"Get To Know Me!"

Quiz#2 - giraffmang

By giraffmang

1.) Has three parts:
 A.) When is your birthday? September 21st  
 B.) What star sign/zodiac symbol does that make you? Virgo
 C.) Do you care? Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha… that’s funny
2.) What would you do if you won the lottery? Be wealthier.
3.) Are you a better swimmer, skier or lover? Yes.

4.) If you could go back in time to change one thing what would it be? Find the person who invented time travel, grab them by the throat and shout, “What were you thinking? Do you know how dangerous this is?”

5.) What color socks are you wearing right now? I don’t understand this misspelt question… do you mean colour?


Quiz1 Christine (Chrissy 710)

By giraffmang

 Q1. If my closest friends could describe me they would say I was a little bit forgetful ( Oh all right a lot forgetful) and Funny ( Funny Ha Ha I think?)

Q2. Don't be surprised to find me bragging about How bloody great I am, kind, generous, loving, even tempered, gorgeous. ( Only kidding  I am not even tempered LOL)  Really Christine?

Q3. If I had a superpower it would be To create world peace, love and tolerance for all  ( Yes I know getting serious now. Welllll I can be) 

Q4. It's the simple things in life that mean the most. A small thing that I adore is A hug from my grandies ( and sometimes chocolate and wine and sunbaking)

Q5. Most day I smell like 'Me'  Well who else can I smell like? ( but on most days it would be like Chloe perfume  or what ever takes my fancy)

Q6. When I grow up  Who said anything about growing up? Pleassseee

Q7. You will never find me willingly in  A massage parlour ( are you kidding I love  them) Proper ones of  course not those dodgy ones .( You know what I mean' don't you?)

Q8.   I want to send a shout out to someone special  Hi Greg (my husband) Katie ( my daughter) Adam and Brenten ( my sons) My life is more extrodinary because .They make it so and they love me unconditionallyxxxxx ( even when I used to forget to pick them up from school and they WOULD HAVE to walk home Boo Hoo

Also to my FanStory Friends who have made me feel so welcome and have encouraged me in many ways to just write and be me. Cheers to you all



Author Notes Thanks to Robyn Corum for this brilliant idea. So get aboard and enjoy Getting to Know everyone

This photo was taken last year in Bali at my Time share in Nusa Dua

Cheers Christine

Chapter 1
Quiz #1 Gypsy Blue Rose - Chapter 1

By giraffmang


  1. If my closest friends could describe me, they'd say I was =a loyal friend.
  2. Don't be surprised to find me bragging about =my Japanese poetry. 
  3. If I had a superpower it would be =to travel instantaneously like in Star Trek's transporter.
  4. It's the simple things that mean the most!  A 'small' thing that I adore is  =my children and granddaughters' laughter.
  5. Most days I smell like =sugar and spice and everything nice.
  6. When I grow up, I’m going to be =rich and famous.
  7. You will never, ever find me willingly in a =gym ... ugh!
  8. I want to send a shout out to someone especial -- my life is more extraordinary because of =my children.


Thank you, Robyn for starting this up, it's going to be a lot of fun!
1.) Copy these questions into a new post. (A new chapter in this multi-author book!)
2.) Erase my answers and add your own in place of the BOLDED words
3.) Title your piece with Quiz #1 and YOUR NAME/pseudonym (chapter #1)
3.) Add your own artwork
4.) Promote, if you like
5.) Wait for the next quiz! *smile*

Chapter 1
Quiz #1: Dean Kuch

By giraffmang

1.)  If my closest friends could describe me, they’d say I was:  incorrigibly crazy but lovable.

2.) Don’t be surprised to find me bragging about: My best friend, Gidget, my Chihuahua...

 photo Gidget The Thig of Evil_zpsmn6g99tz.png

3.) If I had a super power, it would be: To become Captain Incredible, an anti-super hero who uses vigilanteism to wipe out terrorists without pity, mercy, or compassion.

 photo Taskmaster_Earth-6161_zpsjxugishe.png

4.) It’s the simple things that mean the most!  A “small” thing that I adore is: a star-filled sky on a clear evening...

5.) Most days I smell like: Blood and old crypts...

6.) When I grow up, I’m going to: I refuse to grow up...EVER!

7.) You will never, EVER find me willingly in a: FanStory Forum thread.

8.) I want to send a Shout Out to someone special. My life is more extraordinary because of: My two great kids, who are just as incorrigable as their poppa is, in the picture below:

Little Sister Gets Even photo Little Sister Gets even_zpslunkkip4.jpg

Author Notes Instructions:
1.) Copy these questions into a new post. (A new chapter in this multi-author book!)
2.) Erase my answers and add your own in place of the EMBOLDENED words
3.) Title your piece with Quiz #1 and YOUR NAME/pseudonym (chapter #1)
3.) Add your own artwork
4.) Promote, if you like
5.) Wait for the next quiz! *smile*

Chapter 1
Quiz 1 SmurphgirlPetrova

By giraffmang

By SmurhgirlPetrova aka Aleksandra Sasha Natalya Petrova, aka Sasha, aka Valerie, I pretty much answer to anything.

1.)  If my closest friends could describe me, they’d say I was: SOMEONE WHO FINDS HUMOR IN THE MOST UNLIKELY PLACES


3.) If I had a super power, it would be:  CHANGE MY SHOE SIZE FROM 12 TO WHATEVER THE STORE HAS IN STOCK.

4.) It's the simple things that mean the most. A "small" thing that I adore is: MY FALSE TEETH FIT PERFECTLY. 




7.) You will never, EVER find me willingly in a: THONG BIKINI ON THE BEACH, OR ANYWHERE ELSE ON THIS PLANET.

8.) I want to send a Shout Out to someone special. My life is more extraordinary because of:  CARLOS AND LINDA WHO ALWAYS TREAT ME AS SOMEONE SPECIAL.

1.) Copy these questions into a new post. (A new chapter in this multi-author book!)
2.) Erase my answers and add your own in place of the BOLDED words
3.) Title your piece with Quiz #1 and YOUR NAME/pseudonym (chapter #1)
4.) Add your own artwork
5.) Promote, if you like
6.) Wait for the next quiz! *smile*


Author Notes I don't know about the other participants, but this was a lot harder than I anticipated. Oh, goody, I get to use my new photo! Yes, when my children were very young, the neighborhood kids loved to call me the wicked witch in the little white house. It was said in fun, and I got a kick out of it. There was a mean little bully on the street and one day he made me so angry, I chased him down the street yelling, "Keep running you little twit, pray I don't catch you." I never caught him and he avoided me like the plague. He also stopped picking on the other kids on the street. So, I guess, that makes me a â??goodâ?? wicked witchâ?¦ is there such a thing?

Chapter 1
Mystic Angel 7777

By giraffmang

1.        If my closest friends could describe me, they'd say I was…

Eagerly empathetic, painfully altruistic, deeply reflective, and utterly fearless

2.   Don't be surprised to find me bragging about my …

Friends I have made who have totally found themselves cancer free as a result of God’s grace.

3.   If I had a super power it would be to …

 Know God’s will clearly on the front end rather than always after the fact. I grow weary of being hit by His bricks.

4.   It's the simple things that mean the most! A "small" thing that I adore is …

Hugs or the simple act of a kind touch – it fills my heart with such complete joy.

5.   Most days I smell like …

 Lilacs and roses since I use no perfume and only rely on essential oils to fill my days with heaven’s sweet breath. Both flowers mean lots to me.

6.   When I grow up, I'm going to …

I used to think a writer and now I just want to be content with whatever path I am asked to follow.

7.   You will never ever find me willingly in a …

Kosher restaurant (no offense to my Jewish friends) as the food poisoning I received from one will be an eternal memory of what happens to the adventurous when chicken fat is consumed.

8.   I want to send a Shout Out to someone special. My life is more extraordinary because of …

The bonds made throughout my cancer journey have led to many a very special relationship and I cherish every one of them from fellow patients to wonderful caregivers. To my special guy Knight whose love and inspiration is always treasured. And to the kind folk here who encourage me to scribble to my heart’s content.

Author Notes I wanted to provide honest and objective answers so I submitted the questions to folks who know me best and responded using the majority vote. I found it pretty interesting that in the bulk of the questions the answers I got were pretty much the same so we can safely assume THIS IS ME. It is so nice to know I have finally achieved some level of consistency in ME LOL.

Chapter 1
Quiz #1b Damommy

By giraffmang

1.)  If my closest friends could describe me, they’d say I was:  Trustworthy, a good friend, and funny (according to them)

2.) Don’t be surprised to find me bragging about:  My sons

3.) If I had a super power, it would be: Flying
4.) It’s the simple things that mean the most!  A “small” thing that I adore is: Watching wind in the trees

5.) Most days I smell like: Honeysuckle body powder

6.) When I grow up, I’m going to: I'm not growing up - ever

7.) You will never, EVER find me willingly in a:  Women's club

8.) I want to send a Shout Out to someone special. My life is more extraordinary because of:  I'm very happy

Author Notes Please, no reviews. Adding to Robyn's multi-author book. Thank you. 8-)

Chapter 1
Quiz #1: robyn corum

By giraffmang

1.)  If my closest friends could describe me, they’d say I was ARTSY and LOUD.
2.) Don’t be surprised to find me bragging about: MY PERFECT GRANDCHILD.
3.) If I had a super power, it would be: THE ABILITY TO FIND FOUR-LEAF CLOVERS!
4.) It’s the simple things that mean the most!  A “small” thing that I adore is: JEWELRY!
5.) Most days I smell like: COFFEE.
6.) When I grow up, I’m going to: BE A WRITER. 
7.) You will never, EVER find me willingly in a:  GROCERY STORE.  UGH!
8.) I want to send a Shout Out to someone special. My life is more extraordinary because of:  MY THREE BEST (FEMALE) FRIENDS.  THEY ARE AMAZING AND I LOVE THEM BIG TIME! 



Author Notes Thanks to Google Images for the artwork!

1.) Copy these questions into a new post. (A new chapter in this multi-author book!)
2.) Erase my answers and add your own in place of the BOLDED words
3.) Title your piece with Quiz #1 and YOUR NAME/pseudonym (chapter #1)
3.) Add your own artwork
4.) Promote, if you like
5.) Wait for the next quiz! *smile*

Chapter 2
Quiz #2

By giraffmang

1.) Has three parts:         
    A.) When is your birthday?  September 23

    B.) What star sign/zodiac symbol does that make you?  Virgo/Libra, right on the cusp

    C.) Do you care?  Yes, a lot

2.) What would you do if you won the lottery?  I’d pay off my sons’ houses, and help everyone I know.

3.) Are you a better swimmer, skier or lover?  Well . . . I can't swim or ski.

4.) If you could go back in time to change one thing what would it be?  I’d become a veterinarian.

5.) What color socks are you wearing right now?   White

Chapter 2
Quiz #2 - Robyn Corum

By giraffmang

Quiz #2

1.) Has three parts:             
    A.) When is your birthday?  October 10, 1962

    B.) What star sign/zodiac symbol does that make you?  Libra

    C.) Do you care?  Kinda – just a little.  Libra is the scales and I do seem to be very fair.  *smile*

2.) What would you do if you won the lottery?  Buy lots of presents for my friends! But  mostly just keep doing what I’m doin’.  *smile*  (Though I would wonder a lot, 'cause I don't play the lottery!) 

3.) Are you a better swimmer, skier or lover?  Is there a fourth choice?  Well, I don’t    ski, I could probably save someone from drowning…and my hubby doesn’t complain, so…

4.) If you could go back in time to change one thing what would it be?  I had a stupid    wreck when I was seventeen. It was my fault, but a friend’s car.  I’d redo that one. 
–-frowny face--

5.) What color socks are you wearing right now?   Bare feet!  HUZZAH!


Author Notes Author Notes:
Thanks to Google Images for the art!

Addendum to #2: I would also buy Dawn Munro a car! hahahaha!

Chapter 2
Gypsy Blue Rose

By giraffmang

1.) Has three parts:         

    A.) When is your birthday?  September 4th

    B.) What 
star sign or zodiac symbol does that make you?  Virgo

    C.) Do you care? Yes, I love anything mystical and mysterious like horoscopes, runes, tarot cards, crystal balls ... etc 



2.) What would you do if you won the lottery?  Buy a mansion by the ocean with tons of rooms for family and friends and a lighthouse for my boyfriend.


3.) Are you a better swimmer, skier or lover?  Lover

4.) If you could go back in time to change one thing what would it be?  I would have a talk with myself at 15-years-old.  I would tell myself,  "You are beautiful the way you are and you don't need a man to prove your worth."


5.) What color socks are you wearing right now?   bare feet



Author Notes Thank you, Robyn :)

Chapter 3
Quiz #3

By giraffmang

1.) How many pair of shoes do you own?
Well, my name is definitely not Imelda Marcos (The Philippines)

2.) What talents do you have?
Are you sure you really wanna know?

3.) Are you a better musician, singer or comedian?
None of the above.

4.) Where would your dream holiday be?
I've been so fortunate to have seen most of the world.

5.) If you could ask your future-self any questions, what would it be?
Is there anything I regret? ( I don't think so)

6.) What have you on your fridge door?
A small magnetic tile of 'The hanging Houses', Cuenca, Spain. How naff can it get? And a small calendar of the year.

Author Notes Own Photo of 'The Hanging Houses' in Cuenca, Spain

Chapter 3
Quiz #3

By giraffmang


How many pairs of shoes do you own?  
UGH.  Including the ones I don't wear - probably 75.  (Yes, that's embarrassing!) 

2.) What talents do you have? 
Oh, I'm widely talented - I have a LITTLE talent in a LOT of things, but not enough in any one thing to get a big head about it!  I can sew, write, craft, sell anything on this planet and, talk about a variety of subjects and sound like I know what I'm saying.  heehee  There's more, but I can't think right now.  (Thinking, on the other hand, doesn't come easily.)  

3.) Are you a better musician, singer or comedian? 
Out of those choices, I would have to say comedian!  And THAT's funny!  *smile*

4.)  Where would your dream holiday be? 
I would love to travel around the world someday!  But, more realistically, give me any cruise and I'm happy!

5.) If you could ask your future-self any questions what would they be? 
Did you do it right?  Spend time on the things (people) that mattered?  Put first things first?  Live without regrets?

What do you have on your fridge door?
Along with random photos of my family (my three fantastic kids!) I have sooo many pictures of my new grand-girl! She's amazing!


Author Notes Author Notes:

To join in, copy the questions into your own document and add your answers. Add a chapter to this book and make your chapter = the quiz #. (Chapter 3 = Quiz 3)

That's it!

Thanks to Google Images for the artwork!

Chapter 4
Quiz #4

By giraffmang


1.) What did you want to be when you grew up?  What are you, now?  Did you achieve your goal?  Are you happy with your ‘job’ now?
When I was REALLY young, I thought I wanted to be an elementary school teacher – thank heavens I didn’t get that wish!  *smile*  But most of my life I simply wanted to be a wife and mom – I know, boring and sad, huh?  But that was the example I had been provided all my life!  Later, in high school, I decided I wanted to be a writer.  Now, I’m a stay-at-home mom, wife and writer.  I’m happy! 

2.) How long could you go without talking?
If I’m alone?  Sure!  I could do this easy!  But – if I’m in a group of people, I like to talk … so maybe five minutes?

3.) Are you a better listener, cook or dancer? 
I like to think I’m a really good listener, but the fact is that I’m a super cook.  (Dancing is no longer even in the mix.  –sigh--)  So one of those two!
Have you ever been skinny-dipping?
I actually have!  And no one in my family knows about this, so shhhhh…  But once, when I was in high school some guys wanted me to go skinny-dipping with them.  I agreed to go with my underwear on and them nude.  It was fun!  (I’m such a prude!)

5.) If you were Prime Minister/President/Ruler of the World what laws would you make?
I would definitely change the welfare laws in the States so that it encouraged people to climb OUT and not continue to use the system.  Ummm…I can’t think right now, but may add to this!
What’s your favorite (clean) joke? 
That’s easy!  Why did the monkey fall out of the tree?  It died!


Chapter 4
Quiz #4 - giraffmang

By giraffmang

What did you want to be when you grew up? What are you, now? Did you achieve your goal? Are you happy with your life? – Taller. Now I am short. No I did not achieve my goal, something to do with genetics, but I love my life.
How long could you go without talking? – in my youth, we used to play a game where I would pretend I couldn’t speak within a group of my friend’s friends. I knew some people who thought I was mute for around nine months. It’s not really the talking though that’s important, it’s the content…

Are you a better listener, cook or dancer? – I certainly give the appearance of being a good listener… I can cook very well… I only dance in partnership with my daughter. She thinks I’m superb but then she is only five and has special needs… my ‘gangster ballet’ is to die for…

Have you ever been skinny-dipping? – No… I would have to lose too much weight. Not only am I short, I am also quite heavy…

If you were Prime Minister/President/Ruler of the World what laws would you make? – This is sort of a redundant question in parts. A Prime Minister and President don’t really have any real power as their ‘laws’ need to be ratified by parliament and government. Ruler of the World? Who says I’m not…?

What's your favourite (clean) joke? – Life is too serious for jokes, clean or otherwise. Now go away and write something worth reading, that's what I'm off to do...


Chapter 4
Quiz #4

By giraffmang

1.) What did you want to be when you grew up? What are you now? Did you achieve your goal? Are you happy with your job now?

I wanted to be a medical doctor and started to study at medical school. Changed my mind and switched to languages. Took a gap year as a flight attendant, which lasted more than twenty years. Achieved a law degree as a very mature student. Much later sailed the Med and am now farming our land here in Spain, and I love writing as you may have noticed. Couldn't ask for a better life.
I'm content.

2.) How long could you go without talking?

Hours on end. Only people who are close to me know this. I'm renowned for talking a lot.

3.) Are you a better listener, cook, or dancer?
I know I'm a good listener when I put my mind to it. I'm known to cook a fair meal and I used to be a great dancer in my day. What can I say. I'm not very modest. Am I?

4.) Have you ever been skinny-dipping?

Don't have a clue what this means. English is not my first language, and I've never come across the expression.

5.) If you were Prime Minister/President/ Ruler of the world. What laws would you make?

Easy answer. Universal peace.

6.) What's your favorite(clean) joke.

No idea, I always forget as soon as I hear one.

Chapter 4
Quiz #1 : giraffmang

By giraffmang

1.)  If my closest friends could describe me, they’d say I was:  Elusive and obtuse.

2.) Don’t be surprised to find me bragging about:  NI Football Team (soccer for those who think FOOTball involves throwing a ‘ball’)
3.) If I had a super power, it would be: granting common sense…
4.) It’s the simple things that mean the most!  A “small” thing that I adore is: an idea.
5.) Most days I smell like: someone who doesn’t wash.

6.) When I grow up, I’m going to: be bigger.

7.) You will never, EVER find me willingly in a:  vacuum cleaner.

8.) I want to send a Shout Out to someone special. My life is more extraordinary because of:  my little one (in the picture).


Author Notes Instructions:
1.) Copy these questions into a new post. (A new chapter in this multi-author book!)
2.) Erase my answers and add your own in place of the BOLDED words
3.) Title your piece with Quiz #1 and YOUR NAME/pseudonym (chapter #1)
3.) Add your own artwork
4.) Promote, if you like
5.) Wait for the next quiz! *smile*

Chapter 5
Quiz #5: robyn corum

By giraffmang

1.) When playing board games or poker will you cheat to win?   NEVER.
2.) What’s your favorite writing quote?  

3.) Have you ever milked a cow?  When? Where?  YES.  ON MY GRANDPARENTS FARM UNTIL THE AGE OF 12 WHEN MY FAMILY MOVED AWAY.
4.) Who's your favorite Superhero?  And why?  I WISH I COULD SAY ‘ROBIN’, BUT   –SIGH--    NOPE      -- SO, IRON MAN
(Can’t remember them all?  Check out this CUT AND PASTE link: )   

5.) Do you have any books published?  If so, what are the titles:
6.) Have you ever done something unbelievable when no one was around to see?  Brag on yourself now!  WHEN I WAS IN MY EARLY TEENS, I HELPED SAVE A KID'S LIFE IN A 'WAVE POOL'.  THE PARENTS (understandably!) WERE SO EXCITED ABOUT THE CHILD'S SAFETY, THEY NEVER ACKNOWLEDGED ME.  
7.) Tell us something about you we might be surprised to know:  
8.) Would any of your friends call you a ‘gossip’?  I DON’T THINK SO.
9.) Name your favorite movie(s) and why –
Okay, okay.  I'll stop.  *smile*  I'm getting carried away!


Can't wait to see your answers! 


Author Notes Author's Notes:
I haven't done one of these in a long time - hope you're ready to participate again!

**When you jump in, please let me know by PM so I can add your info below. **

(Instructions below)

Thanks to Google Images for the artwork!

1.) Copy these questions into a new post. (A new chapter in this multi-author book!)
2.) Erase my answers and add your own in place of the BOLDED words
3.) Title your piece with Quiz #5 and YOUR NAME/pseudonym (use correct chapter number for the book, please)
3.) Add your own artwork
4.) Promote, if you like
5.) Wait for the next quiz! *smile*

CHECK OUT THE FOLLOWING: (cut and paste links)

Barbara Wilkey


Roxanna Andrews:


Phyllis Stewart (my dear OLDER sister.)

Thomas Bowling: (my evil uncle)


Sandy Montgomery:


CD Richards

Mark Valentine:







Aryr (Alie):

Roy Owen:



Dean Kuch:

Chapter 6
For what it's worth...

By giraffmang

 photo Dean Kuch bio jpg_zpsjmly5h1d.jpg

Ah, another one of your famous quizzes I see, huh, Robyn?

1.) If you could witness any event past, present or future, what would it be?
My answer to question #1 would be the Hindenburg disaster. Oh, the humanity!

2.) Did you ever do anything, growing up, that got you in trouble?  What was it?  How much trouble did it cause?  Do you regret this action now, or did it help you grow stronger? 
As for your second question, back in the mid-seventies there was a rumor going around that the Wendy's Hamburger chain was using red worms as a filler in their ground beef. So, me and the boys got together and stole a sign from a local farmer's front lawn that read LIVE BAIT SOLD HERE. It had a gigantic red arrow painted on the sign pointing the way. It was made like one of those realtor for sale signs you see in front of homes being sold.
I stuck it in front of the busiest Wendy's restaurant on North Dixie Drive and we took off.
We drove back by the restaurant about a half an hour later and there were police cruisers, State Highway Patrol cars, as well as local yokels surrounding the place. Two news crews were also there.
I had a very identifiable car, a 1972 Grand Torino Sport, just like the one Clint Eastwood has in the film of the same name, Grand Torino.
The manager spotted my car, alerted the cops and we were caught, arrested and charged with trespassing, vandalism, theft of private property, and conspiracy to incite a riot.
Needless to say my parents weren't very happy with me.
We all had to do 125 hours of community service.

I never got in trouble with the law again.

3.)  Try to trick us.  Tell us two truths and a lie and allow your reviewers to guess which one is untrue.  (Try hard not to give it away!)   
#3... 1) When I first began writing, over 35-years ago, I wrote Gothic Romance and Science Fiction stories. Two are published.
2) I've been married twice and have eight children, seven sons and just one daughter.
3) A dog is my very best friend in the whole, wide wonderful world.

4.) Have you ever been in the newspaper?  If yes, what for?
#4... In 1977 I lead the Vandalia High School varsity football team in total yards from scrimmage with 2,655, and 1,480 of those were rushing yards.
It's a record that still stands today.

5.) Have you ever entered a talent contest?  If so, what was your talent?  And how did you do?
#5... I've never entered a talent contest. I used to judge one however, at the Winchester, Ohio, Caramel Festival.
- 07-Jan-2019


 photo CheerfulVapidBunting-small1_zpsia4a69lz.gif

Author Notes Well, there ya have it!
Thanks for readin'
~Dean  photo yahoo-funny-smiling-face-smiley-emoticon1_zpspsjwdqdp.gif

Chapter 6
Quiz # 6: Mustang Patty

By giraffmang

1.) If you could witness any event past, present or future, what would it be?
I would love to be standing on the grassy knoll in the early afternoon of that fateful day in Dallas, Texas. The conspiracy theories bother me -- I have a hard time believing that Oswald got three shots off -- and there are just TOO MANY unanswered questions. I think if I was there -- I would KNOW!

2.) Did you ever do anything, growing up, that got you in trouble? What was it? How much trouble did it cause? Do you regret this action now, or did it help you grow stronger?
Since my father wasn't living at home from the time I was twelve or so, I went through a stage where I had to prove I was tough
At four-foot, nine inches and very skinny, I was a scrapper. One morning at the bus stop, I beat up a younger, but much taller girl, just because she kept saying how awful it must be for me not to have a Dad.

When her father came over that night to talk to my 'parents.' I was standing out front, and he and I talked instead. He became like a second father to me, and they included me in all of their family events. His daughter later told me it broke his heart to know there were little girls without Dads. The experience taught me that you ALWAYS need to look at things from the others' perspective.

3.) Try to trick us. Tell us two truths and a lie and allow your reviewers to guess which one is untrue. (Try hard not to give it away!)

a.) I spent a total of forty semesters in college. (I earned several degrees.)
b.) I have zero student loans due.
c.) Howie and Bernie are really cats -- but there are already too many cat stories on the internet, so I made them dogs.
* Can you spot the lie?

4.) Have you ever been in the newspaper? If yes, what for?
Yes, I was. I believe the first time was the announcement that I was born. Then when I was ten, I sold over three-hundred boxes of Girl Scout Cookies -- this was back in the days when you had to go door to door. Last but not least, there was an announcement in the paper when I finished my technical school for the Army first in my class. (My grandmother had each of these articles tucked away in her memory book, along with all of my school pictures - otherwise, I wouldn't know about them.)

5.) Have you ever entered a talent contest? If so, what was your talent? And how did you do?
Yes. Singing. Let's not talk about it.


Chapter 6
Quiz Number Six

By giraffmang

Get to Know Me! And then join the FUN. Copy and paste the questions in your own document, answer them and then add them to this multi-author book as CHAPTER SIX. (Yes, everyone should use the same chapter number.

1.) If you could witness any event past, present or future, what would it be?

I've always wanted to be a fighter pilot, but of course it was out of the question in my day. I tried to be a passenger in drills, as I knew a few pilots but I never succeeded. Ach well, we all have our dreams

2.) Did you ever do anything, growing up, that got you in trouble? What was it? How much trouble did it cause? Do you regret this action now, or did it help you grow stronger?

Oh, Christ, yes. I talked too much. Not like in gossiping or talking bad about anybody. My school reports in my early years always said : Ulla is doing very well and getting high marks but she has to stop talking in class. Sigh ... Yes, I eventually learned and it made me stronger

3.) Try to trick us. Tell us two truths and a lie and allow your reviewers to guess which one is untrue. (Try hard not to give it away!)

a) At the age of forty-six I got an English/Welch Law degree from Buckingham University in England.

b) At nine years of age I sang in a children group and we made a few records of popular songs for children. At the time they were played in the radio and in TV programs for children.

c) I very nearly lost my driving licence some years ago due to speeding.

4.) Have you ever been in the newspaper? If yes, what for?

Yes, At the age of fourteen I swam for Denmark and was mentioned as one of the participants. I didn't win. Don't worry. But I was not a bad swimmer

5.) Have you ever entered a talent contest? If so, what was your talent? And how did you do.

No, Never.

Chapter 6
Quiz #6- Earl Corp

By giraffmang

Quiz #6 - Robyn Corum
by robyn corum

Get to Know Me! And then join the FUN. Copy and paste the questions in your own document, answer them and then add them to this multi-author book as CHAPTER SIX. (Yes, everyone should use the same chapter number.)

Quiz # 6: Robyn Corum

1.) If you could witness any event past, present or future, what would it be?
I'd like to have been part of the fur trapping brigade Hugh Glass was on. Hugh killed a grizzly bear with his knife then was left for dead. He crawled several hundred miles to kill the guys who left him.

2.) Did you ever do anything, growing up, that got you in trouble? What was it? How much trouble did it cause? Do you regret this action now, or did it help you grow stronger?
Yes. I got drunk at vo-tech and was suspended for 10 days, kicked off of the wrestling team, and had to surrender my shiny brand new drivers license to my dad for 90 days. I do regret what happened but it made me a stronger person.

3.) Try to trick us. Tell us two truths and a lie and allow your reviewers to guess which one is untrue. (Try hard not to give it away!)
a.) I've been married three times.
b.) I was in the Marine Corps for 12 years.
c.) I have walked in 54 5k races after being told I'd never get out of a wheel chair.
* Soooo -- which one is the lie???? Let me know what you think in your comments.

4.) Have you ever been in the newspaper? If yes, what for?
Yes, I wrestled and played football in high school. I made Eagle Scout. I have written for newspapers off and on for 15 years so my name appears on the front page at least three times a week.

5.) Have you ever entered a talent contest? If so, what was your talent? And how did you do?
No. No. Nooo.

Author Notes The lies were easy to come up with. Have fun with it.

Chapter 6
Quiz #6 - Robyn Corum

By giraffmang

Get to Know Me!  And then join the FUN.  Copy and paste the questions in your own document, answer them and then add them to this multi-author book as CHAPTER SIX.  (Yes, everyone should use the same chapter number.)
Quiz # 6: Robyn Corum
1.) If you could witness any event past, present or future, what would it be?

I am absolutely fascinated by the tragedy of the Titanic.  I’ve collected memorabilia, books, posters, videos, etc., of the event for more than forty years.  Though I don’t think I’d want to experience the event as a passenger, I’d love to be a bug on the wall and have the capability to see all the various stories unfold in front of me.

2.) Did you ever do anything, growing up, that got you in trouble?  What was it?  How much trouble did it cause?  Do you regret this action now, or did it help you grow stronger? 
Yes.  I had a big mouth when I was younger.  (Shocker, eh?)  Thought I could always talk myself out of tricky situations.  Turns out, I often talked myself INTO trickier situations.  *smile*  There are too many options to name, but suffice it to say, that, yes, I did learn from these moments and yes, they did make me smarter and stronger.

3.)  Try to trick us.  Tell us two truths and a lie and allow your reviewers to guess which one is untrue.  (Try hard not to give it away!)   
a.) I went to college for just two years, majoring in Human Resource Management and Computer Science
b.) I've held more than twenty-four jobs in my life.  One of which was with the telephone company, where I installed phones – climbing poles and crawling under houses.  Yuck!
c.)  So far, I’ve only accidentally killed three or four of our pets.

*       Soooo – which one is the lie????  Let me know what you think in your comments.

4.) Have you ever been in the newspaper?  If yes, what for?

Yes, actually.  Too many times to count.  *smile*  In high school, I was often in the paper for cheerleading and sorority.  As an adult, I’ve been interviewed for my books, for various businesses, and a multitude of other things – but then, I've always lived in small towns, so it’s rather easy to be in the paper 'round here.  *smile*

5.) Have you ever entered a talent contest?  If so, what was your talent?  And how did you do?
No. No.  Nooo.


Chapter 7
Quiz #7 - Robyn Corum

By giraffmang

Get to Know Me!  And then join the FUN.  See notes for instructions on exactly how to do that.

Quiz #7: Robyn Corum
1.) Do you use a pen name/pseudonym on-site?   
If not, why not? 
When I joined FS in 2011, I used the pen name of robo1224, but not long after, I changed to my real name.  I really enjoy communicating with people and being able to call them by their personal name and it always seems like a pseudonym puts a wall between people – which is probably why some people use them!  haha  

If so, how was it chosen and what does it mean to you?  n/a

2.)  How many places/homes have you lived in?  Which was your favorite?  And why?

I have only ever lived in Alabama and can’t imagine living anywhere else.  I’m a Southern girl to the bone!  Of course, life has twists and turns, so… here goes:

Lived with in-laws when parents were first marriedparents built first home… burnt to the ground… trailer… new home… moved to a new citymoved to college dorm…college apartment…back home to apartment…leased house…married and bought house…separated and rented apartment…moved in with mom…moved into trailer with girlfriend…moved to a new city and apartment…married and moved to new house…rented a house while building…moved into new house…moved into new house (here 24 years.) Whew!    So, that’s 19 homes in five places. 

My favorite place is where I live right now.  It's where my kids were raised and where we have made a home.  I love it!

3.)  Have you ever had a ‘psychic moment’ where you knew, predicted or sensed something before it happened?  (Or similar?)  If so, tell us about it!

I have not – except for picking up the phone to call someone and finding them on the line – which has happened to all of us, I think – but something interesting happened to my maternal grandmother and grandfather once. 
My great-grandmother had been ill but recovering.  (That would be ‘Mama Hill’, my Grandmother Dutton’s mom.)  One night my grandparents were asleep in bed and my grandfather was suddenly awakened by what he described as something like the loud cry of a cat – although they had no such creature.  He sat up, looked at the clock and then shook my grandmother awake, telling her he somehow sensed the cry was related to Mama Hill.  (Why?  Who on earth knows?)  Though it was the middle of the night, they called down to her house, where they discovered she had passed at the exact time my grandfather had heard the cry. 
My grandfather had been very close to Mama Hill, and he always thought she had come by to let him know she was leaving. 

4.) Have you ever done something heroic? What was it?

Probably not in the sense of this question.  But when I decided to go to work for the phone company as an outside installer, that took a lot of courage.  I’ll never forget my two weeks of ‘Pole-Climbing School’ in North Carolina. 
Imagine a walled-in ‘garden’ of fifty or sixty forty-foot-tall telephone poles and about twenty-five green trainees. We slowly learned the safety basics, familiarized ourselves with the poles and inched our way up their heights. 
The ‘final’ meant climbing to the tip top of a pole, harnessing off, hammering in a spike, and tying off a phone line.  THEN, if we met the instructor’s approval, we had to undo the line, unscrew the spike and remove it, unharness, climb down from the pole and dismount – doing everything according to procedure and following all safety policies.
One by one, as we finished, we were dismissed for lunch.  Since we’d made friendships by then, many of us waited so we could go as a group.   I distinctly remember how hard it was to eat because all of our hands were shaking for at least thirty minutes later!!


5.) What would you say is your best achievement to date?  (A personal achievement – not children, etc.)

I thought about this for a bit, and I have to say I’m still really, really proud of my book, Melinda Heads West.  All my life, I wanted to have a book on the shelf with my name on it but I pretty much thought it was a pipe dream. 
When the writing and acceptance of that manuscript happened within a six or seven-month period, I started to believe I might be a writer, after all.  *smile*


Author Notes Author Notes:

These quizzes are a fun way for us to get to know each other so please join us! Here's how:

1.) Copy and paste the questions into your own document.
2.) Answer them completely
3.) When you are ready to post: RETURN TO MY QUIZ (or someone else's) and click on the button at the bottom that says: 'Add Chapter'
4.) Please use 7 as your Chapter # - so that all the same quizzes will be grouped together and easy for readers to find
5.) Use 'Quiz #7 - Your Name' as the title.

Chapter 7
Quiz #7-Mustang Patty

By giraffmang

1.) Do you use a pen name/pseudonym on-site? Yes.

If so, how was it chosen and what does it mean to you? I've always had the nickname of 'Patty,' but when I was working at the CFO for a casino about twelve years ago, the janitor was entranced with my Mustang. When he found out it was mine, he started calling me, Mustang Patty. Since it's the only nickname I've really had, I adopted it. In my lifetime, I've owned ten Mustangs, and though I don't have one now, I can still feel the power of the eight-cylinder GT and hear the rumbly voice.

2.) How many places/homes have you lived in? Which was your favorite? And why?

I have lived in many places. When I was in the Army, and then when I was a Navy wife, we traveled -- a lot. We've owned five houses, but my favorites were the one we had designed and built on our own 
lot and the one we live in now.
This house, that we bought last year is the perfect house for us. With three bedrooms, we have a guest room, and I have an office. I'm comfortable and content.

3.) Have you ever had a 'psychic moment' where you knew, predicted or sensed something before it happened? (Or similar?)

Yes. When my mother passed away, I knew she was gone when the phone rang. I accurately predicted the sex of my children and my grandchildren.

4.) Have you ever done something heroic? What was it?

Not really. I've saved kittens from trees, but they probably would've climbed down on their own eventually.

5.) What would you say is your best achievement to date? (A personal achievement -- not children, etc.)

I have to agree with Robyn on this. Publishing my book, 'Guilty until Proven Innocent,' even though it was self-published was a great feeling. I know that when I sell the trilogy to a publisher, I will be over the moon.


Author Notes These quizzes are a fun way for us to get to know each other so please join us! Here's how:

1.) Copy and paste the questions into your own document.
2.) Answer them completely
3.) When you are ready to post: RETURN TO MY QUIZ (or someone else's) and click on the button at the bottom that says: 'Add Chapter'
4.) Please use 7 as your Chapter # - so that all the same quizzes will be grouped together and easy for readers to find
5.) Use 'Quiz #7 - Your Name' as the title.

Chapter 7
Quiz #7 - Earl Corp

By giraffmang

Fun quizzes to help us get to know each other!

Get to Know Me! And then join the FUN. See notes for instructions on exactly how to do that.

Quiz #7: Earl Corp

1.) Do you use a pen name/pseudonym on-site? Nope

If not, why not? I want a book on my shelf with my name on it and I thought it should be the same here on Fanstory

2.) How many places/homes have you lived in? Which was your favorite? And why?
Before I got out of high school we had moved five times within Pennsylvania. While I was in the Army I lived in Tennessee, Germany, Kentucky, Hawaii, and back to Germany.
After the Army back to PA. so 11 I guess.

My favorite place is where I live right now. It's where my kids were raised and where we have made a home. I love it!

3.) Have you ever had a 'psychic moment' where you knew, predicted or sensed something before it happened? (Or similar?) If so, tell us about it!

4.) Have you ever done something heroic? What was it?
I've actually performed the Heimlach and CPR on live people. I carried a wounded soldier 2 miles to a pickup zone for a medevac.

5.) What would you say is your best achievement to date? (A personal achievement -- not children, etc.)
I was the first in my family to graduate college. I earned a Master's Degree.
I graduated high school and Army Basic training before I turned 18.
I earned my Eagle Scout Badge.
I won a poetry contest on Fanstory.

Take your pick, that's not all of them but those are the biggies I'm most proud of.

Author Notes Author Notes:

These quizzes are a fun way for us to get to know each other so please join us! Here's how:

1.) Copy and paste the questions into your own document.
2.) Answer them completely
3.) When you are ready to post: RETURN TO MY QUIZ (or someone else's) and click on the button at the bottom that says: 'Add Chapter'
4.) Please use 7 as your Chapter # - so that all the same quizzes will be grouped together and easy for readers to find
5.) Use 'Quiz #7 - Your Name' as the title.

Chapter 7
Quiz #7 - Ms. Snyder

By giraffmang

1.) Do you use a pen name/pseudonym on-site? If not, why not? If so, how was it chosen and what does it mean to you?

Not so much a pseudonym, but I do have a Nom de Plume. Not on FanStory- I write elsewhere and not really for this crowd.

2.) How many places/homes have you lived in? Which was your favorite? And why?

Places? Six. Homes? Seventeen (I didn't miss any). My favorite would have to be the place we were during most of my son's youth. I didn't have a lot of worries! And he thrived!

3.) Have you ever had a 'psychic moment' where you knew, predicted or sensed something before it happened? (Or similar?) If so, tell us about it!

I have! I really don't have the time to get into all of the details. But let's just say that the things I dream about are usually things that happen without me being able to stop them from occurring (one was a major earthquake in California).

4.) Have you ever done something heroic? What was it?

No, not really, but I am writing now about how my dad was heroic and what he did. It was important enough for me to write about it and actually put it on the Internet.  It will be up next in Chapter 3 of "Apple from the Tree" (shameless plug why yes of course - - LOL!)

5.) What would you say is your best achievement to date? (A personal achievement -- not children, etc.)

Not children! Why -- maybe that is my only personal achievement???

Well, then my achievements are pretty minimal...

I guess that I've spent the better part of the last 20 years helping people in general. I've raised a lot of money for charities.  I have put up a picture so people know I'm dead serious when I say I champion veterans.  I also have championed children and animal causes as well.

***I've kept myself alive. That would be a personal achievement.  Other than that, really there aren't any that I can come up with.
***I hope whoever is reading this knows me well enough to know there are levels of sarcasm and a slightly snarky tone here.

But honestly -- I really haven't done much.  Not yet, but I have big plans... so stay tuned!

Author Notes These quizzes are a fun way for us to get to know each other so please join us! Here's how:

1.) Copy and paste the questions into your own document.
2.) Answer them completely
3.) When you are ready to post: RETURN TO MY QUIZ (or someone else's) and click on the button at the bottom that says: 'Add Chapter'
4.) Please use 7 as your Chapter # - so that all the same quizzes will be grouped together and easy for readers to find
5.) Use 'Quiz #7 - Your Name' as the title.

Chapter 7
Quiz Number Seven

By giraffmang

1.) Do you use a pen name/pseudonym on-site?

No I don't. I use my real name but not my surname. As robyn, I find it much more personal.

If so, how was it chosen and what does it mean to you?


2.) How many places/homes have you lived in? Which was your favourite? And why?

Oh my, are you sure you really want me to go there? Well, okay. You asked for it.

My first home was an orphanage in Copenhagen, Denmark, for the first two and a half years of my life. Can't really remember whether it was good or bad but I don't seem to be worse for wear. Then I was adopted and had a steady home up until I moved away with a boyfriend. Got married to my first husband, not the boyfriend, and we had two houses while together. The latter I loved the most. We'd bought the house from my beloved Aunt Grethe and we made it into a dream house.
Well, we eventually divorced and I moved to Britain. I first lived in England and can't say the house was anything to write home about, but hey, the man was alright and my daughter liked him as well. It was in a very nice area if that's any consolation. Then, after ten years, we broke up and I moved to Scotland, and rented for a couple of years. I have to say it was a nice place right at the River Clyde but still not my own. Then I met my second husband and we decided to go to Spain to sail the Med.

What can I say. We ended up in a lovely valley in the mountains starting to build a house. Needless to say, we sailed much less, with so much work building and tending the land. And then we divorced after fifteen years. Ach well, that's how it goes. We grew apart, I suppose. And now I've bought a lovely wee town house in the same valley above the sea here in Spain, and I think I can safely say this is the best house and place I've ever lived. I'm going nowhere. I'm a very happy person and love my house with its lovely view of the mountains and the sea.

3.) Have you ever had a 'psychic moment' where you knew, predicted or sensed something before it happened? (Or similar?

I've experienced a few deja vue in my life. And yes, I once had a dream, with no ending and one day that dream came true. It was spooky. I now know how it ended, but hey, I'm still here.

4.) Have you ever done something heroic? What was it?

Well, it might not be heroic in the normal sense of the word. But to find my real parents comes close to it. The day I stood on my mother's door step after travelling across half the world and she didn't expect me to be there was beyond words. And later that same year I also found my father on the same Continent. I gained a brother, sister-in-law and their children. We have become very close. My brother and I share the same father.

5.) What would you say is your best achievement to date? (A personal achievement -- not children, etc.)

Getting an English law degree at the age of forty-six.

Author Notes Thanks to awmurray for the use of the artwork.

Chapter 7
A chapter in the book Get To Know Me

By giraffmang

Getting to know me
A chapter in the book Get To Know Me!
Quiz #7 Sasha
Get to Know Me!  And then join the FUN.  See notes for instructions on exactly how to do that. 

Quiz #7: Sasha

1.)  Do you use a pen name/pseudonym on-site?  Yes

If not, why not? 

If so, how was it chosen and what does it mean to you?

I started with the name Smurphgirl.  The S stands for my mother, whose name was Shirley.  Murphgirl was a play on my maiden name of Murphy.  I later changed it to SmurpgirlPetrova to make
it more personal.  I now just use Sasha, which is not my first name, which is Aleksandra Sasha.  Sasha is easier to remember than Aleksandra.

2.) How many places/homes have you lived in?  Which was your favorite?  And why?
I lived in the same home with my five sisters until I was sent to live with relatives in Vancouver, Canada at the age of sixteen.  I lived in Vancouver for two years then moved back to my house in Seattle.  My mother and father separated, and my mother rented a house in Redmond, Washington (near Seattle).  We lived there until my mother bought some property and had a house built on it.  I moved out and stayed at a friend’s place until I got married.  My husband and I bought a tiny two-bedroom house where my two daughters, husband, and I lived for fourteen years until our marriage fell apart.  I went through some serious psychological problems and, unable to work, lost the house.  With no place to live, I contacted my mother and asked if I could spend the weekend.  She said yes, and I ended up living with her for eighteen years.  She sold her house and that is when we moved to Mazatlan to live.  She loved it here and died in 2006.  I moved from the small house we rented  here into the apartment where I now live.  I have no plans to move unless I can find a small house located on street level.

3.) Have you ever had a 'psychic moment' where you knew, predicted or sensed something before it happened? (Or similar?

4.) Have you ever done something heroic?  What was it? 

I worked undercover for the Seattle Police Department and US Treasury to help close several escort services in Seattle, Tacoma, and Bellevue.  I was never in any real danger but was proud of the work I had done.

5.) What would you say is your best achievement to date?  (A personal achievement -- not children, etc.) 

Writing my autobiography A Leaf on the Wind and later rewritten as Celebrate the Dandelions.  Writing this book was the hardest thing I have ever done.  I was totally honest about who I was and what I had done.  Being honest was not easy but necessary, especially telling the world I had been an escort and talking about the physical and emotional abuse at the hands of my father and family.
These quizzes are a fun way for us to get to know each other so please join us!  Here's how:

1.) Copy and paste the questions into your own document. 
2.) Answer them completely
3.) When you are ready to post: RETURN TO MY QUIZ (or someone else's) and click on the button at the bottom that says, 'Add Chapter'
4.)  Please use 7 as your Chapter # - so that all the same quizzes will be grouped together and easy for readers to find
5.) Use 'Quiz #7 - Your Name' as the title.


Author Notes The photo is one I had taken two years ago.

Chapter 7
Quizzical Answers

By giraffmang

Do you use a pen name/pseudonym on-site?  If not, why not?  If so, how was it chosen and what does it mean to you?

I think everyone can tell that I do not use a pseudonym on site, but my given name. My parents were not what one would call a conventional couple. They liked to travel the world and see everything they could. It was whilst on safari at Belfast Zoo where they first encountered the monstrous predator know as ‘The Giraffe’. They were so terrified by this hideous beast that they took refuge in the keepers’ hut and one thing led to another. It is said, in the annals of family history, that this is where I was conceived - thus my moniker. It may be different, but I like it.
How many places/homes have you lived in?  Which was your favourite?  And why?

I have only ever lived in one place. I like to call it ‘Planet Earth’. It’s a quaint little sphere in the Sol system, orbiting a yellow sun. There are other planets present, and although they can quite literally take your breath away, there’s no place like home. It’s blue and green, and is populated by a harmonious, global population of folk who all get on with one another with no trouble or strife… In fact, it’s so lovely that you won’t even need the rose-tinted glasses I always wear.
Have you ever had a 'psychic moment' where you knew, predicted or sensed something before it happened? (Or similar?)

Oh yes, this happens all the time. I would love to tell you all about it, but, alas, I cannot for whilst I have had the feelings, none of it has happened yet. I’m sure it will, though…. right?
Have you ever done something heroic?  What was it?

Hasn’t everyone? I remember many years ago, when I engaged in a spot of piracy, I got caught up in a plot to assassinate a whole slew of Templar Knights who were hell bent on exercising control over the population through ancient artefacts left behind by a previous race of folk who inhabited the earth before us. I, almost single-handedly, decimated their ranks and allowed free will to once again reign supreme…
Or I may have been playing Assassin’s Creed for so long that its bleeding effect has taken hold over my psyche.

What would you say is your best achievement to date?  (A personal achievement -- not children, etc.)

Choosing a decent restaurant – think about it!


Chapter 7
Quiz #7 - Y. M. Roger

By giraffmang

1.) Do you use a pen name/pseudonym on-site?  If not, why not?  If so, how was it chosen and what does it mean to you? 
Not so much a pseudonym, but I do use my maiden name. It’s also my author name. Pretty boring, I know, but c’est la vie!!

2.)  How many places/homes have you lived in?  Which was your favorite?  And why?
Places? Six.  Homes? Fourteen (and I’m sure I’ve missed a few in there somewhere). My favorite would have to be the place we were in during most of my boys’ growing up times. And that would be the reason, because it was associated with so many happy, crazy times!

3.)  Have you ever had a ‘psychic moment’ where you knew, predicted or sensed something before it happened?  (Or similar?)  If so, tell us about it!
Oh my, yes! But I won’t bore you with a whole bunch of them…  One of my most vivid ones was when my husband left to go ride bikes early one morning with his friend (they did it regularly so, that’s why this stood out). That morning I just felt awful when he kissed me good-bye…I was pregnant with our second and my almost two-year-old was just getting up and about. But for some unexplained reason, I really just didn’t want him to go. Of course, I just wrote it off to pregnancy craziness until the phone rang not half an hour later and it was his friend. My husband’s bike tire (on a route they took every morning) hit a seam in the bridge just the wrong way throwing him forward and into the concrete barrier along the side. I brought my boy by a friend’s house and met the ambulance at the hospital. After emergency surgery and having our lives topsy-turvy for a while, everything was okay. That was one of the few times I didn’t listen to my ‘little voices’ and the last time I wrote anything off because of hormones! Thank goodness!!

4.) Have you ever done something heroic? What was it?
 We were at a big swim party for my oldest’s good friend (he was in first grade, I think) and it was a private pool so, no formal life guards. I noticed my son trying to swim back from the diving board and he didn’t come up. I immediately ran across the concrete and dove in and pulled him up. Luckily, he was able to catch a breath with just a few firm pats when I got him to the ladder, but he was scared to go in for a while (we got him past that and he doesn’t even remember it…swims around like a pro). Okay, so everybody at the party – especially the little boys – thought it was the coolest thing they’d ever seen. I waited until I got him home and dressed, him and his little brother to the table to eat, before I calmly walked back to my room, completely broke down and screamed as loud as I could into the pillow a few times. I don’t recommend hero work – it’s freaking exhausting both mentally and physically. Soldiers, police officers, first responders and nurses/doctors have my undying respect!

5.) What would you say is your best achievement to date?  (A personal achievement – not children, etc.)
I know if I say that it was when I published my first book, it would sound cliché so, I’m gonna give ‘all the facts, ma’am’ - LOL! I was chairperson of two departments (Math and Science) at a sizable middle & high school, was carrying seven non-repeat classes per day (we were on an 8-class-per-day schedule), was mom to three very active boys/young men, and managed to write/publish my first book. And….wait for it….my husband will attest that we were and still are married!  Yeah, it felt good. And, yes, I am definitely completely ‘out of the box’ most of the time!


Author Notes Thanx for reading me...literally, this time! ;) :)

Chapter 7

By giraffmang

get to know me! (whether you like it or not!)
A chapter in Robyn's book Get To Know Me!
Fun quizzes to help us get to know each other!

Get to Know Me! And then join the FUN. See notes for instructions on exactly how to do that.

Quiz #7: Aliehss Young-Roach (aryr)

1.) Do you use a pen name/pseudonym on-site?
Just my initials.

If not, why not? I am going to use Earl's reply since I like it- I want a book on my shelf with my name on it and I thought it should be the same here on Fanstory so I used my initials.

2.) How many places/homes have you lived in? Which was your favorite? And why?

Wow, I will just go with so many I can't remember them all and now since I live in a 5th wheel camper and travel all over the country (USA) the number just continues to grow. I was told by a professor (sociology) that the reason I moved so much as a child was because of my native ancestry and Indians are nomads- following the herds and moving from the seasons. As I got older I just moved things around in the house, besides there were no bisons to chase.

3.) Have you ever had a 'psychic moment' where you knew, predicted or sensed something before it happened? (Or similar?) If so, tell us about it!

I have actually had many, probably more than the number of times I have moved. The elders in the tribe said that I was a sensitive and therefore could pick up on things, which I have done since I was about six or seven. I have even attended a few séance gatherings. That is why I do card and stone readings as a hobby.

4.) Have you ever done something heroic? What was it?

I have done CPR more times than I want to remember, delivered several babies whose mothers did not make it to the hospital, and performed a tracheostomy in a remote area while being directed by the physician over the radio.

5.) What would you say is your best achievement to date? (A personal achievement -- not children, etc.)

I guess my best achievement is actually three fold- I earned my Registered Nurse status, I have my Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine, and I have had two books published.

Author Notes Thanks to Robyn for this idea.

Chapter 7
Quiz #7 -- LisaMay

By giraffmang

Get to Know Me!  And then join the FUN.  See notes for instructions on exactly how to do that.

1.) Do you use a pen name/pseudonym on-site?  Yes 

Why? Because I like an air of mystery and anonymity. I have been Google-stalked on my real name by someone and I did not like it. LisaMay is an anagram of "My Alias". Also, by calling myself Lisa I am paying homage to my adoptive Mum, who wanted to name me Lisa but Dad didn't like that name. Being LisaMay, I figure Lisa may be whoever she wants to be, something Mum encouraged, until she died when I was 15. 

2.) How many places/homes have you lived in? Which was your favourite? And why?
In bricks and mortar housing I lived in 2 different houses with my family when I was younger, and, after I left home, in several other apartments and group houses before I was 24 (all in Australia). After I went overseas I lived in a group house in London, then a group house on a kibbutz in Israel. Back to Australia briefly, then moved to New Zealand to marry a Kiwi. We lived in 2 houses, and now divorced, I still live in the home I have been in for 35 years.

The following might sound confusing, but I have also lived in the same "room" (a tent) over the course of 2 years, but my location changed every few days. I was motorcycling around Australia, travelling approx. 70,000 kilometres (about 43,000 miles) and camping out as much as possible during 2008-10.

My favourite place is where I am now -- pretty much contented to have an interesting life in a lovely city, with varied hobbies, volunteer work, an affectionate cat, good friends, nice neighbours and good health (I am a family of one in NZ: no partner, no children, no relatives.)  I love my old house: it has charm and character, but I will be needing a gardener soon. The jungle is taking over as I am too busy writing FS contributions!

3.) Have you ever had a 'psychic moment' where you knew, predicted or sensed something before it happened? (Or similar?) If so, tell us about it!
I haven't had a psychic moment as described, but I'll give you another one which was a deeply spiritual experience for me. Fifteen years ago I had a very distressing partnership break-up. To get over it, I went to work in a remote place and was a ranger in a national park for a while. I was consumed with bitterness, but 'green therapy' is soothing.

There was a church group in the nearby town and I was invited to attend. One Sunday, an activity was organised for congregation participation if anyone felt like they needed to "take it to the Lord". A basket of rocks was placed by the door, all shapes and sizes, smooth ones, rugged ones etc. Over on the altar table there were several labels written with the words: Anger, Envy, Fear, Hate, Forgiveness. Parishioners were invited to go and choose a rock, then take it to the altar and put it down by the label that named their problem. I sat back, thinking to myself, "I wonder who will do it?"

Suddenly I was booted to my feet by a powerful force, totally uncontrolled by me. I went and chose a rock, an ugly one, and approached the altar to place my rock beside "Forgiveness", all in a bit of a daze. Then, to my horror, I found that the rock would not leave my hand. I could not release it. Other people came and went, putting their rocks in front of various signs, but I remained there, rooted to the spot as the message was being drummed into me that I had a major problem with forgiving my ex-partner. I prayed that my own sins would be forgiven and suddenly my hand relaxed and I could put that damn rock down! What a weight lifted off me!

These days, years later, whenever I touch a rock or even hold a pebble, I remember that message and feel strengthened and supported.

4.) Have you ever done something heroic? What was it?
I was with a friend, driving late at night, when we came across an accident. A car had gone through a fence and tipped on its side, with the driver half tossed out the window and the weight of the car pressing down on him. We noticed because of the broken fence and the car's headlights. I ran to the roadside and pulled out a road sign on a long, thick post to use as a fulcrum to lever the car up off him. Clearly, adrenalin kicked in for me to be able to do that because I am not Wonder Woman… or maybe I actually was that night, channelling my mental powers into physical strength. After that experience, I trained and gained a First Aid Certificate. 

5.) What would you say is your best achievement to date? (A personal achievement -- not children, etc.)

…. I’m thinking, Why stop at one? 

-- Convincing people that I am well-educated, knowledgeable, and broad-minded -- without having gone to university. I am an autodidact (self-directed learning).

-- Looking after my dear Dad for his last 8 years. He had Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.

-- Being a motorcyclist without major injury for 50 years. Conscious of becoming older with slowing reflexes, I undertook an advanced motorcycle training course a year ago, the only woman and the oldest on the course. I passed with a Gold badge and the instructor's praise.

I have ridden in Australia, England, NZ, India, Turkey and China. My bike here in NZ is a Yamaha XJR 1200. My bike for the Australian travels was a Kawasaki KLR 650, which I also still have.

Author Notes Author Notes:

These quizzes are a fun way for us to get to know each other so please join us! Here's how:

1.) Copy and paste the questions into your own document.
2.) Answer them completely
3.) When you are ready to post: RETURN TO MY QUIZ (or someone else's) and click on the button at the bottom that says: 'Add Chapter'
4.) Please use 7 as your Chapter # - so that all the same quizzes will be grouped together and easy for readers to find
5.) Use 'Quiz #7 - Your Name' as the title.

Chapter 8
Quiz #8

By giraffmang

This quiz is different than previous ones I’ve shared.  Since this is a writing site and since we are at the beginning of a new year, I thought we’d shake things up a bit.   This is a chance to look at the past year’s accomplishments and set some writing goals for 2020. 

1.) As 2019 ended, what were your FS rankings in each of the following categories?  (Approximate is fine.)

  • Poetry?                Rank= __9___
  • Script?                  Rank= __0___
  • Short Stories?     Rank= __27___
  • Novel-writing?    Rank= __32___
  • Reviewing?          Rank= __30___
2.) Do you know how many posts under each category you made last year? If so, please share.  (How to check for THIS year:  Go to ‘My’ in the tool bar, up top.  Click on ‘Status’ and scroll down to see how many posts you’ve made in each category.)
  • Poetry?                __300+___
  • Script?                  __0___
  • Short Stories?     __?___
  • Novel-writing?    __?___
3.) Did you earn any trophies? Yes If yes, in which categories? Poetry!  If not, WHY not?  Are you okay with that?  MAKE a PLAN NOW for 2020.   I love, love, love to earn trophies – but I’ve never earned anything higher than a fifth place.  It would be cool to do better…?

4.) Did you learn anything new or grow your craft in any way in 2019?  (Share.) Are you satisfied with where you are or are there areas you need help with?  If so, what’s your plan?  I read a lot of writing-craft books and the work of brilliant writers, they encourage me to GROW!  I try to grow in every area, all the time.  I’m never satisfied with my prose – ever! 

5.) Did you submit any of your pieces to posts, journals, papers, contests, etc, outside FS this year?  If so, please share your successes and/or frustrations.  Yes.  I won a nationwide flash fiction contest (HUZZAH!) and got some haiku pubbed. 

â??6.) Have you joined or participated in any FS writing clubs this year?  (Remember, they are on a voluntary basis. Give one (or two or three!) a try. If they’re not for you, no harm, no foul.  Yes, I’m a member of the Pix This Club and I love it!  I also just took over the leadership role of the Flash Fiction Club.  Clubs are a great way to find inspiration – I highly recommend them.

7.) Do you have one or two QUICK and FAST writing tips to share?  Lately, I keep running across folks having problems with punctuating dialogue.  Here’s my favorite website for that:        (cut and paste)
I have it bookmarked in my browser so I can refer to it fast, and so I can pass it off to others who may need extra help. I always recommend others do the same.
Another thing I preach over and over is ‘streamlining’ every sentence – something that learning to write great Flash Fiction will help with.  If you pretend that every word you USE costs you $20, you’ll get the idea.  Write your story, then go back and edit, edit, edit, and cut, cut, cut. 

Are you on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook and want to share your ‘handles’ so folks can reach out?   I’m hardly ever on FB or Instagram, but my Twitter handle is @robyncorum   


I strongly encourage everyone to look at what they did last year and decide RIGHT NOW if they are satisfied.  If not, make some new goals, and work steadily toward them.  But don’t stress out.  Make goals that will work into your life and schedule.  That are attainable
You might not be able to earn first place in one of the categories in 2020, but perhaps you could better your  last position by ten places?   Maybe more?  You’re in charge!
Make 2020 your year!

The goal, of course, would be to create QUALITY writing - not to simply add posts to move up the rankings.  I can promise you that if you simply write for rankings, you will NOT be happy with yourself regardless of the rankings you achieve.  *smile*  A true writer wants a body of work to be proud of.  A trophy she/he DESERVES.  Good luck!



Author Notes Author's Notes:

Please copy and paste these stars and the instructions below into your own author notes:

To add a chapter:
Go to anyone's quiz and click the 'Add Chapter' option at the bottom. Start there to add your piece. YES, your post will remain in your portfolio! Thanks!

Chapter 9
Quiz #9

By giraffmang

Hello!  Remember these? 

Look through the following questions, meant to reveal a bit more about you and your relationships here on FS.  Answer them honestly and share your answers by creating your own Quiz #9 by following the directions in the notes below.

Let's get started!

QUIZ #9:

1.) Congrats!  You’ve been nominated by your party to run for President of the United States (or your own country’s equivalent)!  What will you choose as your campaign slogan? 
HUZZAH!  Although I can't run my own home with any measure of success, I feel sure I could handle an entire country - what could be so hard, right?   My slogan would be  "We'll repair what the rest ravaged."  

2.) Can you: Pogo (stick)?  Unicycle?  Juggle?  Break-dance?  Other?
No.  No.  No.  No.  No.  I can drive a five-speed.  

List up to seven FanStory members you’d like to meet and why--in no particular order.  (More if you want.)   Barb H., Karenina, lraven, lancellot, Bill Schott, humpwhistle, sallyo, lyenochka, Barbara Wilkey, Chris (Chrissy710), Sandra Mitchell, Roy, Giddy, Ulla, ...  oh!  So many more!!  

4.) Which cartoon character do you most identify with?  Eeyore!  He has the same wonderful, outgoing personality.  Love that guy!

5.) If you had a TV show about your life, what would it be called, and who would play you?
Controlled Chaos.  Obviously, Lucille Ball.

6.) If you could pick 3 animals to put together and create a new animal, which animals would you pick? What would it be called?  My three favorite animals are the cow, giraffe, and llama - so let's put those together to make something amazing!  We'd call it the Cariffama.

7.) If you were stuck in an elevator for thirty minutes, who would you most want to be stuck with and why?   (Any person, past or present.)   What if it were six hours?   For thirty minutes?  Any agent who might be interested in me!  For six hours?  The Apostle Paul.  



Author Notes Author's Notes:


1.) You WILL have to copy and paste my questions to create your quiz. Then replace my answers with your own.

2.) When you click 'Add Chapter' to add your own quiz, PLEASE enter Number NINE (9) as YOUR chapter number, too. It may seem odd at first, but having all Quiz 9s together and labeled AS Chapter Nines (9s) means we can just run over to the book and quickly see all the new additions to this one. Make sense? So -- ALWAYS make your chapter the same number as the current quiz. Thank you!

3.) Please copy and paste EVERYTHING BETWEEN the two sets of STARS (beginning under my 'Author's Notes) as instructions into YOUR NOTES. (Easy peasy!) (Note - do NOT copy the FS member cents/promotion/money part).

4.) To add a chapter:
Go to anyone's quiz and click the 'Add Chapter' option at the bottom. Start there to add your piece. YES, your post will remain in your portfolio! Thanks!


Chapter 9
Getting to know you quiz

By giraffmang

My slogan for running for Prime Minister

The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world
Can I pogo stick, unicycle, juggle, breakdance or other?
No, and I can't roll my "r"s either, but I can swing my hips.
List seven Fanstory members I'd like to meet.
Lyenochka, Jannypan, Pantygynt, (Jim),Ben Colder, Linda Raven
Father Flaps ( Kimbob) and Roy Owen Also Phyllis Stewart (RIP)
Which cartoon character do I most identify with?
Sergeant Schultz from Hogan's Heroes
If they made a TV show about my life, what would it be called and who would play "me"?

"Somebody up there likes me." Some one unknown
If you could pick three animals to use to create a new animal what would they be?
A dragon, a unicorn and a mermaid

What would it be called?
Something very polite and complimentary
If I was stuck in an elevator for thirty minutes, who would I most want to have there?
A lift repair man
If the time was longer, say six hours?
A lift repairman with good conversational skills


Chapter 9
Quiz 9 - giraffmang

By giraffmang

Look through the following questions, meant to reveal a bit more about you and your relationships here on FS.  Answer them honestly and share your answers by creating your own Quiz #9, created by Robyn Corum.
To add to the book, go to her portfolio and at the end of her quiz, click ‘add a chapter.’
1) Congrats!  You’ve been nominated by your party to run for President of the United States (or your own country’s equivalent)!  What will you choose as your campaign slogan?

‘Catch Yourself On!’
2) Can you: Pogo (stick)?  Unicycle?  Juggle?  Break-dance?  Other? 

Other. I can do a great many other things. Too numerous to mention here.
3) List up to seven FanStory members you’d like to meet and why--in no particular order.  (More if you want.) 

Jay Squires – awesome dude. Great writer
sandramitchell – she’s awesome too
ALD – that’s a code name. I’ll not go into too much detail but it would involved a hammer,and some fingers.
Other than that… I don’t really like socialising. Lol
I’d have loved to have met jpduck, Dean Kuch and michaelcahill though – if you’ve never checked out their work. I would encourage you to do so in their portfolios. Dean & Michael’s eternal flames are lit…
4) Which cartoon character do you most identify with? 

He-man or Captain Caveman or Comic Book Guy from The Simpsons – I’ve happened to look like all of them through the years.
5) If you had a TV show about your life, what would it be called, and who would play you? 

Giraffmang - what do mean 'It's true!'

I’d be played by Sean Bean, de-aged obviously for some of it. Or maybe Triple H from WWE (I was backstage at Wembley when they were performing and he said to me 'You look a lot like me')
6) If you could pick 3 animals to put together and create a new animal, which animals would you pick? What would it be called? 

A giraffe, a manatee, and a gorilla. It’s a Giraffmang….
7) If you were stuck in an elevator for thirty minutes, who would you most want to be stuck with and why?   (Any person, past or present.)   What if it were six hours?

I’d like to be stuck in a lift for 30 minutes with Brad Pitt, purely for making the God-awful ‘The Devil’s Own’. I’d slap him stupid for 28 minutes and repeatedly ask ‘Why?’

For six hours? If I had a carry out (alcohol), it would be Liam Neeson or Dominic Cooper. In the 90s I spent an evening getting rat-arsed (very drunk) with Liam Neeson and I’d like to repeat the experience. It was hilarious. Similarly, I’ve been out drinking with Dominic Cooper, too. He’s very funny.

If there’s no alcohol involved, and I had the opportunity to ask a tonne of questions, it would probably have to be Lee Child. I would have loved it to have been James Herbert but he’s sadly not with us any more.


Author Notes If you want to take part in this lunacy - here's how....

Go to Robyn's portfolio and open up her number 9 quiz

1.) to copy and paste the questions to create your quiz. Then replace the answers with your own.

2.) When you click 'Add Chapter' to add your own quiz, PLEASE enter Number NINE (9) as YOUR chapter number, too. It may seem odd at first, but having all Quiz 9s together and labeled AS Chapter Nines (9s) means we can just run over to the book and quickly see all the new additions to this one. Make sense? So -- ALWAYS make your chapter the same number as the current quiz. Thank you!

3.) Please copy and paste EVERYTHING BETWEEN the two sets of STARS (beginning under my 'Author's Notes) as instructions into YOUR NOTES. (Easy peasy!) (Note - do NOT copy the FS member cents/promotion/money part).

4.) To add a chapter:
Go to anyone's quiz and click the 'Add Chapter' option at the bottom. Start there to add your piece. YES, your post will remain in your portfolio! Thanks!

Chapter 9
Get to Know Luna (the Moonchild)

By giraffmang

Author Note:Always, to Mickey. Hey, son, how's it going up there?

1.) If my closest friends could describe me, they'd say I am: Daring, Witty, Spontaneous, Kind, Loyal, Generous and graced with one of the driest senses of humor on the planet.

2.) Don't be surprised to find me bragging about:  (1) My daughter, Colleen, who I love more than my own life, and my son, Mickey, who passed two years ago this past January.  He returns often, however, to let me and other family members know he's still around and watching over us.

(2) Also, my uncanny ability to tell you, within the first three notes of a song:  what song it is, what Band did the song, who wrote it, the names of the members of the band and a brief history of the band.  I'm a tough competitor in music trivia!

3.) If I had a super power, it would be: to reverse Climate Change and bring peace to the world. photo Magic_zps7aaqhigf.jpg

4.) It's the simple things that mean the most. A "small" thing that I adore is: Getting into my comfy bed with freshly clean sheets, MY PILLOWS (like the ones on TV - I've got about 8 of them), a down comforter and bingewatching Twin Peaks and David Lynch movies.

5.) Most days I smell like: Patchouli.

6.) When I grow up, I'm going to: What's growing up?  I'll be a child at heart forever, and that soothes my soul.
 photo Age_zpsldiwkpec.jpg

7.) You will never, EVER find me willingly in a: yard pulling weeds.  I would do ANYTHING rather than pull one weed.

8.) I want to send a Shout Out to someone special. My life is more extraordinary because of: My daughter, Colleen; my husband, Sam, who knows all my secrets and loves me anyway; my ex-husband (the father of my children), Big Mickey, who is now one of my closest friends; my best friend of 46 years, Karen; and of course my English Bulldog, Hershey, who was my son's dog (I inherited her when he died).

Author Notes Thanks to Robyn and everyone who has participated in this Quiz - it's nice getting to know y'all!

1.) Copy these questions into a new post. (A new chapter in this multi-author book!)
2.) Erase my answers and add your own in place of the BOLDED words
3.) Title your piece with Quiz #1 and YOUR NAME/pseudonym (chapter #1)
3.) Add your own artwork
4.) Promote, if you like
5.) Wait for the next quiz! *smile*

Chapter 9
Robyn Corum's Quiz #9

By giraffmang

1.) Congrats! You've been nominated by your party to run for President of the United States (or your own country's equivalent)! What will you choose as your campaign slogan?

"I can't do this without your help!" (Actually, I might not be able to handle the job with their help~ )

2.) Can you: Pogo (stick)? Unicycle? Juggle? Break-dance? Other?

I can do many things poorly. Once I made a tremendous swing at a golf ball, and missed it entirely! If I had hit it, it would still be flying through the air.

3.) List up to seven FanStory members you'd like to meet and why--in no particular order.

Even though I wasn't on Robyn's list, I'd have to pick her for my list... mainly to make peace with her husband. Others? ... Jay Squires, judiverse, lyenochka, Sally Law, Debra White, Sugarray77.

Of course, it would be fun if Fanstory could have a Who's Who Festival somewhere. Good food and champagne, and getting to know so many wonderful writers who have become friends and cohorts!

4.) Which cartoon character do you most identify with?

I'm torn... I like to hunt, and I also would love some extra money. So how will I choose between Elmer Fudd and Scrooge McDuck?

5.) If you had a TV show about your life, what would it be called, and who would play you?

"Tossed In Space", starring Bill Murray as me. I've made too many mistakes. One thing I'm proud of, though, was learning to play the guitar to the point of giving concerts back in the day. It's surprising that you can actually hide behind a microphone stand!

6.) If you could pick 3 animals to put together and create a new animal, which animals would you pick? What would it be called?

I'd be called a moosasox.

7.) If you were stuck in an elevator for thirty minutes, who would you most want to be stuck with and why? (Any person, past or present.) What if it were six hours?

This is tougher than it appears. Maybe the best way to look at it would be, who would want to be stuck with me in that elevator? So, for 30 minutes, I'd pick an old girlfriend from my teenage years. I was in Grade 9. She was in Grade 7. I was a very shy guy, and never kissed her once from September to April of that year... 1964/1965. But we went to all the dances and Saturday afternoon sock hops. And I walked her home afterwards. I think I'd just like her to know that I am sorry for being such a chicken. It was Puppy Love for me, and I was "Happy Just to Dance With You".

Now, for a whole six hours... I'd pick Buzz Aldrin, the astronaut who followed Neil Armstrong on the moon. I've got some questions about what they saw... aliens on the edge of a crater? ...flying saucers lined up? How much more does he know? What stories has he heard from other astronauts? What was it like to be an astronaut? etc. etc. etc.

Author Notes Author Notes:


1.) You WILL have to copy and paste my questions to create your quiz. Then replace my answers with your own.

2.) When you click 'Add Chapter' to add your own quiz, PLEASE enter Number NINE (9) as YOUR chapter number, too. It may seem odd at first, but having all Quiz 9s together and labeled AS Chapter Nines (9s) means we can just run over to the book and quickly see all the new additions to this one. Make sense? So -- ALWAYS make your chapter the same number as the current quiz. Thank you!

3.) Please copy and paste EVERYTHING BETWEEN the two sets of STARS (beginning under my 'Author's Notes) as instructions into YOUR NOTES. (Easy peasy!) (Note - do NOT copy the FS member cents/promotion/money part).

4.) To add a chapter:
Go to anyone's quiz and click the 'Add Chapter' option at the bottom. Start there to add your piece. YES, your post will remain in your portfolio! Thanks!


Chapter 11
Who Am I? Quiz #1a

By giraffmang

1) If my closest friends could describe me, they'd say:
I am fooooooking cra-cra with a side of wonderment.

2) Don't be surprised to find me bragging about:
My grandson, and two more babies who will join our family in May 2017.

3) If I had a super power, it would be:
To find every error in my own writing, so that Heidi M and Dawn M, along with many others, won't have to work so hard. 

4) It's the simple things that mean the most! A "small" thing that I adore is:
A clean house--something I haven't experienced since FanStory moved in last February.

5) Most days I smell like:
A combination of Thieves Oil, baby wipes, dogs, cats, an occasional rescue bird (see cats), and chocolate. Not in that order, necessarily.

6) When I grow up, I'm going to:
Be obese (see #5, last item).

7) You will never, EVER find me willingly in a:
Slaughter house. I prefer to think my beef, pork and chicken are created by magical elves inside a large tree, and no animals were harmed or gave their life for its delivery. :/

8) I want to send a Shout Out to someone special. My life is more extraordinary because of:
Everyone in it--the good, the bad, the challenging. I've learned something from each. Some learnings are limited, based on the third group.  :)

Author Notes ****NO REVIEWS BEING REQUESTED****...I did this wrong the first go round, unaware there was a dedicated "book". Thanks to Dawn Munro for setting me on the right path. Credit to Robyn Corum for the idea and set up.****

Here are Robyn's instructions if you wish to participate, making sure to click on the green MULTI-AUTHOR book prompt:

1) Copy these questions into a new post (a new chapter in this multi-author book)

2) Erase my answers and add your own in place of the bolded words

3) Title your piece with "Quiz # 1" and YOUR NAME/pseudonym (chapter #)

4) Add your own artwork

5) Promote, if you like

6) Wait for the next quiz! (*smile*)

Chapter 51
Quiz #2

By giraffmang

Question 1: (three parts)
When is your birthday?  October 29th

What sign of the zodiac does that make you? Scorpio

Do you care? I enjoy being a Scorpio.  People are either intimidated or intrigued by the sign.  According to my chart, I'm about as Scorpio as a person can be.  (I have Scorpio in seven of my twelve houses.)
Question 2: What would you do if you won the lottery?  It depends on how much money is involved.  I would set up an annuity for my hubby and I to live at our same standard of living without him having to work and then I would set up college funds for my grandchildren, and lastly pay off my children's mortgages.
Question 3: Are you a better skier, swimmer, or lover?  Well, I don't ski, and I barely swim – so??
Question 4: If you could go back in time and change one thing, what would it be?  Though I'm completely happy with how my life turned out, I wish I could go back and make my mother's childhood better for her.
Question 5: What color socks are you wearing right now?  I'm barefoot.

Author Notes This little quiz tells another part of my story.

Chapter 53
Quiz #1

By giraffmang

1.  If my closest friends could describe me they would say I'm a tad crazy and full of fun.  I enjoy making people laugh, and when I'm with my friends, I regale them with funny anecdotes and sometimes go for the shock value.

2.  Don't be surprised to find me bragging about my husband.  I'm married to one of the best people I know.  He is my best friend, and even after 33 years, we never run out of things to talk about.  He accepts me for who I am and gives me unconditional love.

3.  If I had a super power, it would be the ability to read people's minds.  It kills me to listen to people and try to figure out what they REALLY mean.  Reading minds would keep me and mine from getting hurt or duped.

4.  It’s the simple things in life that mean the most.  A small thing that I adore is how my husband still wants to hold hands after all these years.  He grabs my hand as we walk together in the grocery store, and his fingers are intertwined with mine as we sit on the couch watching tv.

5.  Most days I smell like Herbal Essence shampoo, Dove body wash, and Olay facial wash and moisturizer.

6.  When I grow up, I want to write poetry like Dean Kuch, and novels like Margaret Snowden.

7.  You will never find me willingly in a chat room on the internet.  A good friend of mine lost her husband to an online hussy during their twelfth year of marriage.  For a long time I thought the internet was just pure evil!

8.  I want to send a shout out to someone special; My daughter, Heather, has become one of my best friends as she grew older.  In spite of the 3,000 miles that separate us, we text back and forth every day.  On Tuesday evenings, she calls for our weekly chat, and we usually talk about an hour.  I'm lucky to be blessed with this relationship and I treasure it.

Author Notes Just another fun 'getting to know you' quiz. Some of my answers surprised me a bit. I'm very aware I'm sharing more than I usually do, but I feel like FanStory is a safe place. (Must be a part of the 'good' internet.)

Chapter 58
Quiz#5 - giraffmang

By giraffmang

1.) When playing board games or poker will you cheat to win? Giraffes don’t have fingers or hands which makes playing these games difficult. Folk tend to get annoyed when you drool all over the cards or pieces… It's one of the reasons we tall folk often feel ostrichized.
2.) What's your favorite writing quote? Writer’s block? Steaming pile of dung. You sit down and you write. What comes out can be bad, good or indifferent, but isn’t that always the way? – Simon Crotum.
3.) Have you ever milked a cow? When? Where? Yes. When it needed milking. I used its udders.
4.) Who's your favorite Superhero? And why? Bananaman. Do you need to ask… it’s Bananaman!
5.) Do you have any books published? Yes, all of ones I own have been published…
6.) Have you ever done something unbelievable when no one was around to see? I’m a writing giraffe – enough said!
7.) Tell us something about you we might be surprised to know: I may or may not be an actual giraffe…
8.) Would any of your friends call you a 'gossip'? Not to my face (it’s too high up). Everything I say goes right over their heads anyway…
9.) Name your favorite movie(s) and why –
The Island of Dr Moreau – fusing animals with humans – great idea!
High School Musical – giraffes in a school – singing… wow!
The Tall Guy – Jeff Goldblum pretending to be a giraffe – awesome.


1.) Copy these questions into a new post. (A new chapter in this multi-author book!)
2.) Erase my answers and add your own in place of the BOLDED words
3.) Title your piece with Quiz #5 and YOUR NAME/pseudonym (use correct chapter number for the book, please)
3.) Add your own artwork
4.) Promote, if you like
5.) Wait for the next quiz! *smile*

Chapter 58
Robyn's Quiz #5; Patty

By giraffmang

1.) When playing board games or poker will you cheat to win?

Well, I have been known to memorize all the cards in Trivia games.

2.) What's your favorite writing quote?
"What doesn't kill us, gives us something to write about."
Julie Wright

3.) Have you ever milked a cow? When? Where?
YES. On my Aunt's farm (Perrineville, NJ) until the age of 16 (1974) when it stopped being fun.

4.) Who's your favorite Superhero? And why?
Wonder Woman - duh

5.) Do you have any books published? If so, what are the titles:
The Waiting Room (spiritual) Due to come out in 2019 from TCK Publishing
My 'Bernie & Howie' stories
are available on veterinarian websites

6.) Have you ever done something unbelievable when no one was around to see? Brag on yourself now! When I was a carefree twenty-two year old, I was driving too fast on a slightly wet road. I hit the breaks to stop for a red light, and my car started spinning. I maneuvered the car just right, and I did a complete 360 and ended up facing in the right direction in the lane next to me. (Thank God no one was around or I would have taken them out.)

7.) Tell us something about you we might be surprised to know:
I truly don't think I can surprise you guys; I tell you just about everything.
Um, I had five wisdom teeth.

8.) Would any of your friends call you a 'gossip'?
Only the ones I gossip with.

9.) Name your favorite movie(s) and why --

Sleepers --
Coming of age and Revenge
Evening -- Amazing Love Story
GONE WITH THE WIND -- A movie I shared with my grandmother, mother, and my kids
The Wizard of Oz -- doesn't everyone love this?
Madame X -- incredible classic starring Lana Turner
Play Misty for Me -- Clint Eastwood when he was young
Top Gun -- I was in the location where they filmed and I got to meet Tom


Author Notes Author's Notes:

photo of me from about two years ago

I haven't done one of these in a long time - hope you're ready to participate again!
(Instructions below)

1.) Copy these questions into a new post. (A new chapter in this multi-author book!)
2.) Erase my answers and add your own in place of the BOLDED words
3.) Title your piece with Quiz #5 and YOUR NAME/pseudonym (use correct chapter number for the book, please)
3.) Add your own artwork
4.) Promote, if you like
5.) Wait for the next quiz, if there is one.

Chapter 59
Quiz #5: Dean Kuch

By giraffmang

Quiz #5: Dean Kuch

1.) When playing board games or poker will you cheat to win? No, never—I don’t have to. My opponents find it difficult enough to play, much less win, while they’re chained or tied up.

 photo maxresdefault_zps15xzn1x5.jpg

2.) What's your favorite writing quote? “Despite my morbid reputation I really do have the heart of a small boy. I keep it in a jar on my desk when I’m writing” ~ Stephen King

 photo cows_heart_specimen_jar_zpsrihadykp.jpg

3.) Have you ever milked a cow? When? Where? Yes, but just once.
I was told it was a cow, but as it turns out dairy cows don’t have horns and have more than one long udder. Plus, they give far more milk than I got outta the thing. It was wintertime and I guess my hands were cold ‘cause that horny cow bucked me about fifteen feet in the air. I think my friends were yanking my chain while I yanked on something else...

 photo milk-me-dare-yot-belgian-blue-cattle-2582452_zpsbtl0ggqy.png

4.) Who's your favorite Superhero? And why? Flatulence Man.
He may be an old fart, but his get-up is a real gas!

 photo OldenMan Superhero smoking_zpscfivlaub.jpg

5.) Do you have any books published? What… do I look like, Random House, Double Day, Harlequin or Dark Horse? Geesh…

 photo Beyond the Pale_zpsiyjc0juj.jpg

6.) Have you ever done something unbelievable when no one was around to see? I drank Bloody Mary’s with Beelzebub. It was one hell of a party!

7.) Tell us something about you we might be surprised to know: I write about the things that scare me most.
Lots of things scare me so I write about lots of things...

 photo sQodoK61_zps73yu2v51.gif

8.) Would any of your friends call you a 'gossip'? No. They’d be too afraid I’d go all around town tellin’ everyone all the dirt I had on ‘em.

9.) Name your favorite movie(s) and why –
1) ALIEN– Because it’s the only movie that made me jump outta my seat more than twice.
2) JAWS– It starts with a young hippie chick gettin’ naked and eaten. ‘Nuff said…
3) As Good as it Gets– It demonstrates that no matter how messed up you are in the head, people will still trust you with their dog.

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1) Copy these questions into a new post. (A new chapter in this multi-author book!)
2 Erase my answers and add your own in place of the BOLDED words
3) Title your piece with Quiz #5 and YOUR NAME/pseudonym (use correct chapter number for the book, please)
4) Add your own artwork
5) Promote, if you like
6) Wait for the next quiz! *smile*

As always thanks for reading.
 photo sig20two_zps0wlwuzne.jpg

Chapter 10039
This Dog Don't Bite Quiz #2

By giraffmang

1.) Has three parts:
A.) When is your birthday? January 30th, a long, long time ago.

B.) What star sign/zodiac symbol does that make you? Aquarius with Capricorn rising.

C.) Do you care? Still trying to decide ... but time is running out.

2.) What would you do if you won the lottery? Faint! Get up, run around in circles, and faint again.

3.) Are you a better swimmer, skier or lover? I'm a frickin' water sign, hate the cold, and as to the third, I'll quote Rodger's Annie in 'Oklahoma', "It ain't so much a question of not knowing what to do. ... But when I'm with a feller, I fergit!"

4.) If you could go back in time to change one thing what would it be? I'd end politically motivated war.

5.) What color socks are you wearing right now? Dogs don't wear socks.

Author Notes Photo if from Google images.

Chapter 10039
Quiz 1 Bookishfabler by Heidi

By giraffmang

"Quiz #1: Bookishfabler" by Heidi Tassone

1.) If my closest friends could describe me, they'd say I am: Loyal, funny, and like to make people happy. I'm also insecure, worry too much, and want people to like me.

2.) Don't be surprised to find me bragging about: My two dogs, which I still call puppies, Brutus and Rocky Balboa. They are Chihuahua mixes. Oh, and my hubby too.

3.) If I had a super power, it would be: To heal people as well as myself and animals.

4.) It's the simple things that mean the most. A "small" thing that I adore is: Coming home to the pups and getting kissed to death. Even if I only went to the store, it's like I've been to Europe and back. Always make me smile.

5.) Most days I smell like: Junk. I own a Junk Removal Company. If not junk, then dogs also.

6.) When I grow up, I'm going to: Do whatever the hell I want!

7.) You will never, EVER find me willingly in a: Opera House, Rap concert, or on "Naked and Afraid".

8.) I want to send a Shout Out to someone special. My life is more extraordinary because of: My Friends, I have friends since grade school, and new friends and cyber friends.

Author Notes Copy and paste the statements in black, erase mine in red and fill in your own answers. Then add to the book.

Chapter 10039
Quiz #1- lraven - by lraven

By giraffmang

Animated Flowers. Rosas,  Flores,  Flowers, Beautiful Flowers, Keefers photo eedf4691.gif

1.) If my closest friends could describe me, they'd say I was GIVING and STRONG WILLED.
2.) Don't be surprised to find me bragging about MY GRANDKIDS.
3.) If I had a super power it would be to ZAP ALL THE EVIL AND HATE IN THE WORLD.
4.) It's the simple things that mean the most! A "small" thing that I adore is A NEW BORN ANYTHING.
6.) When I grow up, I'm going to START ALL OVER AGAIN, ONLY SLOWER.
7.) You will never ever find me willingly in a X-RATED MOVIE THEATER.
8.) I want to send a Shout Out to someone special. My life is more extraordinary because of GOD, WHEN I FALL, HE PICKS ME UP.

Author Notes This is part of the book by Robyn Corum. Get To Know Me.

1. Copy these questions into a New Post. A New Chapter in this ( Multi - Author Book).
2.) Erase my answers and add your own in place of the BOLDED words.
3.)Title your piece with Quiz # 1 and YOUR NAME/pseudonym (chapter #1).
4.) Add your on artwork.
5.) Promote if you like.
6.) Wait for the next quiz! *smile*

Chapter 10039
Quiz #1 sandramitchell (Chapter #1 )

By giraffmang

1.) If my closest friends could describe me, they'd say I was FUNNY, NEARLY ALWAYS SMILING AND READY TO HELP OUT ... AND POSSIBLY DESCRIPTIONS I DON'T KNOW ABOUT!


3.) If I had a super power it would be to FIND A CURE FOR CANCER

4.) It's the simple things that mean the most! A "small" thing that I adore is THE FLOWERS MY HUSBAND BRINGS ME WHEN I FEEL LOW



7.) You will never ever find me willingly in a NUDIST CAMP

8.) I want to send a Shout Out to someone special. My life is more extraordinary because of ALL THE WONDERFUL FRIENDS I'VE MADE ON FANSTORY, MY FAMILY AND GOD.

Author Notes This is part of the book by Robyn Corum. Get To Know Me.

1. Copy these questions into a New Post. A New Chapter in this ( Multi - Author Book).
2.) Erase my answers and add your own in place of the BOLDED words.
3.)Title your piece with Quiz # 1 and YOUR NAME/pseudonym (chapter #1).
4.) Add your on artwork.
5.) Promote if you like.
6.) Wait for the next quiz! *smile*

Chapter 10039
Heidi Tassone

By giraffmang

"Quiz #2 - Heidi Tassone" by Bookishfabler.

1.) Has three parts:
A.) When is your birthday? The day my mother gave birth to me.
B.) What star sign/zodiac symbol does that make you? I'm a goat. You figure it out.
C.) Do you care? Not particularly.

2.) What would you do if you won the lottery? Pay all our bills, get a larger RV and travel the states and Canada with hubby and my two dogs.

3.) Are you a better swimmer, skier or lover? I'm with Thomas, better than who?
4.) If you could go back in time to change one thing what would it be? I wouldn't have had my husband hired at the company I worked.
5.) What color socks are you wearing right now? My feet are naked. I'm at home on my computer, why wear socks?

Author Notes This is part of a multi-author book, which is just fun. You should join in.

Chapter 10039
Quiz 2 SmurphgirlSasha

By giraffmang

Quiz#2 - SmurphgirlSasha
by SmurphgirlSasha

1.) Has three parts:

 A.) When is your birthday? 363 days after my sister was born, I am an Irish twin
 B.) What star sign/zodiac symbol does that make you? Capricorn
 C.) Do you care? Only on the third Thursday of every other month
2.) What would you do if you won the lottery? Buy a house on the hill over looking the ocean and become a snob like all the other wealthy people that live here 

3.) Are you a better swimmer, skier or lover? I used to charge $200 an hour, you figure it out (I hate snow and never learned how to swim)

4.) If you could go back in time to change one thing what would it be? Find the person who invented cigarettes and shoot him/her

5.) What color socks are you wearing right now? Pink with yellow and blue polka dots, my Hello Kitty ones are in the washing machine



Author Notes I am getting all the use I can of my new photos... not bad for 71.

Chapter 10039
Quiz 2 By lraven

By giraffmang

1.) Has three parts:
B.) What star sign/zodiac symbol does that make you ? TAURUS-THE BULL




5.) What color socks are you wearing ? WHITE SOCKS...WITH WHITE OLD TIME CANVAS TENNIS SHOES...LOL

Chapter 10039
Robin Corum's WHO AM I?

By giraffmang

1) Has three parts:

a) When is your birthday? August

b) What star sign/zodiac symbol does that make you? Leo

c) Do you care? I didn't until the 'powers that be' changed the fooooooking Zodiac dates a few years back and screwed everybody up.

2) What would you do if you won the lottery? Hire an editor before hitting the 'promote' button on FanStory each time. Then I'd buy a huge piece of land and adopt the animals left behind.

3) Are you a better swimmer, skier or lover? I've nearly drowned a few times; I never made if off the bunny hill upright; I have four decide.

4.) If you could go back in time to change one thing what would it be? Absolutely nothing. Okay, maybe the 1974 Plymouth Duster I bought back in the stalled on left turns. I'm lucky I'm still here between the Duster, and the near drownings.

5.) What color socks are you wearing right now? I'm not wearing socks...see #3 above. :D

Author Notes Copy and Paste, then change to your responses. Be sure to hit the Multi-Author button if you wish your responses to be added to the collection.

Chapter 10039
Quiz #3 Robyn Corum's Multi-Author

By giraffmang

1. How many pairs of shoes do you own?

My bare feet are my preferred shoe, but on occasion when I want to boost my height or go out in public, I would guess I have twenty pair. Many of them 'hand-me-ups' from my daughter.

2. What talents do you have?

My husband would say I have a talent for hoarding unnecessary crap. I prefer to call it repurposing. The state of our garage supports both theories. I'm told I can write.

3. Are you a better musician, singer or comedian?

I plead The Fifth. Brunhilda, my snarky inner voice, claims I suck at all three, and added my writing ability is questionable.

4. Where would your dream holiday be?

Ireland. The home of my people.

5. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?

Tell me the winning numbers in the 2018 multi-million dollar lottery so I can plan that Ireland trip with my family.

6. What do you have on your fridge door?

Nothing--it's non-magnetic. The sides are another story:

- An invitation for my grandson's Baby-Q, he is due in May
- A memorial card from a special friend's funeral service five years ago.
- Assorted magnets (hand-me-down's) from my parent's refrigerator hold many photos, notes, and other memories.


Author Notes If you would like to participate in Robyn's quiz, copy and paste, then add your own answers.

Be sure to click on "Multi Author" option to be included in the book.

Chapter 10039
Quiz Three, by Bookishfabler

By giraffmang

1.) How many pairs of shoes do you own? Two pair of sneakers, two pair of loafers, 1 pair of flip flops and four pair of dress shoes. I used to own like 30, but I have been down-sizing

2.) What talents do you have? I write, I paint, I draw, that may be about it.

3.) Are you a better musician, singer or comedian? I can't hold a tune to save my life. When I sing, my dogs cry. So I guess I would say comedian.

4.) Where would your dream holiday be? Australia. I have always wanted to go.

5.) If you could ask your future-self one question what would it be? What were the lotto numbers on any specific day in my future.

6.) What do you have on your fridge door? Nothing on the outside, lots of condiments and water on the inside.

Author Notes This another quiz being passed around. I haven't had time to post another chapter of my novel, so I will post this. Hope you join in. Oh, and that is not actually my dog.

Chapter 10041
Get to know me

By giraffmang

1. If my oldest friends could describe, me, they'd say: Down to earth, an entertaining clown, loves life

2. Don't be surprised to find me bragging about: My refusal to be sacked unjustly.  

3. If I had a superpower, it would be to build a time machine and travel back and forward through time, from 600 bc, to the present.
4. It's the simple things that mean the most. I adore talking to babies and animals.

5. Most days I smell like; paint, either from a tube or a spray, can also be sun screen, and mosquito repellent,

6. When I grow up, I'm going to be:  content.

7. You will never, EVER find me willingly in a: war zone, watching children and innocent people being raped and killed.

8. I want to send a SHOUT OUT to someone special. My life is more extraordinary because of: My surgeon, my husband, my three girls, and their husbands. my grandchildren who give me so much love that I travel to France, and Ireland and wallow in it.

Author Notes I think this is good fun and a great idea to get to know each other a little better. Mary

Chapter 10043
A Bit About Myself

By giraffmang

1.) Has three parts:

A.) When is your birthday? 23 May 1952

B.) What star sign/zodiac symbol does that make you? Gemini

C.) Do you care? Yes and no. I'm on the cusp. In many ways I live up to the reputation, but don't we all?

2.) What would you do if you won the lottery?
Give to my loved ones and then spend the rest. I only live once.

3.) Are you a better swimmer, skier or lover?
Never skied, swam for Denmark and too humble to comment on the third. I like it though, hehe

4.) If you could go back in time to change one thing what would it be?
We're all supposed to regret something aren't we? I must be a bad person. I don't regret a thing. Bad or good, that's what made me who I am.

5.) What color socks are you wearing right now?
Black. Oh I love black!

Chapter 10047
Quiz #5: barbara.wilkey

By giraffmang

1.) When playing board games or poker will you cheat to win? NEVER. I'M JUST PLAYING FOR FUN.

2.) What's your favorite writing quote? "Writing is an exploration. You start from nothing and learn as you go." E. L. Doctorow

3.) Have you ever milked a cow? When? Where? YES. ON MY GRANDPARENTS FARM. WE VISITED THEM WHEN I WAS YOUNG.


5.) Do you have any books published? If so, what are the titles:





8.) Would any of your friends call you a 'gossip'? I DOUBT IT. I USUALLY CAN'T REMEMBER THE DETAILS LONG ENOUGH TO TELL IT.

9.) Name your favorite movie(s) and why --


Can't wait to see your answers!

Author Notes Author's Notes:
I haven't done one of these in a long time - hope you're ready to participate again!
(Instructions below)

Thanks to Google Images for the artwork!

1.) Copy these questions into a new post. (A new chapter in this multi-author book!)
2.) Erase my answers and add your own in place of the BOLDED words
3.) Title your piece with Quiz #5 and YOUR NAME/pseudonym (use correct chapter number for the book, please)
3.) Add your own artwork
4.) Promote, if you like
5.) Wait for the next quiz! *smile*

Chapter 10048

By giraffmang

1.) When playing board games or poker will you cheat to win?

Never. All the fun would have been lost

2.) What's your favorite writing quote?

Be Careful What You Wish For. Origin unknown

3.) Have you ever milked a cow? When? Where?

Yes. I spent a lot of my school holidays on a farm belonging to friends of my family

4.) Who's your favorite Superhero? And why?

I don't have any.

5.) Do you have any books published? If so, what are the titles:

Not yet, but a dream of mine, and working towards it. I have three haihu poems published in a Haiku Anthology.

6.) Have you ever done something unbelievable when no one was around to see? Brag on yourself now!

Nothing springs to mind. How boring is that? Swam for Denmark if that counts, but everybody knew.

7.) Tell us something about you we might be surprised to know:

I've lived in Madrid, Spain, studying Spanish literature. I've lived in Bankok, Thailand for a while, working from there, and finally in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, also working from there. Years later, I moved to The UK and Studied and achieved an English/Welch law degree. Lived there ten years Then on to Scotland, and I now live in Spain again. This is where I belong. I have a few more surprises, but will not reveal them just yet.

8.) Would any of your friends call you a 'gossip'?


9.) Name your favorite movie(s) and why --

The Deer Hunter - Poignant

Gone with the Wind - A classic

Chapter 10052
Quiz #5 - Ciliverde (Carol)

By giraffmang

1.) When playing board games or poker will you cheat to win?

No, mainly because I have no idea how to play poker and I don't play board games.

2.) What's your favorite writing quote?

There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed. Ernest Hemingway

3.) Have you ever milked a cow? When? Where?

No but I have fed and cleaned up after sheep on a ranch in Montana.

4.) Who's your favorite Superhero? And why?

I'm not really into superheroes, but if I had to pick one I'd pick Superwoman because she's tough! 

5.) Do you have any books published?

Nope, but I'm co-author on some conference papers that would probably bore you all to tears.

6.) Have you ever done something unbelievable when no one was around to see?

Well, about a week ago I fell off the horse I was riding when she spooked at something. I ended up in the sand (we were in an arena) with only one boot on. I was so glad nobody saw that happen. Nobody knows...except all of you!! Oops!

7.) Tell us something about you we might be surprised to know:

I dropped out of the Ph.D. program in meteorology in 2002 - they call it ABD which stands for "All But Dissertation". Some days I regret not finishing, but I've had a good career without it.

8.) Would any of your friends call you a 'gossip'?

I think my husband would. He thinks I ask too many questions.

9.) Name your favorite movie(s) and why --

The Shape of Water - I love that Guillermo del Toro took the old idea of the Creature of the Black Lagoon and modernized it so that we could see the "monster" in a new light. I also love the way he weaves fantasy into his movies, and this is no exception. 

The Road Warrior - a young Mel Gibson, a cattledog, what's not to like? 


Chapter 10056
Robyn Corum Quiz #5

By giraffmang

1.) When playing board games or poker will you cheat to win? The only board game I play is chess. There are some very subtle ways of cheating there but I am not good enough at the game to bother using them.

2.) What's your favorite writing quote? The one I need to remember at any given point but can't.

3.) Have you ever milked a cow? When? Where? No, only a goat in Shropshire during the 1980s

4.) Who's your favorite Superhero? And why? Old Possum's (T.S.Eliot) Macavity (the Hidden Paw) because when they reach the scene of crime Mcavity's not there. And before you say he doesn't count, remember "he's broken every human law, he breaks the law of gravity". I reckon that qualifies him as a superhero even if he doesn't wear his Y fronts over his tights.

5.) Do you have any books published? If so, what are the titles: 1."The Long Foot-up", being an account of a record breaking morris dance from Orpington to Worcester in 1981(see 7 below). Now released as a double DVD. 2. "Triple Dozen" an anthology of poetry.

6.) Have you ever done something unbelievable when no one was around to see? Brag on yourself now! Way back when a girl friend owned a pensioned-off race horse some 16 hands high. I overestimated the amount of kick-off with my right foot that I would need to mount him and sailed clean over the horse, landing on my back in the straw on the other side. I will never forget the look in that horse's eye.

7.) Tell us something about you we might be surprised to know: I hold the world record for having undertaken the longest ever morris dance in 1981 (see 5 above). 202.2 miles in six days, six hours and thirty three minutes. The guy who is named in the Guinness Book of records tried to beat me in 2006 but only managed about 150 miles. Due to a technicality my dance is unrecorded in Guinness.

8.) Would any of your friends call you a 'gossip'? I would hope not.

9.) Name your favorite movie(s) and why -- Red River. It was the first one I ever saw. That was in 1949, and I have never seen it come up on the TV since.

Chapter 10057
Quiz #5:judiverse

By giraffmang

1.   When playing board games of poker will you cheat to win?
When my brothers and I played Carrom with my mother, we always let her win.  That's the only way we could get her to make doughnuts.

2.   What's your favorite writing quote?
The pen is mightier than the sword.

3.  Have you ever milked a cow?  When?  Where?
I milked cows as a kid on my father's farm.  Dad's cows were free thinkers and didn't appreciate me, so my career as a milkmaid didn't last long.

4.  Who is your favorite Superhero?  And why?
Superman.  I liked how he could change clothes in a phone booth.  There's not much call for that any more.

5.  Do you have any books published?
Actually, I ghost wrote "Melinda Heads West" for Robyn Corum.  She bribed me not to tell.

6.  Have you ever done something unbelievable when no one was around to see?
Yes, I orchestrated the meeting between Kim Jong Un and President Trump.

7.  Tell us something about you that we might be surprised to know.
My first kiss was for our high school play.  Our director made the play's hero and me practice it endlessly.  

8.  Would any of your friends call you a "gossip"?
My lips are sealed.

9.  Name your favorite movies and why.
"To Kill a Mockingbird" would be one of my top favorites because I admire Atticus Finch.  Several of the Alfred Hitchcock thrillers would be on my list.  I particularly love the scene on Mt. Rushmore at the conclusion of "North by Northwest," maybe because I'm afraid of heights. I also like "The Birds." "Rear Window" is another favorite, with great stars Jimmy Stewart and Grace Kelly.  


Author Notes Thanks to supergold of FanArtReview for the great "Sir Alfred Hitchcock."

Chapter 10058
Get to Know Me

By giraffmang

1.) If you could witness any even't past, present, or future. What would it be ??
Would love to witness me walking through the pearly gates of Heaven. As they close the gates behind me. Want to make sure it would be permanent. LOL...

2.) Did you ever do anything growing up that got you in trouble? What was it ? How much trouble did you cause ? Do you regret this action now, or did it help you grow stronger ?
I didn't get in trouble often. But there were times I did.
There was a guy (football player) at school that was bullying my sister. ( she was the oldest by 18 months) she was at her locker and she was crying. I went up to him and punched him in the face. A teacher saw and took ME to the office. He was a football player. They never did anything wrong. But he did tell my sister he was sorry. Well the good thing was. The principal of my high school was my aunt. So I told her what happened. And she told me to come in and water the plants in her office for a week. LOL...We just sat and talked most of the time. Did I regret it ? No !!!..I wish I had knocked him out cold.

3.) Try to trick us. Tell us two truths and one lie, and allow the reviewers to guess which one is true. (Try hard not to give it away.)
1) I used to race cars at Santa Fe Speedway.
2) I used to work as a bouncer in a lounge.
3) I once had 13 German Shepherd's, at one time.

Soooo- Which one do you think is the lie. Let me know what you think in your comments.

4.)Have you ever been in the newspaper ? If yes, What for?
yes !!!...I used to work in a bowling alley. I was certified to teach bowling. On Saturdays I taught 250 kids of all ages to bowl. And on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays I taught 125 seniors to bowl. And I was the manager of 76 I was in the paper when someone bowled 300's. And when the kids bowled in tournaments.

5.) Have you ever entered a talent contest ? If so what was your talent ? And how did you do ?
I don't think I ever was.
But if I was. I can't remember.

Chapter 10058
Robyn's Quiz 6

By giraffmang

Get to Know Me!  And then join the FUN.  Copy and paste the questions in your own document, answer them and then add them to this multi-author book as CHAPTER SIX.  (Yes, everyone should use the same chapter number.) This is another of Robyn's quizzes, such fun. Click on the 'Multi-author book at the bottom of this page and you're in. Enjoy

Quiz # 6: Sandra Mitchell

1.) If you could witness any event past, present or future, what would it be?
       I’d like to witness the first alien encounter. I might already have done, but I’d like to know I have!

2.) Did you ever do anything, growing up, that got you in trouble?  What was it?  How much trouble did it cause?  Do you regret this action now, or did it help you grow stronger? 
     When I was six years old, I went into Woolworths with some of my school friends and we all had to pinch something. The one who pinched the best thing would be the leader for the day. I pinched a little tin money-box. When I took it home, I was given the third degree of where I’d got it from. I couldn’t lie, I would always go red, still do. When I owned up, I was marched back into the store and my mum made me give it back to the manager and say sorry. He gave me a lecture about going to prison and all sorts of nightmare things. That was a horrible lesson, one I never forgot.

3.)  Try to trick us.  Tell us two truths and a lie and allow your reviewers to guess which one is untrue.  (Try hard not to give it away!)   
a.)     When I was 20 years old, I hitch hiked home to England from Switzerland.
b.)     I married my widowed brother-in-law
c.)      When I was ten years old, I fell into the river. I couldn’t swim. I was pulled out after a while but I’d    drowned. I was resuscitated by the man who pulled me out.

*      Soooo – which one is the lie????  Let me know what you think in your comments.

4.) Have you ever been in the newspaper?  If yes, what for?
       Yes. 30 years ago I gave up smoking on a new health group plan. I went from 40 cigs a day to none in one hit. No patches or gum. They phoned me after a year to see if I was still a non-smoker and I told them I was. They sent the local papers around to take photos and interview me. I had a whole page spread for their advert. Another time, I turned our new car over into a ditch trying to avoid a cat that ran in front of my car. I had to be hoisted out! Embarrassing picture of me being hauled out of the side driver's window. Cringing!

5.) Have you ever entered a talent contest?  If so, what was your talent?  And how did you do?
      Yes.  When I was thirteen I auditioned to be on a television talent contest called Home Grown. I didn’t get on. They didn’t appreciate my beautiful voice.

Chapter 10060
Robyn Corum's Quiz #6 - lyenochka

By giraffmang

Thank you, Robyn, for getting this together!

Get to Know Me! And then join the FUN. Copy and paste the questions in your own document, answer them and then add them to this multi-author book as CHAPTER SIX. (Yes, everyone should use the same chapter number.)

Quiz # 6: lyenochka

1.) If you could witness any event past, present or future, what would it be?

I'm hoping to witness the wedding of my youngest daughter - soon!

2.) Did you ever do anything, growing up, that got you in trouble? What was it? How much trouble did it cause? Do you regret this action now, or did it help you grow stronger?

Well, I thought that I might have mixed chemicals that could have blown up the chem lab in high school. But I didn't. I wish I didn't worry so much. It didn't help me get stronger. I still worry too much.

3.) Try to trick us. Tell us two truths and a lie and allow your reviewers to guess which one is untrue. (Try hard not to give it away!)

a.) I worked in business application programming.
b.) I taught English as a Second Language.
c.) I worked in cryptography during the cold war.

4.) Have you ever been in the newspaper?

Nope. Not that I know of. Other than company magazines/newsletters.

5.) Have you ever entered a talent contest? If so, what was your talent? And how did you do?

I played my guitar and sang during middle school. Won a few speech and poetry interpretation contests in high school.

Author Notes Did you guess 'c' for #3? You're right!
Your turn if you haven't done it already.

Chapter 10061
Chapter Six

By giraffmang

Get to Know Me!  And then join the FUN.  Copy and paste the questions in your own document, answer them and then add them to this multi-author book as CHAPTER SIX.  (Yes, everyone should use the same chapter number.)
Questions?  Ask the creator, Robyn Corum.


1. If you could witness any event past, present or future, what would it be?
The day humanity makes first contact.

2. Did you ever do anything, growing up, that got you in trouble?  What was it?  How much trouble did it cause?  Do you regret this action now, or did it help you grow stronger?
Which time? LOL! Okay, we’ll go with sneaking out at night and meeting up with friends to run the neighborhood in middle school. Only got in trouble the time I got caught…which was the last time because my mom was so upset, I never wanted to see that again (plus dad grounded me for the rest of the summer). Remember, this was before cell phones so they had to ‘wait’ until I got back. Talk about a horrible feeling when you’re coming up your road at 2:30 in the morning on your bike and the lights are on in your house…  Still don’t regret those times the five of us had – I did hate upsetting my parents, though.

3. Try to trick us.  Tell us two truths and a lie and allow your reviewers to guess which one is untrue.  (Try hard not to give it away!)   **In their review comments, folks should guess which one they think is a lie.
My first job out of college was as Assistant Director of the High School Space Academy - how cool is that?!
My Harley will make you wanna scream (and you can’t ride it!)!
On my first solo toward my pilot’s license, I wore someone else’s shirt so I didn’t have to cut the tail off my own!


4. Have you ever been in the newspaper?  If yes, what for?
Which time? I grew up in a relatively small town and participated in just about everything: sports, science fairs, cheerleading, social clubs, scholastic stuff – you name it. Makes it hard to get away with anything when everyone knows your face - lol! (But there are me!)

5. Have you ever entered a talent contest?  If so, what was your talent?  And how did you do?
Yep. Tap dancing. Won the one at the one and only summer camp I ever attended and the talent competition at the local pageant.


Author Notes image from Google via Next Observer []

Chapter 10063
Quiz#6:Sandra Morrical

By giraffmang

1.) If you could witness any event past, present or future, what would it be?
I would like to see Author pull Excalibur out of the stone if it is a true historical event. But I would also like to see when we can travel through space like they did in Star Trek.

2.) Did you ever do anything, growing up, that got you in trouble? What was it? How much trouble did it cause? Do you regret this action now, or did it help you grow stronger?
You know what they say, if we didn't do stupid stuff when we were younger, we wouldn't have anything to tell later. The only thing I remember that I got in trouble for that actually changed me, was when I gave a guy from school a ride home. The guy happened to be African American and my dad was/is racist
. My brother is just like my dad and told. I lost my car for two weeks, and it taught me that there as small minded people everywhere, including family. I treat everyone the same, and always have since then.

3.) Try to trick us. Tell us two truths and a lie and allow your reviewers to guess which one is untrue. (Try hard not to give it away!)
a. I've been married three times.
b. I have two dogs and two cats.
c. I've been to England.

4.) Have you ever been in the newspaper? If yes, what for?

5.) Have you ever entered a talent contest? If so, what was your talent? And how did you do?
No, I have always been scared to be on stage, that was until I took a speak class in college.

Chapter 10065
Robyn's Quiz #7: judiverse

By giraffmang

1.  Do you use a penname/pseudonymn on-site?  Yes.  
If so, how was it chosen and what does it mean to you?   I chose judiverse because my first name is Judy, and when I first joined FS I thought I'd be writing mostly poetry, hence the addition of "verse."  Writing is also a universal thing, so "verse" applies there, too.

2.  How many places have you lived in?  Which was your favorite?  And why?  Oh, my goodness!  How can I count the places?  When Dick and I were first married, we lived in an apartment in Indianapolis, Indiana.  They he took a job which involved moving to Massachusetts, and we lived in an apartment in Lynn.  "Lynn, Lynn, the city of sin," as the bus driver liked to describe it.  Another job change for hubby meant a move to Texas, where we had our first house!  That was great!  We lived in Houston for one year, and then Dick's job transfer to Dallas meant a move to Mesquite, which is near Dallas.  It was a real culture shock to move from Massachusetts, home of the beans and the cod, to Texas, the home of Gilley's nightclub and mechanical bulls.  Our last move was back to Terre Haute, Indiana, where we've been for ten years.  It's my favorite home, because I was born in Indiana and graduated from Indiana State University.

3.  Have you ever had a "psychic moment" when you knew, predicted or sensed something before it happened?  (Or similar.)  I played the psychic Madame Arcatie in Blithe Spirit for a community theatre production.  Does that count?  My mother was the psychic in our family.  She could always tell when company was coming and got busy cleaning and dusting.  

4.  Have you ever done something heroic?  What was it?  I can't say that I've ever done anything really heroic.  The closest I came was in adapting to the various moves my husband and I made (See #2). I had to find new jobs and adjust to living in two states in which the people spoke what sounded to me like foreign languages.   I was glad to return to my home state of Indiana.  I'm just a Hoosier at heart.  

5.  What would you say is your best achievement to date?  (A personal achievement--not children, etc.)  It wasn't  a tremendous achievement, but I felt a lot of satisfaction when I saw some of my one-act plays produced at a community college, a church, a nursing home, and a senior activity center.  It was a great feeling to have actors saying the lines I'd written!   I felt as if those were my people, come to life.


Author Notes The picture is of bridge crossing the Wabash River from West Terre Haute to Terre Haute, Indiana, where I live.

Chapter 10067
Quiz#7 S L Morrical

By giraffmang

1.) Do you use a pen name/pseudonym on-site? No
If so, how was it chosen and what does it mean to you?

2.) How many places/homes have you lived in? Which was your favorite? And why?

I have lived in New Hampshire, was born in Nashua New Hampshire. I have lived in Maryland as a kid and then we moved to Florida when I was 9. I lived in Virginia with my first husband, and then came home to Florida; I have lived in many different homes in Brevard County Florida. I believe I am heroic everyday working as a Hospice Nurse, and helping patients and families through the end of life.

3.) Have you ever had a 'psychic moment' where you knew, predicted or sensed something before it happened? (Or similar?)

Yes. I have had many psychic moments. I get deja-vu a lot. I had a dream once I was in school for nursing, and three years later, while in class for nursing I had deja-vu. I knew the sex of all my kids, and I knew what my husband's grandmother use to call him. He freaked a little, but found me more interesting.

4.) Have you ever done something heroic? What was it?

Yes I have, and it's because of what I do for a living. I have what in my field is called life saves. I have three under my belt. I also have accommodations for two of them. The accommodations are from when I worked at our county jail as a nurse. One was for saving a civilian in the parking lot. The person passed out, and they called for a nurse and I stepped up to the plate, and knew it could be one of two things, and prepared for those. The person had very low blood sugar and I was able to get sugar into them and they were conscious when the ambulance arrived.

The other was an inmate tried to commit suicide by cutting his brachial artery. It was me another nurse and a couple of guards. I went directly into the cell trampled through the blood, which the other nurse and officers wouldn't do. I went to the inmate and stopped the blood and stopped the bleeding by the time the ambulance arrived to take the inmate to the emergency room with officer in tow. I received the accommodations from the County Sheriff at that time.

5.) What would you say is your best achievement to date? (A personal achievement -- not children, etc.)

I would have to say I have two personal achievements that are the best so far. First completing my PHD in Business Administration and second, having a book published.

Author Notes Just a little information about me.

Chapter 10070
#7 Questions/Answers for Lyenochka

By giraffmang

1.) Do you use a pen name/pseudonym on-site?   Yes!
If so, how was it chosen and what does it mean to you? 

Lyenochka is the Russian diminutive of the name Elena. My teacher gave me this name because Elena is the equivalent of Helen, my American name because no one could remember my real one. Most of my fellow Russian Class students were called by the standard name but for some reason, I was often called by the diminutive of my name. 

When I joined Fanstory, I was still trying to find my writer’s voice so I wanted to have a name not associated with my real name, which has been used in jobs etc.  

2.)  How many places/homes have you lived in?  Which was your favorite?  And why?

Too many to count. But  I was born in South Korea, grew up in Hawaii, then lived in Oregon, California, Texas and Washington. My favorite house was in Portland, Oregon where we had a wonderful neighborhood and great friends. It was a house which had 20 years of good memories of sweet gatherings for our family. 

3.)  Have you ever had a ‘psychic moment’ where you knew, predicted or sensed something before it happened?  (Or similar?)  If so, tell us about it!

I used to have an inkling when something would come in the mail. But now that the USPS sends me an email about what’s coming, I don’t need that super power.

Other than that, I sometimes get a nudge from the Holy Spirit to pray for someone and often I find out that there was something serious going on with that person.
4.) Have you ever done something heroic? What was it?

No, I don’t think so.

5.) What would you say is your best achievement to date?  (A personal achievement – not children, etc.)

In my first year with Fanstory, I worked on my first book, Crossing Barriers. Using fictional neighbor characters who interact with each other, I tell the real story of my grandmother’s escape from North Korea in 1947, when she was six months pregnant with her seventh child. I never knew how much work in rewriting and editing a book required! And I’m so thankful for Fanstory friends here who gave me their good advice and support. 


Chapter 10072
Quiz Nine

By giraffmang

QUIZ #9:

1.) Congrats! You've been nominated by your party to run for President of the United States (or your own country's equivalent)! What will you choose as your campaign slogan? Nuke 'em 'til They Glow

2.) Can you: Pogo (stick)? Unicycle? Juggle? Break-dance? Other? I can do "other" but cannot explain it.

3.) List up to seven FanStory members you'd like to meet and why--in no particular order. Robyn, Helen, Axiom, Roy, Jay (adewpearl, Gungalo, Michael Cahill, Dean Kuch, and Mastery)

4.) Which cartoon character do you most identify with? Gomez Addams

5.) If you had a TV show about your life, what would it be called, and who would play you?
No Time for Gunnies    Gerald McRaney

6.) If you could pick 3 animals to put together and create a new animal, which animals would you pick? What would it be called?
I would pick two elephants and a rhinosceros.  Elephino, of course.

7.) If you were stuck in an elevator for thirty minutes, who would you most want to be stuck with and why? (Any person, past or present.) What if it were six hours? Thirty minutes? An elevator repairman. Six hours? Verne and Maxine Schott, my late parents.

Author's Notes:


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Chapter 10073
Quiz #9

By giraffmang

QUIZ #9:

1.) Congrats!  You’ve been nominated by your party to run for President of the United States (or your own country’s equivalent)!  What will you choose as your campaign slogan? 
No more Bull!!

2.) Can you: Pogo (stick)?  Unicycle?  Juggle?  Break-dance?  Other?
No.  No.  No.  No.  No.  I can drive a five-speed.  

3.) List up to seven FanStory members you’d like to meet and why--in no particular order.  (More if you want.)    Bill Schott, humpwhistle, Roy Owen, Robyn Cornum, Dr. Ricky, Willie Smith, and Ben Colder

4.) Which cartoon character do you most identify with?  Fred Flinstone.

5.) If you had a TV show about your life, what would it be called, and who would play you?
Oh No, not the Corp kid. This is hard John Candy, Chris Farley and John Belushi are all dead. I guess it would be animated and Peter Griffin voiced by Seth McFarlane
6.) If you could pick 3 animals to put together and create a new animal, which animals would you pick? What would it be called?  My three favorite animals are a cat, bear and a kangaroo. a Beary Cataroo.

7.) If you were stuck in an elevator for thirty minutes, who would you most want to be stuck with and why?   (Any person, past or present.)   What if it were six hours?   For thirty minutes?  John Wayne For six hours?  My Grandpa. He died when I was 11 and we'd have a lot to catch up on.  

Chapter 10074
Judiverse's Universe

By giraffmang

  1.  Congrats!  You’ve been nominated by your party to run for President of the United States (or your own country’s equivalent!  What will you choose as your campaign slogan?  I’ll listen to the people.
  2. Can you Pogo (stick)?  Unicycle?  Juggle?  Break-Dance?  No, I can’t Pogo.  I can ride a three-wheeler. I juggle writing poetry, scripts, and short work.  I get broken if I try to dance.
  3. List up to seven FanStory members you’d like to meet and why—in no particular order.  I don’t care to make this a popularity contest.  I think of several FS people I would enjoy meeting, but I won’t play favorites.
  4. Which cartoon character do you most identify with?  Wonder Woman, of course.  I often wonder what I’m doing.
  5. If you had a TV show about your life, what would it be called, and who would play you?  It would have to be called “Batty Woman” and Betty White or Doris Roberts would play me.  My cats Smokey and Heather would also be featured in the show.
  6. If you could pick 3 animals to put together and create a new animal, which animals would you pick?  What would it be called?  Growing up on a farm, I had a lot of respect for the farm animals, especially sheep, cows, and hogs.  I’d put them together to create shecohogs.  
  7.  If you were stuck in an elevator for thirty minutes, who would you most to be stuck with you and why?  (Any person, past or present.) Elisha Otis.  He invented the elevator and should be able to solve the problem.  What if it were six hours?  Bob Hope and Bing Crosby.  They would make the six hours fly by with their singing, dancing, and jokes.
I enjoyed the opportunity to share these thoughts with you.

Author Notes Picture of Wonder Woman found on Bing images.
Thanks to Robyn Corum for another interesting "Getting to Know You" quiz.

Chapter 10076
Quiz #9 Lyenochka

By giraffmang

Thanks to Robyn Corum who has come up with another quiz to get us to learn about each other.

1.) Congrats!  You’ve been nominated by your party to run for President of the United States (or your own country’s equivalent)!  What will you choose as your campaign slogan? 

It’s NOT All About You!

(a guarantee I would never be elected!)

2.) Can you: Pogo (stick)?  Unicycle?  Juggle?  Break-dance?  Other?
No.  Nope.  I can juggle two things badly.  Never-I’d break me.  
I can mimic bird sounds. I half-expect a crow to attack me, because I don’t know what I’m saying.

3.) List up to seven FanStory members you’d like to meet and why--in no particular order.  (More if you want.) 
This is an overwhelming question because I’m sure I can’t recall all of them at one time. I have learned so much from my Fanstory friends here. 

I had the magical honor to meet Aryr 
As her traveling lifestyle has brought quite near
Next year I’m hoping I’m gonna
meet a gal who grew up in Guyana

Instead of listing names, I think I’ll list places and see if you can guess. 

To the north, there are wonderful Canadian writers I would love to meet. And while up north, there are writers in Alaska, and in Washington, too.

Minnesota and Michigan state, 
have some writers whose posts have been great
I’m still wanting to know
Though his hand he won’t show
How he posts playing cards ‘til quite late

Very cool writers in California - one who teaches me how to haiku.
In Nevada, New Mexico, and Texas live some great authors, too

In grand old  Mass.
I know a lass
We have a date
“Victory comes late”
We’ll read and rave
At poet’s grave

Tennessee and Mississippi have writers that I so admire
Their writings and their poems set my soul on fire

There are those with love their skills employ
while home remains in Illinois
In Indiana, Virginia, too
Some gifted writing does accrue

Some writer friends in Florida and Vermont
Their engaging stories move and simply haunt.

Some writing grandmas 
never stop
They write as 
toddlers hop
on their knees in Alabama

In Georgia is a lovely soul
Who writes to make the spirit whole

In Arkansas, I’ll know her place 
as fairies land and dance with grace
And all the animals rejoice
to hear her gentle, caring voice

But if I dare to go abroad, there are wonderful English writers and poets, and a multicultural Danish author, too. 

And if I travel that far, well why not go to Australia and New Zealand where some gifted writers live. We could meet up and sing with the worship leader among them. 

Then of course, I would have to visit India so that I can meet with wonderful Indian authors who teach me much about literature and spiritual things. 

But even if I don’t get to travel, I’m still blessed to meet with each one right here.

4.) Which cartoon character do you most identify with?
I’ve always liked Henry the chicken hawk. He never let his size limit his goals.


5.) If you had a TV show about your life, what would it be called, and who would play you?

“God Can Use Even You!” But I doubt any actress would want the role. It wouldn’t do anything for their career.

6.) If you could pick 3 animals to put together and create a new animal, which animals would you pick? What would it be called?  

How about three happy and smart animals: a parrot, a squirrel and a sea otter? It would  talk, fly, rob bird feeders, and swim: Parsquotter.

7.) If you were stuck in an elevator for thirty minutes, who would you most want to be stuck with and why?   (Any person, past or present.)   What if it were six hours?   
For thirty minutes? An engineer who has EMT skills.
For six hours?  My husband


Author Notes ***
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Chapter 10077
Gypsy Blue Rose Quiz

By giraffmang

1. Congrats!  You’ve been nominated by your party to run for President of the United States.  What will you choose as your campaign slogan?


2.  Can you: Pogo (stick)?  Unicycle?  Juggle?  Break-dance?  Other?
3. List up to seven FanStory members you’d like to meet and why--in no particular order.  (More if you want.) 

HELEN AKA LYENOCHKA, because she is one of my favorite FANSTORY friends, she is kind, and has a lot of stories to tell, I know I would
learn many things.

TONY AKA TFAWCUS, because he is one of my favorite authors in fanstory AND I would find out what happens in the next chapter of the Ponyfish;  

MIKE STEVENS because we can discuss politics and make fun of Trump for hours;

JESSE JAMES DOTY, because he is one of my favorite fanstory friends, and because he is not afraid to keep it real;

LISA AKA JASMINE GIRL, because she has traveled around the world at least once and I want to hear her stories;

MARK VALENTINE,  because he is the funniest author in fanstory … I love his sense of humor; 

ULLA, because she has a very interesting life, lots of stories to tell, and lives in Spain, my country of origin. 

FANSTORIANS in heaven: 

DOUGLAS MADDOX AKA THE BEAVER,  because he was my best friend,  for his kindness, and for his good sense of humor;

DEAN COOK AKA DEAN KUCH because he was one of my best friends, for his sense of humor, and for his exceptional talent as a poet, an author, and an artist 

4. Which cartoon character do you most identify with? 

"LUCY" VAN PELT from Charly Brown, because she has sensible psychiatric fees

5. If you had a TV show about your life, what would it be called, and who would play you?

STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION, COUNSELOR DEANNA TROI, because I am an empath too and she lived an adventurous life.
6. If you could pick 3 animals to put together and create a new animal, which animals would you pick? Wha, it would it be called?
7. If you were stuck in an elevator for thirty minutes, who would you most want to be stuck with and why?   (Any person, past or present.)   What if it were six hours?  
AN ELEVATOR MAINTENANCE  MECHANIC for 30 minutes because he could get me out; A SEXY ELEVATOR MAINTENANCE MECHANIC for 6 hours because ....

Author Notes a fun quiz created by Robyn Corum

An empath is someone who feels more empathy than the average person. These people are usually more accurate in recognizing emotions by looking at another person's face. They are also more likely to recognize emotions earlier than other people and rate those emotions as being more intense.

Thank you for reading and reviewing my quiz


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