"Thinking of judiverse"

When Waves Kiss the Shore

By Pam (respa)

Author Note: Thinking of judiverse (judi) at a difficult time.

It seems like time passes
Through our fingers
Like finest grains of sand
Especially when the one
We love has passed
Into a higher realm
It's here they are welcomed
By angels on high
Who will enfold them
In their glorious wings
In time, they'll be gifted
With wings of their own
And love is heaven sent~
We'll feel that love again
When waves will kiss
the golden shore
once more...

Author Notes You should be able to post a poem or a prose piece. One of the choices will be a single story within a book. Then, there will be an option for genre. If you choose "poetry" you should get the poem format and the same with the prose or non-fiction category.

I created the book because judi recently lost her husband after some health problems. She wrote a very good piece about it you can check out in her portfolio.

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Chapter 1
~ A Promise Kept ~

By Pam (respa)

Author Note: Dedicated to the True Love of Judi and Richard

The sun had set as night stars shone,
an angel came, he wasn't alone.
She held his hand, with no regret,
as night stars shone, the sun had set.
She softly said with heartfelt voice,
"Your God needs you; please let's rejoice.
Your mansion waits as you have read,"
with heartfelt voice, she softly said.
"No need to fear, so come with me,
His love you've known has set you free.
His glory lives, He's always near,
so come with me, no need to fear."
A promise kept, though some have cried,
yet they believed and would abide.
With faithful souls, they would accept,
though some have cried, a promise kept.

Author Notes Google image/YouTube video

Chapter 2
Dear Judi

By Pam (respa)

The day looks bright, the sun still shines, the birds still sing their song,
The sea still flows, the grass still grows, and yet there's something wrong.
It's then the tears fall on your cheek, you stare and wonder why:
the many prayers were never heard. Why did he have to die?

But God did listen, He was there, He stood right by your side
He cried with you, He knew your pain, His love is oceans wide.
And He'll be there, just call His name, through all the times ahead,
until He sees you smile again when all sad tears are shed.

You never truly lose the one you've loved and cared about
the one that reached into your heart, and kept it safe throughout
those days and nights you shared through life, when you were joined as one,
when days of making memories had only just begun.

Those memories will last through time until God calls your name
and leads you through His golden gates to be with Dick again.

Sending you love, prayers, and a huge hug, my dear friend.

Author Notes Judi lost her dear husband, Dick, last Saturday. This poem and others, will hopefully show her how much sadness we feel for her.

Chapter 3
Words Aren't Always Easy

By Pam (respa)

Words aren't always easy; when so delicate a say

The ones that usually come to us, most any other day

But when your heart is sad because someone is going through pain

You want your words to comfort them, console and to sustain

I'm sorry for your loss; I can't imagine how you feel

I hope that soon your memories will help the hurt to heal

I'm praying for you, and I hope you know how much I care

Sometimes joy seems so far away when life seems so unfair

FanStory friends are priceless, as I always see the hope

That comes from doing for others as they try to help you cope

 Judi, when you're lonely, you won't have too far to go

To travel around the world to find a friend who loves you so


Chapter 4
To Judi

By Pam (respa)

It's a beautiful early evening. The sun hangs low above the mountain ridge. I nurse a glass of red wine and my thoughts wander a long way from here. You enter the realm of my world and I think of you, Judi. Your loss and your pain is all too raw at this moment in time. But I'm here, my thoughts reaching out to you, and I share your sorrow.

sun sets
into a darkened sky~
soon, a new day will dawn

Author Notes This is a haibun.

Chapter 6
Mermaids and Guinea Pigs

By Pam (respa)

four guinea pigs scurry to the shore
a sea of mermaids marvel at the
squeaking fur balls
laughter erupts among
the potato-like creatures

"Hooman? Fish? Hooman-fish?"
the calm sea rolls to the shore
the little furry girls look
at each other and the water
full of women with tails

the mermaids wonder if
these small beings are real
the guinea pigs expect treats
but the spirits of the air,
those who have passed on
laugh, fly free, enjoy the scene

tiny foot prints in wet sand
connect with ocean dwellers

Author Notes Sending love to Judi from the mermaids and guinea pigs.

Chapter 7
I'll offer up a prayer

By Pam (respa)

May I offer up this prayer,
Grant you comfort -- heaven's fare.
Wisdom cannot fill your need,
because grief's a broken reed.
Recalling joy's precious ways,
echoes songs of former days,
casts its image, sings and stays.

R.Owen 20/04/2023

Author Notes Thinking of you Judi, there is never truly a loss of life,
one always leaves their imprint behind, Dick will never leave you, just his bodily presence. My affection for you has grown with every word that you have cast, may Gods joy reman with you.
May his memory and the presence of God go with you.
With Gods love. Roy

This is a heptastich which is written in 1x7 line stanzas or more, in 7 syllables per line, in trochaic meter, with rhyming of AABBCCC, and can be written as a dirge or a soliloquy. A form created by R.Owen

Thanks for reading. R.Owen

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