"Holiday and Holyday Poetry"

Seasons, Holidays and Holydays

By dovemarie

This book is a series of holiday and holyday poems which were inspired by my religion and by my love for holidays. It contains Christmas and New Year poetry, St. Patrick's Day poetry, Valentine poetry, Easter poetry, and Fourth of July poetry, plus poems about the seasons.

Chapter 1
A New Year Blessing

By dovemarie

All the best in the year ahead

Nothing is impossible
Every day is special
Winter days are cold but delightful

You will have riches and well-being
Each day brings something new
A lot of time for future joy
Resolutions will be wise and plentiful

Begin each day building on the one before
Leave unhappy thoughts behind
Everyone can be enriched
Save your pennies for a rainy day
Send out cheer and good wishes
Inner peace will be yours
Never look back
God blesses all His creatures


Chapter 2
My New Year's Resolve

By dovemarie

As I look back over the Old Year,
My thoughts fly ahead to
The Coming Year.

I look forward in dread,
At the same time, in hope.
What can I do - how can I cope?

I will taste of this year's cheer,
I will blend Present and Past with Future,
and Christ will give me strength to endure.

Chapter 3
The Christ Child's Star

By dovemarie

The Christ Child sets His star,
Leading those who come from afar.
Its shining, glorious light
Looks down on an awesome sight.

The Babe in the hay, sweetly asleep;
While shepherds watch their sheep.
Angels sing a gentle lullaby;
Winds blow in a soft sigh.

The Christ Child's star brings me to Him,
a light ne'er failing, ne'er to dim.


Chapter 4

By dovemarie

Very, very endearing to my heart,
A love enduring, never to part.
Loving and lovely, my soul mate
Every woman's dream, from my very first date.
Never before have I been so charmed,
To be safe and secure, never to be harmed.
In my inmost being,
Now I am waiting
Every day, for my love's dream.

by Dove

Chapter 5
Valentine Heart

By dovemarie

You've come back to me

I love your voice calling me

My heart beats with yours

Author Notes Thanks to Joelgraphuchin for artwork. Poem inspired by somebody I love who called me the other night.

Chapter 6
Christmas Sunrise

By dovemarie

I am Christmas sunrise
I gaze down on the shepherds and the wise

As I glow in the brightness of angelic singers,
I wrap my Creator in warm, beaming fingers

The night before was shivering cold
Now I have pinkish-red glory to unfold

I push the clouds of sin apart
I form a glow around Mary's Heart

My Savior in Her hands to hold
With the Christmas sunrise, the Good News will be told

Author Notes Thanks to Photowhisper for artwork.

Chapter 7
Hail to St. Patrick

By dovemarie

Hail to St. Patrick, brought as a slave to this fair land,
He served as a shepherd under God's own Hand

He was often lonely, hungry and cold,
As he wandered the mountainside, tending his fold.

God then led him away, to return to his own,
Yet Patrick's heart was filled with the seed that had been sown

He made the decision
To return on a mission.

He traveled through county after county,
Distributing the Lord's bounty.

In a land of human sacrifice,
Our Saint was ready to pay the price.

He preached under bonny blue skies,
His words were true and wise,
He was sent to evangelize.

And Apostle of truth, of change and reform,
By his message, the Emerald Isle was reborn.

Author Notes Thanks to lonniellogan for artwork.

Chapter 8
Flying Flag

By dovemarie

From the house across the street I view
The gloriously flying red, white and blue
Red is for the blood shed;
Our mourned-for dead
White is for purity
And our country's security
Blue is for the Northern soldier's uniform
We fought a four-year storm
The flying flag stands for victory
And sad pages in our history

Author Notes A poem for Flag Day, tomorrow, June 14. Thanks to Paul G. for artwork.

Chapter 9
In Memoriam

By dovemarie

On this first summer day,
I salute the military warriors
Who represent that peace is the way

People shed their tears
For the millions who have
Passed through their years

It is so hard to hide grief
Yet try to turn over a new summer leaf

Cemeteries, flags and tributes--
Our country's roots
Have been made strong
Even though war is wrong

Someday there will be a parade
Of all the living and dead
Celebrating a lasting peace made
With Christ at its head

Author Notes Thanks to hchriste for artwork.

Chapter 10
A Declaration

By dovemarie

Our independence we declare
The fight was won,
Fair and square
We declare our independence

We maintained our rights
Though the countryside was blood-stained,
We couldn't be restrained
Our rights we maintained

Author Notes Another short, sweet poem in tribute to Independence Day. Thanks to seshadri-sreenivasan for artwork.

Chapter 11

By dovemarie

Fight for rights
Stand for ourselves

Author Notes Thanks to booklotto for artwork.

Chapter 12

By dovemarie

I drift along this fair land,
And I stretch out my hand
For some lovely shamrocks
Growing all 'round the greenish-blue lochs.

Their three leaves,
So bonny and wee,
Stand for the Holy Trinity.

I am an Irish rover
Dancing down from the White Cliffs of Dover,
Searching for my lucky charm-
The rare and sweet four-leaf clover.

Hidden in the mist are the Irish fairies,
Mythical, magical, enchanting little ladies.

I love my Ireland
And my true love's eyes and smile
Reflected bright and wide in the rolling Irish Sea
I thank the Lord for my Emerald Isle.

Author Notes I am half Irish, and I was in Ireland as a stopover when I went on a pilgrimage. That inspired me to write this poem. Thanks to dragifortuna for artwork.

Chapter 13
What Easter Means

By dovemarie

Easter is the dawn brightening
The darkness of the tomb
This was meant to be
From the time of darkness in the Virgin's Womb

I follow the Commands
Written by God's Hands

As we go through Lent
We convert and repent

There is always time to pray
To give alms and obey

It is good advice
To make willing sacrifice

Try to fast
To eat a small repast

Easter is a time of joy
A time of expectation
And meditation

A time to adore
And love Christ more and more

Chapter 14

By dovemarie


Our Lord was Son sent


Author Notes Lent is the Catholic time period where we fast ( do not eat meat on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 14) and do not eat meat on Fridays. It is a time of prayerful meditation and a time of repentance.

Chapter 15
Ring out the Old, Ring in the New

By dovemarie

Ring out the Old, Ring in the New
It seems this past year just flew
Another year gone, part of the past
Another year come, with hope that will last

Ring out the Old, Ring in the New
Wonder of wonders, this January I'll be sixty-two!

Looking over my shoulder at things gone by,
Looking over the hill as snowbirds fly
Some of last year made me cry,
Maybe this year I'll be feeling high

Singing, working, writing, praying,
Watching children happily playing

The future is bright, tho some days are blue,
When you Ring out the Old and Ring in the New.

Author Notes A New Year poem a little late. Thanks to avmurray for artwork.

Chapter 16
Lenten Valentine

By dovemarie

Love can turn to ashes
Each time we have our clashes
New relationships can be born
To a refreshing, sunny morn
Every day,
Never say

Valentines are only a dream
Ash Wednesday begins
Lent is a big part of the heart
Every day is a new start
New painting of a picture of love
Try to repent
I am trying to awaken and
Never again be the same person I was
Easter is the fullness of virtues of the heart

Author Notes This poem was inspired by Valentine's Day falling on Lent this year. Lent is the Catholic season that begins the Easter season. Thanks to avmurray for artwork.

Chapter 17
Witches, Cats and Bats

By dovemarie

On a blistery Halloween Eve
Come witches with their brooms
Little children staring out, hiding in their rooms
In the sharp October air, full of pep and zest,
Comes flying the Wicked Witch of the West

Black shadows of green-eyed cats
Sliding across a rocky path
Pointed witches' hats
A crotchety old hag's wrath

Winged, blind bats zipping thru the wind,
Ring around the moon,
Wolves howling in the late afternoon

I had a black cat named Pepsi
Both eyes as green as a pea
Mysteriously shadowing the moonlight
On an All Hallows Eve star-clustered night

Author Notes Thanks to cleo85 for artwork.

Chapter 18
Thanksgiving Meditation

By dovemarie

Merci. Gracias. Grazie. Efharisto. Orkun. French, Spanish, Italian, Greek, and Khmer ways to say "Thank you." We have all learned to say "thank you" in our very early years. I was 9 years old and I went to a woman's house on Halloween, saying "Trick or treat," and she invited me in and gave me some candy. I said "Thank you," and she said "You're the only child so far tonight who has said Thank you. Tell your Mommy you're a good girl."
I went to Catholic Mass today, and we were reminded that Eucharist, another word for the Mass, is derived from the Greek for Thank you. I thank everyone for giving me 3 or 4 Thanksgiving dinners in recent years. I thank my friends for driving me to the club for the recovering mentally ill today, Nov. 22, 2018. I thank the club for making us free Thanksgiving dinner. There are so many things to be thankful for, I can't count them. I thank the publishing company for publishing my poem for $100.00 check that they sent me. Thank all my Fan Storian friends for being there to give me strength, encouragement, education, opinions, and constructive criticism when I need them most.

Author Notes I thank all of you on this Thanksgiving Day, and I wish we could all still be like the pilgrims and Indians who had Thanksgiving Dinner together, celebrating it for three days! It would be really something if the USA, other countries, and a terrorist group got together for a Thanksgiving meal. Thanks to helvi2 for artwork.

Chapter 19
A Christmas Message

By dovemarie

Holly on the bush
Ride through the snowfall
Icicles dangling from roofs and panes
Snowflakes blow gently in the wind
Tinsel on the tree
Merry days
All loving and sharing
Sunshine beaming through winter clouds
A wreath on the door
Gifts to go around
Each and every year

Author Notes Thanks to sweetgypsyrose555 for artwork. I can feel Christmas coming up!

Chapter 20
Biblical Independence

By dovemarie

A young man, a paralytic
Was brought to Jesus, probably frantic
He wanted desperately to walk,
Instead Jesus knelt by him and began to talk

He comforted him, then said: "I forgive your sins"
The crowd was surprised
They'd expected instant cure of a man who was paralyzed

On this Independence Day, the priest was preaching
From Matthew, and I listened closely to his teaching

He spoke about the paralysis of sin
Which is like a stone, cast into waters, causing ripples
Spreading outward, causing us to be cripples

All of us need forgiveness
Yet some feel so guilty, they are afraid to confess

Jesus asked, "Which is easier to say, 'Your sins are forgiven"
Or "arise and walk?"
He then held out a healing Hand
And the paralytic was able to stand

On this Independence Day, may we be free from guilt
For us, Jesus' and our military's blood was spilt.

Author Notes Quotes taken from Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 9, and some of the poem was inspired by the priest's homily. Thanks to falco from Pixabay

Chapter 21
I Look Like My Mother

By dovemarie

Born of a woman
I look like My Mother
I have black hair and blue eyes
Our faces mirror each other
"Whoever sees Me sees the Father"
Holiness and spirituality

Triunitarian God-Head fullness
My humanity comes from woman
I look completely like Mary
Deity of female flesh
King and Queen of Heaven
Time flows eternal
Faithful woman

Author Notes I was just thinking about the upcoming Holyday of the Assumption in the Catholic faith, and this poem came to mind. Thank you to Jeong Eun Lee from Pixabay

Chapter 22
On Spiritual Wings

By dovemarie

On spiritual wings of the Divine Dove,
Blessed Mary was lifted high above
Her time on this earth had passed,
She was reunited with her Son at last

She felt His wings beat strongly,
She'd waited below so longingly,
Finally crowned with celestial majesty
Their Sacred and Immaculate hearts beat in immortality

Author Notes For the Feast of the Assumption, Aug. 15, in the Catholic Church. Thanks to grafit_pl from Pixabay

Chapter 23
Our Coming Year

By dovemarie

A New Year coming

Means new policies, joy, health

Spiritual wealth

Author Notes I think of our new President and the vaccine for Corona virus as I write this. Thanks to cleo85 from Fan Art.

Chapter 24
Christmas Story in Carols

By dovemarie

One silent night; holy night,
Angel choirs lit up the sky so bright
And there came upon a midnight clear
Eight tiny reindeer

Lo! A new-born King has come
Announced by soft beats of a little boy's drum
Shepherds exclaim, "Angels we have heard on high!"
Illuminating a cloud-darkened sky

"We three kings of Orient are,"
following yonder colossal star."

Churches open the door
Alike to both rich and poor
A Child is laid away in a manger
Subject to Herod's wrath, and in danger

Chiming carol of the bells
Ring out to the meek and the bold,
The story Isaiah 'twas foretold

Author Notes I love singing Christmas Carols, and I decided to put them into a poem. Thanks to Gerd Altmann from Pixabay.

Chapter 25
Advent Journey

By dovemarie

Making my way thru valleys and o'er hills,
God made a promise He would fulfill
Stepping from eternity into time,
Birth so sublime
Calvary's Mount to climb

I hear the words of prophets and seers,
Until the Christ Child appears
Leafing thru the Book of Revelation
Reading about our coming salvation

"Make straight the way,"
Light the candles and pray
Celebrate Feast of the Immaculate Conception,
To be virgin-born, was Christ's intention

Honor Our Lady of Guadalupe
Patroness of our land
Her merciful, loving hand

These weeks of Advent
Are all meant
To convert and repent

As I make this Advent journey
I think of Mary's travel to the hill country
Like her, I am traveling
Divine mysteries unraveling
Like the Baptist, I will leap for joy
At the thought of this miraculous little Boy

Author Notes Inspired by readings and homilies from Masses I have attended commemorating feast days of Our Lady and the weeks of Advent. Thanks to David L from Pixabay

Chapter 26
Ring in the New Year

By dovemarie


Ring in a new year

Full of joy and cheer

My next birthday drawing ever near

Author Notes I will be the lector at Mass on Jan. 1, and my birthday is on January 14. Thanks to OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay.

Chapter 27
Hail Independence!

By dovemarie


Fourth declares our victory from Britain

God bless!

Author Notes Independence takes all shapes and forms - independence from parents, independence in your decisions in adult life, as well as independence from the cruel yoke of foreign powers. Thanks to Lilibug6 from Fan Art

Chapter 28
Trinitarian Communion

By dovemarie

Father holds out His Hand to daughter,
Son gives His Heart to Mother,
Spirit lifts Her up on angels' wings
The whole Heavenly court sings

Praise the Trinity
For glorifying Mary's humble humanity
As she enters Divine community

Now She reigns as universal Queen,
The most beautiful vision we've ever seen

Author Notes This poem is for the Assumption of the Blessed Mary into Heaven, feast on Aug. 15. thanks to Chil Vera from Pixabay

Chapter 29
Behold the Handmaid

By dovemarie

Behold the Handmaid...
Whom the Son of God obeyed
Humble and blest,
She held Him to Her breast

Behold the Handmaid,
Her Babe in a manger laid
Gabriel said, "Do not be afraid"

With Her baby She fled,
She saw His blood shed
She laid Him in the tomb,
The Divine fruit of Her womb

By suffering She was consumed,
For three days entombed
Into Heaven assumed
With a jeweled crown, and flowers perfumed

Behold the Handmaid
Servant of the Trinity
With Jesus She played;
With Jesus She prayed

Queen assumed, Mother and Son reunite
With strength, joy, and magnificent might

Author Notes Poem for Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, body and soul, into Heaven (Aug. 15) Thanks to Romy from Pixabay

Chapter 30
The Spirit of Halloween

By dovemarie

Ghosts and goblins floating through the air
Witches on brooms, giving a good scare
Black cats on the prowl
A wolf's howl
Hoots of a midnight owl
Jack o' lantern perched in window
Full moon's eerie glow
Costumed children filling the street
Knocking on doors for "trick or treat"
Mournful blue-gray clouds overhead
Hovering above the living dead
Bells in a tower
Tolling the witching hour

Author Notes These are all my memories of Halloween when I was a child Thanks to lynnkah from Fan Art Review

Chapter 31
Events in Civil Rights History

By dovemarie

On Jan. 15, 1929, Martin Luther King, one of the great civil rights activists, was born. He studied in Boston, and met his wife Coretta Scott in that city. He was a man of strength and wisdom, and he suffered terribly because of his devotion to maintaining the rights of his people. He was a genius who attended college at age 15. He led marches for freedom, and was jailed several times. He was stabbed in Harlem by one of his own people, the only black person ever to do him physical harm (she was declared clinically insane). He visited Africa and India, and gave all the money he could to starving human beings. He was assassinated on April 4, 1968, during the Easter season. He asked one of his associates, moments before he died, to sing "Precious Lord, Take My Hand." The Lord did indeed take him to the land of love, justice and freedom, everything he had stood for.

Author Notes Martin Luther King and fellow civil rights leaders did a lot for black people regarding registering to vote, riding the front seat of the bus, freedom, jobs, food.
Thanks to Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay

Chapter 32
Blessings of St. Patrick

By dovemarie

May you walk on roads that rise,
With the winds at your back
Fresh from Irish skies

May the sunshine keep you warm,
Protecting from the storm
May your fields sown with grain
Drink in a softly falling rain

May your gardens bloom bright
May you harvest every crop you sow
And may this rolling land
Be held in the hollow of the Lord's hand

Author Notes i am half Irish. Poem inspired by hymn "A Gaelic Blessing" Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Thanks to Peter H. from pixabay

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