By michaelcahill
Author Note: | HERE AM I ... |
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Yes, help. :)) Some sex in this. I'm mainly focusing on relationships and circumstance. Any input is appreciated. |
By michaelcahill
By michaelcahill
By michaelcahill
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75 words exactly. |
By michaelcahill
November 22, 1963 Dateline: Dallas, Texas
This is Walter Cronkite, ABC News, Special Report. The President has been shot. President John F. Kennedy was shot today as his motorcade turned down Main Street in Dallas Texas. It is reported that the President was wounded in the wrist by one of three shots fired from the Texas Book Depository Building. Governor John Connolly was struck in the chest and is in serious condition. They were both rushed to Parkland Memorial Hospital. The President was treated and released. Governor Connolly remains in stable but serious condition. He is expected to recover. No arrests have been made at this time as the investigation continues.
The attempted assassination of President Kennedy boosted his approval rating considerably. It had been lagging. His reluctance to commit to the Vietnam War had not sat well with the hawkish Republican crowd who backed Nixon, and still loved Eisenhower. The lack of victory in the Korean conflict didn't sit well with veterans, or anyone really. The United States won wars. We didn't tie, or reach uneasy stalemates.
To many, Vietnam was a chance to beat down communism and do it decisively. Nixon, himself, had pushed for an agreement, and achieved It, to guarantee protection for the South Vietnamese Government should they face aggression from the North.
Kennedy knew that North Vietnam was in actuality Russia and China. He saw Vietnam as a costly endeavor that couldn't be won without drastic measures. Drastic measures in his eyes meant war with Russia, real war, not the evil eyes and bluffs of what had come to be called “The Cold War”.
Kennedy's reluctance to engage in Vietnam was exploited as weakness on the right. The left embraced it fully as a commitment to peace, and they would add love and togetherness to the mix as well. Kennedy was not weak, he was practical. Vietnam was bad policy and bad legacy; he wanted neither.
The '64 election loomed and the hawks in the GOP gained power in the party. This was Heaven sent to Kennedy. He had long yearned to advance social programs and civil rights. If Barry Goldwater, the darling of the far right, could secure the Republican nomination, then he could pursue his agenda and set politics aside. It would be a true campaign of ideology. Kennedy was betting on the American ideal, and Goldwater was betting on patriotism and nationalism. For once, two candidates would campaign on their beliefs, unswayed by polls or pundits.
Kennedy felt assured of victory. Goldwater felt equally assured his message was compelling and the country would be swayed. All in the business of prognostication agreed with Kennedy.
The '64 election ended in a landslide of historic proportions. Goldwater managed to eek out a victory in his home state of Arizona. All other states went for Kennedy, several by double digits.
Kennedy's coattails were long. His victory had the feel of a coup. The Senate and the House fell to the Democrats by clear margins. Not since the early days of FDR had so much social legislation passed through Congress and into implementation. The Peace Corp, landmark civil rights bills and the expansion of the space program led the way. Camelot had seemingly become a reality.
From the Inauguration Speech January 20, 1965:
“This is the dawn of a new commitment to the ideals of democracy where all men are truly created equal. I call on every American to show their own profile in courage, to be a hero to their friends, their neighbors and to their posterity. The world will shield its eyes from the light shown from this great nation, this beacon of hope for all mankind. I am but a messenger. These men and women who occupy these halls, messengers sent out to do your bidding. It is you who send the good news to all the world, we are free and we stand for freedom for all people.”
The country heard and responded. The mood was one of optimism and idealism. Prosperity was at hand, and even an uneasy peace held sway throughout most of the world. Kennedy was beloved worldwide, as was America.
Of course, a landslide victory still leaves over forty percent of the populace unhappy, and even bitter. Any misstep can raise that figure quickly. Popularity is fickle in the political arena.
Despite Kennedy's negotiations behind the scenes, Vietnam remained an unstable area and one under scrutiny by the Republicans. The old “Domino Theory” still held credence for a great many post World War II and Korea remembering Americans. Korea, in fact, continued to be the Domino Theory in action. The conflict remained at truce with no resolution. It was a continuous stalemate. Two fighting units, poised for battle, eyeing each other across the so-called demilitarized zone.
Vietnam was “Just like Korea”, the Republicans pleaded. The pressure for an armed response in Vietnam never let up and Kennedy never stopped resisting it. The Republicans pointed to treaties forged during the Eisenhower administration, negotiated by then Vice-President Nixon. “Do we not stand behind our agreements?” “Is our word no good?” “The world is watching.” So went the arguments.
Indeed, the world, especially the Communist world, was watching. Yes, they were watching and encroaching, despite their word to the United States they wouldn't. Kennedy was incensed and the threats behind the scenes were dire.
Kennedy quietly sent advisers to Vietnam, and the U.N. did likewise. Troops were sent as well, under the guise as non-combat instructors. In essence, we were there, though Kennedy still claimed we weren't.
Armed conflict was inevitable and Kennedy knew it. Many in his own party supported it. The Republicans openly and vociferously called for it. Those committed to peace were equally vociferous, and Kennedy publicly sided with them. In private, his support was not as strong.
Kennedy considered the Domino Theory to be a viable possibility. Indeed, if the United States pulled out of Korea, it would go Communist. If it abandoned Vietnam, it would as well. Then, why not Laos, Cambodia … the entire far east? Kennedy didn't have an acceptable answer.
Still, the cost of conflict in Korea would pale compared to Vietnam. The supply line to Vietnam would be endless and close at hand. The battlefield would be one familiar to the enemy and completely foreign to our troops. Kennedy saw no short term victory and was hard pressed to see a long term win either. He did not want to commit American troops to Vietnam, anything but.
Kennedy's assassination on May 12, 1967 remains unsolved to this day. The facts are well-known, the family yacht, full of Kennedys and close friends, blown to smithereens as it motored down Nantucket Sound, fourteen deed, The President and First Lady, his two brothers and nine others, many well-known. To this day, not a single indictment or arrest. The theories could fill a library.
The result was two-fold, Kennedy's dreams of space exploration, civil rights and programs for the disenfranchised of the country, passed in numb tribute. His social agenda, one he couldn't dream of achieving in total, all became the law of the land.
The Vietnam conflict he so steadfastly avoided though, became a reality under now President Lyndon Johnson, a hawkish Democrat, and political opportunist. He believed in the Domino Theory, and it was difficult to say he was wrong. His championing of Kennedy's social programs kept him in good graces with all wings of the Democrat party, and his commitment to the Vietnam conflict endeared him to a good number of Republicans as well.
The resurrected Richard Nixon was no match for Johnson's popularity across the board, and Johnson won the '67 election going away.
Johnson, ever the politician, could see by the '72 election his support among the liberal wing of the Democratic party waning. In a purely political move, he tagged Massachusetts Senator George McGovern as his running mate.
Johnson won a close election that year. Oddly enough, Nelson Rockefeller was considered the more liberal of the two and lost votes because of it. Even the inclusion of conservative California senator Pete McCloskey turned out to be a failed strategy. Johnson carried California by a slim margin putting him over the top.
Two days after his inauguration, Lyndon Baines Johnson passed away, and George McGovern became President of the United States. His first act was to call the troops home from Vietnam.
By michaelcahill
First light reveals to me a breakfast of wishes, whisked to the horizon on a floundering ship of hope. What I wouldn't give to hear the irritating clanging of an alarm clock, or receive a phone call telling me this has been an elaborate prank.
I often think, now, I could slip off this raft and sink like a rock to my merciful demise. I'm not that kind of brave though, as I continue my courageous attempt to survive.
I am not the Ancient Mariner. The stars tell me nothing, the sun merely mocks me. I'm lost at sea. I have water and there's food swimming around me in abundance. I'm no fisherman either.
I feel neither joy nor dread as a canoe approaches from an island that appeared from nowhere. There are several people on board who I once would've called primitive tribesman. As they approach, I redefine civilization.
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150 words exactly, Microsoft Word and Fanstory Editor.
By michaelcahill
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Word, Fanstory Editor and hand count--50 words.
By michaelcahill
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Hand count, 100 words. |
By michaelcahill
By michaelcahill
By michaelcahill
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Not exactly fiction, but generalized for all of us who "get it".
Hand count-50 words. |
By michaelcahill
... you see, it's like the noodles in the box. You get them wet and they get soft, see?
When they're in the box, they're hard and brittle ... they snap, bad stuff.
But that's why they stay in the box where it's safe ... it's safe in the box, the noodle box.
But to really, really protect them, you take them out of the box, the noodle box and put them in the water, the hot scalding, boiling water and they get soft. Once they're soft you can eat them, and the blood is like sauce ... Franco American!
But she was mean to me and I read in a book she was all bones inside like spaghetti and stuff ... so I put her in the scalding water and ... from the land of sky blue waters ... Hammmmmmssssssssss!
... she's too big for a pot of spaghetti, so you can have her.
Would you care for a bottle of beer? I'll keep the parts in the pot ... that part is spaghetti now, and the rest of it is her, I think ... I'm not sure.
She took away my remote control. That's funny ha ha.
Uh oh, you didn't say, "Simon Sez".
But we're not playing anyway.
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200 words, hand counted. |
By michaelcahill
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My assigned creature was "The Golem". We were told to modernize and told we could take liberties. LOL
Here's a little background: In Jewish tradition, the golem is most widely known as an artificial creature created by magic, often to serve its creator. The word "golem" appears only once in the Bible (Psalms139:16). In Hebrew, "golem" stands for "shapeless mass." The Talmud uses the word as "unformed" or "imperfect" and according to Talmudic legend, Adam is called "golem," meaning "body without a soul" (Sanhedrin 38b) for the first 12 hours of his existence. The golem appears in other places in the Talmud as well. One legend says the prophet Jeremiah made a golem However, some mystics believe the creation of a golem has symbolic meaning only, like a spiritual experience following a religious rite. The Sefer Yezirah ("Book of Creation"), often referred to as a guide to magical usage by some Western European Jews in the Middle Ages, contains instructions on how to make a golem. Several rabbis, in their commentaries on Sefer Yezirah have come up with different understandings of the directions on how to make a golem. Most versions include shaping the golem into a figure resembling a human being and using God's name to bring him to life, since God is the ultimate creator of life.. According to one story, to make a golem come alive, one would shape it out of soil, and then walk or dance around it saying combination of letters from the alphabet and the secret name of God. To "kill" the golem, its creators would walk in the opposite direction saying and making the order of the words backwards. Other sources say once the golem had been physically made one needed to write the letters aleph, mem, tav, which is emet and means "truth," on the golem's forehead and the golem would come alive. Erase the aleph and you are left with mem and tav, which is met, meaning "death." Another way to bring a golem to life was to write God's name on parchment and stick it on the golem's arm or in his mouth. One would remove it to stop the golem. Often in Ashkenazi Hasidic lore, the golem would come to life and serve his creators by doing tasks assigned to him. The most well-known story of the golem is connected to Rabbi Judah Loew ben Bezalel, the Maharal of Prague (1513-1609). It was said that he created a golem out of clay to protect the Jewish community from Blood Libel and to help out doing physical labor, since golems are very strong. Another version says it was close to Easter, in the spring of 1580 and a Jew-hating priest was trying to incite the Christians against the Jews. So the golem protected the community during the Easter season. Both versions recall the golem running amok and threatening innocent lives, so Rabbi Loew removed the Divine Name, rendering the golem lifeless. A separate account has the golem going mad and running away. Several sources attribute the story to Rabbi Elijah of Chelm, saying Rabbi Loew, one of the most outstanding Jewish scholars of the sixteenth century who wrote numerous books on Jewish law, philosophy, and morality, would have actually opposed the creation of a golem. The golem has been a popular figure in the arts in the past few centuries with both Jews and non-Jews. In the early 20th century, several plays, novels, movies, musicals and even a ballet were based on the golem. The most famous works where golems appear are Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, Karel Capek's R.U.R. (where the word "robot" comes from), Isaac Bashevis Singer's The Golem and The X-Files. There is also a character named Golem in J.R.R. Tolkien's classic series The Lord of the Rings. Today, there is even a golem museum in the Jewish Quarter of Prague. Sometimes, someone who is large but intellectually slow is called a golem. Other civilizations, such as the ancient Greeks, have similar concepts. Sources: Wigoder, Geoffrey , Ed. The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia; Encyclopedia Judaica; Bridger, David. Ed. The New Jewish Encyclopedia |
By michaelcahill
It was a dark and stormy night. It was the kind of dark that has an agenda and a storm born of my regret. Hell, was it even night? I could open my eyes, but they'd long since not recognized light. Day, night, an hour, a sunrise ... what did they matter to a life tossed to the maelstrom of murderous rage? Could any palette of colors conspire to draw a sunset to grace my story?
Rage provides its own cool logic. Vengeance gives prudence to justice. It all makes sense in the frenzy. I'm not sure if it's guilt I feel now or simple fear of recompense. I suppose the realization of wrong doing eats away at me. It steals my joy. Joy was the feeling. Justice, at the time, was the sense I felt. A serving of just deserts, wasn't that my mindset?
Well, I'm sure this is the ramblings of a mad man. That is what you, the many 'yous' who will weigh in with your opinion, will call it.
Dark and stormy nights started for me as a toddler barely able to walk. The thunder growling at me personally, certainly aware of my every misdeed ... then daggers from the almighty and vengeful God seeking me out in the Devil's darkness. My momma had told me all about it.
"Jehovah removes the light from the wicked. He lays waste the sinning spawn of Satan. Oh, foul beast! What have you done, Piss Pot Poo Boy? Have you bespoiled your linens? Flee from the fury of the Lord! Hide from the vengeance of his thunderbolts!"
It may have simply looked ludicrously insane to an adult. To a three-year-old boy, it embodied terror incarnate. The purification wash that followed chilled even more.
"The Mighty One turned Lot's wife to stone for daring to glance at wickedness. He gives me his power, foul boy. Do you feel it? Mind the consequences if you do not repent!"
She'd wash me in the tub, paying undo, soapy attention to my genitals. The physiological response in tandem with her rantings easily convinced me of her powers ... convinced and made me subservient in my abject terror.
Although her abuse escalated, the terror did not. My cognizance of abuse increased my disgust. It magnified my hatred. It fueled my yearning for payback. But fear is attached to the unknown. By the time I was ten-years-old, I knew exactly what she was up to.
I don't buy this nonsense that children think whatever happens to them is normal for they know not the difference. Give me a break. The other kids don't wash their faces incessantly. They don't brush their teeth at every opportunity. Hell, do you remember a kid in school who carried a toothbrush in his back pocket? Was there a kid who shied away from kissing the prettiest girl in the class? I guess there wasn't one like me then. One who feared you might catch on to what went on in my bedroom in the wee hours ... in the dark. One terrified of the truth of the twisted storm that was my mother and what she found pleasure in with her young son.
I could spell out the unthinkable and unspeakable details ... but they're easy to discern. Unthinkable and unspeakable doesn't exist within the human psyche. And my mom could do them, do them and add, "I'll get you, my pretty!" in her best wicked witch voice as she approached my room.
Dad? I'd like to tell you he was in a coma, or deaf and blind. Maybe dear old Dad was a victim of a terrible storm one dark night, back in the day. But, no, Dad was a good Christian man, Brother Latimer, front and center at every altar call, cryin' and yellin' and pourin' his soul out to the Lord. I guess it wore him out for the week.
I weathered the storm as it were. I saw any number of kids living away from home and knew at one point I'd be among them. My sister had left a few years earlier. She had a kid ... she was okay. It turned out, I was too.
Well, I was a bit of a hell-raiser, I suppose. But nothing like mom and certainly nothing like dad. I liked to drink, and I guess I had a little anger stored up. I spent some time in jail, usually from mutual fisticuffs, but being the angrier, as a rule, I did the time.
The accident that took my sister and her husband couldn't be helped. A dark night, a fierce storm, a drunk driver ... an orphaned little girl. Yours truly, Mr. Dependable, drying out in county jail on a ninety-day stay over on some trumped up charge ... aren't they all?
My mom and pop made the mistake of being there. Grams and Gramps could take that little orphaned girl in, and they had the testimonials of the Foursquare Briarwood Baptist Church membership to back them up. I didn't have much credibility, you see, being a brawling, drunken fool and all.
I agonized in jail and felt fear for the first time in my life. I rationalized too. Visions of redemption danced in my head. Glory, glory, hallelujah, mom had surely come to regret her wicked ways and saw this as a chance to do the right thing. This was a second chance for her. Praise God!
When I got out 42 days later, I had to make sure. I took a sawed off shot gun along with me, just in case a coyote snuck up behind me as I spied on the house and the warm family scene I expected to find.
I walked deftly up to the window of my old room, the one where I was sure my little niece was sleeping peacefully. Maybe Mom would tuck her in and tell her a bedtime story.
"I'll get you my pretty!"
"I tell ya, Billy, he didn't raise an eyebrow. He handed the gun over like the Sunday newspaper. Not a bead of sweat ... not an expression ... nothing. His mother and father, Billy, dead as hell. Him, like a day at the office".
"Cold blooded, Earl. That little girl standing right next to him, too, drenched in blood. 'The wicked witch is dead', that's all she said. Both of 'em like a day at the ballpark. He's over there now, writing out his confession".
It was a dark and stormy night. It was the kind of dark
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I couldn't resist. SORRY about the poor editing, but ... well, insert several excuses. LOL
By michaelcahill
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150 words, per Microsoft Word and Fanstory editor.
By michaelcahill
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Just silliness.
By michaelcahill
Middle age crisis? Can't afford it? You're killing me, you old crow. All you do is nag.
You don't need a Porsche at your age. Ha! One hundred miles an hour, bitch. Nag that!
Yeah, I feel young again!
CURVE UP AHEAD? Now you're gonna nag me too?
SCREW YOooooooouuuuuu...........
By michaelcahill
In her hometown, Abby was known as the five-year-old who called 911 and saved her entire family from carbon monoxide poisoning. She had been outside playing. When she came inside, she found her mom on the kitchen floor and the alarm beeping above the doorway to the hall.
Her mom had told her what that round device was for and what it meant if the alarm was to go off. Even though her mom had told her to RUN out of the house, Abby had a different idea. She took her mom's cell phone off the table and dialed 911. "The poison alarm is beeping and my mom fell down. I have to run now".
The operator told her to take the phone with her and the rest is local lore. The paramedics arrived in time to revive her mom, her father in the family room and her five brothers and sisters in their bedrooms upstairs.
"You've got to be kidding me". Abby dabbed without purpose at her cheek with blush. The light brush of reddish powder had long since been expertly blended in to the light tone Adrian Arpels make-up she favoured. "I wasn't even used to being President of the PTA ... Secretary of Education hasn't settled in at all. Now this."
Considering her new position, this high school girl's bathroom was certainly inelegant as a powder room. The dank gymnasium little better as a staging ground for decisions to be that left her numb in body as well as mind.
Her mind drifted back to her own high school, Hubert H. Humphrey High. Humphrey was big in Minnesota, a state hero to say the least. She felt great pride at being elected student body president in her junior year. It was an honour usually reserved for seniors. Indeed, Sandra Swanson would probably never get over that ginger girl, Abby Glenn, defeating her soundly in her final year as belle of the school.
But it was Sandra who stood idly by while her best friend struggled to stay above water. Lois was asthmatic and the middle of Lake George was a precarious place to have an attack. Abby didn't hesitate. She kept shouting, "Inhaler! Inhaler!" as she steadily kicked to shore with Lois in tow.
Sandra never moved a muscle. "Her purse ... get her inhaler!" She was on shore pumping her chest by the time someone got the message. A few puffs later, Lois began to recover normal breath. Abby had saved her life though she sloughed off any mention of heroics.
Come election time, people remembered. Abby never mentioned it, not then, not at any time, nor would she entertain any praise other than a bear hug from Lois.
Abby campaigned on an anti-bully platform. Sandra sought better food in the cafeteria and cushions for the benches in the senior court.
Abigail Humphrey, wife of Robert Hubert Humphrey, grandson of Hubert, walked out into the converted gymnasium. She took a seat at the head of the table and looked from person to person. All eyes were fixed upon her. Whether she wished it or not, she was the center of attention.
It wouldn't take a mind reader to glean the thoughts of the people seated at the table. Not more than three months ago, she had been a grammar school teacher and president of the PTA in her hometown of Baileyville, Minnesota. The President had been getting heat from all quarters for his appointments of wealthy businessman and hawkish generals to the plumb Cabinet posts of his administration.
He'd picked Abby from a group of finalists for Teacher of the Year. It was practically a lark and he got blistered for it by the conservative press and his own party. But, at the same time, it soothed some liberal wounds and was met with excitement in the education field. In his mind, what difference is one liberal going to make? She won't be able to pass anything anyway, not with the budget I give her.
Well, all that thinking was now academic.
She nodded towards a man in military garb, laden with medals and stripes. "I believe we need to assure the world, we are more than ready to defend our country against all contingencies. What do you suggest?"
A sigh of relief went around the table ...
"Well, Madame President, I believe we should put birds in the air and deploy the Navy in exercises on a global basis. Nothing threatening, Ma'am, just maneuvers to let the world know, we are up and running. We have not been stopped, we are functioning normally and ready to defend ourselves against all contingencies."
President Humphrey looked at the general and nodded. He left the table with phone in hand.
"I'll be addressing the nation momentarily. When I'm done, I want to know all the details of where we're at. Is the White House salvageable? How many senators and representatives are left? My message will be brief. It will be one of confidence and reassurance. When I come back, I want reasons why that is a message of truth."
By the laws of succession, the Secretary of Education was now the President of the United States. The horror of the events leading up to this happenstance did not show in the confident steps of Abigail Humphrey as she approached the bank of microphones to address the nation.
Author Notes |
Errrr ... yeah, this is too long and it's too much story and not enough CHARACTER. LOL But it's SOME character ... I got carried away. :)) |
By michaelcahill
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