Shelter of Orange County. My name is Sadie. How can I help?"
Dodie Rae sat there momentarily, wondering if this was a good idea.
"My name is Sadie Barlow. I'm here to help," she paused. "Take your time. I'll be here when you're ready."
Sadie's voice comforted Dodie Rae and compelled her to answer. "I'm Dodie Rae; I'm not sure what to do here."
"It's okay, Dodie Rae. We are meeting tonight at seven if you want to join us."
"I don't want to talk about what happened; I just want to listen if that's okay.
"There's no pressure, Dodie Rae. We would love to have you this evening, and if you decide to join us, I'd be happy to give you our address."
"I have the address on a card the policeman gave me. It says 409 S. Main Street. Is this correct?"
"Yes," Sadie said. "We look forward to seeing you."
Dodie Rae thanked her, finished pumping her gas, purchased a Dr Pepper, and headed home.
She arrived at the meeting ten minutes early and noticed a half-dozen women gathered in the foyer. Coffee and donuts, donated by Sprinkles, were available. A tall, slender lady poured two cups of coffee and walked toward her.
"You must be, Dodie Rae," the slender lady said as she held out the coffee.
"Yes." She lowered her head.
"Hey, you're safe here. It's just us girls and the security guard outside."
Dodie Rae lifted her head, took the coffee, and said, "Sadie?"
"That's right, we spoke earlier on the phone, and we're honored to have you."
Dodie Rae couldn't hold back the tears as two more women entered. She couldn't help but notice the bruises on the younger girl's arms and neck as they passed. She scanned the rest of the women and saw some with black eyes concealed with make-up, others with bruises, and one with several scars.
Sadie offered her a tissue and said, "You're not alone, Dodie Rae."
"I see that." She reached for the tissue.
Sadie clapped her hands and said. "Alright, ladies, it's time we have a seat. But first, I want to introduce Dodie Rae to our family. It's her first time, so let's give her some space." The ladies welcomed Dodie Rae and took their seats. "Samantha, would you like to share?"
"Yes." She stood up and began. My name is Samantha or Sam for short. My husband's name is Keith. But you'll call him "The Asshole!"
Sam continued her story about how the first couple of years were great, and then she got pregnant. Three months into her pregnancy, Keith came home drunk. They argued as he wanted to have sex, and Sam didn't, so he beat her unconscious and then raped her. The following day, Sam miscarried.
Dodie Rae's eyes flashed red as she became enraged at the brutality this poor girl had endured. She could feel the Rougarou wanting to surface, so she bolted for the restroom. Once inside, she leaned against the door and tried to regain composure. Startled by a knock at the door, she screamed.
"Dodie Rae, it's me, Sadie. Are you all right?"
"No! Please go away. Coming here was a bad idea. I can't do this right now."
"It's okay," Sadie said. "We meet here at the same time every week. You come when you're ready." Dodie Rae didn't speak. "We're here for you; remember that, and you have my number if you need anything."
She could hear Sadie walking back to the meeting. Dodie Rae opened the restroom door, saw no one, and returned to her car. She realized she could barely control the beast and wondered why it wanted to show itself there.
"Oh my God!" She said to herself. "I know what I have to do."
Author Notes |
Dodie Rae: Abused wife of her late husband Richard. Bay Lynn: Dodie Rae's grandmother often calls her Cher (which means dear), and Dodie Rae refers to her as Mama. Sadie Barlow: Head of The Women Support and Shelter of Orange County. Samantha (Sam): Is speaking about her abuse in the meeting. |
By Neonewman
Author Notes |
Dodie Rae: Abused wife of her late husband Richard. Sadie Barlow: Head of The Women Support and Shelter of Orange County. Samantha (Sam): Girl from support group, married to Keith. Keith: Sam's abusive husband. The image above, thanks to Google. |
By Neonewman
Author Notes |
Dodie Rae: Abused wife of her late husband Richard. Sadie Barlow: Head of The Women Support and Shelter of Orange County. Samantha (Sam): Girl from support group, married to Keith. Keith: Sam's abusive husband. Officer Carey: Orange county policeman. Officer Riley: Orange county policeman. The image above, thanks to Google. |
By Neonewman
Dodie Rae's heart sank as she watched Sam enter the police car. She waved at her, a silent plea for her safety. Knowing what Sam would endure, the fear and uncertainty, she imagined Officers Carey's and Riley's roles mirroring hers two days prior. She returned to the hotel room, her mind filled with worry, picked up the phone, and called Sadie.
"Dodie Rae, are you all right?"
"Yes. I called to tell you that the police came by and took Sam to the station to get her statement. I have to tell you, I didn't like the vibe the police gave me."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, the police are now investigating two attacks on abusive men who live near one another. I believe the police are trying to make a connection between me and Sam."
"Wait a minute. I don't understand. A wild animal attacked those men. That's the connection."
"Yeah, but what do police do when they don't have a suspect?"
"I don't know, create one, I suppose."
"Exactly! I bet they will compare my husband Richard's attack with Keith's and try to blame us somehow. Hell, Keith has a life insurance worth $250.000. The police will consider this motive."
"I see what's happening here, Dodie Rae. Abuse causes most women to feel they're at blame for the violence they endure. I believe this is what's happening to you. Listen to me, my friend. It's not your fault."
Yeah, but it is. "I suppose you're right. But the policeman looked at the bottle of wine and asked if we were celebrating something."
"What an asshole! We should call an emergency meeting tonight to support you and Sam."
"Yeah, we could use the support." She paused. "Would it be so bad if this animal turns out to be an avenger for battered women?"
Sadie paused, letting that scenario sink in. "I'll call the girls and tell them the meetings at seven."
"Okay, I need to leave this room. I'm going stir-crazy. This hotel will likely be home for a while."
"If you need help with expenses, the shelter can assist. Remember, it's not your fault."
"Thank you, Sadie."
Moments later, she heard a car door slam and peeked out the window. The police car pulled away as Sam came up the stairs. She opened the door to greet her.
"Hey," she said, sounding exhausted.
"Hey, Honey, are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm just glad it's over with."
"I bet." The two hugged. "You want to get something to eat? My treat."
"Yes, I'm starving and a bit hung over."
"I'll get my things." Dodie Rae grabbed her purse, phone, and keys, locked the door, and asked, "What are you in the mood for?"
"Tacos, I think."
"Hell yeah! Tacos and margaritas."
"Yeah, I need something greasy on my stomach and the hair of the dog," she chuckled.
"Me too. I know just the place."
Twenty minutes later, they sat inside the taqueria and ordered margaritas, chips, and Chile con queso. The tacos would come later. Halfway through their appetizers, Officers Carey and Riley walked in.
"Oh, shit!" Dodie Rae said.
"The dynamic duo just walked in." Sam turned. "Don't look now. Fuck!"
"Sorry," she snickered.
"Great. They're walking this way."
Officer Carey stopped while Riley followed the host and said, "Margaritas?"
"Damn right, margaritas. Is that a crime officer? Look around. There are plenty of people drinking alcohol."
"Of course not. If I'd gone through what you ladies have, I'd drink a couple myself." Carey smiled. "Oh, and it's not against the law as long as you don't get caught behind the wheel."
"No sir, Officer, sir. We know the law and our limitations."
"Enjoy your meals, Ladies," Carey said, deflecting her sarcasm. He walked away and joined Riley at their table.
She looked at Sam and said, "Close your mouth, Girl. You're attracting flies."
"I can't believe you talked to him like that. He's a freaking cop, you know."
"I used to think he was the nice one, but at the end of the day, I guess they're all assholes." She looked towards the officers, lifted her margarita, and drank.
"Stop it! You're going to get us in trouble."
"You don't think we're already in trouble? I mean, it's not a coincidence the cops investigating the deaths of our husbands are here at the same time we are?"
"What are you saying?"
"I'm saying they're watching us. We should only have one margarita, take our time eating, and see if they leave before we do. If they do, we watch our backs when we leave and ensure they aren't."
"You've been watching too much CSI."
"Perhaps you're right," she said.
Forty-five minutes later, the officers paid their tab and left without incident. Dodie Rae suggested they wait another twenty minutes before leaving. She remembered that it takes one hour for an alcoholic beverage to leave your system. She had learned this from a TABC class (Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission) she had to take before she could wait tables.
"By the way, I talked to Sadie before you got back. She's calling a meeting tonight at seven."
"She thinks gathering and supporting one another during this crisis would benefit us all."
Sam's eyes welled with tears, "Sadie's my rock."
Dodie Rae paid the bill, and they left. There was no sign of the police, so the girls pulled out and returned to their temporary home. They failed to notice Officer Riley had changed vehicles and was tucked in the east corner of the hotel parking lot.
After a late nap, the girls realized they needed to prepare for the meeting. Dodie Rae went first, getting ready. Sam then snacked on leftover chips and queso from lunch. They switched places once Dodie Rae was dressed.
As the girls arrived at the meeting. Dodie Rae noticed a black Chevrolet pick-up pulling out behind them. This same pick-up passed them and turned into the parking lot across the street where she had waited for Sam the night before.
"I'll meet you inside," she said. "I want to call my grandmother."
"Okay." Sam walked toward the center and was greeted by Sadie. They hugged and went inside.
Dodie Rae waited for the truck's occupant to exit, but he just sat there. She couldn't distinguish who it was but could tell it was a man. It was an off-duty cop or maybe a private investigator. So they are watching us. She exited the car and went into the meeting.
Sadie had made sandwiches and brought a vegetable tray with dip. The girls ate and visited with one another like at a family reunion. Sam looked relaxed and seemed to be enjoying herself, but Dodie Rae had the other things on her mind.
She documented every woman's name, asking if they lived nearby. She found that three of the eight lived within five miles of her, and the rest lived on the outskirts of town. I couldn't follow anyone home tonight.
Once in the parking lot, she noticed the black truck still sitting in the same spot. Dodie Rae asked Sam if she was ready to go. They said their goodbyes, thanked Sadie for the gathering, and entered the car.
"Where are you going?" Sam asked as they turned the opposite way from the hotel.
"You'll see," Dodie Rae said as they pulled into the grocery store's parking lot.
"What's going on?"
"See the black Chevy truck parked near the road?" Dodie Rae pointed.
"Yeah, so what."
"It was parked at our hotel. I noticed it earlier. It followed us to the meeting and parked where it is now." Dodie Rae eased toward the Chevy.
"What are you doing?"
"There's a man in that truck, and I'm going to find out who the hell he is and why he's fucking following us."
The truck's lights blinded them as it sped out of the parking lot. But not before Dodie Rae recognized the driver's face.
Author Notes |
Dodie Rae: Abused wife of her late husband Richard. Sadie Barlow: Head of The Women Support and Shelter of Orange County. Samantha (Sam): Girl from support group, married to Keith. Keith: Sam's abusive husband Officer Carey: Orange County policeman. Officer Riley: Orange County policeman. |
By Neonewman
Author Notes |
Dodie Rae: Abused wife of her late husband Richard. Sadie Barlow: Head of The Women Support and Shelter of Orange County. Samantha (Sam): Girl from support group, married to Keith. Keith: Sam's abusive husband Officer Carey: Orange County policeman. Officer Riley: Orange County policeman. Pays 10 points and 1.07 member dollars. |
By Neonewman
Dodie Rae and Sam spent the rest of the day personalizing thank you cards. Afterward, they ordered pizza, watched a little television, and went to bed.
Early the following day, Dodie Rae gathered the cards, headed toward the door, and looked back at Sam.
"I'm off to the post office. Do you need anything?"
Sam laughed and said, "No, but you do."
"Do you notice anything missing on the envelopes?"
"Holy shit!" she said as both girls laughed. "I'll get stamps when I get there. Thank God I didn't drop them in a postal box."
"Hey, why don't we take them ourselves and place them in each of the girls, mailboxes?" The look on Dodie Rae's face was priceless.
"That's a brilliant idea. Why the hell didn't I think of it?" She had thought of it but didn't want to look suspicious.
Sam smiled. "I'll get my things."
I have everything I need: the cards, the addresses, and an alibi if I need one. "I'll be in the car," Dodie Rae said.
The first address took them to the outskirts of town, where a small brick home stood on an acre of land. Dodie Rae noticed a treeline about fifty yards to the south. The woods provide cover and are a good point of entry. The name on the mailbox was Martin Leeds.
"Clara lives here with her husband, Martin," she said as she slid the thank-you card into the mailbox. "She'd silently attended several meetings and finally spoken the week before you showed up. Her husband is a real prize. Not only does he beat her, but he also likes to put his cigarettes out on her legs," Sam looked at Dodie Rae. "That's why you'll never see her in a dress or shorts. Finally, he slept around on her, and when she caught him, he told her she was the beautiful girl he'd married, with the scars and all."
"My God, why does she stay?"
"I'll tell you why because she's scared shitless of the asshole. Hell, that's why I stayed with Keith. Well, and the fact that I had nowhere else to go and I couldn't pay the bills without him."
Dodie Rae felt the heat raging beneath her skin. "I get it," she said, looking at the next list address. "Helen Morgan lives about six miles west of here. We'll drop her card off next."
"Helen Morgan, bless her heart, has been shacking up with Pete Carrington for over twenty years," Sam said. "They have two grown kids, who left as soon as they were old enough. Helen is the breadwinner in this relationship. On the other hand, Pete thinks he's a Rockstar and plays local gigs—whenever he can find one. He likes whisky, and it makes him meaner than a badger. The more he drinks, the worse he sounds and the meaner he gets. Pete never sang well, to begin with."
"What does Pete do to Helen?"Dodie Rae asked, absorbing everything.
Tears formed in Sam's eyes. "He's a cutter," she said. "He favors his grandfather's straight razor. Helen has scars inside her upper thighs, lower back, and now, beneath both breasts."
Dodie Rae calmed the beast. She listened as Sam told each victim's story as they dropped off the cards. When they left the last house, which belonged to the Reynoldes, Sam told Maggie's story.
"Maggie is married to Ben Reynolds, who at first seemed like the perfect husband, as they all do. On their first wedding anniversary, Ben brought a stranger home that night—a large man in his fifties with a lingering odor of cigars. Ben accepted cash from the stranger and told the man to be gentle and only leave bruises that no one could notice. Then, the son-of-a-bitch wished her a happy anniversary and left her alone with this repulsive man."
Dodie Rae's eyes began to change.
"Are you okay?" Sam asked.
"What did the man do to Maggie?"
"He beat and raped her, and he wasn't the last. Ben told Maggie that it was her job to help pay the bills."
"Her job?" Dodie stayed the rage. "Her fucking job!"
"There's more," Sam said. "Maggie has gotten pregnant seven times so far, and Ben has had them all removed. You know what else is crazy? Ben has never physically abused his wife, but he has videotaped every stranger's encounter."
Neither girl spoke as they headed back to the hotel. Dodie Rae and her inner companion were devising a plan to eliminate Ben. She wanted to take him out first if the opportunity presents itself.
"What are you thinking?" Sam asked.
"I was thinking how grateful I am that Richard's gone. I know that sounds bad, but I am grateful."
"Yeah! There is no love loss on my end, either. I can finally breathe."
Dodie Rae scanned the parking lot as they pulled into the hotel. Several vehicles, one occupied, were parked there. She found a spot, and both girls went inside their room. Dodie Rae looked at the pictures of the cars from the impound. She went over to the window and peeked outside.
He's fucking here.
Dodie Rae turned to Sam and said, "I think it's time for me to go home."
"What? Why?"
"I need to regain my independence, which I cherish and haven't had for a long time."
"I'm not ready to go home," Sam said. "I can't."
"No, of course not. You can stay here as long as you need to. Sadie said it's paid for the month. Honey, you need some time to reflect. Besides, I think it would be better if we separated for a while, with Mr. Inconspicuous tailing us and all."
"He's here again?"
"Yep, this time in a beige Ford Tauras. He thinks we're not smart enough to figure out he changed vehicles. The boy is not too bright, is he?" Both girls burst into laughter.
She gathered her things and hugged Sam, reminding her she was only a phone call away if she needed anything.
Dodie Rae made sure she was seen loading her bags into the car and eased out slowly so the Tauras could follow. She watched from her rearview mirror as the Ford Tauras pulled out behind her, and she smiled.
Be careful, Office Riley. It's not safe for assholes like you to go wandering around after dark. The beast's eyes fired red into the rearview mirror as laughter filled the car.
Author Notes |
Dodie Rae: Abused wife of her late husband Richard. Sadie Barlow: Head of The Women Support and Shelter of Orange County. Samantha (Sam): Girl from support group, married to Keith. Keith: Sam's abusive husband Officer Carey: Orange County policeman. Officer Riley: Orange County policeman. Clara Leads: Abused wife of Martin Leads. Helen Morgan: Abused wife of Pete Morgan. Maggie Reynolds: Abused wife of Ben Reynolds. |
By Neonewman
Dodie Rae watched in disappointment as the Ford Taurus continued forward after she turned onto Route 2978. Why didn't you turn? I look forward to you following me home tonight. She pulled into her driveway and killed the ignition. I'll sit here and wait, Officer Riley. I have plans for you, sir.
She sat there an hour before deciding the Ford Taurus wasn't returning. She exited the car and went inside their home for the first time since Richard died.
She entered the bedroom, where she expected chaos. Instead, the room was clean—no blood or glass or any indication that a murder had taken place. Things were missing, taken for evidence, she supposed. It's like you never existed, Richard. She lay on their bed and fell asleep, reliving her first kill.
Dodie Rae woke to the phone ringing.
"Sam, is everything alright?"
"Yes, I didn't hear from you. I wanted to make sure you're okay."
"I'm fine, sorry, I fell asleep. What time is it?"
"Okay, I need to get up, unpack, and get this house in order."
"How was it?"
"How was what?"
"You know, going back to the place you lost Richard. That had to be hard."
"Yeah, a little bit," she said, finding it necessary to lie. "But not as bad as I thought it would be." As they spoke, she fumbled through her purse and found the paper with the addresses. "I'm going to get a shower, change into my nightgown, drink a glass of wine, and watch a movie." But Dodie Rae had other plans.
"Okay, have a good night, and make sure your doors are locked."
"Yes, Mother."
After they hung up, Dodie Rae walked outside, looking for the Ford Taurus or any other recognizable vehicles from the impound. She found none and walked past her husband's car toward the back of the house, where she saw Richard's black and white Harley. You'll be my ride tonight. She waited until dark, slipped her husband's leather jacket and helmet on, and straddled the bike.
The Harley roared as Dodie Rae sped down the road towards the outskirts of town. Mr. Reynolds, we have a date tonight—you, me, and my new best friend.
She stopped the Harley at the edge of the woods, pushing the bike into cover, about 500 yards from Ben and Maggie's house. Dodie Rae walked through the thicket until she reached the backyard. She could see a woman's silhouette changing clothes in what she assumed was the bedroom. Maggie appeared to be alone.
A few moments later, a red Chevrolet truck pulled into the drive, followed by a gold Mercedes. A tall, slender man exited the red truck, and an older, solid, bearded man stepped out of the Mercedes. She watched money exchange hands and remembered Sam's earlier story about how Maggie's husband rented her out like an Air BnB. It looks like a double homicide tonight.
Dodie Rae removed the leather jacket and the rest of her clothing and stepped into Ben and Maggie's backyard. The men had not noticed her presence.
"Hey, Boys," she called, causing the two men to turn toward her voice. Both of their mouths opened as she strolled into view. Her bare beauty was asphyxiating, and both men became aroused, tugging at their crotches. She could hear the slender man say no as the bearded man asked if that was his wife. Both men walked toward the sensual, nude woman, intoxicated by her every curve.
Ben was the first to ask, "Who in the hell are you?"
"I'm a bad, bad girl, looking for a real good time. Are you, Boys, interested? Because I'm up for anything, no holds barred," she said, biting her bottom lip while she slid her right hand between her thighs, allowing two fingers to enter her moist slit. The two men became overwhelmed and slipped into a frenzy.
Dodie Rae listened as the older man asked Ben if the same deal applied to this girl as what he would've done to Ben's wife. She heard Ben tell him no, that he was free to do as he pleased with her, and that he would join them. Both men undressed, exposing their excitement as Dodie Rae drew near.
"This is a fantasy of mine," she said as her fingers trailed across their chests and down to their stiffness. "I've always wondered what it would be like to submit my flesh to two men at the same time."
Ben and the bearded man released sounds of pleasure as the naked temptress cupped their balls, extending her middle finger outward, massaging their taint. Dodie Rae complied when Ben asked her to finger his asshole, burying it past the second knuckle. She looked down at both cock's and could see their excitement glistening in the moonlight.
"I like the tools you gentlemen brought to the party," she said. "Now, let's see if you know what to do with them." She wrapped her hands around both erections and stroked them. She savored the sound of their heavy breaths in the darkness, for they knew not what would come, and this stayed the beast within a bit longer.
"Kiss me, Boys," she said and continued stroking their meat. Both men's tongues entered her mouth, and Dodie Rae had to push past the rancid taste of Cigar and lousy hygiene. The bearded man reached behind and slapped her supple ass, and her hips gyrated as Ben ran two fingers across her clitoris. Ben went down, removing her hand from his cock, and tried to slide inside her.
Dodie Rae blocked her entrance and whispered, "Not yet, Cowboy."
Ben removed her hand, grabbed her hair, pulled her head back, and said, "I'll do whatever the fuck I please, Bitch!" and entered her.
Dodie Rae cut her eyes toward the bearded man and noticed he was grinning. She envisioned his desire to hurt her.
"Hit me!"
"What?" the bearded man asked.
"Hit me! I know you want to, and believe me. I want you to." A glimmer of red sparked in Dodie Rae's eyes as the bearded man's fist slammed into her kidney.
"Is that all you got, Little Girl?" she said, laughing. "Fucking Pussy!" Dodie Rae stepped back, removing Ben's cock. She balled her fists and landed a perfect pitch in both noses.
The men stood naked, dazed and losing their erections. When the tears cleared, they noticed this beautiful girl had begun to change. Dodie Rae's eyes glowed like a bonfire in the night as her stature rose to seven feet. Claws resembling blades emerged from her fingertips, and fur sprouted from her wrist and hands. Frozen with fear, the men could only stand and watch as her muzzle extended outward. Fur began covering her head, neck, and shoulders. Enormous ivory fangs pierced the darkness as she smiled.
"What's the matter, Boys?" she said, looking down at their soft, seeping flesh. "Don't you still find me attractive?"
Fear enveloped the men as the beast lunged forward, grabbing them around their necks. The creature's grip muffled Ben's screams. The bearded man was more resourceful and slid a long blade into her side. The beast howled and released its grip from the bearded man's neck.
"You fucked with the girl, Asshole," the creature growled, clenching the man's genitals. One claw forced its way into his sphincter while another pierced the belly button. The bearded man screamed and retrieved the knife from the beast's side. The creature winced, tightened its grip, and extracted everything from between the man's navel and asshole.
Still gripping the knife, the bearded man dropped to the ground, losing consciousness. The beast turned its focus onto Ben, whose lips had become blue.
"See what you made me do?" the beast growled. "Now, it's your turn," the creature said, shifting its hand to the back of Ben's neck. The beast bent down, retrieved the remains of the bearded man's reproductive organs, and rammed them down Ben's throat. She then buried his head into the bearded man's vacant crotch. While Ben struggled to breathe, the beast reached beneath his belly and fondled Ben's package once more before spilling his intestines onto the lawn.
The bearded man opened his eyes long enough to watch the creature's fangs sink into his throat and felt them separate his trachea from his larynx. Blood bubbled from the bearded man's neck as he took his final breath. The beast looked into the dying man's eyes and said, "I don't know about you, Baby, but I had a fucking blast."
The creature stood up and viewed the carnage. Euphoria filled the beast as Dodie Rae emerged once more. She noticed Maggie peering out of her bedroom window and felt she might be close enough to be recognized, but she knew she wouldn't tell. Dodie Rae found solace in Maggie's smile. What a fascinating turn of events.
Dodie Rae waved at Maggie and then placed her index finger over her lips. Maggie waved back and motioned that her secret was safe. Satisfied, Dodie Rae found Richard's bike and headed home. Her phone vibrated in Richard's jacket pocket. She looked at the screen and noticed it was from her Grandmother, Bay Lynn.
Dammit, Mama! Not now.
Author Notes |
Dodie Rae: Abused wife of her late husband Richard. Sadie Barlow: Head of The Women Support and Shelter of Orange County. Samantha (Sam): Girl from support group, married to Keith. Keith: Sam's abusive husband Officer Carey: Orange County policeman. Officer Riley: Orange County policeman. Clara Leads: Abused wife of Martin Leads. Martin Leads: Clara's husband. Helen Morgan: Abused wife of Pete Morgan. Maggie Reynolds: Abused wife of Ben Reynolds. Bay Lynn: Dodie Rae's Grandmother, known as Mama. Thank you, google, for the artwork above. |
By Neonewman
After ensuring no one was stalking her, Dodie Rae parked the black-and-white Harley behind the garage, placing the helmet on the seat. Once inside, she entered the bathroom and gathered the medical equipment necessary to dress her stab wound, compliments of the bearded man. Removing her shirt and peering into the mirror, she noticed there was no blood, like before, after slaughtering Sam's husband, Keith. But it was different this time.
What the hell? Where is the wound? She maneuvered her body, searching for the torn flesh, finding none. Holly shit, am I invincible? Dodie Rae marveled at this revelation, wondering if her grandmother shared this ability or even if she had it.
"Shit!" she said, startled by the sound of her ringtone. The Caller I.D. confirmed that her grandmother, Bay Lynn, was calling for the second time tonight.
"Mama," she said. "Is everything all right?"
"No, Dodie Rae, everything is not all right!"
Oh, hell, I'm in trouble. "What's wrong, Mama?"
"I haven't heard from you in nearly a week," she said as her voice quivered. "I've been worried sick, Cher."
"I'm sorry, Mama, I've had a lot on my mind and needed some time alone to think."
"No, there's more to it than that, Cher. Did you forget I know you better than most?"
"I haven't forgotten."
"When is your next meeting?"
"Tomorrow night, why?"
"I would like to attend if you don't mind. I could spend the night. We have a lot to talk about, Cher."
"I'm not sure that's a good idea, Mama."
"It is, Cher. I'll see you tomorrow afternoon. We'll have a little supper before we go, my treat. I won't take no for an answer."
"But, Mama."
" I said I won't take no for an answer, Dodie Rae."
"Okay, Mama."
Dodie Rae hit the end button as her grandmother said I love you. "Son-of-bitch!" she shouted, tossing the phone on the table, wondering what news her grandmother had procured.
"The hell with it!" she said and poured herself a bourbon over a cube of ice. From the bookshelf, she selected Needful Things, a novel by her favorite author, Stephen King, curled up on the couch and tried to relax. Book in hand, she fell asleep a couple of hours later.
The following day, a little after ten, the phone rang. It was Bay Lynn telling her granddaughter she was on her way. Dodie Rae was already up, pacing the floor. What are you up to, Mama? How long will you stay? I have shit to take care of, and I'm not giving up this power. No, Ma'am. She touched her side where the knife had been embedded into her flesh the night before. No way in hell you're taking the essence back, Mama. Dodie Rae relaxed and waited for her grandmother.
Bay Lynn arrived a few minutes after noon. Dodie Rae greeted her grandmother at the car to help with her luggage. She plans to stay a while, and that simply will not do.
"I'm going to ask you a question, Cher, and I expect the truth."
"Okay," she said, turning and facing her grandmother.
"Did you have anything to do with that other man's death a few days ago?"
"What man, Mama?"
"Don't play with me, Dodie Rae. I heard this man abused his wife, something you two have in common, and given the circumstances, I've put two and two together."
Dodie Rae paused, knowing her grandmother only called her by name when she was upset with her. Careful, Mama.
"Mama, I'm not sure what you're insinuating, but I don't appreciate the accusations."
"Baby Girl," she said.
"Mama, please?"
"The truth, Cher."
"What the hell do they want?" Dodie Rae said, looking over her grandmother's shoulder.
"Who, Cher?" she asked, turning to see who her granddaughter was talking about. She watched as a police car pulled into the driveway. Without looking back, she asked, "What have you done, Baby Girl?"
"Nothing," she said, glaring at the two officers exiting the squad car. Officer Carey led the conversation by asking Dodie Rae if he and Officer Riley could speak with her inside.
"We can talk out here," Dodie Rae said with a sharp tongue.
"I'm Bay Lynn, Dodie Rae's grandmother. My granddaughter seems to have left her hospitality inside the house." Looking at Dodie Rae, Bay Lynn said, "Let's go inside and see if we can find it, shall we."
Bay Lynn led the two men into the living room and offered the officers a cold beverage. They declined and asked if they could speak with Dodie Rae in private. Before she could respond, her grandmother spoke up.
"I'll be in the guest bedroom unpacking, Cher." She looked at the officers and said, "I'll leave you to it."
Dodie Rae and her visitors watched as Bay Lynn exited the living room. She knew her grandmother would leave the guest room door open so she could hear what was said. Stay in character. Don't let them rouse the beast.
"Where were you last night, Dodie?" Officer Riley's voice sliced the air.
"My name is Dodie Rae, Officer Riley," she said. "Why are you asking questions about something you already know the answer to?"
"So you WERE at the Reynolds' house last night?"
"Why the hell would I be at their house?"
"Maggie attends the same support group you do."
"So," she said, looking at Officer Riley, deciding not to poke the bear further. "I was at home all night."
"Can anyone verify you were at home?"
"No, I was alone, trying to reclaim my life and overcome the tragic loss of my husband."
"Ma'am," Officer Carey interrupted. "We're investigating a double homicide that occurred last evening at the Reynoldses' home and need your cooperation."
"Oh, my God! Is Maggie okay?"
"Mrs. Reynolds is fine."
"Thank God," she said, asking about Ben as an afterthought.
"Unfortunately, we cannot offer any more details at the moment, but we ask that you stay in town until the information you've given is verified."
"Look, I was home, alone all night. It has been an exhausting week. After Sam called to check on me last night, I decided to have a couple of Bourbons and fell asleep."
Dodie Rae noticed both officers were watching her body language and facial expressions as if they were human lie detectors and decided to intensify the situation.
"Am I a suspect?" she asked, standing up and allowing water to fill her eyes.
"No, Ma'am." Officer Carey said, but the look on Riley's face suggested he may have felt differently.
"Then I would like you to please leave me and my grandmother alone. She came down to support me during this difficult time." A single, forced tear rolled down her face, and she ushered them toward the door.
Officer Riley waited until Carey was out of earshot, smiled, and said, "We'll be in touch, Dodie Rae." Riley waited for her to react, but the door swung closed instead. She leaned against the door and said, "I'm counting on it, Asshole."
Riley joined Carey in the squad car and presented a small cocktail glass he had taken from Dodie Rae's coffee table in the living room. Carey recalled the blood-stained knife they recovered from the scene at last night's double homicide and commended Riley on a job well done. Carey suggested Riley get the glass to forensics when they return to the police station for a DNA sample and compare it to the sample from the knife. Riley looked over his shoulder and noticed Dodie Rae watching them as they pulled out of her driveway.
Got you, Bitch.
Author Notes |
Dodie Rae: Abused wife of her late husband Richard. Sadie Barlow: Head of The Women Support and Shelter of Orange County. Samantha (Sam): Girl from support group, married to Keith. Keith: Sam's abusive husband Officer Carey: Orange County policeman. Officer Riley: Orange County policeman. Clara Leads: Abused wife of Martin Leads. Martin Leads: Clara's husband. Helen Morgan: Abused wife of Pete Morgan. Maggie Reynolds: Abused wife of Ben Reynolds. Bay Lynn: Dodie Rae's Grandmother, known as Mama. Thank you, google, for the artwork above. |
By Neonewman
Author Notes |
Dodie Rae: Abused wife of her late husband Richard. Sadie Barlow: Head of The Women Support and Shelter of Orange County. Samantha (Sam): Girl from support group, married to Keith. Keith: Sam's abusive husband Officer Carey: Orange County policeman. Officer Riley: Orange County policeman. Clara Leads: Abused wife of Martin Leads. Martin Leads: Clara's husband. Helen Morgan: Abused wife of Pete Morgan. Maggie Reynolds: Abused wife of Ben Reynolds. Bay Lynn: Dodie Rae's Grandmother, known as Mama. Luke Riker: Bearded man killed with Ben Reynolds. Steven Miller: Texas Wildlife and Game expert. Thank you, google, for the artwork above. |
By Neonewman
Dodie Rae was unable to sleep as uncertainty engulfed her. She often looked out her bedroom window, imagining the police or the S.W.A.T. team descending on her home. She wondered why Riley had stopped tailing her, and this drove her mad with worry.
"Come on, Dodie Rae," she said, peeking out the window again. "Breathe." She did breathe and decided that tomorrow morning. She would go down to the police station and inquire why they had taken, no, stolen her glass. She figured that if the police had anything on her, they'd try to arrest her, and she knew that wouldn't bode well for all involved. After a few more hours of sleeplessness, she decided to get out of bed and make coffee.
Dawn showed through the kitchen window, and Dodie Rae could hear her grandmother stirring. After nearly finishing the last cup, she started another pot for her grandmother.
Bay Lynn shuffled into the kitchen after her morning ritual, appearing to have slept poorly.
"Good morning, Mama."
"Morning, Cher," she said, pouring herself a cup.
"Trouble sleeping?"
"A little bit," Bay Lynn said as she sat across from Dodie Rae at the kitchen table—the two locked eyes.
"Something on your mind, Mama?" She could see the concern in her grandmother's eyes as she sipped her coffee.
Bay Lynn sat for a moment, staring at Dodie Rae, then placed her cup on the table and began to speak.
"Baby Girl, have you gotten yourself into trouble?"
"I'm not sure what you're asking, Mama," she said, also placing her cup on the table. Dodie Rae held her index finger up, signaling that her grandmother should hold on. Bay Lynn waited and watched while her granddaughter opened the drawer beneath the table and pulled out a pen and pad.
"If you need money to help pay the bills, Cher, I have quite a bit set aside for such an occasion," she said, allowing Dodie Rae time to Scribble a message on the pad.
"Please don't worry, Mama," she said, sliding the pad and pen toward her grandmother. "I'm doing okay for now. Sadie at the shelter has paid for my hotel stay and set me up with groceries."
"I see," she said, keeping the conversation light while reading the words written on the notepad. Dodie Rae believes the police have placed a bug in her house and that they should talk outside.
"Mama, I'm doing fine, but I will let you know if that changes."
"Okay, Baby Girl." Bay Lynn said as she rose from the table. "I think I'll take a walk and enjoy the morning sun. Care to join me."
"That sounds nice, Mama."
Dodie Rae got up, retrieved her keys from her purse, and followed Bay Lynn out the door. Once they were clear of the house, Dodie Rae began to speak. She told her grandmother what had transpired at the Reynolds house, why Ben Reynolds had brought the bearded man over, and how she'd watched as Ben accepted payment that granted the bearded man access to Ben's wife. Finally, she informed her grandmother that Maggie had seen her in proper form after changing back from the wolf.
"Maggie knows who you are?"
"Yes, Mama, but you should have seen the relief in Maggie's face, knowing her husband and his perverted friend were both dead and that she wouldn't have to suffer any longer at whoever's hand Ben brought over."
"I don't know, Cher. How do you know you can trust this girl?"
"I don't. But I do know what Maggie's gone through, and I believe in my heart that she will keep my secret. After all, Maggie acted like nothing ever happened last night at the meeting."
"It still makes me nervous, Baby Girl."
"I know, Mama, I'm nervous too. Officer Riley has been following me around and watching my every move. I'm sure he's the one who took my glass."
"Why did he need the glass, Cher? I want the truth of the matter this time."
"Okay," she said. "But you're not going to like it."
"Dodie Rae, I can't help you if you don't shoot straight with me."
"When I... well, the wolf part of me was attacking the two men, the bearded man pulled a long hunting knife and stabbed me in my left side."
"Oh my God!" she said, looking down at her grandaughter's side. "Cher, are you alright?"
"Yes, Mama, I'm fine. I healed in an instant. Of course, I found this out later. When I went to dress the wound, it was like it was never there, no scar or blood either. Like it never happened."
"I don't know, Mama. But I left the knife behind and forgot about it when Maggie and I locked eyes. It never crossed my mind until I noticed the glass missing."
"Oh my God! That's why they wanted the glass."
"Yes," Dodie Rae said. "That's why they wanted the glass. Now, I need to find out if they've matched my D.N.A. with the blood on the knife."
"And just how do you plan on going about doing that?"
"I'm going down to the police station myself and confronting the fuckers."
"Bad Idea, Cher. They'll cuff you at the door if there was a match."
"You forgot, Mama," she said with a smile. "I have a backup plan."
"Not the wolf."
"Hell, yes, the wolf!" she said, flashing molten red eyes.
"Now you listen to me, Dodie Rae. You release that wolf at the police station, and there's no turning back. You may kill everyone in that building, but there will be eyewitnesses as well as cameras looking at you. Hell, the police could kill you. I wouldn't be able to live with myself, Cher, if I lost you, Baby Girl."
"No one can kill me, Mama. Someone already tried."
"Yes, they can, Baby Girl. There is nothing alive that can't be killed, including your wolf. You keep that in mind, Young Lady!"
"I still have to know, Mama." Dodie Rae turned toward the house.
"Where are you going, Cher?"
"To get dressed, I have a date with a couple of police officers."
Author Notes | In previous chapters, Dodie Rae killed two abusive men. She was stabbed and left the knife behind. D.N.A. results from her blood weren't a match. Dodie Rae is worried as she doesn't know the results. |
By Neonewman
Author Notes |
Dodie Rae: Abused wife of her late husband Richard. Sadie Barlow: Head of The Women Support and Shelter of Orange County. Samantha (Sam): Girl from support group, married to Keith. Keith: Sam's abusive husband Officer Carey: Orange County policeman. Officer Riley: Orange County policeman. Clara Leads: Abused wife of Martin Leads. Martin Leads: Clara's husband. Helen Morgan: Abused common-law wife of Pete Carrington. Maggie Reynolds: Abused wife of Ben Reynolds. Bay Lynn: Dodie Rae's Grandmother, known as Mama. Luke Riker: Bearded man killed with Ben Reynolds. Steven Miller: Texas Wildlife and Game expert. Thank you, google, for the artwork above. |
By Neonewman
After the meeting ended, Dodie Rae, Bay Lynn, and Sam met in the parking lot far enough away from the other girls so as not to be heard. Dodie Rae had asked Sam when she thought she would visit Helen and made her promise to call her the moment she had news on Helen's condition. Sam promised, and the three entered their cars. Once the two were inside the vehicle, Bay Lynn began to inquire about Helen.
"What do you think's wrong with Helen, Cher?"
"I think that asshole boyfriend of hers has hurt Her."
"Hurt her how?"
Dodie Rae locked eyes with her grandmother as her tears welled.
"He tends to cut her when he takes a notion. The bastard likes to use his own grandfather's straight razor to do it with."
"What are you thinking, Dodie Rae?"
"I'm thinking I can't wait till morning to find out if Helen is alright."
"No, Cher," she said. "It's not a good idea, not in the state of mind you're in. And let's not forget about those two policemen."
"The only thing I'm worried about right now is Helen. I can't let that man hurt her any longer."
"What are we going to do?"
"We're not going to do anything, Mama. I'm taking you home, then I will look in on Helen."
"Uh, uh. No way, Cher, I'm coming with you."
"Are you out of your mind, Mama?"
"NO! But you must be if you think you can speak to me this way."
"Sorry, Mama, but..."
"No butts, Dodie Rae, I'm coming with you, or you're not going, and that's final. Besides, someone has to keep you out of trouble."
"It's not safe, Mama."
"Oh, Cher, I can take care of myself."
"Language, Young Lady."
Dodie Rae gave in to her grandmother. It wasn't like she had a choice, so she drove toward the edge of town, where Pete and Helen lived. They both rode in silence. Bay Lynn wondered how she would keep her granddaughter out of jail, and Dodie Rae wondered how she would kill Pete with her grandmother present.
When they arrived at Pete and Helen's house, they noticed a flickering light through the living room window, most likely from the TV. Dodie Rae turned the car lights off and parked towards the side of the house, away from Pete's view. She removed her seatbelt and opened the car door, and her grandmother did the same.
"Uh, uh. Stay here, Mama," she whispered. Bay Lynn closed the door, rolled down the window, and told her granddaughter to be careful.
Dodie Rae ducked as she moved past the living room window, careful not to be seen, toward what appeared to be a bedroom. She rose and looked inside but could not see anything through the darkness, so she slipped around the side of the house, where she noticed another room with a nightlight lit. There, Dodie Rae could see sweet Helen lying on her back with her bare, bandaged breasts showing. She noticed dark spots that could only be blood seeping through the sterile cotton.
You fucking son of a bitch!
The wolf was itching to emerge, and Dodie Rae undressed while heading toward the living room window, her preferred entrance once more. She peered inside at Pete's empty recliner.
"Why the fuck are you naked, Bitch!" Pete shouted from her left.
Dodie Rae turned toward the man who was now holding a butcher knife to her grandmother's throat.
"Not that I'm complaining," he said.
"Mama!" she growled.
"What the fuck you want, Bitch?" he said.
"Let her go, and I'll show you," she said, trying to steady the beast within.
"It's okay, Cher," Bay Lynn said. "I can handle this little man."
"Little man?" Pete said. "I'll show you little man, Bitch!" Pete added pressure to the knife, and blood oozed from beneath the blade.
"I've got this, Baby Girl," Bay Lynn said.
Dodie Rae's mouth opened as her grandmother's eyes glowed red.
"Mama," she said, watching claws shoot from her fingertips.
Bay Lynn smiled at her granddaughter as she reached behind her, gripping Pete's head with both hands, flipping him over her shoulders, and slamming his body to the ground in one violent thrust. Dodie Rae's excitement provoked her change, and she bolted toward her grandmother and Pete.
"Wait, Cher," Bay Lynn said, pinning Pete to the ground, her claws silencing his screams. "Get his knife.
Dodie Rae's wolf stopped mid-stride, searching the ground for the butcher knife. A couple of feet to Pete's left, she found what she was looking for and retrieved it.
"Now what, Mama?"
"Remove his pants."
Pete struggled as the beast reached for his jeans, pleading as best he could through Bay Lynn's massive, hairy hand.
"Now what, Mama?" she asked, staring at Pete's shriveled junk.
"Well, you said he's a cutter, and I can smell Helen's blood on the knife's edge."
Dodie Rae's anger explodes, and she leapt toward Pete's manhood. She could hear his muffled screams as she grabbed the tip of his cock and stretched it outwards, damn near ripping it apart.
"No, Cher. Cut the insides of his thighs, like he did with Helen. Then his back and finally, his nasty saggy man breasts."
Dodie Rae paused, considering all her other kills and the body parts she had removed, inside and out. She couldn't use the knife. It wouldn't appear like an animal attack.
The beast hurled the blade as primal instinct took over, and the wolf's claws shredded the inside of Pete's thighs. Bay Lynn, now entirely transformed, plunged her teeth into the man's neck while burying her claws into his chest. Both beasts tore at the flailing, screaming man, severing his left arm and removing internal organs as they dragged him across the now-dead man's property like sharks in a feeding frenzy. The carnage stretched as far as the edge of the woods, lining Pete's property.
Both creatures faced each other and howled. Bay Lynn changed back instantly, while Dodie Rae remained in wolf for a minute or two longer. She might have been showing her dominance.
"What the fuck, Mama!"
"I know, sorry, but I never saw that coming."
"I'm sure you didn't, Cher."
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"Because I didn't know."
"What, you didn't know?"
"Somehow, I knew it was still there, but I wasn't sure until that man held the knife to my throat."
"How do you feel, Mama?"
"After killing Richard, I felt liberated," she said as they both gathered their clothing, careful not to leave any behind.
"Yeah, that's how I felt when I scared the bejesus out of your grandfather." They both laughed as they pulled out onto the main road.
Dodie Rae noticed her grandmother staring at her.
"What are you thinking, Mama?"
"Just wondering who we're going after next, Cher?"
"Oh, fuuuck," she said.
"Language, Cher."
"Sorry, Mama."
Author Notes |
Dodie Rae: Abused wife of her late husband Richard. Sadie Barlow: Head of The Women Support and Shelter of Orange County. Samantha (Sam): Girl from support group, married to Keith. Keith: Sam's abusive husband Officer Carey: Orange County policeman. Officer Riley: Orange County policeman. Clara Leads: Abused wife of Martin Leads. Martin Leads: Clara's husband. Helen Morgan: Abused common-law wife of Pete Carrington. Maggie Reynolds: Abused wife of Ben Reynolds. Bay Lynn: Dodie Rae's Grandmother, known as Mama. Luke Riker: Bearded man killed with Ben Reynolds. Steven Miller: Texas Wildlife and Game expert. Helen Morgan: Common Law wife of Pete Carrington. Pete Carrington: Helen Morgans's abusive Common Law husband. Thank you, google, for the artwork above. Pays one |
By Neonewman
Bay Lynn's enthusiasm engulfed the atmosphere inside of the vehicle. She could barely contain herself, which made it difficult for Dodie Rae to focus on the road.
"Mama, please?"
"Sorry, Cher. But I've never felt so alive, invigorated, and strong." Bay Lynn faced her granddaughter. "How do you plan these adventures? Do you have a method, or do you fly by the seat of your pants?"
"Mama, I understand your feelings, but you must calm down. You're making me nervous."
"Okay, Cher," she said, rubbing her hands back and forth in her lap.
"Thank you."
During the silence, Dodie Rae glanced at her grandmother, ensuring she hadn't hurt her feelings, and noticed she was looking at her hands.
"Where's the blood, Cher? " she asked, holding her hands outward for her granddaughter to see. "I should be covered in blood."
"It doesn't work that way, Mama, at least not for me."
"What do you mean, Baby Girl?"
"I've experienced the same thing and noticed that the blood somehow absorbs into my skin."
"That's impossible," Bay Lynn said. "How?"
"I don't know, just like I don't understand how my stab wound healed in an instant. I believe this supernatural being we share offers these abilities."
Bay Lynn pulled the sun visor down, flipped open the lighted mirror, and noticed the cut on her neck was gone, as well as her blood.
"We're like superheroes."
"No, Mama, more like vigilantes."
"Vigilantes sounds criminal, Cher."
"Yeah, I suppose it does, Mama."
Dodie Rae turned and smiled at her grandmother, "Do you still want to take my essence away?" Both of them laughed as they pulled into the driveway.
The following morning, Dodie Rae woke to the smell of coffee and what could only be her grandmother's famous chocolate chip pancakes. She rose from bed, slipped into her robe, and joined Bay Lynn in the kitchen.
Midway through their second pancake, still on the first cup of coffee, the phone rang. Dodie Rae looked at the caller's I.D. Sam's name rolled across the screen.
"Oh my, God!" she said.
"What's wrong, Cher?"
"It's Sam. I forgot she was going to check in with Helen this morning."
"Answer the phone, Cher," she said. "The poor girl's waiting."
Dodie Rae answered and could not understand half of what Sam was saying.
"Slow down, Sam."
"There is blood everywhere! And an arm, there's a fucking arm laying in the front yard, and I can't get Helen to answer the door."
"Did you call the police?"
"Yes, they're on the way. They asked me to stay on the phone, but I hung up. What the fuck, Dodie Rae!"
"Keep trying to reach Helen. And Sam, calm down. I'll be there soon."
"I'll try," she said.
Bay Lynn locked eyes with her granddaughter.
"Cher, you're going over there?"
"Yes, stay here."
"Hell, no!" she said, surprising her granddaughter using a curse word. "I'm coming with you."
"Mama hell, let's go."
Dodie Rae locked the front door and entered the car where her grandmother was waiting. Upon arriving at Pete and Helen's house, they noticed three police cars in the drive, four police officers scouring the scene, and Officers Carey and Riley speaking with Sam. Helen was nowhere to be seen.
Sam bolted towards Dodie Rae as she and Bay Lynn exited the car, screaming that an ambulance had taken Helen to the hospital. She thought it was Pete, or what remained of him, spread across the yard. Sam embraced Dodie Rae and began to cry. She said Helen was still unconscious when the police got inside, and they asked her if she knew what had happened. She told them of Pete's past, how he liked to cut Helen, and that she knew something was wrong when Helen didn't attend last night's meeting.
"He's dead," Sam said. "The mother fucker's dead. Do you think that animal got him?"
"I don't know," Dodie Rae lied. "But it sure does look that way."
"It's weird how this animal has killed all of our husbands. It's like the thing is hunting them or something."
"Yes," she said. "Like they're being hunted." Dodie Rae noticed Officer Riley staring at her and wondered if he would have any questions for her. She noticed Carey pointing at the other officers and sent Riley toward them.
Dodie Rae imagined Riley not being too pleased with Carey's decision as he sneered at her and walked away.
You'll get your turn.
Before Officer Carey could address them, Dodie Rae turned her eyes toward the yard full of police officers.
"Is that Pete?"
"We are investigating, ladies, and must ask you to leave."
"Is Helen all right?"
"I'm going to need you to get into your vehicle and leave, Mrs. Cooper."
Dodie Rae stepped forward, raised her eyebrows, and said. "She's my friend, and I'll be damned if I leave here without knowing if she's all right or not."
"I apologize, officer," Bay Lynn said, then focussed on her granddaughter. "Cher. Honey, let's leave this fine gentleman to it and head to the hospital, now, you hear."
Dodie Rae glanced toward Riley in the yard, then back to Carey with disgust.
"Fine," she said and walked towards the car.
"She's been through a lot here of late. I'm sure you can sympathize, OfficerCarey. Her husband was the first victim, as I'm sure you remember."
Carey nodded in agreement.
"We'll be on our way now." Bay Lynn turned and headed to the car. Once inside, without looking at her granddaughter, She said, "Drive."
Dodie Rae did as instructed and found her grandmother had much more to say.
"What's wrong with you, Baby Girl?" Why are you always raring up to the police? Are you trying to get yourself locked up?"
"Don't Mama me!" she said. "Now you listen, and you listen well. The police don't have a thing on you, or you would be in a cell as we speak. You will want to take it down a notch, Cher."
"I'm trying to hold back, but the rage inside is intense, and I just want to rip Riley's throat out."
"Riley is an officer of the law!"
"You don't think I know that, Mama? That doesn't change the fact that he abuses his wife, now does it?"
"I'm going to let that one slide, Dodie Rae, because of your friend. But I'd appreciate it if you did not use that tone with me again."
"Yes, ma'am."
"Now, what makes you think he's an abusive husband? Have you seen it, or has his wife pressed charges that you know of?"
"No, but my gut tells me he does, and the question he asked me at the house, kneeling next to my dead husband."
"What exactly did he say, Cher?"
"He asked me, point blank, what I did to make Richard hit me!"
Dodie Rae's eyes bloomed red, and her knuckles showed white as her grip on the steering wheel intensified.
"Calm down, Baby Girl. Let's get to the hospital and focus on Helen and Sam. We can worry about Officer Riley later."
Dodie Rae loosened her grip, and the green in her eyes returned. They both took a breath and continued to the hospital in silence.
Once they arrived, Sam greeted them in the waiting area and informed them that Helen was still unconscious and hooked up to I.V.s to flush the pain medication from her system that Pete had administered. Sam said the Doctor told her Helen was lucky to have survived with the amount of barbiturates in her system. Sam also said that Helen would likely need psychological treatment before leaving the hospital.
Almost three hours had passed before Helen regained consciousness. After running a few tests, the Doctor ensured the girls could see her. Dodie Rae heard footsteps and noticed Officer Carey and Riley walking towards them.
"Are you fucking kidding me," Dodie Rae said. The Doctor and two women turned their heads.
"Excuse me, Doctor. I'm Officer Carey, and this is Officer Riley. We're with the Orange County Police Department and want to speak with Helen Morgan privately."
"Unfucking, believable," Dodie Rae said.
"No, Mama. Enough is enough," she said, locking eyes with Riley. "You have the nerve to come in here and demand to speak with a traumatized woman who probably has no idea what the fuck is going on!" she screamed.
Sam and Bay Lynn put their hands on Dodie Rae's shoulders.
"Breathe, Baby Girl," Bay Lynn said. "Just breathe.
The Doctor ushered the officers away from the waiting area and spoke with Carey and Riley out of the angry woman's earshot, or so he thought.
Dodie Rae's ears pricked up, and she listened as the Doctor explained to the officers that Helen was undergoing testing and that they would be unable to speak with her until tomorrow morning at the earliest. Once the Doctor had gone, the two officers looked toward the waiting room, and Riley stared at Dodie Rae.
"I find it suspicious that Dodie Rae Cooper is always around the victim's wives," Riley said to Carey.
"Me too. But it's clear that an animal, possibly a wolf, is killing these men."
"Yes. A wolf, or maybe a werewolf?"
"A werewolf, Riley. Seriously?"
"Here me out, partner. Dodie Rae said she noticed an animal standing on two legs, man-like, but not a man. I believe she told us it was wolf-like in appearance at times. I'll have to check my notes. Oh, and also, Samantha said the same thing, except her creature was a girl."
"No need, I remember. But a werewolf is not possible, Riley."
"Why not?"
"Because they don't exist," Carey said, raising his brow.
"We are near the Louisianna border where stranger shit has happened: Voo Doo and all that stuff."
"Okay. Let's put a pin in it for now, you're freaking me out a little."
"Alright. But don't you find it strange that all of these men who have died at the hands of this animal are married to women attending the same meetings for abuse?"
"Yes," Carey said. "Yes, I do."
As they exited the hospital, Riley looked back and noticed Dodie Rae's hands extending what appeared to be her two middle fingers.
We'll be coming for you, Officer Riley.
Author Notes |
Dodie Rae: Abused wife of her late husband Richard. Sadie Barlow: Head of The Women Support and Shelter of Orange County. Samantha (Sam): Girl from support group, married to Keith. Keith: Sam's abusive husband Officer Carey: Orange County policeman. Officer Riley: Orange County policeman. Clara Leads: Abused wife of Martin Leads. Martin Leads: Clara's husband. Helen Morgan: Abused common-law wife of Pete Carrington. Maggie Reynolds: Abused wife of Ben Reynolds. Bay Lynn: Dodie Rae's Grandmother, known as Mama. Luke Riker: Bearded man killed with Ben Reynolds. Steven Miller: Texas Wildlife and Game expert. Helen Morgan: Common Law wife of Pete Carrington. Pete Carrington: Helen Morgans's abusive Common Law husband. Thank you, Karen Cherry Threadgill, for the accompanying artwork. |
By Neonewman
Author Notes |
Dodie Rae: Abused wife of her late husband Richard. Sadie Barlow: Head of The Women Support and Shelter of Orange County. Samantha (Sam): Girl from support group, married to Keith. Keith: Sam's abusive husband Officer Carey: Orange County policeman. Officer Riley: Orange County policeman. Clara Leads: Abused wife of Martin Leads. Martin Leads: Clara's husband. Helen Morgan: Abused common-law wife of Pete Carrington. Maggie Reynolds: Abused wife of Ben Reynolds. Bay Lynn: Dodie Rae's Grandmother, known as Mama. Luke Riker: Bearded man killed with Ben Reynolds. Steven Miller: Texas Wildlife and Game expert. Helen Morgan: Common Law wife of Pete Carrington. Pete Carrington: Helen Morgans's abusive Common Law husband. Thank you, Karen Cherry Threadgill, for the accompanying artwork. |
By Neonewman
After following Riley for nearly ten miles, Bay Lynn noticed the car's blinker light on the right side. She pulled onto the shoulder, parked her car, and watched the officer turn right onto a dirt road. A few moments later, the taillights disappeared.
After the lights went dark, Bay Lynn decided to exit the vehicle. She walked through the woods, hovering in the shadows along the dirt road. In less than two hundred yards, she stumbled upon a circular driveway near the bank of the Sabine River, where Officer Riley's car and a truck were parked. On the back side of the vehicles, Bay Lynn noticed a small path leading through a thicket of pine trees. Still stealing through the woods, she walked another fifty feet before discovering Officer Riley's secluded home.
She could hear the porch light hum and watched it flicker as darkness approached. Another light glowed through what appeared to be the dining room window. Her senses heightened as she tried to make out the silhouette through the sheer curtains, blurring her view. Her molten eyes shone like most creatures of the night, and she could tell that Riley and a taller, thicker woman she assumed to be Riley's wife were facing one another.
She moved closer, hearing the two arguing inside. As their tension escalated, she feared Riley would soon strike his wife. As Bay Lynn removed her clothes, she was startled by the sound of a loud crash inside the house and imagined the verbal assault had now become physical. She moved toward the side of the house and heard the back door open.
Bay Lynn's eyes burned red as her stature grew in size. Fur, the color of gunmetal, began to cover her head, shoulders, and hands, and her large, prominent feet. As her metamorphosis completed, Riley stepped around the side of the house to urinate and smoke a cigarette, no doubt a passive-aggressive retaliation to the fight. He reached for his zipper and became paralyzed by the Beast before him.
"Oh, fuck!" he screamed as the giant creature towered above him. "Oh, my God, Please!"
Riley turned to run, but the creature was upon him in seconds, slamming him to the ground, dragging its massive claws across the officer's back, shredding his uniform but failing to penetrate his skin. The creature realized that Riley had not removed his bulletproof vest. The officer returned to his feet and ran toward the back door before the Beast honed in on his unprotected lower half.
Huge fangs sank into Riley's right arm, and razor-like claws ripped through his pants, tearing into flesh. Riley screamed, and the Beast sensed his terror as its claws raked across the bones beneath his upper thighs and lower buttocks. Before the creature could land the final blow, the back door flung open.
"May!" Riley screamed, struggling to get up, pointing towards the creature.
"Keep your bitch ass down!" May screamed at her husband. She lifted a long double-barrel shotgun and pulled both triggers. An explosion of fire lit the ends of the barrels, and Buckshot tore into exposed flesh, provoking a chilling roar that haunted the woods surrounding the property near the Sabine River. May reloaded, fired again, and missed.
In an instant, Bay Lynn stood naked inside the edge of the thicket. She watched May grab her husband by the arm and drag him inside the house. Riley's screams were deafening. Bay Lynn looked down at her breasts and midsection and watched as her wounds disappeared and the blood from her and Riley absorbed into her skin. Amazing!
A loud slap from within the house drew her attention, and her ears pricked up. She could hear May telling Riley to stop being a little bitch and call for help on his radio. Riley continued screaming. May slapped him again, then grabbed the radio's mouthpiece off his shoulder.
"This is May Riley. We have an officer down and need an ambulance and backup now," she said, noticing her husband had stopped screaming.
"Tim!" she said as she shook her husband, noticing pools of blood had saturated the tile floor. "Timothy Wayne Riley, you wake up this instant."
Riley's radio squawked, and Officer Carey's voice came over the airways.
"Who is this? What's your location?" he said.
"Carey, it's May. We're at home. Tim's dying. We need help now." She continued to shake her unconscious husband.
"I can have an ambulance there in less than ten minutes. I'll be there in five."
"Hurry, Carey!"
"May! I need you to calm down and tell me where he's shot?"
"Not shot, something attacked him, and there's so much blood. What do I do?" May cried. "We can't lose him, Daniel," she said, calling Carey by his first name.
"Listen to me, May. Where is the blood coming from? Can you put pressure on the wound?"
"The back of his legs are torn all to hell, and his shoulder is bleeding. I can't put pressure on them all."
"May, get a sheet or tablecloth, something you can wrap tightly around both legs. Can you do that for me, May?"
"Yes," she said.
"I'm almost there, May. Wrap his legs tight and hold pressure on his shoulder."
"Okay, just hurry."
Bay Lynn heard Officer Carey's sirens and bolted towards her car. Reaching the main road, she noticed the red and blue sirens from the west and quickly entered her vehicle. She lay in the front seat and wondered if the officer would slow down or stop to investigate an abandoned car on the side of the road. Instead, the police car sped past and turned down the dirt road toward Riley's house. Bay Lynn's heart was about to jump out of her chest. She immediately started her car, made a U-turn, and sped toward Dodie Rae's house.
May ran to the bedroom, grabbed a sheet off the bed, and began wrapping Riley's legs.
"Don't you die on me, dammit?" she sobbed.
May noticed Riley's face had gone pale, and she felt for a pulse as Carey's sirens wailed outside their home. She got up, opened the back door, and screamed, "We're back here!"
Carey scrambled around the side of the house and entered the back door, where he found May administering chest compressions. Startled at the lack of color on his partner's face, he asked May to move and began C.P.R.
"He's dead," she sobbed, looking at Riley's greying skin. "My Timothy's dead."
Author Notes |
Dodie Rae: Abused wife of her late husband Richard. Sadie Barlow: Head of The Women Support and Shelter of Orange County. Samantha (Sam): Girl from support group, married to Keith. Keith: Sam's abusive husband Officer Carey: Orange County policeman. Officer Riley: Orange County policeman. Clara Leads: Abused wife of Martin Leads. Martin Leads: Clara's husband. Helen Morgan: Abused common-law wife of Pete Carrington. Maggie Reynolds: Abused wife of Ben Reynolds. Bay Lynn: Dodie Rae's Grandmother, known as Mama. Luke Riker: Bearded man killed with Ben Reynolds. Steven Miller: Texas Wildlife and Game expert. Helen Morgan: Common Law wife of Pete Carrington. Pete Carrington: Helen Morgan's abusive Common Law husband. May Riley: Officer Tim Riley's wife. Thank you, Karen Cherry Threadgill, for the accompanying artwork. |
By Neonewman
Carey realized Riley was still wearing his Kevlar vest, hindering him from properly administering chest compressions. With May's help, he removed it and Riley's shirt, continued chest compressions, and added mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.
He knew Riley's heart had stopped beating a few minutes before the ambulance arrived but was hopeful that would change once the paramedics stepped in, took over, and loaded Riley into the ambulance. Carey suggested that May ride with him, but she declined the invitation. Instead, they both entered separate cars.
"Breathe," Carey said as tears breached his eyelids. "Breathe, dammit."
Once on the main road, Carey pulled ahead of the ambulance, leading them toward the Orange County Hospital. Upon arrival, he noticed a medical team waiting outside the sliding doors. May joined him and watched as they wheeled the lifeless officer through the glass doors, down the hallway past the nurse's station, and out of sight.
"I can't take this!" May sobbed, burying her head into Carey's chest. "He can't be dead."
"No, he's going to be all right," he said, gently pushing May back. "I need to speak with the paramedics outside. Will you be okay?"
"No, but I'll try."
Carey left May in the hallway and exited the emergency room, where he found the paramedics loading the gurney with their equipment on it into the ambulance. The paramedic informed him they were able to find a pulse. It was weak, but a pulse nonetheless. Carey took a deep breath and realized his partner had lost a lot of blood and wasn't out of the woods yet. He re-entered the hospital and found May leaning against the wall, sobbing. He reached for her hand and led her toward the waiting area.
"Is he dead?" she said.
Carey drew a deep breath.
"May," he said. "Tim is the number one priority, and the doctors will do everything possible to save him."
"I know they will, but I'm worried that he's lost so much blood."
"May, did you see what attacked him?"
"Yes," she said, locking eyes with Carey."I shot the fucking thing."
"You shot it?"
"Yes, with my double-barrel."
"Did you hit it?"
"Hell yeah! The creature was close, and I hit it with the first shot. I'm not sure about the second shot, but the first one I know hit it. You should've heard the sound it made when the buckshot struck. It scared the fuck out of me!"
"What kind of creature?"
"It looked like a werewolf, but not all of it. Part of it was a woman."
"A woman?"
"Yes, only the head and hands were like a wolf, and its feet were massive but not hairy like the other parts."
"Are you sure it was a woman?" he asked, knowing Dodie Rae was still in her cell.
"Yes, tits and all, you know," she said, pointing toward her crotch."
"Okay," he said, noticing a man in a doctor's coat walking toward them.
"Excuse me, Officer," the man said. "I'm Dr. Eddard, the attending physician."
"I'm Officer Daniel Carey. Officer Riley is my partner, and this is his wife, May."
"Officer Riley sustained multiple injuries and has lost close to two liters of blood. He has been taken to the operating room and is being prepped for surgery. These consent forms must be signed before we proceed."
"Give them to me," May said, reaching for the clipboard.
"Please understand, Mrs. Riley, that your husband might not be strong enough to survive this surgery. Unfortunately, this is our only option. He will not survive if we don't proceed."
"They're signed," she said, holding the clipboard toward Dr. Eddard, who quickly intercepted.
"Save my husband!" she said as the doctor hurried down the corridor.
"May," Carey said. "I need to use the restroom."
"Yeah! Me too," she said.
As they followed the signs guiding them to their destination, Carey was thankful that the restrooms weren't next to one another. He called the precinct to ensure Dodie Rae had remained in her cell. She'd been there all night. Riley was wrong; she's not the wolf.
Finally, just over eleven hours later, the surgery was completed. The doctors informed May and Carey that Riley's heart had stopped twice during the procedure but that defibrillator paddles had restored his pulse both times. The femoral artery had been lacerated in five areas but remained intact. The primary trauma was due to severed muscles, tendons, and smaller arteries. Miraculously, the surgery was a success, but Riley was still in critical condition.
The surgeon informed them that his chances of survival had slightly increased, but the first twenty-four hours would be critical. Visitors would not be allowed until further notice.
"The worst is over, May," Carey said. "Tim is strong and will pull through this, you'll see." He realized the last sentence was more for May's benefit than his own.
"Why can't I see him, Daniel?"
"I don't know, May, you just can't."
"Please?" she sobbed.
"May," Carey said, locking his tear-soaked eyes with hers. "Twenty-four hours in a waiting room will take its toll. You need to go home and try to eat something and get a little rest. You're no good to him if you wear yourself down. Tim needs to be able to rely on your strength, May. He's never needed it more."
"Fine," she said hotly. "I'll go, but I don't think I'll be able to eat. Or sleep, for that matter."
"Do your best."
"I will try. That's the best I can do for now."
He hugged her goodbye, then watched as she left the parking lot.
Back inside the precinct, he immediately went to Dodie Rae's cell to confirm for himself that she was, indeed, still inside.
She lay on the bottom bunk, fingers locked behind her head, staring at her visitor.
"Officer Carey," she said.
"Mrs. Cooper."
"Have you come to set me free?"
"Not yet."
"Where's your sidekick?"
"You'll see the judge around eleven fifteen this morning," he said, deflecting her question.
"Thanks," she said with a hint of sarcasm."
"Try to be nice to the judge, will you?"
Dodie Rae was taken aback by what seemed like Carey's genuine plea. Then, she noticed he looked as if sleep had eluded him for a week.
"I will," she said, staring at the dark circles beneath his eyes. "Are you all right, Officer Carey?"
"Fine," he said and exited the cell block.
She sat up on the side of the bunk and wondered what this visit was all about.
Mama, what did you do?
Author Notes |
Dodie Rae: Abused wife of her late husband Richard. Sadie Barlow: Head of The Women Support and Shelter of Orange County. Samantha (Sam): Girl from support group, married to Keith. Keith: Sam's abusive husband Officer Daniel Carey: Orange County policeman. Officer Tim Riley: Orange County policeman. Clara Leads: Abused wife of Martin Leads. Martin Leads: Clara's husband. Helen Morgan: Abused common-law wife of Pete Carrington. Maggie Reynolds: Abused wife of Ben Reynolds. Bay Lynn: Dodie Rae's Grandmother, known as Mama. Luke Riker: Bearded man killed with Ben Reynolds. Steven Miller: Texas Wildlife and Game expert. Helen Morgan: Common Law wife of Pete Carrington. Pete Carrington: Helen Morgan's abusive Common Law husband. May Riley: Officer Tim Riley's wife. Dr. Eddard: Attending physician in the E.R. Thank you, Karen Cherry Threadgill, for the accompanying artwork. |
By Neonewman
Dodie Rae stood with the other inmates, awaiting her time before the Judge. She scanned the benches in the small courtroom, where friends and loved ones were waiting to post bail. She noticed Bay Lynn sitting in the back. Before she could lock eyes, her grandmother lowered her head.
"Shit!" she whispered. This confirmed her suspicion that something was wrong.
The Judge considered Dodie Rae's recent trauma and released her with a reasonable fine and a lecture about assaulting police officers and how there would be no further tolerance for such crimes. Dodie Rae thanked the Judge and exited the courtroom. Bay Lynn paid the fine and waited for her granddaughter's release.
"Let's go, Mama," she said, hurrying towards the door. She was anxious to discover what had transpired during her lockup.
Bay Lynn, purse in hand, silently followed her granddaughter to the car. Once inside, they turned onto Main Street, and Dodie Rae shifted her head toward her grandmother.
"Riley's dead!" Bay Lynn shouted before her granddaughter had the chance to speak. "I killed him last night, just after dark. I followed him home, and I killed him." She sobbed.
Dodie Rae shifted her eyes back to the road, at a loss of words.
"I was just so damn mad at him, Cher," she said as her granddaughter remained silent. "Say something, Baby Girl."
"He was mine, Mama," she growled. "Mine to kill, not yours."
"I know he was, Cher. But I think I killed an innocent man."
"What do you mean, an innocent man?"
"I think his wife was abusing him."
"It's not unheard of, Baby Girl."
"Why in the hell would you think that?"
"It was the way that she cursed at him, Cher."
"Cursed at him?"
"Yes. She told him to keep his Bitch Ass down. Her words, not mine. I heard them fighting in the house, listened to a loud crash, and thought he was hurting her. So I stripped down and became the wolf. Riley came out the back door and turned the corner of the house the moment I'd transformed, and I attacked him. This all took place right before his wife shot me."
"She shot you?"
"Yes, dang near point blank. She shot at me again and missed."
"What did you do, Mama?"
"I ran into the woods and became me again. I watched the gunshot wounds heal themselves. Oh, and get this, the blood, both his and mine, disappeared into my skin."
"Did you go after his wife?"
"No, I heard sirens and figured I'd better get out of there while I still could. I barely got inside the car and laid low before the policeman sped by."
"Oh, my God. Did he see you?"
"No, just my car. Once I knew he was gone, I high-tailed it toward the house and stayed there the rest of the night."
"Fuck, he saw your car!"
"Language, Cher."
"Mama. Police cars are equipped with cameras."
"So," she said.
"So, they would find a car on the side of the road suspicious, especially near a murder scene. If the officer of that car remembers seeing it there, he'll want to look at the camera," she said, pausing. "Oh, my god."
"I'm sure the cop noticed your car wasn't there after he left. If he did, he'll surely look at the cameras."
"You're overthinking this, Cher."
"No. I've seen what these cops are capable of, and we need a good reason why your car was on the side of the road near Riley's house last night."
"Maybe my car ran out of gas, and someone stopped to help. They gave me a ride to the gas station for fuel and brought me back."
"No, the police would ask the attendant if he remembers seeing you, or he would want to view the store cameras."
"Okay, maybe the person that stopped had a gas can and put the gas in my tank."
"Better, but you would've been in your car when the policeman passed you."
"Good lord, you've been watching too many cop shows, Baby Girl."
"Maggie," she said.
"Yes, she's seen my wolf and hasn't told anyone. Maggie would say she noticed you on the side of the road, broken down or out of gas, and took you to her house to get the gas can out of her garage, which was full. She brought you back to your car, helped you pour the gas in your tank, and then you parted ways."
"Do you think she'll do it?"
"I do. If you'd seen the relief on her face the night her husband and his friend died, you'd think she would too."
"I'm going home for a few days, Cher. I'll pack and head to my house in a couple of hours. That'll give you time to call Maggie and see if she'll be my Alibi."
"When the police ask you why you were out near the Riley's place, what will you tell them?"
"I'll tell them I was angry at you for landing yourself in jail and decided to return to my home in Lafayette. They can't prove different," she paused. "So we have a plan, Cher?"
"We have a plan." Dodie Rae smiled at her grandmother.
"Nothing. I never took you as a liar, is all, Mama."
"Well, when I'm backed in a corner," she said, smiling back.
Once they were back home, Dodie Rae called Maggie and found she was more than willing to help. The two women solidified their story, and Dodie Rae reviewed it with her grandmother. Bay Lynn then packed her things, loaded the car with her granddaughter's help, and left for Lafayette.
After a much-needed shower, Dodie Rae dressed and visited Helen at the hospital, who seemed to be in good spirits.
"Hey, Dodie, Rae," she said. It was apparent she was still on pain medication. "Did you hear the news?"
"Hey, Helen, what news would that be?" she said, thinking she would be told about Officer Riley's demise.
"Just down the hall, in intensive care, there is a cop."
"A cop?"
"Yeah. Rumor has it the cop is Riley," she said, closing her eyes.
Dodie Rae realized Helen had fallen asleep and decided to investigate her story. She entered the hallway and followed the signs toward the ICU, which stands for intensive care unit. Two Orange County police officers stood outside the ICU entrance. She knew better than to ask questions, so she turned toward Helen's room and noticed Officer Carey walking toward her.
"Mrs. Cooper," he said.
"Officer Carey."
"What brings you to intensive care?"
"I came to visit with Helen. She told me an officer was in ICU, and I came to investigate. I'm pleased to find it's not you."
"Thanks," he said, turning towards the ICU entrance."
"Where's Officer Riley?" she said, noticing the tension in Carey's back at the mention of his partner.
"Why do you ask?" he said, looking over his shoulder.
"Is he alright?"
Officer Carey turned, and the look on his face was disturbing.
"Why do you ask, or even care for that matter? You've done nothing but antagonize that man from the moment you met him," he shouted, pointing at the ICU wing.
"I'm sorry," she said, backing away. "I pray he'll be okay." Dodie Rae felt his pain and started walking toward Helen's room. She looked back in time to watch the ICU doors closing behind the distraught man.
He's alive. Thank you, God. If he is innocent, please let him live.
Author Notes |
Dodie Rae: Abused wife of her late husband Richard. Sadie Barlow: Head of The Women Support and Shelter of Orange County. Samantha (Sam): Girl from support group, married to Keith. Keith: Sam's abusive husband Officer Daniel Carey: Orange County policeman. Officer Tim Riley: Orange County policeman. Clara Leads: Abused wife of Martin Leads. Martin Leads: Clara's husband. Helen Morgan: Abused common-law wife of Pete Carrington. Maggie Reynolds: Abused wife of Ben Reynolds. Bay Lynn: Dodie Rae's Grandmother, known as Mama. Luke Riker: Bearded man killed with Ben Reynolds. Steven Miller: Texas Wildlife and Game expert. Helen Morgan: Common Law wife of Pete Carrington. Pete Carrington: Helen Morgan's abusive Common Law husband. May Riley: Officer Tim Riley's wife. Dr. Eddard: Attending physician in the E.R. And a special thank you to Karen Cherry Threadgill for the accompanying artwork. |
By Neonewman
The following day, Dodie Rae entered the Orange County Hospital and rode the elevator alone to the third floor. During this time, she couldn't help but think about Riley being the victim of domestic abuse. She found it difficult to believe that Riley was innocent.
But if he isn't innocent, so help me, God, I'll put him in the ground.
Dodie Rae exited the elevator and went to visit Helen. They had a warm and encouraging conversation that ended with Helen saying she would be released tomorrow afternoon. Afterward, Dodie Rae went to the waiting room, where she called her grandmother.
"Hey, Mama," she said with a low tone.
"Cher, you all right?"
"Yes, but you're not going to believe this shit! Oh, sorry," she said.
"Believe what?"
"Riley's alive."
"Yes, he's here at the hospital in the Intensive Care Unit."
"Oh, Cher. Do they think he's going to pull through?"
"I'm not sure, Mama. Carey wasn't in the mood to talk about it. He's pissed and directed his anger towards me. So I let him be."
"I pray Officer Riley pulls through, Cher."
"Are you sure he's the one who is taking the abuse, Mama?"
"I don't know, I just have a feeling. Besides, why would Riley's wife talk to him in that manner? If nothing else, it's considered verbal abuse."
"Yes," she said, reflecting on her high school and married years. "Yes, it is?"
"Cher, don't go doing anything crazy just yet. Riley will need someone to look after him once he's home. Unfortunately, his wife is all he has at the moment."
"You're right, Mama."
"Promise me, Baby Girl."
"I promise."
"Good. It would be best if you lay low while I'm gone. Keep to yourself until I return."
"Maybe, Mama, but I can't shake the feeling about the police seeing your car near Riley's house. What if they add two and two and aim their sites at you?"
"You don't worry about that, Cher. Everything will work out, you'll see. You go home now and get some rest."
"Dodie Rae, you stay out of trouble, you hear?"
"I hear you. Be safe, Mama," she said and hit the end button on the phone.
"I have no intention of LYING LOW, Mama," she said aloud, setting her sight on the next target.
Later that evening, Dodie Rae visited with Helen for a couple of hours. As she was leaving, she wondered if Officer Riley had made it through the day. Her curiosity got the better of her, and she headed toward the Intensive Care Unit, where she noticed Officer Carey sitting in the waiting area, engrossed in his laptop.
As Dodie Rae eased closer, she realized he was viewing a video of Bay Lynn's car on the side of the road. When she greeted him, he flinched and immediately closed the laptop.
"Mrs. Cooper," he said, turning toward her.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you," Dodie Rae said with a smile.
"What can I do for you, Mrs. Cooper?"
"I wanted to apologize for my recent behavior and wondered how Officer Riley is doing. I feel awful about how I've been treating him."
"Thank you, Dodie Rae," he said.
"Do the doctors think he's going to be okay? I've been praying for him," she said, catching Carey off guard and bringing a genuine smile to his face.
"The doctors are optimistic," he said. "That's all I can say for now."
"I understand."
"Is your grandmother with you?" he said, looking around her toward the hallway leading to Helen's room.
"No. Why do you ask?"
"No reason."
"Well, to tell you the truth, she's a little mad at me and returned home to Lafayette." Dodie Rae hung her head, showing shame to the officer, hoping this would take his mind off the video.
"She left this morning?"
"No, she left yesterday but ran out of gas near the border. A friend of ours, Maggie, noticed her on the side of the road and offered her help."
"This friend, Maggie, did she take her to the gas station?"
"No," she said, realizing he was putting two and two together. "Maggie drove home to get a three-gallon can full of gas. She took Mama, my grandmother, back to her car, filled up Mama's car, and went on her way."
"Why didn't your grandmother continue to Lafayette?"
"She had time to think and decided to put her anger aside and wait for me to be released. She picked me up from the police station and gave me the silent treatment on the way home. She left shortly after."
"I wouldn't worry too much about her, Dodie Rae. She won't stay mad at you for too long."
"I know," she said, lowering her head once more. "I'm so embarrassed for how I've acted and for ending up in jail."
"Well, this was a lesson learned. It may help you move forward from this tragedy."
"Yes," she said. "Goodbye, Officer Carey."
"Goodbye, Dodie Rae," he said. Before Dodie Rae reached the end of the hall, he called, "Oh, Mrs. Cooper," Dodie Rae turned to face him. "Please don't stop praying for Riley."
She smiled and said, "You have my word. I will keep Riley in my prayers." She noticed that Carey had sat down.
She watched as Carey re-opened his laptop and noted that what she was actually praying for was that their conversation would divert his attention from her grandmother. But the pit in the bottom of her stomach told her otherwise.
What to do now?
Author Notes |
Dodie Rae: Abused wife of her late husband Richard. Sadie Barlow: Head of The Women Support and Shelter of Orange County. Samantha (Sam): Girl from support group, married to Keith. Keith: Sam's abusive husband Officer Daniel Carey: Orange County policeman. Officer Tim Riley: Orange County policeman. Clara Leads: Abused wife of Martin Leads. Martin Leads: Clara's husband. Helen Morgan: Abused common-law wife of Pete Carrington. Maggie Reynolds: Abused wife of Ben Reynolds. Bay Lynn: Dodie Rae's Grandmother, known as Mama. Luke Riker: Bearded man killed with Ben Reynolds. Steven Miller: Texas Wildlife and Game expert. Helen Morgan: Common Law wife of Pete Carrington. Pete Carrington: Helen Morgan's abusive Common Law husband. May Riley: Officer Tim Riley's wife. Dr. Eddard: Attending physician in the E.R. And a special thank you to Karen Cherry Threadgill for the accompanying artwork. |
By Neonewman
Dodie Rae walked into Helen's hospital room the following afternoon and immediately found it was empty. She exited the room and noticed Helen's name was still on the door, so she went to the nurses' station.
"Excuse me," she told the robust nurse behind the desk. "Has Helen Morgan been released? She's not in her room."
"What relationship are you to Mrs. Morgan?"
"Friends," she said, slightly agitated. "We're just friends."
"I'm sorry, Ma'am. I'm only able to release information to family."
"She doesn't have any family here!" she said, raising her voice.
The nurse shifted her eyes to the left and pointed toward Helen's room. Dodie Rae turned and noticed a nurse pushing Helen into her room. Dodie Rae turned to the nurse behind the desk.
"Thank you, Ma'am," she said and hurried to Helen's side.
"Hey, Dodie Rae," Helen said.
"Hey, Helen. I was worried about you, Lady."
"I'm fine," she said. "I developed an infection under my right breast overnight. The doctor ordered a couple of more tests. It looks like I'll be staying at least one more day."
"I'm sorry, Helen," Dodie Rae said, noticing the exhaustion in her eyes. "I'll let you rest. If you need anything, please call."
"Thank you," she said, closing her eyes."
That fucking asshole won't hurt you anymore, my friend. Mama and I took care of that.
Dodie Rae left Helen's hospital room, walked toward the elevators, and noticed Officer Carey sitting in the Intensive Care Unit waiting room. Once again, he was viewing his laptop, but unlike before, he was facing the hallway. She pretended not to see him.
Clever man, keeping your back toward the wall.
"Mrs. Cooper," Carey said as he closed his computer, motioning her over.
"How's Officer Riley?"
"He's doing better than expected," he chirped. The doctor informed me that he's healing faster than anticipated between the surgery and the antibiotics."
"Really?" she said. "That's great news."
"Yes, it is, Mrs. Cooper. His wife, May, is in there with him now."
"Have you gone in to see him?"
"Yes, just before May arrived. He's in good spirits and said his pain level is almost non-existent. I laughed and told him he must be on some excellent drugs."
"I'm sure he is," she said, noticing Carey was gathering his things. "Going somewhere?"
"Yes. I hate to cut you short, Mrs. Cooper, but if you'll excuse me. I've had a long day and still have some unofficial business that needs my attention."
"Of course," she said, wondering what business that would be.
"Thank you again for the prayers. It looks like they're working," Carey said with a genuine but exhausted smile.
"My pleasure."
"Your grandmother made it home safe, I assume."
"Yes. Thank you," Dodie Rae said, noticing a peculiar look on Carey's face.
"Glad to hear it," he said. "Have a good evening, Mrs. Cooper."
"You as well, and try to get some rest, Officer Carey," she said, intuiting that there was more to the unofficial story than he was letting on. Dodie Rae watched as Carey entered the elevator. Once he was inside and the doors closed, she quickly entered the next elevator.
Dodie Rae exited the hospital and noticed Carey's squad car leaving the parking lot. She entered her vehicle and followed him to the police station, where he swapped his police car for the black Chevrolet truck from the impound, the same one that Riley had used to tail her and Sam.
She watched Carey pull out of the parking lot and turn east onto I-10.
Why the interstate, she wondered. Carefully, she followed him, imagining he would head to Riley's house. But, when the truck continued past Riley's cut-off, over the Sabine River, and crossed the Texas Louisianna state line, she knew that couldn't be the case.
And where do you think you're going?
Dodie Rae made a U-turn, pulled into the Texas Welcome Center and rest area, and called Bay Lynn.
"Mama," she said when her grandmother answered.
"Everything all right, Cher?"
"I'm not sure. I just followed Officer Carey to the state line."
"What on Earth for, Baby Girl?"
"I don't know. Carey wants to verify my story. I told him that you went home."
"I saw him looking at the footage from his car surveillance camera. He appeared to be focusing on your car, Mama."
"Just like you said he would, Cher."
"He asked if you were with me today at the hospital. I told him no and asked him why?"
"Crap, Cher."
"I told him about you running out of gas and Maggie stopping to help. I told him you were upset with me and were going back home, but instead, you decided to stay until they released me from jail."
"I assume he failed to buy your story, or he wouldn't be coming to Lafayette."
"Correct. I hope you can watch for a black Chevrolet truck in the next few hours. If you see it near your house, please call me immediately."
"What are you planning, Baby Girl?"
"Nothing, I just want to know. We'll figure out what to do later if Carey shows up. Please stay up and watch for him, Mama."
"Will do, Cher."
"Okay, I will go home and settle in for the night. Let me know one way or the other."
"Good night, Cher."
"Stay up, Mama," she said, but Bay Lynn had already hung up.
Dodie Rae went home, giving Carey enough time to get close to her grandmother's house. She dressed in boots, jeans, and her husband's leather jacket and took his Harley Davidson to the outskirts of town, where Martin and Clara Leeds lived. She pulled the Harley into the woods surrounding the Leeds' red-brick home and waited for her grandmother to call.
Almost thirty minutes later, Dodie Rae's phone rang.
"Mama," she said.
"He's here, Cher," she said. "I'm peeking out the window at him now."
"Is he in your driveway?"
"No. The truck's parked about a hundred feet away on the opposite side of the road."
"Can you tell if it's Carey?"
"Not really, but I can tell it's a man."
"What room are you in, Mama?"
"My bedroom, why?"
"Turn on the light so he knows you're at home."
"The light in the living room is already on, Cher."
"Yeah, and it was likely already on when he arrived. If another room lights up, he'll surely know your home."
"Brilliant," Bay Lynn said, flipping the light switch on.
The black truck pulled away a few minutes after the bedroom light came on.
"He's gone, Cher."
"Damn, that was intense," Dodie Rae said without apologizing this time for cursing.
"You should have been here looking out my window."
"I'll bet," Dodie Rae said as she spotted movement through one of the windows in the red brick home. "Alright, Mama. I have a glass of bourbon calling my name."
"Good night, Cher."
"Good night, Mama."
Dodie Rae hung up, exited the Harley, and immediately removed her clothes. She could hear thunder roaring in the distance while lightning danced across the clouded skies when Dodie Rae heard a woman's scream coming from the living room. She felt her eyes spark molten red, and her transformation began. Another scream ripped through the blackness, and the transformed wolf-like creature dived through the living room window.
More screams filled the smokey room as the creature landed just inches from Martin and his wife. They sprang from the couch, giving the wolf a full view of the scream fest playing unfolding before it.
"What the fuck!" Martin yelled as he shoved his terrified wife in front of him.
The wolf-like creature heard Clara scream again as the cigarette in Martin's hand bore into the lower right side of her neck. It bolted forward. Towering over Clara, opening its massive jaws, exposing razor-sharp teeth, then snapped them shut like a vise on either side of Martins's head. He released his wife and began clawing at the bare breast before him, drawing blood.
The creature released Martin's head and took a step back.
"Look at what you have done," it growled. The man was unresponsive.
Blood flowed like lava from Martin's head and upper torso as the compression from the wolf's bite caused Martin's eyes to bulge from their sockets. Although he was still standing, his dislocated lower jaw rendered him unable to speak.
The wolf heard Clara, who was now in the other room, dialing 911. In an instant, it raked its deadly claws across Martin's throat, severing the jugular, and watched with satisfaction as the abuser dropped to the floor. The creature exited the home through the broken window and disappeared into the woods.
As Dodie Rae dressed, she heard Clara scream once more and imagined she'd found her husband dead on the living room floor.
Author Notes |
Dodie Rae: Abused wife of her late husband Richard. Sadie Barlow: Head of The Women Support and Shelter of Orange County. Samantha (Sam): Girl from support group, married to Keith. Keith: Sam's abusive husband Officer Daniel Carey: Orange County policeman. Officer Tim Riley: Orange County policeman. Clara Leeds: Abused wife of Martin Leads. Martin Leeds: Clara's husband. Helen Morgan: Abused common-law wife of Pete Carrington. Maggie Reynolds: Abused wife of Ben Reynolds. Bay Lynn: Dodie Rae's Grandmother, known as Mama. Luke Riker: Bearded man killed with Ben Reynolds. Steven Miller: Texas Wildlife and Game expert. Pete Carrington: Helen Morgan's abusive Common Law husband. May Riley: Officer Tim Riley's wife. Dr. Eddard: Attending physician in the E.R. And a special thank you to Karen Cherry Threadgill for the accompanying artwork. |
By Neonewman
Officer Carey stared at the open road ahead, thinking about Riley, Bay Lynn, and Dodie Rae. He desperately tried to connect the dots, honing in on Bay Lynn's whereabouts during Riley's attack. Bay Lynn's car was within walking distance of Riley's house, and the camera confirmed she wasn't in or near her car after the attack. Carey's surveillance camera also confirmed the same car had gone as they left Riley's house.
She had plenty of time to attack Riley but had an alibi. Although it was one provided by Dodie Rae, that she had run out of gas, then picked up by a friend, refueled, and then drove to Louisiana.
Carey's phone interrupted his thoughts. The caller ID informed him the call was coming from the Orange County Police Department's Dispatch. The last mile marker indicated he was about forty-five minutes from the precinct in Orange, Texas.
"This is Officer Carey," he said.
"Officer Carey, this is Linda with Dispatch. I wasn't able to reach you over the radio. I'm calling to inform you that I have dispatched officers to 21903 Carolina dr, Orange, Texas, zip code 77630, for a possible animal attack.
"I am en route but am at least forty minutes or less from this location. Did you say it was a possible animal attack?"
"Yes," she said. "Clara Leeds called 911 stating that a wolf-like creature had attacked her husband, Martin."
"Impossible," he said.
"Excuse me?"
"I'm sorry, I'm a bit exhausted, Linda. Please continue."
"Officer Carey, if I may. This creature sounds identical to those from prior attacks. I know Clara personally. Her husband is abusive and likes to put his cigarettes out on the inside of her thighs. I've seen the scars, but she made me promise not to tell anyone at the precinct. She's scared of Martin and fears what he may do if she tells the police. Clara also told me that this creature had killed at least two other men whose wives attend a support group in town. I find that odd, don't you?"
"Yes," he said, offering no other insight into the case.
"And get this," she went on. "Clara mentioned that she's prayed this creature would come after Martin."
"Thank you, Linda, for the call. I'll keep our conversation confidential."
"You're welcome, Officer Carey," she said. "Stay safe."
Carey hung up the phone without replying. His mind was reeling as he hit his sirens and rammed the accelerator to the floor.
There is no way this is the same creature. Dodie Rae's lockup during Riley's attack makes this attack impossible, and I had just left Bay Lynn at her house in Lafayette, two hours from this new crime scene. What in the hell is going on?
Officer Carey arrived at the scene within thirty minutes, noting three squad cars and two ambulances. Mrs. Leeds was sitting on the back bumper of one of the ambulances, speaking with a paramedic. Carey exited his vehicle, walked over to where Mrs. Leeds was seated, and asked the paramedic for a moment alone with Clara. The paramedic obliged at once and headed toward the house.
"Mrs. Leeds, " Carey said. "I'm sorry for your loss."
"Thank you," she said with a bowed head.
"Are you okay?"
She looked up at Carey with an expression of appreciation beyond the proportion Carey thought necessary, a telltale sign of an abuse victim. "Yes, I think so. Please call me Clara."
"Clara," he said. "Can you tell me what happened this evening?"
"Martin and I had just sat down to watch a horror flick. My husband loved those damn movies."
"You don't care much for them, yourself?"
"No, I don't like being scared," she said, staring into her lap.
Carey noticed the raw red circles of fresh burns on her neck and inner thighs but decided not to address them immediately. "Please continue, Clara."
"We heard the window break and watched as a large, wolf-like creature came through and landed damn near in our laps. We both jumped off of the couch, and Martin grabbed me and pushed me in front of him. The son of a bitch hid behind me."
Carey shook his head in commiseration, then asked, "What happened next?"
"I don't recall much between the attack and the phone call to 911. But I do remember the breasts."
"The breasts?"
"Yes," Clara said, looking up at Carey. "Normal breasts, they hung above me as the creature attacked Martin. When I think of it, most of the creature's features appear human. But not the head or the hands."
"Are you cold?" he asked, noticing her shivering.
"No," she said, "terrified."
The paramedic exited the house, and Carey waved him over. He draped his overcoat around Clara's shoulders and said, "Clara, I need you to go with the paramedics."
"No, I'm fine, really," she said.
"I'm concerned about those burns on your thighs." He held her gaze.
She looked down quickly, realizing that Carey had noticed them. "Martin must have dropped his cigarette in my lap during the commotion," she said, pulling her hair forward to hide the burn on her neck.
"But they need attention, Clara," he said warmly.
"Thank you, Officer Carey, for being such a gentleman."
"My pleasure, Clara."
He watched as she entered the ambulance, and the paramedics closed the doors, then he headed into the house. Martin lay on the floor near the couch, saturated in blood, and Carey imagined the coward pushing his abused wife in front of him for protection. I'd say you got what you deserved, Asshole. He smiled a little as he noticed the expression of horror still plastered across the dead man's face.
Carey turned toward the two officers' conversation behind him. He listened intently once the younger of the two said, " It looks like there was only one animal this time."
"What did you mean by that?" asked Carey. "That there was only one animal this time?"
"Pete Carrington appeared to have been attacked by two animals." the officer replied.
"Says who?"
"Well, Sir, the Medical Examiner's report confirmed two. But I was at the scene and studied the remains, and I completely agree. There is no way only one animal could have done that."
"Why not?"
"Because the body was in pieces. The bite marks on the foot, for instance, were different from some of the others. The holes where the teeth penetrated flesh were elongated as if the animal pulled instead of tore. Pulling wouldn't be necessary if an animal were working alone. But if there were more than one, a tug-of-war situation could occur. These same pulling indicators were present on the shoulders, as well. I'm pursuing this specialized field in the future, so it particularly caught my attention."
"I see," said Carey. "Thank you, officer. You have supplied valuable information. Excellent work."
As he headed toward his vehicle, he realized how consumed he had become with Riley's attack these past two days. He'd been too hyper-focused on finding the "who" and had neglected to take the time for essential police work like reading the Medical Examiner's report. What a stupid rookie mistake. He had to get his head back into this investigation properly if he was going to be able to crack this case—no more screw-ups.
Once he arrived at the police station, he went to his office and read the M.E.'s report that was waiting on his desk. It confirmed what the young officer had said.
So, it's true that there are at least two of you out there.
Author Notes |
Dodie Rae: Abused wife of her late husband Richard. Sadie Barlow: Head of The Women Support and Shelter of Orange County. Samantha (Sam): Girl from support group, married to Keith. Keith: Sam's abusive husband Officer Daniel Carey: Orange County policeman. Officer Tim Riley: Orange County policeman. Clara Leeds: Abused wife of Martin Leads. Martin Leeds: Clara's husband. Helen Morgan: Abused common-law wife of Pete Carrington. Maggie Reynolds: Abused wife of Ben Reynolds. Bay Lynn: Dodie Rae's Grandmother, known as Mama. Luke Riker: Bearded man killed with Ben Reynolds. Steven Miller: Texas Wildlife and Game expert. Pete Carrington: Helen Morgan's abusive Common Law husband. May Riley: Officer Tim Riley's wife. Dr. Eddard: Attending physician in the E.R. And a special thank you to Karen Cherry Threadgill for the accompanying artwork. Pays one point and 2 member cents. |
By Neonewman
Officer Carey re-read the Medical Examiner's report, carefully absorbing every word. He focused on the fact that two animals were involved in the attack on Pete Carrington.
I need to speak to Helen Morgan. Maybe she heard or noticed something or someone outside the window before Pete sedated her. I need confirmation that two werewolf-like creatures eviscerated Pete. I need to know why there were two this time and if we missed this in other attacks. Are they related? If so, how are they related?
"Oh my, God!" Carey shouted, bolting from his chair. He immediately felt the presence of his co-worker's eyes. Carey peered at the M.E.'s report still in his hand, raised the papers above his head, shook them, smiled like he had an epiphany, which by all accounts he had, and exited the precinct.
Holy shit! He thought as he entered and started his vehicle. How are they related? Like grandmother and granddaughter, maybe. It makes sense, holy shit, it makes perfect sense. What if they're working together and covering for one another? They're a team, blood-related. Oh my god. Bay Lynn must be the carrier of the wolf gene. That's it! They're going after evil men and removing them from the equation. As an officer of the law, vigilante is a crime. It is a justifiable crime in a civilian's mind. But if they are targeting abusive men, then why Riley? I would know if he was abusive, surely. I have to speak with Maggie Reynolds. She's the key to Riley's attack. I must corroborate Bay Lynn's alibi.
The following morning, Carey entered The Orange County Hospital and headed toward the Intensive Care Unit to check his partner's progress. He immediately noticed no police officers were guarding the ICU entrance like they had the day before. Carey went through the electronic doors and immediately noticed Riley's empty bed. He panicked, wondering if Riley had died during the night, and turned toward the nurse's station to confirm his terror. Before he could speak, a tall, slender nurse rose behind the desk and smiled.
"You haven't heard?"
"Haven't heard what?" he asked, holding his breath.
"Officer Riley has moved to a private room," she said. Her smile grew as she noticed Carey exhale. "Hold on, I'll get you that information." He waited as patiently as he could, listening to her nails click across the keyboard. "Here it is, room 714 on the seventh floor."
"Thank you," he said. He was exiting the ICU, hurrying toward the elevator. Once inside, he began to wonder how Riley had recovered so quickly. Only a couple of days earlier, he was fighting for his life. The elevator eased to a stop, and the doors opened. Carey stepped out, turned, and noticed the two police officers outside his partner's door halfway down the corridor. They were the same two officers from the previous day.
May stepped out of her husband's hospital room just as Carey arrived. She looked surprised, then embarrassed, as she noticed him standing there.
"Oh shit," May said as they locked eyes. "I'm sorry, Daniel. I was going to call as soon as Tim settled in."
"I know, May," he said. "How's he doing?"
"He's awake. Why don't you go on in and see for yourself? I'm heading out to get some of Tim's personals, such as a razor, deodorant, etc. I'll see you if you're here when I return."
"I'll probably be gone. I have some business to take care of, but I'll visit again later this evening."
"Sounds good," she said. "You boys behave yourself now, you here?" she said, smiling.
"Will do," he said, walking into Riley's room and closing the door behind him.
Carey first noticed the pungent aroma from the overabundance of floral arrangements filling the room. He walked the short hall leading to the large, private room where he found Riley reclined in the chair beside his hospital bed, wearing a hospital gown and a smile.
"Seriously, Riley, did you open a flower shop?" Both men chuckled.
"Nope," he said. "I'm just that damned popular."
"Yeah, right," he said. "But seriously, man, I thought you were dead."
"I'm very much alive and feeling pretty damn good, considering. My Doctor said I may be able to go home as early as tomorrow afternoon. He also said it's a miracle that I survived how quickly I'm healing. He's never seen anything like it."
"That's great news," Carey said.
"Any new leads?" Riley asked emphatically.
"Not as of now," Carey lied. "But it appears the same creature attacked Martin Leeds last night."
"Yeah, I heard about that this morning," he grimaced.
"Are you all right?"
"Yeah," he said, locking eyes with Carey. "Martin lives less than two miles from my house. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried that thing wouldn't come after me again." He sat there for a moment, then said. "The look in its eyes, those blazing red eyes, had me feeling like it knew me, and it was sent to kill me, like a hired hitman."
"Tim, it'll be alright. I'm sure we can have some men post-guard."
"No!" he said, cutting his partner off. "Nothing like that, I don't want anyone to know."
"Know what? That you're terrified this might happen again. Anyone in their right mind would feel the same. Hell, this would give anyone PTSD."
"No, Daniel, I'll deal with it myself."
"I said no. I'm happy to see you. But, please, let it be. I'll figure it out."
"Alright," he said with concern. "Look, I have some business to take care of, but I'll visit again later this evening after work."
"Okay, be careful out there. You don't have me to protect your ass," Riley said with a smirk.
"Will do," he said, looking toward the door, noticing it was closed. He turned back to Riley as he said. "I love you, man."
"Seriously, Daniel," he said, shaking his head. "My wife's going to kick your ass when she finds out this."
"Asshole," Carey said, half smiling, and exited the room.
Author Notes |
Dodie Rae: Abused wife of her late husband Richard. Sadie Barlow: Head of The Women Support and Shelter of Orange County. Samantha (Sam): Girl from support group, married to Keith. Keith: Sam's abusive husband Officer Daniel Carey: Orange County policeman. Officer Tim Riley: Orange County policeman. Clara Leeds: Abused wife of Martin Leads. Martin Leeds: Clara's husband. Helen Morgan: Abused common-law wife of Pete Carrington. Maggie Reynolds: Abused wife of Ben Reynolds. Bay Lynn: Dodie Rae's Grandmother, known as Mama. Luke Riker: Bearded man killed with Ben Reynolds. Steven Miller: Texas Wildlife and Game expert. Pete Carrington: Helen Morgan's abusive Common Law husband. May Riley: Officer Tim Riley's wife. Dr. Eddard: Attending physician in the E.R. And a special thank you to Karen Cherry Threadgill for the accompanying artwork. Pays one point and 2 member cents. |
By Neonewman
Dodie Rae's ears pricked up as she heard a vehicle pulling into her drive. She went to the window to investigate and watched as Officer Carey exited his police car. Confused, she opened the door and greeted him as he strode across her lawn. She raised her coffee cup and said, "Morning! You need a cup?"
"Good morning, Mrs. Cooper," he said. "No, thank you. I've had too much already."
"How's Officer Riley?" she asked, smiling warmly."
"He's doing well. Thank you for asking," he said. "May I come in?"
"Of course," she said, stepping aside. "What brings you to my doorstep this morning?"
"May I take a seat?"
"You may," she said, pointing at the sofa. "I doubt this is a social call, so I'll ask again. What brings you to my doorstep?"
Carey chose the wing-back chair instead of the couch, sat down, and said," I visited Mrs. Reynolds earlier this morning to confirm Bay Lynn's alibi. The one you recently presented about finding your grandmother on the side of the road near Officer Riley's home."
"How's Maggie doing?" she asked without skipping a beat, catching him off guard.
"She's fine."
"So why are you here?" she said, careful not to break eye contact.
"I wanted to hear your statement again since your grandmother's unavailable."
Dodie Rae picked up her phone and said, "Hey, Siri. Call Mama."
"What are you doing?" he asked, talking over Siri.
"You said Mama's unavailable."
He gave her a perplexed look.
"So I'm making her available. It would be best to ask her yourself, as she was present when Maggie stopped to help and will be able to provide a more accurate statement."
"Hang up the phone, Mrs. Cooper," he said. "I'd rather she be present when we speak."
"I see," Dodie Rae said, pressing the end button. "It sounds to me like you want to inspect her body language and facial expressions as you speak, Correct?" Judging by his body language, the question was rhetorical.
"I just need to clarify what you stated at the hospital, Mrs. Cooper," he said, trying to hide his frustration and, Dodie Rae surmised, retain control of the exchange.
"Are you sure?" she asked. "Mama will be here the day after tomorrow. You can speak with her in person if you like."
"I will speak with her then, but for now, I would still like to get your statement again."
"Okay," she said with the warm smile she had shown at the beginning of their conversation. Dodie Rae repeated her statement nearly verbatim but took care to leave out unimportant words to avoid it seeming rehearsed.
Officer Carey thanked her, and Dodie Rae watched as he entered his vehicle and left the premises. She went inside and thought about calling Maggie to verify that Carey had spoken to her but decided against it. They can pull phone records and listen to our conversation, and I'm sure Carey is lying. Mama was wrong about me watching TOO MUCH CSI. She finished her coffee, dressed, and left to buy groceries.
Shortly after entering the grocery store, Dodie Rae noticed Geena Burkhart, her hateful, uppity bitch nemesis their freshman year and the one who started the whole DIRTY RAE stigma. Instantly rage consumed her as she fantasized about ripping the smug little bitch's throat out.
"Dodie Rae," Geena said, interrupting her fantasy. "Is that you?"
"It's me," she said curtly and with an unpleasant edge to her tone.
"Wow, you haven't changed a bit since high school."
Dodie Rae wondered why this long-forgotten bully addressed her in the produce section. She noticed Geena's basket held kid cereal, milk, baby formula, chocolate, and wine and said, "Yeah, well, I've never had kids."
"Right," said Geena with an uncomfortable smile. "I'm now divorced and raising two kids, ages three and six months. The highlight of my day is getting away for an hour or so to buy off-name brand items at the grocery store."
Why in the hell is she telling me this shit? I'm standing here craving to make orphans out of her children.
"Look, Dodie Rae," she said, shifting her eyes downward. "I was an insecure but popular little rich girl in high school who envied your beauty. I was awful to you, and for that, I'm sorry."
"Sorry." Dodie Rae repeated the word with a caustic smile in place. "You and your friends put me through hell, and..." She abruptly stopped when she noticed tears flooding down the cheeks of her high school bully.
Geena looked at Dodie Rae and said, "Genuinely, I'm so sorry, Dodie Rae. If it's any consolation, karma's giving me one hell of an ass-whooping every day of my life now."
As hard as she was trying to fight it, Dodie Rae could feel herself softening. Some of the confusion for her was because she could see how different Geena's life was now, and the other part was because it wasn't making Dodie Rae feel any better. In fact, it was making her feel vulnerable and unsure of herself. Why wasn't she thinking, 'Good, Bitch! You had it coming!'? Instead, she was feeling sympathy - maybe even EMPATHY - for her! Was this a crack in the armor? Would it be The first step to losing everything good the beast had brought her? The strength, the invincibility? Before she could stop herself, she heard her voice say, "I forgive you, Geena, I forgive you."
Dodie Rae immediately put down her basket and left the store. Once in her car, she covered her face with her hands and let the floodgates open.
Author Notes |
Dodie Rae: Abused wife of her late husband Richard. Sadie Barlow: Head of The Women Support and Shelter of Orange County. Samantha (Sam): Girl from support group, married to Keith. Keith: Sam's abusive husband Officer Daniel Carey: Orange County policeman. Officer Tim Riley: Orange County policeman. Clara Leeds: Abused wife of Martin Leads. Martin Leeds: Clara's husband. Helen Morgan: Abused common-law wife of Pete Carrington. Maggie Reynolds: Abused wife of Ben Reynolds. Bay Lynn: Dodie Rae's Grandmother, known as Mama. Luke Riker: Bearded man killed with Ben Reynolds. Steven Miller: Texas Wildlife and Game expert. Pete Carrington: Helen Morgan's abusive Common Law husband. May Riley: Officer Tim Riley's wife. Dr. Eddard: Attending physician in the E.R. Geena Burkhart: Dodie Rae's high school nemesis. And a special thank you to Karen Cherry Threadgill for the accompanying artwork. |
By Neonewman
The following day, Dodie Rae found herself in a relentless battle with her past encounters. The thought of Carey getting closer to identifying the pair of wolves as her and Bay Lynn and the idea of forgiving her high school nemesis so easily seemed to open the floodgates of her emotions once more. The weight of her past was a heavy burden she couldn't shake, and the internal struggle was tearing her apart.
Seriously, Dodie Rae, pull yourself together.
She sprang from the couch as her phone rang. The caller's I.D. was unknown. She thought about letting the call go to voicemail, but instead, she hit the green button and said, "Hello."
"Good morning, Mrs. Cooper. Officer Carey, here," he said, in case she hadn't recognized his voice.
But she had recognized his voice, causing her to draw an uneasy breath. Her feelings towards Carey were a mix of fear, stemming from his relentless pursuit and resentment, a result of her own guilt and the pressure he was putting on her.
"Mrs. Cooper?" he asked.
"What can I do for you, Officer Carey?" she asked as she exhaled.
"Officer Riley was released from the hospital earlier today and seems to be doing well. I want to thank you again for the prayers."
Bullshit! What's the real reason, Officer Carey? Her suspicion casts a shadow over thoughts, making them sound more like a challenge than a question, the tension in the air thickening.
"You are welcome," she said. "And the prayers will continue." She started counting—one-one thousand, two-one thousand, three.
"Also, I believe you mentioned Bay Lynn would be visiting again soon."
Here comes the real reason. My god, men are so predictable.
"That's right," she said, her voice filled with eager anticipation at the thought of her grandmother's arrival, a beacon of comfort in the storm of her thoughts. She waited for him to ask when, the tension in the air palpable, her heart beating faster with each passing second.
"When might that be?" he asked.
"Tomorrow afternoon, and we've already planned on visiting the precinct. Please clear your calendar, Officer Carey. We'll be there around three o'clock."
"Three o'clock it is, then," he said. "I'll be looking forward to speaking with Bay Lynn," he said, implying the meeting will be with her grandmother, alone.
"Goodbye, Officer Carey," she said, cringing as she pressed the red button to end the call before he could reply.
A mix of relief and anxiety washed over her like a turbulent wave, leaving her feeling both drained and restless. She leaned back against the couch, her mind already racing with the plans for the day.
"I need a fucking drink," she muttered to herself, the desperation in her voice echoing her need for a release, a moment of respite from the chaos of her thoughts.
She rose from the couch, went to the liquor cabinet, and poured herself a neat bourbon. Relaxing her throat, she swallowed, then poured another, nearly spilling the bourbon as her phone rang again.
Dodie Rae hurried to the coffee table, where her phone continued ringing. The screen indicated that her grandmother was calling.
"Mama," she said. "Is everything alright?"
"Yes, Cher," she said. "Change of plans. I'll be there later this evening.
"This evening?" she asked. "I thought you were coming tomorrow."
"I was, but something tells me you need me tonight."
"What do you mean, something tells you?" Dodie Rae asked, startled by this statement, as, in fact, having her grandmother there would put her anxiety in check.
"I don't know, Baby Girl. It's a feeling, and a strong one. If you have plans for the evening and prefer I wait until tomorrow, I can come then."
"No," she said emphatically. "Today would be nice. I could use the company after the day I had yesterday."
"What happened yesterday, Cher?" Bay Lynn asked, a little worried.
"I'll tell you about it when you get here, Mama."
"Okay," she said. "Don't do anything crazy, Dodie Rae."
"No. Mama, It's nothing like that," she said, reassuring her grandmother. "I'm fine; I just need someone to talk to."
"Okay, Cher. I'll see you in a few hours. I love you, Young Lady."
"I love you too, Mama."
"Mama, you still there," she said, pausing for a reply. "Shit!" she said, realizing they were no longer connected.
I forgot to tell her about our meeting with Carey tomorrow and Riley's release from the hospital. I wonder how long it'll be before Riley's wife's abuse will begin if this is indeed the case. Dodie Rae swallowed the last of her second drink, leaned back in her recliner, and waited for her grandmother's arrival.
Author Notes |
Dodie Rae: Abused wife of her late husband Richard. Sadie Barlow: Head of The Women Support and Shelter of Orange County. Samantha (Sam): Girl from support group, married to Keith. Keith: Sam's abusive husband Officer Daniel Carey: Orange County policeman. Officer Tim Riley: Orange County policeman. Clara Leeds: Abused wife of Martin Leads. Martin Leeds: Clara's husband. Helen Morgan: Abused common-law wife of Pete Carrington. Maggie Reynolds: Abused wife of Ben Reynolds. Bay Lynn: Dodie Rae's Grandmother, known as Mama. Luke Riker: Bearded man killed with Ben Reynolds. Steven Miller: Texas Wildlife and Game expert. Pete Carrington: Helen Morgan's abusive Common Law husband. May Riley: Officer Tim Riley's wife. Dr. Eddard: Attending physician in the E.R. Geena Burkhart: Dodie Rae's high school nemesis. And a special thank you to Karen Cherry Threadgill for the accompanying artwork. |
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