"The Walkers"

The Walkers

By papa55mike


Why did mother give me the name of Prisha? It means God's gift. I was never a gift in my father's eyes being born the curse of India, a girl. A despicable creature in the Patriarchal System where boys are cherished. Girls are considered subhuman and caged like livestock.

In my eleven years in Supal, I have shared my existence with the family car. However, I've never ridden in it. My corner of the shed consists of a palette, a blanket, and a bucket to do my business in, then bury it.

Father has never accepted me in any way. He forces me to work in a factory, claiming my earnings while my younger brother attends school. When I am old enough, my father swears he will sell to a man who buys slaves for auction.

That night has finally come.

Headlights peering into the shed wake me in the middle of the night. I can see two figures approaching - one is my father.

I rise curiously from my bed at the sound of their voices. It sounds like the buyer wants to inspect the merchandise.

The silhouette of the buyer frightens me. His long pointed nose, stringy hair, and slight build are the spectacle of evil. "Yes, my friend. She is what we are looking for - you said she is a virgin."

"No one has touched this filthy beast of a child!" The father answers.

"Excellent, I long to see her body."

Father jerks off my sari and forces me to stand naked before them. I catch a glimpse of the buyer's hideous face and smile in the light.

My body quivers as he takes the gnarled index finger of his right hand and traces my budding breast. "Yes." Slowly walking behind me, he inspects every inch of my body. "She will bring a high price in the marketplace. I gladly will pay you the price you are asking." He hands father an envelope.

"What a pleasure to be rid of this worthless pig." Father spits in my face then draws back his hand to slap me.

"No!" The buyer shouts. "Do not damage the merchandise." He turns to me and says in the sweetest voice. "Get dressed, child, and come with me to a cherished life." He extends his hand to take.

I wrap my sari around me then glare at my father while walking away. Thankful to never see him again.

Chapter 1
Gabriel is recruited.

By papa55mike

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of sexual content.


Why did mother give me the name of Prisha? It means God's gift. I was never a gift in my father's eyes being born the curse of India, a girl. A despicable creature in the Patriarchal System where boys are cherished. Girls are considered subhuman and treated like livestock.

In my eleven years in Supal, I have shared my existence with the family car. However, I've never ridden in it. I am always called to prepare dinner, but I cannot share it with the family. My corner of the shed consists of a palette, a blanket, and a bucket to do my business in, then bury it.

Father has never accepted me in any way. He forces me to work in a factory, claiming my earnings while my younger brother attends school. When I am old enough, my father swears he will sell to a man who buys slaves for auction.

That night has finally come.

Headlights peering into the shed wake me in the middle of the night. I can see two figures approaching - one is my father.

I rise curiously from my bed at the sound of their voices. It sounds like the buyer wants to inspect the merchandise.

The silhouette of the buyer frightens me. His long pointed nose, stringy hair, and slight build are the spectacle of evil. "Yes, my friend. She is what we are looking for - you said she is a virgin."

"No one has touched this filthy beast of a child!" The father answers.

"Excellent, I long to see her body."

Father jerks off my sari and forces me to stand naked before them. I catch a glimpse of the buyer's hideous face and smile in the light.

My body quivers as he takes the gnarled index finger of his right hand and traces my budding breast. "Yes." Slowly walking behind me, he inspects every inch of my body. "She will bring a high price in the marketplace. I gladly will pay you the price you are asking." He hands father an envelope.

"What a pleasure to be rid of this worthless pig." Father spits in my face then draws back his hand to slap me.

"No!" The buyer shouts. "Do not damage the merchandise." He turns to me and says in the sweetest voice. "Get dressed, child, and come with me to a cherished life." He extends his hand to take.

I wrap my sari around me then glare at my father while walking away. Thankful to never see him again.

Chapter 1

The morning sun will not rise for an hour, but behind Second Chance Open Bible Church, under the glow of a streetlight - Gabriel Hope is in the process of doing one thousand, one-handed push-ups in a full Army backpack. It's part of his morning workout.

Slowly the sound of boots scuffing the gravel penetrates the deep silence. Out of the darkness appears a massive, heavenly figure with steel-blue eyes, a chiseled face, and black hair - he's dressed in a black trench coat, blue jeans, and military boots that are size fifteen.

Gabriel concentrates on his workout and doesn't hear him approaching. The figure stops short and asks, "Are you preparing for battle, Gabriel?"

He suddenly looks up. "Michael! What are you doing here?" Gabe rises to his knees. "Let me get this backpack off." It falls to the ground with a thud when he stands, and the two men embrace.

Michael smiles. "You look fit and healthy."

"I'm up to 295 pounds of pure muscle." Gabe flexes his chest. "It must be Pearlie's cooking. I guess that's why I'm marrying her."

"Well, that's great news to hear!" A smile widens across Michael's face, and he slaps Gabe on the back, nearly knocking him down. "I'll come to that wedding."

"I can hear me introduce you. My dear friends, this is Michael, the Arch Angel from Heaven; we've been friends for years. That will make a splash." A puzzled look appears on Gabe's face. "I wondered why the Holy Spirit had me working out. Is there a mission?"

"With the evil one working, there's always a mission. But you will have help this time."

"Are you coming?"

"Yes, and the Lord has called two Walkers to assist us. They are close and should be here tomorrow."

The horizon begins to lighten when Pastor Pete comes out the back door with a cup of coffee in one hand and his cane in the other to help him walk. He still hasn't adapted to his prosthetic device replacing his lower right leg. "Hey, Gabe, I've got your coffee." Pete stops. "I didn't know you had a friend."

"Pete, I want you to meet my good friend, Michael."

Pete gives the cup to Gabe then reaches out his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Micha..." He looks at Gabe with huge eyes. "Do you mean, Michael, from Heaven?"

"Yeah, Pete."

Pete begins to twitch and look around. "I don't know if I should bow or get on my knees."

Michael takes his hand. "Neither, my friend. Your spiritual strength, courage, and powerful prayers are known all over Heaven. It is I who should bow to you." And he does.

"I'm a rotten host. Would you like some coffee, Michael?"

"It's been many years, but yes."


It looks like many fingers grip the rising yellow sun as its light pours through the trees. A cloudless sky announces a new day. The three men are sitting under the old Oak behind the church, enjoying the morning.

Pete looks down at his new leg. "I don't know if I will ever get used to this thing."

"You will, Pete." Gabes smiles. "A year from now, you'll leave that cane in the corner of the church."

Michael speaks up. "What a fine church this is, Pastor Pete."

"It's much like the past churches built here. A community of many friends raised this church back up from the ashes. Each person used their love for God to bring it back to life, and it's left in the rafters, walls, and floorboards of the entire structure. It's an honor to be the Pastor here, Michael."

"I can see it in your eyes, Pastor Pete." Michael scans the entire building. "I want you to know that they will never destroy it again. Ten times is enough."

"It's astounding how many different forms this church has been in, but it was always the love for God that kept it going." Pete sips his coffee. "I take it you're here to borrow Gabe for a while?"

"I'm afraid so, Pastor Pete. We have a difficult task to accomplish."

"Just what is the mission, Michael?" Gabriel asks.

"Our mission is in India. It will be a long journey through the Spirit Realm into the poorest part of the country. Evil is truly breeding there."

"In what ways?" Pete asks.

"The evil one is buying young girls from the slave market in Bihar and breeding them with Legions and Familiars. Satan is trying to create a race of super demons. Do you remember studying the Watchers from the days of Jared?"

"I do." Pete answers. "They were two hundred fallen angels who descended on Mount Hebron and decided to mate with beautiful daughters of men. In doing so, they created the race of giants that became the Nephalim. It took many years and David's armies to finally destroy them. They also taught the people their evil ways, from sorcery to Beastiality. If I remember correctly, God locked them away until Judgement Day."

"Excellent answer, Pete." Gabe turns to Michael. "Is our mission to take out the slave auction."

"Yes, and the so-called breeding facility a mile away."

"That means we'll have to be quiet on the journey there. Take out the two facilities almost simultaneously, then get back to our portal where every demon in the Spirit Realm will be waiting for us on the other side. You don't make it easy on a fellow."

"That's why the Lord needs the greatest warrior the Earth has ever seen."

"Pete!" Gabe smiles.

"No!" Michael laughs. "You, Gabriel."

"Whoa." Pete sighs. "You two had me worried for a minute."

Laughter abounds under the old Oak.

Author Notes Notes for the prologue.

India is primarily governed by a Patriarchal system where boys and girls get their identity from the father. The son will consistently be recognized as a permanent member of the family and heir. The daughter is considered a lower, more submissive member of the family. As a consequence of this male-dominated society, women are less critical tools in the family. They are an easily disposable member.

Northern India has some of the poorest places in the world. In Bihar, the poverty level is over 50%, and twenty-six of Bihar's thirty-seven districts are some of the poorest in the world. Thirty-six of Bihar's districts lack standard immunization and thirty-one lack elementary schools.

If that's not enough, ninety-two out of one hundred children are born without medical supervision, and many are never registered. It makes those children easy targets for human traffickers.

Chapter 1 notes.

A cast of characters.

Gabriel Hope.
At 6'6", 295 pounds, Gabe is a 20 year veteran of the Army Rangers. He's been walking for the Lord for 23 years.

Michael, the Arch Angel.
A prince of God and commander of the Lord's Armies has been friends with Gabe for many years after recruiting him to countless battles in the Spirit Realm.

Cal Cummings.
She graduated from Vanderbilt University 5 years ago with a degree in Theology. Cal is also an Olympic Gold Medal Archer. She worked in the mission fields in Africa with her mother and father until bandits killed her parents in a brutal attack. Cal barely escaped.

Cris Turner.
Cris has a Masters's degree in both Science and Theology. He is also an excellent shot with his Colt 45. He started walking for the Lord three years ago after a plane crash took the life of his family. Cris missed the flight.

My plan for this book is to write it in Flash, around a thousand words a chapter, and hopefully, a chapter a week.

Many thanks for stopping by to read!
Have a great day, and God bless.

Chapter 2
Cal and Cris

By papa55mike


On this late April morning, there is a fall-like crispness in the air behind the old school near Trenton, Tennessee. Cal Cummings found this place to sleep late last night, so she wrapped herself in her blanket and hunkered down for the rest of the night.

The rising sun upon the trees opens her eyes then she asks a question. "Why am I here, Lord? Your Spirit was flourishing at the San Diego Mission; we were saving many young women from a life of drugs and prostitution. Then You bring me across the country to Tennessee. I'm not questioning You in any way; I'd like a little clarity, that's all."

Of course, no answer.

Cal's mind begins to drift back to San Diego. She needed to be there for Monica. The sweet, sixteen-year-old runaway, who she helped get away from her pimp and off the streets. It took a year, but Monica beat her heroin addiction and should have been reunited with her parents the day after she left. Cal looks to the sky. "That was two months ago; I'm trusting that all went well on that one, Lord."

Not a word.

She hears her stomach growling and searches her backpack for a cereal bar, with no luck. "Well, I hear traffic in that direction. I'd say there's got to be a store close by." Cal packs up, shoulders her load, and heads in the direction of the traffic noise.

It's one of Cal's daily projects; to find the simple beauty that God leaves lying around for us to cherish. She turns the corner at the school, and waiting for her is a clump of Spiders Wort blooming growing along a crack in the foundation. The dark purple bloom with delicate yellow pollen holds a sweet treat for moths at night.

She smiles and says, "Thank you, Father."

Cal slowly walks towards the Magic Mart; it looks like a decent place for a convenience store. They must have recently remodeled it; I like the blue and red color scheme. Standing by the front door are two locals who seem to be checking out the ladies going into the market. It sounds like a construction site. They are whooping it up, good.

I can't believe my eyes. Did the taller one slap that young girl on the butt? He needs a lesson in how to respect a woman.

Both of them spot Cal walking into the parking lot towards the door. Ben, the tall one with a heinous smile, speaks up first. "My goodness, Roy. Look at this tall drink of water."

His partner, Jim, answers, "I'd love to climb to the top of that mountain. Hey, sweetie, you ain't from around these parts, are you?"

"I guess the cat's got her tongue, Jim," Ben draws his hand back.

Cal reaches for the door with her left hand leaving the right hand free. Ben starts his hand forward, and Cal turns, catching his hand by the fingers. Her hand almost swallows his. Cal takes his fingers and jerks them towards the ground; she can hear some tendons snap in his wrist while he's falling to his knees in extreme pain. Tears creep from the corner of his eyes.

"I should throat punch right now!" Cal hollers. "But that would not be showing you the love of Jesus." She jerks his hand down again. "You need to learn how to respect a woman before something bad happens to you."

Cal tosses him away like a paper sack, then turns to glare at his partner. She opens the door and hears the cashier is howling with laughter. Ben and Jim stumble all over themselves, trying to get away.



The walk down Highway Forty-five towards Milan is bright and sunny this early morning. Cris is admiring the scenery in his mind. It's funny how everything is on the right side of the four-lane. There's a Wal-Mart, Lowes, two walk-in clinics, two auto dealerships, and a convenience store. On the left, cows and pasture. Interesting.

He slowly makes his way across the highway to the market for a couple of bottles of water. The store is bright and remodeled, full of everything you could legally want.

It's so early in the morning; there's only one old pickup truck at the gas pumps. The man standing at the counter must own it. He strides up to the door then notices the cashier's face staring at him with a frightened look. Cris shakes his head and says to himself. "Well, I'd say there's robbery in progress. Let me put my two cents in this." He reaches behind him and pulls out his Colt 45 from his belt holster. He hides it under his backpack to eliminate any questions.

Cris catches his breath then puts on his best smile before walking in. "Good morning, everybody. What a great day to be alive in the Lord!"

The man turns to Cris with his gun pointed at his head. He hollers, "Put your hands up!"

Cris ignores him and walks up to the cashier. "My dear, you're a vision of loveliness this morning." She can't help but smile.

The man screams again. "I said, put your hands up!"

Cris turns to the man in a lightning-fast move and sticks his gun in the center of his forehead. "I don't like your rudeness. Let me explain something to you. This gun is a Colt 45, model number 1911. I have hollow-point cartridges loaded in it. They'll make a small hole going in but will blast the back of your head all over those doors behind you. I think you're going to give that money back to this lady then flee for your life. Besides, I don't like making a mess this early in the morning."

The man slowly lowers his gun, reaches over, and plops the cash on the counter. He slowly backs out the door, runs to his truck then flies out of the parking lot.

Cris laughs, then turns to the cashier. "Are you all right, sweetie?"

"I think so, but I could sure use a bathroom break."

"Go ahead; I'm not going anywhere."

Author Notes Many thanks for stopping by to read!

Have a great day, and God bless.

Chapter 3
The Team Assembles

By papa55mike

The end of Chapter 2

Cal reaches for the door with her left hand leaving the right hand free. Ben starts his hand forward, and Cal turns, catching his hand by the fingers. Her hand almost swallows his. Cal takes his fingers and jerks them back towards the ground; she can hear some tendons snap in his wrist while he's falling to his knees in extreme pain. Tears creep from the corner of his eyes.

"I should throat punch right now!" Cal hollers. "But that would not be showing you the love of Jesus." She jerks his hand down again. "You need to learn how to respect a woman before something bad happens to you."

Cal tosses him away like a paper sack, then turns to glare at his partner. She opens the door and hears the cashier howling with laughter. Ben and Jim stumble all over themselves, trying to get away.


The man lowers his gun, reaches over, and plops the cash on the counter. He slowly backs out the door, runs to his truck then flies out of the parking lot.

Cris laughs, then turns to the cashier. "Are you all right, sweetie?"

"I think so, but I could sure use a bathroom break."

"Go ahead; I'm not going anywhere."

Chapter 3


When Cal steps through the door of the store, the cashier yells, "Child, those two perverts have had that coming for a long time. I wish you would have broken a couple of those fingers off and put them where the sun doesn't shine."

Cal smiles at the older black woman in long purple braids. She looks deep into her eyes; they've seen a lot of hard living. "I didn't want to hurt him, but sometimes it takes a little force to prove a point." Cal turns toward the coolers.

The young woman he slapped on the bottom is standing there. "Thank you for having the courage to stand up to them."

"You're welcome." Cal smiles. "You have that courage also, deep inside."

When Cal comes out of the market, she looks around for Ben and Jim. There's not a trace of them. She slowly walks to the highway, silently praying. Thank you, Father, for allowing me to be a blessing for those women. In return, they blessed me with breakfast: two cereal bars and two bottles of water.

The Holy Spirit draws Cal to Tennessee Highway 186N across the four-lane. Why do I feel the journey comes to an end down this road?

There are a few wonders along this endless two-lane road that's supposed to be a Highway. Daylillies are beginning to bloom along the fencelines of the farms. Many species of birds are searching for food in the fields. Chickadees, Cardinals, Robins, and Bluebirds, to name a few. 

Cal spots an old white church with a towering steeple; she walks into the parking lot to read the sign above the double doors. Eldad Baptist Church, founded on January 28, 1828. She thinks, now that's a church with a rich history. 

Suddenly, the voice of the Lord erupts in her mind. "Yes, my daughter, they do have a rich history. I know you want some clarity, and you will find it at the next church. I have dear friends waiting on your arrival."

She falls to her knees in prayer. "I'm sorry for doubting You, Father. Please forgive me."

Cal rises and continues her journey.



Cris goes to the cooler to grabs a couple of bottled waters; he turns as the cashier comes out of the bathroom. Cris smiles at her flowing blonde hair draped across her shoulders and the aroma of freshly applied perfume. 

He saunters up to the counter and notices that her blouse shows a lot more cleavage than before. Cris starts to hand the cashier a five-dollar bill when she leans across the counter and kisses his cheek. "Those are on the house, sweetie. Besides, I get off work in thirty minutes, and I'd love to cook you breakfast at my apartment. We could have some fun afterward. If you know what I mean."

"Well, I wish I could."

"It doesn't matter if you're married; your wife would never have to know."

"If my wife and son were still alive," Cris chuckles. "I wouldn't be here now."

The color slowly drains from her face. "I feel like a fool." She bites her lower lip. "How did they die?"

"In a plane crash; three years ago, but it seems like yesterday."

"I hope you don't think I'm a whore; throwing myself at every man coming in the door. But I'm so lonely, and you're special. I can see it in those big brown eyes."

"So are you; I can see it those beautiful blue eyes. God will bring you the right man soon." Cris picks up the two bottles of water and flashes his best smile. "I'll be thinking of you when I lay my head down tonight."

"You better!" Her eyes sparkle.

Cris cracks up and says, "Help me, Lord!" Then walks out the door.

Walking down the street, Cris sees Tennessee Highway 186N - an outpouring of the Holy Spirit fills his mind. The sign beside it says, Gibson, 6 Miles. "I'd say I'm going to Gibson, Tennessee. Guide me, Lord."


Gabe walks out the back of Second Chance Church and takes a deep breath. "Another great day to be alive." He sees Michael kneeling under the Oak, praying. 

Michael nods his head and smiles. "Yes, Father. I will, thank You." He slowly rises and sees Gabe approaching. "The Father sends His love, Gabriel."

"I need nothing else, and He always has mine."

"Our friends, Cris and Cal, will be here in a couple of hours. Both of them are mighty warriors."

Gabe sits down under the tree. "Tell me what you know about them."

"Cal is perfect for this mission. Her love for young women enslaved in prostitution to their masters knows no bounds. I believe they call their masters pimps. Cal has rescued young women from the streets all over California."

"A woman walker? She must be powerful."

"She is. Cris is much like you, a lone wolf and a terrific shot with a handgun. I think he has worked with every police department in North and South Carolina. We will make a formidable team."

"Yes, we will, with you leading the way."

"No, Gabriel, I need you to lead, to hide my appearance as long as I can. That will keep the enemy from mounting a full-on attack."

"Then lead, I will, Michael." Gabe's smile is wide.

Two hours later.

Gabe, Pete, and Micheal stand at the entrance of Second Chance Church, and they're watching the two figures on the road. One approaching from the east and one from the west.

A feeling washes over Cris. "I'm here, but who is this beautiful woman in front of me?"

Cal thinks out loud. "These are the friends the Lord spoke about."

Both of them stop at the entrance, stunned, then turn to Gabe, Michael, and Pete. Micheal steps forward and says, "Welcome, Cal Cummings and Cris Turner. You are among friends. My name is Michael, and this is Gabriel Hope and Pastor Pete Helms."

Cris is too stunned to speak, so Cal asks, "How do you know our names?"

Gabe speaks up. "Have you ever heard of Michael in the Bible?"

Cris answers, "Yes, The Arch Angel and General of the Lord's armies."

Gabe shakes his head and answers, "Bingo."

Author Notes The Cast of Characters.

Gabriel Hope
At six feet, six inches tall, 295 pounds, Gabe is a 20 year veteran of the Army Rangers, and he's been walking for the Lord for 23 years.

His massive size varies on the situation. The Arch Angel from Heaven, Prince of God, Commander of the Lord's Armies. He has been Gabe's friend for many years after recruiting him for battles in the Spirit Realm.

Cal Cummings
At six feet, two, 200 pounds, Cal graduated with a degree in Theology from Vanderbilt University five years ago, where she starred in Volleyball and is an Olympic champion archer. Cal was working in the mission fields of Africa with her parents until bandits killed them in a brutal attack. Cal barely escaped.

Cris Turner
At six feet tall, 220 pounds, Cris has a Master's degree in Criminal Science and Theology. He is also an excellent shot with his Colt 45 model #1911. He started walking for the Lord three years ago when Cris's family was killed in a plane crash. Cris missed the flight.

Many thanks for stopping by to read!
Have a great day, and God bless.

Chapter 4
Getting to know one another.

By papa55mike

End of Chapter 3

Both of them stopped at the entrance, stunned, then turn to Gabe, Michael, and Pete. Micheal steps forward and says, "Welcome, Cal Cummings and Cris Turner. You are among my friends. My name is Michael, and this is Gabriel Hope and Pastor Pete Helms."

Cris is too stunned to speak, so Cal asks, "How do you know our names?"

Gabe speaks up. "Have you ever heard of Michael in the Bible?"

Cris answers, "Yes, The Archangel and General of the Lord's armies."

Gabe shakes his head and answers, "Bingo."

Chapter 4

Pete breaks the awkward silence. "Come on, guys. Gabe has prepared a fantastic lunch for all of us, and I'm sure you would like to get some of the road grime off of you. We have a shower with plenty of towels and about everything you might need."

"Then," Gabe speaks up. "You can make camp under the old Oak. We have much to talk about."

Cris smiles at Cal. "I don't know about you, but I could eat the back end of a cow."

"Well," Cal shakes her head. "I can't remember the last time I ate a home-cooked meal. Thank you."


The shadows have lengthened while the sun continues to set in the sky. The remaining light enhances Cal's face showing the true beauty that she tries to keep hidden. She brushes her long brown hair then begins to braid her ponytail. Sunlight catches the fire that burns in her dark eyes.  Cris is astonished by her beauty and starts to say, "You know, you're a . . . "

"From you, too." Cal rips into him. "If you say that I'm a long drink of water, or you want to climb this mountain or any other sexist remark about my butt. I'll reach down your throat and rip your heart out, then slam it in your face!"

"Okay." Cris backs up. "I only wanted to say that you're a lovely woman. You remind me of my late wife."

"I'm sorry," Cal blushes a little. "You wouldn't believe the things I've heard on this journey. You have no family, either?"

"Only a brother that lives in Montana that I never hear from." Cris sits down by the small fire across from Cal.

"That's all of us. Gabe and Pete lost their wives in a church bus crash. Pete's daughter died a few months later. Bandits killed my family in the mission fields in Africa five years ago. How did your wife die?"

"Dani and Sam died in a plane crash three years ago."

"Then it's true. The Lord only uses people who have lost everything to become Walkers."

"What's a Walker, Cal?"

"I guess that's us. I know that after my Mother and Father died, the Holy Spirit asked me to give up everything and follow him. So, I sold my apartment, settled all my debts, then let the Spirit guide my every step."

"My story is the same. After the plane crash, I sold our house, which I didn't want anymore, and bought some camping gear. Then, I started walking the rural roads of North Carolina. During my travels, the Lord has led me to help so many police departments throughout the Carolinas. What were you doing?"

"Rescuing young women from their pimps all over California. Gabe said there were twelve Walkers altogether. Three of us are here. So, nine more people are walking for the Lord somewhere else in the world. Amazing!"

"Gabe told you all of this?"

"Yeah, we talked for thirty minutes before supper. That Pearlie sure can cook."

"I haven't fried chicken like that since my grandmother passed away."

"Man, does she have her hooks in Gabe. They're to be married in a month or so."

"Pearlie is a beautiful woman, Cal, but that beehive hairdo is something else."

"That's her fashion statement, Cris. I love the plastic flowers in it."

Suddenly, laughter comes from the back of the church when Michael steps out the back door to the living quarters. Michael says, "That will release a burden off of my mind, Miss Pearlie. Thank you." With a big smile, Michael strolls over to where Cris and Cal are sitting. He asks, "May I sit by your fire?"

"Sure," Cris answers. "Cal made it. That's not one of my things."

"Thank you," Michael sits down. "I thought we would talk about our mission. That is if you wish to join us."

"Gabe told me some of it." Cal puts some more wood on the fire. "A trip through the Spirit Realm to India."

"That's part of it," Michael settles himself. "I also want you to know what enemies stand before us."

"I'm familiar with the Spirit Realm, but how was it formed?" Cal asks.

"Of course, you know we live in an earthly realm surrounded by three heavens. The first heaven is where the birds fly, clouds drift by, and storms form. The second heaven is your outer space, full of planets, moons, and stars. The third heaven is where God's throne exists, my home, heaven. When Lucifer fell like lightning from heaven, it created another realm that exists beside the earth. A parallel world."

Cris asks, "Isn't it true that God's holiness would destroy everything if he were too close to the earth?"

"Yes, His presence would devour both worlds because of sin. Good question. There are doors to the other realm around the world. One such portal is within a mile from where we are. Satan uses these entries to walk the surface of the earth to tempt and destroy. He even lured Gabriel there to kill him and almost succeeded. The devastation in that other world is immense. Whatever man builds here appears there, and Satan has his demons quickly obliterate it unless they find it useful."

Cal asks, "I've read that there are several classifications of demons. Is that true?"

"Sadly, it is. Satan has his generals, Beelzebub commands all of his Armies. Under him are Leviathon, Asmodeus, Astaroth, Berith, and many more Supreme Demons. The worst of their soldiers are the Legions and Familiars. Legions are skeletal-looking creatures, lethargically marching through the land, searching for any warrior looking for a fight. But don't let their slowness fool you. They are mighty in battle and will suddenly leap upon their victims. Familiars stay in the pits, dried-up riverbeds, and where the ocean once existed. They are swift in their movements and always looking for a quick kill. There are other forms of evil there. Cambions are disgusting little creatures with oversized reproductive organs. They are born when demons mate with humans in their dreams and have only one thing on their minds. Druds are the pack animals for the Legions. Neither will bother you."

Cris rubs his face. "Is there any way to destroy these creatures?"

"Yes, it's what Gabriel calls a head or heart shot. They evaporate in a red mist. Banished into the darkness but can soon return. We will not be without help during our journey. I have many friends stationed along the way."

"That's all fine," Cal smiles at Michael. "But why are we going?"

"To destroy a slave market where young girls are sold to evil men for breeding a new race of powerful, monstrous demons. I know this is a lot to absorb. No one will fault you if you choose not to go. So, get a peaceful night of sleep, and we'll talk in the morning."

Author Notes The Cast of Characters.

Gabriel Hope
At six feet, six inches tall, 295 pounds, Gabe is a 20 year veteran of the Army Rangers, and he's been walking for the Lord for 23 years.

The Arch Angel of Heaven, Prince of God, Commander of the Lord's Armies. His massive size varies on the situation. Michael has been friends with Gabe for many years after recruiting him for battles in the Spirit Realm.

Cal Cummings
At six feet, two inches tall, 200 pounds, Cal graduated from Vanderbilt University with a Master's degree in Theology. She also starred in Volleyball and is an Olympic Champion Archer. Five years ago, she was working in the mission fields of Africa when bandits killed her Mother and Father in a brutal attack. Cal barely escaped.

Cris Turner
At six feet tall, 200 pounds, Cris has a Master's degree in Criminal Science and Theology from North Carolina University. He is also an excellent shot with his Colt 45 model #1911. Cris started walking for the Lord three years ago when his wife and son were killed in a plane crash. Cris missed the flight.

The journey begins in the next chapter.

Many thanks for stopping by to read!
Have a great day, and God bless.

Chapter 5
The Dangerous Journey Begins

By papa55mike

In the moments right after daybreak, Cris hears a mysterious sound. He wipes his eyes and thinks. What the crap is that? He slowly rolls out of his sleeping bag, unzips his tent a little then sticks his head out. A tall figure stands at the edge of the gravel then takes an arrow out of a quiver. With a slow and steady pull, the figure then releases it with a twish. The projectile hisses along its path only to slam into a round bale of hay with a thunk. It hits the center of the circle, joining a nice grouping there. Cris says to himself. "That's at least seventy-five yards away."

He pulls his head back then puts on his shorts. Cris rolls out of his tent, then slides on his Nike cross-trainers and flips a tee-shirt over his shoulder.

Cal walks over to the target and retrieves her arrows. She's dressed in a pair of red gym shorts and a black tee-shirt with a white cross on it that says, I Believe. Cal turns and sees Cris watching her, then smiles. She watches Cris pull a tee-shirt over his head then slide his arms through. That man has no fat on him. Let me see how much courage and trust he has. "Good morning. Did I wake you?"

"Maybe. Where did you learn how to shoot, Cal?"

"Oh, it's been an obsession of mine since I was ten. I carried that craving to an Olympic Gold Medal in 2012. The team wanted me in 2016, but I was already working with my parents in Africa."

"Who would've known? You are one amazing woman, Cal."

"Well, let's put that to the test and see how much courage you have, Cris."

"No, please, it's too early in the morning for that."

"Do you have any change in your pocket?"

"I hear something rattling, thirty-five cents. A quarter and two nickels."

"I'll make it easy; use a nickel."

"And what am I supposed to do with this nickel?" Cris's southern drawl leaks out.

"Hold it in between your thumb and index finger, then at arm's length."

"Like this?" Cris has the coin standing between his finger and thumb. You can see the president's face staring forward.

"Perfect, now start walking. I'll tell you when to stop."

A door to the back of the church opens, and Gabe and Michael come walking out carrying coffee. Gabe takes notice of the situation. "Oh, this should be interesting." They stop holding four cups of coffee.

"Is this far enough?"

"Let's make this interesting. Five more steps."

Cris counts them out, then turns. "Ain't no way you can hit this! There's not enough light."

"I suggest you take a deep breath, close your eyes, and don't move."

Cris starts to complain. "That's at least fifty yards! You know this is my shooting hand."

Cal draws her bow back. "Please, hold still." She lets the arrow fly. 

Cris hears the screaming missile approaching him and winces. Suddenly the nickel flies out of his fingers, and the arrow hits the hay behind him.

Cris opens his eyes, looks at his fingers, then smiles at Cal.

Gabe turns to Michael and exclaims, "I like her!"

"Yes," Michael grins at Gabe. "Pearlie said you would."

"What did she say to you, Michael?" They begin their coffee journey again.

"Miss Pearlie wants me to keep an eye on you. She wants to see what effect this Amazon Goddess has on you. Those were her words."

"I'm at least thirty years older than her."

"On the earth today, Gabriel. What does that mean?"

"I see your point, not a thing."

Michael turns to Cal and Cris standing there. "Good morning. We brought you both some of Pete's magic coffee elixir. It does invigorate somehow."

Cris takes a sip. "A couple of cups of this, and I can build a world."

Gabe hands Cal her cup. "I saw that shot. Amazing!"

"Well," Cal blushes a little. "I wanted Cris to know that I had his back if needed."

"Point taken," Cris shakes his head.

Michael laughs, then says, "Let's meet under the Oak to discuss the Spirit Realm and what we need on the journey."

"I have to visit the bathroom," Cal explains. "Then I'll be right there."

The sun breaks free of the earth to begin its trek across the gorgeous blue sky when the group assembles under the tree. Michael begins. "We must talk about what you'll need to take. You will not need any shelter there. It never rains, and sleep will not come very often. The Lord will supply our food. I have associates stationed along the journey, but your energy will not dissipate as it does on earth."

Gabe takes over. "It's like time has no meaning in the Spirit Realm. A day here could be a month in the Realm - this means you won't age, be hungry as often, and won't need to sleep unless you expend a lot of energy in battle. We will be using many portals throughout the Realm. How else can we cross the vast expanse of the world in a short amount of time."

Michael leans forward. "I must warn you about fear in the Realm. It will be a battle to keep it from seeping into your mind when you see what we are up against - but know this; God is with us. He sees our every step."

Cris jumps in. "What do we need to carry?"

"Ammo for sure," Gabe answers. "But we will never run out. I usually carry my shotgun, both of my Rugers, and some hand-fighting weapons. But, I'm taking my AR-15 with me this time and a couple of trophies from my last visit."

"I won't need any arrows?" Cal asks.

Michael answers. "Your quiver will never run dry."

"I like the sound of that. Do we need clothes?"

"No, we will be like the Israelites in the wilderness. Nothing will wear out."

"But," Gabe smiles. "I do need to warn you about the smell of Brimstone."

"Brimstone," Cal and Cris ask simultaneously.

"Yeah, I'd say it smells like the stench of fear, human waste, and burning corpses all rolled into one. I'll make sure to bring some Vick's vapor rub. It helps with the smell."

Cal grimaces. "Oooh."

"If there are no other questions," Michael asks. "Let's break camp and begin." 

Two hours later, the group waves to Pete before leaving the field beside the church. It breaks Gabriel's heart to leave the church behind. The last time he did, it was left in burnt ruins when he returned.

They cross the road just as a Mom is taking her kids to school passes them. She takes one look at the heavily armed group in the mirror then floors it. 

After crossing the immense cornfield, they stand at the edge of the portal. Gabe turns to Cris. "I love that Colt."

"It was my father's, and that makes it special. Those Rugers are kicking. Let me guess. You shoot with both hands?"

"Of course," Gabe walks through the first barrier, and the others follow. 

Cal and Cris wince at the smell. "Oh, my," Cal exclaims.

"Oh, yeah," Gabe reaches into a pocket on his backpack. "This will help a little." He tosses Cris the Vick's. "I don't smell it anymore." Gabe pulls both Rugers off of his duty belt. "We go in locked and loaded. There might be an ambush on the other side." 

Cris checks his Colt then chambers a shell. 

Cal takes her bow in hand and draws an arrow from her quiver. 

Michael pulls his coat back then draws a gleaming sword from its sheath. Energy seems to crackle around it.

They stand before the swirling darkness of the portal. Gabe speaks up. "I'll lead," then disappears inside. Shots ring out within the portal.

Michael, Cal, and Cris run into the darkness. They arrive in time to see the last skeletal form of a Legion explode into a red mist. 

Gabriel picks up a helmet and chest protector from one of the Legions. "When did they get bulletproof armor, Michael?"

"Only a few of them have it, but it's because of you, Gabriel."

"That's why Satan had a small platoon in updated armor by this portal. They were waiting for me to enter."

"He never forgets."

"I hope to give Satan a few more precious memories before we leave."

Cal begins to scan the horizon. "Dear, Lord!"

A devastated landscape stands before them. Dark black clouds fill the sky, very little light is allowed. Remnants of concrete house foundations dot the ground. Mangled bits of concrete hang from rebar planted deep in the earth. Blackened bricks lay scattered about the landscape. Somehow, a doll's head sits next to a cinder block. There are no roads, and only a few mailbox posts show where there was one.

Lightning suddenly pierces the clouds revealing a lone star in the sky, Heaven. The ground quakes when the platoon of Angels lands many miles away. Screams of war erupt in the distance. 

Gabriel turns to his friends. In his best, Jack Nicholson says, "Honey, I'm home!"

Author Notes According to Webster's Dictionary, 'twish' is the sound of an arrow being released and 'thunk' for striking a target.

The Cast of Characters.

Gabriel Hope
At six feet, six inches tall, 295 pounds, Gabe is a 20 year veteran of the Army Rangers, and he's been walking for the Lord for 23 years.

The Arch Angel of Heaven, Prince of God, Commander of the Lord's Armies. His massive size varies on the situation. Michael has been friends with Gabe for many years after recruiting him for battles in the Spirit Realm.

Cal Cummings
At six feet, two inches tall, 200 pounds, Cal graduated from Vanderbilt University with a Master's degree in Theology. She also starred in Volleyball and is an Olympic Champion Archer. Five years ago, she was working in the mission fields of Africa when bandits killed her Mother and Father in a brutal attack. Cal barely escaped.

Cris Turner
At six feet tall, 200 pounds, Cris has a Master's degree in Criminal Science and Theology from North Carolina University. He is also an excellent shot with his Colt 45 model #1911. Cris started walking for the Lord three years ago when his wife and son were killed in a plane crash. Cris missed the flight.

Many thanks for stopping by to read!
Have a great day, and God bless.

Chapter 6
The Dangers of the Spirit Realm

By papa55mike

The end of Chapter 5

A devastated landscape stands before them. Dark black clouds fill the sky, very little light is allowed. Remnants of concrete house foundations dot the ground. Mangled bits of concrete hang from rebar planted deep in the earth. Blackened bricks lay scattered about the landscape. Somehow, a doll's head sits next to a cinder block. There are no roads, and only a few mailbox posts show where there was one.

Lightning suddenly pierces the clouds revealing a lone star in the sky, Heaven. The ground quakes when the platoon of Angels lands many miles away. Screams of war erupt in the distance. 

Gabriel turns to his friends. In his best, Jack Nicholson says, "Honey, I'm home!"

Chapter 6

Gabe and Michael turn to Cal and Cris, and they see the fear creeping into their eyes. Their powerful expressions start to vanish into sheepish looks.

"Guys," Gabe speaks up. "This situation is not that bad. We have an Arch-Angel walking with us, and God knows where we are."

Michael smiles, then looks to the sky. He seems to will the black clouds to part. The glory of the one star in the sky radiates streams of light upon them. "Feel the strength of God's power, flowing from above," Michael implores. "Raise your face to heaven. Let the Almighty's love flow throughout your bodies. We must never forget our mission to save those young girls from a life of slavery." Michael lifts his hands in prayer. "Oh, Father, bless Your warriors on this journey for freedom's sake. In the Saviour's name. Amen."

Gabe watches the light wash over all of them and sees the faces of Cris and Cal brighten like before. "That's one of the dangers of this place. Fear will defeat you before you take a step. I've seen so many places like this on battlefields all over the world. It's nothing new to me."

Michael wraps his arms around their shoulders. "Cal and Cris, you now know a secret that the world desperately seeks. You know there is a heaven, and God does exist."

"I'm sorry," Cal shakes her head. "I lost my focus for a moment."

"To know that heaven and God exist," Cris smiles. "Is a lot to process."

"It will give you great peace once you do, Cris," Michael answers.

"All right," Gabe rallies the troops. "We need to get to Memphis. There's a portal across the I-40 bridge into Arkansas that will take us to the California coast."

"I remember Beale Street," Cris remembers. "I almost got in trouble there once, maybe twice."

"We'll avoid that place," Michael frowns. "It has a high concentration of demons in convocation there."

"Gabe, does everything look like this?" Cal asks.

"No, it gets worse. Wait until you see the interstate and the cities."

"Oh, thanks," Cal laughs. "Something to look forward to."

Cris asks, "You saw things worse than this on the battlefield, Gabe?"

"At least the demons don't use body parts for decoration," Gabe nods. "It's all designed to promote fear."

"And when you saw those things, Gabe," Cal asks, "What did you feel?"

"Rage, it made me want to mow them down even more." Gabe smiles at his friends. "Come on; the interstate is in this direction."

The small group of warriors starts walking towards the southwest. Gabriel leads the way while searching for any movement. Michael brings up the rear, scanning the horizon.

The miles pass quickly without any sense of time, and soon they stand at the edge of I-40 near exit 76. Overturned, burnt cars line the ramp, many with busted-out windows, hoods ripped off, and other parts scattered everywhere. The clouds are thick above the concrete path, almost touching the ebony billboards. Cambions squeal in the shadows. They crave the darkness for their unspeakable acts of coitus.

"You were right, Gabe," Cal explains. "No horror movie director could have imagined this scene. Those little demons are disgusting." Cal pulls an arrow from her quiver and fires. The shaft takes out six cambions in mid-act on the hood car. Their unholy squeals quickly fade away in a red mist.

Gabe answers, "Be careful, Cal, sound carries a long way in this world."

Suddenly, Michael's hearing picks up the sound of marching. "Quickly, over here behind this bus. Do you hear them, Gabriel?"

"I do now, and it's a large platoon of Legions heading this way." The small troop slides behind the overturned bus.

The slow rhythmic pounding of steel boots against concrete grows louder. Gabe peeps over the bus to see how many. "It's at least a hundred. What are that many Legions doing here, Michael?"

"I'd say they're looking for us. But how did the Evil One know so quickly?"

"It could have been the four sentries I took out."

"That's a possibility. We'll have to wait here until the platoon passes."

Cal and Cris work their way around to have a look. They've never seen the enemy before. The heavily armed, skeletal-like creatures with tightly stretched ash-gray skin march slowly along. Their circular, blood-red armor covers their heart, and motionless red eyes peer out of helmets pulled down close. Each carries a long spear in their left hand with jagged swords lashed to their right waist. Behind the troops is the massive super demon, Asmodeus. He's at least ten feet tall and almost as wide as the bus they hide behind. His bulbous head fills a crown of many horns taken in battle from inferior demons, and his blackened red face is hideously scarred from the Master's whip. A human femur holds a black Satanic flag with a five-pointed golden star above his head. He's the general in control of Satan's North American Armies.

Cal whispers to Gabe. "Who is that?"

Gabe glances out. "That's Asmodeus, one of Satan's generals. He owes me something." He turns to Michael. "They're looking for us if he's here."

"I agree. It won't be long before they're marching this way again, Gabe."

"I say, let's control the battlefield and put some distance between them and us. If I remember right, the highway is almost clear between here and Memphis. We'll have to watch out for Familiars crossing the Loosahatchie Bridge."

Cris speaks up. "That was the Legions and a super-demon general, so who are the Familiars again?"

"The fast little demons who come out of the dried-up riverbeds, lakes, and oceans. You'll hear a Hyena-like laugh before they attack. They remind me of the Pigmy tribes from Africa, only uglier."

"Bring them on," Cal smiles.

"That's fine," Gabe smiles. "But let's get going."

Author Notes The Cast of Characters.

Angelic Warriors

Gabriel Hope
At six feet, six inches tall, 295 pounds, Gabe is a 20 year veteran of the Army Rangers, and he's been walking for the Lord for 23 years.

The Arch Angel of Heaven, Prince of God, Commander of the Lord's Armies. His massive size varies on the situation. Michael has been friends with Gabe for many years after recruiting him for battles in the Spirit Realm.

Cal Cummings
At six feet, two inches tall, 200 pounds, Cal graduated from Vanderbilt University with a Master's degree in Theology. She also starred in Volleyball and is an Olympic Champion Archer. Five years ago, she was working in the mission fields of Africa when bandits killed her Mother and Father in a brutal attack. Cal barely escaped.

Cris Turner
At six feet tall, 200 pounds, Cris has a Master's degree in Criminal Science and Theology from North Carolina University. He is also an excellent shot with his Colt 45 model #1911. Cris started walking for the Lord three years ago when his wife and son were killed in a plane crash. Cris missed the flight.

The Enemy

Lucifer, Satan, or the Evil One
He is the Supreme Commander of all the demon armies and ruler of the Spirit Realm.

2nd in command under Lucifer, all of the other generals report to him. He uses pride to tempt others.

Commander of the North American army of demons, and he tempts others with burning desire.

Commander of the Western Asian army of demons, and he tempts others with heresy.

They are the slow marching skeletal soldiers in Satan's armies. Legions vary in size from five to seven feet tall. They are known for their ability to leap upon their prey and are mighty in battle.

They are much smaller than the Legions but quick soldiers that hunt in packs. They cling to the dried-up riverbeds, oceans, lakes, and streams. Familiars carry short swords and sling-shots.

Cambions are little demons ranging from one to two feet tall, with oversized reproductive organs. They are created in the Spirit Realm when demons mate with male or female humans while dreaming.

Many thanks for stopping by to read!
Have a great day, and God bless.

Chapter 7
A Danger Never Seen Before

By papa55mike


The last two weeks have been a whirlwind for Prisha, all leading up to this one moment. The Dealer explained how beautiful and desirable she was, leading to the destiny that awaits her.

Prisha stands with the other eleven girls upon the slave block, a platform to display the merchandise at the auction. The Dealer is waiting for a particular buyer to arrive. He has dressed the girls in nothing but a sheer white robe.

Suddenly, a door opens from a building at the far end of the empty complex. Out walk three men dressed in impeccable suits. They are stunningly handsome with rugged features, dark hair, and eyes that burn inside the girl's hearts. Prisha has never seen men so magnificent in her life.

The Dealer falls to his knees and begins to worship them, crying, "Oh, great one, may you find me worthy!"

The one in the center steps forward and says in a sinister tone, "Rise. Is this the merchandise I requested?"

"Oh yes. I've combed the countryside searching for the best delicacies for your desires." Their robes fall when Dealer motions to the girls.

"Yes." The master begins to examine the girls closely. "These will do. Are they all virgins?"

"Yes. I examined each one myself."

"You have done well. The payment is the same. I will send my car within the hour. Have them ready."

"As you wish. The merchandise will be ready."


The band of Heavenly warriors has traveled many miles through oppressing territory. The black clouds seem to hang just above their heads, and the highway billboards are full of evil images of Satan crushing the Lord's Armies. Cris speaks up, "I guess Satan hasn't read the end of the Bible."

Michael answers, "Lucifer is wiser than all Bible scholars on the Earth. That picture is one of his many fantasies."

"Is evil always this handsome?" Cal asks.

"I remember the day the Lord created him," Michael smiles. "Lucifer was stunning to look at and very brilliant. I never trusted him, though. There was pride and jealousy in his eyes when he looked at me."

Cris asks, "It was you that defeated him, wasn't it, Michael?"

"Yes. All of Heaven mourned when the Father cast them out. But Lucifer and his followers made their decision, leaving the Lord no other choice."

Gabriel has drifted ahead about a quarter of a mile. He doesn't like the smell in front of them, and now the air reaks of death. Gabe stops, slowly pulls Goliath's sword from its sheath on his broad back, and braces himself for a fight.

Michael stops when he sees the immense creature soaring through the dark clouds and pulls his sword. Cal grabs her bow while Cris pulls his Colt 45.

The Garrote glides past Gabe, taking no notice, and lands in front of Michael, Cal, and Cris. It's at least fifteen feet tall, and his black, rotund body fills the road. His bulbous head lowers, and beady red eyes peer out from a scowling brow to study his prey. All three of them are frozen while his putrid breath fills the air. The creature growls, "Why is the master worried? It can't be because of you puny warriors. I will crush you with my fist, then grind your bones with my teeth!" He raises his enormous fist to strike.

Cal springs into action, rapidly shooting six arrows into the center of his chest.

Cris seeks out another weakness then fires eight shots, four exploding hollow points in each eye.

The blind creature grabs its face then stumbles backward.

That gives Gabe a moment to get there from behind. He swings Goliath's mighty blade at the demon's right knee with all of his might. Gabe feels the edge hit the bone then yanks the sword out. He smiles and says, "That had to hurt!"

Yellow blood spews from the deep wound. The demon screams, "Aaargh!" The Garrote blindly stumbles and falls on his back with a thud.

Michael leaps on its chest then rams his gleaming, five-foot sword through his sternum, but the blow doesn't kill it.

Gabriel runs to its head, and with one blow, decapitates the helpless creature. The body begins to spasm then explodes in a red mist.

The stunned group gathers together, and Michael asks, "Is that why you walked ahead of us, Gabriel?"

"Yes, I smelled death in the air. You never told me they could fly?"

"We hadn't seen one before, Gabriel, but heard rumors of flying demons."

Cal asks, "How do they create one of those things?"

"Much the same way they create Cambions," Michael begins to answer, "Satan or one of his generals will mate with a young virgin girl in the Earthly Realm, causing this giant demon to form in the Spirit Realm. We think it isn't born this size but quickly grows after birth."

Cris asks, "That's why you want us to go to India. To take out the slave market where Satan gets his young girls."

"Yes," Michael answers, "And stop 50,000 children a year from being sold into slavery there. Satan's breeding facility is also within striking distance."

"I had no idea that is trafficking that prevalent in India," Cal shakes her head. "It's the fastest-growing crime in America today. It's happening right in front of us, but people are too blind to see it."

Cris walks over to Gabe and asks, "Gabe, what is all of this stuff you're carrying?"

"Oh, just your Spirit Realm essentials. The sword in my hand I took from a recreated Goliath the last time I was here." Gabe slides it into its sheath. "Michael thinks it's the blade King David used to chop off his head." He pulls out the jagged sword. "This one Asmodeous rammed through me a year ago. I'm glad Michael was there with his Tallit. I have my two Rugers on my duty belt, Betsy, my sawed-off shotgun, and an Army issue AR-15. Have you ever shot one, Cris?"

"Oh, yeah, in SWAT training. What a blast to shoot."

"Well," Gabes takes the rifle off of his shoulder, then says, "You carry it for a while."

"Gladly," Cris answers, then takes the gun, "I'll have to reset the sight."

"Not a problem. Consider it yours. By the way, that was great teamwork. Let's get going and see what's ahead of us."

Author Notes The Cast of Characters.

The twelve-year-old girl who was sold by her father to the Dealer in the prologue.

The Angelic Warriors

Gabriel Hope
At six feet, six inches tall, 295 pounds, Gabe is a 20 year veteran of the Army Rangers, and he's been walking for the Lord for 23 years.

The Arch Angel of Heaven, Prince of God, Commander of the Lord's Armies. His massive size varies depending on the situation. Michael has been friends with Gabe for many years after recruiting him for battles in the Spirit Realm.

Cal Cummings
At six feet, two inches tall, 200 pounds, Cal graduated from Vanderbilt University with a Master's degree in Theology. She also starred in Volleyball and is an Olympic Champion Archer. Five years ago, she was working in the mission fields of Africa when bandits killed her Mother and Father in a brutal attack. Cal barely escaped.

Cris Turner
At six feet tall, 200 pounds, Cris has a Master's degree in Criminal Science and Theology from North Carolina University. He is also an excellent shot with his Colt 45 model #1911. Cris started walking for the Lord three years ago when his wife and son were killed in a plane crash. Cris missed the flight.

The Enemy

Lucifer, Satan, or the Evil One
He is the Supreme Commander of all the demon armies and ruler of the Spirit Realm.

2nd in command under Lucifer, all of the other generals report to him. He uses pride to tempt others.

Commander of the North American army of demons, and he tempts others with burning desire.

Commander of the Western Asian army of demons, and he tempts others with heresy.

The slow marching skeletal soldiers in Satan's armies - Legions vary in size from five to seven feet tall. They are known for their ability to leap upon their prey and are mighty in battle.

They are much smaller than the Legions but quick soldiers that hunt in packs. They cling to the dried-up riverbeds, oceans, lakes, and streams. Familiars carry short swords and sling-shots.

Cambions are one to two-foot-tall demons with oversized reproductive organs. Cambions are created in the Spirit Realm when a demon mates with a male or female human while dreaming.

A super demon that's created when Satan or one of his generals mates with a young virgin girl in the Earthly Realm.

Chapter 8
The Group Grows Closer Together

By papa55mike

Cal and Cris are quietly walking behind Gabriel and Michael. Cris is scanning the horizon for any danger while Cal sneaks a look at him.

Cris is a handsome thing, and what a shot. He blinded that Garrote like it was nothing. I wonder how it feels to have his arms wrapped around me. It's been so long since I've been the least bit interested in a man, probably because all the men around me are cops or pimps. There's no future in that.

Her eyes drift to the shell of an empty building about a mile away. That's when Cris turns his attention to Cal.

Pearlie was right; Cal is an Amazon goddess. I've never seen another woman like her before. I sure don't want to play volleyball against her. Cal would spike the ball on my face for spite. She's so quick with that bow and had six arrows in the heart of the demon before I got my gun out. Cal is the first woman since Sarah's death that I've noticed. Now, I can't take my eyes off of her.

Cal's eyes drift back to Cris, but he doesn't turn away, just smiles.

She asks, "What are you looking at?"

"A beautiful woman," Cris starts scanning the horizon again.

Cal shakes her head and blushes a little.


"Michael, why do you think that Garrote attacked us alone?"

"It looked young to me, Gabriel. It must have heard someone talking about us and then decided to take action against us alone."

"Trying to earn brownie points from the Evil One."

"Brownie points?"

"It's a selfish earth saying, Michael. Trying to look good to the boss."

"What's a boss?"

"Nevermind," Gabe smiles then shakes his head.

Michael asks, "How much longer until we reach the river you spoke of?"

"It's just over the next hill. What concerns me, Michael, if the Garrote knows of us, will the Familiars?"

"That answer, Gabriel, is just over the hill."

The ragged highway ribbons its way through a blackened forest. The skeletons of the leaf strip trees angrily reach for the dark clouds above, and the shadows seem to creep with an unknown presence. Red eyes peering through the darkness study their every move.

Cal turns to Cris and asks, "Do you feel it?"

"Yes, we're being watched, and we need to tighten the circle to avoid being prey."

"Are you using hunting terms, Cris?"

"We are four against many, Cal. I used that knowledge to my advantage while working with the SWAT unit in North Carolina, and it saved my team and me more than once. Let's tighten up to Gabe and Michael."

They jog back to their friends, and Cal asks, "Do you two know that something is watching us?"

"In here," Gabe smiles. "Always."

Michael says, "That's good, Cal. It means your Spirit is joining the Realm."

"I don't know if I like the sound of that," Cal smiles.

"No, it's a good thing. Your Spirit can let you know when danger is close," Michael answers.

"There's another gift from this realm," Gabe interjects, "You will be able to find the Spirit Realm when we're back to the Physical Realm. All it takes is closing your eyes and a little prayer. It's amazing how many demons walk the earth unseen."

Cris answers, "I believe that. I've met hundreds and probably didn't know it. At least they acted like it."

"I don't doubt it," Gabe grins.

Cal gets in between Gabe and Cris to ask, "Tell us about the last time you were here, Gabe."

"There's not a lot to tell. It all began the year before. A ragged Street-preacher started terrorizing a neighborhood close by - we found out he was using a group of teenagers to invade homes and rob the families living there. Then, I chased him all around West Tennessee and into Memphis. With some help, we put some serious hurt on Satan's more evil operations. After a few days to rest at Chickasaw State Park, I headed home. Along the way, the smell of brimstone drifted my way. The Street-preacher appeared through a portal and invited me in. He quickly disappeared before I got too close, but I couldn't help but follow him through the portal.  To make a long story short, I found a battle where thousands of demons had taken a platoon of Angels captive. The war was raging between two other platoons of Angels to free them from the demons. Behind the battle lines stood the Street-preacher and three large friends that happened to be Goliath and his two brothers. Giants are easy to defeat; they usually run at you trying to install fear. That's when I go under their first attack, take their legs out from under of them and send them back to the abyss."

Cal says, "That's what you did to the Garrote."

"Yeah, pretty much the same thing. After taking out Goliath and brothers, I turned towards the Street-preacher surrounded by demons. Michael got there about that time. I was almost able to get a shot at him, but Asmodeus had slipped in behind me." Gabriel pulls the five-foot, jagged sword from its sheath and continues, "He rammed this sword right through me. The tip was sticking out three feet from my chest, but Michael was there to help and heal me with his Tallit."

Cris asks, "So you can die here?"

"Yes, you can," Michael answers.

The band of warriors starts up the hill leading to the Loosahatchie bridge with all senses on alert. Each one feels the peering eyes of evil upon them. Shadows dash in between the dead trees, relaying messages to others.

Cris asks, "Why don't they attack, Gabe?"

"They're waiting to set the trap, and it's probably at the bridge."

Cal speaks up, "What a comforting thought."

Gabe and Cris snicker at her sarcasm.

Michael has pushed ahead a few steps and shakes his head at the top of the hill. "You were correct, Gabriel."

Gabe tops the hill then pulls out his binoculars. The trap is perfectly set. Two piles of burning tires fill the scene with putrid smoke. Cars piled up on the highway to form a V leading to the bridge, squeezing the path to a small opening at the center of the bridge. Across the bridge, semi-trailers block the exit. Familiars dance an evil jig to celebrate their coming victory.

Gabe says, "It looks like we're expected. Do you want a look, Cris?"

"Yes, sir," Cris takes the field glasses then exclaims, "They sure are ugly. Horns are going in every direction, misplaced red eyes, and long nasty-looking fangs. I'd say there are at least five hundred of them. Why are there scars all over their bodies?"

Michael answers, "They are scars from the Evil One's whip. He loves to beat the little ones."

Gabe thinks for a moment, then asks, "Is that why you said the Garrote was a young one, Michael?"

"Yes, he hadn't tasted the master's whip yet."

"Well," Gabe smiles, then says, "Let's go have some fun with these little guys."

Cal puts her hand on Gabe's shoulder and says, "You are a twisted thing, big fella."

Author Notes Many thanks for stopping by to read!
Have a great day, and God bless.

The Cast of Characters.

The twelve-year-old girl who her father sold to the Dealer in the prologue.

The Angelic Warriors

Gabriel Hope
At six feet, six inches tall, 295 pounds, Gabe is a 20 year veteran of the Army Rangers, and he's been walking for the Lord for 23 years.

The Arch Angel of Heaven, Prince of God, Commander of the Lord's Armies. His massive size varies depending on the situation. Michael has been friends with Gabe for many years after recruiting him for battles in the Spirit Realm.

Cal Cummings
At six feet, two inches tall, 200 pounds, Cal graduated from Vanderbilt University with a Master's degree in Theology. She also starred in Volleyball and is an Olympic Champion Archer. Five years ago, she was working in the mission fields of Africa when bandits killed her Mother and Father in a brutal attack. Cal barely escaped.

Cris Turner
At six feet tall, 200 pounds, Cris has a Master's degree in Criminal Science and Theology from North Carolina University. He is also an excellent shot with his Colt 45 model #1911. Cris started walking for the Lord three years ago when his wife and son were killed in a plane crash. Cris missed the flight.

The Enemy

Lucifer, Satan, or the Evil One
He is the Supreme Commander of all the demon armies and ruler of the Spirit Realm.

2nd in command under Lucifer, all of the other generals report to him. He uses pride to tempt others.

Commander of the North American army of demons, and he tempts others with burning desire.

Commander of the Western Asian army of demons, and he tempts others with heresy.

The slow marching skeletal soldiers in Satan's armies - Legions vary in size from five to seven feet tall. They are known for their ability to leap upon their prey and are mighty in battle.

They are much smaller than the Legions but quick soldiers that hunt in packs. They cling to the dried-up riverbeds, oceans, lakes, and streams. Familiars carry short swords and sling-shots.

Cambions are one to two-foot-tall demons with oversized reproductive organs. Cambions are created in the Spirit Realm when a demon mates with a male or female human while dreaming.

A super demon that's created when Satan or one of his Generals mates with a young virgin girl in the Earthly Realm.

Chapter 9
The Party at the River

By papa55mike

Michael has pushed ahead a few steps and shakes his head at the top of the hill. "You were correct, Gabriel."

Gabe tops the hill then pulls out his binoculars. The trap is perfectly set. Two piles of burning tires fill the scene with putrid smoke. Cars piled up on the highway to form a V leading to the bridge, squeezing the path to a small opening at the center of the bridge. Across the bridge, semi-trailers block the exit. Familiars dance an evil jig to celebrate their coming victory.

Gabe says, "It looks like we're expected. Do you want a look, Cris?"

"Yes, sir," Cris takes the field glasses then exclaims, "They sure are ugly. Horns are going in every direction, misplaced red eyes, and long nasty-looking fangs. I'd say there are at least five hundred of them. Why are there scars all over their bodies?"

Michael answers, "They are scars from the Evil One's whip. He loves to beat the little ones."

Gabe thinks for a moment, then asks, "Is that why you said the Garrote was a young one, Michael?"

"Yes, he hadn't tasted the master's whip yet."

"Well," Gabe smiles, then says, "Let's go have some fun with these little guys."

Cal puts her hand on Gabe's shoulder and says, "You are a twisted thing, big fella."


The party rises to a fever pitch on the Loosahatchie Bridge while Gabe and Michael sneak up to the first car of the trap. Michael turns to Gabe and says, "Let's add something to this party, and this car will do."

Michael slowly takes off his jacket, hands it to Gabe, and seems to grow by the second until he towers over Gabe. He picks up the old vehicle above his head then hurls it towards the party.

Suddenly, the Familiars stop dancing when a grisly howl pierces the darkness. An old Rambler station wagon explodes through the black clouds with great force. The little demons can't move fast enough when the car hits the bridge. Sparks fly everywhere while it speedily skids across the bridge, gathering Familiars along the way. The Rambler smashes into the semis across the bridge, spinning them out of the way. An explosion of red demon mist fills the air across the bridge.

"I'd say you got at least fifty, Michael," Gabe laughs. "You'd be a great bowler."

"I'm calling that a strike," Cal exclaims when she jumps on the hood of a car, pulls her bow off her shoulder, and draws an arrow. "Let's see how many we can take out before we get there." Cal locks in a target. She fires six arrows in succession, picking off three demons in the trees before the bridge, one running away and two too frightened to move on the left of the bridge.

Cris jumps in the back of a Ford pick-up truck and says, "Let me get some of this action!" He shoulders the AR-15 Gabe gave him then begins to eliminate every target he sights.

The Familiars are stunned and quickly head for the shadows under heavy fire, howling all the way.

Gabe turns to Cris and Cal, then hollers, "Keep us covered while we move up."

"We got your back, big man," Cal smiles.

Michael takes his whip of pure blue lightning from his hip and cracks the two cars in front of the trap, exploding them out of the way. "This way, my friend."

"Why, thank you, Michael, for clearing the path." Gabe pulls his two Rugers off his duty belt.

The two of them slowly proceed to the middle of the bridge in complete silence, and it's like the Familiars were never there. Cal and Cris begin to close the ranks until they're all together.

"Where did they go?" Cris asks.

"Oh, they're here, just regrouping for the next wave," Gabe answers while peering through the blackened trees.

Suddenly, hideous howls pierce the silence, and stones begin to pelt the warriors. The grotesque Familiars creep back on the bridge, rapidly swinging slingshots.

Michael cracks his whip to the left of the bridge, exploding the trees and sending the little demons careening into the black expanse below. He then turns to the right, and the darkness explodes in a fiery mass of falling trees and demons when his whip sizzles again.

Cal can't raise her bow, and Cris is busy ducking rocks to raise his weapon. Michael takes his whip then stabs the handle into the concrete; the ground rumbles when he brings down an invisible shield around them. The stones strike the barrier then fall harmlessly to the bridge.

"Let's get them, guys," Gabe smiles, then starts blasting away through the shield.

Cal and Cris smile at each other, then join the party. The red mist is thick from exploding demons until the few remaining flee for cover.

Michael walks over and pulls his whip handle from the concrete, then the shield disappears. He says, "Let's get across before they regroup."

The group jogs up to the semi-trailers when Michael smiles at the others. He looks to the lone star in the sky and, in a quiet voice, says, "Praise You, Father." Michael extends his hands upward, and his body follows, growing to twenty feet tall. He wraps his hands around a trailer then heaves into the deep river bed on the right. Screams of anguish fill the darkness. Michael, giant-sized, walks over to the other trailer and repeats the process. He almost threw it too hard, but it struck the tree stumps then plunged into the ravine. As fast as it happened, Michael, normal-sized, takes his jacket from Gabe.

Gabe laughs then says, "I love it when you do that."

"Now that's what I call a gift from God," Cal smiles.

Cris asks, "Do you think they will follow us, Gabe?"

"Not after that beating. We should be clear until we get to Memphis, but we'll still have to watch for patrols of Legions."

Cal begins to rub her arms and feels the lumps and bruises from the rocks hurled at them. "Those will take a while to go down."

Michael reaches into his coat and hands a beautiful bottle of oil to Cal, then says, "This oil will ease the pain and swelling."

Cal accepts the bottle, then puts a little dab on her fingertip and rubs one of the welts. Instantly, the swelling decreases then the bruise fades completely. Cal asks, "What's in this stuff?"

"It's only olive oil," Michael smiles. "But God, Himself, blessed it for me."

"Well, that should work." Cal starts rubbing the oil on her arms and legs.

Cris speaks up, "You might want to save some for us."

Michael answers, "It will never run dry."

"I should have known that." Cris smiles. "I wonder what day it is?"

Michael tilts his head a little, looking for the answer. "I believe it's what you call New Year's Eve."

"Ah, man," Cris frowns. "I missed my grandmother's Thanksgiving dinner. That's a few pounds I don't mind gaining."

"Growing up with Mom and Dad always in the mission field," Cal smiles. "We usually had something different for our Thanksgiving dinners like Water Buffalo or Yak with no sweet potatoes and stuffing. We were always happy, though, and I sure miss them."

Cris asks, "It's always worse during the holidays, isn't it?"

"Yeah," Cal looks deep into Cris's eyes. "It sure is."

Author Notes Many thanks for stopping by to read!
Have a great day, and God bless.

The Cast of Characters.

The twelve-year-old girl who her father sold to the Dealer in the prologue.

The Angelic Warriors

Gabriel Hope
At six feet, six inches tall, 295 pounds, Gabe is a 20 year veteran of the Army Rangers, and he's been walking for the Lord for 23 years.

The Arch Angel of Heaven, Prince of God, Commander of the Lord's Armies. His massive size varies depending on the situation. Michael has been friends with Gabe for many years after recruiting him for battles in the Spirit Realm.

Cal Cummings
At six feet, two inches tall, 200 pounds, Cal graduated from Vanderbilt University with a Master's degree in Theology. She also starred in Volleyball and is an Olympic Champion Archer. Five years ago, she was working in the mission fields of Africa when bandits killed her Mother and Father in a brutal attack. Cal barely escaped.

Cris Turner
At six feet tall, 200 pounds, Cris has a Master's degree in Criminal Science and Theology from North Carolina University. He is also an excellent shot with his Colt 45 model #1911. Cris started walking for the Lord three years ago when his wife and son were killed in a plane crash. Cris missed the flight.

The Enemy

Lucifer, Satan, or the Evil One
He is the Supreme Commander of all the demon armies and ruler of the Spirit Realm.

2nd in command under Lucifer, all of the other generals report to him. He uses pride to tempt others.

Commander of the North American army of demons, and he tempts others with burning desire.

Commander of the Western Asian army of demons, and he tempts others with heresy.

The slow marching skeletal soldiers in Satan's armies - Legions vary in size from five to seven feet tall. They are known for their ability to leap upon their prey and are mighty in battle.

They are much smaller than the Legions but quick soldiers that hunt in packs. They cling to the dried-up riverbeds, oceans, lakes, and streams. Familiars carry short swords and sling-shots.

Cambions are one to two-foot-tall demons with oversized reproductive organs. Cambions are created in the Spirit Realm when a demon mates with a male or female human while dreaming.

A super demon that's created when Satan or one of his Generals has sex with a virgin in the Earthly Realm.

Chapter 10
Memphis Looms Ahead

By papa55mike

End of Chapter~9

Cris asks, "Do you think they will follow us, Gabe?"

"Not after that beating. We should be clear until we get to Memphis, but we'll still have to watch for patrols of Legions."

Cal begins to rub her arms and feels the lumps and bruises from the rocks hurled at them. "Those will take a while to go down."

Michael reaches into his coat and hands a beautiful bottle of oil to Cal, then says, "This oil will ease the pain and swelling."

Cal accepts the bottle, then puts a little dab on her fingertip and rubs one of the welts. Instantly, the swelling decreases then the bruise fades completely. Cal asks, "What's in this stuff?"

"It's only olive oil," Michael smiles. "But God, Himself, blessed it for me."

"Well, that should work." Cal starts rubbing the oil on her arms and legs.

Cris speaks up, "You might want to save some for us."

Michael answers, "It will never run dry."

"I should have known that." Cris smiles. "I wonder what day it is?"

Michael tilts his head a little, looking for the answer. "I believe it's what you call New Year's Eve."

"Ah, man," Cris frowns. "I missed my grandmother's Thanksgiving dinner. That's a few pounds I don't mind gaining."

"Growing up with Mom and Dad always in the mission field," Cal smiles. "We usually had something different for our Thanksgiving dinners like Water Buffalo or Yak with no sweet potatoes and stuffing. We were always happy, though, and I sure miss them."

Cris asks, "It's always worse during the holidays, isn't it?"

"Yeah," Cal looks deep into Cris's eyes. "It sure is."


Satan's mansion lies within the darkest recesses of the Spirit Realm. Vast fire pits light the enormous grounds, and the flames reflect off the hideous sculptures of the Evil One's many forms. The Serpent, the Fallen Angel, the Beast, the Winged Devil, Satan as Adonis, the Beast with many horns, and too many other forms to mention. His office is just inside the massive Ivory front doors. Two beautiful, Succubus demons are his current secretaries until one makes a mistake.

Right now, the Evil one's vast office looks like a three-ring circus with hundreds of Familiars milling around in every direction. They recently arrived after the battle with the unknown warriors and are acting like two-year-olds in a china shop, touching everything.

Satan hisses to himself, "At least one thing came out of this. We now know two of the warriors are Michael, the Archangel, and the dreaded Gabriel Hope. The other two seem to be newcomers to the Realm, and maybe I can use that to an advantage." Suddenly there's a crash of fine glass against the floor. "Get out!" Satan screams, then grabs his six-foot bullwhip, and with a crack, Familiars begin to flee his office, shrieking in one massive herd. The Evil One orders them back to their post with a wave of his arm, and the little demons disappear in a cloud of red smoke.

Satan screams through the open door, "Get me Asmodeus on the screen, worthless slaves."

"Yes, Master," They both reply.

Suddenly, his bulbous head fills the wall in front of the Evil One, and it's like his mind sees through the distance. Asmodeus feels the call then answers, "Yes, Master!"

"What have you found?"

"Nothing, Master. We've searched everything for fifty miles."

"That's because they have slipped right past you! They're almost to Memphis. Gather your troops, then find a portal here, and I'll send you to Memphis!"

"Yes, sir. We're on our way," Asmodeus's face disappears.

"The things I have to put up with," Satan rubs his chin while thinking out loud. "What's Michael doing with Gabriel Hope? We can't let them get across the bridge."


The darkened horizon seems forsaken for miles, but the mood is cheerful for the Heavenly Warriors. Cal and Cris seem to be picking on Gabe. Cris asks, "What made you fall in love with Pearlie, Gabe?"

"Truthfully, I didn't know it at first until Pearlie told me that I was in love with her. It was the same way about the proposal, I told her why I couldn't marry her, and she heard the word marriage, and suddenly we were engaged. She is a terrific kisser, though."

Cal wipes her eyes from laughing and asks, "Did she have a shotgun, Gabe?"

"No, not in her hands, but Betsy was close by."

Cris asks, "How long did it take for her to set a date?"

"That's where Pete came in, and he was no help at all. They started looking at gowns, planning the reception, decorations, and music. I shook my head and walked away."

Cal and Cris crack up, then Cris says, "It sounds like you're hooked, Gabe."

"Well, it's the Lord's fault. He was the one who sent me to Brownsville to help cook Thanksgiving dinner for a thousand people at Pearlie's soup kitchen. She did make an impression, though."

Cal gasps, "Pearlie runs a soup kitchen?"

"Yes, ma'am, and a food bank, too. They took a closed restaurant and rebuilt it, and she has eight young women working with her. Pearlie and the girls serve lunch and dinner, six days a week." Gabe turns to Michael and says, "I heard you snickering over there, Michael."

Michael smiles and says, "All I know is, I need to visit you more often, Gabriel. The things you get tied up in. The Lord is laughing right now."

"As long as my wretched life brings a smile to someone."

Cris asks, "How much farther to Memphis, Gabe?"

"It's not far; we should be in the city limits soon. We'll have to keep our eyes sharp then, but who knows. Satan knows his enemy by now, and I'm sure the Familiars have told him plenty."

Michael speaks up, "There is one thing I know about Lucifer. He loves to control the battlefield."

Gabe nods his head and says, "Then, he'll mass all of his forces at the bridge into Arkansas,"

"That is his pattern," Cris interjects. "We'll have to spread out our forces then create a diversion, and they'll think fifty are attacking them if we plan it right."

Gabe and Micheal smile at each other the turn to Cris. "It sounds like you have a plan?" Gabe asks.

"Not until we see the layout and what Satan has left us for weapons. Besides, Michael can always throw a few trucks at them."

"I don't understand," Cal asks. "Why doesn't he want us to cross."

"Because there are over five-hundred portals on the other side within a mile," Michael smiles. "We can disappear to anywhere in the world without Satan knowing - he's not omniscient."

Cris asks, "So he still doesn't know what our mission is?"

"No," Gabe answers. "Or where we're going."

"Well," Cal shakes her head. "Then he's going to throw the kitchen sink at us to keep us from crossing."

Gabe smiles and answers, "More than likely. What are you thinking about?"

"It would be nice to have to ride across the bridge," Cal smiles at Gabe. "We'll never beat all of those demons on foot. I mean no disrespect, Michael."

"None, taken, Cal. I would say that the Lord has chosen His warriors wisely. Is anyone hungry or thirsty?"

"Not until you said anything," Cris rubs his belly, "But, yeah."

Michael asks, "Are you with us, Nathaniel?"

It was like the landscape opened up with the swirl of an angel's cape. Nathaniel's brightness is blinding at first, but their eyes quickly adjust. He's carrying a large basket of fruit and a jug of water. Nathaniel kneels before Michael and says, "My General."

"Rise, my friend. It's good to see you."

Nathaniel sets the basket down on the road, and the two men embrace. He turns to Gabe and says, "Gabriel Hope, it's been many days since I've seen you. You look a little grayer on top." He grabs Gabe and Hugs him so hard he raises off of his feet.

"Days for you, Nathaniel, mean years to me." Gabe introduces the others. "Nathaniel, this is Cris Turner and Cal Cummings."

"It is an honor to meet you both. Your exploits are all over heaven. Come, let us eat fruit from the Tree of Life and drink the water from Crystal River."

A stunned Cal and Cris both answer, "Sure."

Author Notes The Cast of Characters.

The twelve-year-old girl who her father sold to the Dealer in the prologue.

The Angelic Warriors

Gabriel Hope
At six feet, six inches tall, 295 pounds, Gabe is a 20 year veteran of the Army Rangers, and he's been walking for the Lord for 23 years.

The Arch Angel of Heaven, Prince of God, Commander of the Lord's Armies. His massive size varies depending on the situation. Michael has been friends with Gabe for many years after recruiting him for battles in the Spirit Realm.

Cal Cummings
At six feet, two inches tall, 200 pounds, Cal graduated from Vanderbilt University with a Master's degree in Theology. She also starred in Volleyball and is an Olympic Champion Archer. Five years ago, she was working in the mission fields of Africa when bandits killed her Mother and Father in a brutal attack, and Cal barely escaped.

Cris Turner
At six feet tall 200 pounds, Cris has a Master's degree in Criminal Science and Theology from North Carolina University. He is also an excellent shot with his Colt 45 model #1911. Three years ago, he started walking for the Lord when his wife and son were killed in a plane crash, but Cris missed the flight.

The Enemy

Lucifer, Satan, or the Evil One
He is the Supreme Commander of all the demon armies and ruler of the Spirit Realm.

2nd in command under Lucifer, all of the other generals report to him. He uses pride to tempt others.

Commander of the North American army of demons, and he tempts others with burning desire.

Commander of the Western Asian army of demons, and he tempts others with heresy.

The slow marching skeletal soldiers in Satan's armies - Legions vary in size from five to seven feet tall. They are known for their ability to leap upon their prey and are mighty in battle.

They are much smaller than the Legions but quick soldiers that hunt in packs. They cling to the dried-up riverbeds, oceans, lakes, and streams. Familiars carry short swords and sling-shots.

Cambions are one to two-foot-tall demons with oversized reproductive organs. Cambions are created in the Spirit realm when a demon mates with a male or female human while dreaming.

A Super demon that's created in the Spirit realm when Satan or one of his generals has sex with a young virgin girl in the earthly realm.

Many thanks for stopping by to read!
Have a great day, and God bless.

Chapter 11
The Time For Battle is Now

By papa55mike


The upbeat mood around the fantastic meal with Nathanial subsides a little when the Heavenly Warriors quietly enter the Memphis city limits. Nathanial had to return to his duties, but the group felt they were not alone in this strange land of evil. Miles away, the jagged Memphis skyline fills the horizon.

Suddenly, the radiant light of heaven peers through a gap in the hideous clouds. All eyes turn to the glow of love radiating from the throne of God, Himself. It fills their spirit within until their hearts swell with courage.

The blackened clouds race to fill the gap.

Cal turns to Michael and asks, "I thought there was no wind here?"

"Only if Satan wishes it."

Cris asks, "How far to the bridge, Gabe?"

"Less than ten miles."

"That won't take long," Cris sighs. "I can't believe the distance we've traveled in what feels like a short time. As you said, Gabe, time doesn't matter here."

"Now that's just how I pictured it," Cal smiles. "Every home is burned and flattened for miles, but that strip club stands tall."

"It's full of demons tempting men to sin in every conceivable way in the physical realm," Gabe shakes his head. "How many souls have been lost to ungodly sex?"

"Too many," Cal frowns. "That's a reminder of why we're on this mission."

Cris asks, "Where are the red eyes that always watch us, Gabe?"

"They're waiting for us at the bridge."

"That may be true," Cal exclaims, "But I still feel that someone is watching us. It's like the buildings have eyes on every step we take."

Michael steps beside Cal and says, "It wouldn't surprise me. There are spells in witchcraft that accomplish such things."

"A girl can't get a moment of privacy around here," Cal grins at her attempt at a joke. "Do you know much about witchcraft, Michael?"

"Let me say this," Michael flinches. "To defeat one's enemy, he must know his enemy."

"Interesting," Cal replies.

The group continues along the battered road lined with the bare skeletons of trees. Large chunks of concrete and asphalt are missing as if the demons ripped from the ground. The steeple of a Baptist Church touches the clouds, but that's all the remains of the building.

Cal is the first to see the battered remnants of the I-240 bypass with its gaping holes. Parts of the overpass lay scattered along the exit. "I hope we're not going this way."

"That's okay," Gabe smiles. "About a mile further is Poplar Avenue, and it will take us straight to the Mississippi River, and the bridge is just a mile away from there."

"Great, I'm ready to finish this part of the journey," Cal replies.

"My trigger finger has been itchy lately," Cris stops and shoulders his AR-15 to check the sight, then pops out the clip to slam in a new one. "Ready, here."

"Well," Gabe smiles, "Let's see what we're up against first."

"Actually," Michael interjects. "I think Cal has the right idea. We will need a vehicle to cross the bridge, and is there anything close by?"

Cal shakes her head, then says, "I've never been to Memphis."

Cris asks, "How did you cross the Mississippi?"

"I crossed the river at Dyersburg, then worked my way south. Fewer people that way."

"If I remember rightly," Gabe runs his thick fingers through his gray hair. "The Greyhound Bus terminal is beside the downtown police department; it's across the street from the Pyramid and less than a mile from the bridge."

"Yeah, but who can work on a bus for us?" Cris asks.

"There ain't nothing I can't get running," Gabe grins. "If it's got some fuel and battery power."

"Sounds like a plan, big man," Cal punches Gabe on the shoulder. "Ow!"

"Solid has a rock, Cal," Gabe chuckles.

"I believe you."

The miles pass quickly as the group strolls down Poplar Avenue. There's no sign of any buildings along the road, only the remnants of cinder blocks etching out a shape from the Physical Realm.

"Now that's nasty," Cal announces. The stench of Brimstone increases the closer they get to Beale Street.

"There are thousands of demons tempting souls to sin in that area."

Cal turns to Cris and asks, "And how many sins did you commit while visiting the demons on Beale Street?"

"Oh, maybe one or two."

"Were you married then?"

"Uh, nooo."

"Oh, so how many of those little southern cuties did you lust after, Cris?"

"Well, it's all under the blood of Jesus. So, there's no use dwelling on the past, Cal."

Gabe walks over to say, "That's what I like about you, Cal. You keep everybody on their toes."

"It's a gift," she smiles.

Cris speaks up, "Straight out of hell."

Poplar Avenue finally ends at the Mississippi River, which looms before them. The vast scar of darkness upon the land extends out of sight, but to the right, the red light of pure evil dances against the thick clouds not far away.

"The party is just starting, and they know we're close," Gabe's voice deepens. "Let's cut over a block but be on high alert. Sentries might be stationed along the way."

Cal nudges Cris, saying, "Give me your field glasses."

"Here, the night vision should be on."

Cal studies the alley, "There's nothing here, big man."

"Gotcha, I got the point." Gabe unholsters his Rugers with an evil grin.

The tiny group moves forward in formation. Gabe in front, Cal and Cris flanked behind him, with Michael covering the rear for the first time in his existence.

Cal stands at the corner of Second Avenue, scanning the following two blocks. "The way eerily clean as far as I can see."

Michael steps into the street and narrows his eyes, projecting his spirit ahead of them. "She's right; I feel no presence of evil on the street, and it's all concentrated ahead."

Cris steps forward and says, "That's arrogance."

"That is Lucifer, Cris," Michael interjects. "The essence of superior pride."

Suddenly Cal exclaims, "Oh, dear Lord," then falls to her knees. She let go of the binoculars wrapped around her neck to grab both sides of her head. "Get these evil voices out of my head."

"Where is she, Michael?" Gabe asks with weapons ready to fire.

Michael pulls his whip of lightning and cracks it beside a warehouse across the street. It enlightens a shapely figure of a woman hidden in the darkness. "There, Gabriel."

Before Micheal finishes his sentence, two 9mm bullets search for their target's forehead, and the Succubus howls and then explodes into a fiery red mist.

"What the crap was that, Michael?" Cal asks while Cris helps her to stand.

"It was a Succubus; they attack the mind with wicked thoughts. Are you all right, Cal?"

"I think so. That was so much evil trying to invade my mind at once."

"They're usually not here," Gabe exclaims. "Succubus mainly stay in the extreme dark regions waiting to invade people's dreams in the Physical Realm."

Cris asks, "How do you know about all this evil that exists here, Gabe?"

"Through the many visits with Michael. But I learn something new every time I'm here, the Garrote, for instance."

"We need to get off the street before something else wants to torment us," Cal looks up the street again. "We're still clear if that means anything."

"Let's move out," Gabe says, then retakes the point.

Cris draws close to Cal when she stumbles a little. "Are you feeling okay, sweetie?"

"I'll be all right," Cal answers, then asks, "Sweetie?"

"Don't knock it," Cris chuckles. "It's a southern thing, and people from California wouldn't understand it."

Cal laughs, "Okay, honnnney."

"That's the worst southern drawl I've ever heard."

"I'll have to practice," Cal's radiant smile lights her face.

"Hey, look," Gabe quietly says. "They left the Greyhound sign up."

The hard beat of evil tribal music blares in the distance. Heinous howls and screeches are coming from the northwest while the flames from the firepits dance in the black sky.

Cris asks, "Can we see the bridge from the roof, Gabe?" He points to the second floor of the Greyhound building.

"Let's see," Gabe turns to Micheal. "Can you open the gate for us?"

"It would be my pleasure, Gabriel," He walks over to the log chain holding the gate closed, snaps the padlock with a twist of his hand, and swings the gate open. "After you, my friends."

When Cal walks by Michael, she says, "I love it when you get all strong."

Walking through the lot full of buses, Cris picks one out. "Hey, this one looks good, and it's a double-decker."

Cal shouts, "Hey guys, here's a ladder to the roof."

"Great," Gabe walks over. "Let me go first."

Cris says, "After you, my lady."

"Not a chance, Cris," Cal grins. "These gym shorts aren't made for climbing ladders."

Cris smirks, then climbs the ladder with Cal following close behind.

"I don't need the ladder, Cal," and Micheal leaps to the second-floor roof with a slight bend of his knees. "Is the roof solid, Gabriel?"

"Yes, from what I can tell, but you might stay on the edges."

Cris joins the party, and Cal finally makes it up the ladder. Quietly, Gabe and Cris begin to study the path across the bridge through their binoculars. Firepits line the sides of the bridge, and their smoke swirls while reaching for the clouds above.

Cris speaks up, "Count the platoons of Legions, Gabe, and I'll get a rough count on how many are in them."

Cal walks up to the edge and says, "Wow, they mean business!"

"Yes, they do," Michael exclaims. "You were right, Cal. We would have never made it across on foot."

Cal sees movement at the bridge span's top and focuses her field glasses. "Hey, Gabe, your friend is on top of the bridge in the middle barking out orders."

"Well, if it isn't, Asmodeus, this might be some fun after all. I count twenty platoons, Cris."

"Yeah, and there's about five-hundred per. That's ten thousand Legions,
 not counting the Familiars dancing around."

Cal asks, "You don't see the Garrotes, Cris?"


"Look in the darkness in between fire pits."

Gabe and Cris refocus then Cris answers, "Trying to hide, big man. How many do you see with the night vision, Cal?"

"At least ten, but I can't see across the bridge."

"Yeah, night vision is limited by distance," Cris chuckles. "My friends, with the odds roughly 12,000 to 4, we need a good plan and a lot of prayers."

A few minutes later, nestled between busses, the group begins to share ideas. Cal says, "We need the biggest bus in this lot if Gabe can get it running."

"We'll need more than that, or they'll rip that bus open and kill all of us," Cris shakes his head. "We need to keep them so distracted that none of them know what's coming next, then hit them with the bus."

"So," Gabe speaks up, "By the time they figure out what's going on, we could be halfway across the bridge."

"Hopefully," Cris smiles at Gabe.

"Well, that's great," Cal has a puzzled look on her face. "What about the other half."

"That's when the fun begins," Gabe grins. "We fight the rest of the way across."

"You have some serious thrill issues, big man," Cal laughs.

"I'd rather flatten them the bus," Cris interjects. "But you're right; we'll be in the thick of it."

"Have faith, my friends. The Lord is watching, and we'll do fine." Michael studies each face for a moment. "I now see why He chose each of you to be His warriors."



No one knows how much time has passed, but the need to get moving is wearing on them. Cal is on the roof, keeping an eye on the preparations at the bridge. Cris and Gabe are going over the double-decker bus while Michael intently watches their every move, then says, "Amazing, I never knew how much goes into making one of these devices."

Cris speaks up, "It seems that everything is in working order, Gabe, and there's fuel in the tank. We need some battery power to fire it up."

Gabe adds, "Even if we had a battery charger, there's no electricity."

"Will lightning do?" Michael asks.

Gabe and Cris slowly turn to him, and both answer simultaneously, "Maybe."

Michael climbs inside the bus and asks, "Where do you need it installed?"

Gabe asks, "Is the ignition on, Cris?"

"Yes, sir."

"Every electrical system runs through the switch. It sounds like the only choice, and I hope it doesn't blow us up."

Michael smiles and says, "Have faith, Gabriel."

"I do, but I'm backing up a little."

Cris cringes a little in the driver's seat and says, "Okay, here we go. Right there, Michael."

He takes the blue lightning whip from his belt, then turns the power end toward the ignition switch. The lightning reaches out and connects, drawing the shaft to its destination. Streams of blue energy crackle throughout the frame, and sparks explode from the gauges. Gabe gets hit by a bolt that knocks him backward. Suddenly, the bus lights spring to life while the motor roars. Cris guns the accelerator and hollers, "I think that's enough, Michael."

Michael pulls his whip away while Gabe picks himself off of the floor.

Gabe says, "Don't gun the motor too much, Cris. It needs to get us across the bridge, and the motor sounds like it has a cylinder not firing all the way."

Cris slowly lets up on the throttle, and the motor begins to idle. "Well, it seems like we have a ride!"

Cal runs to the bus door and yells, "That sounds great! Are we about to put this plan in motion?"

Gabe's face looks locked in, and he says, "Yes, ma'am."

"Awesome! Come on, Cris, let's go unleash some fury."

Gabe exclaims, "Don't forget those hollow-point shells, Cris. They explode on contact."

"Ah, yes. There's nothing like exploding demons on a Saturday afternoon."

Michael speaks up, "Remember, my friends. The Lord is with us."

They all shout, "Amen!"


Suddenly, there's a quiet growing among the throng inhabiting the bridge. Asmodeus barks out an order to be ready, causing thousands of red eyes to peer into the city.

Gabe puts the bus in reverse, then slowly backs onto Second Avenue. The darkness seems to muffle the sound of the Greyhound creaking out the lot. It's been a long time since this massive tank rolled down a highway. He puts the shifter into Drive and says, "Let's see if this thing goes forward, Michael."

The drums of the demons begin to pound out a slow, steady beat that resonates throughout the area. The Legions take a battle stance with swords drawn and spears at the ready.

Cal and Cris take their positions on top of some shipping containers that block Riverside Drive on both sides. Once Cal is in place, she scans the other side for Cris, and he's in a firing position waiting for Cal's signal. With an evil grin, Cal pulls an arrow from her quiver, sites her target then lets it fly. The silent missile passes in front of Cris's nose, with the last feather barely touching the tip. Cris smiles and says to himself, "What a woman."

Gabe and Michael stop at the Poplar Avenue intersection, waiting for the first shot from Cris's AR-15. Michael asks, "Do you think Cal and Cris will be up to the challenge, Gabriel?"

"Yes, I do. Are we?"

"Let us find out, Gabriel."

Gabe starts to laugh, turning the bus onto the intersection.

Cal scans the area picking out her first targets, and says to herself, "I love it when they line up in a row." With her bow pulled, she slowly rises from her crouching position, thinking, "Let me see if I can empty my quiver. Michael said I couldn't do it." They decided that Cal should be the first to fire in silence.

Suddenly, Legions begin to shriek before exploding in a red haze. Death for the Legions is raining down from the sky. Row after row begins to fade into the darkness. Asmodeus barks out another order, and Familiars start the search for the attacker while the Legions begin to break formation.

It's time for Cris to take action. He opens fire on the Familiars at fifteen rounds per second. They begin to dance and explode at a furious pace. Cal is almost through the first wave of legions, and she hasn't made a dent in her quiver full of arrows.

Gabe pulls the bus to the front of the bridge, opens the door, and says, "It's your turn, Michael."

He quickly hops off the bus and pulls off his lightning whip from his belt, and with a mighty flip of his wrist, it connects with the suspension cable spanning the bridge. Blue lightning begins to crackle along the entire structure, and red sprites shoot through the dark clouds while the fingers of lightning cascade downward to unsuspecting victims.

Michael's play signals Cal and Cris to find the bus. They both begin to climb down the containers.

Cris's plan has worked to perfection so far. The demons on the bridge are in total disarray; while Asmodeus is knocked off his perch by a bolt of lightning, two Garrotes fly to his aid lowering him to the bridge.

Cris is already down, and he watches Cal on the last few steps when he sees movement to her right. Two Legions are sneaking up beside her, and she doesn't see them. He shoulders his rifle when they pull their swords. Two shots fired, exploding the demons beside Cal taking her last step down. She smiles and then says, "I owe you one."

"Believe me," Cris laughs. "I plan on collecting." They both run to the bus.

Michael sees them coming and releases his whip with a flick of his wrist.

"Great show, Michael," Cal exclaims, running past him. "You even knocked that big one off of the tower."

"Well, that's an added pleasure."

They file onto the bus, and Cris takes the wheel. He hollers, "Everybody, hold on," then slams the door and floors it. The bus surges forward. "I'm turning the lights on, Gabe; they already know we're here."

"They sure do, Cris, because of you and Cal."

The bridge between Memphis and Arkansas is a mile across, with four lanes for traffic. In the Physical Realm, it carries thousands of cars and trucks across every day.

In the Spiritual Realm it's currently occupied by thousands of demons going in every direction. Asmodeus barks out orders but cannot bring his charges to order when the next wave hits the demons.

Cris roars onto the bridge at seventy miles per hour, crushing everything in his path. Legions and Familiars hit the air while tortuous screams erupt beneath the bus—all eyes on the bus scan the way ahead of them. The bus is almost half a mile across.

The demons begin to regroup. Suddenly, spears fly through the windshield. Shattered glass sprays everywhere, causing Cris to swerve the bus a little, smashing three of their fire pits. Fire pours off the back of the bus for a moment.

The second pit sprayed over the road engulfing many Legions. With their bodies burning, they rise slowly and begin chasing the bus. Red eyes encased in fire run shrieking down the road.

Five Garrotes land in front of the bus when a thud on the bus's roof knocks Cal to the floor. The two back tires blow out, and Cris has no choice but to slow down.

"I know who that is. Open the door, Cris," and he obliges. Gabe grabs the frame, then swings his large frame out the door in a circle and lands, standing on the roof. He smiles and says, "I believe I owe you something!" Asmodeus steps back in fear then Gabe opens fire, pelting his body in a circle around his heart and one final shot to the head. Asmodeus explodes in the red stench of a demon General.

Cal can see the fiery Legions are catching up and yells, "Throw me you Forty-five, Cris."

He quickly tosses it to her and asks. "I didn't know you could shoot a handgun?"

"You didn't ask." She turns when the back window explodes. Several flaming faces peer through the window with hideous smiles, and Cal opens fire, sending them back to oblivion.

Michael sees the path ahead and says, "I believe I need to clear a path, Cris."

"It would be helpful."

Michael takes off his coat, then steps back. Suddenly, he bursts through the busted windshield, unfurling his ten-foot wings. With his whip in hand, he hovers for a second, then cracks it. The decapitated Garrotes detonate into nothingness. He continues his wrath on any victim that lies ahead.

The bus slows again when the rest of the Legions hang on from behind. The other back tires blow, and sparks fly. They're running on the rims now. The end is just ahead, and Michael has cleared the way.

Gabe runs to the back of the bus picking off Legions with every shot. He hears someone firing inside and wonders who it is.

The Legions keep coming from everywhere; they have busted out the side windows and are ripping the frames wider to get in. Cal slowly backs her way to the front, firing away, and asks, "Where are we?"

"Just a few hundred more feet, and we'll be off the bridge. The problem is, we're doing only twenty miles an hour."

Michael lands beside Gabriel and says, "We need to get inside." Michael kneels, rips the air conditioning unit from the roof, then throws it at a Legion climbing on top. Using his bare hands, he widens the hole for both of them to drop in. Michael first, then Gabe.

Cris yells at Gabe, "Where's the portal?"

"It's at a Marathon station just ahead, and the portal is beside it."

The bus suddenly bounces hard when the bus exits the bridge. Everybody standing catches themselves before falling.

Cal is still blasting away and says, "I could use a little help!"

Gabe pulls both off his Rugers from his duty belt and blasts away in rapid fire. He empties his guns, then slams in new clips.

"I see the station; everybody, brace yourself. I'm going to try and stop this thing," Cris yells over the gunshots.

The back wheels lock up, spinning the back of the bus in a complete circle, shaking demons off in every direction. It slowly stops in front of the station.

Gabe shakes the cobwebs from the G-force and exclaims, "Let's get out of this thing!"

Cris opens the door and says, "Thank you for riding Greyhound. Enjoy your stay."

Cal scoots past him and says, "I'm not staying that long and neither are you."

Gabe scans the area stepping off the bus, announcing, "It looks clear."

The group exits quickly, seeing the swirling darkness before them. The howls and screams are just over the hill, and Michael smiles. He hands his jacket to Gabe then suddenly; he grows to thirty feet in height. Giant, Micheal sees the mass of forces about to top the hill; he picks the bus up with a mighty heave; throws it. The multitude of demons sees the hulk of steel flying at them and try to escape with little success. A massive cloud of red mist rises beyond the hill.

Almost instantly, Michael takes his jacket from Gabe.

Before they can take a step, half of a fiery demon raises himself with his sword in hand. He stands on his torso; its legs were taken off by the bus. Hatred fills his rotting face. With its last amount of strength, he heaves the sword like a spear.

Before the Warriors can take a step, the weapon strikes Cal in the back, piercing her kidneys and stomach before the tip penetrates her abdomen. Cal collapses in a heap on the barren ground with a deep moan.

Cris turns to find the laughing demon across the road, then obliterates the  Legion in a hail of bullets.

Michael unwraps his Tallit from around his waist.

Gabe walks behind Cal, then yells for Cris, "Help us, Cris." He yanks the sword from Cal's back.

Cris turns and asks, "Is she going to die?"

"Not if we get my Tallit around her wound. Gabriel and I will raise her off the ground while you wrap this around her." Michael tosses Cris his garment, then grabs her feet, and Gabe slips his hands under her arms. They raise her, and blood pours from the wound. Cris wraps her body with the garment. "Make sure the tassels are under her near the wound."


Gabe interjects, "Now, take her in your arms and let's get through that portal before they regroup."

Tears drip from Cris's eyes while taking her gently in his arms.

"I know it's hard, Cris. But we've got to move!"

"You're right, Gabe. Let's go."

Three, carrying one, dive into the portal.

Author Notes To all readers, I humbly apologize that it has been four months since posting anything in this book. With school starting in two weeks, I hope to do much better.

The Cast of Characters.

The twelve-year-old girl who her father sold to the Dealer in the prologue.

The Angelic Warriors

Gabriel Hope
At six feet six inches tall and 295 pounds, Gabe is a 20-year veteran of the Army Rangers, and he's been walking for the Lord for 23 years.

The Arch Angel of Heaven, Prince of God, Commander of the Lord's Armies. His massive size varies depending on the situation. Michael has been friends with Gabe for many years after recruiting him for battles in the Spirit Realm.

Cal Cummings
At six feet two inches tall and 200 pounds, Cal graduated from Vanderbilt University with a Master's degree in Theology. She also starred in Volleyball and is an Olympic Champion Archer. Five years ago, she was working in the mission fields of Africa when bandits killed her Mother and Father in a brutal attack, and Cal barely escaped.

Cris Turner
At six feet tall and 200 pounds, Cris has a Master's degree in Criminal Science and Theology from North Carolina University. He is also an excellent shot with his Colt 45 model #1911. Three years ago, he started walking for the Lord when his wife and son were killed in a plane crash, but Cris missed the flight.

The Enemy

Lucifer, Satan, or the Evil One
He is the Supreme Commander of all the demon armies and ruler of the Spirit Realm.

2nd in command under Lucifer, all of the other generals report to him. He uses pride to tempt others.

Commander of the North American army of demons, he tempts others with burning desire.

Commander of the Western Asian army of demons, and he tempts others with heresy.

The slow marching skeletal soldiers in Satan's armies - Legions vary in size from five to seven feet tall. They are known for their ability to leap upon their prey and are mighty in battle.

They are much smaller than the Legions, but quick soldiers hunt in packs. They cling to the dried-up riverbeds, oceans, lakes, and streams, and Familiars carry short swords and slingshots.

Cambions are one to two-foot-tall demons with oversized reproductive organs. Cambions are created in the Spirit realm when a demon mates with a male or female human while dreaming.

A Super demon that's created in the Spirit realm when Satan or one of his generals has sex with a young virgin girl in the Earthly Realm.

A demon that hides in the darker realms waiting on humans to sleep so they can invade their dreams and have sex with them.

Chapter 12
Arriving in China

By papa55mike

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of sexual content.

End of Chapter~11
Gabe walks behind Cal, then yells for Cris, "Help us, Cris." She cries out when Gabe yanks the sword from Cal's back.
Cris turns and asks, "Is she going to die?"
"Not if we get my Tallit around her wound. Gabriel and I will raise her off the ground while you wrap this around her." Michael tosses Cris his garment, then grabs her feet, and Gabe slips his hands under her arms. They raise her, and blood pours from the wound. Cris wraps her body with the garment. "Make sure the tassels are under her near the wound."
Gabe interjects, "Now, take her in your arms and let's get through that portal before they regroup."
Tears begin dripping from Cris's eyes while taking her gently in his arms.
"I know it's hard, Cris. But we've got to move!"
"You're right, Gabe. Let's go."
Three, carrying one, dive into the portal.
It's been a dreadful day at the bar, and Jesse has waited too long to smoke that joint he brought from home. There's a brick alley behind the clubs along the highway where the service trucks visit the restaurants and bars. There's not a soul around when he reaches into his underwear and pulls out a wrinkled blunt. He puts his lighter to the tip and inhales the acrid smoke deep into his lungs. Jesse's eyes begin to bulge, trying to hold that first hit in, but he coughs it all out, filling the alley. "Man, that first cut is the deepest."
Suddenly, a huge swirling black cloud appears beside him in the brick retaining wall. Out of it walks a giant of a man; following him is a man loaded with weapons and muscles; next comes a man carrying a tall woman in his arms who appears to be injured.
The man carrying the woman stops in front of Jesse and says, "You really shouldn't smoke that stuff, and it gives you bad breath and makes your clothes smell funny. Have a nice day."
The colossal man stops by another brick wall next to the steak house, and another black cloud appears. He turns to the others and says, "This way, my friends," then disappears into the darkness. The others follow.
Jesse drops the joint and runs screaming into the night.
There is one true statement made by the Dealer who bought me from Father; they have treated me like an object of worship. My skin has been bathed with the finest bath oils and perfumes in the world, fed with choice delicacies, and clothed in splendor. I sleep in a magnificent bed with satin sheets, and the room is larger than Father's house.
My attendants have told me that the Master will soon come to visit me. That, in itself, is a rare privilege for anyone. So I'm told. But questions fill my mind, the first being, why me? Am I that beautiful, and if so, why did Father hate me? What does the Master plan to do when he arrives?
Suddenly there's a stir in the hall, and I hear people worshiping the Master outside my door. The door swings open, and there stands the man from the slave auction. He's dressed in a golden robe, and his smile greets me with assurance. His gentle voice pronounces, "There is nothing to fear, my child. I am here for a moment of creation and have chosen you from all of the rest. You are a delicate flower with a mighty purpose."
I stand, drop my robe, and say, "I am ready, Master."
The Master removes his robe to show his beautiful body, and his purpose for being here stands erect. An evil grin appears on his face when he reaches for the light. His eyes change from the riveting blue to a nasty tone of red. In the light penetrating beneath the door, I see his proper form - a hideous creature with talons and leathery wings. Slowly, I back away.
"There is no escape, my child," he says. "Only the pain of creation."
Prisha's screams fill the room.
An hour later, the Master comes out to an attendant dressed in black at the end of the hall. "Put her in the pen, then send her with the next shipment to the brothels with the others. Was the Garrote born in the Spirit Realm?"
"Yes, Master, and he's already growing."
"Excellent! Is there any word on the Heavenly Warriors?"
"No, Master. Not since they made that portal to Los Angles."
"Put the network on full alert. I want those Warriors found!"
"The word is being passed while we speak, Master."
The Warriors exit the portal in China under a mountain near the Xi Jiang River, which travels along the Dayao and Lainhau Mountains; the closest town is Guangdong, 100 miles from Canton. In the Physical Realm, the mountains are a lush jungle containing a wide variety of wildlife, but the hills are stripped bare in the Spirit Realm. The river is a deep scar on the landscape.
Cris gently lays Cal on the bare ground and props her head up with his ammo bag. He stands then asks Michael, "How long until she wakes up."
"It could be a few hours or maybe a day. We don't know what her internal injuries are. It took Gabe a long time to heal, but that was because Asmodeous's sword damaged his spine."
"Can we travel with her, Michael? You know they are looking for us in every corner of the globe, and it's just a matter of time before Satan finds us."
"Cal needs time to rest, Cris. As far as demonic activity, let us ask my friends. Patrick, do you have your platoon with you?"
Suddenly, it was like the landscape opened up when they uncovered themselves with their cloaks, filling the area with light. Standing in a circle around them are twenty-one of Heaven's finest fighting machines dressed in white tunics with gold breastplates, and each one carries a unique weapon with a five-foot sword around their waists. In unison, they kneel, bow, and say, "My General."
"Hello, my friends, and rise," Michael smiles at his troops. "Joseph, can you check Cal's injuries?"
"Yes, General," He walks over to Cal, takes her hand, and concentrates.
Michael turns to his Captain and asks, "Is there any demonic activity in this area, Patrick?"
"Not within a two hundred mile radius, General, but the news of your escape spreads throughout the Realm."
"Thank you, Patrick; it's good to see you again. Have you met Gabriel Hope?"
"No, sir, I have not," Patrick reaches out his hand, and the Angel and the man shake hands. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Gabriel."
"Call me, Gabe. Everybody else does," Gabe turns to Cris. "And this is Cris Turner, Patrick."
"Hi," Cris smiles. "It's always a little strange meeting Angels."
"General," Joshua walks to them. "The young woman has a lacerated kidney and intestines, but the healing process proceeds nicely. She should be back to normal and ready for travel in about eight hours."
Cris sighs, "Well, that's a relief."
Michael smiles and says, "Thank you, Joshua," he turns to Gabe and Cris. "You two should get some rest. We haven't stopped since we entered the first portal near Second Chance."
Gabe smiles, then slaps Cris on the back, "That's a good idea, Michael. Come on, Cris, they have things well in hand."

Author Notes Many thanks for stopping by to read!
Have a great day, and God bless.

The Cast of Characters.

The twelve-year-old girl who her father sold to the Dealer in the prologue.

The Angelic Warriors

Gabriel Hope
At six feet six inches tall and 295 pounds, Gabe is a 20-year veteran of the Army Rangers, and he's been walking for the Lord for 23 years.

The Arch Angel of Heaven, Prince of God, Commander of the Lord's Armies. His massive size varies depending on the situation. Michael has been friends with Gabe for many years after recruiting him for battles in the Spirit Realm.

Cal Cummings
At six feet two inches tall and 200 pounds, Cal graduated from Vanderbilt University with a Master's degree in Theology. She also starred in Volleyball and is an Olympic Champion Archer. Five years ago, she was working in the mission fields of Africa when bandits killed her Mother and Father in a brutal attack, and Cal barely escaped.

Cris Turner
At six feet tall and 200 pounds, Cris has a Master's degree in Criminal Science and Theology from North Carolina University. He is also an excellent shot with his Colt 45 model #1911. Three years ago, he started walking for the Lord when his wife and son were killed in a plane crash, but Cris missed the flight.

The Enemy

Lucifer, Satan, or the Evil One
He is the Supreme Commander of all the demon armies and ruler of the Spirit Realm.

2nd in command under Lucifer, all of the other generals report to him. He uses pride to tempt others.

Commander of the North American army of demons, he tempts others with burning desire.

Commander of the Western Asian army of demons, and he tempts others with heresy.

The slow marching skeletal soldiers in Satan's armies - Legions vary in size from five to seven feet tall. They are known for their ability to leap upon their prey and are mighty in battle.

They are much smaller than the Legions but quick soldiers that hunt in packs. They cling to the dried-up riverbeds, oceans, lakes, and streams, and Familiars carry short swords and slingshots.

Cambions are one to two-foot-tall demons with oversized reproductive organs. Cambions are created in the Spirit realm when a demon mates with a male or female human while dreaming.

A Super demon, created in the Spirit realm when Satan or one of his generals has sex with a young virgin girl in the earthly Realm.

A demon who hides in the darker realms waiting on humans to sleep so they can invade their dreams to have intercourse with them. They can be either male or female.

Chapter 13
Cal Recovers.

By papa55mike

End of chapter 12
Suddenly, it was like the landscape opened up when they uncovered themselves with their cloaks, filling the area with light. Standing in a circle around them are twenty-one of Heaven's finest fighting machines dressed in white tunics with gold breastplates, and each one carries a unique weapon and a five-foot sword around their waists. In unison, they kneel, bow, and say, "My General."
"Hello, my friends, and rise," Michael smiles at his troops, "Joseph, can you check Cal's injuries?"
"Yes, General." He walks over to Cal, takes her hand, and concentrates.
Michael turns to his Captain and asks, "Is there any demonic activity in this area, Patrick?"
"Not within a two hundred mile radius, General, but the news of your escape spreads throughout the Realm."
"Thank you, Patrick; it's good to see you again. Have you met Gabriel Hope?"
"No, sir, I have not," Patrick reaches out his hand, and the Angel and the man shake hands, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Gabriel."
"Call me Gabe; everybody else does," Gabe turns to Cris, "And this is Cris Turner, Patrick."
"Hi," Cris smiles, "It's always strange meeting Angels."
"General," Joshua walks to them, "The young woman has a lacerated kidney and intestines, but the healing process proceeds nicely. She should be back to normal and ready for travel in about eight hours."
Cris sighs, "Well, that's a relief."
Michael smiles and says, "Thank you, Joshua," he turns to Gabe and Cris, "You two should get some rest. We haven't stopped since we entered the first portal near Second Chance."
Gabe smiles, slaps Cris on the back, and replies, "That's a good idea, Michael. Come on, Cris, they have things well in hand."
Chapter 13
Cris stirs when he hears Cal groan, but she quickly settles back down, and he begins to doze again.
Deep within Cal's mind, a visitor appears. Satan walks over to the small bed where her spirit currently resides, gently strokes her cheek, and says, "Awaken, California Marie Cummings."
Cal stretches her long arms while her eyes flutter open, then turns to the voice she hears. Startled at seeing a strange man standing in her old bedroom, Cal leaps from the bed. She had no idea she was dressed in the sexy red nighty from her daydreams about Cris. She quickly snatches the sheet off the bed and wraps it around her. Glaring at who she now knows is Satan, Cal asks, "What are you doing here?"
"You have a lovely body, Cal," he leers, "I just want to talk."
Confused, Cal asks, "Where are we?"
"Where I live every day, inside your mind. You see, I'm that evil thought you've been having about Cris. Oh, those things you did to each other in the bed of your dreams. You have a dirty mind, Cal."
"Not if we're married."
"Mere technicalities. You could have Cris right now if you wanted to. But that's not what I'm here to talk about."
"I see what it means in Proverbs," Cal rolls her eyes, "With many words, there are many sins. Would you get on with it!"
"Okay, I'm here to remind you of the events surrounding the death of your Mother and Father. You were coming back with a package of Bibles from town when you stumbled upon the scene. I can imagine the rage you felt seeing your Father lying with blood pooling around his head by the front door and then seeing your Mother being raped by one of the evil men who attacked that tiny church just before she died." Satan whispers in her ear, "Do you remember pulling back your bow and the pleasure it brought you seeing that arrow pierce the leader's neck, then emptying your quiver in the fleeing men? Of course, the highlight was standing by your parent's graves and smiling at the lions and buzzards eating their fill of the attackers. Fun times!"
Cal is seething with anger and replies, "Your point being?"
"Just this," Satan says smiling, "Those men were possessed by demons I sent to destroy that church, and they succeeded."
That rage begins to burn again inside Cal's mind.
"That's right, Cal, let it burn within you. The hatred you feel for all men and the demons that control them. Don't you want to kill them all, Cal?"
"Yes, I do. Starting with you, Satan!" Cal reaches for his throat with both hands.
Suddenly, there's a moan outside her body, and the dream is over.
Satan's secretary, a tall succubus with a dark, muscular body, enters his office and says, "Master, there has been a tremor from a deep dream that could be a coma, and it seems to be from a Heavenly Warrior named Cal Cummings."
"Yes, I feel it, too. It seems the Warriors are somewhere in Asia, possibly in China. Get me, Leviathon, immediately!"
"Yes, Master," she struts out of his office and says, "My Lord, he's on the screen."
Leviathon's bulbous head fills the wall in front of Satan's desk when Satan walks around the corner of his desk and says, "Leviathon, rally your miserable forces. I need you to search every available portal in western China."
Leviathon adjusts the crown of human femurs and skulls while his beady, red eyes beg for mercy. His broad, grotesque smile appears before slowly replying, "Master, that will take time. There are many thousands of portals throughout the mountains."
Smiling, Satan takes his left hand and acts like he's squeezing something.
Leviathon's face begins to contort. Gasping for breath, he whispers, "We will begin immediately."
Satan relaxes his hand, then replies, "Excellent, I want hourly feedback."
"Yes, Master," a gasping Leviathon disappears from the wall.
Nathanial had returned with more nourishment from Heaven. Gabriel and Cris were snacking on the fresh fruit and chatting with Michael and Nathanial. Cris asks, "You mean we have only two portals left, and we'll be at our destination, Gabe?"
"That's right. The next one takes to Janakpur in Southern Nepal, about twenty miles away," Gabe takes a bite of an orange-striped fruit shaped like a pear, "These are great pan-fried."
"What's after that, Gabe?"
"About five miles further, next to the base of a colossal mountain, is the way to Supal, India. We'll make a base outside of town."
Cris asks, "Where do they hold the slave auctions?"
"Down on Main Street. It's the thriving business of the town. Didn't we rescue a woman from there, Michael?"
"Yes, we did. Now, that woman is a minister in the mission fields of India, trying to save the very souls who sold her into slavery. What a miracle."
Captain Patrick walks up to Michael to announce, "General, they've detected our location. Possibly through a dream, but we should have a few hours before the enemy gets close."
"Thank you, Patrick. It looks like we need Cal to wake up."
Right on cue, Cal begins to stretch and moan. Cris slides beside her and asks, "Cal, can you hear me? It's Cris. How do you feel?"
Her eyes are barely open when she stretches and replies, "Just wonderful, darling." She wraps her arms around Cris's neck and pulls him into a romantic kiss with swirling tongues and passionate moans. Cal drifts off again when Cris gently lays her head back.
He looks at three smiling faces and says, "It was part of a dream, I guess."
"Yeah," Gabe chuckles, "I'd say that dream was about you."
"Well, that's not a bad thing."
"No, it is not," Michael rerplies.
Cal stirs again, rubs both of her eyes, then slowly opens them. Panic suddenly fills her face, and she scrambles backward, reaching for blankets that aren't there, and exclaims, "What are you doing in my" She glances around at the faces staring at her. "Where are we?"
"We're in China," Gabe answers, then asks, "How do you feel?"
Cal begins to unwrap the Tallit from around her waist and replies, "Just stiff and a little sore. What's this wrapped around me?"
"Michael's Tallit," Cris answers. "It saved your life."
Cal asks, "Would somebody please tell me what happened?"
"You caught a demon's sword in your back before we hit the portal," Gabe answers.
Cal pulls up her shirt a little to see her scar and exclaims, "Wow, that's a beauty. Don't we need to get moving?"
"Yes," Michael answers, "But not until you get something to eat."
"That sounds great. I'm starving! Oh, the little red plums. My favorite."

Author Notes The Cast of Characters.

The twelve-year-old girl who her father sold to the Dealer in the prologue.

The Angelic Warriors

Gabriel Hope
At six feet six inches tall and 295 pounds, Gabe is a 20-year veteran of the Army Rangers, and he's been walking for the Lord for 23 years.

The Arch Angel of Heaven, Prince of God, Commander of the Lord's Armies. His massive size varies depending on the situation. Michael has been friends with Gabe for many years after recruiting him for battles in the Spirit Realm.

Cal Cummings
At six feet two inches tall and 200 pounds, Cal graduated from Vanderbilt University with a Master's degree in Theology. She also starred in Volleyball and is an Olympic Champion Archer. Five years ago, she was working in the mission fields of Africa when bandits killed her Mother and Father in a brutal attack, and Cal barely escaped.

Cris Turner
At six feet tall and 200 pounds, Cris has a Master's degree in Criminal Science and Theology from North Carolina University. He is also an excellent shot with his Colt 45 model #1911. Three years ago, he started walking for the Lord when his wife and son were killed in a plane crash, but Cris missed the flight.

The Enemy

Lucifer, Satan, or the Evil One
He is the Supreme Commander of all the demon armies and ruler of the dark side of the Spirit Realm.

2nd in command under Lucifer, all of the other generals report to him. He uses pride to tempt others.

Commander of the North American army of demons, he tempts others with burning desire.

Commander of the Western Asian army of demons, and he tempts others with heresy.

The slow marching skeletal soldiers in Satan's armies - Legions vary in size from five to seven feet tall. They are known for their ability to leap upon their prey and are mighty in battle.

They are much smaller than the Legions but quick soldiers hunt in packs. They cling to the dried-up riverbeds, oceans, lakes, and streams, and Familiars carry short swords and slingshots.

Cambions are one to two-foot-tall demons with oversized reproductive organs. Cambions are created in the Spirit realm when a Succubus has intercourse with a male or female human while dreaming.

A Super demon that's created in the Spirit realm when Satan or one of his generals has sex with a young virgin girl in the earthly Realm.

A demon that hides in the darker realms waiting for humans to sleep so they can invade their dreams to have intercourse with them. They can be either male or female.

Many thanks for stopping by to read!
Have a great day, and God bless.

Chapter 14
Cal's Rage!

By papa55mike

The Warriors silently walk along the rough trail beside the Lainhau mountains that weaves its way through the darkness. Cris notices a slight change in Cal, and she seems deep in thought. Cal begins to lag behind the others, quietly arguing with herself until she screams, "Would you get out of my head!" She stumbles over a rock on the trail.
Cris turns to catch her, and Cal steadies herself in his arms. Cris asks, "Are you all right?"
Cal pushes him away and exclaims, "I'm fine! What's it to you, pretty boy?" She forces her way past him.
"Not much, evidently." Cris turns with a confused look and watches her storm her way ahead.
Cal asks Gabe, "Where are we, big man?"
"It's still China, and the Xi Jiang River is back there. We're almost halfway to the next portal. How are you feeling, Cal?"
"Me, I'm ready to kill them all!"
Gabe smiles at the glaring look on Cal's face and replies, "Well, that's nice. I've seen that look in a mirror before. Be careful. That hate can consume you."
Cal shakes her head and rubs her temples, saying, "It's different now, Gabe." Her face lightens some. "I don't know what's changed, but I can barely control a rage inside me. It wasn't there before. Keep an eye on me, will you."
"That's my job. I'm the leader."
The Warriors tighten the ranks as they get closer to the portal to Nepal. Cal is still glowering at Cris, and he's trying to stay out of her way. Cris knows he needs to be sharp, but it's hard thinking about what's happened since Cal came out of her coma. It feels like the plane is missing all over again. He swore to himself that he'd never feel those emotions again. Cris whispers, "How did that work for you? Ah, not too good." He stops in midstep to think out loud, "Wait a minute, division. That's what Satan is after. The dream that gave away our location was Cal's. He brought something out of her with a memory. But what?"
Gabe announces, "We're almost there. Stay close. It's just around this boulder."
The moment they get in the clear, the portal starts to swirl. Something is coming through before they get there. The other Warriors slip into the darkness of the crevises, except Cal. She takes her bow, draws an arrow, and when the Legions step through one by one, they each meet an arrow right between the eyes. Cal exclaims, "That felt so good."
She walks over to the left-behind armor and then kicks out a short sword and scabbard for herself. "I think I can use this."
Cris walks up to Cal and says, "I hope that didn't give away our position."
Cal glares at him, then answers, "Bring them on. That's more for me to kill."
Gabe says, "I've got a shoulder harness for that sword. I'll dig it out when we make camp in a little bit."
"That sounds cool," Cal replies. "You mean we'll be out of this place in a little while?"
Gabe answers, "Yes, ma'am. Let's get through this portal, and it's just a few miles after that to the next one."
Michael says, "After you, my friend."
"Gladly, Michael. Follow me, everybody." Gabe leads them into the swirling darkness.
The Warriors are greeted on the other side by a majestic mountain range that fills the horizon.
Cris asks Gabe, "Where are the clouds and demon patrols? They were all over the states."
Michael says, "I'll answer this question, Gabriel. These people are so far from God, Cris. They don't need much demonic support to spread evil."
"Wow," Cris replies. "Wide is the gate for destruction, and narrow is the way to salvation."
A calmer Cal asks, "Where are we, Gabe?"
"We're walking along the Great Himalayas near Rolwaling Valley. Many of the world's tallest peaks exist here, and Mount Everest is a little farther south. The next portal is in that direction, and we'll be back in the Physical Realm. The town of Supaul is a mile or so away."
"You mean a girl might be able to clean up a little?"
Gabe chuckles and answers, "Well, I can't promise you a hot bath, but there is a river nearby."
"That'll do! These clothes are sticking to me."
The rough terrain slows them down a little, but it doesn't take long for them to get there. The Warriors stand before their final destination after traveling eight thousand four hundred miles from a small town in Tennessee.
Gabe turns to Cal and says, "Don't take out anyone this time. They will be able to triangulate our position if you do."
"Got you, boss. It's hard to fathom that we'll be back in the real world again."
Michael warns, "Your bodies and physical systems will change. You'll go back to needing food and rest again."
Cris responds, "That will be different. I think I've lost a few pounds in here, and I could use a nap."
Cal speaks up, "I'll lead the way this time." She disappears into the swirling darkness, and the others follow.
Satan's office is a buzz of activity. Leviathon is on the wall screen saying, "We lost four Legions in Guangdong Province. Reinforcements are checking it out, and there's been no other trace of them."
"Your Legions are standing beside me, and they didn't see what hit them. Where does that portal lead to?"
"To the Great Himalaya's Master, and all those portals lead south into India."
"Let me check into all of the operations in that area."
"Yes, Master." Leviathon breathes a sigh of relief before his head vanishes from the screen.
Satan hollers, "Slaves!"
His two secretaries race into the room, saying, "Yes, Master!"
"Start checking all of our operations in Northern India and put them on alert. We may have trouble brewing."

Author Notes The Cast of Characters.

The twelve-year-old girl who her father sold to the Dealer in the prologue.

The Angelic Warriors

Gabriel Hope
At six feet six inches tall and 295 pounds, Gabe is a 20-year veteran of the Army Rangers, and he's been walking for the Lord for 23 years.

The Arch Angel of Heaven, Prince of God, Commander of the Lord's Armies. His massive size varies depending on the situation. Michael has been friends with Gabe for many years after recruiting him for battles in the Spirit Realm.

Cal Cummings
At six feet two inches tall and 200 pounds, Cal graduated from Vanderbilt University with a Master's degree in Theology. She also starred in Volleyball and is an Olympic Champion Archer. Five years ago, she was working in the mission fields of Africa when bandits killed her Mother and Father in a brutal attack, and Cal barely escaped.

Cris Turner
At six feet tall and 200 pounds, Cris has a Master's degree in Criminal Science and Theology from North Carolina University. He is also an excellent shot with his Colt 45 model #1911. Three years ago, he started walking for the Lord when his wife and son were killed in a plane crash, but Cris missed the flight.

The Enemy

Lucifer, Satan, or the Evil One
He is the Supreme Commander of all the demon armies and ruler of the dark side of the Spirit Realm.

2nd in command under Lucifer, all of the other generals report to him. He uses pride to tempt others.

Commander of the North American army of demons, he tempts others with burning desire.

Commander of the Western Asian army of demons, and he tempts others with heresy.

The slow-marching skeletal soldiers in Satan's armies - Legions vary in size from five to seven feet tall. They are known for their ability to leap upon their prey and are mighty in battle.

They are much smaller than the Legions but quick soldiers that hunt in packs. They cling to the dried-up riverbeds, oceans, lakes, and streams, and Familiars carry short swords and slingshots.

Cambions are one to two-foot-tall demons with oversized reproductive organs. Cambions are created in the Spirit realm when a Succubus has intercourse with a male or female human while dreaming.

A Super demon created in the Spirit realm when Satan or one of his generals has intercourse with a young virgin girl in the earthly Realm.

A demon that hides in the darker realms waiting for humans to sleep so they can invade their dreams to have intercourse with them. They can be either male or female.

Chapter 15
Gabe Goes to Town

By papa55mike

The end of Chapter~14
The rough terrain slows them down a little, but it doesn't take long for them to get there. The Warriors stand before their final destination after traveling eight thousand four hundred miles from a small town in Tennessee.
Gabe turns to Cal and says, "Don't take out anyone this time. They will be able to triangulate our position if you do."
"Got you, boss. It's hard to fathom that we'll be back in the real world again."
Michael warns, "Your bodies and physical systems will change. You'll go back to needing food and rest again."
Cris responds, "That will be different. I think I've lost a few pounds in here, and I could use a nap."
Cal speaks up, "I'll lead the way this time." She disappears into the swirling darkness, and the others follow.
The Warriors exit the portal in India with the noonday sun beating down on them. Everyone is instantly blinded except for Michael, who chuckles and says, "I told you your bodies would have to adjust."
"Wow, I'm a California girl and still wasn't ready for that," Cal smirks.
Cris's eyes finally adjust to see the surrounding area, and the bleak horizon jars him. To the left, gutted buildings line the road south through two mountains of garbage. Several children search the trash for anything to sell or eat while kicking crows and vultures out of the way. Cris says, "Dear, Lord. What has this world come to."
Gabe walks over to Cris, saying, "Bihar is one of the poorest places in the world, Cris."
"I thought central Mississippi was the worst place I've seen, but it was nothing like this."
Cal steps between them, saying, "Sadly, I can take you to a few villages in Africa that are worse." She turns to Gabe and asks, "I sure hope our base isn't around here?"
"No, it's further south, praise God."
They notice Michael walking toward the children saying something in another language, and the children instantly understand. They run to his side while he passes out coins to each of them. Jubilation erupts in the children, with many jumping, skipping, and running from this dreadful place. The last and smallest stops before Michael; he can't be two yet. Michael picks him up and gives him a coin with a smile and a hug. That little boy's face fills with joy.
The others walk toward Michael, and Cal speaks up, "You're just a big softy, Michael."
"If they all make it home with those coins, they should be able to eat for a month. This statement is nothing against you three; I know the justice you fight for, but how can humanity let this happen?"
"Too many people slip through the cracks, Michael," Cris answers. "You haven't seen the dividing line through many towns in the south or the train tracks. I'm sure Gabe has, and if you're born on the wrong side, may heaven help you."
"He's right, Michael, and I was born on the wrong side."
Cal asks, "What language were you speaking, Michael?"
"Tibeto-Burman, it's the dialect spoken along the Great Himalayas."
Gabe speaks up, "Come on, everybody. Let's head south for a day off from everything trying to kill us."
"Yes, sir," Cris exclaims. "You know, it's nice the see the blue sky again with a few white puffy clouds. I've missed these simple things."
Cal asks, "What are we going to do about food?"
"The Lord will provide. Not only am I the leader; I'm also the cook," Gabe answers. "I'll have to visit the market in town."
"You'll stand out like a sore thumb," Cal chuckles. "There's nobody in that town your size."
Gabe replies, "I'll wear my sunglasses, and nobody will notice me." He takes his sunglasses from his pack, slides them on, and gives a cheesy smile.
Even Michael laughs at that, saying, "Not a soul will notice you, Gabriel."
The Warriors stroll down the dirt road with Cris dragging behind, studying Cal. He hopes her temper has calmed for now. Cal glances his way, and for a moment, their eyes meet; Cris sees the fear within her. He whispers, "There's still hope."
In Northern India, sorrow fills the land. It's in the few leafless trees along the road, the eyes of the people watching them pass, and the deep wheel ruts reaching south. Bullet-ridden vehicles lining the dirt road add their voices to this melancholy opera while the children play tag around them. Cris wonders, where do they find their joy?
At an intersection, a path leads to the left through some ragged trees and then into a clearing - on the left is a large lean-to with a fire pit - at the river's edge, flowers of many colors bloom in the rich soil with Mango, Banana, and Fig trees ripe and ready. Gabe turns, saying, "Welcome to our Base Camp."
Cal walks towards the lean-to, asking, "How can this be here amidst all that poverty?"
"Let us say the Lord provided us a hideaway," Michael answers. "No one but us can enter or leave, and we are completely safe."
Cris smiles and asks, "I take it there's a platoon close by?"
"Give that man a prize," Gabe chuckles.
"Dibs on the water," Cal starts to peel off her weapons and then stops. "I don't have any other clothes."
"Yes, you do," Michael points to the lean-to. "Everything you and Cris left in Tennessee is in there."
"All right," Cal hollers and then runs inside. She returns with her backpack, saying, "I will be transformed when I return. You might tell your troops to turn their heads, Michael."
"My troops are always gentlemen, Cal."
"I'll bet! Wait a minute; they are Angels," She struts off towards the river.
Cris kneels in the sand and slides off his AR-15, amour pouch, and Colt, saying, "All of these need a good cleaning. It was nice to see Cal smiling again."
Michael asks Cris, "Do you have a theory on what happened to Cal?"
"Yeah, I think Satan came to visit Cal's mind during her coma, bringing out some memory in her mind."
"The Holy Spirit flows through you, Cris. I think you're right, and he'll be back."
Gabe finally pulls off everything he is carrying and then pulls out his sunglasses, exclaiming, "I'm off to town, men. Michael, I need some money to make Beef Curry for supper."
"You really know how to cook, Gabe?"
"You tasted my cooking in Tennessee."
Cris asks, "I thought Pearlie cooked all of that?"
"Only the fried chicken, and it was delicious. I'll be back, gentlemen."
"With no weapons?" Michael asks.
"I'm always carrying something, and my Asp Police Batons will do just fine. They're in my back pocket."
Gabe slowly walks toward Supaul with his eyes taking in everything. The colorful food bazaar is before the center of town. Booths line the street with the smells of spices, fruits, almonds, things frying and baking, with bread in every form. He buys some flatbread, beef, curry, and fresh goat's milk.
With his arms full of packages, Gabe turns to leave when he spots four massive guards at the entrance to the town square. He can smell the brimstone wafting his way. He whispers, "Well, we're on high alert in this area, and that will make things interesting."

Author Notes Many thanks for stopping by to read!
Have a great day, and God bless.

The Cast of Characters.

The twelve-year-old girl who her father sold to the Dealer in the prologue.

The Angelic Warriors

Gabriel Hope
At six feet six inches tall and 295 pounds, Gabe is a 20-year veteran of the Army Rangers, and he's been walking for the Lord for 23 years.

The Arch Angel of Heaven, Prince of God, Commander of the Lord's Armies. His massive size varies depending on the situation. Michael has been friends with Gabe for many years after recruiting him for battles in the Spirit Realm.

Cal Cummings
At six feet two inches tall and 200 pounds, Cal graduated from Vanderbilt University with a Master's degree in Theology. She also starred in Volleyball and is an Olympic Champion Archer. Five years ago, she was working in the mission fields of Africa when bandits killed her Mother and Father in a brutal attack, and Cal barely escaped.

Cris Turner
At six feet tall and 200 pounds, Cris has a Master's degree in Criminal Science and Theology from North Carolina University. He is also an excellent shot with his Colt 45 model #1911. Three years ago, he started walking for the Lord when his wife and son were killed in a plane crash, but Cris missed the flight.

The Enemy

Lucifer, Satan, or the Evil One
He is the Supreme Commander of all the demon armies and ruler of the dark side of the Spirit Realm.

2nd in command under Lucifer, all of the other generals report to him. He uses pride to tempt others.

Commander of the North American army of demons, he tempts others with burning desire.

Commander of the Western Asian army of demons, and he tempts others with heresy.

The slow-marching skeletal soldiers in Satan's armies - Legions vary in size from five to seven feet tall. They are known for their ability to leap upon their prey and are mighty in battle.

They are much smaller than the Legions but quick soldiers that hunt in packs. They cling to the dried-up riverbeds, oceans, lakes, and streams, and Familiars carry short swords and slingshots.

Cambions are one to two-foot-tall demons with oversized reproductive organs. Cambions are created in the Spirit realm when a Succubus has intercourse with a male or female human while dreaming.

A Super demon that's created in the Spirit realm when Satan or one of his generals has intercourse with a young virgin girl in the Earthly Realm.

A demon that hides in the darker realms waiting for humans to sleep so they can invade their dreams to have intercourse with them. They can be either male or female.

Chapter 16
Prisha's Freedom

By papa55mike

End of Chapter ~ 15
Gabe slowly walks toward Supaul with his eyes taking in everything. The colorful food bazaar is before the center of town. Booths line the street with the smells of spices, fruits, almonds, things frying and baking, with bread in every form. He buys some flatbread, beef, curry, and fresh goat's milk.
With his arms full of packages, Gabe turns to leave when he spots four massive guards at the entrance to the town square. He can smell the brimstone wafting his way. He whispers, "Well, we're on high alert in this area, and that will make things interesting."
Chapter 16
Cris finishes making a fire in the pit and asks Michael, "Do you think we should check on Cal?"
"Let her have a moment of peace without a man around," Michael could see the care in Cris's eyes.
There's a stir behind the trees, and a transformed woman steps through the flowers. Cal strides towards them in a pair of knee-length jean shorts, a simple pink tee shirt with her hair tied back with a gorgeous black and brown scarf. There's always been an air of grace and beauty within Cal; at this moment, it's never been more evident.
"Well, you look refreshed," Micheal smiles.
Cal sits beside Cris, then takes her index finger and closes his mouth, saying, "You're drooling."
"You let your hair down," Cris is amazed.
"Yeah, and when did I get all of this gray hair?" Cal pulls some of her hair forward to show them. "It must have been when I was in that coma. You didn't tell me about that, Michael?"
"I did not know that, Cal." It's all Michael can do to keep from laughing.
"I'm only thirty-two, and that's too young to start dying my hair!"
"Why would you?" Cris asks. "You're gorgeous the way you are."
Cal bites her lip a little before finding Cris's eyes, saying, "Thank you."
Gabe makes his grand entrance through the trees spilling the packages everywhere, saying, "Well, at least I made it here."
Cal comes to help and says, "Those big arms couldn't carry everything."
"They were so little but so many."
Michael comes around the lean-to carrying a large oak table, saying, "Here, Gabriel, this table should help; skillets and pans are hanging on the side."
"The Lord does provide. I won't have to use my Boy Scout campout pans. Cris, will you and Cal pick some fruit for dinner?"
"Glady, my friend. Will thou fairest maiden stroll with me to the river?"
Cal replies in her best Californian accent, "Sure, dude!"
"My hand, fair maiden," Cris holds out his hand, and Cal gladly accepts. They wander aimlessly toward the trees.
"Did you see anything on the way to town, Gabriel?"
"Many things. There were several ambush points along the way. After I finished shopping, I noticed four huge men standing on the corners of
Main Street."
"Let me guess; there was a hint of Brimstone about them?"
"Yeah, they were four Garrotes. Every place around is probably on high alert, and Satan is trying to find out where we're going to strike."
"I sense no evil force around us, and I would be informed instantly."
"We'll find out in the morning. The festivities start around mid-morning, according to the shopkeepers who would tell me anything for the right price."
The next day, the sun peeks through the trees sharing its warmth with a needy planet. Cal sits alone by the river, studying the rays while listening to a heavenly voice. A faint whisper comes on a breeze while the sun engulfs her body.
Michael watches from twenty yards away; he sees the Lord speaking with Cal and smiles.
Cris slowly stirs and glances toward the pale yellow sky. He's thankful they all survived the journey here, but there are many things to do.
Gabe rolls over, knowing Michael has been on watch throughout the night. He breaks the welcomed silence, saying, "Good morning, everyone."
All of them stir from their blissful moments.
Cal rises, saying, "I've been thinking about how we can waltz right into town unnoticed, and I've got an idea."
Cris speaks up, "Cool, let's hear it." He slowly sits up.
"What if Cris and I are wealthy Americans who want to buy servants for our place in the states? Michael and Gabe would be our bodyguards, allowing us to roam the site and inspect the merchandise."
"That will let each of us search for the creeps with guns. I'm sure it's loaded with firepower," Gabe replies. "I like it!"
"There's only one problem," Cal slowly turns to Michael, saying, "I don't see any eight-foot humans walking the earth, Michael. Can you get any smaller?"
Michael takes two steps toward Gabe and is instantly his height, asking, "Will this do?"
"Perfect," Cal exclaims.
Cris speaks up, "I think we should be packing. Gabe and Michael can carry the AR-15s, and I'll have my Forty-five."
"My bow and quiver would stand out," Cal explains.
"We're just looking today, Cal," Gabe smiles. "We'll play tomorrow."
That snarl returns to her face, saying, "I'm looking forward to that!"
The sun begins to bake the area though it's still early in the day. The Warriors appear out of their secluded campsite, Cal and Cris leading the way. All of them are wearing sunglasses to shade their eyes and allow them to search the area without being noticed. Cal and Cris try to look like wealthy people with an air of arrogance around them. Michael and Gabe fit the part perfectly with bulging biceps, massive shoulders, and large guns in their hands.
Michael leans to Gabe, asking, "Do I look the part?"
Gabe chuckles, "Absolutely."
"You know I've never fired one of these weapons, Gabriel?"
"It won't matter. If things get hairy, toss it to Cris. He knows what to do."
Cal leans to Cris, saying, "Those two are a pair of something."
"Yeah, but I sure want them backing us in any fight."
"Me, too."
They slowly walk through the colorful food bazaar, smelling all the tempting delights. Cris leans back to Gabe and says, "I don't see the guards, but this place reeks of brimstone."
Cal and Cris lead the way through the gate. The massive and ancient wooden doors are wide open. The town square is nothing but an auction block. The three major dealers have stages set up along the back wall. A decent crowd has gathered, but the main event will start soon. Many minor dealers display their stock in small groups, mostly older women and men. Suddenly the group has all eyes upon them.
Two huge men step out from the shadows, and Michael steps forward.
The guards speak to him in another language, but Michael answers in English, "My masters would like to purchase some merchandise for their home in America. Is there a problem?" Michael glares at them over his sunglasses.
The guard answers, "No, see our master over there," he points to a slender man by the stage. He's dressed in a tacky blue linen suit, a straw hat that's too small, and he's counting a large wad of money.
Michael and the others walk over to him, and he asks, "My master is very wealthy, and we would like to see some of your merchandise."
"Well," an evil glint appears in his eyes. "I have the best selection. What are you interested in?"
"Young girls with domestic and other skills. If you know what I mean?"
"Oh, yes, my friend! I have what you want. Just a moment." He turns, goes through a door, and then fifteen young women follow him to the front of the stage.
"See, I have the best in Supaul. What rare beauties." The dealer barks a command, and the girls drop their sheer robes. "Exquisite, are they not?"
Suddenly, Cal notices the girl in the middle. She takes off her sunglasses, and their eyes meet. Prisha is beaten and bruised, but her beauty still shines through. Cal feels a connection with her instantly and calls to Micheal, pointing to her, "Buy her, Michael. She's the reason why we're here."
"Are you sure, Cal?"
"Absolutely! I've never been so sure of anything in my life."
Michael smiles and then turns to haggle with the dealer. Cal notices Gabe and Cris taking in every inch of this horrific place. She scans the roofs and finds four old machine guns; only two have shooters.
Michael finally hits on a price, reaches into his pocket, and pays the dealer his price. "I expect that young woman here with all of her things in two minutes, and it won't be pretty if you make me come back there."
"Oh, yes, my friend. I will bring her right to you," he turns and barks out another order. The girls pick up their robes and march back through the door.
The dealer drags Prisha out the door within forty-five seconds, barely dressed. "See, I have brought as you commanded. You may have this filthy beast. She has been nothing but trouble." He raises his hand to strike her, but Michael catches his hand and then picks him up to eye level, saying, "She no longer belongs to you," then suddenly drops him.
Gabe hears a stir behind the windows that line the square; he steps forward and says, "Lead us out, Michael. I've got the rear." Gabe helps the man up and dusts him off with a smile, saying, "Thank you." The dealer nods a yes.
Prisha is humbly kneeling before Cal and Cris. Cal reaches down and takes her hand, saying, "Come with us." Prisha slowly rises.
Michael leads the way with Prisha between Cal and Cris. Gabe backs out of the square with his senses on full alert. Suddenly, there's movement in every curtained window. He smiles, saying, "Found you."

Author Notes Many thanks for stopping by to read!
Have a great day, and God bless.

The Cast of Characters.

The twelve-year-old girl who her father sold to the Dealer in the prologue.

The Angelic Warriors

Gabriel Hope
At six feet six inches tall and 295 pounds, Gabe is a 20-year veteran of the Army Rangers, and he's been walking for the Lord for 23 years.

The Arch Angel of Heaven, Prince of God, Commander of the Lord's Armies. His massive size varies depending on the situation. Michael has been friends with Gabe for many years after recruiting him for battles in the Spirit Realm.

Cal Cummings
At six feet two inches tall and 200 pounds, Cal graduated from Vanderbilt University with a Master's degree in Theology. She also starred in Volleyball and is an Olympic Champion Archer. Five years ago, she was working in the mission fields of Africa when bandits killed her Mother and Father in a brutal attack, and Cal barely escaped.

Cris Turner
At six feet tall and 200 pounds, Cris has a Master's degree in Criminal Science and Theology from North Carolina University. He is also an excellent shot with his Colt 45 model #1911. Three years ago, he started walking for the Lord when his wife and son were killed in a plane crash, but Cris missed the flight.

The Enemy

Lucifer, Satan, or the Evil One
He is the Supreme Commander of all the demon armies and ruler of the dark side of the Spirit Realm.

2nd in command under Lucifer, all of the other generals report to him. He uses pride to tempt others.

Commander of the North American army of demons, he tempts others with burning desire.

Commander of the Western Asian army of demons, and he tempts others with heresy.

The slow-marching skeletal soldiers in Satan's armies - Legions vary from five to seven feet tall. They are known for their ability to leap upon their prey and are mighty in battle.

They are much smaller than the Legions but quick soldiers that hunt in packs. They cling to the dried-up riverbeds, oceans, lakes, and streams, and Familiars carry short swords and slingshots.

Cambions are one to two-foot-tall demons with oversized reproductive organs. Cambions are created in the Spirit realm when a Succubus has intercourse with a male or female human while dreaming.

A Super demon created in the Spirit realm when Satan or one of his generals has intercourse with a young virgin girl in the earthly Realm.

A demon that hides in the darker realms waiting for humans to sleep so they can invade their dreams to have intercourse with them. They can be either male or female.

Chapter 17
A Planning Session

By papa55mike

End of Chapter~16
The dealer drags Prisha out the door within forty-five seconds, barely dressed. "See, I have brought as you commanded. You may have this filthy beast. She has been nothing but trouble." He raises his hand to strike her, but Michael catches his hand and then picks him up to eye level, saying, "She no longer belongs to you," then suddenly drops him.
Gabe hears a stir behind the windows that line the square; he steps forward and says, "Lead us out, Michael. I've got the rear." Gabe helps the man up and dusts him off with a smile, saying, "Thank you." The dealer nods a yes.
Prisha is humbly kneeling before Cal and Cris. Cal reaches down and takes her hand, saying, "Come with us." Prisha slowly rises.
Michael leads the way with Prisha between Cal and Cris. Gabe backs out of the square with his senses on full alert. Suddenly, there's movement in every curtained window. He smiles, saying, "Found you."
Gabe slowly turns once they make it through the doors to the street. His focus changes to the road, and there, mingled among the dealers, are four armed men carrying AKM assault rifles. He glances behind him toward the doors, where two other guards are holding T91s. Gabe whispers, "These boys don't play. Where were they yesterday?"
Gabe's friends, the ones willing to tell him anything, have a different look on their faces, with Prisha in the middle of Cal and Cris. "It seems we've dropped in their opinions." All eyes are on them as they make their way back to camp.
The two men who greeted them inside step out when Gabe rounds the corner- they smile at each other and go to report to the Master.
A few minutes later, the guards, still in human form, stand before the Master of evil in his office, saying, "We have seen four people who resemble the descriptions you sent us. Two large men with a young man and woman claimed to want slaves for their home, and they bought a young woman and then left with her."
Satan rises from his chair in deep thought, saying, "That's the seventh report of the same thing happening along the Himalayas. Why would Supaul mean anything to them? We have more extensive facilities elsewhere. Return to your stations, slaves." They both bow and then quickly leave.
Michael leads the Warriors into their secluded hideaway, saying, "I'm not sure that was a wise thing to do."
"It did bring us out into the open," Gabe replies. "But I saw many things we would've missed."
"Like what, Gabe?" Cris asks.
"First, all the movement behind those curtains on the second floor when Michael dropped that man. Second, the four guards carrying assault rifles mixed in with the shopkeepers outside. Third, the extra two guards lurking by the doors to the square. There's your firepower."
"Did you see the four old machine guns on the roof?" Cal asks. "But only two had shooters."
"I was studying the structures for any weaknesses and now have the complete layout in my mind," Cris adds.
"Well," Gabe chuckles, "It seems we have enough to put together a plan with the Lord's help."
Cal turns to Prisha, who humbly awaits her orders. She's having a difficult time wrapping her Sari around her body. "Do we have any clothes for her, Michael?"
"I think you will find some in your backpack, Cal."
"As always." Cal asks, "That reminds me, where are you getting all this money?"
"Do I have to answer, Cal?"
"No," Cal smiles, "The Lord provides." She walks into the lean-to and opens her backpack.
Michael rises and walks toward Prisha with a smile, saying something in Tibeto Berman. Prisha smiles a little, and then Michael places his hand on her head. Time pauses for a moment. He removes his hand and asks Prisha, "Do you understand me, child?"
Prisha's eyes glow, and her lip quivers a little, answering, "Yes, but how?"
"Because my Father in heaven is an extraordinary God."
Cal walks over, asking, "What's your name?"
She slowly answers, "Prisha."
"Come with me, Prisha, so we can get you cleaned up and into more comfortable clothes."
"Yes, Master," Prisha humbly bows.
"No, Prisha, you are free. No one owns you now," Cal smiles. "I'll explain by the river." Prisha rises, and they meander toward the river.
Cris pulls some copy paper and pencil out of his backpack and begins to sketch out the complex while Gabe and Michael gather around. The men start to talk about the layout.
Prisha dries herself and then slides on the shorts and teeshirt. She stares at the Nike's, wondering how to put them on. Prisha has never worn socks or shoes in her life.
"Let me help you, Prisha," Cal explains how they go on and ties them for her. "You are a lovely young woman."
"So have I been told, but I hate my beauty. How am I free?" Prisha's speech is still a little slow.
"We came to set you and the others free. Michael paid that evil man, and you will never have to bow to anyone again. I saw the scratches and bruises on your body. Who put them on you?"
"The dealer you bought me from and many other men who forced me to do evil things. I fought them, but it did not matter."
"That's why we're here, Prisha. To punish those men for their crimes, free the others, and destroy this place."
"I will help," Prisha wipes her eyes, "In any way I can."
"Thank you, we'll need it."
"Where are you from?"
"I'm from California, in the United States."
"Are girls like me free there?"
"Yes, Prisha, and deeply loved."
"I was born in the wrong country. Do the girls have beds to sleep in?"
"Almost all of them. You will sleep in a bed soon. One thing you will have to do, Prisha, is let go of the past. Your future is now full of hope."
Prisha's dark brown eyes find Cal's, saying, "I believe you, C..."
"Cal Cummings is my name, but you can call me Cal."
"That's great, Prisha. Come on, let's go see what the guys are doing."
While they are walking toward them, Cris exclaims, "That covers all of the bases, but how can we walk in there unnoticed? We need an element of surprise to pull this off."
Cal interjects while walking up to the table, "Since we can't just walk in there during the day, why can't we get in there at night?"
Cris answers, "That's a great idea, but where would we hide."
"I have been there for months," Prisha adds, "And know every place to hide in there."
"Tell us more, child," Michael exclaims.
"Her name is Prisha, Michael, and I told you we needed her."
Prisha studies the drawing, saying, "There are several storage rooms along this back wall which they never visit unless they are looking for me. But do not go in here." She points to the last in the corner. "The evil Master and his friends come and go through there."
Cal asks, "Is he tall, slender, and very handsome?"
"Yes, but it is not his true self."
The four Warriors smile at each other, and Gabe says, "There's a portal there, and I wonder where it leads."
Prisha says, "It leads to a place of beauty but is pure evil."
"The Breeding facility," Cris adds. "How many girls are there, Prisha?"
"Many," Prisha frowns, "Once they finish with us, they send us back to the block."
Cal asks, "Is that how they brought you back to the block?"
"Yes, there was a door, and a black cloud was in the room. We went through and ended at the block. Have I helped, Cal?"
"Oh, yes, Prisha," Cal answers with a big smile. "In many ways."

Author Notes We have a few more chapters to go.
Many thanks for stopping by to read!

Have a great day, and God bless.

The Cast of Characters.

The twelve-year-old girl who her father sold to the Dealer in the prologue.

The Angelic Warriors

Gabriel Hope
At six feet six inches tall and 295 pounds, Gabe is a 20-year veteran of the Army Rangers, and he's been walking for the Lord for 23 years.

The Arch Angel of Heaven, Prince of God, Commander of the Lord's Armies. His massive size varies depending on the situation. Michael has been friends with Gabe for many years after recruiting him for battles in the Spirit Realm.

Cal Cummings
At six feet two inches tall and 200 pounds, Cal graduated from Vanderbilt University with a Master's degree in Theology. She also starred in Volleyball and is an Olympic Champion Archer. Five years ago, she was working in the mission fields of Africa when bandits killed her Mother and Father in a brutal attack, and Cal barely escaped.

Cris Turner
At six feet tall and 200 pounds, Cris has a Master's degree in Criminal Science and Theology from North Carolina University. He is also an excellent shot with his Colt 45 model #1911. Three years ago, he started walking for the Lord when his wife and son were killed in a plane crash, but Cris missed the flight.

The Enemy

Lucifer, Satan, or the Evil One
He is the Supreme Commander of all the demon armies and ruler of the dark side of the Spirit Realm.

2nd in command under Lucifer, all of the other generals report to him. He uses pride to tempt others.

Commander of the North American army of demons, he tempts others with burning desire.

Commander of the Western Asian army of demons, and he tempts others with heresy.

The slow-marching skeletal soldiers in Satan's armies - Legions vary in size from five to seven feet tall. They are known for their ability to leap upon their prey and are mighty in battle.

They are much smaller than the Legions but quick soldiers that hunt in packs. They cling to the dried-up riverbeds, oceans, lakes, and streams, and Familiars carry short swords and slingshots.

Cambions are one to two-foot-tall demons with oversized reproductive organs. Cambions are created in the Spirit realm when a Succubus has intercourse with a male or female human while dreaming.

A Super demon that's created in the Spirit realm when Satan or one of his generals has sex with a young virgin girl in the earthly realm.

A demon that hides in the darker realms waiting for humans to sleep so they can invade their dreams to have intercourse with them. They can be either male or female.

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