"What Breaks My Heart"

Chapter 1
Tattered Memories

By fm wright

Tattered memories of days long gone,
gone: lost in the shadows of the past,
past, yet not entirely faded,
faded, but into present is cast,

cast forth like some near forgotten dream,
dream rising from the mists of the mind,
mind, in remembering bygone times,
times that to yesteryear can be blind,

blind to what was then and what is now,
now into pieces has been battered,
battered 'til only little is left:
left behind are memories tattered.

Author Notes Appreciation goes out to Linda Bickston for use of this piece entitled "Tattered."

Chapter 2

By fm wright



down one's cheek

can more than words


Author Notes This is my first lantern poem. Appreciation goes out to seshadri_sreenivasan for use of this art piece entitled "Silent Tears."

Chapter 3
Untold Heartache

By fm wright

Brutality rampant in the streets,
Covid Nineteen is most everywhere;
demanding life must alter its beat,
excluding no one in its despair
while many jobs have thus disappeared.

Author Notes Appreciation goes out to Linda Bickston for use of this artwork entitled "Heartache." This poem came to me last night as I was drifting off to sleep.

Chapter 4
Not Lessened with Time

By fm wright

The chasm which bears

my grief and despair;

its ascent to climb,

not lessened with time.

Author Notes Appreciation goes out to GaliaG for use of the artwork.

Chapter 5
As He Lays There

By fm wright

He lays with his face directed towards the ground. Blood is pooling all around him.

He tried to get away but bullets found him anyhow.

From the distance the sirens, to him, mourn with a woman's wail. As he closes his eyes he wonders if he is going to die.

Author Notes A microscopic look at aftermath of a victim of a shooting. Appreciation goes out to Renate-Bertodi for use of the artwork. I do realize it foes not depict word for word, however this drawing was as close as I could find to convey the essence of my little story.

Chapter 6

By fm wright

Upon silent wings he came,
came with them fully unfurled,
unfurled, my dreams shall never be,
be, due to disruption of my world,

world, that has forever been changed,
changed when death stole you away,
away from me, on that night,
night, in which I waited for day,

day, that still remains pitch dark,
dark, even though it is past dawn,
dawn of a disengaged life,
life, which has heartache to build upon.

Author Notes Just something from my mind about losing a loved one and the perceptions and struggles in trying to work your way past the grief. Appreciation goes out to booklotto for the use of "Void."

Chapter 7
His Blood Cries Out

By fm wright

There's a puddle pooled upon the ground
next to where he now coldly lays.
In his youth so cruelly was downed,
putting an end to his breath filled days.

Matters not whether t'was blade or gun;
for now his blood, it does cry out
against this wrong blatantly done,
of which injustice must surely shout.

The first to fall by another's hand
was Abel, by his brother Cain,
as his life spilled forth upon the land,
when out of jealousy he was slain.

Didn't matter he was innocent;
for his blood at that time cries out
against this wrong blatantly meant,
of which injustice did surely shout.

With violence ever on the rise,
one more spirit makes to depart
as an additional soul dies;
pierced by society through the heart.

While death strives towards a victory won,
his blood, like those before cries out
against this act wrongfully done;
of which injustice shall surely shout.

Someone else's parents feel the sting,
as their child, too, may be lost;
with only hope on which to cling:
praying death's river will not be crossed.

Matters not how it all came to be;
for now his blood, it does cry out
against the inhumanity
of which injustice must surely shout.

Author Notes Appreciation goes out to Dick Lee Shia for the use of his artwork "Bloody Selfie 2."

Chapter 8
Looking for a Home

By fm wright

Homeless, they wander the streets,
in search of a forever family,
just so they can for themselves,
know the kindness they are now lacking;
these stray dogs and cats.


Author Notes A topic most on my mind these days.

Chapter 9
Society's Throwaways

By fm wright

and abandoned;
some even tossed in trash...
strays - born so that they can be thrown

Author Notes This is a subject that is very neat and dear to my heart.

Chapter 10

By fm wright

ignored, they roam;
abandoned cats and dogs
seeking for some place to call home.

Author Notes As an animal lover, the homeless pet population is a great concern of mine.

Chapter 11

By fm wright

Roving the streets,

in cold and heat,

the homeless seek for reprieve

Author Notes I wrote this because it is a sad state of affairs, with all that we have in this country that there should be such a thing as the homeless, though I realize some make bad decisions that cause such, or some simply choose to be, still there are those, through no fault of their own that they are without.

Chapter 12
The Story of Ugly

By fm wright

On the exterior he wasn't much to look at;
this sorrowful, disfigured remains of a cat.

He was missing an eye with a same side ear that was torn-
this poor little feline whom all the people did scorn.

Along with a broken foot, that when it mended,
seemed like a corner to turn he always intended.

To add to this, he possessed but a stub for a tail;
affecting his overall appearance as well.

If that wasn't enough, his body, as it were,
was covered in scars and scabs in and amongst his fur.

Whenever attention was sought out by this stray,
children were repeatedly told from him to stay away.

To rub up against a human hand he would so try,
yet affection would be denied this sweet small guy.

When on someone he tried to suckle, he'd be told to scat,
but he would encounter far worse treatment than that.

The times that he with someone would try to abide
they'd slam the door on his paws before he could get inside.

When that wouldn't work he would be hosed down.
Still, he'd stay where he was, even if he'd almost drown.

Often rocks at him would be thrown in repetition.
In response, his body in forgiveness, he'd position.

Because it was companionship that he truly yearned:
it was to a pair of nearby huskies that he turned.

When, at last, by a kindly person he was rescued,
his body angle was completely and utterly screwed.

As one could quite very easily no doubt guess,
it was found to be in a mangled and twisted mess.

Even after from his attackers he was snatched,
this bedraggled creature never tried to bite or scratch.

Suckling and purring once within his rescuer's hold;
this picture of contentment revealed all to be told.

Finally he was on his way to getting to go inside;
after each of the numerous times he had tried.

This feline, when it all came down to push and shove,
depicted what he most wanted out of this life was love.

What wasn't found in his countless struggles and endless strife,
this critter found at death, that which he couldn't in life.

Maybe on the surface there wasn't a lot worth seeing.
To this, there's probably not much disagreeing.

Still, even as he was taking his last breath he showed
more love to the world than on him was bestowed.

Ugly is not the way that he looked on the outside,
but rather, how he was treated and how he died.

Author Notes The story upon which this poem is based was posted on YouTube.

Chapter 13
Wolf Song

By fm wright

a lonely wolf howls
calling out for its pack mates
as their numbers wane
their songs in decrescendo
victims of man's injustice

Author Notes Though they are killers of livestock, there are non violent ways to protect domestic animals from them, as some are even killed inside their dens without regard to age, gender or guilt, as well as trapping and shooting from helicopters. Also, must give a cry out to envision for use of this magnificent photo.

Chapter 14
All I Can Do

By fm wright

I can see the tears that you are crying
as I watch your soul on the verge of dying.
Along with you I also am aching
while my body just like yours is quaking,
but yet all I can seem to do
is hold you and tell you that I love you.

I don't know how to take away the pain
that shows flowing down just like the falling rain.
I so much want to take the hurt away
and put sunshine back into your sky of gray,
but still all I can seem to do
is hold you and tell you that I love you.

Although I also have been hurt before;
this pain you are feeling is something much more.
I so deeply desire to understand
so please help me out if you possibly can.
There must be something I can do
than just hold you and tell you I love you.

Author Notes In times of grief I never know truly what to say.

Chapter 15
When the Pain is Silent

By fm wright

No one knows the hurt that I feel;
it seems that the wound just will never heal.
The ache, it never wants to go away:
rather it lingers on both night and day.

Upon deaf ears my words do fall:
I might as well be talking to a wall.
There is not so much as a whispered hint
that's ever heard...when the pain is silent.

Author Notes I wrote this some years when I was sad and had fallen into depression.

Chapter 16
Choking Back the Tears

By fm wright

You try not to let them fall,
in fact you try to keep them from falling at all.
Your throat swells up and you swallow hard,
almost as if caught in its shard;
cutting off your very breath:
near suffocating you to death.
You close your eyes
as if your lashes could wring them dry.
In trying to hold them back
they still seep through the crack;
for hey inevitably do break free,
no matter how hard you try
in not letting them pass by.
It's like a dam trying to holdback the sea.
You dare not even speak
while droplets start down your cheek
cause when you do your voice sounds as rough as a cob
as you struggle to stifle a sob.
Still, like a river they're going to flow
no matter how much you don't want to let go.
Never mind the reason they began;
for once they have they're hard to shut off again.
Now in realization of your fears
you find yourself choking back the tears.

Author Notes Though I was sad when I wrote it I believe it could also be about the tears that come when you're overwhelmed with joy.

Chapter 17
Who Will Bend an Ear?

By fm wright

By one tree at a time
a forest is felled.
The earth cries out:
who will bend an ear?

A city enlarges,
one more lake dries up.
The earth cries out:
who will bend an ear?

Dust blows across the ground
where crops once flourished.
The earth cries out:
who will bend an ear?

Poisons and pollution
fill land, sea and sky.
The earth cries out:
who will bend an ear?

Species are wiped away,
man the worst for it.
The earth cries out:
who will bend an ear?

Author Notes Yes I am a tree hugger!

Chapter 18
I Have Been Down That Road

By fm wright

If life, itself, becomes hard to bear;
for circumstances upon you wear,
and you need someone to share your load;
do know this, I have been down that road.

If pain your heart begins to impair,
then seek for one who does truly care,
as you will need one to share your load;
for know this, I have been down that road.

If burdens become to you a snare,
as thoughts of suicide at you tear,
and you need someone to share your load;
do know this, I have been down that road.

If it seems you've uttered your last prayer,
and you want to give up in despair,
I can be the one to share your load;
for know this, I have been down that road.

Author Notes Though it seems like a different lifetime, I went through a time of depression and suicide attempts. Praise God he brought me out of that.

Chapter 19
Anguished Hearts

By fm wright


as they ring out

strike down the innocent

of which anguished hearts evermore


Author Notes Written in remembrance of all those who have lost loved ones in shootings. Appreciation goes out to booklotto for use of the piece "Remember Me."

Chapter 20
The Battle's Over

By fm wright

The battle's over -

night cometh;

taps issue forth rest.

Author Notes Appreciation goes out to Paul featherstone for use of his stunning photo to illustrate my poem.

Chapter 21
Freedom Isn't Free

By fm wright

Freedom really isn't free;

Rather, it can be quite costly.

Everyone who dreams of it

Expectantly must do their bit:

Dedicating themselves to laws;

Otherwise committed to cause.

Many have given their all,

In answering liberty's call,

Sought to give only their best.

Now some have been laid to rest.

Those who haven't have still paid

For the battles that were waged.

Rent have been limbs or sanity,

Ensuring freedom thus shall be,

Even unto eternity.


Author Notes A reminder to myself of what liberty costs, least I forget.

Chapter 22
Is There Anyone Who Even Cries?

By fm wright

Our world is in a moral demise;
for this, is there anyone who even cries?
In abortion clinics unborn die;
for this, is there anyone who even cries?
Those who are different are disposed;
for this, is there anyone who even cries?
Politicians can speak only lies;
for this, is there anyone who even cries?
There are those the truth seek to disguise;
for this, is there anyone who even cries?
There are those whom justice is denied;
for this, is there anyone who even cries?
Is there anyone ready to rise
and for these things in outrage even give cry?

Author Notes Just a little personal blowing off of steam at what seems to be going on in this country and the world.

Chapter 23
Has Hitler Come Back?

By fm wright

Across campuses voices ring out.
Death to the Jews, everyone shouts.
Israel must be annihilated,
and yet the reason not once debated.
It's like Hitler has risen from the grave,
the way society now behaves,
by hating a people it does not know;
in this our ignorance it does show.
In this world there's more than enough hate,
yet there's even more as of late.
What happened to loving one another 
and a world where everyone's your brother?
Has our compassion been completely lost?
For if so it comes at a great cost.
Hatred must never get the upper hand,
no matter on which side we may stand.

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