By Ricky1024
"The Prologue"
Written on March 15th, 2022
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright �© Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
The idea first was just a thought, as if wandering, and lost, then bought?
But once found and written down?
You can create something.
Something long-lasting and perhaps even Perpetual!
Written with all my Mind, Heart, and Soul.
"The Gift of Life!"
Yes, will become my Greatest Achievement.
I will present something never before seen.
What has been recently and already called by my publishers Author House.
A Masterpiece!
Written word presented within, this man's Broken Heart.
But can you reclaim it?
But can you reinvent?
As you try desperately and circumvent?
Searching and reaching out with all your Pain and Paint it?
And, Grief to Vent it?
Can you move on as you create?
Take all those past and horrible thoughts.
Thoughts from that horrible accident and re-navigate?
And last but not least.
Can this possibly be?
By me?
A Latter-Day Saint Priest with the Church of Jesus Christ.
Do a pitch to promote?
A pitch for the Angels and get it exactly right!
"One for the Angels" (A)
Written on March 11th, 2022
By Doctor Ricky 1024
They come when you least expect it and then?
Yes, they're suddenly gone?
But how and when?
Why and where?
We just don't really know?
Whitened-Wings enclosed, quite Souls.
In flight coming from far, far, above.
Ready and willing to give you?
"All their Un-Ending Love"
Glistening Quest?
Yes, to offer only.
Their Very, Very, Best!
And, just when you think it's all over now?
With your very last prayer and vow?
They swoop down and take away your Miseries and your Pains!
And, then restore your Life.
Yes, with all their Might!
All dressed in White!
Wings tucked in Tight!
Halo set on Glow!
(Silly Goose don't you know?)
Look there goes one now!
Holy Cow!
My God, it looks like He's on his mission.
A mission to save a Soul and restore Life!
Because with the Powers to be invested by Thee.
Within by God.
These once Human Beings.
Will work Endlessly their Job!
Yes to eliminate your fears and strife.
An ultimately restoring your life!
"Heaven Bound" (B)
Written on January 18th, 2023
By Master Jason Richard Smrkovsky
Copyright �©ï¸? Fanstory
(From Heaven Above)
With all his Endless Love.
To All his Family and friends
'All Rights Reserved'
Damn it Janet!
Yes, it's been way, way, too long.
So with these drum sticks in my Hands?
Lost my life, lost my band.
It's been way to long.
Hiding in the shadow.
Did you think eye would crumble, lay down, and die?
As, I try to dry the Endless tears from my Hazel gray eyes.
You were the one who tried to hurt me but did I die?
I'm Free Falling?
Yes, it hath taken, my Soul was Shaken.
And, I looked Fear and Death in its ugly face.
Tears of mellow Grace upon my face.
I'm Free Falling.
Yes, I'm "God Given and God Bound"
Searching for a better place.
Heaven Found!
And yes, I can now see the Blue in the skies and no longer will eye ever again Cry!
And, I'm no longer alone because I'm looking God in His EYES!
Ain't no big deal or surprise!
No more Free Falling!
Yes, because what you and I have finally together now found?
"Heaven Bound!"
Note: I just printed out 80 chapters.
And, there will be at least 50 more of these added to this page.
Yes, within the next two weeks completing the original book.
Estimated Word Count:
Estimated Word Count: 769.
Total Estimated Word Count: 30~45 thousand.
Author Notes |
Note: Jason was unfortunately severely but technically never actually killed in a horrible car accident on March 31st, 2003.
An innocent passenger, Hell driven, purposely, into a telephone pole at over 100 mph. ... Diagnosed Brain-Dead and in a Coma on April 1st, 2003. Organs graciously offered. Yes to four Human Beings on April 1st, 2003. (April Fool's Day) ... To learn more about this Incredible amazing program of 'Organ-Tissue Donations?' Simply contact my dearest friend Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with "The Gift of Life!" Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1-800-DONORS-1. ... Jason Richard Smrkovsky November 5th, 1984~ March 31st, 2003. "And, my Little Drummer' Boy's Beat Goes On!" Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist and Amazing Writer, 'Doctor Ricky 1024' And, his Incredible Picture Entitled, "Just My Jay" |
By Ricky1024
"The Fourth Son"
(A Dedication)
Written on March 27th, 2022
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright © Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
He was born and meant to be.
More than we.
Blessed in Grace from a Holy Place.
Yes, in his own words...
"Holy Crackel"
(At only age two)
He realized more than han both me and you.
Devine Spirit here to touch...
Did his very best to do his very much.
Such as Such as could be.
His time below?
Would be much shorter...
Than you and me.
Time would tell and realize his message.
(To say the least)
And, the whole World we soon see?
Exactly the purpose of an Angel to be.
Yes, to be as it must.
Before the Ashes to Ashes...
And, Dust to Dust.
But finally before his Blessed Life below would be Ending.
A Very, Special, Message...
"The Fourth Son"
Would be *Sending...
Author Notes |
Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist and Amazing Writer 'cleo85' And, Cleo's Incredible Picture Entitled, "Angel in the Street Light" |
By Ricky1024
"Going Away Present"
Written on March 29th, 2022
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright © Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
"Sometimes they come back?"
Within human Existance?
We are always giving something away?
'Have you shared your toys little boy today?'
Perhaps a small token the other day?
We are taught at a young age to try and be more giving.
Yes, because we are know as children that "Christmas Master?"
Each and every December 25th?
The most noble and glorious person living?
"It's better to give than receive"
'Be good Ricky or your going to the top of "Santa's Naughty List!'
Yes, warns my mother Florence way back in 1962.
But is it really all about lists and Christmas presents to the giving?
There must be more than that to our existence as a person still living?
"Giving, the key to success;
fulment, prosperity and a life of Prosperity"
We are always giving more of ourselves by counseling in many ways?
Bake a cake?
Bake a pie?
Donate time to the needy, especially the blind?
Give someone a warm please to live for tonight?
Yes, after all It's a very cold February night.
Sometimes this Earth is a hard not to crack!
But if you give it away?
(Such as money?)
Do you expect to get it back and is that okay?
"We make a living by what we get but we make a Life by what we give"
When we go to church each and every Sabbath Sunday.
What should we give besides our time?
"We rise by lifting others"
I like to share my beliefs in my writings.
(Such as Organ-Tissue Donations)
But when I do this or write like now?
Should I expect some kind of reward or royalty?
Holy cow!
"It's better to receive than give?"
Should I expect funds from your bank account?
On account that I'm better than you?
So I can count it on the way from your bank to mine?
$100 bills at a time?
"The Ultimate Gift for the unkind"
When a person has no Life left but is Living??
It's Christmas time for the giving!
Because if you have the opportunity courage and the will?
Life can and *Will!
"We rise by lifting others"
Author Notes |
*Will: verb
/wil/ 1: expressing the future tense. "you will regret it when you are older" 2: expressing invitable events. "accidents will happen" ... Note: On March 31st, 2003. Just two days away and 19 years ago. My wife, family, and myself had to make a decision? Yes, on what to do when an Eighteen year-old Brain-Dead young man? ... To learn more about, 'Organ-Tissue Donations?' Simply contact my dearest friend Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with "The Gift of Life!" Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1-800- DONORS-1' Jason Richard Smrkovsky November 5th, 1984~ March 31st, 2003. ... Organ's Graciously donated on April 1st, 2003. (April Fool's Dayâ?¡*" "And, the Beat Goes On!" ... Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist and Amazing Writer 'cleo85' Cleo's Incredible Picture Entitled, "Everyone needs Vacations" |
By Ricky1024
"My Little Man"
(Lost in Time)
Written on May 7th, 2006
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright © Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
Once Upon a Time in a place in my mind.
That seems like years away.
November 5th, 1984.
The birth of my only son Jay.
One male out of three.
Because that's the way it's supposed to be but not forever.
Now as you will see?
There's this portal in time.
You're here for a blink of an eye.
Yes, a brief experience, sometimes so brief.
That for no reason there's no rhyme?
Never gave him my first name you see?
Because I wanted him to be all that he could be!
He always seem to be in his own little World.
Happily being by himself.
I'll never forget that toothless, mischievous, smile.
Excited to see me home!
My baby little crocodile!
Always curious but became reserved and respectful.
Had a way of gently making his presence known.
No more child, almost all grown!
He was a Peer Mediator in school but when it was over?
He became more relaxed and later played the silly fool!
As you read on, your field of path he was on.
He loved his music, his drums and his little band.
Found himself an Angel.
My God he was becoming a man!
You see?
Yes, that's the way it's supposed to be but there will be no kids for him.
The many songs he burned or what's left of him.
No more smiles, nor games of
"One-on-One"with me.
Yes, Just a tremendous and ever Aching heart.
That's filled with pains and misery.
But this is not meant to be the end.
This is not meant to upset you my friend.
God has sent to me such a Gift!
I've always felt it deep inside even now as the many memories collide.
That power pole did not win the fight!
My son Jay never gave up at the scene.
That scene that's terribly horrible night!
His Heart stopped briefly but then it again began!
That Heart Organ, along with many others.
Along with the many others awaiting patiently, for a blessed Miracle?
Along with the many others donated receivers?
Yes, still exist.
Now and today.
Yes, three out of four families?
Yes, move on with a new enriched life that persists.
And there yes they move on as happy, as happy as can be!
And, this helps make the pain a little better for me.
But you know what?
Yes, what the best thing that can happen from this?
No more touch and no More kiss.
But Jay still exists?
He exists deep inside of me!A carbon copy.
You see?
And, he was somehow my student. And, I somehow was his example?
God knows that I did my best.
The very best.
Yes, that I can.
Lost my son but deep inside?
I shall always and Forever have...
"My... Little... *Man"
Author Notes |
*Man: noun
/man/ in compounds man or men. 1. a (1) an individual human. especially: an adult male human. 2. a man belonging to a particular category(as my birth, residence, membership or occupation) "John was happy the birth was a female child" Note: The worst experience is the loss of your child and a parent's worse Nightmare. But the absolutely best experience? Is to realize after all of this that there is Life after Death! ... To learn more about, 'Organ-Tissue Donations?' Simply contact my dearest friend. Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with "The Gift of Life!" Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1-800- DONORS-1 ... Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist and Amazing Writer, 'Doctor Ricky 1024' And, his Incredible Picture Entitled, My Little Man" |
By Ricky1024
"Little Drummer Boy" (A)
Written on March 31st, 2022
By Richard Edward and Jason Richard Smrkovsky
Copyright �© Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
Note: The original poem entitled above.
(Which was written probably Eighteen years ago.
Yes, is lost temporarily in my writing collection.
"The music plays on with each and every Beat of My Heart"
Jason Richard Smrkovsky
The year was the 1996 when I decided to bring music into the world!
My son was almost an adolescent at age twelve but extremely more mature for his time.
I would only have a little over 6 years left with this child soon to be a young man.
My little Argonaut needed something that was missing?
So that day I bought a Maroon Pearl drum set.
As soon as I brought it home and he set it up completely.
Other accessories would be added later at his own cost.
Including two Zildjain symbols, their stands, a cowbell, a snare drum in other etc accessories.
And, as a result?
My wife Carolyn Ann gave me that evil eye look!
Note:You have to understand there is four girls and one boy.
And Carolyn's family there was five girls and five boys.
The mother whom I shalleth label. "Mildred the Miserable!"
Mistreated her.
So she got nothing from the mother and onlyfrom the father!
In the next several months.
Yes, father and son would learn how to properly maneuver that drum set.
Note: To be able to hit the drums properly?
And, to make the proper sounds?
You firstly need to be able to vibrate the actually pair tips of the sticks, at least to a Beat quickly three times!
You then need to know what part of the set to be hitting at what moment.
Including not just the sound of the drums but also the symbols!
Yes, as time progressed, he started his band and he also labeled it.
He bought an electric guitar for his friend Zack who was very interested.
They were basically a musical, kid, band but he did start cutting his own CDs.
(Based on music he loved!)
Yes, such as Michael Jackson and Bryan Adams!
And, he then sold them at the local Southern Regional High School for a buck a piece.
And, Entitling them, "Jason's Hot Shit!"
When it came to me playing?
I wasn't able to perfect it, as well as him but he seemed to pick this as something serious in his life.
And, soon he would he would be recognized by his friends and community.
Yes, the local kid that started his own band!
Time would pass and he would enter High School.
And, would practice even more.
He would be part of the percussion part of the band.
Not only playing the drums but also the keyboards.
Playing at the concerts for the various holiday seasons.
"The Beat Goes On"
(A Dedication)
Written on May 5th, 2021
By Doctor Ricky 1024
It's been on 217 months...
It's been 944 weeks...
It's been 6,060 days ..
It's been 158,6004 hours...
It's been 9,517,460 minutes...
It's been 571,047,643 seconds...
Yes, but...
"The Beat Goes On!"
Born in the Cold beginning of Wintern's Regrets.
(November 5th, 1984)
Yes, but my Jason was more than a sure bet!
He came to me not in a dream or TV show but a movie!
Yes, a Long, Long, Time ago.
Jason and the Argonauts"
The 1963 USA movie based on the story by Appollonius of Rhodes.
(296 to 260 BC.)
A Greek, fictional, hero who was forced because of a murderer to begin a Quest!
A Quest for "The Golden Fleece!"
"Valerie's Flacus Setinus Balbus"
1)"I sing the great crossing of the sea by the mighty sons of the gods!"
2) "The prophetic bark"
3) "which developed to go in quest" of the banks of Scythian Phasis"
4) "and to burst its way through the midst of the clashing rocks"
5) "and at length found a resting place in the stormy firmament"
"The Argonauts of Calius"
"I sing The Mighty Heroes whom of old, to grasp the boundaries ocean first made bold and the prophetic bark then such a feat for told; to
Scythian Phasis scared a way to force"
"Among the clashing rocks that barred it's course, to an Olympus story peak it halted,
"And to a constellation was exalted"
H. G. B.
Note: As I think about these Mighty and interesting thoughts.
Yes, and I think of my Son Jason.
And, what he has accomplished in short Eighteen years.
That three out of four people.
Nineteen years later.
Yes, on this very April Fool's Day!
Still walk this Earth.
Author Notes |
Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist and Amazing Writer 'cleo85' and her Incredible Picture Entitled, "El Voldador" |
By Ricky1024
"No Fool'n?"
(You'll see?)
Written on April 1st, 2003
By Who Me?
Copyright ©Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
Note: If you can figure out who is writing this before the editor's notes?
Then let me know and you'll get a six-star review!
10:38 a.m.
'Time to pretend?'
'Here I Go Again?'
'My Many Fanstorian Friends.'
'Now You see Me and now?'
"Now you don't?'
'Take my advice?'
'You only go around twice!'
10:48 a.m.
'Dear God Above!'
Why is My body being transported and taken the Hell away?'
'Limousine, Car, Bus, Hearse, Train, or Plane?'
'Simplicity of thought?'
'Yes, it's now quite insane!'
'As willow'd-puffs of "I Loved You So Much!"
'Further now into my Life of Needless Sin!'
'Once again let's Pretend?'
10:42 a.m.
'I can now feel something but what?'
'I have no notion?'
'It's almost as if a message on a bottle, as your body is floating in the Atlantic Ocean!'
'I hear nothing, nor do I see'
'Nor do I know exactly God what's happening here to me?'
10:44 a.m.
'Time is passing slowly now for me and darkness surrounds.'
'still wondering God what's going on here?'
'And, you're still not answering me?'
'Well, perhaps it's been too many beers?'
'Maybe if you're going to be dying?'
'Yes, a little song?'
'The Devil Went to Georgia!'
'No God that won't do!'
'Something by Bryan Adams?'
'The Summer of 69?'
'I'm getting kind of tired of pretending and wondering why?'
'God is this what it's like when you're going to die?'
'Cuz if its my time?'
'It's okay because I'm tired of hearing someone who cries.'
'Ain't no good reasons why!'
'God it's now 10:42 a.m. and I finally can hear again!'
'Its as if they are manipulating me?'
'Perhaps for the best this Quest to be?'
'To Be or Not to Be?'
'Now that is my question!'
'Do you have yet a clue who's writing to you?'
'I'll tell you this!'
'Yes, that is not whom that you think that it could be?'
'Lets just leave it to the Editor's Notes.'
"No Fool'n'
(You'll see?)
Author Notes |
Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist, 'Donna Colley: And, Donna's Incredible picture Entitled, "Why so serious?" ... This is a Dedication. Yes, written by a very young man. Who gave the ultimate and paid the price! And, in doing so? Yes, made a sacrifice! ... To learn more about, 'Organ-Tissue Donations?' Simply contact my dearest friend. Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with "The Gift of Life!" Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1-800-DONORS-1 ... Jason Richard Smrkovsky November 5th, 1984~ March 31st, 2003. ... Note: Organ's graciously offered on April 1st, 2003. (April Fool's Day) And, when it comes to jokes? Love you baby! Dad. |
By Ricky1024
"Slip-Sliding Away?"
Written on April 1st, 2022
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright © Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
'I'm Slip-Sliding Away.'
'And, there's not much?'
'I can do on this day.'
'Do as I can?'
'Try as I must?'
'Depend on me?'
"In God We Trust?"
'I'm Slip-Sliding Away.'
'Caught in this Jet Stream.'
'Now I need to pray.'
'Dearest Creator.'
'The Music is missing?'
'Yes, and my voice?'
'Is now turning to dust!'
'What happened Lord?'
'In God to trust?'
'I'm Slip-Sliding Away!'
'Something really Strange?'
'Is happening this day!'
'God, is it supposed to be?'
'Be this way?'
'I'm Slip-Sliding Away!'
'But God?'
'Why do they need my Liver?'
'Am I now the Giver?'
'I'm still Slip-Sliding Away?'
'Now my pair of Kidneys?'
'This day?'
'It's kinda funny?'
'Funny some way?'
'I'm Slip-Sliding Away!'
'And, presently?'
'Wondering why this Day?'
'Now you need my Heart?'
'And, my pair of Lungs too?'
'But you know what?'
'Guess there's gonna be?'
'A New Job?'
'Yes, and a New place for me?'
'And, what we would you do?'
'If this now Happened?'
'Now happened to you too?'
Author Notes |
Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist and Amazing Writer 'cleo85' And, Cleo's Incredible Picture Entitled, "Circles of Time" |
By Ricky1024
"Heaven Can Wait?"
(A Re-Write)
Written on February 27th, 2021
By Jason Richard Smrkovsky
Copyright © Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
'Heaven Can Wait.'
'As I now must Navigate.'
'Change of Pace.'
'Time to erase.'
'Heaven Can Wait.'
'God knows I'm going home!
'Lost my Heart'
'Lost my Kidneys'
'Lost my Life.'
'And, gave it all.'
'Yes, as the Giver.'
'Heaven Can Wait.'
'As the Angel's Tears.'
'Tears are trying.'
'Me closer than ever...
'Closer still...
'Heaven Can Wait?'
'God knows my time is Due.'
'What more can a young man Do?'
'Do but give?'
'To those whom...
'Still need...
'Need to...
Author Notes |
*Live: verb
/liv/ 1.remain alive "the doctors said she had only months to live" 2. make one's home in a particular place or with a particular person "I've lived in New England all my life" Similar: reside ... Note: On this day of April 8th 2022. And after the initial donation on April 1st, 2003. There are still organs bringing life forward to three out of four human beings. Thanks to my Only Son Jason. ... To learn more about, 'Organ-Tissue Donations?' Simply contact my dearest friend Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with "The Gift of Life!" Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1-800- DONORS-1 ... Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist' 'helvi2' And, their Incredible Picture Entitled, "Reigning Peace" |
By Ricky1024
"Blue Horizon"
Written on April 11th, 2022
By Doctor Ricky 1024 and Jay
Copyright ©� Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
'I can almost see it Dad!'
'I can feel so, so, close now!'
'Soon dad, I will arrive!'
'Arrive at my final resting place.'
'The Stars are so bright up here!'
'I'm feeling almost Celestial!'
'I wish you were here with me.:
''I miss you so much!'
'Doctor Williams the patient is fully unconscious now.'
'Thanks Doctor Lawrence.'
'And, It's a shame it has to end this way Doctor Williams.'
'Yes, he was only Eighteen, I understand.'
'I'll be getting text messages all night.'
'From The Gift of Life people out of Philadelphia Pennsylvania.'
'I understand the family is devastated.'
'Yes,especially the father.'
'He just continues crying.'
'It's a shame he can't stop.'
'It breaks my heart Doctor Lawrence.'
'While speaking on the subject of this young man's heart.'
'We have a man in Philadelphia waiting...
'Can you hear me?:
'Can you see me?'
'My path is now marked by Angels holding signs!'
"Jason we missed you!"
"Jason we Love you!"
"Welcome back Jay!
'Gabriel's now my guide dad.'
'And, he's holding my hand!'
'And, I can fly now!'
'The wings just sprouted immediately!'
'Yes, as soon as he touched my hand!'
Dr Williams the procedure for the removal of the liver went perfectly!'
'yes Dr Lawrence and it's iced and ready!:
'I understand there's a young African-American man waiting.'
'And, they have a team assembled at Jefferson hospital in Philadelphia.'
'He's only 28 years old and he was dying from cirrhosis.'
'But now?'
'Yes, the Dear Lord is making this happen!'
'And, what's now amazing?'
'Doctor Lawrence?'
'Yes, is he will get a second chance at a new Life!'
'Yes Doctor Williams.'
There's a bright light now dad and we are heading exactly and directly into the center!'
'And, it's so Beautiful dad but I'm so, so, sad.'
Will I ever see you again?'
'Doctor both kidneys are now iced and also ready.'
'Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. has made all the arrangements.'
'Yes, with "The Gift of Life!"
'One kidneys going out West to a man named Bill.'
'While the other one is staying local.'
I understand and believe it's a little girl of only 8 years old from South Jersey.'
'She's jaundice and on life support.'
'I pray the kidney will change that and arrive soon.'
Yes, Doctor Williams and that will be a beautiful thing!'
'So, this is Heaven Gabriel?'
Jason wonders.
'Well, just about anything that you want now?'
'Yes, you will have here Jay.'
States Gabriel.
'Do they have Xbox or PlayStation Gab?'
'The systems we have up here are the Newest.'
'And, they don't have them below yet.'
'Can't wait.'
States Gabriel.
Oh, by the way.'
'And, since you're a new arrival.'
'We set you up with the best Blue Horizon Cloud over the Celestial Fountain.'
'Jason tomorrow?'
'Yes, after you rest.'
'Yes, you will be attending your first Angel training class!'
'And, welcome back my dear brother!'
The End?
Approximate Word Count: 530
Author Notes |
Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist, 'seshadri_screenivasan' His Incredible Picture Entitled, "Unfolding Blue Horizons" |
By Ricky1024
"My May First Testimony"
Written on May 1st, 2022
By Jason and Richard Smrkovsky
Copyright © Fanstory
,'All Rights Reserved'
'When I was young?'
'My daddy said to me...
'One, Fine, Day, you will see God.'
'And God?'
'Where did all those Eighteen years go?'
'It seems to me that it was so very, long, ago.'
'Yes, but when I was only three?'
'And, you know what?'
'My daddy was always there for me!'
'For instance, I remember at only age three?'
'When he took my to the beach.'
'i said...
'Daddy, why are those ones way out there so big?'
'Why are they all so tall?'
'Well, Jay they swam out to the Sand bar!'
'Daddy can you take me?'
'And, Boy I was big too!'
'My first day of School?'
'I looked so very nice!'
White shirt, no tie.but that's okay.'
'It was my day!'
'My Marroon, Pearl, DrumSet.'
'Becoming a Peer Mediator in Sixth Grade.:
'Starting my band, selling my *CDS.'
'Concerts at Southern Regional High School.'
'The Two seasons of basketball.'
'Lost each game the first year.'
'Then winning them all!'
getting two trophies!'
'And, dad was always there!'
'But then things started to happen...
"Fast and *Furious!"
'The Day had finally come.'
'Yes, when God needed me more.'
'Needed me so damn bad!'
'And, to this very day?'
'It makes my dad ***Sad '
Author Notes |
Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist, 'Moon Willow.' And, her Incredible Picture Entitled, " |
By Ricky1024
"Hartley Any Heart?"
(Left in Me?)
Written on May 26th, 2022
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright �© Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
Hartley Any Heart now left in me?
Yes, it seems to have gotten lost?
This Heart of mine?
Won't you please won't you help me find?
Okay Dora start exploring with a red Crayola crown or two?
Carefully now this is my heart and just not any crayon will do!
Carefully trace the lines from hemisphere to hemisphere.
Now Dora you really are exploring?
A little sloppy but that's okay you're just a kid they say.
Continue on down to the other hemisphere you're almost here!
You just traced the heart of a *clown.
Been there done that and no fooling or joking around.
Author Notes |
Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist, 'Cindy Sue Truman' And, Cindy's Incredible Picture Entitled, "In the Air" ... *clown: noun /clown/ circus entertainer. Note: Robin Williams was born on July 22st, 1951. And, was a brilliant Actor/Comedian. He will always be known as one of the greatest comedians of all time. He was also known for his clownish antics on the screen. Unfortunately he committed suicide. (Due To his sufferings from Dewy disease) He died August 11th, 2014 ... **around: adjective /around/ circle, going places, semi-circle. "He was so distraught with his life his mind kept going round and round in circles" ... Note: on March 31st, 2003. (According to two articles and two major newspapers in New Jersey) My only son. (Jason Richard Smrkovsky) After a horrible car accident. He became severely Brian-Damaged. And, as a result? We decided to donate all his major organs. ... To learn more about, 'Organ-Tissue Donations?' Simply contact my dearest friend. Lara S.Moretti the L.S.W. with "The Gift of Life" Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1-800-DONORS-1 |
By Ricky1024
"Lucky 7"
Written on May 16th, 2022
By Jason and Richard Smrkovsky
Copyright © Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
Today could be looking for me?
And, I can feel it in my bones!
There won't be no ET phone home!
My Heart?
Yes, Pitter-patters as it's as if something now matters?
I feel that something amazing will soon happen to me?
Today could be my lucky day?
Perhaps it's because when I woke up this morning.
I could hear the Angels pray!
By the way the Sun was shining so magnificently!
Hopefully God is watching Over Me?
Today must be my Lucky Day!
And, even though Brian's car hit a telephone pole at over 100 miles an hour.
Well, between you and me?
That's okay!
And yes, my brain is horribly now Damaged but my body's okay.
And, I thank God because I would have it and no other *Way!
Author Notes |
*Way: noun
/wa/ 1.a message, style, or matter of doing something. "there are two ways of approaching this problem" Similar: method course of action 2. a road, track, street, of traveling along. "#3 Church Way" ... Note:On March 31st, 2003. A little bit before 8:00 p.m. My only son Jason was coming back from a party. And, as a passenger in a Ford Mustang that was owned by his past friend. (Brian Cole) Was unfortunately involved in a Horrible car accident. And, as a result? Seventeen hours later. Jason was diagnosed brain dead. So, we donated his organs. He was only eighteen years old. ... To learn more about, 'Organ-Tissue Donations?' Simply contact my dearest friend. Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with "The Gift of Life!" Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1-800-DONORS-1. ... Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist and Amazing Writer, 'Doctor Ricky 1024' And, his Incredible Picture Entitled, "Quick 7's" |
By Ricky1024
"Heartbeat 17 Hours!" (A)
Written on May 17th, 2022
By Jason and Richard Smrkovsky
Copyright �© Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
Heart beats in me!
Hemisphere to hemisphere.
Ventricle to Blood flow.
As the Path of Life.
I go?
And, as I grow?
My Heart does too!
Many, many beats...
For it now has a job to do!
Over and over, never seizing.
And, always pleasing!
This Human Heart within
And, now it's been going on for over Eighteen years.
But unfortunately for me?
The first hour my heart stops!
Yes, and on a helicopter!
While the next sixteen hours?
It beats again strongly!
Ever longly.
(If you know what I mean?)
But the Heart now needs a viable host?
For my body is good but my Brain's Damaged.
And, now it has been decided that someone?
Someone now needs it more instead.
Because it's March 31st, 2003
And, the States of New Jersey.
Has declared me *Dead.
"Movements Intensified" (B)
Written on June 8th, 2022
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright © Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
Five X Five testing sinew
Ten X Ten retesting sinew
Five X Ten X Five renewing
Five X Ten X Five X Ten movement increased
Ten X Ten testing sinew again
TenX Ten X Ten X Ten muscular
Ten X Five X Ten X Ten sinew, muscular
Ten X Ten X Twenty X Ten system movements
Ten X Ten X Twenty X Twenty renewed revenue
One Hundred X Five X Five sinew Stretched
One Hundred X Ten xTen muscular achieved
One Hundred X One Hundred X One Hundred movement intensified!
Note: This was written at Retro Fitness gym while on the leg press adding a total of twenty 45 Lb plates, two 25 Lb plates and two ten Lb plates.
Total 80 reps.
Author Notes |
*Dead: Adjective
/ded/ 1. no longer alive. "a dead body" Similar: deceased, expired, departed 2.(of a place or time) characterized by a lack of activity or excitement "Brussels isn't dead after dark if you know where to look?" Similar: uneventful, uninteresting. ... Note: Seventeen hours after Jason's cat accident. He was declared Brain-Dead. .. To learn more about, 'Organ-Tissue Donations?' Simply contact my dearest friend. Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with "The Gift of Life!" Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1-800- DONORS-1. ... Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist, 'mrmephotos' And, their Incredible Picture Entitled, "Heartbeat" |
By Ricky1024
"Breathe Your Last Breath for Me?"
Written on June 21st, 2022
By Richard and Jason Smrkovsky
Copyright �?�© Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
Breathe Your Last Breath for Me?
I want you to live!
Now can't you see?
In and out...
Out and in...
And, let's together stop this senseless Sin!
Breathe now deeply.
Yes ever so Deeply.
And, refill your tired lungs with air!
And yes I do care!
Can't you feel this New sensation?
Breathe more and take your God-given share!
For no More shall you live.
Live in Misery, Pain, and Despair!
For now I am you!
And, now you are me!
"Breathe Your Last Breath for *Me?"
Author Notes |
/me/ 1. Note: Me is used in many constructions where strict grammarians prescribe letter I This usage is not so much ungrammatical as indicative of the shrinking range of the nominative form: me began to replace I sometime around the 16th century largely because of the pressure of world order. ... I is now used chiefly as the subject of an immediately following verb me. Me occurs in every other position: absolutely// who,me?//, emphatically// me too//, and after prepositions, conjunctions, and verbs, including be. // come be with me// // you're as big as me// // it's me// Almost all usage books recognize the legitimacy of me in these positions, especially in speech; some recommend I informal and especially written context after be and after as and then when the first term of the comparison is the subject of a verb. ... The reason for the use of the word "me" (in the sentence of the title) And, other places, specifically. For the use or promoting organ tissue donation. Yes, by my 18-year-old son Jason. ... Jason Richard Smrkovsky November 5th, 1984~ March 31st, 2003. Organs graciously offered to four on April 1st, 2003. (April Fool's Day) ... To realize and learn more about 'Organ-Tissue Donations?' Simply contact my dearest friend. Lara S.Moretti the L.S.W. with "The Gift of Life!" Philadelphia Pennsylvania at 1-800-DONORS-1. Thanks ... Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist, 'simonka' And, his Incredible Picture Entitled, "New Galaxy" |
By Ricky1024
"Achieving Perfection?"
Written on Junes 22nd, 2022
By Jason and Richard Smrkovsky
Copyright ©� Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved '
Football players catch the football.
Baseball players hit the baseball.
Basketball players shoot the hoops.
But as for me?
Musicians play the toot!
As Actors take on a role.
While, Snakes hunt the mole!
Now, Doctors must operate.
Uber drivers but navigate.
But as for me?
Dealers man the tables.
As gamblers throw the dice!
Snake eyes you lose!
So, you better think it twice!
Great philosophers like Plato and Socrates.
Socket to you baby and always think twice!
As for me?
Well, I'm just a simple kid.
Yes, but life don't dealt me a bad hand!
And, at only age Fourteen?
Started my very own BAND!
(Three Ways to Save)
Produced some CDs and sold them for a buck.
And, when it comes to me?
Yes, it cut's like a knife!
(Brian Adams)
But sometimes that's all that you got.
And, you know what?
After that sad, sad, night?
Yes, and it's all *Right.
Author Notes |
*Right: adjective
/right/ 1. Acceptance, okay, right turn. ... Sometimes no matter what we try to do? Yes, things just happen and they can happen to me and you. In this case it was an accident to this very day? I'll always miss my Jay. ... Note: To learn more about 'Organ-Tissue Donations?' Simply contact my dearest friend. Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with "The Gift of Life!" Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1-800- DONORS-1. |
By Ricky1024
"Liberty andJustice for All?
Written on July 1st, 2022
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright © Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
They say for some that Life.
Life is just one big party or dance?
So, let's go back in time and take a quick glance?
Yes, as the year now was 2003.
And the month was March.
The End of March.
( You see?)
March 31st, 2003.
This month has always been synonymous and accredited in the middle with these three words...
"Et tu brute"
(The Death of Julius Caesar by Brutus)
Perhaps I should have known that the Specter was abound?
And, now?
Yes, now look what he found?
(Unfortunately not me!)
Her party was on Liberty Avenue and the birthday girl was my oldest step daughter.
(Miss Nichole Megan Harbach)
She would be turning twenty six years old on the 27th.
The party was on Liberty Avenue but fortunately for she.
This party was at the very end of March.
The very end of the month.
Yes, the very end but the very beginning of my Nightmare to be.
So, Fanstory followers you now have to ask yourself.
Ask yourself if there would be any Justice?
Well the answer to your question you simply need to continue and follow along.
And there would be no more musical beat nor song on that car radio!
Because that car would soon be wrapped virtually around a telephone pole!
And yes, the party was still going on with a WWF. Pay for View.
Because Nikki always loved that.
But now I would soon be wrestling with the thought?
The thought of What in Living Hell is Happening Here?
There would be two previous noises.
(Within an ear shout)
Yes, and a block or two away?
Away from where I was at the time?
Time playing a game of chess on my computer.
Yes and on that up and coming sad day there would be a call coming in which would wake up my wife Carolyn.
And it was Kyle my second stepdaughter who would witness the event!
'You had better get over here on Nautilus!'
'Jason's been in a nasty accident!'
I could feel icy cold blood pouring from my sickened heart into my stomach!
I knew before that call that something was wrong.
Yes when I heard the two noises.
I knew there was somebody in trouble I never dreamed it would involve me and my family.
From what I had determined; the First noise was when the car hit the curve.
And, then launched into the telephone pole anywhere from six to eight ft.
Now, the Second even louder!
This louder noise was when the car.
(Of course a Ford Mustang)
Yes, previously raced professionally at Atco RaceWay.
Atco, New Jersey.
Which came and fell below to the bottom of the street.
The music was still not beginning as things quickly were sinning?
And, as for one young man?
This young man?
Yes, my only son Jason.
Yes, would soon be in the fight for his life!
Note: To be completed later.
Author Notes |
*Bang: noun
/bang/ 1. a sudden noise categorize with a wild sound. "There was a loud bang as the car hit the telephone pole!" ... Special thanks goes out first, ad always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist and Amazing Writer, 'Dpctor Ricky 1024: His Incredible Picture Entitled, "Nightmare Pole!" ... Note: To learn more about 'Organ-Tissue Donations?' Simply contact my dearest friend. Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with "The Gift of Life!" Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1-800- DONORS-1. ... Note: Organ's graciously offered to four on April 1st, 2003. (April Fool's Day) Jason Richard Smrkovsky November 5th, 1984~ March 31st, 2003. "And, the Beat Goes On!" Approximate Word Count: 1717. |
By Ricky1024
'Settling for Less than Game"
Written on July 4th, 2022
By Richard and Jason Smrkovsky
Copyright ©Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
Time now calls out my name.
Been there, done that, and played the Game.
No longer do I see any Gain.
Sadly enough.
Sometimes this Old World just drives you Insane.
You told me it's time to go?
Just get in that car and let the music Flow,
So now?
Now Lord God what am I supposed to do?
Do You even have a Clue?
Time that I get it all together?
Together we can make a Change.
Change Life when it's rearranged.
Because Now?
Love can be one Royal Pain!
Just keep on calling out my Name.
Now that my Time hath finally come.
Come along with me and have some Fun?
Fun now for You and Me?
Are you finally beginning to See?
See that when Life.
Life just goes Insane?
Always remember my words.
"Settling for Less than *Game?"
Author Notes |
*Game: noun
/game/ 1. Entertainment in many forms such as card or board games. "Johnny loved to play games on his younger brothers" Note: since this is based on Organ-Tissue Donation and Self- Improvement. "The Game" ... To learn more about this incredible procedure. 'Organ-Tissur Donations?' Simply contact my Dearest friend. Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with "The Gift of Life!" Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1-800-DONORS-1. ... Jason Richard Smrkovsky November 5th, 1984~ March 31st, 2003. Organ's Graciously offered on April 1st, 2003. (April Fool's Day) "And, the Beat Goes On!" ... Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this talented Artist, 'jodiedikun' And, her Incredible Picture Entitled. "Your Break" *The Game? Unfortunately, represents Death. |
By Ricky1024
"The Human Touch of Me!"
Written on July 7th, 2022
By Jason Richard Smrkovsky
Copyright �©Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
The Human Touch of Me?
Yes is more than you can See?
Now you see it and now not?
Just take this split second.
(That's all that you now got?)
There's no shame in calling out.
Calling out in pain.
Extreme Pain?
Let's together on this Saddened day.
Yes, take it all AWAY!
No more Blackened Clouds over head!
Let1 me replace them?
Yes, with Beautiful Thoughts of RAINBOWS?
The Human Touch of Me?
This Fairytale now must End.
End Happily Ever AFTER!
So, don't tell me half the story. Because than I need to know now?
Now exactly which half of you is TRUE?
So, now that your true.
There's so much more I can now DO!
"The Human Touch?"
Just take my Hand...
Just close those Painful and Crying Eyes...
Then and only then my friend.
Can we together...
Because what you now need so Very, Very, MUCH?
You See Tis...
"The Human Touch of Me!"
Author Notes |
*Me: pronoun
/me/ 1. Objective case of I. 2. Used sometimes in place of "When it came to Tony it was always about me" ... Note: Me is used in many constructions where strict Grammarians prescribe the word I. This usage is not so much Ungrammatical as indicative of the shrinking range of the nominative form: "me" begin to replace "I" sometime around the 16th century largely because of the pressure of World Order. I is now chiefly used as the subject of an immediately following verb. me occurs in every other position: absolutely. //who, me?// and emphatically// me too //, and after prepositions, conjunctions, and verbs including be. // come with me // you're as big as me // // it's me // Almost all usage books recognize a legitimacy of "me" in these positions, especially in speech; some recommend "I" informal and especially written context after "be" and after "as" and "than" when the first term of the comparison is the subject of a verb. Note: In this case the word "Me" Represents my son Jason. Who was in a car accident March 31st, 2003. And, as a result seventeen-hours later? Jason was diagnosed, "Brain-Dead" So, we decided to donate his organs of course. Yes, his heart and lungs. And, of course his liver and kidneys. ... To learn more about 'Organ-Tissue Donations?' Simply contact my Dearest friend. Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with "The Gift of Life!" Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1-800-DONORS-1. ... Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this talented Artist, 'UVS7prime' Their Incredible Picture Entitled, "The Healing" |
By Ricky1024
"My Only Son"
Written on July 11th, 2022
By Doctor Ricky1024
Copyright © Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
My Only Son.
Now what have you done?
You have now been taken away.
Yes, taken away on that sad, sad, and Horrible day.
Now what's a father to say?
My Only Son.
My Heart, of Broken Hearts.
My Soul of Soul of Lost Tolls.
Yes, now this Old and Lonely life.
Life of me hath taken its toll.
Dealt the cards, the dice doth roll...
And, It so much need to be.
My Only?
Tao Be or Not to Be?
Without you today?
Today my Only Son Jay?
My Only Son.
It's because of you Jay.
Yes, that I've live and breathe for this day.
And, now almost twenty years hath past.
And, its for you now.
Yes. and i've lived alone.
Alone through all those Countless and Endless Tears.
Alone through all the missed Holidays.
Aone no more birthday parties never to be.
Dear Lord God why *Me?
Author Notes |
*Me: noun
/me/ 1. Used sometimes in play of I. "It was always about me" ... Note:On March 31st, 2003. My Only Son Jason Unfortunately passed away due to severe injuries on a car accident. ... To learn more about 'Organ-tissue Donations?' Simply contact my dearest friend. Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with "The Gift of Life!" Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1-800-DONORS-1. ... Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this talented Artist and Incredible Writer, 'cleo85' And, her Incredible Picture Entitled, "Catch a Rainbow" |
By Ricky1024
"Forget Me Not 2003?"
(My Family)
Written on July 12th, 2022
By Richard and Jason Smrkovsky
Copyright ©Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
Forget Me Not for I am not far away forget Me Not and think of me as the warmth of a Sunny Day.
Forget Me Not when the Stars are shining at night.
And, Forget Me Not it's okay.
I'm perfectly all right.
Forget Me Not when it's My Birthdays. Forget Me Not on the Holiday.
Forget Me Not even though there was never any Graduation Day.
And, Forget Me Not.
Yes, even know I'll never be married someday.
Forget Me Not when you go on vacation without Me.
Forget Me Not on a cruise at sea.
Forget Me Not when you're at home. Relaxing while watching our favorite show on TV.
And, Forget Me Not for I will shall never ever forget you.
*My Family.
Author Notes |
*My Family:
Note: It's been countless hours and days since my only son was taken away. Yes, on that Sad, Sad, Sad, March 31st, 2003 day. A decision had to be made. On April 1st, 2003. 'God, what to do with my now grow up baby boy?' 'The answer was quite clear.' 'Yes, as an Angel appeared from "The Gift of Life!" Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 'It probably saved my life because it gave me the strength.' 'Yes, to move on and the ability to save lives.' ... Yo learn more about 'Organ-Tissue Donations?' Simply contact my dearest friend. Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with "The Gift of Life!" Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1-800-DONORS-1. Jason Richard Smrkovsky November 5th, 1984~ March 31st, 2003. Organs graciously offered to four on April 1st, 2003. (April Fool's Day) "And, the Beat Goes On!" ... Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist, 'avmurry' And, her Incredible Picture Entitled, "Tiny Blue Beauties" |
By Ricky1024
"May Eye Offer 2 Thee?"
Written on July 16th, 2022
By Jason Richard Smrkovsky
Copyright �©ï¸? Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
'May I offer to thee?'
'All or just at a portion of me?'
'You can just take a kidney or possibly two?'
'A matching set'
'And, a sure bet!'
'No regret!'
(From me to you!)
'Well, perhaps they won't do?'
(For you?)
'Then maybe since I am "The Giver"
'Perhaps a portion or all of my
$Human Liver?"
'Oh, that's okay.'
'I got a better deal today!'
'It's a buy One Heart and get a set of Lungs'
'Set of Lungs perfectly FREE!'
'Yes, that will now due!'
'From me to *You!'
Author Notes |
*You: pronoun
/you/ 1. Possessive your or yours "you aboulutely must discontinue this nonsense!" ... Note: on March 31st 2003 will Mark a day that goes down in infamy? As my only son Jay was taken away unfortunately on that sad sad March of day. But the beat goes on! For his heart and lungs, his set of kidneys, and his liver where donated. ... The only one who has passed away is the man who received Jason's liver and enjoyed 8 years of full and extra life. ... To learn more about 'Organ-Tissue Donations?' Simply contact my dearest friend. Lara.S. Moretti the L.S.W. with "The Gift of Life!" Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1-800-DONORS-1. "And, the Beat Goes On!" ... Special thanks goes, out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist, 'eileen0204' And, Eileen's Incredible Picture Entitled, "Gift Bouquet Orb" ... Approximate Word Count:180. |
By Ricky1024
"Shipping Out" (A)
Written on July 17th, 2022
By Jason Richard Smrkovsky
Copyright ©Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
I'm shipping out and ain't got no FedEx!
I'm going up and ain't on some dumb Trex!
And, you ain't going to ever see?
I'm shipping out and it got no UPS!
And, where I'm going?
They're taking only the very Best!
So, just think and take a moment.
Yes, a moment and you'll see?
I'm shipping out and ain't using no
Pony Express!
Let me make this perfectly clear!
As I now address.
I'm shipping out and no Amazon for me!
Because I'm leaving behind my Legacy!
Just wait and see?
I'm shipping out and not by boat, plane, or train!
Because after they are done with me?
And, where I'm going?
Well they got the very best of me!
So,o the next time you look up?
Just say a little prayer.
And, when you do?
I'll soon be *there?
"Shipped Out" (B)
Written on July 18th, 2022
By Jason Richard Smrkovsky
Copyright �©ï¸? Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
My message to all of you is Perfectly Clear.
I'm finally almost here!
And, how can I tell?
Tell that here is not Hell?
The Angels are surrounding...
My Heart tis pounding...
And, what a delight now to see?
Yes, this light where I used to be.
There's no more Unearthly delights.
Such as Pain, Misery, Hapless and Hopeless nights.
Just Peace Everlasting.
I can see my friends and my family whom too have passed away. Welcoming me on this Very fine, and Wonderful Day!
As they someday must come welcome you!
The Clouds above are Rainbow hue.
As the Angelic music is constant now too!
For this is Heaven and the way it's supposed to be!
Soon someday?
You'll be here too.
Author Notes |
*there: noun
/there/ 1. place, home. Note: On March 31st, 2003. And, after my only 18 year old son Jason was in a horrible accident. Unfortunately, Seventeen hours later on April Fool's Day 2003. He was diagnosed Brain-Dead. ... So, we made a decision, the most important decision in my life. Yes, to donate my son's organs and that's what this was all about. ... To learn more about 'Organ-Tissue Donations?' Simply contact my dearest friend. Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with "The Gift of Life!" Philadelphia Pennsylvania at 1-800- DONORS-1. ... Jason Richard Smrkovsky November 5th, 1984~ March 31st, 2003 Note: Organs graciously offered to four on April 1st, 2003 (April Fool's Day) ... Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist, 'William Runcie' And, William's Incredible Picture Entitled, "fruitful vine" |
By Ricky1024
"Rewarded X 4"
Written on July 18th, 2022
By Doctor Ricky1024
Copyright ©Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
Chaz was going to die!
Bill was going to Die 2!
And, there would also be two.
Two others whom wore dealt a bad hand in "The Great Game of Life"
Let me introduce myself to you?
Yes, some people know me by the name "The Grim Reaper"
But you Fanstory reviewers?
Yez, just call me brother Grimm.
And, this is not a Fu***** Fairytale!
Nor a storytime Fable!
One of happiness and Glee?
And, as you continue to move forward.
Take my Boney hand!
Perhas ye will Understand?
And, you'll soon learn a lesson by me!
(last name purposely withheld)
A Philadelphia native was born with a bad heart.
And, unfortunately for he?
Also, his set of lungs were going.
And, he had very little time left on Earth.
'So, naturally the only thing that would save him?'
'Yes, would be a donation.'
'A Donation by me!'
'And, in order for that to happen?'
'There would first have to be a tragedy!'
'Okay you go away!'
'Your stealing my thunder today!'
States the Grim Reaper.
Let me continue?
Now as for Bill?
Bill who was from a Western state and needed a kidney.
And, he was failing with his dialysis.
And, because of the circumstances?
There would be not much more time left too.
Yes, for Bill out West on this Earth.
As a matter of fact.
His soon to be Widow.
Yes, was anxiously preparing to spend the death benefits!
Yes, the third participant in our little Fairytall doesn't have a first name nor a last name?
Because there was never any communication established except for the fact that he had lived eight years.
Yes, Eight years with a Human Liver donated by "The Giver"
(The dummy before!)
So, now we go to the very last participant.
Yes, in our little "Game of Life?"
Or Death?
'Ha, Ha, Ha!'
And, it's funny how me.
"The Grim Reaper of Death!"
Yes, is talking about Life instead of Death?
But that's just the way the cookie crumbles!
Thanks and she was a pretty little thing!
Now this was no Oreo with a white cream Center.
And, not even a Keebler Graham or Nabisco Chips Ahoy?
And, I would soon meet and greet this dieing lass!
Whom was quickly running out of Gas?
"The Gift of Life!"
(Fact or Fiction?)
Written on July 18th, 2022
By Doctor Ricky1024
Copyright © Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
Quiet as a mouse because sooner or later?
Yes, there would be one less child in that house!
That House of God.
But there would also be?
Also, be a blessed Miracle that day.
Look Up, Up, and away!
Up in the Night sky!
Not a Flake in sight!
But there was a sleigh?
And, no it's not Christmas Eve or even Christmas Day!
'But instead it's April Fool's Day 2003!'
'And, the joke would soon be on me?'
'You again kid?'
'Go Away!"
Warns The Grimm Reaper.
Yes, as you continue to review me not he.
You will soon see?
Now who could this person above possibly be?
No Santa of Clause but perhaps you'll be able to make your own decision at the end?
As i continue to pen.
So, the sleigh gently lands upon the roof you see?
And, of course he's able to squeeze down the chimney!
And, what does he see below but me!
Yes, the Grim Reaper of Death!
Yes, waiting patiently for that little girl's very, last, Breath!
But then he says to me...
'Oh no not she!'
And, Up!
Up and Away!
I now must now go!
Yes, to the very top outside of the chimneys flu!
So, here he stands all alone next to this little girl.
No longer is she being hooked up to any machines, no dialysis.
She's in a coma and it seems jaundice is well established and on its way!
Her life expectancy?
Less then a day!
But you see?
I have a Special Gift on my sleigh!
And, so I gently brush the hair from her closed eyes.
And tell her...
'You're in for a big, big, surprise!'
And, before I would disappear.
I would place that GIFT at the foot of her bed. .
And, alert the nurses station..
Before leaving instead.
And, up the chimney!
Up, Up. And Away!
Yes, I would now go too but in my sleigh!
Because my job here is done?
But then you may wonder why?
Who is this Gift Giving guy?
The nurse has assembled the team of surgeons.
And, everybody is trained and gifted of what to do?
Yes, because in that special Christmas present?
Is "The Gift of Life!"
Yes, from a young man.
Me to this little girl now too!
So, who am I on this April Fool's Day?
But no Santa Clause in that Gift Giving Sleigh!
Whom was able to give such a Beautiful and Precious Gift away?
Author Notes |
Note: On April 1st, 2003.
Yes, that April Fool's Day. I gave my only son Jay away. And, he's the very special person in the sleigh! ... To learn more about 'Organ-Tissue Donations?' Simply contact my dearest friend. Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with "The Gift of Life!: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1-800-DONORS-1. ... Jason Richard Smrkovsky November 5th, 1984~ March 31st, 2003 Organs Graciously offered to help out four on April 1st, 2003. (April Fool's Day) "And, the Best Goes On!" ... Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this talented Artist, and Amazing writer, 'Lilibug6' Her Incredible Picture Entitled, "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa" |
By Ricky1024
"Encrypted but Restricted:
Written on July 20th, 2022
By Doctor Ricky1024
Copyright ©� Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
The music started, the planets spun on axis, the moon wondered, as the Sun cried.
The Stars collided, no tears did the desert cry?
The ocean's waves collapsed, as a clouds light rain, tried?
And, that was the day.
The day that I died.
The mountains peaks peeked, as the meadows flowers wilted.
No warning as the Earth was tilted.
The Valleys filled pretends and the rivers overflowed at bends.
God knows I tried but sometimes things get all tangled up inside.
Emotions are strained through a Web of Deception, as your Heart is breaking, scattered in all directions.
â?°72 .
As darkness gathers in eerie shadows,
I try my best to find my way but unfortunately for some odd reason I've gotten lost this day.
To be continued
Author Notes |
Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. |
By Ricky1024
"Within the Shallow Grievance of.
(A Eulogy for this Saturday)
Written on July 21st, 2022
By Doctor Ricky1024
Copyright �© Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
Ever passing as the gates open wide.
Yes, and now look?
Just look who's there waiting to greet you now inside!
For Death is not the end my friend or "The Last and Final Frontier"
Let me make that perfectly clear?
Life abounds after Death!
Yes, and my very own son Jason is proof!
Proof with his very last breath!
Because Life is a Beautiful and Sacred thing!
"Human Mortality?"
Yes is brief in passing but life?
Life in return tis Truly Everlasting!
So, this is not goodbye but just another phase!
Yes my friend!
Because Heaven awaits right around the *Bend!
Author Notes |
*Bend: noun
/bend/ 1: curve in the road. "Johnny finally found what he was looking for right around the bend!" ... Note: This Saturday I was asked by President Passe of the Latter-Day Saint Church of Jesus Christ. (The Manahawkin chapter) To write a poem for the family who just lost a member. (One Son and brother) ... Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this talented Artist, 'seshadri_screenivasan' And, his Incredible Picture Entitled, "Heavenly Dance" |
By Ricky1024
"Navigating the Stream" (A)
(Of Unconsciousness)
Written on July 22nd, 2022
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright �©Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
Life is way too, too, short as well as brief.
As memories sometimes are calculated with little Relief.
Let's us examine...
Examine, "The Perimeters of Grief"
The Eight by Tens suspended in the Hall...
The Glasstein vase of flowers long Past...
Happy smiles that could never, ever, Last?
Crying tears that now stare out in shallow Waters.
Encrypted messages captured and now slaughtered?
Life cast away into a
"Sea of Tranquility?"
As I Ponder and Wonder all the way into *Reality?
"Navigating the Stream" (B)
(Into Consciousness)
Written on July 22nd, 2022
By Jason Richard Smrkovsky
Now take my hand and try?
Try to understand?
Understood the Grand Scheme of Life?
Float along with me into...
"The Sea of Consciousness?"
And, if you do?
Do realize that I'm not really sure or even here?
My life?
Temporarily displaced!
The Reason why?
Continue to taste?
Are you listening?
Do you See?
And, can you feel?
Feel exactly what's happening to me?
Because if you can?
Can realize and now see?
That Death is and was not the end...
The End of **Me?
Author Notes |
*Reality: noun
/ 1: Conscious thought. "After much suffering, Terry finally realized what reality was all about" **Me: noun /me/ 1: Word used in replacement of "I" ... Note: In order to understand what these two posts are about? You would have to first understand that there is Life.... Life after Death! ... And, to learn more about 'Organ-Tissue Donations?' Simply contact my dearest friend. Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with "The Gift of Life!" Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1-800-DONORS-1. ... Jason Richard Smrkovsky November 5th, 1984~ March 31st, 2003. Organs graciously offered to four on April 1st, 2003. (April Fool's Day) "And, the Beat Goes On!" ... Special thanks goes out first, as always to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist, 'VJWild' And, their incredible Picture Entitled, "Tears" |
By Ricky1024
"Simply Amazing!"
Written on July 22nd, 2022
By Richard and Jason Smrkovsky
Copyright ©� Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
Slip within, leave behind your shell of Sin.
Coated in layered pray and prayers. United in Spirit, Body, and Soul.
Life has taken such a horrid of Toll.
The Finger of Death awaits your very last breath!
Now breathe in then breathe out.
Your Heart's finally beating again and now that's what Life's all about!
You finally Shed your Skin of Sin!
The cocoon enclosed.
Yes, tried and chose?
But now your finally...
Finally freed!
Your prayers are true and you finally knew!
Yes, knew that dreams can come true and happen to *You!
Author Notes |
*You: noun
/you/ 1:first person. Replaces "I" and "Me" ... Note: And in the tri-state area of Delaware, Pennsylvania, and South Jersey. Yes, in the year of our Lord 2014. Yes, over 4,500 people awaited. "The Gift of Life" Yes, in the form of a Human Kidney. And, unfortunately the Sin? The Sin was that over 97% got to go home and body bags. ... To learn more about, 'Organ-Tissue Donations?' Simply contact my dearest friend. Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with "The Gift of Life!" Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1-800-DONORS-1. And, that's what Life's all about ... Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist, 'iPhone7' And, their Incredible Picture Entitled, "The Wonder of a Child" |
By Ricky1024
"May Eye Now Offer 2 Thee?"
Written on August 3rd, 2022
By Jason Richard Smrkovsky and
Richard Edward Smrkovsky
Copyright © Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
May I now Offer to Thee?
A Life-giving Correction?
Yes, in order to now change?
Change your Direction?
For I can now offer?
Now Offer to Thee?
Yes, something so incredibly perfect.
Now can't you see?
May Offer to Thee?
This Heart and set of Lungs from Me?
It's all that I got to Be?
Now here won't you please?
Please take them in order?
In order for Thee to again Be?
May I Offer now to Thee?
Yes, this Gift truly from Me?
After all I am.
"The Giver"
So won't you take all of my Liver?
Yes, it's all that I got to Be?
Lastly, may I now also Offer?
Offer to Thee?
This pair of Human Kidneys?
Kidneys now from Me?
One for you from me.
And, the other to be given later.
So, now can you see?
Because that's what I do.
I offer New Life to You!
A Life-giving Correction.
Correction in order to now change.
Change your *Direction.
Author Notes |
*Direction: noun
/di.rec.tion/ 1 : guidance or supervision of action or conduct: MANAGEMENT //working under the direction of the doctor 2 archaic: the address placed on the outside of a letter or package to be delivered: SUPERSCRIPTION 3 a: an explicit instruction: ORDER //carefully to read the directions //follow directions b: assistance in pointing out the proper route- usually used in plural //asked for directions to the beach 4. a: the line of course on which something is moving or is aim to move or along which something is pointing or facing //came from the opposite direction //walking in the same direction 5. archaic: DIRECTORATE sense 1 6. a: channel or direct course of thought or action //deciding which direction to take as a writer b : TENDENCY, TREND c : a guiding, governing, or motivating purpose //his life lacked direction 7. a: the art and technique of supervising the production of a show or performance: the art and technique of directing an orchestra band or a show (as for stage or screen) b: music: a word phrase or sign indicating the appropriate tempo mood or intensity of a passage (see PASSAGE entry 1 sense 6b) or movement (see MOVEMENT sense 4c) Note: Sometimes we all need to change our direction in life. On March 31st, 2003 after 8:00 PM. And, because of a horrible car accident. That my 18-year-old son Jason was involved in and unfortunately because of the mentally ill driver. (Brian Cole) Jason was propelled into a telephone pole by at over 100 mph. Yes, and as a result only Seventeen hours later? But on March 31st, 2003. He was pronounced Brain-Dead by the State of New Jersey. ... To learn more about, 'Organ-Tissue Donations?' Simply contact my dearest friend. Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with "The Gift of Life!" Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1-800- DONORS-1. ... Note : if you know somebody who is mentally ill contemplating suicide please call either 911 or The Suicide Prevention hotline at 988. ... Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist and Amazing Writer'cleo85' And, Cleo's Incredible Picture Entitled, "Creation of Life" |
By Ricky1024
"Presently Presenting Me?"
(A Dedication to Jay)
Written on August 3rd, 2022
By Doctor Ricky1024
Copyright © Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
Time Line: March 31st, 2003
It's now 8:00 and it's time to rock!
Yes, rock but not roll!
Well there'll be no more rolling out of bed for me?
Well because apparently something has now happened?
Happened you see and my name is "Jay son" or you may just call me Jay.
Yes, as I take you on a little journey this day.
Because you now see?
Something horrible is going to happen to me!
And yes, I'm still young at only eighteen.
(If you know what I mean?)
And, I'm also quite healthy.
(Some say)
And, even handsome!
And, you could verify that one with my girlfriend Angel.
Yes, but apparently I'm in danger.
And, it's not by anything or means more stranger.
(Brian Cole my old friend the driver)
But something's happening to me?
And, it's something I can't feel, nor hear, not even understand?
Yes, or even see?
Time Line and present Location:
April 1st, 2003 midnight.
Atlantic City Trauma Hospital Atlantic City, New Jersey.
The clock is ticking now.
And, it seems as if perhaps my body is going to be taking a licking now?
Yes or maybe you might want to call it a picking now?
Because there's parts inside me.
Inside of me that now are becoming more important!
Yes, more important even for me!
Time Line: It's April 1st, 2022.
Damn it Janet!
Nineteen years hath now gone by and boy!
How time flies as the Black Crow flew!
And, as for me?
Well, it's perfect okay.
You see a long time since I've been dispersed and given away on this fine April 1st, Fool's Day.
Time Line: August 3rd, 2022.
Holy Cow!
How time flies by so fast up here for me!
Those past five months?
Damn flew by perhaps quicker then all the cookoo birds in the movie.
"One Flew Over the Cookoo's Nest!"
Maybe there's a hurricane and it had my name?
But things up here have progressed well through these past Nineteen years.
Yes, and quite well indeed.
(From what my father hears)
There are three out of the four Human beings still alive!
Yes, and they all have received organs though mr and this amazing program.
"The Gift of Life!"
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Yes, from me.
And, still walk planet Earth you see?
Which is a perfectly Beautiful thing!
Yes, and it's nice to know below.
Yes, that you're still loved and wanted but in a highly unusual way?
And, that's about it for this day.
All I can do now?
But perhaps maybe you can contemplate on this subject?
Yes, and pray?
Note: To learn more about
'Organ-Tissue Donations?'
Simply contact my dearest friend.
Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W with
"The Gift of Life!:
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at
And, as for me?
"The Beat Goes On!"
Jason Richard Smrkovsky
November 5th, 1984~
March 31st, 2003.
Organ's Graciously offered on
April 1st, 2003
(April Fool's Day)
Author Notes |
Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this talented Artist and Incredible Writer 'cleo85" And, Cleo's Incredible Picture Entitled, "The Greatest Gift" |
By Ricky1024
Written on August 6th, 2022
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright © Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
Damn it John this kid is fighting still to live!
Stated Doctor Williams.
"Silent tis the night when God works His many miracles."
Unknown Poet.
Note: According to the National Kidney Foundation.
Deciding and the decisions about 'Organ and Tissue Donations.'
Usually comes after a sudden and unexpected death, an emotionally traumatized time.
Yes, trying to comprehend.
"The Organ-Tissue Procurement Process"
Yes, at the time can be very difficult due to the overwhelming emotions that occur.
And this can lead to confusion or even suspicion.
Which may be why some families decline to donate the organs, and tissues of their Loved ones.
Yes, John God works His many miracles aimlessly.
And, also if God can do this we can do it too!
Note: The 18-year-old is now diagnosed "Brain-Dead"
And, the only thing sustaining his precious organs are machines.
Note: The National Kidney Foundation wants to help educate the public about the process.
In order to alleviate the myths and misconceptions surrounding organ and tissue donation.
Thereby increasing donation to help the more than 55,000 people waiting for life-giving Organ transplants.
And, the 400,000 more that benefit each year from tissue and cornea donations.
This fact sheet following is designed to outline the process that usually occurs.
(Though each experience may be somewhat difficult depending on the circumstances)
So, we encourage families to discuss the issue of 'Organ-Tissue Donations'
Yes, and make their wishes known.
The team is ready to go Doctor and the family has checked off the appropriate organs to be donated.
States Nurse White.
It is April 1st, 2003 around 2:30 a.m.
And, a team of surgeons trained specifically in Organ-Tissue removal
Yes, are working hard at removing this young man's many precious organs. Time is precious as there are three men and a little girl awaiting the process and praying for a second chance at New Life.
John Masterson, Frank Williams, and his team of professionals are successfully removing the Liver now for there is a young man in Philadelphia waiting this organ.
Note: The Procurement Process is a complex series of events that involve medical professionals at all levels and varied settings.
Federal and State legislation has been enacted to help ensure that the process is carried out in a fair and efficient way. Leading to an equitable distribution of donated organs.
Note: This legislation recommended the establishment of a National computer registry.
Called the National Organ Procurement and Transportation Network.
Yes, for the purpose of matching donor organs to waiting recipients.
The OPTN is managed by the organization known as the
United Network for Organ-Sharing.
UNOS is located in Richmond, Virginia.
UNOS cooperates with regional organ procurement organizations throughout the country.
In order to place Organ's Locally, Regionally, and Nationally.
It's now almost daybreak.
The sun is rising and there will be life fortunately for four people!
Besides the young man in Philadelphia receiving a human liver.
Yes, there's an older gentleman receiving the Heart and Lungs of Jason!
And, meanwhile the right Kidney was flown out West to a man named Bill.
Bill who was very desperately and happy to receive it.
But the left Human Kidney, however stayed locally in South Jersey.
Yes, as a little girl?
Yes, who was on her deathbed.
Yes, was awaiting this Gift of Life!
Note: The Procurement Process and how it works.
Number One: The hospital identifies a potential donor.
And, this may be done by an attending or consulting position donor coordinator, house supervisor, emergency room or intensive care unit Nurse.
Note: An individual who is Brain-Dead but is on a respirator.
And, has a beating heart is an acceptable donor for Heart, Liver, Pancreas, Eyes, Corneas, Kidneys, Intestines, Heart Valve, Skin, Bone, and Lungs.
Note: An individual who has died due to a cardiac arrest and has no cardiac or respiratory activity.
Yes, also is an acceptable donor for Eyes, Corneas, Blood vessels, Cartilage, Skin, Bone, Paracadium, and Soft-Tissues.
Other criteria for potential organ and tissue donors.
Yes, include certain age limit and the absence of unresolved systems, infections, or extra cerebral malignancies.
Number Two: The hospital contacts the local Organ Procurement Organization (OPO)
To access the potential doctor status and confirm his or her suitability.
Number Three: A physician declares brain death.
Note: This must be done in accordance with state laws preferably by a neurosurgeon or neurologist.
Number Four:: A medical evaluation of the potential donor is conducted by representative.
Representative of the Organ Procurement Organization.
Yes, or an in-house donor coordinator. This includes a complete history and physical examination of the potential donor.
Number Five: The potential donors next of kin are asked to sign a donor consent form.
Most states have passed required request laws.
Yes, which make it mandatory for the hospital to offer the family.
The option of donating their deceased Loved ones organs and tissues.
Some states have what is called "Required Referral Laws"
Which require the hospital to notify the OPO of all deaths and it appropriates and coordinates the collaboration with the OPO.
In order to advise the family of their right to donate.
Number Six: The donor is being and maintained medically by a representative of the Organ Procurement Organization, the in-house coordinator, or the nurse in the unit.
Yes, after Brain-Death has been declared.
Number Seven: The donor coordinator arranges the arrival and departure times of the surgical transplant teams.
And, schedules the operating room time.
The surgical team consists of surgeons and operating room clinician or organ tissue preservationist.
Number Eight: When the surgical team arrives, the donor is taken to surgery.
And, a complete operating room staff should be available for multiple organ retrieval.
A special surgical team is usually required for removal of Heart, Liver, Lungs, and Pancreas.
Kidneys may be removed either by local surgeons or by a special team.
Number Nine: The disposition of the body takes place according to the guidelines of the hospital.
Note: There is no change in the body's appearance after Organ and Tissue Donations.
And, open casket funerals are still possible.
Number Ten: The organs are matched to potential recipients.
Tissue typing takes about 6 hours.
Note: This testing is done for all Kidney transplants and is recommended for pancreas transplants.
And, may be required for other types of transplants.
(UNOS) Has developed a point system for selecting recipients.
(As objectively as possible)
And, in addition to the tissue type and blood group.
Note: Other criteria includes...
The percent of reactive antibody, waiting time on the list, medical emergency, and in the case of Liver
and heart transplants.
Distance from the transplant center.
Number Eleven: Once the recipients have been identified, they are called in for their preoperative workups.
Number Twelve: The donor coordinator/preservationst sends the Organ and or tissues to the institution. Yes, where preservation or the transplant will take place.
Number Thirteen: The selected individuals are taken for their individual surgery and the transplants are performed.
Number Fourteen: An organization takes care of follow-ups
This may include letters to the donor family, staff position, and nurses regarding the transplant Organs.
And, or tissues
Note: While this procurement process is well organizing and efficient.
It cannot be fully successful as long as the shortage of donated organs and tissues persist.
And, through its Organ and Tissue Donor program.
The National Kidney foundation is striving to reverse these shortages.
Yes, through special programs and annual public information campaigns.
Such as National Organ and Tissue Donor Awareness Week.
The US Transplant Games.
The National Donor Family Transaction Council.
These programs are making the critical differences.
Providing education, new programs.
For critical care.
To learn more about, 'Organ-Tissue Donation?'
Simply contact my dear friend.
Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with
"The Gift of Life"
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at
Thank You,
Richard Edward Smrkovsky
Author Notes |
Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist, 'meofun' Their Incredible Picture Entitled, "The Courage" |
By Ricky1024
"Say Goodbye to Me" (A)
Written on August 6th, 2022
By Jason Richard Smrkovsky
Copyright © Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
Say Goodbye to Me?
And, all that I used to be.
Say Goodbye to Me?
What may?
This April 1st, 2003.
For my life's changing and I must move on.
Say Goodbye?
Goodbye now do you see?
This time is no longer?
No longer just about me.
I'm trying to make this clear?
Yes, even though I'm no longer.
No longer here?
Say Goodbye to Me?
And, if you should cry?
And, even though I died.
Do not cry for me.
Because Death you see?
When it comes to me.
It's not a final decree.
Say Goodbye to Me.
I miss you all.
Yes, but take all of me.
Take the very best you see?
I had a big Heart.
That still beats strong!
But that too must now depart.
April 1st, 2022.
Say Goodbye to Me.
Now been nineteen years.
Nineteen years for this 18-year-old
Because now I'm long gone.
But that doesn't mean this is the End.
Doesn't mean that my Life.
My Life does not go on!
Because good friend.
In the End?
There's a Better Place.
A Better Place for people like you and me.
And, though it may be a sad song.
Yes, I finally found the place.
The Special Place where I *Belong.
"Take the Last Dance" (B)
Written on August 6th, 2022
By Richard Edward and Jason
Richard Smrkovsky
Copyright © Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
Dance with me?
Body to Body.
Hip to Hip.
Dance with me?
Take a quick dip with me?
Into, "The Sea of Tranquility"
Don't be scared.
I do now swear.
"Cross My Heart and Hope to Die"
Because you see?
There's more than just...
"The Death of Me?"
Dance with me?
Body to Body to Hip?
Dance with me?
Finally then you will see?
You're now you've now got.
Got the best of **Me.
"Safely Home in Heaven" (C)
(A Dedication for Carolyn)
Written on August 7th, 2022
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright © Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
I'm Safely Home.
Dear friends.
No more shall I suffer the pains of my life.
I tried the best I could to be a good mother and wife.
But you see sometimes for people like me?
Unfortunately, it's not meant to be.
I'm Safely Home.
My dear friends.
Do not cry for me.
Do not cry for this is not the End.
Do not cry for me for this is the very Beginning.
The Very Beginning if you can see?
I am home in Heaven dear ones.
Oh, so happy and so bright!
There is Perfect Joy and Beauty.
Beauty in this Everlasting light!
All the pain and grief is over,
Every restless tossing passed.
Yes, I am now at Peace Forever.
"Safely Home in Heaven"
At ***Last....
Author Notes |
*Belong: noun
/be.long/ 1. **Me: noun /me/ 1. ***Last: noun /last/ 1. final, end. "I am finally at peace friends at last" Note: After the death of our son Jason on March 31st, 2003. Understand, that unfortunately on November 23rd, 2003. My wife Carolyn committed suicide. ... Carolyn Ann Richmond Harbach Smrkovsky December 6th, 1952~ November 23rd, 2003. (Safely Home) ... Jason Richard Smrkovsky November 5th, 1984~ March 31st, 2003. Organs graciously accepted and offered to four on April 1st, 2003. (April Fool's Day) ... If you know somebody who is feeling deeply depressed this way? Then please contact the National Suicide Prevention hotline at 944. ... Note: To learn more about, 'Organ-Tissue Donations?' Simply contact my dearest friend. Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with "The Gift of Life!" Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1-800-DONORS-1. "And, the Beat Goes On!" ... Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist and Amazing Writer, 'Dr.Ricky 1024' And, his Incredible Picture Entitled, "Safely Home" |
By Ricky1024
"No Need to Be"
Written on August 8th, 2022
By Jason Richard Smrkovsky
(Angels tell Tales too!)
Copyright ©¸ Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
It's Raining now.
(A night rain)
On this day and Time.
I'm enclosed.
Yes, but I feel kind of comfortable inside.
I can't see, or feel, or even hear a thing?
(And, this part bothers me)
But I'm going with the flow.
(Don't you know)
As the rain continues, so do the moments restricted.
(No benefit to be?)
Yes, Lord God above but I'm trying.
(And, I'm not lying)
Trying the best I can be!
But this is reality.
Reality and Fate combined.
Combined with "please don't be late"
(Perhaps a special date with Reality?)
As the Night Rain continues to fall.
Now, let me make this Crystal clarity?
(And, I do hope it's a she?)
And, that would be very nice now for me.
As I now can finally feel.
I feel my body now lifting but when I looked down?
I am definitely rising.
Yes Lord God but I don't understand?
Why dear Lord God high above in the Night sky?
Why Dear Lord God is this now happening?
Happening to me?
Am I alive or dying?
Dear Lord God I'm still trying!
Trying to understand!
(And, do You know what I mean?)
I'm only Eighteen!
As the Night Rain continues to fall...
Lord God, can You at least give me a clue?
Suddenly the darkness goes away and brilliant colors as of amazing hues!
Yes, an Angel appears?
And, then another one too?
And, another and another for a total of Twelve!
Yes, as they link their hands forming a circle around me!
And, then they started singing?
Singing Just For Me!
And the circle is now complete!
Thank You God and I finally can again see!
And, now I know my purpose because they've told me!
Told me telepathically!
And, now you know my story.
Yes, but this is just the beginning and not the End!
So, you just need to continue.
Yes, continue reviewing what my father is writing my friend!
Yes, as he always will be writing with his pen!
Author Notes |
*Amen: exclamation
/ 1. uttered at the end of a prayer or a hymn meaning, "so be it" *Amen: noun 1. an utterance of "Amen" ... Note: On March 31st, 2003. (On that Rainy Night around 8:30 PM.) Yes, my son never passed away but I died. To learn more about, 'Organ-Tissue Donations?' Simply contact my dearest friend. Lara. S. Moretti the L.S.W. with "The Gift of Life!" Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1-800- DONORS-1. .... Jason Richard Smrkovsky November 5th, 1984~ March 31st 2003. Organs graciously offered to four on April 1st 2003. (April Fool's Day) ... Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist, 'Eddie ciofi' And, Eddie's Incredible Picture Entitled, "All rise" |
By Ricky1024
"Systems Subjected" (A)
Written on August 1st, 2022
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright �© Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
It was the end of March 31st, 2003.
Yes, but now it's August 1st, 2022.
And, from the beginning.
(You see of Thee?)
Time is Mastered and Re-Calculated as Re-Captured in moments of polyester.
Wheels are never greased.
While failed and ceased Hearts?
Need a new start!
Diseased Livers ?
Oh, that okay because I am
"The Giver!"
And, you two?
It's a Human Kidney from me?
Well you came at the right time
The right time to me!
Time is Mastered and Re-Calculated as Re-Captured in moments of polyester.
Though still temporary.
Can You Now see reviewers what's happening here with me?
The Wheels now beat!
Yes, to "The Rhythm of Life."
Labeled together as if man and wife?
Yes, bodies now one again!
New ink for that pen!
And, the beat has begun!
It's crying time again?
No more crying!
Nor begging or whining!
Well why?
Well because of me?
"The Beauty of Resurrection!"
You see?
Yes, is quite rare indeed!
So, what was that?
Oh, it's a Heart you need?
"Systems Subjected" (B)
Written August 12th, 2022
By Jason Richard Smrkovsky
Copyright �© Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
"Welcome to me and what do you need?"
"Need from me to you?"
"Oh, stop the crying and that will never do!"
"Well I got plenty of Hope for you!"
"You were at the end of your rope?"
"Well, you found me and no longer will you now choke!"
"Because I got plenty to what you need!"
'Oh, a New Heart?"
"And, your Heart's broken with pulmonary heart disease?"
"Your heart's no longer and your lungs are also in need?"
"Well Jay and my name is Jim."
"And, as for me?"
"Yes, it's been a sin."
"And, if I am again to begin?"
"You see Jason?"
"Yes, it's my right Kidney and been like this since I was only twenty three."
"And, they say the dialysis will no longer sustain me."
"Oh hi Jay."
"And, may I introduce myself to you today?"
"My name is Kurt and it's my liver you see?"
"Yes, unfortunately for me?"
"Chronic liver damage or cirrhosis of the liver."
"And, I need a new dose from you."
Okay"The Giver."
"Ok, but what about you little girl?"
"I wonder why?"
Asks Jay.
"Well my name is Annie Jay."
"And, I come to you this day "
"Jay, and I want you to see?"
"See that I'm only age seven."
"Thats okay Jay but my mommy says... "Don't worry cuz I'll soon be going to Heaven."
"Yes, but I'm so scared because I got a lot of living."
"Yes still to do."
States Annie
"Well my Annie dear?"
"I'm glad that you're here!"
"Yes, and don't worry."
"Don't you worry about a single Ed thing!"
"All of you!"
"It's okay because life for me too?"
"Was also too short "
"And, I too had a lot of living."
"Living yes to do!"
"Yes, just like all of you."
"But now that it's done."
"Now this is what I do!"
"So, Annie and to all of you?"
"Yes, welcome!"
"Welcome now to me!"
"And, my systems are subjected!"
"And now your all quite *Protected!"
Author Notes |
*Protected: noun
/pro.tec.ted/ 1. when a being is cared by God and His Angels from harm. "Jason probably has Protected many with his message!" Similar: blessed, watched over, under God's care. ... Jason Richard Smrkovsky November 5th, 1984~ March 31st, 2003. Organs graciously offered to four on April 1st, 2003. (April Fool's Day) ... Note: And, to learn more about, 'Organ-Tissue Donations?: Simply contact my dearest friend. Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with "The Gift of Life!" Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1-800-DONORS-1. ... "And, the Beat Goes On!" ... Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist, 'memephotos' And, their Incredible Picture Entitled, "gift of life" |
By Ricky1024
"Gone but Not Forgotten?"
Written on August 14th, 2022
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright ©� Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
Sometimes when my Life.
My life gets a little sad and Lonely.
I look back and realize.
Realize that there's more to life and if only only?
If only things could have turned out?
Turned out a little different that day?
That day if only there was a little more sunlight?
Sunlight to make the Endless pains.
Endless Pains go away?
And, then I think back.
Think back in time of my only Jay.
Jay and wonder what he would be doing would be doing?
Doing if he hadn't died that Day?
Doing if he had lived?
Lived that sad *Day?
Author Notes |
*Day: noun
/day/ 1. period of time, 24 hours. "It's been 24 hours since my Jay had been taken away" ... Note: God works in mysterious ways. And, hopefully Anne Hechet gets her final wishes and they come true? ... To learn more about 'Organ-Tissue Donations?' Simply contact my dearest friend. Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with "The Gift of Life!" Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1-800- DONORS-1. .... Jason Richard Smrkovsky November 5th, 1984~ March 31st, 2003. Organ's graciously offered to four on April 1st, 2003. (April Fool's Day) "And, the Beat Goes On!" |
By Ricky1024
"Dream a Little Dream?"
Written on August 17th, 2022
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright © Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
"Dreams Can Come True and Happen to You"
"Dream a Little Dream of Me?"
Once Upon a Time when Dreams were more or less not Nightmarish Screams!
I had a Little Dream.
Yes, but not just any Old Dream.
But that was way back in '62.
Yes, when I was myself just a child.
Dream a Little Dream of Me?
Two decades quickly passed and at Long Last!
It's Dream-Time!
And, not to just dream.
Dream a Little Dream.
So I had tho house and took a wife and started a Brand New Life!
Yes, but that too was way back when I too.
Yes, was a young man.
Once Upon a Time and time?
Yes, two more decades would pass and now I was middle-aged at forty eight.
And Dreams Can Come True and Happen to You?
The children grew and were educated in school.
Prospered too!
They were now in their teens and twenties.
Yes, it's now though 2002.
And yes!
My family to me was still Brand New.
All practically grown four daughters and one young man!
Dreams can become Nightmarish Screams if you let them too!
And, yes my dreams came True.
But then that was a while back and a year later?
Yes, unfortunately for me
They would quickly come to a brief End.
End of the road?
End of me?
End of Time?
End of my Career?
End of my Only Son?
End of my Only Wife?
End of my House?
Yes, and much more!
It's true I first lost my only son.
Followed eight months later by my only wife.
Yes, I'm a five-time loser.
I first lost my son.
Then my wife.
My career and house.
Even even tried once to take my own life!
"Dream a Little Dream?"
But the one thing that I never lost and will always have is my faith in *Jesus Christ!.
Author Notes |
*Jesus Christ: noun
/Jesus Christ/ 1. savior, Lord, god. Note: All of us will have our trials and tribulations. And, some will suffer severely but as long as we have our beliefs. Yes, as long as we have our Hopes. As long as we have Faith and Love? Yes, and believe in a higher presence above? Dreams aren't just Little Dreams. Yes, and will come true and happen to you! ... Carolyn Ann Richmond Harbach Smrkovsky December 6th, 1954~ November 23rd 2003. ... Jason Richard Smrkovsky November 5th, 1984~ March 31st, 2003. Organs graciously offered to four on April 1st, 2003. (April Fool's Day) ... "No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected" 1 John 4:12 ... Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist, 'seshadri_screenivasan' And, their Incredible Picture Entitled, "Feelings of Dream" |
By Ricky1024
"Once When Upon A Time"
Written on August 29th, 2022
By Richard and Jason Richard
Copyright © Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
'I'm floating now and it feels strange but okay.'
'I'll go with this on this crazy of day.'
'The Moons been swallowed by a flea!'
'Oh Me!'
'And the Sun's Frozen in Hell?'
'Why don't you sit a spell?'
'What you're not very comfortable here with that?'
'I'm hungry!'
'Well then go skin a black cat!'
'Oh Crap!'
'Wells Bell Hot Peppers in Hell!'
'That's okay now too!'
'Cuz I'm trying to tell you!'
'Yes, tell you that breakfast was served yesterday!'
'So, I'll be a little late.'
'Great ?'
'No watch but that's okay!'
'Yes, where we are both now going?'
'Yes, yes!'
'I'm floating now and it feels strange but Okay?'
'Breakfast remember was yesterday?'
'Remember our date?'
'Great but the location has kind of changed and this new Place?'
'You see I arranged.'
'And, there's no Moon nor Sun both exist in another place!'
'What hun?'
'Hungry still but soon.'
'Very, Very, soon!'
'The music?'
'Yes that's finally begun!'
'Yes there's Acres of light here and plenty of warmth too!'
'And, where we're now living above him?'
'Well there's a lot of love but not much now to do!'
'Oh why are you going with me?'
'Well Hell's Bells!'
'You don't remember that long ago April Fool's Day?'
'Yes, that sad day in 2003?'
'When I died and when you prayed?'
'Yes, because you too were dying!:
'Yes, and you prayed!'
'And, then a Beautiful Angel heard you crying!'
'Yes, crying out for a second chance at life!'
'And, yes!'
'This is Heaven and I've been here a Very, Very, long time waiting!'
'What hun?'
'Nice and I'm waiting now for you!'
'Now after all you got the best part or Heart of me!'
'Yes, but now it's *2042 and not 2003.'
Author Notes |
*2042: noun
1. A date in time. 2. Future date. "Mary couldn't wait for her Heavenly date in 2042." ... Note: Now in order to pull this off properly. I had to mislead the reviewer into thinking my Son Jason was going to Hell and not Heaven. This gives the story a little more preference and also lets the person realize there's Life after Death indeed. ... To learn more about, 'Organ-Tissue Donations?' Simply contact my dearest friend Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with "The Gift of Life!" Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1-800-DONORS-1. ... Jason Richard Smrkovsky November 5th, 1984~ March 31st, 2003. Note: Organs graciously offered to four on April 1st, 2003. (April Fool's Day) ... Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist, 'simonka' And, their Incredible Picture Entitled, "Heaven and Hell" |
By Ricky1024
"Within the Pathway of Death!"
Written on September 5th, 2022
By Doctor Ricky1024
Copyright © Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
Fearvnot young man.
You know that those who go were only the few shalloweth tread.
A place they say for the few.
Yes, now when you are dead.
The Little Lord Jesus lay down his Sweet head.
Yes in a cradle.
Note: The Cradle of Jesus according to the tradition.
Refers to a small recessed marble Alcove inside a small chamber. (Known as the Chamber of Virgin Mary or oratory of Mary)
Situated in the South-eastern corner of the Temple Mount, it is believed to be the location where Jesus was laid down by Miriam, before or after being presented in the temple.
(At the age of only 40 days)
The Cradle of Jesus is located in the el- Marwani Musallah, also known as "Solomon's Stables"
I've been brought down To my knees!
And yes, pushed to the point of breaking!
But you're not now going to stop me!
And, you don't know me but I've been around and taken.
But you're not going to stop me!
And, you don't know me but I've been around and taken.
I've been brought down yes to my knees.
Pushed to the point of breaking.
But you haven't seen now the Last of Me!
Note: On March 31st, 2003.
My only Eighteen-year old son.
Jason Richard Smrkovsky.
Unfortunately, was involved in a horrible car accident.
And fortunately, as a result only Seventeen-hours later.
April 1st, 2003.
(April Fool's Day)
Note: To learn more about,
'Organ-Tissue Donations?'
Simply contact my dearest friend. Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W.with
"The Gift of Life!"
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at
Jason Richard Smrkovsky
November 5th, 1984~
March 31st, 2003.
Note: Organ's Graciously offered to help save four Human beings on
April 1st, 2004.
(April Fool's Day)
"And, the Beat Goes On!"
Author Notes |
Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist, 'suzannethompson2' Her Incredible Picture Entitled, "Two for the price of One" |
By Ricky1024
"Redeeming Notions"
Written on September 6th, 2022
By Richard and Jason Smrkovsky
Copyright © Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
I am as I am but what exactly is the value?
The values of a man?
Loving virtues?
Heavenly wants and needs?
Yes, indeed?
I am as I am no more, nor less than Mortal Man.
Father what though am I am?
Hope and tenderness?
Trust and Faith?
Heavenly wants and needs?
Yes, indeed?
I Am Now and I finally know who I am!
And, finally my worth!
I was created by You Father!
A By-product of my parents birth!
And indeed!
I am all of the above and more!
A By-product of their love but God gave something more to be?
And, exactly what it was is not to be judged by you or by me?
Yes I Am as I Am no More or Less than Mortal Man.
But before I finally Died?
But before that Very, Last tear that was Cried?
Cried and finally shed?
Before I stopped breathing and was finally Dead?
Yes, I gave back to my Father above the All within!
All that was capable of me!
Yes, and now almost two decades hath past.
I know deep in their Broken Hearts.
My family can still hold these Notions Fast!
That's because of Me.
Yes, and there are still the Three.
Yes, still from the Final Four.
And, between you and me?
Who could ask for anything *More?
Author Notes |
*More: determiner
/more/ 1. A greater or additional amount for degree of "She poured herself more coffee" Similar: Additional, Further, Added. *More: pronoun 1. A greater or additional amount of something "Tell me more?" ... Note: To lose a child is a parent's worst Nightmare. Yes, a Nightmare that continues to give and to give. As long as you live. ... On March 31st, 2003. My Son and Only Son Jason Richard was involved in a horrible car accident. Seventeen hours later? In the hospital after being diagnose Brain-Dead. The state of New Jersey. April 1st, 2003. Yes, would produce a Death certificate but is there Life truly after Death? And, after your very last breath? Well the answer to that indeed can be determined with a phone call of need! ... To learn more about'Organ-Tissue Donations?' Simply contact my dearest friend. Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with "The Gift of Life!" Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1-800-DONORS-1. ... Jason Richard Smrkovsky November 5th, 1984~ March 31st, 2003. Organ's graciously offered to four on April 1st, 2003. (April Fool's Day) "And, Yes the Beat Still Goes On!" ... Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Amazing Writer, 'Doctor Ricky 1024' And, his Incredible Picture Entitled, "My 13-Year-Old Son Jason" |
By Ricky1024
"Sadness to Gladness?"
Written on September 27th, 2022
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright ©� Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
Sometimes something is meant to be?
Yes but as for me?
Well let's go way back to 2003.
Now there you go!
Yes, almost Twenty years ago!
Now they say that April Fool's Day?
A day to finally be the Wisecracker that you always wanted to be?
To Be or Not to Be?
And, as for this day in 2003?
Oh yes the jokes on?
Now reader and reviewer, it all started innocently.
Yes, just a party.
A party for Nikki!
Nicole Megan Harbach my step daughter indeed.
Yes, and she accomplished her need at being age Twenty-Six and not Twenty-Three.
But still viewers what about the jokes?
And, the tricks?
Trick or Treat?
Well, now let's not get side tracked that still months away!
Yes, in the month of October and not March nor May but if I may still march on?
Yes, to the beat of a different drummers song?
Ahh, now this is where we finally belong?
Brian Cole was a distressed child of only Seventeen.
(Yes, if you know what I mean?)
Was he mean?
Yes but even for a child.
A mentally ill child can drive a Ford Mustang convertible.
And, make it become a deadly lesson!
"Fast and Furious!"
Now if you're still with me here and if you still care?
I'll continue to share.
Yes, no matter how hard it is for me.
I'll continue the story and continue to share.
But there's always a price to be paid!
And, you see?
Yes the accident cost me as well as my family!
Yes but as for this past April Fool's Day 2022?
Well let's say for three out of four lucky individuals?
Yes, who benefited that day!
Yes, as I prayed!
Yes, with another chance!
Jay's Heart and Lungs, Kidney to Kidneys...
And, as for the Liver recipient?
Yes, had but eight years.
Yes, eight long years to continue his life!
And, that's still kinda nice and right!
Three out of four would continue to work, walk, play, observe another day.
And, as for but one?
Yes, possibly reproduce because of that sad, sad, sad, day.
At the end of March into beginning of April and not May.
Well if I but now can say?
April, May, and into June?
Yes, the rains!
They say?
Yes will bring?
They say April flowers!
Yes but so many, many, Angels tears!
Yes to make up for the Eighteen long years!
Years of tears but don't get me wrong!
Because even though this may sound like a sad, sad, song?
These are the tears of not Sadness but the tears of Happiness and Gladness!
Because for one and only my one Son?
Jason Richard Smrkovsky.
My Jay he finally after Eighteen years got to go home.
Go back home where he belonged that day!
"The Memory Box"
The memory box provides a place to keep special items that you connect with your Loved one. To hold, touch, and remember treasured moments and memories is a healthy part of adjusting to a loss.
The Box offers a place to go to, to think, about the individual, the good times and the moments shared.
What is put inside is up to you... there are no right or wrong things to include, only those things that are special to you and your Loved one.
To tie the ribbons is to offer a type of closure, to untie them and to open the Memory Box, is to open up oneself to remembering this Special Someone.
"By remembering, we keep what is precious and most special, as treasures in our hearts forever"
Memories Unlimited 1994.
Author Notes |
Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist, as well as, Incredible Writer, 'Doctor Ricky 1024' And, his Incredible Picture Entitled, "The Memory Box" .. Jason Richard Smrkovsky November 5th, 1984~ March 31st, 2003. Organs graciously offered to four on April 1st, 2003, (April Fool's Day) "And, the Beat Goes On!" |
By Ricky1024
"No Time Left for Me!"
Written on October 8th, 2022
By Jason Richard Smrkovsky
Copyright © Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
The date is March 31st, 2003.
Yes, and as for me?
The characters are "Fast and Furious" Me.
Brian Cole
Ford Mustang Convertible?
Burns rubber painting the pathway to my destruction!
Simply a struggle...
Simply a sudden moment...
A split second of corruption, laced with a taste of Deadly Interruption!
100 mph!
Mustang bucks and damn don't that pony rock that telephone pole on Nautilus!
ET Go Home?
As the twirly bird hovers gently in the Twilight Night.
Yes, and over the arrival point but the point of the matter?
Let Me Make This Perfectly Clear!
My Heart hath stopped!
Yes that's what I hear.
See no Evil!
Hear no!
Fear no?
See no.
Touch no?
Smell no.
My Lord God above.
Such a damned *Waste?
Author Notes |
*Waste: noun (BAD USE)
/waste/ unnecessarily or wrong use of money, substances, time, energy, abilities, ECT. "That meeting achieved absolutely nothing!" ... Note: My son actually did have a Heart Attack on the way to the hospital. (Atlantic City, New Jesey) Yes in the helicopter but fortunately. Yes! There was a paramedic on board to revive him! ... Note: The projection and the actual event was to achieve your feelings in that actual Ford Mustang convertible. Yes! As it is carelessly maneuvered by a mentally-ill Seventeen year old child! Unfortunately for me into the telephone pole. And, as a result? ... To learn more about, 'Organ-Tissue Donations?' Simply contact my dear friend. Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with "The Gift of Life!" Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1-800-DONORS-1. ... Note: This was written in less than three minutes. Jason Richard Smrkovsky November 5th, 1984~ March 31st, 2003. Organs Graciously offered to four on April 1st, 2003. (April Fool's Day) "And, the Beat Goes On!" ... Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist, 'martin smith images' Martin's Incredible Picture Entitled, "One water drop- one dance' |
By Ricky1024
"Liquidfied Dreams?"
Written on October 9th, 2022
By Jason and Richard Smrkovsky
Copyright © Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
Thoughts all now quickly passing
Darkness it seems.
God so damned f****** quiet now. What's happening here now to me?
Why 100 miles an hour?
It's all now such a blur?
There's something now happening to me?
Blood-Curled Screams!
"Liquified Dreams?"
How moments are passing...
One millisecond at a time.
God, I'm having problems Lord.
Yes, remembering things?
Now is this day or night?
Trying my Best to get this right.
Day turned into night?
By all means?
"Liquidfied Dreams"
Some things now happening to my human remains?
But mysteriously or not I can no longer feel the pain?
But I can see something happening to my mortal being below?
Lifting so...
Yes, God that's what it seems.
"Liquidfied *Dreams"
Author Notes |
/dreams/ 1. A state of semi-consciousness in which as we are resting we're at peace but our mind is still active and searching. ... Note: Yes, it's now been over nineteen years. Since my only 18-year-old son was propelled carelessly into a telephone pole. Unfortunately for me at close to 100 miles an hour. God is there ever going to be any closure? ... To learn more about'Organ-Tissue Donations?' Simply contact my dearest friend Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with "The Gift of Life" Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1-890- DONORS-1. ... "And, the Beat Goes On!" .... Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist, 'seshadri_screenivasan' And, his Incredible Picture Entitled, "Dimension of Dreams-2" |
By Ricky1024
"The Price of Me?"
Written on October 13th, 2022
By Jason Richard Smrkovsky
Copyright © Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
"The Price of Me?"
Yes is now yours to determine.
And, only yours now to see?
See and if you want to follow me?
"The Price of Me?"
Oh yes Siree!
Tis more than just....
Just a "One-Two-or-Three?"
Now are you beginning to see?
See exactly what you can buy from me?
"The Price of Me?"
Well, between you and me.
Yes, can be a Bargain Basement deal.
Only if you think this now is real?
And, if you now need me?
But then as this ink now flows.
Flows from my dad's pen.
"The Price of Me?"
Between you and me?
And, now my new friend.
And, if it's beginning to get a little more clear?
And, if you're now feeling?
Yes, feeling something within and little more near?
Within your own being?
Can You Feel The Beat of My Heart?
Can You Feel The Blood flushing through?
And, are you now aware?
Aware and have a more clear *View?
"The Price of Me?"
It's just a prayer and a call away and if you still need of me this day well now that you're here and you've been through this my dear and you're now halfway there and you're now still Living on a *Prayer
Author Notes |
*Prayer: noun
/prayer/ 1. a solemn request for help or expression of thanks address to God for an object of worship. "I'll say a prayer for him" Similar: invocation, intercession, devotion. 2. a religious service, especially a regular one, at which people Gather in order to pray together. "500 people were detained as they attended Friday prayers" 3. an earnest hope or wish. "it is our prayer that the current progress on human rights be sustained" ... "A Prayer for You" I said a prayer for you today and now God must have heard. I felt the answer in my Broken heart, although he spoke no word I didn't ask for wealth or fame. I knew you wouldn't mind. I asked him to send Treasures; of a far more lasting kind. I asked that he'd be near you. And, at the start of each new day. To finally Grant your health and blessings. And, Friends share your way. I asked for happiness for you and all things Great and Small. But it was for his loving care. Yes, I prayed the most of all. Unknown Poet. ... To learn more about, 'Organ-Tissue Donations?" Simply contact my dearest friend. Lara.S. Moretti the L.S.W.with "The Gift of Life!" Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1-800-DONORS-1. ... Jason Richard Smrkovsky November 5th.1984!~ March 31st, 2003. Organs Graciously offered to help save four Human beings on April 1st, 2003. (April Fool's Day) "And, the Beat Goes On!" ... Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this talented Artist. 'suzanne thompson2' And, Suzanne's Incredible and Amazing Picture Entitled, "Two for the price of One" |
By Ricky1024
"Medicine for My Soul" (A)
Written on October 14th, 2022
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright © Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
171,263 hours and 30 minutes hath now come to pass.
And, it still feels like yesterday!
Now how long God?
Does this have to last?
I can still see his smile among the long ago.
And, I can still hear his beautiful music as it flows.
(Don't you know?)
171,263 hours and 30 minutes hath now come to pass.
Yes, and the tears?
Tears of wetness coats my pillow case.
Yes, shall always and continuously last.
And, that's quite okay with me.
Yes, for I can still feel it inside.
Yes, and it's a driving Force!
You see?
And, now as I pray...
Dear Lord God above.
Yes, on this October 14th, 2022 day.
Thank You for giving me the strength to carry on.
Thank You for saving my son's life!
Yes, and giving his heart that second chance in the helicopter.
Yes, on that fateful night.
Thank you for making me now strong enough not to hate but to fight!
And, to accept how horrible the event was and allowing me to navigate through the stormy waters.
Note: Also along with saving my youngest baby daughter!
And, thank You God!
Yes, for teaching me that there is Life after Death!
And finally, Eye also thank You!
Yes for giving me back my very last breath.
And allow me this disclosure on my Quest.
"Triple Suicide Dance!" (B)
(A Rewrite and True Life Story)
Written on October 14th, 2022
By Doctor Ricky and Satan
'This is 9-11 can I help you?'
'And, what is the problem?'
How much does it take?
And, how much can a man take?
How much can I take?
Yes, when now all I want to do is die?
How much does it take?
And, how much can a man take?
Yes, when he can no longer be or forgive himself?
And, can never stop the flow in tears?
"Of the Cry?"
How much does it take?
And, how much can a man take?
How much?
Well, I will tell you my friend.
And, it all started early.
That December 1st, 2006 morning.
As, I write this down with the blood.
Yes, of my, very own, pen.
And, it's funny how much and then how we can?
Impload then Explode and lose our F****** minds!
But you now see?
The one thing that keeps us bound?
And, makes us one of a kind?
Perhaps you have once come to a point?
Yes, and got to the low point in your lousy life?
First lost your only son, or perhaps your daughter, and then eventually you're husband or wife?
And, you felt like the darkness was grasping and strangling your now Broken Heart!
Ripping your being completely apart!
Now you need closure but what do you do?
The rope is hanging and waiting for you!
Or do you take "The Nestea Plunge?"
And, end it within seconds or perhaps a gun?
Yes, just a quick shotgun blast to the brain?
But we know in our hearts that suicide is not proper or there's any gain?
Yes, or maybe you want to just go to sleep?
And, bleed to death when you slice your veins but as for me?
You see that will never do!
For I slept with my new girlfriend!
"Miss Butcher Knife!"
But as a coward that too would not do!
But on that Fateless day?
"Enough was Enough!"
I do say.
And, I finally found the strength and finally got real tough!
A 7-in serrated steak knife await my date with Fate!
'Now Ricky this is your new friend Satan.'
'Yes, and I know that you have been hating!'
Yes, as I plunged it all the way in and I know it's considered a sin.
As I now watched my Guinea white Tee
Yes, turn Crimson red!
But that would not do!
As Eye was still breathing!
So, without a second of hesitation.
(when I realized that I wasn't dead) Instead a second time?
I plunged it in to the red!
And, I went into my room for the next twenty minutes waiting for the Dead?
Yes, into the suicide dance and told my only son.
'I'm coming.'
God, I don't need another chance.
But you see?
And, unfortunately for me.
And, at that moment in time.
Yes, as I write these words...
Individual sentences of rhyme.
'Now Ricky I'm so ashamed of you!'
Stated Satan.
So, again I picked up that knife you see?
And, this time it was easy!
Yes, as 1, 2, 3!
So, I figure the side of the neck?
Yes, what the heck!
And, if I nicked the juggler it'll be the End?
But you see my Fanstory friend.
I could never juggle but I sure as HELL?
Can write!
So deeply now...
And, three times as much as I could.
If only I should but I knew that I would!
Take the Nestea Plunge!
But this time?
So now no little tripling trail of My Blood!
'Ricky you F****** and dumb bitch!'
The Knife!'
Demanded Satan.
So, again did I take the floor!
But on the couch?
Yes, it was covered with not only my blood but my Gore!
So into the room again for the next twenty minutes again.
So now perhaps it would be no more?
But now forty minutes into the hour-long dance.
God was giving me another chance!
So, how do you kill oneself when the pain is immense?
Yes, when it's so intense!
Yes that you can no longer cry!
Yes, and the only thought in your mind is one word die!!!
Oh yes!
This will be my latest Quest for people take the pills!
And that's the way!
I had a bottle of Depakote waiting for me that day!
Yes but even though I took each and every one.
Yes but I know it is wrong and I know it's not fun.
Yes but Depakote is used for depression and seizures and you cannot overdose!
But my new Host?
Yes, and it's funny how Fate and Destiny will appear?
And yes!
Now it wouldn't be Santa and eight reindeer!
As the phone rang and let me make this certainly perfectly clear!
And, what did I hear?
Yes, it was my ex Nancy the Wicked Witch of the East and the West!
I've been F****** HEXED!!!
And the night before when she and me?
Yes, we broke up and she did not like my tone of voice.
She was coming over now?
As Eye had a thought...
'Your seriously interrupting my misery!'
'Hello this is 911 and what is your problem?'
Well the problem mame is me!'
'I don't no longer want to be!'
Believe it or not?
And, this would be my final thought?
So, I took the steak knife and shoved it in deep leaving a trail of Bloody Misery!
So blatant, so steep and Deep!
A Stafford officer arrived within a few minutes.
And, came in to my living room.
Registered and observed the scene.
And saw the blood and the knife.
(if you know what I mean?)
And, then asked me.
'Who had did this to you?'
Now you have to realize my state of mind that day.
Yes, and I thought this was kind of funny now but no Santa and Sleigh!
Yes, with the words that he did say.
So I simply replied.
'I did this to me!'
This was when things really started getting, "Fast and Furious!"
And a little bit more serious!
As they had called for canine backup and now there was a German Shepherd searching my attic and under my house in around my premises for the perpetrator!
The next thing that happened was A van pulled up with Ocean County violent crime scene as they taped off my house!
I'm glad they didn't say to me next who did this Mickey Mouse?
And then the paramedics arrived two young men came into my living room. Now as I write these two words with my pen.
Yes, and less than 10 ft away on my couch.
Yes, this is what the one man did say!
'Who did this to you?'
They then asked me if I could stand.
I was controlling my heartbeat.
(And my blood pressure was quite okay)
Now perhaps, I was having a little more fun that day?
But as I stood up with these words.
( I now say.)
The second more deeper wound?
I'd hit the heart valve and had been bleeding internally for quite a while.
So that exit wound was ready to blast.
And the one young man but not with a smile.
But right into his face!
As the blood would fly!
Now I was embarrassed, embarrassed indeed.
Because now my pain was being shed with my greed.
The wrong way and taken from me.
So, I apologized as they came to take me away not with Santa, nor was his sleigh.
Somebody was able to get in touch with one of my children.
Yes, and explain what had been going on.
I had a less than 5% chance of survival
For the up and coming storm?
But you see?
Yes there's something going on in Me? And, no matter how much I tried.
And, no matter how much I cried.
And, no matter how much did I curse Jesus Christ.
And, I know that's naughty and not nice.
And, no matter how much?
I could not die!
I remember as they prepared me to be operated upon.
The surgeon observed the second wound in my chest.
And as he probed with his index finger?
That was when the pain came back and I thought what the heck!
Well, then I heard them words for the third and final time!
'Who did this to you?
(In rhyme)'
And I simply replied...
"F****** Satan!'
The End?
Author Notes |
Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist, 'Cindy Sue Truman' Cindy's Incredible Picture Entitled, "The eye, the window to the soul" |
By Ricky1024
"Permanent Sleep"
(The Human Coma)
Written on October 28th, 2022
By Richard and Jason Smrkovsky
Copyright �© Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
Note: Coma adj.
1. A period of prolonged unconsciousness brought on by the illness of injury.
Typically a coma does not last more than a few days or a couple of weeks.
Yes but in some rare cases a person may stay in a coma for several weeks or more.
I'm sleeping now God.
And yes, it's extremely restful but Nightmarishly eerie.
Dear Lord God above.
Just how much longer?
Note: Most people think that a coma is merely being in a deep sleep like state of being.
But in all actuality.
A coma is a serious health issue that isn't related to sleep at all.
God it feels like forever!
And does my body still belong?
And how much longer must I be strong?
Note: Yes a person in a coma is unconscious but not sleeping.
And unfortunately, they can't respond to voices or other sounds. Nor any type of activity happening around them.
God I think this has gone on long enough?
March 31st, 2003.
(about 7:45 p.m.)
"The Beginning"
By Doctor Ricky 1024
In order to go way back to that day.
Yes, as I've done in multiple times. And yes, it is necessary as I draw on my intellectual ability.
I draw on my belief in the Lord above and his Heavenly Father.
And also my educational needs to present.
"The Extreme of the Scream"
Note: As if in nightmares.
As it seems and the cause of a coma?
Yes is serious and sometimes?
Results: Someone who has a severe Blow To The Head.
Yes or the brain.
Can cause seizures infections to the brain, brain damage, severe head injury, severe lack of oxygen to the brain, a stroke, a chemical imbalance. or even a drug overdose.
April 1st, 2003.
(about midnight)
And, it has now been about 6 hours.
Six hours since my son Jason's accident.
And, the blood/oxygen level to Jason's brain is dangerously close to a total collapse!
And, only time will tell?
Dear God am I now dead or alive?
I can't instead even remember my damn name!
And, this is so insane God!
Now what is happening to me?
Note: Someone in a coma needs serious medical attention.
Yes, from anti-swelling medications to a possible skull intrusive intrusion.
Yes, to eliminate the pressure with a tapping.
April 1st, 2003.
(Aptil Fool's Day)
17 hours now after the original accident on March 31st, 2003.
Finally God, my body is rising now.
As it and my Soul needs to finally rest.
Note: Most people do not come out of a coma.
Yes, and in rare cases.
Yes, it may last several weeks, months, or even in extreme cases.
And, most patients who are in a hospital under care.
May and can eventually come out of a coma.
And, can sometimes remember.
And, even very quickly return to work.
Yes, but most others need some kind of help.
Yes, taking care of the minor functions that we take as normal.
Such as walking, eating. dressing, grooming, and other normal tasks.
Note: The procedure of 'Organ-Tissue Donation'
Yes, is not only absolutely necessary, as needed and rare.
But in most cases a Beautiful blessing indeed!
As it can bring and it will bring life back to those who are an emotional state of being!
And, waiting for death to arrive! Restoring life through Human Organ Donations.
Yes, so people can again be able to breathe!
Yes, as well as have their new hearts function!
Yes, is a Beautiful thing!
And when new hearts and lungs, kidneys, livers.
Yes, and all the other body organs that can be meticulously removed.
Yes, is complicated and also quite simple if?
"Done Vida!"
(Donate Life)
Jason Richard Smrkovsky. November 5th, 1984~
March 31st, 2003.
Organ's Graciously offered to help save four Human beings.
April 1st, 2003
(April Fool's Day)
"And, the Beat Goes On"
To learn more about this process of
"Organ-Tissue Donations?'
Simply contact my dearest friend.
Lara S. MORETTI the L.S.W.with
"The Gift of Life!:
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at
1-800- DONORS-1.
Author Notes |
Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this talented Artist, 'avmurray' And, her Incredible Picture Entitled, "I am dreaming" |
By Ricky1024
"When Love Leaves You"
Written on November 5th, 2022
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright ©� Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
Within my Broken Heart there's still a single beat.
Within my Body and Mind.
I try my very best to still avoid the defeat!
Yes and at best.
I will feel just fine.
Now God the day still unwinds.
Now God Above.
And, they shall pass.
(As always)
And, forever last.
Forever last as lasting tears.
Lasting tears pour down from my crying, blue, eyes.
Sustaining and Staining my cheeks.
Dear Lord God above no relief?
Not So Divine.
Not So Divine each and every time.
Each and every time I go back.
Each and Every time I go back to that saddened day?
I go back to reflect and another barriage of tears
So, So, much I regret.
But regrets and if only if but a few?
Yes, can be taken Away.
Taken away with just a blink of a tear.
A lash from my eye.
And, when I so Cry.
So, my Fanstory friend when you think it's the End?
End of the Line?
No More Tears can be shed.
Yes but instead when someone you so, so, Loved.
Loved and tis no longer around?
And, when it's his or her birthday this day.
This day like my Jay.
Not much more than I can say.
Yes, as you finally found.
Found in that Broken Heart.
And, he or she can not be found.
Just try to say a little prayer.
Say a little prayer and look above.
Because you have finally realized that
"When Love Leaves You."
Author Notes |
Jason Richard Smrkovsky
November 5th, 1984~ March 31st, 2003. Note: Organ's Graciously offered to four Blessed Human Beings on April 1st, 2003. (April Fool's Day) ... And, to learn more about this Amazing and Incredible Journey? 'Organ-Tissue Donations?' Simply contact my dearest friend. Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with "The Gift of Life!" Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1-800-DONORS-1. ... Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist and Incredible Writer, 'Doctor Ricky 1024' And, his Incredible Picture Entitled, "Just Jay" |
By Ricky1024
"Fractured Birth"
Written on November 19th, 2022
By Doctor Ricky1024
Copyright © Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
"Fractured Birth"
Past lifes pleasures now measured.
Measured and sesled with a simple clasp.
Held tightly in a small hand.
Classified memories long gone but never ever passed?
Pictured Smiles that can never again laugh.
So forlorn but lost voices still So, So, strong.
Fractured yes but as you may now guess?
Cast Within by Broken Hearts.
Broken Hearts floating so delicately together.
Yes, and now not apart.
Never to part.
Those happy times now as Sorrows?
Seasons long past.
Long gone never birthdays but you somehow know they shall always last.
And, within all are Broken Hearts. And, within all those long gone years.
And, with each and every memory?
There's a single *Tear.
"When memories you Love become someone long Gone?"
When there's no more Songs?"
"When there's no more Pleasures?"
"These are the Memories that we shall always now Treasure"
"Unknown Poet"
"Refracturing Birth" (B)
Written on November 19th, 2022
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Date: April 1st, 2003
Time: Midnight 12:00 Am.
Place: Atlantic City Trauma Hospital
Atlantic City, New Jersey
Patient: Jason Richard Smrkovsky
Dear Lord God above,
Please accept the many, many, Gifts from my Only Son, I so Loved.
Note: The removal of major body organs is a complicated; yes but also a simple procedure by train professionals.
The subject is still viable.
As Life staining of course by medical devices.
The lower organs.
(I believe?)
Yes, would be removed firstly; as another team removes the major vessels from the arms and lower legs.
They would lastly remove, of course, the Heart and lungs after the kidneys, Liver, Pancreas, and other bodily organs.
Dear God above,
Please accept now these many new Gifts of Love.
And, Lord God offer them to the right reciprocants.
And, please give those a chance again to Live and breathe.
Yes, in the morning hours.
My son Jason's Soul would finally be able to exit, as his body below; his purpose on Earth; now achieved.
Note: The process of Gifting and giving a Loved one's organs.
Yes, tis truly is a Noble sacrifice indeed.
Author Notes |
*Tear: noun
/ter/ 1 a : a drop of clear saline fluid secreted by the lacrimal gland and diffused between the eye and eyelids to moisten the parts and facilitate their motion. b : tears plural : a secretion of profuse tears that overflow the eyelids and dampen the face. ... 2 :tears plural : an act of weeping or grieving. "broke into tears" 3 : a transparent drop of fluid or hardened fluid matter (such as resin) tearless adjective ... **Tear: verb intransitive verb : to fill with tears (see Tear entry 3) :shed tears "eyes tearing in the November wind" Saul Bellow ... Note: On March 31st, 2003 and 17 hours later leading into April 1st, 2003. As my only eighteen year old son Jason. Laid in a coma. (Brain dead) And, after a horrible car accident. I cried more during that period or time than I have my entire life. ... And, to learn more about the the Amazing and Incredible process of 'Organ-Tissue Donations?' Simply contact my dearest friend. Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W with "The Gift of Life!" Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1-800-DONORS-1. ... Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this talented Artist, 'MKFlood' Michael's Amazing and Incredible Picture Entitled, "Memories Become Treasures" |
By Ricky1024
"When Two Become from One"
(Splitting the Atom)
Written on November 25th, 2022
By Doctor Ricky1024
Copyright ©� Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
The accident is over now and an important decision must and needs to be made.
'Your son Jason is officially,
'Yes, this I now know Lara.'
Note: Lara S. Moretti is the L.S.W with, "The Gift of Life"
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
After a brief discussion between me and my family.
We came to a final decision.
Yes, to donate my son Jason's Heart and Lungs.
His pair of Kidneys and his Liver.
And, it is now April 1st, 2003.
(April Fool's Day)
Note: The decision to donate Human organs is both Noble as necessary.
In order to save waiting lives.
As the hours melted into minutes.
The Miracle would soon take place.
Trained professionals would begin the tedious process of Organ removal.
Where they will then be refrigerated and transported to the necessary waiting recipients.
In order that they will have one last chance at Life.
Note: It is now been over Nineteen years.
Many holidays and birthdays have passed.
My very own children have grown and had children.
And, out of the four original receivers of my Son Jason's organs.
Three still are happy, alive, and living.
Living and existing.
Living now a healthy normal life.
Author Notes |
Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this talented Artist, 'iPhone7' Their Incredible Picture Entitled, "When Two Become One" |
By Ricky1024
"Turning Upside Down" (A)
Written on Nov 26th, 2022
By Jason Richard Smrkovsky
Copyright © Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
The die is cast and the dice have been rolled.
And, it's now my time to pay the Toll.
My life, all though short, there is no more pretend.
So, I guess I'll just say a little prayer.
And ,end it with an Amen.
Yes, as the Darkened Clouds drift over me.
God, what will be.
Unfortunately, must be for me.
Dear Lord God above,
Won't You please allow me?
Me to bask in Your "Heavenly Love?
For now as I move forward.
Yes, every forward into the place.
The place where Love's Dispensed.
All so Beautiful.
All so Immense.
Even though there is now darkness.
I shall fear no Evil but flourish God.
In Your Beyond and I accept my new Destiny and job.
Yes, for there are others whom have lost their ability.
Looking for a little more longevity.
And, have more need.
Need to move forward with new Life.
New Seed
You see God?
Yes for that's what I now must do.
I shall do now indeed.
"My Blue Heaven" (B)
Written on November 26th, 2022
By Jason Richard Smrkovsky
Copyright �© Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
It's been now over Eighteen, long, years.
Unfortunately I left behind so many mixed feelings and wat to many tears.
Yes, but I finally arrived back.
Back to my home where I shall now forever reside.
Even though below, I had died but not inside.
Back home you see?
In Heaven indeed!
And, with the many Angels in Heaven Above!
For this is where I first got my beginning.
From the God we so much Love above!
And, this is where I first learned how to give Everlasting Love!
I was given this body and a second chance with His Holy Blessedness!
And, then I passed through.
Through, "The Veil of Forgetfulness"
But now I remember all you see?
For when He calls that's what Angels shall do.
And yes, He's waiting ever patiently for you!
Yes, for that's what Angels do.
And, when it's our time and our mission is completed.
We come back above to a place of
"Pure Love!"
This is my Blue Heaven!
Where the clouds are Beautiful in Blue and fluffy White!
Indeed we sleep well each and every night!
And, there's a Heavenly fountain to fulfill all our needs.
Perhaps soon you will join me?
Join me when it's your time of need?
Author Notes |
Note: On March 31st, 2003.
And, because of the results of a terrible car accident. My family and I decided to donate my son Jason's organs to save four others. ... To learn more about this process of 'Organ-Tissue Donations?' Simply contact my dearest friend. Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with "The Gift of Life!" Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1-800-DONORS-1. ... Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist, 'Sarah Christian" Sarah's Incredible Picture Entitled, "My Blue Heaven" |
By Ricky1024
"The Disappearance Within Me?
Written on December 1st, 2022
By Richard Smrkovsky and ???
Copyright © Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
"To Give tis a Noble, and most Compassionate, Gift but to give without expecting a reward; tis a Most Blessing indeed"
Unknown Poet (me)
The race is on now and Time is the enemy.
*Fast and Furiously!"
Many Lives are counting on this!
And, it is April, April 1st, 2003.
(April Fools Day)
And, any Fool now knows how important, important this day shall be!
Especially me with those many, many, tears now coming down from my eyes.
. ..
Now, Sometimes the Road is Long, as Weary, for a man on a mission.
A mission where the outcome is a Two-edged sword.
The One side cuts deep into my now Bursting and Broken Heart.
While the other Cuts a Swath for New Life!
When I first came to know Chaz.
This amazing and older man from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Twas but a simple letter of thanks.
Gratitude speaking but of my Pain for the loss of a son.
The compassion I felt welled up in my eyes, as I came to realize.
Realize the now sense in all of this insanity.
No mention of his pain for having his chest opened and a New set of Lungs, along with a New Heart carefully planted inside.
A Seed of New Life.
'Dad I'm so scared and can't even remember my own name?'
'And, I can no longer see but darkness surrounding me?'
Note: Seventeen hours hath passed since the automobile accident and my Only Son.
Yes, and the soul passenger.
Unfortunately, was declared not only deceased by the State of New Jersey but also, and unfortunately,
Following this letter was another a short time later from a man named Bill.
Bill lived somewhere out West and had but one and only one request.
Bill was counting the days but not to live?
Yes, but to only die from his misery.
As he did pray to God to save.
Save his life with but a Human Kidney.
Not only did and was the prayer answered but not by his wife.
His wife that was divorcing him and counting on the Insurance money.
Money not only would she never see.
As Bill now divorced she!
And, most fortunately, he now was living and being cared for by his Princess.
His only daughter.
'Dad I can feel...
'Feel this strange feeling...
'Feeling that I'm rising?'
Another man from Philadelphia, whom would never write a thank you letter but that was okay.
You see Received from the "Giver" a well needed Human Liver.
Yes, but whom would be that "Giver"
The "Giver" of more than Eight?
Yes, Eight precious.
Precious more years of Life?
Now the last recipient.
Yes, I'm saving for last was another unknown person.
And yes, to never write or return a letter.
This little girl from my state of New Jersey.
And, also South Jersey.
Now at just a child.
Her family was depending and praying for a Miracle.
A Blessing in the name of Jesus Christ.
And, obviously of course the left kidney.
And, it was Christmas also in April!
Yes, for all four fortunate beings! Firstly, from Chaz receiving the Precious Heart and Set of Lungs.
Yes, and lastly to this little girl.
This girl of only at age eight.
Waiting patiently for New Life to begin.
And, As for "The Disappearance Within Me?"
You reviewers just need to continue to read!
Author Notes |
*Fast and Furiously: Adjective
Note: This is how the driver, Brian Cole; drove a Ford Mustang that was at one point professionally raced at Atco Raceway in Atco New Jersey.i Into a telephone pole at over 100 miles an hour. ... Jason Richard Smrkovsky November 5th, 1984~ March 31st, 2003. Organs Graciously offered to save four Human beings on April 1st, 2003. (April Fool's Day) ... To learn more about this Amazing program of 'Organ-Tissue Donations?' Simply contact my dearest friend. Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W with "The Gift of Life!" Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1-800-DONORS-1. ... "And, the Beat Goes On!" ... Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented artist, 'memephotos' And, their Incredible Picture Entitled, "Gift of Life" |
By Ricky1024
"Stepping Out Into Reality" (A)
Written on July 24th, 2022
By Jason Richard Smrkovsky
Copyright ©� Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
Yes, I'm now Stepping Out of Reality into Another World.
Where life, as I know it?
Tis now left completely behind.
Forget about me?
"The Old Me"
Welcome now!
This New and More Glorious Me!
Yes, I'm now Stepping Out and moving upward.
Above, where there is always "Satisfaction of Total Love"
And, things are much more Calm snd Peaceful here.
See, all the vital hues?
Hues of Green, White, Red, and Blue?
Yes, All the Colours of the Rainbow.
For now Me and You!
Because like me?
You too just died.
"Stepping In and Out of Reality" (B)
Written on July 24th, 2022
By Jason Richard Smrkovsky
I just don't believe.
Believe in "Sunny Days and Sun Set Days"
"Moon's Glow"
Stars, you know?
Eye live and exist "On God's Nectar"
Now from "The Protector"
(Cany you see?)
"Stepping in and Out of Reality?"
Yes, I now live in a World where there is no more "Crystal Clarity"
Trapped as if held, held Hostage.
Hostage in a "Glasstein Jar "
Way far, afar.
Where "Glasstein Clouds"
Drift over and comfort me.
As my coffins lid opens in
"Greenwood Cemetery"
And yes, this is "Death"
When somehow and someone takes away Your, Very, Last, Breath.
And, there's no need to now cry or even "Shed A Tear"
Simply because "The Best of Me"
Author Notes |
*Here: Note:
Kason Richards offficial New Jersey State Death? March 31st, 2003. ... But according to Reality? April, 1st, 2003 (April Fool's Day) Was and still is the day. The day that I gave my son away. ... And, to learn more about, 'Organ-Tissue Donations?' Simply contact my dearest friend. Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W with "The Gift of Life!" Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1-800-DONORS-1. Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this talented Artist, 'avmurray' And, Her Incredible Picture Entitled, "Another Word II" |
By Ricky1024
"The Fountain of Desire"
Written on December 6th, 2022
By Doctor Ricky1024
Copyright © Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
Come now either me to place where we will see?
See something so very Special.
Special indeed!
And, it will fulfill your every needs.
Now in this Very, Special, Place.
Place of divinity.
You will experience and experience beyond Human Reality.
Yes, as you now can enjoy chance to quench.
Quench your thirst and Emburst!
Now, this is not rehearsed, as each drop replenishes.
Replenishes the pores.
Yes, with Beauty and Enrichment.
To tell you the truth.
As you now realize.
"The Fountain of Youth"
Author Notes |
Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented artist, 'simoka' His Incredible and Beautiful Picture Entitled, "Splach" |
By Ricky1024
"This Poem is for You"
Written from My Broken Heart
December 15th, 2022
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright ©� Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
Eye am nothing without you.
Most days I still try hopelessly without you.
My Love has never left and it never will even without you...
Yes, the Sun still shines and the Moon still glows but without you.
Only God knows.
I am nothing but can never stop thinking, these old eyes so, so, clogged with tears
Hardly even blinking after all these many years...
It 3:27 AM.and this will never be written with a pen.
But with the My blood I now bleed.
To give presence to your deed...
My body no longer wants to live.
Yes, but Son you have taught me that there is still toi much work.
Work to be done indeed...
I only still exist and I must now insist...
To make you proud of me.
I'm moving the Mountains and refilling the Seas and it will never stop.
Stop as long as this Broken Heart still beats...
So, another Holiday Season without you.
Yes, will come and go.
And, I now know in your Heart, you wish it wasn't so...
I'm getting closer and soon after almost Twenty long years.
I will keep that promise...
That promise to you my dear.
Yes, even when you were Brain-Dead I knew you could still hear...
That as long as there is still a breath within me.
That as long as this Heart continues to beat...
And, only God knows...
Yes indeed.
Nobody will ever forget that most *Noble Deed
Author Notes |
*Nobel Deed: noun
1. It's getting hard to describe exactly what a noble deed could be indeed but it's the sacrifice selflessly. And, to give all of you So, others could still live. ... Happy and Merry Christmas to Chaz, Bill, and an Unknown. ( now grown woman from South Jersey) Whom have discovered that the "Golden Fleece" Actually still does exist! Whom since April 1st, 2003. Have had the opportunity of "New Life" Now over Nineteen years. ... And, to learn more about this Amazing process of 'Organ-Tissue Donations?' Simply contact my dearest friend. Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with "The Gift of Life!" Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1-800-DONORS-1. ... Jason Richard Smrkovsky November 5th, 1984~ March 31st, 2003. Organ's Graciously offered to four Human Beings on April 1st, 2003. (April Fool's Day) "And, the Beat Goes On" ... Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist, 'Mr.Jones' And, his Incredible Picture Entitled, "The Golden Fleece" |
By Ricky1024
"Silent Night 2003"
Written on December 27th, 2022
By Doctor Ricky1024
Copyright © Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
The Autumn leaves left the trees stripped bare.
Not a word to be said nor a chance to even care.
And, now it's the beginning of November.
The leaves stopped falling and seemed to remember.
Remember that horrible March day.
The Day Jay that you went away.
Yes, Eye as November came and went in the blink.
"The Blink of an Eye."
Not to think i missed your Birthday.
When Thanksgiving came.
What was there to to be Thankful for?
No more colored leaves to be found.
Tree branches drooping down.
Hardly a Star but so far.
Where are you are?
Thankful for?
While my tears filled every crack and poured.
The thoughts of Christmas approaching was just to much to share.
Even though sometimes I know in my Broken-Heart Jay.
If possible you would still have loved to be there.
But my shame through the seasons would become way to much to bare..
An Unmentionable Burden no parent should dare.
Yes, God knows the shame though still remains.
As if a scar burnt and seared so, damn, deep.
Buy God what could I do?
The whole World yez was watching and four waiting now too!
And, if I only had a *Clue?
Author Notes |
*Clue: noun
1. something that guides through an intricate procedure or maze of difficulties. specifically: a piece of evidence that leads one toward the solution of a problem. 2. IDEA, NOTION "had no clue what he meant" ... *Clue: verb 1. to provide with a clue.. 2. to give reliable information to. "he clued me in on how it happened" ... Note: On March 31st, 2003. My son Jason Richard was unfortunately involved with an old friend. (Brian Cole) A 17-year-old mentally ill driver. Who decided he would take his Ford Mustang for Joyride. Yes, and unfortunately 100 miles an hour purposely into a telephone pole. ... Now as a result and 17 hours later? April 1st, 2003. My son was diagnosed by the state of New Jersey. Yes, as "Brain-Dead" On April Fool's Day 2003. A hard decision had to be made between the family. Me, my deceased wife Carolyn, And, sadly. Jasons four sisters. Yes, so we decided to donate Jason's Heart and lungs.. His kidneys and Liver to save the lives of four hopefully waiting people. Yes, for a second chance at Life. ... To learn more about this Amazing and Incredible Life-giving procedure of 'Organ-Tissue Donations?' Simply contact my dearest friend. Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with "The Gift of Life!" Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1-800-DONORS-1. Jason Richard Smrkovsky November 5th, 1984~ March 31st, 2003. Organ's Graciously offered to four on April 1st, 2003. (April Fool's Day) ... Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this talented Artist, 'avmurray' Her Incredible Picture Entitled, "Glowing tree" |
By Ricky1024
"The Difference"
Based on Judy Collins hit song
(Send in the Clowns)
Written on January 10th, 2023
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright ©� Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
Isn't it rich and isn't a shame?
Now me so close and you now so far away?
But now baby, I have the key.
Finally yes, and you ran *Away?
Nothing left of us.
But to just pray.
Isn't it rich?
Isn't it clear?
You're gone each and every day.
But God, and I'm still here?
Doesn't it seem quite right to live Life.
Each and every day?
One moment I laugh?
And, the next moment what come may?
Send in the clowns.
Yes, there's got to be Clowns?
Isn't it Rich?
Isn't it Grand?
Me walking alone on the beach.
And not holding your hand?
I still try.
But God for no good reason why?
The day Dear you went away?
Didn't I want to die like you?
Isn't it Sad?
Weren't we once a Thing?
Together we created a family.
Yes, soon after the church bells did ring?
But then you took my Love?
And, it still stings.
Darling with this Poem.
I need you to now know?
As, Love was all I had left to give?
Tears now continuously Flow.
But I never shared with you.
I did not want to live too.
How God can I Ease?
My pain as it Bleeds?
Yes, when she no longer remains?
God I know all these words are driving me insane.
Isn't it Rich?
Isn't it Clear?
All those seasons have been taken in all of those lost Years?
Taken away?
Each and every day?
All those Birthdays and all those Holiday's?
Let me try as I Can?
Let me try as I May?
But God how can I hide?
Hide and ease the pain.
I feel each and every day?
Yes, in this Broken Heart.
When I know deep down.
Yes, she broke my Heart.
But God, She's no longer a part?
Now, isn't it Rich?
Now are we a Pair?
Me here at last on the ground.
But You still in **mid-air?
Author Notes |
*Away: It's been 6,988 days since the death of my wife Carolyn.
**mid-air: noun 1. a part or section of air above ground level. "She's now lost in mid-air" ... Note on November 23rd, 2003. Unfortunately, only eight months of our dearly beloved son Jason dies from injuries sustained in a horrible car accident. My wife stopped her necessary medication and took her existence away. ... Note: if you know somebody who seriously depressed and possibly suicidal please reach out to the national Suicide hotline at 988 or just simply dial 9-11. ... Carolyn Ann Richmond Harbach Smrkovsky December 6th, 1952~ November 23rd, 2003. ... Jason Richard Smrkovsky November 5th, 1984~ March 31st, 2003. Organ's graciously offered to four Human Beings on April 1st, 2003. (April Fool's Day) ... To learn more about this amazing program? 'Organ-Tissue Donations?' Simply contact me or my dearest friend. Lara S ,Moretti the L.S.W. with "The Gift of Life!" Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1-800- DONORS-1. No need for clowns. ... Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Only Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist and Amazing Writer 'cleo85' And, Cleo's Incredible Picture Entitled, "Send in the Clowns" |
By Ricky1024
"God Told Me"
Written on January 15th, 2023
By Jason Richard Smrkovsky
Copyright © Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
Before I was born and before I had a body.
"God Told Me"
When God allowed me to be born and with a body.
"God Told Me"
As a small child.
And,still not fully capable of taking care of myself.
"God Told Me"
You told me to say these two words in my diaper.
'Holy Crackle"
And, As I grew into a strong young man.
God would tell me Many, Many, more words and things to understand.
He would tell me to honor my father and mother, along with my four sisters.
He would tell me to Dream and Dream some more.
Dream the most Beautiful Dreams now too.
That one day God again told me.
That all my Dreams would all come true.
"God Told Me"
He told me that you have musical talents.
He told me that you can work well with your hands.
He told me to play the Drums, the Key Board, and he told my father too!
So, now as only a young man.
Yes, I did exactly what He told me to do.
And, even started my own band!
God Told Me Too"
And, after I was now grown man.
And, at about 250 lbs.
And, after I was more than age Eighteen.
(if you know what I mean?)
And, after I was well on my way to achieving all my childhood dreams.
Childhood Hopes and Dreams.
Yes, again He did exactly that.
"God Told Me"
And, lastly coming back from my oldest sister Nicole's birthday party .
Yes, and on March 31st, 2003.
God would tell me more things.
Yes, more things that would be most important..
Most important to only me!
He told me to leave the party and get into the car.
A car at one point driven professionally.
A car at one point driven professionally Atco RaceWay and Atco, New Jersey.
Yes, purposely get into that Ford Mustang.
Ford Convertible as it would approach.
Purposely approach and into a telephone pole.
Yes, at over 100 miles an hour.
And he told me.
Yes, and then the driver and childhood friend too.
Brian Cole then told my baby sister Dana Alyse to get into the car too.
God told me then what to do!
"God Told Me"
So I obeyed and as He told me.
Now to tell my baby sister.
My baby sister Dana Alyse too.
To not ride with me this fatal day.
Because there was many people who and on that day.
On that day they would pray.
Yes, and Pray for a Miracle that day!
Yes, but for her to ride instead.
Instead with your older sister Kyle Erin.
And his fiance Fred Drum.
And, your youngest niece Sasha Lynn Drum too.
And God knows.
God knew Knows I would do exactly what He would want me to!
God told me that that car would crash and it be completely destroyed and Smashed!
Destroyed now today.
God told me on April Fool's Day.
That my parents and family would want to give me away.
Yes give me a way for four people that sad but most Incredible day.
Whom were waiting just for me.
He even in the future would mention it to my family!
Yes, give me away because others now needed me more.
More that Sad, Sad, but now Amazing day!
"God Told Me Too....
And, now going on almost Twenty years later....
I still do exactly what God.
"God Told Me Too"
But not below anymore.
Yes, but now above!
Yes, for this is what God's Angels now must do.
Well simply because...
God Told Me"
Told me that Sad, Sad, day.
That the Angels tears would guide me and show me the *Way!
Author Notes |
*Way: noun
/way/ 1. a message style or manner of doing something. "There are two ways of approaching this problem" The first way is to no matter how hard except the loss of your only son. And of course the second way? ... To learn more about this amazing program? 'Organ-Tissue Donations?' Simply contact me or my dearest friend. Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with "The Gift of Life!' Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1-800-DONORS-1. Jason Richard Smrkovsky November 5th, 1984~ March 31st, 2003. Organ's graciously offered to four Human Beings on April 1st, 2003 (April Fool's Day) "And, the Beat Still Goes On To This Very Day!" ... Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Only Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist and Amazing Writer, 'cleo85' Cleo's Incredible Picture Entitled, "Boys are Boys" |
By Ricky1024
"Recaptured Soul"
Written on January 16th, 2023
By Father and Son
Copyright © Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
When I was first born.
I knew in my.
"Heart of Hearts"
Yes that there was a reason.
Yes a reason to Live.
Yes a reason to breathe.
Yes, and the reason to be me!
And only me.
Now many years later.
When I was grown into a young man.
God allowed me to understand.
Yes, to be and to Love.
Yes to be, to love, and be.
Yes, a loving and understanding man.
Yes, with just a few Gifts that He gave to me.
And, yes!
As He showed me and gave me the ability.
The ability to Love with Compassion.
To Hope and also to Dream.
To Dream with Faith instilled.
I am as I am.
Unique and always till.
Then one fine day.
God decided that there would be.
That there would finally be.
Be a more and better reason.
Yes for me to be.
To then be?
Or not to Be?
Was never a question.
So, yes on March 31st, 2003.
He wrapped His Loving arms.
Yes, His Loving arms around just me!
You see just me to protect me!
Yes, as I would be propelled into
a telephone pole.
Telephone pole unfortunately and at over 100 miles an hour.
Yes, and as a passenger driven by a past childhood friend.
We all need to understand.
Understand that he was mentally ill and not in control.
Brian Cole had a purpose too.
And, this "Fast and Furious"
Event would not do!
But would bring a brunt conclusion.
Yes, brunt but not to a bitter End.
In closing, so yes.
I am long gone.
Long gone as the breeze in the trees with a sweet song.
Long gone but my music Still carries on!
And yes!.
Music and also being an auto mechanic was my quest.
And, Even though I was comatose and eventually diagnosed and confirmed by the state of New Jersey.
And yes!
My new Fanstorian friends.
THIS was my Destiny!
THIS was at His request!
And yes.
To continue to do.
(and now in others too!
My Very, Very, Best!
And even though I was also diagnosed in a Deep Coma.
*Raccooned too.
But my Heavenly Father told me!
Yes, and told me to hold true!
Yes, so this is not the End of Sad, Sad Story.
And, but a Childhood Dream.
Nor a short or a long poem indeed.
For God told me to stay, stand, tow the line.
That I'm in for the long haul and the distance is so Damned Devine!
Approximate Word Count: 578
And, He is now with me.
And, your God is with you too!
And, maybe perhaps one day.
He'll protect and wrap His Loving arms around you?
But now we need to realize there is a greater purpose.
A good reason for not just me but also now for you.
Author Notes |
*Raccooned: Adjective
/rac.coon.ned/ 1) this is how my son looked after the accident. His eyes were swollen closed. Black and blue as if he had been in a prize fight. Rocky vs.Clobber Lane! But my son Jason is not just a Prize nor just a Gift of Life. For my Son Jason Richard Smrkovsky is a Prime Example. That there is life after death! And, my son Jason. Who I decided to name him in 1962. Yes, as an 8-year-old child myself. Amazed in the balcony of the Pitman movie theater. While watching the movie Entitled, "Jason and the Argonauts! ... A fictional Greek hero in search of redemption for the death of a person.. Little did he know that my son always has and always will be. "The Golden Fleece!" ... Note: To learn more about this Amazing program and process? 'Organ-Tissue Donations?' Simply contact my dearest friend. Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with "The Gift of Life!" Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1-800-DONORS-1 Thanks, 24. Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist and Amazing Writer 'cleo85' Cleo's Incredible Picture Entitled, "Calling the Past" |
By Ricky1024
"Reflections Past"
Written on February 4th, 2023
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright © Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved''
Reflections on mirrored glass, thoughts and images.
Long, Long, now past.
Eight by Tens aligned in such a way.
My Beautiful Flowers out to play.
Music on my stereo, sterile Peaceful Happiness of laughs
Dear Lord God.
Why so long, gone, past?
Shedded very few tears and only of Joy.
My four Beautiful girls and Only One, Single boy.
Reflections appear on mirrored glass, thoughts disappeared.
God, thought it would *Last?
Author Notes |
*Last: adjective
/last/ 1. coming after all others in time; or order. "they caught the last bus" Similar: rearmost, rear, hindmost. 2.most recent in time; past. "last rear" Similar: previous, preceding, latest. adverb: 1. on the last occasion before the present; previously. "he looked much older then when I last seen him" 2. after all others in order of sequence. "the two last mentioned classes. Noun: the last person or thing; the one occuring mentioned, or acting after all others. "Brian decided to take the dare and purposely drive the car into a telephone pole. ... Note: On March 31st, 2003 and around:8:00PM. Brian Cole decided it was time to take that dare and, "Fast and Furiously" Drive his Ford Mustang Race Car into a telephone pole at over 100 MPH. ... Why God, did this have to Happen to me? Me, my family, my only son Jay? Because sometimes on slide, that's the only way. ... To learn more about the miracle of 'Organ -Tissue Donations?' Simply contact my dearest friend Lara S. Moretti the L. S.W. with "The Gift of Life!' Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1-800-DONORS-1. ... Jason Richard Smrkovsky November 5yh, 1984~ March 31dt, 2003. Organ's Graciously donated to the four on April 1st, 2003 (April Fool's Day) "And, the Beat Continues On" ... Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Only Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist, 'Artistsushma' Their Incredible Picture Entitled, "Reflections" |
By Ricky1024
"Gently I Will Love" (A)
Written on February 4th, 2023
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright © Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
Gently I Will Love Only Thee.
I'm waiting now patiently.
Yes to finally again See?
Yes see your childish grin.
Yes that I so much want to again, bathe in.
Yes to hear your voice after almost twenty, long, years, of "Endless Tears"
Yes to feel your gentle touch that God, I miss so Very, Very, much.
Yes again to watch you Breathe.
Yes on your own again.
God, I surely can Believe?
Believe that all my past Miseries and all my past Pains?
Will finally and forever wash do own a drain?
And, God finally with Great Anticipation?
Yes in Heaven Above.
I will finally emerse myself.
"Gently I Will Love"
"I Will Fix U" (B)
Written on February 4th, 2023
By Jason Richard Smrkovsky
Copyright © Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
When you feel like Life is getting you down?
And no where on Earth can you heat a single sound?
When your Tears have no meaning and you just don't care?
When the Darkness surrounds you and your so Damned Scared?
When you run and hide but there's nobody there?
When the Sun is shining but no warmth shall bare?
When the Moon's Glow is fading and the Stars are out of reach?
The Oceans Waves no longer touch the shores?
And no one seems to care anymore?
But Jesus Christ knows your still there.
And, though your Time is few we both still care.
And, finally, when your Time Comes Due?
"I Will Fix *You"
Author Notes |
*You: pronoun
/you/ 1. the one or ones being addressed>used as the pronoun of the second person singular or plural in any grammatical relation except that of a possessive. "you may sit in that chair" >used formally only as a plural pronoun of the second person in the dative accusative case as direct or indirect object of a verb or as object of a preposition. >Compare: Thee, Thou, Ye, Your, Yours 1.One Sense 2 a. "after a while it grows on you" ... Note: After a horrible accident on March 31st, 2003. After 17 hours of watching my only son Jason's brains oxygen go to zero. After Endless tears, a decision was made. And after all those long ago years. ... To learn more about the Miracle of 'Organ -Tissue Donations?' Simply contact my dearest friend Lara S.Moretti the L.S.W. with "The Gift of Life!' Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1-800-DONORS-1. 1. One sense 2a. "after a while it grows in you" Note: After about ten years, Jason's Organs were completely accepted with no need for anti-rejection medications. "And, the Beat Still Goes Onto this Very Day!" ... Jason Richard Smrkovsky November 5th, 1984~ March 31st, 2003. Organs Graciously donated to the "Four" on April 1st, 2003. (April Fool's Day) ... Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Only Son Jesus Christ Fanstory and Tom the Administrator Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist and Amazing Writer, 'Dr.Ricky 1024' And, his Incredible Picture Entitled, "Carolyn Ann and Dana Alyse" |
By Ricky1024
"To Whom the Bell Tolls?"
Written on February 6th, 2023
By Jason Richard Smrkovsky
Copyright ©� Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
Broken Heart Strings.
Harps of Angels no longer sing?
Total collapse.
God, somethings going wrong?
Lost my music play me a song?
Darkness permeates the Sin.
God lost my way.
Well, might as well just jump in?
Stripped of the body coughing up and slipping on my own blood.
Ford Mustang at 100 mph into the damned telephone pole.
"Tears of Emotional Flood"
Broken Heart Strings.
Harps of Angels in the *Spring.
Total collapse.
Searching but God now some things finally going right?
Well then I guess I'll sleep fairly well.
Forever and ever through the **Night
Author Notes |
*Spring: noun
/spring/ 1. one of the four seasons including Summer, Fall, and Winter. Note: spring was the season at the end of March when the accident happened. ... **Night:noun /night/ 1. the time from dusk to dawn when no sunlight is visible. "After Jason's accident I cried each and every night" ... Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Only Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist, 'nikman' And, his Incredible Picture Entitled, "Bell Towers" |
By Ricky1024
"Saturday (Anniversary)"
Written on February 11th, 2023
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright © Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
Today is Saturday February 11th 2023 40 years ago.
I would start my Journey.
My Journey of Holy. Matrimony with my wife to be.
Carolyn Ann Richmond Harbach Smrkovsky.
Note: This would not have been my first but unfortunately, my last choice
"Until Death Do Us Part"
Strong wedded words vows that are considered customary that must be taken in an American marriage.
"I Will Honor, Protect, Nurture, Provide and offer UnEnding Love"
"Till Death Do Us Part?"
Note: Most marriages today.
Hardly even see the light of day.
But why Dear Lord God, why??
Opposites attract?
Male and female geodes?
There never would be argumental issues and when you get the gest of this and all the issues?
Unfortunately, you'll need a box of Kleenex tissues.
A fractured Soul with no place to go.
And searching desperately for some kind of relief?
Within this Latter-day Saint Priest.
But you see?
No matter how hard I tried?
No matter how hard I cried?
No matter the family that we would grow together.
Unfortunately nothing will last forever.
They say opposites attract?
Perhaps in some cases?
Opposites instead attack?
Her first marriage failed miserably for his love was not for the family.
Nicole Megan Harbach Kyle Erin Harbach.
Nor for his wife to be Carolyn Ann Richmond Harbach.
Instead, his mission was perfectly clear to continue drinking and continue piercing his skin!
Shedding his inhibitions, desperately and foolishly tempting to take his own life.
But along the way and that day?
Michael Harbach AKA "Archie"
Was a Russian born addict 6 ft. 7 in and Hell bent on his and his family's destruction.
Little did I know that on that blind date way back in 1983.
I would not be dancing with Carolyn but instead with the devil himself!
I never figured after all the visits she made with the two children and the shopping cart.
Yes, in the Foodtown I had worked for an UnEventful 36 years.
That's something horrible was about to appear!
And that something would have to be done unfortunately.
Yes, there was no escape.
But now she was creating something wonderful within me!
I used to call her the "Baby Maker"
And would slowly watch her babies grow right in that shopping cart seat!
They say opposites attract?
And, yes there would be for Carolyn and me.
(On a blind date)
Unfortunately, I was coming off my first of three nervous breakdowns.
But would I be prepared for this opportunity?
God, would I be prepared for this test?
God, would I be able to do my very best?
Because on that Eventful October day?
He would come to now my town and find her with me
Hell bent on revenge for her running away.
I still remember his drunken face at the bottom of the stairs that long ago day.
I still remember his words.
His words of hate that he was going to kill me and beat the Hell out of her!
The only problem you see?
Yes, there was now me!
But I would have nothing.
Absolutely nothing to do with that!
I told him if he had the courage to climb those steps with his lanky 6 ft 7-in body.
I would pick him up over my head.
I would crack his back over my knee.
And, throw his nasty carcass over the railing to the rats below!
It's funny how God works in mysterious ways.
Because there would not be anymore hiding or running away for she!
There would be two more trips to Disney World to come.
Yes, and in the following year to come.
I would spend $1,000 to divorce her from him.
Now all alone.
He had nobody to put on the show.
Don't you know?
And, especially his family that used to be for only he.
So, he found God, cleaned his act, and even started speaking at the local Catholic Church on a dangers of addiction.
Note: Michael Harbach would die from pancreatic cancer about 20 years later.
Yes, we would be married and there would be a total of three trips to Walt Disney World.
And experience Walt Disney's wonderful magic!
Three trips to Port Orange, Florida to see my mother.
And three children to be created in 1983, 1984, and 1985.
Corrine Alexis, Jason Richard, and Dana Alyse Smrkovsky.
Note: Four years after graduating high school 1978.
And now four years later at age 24.
I paid off the mortgage, paid off my mother and owned the house.
And, the house would be waiting, as another four years would pass.
And, I would be married at age 28.
By the end of 1985.
I will put an addition to the house and purchase a1985 Volkswagen Vanagon.
As now the 1982 Chevrolet Citation was way too small.
But even with all of that?
Sometimes things still will go terribly wrong.
No more would there be a Sweet, Sweet, Disney song?
Because in every Disney movie there has to be a death.
But also a happy ending?
There would be no more trips to Port Orange to see Mom. No more trips to Orlando and experienced a Walt Disney's magic Kingdom.
And, finally, after all the many years that has passed and on my 39th Anniversary.
Note: On March 31st, 2003.
Our only son Jason Richard.
Our only 18-year-old whom would never graduate high school.
Whom would never become an auto mechanic or even go into vocational school.
He would never even finish his band nor create another sound.
"Four Ways to Save"
Jason Richard Smrkovsky was involved in a horrible car accident.
(As a passenger in the Ford Mustang)
As his past childhood friend.
Brian Cole was Hell Bent on destroying himself.
Yes, and also taking Jason for a ride into a telephone pole at over 100 miles an hour.
Seventeen hours later.
My son Jason will be diagnosed by the state of New Jersey.
He was in a comatose state of vegetation, also severely raccooned.
As if he was in a prize, fight with his eyes swollen and completely closed.
With spinal fluid slowly coming out of his ears.
And unfortunately less than Eight months later.
On November 23rd, 2003.
After almost 20 years of marriage.
My wife Carolyn Ann would commit suicide.
They say there is a Silver Lining on a Dark and cloudy day.
They say God has a good reason for all things.
And, I say these words are true.
And, I want you to know that now too.
To learn more about the wonderful process of 'Organ-Tissue Donations?'
Simply contact my dearest friend,
Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with
"The Gift of Life!"
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at
Jason Richard Smrkovsky
November 5th, 1985~
March 31st, 2003.
Organs Graciously donated to the "Four"
On April 1st, 2003.
(April Fool's Day)
Carolyn Ann Richmond Harbach Smrkovsky
December 6th, 1952~
November 23rd, 2003.
Note: If you know somebody who is severely depressed contemplating suicide, please call the National Suicide Hotline at 988.
Approximate Word Count: 1314
Author Notes |
Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Only Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist and Amazing Writer, Dr. Ricky 1024' And, my Incredible Picture Entitled, "Jason Richard Smrkovsky" (Age Five) |
By Ricky1024
"Remembrance 2003"
Written on February 22nd, 2023
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright ©� Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
Time Embraces Chance.
Chance Romances Time.
Stinging Needs
Buzzing Bees.
Autumn's Leaves.
Memories Aligned Perfectly.
Perfectly Aligned Memories
Eight by Tens.
Captured Spirits
Lost and find?
Moments now Tease.
As Autumn Leaves falling.
Seasons Change Holidays Gone.
Gone Holidays Change Seasons.
All day and night long.
No longer any notes to the song.
Where do I belong?
Long Nights and Gone Days.
Winters Ring brings?
Coldened Hazr of Glaze.
All now Simply Freeze.
Fallen Trees.
No more Autumn *Leaves.
Author Notes |
*Leaves: noun
/livz/ 1. the plural of leaf 2. ... Fallen: verb /faw-luhn/ 1. Past participle of fall. Fallen: adjective: 1. having dropped or come down from a higher place, from an upright position, or from a higher level, degree, amount, quality, value, number, ect. ... Note: On March 31st, 2003 Due to and shortly after a horrible automobile accident. My Only Son Jason; an Angel whom had now just fallen. And, on April 1st, 2003. My Fallen Angel Jason; whom God wrapped His Loving Arms around. him, took him back home where he belonged. And, to learn more about this Incredible. As well as, Amazing Miracle of Life giving 'Organ-Tissue Donations?' Simply contact my dearest friend. Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with "The Gift of Life!" Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1-800-DONORS-1. Jason Richard Smrkovsky November 5th, 1984~ March 31st, 2003. ... Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Only Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist, 'suzannethompson2' And, Suzanne's Incredible Picture Entitled, "Remembrance" |
By Ricky1024
"Triolet of ABC"
Written on February 22nd, 2023
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright © Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
"March 1st, 2003" (A)
By Doctor Ricky 1024
This beginning will slowly begin the Eradication and constant erosion, it's and erasure of me.
The month of March is my Nemesis with her Unholy kiss.
I try my best to resist but she ever comes for me.
And with her Sadistic Beauty.
A Darkness visits me now when I make an attempt to sleep.
With her firm Grasp, she takes my hand in her claws and I'm at her command.
To her demands.
And then unfortunately, I'm back there again!
The Noise God?
The Damned NOISE!
It's still haunts me to this very day.
The sound of a vehicle propelled at over 100 mph into a telephone pole.
Yes, will affect you that way.
Yes that was back but when I'm trying my best .
Nightmarish screams, await my Dreams?
Forever trapped at the bottom.
The bottom of my Mortality.
God, as I search out for some form of Higher Humanity?
But don't You see for me?
Yes, it's always and ever the same.
Ridiculously and hideously trapped and forever playing.
"Miss March's *Game!"
"March 31st, 2003" (B)
By Doctor Ricky 1024
God, I still vividly remember that Sad but necessary Day.
Today my Only Son Jay had to go away.
Home for a short stay.
As I settled in.
Had no idea when I turned the computer on?
That it wouldn't be playing the game of chess.
Yes, but playing a game of Sin!
I should have known?
And what I crumble?
Yes, and when I die?
Yes, to he computers set on
Didn't I deserve a little fun?
God, after a long day at work.
But with the movement of just a single pawn.
Eye was now that pawn and would soon not belong.
The song, God the song!
Yes, with linger on.
The car hitting the curve first and then propelled.
Propelled into the telephone pole.
Now even louder, as the Ford Mustang settles to the street below.
Not with some Bit in it's mouth but a message!
There's Hell to pay?
(Don't you now know?)
Don't you know and can't you see?
See the shards of shredded glass from the windshield?
Coating, coating, the lawn and street below.
It should be now all over me!
(Now don't you know?)
My head instead?
Should have took the blow and not my Only Son.
But God.
How Fate has a funny way?
A funny way to present a Present to Destiny that day.
And, see the presenting itself?
Itself in Death?
Yes should instead have been me.
The call came in quicker than my Drunken King trapped by a wall of sloppy Liquor!
'You had better get over here!'
She said.
Unfortunately, the call came in and these were the words I would soon hear.
'Jason's been in a horrible accident on Nautilus Avenue!'
Stated my daughter Kyle Erin.
Yes in this UnGodly Mess of Distress.
Kyle gave the exact location.
But My Dear God, I already knew.
I soon would fail my job.
And, in my now Broken Heart.
This was a Nightmare.
A Neverending Nightmare from Hell?
Yes, and begun from the start.
But not my Only Son Jay?
No Way?
God, I already knew it was bad!
This now is inherently MAD!
"April 1st, 2003"
(April Fool's Day)
By Doctor Ricky 1024
"As Time Drifts slowly in Turbulant motion, Sensing the change; Rearranging the Rearranged; in Spare Change"
Unknown Poet.
It's funny when you know you've arrived, but your body hasn't nor your Mind?
When suddenly there's a shock and a spark!
Deep in your Heart but it's something that you never want to again feel, nor see, or impart.
"In this Sea of Non-Reality"
After realizing that I would be in for the long haul, unfortunately my son wasn't just unconscious.
God, He just looked like a Angel sleeping?
Something much more than that was going through Jason and my Mind.
What's the Grim Reaper doing now?
Note: After the proper people arrived, the fire company too, decided to get involved in an unusual way.
They first draped my only child.
As the second fireman smashed the window with the ax in his hand?
Together they pulled Jason out and loaded him on a gurney.
Yes, to be eventually taken away by helicopter
Now this part you need to understand!
I then screamed out this word.
(As if on some eerie command)
And, with no response?
Holding back the Tears.
God is this all that's left after 18 years?
How could I cry?
But on March 31st, 2003 at 8:30 p.m. instead?
I died.
They next extracted the driver Brian Cole, who was pinned.
Yes, as he should be.
(But with little pain)
And with the wheel firmly planted against his chest.
Yes, complaining about himself.
And God, caring less about what he had done?
Perhaps it would have been easier if this mentally ill 17-year-old had a gun?
So, they used the "Jaws of Life"
But what about my son's life?
As we raced down the Garden State Parkway, as the helicopter was heading in the same way.
My 18-year-old and only son Jason would have a Heart Attack on the way!
By fortunately bring him back that day!
On arrival, I realized that I had no more family insurance.
Yes, since my Cruel employer decided that was the way.
But it wouldn't make any difference on the outcome of this sad day.
My wife and I were led into a room with pictures decorating the wall.
They were black and white x-rayed pictures of my son's brain!
I told you this would be insane!
The head nurse stated that it was the worst she had seen in her 10-year career.
It gave us very little Hope.
We were then instructed to watch the blood oxygen level of our child?
And that's what we would do for the next 17 hours.
17 hours in and out of that room in tears.
Raccooned and on a coma.
17 hours I had to come back in again.
17 hours I had to leave again!
Umbilical fluid coming out of his ear!
Dear God, can you hear?
17 hours of Tears and Fear!
In this 2003 year.
I knew It was getting serious when we were asked to leave the room.
They had brought a surgeon in to perform a procedure.
They would drill into my son's skull to relieve the pressure.
God, Is this way it was supposed to be?
When I found out my wife Carolyn was pregnant with a son way back in 1983 .
I was so happy that there soon would soon be.
Yes, a brand new baby?
And yes, there is a Moral to this story.
And in all it's Sadness but in all it's Glory.
I might have lost the game of chess.
A pawn can barely ever defeat a King.
But on that April Fool's Day
There was something much more important you see?
Because Life is more than just a game.
And they're definitely is Life after **Death!
Author Notes |
*Miss March's Game: Note:
March represents a month of death. "Et tu Brute" (The death of Caesar) ... **Death: noun /death/ The irreversible cessation of all vital functions especially as indicated by permanent stoppage of the heart, respiration, and brain activity. ... To learn more about the Miracle of 'Organ-Tissue Donations?' Simply contact my dearest friend. Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W with "The Gift of Life!" Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1-800-DONORS-1. ... Jason Richard Smrkovsky November 5th,1984~ March 31st,2003. Organ's Graciously donated to the "Fortunate Four" on April 1st, 2003. (April Fool's Day) "And, the Beat Goes On1" Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Only Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist and Amazing Writer 'cleo85' Cleo's Incredible Picture Entitled, "Sugar Plum Fairy" |
By Ricky1024
"Negative to Positive"
Written on February 24th, 2023
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright © Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
Negative to Positive.
Positive to Negative?
Let's journey down the
Take Eighteen years of Lost Life.
Had a bit of Strife.
Throw in a Ford Mustang convertible.
And a 17-year-old mentally ill driver named Brian Cole.
Now provide a massive telephone pole.
100 mph!
Strike it twice!
(Not very nice?)
Shaken not stirred!
Now break it, but don't forsake it!
Allow 17 hours of Tears and Fears.
God, why all those wasted years?
Had a bit of sugar and spice.
And, now possibly everything nice?
Coated with a lot of Love and Tenderness.
Love from above!
Separate, Sectionate, Reestablish the Negative to Positive.
Positively and Surgically Divine.
One Organ at a time!
From Strife finally to *Life!
Author Notes |
*Life: noun
/life/ 1. the period between birth and death, or the period or state of being alive: "Life's too short to worry about money!" "I'm not sure I want to spend the rest of my life with him" "God, decided to take my life and save others" ... Note: On March 31st, 2003. And, unfortunately after a horrible car accident on Nautilus Avenue. My Only 18-year-old son Jason. And, only Seventeen hours later. April 1st, 2003 was diagnosed Brain-Dead by the State of New Jersey. As a result, we offered Jays organs to save Four Lives. ... To learn more about the Miracle of 'Organ-Tissue Donations?' Simply contact my dearest friend Lara S.Moretti the L.S.W. with "The Gift of Life!" Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1-800- DONORS-1 ... Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Only Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist and Amazing Writer, 'Dr.Ricky 1024' And, his Incredible Picture Entitled, "Just an Angel" |
By Ricky1024
"With But a Sprinkle of Imagination"
Written on March 12th, 2023
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright ©Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them."
Walt Disney
Once Upon a Time.
I too had a dream.
And like all little boys and young men they become influenced by something that was incredible.
That was impossible to be?
I went into a movie theater by myself and up to the very top balcony.
To watch an Incredible movie entitled,
"Jason and the Argonauts."
At only Eight years old.
I was very impressionable and I was very, very, impressed!
The movie was using the technology of the time. Entitled, "Claymation"
With each and every scene.
It would have to be reconstructed to an infinite degree.
And, then moved in pose again.
Until an infinite degree was achieved.
Yes, to finally put the Special effects to Life!
But I saw something that impressed me.
Besides that, a Greek fictional hero in search of "The Golden Fleece."
(To say the least )
The Gift of Life!
"It's kind of fun to do the impossible."
Walt Disney
Now let's move ahead about two decades to the age now of 28 years old.
I now had achieved my partial Dream to be married and have a start a family.
"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing."
Walt Disney
The next Almost 20 years.
That's what I had been doing for almost 36 years.
At the age of only sixteen.
I had started working in the supermarket industry.
Building myself up from a box boy and shopping cart collector.
To a frozen food manager, grocery manager and eventually assisted and store manager.
"The real trouble with the world."
"Too many people grew up."
Walt Disney
At the age of only 24, I
I had owned my house without a single following mortgage payment.
I then purchased a brand new 1982 Chevrolet Citation with cash.
My CDs in the bank were bringing in 15 and 1/2% interest.
"If you can dream it then you can do it."
Walt Disney
Yes I had my dream and yes my dream had come true!
I had now the career.
I had now the house and car.
I had now the family.
But there may have been something missing?
"When you believe in a thing believe it all the way. Implicitly and unquestionable."
Now we have to move ahead unfortunately till March 31st, 2003.
This would be the turning point in my Life.
This would be what it took to break me but then make me?
Because my Greek fictional hero and Argonaut and only son, Jason.
After a horrible car accident and eventually bring dead.
Would unfortunately turn the last and almost final page in his "Book of Life.
Because Seventeen hours later on April 1st, 2003.
My son for Eighteen years would now belong to more than just my family and me.
Because he is "The Golden Fleece!"
Laughter is timeless, imagination has no age, and dreams are forever."
Walt Disney
To learn more about the Miracle of 'Organ-Tissue Donations?'
Simply contact my dearest friend.
Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with
"The Gift of Life!"
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at
1-800-DONORS 1.
"With but a Sprinkle of Imagination." "When the Time comes due, all your Dreams will Come True!"
Unknown Poet.
Jason Richard Smrkovsky
November 5th, 1984~
March 31st, 2003.
Organ's Graciously donated to the Four on April 1st, 2003.
(April Fool's Day)
"And, the Beat Goes On!"
Approximate Word Count: 718.
Author Notes |
Special thanks goes out first as always, to Heavenly Father and His Only Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist, 'simonka' Their Incredible Picture Entitled, "Touch of Blue" |
By Ricky1024
"Three Subjected 2 Change?'
Written on March 13th, 2023
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright �© Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
There now are only Three.
Three that still Live.
Three that needed.
Needed someone to Give?
Three that needed someone to Give.
To Give in order to continue to Live.
But that was Twenty years ago.
The Summer's Heat came with the Sun's Shine.
Yes, while the Winter's Cold came with the Snow.
Well there were many moments to Feel.
Feel the Sun's Light and Feel the Moon's Glow.
(This you need now to know)
All the continued Birthday parties.
And, all those many moments as Gifts.
Christmas Day still exists.
Graduations, new Careers!
Yes, and perhaps more than one baby on the way?
(What more can I say?)
Yes, for the Three of Four.
The Three of Four whom have lived the longer.
The Three of Four who have gotten older.
The Three out of Four who have gotten .stronger.
They write to me to tell their Stories.
They write to me with their Success than Glories!
A Son now, two Daughters and perhaps even a grandchild or now two?
Two now on the Way??
The funny thing is how God works in Mysteriously Ways.
Even though my only Son, Jay.
Yes, had to be taking away?
Even though my only wife, Carolyn.
And only Eight months later.
My only wife Carolyn decided to go too.
And, even though my Life.
My Life is still is Bruised and Pained.
No more do I continue to Blame.
Blame myself and live in the Shame.
The Sun's still shines and I feel.
Feel and now see the Moon's Glow.
There is Happiness in my Broken Heart God
But God, it still doesn't overflow?
And, I know now deep down inside.
Deep down inside this was a necessary Sacrifice.
And I move forward and on.
For Life is something to Nourish.
For Life is something to Nourish.
As well as Cherish.
And, as for the Three?
"Three Subjected 2 Change?"
Well and, I think that they realized.
Yes, that that's s also okay too!
Note: In the year of our Lord God 2014.
And, in the Tri-state area of Delaware, Pennsylvania and South Jersey.
Over 4,500 people awaited the gift of life.
I waited the gift of life in the form of a human kidney.
And, unfortunately over 98%.
Yes, finally got to go home but in body bags.
To learn more about the Miracle of 'Organ-Tissue Donations?'
Simply contact my dearest friend.
Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with
"The Gift of Life!"
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at
Author Notes |
Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Only Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist, 'memephotos' 'Their Incredible Picture Entitled, "gift of life" |
By Ricky1024
"Donating Life After Death"
Written on April 2nd, 2023
By Jason Richard Smrkovsky
Copyright �© Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
The Amazing Process of Donating is plain and simple, simply as can be?Just opt to give?
Give up your normal and daily activities.
Now as for me?
Just a matter of going for a simple ride?
Yes, a simple ride into a stationary object such as a telephone pole.
Yes, and of course you need to drive.
"Fast and Furious"
A driver with the education of a mouse or mole!
Okay, are you still with me?
Doesn't yet bother you a bit?
Because the next part?
The next part is the SHIT!
That's right, that okay.
Let's take that ride at 100 MPH.
As sweet as sweet tis soured?
You ran away?
Can't take the Heat?
No Grim Reaper you ever want to meet?
On, " Lonely Street?"
Don't want to feel my Pain?
God knows that my dad still takes the Blame!
Same Old, Same Old, Game.
In and out and out and in.
Dig now deep, deeper and let the Living again begin!
Need a Human Liver?
Well I'll be your Giver!
Now, need a Kidney or Two?
Well I'll be your Huckleberry now too!
You need a Heart and a set of Lungs?
Well of course the process hath just begun!
But let's please save these for the very last?
God, I wished that death Car had ran out of *Gas!
Author Notes |
Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Only Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist, 'avmurry' Her Incredible Picture Entitled, "Sleeping Beauty" |
By Ricky1024
Written on April 3rd, 2023
By Jason nd Richard Smrkovsky
Copyright �©ï¸? Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
Unify but divide.
Divide with Unification.
Unification from me to you!
Yes, that's what together we shall do!
Simply start with a small piece.
Piece of me.
Yes, my pair of Human kidneys.
Now divide the pair and Unify.
Yes, for there are two in desperate need.
They need something more.
Something more that you just can't buy at the grocery store!
And, if they don't you see?
Tis blind is blind could ever be?
They'll never celebrate another birthday.
Doc, you're doing well and all right, but there's another still in need?
In need of a Liver from me, the now
Now again carefully Unify and detach.
Because soon if we don't?
His and her life shall not last!
And, last but not in the least?
This is the Hardest part you see?
Yes, because now you need it and from me?
It has to depart.
I shall offer to you Chaz
Yes, my One and Only Heart!
And, along with that my lungs for you to breathe.
Finally, now that we're done.
Done yes indeed.
For this is my mission.
My Mission for you to *Succeed!
Author Notes |
*Succeed: verb
/suc.ceed/ 1. achieve the desired aim or result "Jason can finally rest because he was able to succeed. ... Note: To learn more about the Miracle of 'Organ-Tissue Donations?' Simply contact my dearest friend. Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with "The Gift of Life!' Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1-800- DONORS-1. ... Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Only Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist and Amazing Writer, 'Dr.Ricky 1024' His Incredible Picture Entitled, "Just My Jay" |
By Ricky1024
"Pray for My Only Jay"
(Knot of Forgot)
Written on April 7th, 2023
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright © Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
I can still remember to this very Day.
14,032 days.
When I was there and My Only Jay?
Yes, I remember when I cut the cord.
Then the whole World.
Yes, the Earth would welcome you aboard!
My Only Jay?
Before you're very moment of Birthing and Conception.
Jay, before the first touch?
Touch and beat of your Heart.
I can still remember way back in the month of November?
336,653 Hours.
Yes, when finally all my Dreams.
All my waiting, waiting for something?
Yes, when and if somebody?
There would finally be somebody to give to me?
Yes, I still remember that passing,
"Ides of March.
To Be or then to Be Knot?
Now as if Past.
Gone but forlorned.
Enclosed tied up in a
"Forget Me Knot of Forgot"
Before there was you
Til soon there would be.
You and me.
Oh how seldom you would smile.
But when you did your smile would light up the World.
Yes, and all the Earth to see?
Yes, I still remember?
Remember to this very day .
My Only Jay.
1 billion.
212 million.
379, thousand
910 seconds.
As if wasted now and spent?
And, now only Guilt and Shame.
Tears appear in Endless Rain.
As drifting clouds gather of grey.
Then when I pray.
Pray for My Only Jay.
All that *Remains?
Author Notes |
*Remains: verb
/re.mains/ 1. continue to exist, especially after other similar or related people or things have ceased to exist. "a cloister is all that remains of the monastery" ... Note: the loss of your child is a father's, worst nightmare. It's the gift that will continue to give and give and give? As long as you continue to live? ... Jason Richard Smrkovsky November 5th, 1984~ March 31st, 2003. Organ's Graciously donated to the Four on April 1st, 2003. (April Fool's Day) ... To learn more about the Miracle of 'Organ-Tissue Donations?' Simply contact my dearest friend. Lara S.Moretti the L.S.W. with "The Gift of Life!" Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1-800-DONORS-1. "And, the Beat Goes On!" ... Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Only Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist and Amazing Writer 'cleo85' Cleo's Incredible Picture Entitled, "Boys are Boys" |
By Ricky1024
"Angels Appear"
(A Dedication for Jay)
Written on April 8th 2023
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright © Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
Just call me Faith .
A Blessed Being all dressed in a Beautiful Gown of pure White.
And, she's trying her best this fluttering delight.
Sent to assist this messenger of God. She's Very, Very, nervous!
Yes, this is a big day?
And, the very first day on her job.
Wings pronounced in Golden of White.
Halo set just so tight.
So be patient.
She's coming and it'll be all right.
She'll travel for you all through the night.
She knows she needs to get this right!
Sent by Father above for God knows.
Knows Humanity hath forgotten how to Love.
Too long no Love.
Indeed the need.
This need to feed.
Show that there's more than just greed!
The need indeed to stop and seal "Earth's Bleed "
For yes!
This Quest is long overdue!
And, long overdue because of me and you!
So now indeed, we established this need?
But are you willing to do your
Part and share??
Do you Dare?
Do you Realize?
Do you still Care??
Because if you still do?
Then I was created just for you!
And I swear that with all my being.
With all your needs.
Yes, indeed Heavenly Father told me about you.
I'm setting my halo now on high.
I'll search and I'll search until I can see you finally cry.
And before you die?
You know it and I'll show it.
And prove it to you!
I have a pair of Kidneys, a Liver, Heart and Lungs!
I will be with you till the End.
You're constant and Beloved Internal *Friend!
Author Notes |
*Friend: noun
/friend/ 1.consant companion, amigo, buddy. "Katie was happy she made a new friend!" ... Note: The ultimate Sacrifice one Human being can do for another is to give Life. To sacrifice your very own existence. And, to purposely end your Mortal life, but allow your spiritual life to again. Begin! ... /Anjel/ Plural noun: angels 1. A spiritual being believed to act as an attendant, agent, or messenger of God, conventionally represented in human form with wings and a long robe. The word suggests goodness and is often used to refer to someone who offers comfort and aid to others in times of trouble. "Elizabeth behaved quite conventionally" ... The word, "Angel" Derives from the Greek, "angelos" Meaning messenger. It is used in the Holy Bible to donate God's attendance, with angels.often depicted as being guardians of humans, an idea found in ancient Asian cultures as well. The Biblical sense was continued in a medieval gold coin called an angel, which depicted the archangel Michael. The word has been applied to angel fish, so named because they appear to have wings, and nurses often called, "angels of mercy" .. Note; From om my own personal understanding of the word "angel" Talking to many people on the subject. Some people believe that in the time of crisis. The Angel that will arrive. Yes, would be a past relative who had long passed away. Somebody they had never met but did know of their existence. ... Note: On March 31st, 2003. My only son Jason purposely got into a car. Purposely told my daughter Dana not to get in the back seat when told by the driver. Brian Cole. And purposely went into a telephone pole at close to 100 miles an hour. ... You may wonder why an 18-year-old? And, no where near the prime of his life will sacrifice? To answer that question? Then you need to believe in Angels! ... To learn more about the Miracle of 'Organ-Tissue Donations?' Simply contact my dearest friend. Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with "The Gift of Life!" Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1-800-DONORS-1. Organ's Graciously donated to the Four on April 1st, 2003. (April Fool's Day) ... Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Only Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist and Writer, 'Doctor Ricky 1024' And, his Incredible Picture Entitled, "Just My Jay" |
By Ricky1024
"Two for the Price of One"
Written on April 8th, 2023
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright © Fanstory
' All Rights Reserved'
Mother and daughter.
Mother and son.
It's sad, yes, but this needs to finally be done.
They were two different and two of a Kind.
Cut from the same mold.
But for some reason they couldn't find?
Placed and on paths.
Just two different on "God's Vine."
Soon one would run out of breath.
Life is not separate from Death.
Parties long over and so is me.
No matter how hard I Try.
You see it had to be.
No matter how much I Cry?
Mo matter how much I tried to die .
No matter how hard I try to see?
My Dear God.
Why has this happened to me?
He was too young so much more.
More he could have done.
Just like a music and one of his songs.
And, now unfortunately he's Long, Long, gone.
Yes, as if up in flames.
All that remains is pictures and memories.
What more can I say?
Lost my only son then named Jay.
Then approximately 237 days gone by. only wife.
She actually took her very own life.
No longer did she want to be.
Yes it's a sin but now that it's done.
"Two for the Price of One"
Author Notes |
Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Only Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist and Amazing Writer 'cleo85' Cleo's Incredible Picture Entitled, "Flames" |
By Ricky1024
(An Acrostic Poem for Jay)
Written March 9th, 2023
By Doctor Ricky1024
Copyright �© Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
J.Jason, Day to Night, Night to Day.
Nightmare to Light, Nightmares won't go away?
Each and every sleeping moments.
Yes, there here to Forever stay.
God, tis this the only way to get back to my Jay??
A. April showers tears of sadness.
God, can You tell me why?
Why the Cry won't ever Die?
Why this continuous madness?
Eye share and bare Soul to You.
But my blindness never kindness?
And, as Eye Dare.
Barely but God, do You really care?
S. Simple thoughts shake the Die.
Look what You brought?
I'm trapped and caught!
Doesn't seem to ever go away.
Accidentally crashing, Waves of lost compassion!
O. Open Your Heart God and take me away?
God, won't your please bring me back my Only Jay?
God, if Your real than why must I remain?
Playing this forever and gambled continously stupid,
"Snake Eyes Game?"
N. November my Son's birthday again but he's never there?
Nobody but You seems to me to still Care.
With each and every word that You give me down there.
I write and ignite without out hesitation.
I'm waiting Lord for You to stop the *Hesitation?
Author Notes |
*Hesitation: noun 1. the action of pausing or hesitating before saying or doing some. "Brian didn't hesitate when he purposely drove that car into the telephone pole." ... Note:7,314 days and counting since my Son Jason's accident on March 31st, 2003. ... Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and Hos Only Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Amazing Writer and Talented Artist, 'Doctor Ricky1024' His Incredible Picture Entitled, "Night to Day" |
By Ricky1024
"Nourishing Factors"
Written on April 21st, 2023
By Doctor Ricky1024
Copyright © Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
As I travel on my way.
On this very early April day.
I can see the April's shine.
Yes, and all God's many Gifts.
Gifts So, So, Devine.
The Blooming of His many Magnolia and Cherry blossoms.
The Early emergence of the Yellowed Daffodils and the Tulips in multi-hues.
Yes, soon to follow.
Hollow tis the Broken Heart of this Writing Latter-day Saint Priest.
(To say the least)
But I'll be okay on this Warming Day.
For yes!
I now realize God's many offerings for all to see!
Fresh Air and pure Waters abound and confound me!
They Cleanse and Purge my Soul for Life sometimes presents a most HORRIBLE Toll.
I am truly being fulfilled in God's Nourishing Factors.
Yes, as I breathe in and out.
Out and in.
Truly the Best Things in Life.
Family, God, Good Health, and company.
Yes, church and Family indeed.
All Nourishing Factors to me.
Author Notes |
Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Only Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Amazing Artist and Talented Writer, -cleo85' Cleo's Incredible Picture Entitled, "Magnolia" |
By Ricky1024
"My Gift for You"
Written on April 23rd, 2023
By Jason Richard Smrkovsky
Copyright © Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
Peace be with you.
As I must now leave you.
Yes, for I Loved you so.
Yes, and I Loved you all.
Understand that we are not always meant to be.
To Be or Not to Be?
Ashes to Ashes and Dust to Dust.
Things just happen.
As things and circumstances now must.
Yes, I Loved Thee so.
And this you now always need to know.
Even though my Mortal body.
My Mortal body?
Unfortunately, for me.
It can no longer Be.
Yes, but here in a Different way?
This my Gift to You.
Thes ewords that I now say on this very *Day.
Author Notes |
*Day: noun
/dai/ 1: a. the time of light from one night to the next. "The shortest day of the year" b. DAYLIGHT Sense 1 "woke up at the break of day" c. DAYTIME "sleeps during the day and works at night" ... Note:The death of a child is a parent's Worst Nightmare. And, It s a Gift, as not a Blessing. A Gift that continues to give, as long as you continue to Live. ... To learn more about the Amazing Gift of 'Organ-Tissue Donations?' Simply contact my dearest friend Lara.S.Moretti the L.S.W. with "The Gift of Life!" Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1-800-DONORS-1. ... Jason Richard Smrkovsky November 5th, 1984~ March 31st, 2003. Organ's Graciously offered to the four on April 1st, 2093 (April Fools Day) "And, the Beat Goes On!" ... Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Only Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Amazing Artist and Incredible Writer, 'cleo85' Cleo's Incredible Picture Entitled, "Scattering Joy" |
By Ricky1024
"A Prayer Beyond Both You and Me"(A)
Written on April 27th, 2023
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright �?�© Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
April 1st, 2003
My Dearly Beloved and only Son.
I know even below you're in Heaven this day
Jay, Oh how I miss you so and I now must pray.
God, on this day.
Help Jay on his way?
And, I know now in this Broken Heart of me.
Unfortunately and fortunately, this tis the way it's got to be.
Whether to Be or Not to Be for me.
My future now seems so bleak.
Forever I shall travel down this dark and, "Lonely Street."
Perhaps if we ever again meet?
Until then I will continue to cry and with each and every Tear Shed.
And, die with each and every breath to my Death.
With each and every Moment spent.
It will be for You Only and not me.
I can still see you in that hospital bed.
Comatose and Raccooned with eyes shut so, so, very tight!
Black and Blue instead?
Dear Lord God, don't let him feel this Horrible Pain this night?
Umbilical fluids draining from his ears.
Could you possibly now hear?
I can see...
Yes, see you all alone, with all those devices.
Yes, as if even you were never real?
My Dear Lord God?
The cards were dealt, this loss, so near.
I gaze now into your Heart that will soon be another's.
Another to again beat as it plays and strums with a Drummers.
I can feel your lungs breathing by another's.
Your Kidneys, (a pair)to be split and go to whom knows where?
But that's Okay by me.
And, your Liver will go from you the "Giver."
Yes, to another for another chance at Life.
These are your Musical .Gifts.
My Only Son Jay.
I allocate for you.
You will now play a different beat.
But your music left below?
Will continue to give a second chance at Life.
On this very April Fool's *Day.
"Showering Moments" (B)
Written on April 30th, 2023
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Glistening Liquefied tears.
Now let all of God's rain this day, restore and reside.
Dampening our Spirits this day.
And, let us all be fulfilled His way.
Yes, for this is Spring and a Time of Renewing!
As all of God's flowers show now their worth!
Glistening are you paying attention and listening?
Yes, to His message above.
Can you feel His UnEnding Love?
Let His Spirit come forth and acknowledge this Blessed Day!
Yes, in this Latter-day Saint Church.
On this very Sabbath Sunday.
Now listen intently to our chosen ones.
For they too have a job to be Done.
And, after the Rains...
And, after the Pains...
Of Glistening disappears?
Always remember, out Savior is Here!
Author Notes |
Day: noun
/dai/ 1. a: the time of light between one night and the next. The interval of light, between two successive nights. b: DAYLIGHT: Sense 1. "woke up at the break of day" c: DAYTIME "sleeps during the day and works at night" ... Note: On March 31st, 2003 which is now almost 20 years and one month ago. My only son Jason purposely road, as a passenger into a telephone pole at 100 mph. ... The purpose here was for him not to die but to give Precious Life! Life to four people, whom he would never meet until his organs would go inside. Life to four people who were praying for a Miracle and a Blessing. ... To learn more about the Miracle of 'Organ-Tissue Donations?' Simply contact my dearest friend Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with "The Gift of Life!' Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1-800-DONORS-1. ... Jason Richard Smrkovsky November 5th, 1984~ March 31st, 2003. Organ's Graciously donated to the Four on April 1st, 2003. (April Fool's Day) "And, the Beat Goes On!" ... Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Only Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist, 'simonka' And, Simonka's Incredible Picture Entitled, "Our Father" |
By Ricky1024
"Done Vida"
Written on May 6th, 2023
By Doctor Ricky1024
Copyright © Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
Once in a "Blue Moon"
No cow over that Moon.
See ya real soon?
Once in a "Great Moon"
What's not the only thing that's great?
A decision need to be, a Sectional division from your and me.
A separation between Time and Reality.
Understand my, "Crystal Clarity?"
Now pay attention and Eye will give you a clue!
Unless you can't see?
Someone's waiting for this Gift from me and you.
No Christmas present but a going My Way Present.
Now enough with the clues!
Time to get down and dirty?
Author Notes |
*Done Vida: noun
/done vida/ 1.donate life. "The green bands state done vida" (Donate Life) ... To learn more about the Amazing gift of donations? Simply contact my dearest friend. Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with "THE Gift of Life!" Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1-800-DONORS-1. ... Jason Richard Smrkovsky November. 5th, 1984~ March 31st, 2003. ... Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Only Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist, 'Linda Bickston' Linda's Incredible Picture Entitled, "Behold Your Son" |
By Ricky1024
"Life Tis Precious"
Written on May 8th, 2023
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright �© Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
Life Tis so Precious.
Precious indeed.
And as Death Rides in on his steed.
Grim Monarch take thy breaths away?
The Death of my two.
Bounds me with Grief!
Forever and Ever for this Latter-day Saint Priest.
Have not want more?
Yes, I can. I know you're attempting and knocking at my door!
I implore you Nevermore!
Death are you now done with my only son, Jay?
You've taken billions upon billions and laid them by the wayside!
Breaking the ties of Love?
Death hath you no respect?
First my son and eight months later.
Then my wife!
Death no more shall I accept.
Accept your Endless Pangs.
Accept the Horrid pain!
As only strife *Remains.
Author Notes |
/re.mains/ 1.the parts left over after other parts have been removed, used, or destroyed. "Jason's original many Organs still remain in three other's bodies" Similar: remainder, residue, remnant. "he left instructions on the deposit of his remains" . A person's body after death. ... Note: To learn more about the Miracle of'Organ-Tissue Donations?: Simply contact my dearest friend. Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with "The Gift of Life!" Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1-800-DONORS-1 ... Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly and His Only Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist, and Amazing Writer, 'cleo85' Cleo's Incredible Picture Entitled, "Sapphire, Mica, and Amethyst" |
By Ricky1024
"Inspire Me?"
(A Conversation with God)
Written on May 10th, 2023
By Jason Richard Smrkovsky
Copyright © Heaven & Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
"Inspire Me?"
"Prove and Inspire Me?"
"Prove, Inspire, Me?"
"And, show me your value?"
"Yes, God, I'll try."
"Well firstly, I'm about to Die."
"Inspire Me?"
"Well okay, God."
"When I die, I've been good."
"Inspire Me?"
"Good enough as I should."
"Should now because I could now."
"Inspire me?"
"Good enough to give."
"Give exactly what my son?"
"Well Dad wants to help others?"
"Inspire Me."
"And, I'm listening son."
"Well, you know God?"
"People are out there."
"Yes, they are out there."
"Yes, and they need me!"
"Inspire Me?"
"God, they need something."
"Something from me."
"Something from me to continue."
"Inspire more for Me?"
"Something from me to continue."
"Continue to Live."
"You hath now finally inspired Me son."
"And, thank you!"
Author Notes |
* noun
/a'men/amen/ Exclamation :Uttered at the end of a prayer, or hymn, meaning. "so be it" Noun: an utterance of amen. ... Note: to learn more about the Miracle of 'Organ-Tissue Donations?' Simply contact my dearest friend. Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with "The Gift of Life!" Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1-800-DONORS-1. ... Note: On this date of March 31st, 2003. My only son Jason was involved in a terrible accident. Innocent passenger in a car driven by a mentally ill young man named Brian Cole. And as a result, Seventeen hours later? The State of New Jersey diagnosed Jason brain-Dead. ... Note: Only Eight months later on November 23rd, 2003. My only wife and spouse of almost Twenty years. Carolyn Ann Richmond Harbach Smrkovsky committed suicide. ... Note: If you know somebody who is severely depressed and you may believe they're contemplating a possible suicide? Please call immediately. "The National Suicide Hotline at 9-88 or . 9-11. Thank you. ... Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Only Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist and Amazing Writer, 'cleo85' Cleo's Incredible Picture Entitled, "Summer Night Dream" |
By Ricky1024
"Receiving Life" (A)
Written on May 11th, 2024
By Doctor Ricky1024
Copyright ©Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
"Doctor Williams?"
"Yes, Nurse Jones?"
"This young man?"
"I understand he's only Eighteen."
"Yes, I realize that Nurse."
"But even though quite gone."
"There will be no room in that Hearse."
"Now, Nurse Jones."
"Hand me a scalpel Number Seven."
"And, let me do something Amazing Nurse."
"There are still others dieing whom await."
Note: On April Fools Day 2003.
In the early morning hours.
A set Of Lungs, along with a strong Heart will be sent out to a man from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
While a pair of Human Kidneys will be dispersed, first to South Jersey. Yes, to an Eight year old female with only hours.
Hours left to Live.
The Second or right Kidney was flown out West to a man also, on total Renal failure.
Lastly, the Human Liver stays local in Philly
A young African American man in his Mid-thirties will have Eight, Long, Years of *LIFE.
"Life There After" (B)
Written on May 11th, 2023
By Doctor Ricky1024
Life preserved after Death.
One lucky individual named, "Chaz"
And almost my age twenty years ago.
Kicks off this "Living Miracle Show."
Just so you know, he has a New Set of Lungs, a Strong and Healthy Heart; along with a new Start.
He can now breath without collapsing.
Yes, on oxygen attempting to walk a HUNDRED YARDS.
A Human Livet from my Only Don Jason.
(The Giver)
While laughed at the Face and disgrace of DEATH.
Gives Eight Years of LIFE.
Again filtering Day and Night.
Life There After.
Right Human Kidney flown out West Far away.
To a man named Bill.
Whom will need this in order to divorce his nasty wife one day.
Left Kidney into She.
Unknown female from South Jersey.
The youngest recipient.
(You see?)
No more Jaundice.
Skins again Pink, Eyes again Blue, no letter from she to me.
(Get my point of **View?)
Author Notes |
Life noun
/life/ 1 a: the quality that distinguishes a vital and function being from a dead body. b: a principle or force that is considered yo underlie the distinct quality of animate beings. c: an organismic state characterized by capacity for metabolism. (See METABOLISM Sense 1.) growth, reaction to stimuli, and reproduction. **View: noun /view/ 1.the ability to see something or yo be seen from a particular place. "the end of thr tunnel came into view." Similar: sight, perspective. 2. a sight or prospect, typically of attractive natural scenery, that can be taken in by the eye from a particular place. "Jason had the best view of the accident." ... Note: On March 31st, 2003. My son Jason Richard Smrkovsky was propelled into a telephone pole at over100 mph. Unfortunately and fortunately. To learn more about the Amazing and process of 'Organ-Tissue Donations?' Simply contact my dearest friend. Lara S. Moretti thr L.S.W. with "The Gift of Life!: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1-800-DONORS-1. .... "And, the Beat Goes On!" ... Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Only Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Amazing Artist and Incredible Writer, "Doctor Ricky1024 His Incredible Picture Entitled, Displaying Life" |
By Ricky1024
"4 An Eternity" (A)
Written on May 12th, 2023
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright ©Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
For an Eternity, I shalleth and always and Forever...
For an Eternity, as Time passes me By...
For an Eternity, as my broken Heart...
For an Eternity, as this Earth is lost and no longer Sustained...
For an Eternity, I shall call out your Name.
For an Eternity, when I no longer need to live in Shame...
For an Eternity, when I shall no longer feel this horrible Pain...
For an Eternity, as I Live and Pray...
For an Eternity, when the Oceans finally meet the Bays...
For an Eternity, when the Sun no longer lights this Day...
For an Eternity, when I realized my Death and Eye shalleth no longer Breath...
For an Eternity, when it's my time to finally Leave...
For an Eternity, when my crying eyes are closed and I no longer can See...
For an Eternity, when this Heart finally ceases to Pray....
For an Eternity, when Heaven Above...
Yes, is finally filled with Earthly Love...
For an Eternity, when I finally meet you one Day...
For an Eternity, when I no longer need to Pray..
And, when that time finally comes Due...
Or an Eternity, I shall stop missing *You...
""Gifted One" (B)
Written on May 12th, 2023
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Gifted One, come now to Me.
I can no longer wait and await your presence immediately.
Gifted One, yes for an Eternity.
And, no more shalleth thy suffer.
Suffer so below.
Gifted One, feel My gentle and warming embrace.
Breathe in deeply and relinquish your waste.
Gifted One, your Time was overdue.
Yes, for others needed you.
Needed you and I'm sorry that your time is now Due.
Gifted One, I am your Creator.
Yes, and this now is your Destiny.
Gifted One, yes don't you?
Won't you?
And once you finally arrive.
Gifted One.
I'm sure you'll finally **Understand.
Author Notes |
*You: noun
/you/ 1. the one or ones being addressed>used as the pronoun of a second person singular or plural in any grammatical in any relation except that is a possible. "Yes you are the only one" ... **Understand: verb /under.stand/ 1. perceive the intended meaning of, (words,a language, or a speaker. "no one understands Doctor Ricky" ... Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Only Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist, 'Denise B' Denise's Incredible Picture Entitled, "Generations in Eternity" |
By Ricky1024
"True Life" (A)
Written on May 19th, 2023
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright © Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'.
Note: As hard as this is for me.
It has to be written.
Can you see?
The tempo was sullen and the beat was not right.
Hold on my darlings.
Yes, hold on tight!
This is no Roller Coaster ride where you glide along merrily.
Merrily as can be.
It's more like bumper cars set to the speed of. "Let's Kill you and me?"
Bleak as ever.
Bleak as bleak can ever be.
To Be or Not?
That question will go down in Infamy.
You see?
True Life means simply that Reality has no limitations or time.
It just happened so f****** quickly.
Yes, quickly and unkind.
Roses are Blood Red and the bleed tis always within me.
Not as much as a hair was displaced.
Actually no signs of trauma in this drama full of crime.
No ticket would be written nor fine to be cast.
The driver was and got away with it.
His damn foot hit the GAS!
100 MPH.
May seem to you and to me.
"Fast and Furious"
Of course, it was and always will be.
Believe it or Not?
But the point of the matter is I live with it and now should you.
To realize that "True Life" is awaiting and can actually happen to you.
In closing, there's not much more that I can but should if I could but that's okay?
Because there's a new Angel in Heaven.
Yes, a New Angel named, *Jay.
"True Life Transferred"
(Kidneys, Heart, and Lungs)
Written on May 19th, 2023
By Doctor Ricky 1024
"Jesus answered and said unto her, if thou knowest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given the living Water."
John 4:10
March 31st, 2003.
My Only Son Jason Richard Smrkovsky.
Only 18 years old would be involved in a horrible car accident.
And, as an innocent passenger.
Yes, on that very unfortunate but fortunate day.
And, what more can I say?
I would learn so much.
Yes, so very, very, much..
March 31st, 2003.
Yes, I would arrive at the scene 8:00 p.m.
An investigation later would show that the car.
A Ford mustang convertible that was previously raced at Atco raceway.
Yes, but professionally in Atco New Jersey.
Now, most likely this "Death Machine?"
(If you know what I mean?)
Yes, was purposely driven into the telephone pole at close to or over 100 mph.
The driver Brian Cole would be extracted with "The Jaws of Life."
April 1st, 2003.
(April Fool's Day)
I thought it would be okay but what a Blind Fool was Eye.
Blinded by my faith in God!
Now, 17 hours later a decision would have to be made.
April 1st, 2003.
A Decision would need to be addressed.
Yes, what to do with your 18-year-old who is now Comatose, Raccooned, and Brain-Dead?
Brain-Oxygen dead.
April 14th 2003.
The very first letter came in from the recipient named Chaz.
Chaz was writing in gratitude for the Heart and Lungs that hath given him New Life!
One month later, the first letter comes in from a man named Bill.
Bill was writing too in gratitude for the right Human Kidney that was now giving him a second chance at Life!
No more would he be subjected to the Sin of total Renal failure.
A prisoner, hooked up to a machine. And, three times a week suffer tremendous in Pain!
Yes, thanks to my son Jason no more would he have to be hooked up to a machine.
I would reach out and write returning letters to both of these gentlemen.
Yes, and we would share a total of six wonderful letters together.
I would then reach out on to the recipient who received Jason's left kidney.
An unknown female child from South Jersey.
(where I live.)
I would write two letters and never receive one reply.
May 1st, 2013.
Ten years would pass and I would learn so much from these gentlemen.
Unfortunately, I would also learn that African-American man from Philadelphia.
(Name unknowns)
Yes, would only live 8 years with Jason's Liver.
May 19th, 2023.
Time has passed and my Life has Marched on.
No more would I have a spouse or be married.
Carolyn Ann Harbach Smrkovsky would commit suicide on March 23rd, 2003.
(Only 8 months after the death of our son Jason.)
Yes, over Twenty years has now passed.
Passed since that fatal accident.
Yes, and three human beings are still walking this planet with Jason's Kidneys, Heart, and Lungs.
Approximate Word Count: 1038.
Author Notes |
*Jay: noun
/jai/ 1. boys name, nick name. "jay won the basketball game!" ... Note: On March 31st, 2003 and due to injuries he sustained in the car accident. My only son Jason had and needed a decision to be made for him. To allow him to remain in a coma for the rest of his remaining years. Yes or too... ... To learn more about the Miracle of 'Organ-Tissue Donations?' Simply contact my dearest friend Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with "The Gift of Life!" Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1-800-DONORS-1. ... Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Only Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist, 'Lililbug' And, her Incredible Picture Entitled, "Angel eyes" |
By Ricky1024
"True Life" (A)
Written on May 19th, 2023
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright © Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'.
Note: As hard as this is for me.
It has to be written.
Can you see?
The tempo was sullen and the beat was not right.
Hold on my darlings.
Yes, hold on tight!
This is no Roller Coaster ride where you glide along merrily.
Merrily as can be.
It's more like bumper cars set to the speed of. "Let's Kill you and me?"
Bleak as ever.
Bleak as bleak can ever be.
To Be or Not?
That question will go down in Infamy.
You see?
True Life means simply that Reality has no limitations or time.
It just happened so f****** quickly.
Yes, quickly and unkind.
Roses are Blood Red and the bleed is all within me.
Not as much as a hair was displaced.
Actually no signs of trauma in this drama full of crime.
No ticket would be written nor fine to be cast.
The driver was and got away with it.
His damn foot hit the GAS!
100 MPH.
May seem to you and to me.
"Fast and Furious"
Of course it was and always will be.
Believe it or Not?
But the point of the matter is I live with it and now should you.
To realize that "True Life" is awaiting and can actually happen to you.
In closing, there's not much more that I can but should if I could but that's okay?
Because there's a new Angel in Heaven.
Yes, a New Angel named, *Jay.
"True Life Transfered" (B)
Written on May 19th, 2023
By Doctor Ricky 1024
"Jesus answered and said unto her,
If thee knewest the gift of God,
To it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water."
John 4:10
So, now it must begin.
And, soon there will be an end to the Sin.
No more would there be Suffering.
No more would there be Misery and Pain.
Soon the only thing that would remain.
"True Life"
Chaz is a 45-year-old father of two who used to work at Walmart.
No more now shall he do!
No more. Can he even walk 100 yd without oxygen and collapsing!
Yes, but "True Life, tis Ever Lasting.
Bill is a 42-year-old father of a daughter.
In complete renal failure.
Awaiting patently, his death and his eventual slaughter!
There is an African American man who needs a new Human Liver.
Also patiently awaiting from the Giver..
Unfortunately, cirrhosis has set in all part of Death's Sin!
The Last of the four is also awaiting at Death's door!
She is but a small child!
Jaundice has set in and no more will she be on dialysis.
Now in a coma.
Also a Sin?.
But you see Heavenly Father works in Mysterious ways!
Author Notes |
*Jay: noun
/jai/ 1. boys name, nick name. "jay won the basketball game!" ... Note: On March 31st, 2003 and due to injuries he sustained in the car accident. My only son Jason had and needed a decision to be made for him. To allow him to remain in a coma for the rest of his remaining years. Yes or too... ... To learn more about the Miracle of 'Organ-Tissue Donations?' Simply contact my dearest friend Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with "The Gift of Life!" Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1-800-DONORS-1. ... Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Only Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist, 'Lililbug' And, her Incredible Picture Entitled, "Angel eyes" |
By Ricky1024
"April Fool's Day"
Written on April 1st, 2024
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright C. Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
Donate me to the World.
Let me be all that you can be?
Ailing to meet me ?
And, greet you with me?
Are you blind and can no longer see?
(The Gift of Sight)
Need a kidney or possibly two?
Still aching and Hearts breaking?
(The Gift of *Life!)
Author Notes |
//life// 1. creation 2. to exist. "With life I now live" Note: when it comes to organ tissue donation there is a time period of close to 10 years before the organ is fully accepted. The organs that are in the most demand are human kidneys. When the human body is given a donated kidney the old kidneys are absorbed by the system. ... Special thanks goes out first as always, to Heavenly Father and His Only Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist and Incredible Writer 'Doctor Ricky 1024' His Incredible Picture Entitled, "The Gift of Life" ... To learn more about the amazing and Incredible Process of 'Organ-Tissue Donations' Simply contact My dearest friend Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with "The Gift of Life!" 1-800-DONORS-1. |
By Ricky1024
"Day By Day 2024"
Written on July 21st, 2016
By Richard and Jason Smrkovsky
Copyright C. Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
Dad where are you?
Eye can no longer see?
What is happening to me?
Wonders Jay.
It's okay son.
Okay for you.
You to again.
Again be more than me.
I reply with a year in my eye.
Dad, but if eye work and then when?
This strange work?
My name?
When dad will eye be done?
And, where?
Eye feel as if eye am drifting away?
Jay replies.
Son, my only son.
It's okay son.
There's a better place now for you.
And, no more shall you.
Br subjected to a coma and Pain...
No more will you be Brain Damaged...
No more shall you forget you Name...
No more shall you be *Raccooned...
And yes, no more shall you be subjected to a vegetive state of Being...
For you will always be now as you are and it's okay...
Star by Star...
"Day By Day"
Author Notes |
*Raccooned: noun
//raccooned// 1. State of being as subjected to severe damage of the head resulting in swollen, black and blue Eyes. "As a result of his accident Jason was raccooned" ... Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Only Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist, 'avmurry' avmurry s Incredible Picture Entitled, "Surrealism" |
By Ricky1024
"Trying Before Dieing?
Written on April 13th, 2024
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright C. Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
"Sometimes fairytales can come true and sometimes happen to you?"
Unknown Poet
And, as Life covers you with Miseries, Heartaches, and then finally Grief.
All in a row.
(Don't you know?)
You need to realize.
Realize that Heavenly Father knows.
Yes, and covers you with His Love and a Brilliant Double Rainbow!
And, even though your Loved One is long gone.
He offers you another chance at "Life's Last *Dance."
Author Notes |
*Dance: noun
//dance// 1. Movent in line with music. "He danced the night away" ... Note: On this date in time it marks now 184,400 approximate hours. Since the passing and donation of my son Jason's organs on April 1st, 2003. ... Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Only Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist, 'meifin' And, his Incredible Picture Entitled, "The Courage" |
By Ricky1024
"Watching You Watching"
Written on April 18th, 2014
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright C Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
Watching You Watching as I'm still trying.
Watching You Watching I'm always crying.
Can't seem to dismiss this and somehow still miss this but...
I'm blind the Sun's no shine?
Watching You Watching as my Broken Hearts still knowing.
Watching You Watching but for some reason the bloods still flowing?
Watching You Watching me and God that's okay.
Taking off my sunglass...
What more can I say?
Author Notes |
Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Only Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist and Incredible Writer 'Doctor Ricky 1024' And, his Incredible Picture Entitled, "Jason's Vision" |
By Ricky1024
"Only to Breathe?"
Written on May 1st, 2024
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright ©Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
April 1st, 2003.
(April Fool's Day)
The time was necessary as Destiny's met.
Sometimes, yes sometimes you roll the dice.
But as far as the bet?
Prayers are cast in worried tears. Life's so short...
Life's so dear.
Life's so near?
Clouds now gather overhead as Angels prepare.
And yes, this is a special time to now share.
"Fast & Furious"
Yes, that's what they would say.
100 mph.
Too short...
Too sweet...
Too sour?
On this April Fools' of Day.
But clearly cast if you can now believe?
"All the Stars Stood Still as they waited for You to *Breathe.
Author Notes |
*Breathe: verb
//breathe// 1. Process of absorbing oxygen and sustaining life. "She tried her best for him to again breathe" ... Note: To this very day it has been over 184,892 hours since my son Jason Richard Smrkovsky breathed new life into four human beings. And, to learn more about, 'Organ-Tissue Donations?' Simply contact my dearest friend. Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with, "The Gift of Life." Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1-800-DONORS-1. "And, the Beat Goes On" ... Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Only Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talanted Artist, 'supergold' Their Incredible Picture Entitled, "I cannot breathe anymore!" |
By Ricky1024
"That's the Way it's Supposed 2 Be?"
Written on May 2nd, 2024
By Doctors Ricky 1024
Copyright © Fanstory
'All Rights Reaerved'
Flowers bloom decorated room.
Pennies at night are a shining and the full Moon:s a glow.
(This you should already know?)
Life is Supposed to be for both you and both me?
So, the sky tis Blue as sad as you are too.
While the trees belows leaves are spiraling down to the forest ground.
"Dawna the babies are a bawling!"
The Meadows are Mellow and the Mountains Majestic.
And, All God's children below are protected.
Because between you and me?
"That's the Way it's Supposed to Be!?
Author Notes |
Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His only Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom thr Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talanted Artist and Incredible Writer, 'Doctor Ricky 1024 And, hos Amazing Picture Entitled, "Just My Gift of Life" |
By Ricky1024
"Sugerically Repaired"
Written on June 9th, 2024
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright C. Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
Broken as cast repaired as Final Last.
Bruised and Contused, lost and Refused.
Cursed in verse, as terse never Rehearsed.
Quickly and Subjected, but Protected.
Then resurrected!
Yes, time presents...
Many, many, questions to be Pondered.
So, ponder forth.
As ye finally come to realize.
Realize why?
Why Eye had to *Die?
Author Notes |
*Die: noun
//die,// 1.pass away 2.perish "He dies and we all cried." ... Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Only Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented artist, 'Linda Bickston' Her Incredible Picture entitled, "Little Owen's Impact" ... Note: On March 30th, 2003. My Only Son Jason Richard fortunately was seriously injured in a car accident. Four Human beings prayed for a second chance at Life. ... To learn more about the Amazing Process of 'Human-Tissue Donations?' Simply contact me or my Dearest friend Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with "Thr Gift of Life" Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1-800- DONORS-1. |
By Ricky1024
"The Summer Eye Don't Remember?"
Written on June 14th, 2024
By Jason Richard and Richard Edward Smrkovsky
Copyright © Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
Eye so not Remember that day in November.
(Don't you know?)
No flowers Bloom or Rivers Flow.
Eye so not Remember when the Blue spruce cried for me.
And, with icicle tears from the needles that pine so dear.
But now Dad.
Try to remember?
Yes now that day in November.
Yes now when I was born dad.and you were happy.
Dad try your very best and shed not a tear.
Because deep inside.
I will always be near.
Try your very best dad.
And remember that each of us have our own personal quests.
To do our very best as God now needs us to do.
So, dad wipe your crying eyes.
As you and the world will finally come to realize.
Realize all You and me.together must do.
And, finally, all the pain will dissipate and go away...
And, you'll be able to see and remember me.
Remember me on this Sunny of *Day.
Author Notes |
*Day: noun
//day// 1. Period of time 2. Twenty four hours "The day ended quite amazingly." ... Note: To lose a child, no matter the age, or sex, or race is a parent's worst nightmare. A gift that will continue to give as long as you continue to live. ... To learn more about the amazing process of 'Human-Organ-Tissue Donations?' Simply contact my dearest friend. Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W with "The Gift of Life!" Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 1-800-DONORS-1. ... Jason Richard Smrkovsky November 5th, 1984~ March 31st, 2003 Organs graciously offered to four on April 1st, 2003 (April Fool's Day) "And, the Beat Goes On!" ... Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Only Son Jesus Christ. Fanstory and Tom the Administrator. Fan Art Review, this Talented artist, 'seshadri_sreenivasan' His Beautiful Picture Entitled, "Lost Formation" |
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