"2024 Gypsy's Prose"

How to Write Haiku

By Gypsy Blue Rose

HAIKU  is a Japanese short unrhymed poem that uses imagistic language to express the essence of a deeply felt moment in time.  It resonates on a deeper level, enlightening the reader and making an insightful connection


HAIKU was created in Japan in the thirteenth century.  It was the opening phrase of a long poetic form called RENGA. The much shorter haiku broke away from renga in the sixteenth century and was mastered a century later by Matsuo Basho. He was a Zen monk and poet of the Edo period ( between 1603 and 1868  ) in Japan. He is recognized as the greatest haiku master. His ancient “Pond and Frog” haiku is considered one of the best haiku in Japanese history.  Keep in mind that many Japanese haiku translated to English lose meaning in translation.  Notice the same ‘frog in the pond poem’ haiku in Japanese and English have different syllables count.




Furu ike ya    ( 5 syllables )

kawazu tobikomu  ( 7 syllables )

mizu no oto    ( 5 syllables )




old pond…        ( 2 syllables )

a frog jumps in      ( 4 syllables )

water's sound   ( 3 syllables




I get a lot of questions about haiku in fanstory, one of them is “What is the difference between a 5/7/5 poem and a haiku?”. The simple answer is that a 5/7/5 poem's rules are simple, use 17 syllables in a 5/7/5 format. I add that if the lines are grammatically connected the poem flows better, otherwise it sounds like a list or a telegram.  


5/7/5 Poem example:


My dear Aunt Minnie

loves to bake banana pies

for her family


Haiku example:

from the porch

contemplating the harvest moon —

wisdom quest


The 5/7/5 POEM example is not a haiku, because it’s simply a paragraph divided in three lines. It doesn’t have the two essential parts of haiku:  a KIGO and a SATORI.  KIGO is word or phrase associated with a particular season (spring, summer, autumn, or winter).  SATORI is a phrase (usually last line) that provides understanding.  It refers to a deep experience of one's essence of true nature. It’s commonly translated as enlightenment.


The HAIKU example is a haiku because it follows the haiku rules. 


— The first two lines describe a moment in nature using imagistic words. Imagistic words are expressions of ideas and emotions through clear precise images. Almost all Japanese poetry use imagism. It’s a very visual art form, and the reason I like it so much.


— In the haiku example above, the harvest moon is the season word (kigo) for autumn.


— It’s written in 17 syllables OR LESS because English and Japanese languages are different.  See the example below.


— Haiku are succinct poems so you never use more words than you need but make sense.  For example:    cold winter day (winter is always cold);  summer hot weather ( most summer days are hot); cold snow (snow is always cold). 


— At the end of the second line, the haiku has a dash to pause before reading the third line (satori). It makes the reader ponder about life as a wisdom quest. 


— It never rhymes, usually avoid poetic devices, such as alliteration, personification, metaphor. 


Avoid punctuation or capital letters except for proper names and the dash before the satori.


— Write in present tense verbs.  


— The poet is the observer and usually doesn’t use the first person pronoun  (  I, me, we, us, mine, ours, myself, and ourselves ).




HAIKU reached the West in 1868. A group of English and American poets who called themselves IMAGISTS took a special interest in haiku. Imagism was a movement in early-20th-century Anglo-American poetry that favored precision of imagery and clear, sharp language. 

Zen influenced haiku for its personal tranquility, and its encouragement of education and art.  As a result, the haiku translations of scholars H.G. Henderson (1934-1958) and R.H. Blyth (1949) began to promote Haiku in the United States. 

During the 1970s and 1980s, English-language haiku became more entrenched in North American culture with over a dozen periodicals: Haiku Poets of Northern California, Haiku North America, and Haiku Society of America, to name a few.   

I hope you find this lesson helpful.  I love Haiku. Feel free to ask me any questions. 

Thank you



click here to read haiku examples *** click here to read haiku rules *** click here to read why is 5/7/5 OR LESS rule *** click here for season words
click here to check Haiku Society of America *** Haiku Poets of Northern California *** Haiku Poets of Northern California *** American Haiku

I hope you find the lesson helpful. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions, I love to help. Thank you for reading my lesson.

Chapter 2
The Best Decision I ever Made

By Gypsy Blue Rose

I gave birth to a beautiful girl at 17 years old. It was unplanned and my family wanted me to have an abortion but it was my body and my choice.  Mom died when I was 10 years old and my dad left me at 15 years old so I didn’t have a parental role model, but a maternal instinct took over.

I bought an excellent parenting book by Dr. Spock, “Baby and Child Care”.  I followed chapter after chapter, faithfully.

Since then, I had two more children.  They are my treasure.  Motherhood is the best decision I ever made.

Author Notes 100 words non-fiction

I didn't want an abortion but I am pro-choice. Women have the right to decide what is best for them. For me, I wanted to have my baby.

Thank you very much for reading my story.


Chapter 3
Dear God

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Dear God,

Thank you for all the times you have been there for me. Such as the times I have drowned in all-encompassing darkness and pain, you were the only one by my side.  Please, God, continue to be with me.

I know I should have died many times but here I am.  Perhaps I had important work to do, like helping to raise my grandson.  Please, God, keep me mentally and emotionally balanced so I can be the best grandmother and mother I can be.

I appreciate the chances you give me each day to make amendments to my children for all the times I was too deep in my bipolar disease to realize the way my actions affected them.  I can’t undo the past but thanks to you, every second is a new beginning.  I know that staying in the present moment and turning my will and life over to your care is the answer to a better life. 

I am grateful for your guidance in navigating my life. Left alone to my own devices, sometimes, I make bad choices. Please help me make better choices

Thank you for loving me. I know that I am your precious child. This thought always makes me cry.  I don’t have anybody else that loves me so deeply and constantly.  

Always Yours,


Author Notes Non-fiction letter to God for the contest. I always appreciate kind constructive criticism.

MariVal aka Gypsy

picture from my pinterest account

Chapter 4
Eastern Winds

By Gypsy Blue Rose

After my mom died, my relationship with my dad deteriorated. He was not a good single father, and after five years, he married a horrible woman.  She didn’t want my siblings and me so she kicked us out of her house. My dad went along with her decision. I realized he was a coward.

I lived in Spain when jobs were hard to find.  At 15 years old, I was homeless and without an  income.  But thank God my mother’s sister offered to take me in. She paid for my ticket to America and took care of me until I was able to live on my own.  My sister was 25 years old and decided to stay in Spain. My brother was only 10 years old and it was illegal to kick him out until he turned 18 years old.


dark shadows

over withered flowers —

vase full of pain


My relationship with my dad was not always bad.  When I was little, he was my idol. He was handsome, smart, strong,  and so much more.  

Dad taught me to ride a bike, I still remember the way the air on my face felt and how excited I was when he let go.  Before he taught me to swim, I held on to his feet as he floated around the swimming pool, it was so much fun!   At weddings, I would step on the tip of his shoes and we danced.  I loved dancing with my dad, I felt so grown up. I remember him brushing my tangled hair, it hurt and mom did it much better, but I didn’t complain because he was trying.  On the weekends he took us on long car rides around Madrid and the cities closeby. 

At the beginning I was mad at him, but after a few years I forgave him. I chose to have peace of mind.  I never stopped loving him.


eastern winds sweep

dead leaves off her driveway —

as she picks ripe apples



Author Notes I welcome constructive criticism

Withered flowers, in Japanese folklore, are seen as a symbol of sadness, despair, and unrequited love.

A reviewer asked me to write more about my life so I added some of it.

My Dad and Mom passed away a long time ago. I have three children and three grandchildren. They are my treasure, the best thing of my life. I would never give up my children for a man. I have a bachelor's degree in business administration. I worked in the social field and teaching most of my life and I loved it. , I have a bipolar disorder, but with medication I live a normal life. I am divorced but I like being single, I don't need a man to complete me. I am a poet and artist. I love writing Japanese poetry and stories. For me, poems are easy to write but I need to practice my prose. I would like to write the story of my life. I'm at peace and happy. I love Fanstory, I have learned a lot and made wonderful friends. I had a challenging life but I wouldn't change anything because it made me who I am today. I'm not perfect but I'm whole.

Haibun is richly varied, in matter and technique. It's a vast genre and only marginally explored by foreigners. Most westeners are not familiar with classic haibun. Haibun can be written in present or past tense. It can be a couple of sentences with one haiku, to long journals with intermitent haiku added at the end of each complete scene.

Japanese poet, Master Matsuo Basho, made haiku and haibun popular in the 17th century. He traveled most of his adult life and wrote haiku and haibun all throughout his journey. Japanese people consider his haibun, "The Narrow Road to the Deep North", the best in their history. It was a travel journal with long entries and haiku in between each section.

Haibun is a poetry form that combines haiku with prose.


TENSE: present or past

SUBJECT MATTER: autobiographical, travel journal, slice of life, memory, dream short sketch of a person, place, and event.

TOPICS: life as a journey, love affairs, illness, human concerns & experiences

POINT OF VIEW: first person (everything seen through the author's eyes), third person (he/she)

SENSORY: uses imagery, sensory, concrete details, no abstractions

LENGTH: varies from very brief (1-2 sentences) with one haiku, to long journals with interspersed haiku, to memoir-length works Styles Haiku/prose Prose/haiku Haiku/prose/haiku, Prose/haiku/prose/haiku/prose/haiku etc.

PROSE tells the story, gives information, defines the theme, creates a mood through tone, provides a background to spotlight the haiku

HAIKU: moves the story forward, takes the narrative in another direction, adds insight or another dimension to the prose, resolves the conflict in an unpredictable way, or questions the resolution of the prose. Prose is the narrative and haiku is the revelation or the reaction.

Guidelines for Writing Haibun in English by Margaret Chula
click here to read guidelines for writing haibun

for Haibun Today examples and more information click here

for wikipedia definition click here

for Graceguts- more information click here

Thank you very much for reading and reviewing my poem,

pictures from Pinterest account. I have the copyright to presentations and writing; they are also registered in Fanstory

Chapter 5
The Short Black Dress

By Gypsy Blue Rose

I wear the short black dress he loves and my hair cascades down my bare back. The honeysuckle breeze squeezes between the blinds.  The anticipation of his arms around me pressing his body against mine makes me quiver inside.  Yearning rushes through my veins and my skin is ablaze. 

A knock and I rush to the door. His hungry eyes catch a flicker of longing in mine. I close the door leaving the world outside.


Author Notes 75 words

Thank you for reading and reviewing my flash fiction story.


Chapter 6
a Way Out of Hell

By Gypsy Blue Rose


~ f i c t i o n a l ~

I lost my job and couldn’t afford rent or food. Eventually, I became homeless. I remember walking by them thinking “they” were lazy alcoholics who chose to live in the streets. 

Living on skid row was extremely dangerous. I was raped and beaten regularly. I turned to drugs and alcohol to numb myself from my horrible existence.

I joined an AA group. At first, for the coffee and cookies but soon it became my salvation and a way out of hell.

Author Notes 80 words - it's a fictional short story but is a real problem in our country.

skid row = a poor district of a city where there are inexpensive hotels, bars, etc., and where people who are homeless usually go.

In January 2023, The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) counted 653,104 homeless Americans, 35,574 are Veterans, and 437,580 have some mental illness. You would be surprised to know how many regular middle-class folks are one paycheck away from homelessness.

I worked as a social worker for homeless people for 3 years and realized many are regular people like you and me. Not all homeless people are drunks or lazy and they all deserve respect and kindness, they are free and they have a huge impact.

Thank you very much for reading my flash fiction for the contest.

Chapter 7
~ Sexy Sadie ~

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Sexy Sadie is sexy no mo. She laughs insanely with a toothless mouth and sings her lunatic songs as she walks the streets with nowhere to go.

She swallows her insane words, they taste like dirt. Nobody listens to what she has to say, but she recites poems she wrote on the sidewalk under the scorching sun; until the grocer erases her words with his hose.

Her job is to collect cans, drink cheap wine, and warn the world, "The end is near, be right with Jesus." But she is invisible to passersby.

She mumbles to herself, "to each their own; live and let live; wherever you go, there you are; number 9, number 9, number 9" as the sayings go.
Sexy Sadie has no home.

neath the bridge, 
  urine-stank tents and burning barrels—
 hidden shame

Author Notes Sexy Sadie and Revolution 9 are songs by the Beatles. In Revolution 9, there is a phrase: number 9, number 9, number 9

Haibun is a Japanese poetic form that combines haiku with prose. It's in present or past tense. The subject matter can be autobiographical, a travel journal, a slice of life, a memory, a dream, or a short sketch of a person, place, or event. Topics can be about life, love affairs, human concerns, and experiences. The point of view is first person (the author's eyes), or third person (he/she). Use imagery, sensory, and concrete details. Length varies from very brief (1-2 sentences) with one haiku, to long prose entries with interspersed haiku.

The prose tells the story, gives information, defines the theme, creates a mood through tone, provides a background to spotlight the haiku

The haiku moves the story forward, takes the narrative in another direction, adds insight or another dimension to the prose, resolves the conflict in an unpredictable way, or questions the resolution of the prose. Prose is the narrative and haiku is the revelation or the reaction. click here to read guidelines for writing haibun for Haibun Today examples and more information click here for Wikipedia definition click here for Graceguts- more information click here click here for a pdf file of guidelines

Thank you very much for reading and reviewing my poem,


pictures from my Pinterest account
Gypsy Blue Rose copywrites for poems and presentations, and they are registered with FanStory.

Chapter 8
With a Heavy Heart

By Gypsy Blue Rose

With a heavy heart, she cuddles with blue dusk to pacify her woven warp-and-weft woes.  At dawn’s light, she’s carried away by her wistful longing.  The pain and grief reflect on her blue eyes, they are the window to her soul.

interred in night’s grave,

she’s veiled with black lace

and wooed by howling wind


Author Notes - in Spain, when a loved one dies, women wear black to express their grief. At church, they wear black lace veils to cover their head. In general, women wear veils on their heads at church. All these were customs when I was a little girl, it may have changed.

- Interred: to deposit (a dead body) in the earth

Haibun is a Japanese poetic form that combines haiku with prose. It's in present or past tense. The subject matter can be autobiographical, a travel journal, a slice of life, a memory, a dream, or a short sketch of a person, place, or event. Topics can be about life, love affairs, human concerns, and experiences. The point of view is first person (the author's eyes), or third person (he/she). Use imagery, sensory, and concrete details. Length varies from very brief (1-2 sentences) with one haiku, to long prose entries with interspersed haiku.

The prose tells the story, gives information, defines the theme, creates a mood through tone, provides a background to spotlight the haiku

The haiku moves the story forward, takes the narrative in another direction, adds insight or another dimension to the prose, resolves the conflict in an unpredictable way, or questions the resolution of the prose. Prose is the narrative and haiku is the revelation or the reaction.

click here to read guidelines for writing haibun for Haibun Today examples and more information click here for Wikipedia definition click here for Graceguts- more information click here click here for a pdf file of guidelines

Thank you very much for reading and reviewing my poem,


Pictures from my Pinterest account. Poem and presentation by Gypsy Blue Rose COPYWRITE@2024

Chapter 9

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Bad jokes and dread are written in Arthur's journal. His only friend was an underpaid and overworked therapist. The government canceled his pills and mental health care. Life was an uphill stairs leading to nowhere.

garbage men on strike,
putrid city drowns in chaos
and angry mobs

Being a good boy never helped. He took care of his invalid mother night and day putting up with her delusional nonsense. Until Arthur found out that when he was a defenseless little boy, she tied him to the radiator for most of the day and night. His mom's boyfriends raped him again and again. Depression turned into rage and he smothered his mother to death, surrendering to his dark side~ The Joker.

house full of empty bottles
dirty dishes
and negligence

Author Notes The Joker is a Comic Book character. It has been adapted to the movie screen several times. My favorite is the latest one with Joaquin Phoenix. for more information click here

Haibun is a Japanese poetic form that combines haiku with prose. It's in present or past tense. The subject matter can be autobiographical, a travel journal, a slice of life, a memory, a dream, or a short sketch of a person, place, or event. Topics can be about life, love affairs, human concerns, and experiences. The point of view is first person (the author's eyes), or third person (he/she). Use imagery, sensory, and concrete details. Length varies from very brief (1-2 sentences) with one haiku, to long prose entries with interspersed haiku.

The prose tells the story, gives information, defines the theme, creates a mood through tone, provides a background to spotlight the haiku

The haiku moves the story forward, takes the narrative in another direction, adds insight or another dimension to the prose, resolves the conflict in an unpredictable way, or questions the resolution of the prose. Prose is the narrative and haiku is the revelation or the reaction.

click here to read guidelines for writing haibun

for Haibun examples and more information click here

for Wikipedia definition click here

for more info click here

Thank you very much for reading and reviewing my poem,


Pictures from my Pinterest account. Poem and presentation by Gypsy Blue Rose COPYWRITE@2024

One of thousands of stories, poems and books available online at

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