
Chapter 1
There is Light

By Michelle D. Carr


In days gone by, their hearts were taught through fear.

It was a cruel companion as they grew.

Loud cries were silent with no one to hear.

Children with shaken spirits then withdrew.


Tormented journeys on paths lined in pain,

their bleeding hearts remain hidden from view,

hanging from necks and backs, kept on a chain,

forged with each fiery blow the beater threw.


Release from terrors, sleeping or awake,

becomes a hopeless dream which seems untrue.

The healing enters slowly when they make

the meaning of every tear a clue.


The torment fades… His perfect love makes new,

with discovery of the self that's true.


Author Notes Trauma of child abuse can be treated and relieved in many ways but the Love of God is the cure.

Chapter 2
Destination Unknown

By Michelle D. Carr

The Spirit moves in love so I must try

to live with a surrender of the heart,

for I cannot know where the answers lie.

Each day presents an unknown path to start.


Do I travel this mile of life with grace

or am I failing and will have regrets?

This need to serve is something I embrace

In spite of doubtful thoughts my mind begets.


I must travel this highway every day 

as this is the map that I was given.

Duty is pressing and I can't delay

So I continue on as though driven.


Intrusion of self-doubt travels with me

but fear is slain by love which sets me free. 


Chapter 3
Ashes to Ashes

By Michelle D. Carr

A homey fireplace warms a lover’s heart

But only ashes see the morning light.

The joy of newlyweds is torn apart

As flames devour a dream home by moonlight.


Ashes mimicked snowflakes drifting gently

On nine-eleven as the towers fell.

Death camp ashes spewed out from a chimney

As millions faced despair in man-made hell.


Some flames grow to refine and purify

Before corruption can deform and scar.

The Spirit fire descends to glorify 

And heal the broken-hearted fallen star.


This fire does not leave ashes in its wake

But spreads a love to conquer all heartache.


Chapter 4
Sibling Seasons

By Michelle D. Carr



Green shoots born from good Spring earth. 

Siblings like trees amid weeds, 

sunburnt, sometimes suffering, 

play rough, often beautiful.

Times for child’s play, secrets kept,

games of catch, jokes played, truths shared,


…Always together.


As Summer passes, trees change.

Autumn orange and red suits donned.

Center stage till applause ends. 

Winter chills them back to sleep.

Mist, warmth, light call for encore.

Spring leads the seasons ‘round again.


…Live together.


Growing in truth affirms they

are loved by our Creator.

Seeds sown over and over.

Showers pull newborn shoots 

from the rich Earth-womb, again.

To wander, seek, find, know, love.


….Journey together.


Chapter 5
Fate of the Orchid

By Michelle D. Carr

What did it mean to plant your seed which grew 

within my heart, fertile with memories?

Looking upon your first green shoot, I knew

that my heart could endure future journeys.


I watched you spread your flowers in your home

of terracotta clay and praised their life.

Your red-hearted blooms continued to roam

And gave hope that love survives sorrows knife.


But now you drop your blooms and say farewell,

and I empty your terracotta home.

I drop the lifeless dreams I cannot tell

except within the lines of this poor poem.


The forked road brings a choice for me to make…

to plant another seed or love forsake.


Author Notes An orchid raised from a seed to memorialize the end of a love, friendshipâ?¦.

Chapter 6
Fear Not

By Michelle D. Carr



I fear the future that I think I see,


escapes into the past, relief is brief.


I sigh and moan and wonder what will be, 


compassion is my strength, fed by belief. 



My calling comes unbidden from above,


such energy sustained by duty felt. 


My caring tasks performed are fueled by love


continue on, the candle wax will melt. 



My fate may be unknown when duty ends,


in fear, the heartache of unraveling. 


I cannot choose the place where this road bends, 


but I can smile and keep on traveling. 



So pray for me and I will pray for you,


Sustained by hope, I know this to be true.


Author Notes My wish is for all who are feeling hopeless to reach for their faith just as this hand reaches for the sun.

Chapter 7
My Mother's Hands

By Michelle D. Carr


I remember when they held me gently,

To stroke and rub, clasp and grasp, strive with love.

Constant movers, strong and unlined  beauty.

Restless in slumber, draped in servant’s glove.


I remember youthful grace and caring.

Embodying perfection in action.

Turned to little beasts with red knobs snarling.

Defied her will, withholding all compassion.  


I gratefully remember hopeful smiles.

Touching beloved hands that I knew best.

“I love you, they said.  I have walked my miles.

Time to let go. I want my sabbath rest.”


“Now we lay clasped and still. Our work is done.”

Her lovely hands now reach out for the Son.



Chapter 8
Bones in the Armoire (Skeletons)

By Michelle D. Carr


“ Don’t open me.” speaks the stranger

Secluded behind the sealed door.


Wrinkled, worn wear; shameful but powerful.

Pockets carry cringes or tears; no joy.


A dusty box holds nostalgic photos;

bringing an ache, flooding the heart with tears.


Ancient apparel can’t be burned or trashed.

Boots remember the dead; when the heart bled.


The divine One ever watches and waits.

“Daydreamer, unlatch the door. I see you.”


“ I remember dreams of longing through tears;

shameful and living in the heart’s armoire.

 But...I have no key.”


“I am the key. Be still and healed by Me. 

I am the cure for the broken-hearted.

Be free.”


Chapter 9
Healing Water

By Michelle D. Carr

The flow of the waterfall,

fractured on the jagged rocks,

creates a mist of meaning,

and sprays the ailing pilgrim.


Shimmering colors blend.

Led by the breath of God, 

the hungering spirit is bathed 

with gift-wrapped grace.


Look upon the waterfall,

seen only in part. 

Like its source, the end is unseen.

but faith is blind and prevails.


Chapter 10
Victorious Faith

By Michelle D. Carr


Needs come without consent.

Life flings them from above.

Desires are birthed and grow,

with dreams of endless joy,
till loss sickens the soul.

A frantic fight begins.

Offload, downsize, discard.

Grief numbed by anxious acts

mask the weeping sick soul 

while navigating loss.


Fearfully, we throw away,

give away the memories.

Torn and stripped of all feeling

they return, revived and taunt 
with shame, sorrow and regret.

Sweet surrender enfolds 

with blessed emptiness.

Peaceful contemplation 

saves an inglorious life
and faith defeats despair.


Chapter 11
Forgotten Birthday

By Michelle D. Carr


Awakening at sunrise,

I roll over in my bed.

Rubbing the sleep from my eyes,

Happy Birthday in my head.


Today is no one’s birthday.

Must be someone’s, but not mine.

To the coffee pot I stray,

For caffeine is all I pine.


Coffee pod, too small to read,

no light or reading glasses.

I persist…. I can't admit

I need the light and glasses.


The pilgrimage to the switch.

is made with sad surrender.

Eyeglasses have found their niche.

I stand and see, in wonder.


Amazing how so few things,

I resisted, give me glee. 

I rejoice as my heart sings

A Happy Birthday to me!


Chapter 12
It is Enough

By Michelle D. Carr


Innocents die. A child lives rough.

But I believe You are enough.

The evil spreads from moon to moon

but grace-strength girds with gold cocoon.


The sorrow lives till suffering ends.

The heart must bleed before grace mends. 

The last exhale unlocks the door

without regard for rich or poor. 


No tears are shed at spirit’s release.

Triumphant truth spreads shimmering peace.

The sword of love will win the duel.

You are enough, my Precious Jewel.


Chapter 13
Jumping the Chasm

By Michelle D. Carr

There was a place on earth where I belonged.

It had no walls nor address on a street.

When I was there a gift of golden song

was carried in my core, your voice so sweet.


There was a steady arm and hand to hold

when crossing chasms over the unknown.

Our promise to each other made us bold;

“ In illness and in health,” never alone.


But vigor cruelly fades then disappears,

and golden songs are silenced in my core.

I jump abysmal chasms holding fears

because of no return to life before.


So jailed in this place of silent shaking,

I await the golden song with aching.


Author Notes Life is full of straight smooth paths but every so often there is a chasm that is difficult to cross alone.

Chapter 14

By Michelle D. Carr

You're out of reach with no more words to speak.

Your sadly silenced voice by death was thieved.

Your face seen only in my dreams, so bleak,

appearing without joy in life, I grieved.


A heavy coat of sadness kept me cold.

Compelled but facing hopelessness, I tried

to break out from this fearful stranglehold. 

Could I embrace the pain and bid good-bye?


But grief will act with mercy in its time.

It is the ruler of the healing heart.

The welcomed memories begin to climb,

and mornings bring new meaning to impart.


The blows that death delivers can derange,

But hope and faith can soften any change.


Author Notes Old losses thought resolved can return with new ones. Loss brings changes and there is never a real return to the past.

Chapter 15

By Michelle D. Carr

They come unbidden and approach with stealth.

Imaginings promise a perfect world.

Seduced by dreams of beauty, health and wealth,

the fabric of heart’s strength becomes unfurled.


Each walker strolls a path with temptation.

Fatigue of spirit slows the wanderer.

The caws of crows cry threats of damnation.

As soft low words flow from the squanderer.


The hungry heart confuses greed for need.

Satiety is costly and too brief.

The search begins again for a new deed,

which leaves the wanderer with no relief.


This place of danger will always exist.

The choices are surrender or resist.

Chapter 16
The Silent Mystic

By Michelle D. Carr

The vision sphere is thrown
and rolls to its seer.

The swirling colors leave
a wondrous rainbow trail.

It's heavenly path
finds the soul of the silent mystic.

The divine source projects
a film of prophetic scenes.

The ineffable revealed
for timeless moments.

The balm of Gilead flows...
gift of the profound.

One is left forever changed.
...hoping for a return.

Which comes again to the still and silent.

Chapter 17

By Michelle D. Carr


Jolting, trembling noise confines me.

Please set me free.

How can this be?

You can save me.


A vision breathed away the fright

that came at night.

My chest grew tight.

This was my plight.


But contemplation drew You near.

You took the fear.

What did I hear?

Silence was dear.


Chapter 18
Be Free

By Michelle D. Carr


“ See

my love

from above.

It is for you.

Smooth  like a velvet glove.

Waiting, wanting, watching for you.

Eternally yearn to be heard by you.

Follow me.”  the Father softly whispered to me.

He also murmured mysteries to you.

Discerned if hearts are pure and true.

Wise but innocent dove!

He will pursue!

From above.

With love.



Chapter 19

By Michelle D. Carr

Sooth my sorrow as it dwells in my breast.

Tell me a story of love that lasts always

until the pain passes and I can rest.

Vacant hearts seeking a fullness that stays,

welcome guests on the same quest and are blest.


Chapter 20
Feeling Bitter Sweet

By Michelle D. Carr

wanting joy within

seeing photos from the past

feeling bitter-sweet


wanting peace within

seeing films of days gone by

feeling bitter-sweet


wanting strength within

seeing friends from long ago

feeling bitter-sweet


Chapter 21

By Michelle D. Carr

Spawns of dust, destined to end as we began.
Foredoomed to be useless...
a fate unappealing.

Sun's rays, cloud's lining, eternal spirit,
full of life's movement...
a fate most appealing.

Dust, a nuisance in life,
a lowly beginning, a sad journey's end.

Dead dust...dirty dust....dreary dust.

If we become what surrounds us....
please let us stay in the sunlight and moonlight,
molded by the Creator's will and Spirit
from the light of the heavens.


Chapter 23

By Michelle D. Carr

The lightning shoots a blaze.

Harbinger of thunder.

Until the next sky flash.

Numbers counted…one…two…

Distance in miles now known.

Each creature runs to hide.

Reeling from the loud sounds.


Shaken by nature’s deadly gunshots,

Trembling animals run in circles

Or huddle under bushes and trees.

Returning calm is seen with the sun

Marking a new beginning of calm,

Sanity…safety… and a new day.


Chapter 24
Born of Water

By Michelle D. Carr

The waterfall flows
Gift born on the jagged rocks
Healing mist of God.

Author Notes Have you noticed how the waterfalls create a healing mist?

Chapter 25
Return of Glory

By Michelle D. Carr


Your Spirit moves so deep within the soul.

Its waters flow to cover all heartache.

Our wordless questions answered makes us whole.

The Shepherd guards His lambs from all heartbreak.


Surround us with the wonder of Your love.

We hold on fast; our hearts soar up in praise. 

As You purpose, transform us from above.

Like fallen birds, we, by grace, you will raise.


Disbelieving dreams crept in and hearts burn.

Awakening, attached to fear, hope flew.

We cried out for the glory to return.

Let us know the wonder of all of You.


You heard the heart's prayer of desperation.

Love's answer is the promised salvation.


Chapter 26

By Michelle D. Carr

Louie Lion paced in a cage.

He feels his rage.

Twelve by ten feet,

on hard concrete.


Longed to run and play in freedom

in his kingdom.

Twelve by ten feet

no friends to meet.


Rescued and released one bright day

to run and play.

Twelve by ten feet

he must repeat.

Author Notes This is based on the true story of a lion who was caged since birth and was released years later into a protective area where he could run and roam over many acres. Instead, he paced a piece of land which was the exact measurement of his former cage. Release from the cage was not complete freedom.

Chapter 27
No Regrets

By Michelle D. Carr

We live in a room with many windows,

each offering a view of paths apart.

The chosen route changes as each day grows.

The callings dismissed can sadden the heart.


Useless regrets crowd the heart with wishes,

holding us, with their strong arms, in the past.

The present is missed with all its riches,

birthing more qualms and the sad cycle lasts.


Both feet in the present hold qualms at bay

and keeps the traveler on path with ease.

So dreams, realized, will brighten today

and banish all remorseful memories.


Meaning found gazing through windows of time,

carry with it revelations sublime.


Chapter 28
New Each Day

By Michelle D. Carr

The living borrow


with joy and sorrow.

Chapter 29
Vision of Departure

By Michelle D. Carr



Crawl from the shell.

Catch a ride on the light.

Glide into the fullness 

of blessed emptiness. 

Travel deeper,

always deeper, 

into His Spirit.


No tears as the true self emerges.

Soiled robes fall away

with this sacred visitation, 

revealing the white bridal gown.

The eternal Spirit flows.

All creation is infused with His life-giving love. 


His joyful Spirit cries,  

“Just be. Just be. All are welcomed by Me.

Your future is your present. 

Always close. Never lost.

Always alone. Never lonely.”

The gift of mercy 

from One who is love,

comforts with hope



Chapter 30
Requiem for the Library

By Michelle D. Carr



In times gone by, people of every class

would seek a place to feel some blessed peace.

A date-stamped card became their entry pass

to rest where they could find a sweet release.


Bound beauties lined a narrow, cozy nook.

KEEP SILENT  was the honored golden rule 

but they screamed out, “I am your friend, the book.

I live to serve each villager and school.”


We loved their multicolored leather coats

forming a masterpiece upon the shelves.

Their aging pages filled with wisdom quotes.

Within the covers we could find ourselves.


Hidden in this magical book-tower,

windows gave the sunlight it's admission

and it healed the soul of hardship’s power

as gentle scents showered contemplation.


My private tower lives now in my home.

From it I watch the real world from afar.

It cushions from the pain that others own.

I see each wounded warrior wear a scar.


The Public library, because of them 

 is owed by me, this humble requiem.


Chapter 31
Traveling to Love

By Michelle D. Carr

The road to love is strewn with sensations,

passed through like many expensive toll gates.

We drive through them without true attention.

Barely remembered, leaving deep bruises.


They surface in dreams for only moments.

Retreating with sunrise, they hide below.

The roadmap is marked with tears and laughter.

But the destination is worth the ride.


We seek and we ask; we suffer and pray.

But within the stillness of the center

We find the One who is love eternal.

He heals bruises left by a mortal’s love.


We reach our desired destination 

when striving ends and surrender begins.


Author Notes
â??I will rise now,â?? I said, â??And go about the city; In the streets and in the squares I will seek the one I love.â?? I sought him, but I did not find him. The watchmen who go about the city found me; I said, â??Have you seen the one I love?â?? Scarcely had I passed by them, When I found the one I love.

â??I will rise now,â?? I said, â??And go about the city; In the streets and in the squares I will seek the one I love.â?? I sought him, but I did not find him. The watchmen who go about the city found me; I said, â??Have you seen the one I love?â?? Scarcely had I passed by them, When I found the one I love.

â??I will rise now,â?? I said, â??And go about the city; In the streets and in the squares I will seek the one I love.â?? I sought him, but I did not find him. The watchmen who go about the city found me; I said, â??Have you seen the one I love?â?? Scarcely had I passed by them, When I found the one I love.

â??I will rise now,â?? I said, â??And go about the city; In the streets and in the squares I will seek the one I love.â?? I sought him, but I did not find him. The watchmen who go about the city found me; I said, â??Have you seen the one I love?â?? Scarcely had I passed by them, When I found the one I love.

I will rise now, I said, and go about the city; in the streets and in the squares I will seek the one I love. I sought him, but I did not find him. The watchmen who go about the city found me; I said, Have you seen the one I love? Scarcely had I passed by them, when I found the one I love.

Song of Solomon

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