"Collection of a Lifetime"

Chapter 1
Summer Morning

By gansach

Soft summer mornings are the best
when I awake from night of rest;
the heat has not had time to set,
there's hardly any stirring yet.
The birds all chirp and carry on,
the dew's just fading from the lawn.
The world is mostly still asleep
when I get dressed and softly creep
out to the yard and lie in grass
to watch the wispy clouds float past.
I munch an orange cut in thirds
and share my bread with all the birds.
I see the bumblebees fly by
and watch the sun rise in the sky.
I listen to the nature sounds;
I watch the ants march underground.
The katydids all hum and shrill;
the chipmunks chirp their airy trill.
I share this early morning time
and know this summer day is mine.

Author Notes Seasons/Nature

Chapter 2
Heat Wave

By gansach

Sunflecked in shadows,
hidden in shade;
sit in the breezes and
           sip lemonade.
Sparrows are flying,
breezes, they blow;
sit 'neath the shade trees and
            look at the show.
People are sweating
mowing the lawn.
The cool of the day is
            right before dawn.
Dogs' tongues are lolling,
kids in the pool;
if you sit in sunshine,
            you are a fool.
Sunflecked in shadows,
hidden in shade;
sit in the breezes and
           sip lemonade.

Author Notes Seasons/Nature

Chapter 3
Silver Leaves

By gansach

Silver leaves shimmer,
silver leaves shine;
poplar and aspen
glitter and shake.
Silver leaves whisper
secrets divine;
silently laughing,
they quiver quake.

Author Notes Seasons/Nature

Chapter 4
By Any Other Name

By gansach

Daffodils and Roses,
nice flowers in their way,
but how I like the flow'rs
that have such lovely names.
Pheasant's Eye and Larkspur,
Veronica, White Swan;
Snowflake, Love in a Mist,
Lupine, Sweet Alyssum;
Bells of Ireland, Vinca,
Lobelia, Baby's Breath.
Plant them in my garden
to smell and sound the best.

Author Notes Seasons/Nature

Chapter 5

By gansach

My heart, like a bud,
is prest tightly clos'd;
with loving touch, 'twill
open as a rose.

Author Notes Seasons/Nature

Chapter 6
Gardener's Lullaby

By gansach

Come, my sweet garden,
'tis time now to sleep;
a chill in the air
has started to creep.
The frost is coming,
my blossoms must hide;
until the Springtime, 
you must now abide
deep down in your beds
with sun in your dreams.
I know it is hard,
how far it must seem
until warm weather
will kiss you awake
and, into its arms,
my flowers will take.
But, until that time,
you must hide your heads.
Hush now, I'm putting
my garden to bed.

Author Notes Seasons/Nature

Chapter 7

By gansach

Red encrusted pine cones
highlighted by the sun;
pine cones hang in lusty groups
as the day is done.
Dangling from the pine branch
as fiery sun goes down;
the clumps and clumps of pine cones
suspend pressed and brown.
Green leaves turning colors,
bright flashing in the frost;
the leaves dance in chilling winds
and will soon be lost.
Flying from the branches,
and lofted high in flight;
drifting down and whispering,
blown now out of sight.

Author Notes Seasons/Nature

Chapter 8
Enter Autumn

By gansach

Ripened pumpkins on the vine,
nip of frost in the air,
leaves scarlet and gold divine
flitting past with a flair.
Cornstalks softly whispering,
witchy moon in black sky,
swirls and gusts of blust'ry wind
bring the clouds flying by.
Apple cider, tart yet sweet,
wood smoke wafts on the breeze;
flowers used to summer heat
hide now from the first freeze.
Trick or treat and Thanksgiving,
geese that honk in the sky;
enter autumn on the wing~
kiss summer days good-bye.

Author Notes Seasons/Nature

Chapter 9

By gansach

crunchy leaves below~
the colorful pile explodes
scatter'd from my dive

Author Notes For some reason, I suddenly cannot get the scroll bars in Font and Size to appear so I can select different ones, so I apologize for the small print and plain type. I can't figure out what happened.

Chapter 10

By gansach


September is best;

  comfy, beautiful weather,

 new season colors.


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Chapter 11
Pumpkin Patch

By gansach



in the pumpkin patch

        picking through the great and small

 so happy it’s fall







Author Notes artwork by

Chapter 12
The Scarecrow

By gansach


                                       Out in the cornfield,

                                         standing all alone,

                                a torn and tattered scarecrow,

                                        sad without a home.

                                   Through the summer heat

                                        and the chill of fall,

                              all day long and through the night,

                                      scarecrow’s seen it all.

                                        In the wind and rain,

                                        in the autumn frost,

                                    trying to keep crows away

                                          or the crop is lost.

                                          What a lonely job,

                                       dressed in his old rags;

                                  stuffed all full of itchy straw

                                           in a suit that sags.

                                          Wish I could invite

                                       Mister Scarecrow home,

                                    make him warm, comfortable

                                             so he’s not alone.


Author Notes Seasons/Nature

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