"Love and Loss"

Love and Loss

By Jessica Wheeler

It's better to have loved and lost,

Than never to have loved at all?

Surely it must depend on cost

As if true love commits to all

Love is the sweetest melody 

Water so warm, it pulls you in

Loss takes, offers no remedy 

And when it pulls, it's sink or swim

Should love or loss leave your heart still

Each one threatens to take your breath 

Heart's ache by loss from one's free will

When offering their soul to death

What of love that once did thrive

Not killed by loss, taken instead

Betraying love remains alive

The painful loss of love not dead

Must love’s rose wilt away with time

Only to deprive those in need 

Think twice, a planned outrun or climb

For time has no concept of speed 

Who gets to choose the difference 

Of love that's lost or loss of love

Mocks us with offered preference 

Yet, choice is what we're deprived of 

Embark upon this love loss merge

Hearts up for grabs, souls on the line

We take or leave, retain or purge

Both love and loss, ours to define


Author Notes This poetry book is a reflection of experience, my own and others, in hopes to capture the raw emotions involved with both love and loss. Most pieces written with the intent to provide a glimpse into relatable, yet unique moments of great love, or great loss; with a few lighter, everyday life poems thrown in between to represent balance.

Thank you so much for reading!

Chapter 1
Lucy In The Sky

By Jessica Wheeler

Wake to the warming sun
After the chill of night
A comfort from someone
Who sends her warming light

Sweet Lucy in the sky
Looks after you from there
And she knows when you cry
She sees you in despair

Her stars will light your path
And brighten every mile
The wind echos her laugh
Each time she sees you smile

So look up to the clouds
And take in all your days
Remember with no doubt
Clouds are where Lucy plays

Step out into the day
And breathe in it's fresh air
She hasn't gone away
Lucy loves you from there

Her presence in the wind,
She's mirrored in the water
When by the ocean, swim
And look up to your daughter

A kiss of sun she'll send
And when it warms your face
Know her life didn't end
She lives another place

Her moment here with you
Though not given another
Your love carried her through
You are still her mother

She's with you every day
No need to say goodbye
And someday you will play
With Lucy in the sky


Author Notes To my best friend Katy, who bravely faces the heart-wrenching loss of her precious daughter. Lucy became an Angel just moments after entering this world, leaving behind a trail of love, sorrow, and grief.

Chapter 2
This Love

By Jessica Wheeler

This love
My love
Relentlessly rises

Strip down
Take me
Rid me of disguises

Break through
Pull close
And I'll let you achieve

With you
I'm home
Resting in your reprieve

This love
Your love
Faithful and consistent

For me
For us
Steady and persistent

No end
Show up
Effortless is your stride

Your fight
It's you
So worthy of this pride

This love
Our love
It protects and sustains

Your ground
My muse
Test of time it maintains

Our fate
Us two
Now father and mother

You're mine
I'm yours
This love for each other

Author Notes Dedicated to My husband Dan, the love of my life...

Chapter 3
Night Terror

By Jessica Wheeler


Each night they creep

disrupt your sleep

Snatch you from bed

inside your head


behind your eyes

They aim to scare

and feast on fear



Fade out your light;

they wait in night

And look to find

those stuck behind

The purest heart

can't stop their start

And if you're found

Then you are bound



Puppet at rest

fear pounds the chest

Drums their parade

strums serenade

Dread sings a song

they sing along

Helpless in trance

on strings, you dance



Can't hide or run

toward the sun

When you embark

a night so dark

What it will bring-


Night won't delay

a mind replay



But the gravel

of your travel

Will not abide

a forward stride

A redirect

to cause effect

Narrows the path

of aftermath



The ones that lurk

were put to work

Minions to whom

assigned your room 

Not to attack

but take you back

A place you know

you can't let go



Arrive at last

to hallways past

Behind each door

hell to explore

A time revived

for pain to thrive

Trapped in a room

of trauma’s bloom



Without release

or offered peace

Night terror looms

in varied rooms

And each one haunts

with ghostly taunts

And some, like me

have rooms of three



Traumatic post

stressed by the host

A swaying noose

of one’s abuse


a grief torment

Betrayed, undone

a hit and run



When nightmares store

from trauma's war

Brave soldiers break

from lives they take

The friend they lost

when limbs were cost

For lives they saved

their minds enslaved



Unfair demise

behind shut eyes

Relive the date

of your born hate

A risk gone wrong

times short or long

If pain you feel

your trauma's real



Although we wake

each day's at stake

Should one mirror

a night terror

We cannot know

each time we go

If one night fear

will keep us there



Still I will quest

for sleep with rest

Night trips could cease

I may find peace

Till then, my doom

each night, this room

Before closed eyes

again, she dies



Author Notes
The purpose of this piece is to express the impact of "night terrors", a symptom of PTSD, and what one might endure if it develops.

PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) is a serious mental health condition that can develop in people who have experienced or witnessed a traumatic event.

This could include things like combat, sexual assault, emotional abuse, the death of a loved one, or a close call! Situations such as natural disasters, or car accidents are also a potential cause.

In fact, there are countless situations. People with PTSD often experience symptoms that can range from mild to debilitating.

Just to name a few- flashbacks, heightened anxiety, avoidance of situations that remind them of the traumatic event, and of course, night terrors.

"She" is my little sister, whose death I witnessed; the subject of my own night terrors.

Chapter 4

By Jessica Wheeler

The universe is endless, yet so are we.

Author Notes Keep Faith

Chapter 5
Coffee For Men

By Jessica Wheeler

When my husband and I met, then and there- my heart was set

On this man with charm and class, I fell hard, and I fell fast

No one makes me laugh like him, with that quick wit on a whim

His tall, dark, and handsome looks; not to mention- he reads books 

But I cant quite hide my smirk, over my man’s little quirk

Takes his coffee with delight, extra sweet and way too light 

With no bother to measure, scoops that sugar with pleasure 

When I first learned, and after, I just can't hold my laughter 

When I hear his deep, man voice, ordering the sweetest choice 

Very light and way too sweet, then calls it his "special treat"

With no sugar left to share, is coffee even in there?

To add to his odd favor, he adds caramel flavor

And as sweet as that may seem, he still thinks it needs whipped cream

He knows I just like teasing- even though it's displeasing 

Sugar-loving guy, and all... still looks like a damn Ken Doll

Author Notes My sweets-loving, sweet husband...

Chapter 6
It's fixed

By Jessica Wheeler

finally fixed chair
duct tape now on shopping list- 
notes unrelated 

Author Notes
I couldn't help myself.

Chapter 7
She Climbs

By Jessica Wheeler

 Trotting through the trees, she twirls

Carefully, she climbs in curls

 Braves each branch to reach a bird

Whispering each wishful word
Great big jump lands back on ground
Filled with joy from what she found 
Life is loved by little girls

Author Notes For my daughters- may they always twirl among trees and climb in curls.

Chapter 9
Her Words

By Jessica Wheeler


We guide our children every day

They savor every memory 

But we can grow from words they say

 These are her words, my Morgan Lee...


A quiet night just months ago,

 I tucked my daughter into bed

What happened next, I couldnt know 

 How much would change with what she said


She told me, "Mom, I'm proud of you

I know that you have had it rough."

I said, "That's just what mothers do."

She said, "Not every mom's this tough."


"Oh yeah, just look how tough I am,"

I teased, referring to my tears.

"Because of you, and Dad, and Cam

I found the strength to face tough years… 


And that's when she looked up at me

and tears began to fill her eyes

 much more than curiosity

Is what a look like that implies


I sat down and I held her hand

My full attention was required

I told her I would understand

With apprehension, she inquired...



“Mom, I know I'm only nine,

But I'm still old enough to know

When Auntie Kelly's on your mind,

And you try hard so it won't show


Since I don't mind, it might be good

I want you to, I won't feel bad

Tell me about her if you could,

I want to help you when you're sad


Because, I think about her, too

I really wasn't all that small 

She'd sing and play guitar with you

I taped her picture to my wall


Her hair was black like ours, and long,

And she had so many tattoos 

She told me I was brave and strong 

A memory I'll never lose 


I know I cried when she moved out 

 I guess I was just small before 

Please don't be scared to talk about 

When all I want is to hear more.”



It left me stunned to comprehend

The wisdom that my girl possessed

And she would hurt when I'd pretend,

Deserving truth, I then confessed


I opened up about my sister

Things I've tried to hide before

I told her just how much I missed her

And how each day I miss her more.


With wide eyes, she sat and  listened

Took lessons from all that she  heard

Her words that night were on a   mission,

So she hung on every word


Although she may not be aware

or know the weight of words that night

The greatest gift beyond compare,

is that her heavy heart's now light

Author Notes This story in a poem is a non-fiction account of a real conversation Initiated by my daughter. Although I had to tweak them slightly to create a rhyme, I stayed incredibly true to her actual profound words. This was very important to me, as this conversation was one of the most significant and pivotal moments of my life. My daughter was hurting, and though my intention was to shield her from witnessing my overwhelming grief after my sister's passing, I inadvertently caused her anxiety about my avoidance.

Chapter 10
Ten more minutes

By Jessica Wheeler

rush kids out the door

to watch the bus drive on by-

evil snooze button

Author Notes That third hit did it!

Chapter 11

By Jessica Wheeler

Feeling lingers and stays
One of doubt and despair
Sneaks up on me some days
To make me feel such fear

Stuck in its suspension
Held back by "I don't know"
Robbing apprehension
Steals my "go-with-the-flow"

It knocks me off my feet
Keeps me awake in bed
Though my twisted defeat
May just be in my head

Yet this brings me no peace
Does not even the score
Grabs hold with no release
And shakes me to my core

Fearful circumstances
Which one cannot explain
So I won't take chances
Or risk potential pain

What I fear so deeply
Is what cannot be shown
Trapped by what I can't see
A fear of the unknown

Author Notes

The intention of this poem is to capture the common feeling of fear over what is unknown. Typically, this unease manifests after experiencing a significant event that was beyond one's ability to manage or prevent. Though in many cases, fear of the unknown is merely anxiety deriving from a source also unknown.

Chapter 12
Daisy Occasions

By Jessica Wheeler

delightful daisies
fill wild fields and bride's bouquet -
a gift of April

Chapter 13
Blind Minds

By Jessica Wheeler


Refuse all blinded bliss
Or choose small-mindedness

Chapter 14

By Jessica Wheeler

She'll face her fears till limits rise

And watch them clear from summer skies

She'll chase her dreams and butterflies

And catch them both before our eyes. 

Author Notes Last year, my daughter Camryn was diagnosed with dyspraxia, also known as developmental coordination disorder - a rare condition in America, but more common in other parts of the world. Unfortunately, there is no cure for this condition, and it affects each individual differently. For Camryn, there are physical challenges, but thankfully her cognitive development and ability is completely unaffected.

Upon diagnosis, we were told that there would be "limits". Yet, Camryn never fails to give it her all. With physical and occupational therapy twice a week, along with demanding daily exercises, she has exceeded our expectations. Her resilience and determination are an inspiration. So, while we may not know what limits may come, we do know our Camryn will face them head-on.
(With mom to back her up, of course) ;)

Chapter 16
Inside Memories

By Jessica Wheeler

down a hill lined with houses - rests my childhood home
pillars guard a concrete path - met by steps of stone
chairs rock on a hugging porch -wrapped below windows
inside, live my memories - still shattered on tile

Chapter 17
No return

By Jessica Wheeler

Time can be unkind

Repeats, but won't rewind

Chapter 18
Drips and Drops

By Jessica Wheeler

dancing in the rain-
my feet are drawn to puddles
and so is my butt

Author Notes
Clumsy klutz and wet butts!

Chapter 19
Grateful Songbird

By Jessica Wheeler


from their sheltered nest

who do the songbirds sing to

when they serenade?

their song is a gift

sung to the tree they sing from

for shelter given 

Author Notes MONDO FORM: 2 stanzas of 3 lines each, 19 syllables or LESS, often 5/7/7, or 5/7/5 for each stanza. The first stanza is a question the second stanza is the response. Usually, mondo is a collaborative poetic form but for this club event, one poet will write the question and the response. Mondo gleans meaning from nature in the spirit of Zen through meditation and observation of natural surroundings.

Chapter 20
Bad Kitty

By Jessica Wheeler

feline's reflection 
shatters in the mirror-
cat smirks at fooled dog 

Author Notes Vicious little kitty

Chapter 21
What's for dinner

By Jessica Wheeler

He said he’s cooking
Guess what he made for dinner...
A reservation.

Chapter 24
Autumn aroma

By Jessica Wheeler

morning aroma

perfumes air with pumpkin spice-

the scent of autumn

Chapter 25
While You Can

By Jessica Wheeler

Don't wait.
Forgive and live before it is
Too late.

Chapter 26

By Jessica Wheeler

Energy surges to Earth from the sun,
Aiming for flowers to nourish each one,
Colors ignite, light is fair not to shun,
Rising and shining with patterns that stun.

Immature flowers will grow, and they'll thrive,
Fields full of colors will start to arrive,
Beautiful blossoms, but of all alive,
Daughter of Sun is his favorite revive.

Facing the sky with inherited power,
Petals of gold brighten up every hour,
Over the blooms standing tall as a tower,
All looking up to the glowing sunflower.


Megan was someone who stood out this way,
Spotlight of sunshine upon her each day,
Hopeful and kind with the breeze, she would sway,
But someone's thoughtlessness stole her away.

Tragedy struck with an influenced crash,
One that she trusted was driving too fast,
Into a tree, in that moment, her last,
We bear the impact that caused her to pass.

He took her life, even though not his plan,
Crash killed his wife by the wheel in his hand,
Guilt, like a shadow, walks with him on land,
He and that tree, still alive where they stand.

Megan was different, not quite like the rest,
Of all the friends I've known, she was my best,
There is no pain, though, like that in the chest,
Of parents who must lay their child to rest.

What I would tell her, with just one more day,
Though she is worth more than my words could say,
She held my secrets, and with her, they stay,
Grieving fields dim now that she's gone away.

She paid the price that night, though not her crime,
Leaving her love and her memory behind,
Daily I pray and I wish her more time,
Plucked like a sunflower right in her prime.

Megan was blessed with a light that He gave her,
Faith that ignited her soul would not waiver,
Maybe this light was always meant to save her,
Much like the sunflower, in the sun's favor.

Energy surges to Earth from afar,
Angels lift Megan that night from that car,
I'd know her light anywhere, near or far,
Once our sunflower, now God's brightest star.


Author Notes My cousin, Megan Lee, was my very best friend and the embodiment of kindness and loyalty. It felt like her soul was ancient, wise beyond her years. Her love of sunflowers was known, and also made evident by her tattoo.

Tragically, Megan's life was cut short one night when her husband crashed their car into a tree, less than a mile from their home. Friends later revealed that Megan was scared and begged for the keys, but her intoxicated husband refused and demanded she get in the car. He walked away unscathed, and Megan instantly lost her life.

I was six months pregnant when Megan Lee was killed. When I gave birth to my first daughter that November, I was struck by the perfect heart-shaped birthmark on her thigh. It was almost as if Megan had stamped it right on her. I'd like to believe she did.

In tribute, we named our daughter Morgan Lee.

Chapter 29
Melancholy Me

By Jessica Wheeler


Melancholy me, since Kelly's gone away

Beyond the moon and sea, now gone from every day

Stage by stage I've wept, but finally, I see

What I must accept; a melancholy me


Happiness and joy, are never felt alone

Grief means to not destroy, it leaves the undertone

It’s hopeless to contest, what lingers underneath

So I'll try my best, to balance in my grief 


Though, I may be jaded, I've left behind denial

The anger has since faded; Ive learned again to smile

Since she had to leave, and I am here to stay

 Forever I will grieve, my  melancholy way


Born in her last breath, to burrow into place

To live despite her death, as long as I embrace

For it's now mine to keep, it's just my cross to bear

I've buried it down deep, but it is always there


A distant cloud that looms, in sunny clear blue skies

Though never quite consumes, within all things, it lies

A whisper to remind, to keep my pain intact 

But this I will not mind, if I can't have her back


And though I did not choose, it's what I would prefer

I cannot bear to lose, the memory of her

If pain is in my heart, then Kelly, too, shall be...

Because she’s just a part, of melancholy me.


Author Notes My final chapter is dedicated to my greatest loss, my little sister, Kelly. Her death has left an indelible mark on my heart and soul.

After it happened, I was in a very dark place- drowning in grief. Nothing seemed to resonate with me. I read, I listened, I searched- but I constantly felt misunderstood.

Then one day, my cousin sent me this video of an interview with the actor Billy Bob Thornton. In it, he spoke about losing his own brother. His words were candid... they didn't contain some big profound reveal. They were really rather simple. But it was the first time since Kelly died, that I felt understood. He captured exactly what I was feeling, but hadn't been ok enough yet to articulate. It's the first time I heard "it's ok to never get over it". I needed that hope.

This poem was inspired by what he said in that interview.

One of thousands of stories, poems and books available online at

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