"Family Ties Volume two."

Nip Them At Their Bud.

By rhonnie69

"Let us train our children how to live by the standards
set forth by our God for them while they are yet young...
and when they are older they will not change."

Author Notes "WE REAP WHAT WE SOW."
GALATIANS chapter 6: at verses...7 through verse 11.


Chapter 1
She's Growing.

By rhonnie69

"Daddy...why is Mom bigger than me?"
"Same reason why she's bigger than me."

"Mom don't look bigger than you, Daddy."
"Sometimes looks can be deceiving, cup cake."

"What does that mean?"
"Things aren't always the way they look."

"Then,,,Mom don't look bigger than you, but she is?"

"Daddy, my brain is too little.
We'll need to use your Daddy's brain here.
Make me understand what you mean."

"Your mom is the mother in our family.
Mother is always the biggest person in the family."

"Ooooo...I see...I think. Mom's pretty big, huh Daddy?"
"Mother is bigger than the sky."

"Hummm...okay, Daddy...if you say so."
"I do."

"Will I ever get as big as Mom?"

"Then I'll be a big mom too huh, Daddy?
I'll be as big as the sky like Mom."
"I'm looking forward to that, cup cake."

Author Notes "Hey Mom...guess what Daddy told me today."

Chapter 2
Sister Susan Sowing Socks.

By rhonnie69

"Sister Susan sowed socks for shillings.
Socks for shillings sister Susan sewed.
If sister Susan sewed socks for shillings
Then where's the socks for shillings
That sister Susan sewed?"

"WOW! "

"What a tongue-twister we have here.
You can write that without using the letter...S."


Author Notes "Read this tongue-twister again...then think. Clue: Don't waste your ink.
You will find the solution in my reply to your review. This posting will appear on the
promotion page real that the entire FanStory community will get their shot at it.
Let's all have fun."

Chapter 3
I Love Gramma. She Is Sooo Smart.

By rhonnie69

For my eighth birthday party Gramma let me and my friends
have a sleep over at her house.

"For a tasty healthy snack" she said, "we'll have something
that is good for us...and good to us also."

Gramma had six apples. There were nine of us kids.
She divided the apples between us so that we all had an equal amount.
She did it in the easiest, most simple way.

How did Gramma divide the apples between us?

Author Notes While you might find Gramma's solution a bit worked out just fine with us kids. It was sooo easy and simple. We liked it. We hope that you'll like it too. Cordially: Gramma's kids.

This posting will appear on the promotion page real soon. You will find Gramma's solution in your review.

Chapter 4
Satisfaction Guaranteed.

By rhonnie69

"JESUS IS LORD. Enter His gates with thanksgiving;
and into His courts with praise.
Be thankful to Him, and bless His name."
PSALMS chapter 100: at verse 4.

Jesus said: "I am the bread that gives life,
Whoever comes to Me will never be hungry,
and whoever believes in Me will never be thirsty."
JOHN 6:35.

Author Notes "People all over our world:
Why spend your money on something that is not real food?
Why work for something that doesn't really satisfy you?
Listen to Me, your God, and you will eat what is good.
Your soul will enjoy the rich food that satisfies."

Chapter 5
Pray With Our Children.

By rhonnie69

PARENTS: Our children are our future...NO! NO!
Don't chain them to our ways. Let them go.

Let them go where?
Let our children go to Jesus.

Because that's what Jesus has DEMANDED us to do.
Which means that He has told us to do this with
Authority, and claim as a right.

Jesus commanded of us:
"Let my children come to me."


"Because the kingdom of God
Belongs to people like them."

Author Notes "JESUS IS OUR GOD. God is not mocked. If we disobey...we will certainly pay."

Chapter 6
Thank You For The Turkey.

By rhonnie69

"God you are great. God you are good.
And we thank you for our food.
By your hand we are fed.
Thank you for our daily bread."

Author Notes "Dear children: Happy are you who respect our Lord and obey Him. You will enjoy what your parents have worked for, and you will be blessed with good things."

Chapter 7
Grandmother's Oven.

By rhonnie69

"Over our back yard and through the snow,
To Grandmother's house we go.

Our parents don't mind, poking behind,
Talking and walking slow.

Under the tree tops and through the woods,
I'm anxious common, let's run.

Gramma is waiting, we're anticipating,
Are the hot fudge brownies done?"

Author Notes "Horaaaaay! Mom's goin' over to chat with her mom.
Me and Pee Wee always get a sweet treat outta' that."

Chapter 8
Hello To The World.

By rhonnie69

Hey you.
Yeah, you there...with the happy smiling face.
Mom said we must wait here in the car
while she's over at the produce market stocking up
on our veggies.

But she didn't say that we couldn't sit here in the window
poking smiling faces back at ya and saying...HI.

HI. Hello everybody. HI.
Really glad to meet ya.

Hee Hee."

Author Notes "How can a young person live a pure life? By learning and obeying God's words. Jesus said: "You shall love me with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself."
MATTHEW chapter 22: at verses 36 through 40.

Chapter 9

By rhonnie69

"Let's help Mom help Dad help us...YEAH."

Author Notes "Family: We must never get tired of doing good by helping each other. We shall receive our reward of eternal life together at the right time if we do not give up."

Chapter 10
My Little Tiffany.

By rhonnie69

I will never forget the day that my daughter was born.
Tiffany was born with severe heart complications.
They told her mother and I, that she wouldn't live more than one year.
Seven years later, our little Tiffany was still alive.
A few days after she was born while we were visiting her in the hospital
all she did was cry. No one could make her stop crying.

Her mother passed her to me.
"Here, Honey...maybe she'll stop crying for you."

I stood there with her nestled in my arms,
looking down upon her distorted little face.

Tiffany's teary eyes opened. She took one look at me.
She immediately stopped crying. She smiled for me.
Then she closed her eyes...and she fell fast asleep.

A few days later we took our baby home.
She spent most of her days tucked into her cozy bed.

When she got older while she was there,
I spent all of my days kneeling at her bedside,
poking fairy tales at her giggles.

One day she looked up at me from her fluffy pink pillow.
Her eyes were blinking like twinkling stars.

"Daddy, are you God?"
"Who? Me? No no no, my dear. I'm far from being God."
"Then why do you look like God?"

"Me? I look like God?"
"It's your eyes, Daddy. I can see your heavenly love for me in them."

"You can?"
"Yep. I can remember the first time I saw that look."
"You can?"
"Yep. That was a long time ago."

"A long time ago?"
"Yep. Seven years to be exact."

"You can remember that day in the hospital?"
"Yep. I'll never forget that day, Daddy."

I was mesmerized. hypnotized, I was spellbound, speechless.

Tiffany giggled.
"Now you look like, Daddy."

"I do?"

"Yep. God wouldn't look dumfounded and all."
We hugged and laughed, hugged and laughed, hugged and laughed.

There came a joyful expression on her face.
She relaxed her head down in her fluffy pink pillow.
She looked sleepy.

"Daddy, I want to be with you for ever and ever."
Her eyes looked in my eyes. My eyes looked in her eyes.
"I'm coming home, Daddy. Now. So I can be with you.
I'll see you there...okay?"


Tiffany smiled for me. She closed her eyes...and she fell fast asleep. two years later. I have not missed a single day visiting her.
I carry a new tear stained bouquet of flowers every day,
to place at her grave.

Her baby face has been etched on her tombstone.
Her eyes looks in my eyes. My eyes looks in her eyes.

And she smiles for me

Author Notes This is a story of fiction. It is based on a true story, that happened to a family member.

Chapter 11
Old Gold.

By rhonnie69

"I love my Grammas. My Grammas love me.
My Grammas are fun because they play games with me,
that I like to play."

"God blessed me with two Grammas.
Gramma Amy, is Mom's mom.
Gramma Beverly, is Dad's mom."

"Today Gramma Amy shows us all
how to blow pretty bubbles."

Author Notes Before I was old enough to know my grand parents, to my dreadful sorrow...they were both deceased. So my posting just a dream.

Nevertheless...I believe that the family that love joins together...nothing can break them apart.

Chapter 12

By rhonnie69


An ideal way to begin it.
At the origin board let's pen it.

Let's focus on FanStory a minute.
And for us writers all that's in it.

You share with me.
I share with you.

Our schemes, our dreams,
our imagery too.

Let writers deploy, then let us enjoy,
This golden opportunity we've found.

You ink, I ink, on how we think
Where chances go around.

Openhanded reviews come by twos,
With free certificates we can use.

To help us succeed to produce a good deed,
Our readers to amuse.

Let us keep writing entertaining exciting
Our readers are counting on it.

Nevertheless let's please them let's bless,
And put all we have upon it.

Then on one accord let's ask our Lord,
To escort us back...


Author Notes "In the beginning was the word. And now it is written."

Chapter 13
Momma Said There'd Be Days Like This

By rhonnie69


"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above;
and comes down from the Father of lights."

"Always give thanks to God the Father in everything;
in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ."

Author Notes PROVERBS chapter 22: and at verse 6:

"Train up a child in the way he should go,
and when he is old he will not depart from it."
"Because our Lord, Jesus Christ loves us...
and He cares for us, from Him, we all receive
one gift after another."

Chapter 14
I Did Spy.

By rhonnie69

To see how Santa got so fat.
I did see why."

Author Notes "If Dad and Mom did only see.
They would have been laughing just like me.
How Santa got fat...Funneeee."

Chapter 15
We're All One Family.

By rhonnie69

To "ALL," of my sisters and brothers in our Lord, Jesus Christ...
That's every human being in our God's human creation.
Together we stand...divided we fall. Together in love...
or no love at all.


Author Notes "Know that our Lord, He is God; it is He who has made us...
And not we ourselves. WE, are His people and the sheep of His pasture."
PSALMS chapter 100: at verse 3.

Chapter 16
Husband And Wife.

By rhonnie69

Always Together
Morning Noon Evening And Night.
Rain Shine Sleet And Snow.

Author Notes GOD SAID: "A man shall leave his father and mother;
And be joined to his wife...and they shall become ONE flesh."
GENESIS chapter 2: and at verse 24.

Chapter 17
Pass The Baton.

By rhonnie69

"The game doesn't change;
Only the players."

"Hey Mom, Emily's startin' to look
just like you."

Author Notes "Like a snowball rolling down the side of a snow covered hill."

Chapter 18
Little Boy Blue.

By rhonnie69

Sisters. Can't live with 'em. I Don't wanna live without 'em. I got lucky. Grew up with six. Me and two brothers were scattered about in the mix. My Sister, Shirley is, and has always been the heart of my heart. But why oh why was she born two years before I was. She always called me, "little brother," with a teasing giggle. And she always made it a put an accent on the word, "little."

Fact about it, I was a little, little. But I didn't want anybody calling me little...especially a big girl. Shirley was a pesky big girl that Mom, put in charge of me. Shirley loved that more than she loved getting seconds on dessert. And she made sure that I, "KNEW," that.

She had this two word phrase that really baked my buns..."MOTHER SAID," What Mom said to her about me wasn't a biggie with me. But it was what Mom said to Dad about me when she got mad at me that got my humble regard.

Then there was my sister's three word phrase that left me in awe. "I'M TELLING MOTHER." That she used for her warning remark when she wanted to boss me around and laugh at me when I submitted to following her commands.

I was in first grade in 1952. Shirley was in third grade. First grader kids always got dismissed before third graders. So..."MOTHER SAID," that I had to stay in my classroom and wait for my sister to come and get me and walk me home. That didn't turn out to be the center of my joy.

WHY? Because of my friends...the guys. I was the laughingstock of the school yard. I was the only boy who's sister had to walk him home from school. I begged my sister not to show up to walk me. But she always showed up, floppy tailed dress and all.

"You ready to go home, little brother?"
"No. You go home. I'll be right behind you."
"No. Come on, little boy. You'll be right beside me."
"No. Scat. I don't need you to walk me home."

"MOTHER SAID, I gotta walk you home."
"She won't know you didn't"
"But I'll know. I'm doing what, MOTHER SAID."
"I don't care what Mom said."

"But everybody's gonna laugh at me."
"What would you rather get...laughed at...or a beating?"
"I won't get no beating if you don't tell on me."

"But I WILL, tell Mother on you...and you WILL, get a good beating tonight."
"Then YOU, might as well get a beating right now.?
"HA! From who? You?"
"Yeah. Me."

"Ha ha ha kee kee kee hee hee hee. You know you can't beat me."
I puffed myself up."Yes I can."
"No you can't. Tried lots of times. Lost lots of times. And you'll lose again now." make a long story short, after she beat me up, she had me laying on my back.
Sitting on my tummy, pinning my arms to the grass, and looking down on me, she asked...

"Are you ready to go home now, little brother.?"
"OW! This hurts.!"
"Wrong answer."
"Get your butt up off me."
"Wrong answer. You said, BUTT, You know you just said a bad word. Don't ya?"

"Is this gonna get back to Mom?"
"Wrong answer. That's a question. No. I won't tell Mother if you do what I say.
Now...I answered your dumb question...answer mine. Are you ready to go home?"
"Okay okay I'll let ya walk me home. Just let me get some air."

Shirley would stand, tug on my arm until she pulled me up.
Then she would brush me off real good first. Then she'd brush herself off real good,
and start walking as she towed me.

Pull-jerk. Frown-smirk. Drag-haul and that ain't all.

While I floundered behind her stumbling along,
She always sang her dainty little song.

"I love you, Rhonnie."
"Then let go of my hand."
"MOTHER SAID, that I gotta hold your hand. She don't want nothing bad to happen to you."

"Bad like what?"
"Like you goofing off and go running out in the street and get hit by a car."
"I ain't that dumb."
"Ooooo I'm not so sure."

"Shirley, are you smarter than me?"
"I've got a quarter. Do you have a quarter?"
"That answers your question."
Then she'd lead me into the store a buy me a bunch of candy and stuff.

Sisters, can't live with em'. Don't wanna live without 'em. I got lucky.

Author Notes This is a true story. The year was 1952. The place was in a small country town named, Whitesboro, in southern New Jersey.

Chapter 19
What's The Big Idea?

By rhonnie69

"Honey, what should we get Santa for Christmas?"

"Oh...that's a no brainer, cup cake...
Let's get him a pair of asbestos pants."

Author Notes "And let's find a joint where we can get them for buy one get one free."

Chapter 20
I Have Something That I Have To Say.

By rhonnie69

"Pssssst. Hey. Christmas gift shoppers.
We don't mean to be party stoppers."

"I'm smidget he's midget we're Santa's elves.
And we have taken it upon ourselves."

"To tell you that we love you...we sincerely do.
Please hear us out, while we implore you."

"This Christmas while you're out spending money on dross.
Please be considerate, remember our boss."

"Along with milk and cookies leave him a note.
That you and your family got together and wrote."

"Don't write lots of words, write only two.
Show him your appreciation and write..."


Author Notes "PLEASE. Don't forget to remember...Thanksgiving Day comes every November... and then It returns every 25th of December. This is written so that I can say...LET US ALL GIVE THANKS EACH AND EVERY DAY...FOR ALL OF THE JOY THAT GRATITUDE BRINGS...LET OUR WORLD PLEASE BE THANKFUL...IN ALL THINGS...

Chapter 21
Mary and Jesus.

By rhonnie69

Mary Christmas to
All of you.
Rejoice all ye people.
Your savior is born.

Jesus our Lord at birth.
Emanuel God with us.
So tender. So mild.
Universal King of kings.
Salvation be longs unto Jesus.

Author Notes "Have a Merry Mary Christmas all ye lands. I sincerely hope that you can relate to this acrostic poem expressing the coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ, for the redemption of all of our souls.
In His Holy name I pray: AMEN."

Chapter 22
Grammpa Gramma And Me.

By rhonnie69

Grammpa and Gramma.
Over cookies and tea,
Were K-I-S-S-I-N-G.

I would have missed out.
If I had not seen them...but I did,
So I sat down between them.

They both pretended like they didn't care.
And they kept on kissing,
like I wasn't there.

They sometimes let me have my way
And things weren't much different today.

I was their earth angel
Their favorite little boy
So I helped myself to Gramma's Chips Ahoy.

When I did that Grammpa looked down,
At me munching on my cookie chocolate brown.

He laughed with a jolly, ho ho ho.
"To that your mom would say, no no no."

Gramma looked at him, then she looked at me,
"Oh, Dear," she said, "can't you plainly see?"

"He's having just a crumb of fun,
Let the child have a cookie, he only has one."

"Cory, I have fresh milk and strawberries too,
I'll go to the kitchen and get some for you."

When Grammpa and I are both alone,
We talk to each other in a boyish tone.

We talk about him and my Dad.
And the fun that he and Dad have had,

"Wasn't you and Dad supposed to go fishing?"
"Yes. But your Gramma's, NO, has left me wishing."

"How about a beer down at the bar?"
"Nope, stay home and wash the car."

"And when you're done doing that?"
"Walk the dog and feed the cat."

"Mom has a bunch of stuff for Dad to do too."
"I know. Says he wish he was ten, like you."

"Then Mom would make him put on clean socks."
"Yeah. And stop pulling the pigtails of his sister's swinging locks."

"Yeah. and get rid of his spider collection, and his wriggly mouse."
"Uh huh. And stop putting it in his sister's doll house."

"Make him clean up his room, smile and then."
"Plop in the tub and take a bath again."

"And make him eat a whole bunch of veggies."
"Yep. And make him stop giving his little brother wedgies."

Grammpa and I laughed, until our cheeks turned red.
When Gramma came back this is what she said.

"I overheard what you two were talking about.
"you are both little boys without a doubt."

"And just because of what you were saying sounded.
Both of you are as of now...GROUNDED."

Author Notes "Gramma is like Mom...sometimes they can be a pane in the glass.
Grammpa is like Dad...sometimes they're both snowmen, with cool boyish class.

Chapter 23
I Think.

By rhonnie69


"There is no secret. I just need to get to know what makes her tick.
My life's greatest reward is my ability to share my achievements
with the woman that I cherish."

"It comes more from my mind, than from my body.
It comes more from my heart, than from my hands"

"It is something internal, that is benevolent,
and needs to be poured out, to my loved one."

"I do not need money, or an extravagant life style.
I just need the right kind of soul."

"I need the conviction of living with purpose,
and with a clear conscience, so that I can
experience the frills, thrills, and chills of looking
ahead serenely, and optimistically."

What will be...has already been...and is now."

"A woman today, is the same as she was yesterday,
and as she will be tomorrow,"

"She is sweet, delicate, and she is fragile.
She needs to be handled with care."


"She needs to be pampered, embraced with love
She ought to be treated just like a dove."

"Charm her each and everyday
bring my lady a floral bouquet."

"Complement her on her make-up and hair."
When we go out to dine help her with her chair."

"Light her cigarette if my lady smokes.
Tell her humorous boyish jokes."

"Then shut my mouth and let her blab.
Say uh-huh okay, then pay the tab."

"Let her take the last wine sip.
While I leave leave our waitress a generous tip."

"Stay close behind her as we exits the door.
Say, 'After you,' with smiles galore."

"Before, during, and after her chosen meal...


"Invite consequences whether good or bad.
Through health, sickness, whether happy or sad."

"Always and forever, 'til the end from the start.
Treat her like a lady, 'til death due us part."

"When I talk to her look into her eyes.
Because in them I'll see her heart's replies."

"when the warming glow in her eyes say, 'kiss me.
"DO IT." while I can. Kiss my woman tenderly
and say..."You've made me a happy man."

"And then when I feel something jumping,
no that's not only mine but her heart too thumping."

"Tell her she's number one in my life.
Tell her that I truly love her."

"And of all the chicks I used to party with,
I place none of them above her."

"Tell my running-mates and my associates,
they'll just have to understand."

"I'm out of here I love my dear,
then come and take your hand."

"I have rearranged my activity, started a new program.
I'm not hanging out with the guys no more,
a brand new man I am."

"Don't look for me in the same ole places.
Socializing with the same ole faces."

"I'm going to spend my time with you,
doing what you want to do."

"You're my shinning star that's what you are
sent from heaven up above."

"There are no diamonds on earth that can equal your worth
you are the perfect example of love."

"My endeavor in life is to make you my wife,
and live happily with you forever."
"I give to you a love that's true and comes to an end never.

"My bank account the full amount is solely wholly yours.
I'll say 'I do,' and stay with you 'til we enter heaven's doors."

"This dedication of mine has no finish line
it goes on and on my best friend.
I am sincere I'll love you dear and my vow will never end."

"Like a bird in a tree my soul sings with rhapsody of my love for you.
You captured my heart the very first time I laid my eyes on you."

"May this fire in our relationship forever fervently burn.
Oh heart of my heart teach me...I really want to learn."

"I'll do my part I'll give my heart with honor that is due.
I'll marry you and take you home so you can teach me to WOO."

Author Notes "The best things in life are free.
Oh love of my future wife,
Without your sweet loving...

Chapter 24
A Mutual Refuge.

By rhonnie69

"We're not up or down.
Just Me, She, and our Wee.
On the horizon."

Author Notes "Sunset?...Moonrise? Which do you see, before our eyes?"

Chapter 25
I'm Dreaming Of A White Christmas.

By rhonnie69

"Tis the sight before Christmas;
Outside my cozy house.
Puffy white snow,
Can you see the white mouse?"

Author Notes "JUST A DREAM."

Chapter 26
Voice Of Our Children.

By rhonnie69

"You say,,,
Don't do as I do. Do as I say."

"We say...
What you do IS what you say.
So okay...we'll do as you say.

"Just look over your shoulder.
We're right behind youuuu."

"What you say isn't always what you do."

Author Notes God said: "Train children how to live right.
And when they are old, they will not change."
PROVERBS chapter 22: and at verse 6.

Chapter 27
Girlfriends. Woman To Woman.

By rhonnie69

"Let no one tell you differently. By me you are adored.
I give you all the love That I have,
fostered by our Lord."

"With loving-kindness and compassion,
I have crowned you lady queen.
I say I'll always love you, and that's just what I mean."

"From sunrise to sunset...then to the break of dawn.
Come on to my my heart come on."

Author Notes "I know what to tell make them take a look.
I'll tell the guys that you are...a really good cook."

"Unless of course if you're married...I wouldn't say that's so.
I wouldn't have to tell Hubby, fact about it...he'd already know."

Chapter 28
A Live 5-7-5

By rhonnie69

"I love what you do.
I give these to you, Mother.
I want to thank you.

Author Notes "I shall honor my father and my mother...
that my days may be long upon the land,
Which the Lord my God is giving me."
EXODUS chapter 20: and at verse 12.

Chapter 29
Mom Is My Favorite Girl.

By rhonnie69

The mother of a good child is very happy.
A mother who has a wise child is glad...
Because of her child.

"Thank you, Mom...
For teaching me to be you."


Author Notes "My Mother is like my life.
I only have one.
When she's gone I have none.
I shall bring her flowers while she lives."

Chapter 30
Be Careful Who You Miss Take.

By rhonnie69

A ten minute play
for a ten year old girl and a younger boy.


Lu Lu......a young girl.
Di VINCI......her younger brother.

TIME: Here and Now.
PLACE: Lu Lu's bedroom.

SCENE: Lu Lu's bedroom.

AT RISE OF CURTAIN: Lu Lu is trying out her new box of crayons on her bedroom wall.
Her little brother came in smiled, at her and ask her to let him draw with her. She tells him that she's showing-off her great drawing skills, and that he'd just be in her way.Then she tells him that he's annoying her...and to go away. He begs her to let him draw too. She lets him...but reluctantly.

Di Vinci: "Hey, Sis, whatcha doin?"
Lu Lu: "I'm hoping you'll disappear. I'm busy showing off my drawing skills.You're bugging me. Scat Brat."
Di Vinci: "But I wanna draw too, Sis. Can I draw with you? Please?"
Lu Lu: "Well...okay. But don't go bumping my elbow, and make me mess up. clumsy."

Di Vinci begins helping her try out her crayons on her bedroom wall. She peers over at him and laughs in a teasing way. But she allows him to continue what he's doing. At first the two little kids are so busy scratching and scribbling to speak. But soon...Di Vinci's scratching starts looking interesting. She poses a probing question.

Lu Lu: "Whatcha doin' you pesky little twerp?"
Di Vinci: "Drawing a nice lady, who's not mean like you."

Lu Lu: "I'm the best artist in the whole wide world.
You can't draw as good as me. And I'm bigger than you.
So I can be mean to you all I want."

Di Vinci: "Says who?"
Lu Lu: "Says me."
Di Vinci: "Okay...says you. We'll see."

The kids continue trying out Lu Lu's crayons on her bedroom wall.
After they are done Lu Lu looks at his drawing...and then at her's.

Lu Lu: "HEY! That's not fair. You cheated me."
Di Vinci: "NO. You cheated you, when you got conceited.
You didn't share love with me fairly."

Lu Lu: "I apologize little brother. I was wrong. Will you forgive me? Please?
Will you teach me how to draw as good as you draw...Please?"

Di Vinci: "Yes. I forgive you, Sis. And, yes, we'll learn how to draw together."
Lu LU: "Oh thank you, Little brother. What's her name?"
Di Vinci: "Oooo...let's just call her, Lady Love.


Author Notes "Sometimes God has a kid's face."

Chapter 31
Mom And My Teacher.

By rhonnie69

"Mom and my teacher are alike.
Together they know what to do,
And not get wet...


Author Notes "Mom and my teacher know me very well.
"I can't and don't fool them.
They can and do school me."

Chapter 32
How To Tame A Man.

By rhonnie69

"I really do believe that she didn't know."

"She said to me...."

"I don't know what I be such an impact in your life."

"I said to her...."

"It's nothing that you did. It's who you are."

Chapter 33
For The Sake Of Life.

By rhonnie69

"Dear World:"


"Let us love each other,
Because love comes from God."

"Everybody who loves is God's child,
And they know God."

"They know that God died for us,
Because He loves us."

"Therefore they know the love that God has for us,
And they trust in that love."

"Let us abide together and love together in Christ.
Because our God Jesus first loved us...."


Chapter 34
Hee hee hee hee.

By rhonnie69

"'s your imagination that's running away here.
Me? Psych, I'm just kidding.

Besides...we're having Mickey D's for dinner."

Chapter 35

By rhonnie69

The only temptation that comes to you,
Is that which has come to the rest of the guys.

But you can trust God, who will not permit you,
to be tempted more than you can stand.

But when you are tempted, He will also give you,
a way to that you will be able to stand it.

I know. I know. You already knew that.

Chapter 36
Me And You.

By rhonnie69

We are united.
Spring, summer, fall, and winter.
God in the center.

Chapter 37
God With Us.

By rhonnie69

Where I abide in you,
And you abide in me...

Where together we abide in God...
God will abide in us.

And in all we endeavor we will succeed.

Chapter 38

By rhonnie69


I am not an island.
Without my team mate I am nothing.

Together we are a home land.
There's only two of us.

And our God saw that it was good.

She is my me. I am her he.

Together we have the power to fill the earth...and subdue it.

Chapter 39
In Sync.

By rhonnie69

"So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. Then God blessed them, and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it."

Chapter 40
I love Playing With Mom.

By rhonnie69

"Where two or three people come together in my name...
I am there with them."

Author Notes MATTHEW chapter 18: at verse 20.

Chapter 41
By These Hands We Are Fed.

By rhonnie69

"Hey, Mom. What's for dinner?"

"Moooom...What's on the menu?"
"My undivided attention."

"Awe, common' Mom....You're actin' like Mom again."


Author Notes "If ya' can't take the heat....keep out of the kitchen."

Chapter 42
In God We Trust.

By rhonnie69

"Jesus Christ our Lord is with us...
We shall join together in His name,"


Chapter 43
I know, Sis I'm Glad I Said Yes.

By rhonnie69

Peace makes my heart leap.
Congratulations sister....
Still water runs deep.

Chapter 44
Lord Bless My Cook.

By rhonnie69

"Word has it that
the best
to a man's
is through his

Author Notes HUBBY.
"HONEY.....feed me."
"Okay...Hungry again, huh?"
"I'll make your favorite."
"You're my favorite."
"He he. Flattery will get you seconds."

Chapter 45
Mothers's Day.

By rhonnie69

"Hey Emily, have you seem Mom?"
"Yes, Cory. Mom went to the market to get our dinner."
"Really? Isn't our car broken?'

Chapter 46
My Mom.

By rhonnie69

M...Is for the Million things she gave me.
O...means only that she's growing Old. for the Tears she shed to birth me. for her Hair, as pure as gold. for her Eyes with love-light shining. Right and Right she'll always be.

Put them all together...They spell...


"The Girl Who Means The World To Me."

Author Notes "This is a poem-song. When I was just knee-high to an elf, I heard my older siblings singing this...especially on Mothers' Day. I've always loved this poem-song...because it is about, MOM...whom I love with my whole being. On this, Mothers' Day, I shall share this with you...and your Mom...because I love you. And oh yeah...ummm-good...that Gerber apple sauce. Thanx Mom. Cordially. Your son: rhonnie69.

Chapter 47
Dad Is Loads Of Fun.

By rhonnie69

"Mom helped my sister mind our lemonade stand,
While Dad let my brother Cory and me teach him,
How to wash our car."

"We showed Dad how to wash the wheels.
Then we taught him how to clean the windows."

"I sat piggy-back on Dad's shoulders and washed the top.
That was fun...'cause Dad kept tickling my toes with a soapy sponge."

"Cory got soap suds all over him.
He looked like a snowman."

"In June?... Ha Ha Ha."

"We all took a lemonade break,
When Gramma and Grammpa stopped by...
With an assortment of Dunkin' Donuts."

"Everybody was laughing. We were all happy."

"Parents are, GREAT."

"Except for school mornings,

Chapter 48

By rhonnie69

"Mom and Dad said that if we stand for nothing...
We will fall for anything."

"They're smart."
"Yeah. I know."

"That's why we're gonna buy them a new house."
"Yeah. And a new car."

"Yeah. And we don't have to wait 'til we get big."
"Right. We can do it now."

"Okay. Come on, Sis...let's, STAND.

Chapter 49
Mom Doesn't Listen Very Well.

By rhonnie69

"Teaching Mom."


"Sometimes Mom gets a bit boring.
So I have to teach her how to do fun stuff.
But teaching her is tuff."

The other day I took her out to teach her,
How to stomp through pud muddles."
"Mom calls them, mud puddles.

"I just kept on splashing and talking."
"Mom kept saying, 'uh-huh,' and walking."

"I must have splashed a zillion pud muddles."
"Mom didn't splash a single mud puddle."



Chapter 50
The End.

By rhonnie69

"Well, Honey, looks like we've had it.
We're lost. We've lost both paddles. A storm is coming,
and our boat is sinking...WE' RE OUT!"

"OH, DEAR! Then this is the end?"
"Afraid so, cup cake."

"Oooou-weeee. I like this."
"YASS indeed."

'Honey, you are the most peculiar woman I have ever seen."
"You married me."
"Yep. And I'm glad that I did...I THINK."

"Do you think we're really going to sink, Marc.?"
"Not until our boat finish cracking open...
Is there anything I can say to you before that happens?"

"You can tell me that you like Mother."
"Yours? Or mine?"
"Mine, AND, yours."
"Okay. Mine AND yours."

"Now...say you love me, Marc."
"you love me, Marc."

"You're cute...You'd better say it, Marc."
"I love you, Jan."

"Great. I love you too, Marc...Now....
The boat can sink...and we're out...we're done...dead. Who cares?"

"Well...I kind little bit."
"How come, Marc.? I like stories that have sad endings."

"Yes, Marc."
"Ya wanna give me a kiss?"



Chapter 51
This Is The Way We Ought To Be.

By rhonnie69

"Twenty-four seven.
Three-hundred sixty-five days
each Year In Heaven."
A 5-7-5 POEM.

Chapter 52
A picture Perfect Plan.

By rhonnie69

"This Picture Paints A Thousand Words;
Of My Dream-Scheme Of My Life."

"It Tells My Future Wedding Story And Exhibits The Glory

"It Is My layout Design, A Blueprint In My Mind,
Manifest Of My Master Plan."

"I Shall Pursue It. I Know, 'I Can,' Do It,
That's Why I'm A Steadfast Man."

"I will bow down on bending knee, and ask....
Will you marry me."

I Have Faith In My Woman...Because Nonetheless;
I Know That My Sweetheart Is Going To Answer, 'YES.'

Chapter 53
ME And Mom.

By rhonnie69

"Twin sisters?"
"No, Me And Mom."

"Yes, One Stone To The Bone."

"Why So Tight, Dedicated, And Close?"


"Always And Forever Be,
And Patient With Each Other."

"Accept Each Other In Love."

"I have joined you together With Peace,
Through My Spirit."

"So Make Every Effort To Continue together...
In This Way."



Chapter 54
Mom And Dad.

By rhonnie69

My parents were devoted Christians.
Jesus Christ was head of our household.

He was our example in all things.

This is what He called us to do.

First...He died in our we can live.
Then He gave us an example for us to follow.


Jesus obeyed His Father through...
Tears, sweat, blood, and pain.

He obeyed Him even to His grave.


Jesus said:
"Be fruitful, multiply, and fill the land that I'm giving you."

Mom, Dad, Six sisters, two brothers, and me later...
Came the Jones family.

Thrice Mom bore before me...
Five times upon my after.

Asked how she had so many...
"EASY," says she, with joyful laughter.


Chapter 55
Together Forever...You And Me.

By rhonnie69

My Message To My Girl.

First Of All....


I just might be a frantic romantic.
As sure as it seems....

But I aspire to believe in, and stick to my ideals,
As an alternative to pursuing uncertain dreams.

Truly Yours....


Chapter 56
Patiently Waiting For Me.

By rhonnie69

On a bridge over troubled waters
Thank you for waiting for me.

In the drama of love,
Women are always able to play their part
much faster than men play their part.

By the nature of love,
You are faster than me.

You are already there...waiting for me.
In spite of the fact that you are walking.


YES. That's me coming to meet you.
Flashing my lights.

I know. I'm slow.
But from here the two of us have a long way to go.


Thank you for walking your mile my sweet.
Now It is time for you to rest your feet...


Chapter 57
That's What Love Is Made Of.

By rhonnie69

So that's what you do.
Waiting for me to come home.
Hold on I'm coming.

Chapter 58
Woman Thinks.

By rhonnie69


"I think about you all the time too, Honey.
My Desire Is For You."

"You are comparable to me.
I am comparable to you




Chapter 59
Both Of Us.

By rhonnie69

You Have Your Word.
You Get Your Say.

I Have My Word.
I Get My Say.

Who Gets The Better?
Who Gets Their Way?


At The End Of The Day,
You And I....


Chapter 60
Thank You. I Like You Too.

By rhonnie69

You Make Me Happy.
Yes I Am Glad About It.
My Heart Shall Shout It.

Author Notes A Romantic 5-7-5.

Chapter 61

By rhonnie69


"Honestly, Michael.
I left you here with the kids for only fifteen minutes;
While I took Mother home."

"Do we got any aspirin, Honey?"

"Oh...So now my name is Honey."
"Do we got any aspirin, Dear?"

"What did you call me before
I asked you to baby-sit, Superman?"
"Do we got any aspirin, Sweetheart?"

"Try again."
"Cutie pie.?"

"Come on, Mikey."
"Cup cake?"

"Pump it up."

"You're getting warm."

"And what else?"
"Everything nice?"

"Sooo....What's my name, Michael?"
"Do we got any asprin, Alice?"

"Ditto...Thaaaaat's Me."

"Yes. I'll get aspirin for you right away.
Happy Father's Day, Michael."

Chapter 62
Mother And Daughter.

By rhonnie69

"Wait. Hold on for a a question for ya."

"You are sooo pretty.
Will I be as adorable as you some day?"

"If you're trying to make me laugh...
ha ha ha...there...ya got me. Cute question, Mom."

"Actually...I was trying to make you make me laugh, daughter.
Ha ha ha...there...ya got me."

Chapter 63
Here's Multiplication.

By rhonnie69

"Here's Honey and me.
And little junior makes three.
So happy are we."

Author Notes A LIVE 5-7-5.

"Like a snowball bounding down the side
of a snow-clad hill.

Chapter 64
Ho Ho Ho, I Know I Know..Shhhhh.

By rhonnie69

"Dad thinks I don't know,
But my Father's eyes both show,
That he is Santa."

Author Notes "I love you, Daddy...Umm...I mean Santa...hee hee."

Chapter 65
Is Fun We Had With Mom And Dad.

By rhonnie69

"Yippeeeee! Yaaaaa! Ha Ha!
Hey Cory...I bet Mom that we could race with Dad,
to the bottom of the ski-slope and get there ahead of him."

"Heeey! We're gonna win. What did you bet her?"
I bet her a donut hole."

"Well...the hole comes with the donut'''
"Oooooh. And Mom gets the hole??"

"Well...I'm saving the donut for you and me,"

Author Notes "Oft-times kids are as smart as their parents."

Chapter 66
Sometimes Moms Can Be A Pain.

By rhonnie69

Splashing in pud muddles...she don't know how.
She calls them mud puddles. "STOP STOMPING THEM...NOW!"

She's always're always last.
That's because she walks too fast.

But really for real...Mom's sort of cool.
'Cause she's always on get me to school.

Chapter 67
Every Word Of God Is Pure.

By rhonnie69

"Train up your child the right way they should walk,
And when they grow up they will not change."

Author Notes COMPARE:
PROVERBS: Chapter 22: at verse 6.

Chapter 68
Yep..And He Knows You're Awake.

By rhonnie69

Night before Christmas.
Not a creature was stirring.
Well...maybe just two.

Author Notes A LIVE 5-7-5.

"Every Mother's Child Is Gonna Spy."

Chapter 69

By rhonnie69

"The somber shade that lies perpetually upon your tombstone,
is the umbra of your only child's shadow."

Chapter 70
Father Mother Sister Brother.

By rhonnie69

"Clever lassie...Smart lad,
The best fun we've ever had...
Is when we're together with Mom and Dad."

Author Notes "Happy are daughter and son,
When Dad and Mom are fun...
And the four of us are one."

Chapter 71
My Gramma.

By rhonnie69

My G-mom and me,
Are together sharing tea.
My mom's mom she be."

Author Notes A LIVE 5-7-5.

"I Say...Gramma you look like Mom.
Gramma says...No, my dear...your mom looks like me.
That makes Mom laugh."

Chapter 72

By rhonnie69

Her mother's request.
My daughter's little dogie.
Her Daddy's pleasure.

Author Notes A LIVE 5-7-5.

"Hop under, boy...let's count it all joy.
Let it gain."

Chapter 73
Baby Sitter's Sleepin'

By rhonnie69

"Yooooo, Mom...Where ya at?"
All I want for Christmas is my Pamper changed."

Author Notes "Pampers are cool...but I'll settle for a Huggie."

Chapter 74
Sisters Ain't So bad.

By rhonnie69

Now I've Got Two Girls
Lord Jesus Is My Best Friend.
He Made Mom Again.

Author Notes A Live 5-7-5.

"Today I hugged Mom...and my sister two.
Both at the same time...GROUP HUG."

Chapter 75
Momma's Boy.

By rhonnie69

Honey. The only girl you'll ever have to be jealous of is this girl...MOM."

Author Notes I'll always love you, Momma. In life I promise to be your; Best Pest."

"She pushed 'til I popped out.
That look on her face has nothing to do with it....I think."

Chapter 76

By rhonnie69

Out Of The Clear Blue.
"WOW! What On Earth Can I Do?

Author Notes A LIVE 5-7-5.

The moral of this story once again, "Runs," true.
Good Ole Mom....To The Rescue.
Slipping, dripping, and soaking wet...But Did Mom Save The Day?

Chapter 77
Momma Said...

By rhonnie69

Sharing Is Caring.
Yes. Even With Your Candy.
Share And Share Alike.

Author Notes A LIVE 5-7-5.

One of thousands of stories, poems and books available online at

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