"Verse and Story for 2022"

Verse and Story for 2022

By dovemarie

Prologue: This book is a collection of prose and poetry for the year 2022. It contains holiday celebration poems and stories that occur in my life for each month of 2022.

On Saturday, Jan. 1, 2022, I honored Mary the Mother of God at Mass. I attended Church for the Feast of the Three Kings, where the kings from Persia followed the Eastern Star and found the Christ Child. On January 9th, we honored the Baptism of the Lord, where He is baptized in the Jordan River by His cousin John the Baptist. Then He begins His public ministry.

On January 14, I celebrated my 66th birthday with my friend Rachel. I had a birthday Mass offered for me, then we went out to eat at a restaurant called "the 99," where prices end in the numbers "99." I had shrimp scampi and macaroni and cheese for $14.99, and a large hot fudge sundae for dessert. On Jan. 15, Rachel took me out to the Longhorn Steakhouse, and her boyfriend David and two other friends joined us. One of the other women who were with us had had a birthday on Jan. 5. Rachel and I attended Mass and Adoration that afternoon, then we went shopping and she bought me two pairs of pants and a jersey. It felt wonderful that I didn't have to worry, (as I usually have to) about the other person's money or how much she was paying for the meals and the clothing. Rachel works full-time as an assistant teacher in a Montessori school. On Sunday afternoon, Jan. 16, I gave my friends Sue and Alicia birthday cards, and Alicia and I went out to a place called "China Buffet." We ate as much as we liked, we didn't even have to wait to order, we just helped ourselves to the buffet. At the end of the meal, I said to the waitress, "Syeh syeh ni," the phonetic pronunciation of "thank you" in Mandarin Chinese. She answered me graciously in the same language. Sue's birthday was Jan. 16, and today is Alicia's birthday, Jan. 19. It was the first time I had had a triple celebration. I look forward to having a few more good birthdays in future years.

Author Notes Verses and stories containing thoughts and feelings and holiday or holyday celebrations beginning in Jan. 2022 - Dec. 2022.

Chapter 1
New Year Reflection

By dovemarie

From the fathomless depths of depression and rejection
Comes a New Year reflection

I think of the Blessed Virgin and Her divine conception
I try to flee from the devil's deception

I reflect on days past
And where I am now,
Future hopes to endow

In this New Year reflection
Comes a deep, spiritual perception
As I strive for Heavenly perfection

Author Notes Thanks to Pixabay for photo

Chapter 2

By dovemarie

With last year's insurrection,
Our country moved in a disastrous direction

It was an embarrassment to our fairly young country
Victim of riot and criminality

In the Capitol of Washington, D.C.,
Enfolded a gruesome chapter of history

We pray for future election years,
There will be truth and honesty, without any fears

Author Notes Thinking back on another terrible incident in government history, Jan. 6, 2021.
Thanks to Pixabay for photo

Chapter 3
From Birth to Eternity

By dovemarie

Born in blood and pain
Annually, I sing a new song's refrain
Flipping through past and present pages,
I see my life in different settings and stages

Many birthdays I've spent alone,
Isolated, empty, cut to the bone
On sparrows' and eagles' wings I've flown
In sadness and joy, I have grown

Wrap up the past, stay in the present, plan for the future
Is the way to stay controlled and mature

From birth to eternity,
I look forward to immortality
As time passes into infinity

Author Notes My birthday is today, January 14. I am 66. I feel in good health, and I pray for a good year. Thanks to Pixabay for photo

Chapter 4
In the Same Boat

By dovemarie

"We may have come on different ships,
but we're in the same boat now."

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Many places
The virus strikes
Colored and white
A common fight

In this spiraling pandemic
All are at risk
Cultures come together

Author Notes Inspired by the birthday of Martin Luther King, which is on Jan. 15, but the holiday is on Monday, Jan. 17. I feel that all people of many colors, cultures, races and lands are "in the same boat."

Chapter 5
February Feasts & Anniversaries

By dovemarie

On February 5, I celebrated my 66th anniversary of Baptism into the Catholic Church. The Baptism took place in 1956, when I was 22 days old. I was the lector for the 4:00 p.m. Mass that day, and I received a blessing from the celebrating priest.

On February 8, I attended Mass in honor of the feast day of St. Josephine Bakhita, a slave from Sudan. We pray to her for the intention of an end to human trafficking. On that same day, I remembered my child's father, it was his birthday, he would have been 66 years old, but he died a long time ago.

On February 9, I remembered my sister's birthday which was also the day my maternal grandmother died from cancer.

Today, February 11, I celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, France, where she appeared to a young peasant girl in 1858, and I had the privilege of visiting the Grotto where she appeared, and washing myself with the miraculous spring water, in October 2021. Also, on Feb. 11, 2009, one of my eyes was cured of myopia because I had laser surgery. I thank our Blessed Mother for guiding the hands of the physicians and surgeons.

Chapter 6
A Lourdes Blessing

By dovemarie

At the Grotto, the wild rose didn't bloom,
Yet the Virgin brought me out of myopic gloom

My Blessed Mother is intercessing,
I feel Her constant blessing

From Her place of visitation,
Full of peace and purification,
I went to the holy bath
And bathed my hands and face
In this sacred place,
I was set on a new path

(Let us drink today from Her spring most pure
And pray life's sufferings to endure
She will bring about a miraculous cure)

Author Notes On Sunday, Dec. 4, the second week of Advent, I gathered some people and we drank from the spring of Lourdes France, where Our Lady appeared to a little girl in 1858. The last verse was addressed to the group, but I decided to include it in the poem. I went to France in Oct. 2021. It was a fantastic pilgrimage.

Chapter 7
Love Shining

By dovemarie

Shining love's many parts

Parts of a whole

Whole world's sunlight beats--

Beats with love shining

Chapter 8
The Eyes of Love

By dovemarie

The eyes of love are blind
When you fall for your one-of-a-kind
You have deep thoughts in your mind
Possessing a treasure you always hoped you would find

Leaving all else behind,
Opposite and similar traits combined
Love is defined
As becoming rich - its beauty like gold refined

Author Notes Wrote this this morning for Valentine's Day. Happy Valentine's Day, everybody!
Thanks to Annalinda from Fan Art Review.

Chapter 9
On the Winds of March

By dovemarie

With March's howling winds come the Lenten season in the Catholic Church, and also holydays and feast days. I celebrated the Lenten season on March 2 with Ash Wednesday, lectoring and singing the psalm at church, then receiving ashes. March 3 is my friend Rachel's birthday, and she and I and her boyfriend and another friend are going out to eat on March 4, to celebrate. March 11 is the anniversary of my deceased father's birthday, and it is also the day my right eye was operated on to eliminate myopia in 2009. March 17 is, as everybody knows, St. Patrick's Day, and I sing "A Gaelic Blessing" in church. I've been doing that for a few years now. I am half Irish. On March 19, I celebrate the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker, and the Feast of the Annunciation, (the angel telling Mary she will give birth to Jesus) falls on March 25.

Chapter 10
March Memories and Activities

By dovemarie

On March 2, 2022, I lectored and sang at a local church, to usher in the Lenten season. I am giving up juice for Lent and also for all the time, as it affects my diabetes. I now drink Crystal Light. I am trying to give up sweets as well. I am working on my anger, which is one of the seven capital sins.

On March 4, I celebrated my friend Rachel's birthday with her boyfriend and another friend, Alicia. We went to a restaurant called "The International House of Pancakes" We all enjoyed our meal, and Rachel bought her own cake which she decorated with jelly beans and m and m's. I paid for her meal. She is so generous to me, in fact, she is generous to a fault.

March 11 is the birthday of my deceased father, and on March 11, 2009, my right eye was operated on with laser surgery. I had had the other eye operated on a month before that, and I was suffering an imbalance, with one bad eye and one good eye, resulting in headaches. The second operation gave me excellent vision, seeing things at a distance, with an intraocular lens, and I only need reading glasses now, for close-up. I was tormented about wearing glasses off and on for 44 years, by family and other people who were not related to me. The operation has helped my self-confidence and self-esteem.

On March 17, St. Patrick's Day, I will be singing "Morning Has Broken" and "A Gaelic Blessing," a cappella, at church. I attend a shrine called St. Joseph the Worker, and I pray to that saint every day that I will do well in my work and in finding a good job. I am an Oblate Lay Associate at the shrine, and I proposed that we celebrate a Mass once every season, offering it up for the intentions of all. The proposal was accepted, and March 21, the first day of spring, will be the first time this Mass is celebrated. The priests at the shrine are Oblates of Mary Immaculate.

Chapter 11
Angelus Hour

By dovemarie

Bells toll

Sunshine above

Annunciation joy

Angelus chimes peal through the air


March 25 is the Feast of the Annunciation, where the angel tells the Blessed Mother she will bear Jesus.

Author Notes I try to pray the Angelus prayer at 6 a.m., 12 noon, and 6 p.m. every day. Thanks to sebastiano iervolino from Pixabay

Chapter 12
The Slave Who Freely Gave

By dovemarie

Hailing from Britain, sold into slavery
A victim of Irish piracy
Six years he spent tending the herd
Finding refuge in God's Word

He lived in isolation,
A state of desolation
Then escaped, back to his own nation

As a bishop, he made a decision:
Return to Ireland, to carry out his mission
Tending a different kind of flock,
He preached the Holy Trinity using the shamrock--
Three leaves on one stalk

He was the slave who freely gave;
A pagan island, to convert and save

Author Notes Taken from historical info. about St. Patrick I found on the Internet. Thanks to Pixabay

Chapter 13
A Lenten Heart

By dovemarie

Conversion of heart is always a main part of the Lenten season. I feel like a weathervane that goes back and forth according to the winds of my feelings and experiences. With Confession, I convert and turn back to my resolution of not letting anger get hold of me, and with fasting (I am trying to give up meat for the Fridays of Lent) I feel as though I am giving up my habit of anger and impatience. The readings in the Bible talk about serving, not being served, and I try to do that in my responsibilities in the Church -- lectoring, altar serving, distributing Holy Communion, singing, and writing religious poetry. I have taken on some responsibility as an Oblate Lay Associate. I have proposed that a Mass be celebrated each season, for everybody's intentions. The proposal was accepted, and the first Mass will take place at our Shrine on March 21, the first day of Spring. I also direct people who are coming to Confession, telling them which priest is available, giving them information in the bulletin, and in general being a friendly greeter to them when they come in to the Shrine. Prayer, fasting and almsgiving are the three main tenets of this season, and I will be giving up meat today, March 18. I am an adorer at two churches, the Shrine and another local church. Additionally, I volunteer to fill in when someone can't make their Adoration hour. In serving and ministering, I feel blessed.

Author Notes This Lenten season is one of the best I have ever had. Thanks to Pixabay

Chapter 14
Ides of March - Joy or Curse?

By dovemarie

Happy New Year! Believe it or not, this day, March 15, was New Year's Day in the Roman calendar. Julius Caesar revised the calendar to make the first month "January," two years before his assassination by his traitorous friend Brutus and the Roman Senate. Ides is actually a marker indicating a reference date relating to lunar phases. Ides is a reference to the first new moon of a particular month, usually falling between the 13th and the 15th. The "Ides of March" was a time for rejoicing and festivity. When the soothsayer in Shakespeare's play "Julius Caesar" proclaimed, "Beware the Ides of March" to the Emperor, it could have been a warning about how Caesar took matters into his own hands and changed the calendar, in addition to telling Caesar to watch out and be careful, as something bad was going to happen to him. Many movies and TV series have used this phrase about the "Ides of March" signifying terrible events about to happen. Actually, Julius Caesar could have turned the tables on himself!

Author Notes Info taken from Internet article. Thanks to Pixabay

Chapter 15

By dovemarie

Rose descends
Crowned with thorns by mankind
Sweet-smelling fragrance captivates hearts

Waving palms
Line Jerusalem streets
Victory for the approaching king

Pure lily
Paschal season flower
Virginal white with heavenly scent

Author Notes The rose, palm, and lily are all symbols of Eastertide. This isn't a 3-6-9 contest entry, I already wrote another poem for that. Thanks to Pixabay

Chapter 16
Spring Journey

By dovemarie


From March

Howl through Spring

April showers

Caress May flowers

White clouds 'gainst blue backdrop

Azaleas growing wild

Trees bending and swaying near brooks

Patches of snow bid a fond farewell

Ocean breezes and breakers rise and fall

Author Notes Here in New England, March winds are still blowing in April, it is breezy, sunny, windy, and I have seen azalea bushes and trees bending and swaying in the wind.

Chapter 17

By dovemarie

With insulting discord,
I'm the victim of a dartboard
Feeling slashed by a Roman sword

People who never gave me a chance,
Tossing me a disdainful, haughty glance
Felt like the centurion's lance

"Why, why?!"
Is all I could cry -
When people took aim
And made a bull's eye

Dart after dart,
Tearing me apart
Insults from minds limited and narrow
Cut my bones to the marrow

Author Notes I felt like writing a poem about all the insults I've endured over the years, and I mixed some of the Easter season in with the references to Roman sword and centurion's lance. Thanks to Pixabay

Chapter 18
On This Day of Easter Blessing

By dovemarie

On this day sunlight bursts forth in all its glory
Jesus traveled His dolorous way --
This is the end and beginning of a miraculous story

On this day of Easter blessing,
We have done our confessing
No need for any more distressing

Praise and rejoice!
As we hear the Father's voice:
"Listen to My Beloved Son,
Through Him the victory is won"

Humanity and Divinity,
In union on the Cross,
Arms outstretched in loving infinity
To redeem man's loss

On this day of Easter blessing,
I arise from memories so bitter and depressing
Jesus is my Advocate, in never-ending intercessing
I am born again in salvation and glory;
Worshipping Calvary's victory

Author Notes Today is Holy Thursday, the beginning of the "Triduum," the final 3 days of Jesus' mortal life. Thanks to Pixabay

Chapter 19
Life is a May Flower

By dovemarie

It is true that "April showers bring May flowers." On May 1, 1961, my brother was born. On May 2, 1969, I was tense, nervous, yet very excited and pleased to represent my grade school in the citywide spelling bee, where I placed 2nd. The month of May also contains my parents' wedding anniversary (May 9) and my mother's birthday (May 16th). I received my First Holy Communion in May 1963, and I graduated from high school in May 1973. I have some poems coming along for this month - I already wrote one called "May Day." Keep reading my book!

Author Notes May's Memories can be bittersweet for me, but they are still good memories to think about and to honor. Thanks to Pixabay

Chapter 20
May Day

By dovemarie

Sunshine pours out on the first day of May
I spy a chattering, swift-winging blue jay
Breathe in the aromatic scent of garden bouquet

Sparrows close to their mothers cuddle
Hopping around in a rain fresh puddle
Brown feathers camouflaged by fertile soil huddle

Huge hawk spreading its wing span
To catch a rabbit is its plan
Near it, a squirrel scuttled and ran

Baby blue skies envelop this morn
The day my brother was born
Fresh fruits and blossoms the trees adorn

Author Notes May 1 is my brother's 61st birthday. I love the approach of spring in New England.
Thanks to Pixabay

Chapter 21
Remembering Through the Ages

By dovemarie

Remembering through the ages,
Opening history's yellowed pages

Today we celebrate memories
Of those who defended our territories

Looking down from a peaceful blue sky
Are those who heard and answered the battle cry

And thanks to those who are still living
For their courage and selfless giving

By land, air and sea,
Protecting our country

For the ones who serve in the military
May there be an end to terrorism
May our lands be filled with patriotism

Author Notes In thanks to my deceased father, and my still living brother and son who served in the military. Thanks to Carol Colman from Pixabay

Chapter 22
Tribute to the Sacred Heart

By dovemarie

Gifts and graces flowed from Jesus' Heart
When Blood and Water came streaming forth

Water poured on my head
Washed away the sin in which I'd been dead
The priest would baptize
So I could be sent out to evangelize

Giving birth to my child with blood and water gushing,
Reminded me of life-giving water and blood from His Heart rushing

All that is in my heart, I give to the Lord
And He returns it to me in united accord

Our hearts beat as one,
A Divine symphony
Filled with harmony
A virginal, salvific blessing from the Holy Son

Author Notes The month of June celebrates the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the Catholic faith. Thanks to Krzysztof Szukata from Pixabay

Chapter 23
Summer Memories

By dovemarie

During the months of June, July, and August, I participated as lector or Eucharistic Minister during Mass at St. Rita's Church and St. Joseph the Worker Shrine. I sang some Communion hymns, and wrote a poem entitled "Tribute to the Sacred Heart" (June is the month of the Sacred Heart). Also, on June 30, 2022, I celebrated my son's birthday in New York with two of my friends, David and Rachel, when we took a trip to Cooperstown to see the Baseball Hall of Fame). We went to Mass in the morning, had lunch in a restaurant, and a good tour of the Hall of Fame.

In July, I was diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma on my nose, and had to have day surgery. How my nose itched under the bandage during all the month of July! I recovered, and returned to work at the outdoor restaurant where I do maintenance.

In August, I found out I had kidney stones. I had a couple of tests, and they were removed in September. A few days after the operation, I developed a septic infection, plus Covid-19, and got myself to a hospital by ambulance, then I was transferred to an Advanced Care Unit at a local nursing home, where I stayed for seven weeks. During my stay, I developed a yeast infection, constipation, pain in my right shoulder, and dry skin on different parts of my body. I was treated with creams, ointments, medication, and antibiotics. I guess I had quite a vacation!

Author Notes Story covers the summer months and I went over everything that happened to me during that time. Fall account coming up in next chapter! Dove

Chapter 24
Fall to Snowfall

By dovemarie

From September to November 2022, I had intravenous antibiotic treatment. I went through some personal hell during this time - trying to maintain my independence even though staff thought I was an old woman in need of all kinds of help. My discharge paper read that I was an "alert, oriented, 66 year old female." I am very independent - I told the nursing home I didn't need a walker, that I took care of myself at home regarding cleaning, grocery shopping, and laundry. I had some trouble with mental health case management, I had to make several phone calls and urge the case manager to help me with moving into a new apartment (October - November) She got angry with me when I said something to her about "putting the whip to her" in order to get her to do anything in my behalf, and she came to the nursing home while I was in an IV hook-up and gave me a tongue-lashing, then she waded into the paperwork about the new apartment without giving me a chance to defend myself. She drove me that same day to my bank to fill out a paper that I needed for the new apartment, and she was getting ready to come into the bank with me. I said, "I can go in by myself." So she gave me the paperwork, and I found a bank official who filled it out. I felt just like a little girl from the treatment some of these people gave me.

There were two women who refused to give me any more transportation to and from the facility. As a result, I had to pay $26.00 round trip in cabs several times. One of them, a fellow mentally ill woman, left me text messages: "DO NOT CALL ME. I blocked your number and I do not want to hear your voice!" The other woman was getting sick with Covid at the time, and left me a harsh voice mail: "Don't call me for any more rides!" I made up with her though. And I got presents and cards from people from the churches I attend. I am now getting ready to move into a one-bedroom apartment, a big one in one of the mill buildings in my city.

Today I went on a job interview for a receptionist position. It went well. Hoping to hear from the lady who interviewed me soon! I had a nice Christmas with my friends Rachel and David, and I will be the lector at Mass on New Year's Eve. Earlier in December I went on a trip with the church to see Christmas Lights at a place called "Our Lady of LaSalette" We went to Mass, shopped at the gift shop, I took a ride with two other women around the place to view the hundreds of lights on display, and we ate a buffet dinner. This year I completed 26 years of ringing the bell for donations for the poor and homeless at the Salvation Army. We stand with a kettle outside grocery stores. In addition, I went to a city in my state to attend a training at a club for the mentally ill there, so we could bring back new ideas and plans for our own club. So the curtain falls on 2022. I celebrate my 67th birthday in January. See you next year! Happy New Year and God Bless!

Author Notes I am thankful for how 2022 went, and I got a new lease on life after experiencing a septic infection and for the second time, a bout with Covid. Dovemarie

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