"The Piper"

Chapter 1
The Piper

By w.j.debi

What is it about sunset that frightens so many people? Piper broke free from the crowd and stumbled forward to lean against a granite column of the city's main gates so he could catch his breath. He glanced back at the teeming mass of people in the market square. Crossing the distance from the cathedral to the city's main entrance normally took him less than five minutes at a casual walk. This evening it took over an hour. Weaving his way through the surging, tangled mob entering the city had felt like swimming upstream against the rapids. His feet were sore from being stepped on, and he was sure he had sustained several bruises on his arms. Is it like this every evening?

In a way, he was grateful for the extra physical effort it had taken. The world wasn't right. For him, it might never be right again. Oh, buck up. I'm not a kid anymore; I'm nearly fifteen. A deep sigh escaped his lips and he let his shoulders sag. Unconsciously, he fingered the flute that hung at his side, brushing the tips of his fingers across it with fondness, checking by feel that it had not been harmed in the tussle to get through the crowded streets. Constant jostling for position to achieve forward movement had required him to hold the flute close and protect it with both hands.

Another group hurried inside the gates, pushing into the crowd. A little girl of about five tripped and fell to her hands and knees. "Mama! Papa!" she cried out, but no one turned in her direction, her small voice lost in the chaos. She started to wail. Piper went to help her up.

The child glanced up at him for a moment, her lips quivering and her eyes full of tears. "Thank you," she squeaked, then wiped at the tears on her face and ran to catch the group ahead of her. Piper watched to make sure she was reunited with her family. Are you merely afraid of being left behind or have the adults instilled other fear into you? Piper shook his head and then started toward the open gates.

"Aren't you going the wrong direction?" a gruff voice asked.

Piper looked over at the city guard who stood no more than six feet away. The man was of average height, with a brawny build. The hilt of his sword looked smooth with wear, but his uniform was well taken care of, perhaps even new. A scar cut through one eyebrow. The face was strong and looked to be that of a man in his late twenties or early thirties, but a sprinkling of gray hairs made Piper wonder at the guard's true age. "Are you talking to me, sir?"

"Do you see anyone else?"

"I see a whole lot of people." Piper swept a hand toward the public square.

The guard smirked. "Yeah, I suppose you're right. Still, I hope you don't intend to go trekking off somewhere right now. We will be closing the gates soon and you will find yourself on the wrong side. There are some dangerous things out there."

"I know. Wolf packs and marauding thieves appear magically as the last ray of dusk disappears."

"Or worse." The guard raised his eyebrows in a warning manner.

Piper resisted the urge to roll his eyes. "Of course, you're right, sir. There are many dangers in the darkness." Superstition. I have no time for such foolishness.

The guard shifted a bit closer. "You're one of the musicians from the castle, aren't you?"

Piper nodded poliltely. "Yes, sir."

"Were you close to the old musician they buried today?"

"He was my grandfather." Piper felt his throat tighten at the words and swallowed to keep control of his emotions.

The guard looked sullen, pausing a moment before he spoke again. "I am sorry for your loss, lad. I heard your grandfather play a few times. He was a talented man. He will be missed."

"Thank you." Piper turned to start down the road that was now dotted with only a few late stragglers scurrying for the safety of the city.

"You want me to wait by the gate for your return? I can let you in the small access gate under the guard tower if you don't make it back before the main gate closes. We usually only open it for dignitaries, but we can make exceptions."

Piper stopped in his tracks and turned to look at the guard. Why is he offering this favor to an under-aged flute player? "Thank you, sir, but I'll be alright. I have somewhere to go tonight. I'll be back in the morning."

"Very well, if you're certain."

Piper nodded his acknowledgement. Without another word, he headed into the encroaching gloom, surprised by the momentary hesitation in his steps at the words that trailed after him.

"You be careful, young man."

A scowl creased Piper's brow and he quickened his pace. I've never feared the darkness and I'm certainly not going to start now. In fact, the darkness beckoned like a warm cloak, one he would wrap around himself tonight and use to his advantage.


Author Notes Free stock photo. Artist = StuartMiles

Chapter 2
The Piper, part 2

By w.j.debi

Piper struggled against the crowds of people anxious to be inside the city gates before they were closed at sunset. He assisted a small girl who fell and was separated from her family in the rush. As he headed out the gates, a city guard warned him of the dangers in the darkness and offered to wait by the city gates for Piper to let him in if he returns after dark.

Ending of previous chapter
Piper stopped in his tracks and turned to look at the guard. Why would he offer this favor to an under-aged flute player? "Thank you, sir, but I'll be alright. I have somewhere to go tonight. I'll be back in the morning."

"Well, if you are certain."

Piper nodded his acknowledgement. Without another word, he headed into the encroaching gloom, surprised by the momentary hesitation in his steps at the words that trailed after him.

"You be careful, young man."

A scowl creased Piper's brow and he quickened his pace. He had never feared the darkness and he certainly wasn't going to start now. In fact, the darkness beckoned like a warm cloak, one he would wrap around himself tonight and use to his advantage.


Chapter 2

Piper wasn't certain how long he stared at the mound of freshly turned earth, tears streaming down his face. Sobs shook his frame, but he didn't care. He let his grief have full rein. There was no one in the darkness to judge, no one to call him unmanly for giving way to emotion. All the tears he had held back when they buried his grandfather this morning could flow freely now. Piper dropped to his knees next to the grave and put his face in his hands. "Why, oh, why, did you have to die, Grandfather? Oh, why?"

Darkness deepened. The moon rose over the trees and inched its way high into the night sky. Stars multiplied and gathered into constellations. Near midnight, Piper finally looked up, weary from the physical drain of emotion.

He rose to his feet, took a measured breath, and put the flute to his trembling lips. A melancholy melody wafted upon the breeze. Night creatures paused to listen. Insects fell silent. Even the moon seemed to fall under the enchantment of the dedicatory serenade.

Some of the best court musicians had performed at the funeral and the graveside, but no one had played the melody Piper knew his grandfather loved best. Was it a secret his grandfather had shared only with him, this melody and its story? Piper hoped so. It made it even more special.

His grandfather had often played this melody as a jaunty tune. Now, Piper played it slowly and thoughtfully. Love. Loss. Loneliness. Heartbreak. A hundred emotions flowed through his flute, caressed by his affectionate fingers, brought to life with his delicate breath. His grandfather was the only one who would understand. It was a connection Piper was unwilling to release, so he stretched and explored each musical phrase to its limit, searching for the hidden meanings in each individual meter. When he finished, Piper started again. The music took on a deeper melancholy mood, each note lingering on the night air--hesitating, longing, embracing, reaching out to touch the world beyond.

Lost in his grief and the alluring comfort of the music, Piper played the tune over and over again. About an hour before dawn, a heavy sigh was all he had left. His mouth was too dry to play another note even though he wished he could. Piper let the instrument drop to his side where it normally hung. He repositioned the cord that crossed his chest and took a deep breath of cool night air. He should head back to the city. Still, he found himself rooted to the spot, unwilling to leave his grandfather alone.

"A wonderful tribute, young man."

The unexpected voice was soft and friendly, but it startled Piper. He spun to face its owner, then froze. A hooded figure stood about twenty yards away.

The speaker continued, "I don't think such a hush has come over the world in many years. I dare say the very leaves on the trees held absolutely still so they could listen. I swear all nature was in awe. It was pure magic, my boy. Pure magic."

Piper's mouth was so dry his tongue stuck to the roof of it.

The figure took a step closer. "What, nothing to say after such praise?"

Piper swallowed. Just enough moisture trickled into his mouth and throat to allow a hoarse response. "I'm sorry, sir. I ... I didn't expect to see anyone else out here. I do thank you for the kind compliment."

"You are welcome." The stranger cocked his head to one side as if listening for a sound in the distance. "I suppose you are right. A graveyard isn't a place a lot of people frequent this time of night."

Is this stranger dangerous? Should I run? Most people are inside the protective walls of the city, except for thieves and such. And one stupid, grieving flute player. Can I outrun him and make it back to the city safely? It's hard to know how fit he is, or how swift.

Then the stranger reached up to push the hood off of his head.

Piper's mouth dropped open and goose-bumps rose on his skin. The stranger's hair was pure white. Because of the dappled shadows of the moonlight shining through the trees, it was hard to tell if there was a silver-blue tinge to his skin or not, but the pointed ears left no doubt about his heritage. He's Fae. I don't stand a chance, not physically. Stories say the Fae are swift, strong and deadly.

"Your name is Piper, isn't it?"

"How ..." Piper choked the word out.

The Fae grinned. "Well, this is fortuitous. I was on my way to find you."


Author Notes Free stock photo. Artist = StuartMiles

Chapter 3
The Piper, part 3

By w.j.debi

Piper struggled against the crowds of people anxious to be inside the city gates before they were closed at sunset. He assisted a small girl who fell and was separated from her family in the rush. As he headed out of the gates, a city guard warned him of the dangers in the darkness and offered to wait by the city gates for Piper to let him in if he returns after dark. Piper spends the night at his grandfather's grave, mourning and playing his flute. A stranger in a hood appears and compliments Piper's flute playing.

Ending of the previous chapter
Then the stranger reached up to push the hood off of his head.

Piper's mouth dropped open and goose-bumps rose on his skin. The stranger's hair was pure white. Because of the dappled shadows of the moonlight shining through the trees, it was hard to tell if there was a silver-blue tinge to his skin or not, but the pointed ears left no doubt about his heritage. The stranger was Fae. Although he had never seen one of the Fae before, Piper realized he didn't stand a chance, not physically. Stories said the Fae were swift, strong and deadly.

"Your name is Piper, isn't it?"

"How ..." Piper choked the word out.

The Fae grinned. "Well, this is fortuitous. I was on my way to find you."

Chapter 3

"Why would one of your kind ..." Piper cringed. "I mean ..."

"Careful, my boy," the Fae growled even though he continued grinning.

"Sorry, sir, I mean ..." Piper took a breath and released it slowly. "Why would you be looking for me?"

The Fae strode forward, his pale blue eyes studying every inch of Piper as he advanced. "You're tall for your age, my fair-haired friend."

Piper felt the urge to run, but his legs wouldn't move. It would be a useless effort anyway, so he held his position while the Fae approached, predator-like. "You know who I am. Who are you? Why were you looking for me?"

The Fae stopped in front of Piper and folded his arms, amusement in his eyes. "Well, well. Right to the point." The Fae smirked. "All good questions, Piper." He drummed his fingers on his arm and pursed his lips. "I wonder ..." The Fae glanced at the grave for a moment, then back at Piper. His face took on a more serious expression. "Perhaps this is not the best time and place for this discussion."

"Just tell me."

The Fae raised an eyebrow, amusement trickling back into his eyes. "Ah, the impatience of the human youth. No. Now I am convinced we need to wait."

"Look ..."

"Hey, you there!" a voice shouted from the shadows.

Piper turned to see a soldier approaching at a fast jog, weapons drawn. As the man crossed into a patch of moonlight, Piper recognized the guard who had warned him when he exited the city gates at sunset. An instant later, Piper turned back to the Fae, but the Fae was nowhere to be seen. "How? Where?" He scanned the surrounding area.

The guard pulled up next to Piper a few moments later and stopped abruptly, huffing a bit from his recent exertions. "You alright, lad?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." Piper continued looking around, but there was no one else in view. "Where did he go?"

"Does it matter, as long as he is gone?" The guard glanced warily around them, weapons still at the ready. "You shouldn't be out here alone in the dark anyway, especially with Fae around."

"I don't think he was armed."

"Oh, he was armed." The guard scowled. "Not that he would need weapons. I've seen Fae tear men apart with their bare hands."

Piper gulped. "Ah, I guess I should thank you for coming to my aid."



"My name is Burkehart. And yours?"


A twig snapped and the bushes rustled in the tree line of the nearby forest. Burkehart jerked toward the sound and lifted his blades a bit higher as he surveyed the surrounding area.

"What is it?" Piper asked.

"Shush." Burkehart motioned for Piper to get behind him.

Patchy moonlight filtered through the trees. An owl hooted somewhere in the distance. Piper held his breath and strained to hear or see something out of the ordinary. He glanced at Burkehart and noted the tense and wary stance of the warrior prepared to deal with any threat he might encounter. Otherwise, the graveyard and the neighboring forest were silent.

Without looking at Piper, Burkehart said in a low voice, "We'd better get moving. That Fae isn't the only dangerous thing out here, and who knows if he is lying in wait to greet us somewhere along the way. Keep up and stay close."

Burkehart took a few steps, then looked back at Piper. "Come on, lad. Move it."

"Yes, sir." Piper took one last look at his grandfather's grave, glanced toward the nearby forest, then trudged after the guard.


Author Notes Free stock photo. Artist = StuartMiles

Chapter 4
The Piper, part 4

By w.j.debi

At sunset, Piper, a young musician, leaves the protection of the city just before the city gates are about to close for the night. As he heads out of the gates, a city guard warns Piper of dangerous things in the darkness and offers to wait by the city gates to let him in when he returns. Piper spends the night at his grandfather's grave, mourning and playing his flute. A Fae appears--a creature considered swift, strong and deadly--and compliments Piper's flute playing. As the Fae approaches Piper, the city guard comes to the rescue. The Fae disappears into the forest at the appearance of the guard.

Ending of the previous chapter
Patchy moonlight filtered through the trees. An owl hooted somewhere in the distance. Piper held his breath and strained to hear or see something out of the ordinary. He glanced at Burkehart and noted the tense and wary stance of the warrior prepared to deal with any threat he might encounter. Otherwise, the graveyard and the neighboring forest were silent.

Without looking at Piper, Burkehart said in a low voice, "We'd better get moving. That Fae isn't the only dangerous thing out here, and who knows if he is lying in wait to greet us somewhere along the way. Keep up and stay close."

Burkehart took a few steps, then looked back at Piper. "Come on, lad. Move it."

"Yes, sir." Piper took one last look at his grandfather's grave, glanced toward the nearby forest, then trudged after the guard.

Chapter 4

"Tell me again," Rupert begged as he and PIper made their way through the booths of market square.

"Shush! Not so loud," Piper warned. He glanced around at the merchants calling out to advertise their wares, the entertainers performing their tricks, and the shoppers milling about the various booths. The smells and sounds of people, animals, produce and merchandise filled the air. Although it was unlikely that anyone was paying much attention to two young apprentices above the hustle and din, Piper wasn't eager to attract undue attention.

"But you saw a Fae. And Burkehart? You were really rescued by Captain Burkehart? Burkehart, the Captain of the Guard, Burkehart?"

"Yes." Piper said in a low voice, the color rising slightly in his cheeks. "I was really rescued by Captain Burkehart."

"Wow." Rupert was so giddy with excitement that he nearly knocked into a woman walking past with her husband.

"Hey!" the man yelled.

"Sorry. Beg your pardon, ma'am." Rupert bowed slightly, but otherwise didn't break stride. "So Burkehart just appeared out of nowhere? And when he brought you back, you entered through the dignitaries' gate. And you got to see his office and his weapons. What were they like? What kind of swords did he have? How many blades did he carry?"

Piper rolled his eyes. "Honestly, it was nothing. He brought me back to the city, took me to his office, and scolded me for wandering off on my own in the dark." At this point, Piper scrunched his face into a scowl, shook his finger and tried his best to sound like Burkehart. "Do you have any idea what that Fae could have done to you, young man? Or what other dangers lurk in the dark? No, I am certain you have no idea. Wolves. Bears. Thieves. Wild boars. Unspeakable dark things."

Rupert and Piper burst out laughing.

"And the Fae," Rupert asked between laughs, "did he have pointy teeth?"

"Sharp, jagged, razor-sharp spikes." Piper raised his hands, his fingers curved in a threatening manner.

They laughed again, but were immediately distracted by the aroma of food cooking a few rows over. It tickled their noses and tempted their taste buds with the promise of delicious delicacies.

"Oh," Rupert moaned, "I'm hungry."

"I know. You always are." Piper grinned at his skinny friend. "Say, why don't you go ahead. I need to purchase a new satchel. It will only take a few minutes and I can meet you at the food booths. We can eat as we walk back to the guild."

"If you're sure?" Rupert was already stepping in the direction of the food booths, licking his lips in anticipation.

"Yeah, I'm sure." Piper waved him off. "Go on."

A leather goods merchant was hawking his wares nearby so Piper went over to inspect the bags, pouches and satchels on display. The shoppers of the midday market were bumping and squeezing past each other in order to get to the next booth, or stopping to check over the leather goods merchandise before they made a purchase or just moved on. Bags were displayed on a table. Some hung from hooks on a display stand. Piper picked up a satchel and gave it a brief look, then set it down and admired a beaded bag hanging from a hook.

"If that is the size you are looking for, then I recommend this bag. The tanning of the leather is superior to that one and the stitching is finely done. It will last for years."

A plain satchel of soft leather was handed to him.

Piper looked up at the person standing next to him and froze. Those pale blue eyes studied him just as they had a week ago. The individual wore a cowl, a wise move since Piper knew the shape of the ears underneath that hood would attract unwanted attention. The Fae was taller than Piper remembered, and his obvious physical prowess intimidating.

"So, Fae have sharp, jagged, razor-sharp spikes for teeth do they?" The Fae flashed a smile that confirmed his smooth, white teeth were not unlike Piper's own.

The bag he was holding was suddenly interesting, and Piper concentrated on the stitching. He tested the handle and the flap.

"Cat got your tongue, my boy?"

"It's a good bag." Piper glanced at the Fae's hands and then at his face, the only skin the Fae presently exposed to the elements. There was no evidence of the silver-blue tinge. He looked like any other villager on market day. But then again, it was daylight. Legend had it that a Fae's skin only took on a silver-blue hue in direct moonlight.

The Fae's eyes twinkled. He raised an eyebrow. "Well?"

"What do you want with me?" Piper whispered.

There was a pause as the Fae discretely surveyed the area. The leather goods merchant was helping another customer. The merchants on either side were busy enticing potential buyers. Nearby shoppers were intent on examining the wares. Apparently satisfied that they would not be overheard, the Fae leaned closer to Piper and said in a low voice, "I'll honor you by being direct. We need to meet. Alone. There are things your grandfather planned to share with you on your fifteenth birthday; things meant for your ears only. Unfortunately, his unexpected death means he will not have the opportunity to do as he planned." The Fae paused as a man passed by them.

"What sorts of things?"

"Not here. Not now. Meet me at your grandfather's grave at midnight on your birthday."

Piper hesitated. "Why would I do that? You might be luring me to my death."

The Fae shook his head. "If I wanted to kill you, my boy, you would have been dead long ago." A gentleness entered his voice. "I mean you no harm, Piper."

Piper studied the Fae's face. "How can I be certain of that?"

"I admit, you cannot, especially since you know so little about me." The Fae fixed his pale blue eyes on Piper's. "Look into your heart for the answer. It will guide you far better than your eyes or ears if you trust it."

Piper looked down and pretended to study the bag in his hands. He took a breath and exhaled. "I ..."

"Hello, young man. Can I help you?"

Looking up, Piper saw the smiling face of the merchant of the leather goods booth. A quick glance around confirmed the Fae had disappeared into the crowds. A sigh of relief escaped Piper's lips, but a twist in his stomach was growing.

"Are you interested in purchasing that satchel?" the merchant asked.

"Ah, yes. Yes, sir, I am." Piper took a breath to steady himself. "I'll give you three coins for it."

The merchant shook his head. "Come, now. It's worth four times that amount. I can't take less than ten."


Author Notes Free stock photo. Artist = StuartMiles

Chapter 5
The Piper, part 5

By w.j.debi

Piper, a young musician, leaves the protection of the city just before the city gates are about to close for the night. As he heads out of the gates, a city guard warns Piper of dangerous things in the darkness and offers to wait by the city gates to let him in when he returns. Piper spends the night at his grandfather's grave, mourning and playing his flute. A Fae appears--a creature considered swift, strong and deadly--and compliments Piper's flute playing. As the Fae approaches Piper, the city guard comes to the rescue. A week later, Piper is approached by the Fae while he is at the open market shopping for a satchel. The Fae says he has some secrets he needs to share and invites Piper to meet him alone.

Ending of the previous chapter
Piper looked down and pretended to study the bag in his hands. He took a breath and exhaled. "I ..."

"Hello, young man. Can I help you?"

Looking up, Piper saw the smiling face of the merchant of the leather goods booth. A quick glance around confirmed that the Fae had disappeared into the crowds. A sigh of relief escaped Piper's lips, but a twist in his stomach was growing.

"Are you interested in purchasing that satchel?" the merchant asked.

"Ah, yes. Yes, sir, I am." Piper took a breath to steady himself. "I'll give you three coins for it."

The merchant shook his head. "Come, now. It's worth four times that amount. I can't take less than ten."

Chapter 5

"This is perfect," Rupert said as he and Piper settled themselves in an out-of-the-way corner of the castle's grand hall.

"Yes, it's my favorite spot. We can see everything from here. The entertainment should be good tonight, too. We haven't had a visiting troubadour in months." Piper waved to other guild apprentices that were taking seats across the room. "Good thing we got here early. The hall is filling up fast."

Piper scanned the hall and the entrances, taking in the sounds and sights of an audience anticipating a delightful evening. Would people be this excited to see him perform someday? If only. The odors of melting wax from the candles mixed with those of the burning coal in the fire pots that lit the room. Wood in the fireplaces popped and crackled and added their own scent. In addition to the thick tapestries that normally draped the walls, colorful banners on poles had been added to elevate the sense of festivity expected for the evening. People kept flowing through the doors. Only the center area where the entertainers would perform and the dais where the Duke and Duchess and their party would sit, remained open.

"They say Troubadour Braun has some great stories to share, and wonderful music, too," Rupert said.

"And news from other provinces. That's what I find most exciting." Piper continued to scan the doorways to see who was entering.

Rupert jabbed Piper with his elbow. "I can't wait until we are journeyman troubadours and we can see all those far away places for ourselves."

Piper beamed. "It will be exciting. Hey, look. Here comes the traveling troupe, and there's Troubadour Braun."

"You know him?" Rupert grinned with admiration.

"Yes. He was an apprentice when I first came here. I doubt he remembers me though. He's been gone for four or five years."

The chatter increased and a few people started clapping as the musicians entered. When Braun entered, some even rose to their feet.

Troubadour Braun raised a hand. "Thank you, folks. We are happy to be here, but we are just setting up at the moment. The performance doesn't start until Duke and Duchess Welf arrive. Rumor has it that will be sometime within the hour. In the meantime, we will be warming up the instruments and running in and out as we get ready, so please relax and ignore us for the moment."

The audience settled back and conversations returned to a dull murmur throughout the hall. Piper tried to relax, but found that no matter what he and Rupert talked about, his attention remained on the musicians, especially Braun.

Troubadour Braun spent several minutes testing instruments and then paused with a lute in his hands. He raised his eyes and looked around the hall as if searching for something. Then his eyes came to rest on a particular corner of the room and his face broadened into a wide smile. "Piper!"

Piper smiled back and waved. "Hi, Braun!"

"Hey, Piper, can you join me over here?"

Without hesitating, Piper turned to his friend. "Save my seat, will you, Rupert?"

"Of course." Rupert gave him a playful punch on the arm as he rose to go. "See you soon."

Those seated in front of Piper parted the way so he could reach the performance area, and he was soon standing next to Troubadour Braun.

"It's good to see you again, Piper," Braun said in a low voice meant only for Piper to hear in the noisy hall.

"Hi, Braun. I am surprised you remember me." Piper attempted to match the private tone that the troubadour had set.

"What? Grand Master Raymond Acker's grandson and the child prodigy of our guild? Come now, how could I forget? We even played a few duets together as I recall. I admit you've grown a foot or two, but I'd recognize you anywhere. In fact, I have a proposal for you later. Right now, though, I need a favor."

"How can I help, Troubadour Braun?" Piper could hardly contain his excitement, but put on his best performance face since he knew so many eyes were on him as he talked to Braun.

Braun laughed. "You know, I've been called that for going on five years now, but somehow it seems odd coming from your lips. As I recall you used to follow me around and call, 'Braun, Braun, will you sing a song?'"

"I guess I was a bit of a pest. How did you put up with me?"

"Oh, I didn't mind. You were so talented yourself." Braun paused a moment to take a quick look around. "Say, I don't know where all the guild masters are hiding at the moment, or I'd ask one of them. You see, I've broken a string on my lute so I was wondering if I could borrow a lute from the guild. Do you still have a key to grandfather's chambers?"


"Could you run and get a replacement for me, just for tonight? I'll make it right with the masters later, but I don't have time to restring my own instrument before the performance."

"Of course. I'll be back as quickly as I can, Troubadour Braun."

Braun chuckled and shook his head. "Good, lad. I appreciate it, Piper."

With that, Piper set off toward the chambers of the Master of the Music Guild, his focus on the task at hand, and getting back to the grand hall as quickly as possible so he wouldn't miss anything.

A tall figure in a dark, hooded cloak had been watching Piper the entire evening and slipped out of the room to trail a short distance behind the young apprentice. He was careful to stay far enough behind Piper to avoid arousing suspicion from castle guards or other astute observers. Traveling in the same direction as someone else would not seem odd if done in a casual manner. After all, there were only so many paths one could take through the castle corridors.

As he passed an open window, moonlight flashed across his bare hand revealing a slight silver-blue hue to his flesh. The figure instinctively adjusted his cloak so that his hands were not visible and kept his face turned toward the inner wall. It was unlikely in all the hustle and bustle that anyone would notice the revelation made by the moonlight, but there was no sense raising questions if it could be avoided. Not tonight at least.

Author Notes Free stock photo. Artist = StuartMiles

Chapter 6
The Piper, part 6

By w.j.debi

Piper, a young musician, risks leaving the protection of the castle and the city gates one evening, and spends the night playing his flute at his grandfather's grave. A Fae appears--a creature considered swift, strong and deadly--and compliments Piper's flute playing. As the Fae approaches Piper, a city guard comes to the rescue. A week later, Piper is approached by the Fae while he is at the open market shopping for a satchel. The Fae says he has some secrets he needs to share and invites Piper to meet him alone, then leaves. That evening, Piper goes with his friend Rupert to a concert in the grand hall. Before the concert begins, Troubadour Braun asks Piper to retrieve a lute for him from the guild's collection. As Piper leaves the grand hall, a figure in a dark cloak follows him. 

Ending of the previous chapter
As he passed an open window, moonlight flashed across his bare hand revealing a slight silver-blue hue to his flesh. The figure instinctively adjusted his cloak so that his hands were not visible and kept his face turned toward the inner wall. It was unlikely in all the hustle and bustle that anyone would notice the revelation made by the moonlight, but there was no sense raising questions if it could be avoided. Not tonight at least.

Chapter 6

"Excuse me, sir. Are you one of the musicians?" A girl of about fourteen with a dreamy expression looked up at the individual who was about to pass her in the castle corridor.

The cloaked figure paused mid-stride and smiled down at her. "No, I came to watch them."

"Oh, I thought you might be Troubadour Braun. They say he is tall, broad shouldered, and ever so handsome. And well ..." She caught herself mid-sentence and lowered her eyes. "I am sorry for disturbing you, sir"

His smile broadened. "Don't be. I'm flattered that you would mistake me for the troubadour, but I am afraid I'm just part of the crowd, little one."

She giggled. "My friends are saving a seat for me, so I better go." She made a small curtsy. "Good-bye, sir."


Further down the corridor, several entryways converged into a foyer. Benches lined the walls, offering residents and visitors a place to rest, or pause to listen to the musicians who sometimes practiced here since they worked, studied and slept in nearby rooms.

The cloaked figure positioned himself in a shadowy area, and began to unfasten the laces of his boot. With one foot on a bench, he bent over and continued to fiddle with the lacings for several moments. Anyone glancing in his direction would think he was adjusting the laces to make them more comfortable to wear, not that many people looked his way. Most everyone was in a hurry to get to the grand hall of the castle before the entertainment began.

Across the way, Piper appeared before the door of the Grand Master of the Music Guild. The cloaked figure merged deeper into the shadows, and clenched his teeth for a moment in frustration. Things would be so much easier if you were still alive, Raymond Acker. Piper would believe you. The timing of your death couldn't have been worse.

After returning the key to his pocket, Piper paused. For the first time in his life, he hesitated to turn the handle. The door loomed taller, wider and more solid than he recalled. When did I cease to notice the finely carved panels with their scenes of musicians plying their craft? I was always in such a hurry to get to the other side of the door. The artistry and craftmanship are amazing. Flames from the sconces on the walls flickered and danced in a way that made the characters in the panels appear to move in time to some unheard music they were playing. It is easy to see why some people think this door is enchanted.

Piper reached out with one finger to trace the details depicting a duet between a piper and a lute player. Just like us, Grandfather. He dropped his hand and took a step back. I'll never see your smiling face again. Or hear your admirers call you the First Trouvere, or Beloved Troubadour, or Grand Master of the Music Guild.

A tear had formed at the corner of his eye, and Piper reached up to wipe it away. He swallowed hard to dislodge the lump forming in his throat. Oh, Grandfather, I know the guild will take care of me, but it won't be the same. He took a long deep breath, then released it slowly. Grasping the handle with more determination than he felt, Piper entered the room and walked halfway across it. The light from the sconces directly across the hall flowed into the room and banished shadowy forms to the corners.

Piper stood transfixed as he surveyed his surroundings. Nearly every morning since he was nine years old, he had rushed to get here, but he had not visited these chambers in a week. A sudden chill made him shiver and he rubbed his arms to warm himself. His eyes grew wide. 

Everything is the same. Somehow, I thought it would be ... different. 

Benches and music stands still took up one corner, ready for the next practice session to begin. Three quills rested on a stack of parchment paper on the desk near the shuttered window. Last week I sat there to copy and transcribe music for you, Grandfather, in preparation for tonight's concert. Piper felt a twinge of guilt. I should have put the quills away after clipping the nibs. Instruments still decorated the room, grouped in their various categories as usual. Nothing had changed. Still, all the familiar objects seemed out of place and somehow lost.

"Everything alright in here?"

Piper turned toward the door. "Oh, good evening, Captain Burkehart."

"Good evening, Piper." Burkehart stepped forward. "I hope I didn't startle you. I was surprised to see the door open. I thought all the musicians from the guild would be joining the festivities since one of your own has returned to the fold, so to speak."

"Troubadour Braun broke a string on his lute, and I was sent to fetch a replacement for him."

"Ah, yes. That makes sense." Burkehart looked around the room. "I never realized there were so many types of horns and lutes, let alone pipes, or flutes, or whatever you call them." He paused to look at Piper. "Do you play them all?"

Piper shrugged. "You could say that. Some better than others, of course."

"And your grandfather taught you."

The corners of Piper's mouth turned up. "Everyone said he was the most talented musician ever. I was lucky to be his apprentice." Piper's hand wandered to the flute hanging at his side. "He gave me my first fife, and taught me how to read music." Piper motioned toward the other side of the room. "Over at that desk near the window, I learned to write musical notation by copying music for him and the other masters. He also taught me to sing, compose, and how to play nearly every instrument in this room." A sigh passed his lips. "But the pipes are my favorite."

"Yes. I've heard you play. You have every right to be proud, Piper. Of both him and yourself."

"Thank you, Captain."

"You're welcome."

Piper glanced around the room again. "You know, I never thought of this before, but my grandfather occupied the rooms of the Grand Master of the Music Guild for more years than I've been alive."

"He will be hard to replace. Has the new Grand Master been determined yet?"

"Soon, they say. They were waiting for a few of the traveling masters and troubadours to return so the entire guild could meet."

"Speaking of which, I suppose everyone is waiting in the grand hall for your return. Would the two of you like an escort back? I know a few ways to get through the crowds more quickly."

"Two of us?" Piper questioned.

"Yes, you and the tall fellow who was lagging behind you when you entered. I took him to be one of the visiting troubadours."

"No. I'm alone. Everyone else stayed in the grand hall to watch the performance."

Out of reflex, Burkehart's hand went to the hilt of his sword. "Strange." He glanced warily around the room. "I was sure. Perhaps, it was trick of the lighting."

"You're probably right. The flickering light seems to do strange things to the senses." Piper reached toward the lute he had chosen for Troubadour Braun. Over his shoulder he saw a guard appear in the doorway.

"Captain Burkehart, sir?"

The captain turned toward the guard. "Yes, Troy. What is it?"

"Captain." Troy paused to glance at Piper, then back at Burkehart. "You asked to be informed when Duke Welf and his party drew near. They are about a mile from the castle and should arrive at the gates in the next twenty minutes."

"Thank you, Troy." Burkehart turned to Piper. "I am afraid I must take my leave. Troy will escort you back to the grand hall. Have a good evening, young man."

"The same to you, Captain."

Captain Burkehart stepped into the hallway to converse with Troy.

Out of habit, Piper walked over to the window next to his desk and tested the shutters. They were secure, but when he glanced at the desk he noted that there were only two quills resting on top of the parchment. Piper inspected the surrounding area briefly, then headed for the door. The quill could wait. Right now, Troubadour Braun needed a lute for his performance. Piper took one last look around to confirm all was secure, shut and locked the door, and headed for the grand hall with Troy at his side.

A cloaked figure placed a quill into his satchel along with several other items, then stepped from the shadows an instant too soon. He locked eyes with Captain Burkehart across the foyer.

Burkehart glared, and his hand went to the hilt of his sword. His lips formed a silent curse out of the name, "Summerstorm."

The Fae nodded at Burkehart--a taunt. There would be no confrontation. No other guards were within earshot, and there were too many people around. Besides, Burkehart had to hurry to be at the city gates when the Duke arrived or risk losing his position.

Redd-Leif Summerstorm turned to merge into the crowd. His smile turned into a smirk. Well, Burkehart, you may have interrupted my plans, but I have certainly put a thorn in your side for the evening.


Author Notes Free stock photo. Artist = StuartMiles

Chapter 7
The Piper, part 7

By w.j.debi

Piper, a young musician, risks leaving the protection of the castle and the city gates one evening, and spends the night playing his flute at his grandfather's grave. A Fae appears--a creature considered swift, strong and deadly--and compliments Piper's flute playing. As the Fae approaches Piper, a city guard comes to the rescue. A week later, Piper is approached by the Fae while he is at the open market shopping for a satchel. The Fae says he has some secrets he needs to share and invites Piper to meet him alone, then leaves. That evening, Piper goes with his friend Rupert to a concert in the grand hall. Before the concert begins, Troubadour Braun asks Piper to retrieve a lute for him from the guild's collection. As Piper leaves the grand hall, the Fae follows him. Whatever his intentions, the Fae is interrupted when Piper is visited by Captain Burkehart.

Ending of the previous chapter
The Fae nodded at Burkehart--a taunt. There would be no confrontation. No other guards were within earshot, and there were too many people around. Besides, Burkehart had to hurry to be at the city gates when the Duke arrived or risk losing his position.

Redd-Leif Summerstorm turned to merge into the crowd. His smile turned into a smirk. Well, Burkehart, you may have interrupted my plans, but I have certainly put a thorn in your side for the evening.

Chapter 7

Rupert held up a tunic. "What about this one?"

"It should go in the trunk. I want to save it for when I get back." Piper selected an item of clothing from those arranged in front of him and placed it in his bag. Then he paused with a dreamy look on his face. "These past few days have been incredible."

"So, am I forgiven for not saving your seat?" Rupert taunted.

Piper smiled. "I admit I was upset when I returned to the grand hall with the lute for Braun and looked over to where you were sitting. There wasn't an inch to spare. I thought I was going to have to stand in the hall with the overflow crowd and just listen to the performance."

"Hey, I tried. You saw those guys, right? They were all bigger than me. What could I do? Besides, it worked out in your favor anyway."

"Yeah, it did." Piper's smile got even bigger. "When Troubadour Braun offered me a seat among the performers, I couldn't believe it."

"Good thing you always carry your flute or you would have been just a prop on the stage."

Piper patted the flute at his side. "Yeah, I was lucky."

"That duet you played with Braun was incredible." Rupert placed several items of clothing in the trunk then turned to look at Piper, a smirk on his face. "You sure you didn't practice with him beforehan?"

"You know I didn't. I haven't seen Braun for years, not until he walked into the grand hall the other evening." Piper shrugged. "Besides, it is a common enough tune."

"Sure, everyone knows it. But to perform a duet the way you two did in front of a crowd? That was amazing. The Duke and Duchess loved it." Rupert got a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "And so did half the girls in the audience. Now they all giggle every time you walk past and say, 'Oh, Piper won't you play your flute for us?' And rumor has it that Lady Elise is sweet on you." Rupert increased the teasing in his tone. "Who knows, maybe you'll be the next duke."

Piper rolled his eyes. "You are crazy. I was as surprised as anyone that Troubadour Braun suggested I perform that duet with him. I followed his lead, put in a few flourishes, we connected musically, and it seemed to go from there."

"Don't we need to start calling him Master Braun?"

"You're right. After this morning that is his new title."

"Oh, I don't know," a voice said from the doorway. "The official ceremony isn't until this evening. Until then, I'm still technically a troubadour."

"Braun!" both boys called at once.

"Congratulations." Piper crossed the room to greet Braun. "They couldn't help but make you a master after your performance the other night. The crowd loved it."

Braun smiled. "It was a nice homecoming. I've been away far too long."

"Yeah," Rupert said, "you know how to put a show together."

"Thank you." Braun bowed, sweeping his hand with a flourish and stepping into the room. "How's the packing going?"

"Great. Hey, Troubadour ... I mean, Master Braun."

Braun laughed. "Yes, Piper?"

"Hey, I appreciate you taking me with you so I can get up north and see the estate my grandfather left me. I'd forgotten about it. He so seldom mentioned it."

"No problem. I'm excited to have you join me, and the visit to your estate should only take us a day or two out of the way. It will fit perfectly into our tour."

"I expect to learn a lot from you while we are traveling."

Braun beamed. "Thank you, Piper. You'll be the first apprentice to join me. Maybe the arrangement can become permanent when we return. I'll get an official residence then and can start building my school of performers. I can hardly wait."

"So, will you stop traveling?" Rupert asked.

"No, I want to keep traveling, just not as far or for as long. It will be nice to have a home base after all these years." Braun glanced over at the bags and clothes. "It looks like you are about finished packing."

Piper nodded. "I tried to follow your instructions. A change of traveling clothes, a couple of performance outfits, but keep it light. I'll take my flute and maybe a fife."

"Good lad. We'll have a few donkeys, but they'll carry our food and some of the bigger instruments. You'll have to carry most of what you need." Braun gave an approving nod to Piper. "I'll leave you to finish up and see you at the ceremony." Then he turned to Rupert. "Do you have time to assist me with some preparations?"

"Me?" Rupert beamed with surprise and delight at the request. "Yes, I do, Master Braun. See you later Piper."

Piper smirked at Rupert and nodded at Braun. "See you at the ceremony."

After Braun and Rupert left the room, Piper picked up his new satchel and sat on the bed. He ran his finger over a grey fringe poking out of a pocket he hadn't noticed before. Piper pulled at it and an object emerged from the pocket. The missing quill from the Grand Master's chambers? Strange. How did it get in my satchel? Who could have put it here? Out of curiosity, he put his hand into the mysterious pocket and retrieved a piece of folded parchment. Carefully, he unfolded it. Elegant script proclaimed,

The Black Forest Fife is yours by birthright
Secure its song

"The Black Forest Fife is mine? What Black Forest Fife? And secure its song?" Piper shook his head. "What does that mean?"

"I can explain if you would like," a soft friendly voice said.

Piper looked up to see a figure leaning against the door jamb, arms folded across his chest. The tunic he wore was colorful, hitting him mid-thigh, and was accented with a gold belt. His breeches, leggings and slippers matched the tunic. The overcoat was a deep russet-brown and flowed down to mid-calf. A large hat fit down over his ears. He could pass as a troubadour already dressed for the evening, but the pale blue eyes that seemed to search into Piper's soul revealed exactly who it was.

"Good evening, Piper." The Fae grinned. "It's difficult to catch you alone, my boy. If you have a few minutes to spare, we need to talk."

Piper rose to his feet. "May I ask why, sir? Sorry, I don't know your name."

"You can call me Redd-Leif." The Fae uncrossed his arms and stepped into the room. "And we need to talk because your grandfather was to impart certain information to you on your fifteenth birthday. I am afraid that task now falls to me."

Piper sighed. "My birthday isn't until Friday."

"And you will be on the road, traveling to Hanover City." Redd-Leif stepped closer. "A few days early shouldn't hurt anything. But if you insist on being official, I suppose we could wait until midnight on Thursday."

A movement in the doorway caught Piper's attention. He leaned to the left so he could see past Redd-Leif.

"Good evening, Captain Burkehart." Piper noted that the Captain was fully armed, a hand resting on the hilt of his sword. From the corner of his eye, Piper saw Redd-Leif stiffen.

"Good evening, Piper, and to you as well, Troubadour."


Author Notes Free stock photo. Artist = StuartMiles

Chapter 8
The Piper, part 8

By w.j.debi

Piper, a young musician, risks leaving the protection of the castle and the city gates one evening, and spends the night playing his flute at his grandfather's grave. A Fae appears--a creature considered swift, strong and deadly--and compliments Piper's flute playing. As the Fae approaches Piper, a city guard comes to the rescue and the Fae disappears. During the next few weeks the Fae approaches Piper on several occasions and says he has some secrets he needs to share, but each time they are interrupted. One evening, Piper is packing to go on tour with Master Braun, and the Fae shows up disguised as a troubadour. Just as the Fae is about to say why he wants to talk to Piper, Captain Burkehart appears at the door.  

End of previous chapter
A movement in the doorway caught Piper's attention. He leaned to the left so he could see past Redd-Leif.

"Good evening, Captain Burkehart." Piper noted that the Captain was fully armed, a hand resting on the hilt of his sword. From the corner of his eye, Piper saw Redd-Leif stiffen.

"Good evening, Piper, and to you as well, Troubadour."

Chapter 8

Captain Burkehart nodded at Piper from the doorway, but kept a hand on the hilt of his sword and an eye on the individual dressed as a troubadour. "I see you are busy packing for your journey, Piper. I hope that won't keep you from attending the festivities tonight."

"Oh, it won't, Captain," Piper said. "I'll have plenty of time to get ready."

"Are you providing any of the entertainment tonight?"

"Not officially, but after the ceremony there will be time for impromptu performances: storytelling, music, magic tricks, and all sorts of tomfoolery. It could go quite late." A dreamy look accentuated the huge grin that had not left Piper's face in days. "It's going to be grand."

Burkehart couldn't suppress a smile at the lad's enthusiasm. "It sounds exciting." The captain's gaze wandered to their companion. "And you, Troubadour, will you be favoring us with any entertainment tonight?"

"Perhaps." The troubadour gave a slight nod, keeping his face in the shadow of his large hat as much as possible. "We'll see how the evening goes."

"Yes, of course." Burkehart repositioned himself so that he was leaning against the door jamb. He studied the troubadour for a moment. "Sir," he said, "your clothes indicate you are visiting from a northern region. That area of the world fascinates me. I would love to hear the news of your travels. I'm making my rounds before the ceremony begins this evening. If you can accompany me I would like to ask you some questions as we walk." He looked over at Piper. "That is, if Piper can spare you. Do you mind, Piper?"

"No, not at all, Captain. I still have some packing to do and I need to change for the ceremony."

"Well, then, we will leave you to your preparations. Good evening, Piper." Burkehart straightened up, nodded at Piper, then stepped from the doorway into the hall. "Troubadour? Shall we be on our way?"

"By your leave," the troubadour said to Piper, giving him a slight bow before following the captain.

Piper nodded to each of them in return.

As the pair started down the hallway, Burkehart said in a low voice, "Don't try anything, Summerstorm. I have men positioned in strategic places to keep an eye on you."

"And your hand has never left your sword hilt. I am flattered," Summerstorm said with a smirk. "What have I done to deserve such attention?"

"Hopefully, nothing, but you're in disguise which indicates you are up to something."

"Disguise? I am just dressed for the evening."

"So now you're a troubadour? Why doesn't that surprise me?"

"I do have musical talent."

Burkehart frowned. "Too bad you won't be able to prove that since you aren't attending the festivities tonight. I do thank you, at least, for not upsetting Piper. He seemed in good spirits."

"Of course. It is an important evening for him." After they walked a few more paces, Summerstorm asked, "Tell me, Captain, what is your interest in the boy? You seem to be keeping a close watch on him."

"I might ask you the same thing. What do you want with him?"

"Me? I admire his musical ability. You heard him play at his grandfather's grave and then the other night with Braun. He's a prodigy. Piper plays better than most masters. Such talent is rare in one so young."

"And you intend to exploit that talent somehow."

Summerstorm stopped and faced Burkehart. "Not at all. I am merely an admirer."

"Keep moving," Burkehart growled, and motioned Summerstorm toward the next archway where two guards stood waiting. Summerstorm complied at a slow measured pace.

"Does Piper know who you are?" Burkehart asked.

"He knows I am Fae and that I like his music."

"Nothing more?"

"Nothing more." Summerstorm raised an eyebrow. "Again, Captain, what is your interest in Piper? Is he a relation of yours?"

"My interest is protecting him from your kind."

"My kind?"

"Fae, faeries, gnomes, pixies, elves, trolls, sprites, alfar and the like."

Summerstorm huffed. "You name quite a few races."

"Alright then, Elementals, the Fair Folk, or Faerie-kind if you prefer. Call yourselves whatever you like, but your kind preys on the young and vulnerable. Piper is both at present. He recently lost his last living relative, and he is starting out on his first adventure into the world. He doesn't know what to expect. Who knows who or what he will believe or how he will react? And he's just at the age your kind likes to lure away with tales of changelings who were exchanged at birth with human children and now need to return to their 'true parents' in the Faerie world."

Summerstorm scowled. "Stories invented by you humans to frighten your children and make them suspicious of the Fair Folk."

Burkehart took a deep breath and was about to respond when a shout came from the archway.

"Look! It's Troubadour Braun!"

Both Burkehart and Summerstorm turned to look behind them, but Braun was nowhere in sight.

Summerstorm turned an impish grin on Burkehart. "Seems I've been mistaken for Braun. Frankly, I don't see the resemblance. He's a good two inches shorter and not nearly as muscular as I am. Well, it is said that the clothes make the man."

A moment later a crowd of enthusiastic Braun admirers mobbed them. Burkehart made a futile attempt to grab Summerstorm's arm, but the crowd quickly came between them. Pinned against the wall, Burkehart was helpless to do anything except watch Summerstorm being swept away by the crowd. Summerstorm looked over his shoulder and smirked at Burkehart one last time before he disappeared from sight.

Burkehart cursed. Red faced, he turned toward the archway where his two men were posted. "Guards!"

Author Notes Free stock photo. Artist = StuartMiles

Chapter 9
The Piper, part 9

By w.j.debi

Piper, a young musician, risks leaving the protection of the castle and the city gates one evening, and spends the night playing his flute at his grandfather's grave. A Fae appears--a creature considered swift, strong and deadly--and compliments Piper's flute playing. As the Fae approaches Piper, a city guard comes to the rescue and the Fae disappears. During the next few weeks the Fae approaches Piper on several occasions and says he has some secrets he needs to share, but each time they are interrupted. One evening while Piper is packing to go on tour with Master Braun, the Fae shows up disguised as a troubadour. Just as the Fae is about to say why he wants to talk to Piper, Captain Burkehart appears at the door. Burkehart excuses himself to make his rounds and takes the Fae (Summerstorm) with him, warning the Fae to not attempt anything. As they walk down the corridor, fans of Master Braun mistake the Fae for Braun and race toward the two.  

End of Previous Chapter
A moment later a crowd of enthusiastic Braun admirers mobbed them. Burkehart made a futile attempt to grab Summerstorm's arm, but the crowd quickly came between them. Pinned against the wall, Burkehart was helpless to do anything except watch Summerstorm being swept away by the crowd. Summerstorm looked over his shoulder and smirked at Burkehart one last time before he disappeared from sight.

Burkehart cursed. Red faced, he turned toward the archway where his two men were posted. "Guards!"

Chapter 9
"Leave off the search and return to your posts. We need to be in place before the ceremony begins." Burkehart's strict tone was meant to sound professional, but his men knew that the gruffness masked his frustration.

"Yes, sir," the two guards said in unison, heading for their assigned posts without hesitation.

With a heavy stride, Burkehart withdrew in the opposite direction. When he passed the chambers of the Grand Master of the Music Guild, he gritted his teeth. The figures carved in the door panels seemed more eerie than usual. Flickering light from the wall sconces cast moving shadows which brought the figures to life, and tonight they were taunting him with their dancing and playing. He could almost hear their laughter mixed with that of the Fae's.

The next archway brought him into an alcove across from the chambers of the Music Guild apprentices. Burkehart strode to the window and looked down at the ground. He shook his head and let out a deep sigh. "Blast it, Summerstorm, how can you disappear so easily, and in a crowd of people? So many stories." He gestured with his hands. "You were seen here; you were seen there. One person even claimed you disappeared through this window." He paused to look down at the ground again. "Even you couldn't have jumped from this height without killing yourself. Not unless you used faerie dust or grew wings." Burkehart slammed his gloved fist against the stone wall, then groaned and shook out the pain in his hand. Through gritted teeth he growled, "Where are you?" He stomped away, heading to the dining hall where the ceremony for Braun was being held.

An hour later the corridors were deserted near the chambers of the Music Guild. A figure dropped from the rafters and went to the window where he leaned out to look down at the ground. "Whew. That is a ways down." He drew himself back in and relaxed against the wall to gaze up at the stars. "Faerie dust? Hmm. You have quite an imagination, Captain."

Redd-Leif Summerstorm chuckled as he headed down the corridor and through the archway into the next alcove. He stopped across from the chambers of the Grand Master of the Music Guild and paused to admire the door with the figures that appeared to move in the flickering light. "Enchanting," he said. "Such amazing workmanship."

But there was not time to dally. He paused a moment more, concentrating to hear, see, or smell anything that would indicate an intruder approached, or anyone lurked in wait for him. Convinced of his solitude, Redd-Leif moved to a certain dark corner against the opposite wall. Once more, he paused to listen before he put his hand on the stone wall and began to feel around. Now, where is that stone you showed me, Raymond? Ah, here it is. The scraping noise of stone on stone echoed in the empty alcove as a hidden door slid open. Quickly, Redd-Leif stepped into the secret passageway and pressed another stone to close the door. Once the scraping stopped and the wall settled back in to place, he put his back against the door and held his breath for several moments. Had anyone heard the noise? If so, would they come to investigate? Only the sounds of the flames flickering in the sconces came from the alcove. He let out a sigh of relief.

Faint starlight trickling through ventilation slits high up in the outer wall provided enough light for Redd-Leif to see. The passageway was deserted except for a few spiders who made their webs near the ventilation slits. Not even rats seemed to know this place existed. Black marks high on the stone walls were evidence that humans needed torches to see where they were going, but the marks looked old. No one had used a torch in this space in some time. Looking down the passageway, Redd-Leif wondered why they bothered with torches at all. The walls were close, with space barely wide enough for him to walk through without brushing the walls on both sides. If you couldn't see, you could feel your way along.

A swift walk brought Redd-Leif to the other end of the passage in a few minutes. Laughter, chattering voices, and music confirmed that the dining hall was on the other side of the wall. If he remembered correctly, a huge tapestry draped the wall, and he could easily slip out of the passageway without being noticed. If he were wrong or things had been rearranged, he was in danger of being seen and revealing the secret door.

The music ended. Cheers and clapping followed. Braun's voice called, "All the apprentices are invited to join us in this next piece. Piper, Rupert, the rest of you, come on up."

I don't want to miss this. Redd-Leif found the rock-switch and the door opened. Either it was quieter than the entry at the other end of the passageway, or the noise from the festivities was loud enough to cover the scraping of stone on stone. Either way, Redd-Leif barely heard the noise of the door opening himself.

To his relief, a dark blue drape was in place when the secret door slid open. Peeking from behind the curtain, Redd-Leif scanned the room. The few guards that were in the room were paying attention to the entertainment, with an occasional glance around the room so they would appear alert. Burkehart was leaning against a wall and watching the stage.

Redd-Leif smiled. He should blend in easily. Several troubadours wore hats and clothes similar to his, and one of them had just left a nearby table. Redd-Leif moved into the spot, certain that Burkehart would mistake him for the troubadour that had recently sat there. He reached for bread, cheese, and meat, more to blend in than to feed his hunger, although the food was welcome to his empty stomach.

The musicians played several songs, joking and teasing with the audience and each other as they performed. Then there was a slight break as the performers conferred. One of the masters stepped forward and announced, "Next up is Piper." He waved toward Piper. "The stage is yours, young man."

Piper stepped to center stage and bowed. "Thank you, Master Kort." Turning to the audience, Piper said, "This piece is one that my grandfather, Grand Master Acker, wrote. It was one of his favorites. I dedicate this performance tonight to his memory."

A hush fell over the audience as the first notes flowed from Piper's flute and embraced the emotions of those in the hall.

Tears welled in the eyes of a few; soft smiles and thoughtful gazes graced the faces of others. Dreamy looks that hinted of being transported to enchanted, far away places graced even more. Other than a hand here and there reaching up to dab away a tear, nothing stirred. Except the music.

Delight crept into Redd-Leif's eyes, and a grin enveloped his face as he observed the reactions of the audience. Oh, Piper, my boy. This ... this is pure magic.


Author Notes Free stock photo. Artist = StuartMiles

Chapter 10
The Piper, part 10

By w.j.debi

Piper, a young musician, risks leaving the protection of the castle and the city gates one evening, and spends the night playing his flute at his grandfather's grave. A Fae appears--a creature considered swift, strong and deadly--and compliments Piper's flute playing. As the Fae approaches Piper, a city guard comes to the rescue and the Fae disappears. During the next few weeks the Fae approaches Piper on several occasions and says he has some secrets he needs to share, but each time they are interrupted. Captain Burkehart searches for the Fae in vain. The Fae (Redd-Leif Summerstorm) uses stealth and secret passageways to travel through the castle. He attends the festivities celebrating Braun's promotion to a master musician. To Summerstorm's delight, Piper performs at the occasion.

End of Previous Chapter
A hush fell over the audience as the first notes flowed from Piper's flute and embraced the emotions of those in the hall.

Tears welled in the eyes of a few; soft smiles and thoughtful gazes graced the faces of others. Dreamy looks that hinted of being transported to enchanted, far away places graced even more. Other than a hand here and there reaching up to dab away a tear, nothing stirred. Except the music.

Delight crept into Redd-Leif's eyes, and a grin enveloped his face as he observed the reactions of the audience. Oh, Piper, my boy. This ... this is pure magic.

Chapter 10

"We'll make camp here," Master Braun called out so the entire company could hear. He looked up at the sky and added, "Put up some tents as a precaution. It doesn't look like we will be sleeping under the stars tonight."

Packs fell to the ground and everyone set to work. After a week of traveling together, each person knew his assigned tasks.

Rupert found a fallen log and sat down to shake debris out of his boot. He reached down to rub his foot. "Ahh."

Piper came to sit next to him. "So, you still happy your parents relented and let you come?"

"Of course. A blister or two is a small price to pay for a chance to travel with Master Braun." Rupert punched Piper on the arm. "And with you, of course."

"Thanks." Piper smiled. "Say, did you ever find out what Braun said to your mother to get her to agree?"

"Not all of it." Rupert shook his boot one more time then put it back on. "I did get that Master Braun promised her I would be one of his first apprentices, and he will teach me more on this trip than I could learn in a year at the castle. Basically, I think he charmed her into believing this was the chance of a lifetime." Exaggerated voice and arm movements accompanied his next statement. "It will enhance my musical career beyond anything she could imagine."

Piper laughed. "Whatever he said, I am glad you are here."

"And so am I," Braun said from behind them.

"Master Braun." Piper rose to his feet. "We were just about to go fetch the water."

"Calm down, Piper. I actually want to switch up your assignments this evening. Part of becoming a troubadour is knowing how to take care of yourself on the road. Sometimes you can attach yourself to a group traveling in the same direction. A few people are content to let you 'sing for your supper,' but it is rare. You'll have to pitch in and help along the way. Sometimes you will be on your own and have to do everything yourself. I am afraid the mundane tasks are just as important as the glamorous ones." Braun put his hands on his hips. "So, either one of you boys know how to pitch a tent?"

"My father and I go hunting sometimes," Rupert said. "I've helped pitch the tents then."

"Excellent, Rupert. Since you've had experience, I have another assignment for you." He turned to survey the area. "Captain Burkehart?"

Burkehart looked over from where he was instructing one of his men. "Yes, Master Braun?"

"Could Rupert go with your men to gather firewood? With the clouds hovering the way they are, we want as much dry wood as we can get."

Burkehart nodded. "Of course." He called to one of the guards, "Axel, take our young apprentice Rupert with you to gather wood. Keep him safe."

"Yes, sir." Axel smiled at Rupert. "Come on, lad. We want a hot supper before the rain starts tonight and plenty of dry wood will assure that."

Braun pointed to a bundle a few feet away. "Piper, come with me. It's time for you to pitch your first tent."

After Piper made several attempts with Braun instructing, a lopsided tent was standing. Braun shook his head and laughed. "If it didn't look like rain, I'd knock it down and make you do it again. It's far from perfect, but this should do for you and Rupert tonight. Maybe, Rupert can show you how he pitches a tent tomorrow night." Braun looked over to see Axel stacking wood into an organized wood pile. Another soldier was getting a fire started and several other members of the company were preparing dinner.

"Where's Rupert?" Braun asked.

Axel looked over his shoulder before answering. "He was right behind me, Master Braun. I'm sure he will appear at any moment."

"I'll go find him, just in case he needs some help," Piper offered. "Sometimes he tries to carry too much so he can make fewer trips."

"Thanks, Piper." Braun turned back to directing the preparations for the evening's camp.

Piper picked up his flute, admired its new traveling case for a moment, then lifted the strap over his head so that it crossed his chest. He arranged his satchel on his opposite shoulder so that the straps crossed perfectly over his chest. After he was satisfied that everything was in order, he headed for the tree line at an easy jog, slowing to a fast walk as the ground grew steeper near the forest's edge. He stepped into the trees and paused. The air was several degrees cooler in the shade. He took a deep breath, smiling at the coolness as it flowed past his teeth, and then let it out slowly through his mouth.

"Rupert?" he called. When there was no answer, he headed deeper into the trees. Up ahead he spotted a figure who appeared to be looking in his direction. Piper weaved his way through the trees and undergrowth toward him. "Rupert?" he called again. Still no answer. Piper drew closer to the individual, wondering at the lack of response. Was he mistaken? Wasn't that Rupert? It looked like him. Piper stopped behind a tree to study the person a few feet in front of him.

Clutching the wood he had gathered to his chest, Rupert stood still as a statue.

Piper stepped forward a few more paces and stopped. "Hey, Rupert, what are you doing? We can't start dinner without the firewood."

As if the sound of his voice were a cue, wolves slunk forward to form a barrier between and around the two boys. Hackles rose with each stealthy step the animals took. Low growls, which were so soft that they were felt more than heard, sent a shiver down Piper's spine.

"Piper?" Rupert whispered, a terrified look on his face.

"I ..." A wide-eyed Piper looked from Rupert to the crouching wolves, then shouted with as much force as he could, "Wolves! Help!"

A snarling wolf sprang from the bush at Piper's right, lunging toward Rupert. Rupert threw up his arms to protect his face, screaming as fangs sank into his arm. Firewood clunked and clanked as it dropped to the ground.

Piper staggered backward and lost his footing on the soft earth. Struggling to regain his balance, arms flailing as he slipped backwards, his feet caught in the tangled vines of the forest floor, and he tumbled toward a fallen log. The last thing Piper saw before his head hit the bark was a blur of dark wolf fur and a person with white hair meeting mid-air a few feet from him.

Author Notes Free stock photo. Artist = StuartMiles

Chapter 11
The Piper, part 11

By w.j.debi

Piper is a young musician whose grandfather has passed away. After the funeral, Piper returns alone to play his flute at his grandfather's grave, and a Fae appears--a creature considered swift, strong and deadly--and compliments Piper's flute playing. Captain Burkehart comes to the rescue and escorts Piper back to the castle. During the next few weeks the Fae approaches Piper on several occasions and says he has some secrets he needs to share, but each time they are interrupted by a vigilant Captain Burkehart. Meanwhile, Piper continues his musical education under the direction of the popular performer Master Braun, including traveling with a performing troupe.

End of Previous Chapter
Piper staggered backward and lost his footing on the soft earth. Struggling to regain his balance, arms flailing as he slipped backwards, his feet caught in the tangled vines of the forest floor, and he tumbled toward a fallen log. The last thing Piper saw before his head hit the bark was a blur of dark wolf fur and a person with white hair meeting mid-air a few feet from him.

Chapter 11

"Wolves! Help!"

"What the ..." Master Braun froze.

Everyone in camp turned in the direction of the nearby forest. Shrieks, the sounds of branches breaking, yelps and growls rent the air. Then silence.

Master Braun grabbed his staff and ran toward the trees. "Piper! Rupert!"

"Guards!" bellowed Captain Burkehart although his orders were unnecessary. Trained soldiers had instinctively drawn their weapons and were dashing toward possible conflict. The two soldiers on guard duty stayed behind to protect the rest of the company and gather its members into more defensible positions.

Upon reaching the attack site in the trees, Master Braun paused to assess the area, his eyes darting from one place to another:  A patch of blood on the leaves at his feet. A dead wolf. More patches of blood at his right. More blood here. And more over there. Scattered leaves. Churned soil. Freshly broken branches. To his left a pile of wood looked as if it had been gathered and then dropped. A lump formed in Braun's throat. Where were his apprentices?

"Piper! Rupert!" he shouted. He held his breath. Seconds ticked by. Braun shouted again, "Piper! Rupert!" A twig snapped. He jerked toward the sound, every muscle taut as he strained to see, smell or hear something, anything. Please answer. He began searching the ground. There had to be footprints indicating which way the boys may have run in search of safety.

Meanwhile, guards scattered in various directions, looking for signs and shouting the boys' names. Captain Burkehart remained at the attack site with Braun to search for clues. "Piper! Rupert!" Braun continued to call every minute or so.

After several minutes, two guards came crashing through the underbrush, running up to Burkehart. "Captain," one of them said between breaths, "there were at least ten or twelve wolves, although it could have been more." He pointed as he spoke. "Some went that way, others that way. There is blood in both directions. There is no obvious reason to indicate why the pack separated and ran off."

"Thank you, men. Continue the search."

Burkehart moved over to the wolf lying on the ground. He prodded it with his sword, then with his foot. When it didn't move, he bent down to examine it more closely, moving his hands through its fur. He lifted its head, then let it drop back to the ground. "There is no blood on this wolf. Someone broke its neck. A nice clean kill."

"Someone?" Braun asked.

"One of the Fair Folk, perhaps. I don't know any humans who are strong or quick enough to dispatch a wolf so efficiently. Elves are common in these parts. A Fae has been hovering around Castle Welf. We could have been followed, or they could have happened by." Burkehart stood up and continued searching for clues.

"Elves. Fae." Braun walked over to the wolf, but he barely glanced at it. He let out a sigh. "Then there is hope. Some of the Fair Folk may have rescued the boys and taken them to safety or to care for them if they are wounded."

Burkehart was silent a moment before answering. "Frankly, it would be better for the boys if they were carried off by the wolves. Wolves would offer a quick death. Their suffering would be short."

Braun's jaw dropped. "We have no proof either of them is dead. Wounded, perhaps, but we don't even know if the blood is theirs."

"Be realistic, Master Braun," Burkehart said as he continued searching the ground for clues. "It is likely at least one, if not both of them, is dead or mortally wounded." Burkehart looked up at the sky. "It will be dark soon and the wolves may return. We need to secure the camp."

"I disagree. There is every reason to hope they are both alive, and their best chance is for us to continue the search and find them as quickly as possible."

"It's too dangerous in the dark." Burkehart looked at the sky again. "Those clouds are going to make the night even darker than usual. We will have to wait until morning. Pray it doesn't rain and destroy any trail they may have left."

The knuckles of Braun's hands turned white as he gripped his staff to steady himself. In a low controlled voice he said, "Are you giving up on finding them before we even start a search, Captain?"

"No." Burkehart bent down to examine a patch of blood, pausing a moment to examine the position of the leaves and to turn over some twigs. He didn't bother to look up at Braun when he continued. "No. I have not given up, Master Braun, but I am realistic. There is always a chance the boys escaped, however, it is slight. If the wolves have them, they are dead. And I hold little hope they are safe if they are in the hands of the Fair Folk."

"You're a bit hard on the Fair Folk, aren't you?"

"Have you ever faced one of them in battle?"


"No, you would be too young to remember the wars. So you have no idea what they do to their captives, do you, Master Braun?"

"Do you, Captain?"

Burkehart turned his gaze on Braun, an angry glint in his eyes. "Unfortunately, yes."


Author Notes Free stock photo. Artist = StuartMiles

Cast of Characters

Piper = A musical apprentice, just turned age15.

Rupert = A musical apprentice. Piper's friend, age 14.

Grand Master Raymond Acker = Head of the music guild. Piper's grandfather. Recently deceased leaving Piper an orphan under the care of the music guild.

Captain Burkehart = Captain of the Guard at Castle Welf

Redd-Leif Summerstorm = A Fae

Master Braun = Troubadour recently promoted to the rank of Master in the music guild at Castle Welf.

Chapter 12
The Piper, part 12

By w.j.debi

Piper is a young musician whose grandfather has passed away. After the funeral, Piper returns alone to play his flute at his grandfather's grave, and a Fae appears--a creature considered swift, strong and deadly--and compliments Piper's flute playing. Captain Burkehart comes to the rescue and escorts Piper back to the castle. During the next few weeks the Fae approaches Piper on several occasions and says he has some secrets he needs to share, but each time they are interrupted by a vigilant Captain Burkehart. Meanwhile, Piper continues his musical education under the direction of the popular performer Master Braun, including traveling with a performing troupe. A wolf attack leaves Piper and his friend Rupert missing.

End of Previous Chapter
The knuckles of Braun's hands turned white as he gripped his staff to steady himself. In a low controlled voice he said, "Are you giving up on finding them before we even start a search, Captain?"

"No." Burkehart bent down to examine a patch of blood, pausing a moment to examine the position of the leaves and to turn over some twigs. He didn't bother to look up at Braun when he continued. "No. I have not given up, Master Braun, but I am realistic. There is always a chance the boys escaped, however, it is slight. If the wolves have them, they are dead. And I hold little hope they are safe if they are in the hands of the Fair Folk."

"You're a bit hard on the Fair Folk, aren't you?"

"Have you ever faced one of them in battle?"


"No, you would be too young to remember the wars. So you have no idea what they do to their captives, do you, Master Braun?"

"Do you, Captain?"

Burkehart turned his gaze on Braun, an angry glint in his eyes. "Unfortunately, yes."

Chapter 12

Piper's eyes fluttered open. Flickering light from a fire illuminated the cave's ceiling and walls with an other-worldly glow. Rough formations transformed their shapes and textures erratically as the variable lighting flitted across their surfaces. Faint groans from somewhere close by echoed in Piper's ears. He rolled his head to the left, squinting into the gloom as he tried to focus on something moving in the dim light. "Rupert?"

A large shadow suddenly loomed across the cave ceiling and wall, blocking the light from the fire. Piper's eyes widened. The shadow shrank when someone knelt next to him. "Ah, Piper, my boy, you're awake," a deep gentle voice said. "Good. I was getting worried. How is your head?"

Piper touched the swelling above his temple and winced. "Ouch." With a determined effort, he raised himself to his elbows, then sat up. Even in the dim light, Piper could make out the white hair and pale blue eyes that gazed back at him. "Redd-Leif?"

"Yes, my boy?"

"Is Rupert alright?"

"He's alive."

"Where are we? How did we get here?"

"I brought you here."

"How ..."

Redd-Leif put up a hand. "Hold on, Piper. I'll answer all your questions, but first I need you to do something."


"Tell me the last thing you remember."

Piper closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "I saw Rupert ..."

"No, look at me while you speak. I need to see your eyes."

A groan drew Piper's gaze to the left side of the cave. "Is he alright?"

"Piper, I know you are concerned about your friend, but try to concentrate."

He looked back at Redd-Leif. "I saw Rupert standing in the forest, holding the wood he had gathered, then a wolf attacked him. It bit his arm, and ..." Piper gulped. "And he screamed. Other wolves closed in and started attacking. I saw one jump toward me, and someone ... you, I think ... caught it in mid-air." Piper stared at Redd-Leif. "You ... you saved us. Didn't you?"

Redd-Leif smiled. "You seem to have your wits about you. That's a good sign." Shifting to a sitting position, Redd-Leif nodded toward Rupert. "Your friend is hurt badly, but it could have been worse. His thick leather clothing protected him from most of the bites, especially his lower legs where the wolves concentrated their attack. When Rupert dropped his bundle of wood, it frightened the wolves off, either because the noise startled them or because the wood hit them. Unfortunately, the wolf you saw attack him broke his arm. I've done what I can to stop the bleeding and administered herbs to help ease the pain, but he needs a healer and soon."

"We have a healer in Braun's traveling company," Piper said. "If we could get back to the troupe, he could help."

"I'm afraid that is not an option. For safety, the troupe moved on after the attack. Trying to locate them might take too much time. He is in danger of losing his arm if we don't get him help and soon."

"No, don't say that. Rupert is a musician; he needs both hands. He couldn't play lutes, or pipes, or ... so many things ..." Piper's brow furrowed. "Where can we get help then?"

Redd-Leif let out a deep sigh. "Piper, what I am about to propose requires you to be very brave, but it is the only thing I can think of to give Rupert a chance."

"I'll do whatever I can to help him."

"I know." After a slight pause he added, "Rupert is lucky to have such a good friend." Redd-Leif ran a hand through his hair then let one finger come to rest on his chin. "I know an Elven settlement where we can seek help. They have several excellent healers. I need to get him there as soon as possible."

"How far away is it?"

"If all three of us travel together it would take about a week."

"A week?" Worry crept into Piper's voice and pleading into his eyes. "Can he make it that long?"

Redd-Leif remained silent for a moment while he studied Piper. "I doubt it. But with luck, and if the weather holds, I could make it in three or four hours if I carry him." Redd-Leif reached over and put a hand on Piper's shoulder. "It would mean leaving you here alone until I could get back. I'm sorry, but it's the best solution I have at the moment."

"Then go! Hurry!"

"Slow down, Piper. We need to take time to prepare." Rising to his feet, Redd-Leif continued, "At the moment Rupert is sleeping more peacefully than he has in hours. Before we leave, I want to make certain you are taken care of." Pointing to the other side of the cave, he said, "I've stacked enough dry wood against the wall to last several days. Keep the fire going at the mouth of the cave and animals should leave you be." Redd-Leif reached over and picked up a satchel. "There's enough food in here for several days: dried meat, dried fruits, a few carrots, and cereal you can make into porridge. " He pulled a small round pan out of the bag. With a slight smirk he held it up for Piper to see. "This is my favorite traveling pan. Take good care of it."

"I will."

Next, Redd-Leif picked up a water skin. "I'll leave this for you as well. It should last you two or three days if you are careful."

"Thank you." Piper looked anxious. "What about you and Rupert?"

"Thinking of your friend." Redd-Leif smiled. "Good lad." He pointed toward his packs. "I carry a spare water skin in case the one I have springs a leak. Usually it is empty, but I took time to fill it when I gathered the wood. I'll take it with us. We shouldn't need food until we reach the Elven settlement. The lighter I travel, the quicker we can get there."

"It sounds like everything is covered."

"Almost. I need to make a sling to carry Rupert. His cloak should work. That way I can leave you my blanket. Fortunately, he is a small lad so he weighs next to nothing. The tricky part will be protecting his injured arm while we travel."

"What can I do to help?"

"How is your flute?"

A puzzled look crossed Piper's face. "My flute?"

"Yes. If you are up to it, play some tunes while I work. It will help all three of us."

Piper reached to his side where the flute normally hung. It wasn't there.

"I placed it with your satchel just above your head." Redd-Leif nodded to a position behind where Piper was sitting on his bedroll.

"Thank you, sir." Piper turned over from his sitting position onto his knees and reached toward his belongings. He removed the flute from its traveling case and unwrapped the sheepskin covering he used for extra protection. To his trained and careful eye, the flute appeared to be in good condition. He played a few notes to confirm it was unharmed. Then he reached for his satchel and checked its contents, including a case containing a fife he had brought along as his second instrument. Everything seemed to be in order.

Piper stood and began playing the tune he had played at Braun's ceremony.

"Ah, that's nice, Piper. When you are alone, you should play your flute if you are feeling threatened or nervous. Not only will it give you something to do, but it will charm the animals so they don't bother you."

Piper paused mid-tune. "Really?"

"There is more power in music than you imagine, Piper."

"More power?" A gleam came into Piper's eyes. "I've always thought that, but ..." Piper's fingers caressed the finger holes of his flute and he placed the instrument back to his lips.

While Redd-Leif prepared Rupert and himself for the journey ahead, Piper continued playing his flute. At first the melodies were slow and thoughtful, but then Piper turned to brighter more cheerful pieces.

After a few minutes, preparations were completed, and Rupert was safely cradled in a sling for the journey. Redd-Leif stood at the mouth of the cave. "If the weather holds and I don't run into any trouble, I should be back by tomorrow evening. If I can send help before that, I will. We should select a password so you know the help comes from me. How about 'Rupert?'"

Piper nodded. "That should work."

"'Rupert' it is then." Redd-Leif started forward, then paused and turned to look at Piper. "If you feel threatened or hear odd noises in the forest, play your flute. I recommend either the tune you played at your grandfather's grave or the one you played the night of Braun's ceremony."

"Why those?"

"Those tunes have deeper magic. One day you will understand their power. For now, use them to your advantage."

Piper looked down at the flute in his hand, and was about to ask another question, but when he looked up, Redd-Leif had disappeared into the night.


Author Notes Free stock photo. Artist = StuartMiles

Cast of Characters

Piper = A musical apprentice, just turned age15.

Rupert = A musical apprentice. Piper's friend, age 14.

Grand Master Raymond Acker = Head of the music guild. Piper's grandfather. Recently deceased leaving Piper an orphan under the care of the music guild.

Captain Burkehart = Captain of the Guard at Castle Welf

Redd-Leif Summerstorm = A Fae

Master Braun = Troubadour recently promoted to the rank of Master in the music guild at Castle Welf.

Fair Folk = Refers to non-human races sometimes considered magic such as elves, Fae, brownies, sprites, gnomes, dwarfs, etc.

Chapter 13
The Piper, part 13

By w.j.debi

Piper is a young musician whose grandfather has passed away. After the funeral, Piper returns alone to play his flute at his grandfather's grave, and a Fae appears--a creature considered swift, strong and deadly--and compliments Piper's flute playing. Captain Burkehart comes to the rescue and escorts Piper back to the castle. During the next few weeks the Fae approaches Piper on several occasions and says he has some secrets he needs to share, but each time they are interrupted by a vigilant Captain Burkehart. Meanwhile, Piper continues his musical education under the direction of the popular performer Master Braun, including traveling with a performing troupe. A wolf attack leaves Piper and his friend Rupert separated from the musicians and rescued by the Fae.

End of Previous Chapter
Redd-Leif started forward, then paused and turned to look at Piper. "If you feel threatened or hear odd noises in the forest, play your flute. I recommend either the tune you played at your grandfather's grave or the one you played the night of Braun's ceremony."

"Why those?"

"Those tunes have deeper magic. One day you will understand their power. For now, use them to your advantage."

Piper looked down at the flute in his hand, and was about to ask another question, but when he looked up, Redd-Leif had disappeared into the night.

Chapter 13
Pacing back and forth didn't help. Stoking the fire every five or six minutes didn't help. Sitting at the mouth of the cave and staring past the fire into the darkness wondering what time it was didn't help.

With a heavy sigh, Piper rose to his feet. Being alone was harder than he had anticipated. No, that wasn't true. Neither darkness nor solitude had ever bothered him. What was difficult was not knowing, the sense that there was nothing he could do but wait. Had Redd-Leif reached the Elven settlement? Did he outrace the storm? Did the sling they created for Rupert hold and protect him as Redd-Leif ran? Would the Elves help Rupert once they got there? Piper paced a few more strides then stopped.What if Redd-Leif doesn't come back? The Fair Folk are notorious for playing cruel tricks on humans. But Redd-Leif saved my life, didn't he? And he is trying to save Rupert, isn't he?

Piper looked toward the cave entrance again. The sun had set a few minutes ago. If everything had gone as planned, Redd-Leif should be back any time now.

To stave off a sudden chill, Piper placed his hands on his arms and rubbed them up and down vigorously, then pulled the hood of his cloak up to cover his head. Not a single ray of sunshine had broken through the clouds all day, leaving it colder than it should be for a day in late spring. The fire helped some, but not enough. He glanced over at the blanket that made up his bedroll. Sleep eluded him last night and probably would tonight as well no matter how tired he was or how hard he tried to drift off.

During the day he'd wandered outside the cave a few times to relieve himself, look around a bit, and gather more wood. He thought about eating and had even pulled out a pot to cook some porridge, but he wasn't certain how to do it. Besides, he didn't want to risk damaging Redd-Leif's favorite pan, or so he told himself. The truth was he was too nervous to eat anything except a few pieces of dried fruit and meat.

He paced some more. Waiting was exhausting, but rest was impossible. What to do in the meantime? Unconsciously, he put his hand on the flute hanging at his side.

A smile crept into his lips. Of course, the obvious. There was no truer companion than his flute. They had grown up together. It understood his moods, his needs. It knew how to console, soothe, heal, inspire. It knew how to transport him beyond time and place.

He lifted the instrument from his side, placing his fingers deftly over the familiar holes. The coolness of the mouthpiece against his lips caused Piper to suck in his breath sharply. He licked the mouthpiece to prepare it for playing, savoring the taste of the rosewood on his tongue. To test the timbre of the wood, he coaxed a few tentative notes from the flute with short, warm breaths. The tone seemed a bit sharp. Take it slowly. As Grandfather always said, let the instrument warm at its own pace.

A gentle melody, the first tune his grandfather had taught him, flowed into the cave. The acoustics of the small, enclosed space enhanced the essence of each tender note. Piper's smile grew. At first, he played the tune simply, then picked up the pace, adding flourishes and variations. Another tune his grandfather had taught him followed, then another and another. Lost in the joy of the music, he swayed and danced to the rhythms. His thoughts drifted to his sixth birthday.

"Come, Piper," his grandfather had called. "Hurry. I have a surprise for you."

Piper's eyes grew wide when he saw the package. "For me?" He couldn't get the wrappings off fast enough. Then he stared at the flute for a full minute before looking up at his parents and his grandfather, too dumbfounded to say a word. It was so beautiful.

A moment later, wonder turned to alarm when he saw the concerned look on his mother's face. His frightened heart skipped a beat when she said, "Father, what are you thinking? A rosewood flute of such quality is too grand a gift for a child. It belongs in the hands of a master musician, or a troubadour at very least. He's not even old enough to be an apprentice."

Six-year-old Piper bit his lip and held his breath. Would she take it from him before he even had a chance to play a note? He picked up the flute and wrapped both hands around it, prepared to cling to it, but not too tightly. It was too precious to risk damaging it.

"Nonsense," his grandfather said. "You'll thank me later, my dear. A cheap instrument produces inferior sound. The shrill notes and squeaks as he experiments with the music would drive you all mad and discourage his talent." Grandfather then put a hand on Piper's back and looked down at the worried six-year-old. "The tone of this one will make you all joyful when Piper plays it. Besides, he is going to take good care of it." Grandfather winked at him. "Aren't you, Piper?"

Piper nodded his head a dozen times in response as he continued to stare wide-eyed at the flute in his hands. Then he placed the instrument to his lips, took a breath and blew into it.

The flute responded with vibrations tingling beneath his fingers. Shivers raced from the top of his head to the tips of his toes. His toy reed and bone pipes had never responded with such wonderful sensations. They had never come to life. Yes, he would take very, very good care of this flute.

Piper's father had laughed. "We are in trouble now. See the look of delight in his eyes?" Then his voice grew stern. "Piper, remember your chores come first. Music is a nice diversion, but a hard way to make a living. Not everyone can be a master musician like your grandfather."

"Come now," Grandfather had said, and winked at Piper again. "He's a natural. Music runs in his blood. It's his birthright even more than it is mine."

A piece of wood in the fire popped loudly, jolting Piper's thoughts back to the small cave now serving as his shelter. He looked over at the fire which had diminished to glowing embers licked by a few flickers of flames. He must have played longer than he realized. Memories may warm my thoughts, but I should keep the fire going.

The flute fell back to its place at his side and he went to retrieve fuel from the wood pile. He was careful to arrange the logs for efficient burning as he added them to the fire. Though there was enough wood for a week or more, there was no sense wasting it. Squatting on his heels, he stoked the fire so it would blaze for a while without being tended. Once he was satisfied, he glanced into the darkness.

Two eyes glowed back at him.

Piper gulped. What...? Who...? He stood up and stomped his feet, thinking the action would startle an animal and drive it away.

The two eyes continued to stare at him.

Piper put the flute to his lips again. I hope you are right about the power of music to keep the animals at bay, Redd-Leif.

After a quick six note trill, the tune Piper had played at Master Braun's ceremony floated into the night air. He varied the tempo, volume and rhythm every few measures. The glowing eyes blinked and moved slightly a few times, but otherwise remained in the same position. You said this tune had deeper magic and would protect me. Piper stopped playing and stared back at the glowing eyes.

"What a nice melody," a serene feminine voice said from the darkness.

To control the quivering he felt rising in his throat, Piper took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Who's out there?"

A moment later, a large gray wolf stepped into the light just the other side of the fire. "You play well," she said. Then she moved past the fire and into the cave.


Author Notes Free stock photo. Artist = StuartMiles

Cast of Characters

Piper = A musical apprentice, just turned age15.

Rupert = A musical apprentice. Piper's friend, age 14.

Grand Master Raymond Acker = Head of the music guild. Piper's grandfather. Recently deceased leaving Piper an orphan under the care of the music guild.

Captain Burkehart = Captain of the Guard at Castle Welf

Redd-Leif Summerstorm = A Fae

Master Braun = Troubadour recently promoted to the rank of Master in the music guild at Castle Welf.

Fair Folk = Refers to non-human races sometimes considered magic such as elves, Fae, brownies, sprites, gnomes, dwarfs, etc. Also called elementals.

Chapter 14
The Piper, part 14

By w.j.debi

Piper is a young musician whose grandfather has passed away, leaving Piper an orphan to be raised by the music guild where he is an apprentice. After the funeral, Piper returns alone to play his flute at his grandfather's grave, and a Fae appears--a creature considered swift, strong and deadly--and compliments Piper's flute playing. Captain Burkehart comes to the rescue and escorts Piper back to the castle. During the next few weeks the Fae approaches Piper on several occasions and says he has some secrets he needs to share, but each time they are interrupted by a vigilant Captain Burkehart. Meanwhile, Piper continues his musical education under the direction of the popular performer Master Braun, including traveling with a performing troupe. A wolf attack leaves Piper and his friend Rupert separated from the musicians and rescued by the Fae.

End of Previous Chapter
Piper stopped playing and stared back at the glowing eyes.

"What a nice melody," a serene feminine voice said from the darkness.

To control the quivering he felt rising in his throat, Piper took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Who's out there?"

A moment later, a large gray wolf stepped into the light just the other side of the fire. "You play well," she said. Then she moved past the fire and into the cave.

Chapter 14
The wolf crept into the cave with smooth silent steps, its jade green eyes fixed on Piper. The light gray color of its fur contrasted sharply against the darkness surrounding it, enhancing the bristling hackles along its back. As it moved past the fire, its shadow grew and loomed across the cave to envelop Piper.

Piper backed up until he was against the cave wall. He gulped, not daring to look away from the creature or reach up to brush away a bead of sweat forming on his forehead despite the chill in the air. "Wolves are supposed to be afraid of fire," Piper whispered. "And the music ..."

"... was lovely," the serene feminine voice said. "And, I am not a wolf."

"But ..."

"I know, dear boy." She stopped next to the bedroll and sat down. "But looks can be deceiving." The wolf yawned, letting her tongue stretch out and curve back to touch her front teeth--such large white teeth--before relaxing and making several smacking sounds with her lips. She looked over at Piper. "Besides, how many wolves do you know who can talk?"

Piper drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly. His eyes darted to the wood pile, then back at the large gray creature. He slid his foot a few inches in the direction of the wood pile and shifted his weight to follow. "I've never had the opportunity to talk to a wolf before."

A sound resembling something between a laugh and a growl, followed by a snort, came from the wolf. "Silly boy. You know wolves can't talk."

"If you're not a wolf, then what are you?" He slid his other foot next to the first.

"It's a long story." She glanced over at the wood pile, then returned her gaze to Piper. If a wolf could smirk, she did. "The short answer is, I made a sorcerer angry. Obviously, not advisable." She lowered herself to the ground, and crossed her paws in front of her. "You must be Piper."

"How ...?" Piper leaned forward. "Who are you?"

"I am Sheba. Summerstorm sent me."


"You know, tall guy, white hair, carrying your friend Rupert to safety. Oh, by the way, you neglected to ask, but the password is 'Rupert.'"

"You saw them?" Piper took a step toward Sheba. "Have they reached the Elven settlement yet? Is Rupert alright?"

"I imagine they have reached the settlement by now. When I saw them early this morning, Summerstorm estimated they would be there in an hour or so."

"You mean Redd-Leif?"

"Redd-Leif?" She cocked her head to one side. "He lets you call him Redd-Leif? Hmm."

"That's what he told me to call him."

Sheba snorted again. "Summerstorm, or if you prefer, Redd-Leif did say you were prone to impatience. Most likely your youth, I suppose." She began licking her paw.

"Is Rupert alright?"

She looked up. "I'm no healer, but Rupert was conscious and complaining his arm hurt when I saw them. That's generally a good sign." Sheba studied Piper for a moment. "I don't know if it will help, but I suppose I should tell you what I know." She tilted her head toward the bedroll. "Come, sit down. Or better still, lie down. You will be warmer wrapped in the blankets and you should get some sleep. I'll talk to you while you doze off."

Piper stayed where he was. "How do I know you won't eat me?"

Sheba licked her lips and snapped her teeth in Piper's direction.

He gasped and jumped back.

She laughed. "Oh, you do have an active imagination, don't you?" With an amused tone, she continued, "You would taste awful. Besides, I promised Summerstorm, ah, pardon me, Redd-Leif, that I would watch over you until he can return."

Piper glanced toward the mouth of the cave. Nothing but darkness was visible now the sun was fully set. The cloud cover made the air heavy. A knot settled in his stomach and his throat tightened. Out of habit, Piper's hand went to the flute at his side, as it often did when he sought reassurance. "Redd-Leif should be back soon."

"Yes, soon. Later tonight or early tomorrow, I would guess." Sheba continued with a more comforting tone. "You know, Redd-Leif is incredibly fit, but even a Fae needs rest. He'll be here as soon as he can." When Piper didn't move, she got up and went over to the fire. "I think I'll keep watch for him while you get some sleep."

Still as a statue, Piper remained where he was. "You promised to tell me about Rupert."

"So I did." Sheba glanced in Piper's direction and sighed. "At least wrap the blanket around you or get closer to the fire. Your chattering teeth are driving me crazy."

"Oh, sorry. I didn't realize ..." Piper moved over to the bedroll, keeping a wary eye on Sheba as he bent down and reached for his pack. "I need to clean my flute."

"Well, at least it's a start."

A start to what? I'm trapped in a cave with a wolf that isn't a wolf, too afraid to sleep and too tired to stay awake.

A little before dawn, the regulated breathing indicative of deep sleep filled the cave with a soothing rhythm. Sheba glanced over at Piper. Thank goodness the boy had finally drifted off. He was exhausted, but he also clutched the blanket close as if he couldn't get warm. Perhaps she should go lie next to him now that he was fast asleep. Being raised in a castle, he probably slept in a bed with several other boys and was used to their shared bodily warmth. She could move away from him if he showed signs of waking. Or maybe she should just put some more wood on the fire. There was plenty.

A faint sound in the distance caught her attention. Sheba rose to her feet and moved into the dim morning twilight just beyond the mouth of the cave. Voices in the distance were calling, "Piper! Rupert!" She hurried back into the cave.

Working as quickly as she could and using all four paws, Sheba threw dirt onto the fire to quell the flames. Smoke floated into the pre-dawn air. She sniffed the remains of the fire. Then as a precaution, she pushed more dirt onto the smoldering wood with one paw. When she was convinced the last ember was covered, she turned to look at the sleeping Piper. "Sorry, dear boy, but I have a promise to keep." Then she melted into the shadows outside the cave.


Author Notes Free stock photo. Artist = StuartMiles

Cast of Characters

Piper = A musical apprentice, just turned age15.

Rupert = A musical apprentice. Piper's friend, age 14.

Grand Master Raymond Acker = Head of the music guild. Piper's grandfather. Recently deceased leaving Piper an orphan under the care of the music guild.

Captain Burkehart = Captain of the Guard at Castle Welf

Redd-Leif Summerstorm = A Fae

Master Braun = Troubadour recently promoted to the rank of Master in the music guild at Castle Welf

Sheba = an enchanted creature in wolf form

Fair Folk = Refers to non-human races sometimes considered magic such as elves, Fae, brownies, sprites, gnomes, dwarfs, etc. Also called elementals.


Chapter 15
The Piper, part 15

By w.j.debi

Piper is a young musician whose grandfather has passed away, leaving Piper an orphan to be raised by the music guild where he is an apprentice. After the funeral, Piper returns alone to play his flute at his grandfather's grave, and a Fae appears--a creature considered swift, strong and deadly--and compliments Piper's flute playing. Captain Burkehart comes to the rescue and escorts Piper back to the castle. During the next few weeks the Fae approaches Piper on several occasions and says he has some secrets he needs to share, but each time they are interrupted by a vigilant Captain Burkehart. Meanwhile, Piper continues his musical education under the direction of the popular performer Master Braun, including traveling with a performing troupe. A wolf attack leaves Piper and his friend Rupert separated from the musicians and in the hands of the Fae.

End of Previous Chapter
A faint sound in the distance caught her attention. Sheba rose to her feet and moved into the dim morning twilight just beyond the mouth of the cave. Voices in the distance were calling, "Piper! Rupert!" She hurried back into the cave.

Working as quickly as she could and using all four paws, Sheba threw dirt onto the fire to quell the flames. Smoke floated into the pre-dawn air. She sniffed the remains of the fire. Then as a precaution, she pushed more dirt onto the smoldering wood with one paw. When she was convinced the last ember was covered, she turned to look at the sleeping Piper. "Sorry, dear boy, but I have a promise to keep." Then she melted into the shadows outside the cave.

Chapter 15

"It's a large wolf," Captain Burkehart muttered to himself through clenched teeth. He bent down to examine the paw prints more closely. Was it a scout for a pack, or worse yet a lone outcast? Either way, it was headed toward the search party.

Rising to his feet, Burkehart drew his sword. A quick assessment of the surrounding area revealed little else. With a determined stride, he followed the wolf tracks, increasing his speed as he traveled until he moved at a slow jog. It had been a mistake to go back to camp instead of staying to protect the search party as he should. Why had he let Braun get under his skin? The master musician had finally agreed to move on as long as a small party looked for the apprentices one more time while everyone else broke camp. Burkehart scowled. At this point, no matter what had happened, the boys were lost to them. The sooner Braun accepted facts, the better.

Up ahead voices were shouting the names of Piper and Rupert. The noise would help him locate the group. It would also lead the wolf straight to the search party. Burkehart quickened his pace. He was probably too late to head the animal off, but maybe he could get close enough to startle it, or warn the others before it attacked.

Through the trees he saw a glimpse of gray fur. Maybe it was a trick of his eyes in the dark forest. He ducked behind a boulder and crouched down low to stay as hidden as possible in case the creature looked in his direction. It was definitely gray fur. The wolf's posture was puzzling though. Instead of slinking through the trees or crouching to attack, it was just standing there gazing at something. Or ... talking to someone? Then it turned and sprinted away so quickly and silently that for a moment he wasn't sure he'd seen it.

But he had seen it, and its unnatural behavior. In frustration, Burkehart punched the boulder with his fist. Why would a faerie creature be communicating with someone in the company? What was going on and why?

He ran to the spot the faerie wolf had occupied a few moments ago. Out of habit, he paused to confirm the wolf had moved on and was not presently a threat, then sheathed his sword. Just beyond the treeline, he saw several pairs of boot prints in the soft ground. He cursed under his breath. A solitary pair of boot prints would have been preferable.

Voices drifted toward him from a hundred feet away. Raising his eyes, he looked into the clearing where the search party had gathered. Some of the men were chatting, others appeared to be searching for clues. A quick count confirmed everyone was accounted for. Burkehart cursed again. Experience told him no one would admit to conversing with one of the Fair Folk, and the Fair Folk were crafty enough to make sure no one overheard or saw anything, even in plain sight.

Burkehart stepped out of the trees and into the small clearing. "Master Braun." When everyone looked his way, Burkehart nodded to the group in greeting. "We are all packed-up and ready to go. We only await your return to camp." Then he looked upward. "The skies are growing darker and the temperature is dropping by the hour. We need to hurry or we're going to get caught in a storm before we reach the next village."

Master Braun looked up at the sky, then over at Burkehart, a resigned look on his face. "You're right, of course. Thank you, Captain." Braun took time to look at each member of the group in turn. In a dejected tone, he said, "Thank you everyone for indulging me. I just hate ..."

"Giving up on the boys," one of musician completed. "We all do, Master Braun."

Everyone murmured their agreement. It was a blow to leave without finding the young apprentices. To lose such promise, such talent, was a catastrophe. It was a shame. It was a tragedy.

With one last look around, Braun heaved a deep sigh. "Come on men, we need to get on the road."

Captain Burkehart lagged behind the others to look back over his shoulder into the trees. He didn't want to raise false hopes, but for the first time he saw a chance for locating the lost boys. If only he could find a reason to leave the company so he could follow the faerie wolf's trail before it was destroyed by the coming storm. He gritted his teeth. Duty called. He had given Duke Welf his word to see the musicians safely to Hanover. More importantly, he promised to deliver a message to the Duke of Hanover and return with the response.

Bringing up the rear, Burkehart studied his companions as they walked ahead of him. Out of habit, his hand went to the hilt of his sword. Which one of you has faerie blood?


Author Notes Free stock photo. Artist = StuartMiles

Cast of Characters

Piper = A musical apprentice, just turned age15.

Rupert = A musical apprentice. Piper's friend, age 14.

Grand Master Raymond Acker = Head of the music guild. Piper's grandfather. Recently deceased leaving Piper an orphan under the care of the music guild.

Captain Burkehart = Captain of the Guard at Castle Welf

Redd-Leif Summerstorm = A Fae

Master Braun = Troubadour recently promoted to the rank of Master in the music guild at Castle Welf

Sheba = an enchanted creature in wolf form

Fair Folk = Refers to non-human races sometimes considered magic such as elves, Fae, brownies, sprites, gnomes, dwarfs, etc. Also called elementals.


Chapter 16
The Piper, part 16

By w.j.debi

Piper is a young musician whose grandfather has passed away, leaving Piper an orphan to be raised by the music guild where he is an apprentice. After the funeral, Piper returns alone to play his flute at his grandfather's grave, and a Fae appears--a creature considered swift, strong and deadly--and compliments Piper's flute playing. Captain Burkehart comes to the rescue and escorts Piper back to the castle. During the next few weeks the Fae approaches Piper on several occasions and says he has some secrets he needs to share, but each time they are interrupted by a vigilant Captain Burkehart. Meanwhile, Piper continues his musical education under the direction of the popular performer Master Braun, including traveling with a performing troupe. A wolf attack leaves Piper and his friend Rupert separated from the musicians and in the hands of the Fae.

End of Previous Chapter
Captain Burkehart lagged behind the others to look back over his shoulder into the trees. He didn't want to raise false hopes, but for the first time he saw a chance for locating the lost boys. If only he could find a reason to leave the company so he could follow the faerie wolf's trail before it was destroyed by the coming storm. He gritted his teeth. Duty called. He had given Duke Welf his word to see the musicians safely to Hanover. More importantly, he promised to deliver a message to the Duke of Hanover and return with the response.

Bringing up the rear, Burkehart studied his companions as they walked ahead of him. Out of habit, his hand went to the hilt of his sword. Which one of you has faerie blood?

Chapter 16

Rain pelted the foliage and rocks as if it had a fierce desire to drench the world. Thunder cracked and rolled like giant wooden wheels groaning under an immense weight. A flash of lightning lit the sky, and for an instant the silhouette of a cloaked figure loomed across the mouth of the cave. Thunder boomed another chorus as the figure stepped out of the storm, water pouring off of his cloak and forming tiny rivulets which pooled in the dirt around his feet. He pushed back the hood of his cloak and got his bearings. A few feet away, Piper snuggled in his bedroll, his hand entangled in the fur of a gray wolf.

Redd-Leif scowled. In a soft voice he asked, "What happened to the fire, Sheba?"

The wolf raised her head a few inches to look at him. "Shush. You'll wake Piper. He needs his sleep."


"If you must know, I put it out."

"So I see. Why, may I ask? I told Piper to keep it burning to protect him from animals."

"Yes, my friend, but it also attracts the wrong kind of animals. A search party was scouting the woods; the fire would have led them straight to this cave." She yawned. "Besides, I've watched over your boy as you asked. He's safe."

"I'll give you that much, I suppose." His scowl deepened.

Sheba raised her head higher, "My, my, someone is out of sorts. Rain dampened your mood as well as your skin, Summerstorm?"

Redd-Leif's shoulders slumped and he let out a weary sigh. "Sorry, Sheba. I am grateful for your help. Knowing you were watching over him was a comfort to me." He closed his eyes a moment and then looked back at her. "I guess I was hoping for a warm fire and some rest when I got here. Maybe even some hot food or at least a way to cook this." He held up a rabbit.

"Yum." Sheba licked her lips. "Yes, they are better cooked, especially the way you prepare them."

He shook his head. "You're the only wolf I know who prefers her food cooked."

"I eat plenty of them raw. Besides, I am ..."

"... not a wolf. Yes, I know."

She studied him for a moment, then lazily said, "You are dripping all over the place, you know."

He cracked a smile, huffed, laid the rabbit next to the remains of the fire, and moved over to the other side of the cave to remove his cloak. Though the thick leather was well oiled for protection from the elements, the outer surface of the cloak was starting to soak through. The same with his boots. Another hour in the storm would have saturated everything.

After removing his packs and spreading his cloak across part of the wood pile so it could dry, Redd-Leif set three pots just outside the cave to catch rain water, arranged the contents of his packs to his satisfaction, and pulled out supplies in preparation for cooking a meal. Then he grabbed some tinder and approached the remains of the fire, bending down to examine it for embers. Nothing. He'd have to start from scratch. At least they had plenty of dry wood. He looked over at Sheba. "Any danger of them finding us if I start a fire now?"

"None. They gave up and moved on, most likely to the nearest village and dry lodgings." Sheba looked toward the entrance. "That's quite a downpour. I'm sure it made for a difficult journey."

"That it did." Redd-Leif glanced into the gloom. "You'd never guess it was mid-morning by looking at the sky."

Once the fire was blazing, Redd-Leif retrieved two pots, now half full of water, from outside the cave. He placed them on the coals forming at the edge of the fire, putting cereal for porridge in one and cutting carrots into the other. A low growl made him look up from his task. He noted Piper's hand clutching Sheba's fur. A smile tugged at the corners of Redd-Leif's mouth. "I see you two were able to get reacquainted."

Sheba sighed. "He doesn't remember me. In fact, he thinks I'm quite frightening. I simply snuggled next to him after he fell asleep to keep him warm." She curled her lips back to show her teeth. "I just wish he wouldn't pull so hard on my fur."

"You thought it was cute when he was three."

"He isn't three any more."

Redd-Leif chuckled. "Well, he looks to be at ease with you at the moment so the memories must be in there somewhere. Give him time."

A brilliant white flash lit the sky, followed by a deafening thunder clap an instant later. Redd-Leif instinctively jerked toward the mouth of the cave, gazing into the dimness outside, his nostrils flaring, all his senses tensed to full alert.

"Summerstorm? What is it?"

He shook his head. "Probably nothing. Just an eerie feeling. The tingling in the air, the closeness of the lightning and thunder. It creates an unsettling aura." He continued to gaze into the distance. "When it rains this hard, I wonder what could be moving out there undetected. Logic says everything must be hunkered down waiting for the storm to pass, and yet ..."

"You didn't get any rest before heading back, did you?"

"There wasn't time. I tried to outrace the storm. Besides, I wanted to keep my promise to Piper to return as quickly as I could."

"Maybe you should rest now."

"As soon as I get these pots simmering. We'll be here a few days while this storm passes and things dry out."

Another lightning bolt lit the sky, and several seconds later thunder followed. So the rain would continue its assault, veiling the outside world from his senses. Redd-Leif turned back to the task of preparing a meal. Noting Sheba's more vigilant posture, he let a sigh of relief escape his lips. Within the cave, the fire crackled, and Piper stirred in his sleep.


Author Notes Free stock photo. Artist = StuartMiles

Cast of Characters

Piper = A musical apprentice, just turned age15.

Rupert = A musical apprentice. Piper's friend, age 14.

Grand Master Raymond Acker = Head of the music guild. Piper's grandfather. Recently deceased leaving Piper an orphan under the care of the music guild.

Captain Burkehart = Captain of the Guard at Castle Welf

Redd-Leif Summerstorm = A Fae

Master Braun = Troubadour recently promoted to the rank of Master in the music guild at Castle Welf

Sheba = an enchanted creature in wolf form

Fair Folk = Refers to non-human races sometimes considered magic such as elves, Fae, brownies, sprites, gnomes, dwarfs, etc. Also called elementals.


Chapter 17
The Piper, part 17

By w.j.debi

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.

Piper is a young musician whose grandfather has passed away, leaving Piper an orphan to be raised by the music guild where he is an apprentice. After the funeral, Piper returns alone to play his flute at his grandfather's grave, and a Fae appears--a creature considered swift, strong and deadly--and compliments Piper's flute playing. Captain Burkehart comes to the rescue and escorts Piper back to the castle. During the next few weeks the Fae approaches Piper on several occasions and says he has some secrets he needs to share, but each time they are interrupted by a vigilant Captain Burkehart. Meanwhile, Piper continues his musical education under the direction of the popular performer Master Braun, including traveling with a performing troupe. A wolf attack leaves Piper and his friend Rupert separated from the musicians and in the hands of the Fae.

End of Previous Chapter
Another lightning bolt lit the sky, and several seconds later thunder followed. So the rain would continue its assault, veiling the outside world from his senses. Redd-Leif turned back to the task of preparing a meal. Noting Sheba's more vigilant posture, he let a sigh of relief escape his lips. Within the cave, the fire crackled, and Piper stirred in his sleep.

Chapter 17
Piper smiled in his sleep and snuggled closer to the warm fur blanket next to him. The harmonious rhythm of the pattering rain outside the cave danced within his dreams. What a beautiful melody. A descant played an octave higher on my flute would create a wonderful duet. I could make it into a ballad. Crowds would cheer. Music masters would be impressed. I might become the youngest troubadour ever. The patter of the rain turned to applause.

A smile, a bow, a deep breath of satisfaction and ... Wait. What is that aroma? Piper's mouth watered. Whatever was wafting on the air was warm and savory. The harmony of the rain faded into background accompaniment as the erratic rumbling of his empty stomach took center stage. His eyes fluttered open.

Piper raised his groggy head enough to make out a figure bent over the fire stirring a pot in the dim light. "Redd-Leif? You're back?"

The Fae looked up and nodded at him. "Well, well, our fair-haired friend has awakened at last. Hello, Piper."

Piper sat up and yawned. "Hello, sir. How is Rupert?"

"You don't waste any time getting to the point, do you?" Redd-Leif grinned. "Well, my boy, the healers had to work a little magic on a couple of crushed bones, but they were able to set the arm. Given time to recuperate, Rupert should heal completely if he follows healer's orders."

The warm fur blanket he was clutching shifted next to him. Piper gave a start, jerked his hand out of the wolf's fur and pulled away, eyes wide as he stared at her.

"Relax, dear boy. If I wanted to eat you, I would have done so already." Sheba rose, stretched nonchalantly, and sauntered over to the fire to sniff at the cooking pots. She smacked her lips in approval. "I hope you are making plenty, Summerstorm. I so seldom get porridge."

"Porridge tastes better if it simmers a few hours. The stew is for midday. The porridge will be for dinner, leftovers for breakfast."

"If there are any." Sheba's tongue made a full circle of her top and bottom lips.

Redd-Leif scowled. "There'd better be." He looked over at Piper. "I'd daresay you are starving. From the looks of things, you didn't eat much while I was gone. Too worried about your friend, or don't know how to cook?"

Piper shrugged, his eyes still on Sheba. "Maybe both."

"The stew will take a while longer, but I brought back some fresh bread. If you look in the pack over there, you'll find it along with some apples and cheese. A pot is sitting just outside the cave entrance collecting rain water if you are thirsty."

"Thank you, sir." Piper got up and went to the pack Redd-Leif had indicated. He rummaged through the contents, retrieved a hunk of bread and an apple, then found a place to sit near the fire opposite Redd-Leif. After taking a few bites, he asked. "Rupert's never been away from his family before. Was he alright being left alone with strangers?"

Redd-Leif nodded as he continued attending to the cooking. "Oh, yes. He seems to enjoy being the center of attention. Probably the performer in him. I'd say he is as fascinated by the Elven youths as they are by him."

"Elves are fascinated by Rupert?"

"Of course. Not many elves your age have seen a human before." Redd-Leif stopped stirring the cooking pots and smiled at Piper. "It is admirable you are so protective of your friend. Right now though, he's much more comfortable than you are. Which reminds me, how's your head?"

"Better. It doesn't hurt as much and the swelling has gone down." Piper raised a hand to his temple and winced.

"So I see." Redd-Leif smirked. "How about I look at it after I finish here, maybe make a poultice?"

"Might be a good idea." Piper continued to munch on his food as he watched Redd-Leif work, glancing sideways at Sheba occasionally. As long as the wolf concentrated on sniffing the food in the pots he supposed he shouldn't worry too much about the fact she was licking her lips continually.

Redd-Leif stoked the fire, then reached for a rabbit. He examined it briefly then started to skin it by putting his thumbs under the skin of the rabbit's back ankles and working his way up the legs. Less than a minute later the skin was removed in one piece. He set the pelt to the side, then twisted off one back leg followed by the other. Bones snapped and joints popped.

Piper gasped.

Redd-Leif looked up. "What's wrong, Piper? Haven't you ever seen anyone dress game for cooking?"

"Yes, sir, plenty of times." He paused to take a breath. "But usually they use a knife." A puzzled looked filled his eyes. "It's just ..."


"Well, it reminded me of something Captain Burkehart said."

"Captain Burkehart?" Redd-Leif raised an eyebrow. "What did he say?"

"That he ..." Piper swallowed. "That he'd seen Fae ... tear men apart ... with their bare hands."

Redd-Leif cringed and the color drained from his face. He looked down.

Piper followed the Fae's gaze to the torn rabbit and the blood on his hands.

"Sometimes," Redd-Leif said softly, "Fae forget how fragile humans are."

Raising his eyes, Piper noted the tightness in Redd-Leif's jaw and the slump in his shoulders. Piper stiffened. "He didn't mean you, did he?"

Redd-Leif closed his eyes, took a deep breath and tilted his head upward.

Out of habit, Piper reached to touch the flute that normally hung at his side to reassure himself, but it wasn't there. His eyes darted to the bedroll. The flute was nestled safely among his things. Not wishing to make a sound, he resisted the urge to retrieve the flute. Instead, Piper stared at Redd-Leif. The Fae was every bit the stuff of legend--all muscle and sinew, swift, strong, and deadly. He could tear me apart as easily as he did the rabbit, if he chose.

The fire crackled. The rain pattered. In the distance, thunder rolled.

"Dear boy." Sheba's serene voice made him jump. "If that's all Burkehart told you, then you only have a small portion of the story. The fact is ..."

"It's alright, Sheba," Redd-Leif interrupted. He looked over to meet Piper's gaze. "So Piper, you're curious; you have questions."

"Yes, sir."

Redd-Leif nodded. "And I have much I've been wanting to tell you. Let me finish preparing the stew, and then we will talk."


Author Notes Free stock photo. Artist = StuartMiles

Cast of Characters

Piper = A musical apprentice, just turned age15.

Rupert = A musical apprentice. Piper's friend, age 14.

Grand Master Raymond Acker = Head of the music guild. Piper's grandfather. Recently deceased leaving Piper an orphan under the care of the music guild.

Captain Burkehart = Captain of the Guard at Castle Welf

Redd-Leif Summerstorm = A Fae

Master Braun = Troubadour recently promoted to the rank of Master in the music guild at Castle Welf

Sheba = an enchanted creature in wolf form

Fair Folk = Refers to non-human races sometimes considered magic such as elves, Fae, brownies, sprites, gnomes, dwarfs, etc. Also called elementals.


Chapter 18
The Piper, part 18

By w.j.debi


Piper is a young musician whose grandfather has passed away, leaving Piper an orphan to be raised by the music guild where he is an apprentice. After the funeral, Piper returns alone to play his flute at his grandfather's grave, and a Fae appears--a creature considered swift, strong and deadly--and compliments Piper's flute playing. Captain Burkehart comes to the rescue and escorts Piper back to the castle. During the next few weeks the Fae approaches Piper on several occasions and says he has some secrets he needs to share, but each time they are interrupted by a vigilant Captain Burkehart. Meanwhile, Piper continues his musical education under the direction of the popular performer Master Braun, including traveling with a performing troupe. A wolf attack leaves Piper and his friend Rupert separated from the musicians and in the hands of the Fae.

End of previous chapter

"Dear boy." Sheba's serene voice made him jump. "If that's all Burkehart told you, then you only have a small portion of the story. The fact is ..."

"It's alright, Sheba," Redd-Leif interrupted. He looked over to meet Piper's gaze. "So Piper, you're curious; you have questions."

"Yes, sir."

Redd-Leif nodded. "And I have much I've been wanting to tell you. Let me finish preparing the stew, and then we will talk."

Chapter 18

Redd-Leif braced his arm against the cave wall, leaning into it as he paused to look out into the storm. Strange, I thought I was so well prepared. I've imagined so many scenarios, so many ways of approaching this moment. Yet, I never imagined it like this. Where ... how do I begin?

More to buy himself time than to complete necessary tasks, Redd-Leif retrieved a pot of rain water from just outside the cave entrance and walked over to empty it into the water skin. Out of the corner of his eye he watched Piper stifle a sigh and let his breath out slowly. All the while, the young apprentice continued polishing his flute. Every finger hole and slat of that flute has to be cleaner than it has ever been. I wish he would play something. A good tune right now would be welcome.
After returning the pot outside the cave to collect more rain water, Redd-Leif sat down across from Piper, the fire flickering between them. Redd-Leif tasted the stew, added a few more herbs, and stirred the pots. At last, he set down the spoon. "Piper?"

Piper looked over at him. "Yes, sir?"

"So, what is it you want to know, my boy?"

"Well, when we first met you said you were looking for me. May I ask why?"

"Ah, straight to the point as usual. I should have expected that." Redd-Leif smiled. At least he is making it easy to begin. "You deserve a straight answer. To begin with, your grandfather and I made a promise to your mother."

"You knew my mother?" Piper's face lit up. "How?"

"Yes, I know your mother." Redd-Leif leaned forward. "She sent me to get you. She is anxious to see you."

"What?" Piper's brow furrowed. "No. No, you're mistaken. My parents died from the fever when I was nine. That's how I came to live with Grandfather Acker."

Redd-Leif looked over at Sheba. The wolf gave him an encouraging nod. He took a breath and turned back to Piper. "Eric and Annelise Strauss were good parents, weren't they?"

"They were the best parents. My mother and father loved me very much."

"Yes, they did. For that I am grateful." A piece of burning wood popped, and Redd-Leif reached over to stoke the fire. In a gentle tone he said, "They did everything good parents do for their children. No one could have loved you more." Redd-Leif hesitated a moment then added, "But they were not the parents who gave you life."

Piper unconsciously tightened his grip on the polishing cloth in his hand. "I'm not sure I understand." He bit his lip. "Are you telling me, I was adopted?"

Redd-Leif nodded. "I suppose, I am."

"But ... mother ... father ... they never said."

"I'm not certain they knew."

"How could they not know?"

Shifting slightly, Redd-Leif gazed out into the rain for a moment, then back at Piper. "It's a bit complicated. That's why we wanted to wait until you were older to tell you. Your mother insisted you know the truth by the time you were fifteen. Personally, I had hoped Master Acker had already told you, or at least prepared you by giving you some hints of your origin. I was on my way to meet with him so we could fulfill our promise when I heard of his death."

At the mention of his grandfather, Piper looked down at his flute and rubbed it gently with the polishing cloth. A moment passed in silence, then he lifted his eyes to meet the Fae's gaze. "So, Grandfather knew?"

"Yes. In a way, it was his idea. May I try to explain how it happened?"

Piper nodded. "I'll listen."

"That's all I can ask." Redd-Leif gazed over Piper's head as if looking into the distance although there was only the cave wall in his sight. "Let me start with the day it happened. We were a small group. You were just a babe in arms. My brother Blew-Gale, his human friend Garrin, your mother Melodica, and I were traveling from a fair in Frieburg to a village in the Black Forest."

"Melodica?" Piper looked thoughtful. "It's a lovely name."

Redd-Leif smiled. "Yes, and she is as lovely as it sounds." He paused to look Piper in the eye. "You look a lot like her, my boy."

A smile tugged at the corners of Piper's mouth, but he resisted it. A moment later he frowned. "'Melodica' doesn't sound like a human name."

"You are perceptive. Melodica is Elven."

"What?" Piper's eyes grew wide. "I'm half-Elven?"

"As a matter of fact, you are."

Piper rose to his feet and took a step forward, a bewildered look on his face. "I've heard stories like this, where the Fair Folk try to trick humans into believing they are actually faerie-born, and then the person disappears to never be seen again."

"Perhaps, dear boy," Sheba said with a slight edge to her serene voice, "before you continue this train of thought, it would be wise to consider where you are and who you are with."

Piper stared at Sheba. Jade-green eyes gleamed back at him. He took a step back.

Redd-Leif sighed. "Sheba ..."

She looked over at him. "Summerstorm, I realize you have every reason to be understanding and patient with the boy, but there is no reason for him to be rude. Master Acker would not have allowed it if he were here. He was part Elven himself."

"It can't be true," Piper said. "Grandfather would have told me."

"I wish he had."

The words were so gentle Piper couldn't help looking at Redd-Leif. He stared at the Fae for a long moment.

"Look, Piper, I know it's a lot to take in, and this information would have been better coming from your grandfather. You loved and trusted him. You hardly know me. All I ask is that you listen."

Sheba shot Piper a look. "You did say you would listen."

Piper retreated to his seat near the fire. "Yes, I did. And I will." He reached up with his free hand and touched the top of his ear. More to himself than anyone else he said, "I don't have pointed ears."

Redd-Leif let a slight smile play across his lips. Could it be, he will listen? Could it be, he will consider the possibility? "No, your ears have not changed yet. That happens later as you mature. Somtimes it happens at puberty, which is one reason Melodica was anxious for you to know about your family. She wanted you to be prepared. Sometimes it happens years or even decades later. Fair Folk mature at different rates, especially when bloods are mixed."

"I see." Piper placed his flute in his lap and began to polish it again. Without looking up he said, "You say my mother is alive and wants to see me. Let's say I believe you. Why did she give me up in the first place?"

A pained expression crossed Redd-Leif's face. "She didn't want to leave you. It nearly broke her heart." He took a deep breath. "But it was necessary in order to save your life and hers. Believe me, she has worried about you every day since you were separated."

Redd-Leif wasn't sure how long he stared into the fire, but when he looked up Piper was watching him as if waiting for a response. Kindness entered the Fae's eyes and a gentle smile formed on his lips. "There is one thing I know for certain, Piper. Your mother loves you dearly."


Author Notes Free stock photo. Artist = StuartMiles

Cast of Characters

Piper = A musical apprentice, just turned age 15.

Rupert = A musical apprentice. Piper's friend, age 14.

Grand Master Raymond Acker = Head of the music guild. Piper's grandfather. Recently deceased leaving Piper an orphan under the care of the music guild.

Captain Burkehart = Captain of the Guard at Castle Welf

Redd-Leif Summerstorm = A Fae

Master Braun = Troubadour recently promoted to the rank of Master in the music guild at Castle Welf

Sheba = an enchanted creature in wolf form

Melodica = an Elven female

Fair Folk = Refers to non-human races sometimes considered magic such as elves, Fae, brownies, sprites, gnomes, dwarfs, etc. Also called elementals.


Chapter 19
The Piper, part 19

By w.j.debi


Piper is a young musician whose grandfather has passed away, leaving Piper an orphan to be raised by the music guild where he is an apprentice. After the funeral, Piper returns alone to play his flute at his grandfather's grave, and a Fae appears--a creature considered swift, strong and deadly--and compliments Piper's flute playing. Captain Burkehart comes to the rescue and escorts Piper back to the castle. During the next few weeks the Fae approaches Piper on several occasions and says he has some secrets he needs to share, but each time they are interrupted by a vigilant Captain Burkehart. Meanwhile, Piper continues his musical education under the direction of the popular performer Master Braun, including traveling with a performing troupe. A wolf attack leaves Piper and his friend Rupert separated from the musicians and in the hands of the Fae.

End of previous chapter

"I see." Piper placed his flute in his lap and began to polish it again. Without looking up he said, "You say my mother is alive and wants to see me. Let's say I believe you. Why did she give me up in the first place?"

A pained expression crossed Redd-Leif's face. "She didn't want to leave you. It nearly broke her heart." He took a deep breath. "But it was necessary in order to save your life and hers. Believe me, she has worried about you every day since you were separated."

Redd-Leif wasn't sure how long he stared into the fire, but when he looked up Piper was watching him as if waiting for a response. Kindness entered the Fae's eyes and a gentle smile formed on his lips. "There is one thing I know for certain, Piper. Your mother loves you dearly."

Chapter 18

Redd-Leif sounds so sincere. I'm tempted to believe him. But ... Piper glanced at his two companions. Sheba was licking her lips as she watched Redd-Leif stir the contents of the simmering cooking pots. Fair Folk are known as tricksters. Why would they tell me these things? What do they want from me? Oh, I wish Master Braun was here, or one of the other masters from the guild, or even Rupert for that matter.

Redd-Leif blew on a spoonful of stew before tasting it, then looked over at Piper. "The stew is about ready. Shall I continue the story, or would you like to eat first?"

"No, please go ahead, sir. You've been patiently waiting to tell me, and I think I'd like to know." Piper glanced out into the rain and then back at Redd-Leif. "Besides, we aren't going anywhere for a while. It will be a good way to fill the time.

"Very well." Redd-Leif set down the spoon. "Let's see; where was I?"

"I believe you were telling me how you and your companions were traveling from a fair in Frieberg."

"Ah, yes, you are correct." He nodded at Piper. "As I recall, it was a beautiful spring morning. The frost sparkled in the bright sunlight and melted quickly as the air warmed. We traveled at a casual pace, enjoying the rebirth of the world that spring brings:  budding trees, sprouting plants, the sounds of birds twittering and animals scampering about with the burst of energy that comes on such a day.

"At midday we decided to rest and eat. Blew-Gale and Garrin had spotted a stream nearby and went to refill our water skins. I stayed behind to prepare a quick meal, and to keep Melodica company as she rested to care for the baby. Suddenly, we heard the sound of arrows flying around us. One struck Melodica in the shoulder." Redd-Leif stared into the flames. "I still remember the stunned look on her face."

When Redd-Leif remained silent for a moment, Piper asked, "What did you do?"

Without looking away from the fire, Redd-Leif continued, "My first thought was to get you both to safety, so I picked up Melodica and you, and ran as fast as I could. I carried you over a mile away so I could be sure we were out of danger. To my horror, when I paused to care for her wound, I found Melodica was showing the effects of being poisoned. Thank goodness I had not let her run or it would have been much worse. I pulled out the arrow and applied moss and herbs to draw out the poison.

"Melodica assured me she felt much better after the removal of the arrow. She was certain it had decreased the danger. Her thoughts were for Blew-Gale and Garrin. They should have been right behind us. Melodica insisted she and the baby were fine and encouraged me to go find our companions." Redd-Leif looked up. "I didn't want to leave the two of you alone, but I was worried about the others so I agreed."

"I arrived in time to see Garrin on the ground in a heap, and the attackers concentrating their efforts on my brother. They had him backed up against a rock formation with no opening for escape. A man was about to shoot his crossbow, so I reached for him. I meant to grab the bow out of his hands, but ended up ripping off his arm." Redd-Leif looked horrified. "It was an accident. I just wanted to save my brother." He took a deep breath. "The man screamed, and everyone else turned to flee. I believe they thought reinforcements had arrived and they took off in all directions." Redd-Leif's chest heaved.

Piper leaned forward. "Were you able to save your brother and Garrin?"

Redd-Leif shook his head. "Unfortunately, Garrin was already dead. As a Fae, my brother could have outrun the band of renegade humans as I had, but he would never leave a friend. He stayed behind to protect Garrin." Redd-Leif took another breath. "Blew-Gale, died in my arms." Redd-Leif closed his eyes. "His last words were, 'I knew you would come back for us, Redd-Leif. Promise you'll take good care of Melodica and the baby.'"

The cave was silent for a moment, then Redd-Leif rose to his feet. "I think we need more wood on the fire." He went to the wood pile and carefully sorted through the stack to select the logs he wanted.

Sheba rose and went to the mouth of the cave. "It looks like it will rain for a while longer, but it is slowing. The thunder and lightning have moved on. It may take a day or two to dry out enough for us to travel."

Piper stared at the wolf until the thunk, thunk of logs being added to the fire drew his attention back to Redd-Leif. Piper settled back to wait for the Fae to continue.

Redd-Leif cleared his throat. "To make a long story short, I placed Blew-Gale's and Garrin's bodies in a nearby cave and sealed it the best I could so I could come back and give them a proper burial later. Then I headed back to Melodica."

"What happened then?"

"When I got back, the poison was spreading. I wasn't sure what to do. Our original plan had been to visit Melodica's cousin on the way home, so I picked up the two of you, and ran as fast as I could in that direction, hoping to find friends who would help.

"When I burst through the cottage door, Raymond Acker was holding his recently born grandchild in his arms, a look of anguish on his face. The child was stillborn. Raymond's daughter was unconscious in the bed. Without looking up he asked, 'Eric? Did you find help?'

"I said, 'It's me, Summerstorm. Please, Raymond, I need your help.' He looked over at me like I was some kind of apparition, until you let out a little cry. The sound seemed to awaken him to the moment.

"Things happened quickly then. It's still a blur in my mind. Raymond set down his grandchild, took you from my arms and placed you in the cradle, and began attending to Melodica. He recognized the poison as a rare substance known as Elfbane, so called because it is deadly to elves. You were crying. Melodica wanted to nurse you, but Raymond said it was too risky. The poison may have traveled to her milk and your life would be at risk. He made a poultice that slowed the poison, but said her only chance was to get to the Elven healers as soon as possible. If anyone had the remedy, they would.

"I picked her up and she reached for you. Raymond intervened. 'No Summerstorm. You need to travel as fast as you can to give Melodica a chance. Leave the baby behind. Annelise can nurse him.'

"I had almost dropped you twice while trying to carry both you and your mother to the cottage. There was a long way to go, and I needed to travel as quickly as possible if there was any chance of saving Melodica. I didn't want to leave you, but it seemed the wisest choice."

Redd-Leif's shoulders drooped and he put his face in his hands. When he looked up, he stared into the fire. "Melodica was barely conscious, but let out a plaintive, "No, no, no, my baby!' as I ran out of the cottage with her in my arms." Redd-Leif fell silent. When he spoke again, his voice was distant, as if he were speaking only to himself. "I can still hear the anguish in her voice." He shuddered. Then Redd-Leif rose, went to the wood pile and grabbed his cloak. He walked to the mouth of the cave, pausing with his back to the others. "I'll be back in a few minutes. Nature calls." Then he disappeared into the storm.

Sheba moved to the cave entrance and gazed after the Fae. She cocked one ear in Piper's direction. "Summerstorm has told me several times how he regretted leaving you behind that day."

Piper glanced out into the rain, then back at the fire. He placed his flute to his lips, took a deep breath, and improvised a tune to echo the mood of the rain.


Author Notes Free stock photo. Artist = StuartMiles

Cast of Characters

Piper = A musical apprentice, just turned age 15.

Rupert = A musical apprentice. Piper's friend, age 14.

Grand Master Raymond Acker = Head of the music guild. Piper's grandfather. Recently deceased leaving Piper an orphan under the care of the music guild.

Captain Burkehart = Captain of the Guard at Castle Welf

Redd-Leif Summerstorm = A Fae

Master Braun = Troubadour recently promoted to the rank of Master in the music guild at Castle Welf

Sheba = an enchanted creature in wolf form

Melodica = an Elven female

Fair Folk = Refers to non-human races sometimes considered magic such as elves, Fae, brownies, sprites, gnomes, dwarfs, etc. Also called elementals.


Pays one point and 2 member cents.

Chapter 20
The Piper, part 20

By w.j.debi


Piper is a young musician whose grandfather has passed away, leaving Piper an orphan to be raised by the music guild where he is an apprentice. After the funeral, Piper returns alone to play his flute at his grandfather's grave, and a Fae appears--a creature considered swift, strong and deadly--and compliments Piper's flute playing. Captain Burkehart comes to the rescue and escorts Piper back to the castle. During the next few weeks the Fae approaches Piper on several occasions and says he has some secrets he needs to share, but each time they are interrupted by a vigilant Captain Burkehart. Meanwhile, Piper continues his musical education under the direction of the popular performer Master Braun, including traveling with a performing troupe. A wolf attack leaves Piper separated from the musicians and in the hands of the Fae, Redd-Leif Summerstorm who tells Piper he is half-Elven and Piper's Elven mother (Melodica) is alive and wants to see him.

End of previous chapter
Redd-Leif's shoulders drooped and he put his face in his hands. When he looked up, he stared into the fire. "Melodica was barely conscious, but let out a plaintive, "No, no, no, my baby!' as I ran out of the cottage with her in my arms." Redd-Leif fell silent. When he spoke again, his voice was distant, as if he were speaking only to himself. "I can still hear the anguish in her voice." He shuddered. Then Redd-Leif rose, went to the wood pile and grabbed his cloak. He walked to the mouth of the cave, pausing with his back to the others. "I'll be back in a few minutes. Nature calls." Then he disappeared into the storm.

Sheba moved to the cave entrance and gazed after the Fae. She cocked one ear in Piper's direction. "Summerstorm has told me several times how he regretted leaving you behind that day."

Piper glanced out into the rain, then back at the fire. He placed his flute to his lips, took a deep breath, and improvised a tune to echo the mood of the rain.

Chapter 20

Captain Burkehart yawned, shook his head, and rolled his shoulders to get the blood flowing. How long had he been standing at the window staring into the darkness? Cool, fresh air leaked through the sash and brushed his face, alleviating the overly warm air from the room behind him. Burkehart clenched and unclenched his fists. The aromas of ale and last night's stew, and too many people forced into the protection of the inn were straining his already thin patience. It could be worse. At least the musicians kept everyone entertained with music and stories last night, and only a few people were awake at present. Still, he wanted to be on the move, not cooped up like a prisoner with no control over his destiny.

Burkehart looked out of the window again. A few stars were peeking through the clouds. The storm had moved on, but trees and buildings were still dripping wet; the road in front of the inn was a mire of mud and pools of water.

"Captain Burkehart, sir?"

He turned from the window to face the speaker and gave a slight nod of his head. "Troy."

"The change of the guard has been completed."

Burkehart allowed himself a wry smile. "Thank you, Troy." When Troy did not move on, Burkehart asked, "You think I'm wrong to head out alone?"

"I admit I would prefer you to stay with the company, sir, or at least take a few men with you in case you run into trouble."

"Thank you for your concern, Troy, but I can travel faster by myself. I know this area and the people; I can find help if I need it. Besides," Burkehart looked directly at Troy, "it's time you had a chance to be in command." Then Burkehart glanced in the direction of the sleeping musicians. "Master Braun made it quite clear last night that they would not risk damaging their musical instruments by heading out into the muddy roads. Keeping this crew under control while in close quarters should offer its challenges, but I feel you are up to it."

Troy nodded. "Thank you for your confidence in me, sir."

Burkehart surveyed the occupants of the room. His men were hardened and tanned soldiers, even the officers of noble birth; for them a march in the sodden earth would be just another day's work. The musicians, however, looked pale and pampered in comparison.

"Master Braun may have a point, sir. We can make better time once the roads dry out and firm up. In the long run it may take about the same amount of time, and it will be easier on the animals."

"Perhaps." Burkehart let out a sigh. "At any rate, I will survey the two main routes to Hanover. I'd like to also check out a third way that may be less traveled leaving the ground firmer. It could allow us to be on the road sooner. Or the roads may not be passable at all." Burkehart waved toward the window. "It's almost dawn. Walk with me to the stable, Troy. There are too many ears here and too many people sleeping with their horses and donkeys in the stable. There's no one on the road at the moment."

"Yes, sir."

Burkehart girded on his sword, put on his cloak and gloves, and reached for his pack. Then the two men stepped out into the street. Mud sloshed ankle deep and they had to keep moving so they wouldn't get sucked in by the sludge.

When they were a few feet from the inn door, Burkehart said, "If I am not back in five days, get this group to Hanover as fast as possible using the main route. I'll catch up with you as quickly as I can. As we discussed, keep an eye on the musicians. I want to know if any of them disappear from the group, even for a short time, and let me know who and how long when I return."

"As you wish, sir."

A northerly gust whipped at their cloaks and then died back to a slight breeze. Burkehart let out a pleased sigh. "Ah, looks like nature might help us out. A couple of windy days will dry things out."

"And drop the temperature," Troy added.

Burkehart clapped a hand on Troy's shoulder. "It is spring, warm one day and cold the next." Then he handed Troy an envelope sealed with a wax crest. "This message must be delivered to the Duke's brother in Hanover when you get there. Wait for a response and return it to Duke Welf."

Troy looked puzzled. "But you'll be back to deliver it yourself, sir."

"Yes, that is the plan." Burkehart surveyed their surroundings. "But in case I am delayed I leave it in your capable hands."

Troy nodded, a suppressed smile on his lips. "Yes, sir, Captain Burkehart."

"Good man. Now go back to the inn and keep an eye on things."

"Yes, sir." Troy saluted. "Good luck, Captain."

"The same to you, Troy. See you in a few days."

Burkehart stopped on a firmer plot of ground under the roof of the stable to watch Troy re-enter the inn. A stronger gust of wind whipped his cloak about him then settled back to a steady breeze. Satisfied he was alone, Burkehart turned up the street and headed, not for Hanover, but back the way they had come. Somewhere out there a fairie wolf lurked in the forest, and that creature might lead him to Piper and Rupert, and perhaps the fairie realm itself.


Cast of Characters 

Piper = A musical apprentice, just turned age 15. 

Rupert = A musical apprentice. Piper's friend, age 14. 

Grand Master Raymond Acker = Head of the music guild. Piper's grandfather. Recently deceased leaving Piper an orphan under the care of the music guild. 

Captain Burkehart = Captain of the Guard at Castle Welf 

Redd-Leif Summerstorm = A Fae 

Master Braun = Troubadour recently promoted to the rank of Master in the music guild at Castle Welf 

Sheba = an enchanted creature in wolf form 

Melodica = an Elven female 

Fair Folk = Refers to non-human races sometimes considered magic such as elves, Fae, brownies, sprites, gnomes, dwarfs, etc. Also called elementals. 


Author Notes Free stock photo. Artist = StuartMiles

Chapter 21
The Piper, part 21

By w.j.debi

Piper is a young musician whose grandfather has passed away, leaving Piper an orphan to be raised by the music guild where he is an apprentice. After the funeral, Piper returns alone to play his flute at his grandfather's grave, and a Fae appears--a creature considered swift, strong and deadly--and compliments Piper's flute playing. Captain Burkehart comes to the rescue and escorts Piper back to the castle. During the next few weeks the Fae approaches Piper on several occasions and says he has some secrets he needs to share, but each time they are interrupted by a vigilant Captain Burkehart. Meanwhile, Piper continues his musical education under the direction of the popular performer Master Braun, including traveling with a performing troupe. A wolf attack leaves Piper separated from the musicians and in the hands of the Fae, Redd-Leif Summerstorm who tells Piper he is half-Elven and Piper's Elven mother (Melodica) is alive and wants to see him.

End of previous chapter
Burkehart stopped on a firmer plot of ground under the roof of the stable to watch Troy re-enter the inn. A stronger gust of wind whipped his cloak about him then settled back to a steady breeze. Satisfied he was alone, Burkehart turned up the street and headed, not for Hanover, but back the way they had come. Somewhere out there a fairie wolf lurked in the forest, and that creature might lead him to Piper and Rupert, and perhaps the fairie realm itself.

Chapter 21
Piper closed his eyes for an instant and concentrated on the tranquility. It was that tenuous moment when nocturnal animals had just settled in and daylight animals had yet to stir. After days of constant rain followed by wind, the quiet was a welcome contrast. The aromas of moist soil and forest vegetation hovered in the spring air. Piper opened his eyes to survey the vague outlines of trees mingled with shadowy images of foliage and the indistinct tangle of debris that carpeted the forest floor.

A leaf fluttered in the whisper of a breeze. Piper smiled at the sound. Then he frowned. Fair Folk, elementals as they called themselves, were said to have senses superior to humans. Was the fact he could hear something so insignificant evidence of his Elven heritage? Would human ears have heard it?

He had paid little attention in the past when people had mentioned his excellent hearing. Musicians developed a good ear; it was part of the trade. At least that was what Grandfather Acker had said anytime it was brought up. Piper had an advantage because his musical education started earlier than most. Any of the apprentices that applied themselves to their musical studies would develop a good ear in time.

What were you hiding, Grandfather, and why? Why keep my Elven heritage a secret? I wish you were here to tell me.


"Ouch!" Piper rubbed his head and looked up. From high in the tree a chattering squirrel scolded him. "Well, good morning to you, too, my friend." Piper shook his head, squared his shoulders, tugged at the straps of his bag, flute, and satchel to arrange them for comfort, then turned to head up the sloping trail. And froze.

Jade green eyes glowed back at him. A low growl was followed by jaws snapping only an arm's length away. Piper gave a start and scrambled to keep his balance on the soft, uneven ground.

"Sheba!" Piper steadied himself and glared at her.

The wolf stepped out of the shadows. "Did you miss me?" The glee in her serene voice was unmistakable.

Piper huffed. "Where have you been? I thought we were supposed to stay together while Redd-Leif scouted ahead."

"There was no need to worry, dear boy. I've kept an eye on you the entire time. You were safe."

"I wasn't worried. Besides, that is not the point."

"What is?"

Piper frowned, leaned into his pack, and began to pick his way up the incline. Sheba turned to follow. Under his breath, Piper muttered, "Wolves."

"I heard that. And may I remind you, I am not a wolf?"

"Really? You certainly seem to like pretending to be one."

"Now, now, dear boy. Didn't your parents teach you to respect your elders?" Sheba brushed passed him and turned to confront him. "Yes, I am sure they did."

Piper pushed past Sheba and continued trekking onward, trying his best to ignore her. No doubt she would merge back into the shadows as if she were part of the ethereal world, just as she had done so often since they'd left the cave four days ago.

Up ahead Piper saw Redd-Leif leaning against a tree as if he were part of it, a silhouette against the pre-dawn sky. Piper shook his head. If he hadn't known to look for the Fae, he would have missed him.

Redd-Leif studied the clearing below. Early risers were just beginning to stir. By the looks of the pack animals, horses, carts, and the few wares exposed to the elements, it was likely a merchant caravan. Maybe a few traveling entertainers were in the group as well. Spring brought welcome festivals and fairs after the bleak winter months.

A shadow moved stealthily in the nearby foliage; Redd-Leif turned his gaze in that direction. "Do you think you should tease Piper by jumping out of the shadows like that?"

"Oh, you saw?"

"Uh-huh." Redd-Leif raised an eyebrow. "You do remember he was attacked by a pack of wolves only a few days ago, don't you?"

"What better way to help him overcome his fear of wolves?"

"Oh, so that's what you are doing, helping him overcome his fears? How kind of you."

"Humph." Sheba turned her gaze to the caravan below them. "Are you thinking of joining them?"

"I am considering it, but only briefly. Piper needs a change of clothes. If they have a tailor among them, we wouldn't have to go to the next village. It could save us a few days of travel."

"From the way we've been wandering around, I wasn't aware that you were in any hurry to reach our destination. Honestly, I don't know which is more aggravating, your meandering or Piper pausing to inspect every speck of the forest."

"Be patient, Sheba. Piper's world is suddenly very different from what he thought it was. He needs time to consider it all."


Redd-Leif sighed. "I'm waiting for the right moment."

"Ah, I see. May I remind you, we are not far from the Elven village. In fact, we could be there tonight if you'd put some effort into it."

"Yes, I know." After a moment he continued, "I was hoping Piper's curiosity would lead him to ask so I knew he was ready. Instead, he's been so quiet."

"You both have."

Redd-Leif peered at Sheba. "If you'd like, you can always travel ahead and let Melodica know we will be there in a week or so."

"What? A week? And incur her wrath because you are dragging your feet? No thank you. I know how eager she is to see the boy."

Redd-Leif took a deep breath, tilted his head back, and exhaled slowly. "You're right, Sheba. Melodica has waited a long time for her boy to come home."

For the next few minutes the sounds of the waking forest increased, each adding its part to nature's symphony:  various bird song, chirping squirrels, animals rustling in the shrubs and forest canopy, and the sounds of insects. Overhead a hawk circled.

"Summerstorm, my friend," Sheba said.


"I'm sorry. I sometimes forget. You've waited a long time, too."

Redd-Leif merely nodded at her and looked over his shoulder. Down the path he spotted Piper hiking toward them. "The people in the caravan will take awhile to get started for the day. We should use the time to rest a bit and have some breakfast."

PIper looked up and waved. Redd-Leif waved back and started down the trail with Sheba in tow.

Cast of Characters 

Piper = A musical apprentice, just turned age 15. 

Rupert = A musical apprentice. Piper's friend, age 14. 

Grand Master Raymond Acker = Head of the music guild. Piper's grandfather. Recently deceased leaving Piper an orphan under the care of the music guild. 

Captain Burkehart = Captain of the Guard at Castle Welf 

Redd-Leif Summerstorm = A Fae 

Master Braun = Troubadour recently promoted to the rank of Master in the music guild at Castle Welf 

Sheba = an enchanted creature in wolf form 

Melodica = an Elven female 

Fair Folk = Refers to non-human races sometimes considered magic such as elves, Fae, brownies, sprites, gnomes, dwarfs, etc. Also called elementals. 


Author Notes Free stock photo. Artist = StuartMiles

Chapter 22
The Piper, part 22

By w.j.debi

Piper is a young musician whose grandfather has passed away, leaving Piper an orphan to be raised by the music guild where he is an apprentice. After the funeral, Piper returns alone to play his flute at his grandfather's grave, and a Fae appears--a creature considered swift, strong and deadly--and compliments Piper's flute playing. Captain Burkehart comes to the rescue and escorts Piper back to the castle. During the next few weeks the Fae approaches Piper on several occasions and says he has some secrets he needs to share, but each time they are interrupted by a vigilant Captain Burkehart. Meanwhile, Piper continues his musical education under the direction of the popular performer Master Braun, including traveling with a performing troupe. A wolf attack leaves Piper separated from the musicians and in the hands of the Fae, Redd-Leif Summerstorm who tells Piper he is half-Elven and Piper's Elven mother (Melodica) is alive and wants to see him.

End of previous chapter
"Summerstorm, my friend," Sheba said.


"I'm sorry. I sometimes forget. You've waited a long time, too."

Redd-Leif merely nodded at her and looked over his shoulder. Down the path he spotted Piper hiking toward them. "The people in the caravan will take awhile to get started for the day. We should use the time to rest a bit and have some breakfast."

PIper looked up and waved. Redd-Leif waved back and started down the trail with Sheba in tow.

Chapter 22

Redd-Leif made a feeble attempt to stifle a chuckle as he and Piper walked away from the tailor's wagon.

Piper looked up at the Fae. "What is so amusing?"

"Oh, I was just wondering if you selected the most expensive shirt and pants the merchant showed you because you liked them or because she, uh . . . what was her name again?"


"Ah, yes. Or was it because Ruby was so pretty and flirtatious?"

Piper colored slightly. "I like the clothes."

"Of course." Redd-Leif smirked. "But just think what you would have missed this morning if your friends hadn't taken all of your clothes with them."

Piper stopped in his tracks. "They thought I was dead. What else could they do?"

Redd-Leif turned to face Piper. His smile softened, as did his voice. "I know. I imagine they were very sad to leave you behind." Redd-Leif took a deep breath. "And I know they will be overjoyed to see you again when you rejoin them."

Piper looked into the distance as if imagining the scene. He nodded and a smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. He returned his gaze to Redd-Leif. "At least I'll see Rupert soon. When will we get to the Elven village?"

"What?" The smirk returned to Redd-Leif's face. "Are you tired of being on the road already? I thought you were eager to become a traveling musician."

"I am, but . . ." Piper shrugged. "It's just, well, I was hoping to see some Fair Folk. I know you said it would take about a week to reach the Elven village, and we've been traveling almost constantly for four days and nights so I thought maybe we were almost there."

"We will be soon." Redd-Leif gestured toward Piper's satchel. "And now you can be presentable when you meet your mother. Though I doubt she will notice your attire, a bath and a change of clothes couldn't hurt. I know a nice spring where you can bathe before we reach our destination."

Piper smiled. "I suppose you are right. I should look my best when I meet her." Piper grew more serious. "Do you think Rupert is alright? It feels like forever since I've seen him."

"It's only been a few days and he is in good hands. He'll probably surprise us both with his recovery."

Redd-Leif reached up and adjusted his cowl and they continued toward the cobbler's wagon. As they reached the wagon something across the way caught the Fae's attention. "Piper, do you mind if I leave you to deal with the cobbler on your own? I recognize a merchant over there that I know has some things that interest my wife. I'd like to get her something."

"You have a wife?"

Redd-Leif smiled. "Yes, Piper." He took a deep breath. "As a matter of fact, I'm married to-"

"Hello, gentlemen. Can I be of service?"

They turned to see a jovial man with curly, salt and pepper hair and beard facing them. "Ah, customers?" A grin overtook his face. "Would you happen to be interested in a pair of shoes or boots? I have some ready-made, but if you have a couple of hours I could custom-make a pair."

Piper smiled at the cobbler. "I am looking for some traveling shoes."

Redd-Leif nodded at the cobbler, then at Piper. "Well then, I leave you to it, my boy. I'll be back soon."

The cobbler tapped his lip with his index finger. "Now, let's see, you wanted traveling shoes. Let me get a look at your feet."

Piper obliged by turning his feet and lifting each in turn for the cobbler to examine.

"Hmm. I may have a pair of boots already made that would be a close fit. Give me a moment if you would."

"Of course, sir. Thank you."

The cobbler disappeared around the side of the wagon. Then Piper spotted the horses with their dark chestnut bodies and flaxen manes and tails. His eyes grew wide. "Are those Black Forest horses?"

"Yes, there are," the cobbler called from inside the wagon. "Ever ridden one?"

"No, but I've heard about them. They are gorgeous."

"I like them--big, strong, elegant, and good natured. Feel free to pet them if you want. They enjoy the attention."

"Thank you, I will. What are their names?"

"Abel and Seth."

The horses were busy cropping grass between the wagon and a stand of trees. Piper stepped over and patted each of them. They did seem to enjoy it so he continued rubbing the neck of the closest one. "Good boy. You are a beauty."

"Psst, Piper," a whispered voice called.

Piper moved a step closer to the trees. "Who's there?"

A figure stepped out of the shadows.

"Captain Burkehart?"

The captain put a finger to his lips. "Shush." He cast a guarded glance around the area. "Are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine."

"Good." Burkehart stepped back into the trees. "Keep petting the horses and act like you are talking to them."

Piper returned to rubbing the neck of the closest horse. "Good boy."

"We thought you and Rupert were dead."

"Luckily, no. Redd-Leif saved us from the wolves."

"Then Rupert is alive. That is good news. I didn't see him with you. Where is he?"

"Redd-Leif took him to the Elven healers. He was badly hurt."

"Oh?" Burkerhart was silent a moment. "When did you last see him?"

"About a week ago." After another moment of silence Piper continued, "Redd-Leif left me behind and rushed Rupert to the healers and then returned to get me."

"So you only have the Fae's word that Rupert is still alive?"

"Yes. Why would I doubt it?"

"Because Fair Folk are tricksters. They especially like to lure young men and women your age away from their homes never to be seen again. Sometimes they try to convince their victims they have elemental blood themselves." Burkehart was silent several seconds. "Has Summerstorm told you that you are his son? That would be the obvious trick."

"No. No, he hasn't said that." Piper felt a knot forming in his stomach. He stopped petting the horse and looked across the camp. He couldn't see Redd-Leif anywhere, but then again, the cobbler's wagon was partially blocking his view.

Burkehart continued, "Well, I suppose that is good. I hope Rupert is safe as you believe, but I still fear he may be lost to us. Look, why don't you come with me now so we don't lose you, too? If Summerstorm is taking you to the Elven village, I can't help you once you enter their realm."

"But, Rupert . . ." Piper shook his head. "I can't leave him behind."

At that moment the cobbler called out, "I think I found just the thing for you, young man."

"That's great," Piper called back and then headed to the cobbler's wagon without looking back.

The merchant was holding a pair of boots in the air like a prize to be awarded. "Here we are."

Piper took a deep breath and put a smile on his face. "Those appear to be exactly what I am looking for. Let me try them on."


Cast of Characters

Piper = A musical apprentice, just turned age 15.

Rupert = A musical apprentice. Piper's friend, age 14.

Grand Master Raymond Acker = Head of the music guild. Piper's grandfather. Recently deceased leaving Piper an orphan under the care of the music guild.

Captain Burkehart = Captain of the Guard at Castle Welf

Redd-Leif Summerstorm = A Fae

Master Braun = Troubadour recently promoted to the rank of Master in the music guild at Castle Welf

Sheba = an enchanted creature in wolf form

Melodica = an Elven female

Fair Folk = Refers to non-human races sometimes considered magic such as elves, Fae, brownies, sprites, gnomes, dwarfs, etc. Also called elementals.

Author Notes Free stock photo. Artist = StuartMiles

Chapter 23
The Piper, Part 23

By w.j.debi

Piper is a young musician whose grandfather has passed away, leaving Piper an orphan to be raised by the music guild where he is an apprentice. After the funeral, Piper returns alone to play his flute at his grandfather's grave, and a Fae appears--a creature considered swift, strong and deadly--and compliments Piper's flute playing. Captain Burkehart comes to the rescue and escorts Piper back to the castle. During the next few weeks the Fae approaches Piper on several occasions and says he has some secrets he needs to share, but each time they are interrupted by a vigilant Captain Burkehart. Meanwhile, Piper continues his musical education under the direction of the popular performer Master Braun, including traveling with a performing troupe. A wolf attack leaves Piper separated from the musicians and in the hands of the Fae, Redd-Leif Summerstorm who tells Piper he is half-Elven and Piper's Elven mother (Melodica) is alive and wants to see him.

End of previous chapter
Burkehart continued, "I hope Rupert is safe as you believe, but I still fear he may be lost to us. Look, why don't you come with me now so we don't lose you, too? If Summerstorm is taking you to the Elven village, I can't help you once you enter their realm."

"But, Rupert . . ." Piper shook his head. "I can't leave him behind."

At that moment the cobbler called out, "I think I found just the thing for you, young man."

"That's great," Piper called back and then headed to the cobbler's wagon without looking back.

The merchant was holding a pair of boots in the air like a prize to be awarded. "Here we are."

Piper took a deep breath and put a smile on his face. "Those appear to be exactly what I am looking for. Let me try them on."


Chapter 23

Piper sat on a rock, his face upturned to catch the warm rays of the mid-morning sun. A contented sigh escaped his lips. It is amazing what a bath and a fresh set of clothes can do for one's disposition. Behind him, he could hear Redd-Leif splashing as he took his turn to bathe in the cool waters of the forest spring. Piper reached for his satchel and began arranging its contents on the grass next to him so that he could repack them: his clothes, cleaning supplies for his flute, a few personal possessions, his coin pouch, and a small wooden box.

I'd nearly forgotten about you. Piper opened the box and brushed his fingers lightly over the fife inside. A thrill ran through him the instant his fingertips came in contact with the instrument.

Grandfather Acker never explained why the fife was special; Piper just knew it was. From the moment he'd entered Castle Welf, he'd been drawn to the instrument. As far as Piper could remember, Grandfather had never played this fife nor had he allowed Piper to touch it, only to gaze upon it from time-to-time when Piper had pestered him too long about it. Someday, he would play this instrument. It would be magic. He reached to take the fife out of the case.

Someday, Piper, but not today.

Were the thoughts his own or something the fife communicated? Piper consciously released the breath he wasn't aware he had been holding. He closed the case and gently placed the wooden box at the bottom of the satchel before carefully packing his other belongings on top of it.


With a grin, Piper reached to his side and brought his faithful flute to his lips. Joyful, carefree music floated on the air. The sun grew brighter; the trees, grass and shrubbery glistened greener around him.

"I always enjoy hearing you play, my boy." Redd-Leif nodded to Piper as he walked past to go sit on a nearby log. "The music sounds wonderful."

Piper nodded back, but kept playing.

Redd-Leif rummaged through one of his knapsacks. "Would you care for a little something to eat before we head out? There's not much of a selection left, but we still have some jerky and dried fruit."

Piper finished his tune, then answered. "Yes, I am a bit hungry. Thank you, sir." He slipped his flute into its case and let it drop to his side before walking over to accept the food Redd-Leif offered. Piper bit off a piece of jerky and began munching, letting his saliva mingle with the dried meat to soften it and bring out the juices. "You know, for traveling food this is tasty fare."

Redd-Leif grinned. "Thank you."

A quick scan of the campsite and nearby forest revealed to Piper that his only companion was the Fae. "Where's Sheba? It's not like the wolf to miss a meal."

Redd-Leif looked over at Piper. "It was the dark of the moon last night."

"The dark of the moon?"

"Ah, yes, I forget you don't know." Redd-Leif paused to take a drink of water. "It has to do with the enchantment the sorcerer cast on her. During the dark of the moon, Sheba disappears for a night or two, sometimes even longer. No one knows why or where she goes." Redd-Leif began arranging his packs and their contents. "And I would advise against asking her about it."

Piper swallowed his jerky. "Don't irritate the wolf by asking her questions."

"I would lay-off the 'wolf' comments for a few days afterwards as well. She gets a bit touchy about it."

"Even more than usual?"

"Much more than usual. Whatever happens during the dark of the moon, I think it reminds her there is no way to break the spell, not with the sorcerer who cast it being dead." Redd-Leif paused in his preparations. "Piper, we will be entering the Elven village later today. Aren't there a few things you'd like to know before we get there?"

"Like what?" Piper bit off another piece of jerky and began working to soften it.

"Oh, maybe you have questions about your mother or life among the Elven?"

Piper shrugged. "I have a lot of questions for my mother, but I'd thought I'd ask her when I meet her."

Redd-Leif nodded. "Probably wise."

"As far as the Elven, I've heard so many different things I thought it best to learn about them first-hand and then make up my mind."

"Again, that seems wise, my boy."

The two of them continued eating for a few moments, then Redd-Leif asked, "What about your father?"

"My father?" Piper nodded. "Yes, I have wondered about him. You say you knew Garrin. What was he like?"

"Garrin?" Redd-Leif looked puzzled. "Why do you want to know about Garrin?"

"I . . . I guess I assumed since I was just a baby that my mother and father would be traveling together." Piper's brow furrowed. "You said it was a small group, just you, your brother, my mother, and Garrin. You said I was half-Elven. Garrin was the only human in the group so I figured he was my father."

Redd-Leif looked down and his jaw clenched. "Yes, I can see how you would think that." Redd-Leif looked up to meet Piper's confused gaze. "You are correct; your parents were traveling together."

"And Garrin?"

Redd-Leif shook his head. "No, Garrin is not your father."

"But . . ." Piper swallowed. "So, you're telling me I'm not human at all?"

Redd-Leif took a deep breath and shook his head. "Again, you are correct."

"Oh," Piper looked into the distance, unconsciously reaching to clutch his flute. He turned back to Redd-Leif. "Blue-Gale?"

Redd-Leif shook his head.

"Then . . ." Piper stared at Redd-Leif.

"Piper." Redd-Leif's voice was soft and full of emotion. "I have a lot I need to tell you . . . my boy."

Silence passed between them for several moments as they studied each other.

Redd-Leif took a deep breath. "Look, Piper, I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I know it's a lot to take in." A grimace crossed his face. "I should have told you before, but I was waiting for the right time. It just never seemed to present itself."

Piper stood, uncertain where to go.

A rustling in the nearby forest pulled their attention in the direction of a nearby stand of trees. A voice called out, "Hello, the camp. Permission to join you?"

Redd-Leif closed his eyes and his shoulders slumped. A whispered, "No, no, not now," crossed his lips. His jaw momentarily clenched before he stood and turned to answer. "Raven, is that you? Welcome, my friend."

"Summerstorm, well met. We weren't certain when to expect you." A tall Elven hunter flanked by several Elven youths stepped out of the trees. One youngster, a Fae of about ten-years-old, burst from the group and dashed towards them. "Papa, you're back." He reached Redd-Leif and leaped-up to give him a hug.

Redd-Leif returned the embrace then drew back to look at the youth. "Lynx, I need to talk to you. Now."

But Lynx broke free of Redd-Leif's embrace and bounded over to stand before Piper. A look of wonder exploded into an exuberant smile. "You must be my brother Piper."

Author Notes Free stock photo. Artist = StuartMiles

Cast of Characters

Piper = A musical apprentice, just turned age 15.

Rupert = A musical apprentice. Piper's friend, age 14.

Grand Master Raymond Acker = Head of the music guild. Piper's grandfather. Recently deceased leaving Piper an orphan under the care of the music guild.

Captain Burkehart = Captain of the Guard at Castle Welf

Redd-Leif Summerstorm = A Fae

Master Braun = Troubadour recently promoted to the rank of Master in the music guild at Castle Welf

Sheba = an enchanted creature in wolf form

Blue-Gale = Redd-Leif's brother

Melodica = an Elven female

Lynx = a young Fae male

Raven = Elven; master hunter

Fair Folk = Refers to non-human races sometimes considered magic such as elves, Fae, brownies, sprites, gnomes, dwarfs, etc. Also called elementals.

Chapter 24
The Piper, Part 24

By w.j.debi

Piper is a young musician whose grandfather has passed away, leaving Piper an orphan to be raised by the music guild where he is an apprentice. After the funeral, Piper returns alone to play his flute at his grandfather's grave, and a Fae appears--a creature considered swift, strong and deadly--and compliments Piper's flute playing. Captain Burkehart comes to the rescue and escorts Piper back to the castle. During the next few weeks the Fae approaches Piper on several occasions and says he has some secrets he needs to share, but each time they are interrupted by a vigilant Captain Burkehart. Meanwhile, Piper continues his musical education under the direction of the popular performer Master Braun, including traveling with a performing troupe. A wolf attack leaves Piper separated from the musicians and in the hands of the Fae, Redd-Leif Summerstorm who tells Piper he is half-Elven and Piper's Elven mother (Melodica) is alive and wants to see him.

End of previous chapter
A t
all Elven hunter flanked by several Elven youths stepped out of the trees. One youngster, a Fae of about ten years, burst from the group and dashed towards them. "Papa, you're back." He reached Redd-Leif and leaped to give him a hug.

Redd-Leif returned the embrace then drew back to look at the youth. "Lynx, I need to talk to you. Now."

But Lynx broke free of Redd-Leif's embrace and bounded over to stand before Piper. A look of wonder exploded into an exuberant smile. "You must be my brother Piper."

Chapter 24
Captain Burkehart placed his hand against a tree and leaned forward to study the ground. There was no evidence of recent disturbances in the forest debris or undergrowth. He had hoped to pick up the trail when the sun rose, but his efforts the last two hours had been futile. He resisted the urge to punch something. No sense attracting unwanted attention from pointed-eared creatures.

He rolled his shoulders, rubbed his neck and exhaled in frustration. There hadn't been time to sleep much the past few days, not since he had located and begun following Piper and Summerstorm. Tracking last night was hard enough, especially during a new moon, but avoiding a group of young Elven hunters who had scattered themselves throughout the forest had made it impossible for him to stay on task. And let's not forget the wolves. It's no wonder I've lost Piper. Summerstorm probably has him in the Elven village by now. Burkehart scowled. Fair Folk. Wolves. They love the night, and they protect each other.

Burkehart sat on a rock and took a long drink from his water-skin, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand when he finished. There was nothing else he could do. Piper was lost to the human world. He closed his eyes and clenched his fists.

A tune wafted upon the breeze, so soft it was more of a caress than a sound. Burkehart felt the tension in his muscles ease a bit and he sighed. Ah, that music is almost magical; so joyful, so relaxing. He yawned. I wonder if Troy has reached Hanover with the musicians yet. I should head back and check on them. Ah, but that music is sweet. Burkehart opened his eyes. Flute music in the forest? His lips turned up slightly. Piper. So I haven't lost you after all, my young friend. There is still time to save you from the Fae.

Following the sound of the music, Burkehart scurried from rock to bush to tree, displaying a stealth that was more Elven-like than human. In the forest one had to adapt the ways of its creatures in order to survive. The wolves may have retired for the day, but the Elven hunting party might still be in the area.

When the tune ended, Burkehart paused to listen for another. Instead, he heard only the sounds of birds and insects. No matter, he had established the direction the music originated from so he continued onward. After a few moments, he heard voices. One voice was louder than the rest.

"Piper, Piper, Piper, Piper. Mama and Serein are going to be so excited to see you, and so jealous that I got to see you first."

Burkehart eased up from a crouch and peeked through the bushes. The Elven hunting party appeared to have joined Summerstorm and Piper in a clearing next to a mountain spring. Although Piper stood head and shoulders taller than a young Fae, he was being lifted off the ground in a tight embrace by the youth. Burkehart noted Piper's obvious discomfort. Hang on Piper. I'll have you out of there shortly. If I know the Fair Folk, they will disperse and enter the faerie realm individually or in small groups so they can keep the entrance a mystery. Then I can grab you.

Summerstorm stood a few paces away from Piper, a concerned look on his face. "Lynx, put your brother down, please."

Burkehart suppressed a smile. So Piper was being told he had a Fae brother, or half-brother. It was a common trick among the Fair Folk. No doubt the young Fae was Summerstorm's boy. The youth had the sturdy, muscular build of a Fae, though his hair was dark instead of the characteristic white. By the expression on Piper's face, he was having trouble accepting the fact he had a faerie sibling. Smart boy.

"Ah, Captain Burkehart," a serene voice cooed from behind him.

Burkehart spun around to face the speaker, unsheathing his sword and dagger in one fluid motion as he did so. He peered into the shadows and glanced from side-to-side, weapons at the ready. "Who's there?"

"I don't believe we've ever met, Captain, but I've heard much about you."

The voice from the shadows was so calm it was unnerving. Burkehart felt the sweat begin to bead on his forehead. He kept his voice low so those in the clearing wouldn't hear him. "Show yourself."


"I said, show yourself."


"Why?" Burkehart adjusted the hold on his blades. "Because it is only right for a man to know who his adversary is."

"Who says I am an adversary? Perhaps, I am a friend."

"More likely you are some faerie trickster." That voice is too soothing, too controlled not to have a spell concealed within it. "Are you one of the Fair Folk? Step out of the shadows and let me see."

"Hmm. First, answer a question for me, Captain. Why are we called the Fair Folk? Is it because we are so beautiful, so fair to look upon? Or is it because we are honest and fair in our dealings with others?"

The speaker was somewhere to his right so Burkehart took several steps in that direction. "You admit to being one of the Fair Folk then?"

"Of course."

Burkehart paused. The voice came from a different position so he moved to follow. "Show yourself, Faerie. Let me see what type of creature you are."

"Is the question too hard, Captain?"

"What question?" He took several steps toward the voice.

"Why are we called the Fair Folk?"

Burkehart peered into the foliage and strained to hear any movement. He only heard the creaking of his leather uniform and his own breathing.

"Very well, let's forget that question, Captain. Answer this one instead. Why are you so interested in Piper?"

Burkehart focused on his weapons so he wouldn't succumb to the enchantment threatened by that tantalizing voice. "Why shouldn't I be? A young orphan being lured away by the Fair Folk needs someone to watch out for him."

"So, you think we mean to harm him?"

"Of course. It's what Fair Folk do."

"A human misconception, Captain. Piper is very talented. We only wish to help him."

"Help him? By luring him away from all he knows to your world?" Burkehart froze. Lure away? She is luring me away. I need to get back to Piper.

Burkehart turned and dashed back to the spot where he had last seen Piper. As he expected, Piper, the Elven hunters, Summerstorm--the entire group was gone. He hurried down to the clearing. Footprints dispersed in various directions. Which ones were Piper's? Burkehart dropped to one knee and looked for the familiar tread he had been following the last few days. It was useless. Oh, why did the boy have to purchase new boots and wear them today?

He selected a trail and followed it into the forest. It might not be Piper's trail, but it could eventually lead to the entrance of the faerie realm. The trail switched back on itself several times and finally disappeared. Burkehart returned to the clearing and tried following another trail with similar results.They know I'm here. How can I hope to trick the tricksters? He tried tracking a third trail which ended at a stream with no footprints on the opposite bank. After searching both banks for nearly a mile upstream and then downstream, Burkehart slumped to the ground and leaned his back against a tree. There has to be some way into the faerie realm. How do I find it?

Author Notes Free stock photo. Artist = StuartMiles

Cast of Characters

Piper = A musical apprentice, just turned age 15.

Rupert = A musical apprentice. Piper's friend, age 14.

Grand Master Raymond Acker = Head of the music guild. Piper's grandfather. Recently deceased leaving Piper an orphan under the care of the music guild.

Captain Burkehart = Captain of the Guard at Castle Welf

Redd-Leif Summerstorm = A Fae

Master Braun = Troubadour recently promoted to the rank of Master in the music guild at Castle Welf

Sheba = an enchanted creature in wolf form

Blue-Gale = Redd-Leif's brother

Melodica = an Elven female

Raven = Elven; master hunter

Lynx = Ten-year-old son of Redd-Leif and Melodica Summerstorm

Fair Folk = Refers to non-human races sometimes considered magic such as elves, Fae, brownies, sprites, gnomes, dwarfs, etc. Also called elementals.


Chapter 25
The Piper, part 25

By w.j.debi

Piper is a young musician whose grandfather has passed away, leaving Piper an orphan to be raised by the music guild where he is an apprentice. After the funeral, Piper returns alone to play his flute at his grandfather's grave, and a Fae appears--a creature considered swift, strong and deadly--and compliments Piper's flute playing. Captain Burkehart comes to the rescue and escorts Piper back to the castle. During the next few weeks the Fae approaches Piper on several occasions and says he has some secrets he needs to share, but each time they are interrupted by a vigilant Captain Burkehart. Meanwhile, Piper continues his musical education under the direction of the popular performer Master Braun, including traveling with a performing troupe. A wolf attack leaves Piper separated from the musicians and in the hands of the Fae, Redd-Leif Summerstorm who tells Piper he is half-Elven and Piper's Elven mother (Melodica) is alive and wants to see him.

End of previous chapter
Captain Burkehart selected a trail and followed it into the forest. It might not be Piper's trail, but it could eventually lead to the entrance of the faerie realm. The trail switched back on itself several times and finally disappeared. Burkehart returned to the clearing and tried following another trail with similar results.They know I'm here. How can I hope to trick the tricksters? He tried tracking a third trail which ended at a stream with no footprints on the opposite bank. After searching both banks for nearly a mile upstream and then downstream, Burkehart slumped to the ground and leaned his back against a tree. There has to be some way into the faerie realm. How do I find it?

Chapter 25

Piper didn't break stride as he stepped over the fallen tree crossing their path. Lynx, however, jumped on the trunk, bounced off and hopped for several steps. Though they walked side-by-side, Lynx's lively antics made his pace seem hurried and excited compared to Piper's leisurely gait.

". . . and Papa is right, you do look like Mama, tall and lean like an elf, but her hair is so dark green it looks like it's black unless she is in the right light. Your eyes are shaped like hers too, only her eyes are emerald green. Me and Serein have dark hair, but not as dark as Mama's, of course. I'm more like a Fae except for the hair color, but I guess you can see that, huh, Piper? It's hard to tell about Serein though. Mama says when Serein goes through growth spurts sometimes she seems more Elven and other times more Fae."

"I see." Piper reached up to brush aside a low-hanging limb so it wouldn't hit him in the face. As he did so, he glanced over his shoulder. Redd-Leif was still following several feet behind them. Piper felt the knot in his stomach tighten. If I believe what Lynx says, not only do I have an Elven mother and a Fae father, I also have a ten-year-old brother and a six-year-old sister I never knew existed.

"Your eyes are blue like Papa's and your hair is light, but more yellow than white, so not really like Papa's. Serein's eyes are blue too, only really bright blue. Mine are hazel, although people say they change color depending on my mood. See?" Lynx turned around and blocked the way, staring at Piper with his eyes as wide-open as possible.

"Yes, I see what you mean. They look kind of golden at the moment."

"Golden, really?" Lynx grinned, then turned and pointed to something up ahead. "Hey, look." Lynx bound away to investigate whatever it was.

Piper watched Lynx disappear into the forest and sighed. I'm not human at all. How can that be? I was raised human. I feel human. He turned and looked at Redd-Leif who had stepped up next to him. "Does he chatter like this all the time?"

Redd-Leif smiled. "When he is excited he can't seem to contain himself, much like the lynx he is named for. Those cats can make a real racket when they want to. And just like a lynx, the one time he is quiet is when he is on the hunt." Redd-Leif chuckled and raised an eyebrow. "You really need to watch out for him then."

Up ahead Lynx called, "Come on, Piper. Hurry. You have to see the pixies."

"Pixies?" Piper's brow furrowed. "Have we entered the faerie realm already? I thought there'd be some kind of magical entrance."

Redd-Leif shook his head. "No, we're not quite there yet, but we are close. Many elementals travel between realms so we will probably run into a few of them as we get nearer to the entrance. It won't be long now, my boy."

Piper inwardly cringed at "my boy." Redd-Leif meant the words literally. If Redd-Leif really is my father then why didn't he tell me sooner? Maybe, Captain Burkehart was right about the Fair Folk all along. Maybe, it is all a lie, a trick to get me to join them. But why? Oh, Rupert, if only I knew you were alright. . . But I don't know what's happened to you and I have to be sure.

Lynx called out, "Hey, Piper, what's taking you so long?"

"I'm coming." Piper turned and trotted in the direction of Lynx's continued chattering.

Once Lynx was in sight, Piper slowed to a walk. A group of pixies were talking with the young Fae. The pixies looked like perfectly formed miniature humans with wings, standing between four and six inches tall. If the legends were true, they could change size from being barely visible to as large as humans. Piper hesitated. What is the proper way to approach a group of pixies?

"Hey, Piper, I was just telling the pixies what a great musician you are and they want you to play something for them."

Piper smiled. That's right, pixies are supposed to love music. He reached for the flute at his side and began playing a tune as he walked toward them.

Lynx looked puzzled. "No, not like that, Piper. Master Crescendo says the pixies like lively tunes. They love to dance. Play something spirited, something they can really flit and zip around to. Play, "Midsummer," everyone loves that song."

Redd-Leif caught-up to them and placed a hand on Lynx's shoulder. "Remember, my boy, Piper hasn't met the Elven musicians yet. He doesn't know the tunes you know."

Piper smiled. "Let's try this instead." A jaunty, syncopated rhythm punctuated the air and the pixies went wild, yelping and shouting with excitement. Some remained on the ground, prancing and clapping with the beat. Others began flitting and darting through the air to the sprightly refrain. Lynx jumped up-and-down with glee, and Piper joined in by dancing about as he played.

Redd-Leif watched the two boys frolicking with the pixies. He felt a sense of . . . what? Pride? Relief? Fulfillment? Redemption for having left Piper behind fifteen years ago? Whatever it was, he was thankful Lynx had asked to join them on the journey home, and relieved Piper had agreed. Perhaps, Piper wanted another person around to act as a buffer between the two of them, or perhaps he found Lynx an eager font of information and was learning all he could. Whatever the reason, it warmed Redd-Leif's heart to see them together. Soon, his family would be complete. A wave of emotion welled in his breast and climbed into his throat. Redd-Leif reached to daub the moisture from the corner of his eye, then started clapping in time with the music.


Author Notes Free stock photo. Artist = StuartMiles

Cast of Characters

Piper = A musical apprentice, just turned age 15.

Rupert = A musical apprentice. Piper's friend, age 14.

Grand Master Raymond Acker = Head of the music guild. Piper's grandfather. Recently deceased leaving Piper an orphan under the care of the music guild.

Captain Burkehart = Captain of the Guard at Castle Welf

Redd-Leif Summerstorm = A Fae

Master Braun = Troubadour recently promoted to the rank of Master in the music guild at Castle Welf

Sheba = an enchanted creature in wolf form

Blue-Gale = Redd-Leif's brother

Melodica = an Elven female

Raven = Elven; master hunter

Lynx = Ten-year-old son of Redd-Leif and Melodica Summerstorm

Fair Folk = Refers to non-human races sometimes considered magic such as elves, Fae, brownies, sprites, gnomes, dwarfs, etc. Also called elementals.


Chapter 26
The Piper, part 26

By w.j.debi

Piper is a young musician whose grandfather has passed away, leaving Piper an orphan to be raised by the music guild where he is an apprentice. After the funeral, Piper returns alone to play his flute at his grandfather's grave, and a Fae appears--a creature considered swift, strong and deadly--and compliments Piper's flute playing. Captain Burkehart comes to the rescue and escorts Piper back to the castle. During the next few weeks the Fae approaches Piper on several occasions and says he has some secrets he needs to share, but each time they are interrupted by a vigilant Captain Burkehart. Meanwhile, Piper continues his musical education under the direction of the popular performer Master Braun, including traveling with a performing troupe. A wolf attack leaves Piper separated from the musicians and in the hands of the Fae, Redd-Leif Summerstorm who tells Piper he is half-Elven and Piper's Elven mother (Melodica) is alive and wants to see him.

End of Previous Chapter
Redd-Leif watched the two boys frolicking with the pixies. He felt a sense of . . . what? Pride? Relief? Fulfillment? Redemption for having left Piper behind fifteen years ago? Whatever it was, he was thankful Lynx had asked to join them on the journey home, and relieved Piper had agreed. Perhaps, Piper wanted another person around to act as a buffer between the two of them, or perhaps he found Lynx an eager font of information and was learning all he could. Whatever the reason, it warmed Redd-Leif's heart to see them together. Soon, his family would be complete. A wave of emotion welled in his breast and climbed into his throat. Redd-Leif reached to daub the moisture from the corner of his eye, then started clapping in time with the music.

Chapter 26
Piper craned his neck, attempting to see the top of Hidden Falls. Water thundered down in two tiers. He could see the water at the bottom of the first tier crashing into the canyon wall and abruptly changing direction at a right angle. A surging pool formed at the bottom of the second tier before cascading across rocks and boulders into a roaring stream. Lush forest vegetation grew right up to the edge of the water, thriving on the moisture. The aromas of spring flora and water mingled and scented the air. Mini rainbows attempted to emerge at various levels. Piper shook his head. How could anything this beautiful, this large and this noisy be hidden?

He paused to look downstream, checking the foliage for unusual movement. What am I hoping to see? I declined Captain Burkehart's offer of rescue.

A knot formed in Piper's stomach. This is it. In a few minutes, there will be no turning back. He adjusted the strap on his pack and resumed his trek, following Redd-Leif and Lynx to a spot near the edge of the lower falls.

They nodded to each other to indicate they were ready and Redd-Leif signaled them to move forward. Lynx went first, hopping from one stone to the next as if it were a game until he disappeared behind the falls. Redd-Leif moved deliberately from stone-to-stone. Piper took a deep breath and stepped forward. As previously instructed, he placed his feet exactly where Redd-Leif positioned his. A dozen steps later, Piper found himself behind the waterfall staring in awe at the back of the thundering cascade. Drops of water glistened in the sunlight like crystal prisms creating dapples of restless color.

He wasn't certain how long he stood mesmerized by the waterfall, but he felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see Redd-Leif mouthing the words, "Beautiful, isn't it?" Then Redd-Leif motioned for Piper to follow and moved toward the back of the cavern.

Sunlight flickered into the cavern in iridescent waves, growing dimmer as it filtered deeper into the enclosure. Piper took a moment to let his eyes adjust and study his surroundings. The cavern floor was slick with moisture from the spray and sloped down toward the cascading water.

He looked up to check on his companions. Lynx was nowhere in sight. Redd-Leif waited near the back of the cavern. If it weren't for the light shimmering with a silver-blue tinge on the Fae's skin, he would have been invisible in the shadows. Silver-blue skin? I thought that only happened in direct moonlight. Piper proceeded cautiously, looking at his feet and testing his footing as he moved upward so he wouldn't slip. Thankfully, the rock floor was pitted, uneven, and covered in soft moss, which made it easier to find footholds. Redd-Leif reached out and took Piper's hand to help him navigate the last few steps.

"Thank you!" Piper shouted, but he couldn't hear his own voice above the din of the waterfall.

Redd-Leif seemed to understand and nodded, then he turned and disappeared into the rock. Piper hesitated. Was this some sort of faerie magic? He put a hand on the wall in front of him. It was solid. From the side, Redd-Leif reached out of the shadows and pulled Piper toward him.

Hidden at the back of the cavern was a natural passageway about thirty meters long formed by a break in the rock that created two opposing walls. The ceiling rose several meters above. The resulting corridor was wide enough for two people to walk side-by-side, though Piper chose to follow a few steps behind Redd-Leif. The ground in the passageway was dry and fairly level, and the roar of the rushing water diminished with each step. At the end of the passageway, Piper could see Lynx standing in the sunlight looking off into the distance.

"Is this the entrance to the faerie realm?" Piper asked when they were about halfway down the corridor.

Redd-Leif turned and walked backwards a few steps. "Unofficially, my boy. Many of us do consider the falls the border to our lands. We will be at the official entrance in a few minutes."

When he stepped into the sunlight next to Lynx, Piper shivered. He hadn't realized how chilly the air had been inside the cavern until he felt the warmth of the sun on his skin. And was that a bird singing? He sighed in gratitude to be able to hear again.

"Glad you finally made it, Piper. You almost missed them." Lynx pointed across the clearing. "Beautiful, aren't they?"

Piper gasped. "It's a group of faeries, isn't it? Can we get closer? I've always wanted to see a faerie up close."

"Technically, they're called a frolick of faeries," Redd-Leif corrected.

"A frolick?" Piper looked puzzled.

"Yes, and please don't gape. Fairies consider themselves quite normal and get irritated when others stare at them. Don't they, Lynx?" Redd-Leif raised an eyebrow in Lynx's direction.

"Yes, Papa. It's just I get so excited to see them." To the side, Lynx whispered to Piper, "I don't get to see faeries very often so it's hard not to stare. It gets me in trouble every time."

Redd-Leif sighed. "But it's still impolite, Lynx."

Lynx shrugged. "I know." Then his countenance brightened. "Look, they're coming this way. Hold still, Piper, so you don't scare them."

Redd-Leif chuckled. "Great advice, Lynx. Let's see if you can follow it."

The faeries flew over and surrounded the three of them. Their bodies looked like perfectly proportioned mini elves, ranging in height from one to three inches. Their colorful wings varied with each invividual. Some were as transparent as dragonfly wings; some were as vibrant as stained glass windows. Their voices were lyrical and pleasant to the ear, especially after the deafening roar of the falls.

Piper's eye grew wide. "Wow. They're gorgeous."

One faerie broke free from the others and flew over to examine Piper. "Did I hear them call you 'Piper?'"

"Yes, ma'am."

She clapped her hands. "Oh, magnificent! I am the first to greet you, son of Summerstorm." With that, she flew closer and kissed Piper on the cheek. "Welcome, Piper. We are thrilled you are here."

"Thank you." Piper smiled and put a hand to his cheek where the faerie had kissed him. "I am happy to be here." And he was happy, happier than he'd been in some time.

While faeries came to greet him one-by-one, Piper noticed Redd-Leif conversing with several faeries as if they knew each other well. Lynx seemed especially pleased when one faerie kissed him on the cheek, but the faeries scattered when he let out a yelp of joy.

Redd-Leif laughed. "It seems Lynx is having trouble containing his excitement."

Lynx shrugged. "Sorry, Papa."

Redd-Leif gave Lynx a playful scowl then turned to the faeries. "It's been a pleasure visiting with you, my friends, but I am afraid we need to be on our way." He nodded to the fairy that had kissed Piper. "By your leave, noble one."

"Of course, my gallant friend. It is always a pleasure." She gave him a bow in mid-air.

There was a chorus of farewells and good wishes as Redd-Leif lifted his pack to his shoulder and started down the path, Lynx in tow.

Piper took one last look at the faeries, a huge smile on his face, and hurried to join the others.


Author Notes Free stock photo. Artist = StuartMiles

Cast of Characters

Piper = A musical apprentice, just turned age 15.

Rupert = A musical apprentice. Piper's friend, age 14.

Grand Master Raymond Acker = Head of the music guild. Piper's grandfather. Recently deceased leaving Piper an orphan under the care of the music guild.

Captain Burkehart = Captain of the Guard at Castle Welf

Redd-Leif Summerstorm = A Fae

Master Braun = Troubadour recently promoted to the rank of Master in the music guild at Castle Welf

Sheba = an enchanted creature in wolf form

Blue-Gale = Redd-Leif's brother

Melodica = an Elven female

Raven = Elven; master hunter

Lynx = Ten-year-old son of Redd-Leif and Melodica Summerstorm

Fair Folk = Refers to non-human races sometimes considered magic such as elves, Fae, brownies, sprites, gnomes, dwarfs, etc. Also called elementals.

Chapter 27
The Piper, part 27

By w.j.debi

Piper is a young musician whose grandfather has passed away, leaving Piper an orphan to be raised by the music guild where he is an apprentice. After the funeral, Piper returns alone to play his flute at his grandfather's grave, and a Fae appears--a creature considered swift, strong and deadly--and compliments Piper's flute playing. Captain Burkehart comes to the rescue and escorts Piper back to the castle. During the next few weeks the Fae approaches Piper on several occasions and says he has some secrets he needs to share, but each time they are interrupted by a vigilant Captain Burkehart. Meanwhile, Piper continues his musical education under the direction of the popular performer Master Braun, including traveling with a performing troupe. A wolf attack leaves Piper separated from the musicians and in the hands of the Fae, Redd-Leif Summerstorm who tells Piper he is half-Elven and Piper's Elven mother (Melodica) is alive and wants to see him. Redd-Leif then leads Piper to the faerie realm.

End of Previous Chapter

There was a chorus of farewells and good wishes as Redd-Leif lifted his pack to his shoulder and started down the path, Lynx in tow.

Piper took one last look at the fairies, a huge smile on his face, and hurried to join the others.

Chapter 27

Though Lynx bounced along next to him, Piper had to admit he felt a lilt in his own step, and he couldn't stop smiling. He touched his cheek. He'd been kissed by a faerie--a real faerie. He sighed.

Growing up in Castle Welf, he'd heard stories of Fair Folk, but seeing one was so uncommon, he'd sometimes wondered if they actually existed. Once, an Elven musician came to the castle with visiting troubadours. Elven merchants were said to have sold wares at the market, but he'd never seen one, at least not that he knew of. Redd-Leif was the first Fae he'd ever met.

During the next few minutes, several groups of elves and a group of gnomes passed them, traveling in the opposite direction. Redd-Leif nodded at the various creatures and exchanged pleasantries, and Piper followed his example. Here, Fair Folk came in groups, and he was acting as if it were a normal occurrence. He smiled. It was normal here. Along with the faerie creatures, plants he didn't recognize were in various stages of bloom along the trail. It seemed strange to see this much color, foliage and even fruit so early in the spring. Scents from the various plants perfumed the air. Piper inhaled deeply.

"Welcome to Elf Haven," a deep bass voice said. Piper jumped nearly a foot as Elven sentries emerged from an unseen post a moment later.

One sentry took a step forward. "Greetings, Lord Summerstorm. You have been sorely missed, sir. We rejoice at your return."

"Thank you." Redd-Leif nodded as two more sentries stepped forward and gave him a slight bow. "I am happy to be home, my friends."

The sentry nodded at Lynx. "Lynx, welcome back. I hope hunting was good."

"It was excellent, Commander Thorn." Lynx put a hand on Piper's arm and beamed. "I found my brother."

"Ah, so this must be the long lost Piper. Sorry if we startled you, young sir." Thorn nodded to him. "It appears we can look forward to some festivity. Everyone will be happy to know you have arrived."

"Thank you." Piper's brow furrowed. "Everyone?"

"Yes, your arrival has been hoped for these many years. There is much to celebrate."

"I see. Well, I am happy to be here." Piper smiled nervously. "Are there passwords to open some secret portal leading directly into the mountain realm?"

The sentries chuckled good-naturedly.

"I think you have heard too many human tales about elementals," Thorn said.

Piper smiled. "You could be right."

"Come on, boys. We're nearly home. Your mother will be anxious to see you." Redd-Leif nodded to the sentries. "Good day, my friends."

As they started down the path, Lynx broke the relative silence he had maintained since they left the waterfalls. "That was awesome, huh, Piper? I mean, we got to dance with pixies and then talk with faeries. Don't you think faeries are beautiful? I really like their wings. Did you notice some of their wings are so transparent they shimmer like rainbows as they fly around? It is rare to see faeries, you know. They are what people call, 'aloof.' Even some elementals never get to see one in their entire lives, and we just saw an entire frolick of them. 'Course, faeries like Fae best of all so that's probably why we got so lucky. Right, Papa?"

"Yes, Lynx. That's probably it." Redd-Leif turned to smile at the two boys, but kept up a steady pace.

"And we got faerie-kissed, too." Lynx's voice increased in volume and pitch. "Wait until Mama and Serein hear about that."

"Yes, they will be surprised," Redd-Leif said.

"Wait until you see the house, Piper. It is the prettiest cottage in the woods. And Mama's cooking is the best; everyone says so. Do you like being in the faerie realm so far? Are you excited to meet Mama and Serein? And what do you think about . . ."

Piper smiled. Somehow, he found Lynx's unrestrained chattering soothing. The boy seemed to want to unload information like river rapids racing for the falls, and he rarely required a response other than a nod or an occasional, "I see."

A few minutes later, Redd-Leif turned to his right and stopped. "Home is such a comforting sight, isn't it?"

A wide flagstone path led up to a decorated blue door. A deep porch ran along both sides of the door and disappeared into the foliage. The rest of the cottage seemed to merge into a group of trees on one side and to be part of the mountain on the other side, making it impossible to gauge the size of the building.

Lynx let out a yelp and took off at a run, disappearing into the trees. "I'll put my hunting gear away and meet you inside."

"Don't dawdle," Redd-Leif called after him.

A sweet, melodious song drifted toward them from inside the cottage. Piper stood transfixed, goose bumps rising on his arms and neck. He couldn't place the tune or the words, but something about the music was . . . familiar.

Redd-Leif turned to Piper. "Come on, my boy. Let's go in."

They walked through the cottage door into a sitting room. Afternoon light flooded the room from windows on three sides and an open skylight. The room was decorated with flowers, some in pots while others appeared to grow right out of the walls. Piper drew a deep breath and smiled. This felt so homey.

Redd-Leif put down his packs and coat on a nearby bench and led Piper down a hallway, following that beautiful singing coming from the center of the cottage. The aroma of fresh-baked bread and some sort of stew simmering made Piper's mouth water. When they walked into the kitchen, a slender elf with dark green hair was working at the kitchen counter with her back to them, singing to herself.

Redd-Leif walked over and put his arms around her waist, then rested his cheek next to hers. "Hello, my little meadow lark."

She turned and wrapped her arms around him. "Finally. Oh, I've missed you, you crazy Fae. What took you so long?" Then she looked over Redd-Leif's shoulder, and her eyes met Piper's. She looked up at Redd-Leif. "Is it . . . Is it . . . him?"

"Yes, Melodica. It's Piper."

"At last," she whispered.

When Melodica returned her gaze to him, Piper felt his breath catch in his throat. If he could paint a picture of the perfect sylvan elf, she would look like Melodica, with porcelain skin and dark green hair. Her emerald eyes were flawless, shining with warmth, kindness and a hint of sadness. And Melodica's voice was even sweeter than Sheba's--so soft and melodious.

Piper smiled politely. "Hello."

Emerald eyes began to glisten with tears and smiling lips quivered slightly. "Piper." She paused to take a deep breath. "My dear one. Welcome home."


Author Notes Free stock photo. Artist = StuartMiles

Cast of Characters

Piper = A musical apprentice, just turned age 15.

Rupert = A musical apprentice. Piper's friend, age 14.

Grand Master Raymond Acker = Head of the music guild. Piper's grandfather. Recently deceased leaving Piper an orphan under the care of the music guild.

Captain Burkehart = Captain of the Guard at Castle Welf

Redd-Leif Summerstorm = A Fae

Master Braun = Troubadour recently promoted to the rank of Master in the music guild at Castle Welf

Sheba = an enchanted creature in wolf form

Blue-Gale = Redd-Leif's brother

Melodica = an Elven female

Raven = Elven; master hunter

Lynx = Ten-year-old son of Redd-Leif and Melodica Summerstorm

Fair Folk = Refers to non-human races sometimes considered magic such as elves, Fae, brownies, sprites, gnomes, dwarfs, etc. Also called elementals.

Chapter 28
The Piper, part 28

By w.j.debi

Piper is a young musician whose grandfather has passed away, leaving Piper an orphan to be raised by the music guild where he is an apprentice. After the funeral, Piper returns alone to play his flute at his grandfather's grave, and a Fae appears--a creature considered swift, strong and deadly--and compliments Piper's flute playing. Captain Burkehart comes to the rescue and escorts Piper back to the castle. During the next few weeks the Fae (Redd-Leif Summerstorm) approaches Piper on several occasions and says he has some secrets he needs to share, but each time they are interrupted by a vigilant Captain Burkehart. Meanwhile, Piper continues his musical education under the direction of the popular performer Master Braun, including traveling with a performing troupe. A wolf attack leaves Piper separated from the musicians and in the hands of Redd-Leif Summerstorm who tells Piper he is half-elven and Piper's elven mother (Melodica) is alive and wants to see him. Redd-Leif then leads Piper into the faerie realm.

End of Previous Chapter
"Oh, I've missed you, you crazy Fae. What took you so long?" Then she looked over Redd-Leif's shoulder, and her eyes met Piper's. She looked up at Redd-Leif. "Is it ... Is it ... him?"

"Yes, Melodica. It's Piper."

"At last," she whispered.

When Melodica returned her gaze to him, Piper felt his breath catch in his throat. If he could paint a picture of the perfect sylvan elf, she would look like Melodica, with porcelain skin and dark green hair. Her emerald eyes were flawless, shining with warmth, kindness and a hint of sadness. And Melodica's voice was even sweeter than Sheba's--so soft and melodious.

Piper smiled politely. "Hello."

Emerald eyes began to glisten with tears and smiling lips quivered slightly. "Piper." She paused to take a deep breath. "My dear one. Welcome home."

Chapter 28
"You're much taller than I expected." Melodica stood within arm's-length as she studied Piper. "I guess I envisioned you as a little taller, blond version of Lynx, but you're as tall as I am." She smiled. "How silly of me. Of course, you would be. You're five years older than Lynx." Melodica reached over to brush Piper's cheek. "And so handsome." Her voice quivered a little. "I can see hints of my father in you, and of Redd-Leif, too."

Piper felt a knot growing in his stomach. Is it true, then? Redd-Leif is my father? Or is it a trick like Captain Burkehart said?

"Fifteen years." Melodica's emerald eyes started to glisten again. "Oh, Piper, you have no idea how much I've missed you." She couldn't seem to help herself; she pulled him close.

Piper tentatively put his arms around her and returned the embrace. The last female to hold him this close was his mother--his human mother--when he was nine. Yet, something about being held by Melodica seemed so right, like a lost memory surfacing for air.

Melodica stepped back and assessed him once again, brushing the tears from her cheeks. "I'm sorry to be so emotional, Piper. Having you here, it's like a dream I thought would never come true."

Piper nodded. "It's alright. Redd-Leif told me how we were separated and how difficult it has been for you."

"Redd-Leif?" Melodica looked from Piper to Redd-Leif and then back at Piper. "I don't understand. You call your father by his given name?"

"Uh . . ."

Redd-Leif stepped over and put his arm around Melodica. "I told him to call me Redd-Leif for his own protection." He took a deep breath. "I'll explain later. For now, let's give Piper time to adjust. He has spent fifteen years thinking he was human. He didn't know about us. It's a lot for him to take in, my love."

"He didn't know about us?" Melodica's voice had an edge to it. "But Raymond gave his word."

"And he meant to keep it." Redd-Leif looked over at Piper then back at Melodica. "Raymond and I planned on speaking to Piper together. Unfortunately, the Grand Master died while I was on my way to meet with him. In fact, I found Piper playing his flute at his grandfather's grave when I arrived."

Melodica returned her attention to Piper. "Yes, news reached us about Raymond. You poor thing. First we leave you behind. Then your human parents die. Now, the man you knew as your grandfather is gone." She dropped her eyes for a moment and then looked back at him. "It hasn't been easy for you. I am sorry."

"Thank you." Piper took a gulp of air, and tried to breathe normally. The man I knew as my grandfather? Raymond Acker was my grandfather. He raised me. Piper bit his cheek to keep his emotions in check.

Melodica took his hand in hers. "Piper, now you're home, if it's not too soon or too much to ask, I am hoping you will call me 'Mama' or, since you're nearly grown, perhaps, 'Mother.'"

"Of course." He took a breath to steady himself. "Mother."

Melodica's smile brightened and she wrapped her arms around him again. "Oh, Piper, my baby. My nearly grown-up baby. I am so happy you're here."

Piper returned the embrace more confidently this time. Everything is happening so fast. Maybe, Melodica really is my mother. Or maybe, I just miss my parents and ... grandfather. Oh, I don't care. It just feels good.

Just then a six-year-old girl came bounding into the room with Lynx right behind her. "Papa! You're home!" The little girl leapt toward Redd-Leif.

Redd-Leif caught her in his arms and hugged her tightly. "Hello, little one. Have you behaved yourself while I've been gone?"

"Yes." The little girl looked over at Piper, her smile changing to a guarded expression. "Is that him?"

"Yes, Serein. This is your brother Piper."

Serein scrunched her nose. "He doesn't look like a Fae."

"He's half Fae and half elf, just like you are. He just takes after the elven side of the family more."

"How long is he staying?"

"As long as he wants." Melodica reached over to stroke her daughter's hair. "Piper, this is your sister Serein."

"Hi Serein." Piper smiled at her; she glared back. Her response made him smile even more. At least there is someone beside me who wonders if I belong here or not.

"Oh, Mama," Serein said in a rush, "I came to tell you, Master Crescendo and his wife are coming up the walk."

"So we have visitors already," Redd-Leif said. "I didn't expect word about our arrival to get out so quickly."

"Perhaps, it hasn't." Melodica headed for the door. "I invited the High Mage and his wife to come visit and join me for dinner. I wasn't sure when you'd be back and I wanted some company."

"Excellent." Redd-Leif turned to Piper. "I didn't have time to speak to your mother when I brought Rupert here. She was out helping a neighbor and I had to gather my things quickly. High Mage Crescendo agreed to watch over Rupert once the healers released him. The High Mage is what you would call our local grand master of music. He was quite excited to discuss music with a human so it seemed like a good place for Rupert to stay."

"I know his whole title," Serein said. "It's High Mage, First Sage of Music and Song, Master Crescendo."

"Very good, Serein." Melodica smiled then turned to Piper. "But we generally just call him Master Crescendo or High Mage."

Piper looked hopefully at Melodica. "Will Rupert be with them?"

"Let's go find out," she said.

When they reached the sitting room, an elven couple stood in the doorway. The man wore the robes of a music master and had a lute slung over his shoulder. "Greetings to the family Summerstorm."

"Master Crescendo, Lady Crescendo, please come in." Melodica approached and embraced them.

Master Crescendo smiled at Melodica. "As always, it is a pleasure to be in the home of one of the loveliest voices in our province." He nodded at Redd-Leif. "Lord Summerstorm, it is good to see you."

Redd-Leif nodded back. "And you as well, my friends."

Master Crescendo looked over at Piper. "It appears I also have the good fortune of meeting a special flute player and his very special flute." Crescendo stepped forward and nodded. "You must be Piper."

"Yes, sir."

"I am delighted to make your acquaintance at last. I have been informed you are very talented. I am eager to hear you play."

Piper followed the example Redd-Leif had set and nodded back. "Thank you, sir. It is a pleasure to meet you." He nodded to Lady Crescendo. "And you as well, ma'am. I hope I can live up to your expectations." He looked past them to see if there was anyone else at the door. "I heard my friend Rupert is staying with you. Is he here?"

"No, I'm afraid not. We didn't know when to expect you. Rupert went with some of my students to provide entertainment for a celebration in the pixie village tonight. He will be back tomorrow."

"Oh." Piper smiled, trying to mask his disappointment.

Master Crescendo put a hand on Piper's shoulder. "The fact is, the timing works out perfectly. Much as I enjoy Rupert's company, it is good to have him away at present. You and I need to discuss some things that are meant for elemental ears only."


Author Notes Free stock photo. Artist = StuartMiles

Cast of Characters
*Piper = A musical apprentice, just turned age 15.
*Rupert = A musical apprentice. Piper's friend, age 14.
*Grand Master Raymond Acker = Head of the music guild. Piper's grandfather. Recently deceased leaving Piper an orphan under the care of the music guild.
*Captain Burkehart = Captain of the Guard at Castle Welf
*Redd-Leif Summerstorm = A Fae
*Master Braun = Troubadour recently promoted to the rank of Master in the music guild at Castle Welf
*Sheba = an enchanted creature in wolf form
*Melodica = an Elven female
*Master Raven = Elf; master hunter
*Lynx = Ten-year-old son of Redd-Leif and Melodica Summerstorm
*Serein = Six-year-old daughter of Redd-Leif and Melodica Summerstorm
*Master Crescendo = Elven High Mage, First Sage of Music and Song

Elementals, also called Fair Folk by humans
*Fae = Oldest of the elemental races. Known as strong, swift and deadly by their enemies. Characterized by white hair and skin that shimmers silver-blue in direct moonlight. Usually taller than humans and muscular.
*Elf = Most numerous of the elementals. Often slightly taller and more slender than humans.
*Pixie = In their normal form they are six inches tall with wings, but they can change size to as large as humans or as small as a faerie.
*Faerie = Vary in height from one to three inches. Wings vary and can appear to be like those of dragonflies or butterflies.

Fair Folk = Name given to faerie races by humans. Refers to elves, Fae, faeries, brownies, sprites, gnomes, dwarfs, etc.

Chapter 29
The Piper, part 29

By w.j.debi

Piper is a young musician whose grandfather has passed away, leaving Piper an orphan to be raised by the music guild where he is an apprentice. After the funeral, Piper returns alone to play his flute at his grandfather's grave, and a Fae appears--a creature considered swift, strong and deadly--and compliments Piper's flute playing. Captain Burkehart comes to the rescue and escorts Piper back to the castle. During the next few weeks the Fae (Redd-Leif Summerstorm) approaches Piper on several occasions and says he has some secrets he needs to share, but each time they are interrupted by a vigilant Captain Burkehart. Meanwhile, Piper continues his musical education under the direction of the popular performer Master Braun, including traveling with a performing troupe. A wolf attack leaves Piper separated from the musicians and in the hands of Redd-Leif Summerstorm who tells Piper he is half-elven and Piper's elven mother (Melodica) is alive and wants to see him. Redd-Leif then leads Piper into the faerie realm.

End of Previous Chapter
"I heard my friend Rupert is staying with you. Is he here?"

"No, I'm afraid not. We didn't know when to expect you. Rupert went with some of my students to provide entertainment for a celebration in the pixie village tonight. He will be back tomorrow."

"Oh." Piper smiled, trying to mask his disappointment

Master Crescendo put a hand on Piper's shoulder. "The fact is, the timing works out perfectly. Much as I enjoy Rupert's company, it is good to have him away at present. You and I need to discuss some things that are meant for elemental ears only."

Chapter 29

"May I see the flute?" Master Crescendo asked.

"My flute?" Piper reached to his side. "Of course, if you'd like."

Master Crescendo raised his hand like a conductor pausing an orchestra. "I'm sorry, Piper. I meant the Mage Flute."

Piper looked puzzled.

"Perhaps you know it by another name. Sometimes it's called the Black Forest Fife."

Piper shook his head. "I'm sorry, sir. I don't know what you mean."

"He does have it, Master Crescendo," Redd-Leif said. "I made certain he brought it with him when he left Castle Welf, but I felt it best not to tell him what it was." Redd-Leif turned to Piper. "It's the fife you brought as a back-up instrument."

"Oh." Piper nodded. "It's in my satchel. I'll go get it."

Lynx stood. "We took your things to your room. I can show you the way."

When they returned with the flute, Melodica met them at the door and led them back into the sitting room. Lynx went to sit next to Serein on a settee, a huge grin on his face. "Wow. This is so exciting."

Master Crescendo and his wife sat in chairs to the left of Lynx and Serein, and Redd-Leif was in a chair to their right. All of them watched Piper expectantly.

Melodica held out her hand. "May I?" Piper handed her the case and she opened it slowly. "The Mage Flute." Her tone had a hushed reverence to it. "I wasn't certain I'd ever see it again."

"Melodica," Master Crescendo asked, "may I see it?"

"Of course." She handed him the case and went to sit next to Redd-Leif.

Master Crescendo studied the flute for a moment before speaking. "Amazing. So amazing." He turned to Piper. "Has it spoken to you?"


Master Crescendo smiled. "I don't mean verbally. Have you sensed it communicate to your mind? Something that seemed like your own thoughts, perhaps, but somehow wasn't?"

"I've always felt drawn to it, but I don't think it's 'spoken' to me."

"I see." Master Crescendo looked disappointed.

Piper thought for a moment. "Wait. On the way here, I considered playing the fife. I thought it was my imagination, but the thought came to mind, 'Someday, Piper, but not today.' Is that the sort of thing you mean?"

A huge smile enveloped Master Crescendo's face. "Exactly what I mean, young man."

Melodica squeezed Redd-Leif's hand. "I told you he was the one. It's his birthright."

"Yes. It makes sense it would choose him." Master Crescendo looked at Piper. "Have you ever played it?"

"No, sir. Somehow, I felt it was too special."

Master Crescendo nodded. "Yes, it is very special. In fact, to protect it, we gave it to Master Acker to safeguard after the Human-Elemental Wars. Things were in such turmoil. So much was in ruins. We were afraid it might fall into the wrong hands and be lost or destroyed. As a master of music in the human realm, Raymond Acker seemed to be in the best position to protect it. Our enemies were unlikely to look for it in their own realm." Master Crescendo was silent for a moment as he gazed at the fife. "After he became Grand Master of the Music Guild, I believe he kept it hidden among the instruments at Castle Welf."

"Yes, sir. My grandfather, I mean Grand Master Acker, always handled this fife with great respect. As far as I know, he never played it. He showed it to me a few times when we were alone and I begged him to, but I don't believe he ever mentioned it to anyone else." Piper grew introspective. "I was never certain why, but I've always been curious about it."

"Understandable. We all hold the Mage Flute in great awe." Master Crescendo looked Piper in the eye. "Master Acker would not have been able to play the instrument. He was a good man, and he had some elven blood, but legend has it that only a worthy elf of the Glenn line can play this flute if chosen by it."

"The Glenn line?"

Master Crescendo nodded toward Melodica. "Your mother's line."

Melodica had a look of wonder in her eyes. "Its return is a great event for our family."

"For your family and for all elementals." Master Crescendo leaned forward in his chair. "Let me tell you a little about the Mage Flute, Piper. It is made from a special tree called a Mage Tree. The last tree was destroyed during the wars with the humans."

"Master Crescendo, would you mind if I told him?" Melodica asked.

"Please do, my dear. It is, after all, your family's story."

"Thank you." She turned to Piper. "You see, the mage trees were able to communicate with elves."

"The trees spoke?"

"In a way. We could hear their thoughts and they could hear ours. During the wars, the humans stripped and burned the forest. They especially liked the wood of the mage trees because it was so good for building. My ancestors did their best to save the trees, but it was no use. As the last mage tree was dying, she asked my great-grandfather to make three instruments out of her heart. She loved elves, especially our music. Though my great-grandfather and the other elves protested and said they would do all they could to save her, she insisted. There were no more mage seeds to plant, no mage saplings to grow to maturity. She wanted to leave something special behind so mage trees would not be forgotten.

"She requested the instruments to be a drum, a lute and a flute. Each instrument was endowed with magical properties because it came from her heart. The flute was the smallest of the three because it was made last, and there was only enough wood left to make a small fife. This wood came from the very center of the mage tree's heart. The instrument became known as the Mage Flute. Because the mage tree grew in the Black Forest, and because the flute was small, it is sometimes called the Black Forest Fife.

"It will only allow itself to be played by the best and most worthy of musicians. My father played it. He gave it to me shortly before he died and asked me to protect it. It never made a sound for me when I tried to play it, but then, my musical talent is with my voice, not so much with instruments." She put a hand on Piper's shoulder. "It is your inheritance, Piper. I would like to hear you play it if you can. Will you try?"

Melodica held the open case in front of Piper.

It is time.

Piper felt a prickling sensation on the back of his neck. That was my own thought. Right? Everyone watching me is making me nervous, that's all. He took the instrument in his hands. "It's so beautiful."

"Yes, it is." Melodica smiled encouragingly.

Piper put the fife to his lips, licking the wood of the mouthpiece with his tongue in preparation to play it. He took a breath and blew into the flute. One note, sweeter than he'd ever heard, floated on the air. He paused for a moment to savor the sound. With a second breath, he played a trill. A tingling sensation moved from his fingertips, up his arms and throughout his body. Then the tune he played at his grandfather's grave filled the cottage. Did I choose the music, or did the fife?

With each note, the tingling sensation increased. By the end of the tune Piper felt lightheaded. He removed the fife from his lips and stared at it. What are you? He swallowed, took a deep breath, then looked around the room.

Melodica was crying. "I knew it. You can play it. It has chosen you."

Everyone else was silent, but smiling.

Enough for now.

A shiver shot up Piper's spine. He stared at Melodica. "I ..."

Melodica returned an understanding smile. "A bit overwhelming?"

Piper nodded.

"Father always said playing the Mage Flute was intense. Perhaps we should put it away for now. When you are ready, you can play it again." She held the case in front of him.

Piper placed the fife back in its case, his fingers lingering a moment as if unable to release the connection. Even as he took a hesitant step back, he found it difficult to take his eyes off the instrument. Once Melodica closed the case, Piper's trembling fingers reached to clutch the flute hanging at his side.


Author Notes Free stock photo. Artist = StuartMiles

Cast of Characters
*Piper = A musical apprentice, just turned age 15.
*Rupert = A musical apprentice. Piper's friend, age 14.
*Grand Master Raymond Acker = Head of the music guild. Piper's grandfather. Recently deceased leaving Piper an orphan under the care of the music guild.
*Captain Burkehart = Captain of the Guard at Castle Welf
*Redd-Leif Summerstorm = A Fae
*Master Braun = Troubadour recently promoted to the rank of Master in the music guild at Castle Welf
*Sheba = an enchanted creature in wolf form
*Melodica = an Elven female
*Master Raven = Elf; master hunter
*Lynx = Ten-year-old son of Redd-Leif and Melodica Summerstorm
*Serein = Six-year-old daughter of Redd-Leif and Melodica Summerstorm
*Master Crescendo = Elven High Mage, First Sage of Music and Song

Elementals, also called Fair Folk by humans
*Fae = Oldest of the elemental races. Known as strong, swift and deadly by their enemies. Characterized by white hair and skin that shimmers silver-blue in direct moonlight. Usually taller than humans and muscular.
*Elf = Most numerous of the elementals. Often slightly taller and more slender than humans.
*Pixie = In their normal form they are six inches tall with wings, but they can change size to as large as humans or as small as a faerie.
*Faerie = Vary in height from one to three inches. Wings vary and can appear to be like those of dragonflies or butterflies.

Fair Folk = Name given to faerie races by humans. Refers to elves, Fae, faeries, brownies, sprites, gnomes, dwarfs, etc.

Chapter 30
The Piper, part 30

By w.j.debi

Piper is a young musician whose grandfather has passed away, leaving Piper an orphan to be raised by the music guild where he is an apprentice. After the funeral, Piper returns alone to play his flute at his grandfather's grave, and a Fae appears--a creature considered swift, strong and deadly--and compliments Piper's flute playing. Captain Burkehart comes to the rescue and escorts Piper back to the castle. During the next few weeks the Fae (Redd-Leif Summerstorm) approaches Piper on several occasions and says he has some secrets he needs to share, but each time they are interrupted by a vigilant Captain Burkehart. Meanwhile, Piper continues his musical education under the direction of the popular performer Master Braun, including traveling with a performing troupe. A wolf attack leaves Piper separated from the musicians and in the hands of Redd-Leif Summerstorm who tells Piper he is half-elven and Piper's elven mother (Melodica) is alive and wants to see him. Redd-Leif then leads Piper into the faerie realm.

End of Previous Chapter
"Father always said playing the Mage Flute was intense. Perhaps we should put it away for now. When you are ready, you can play it again." She held the case in front of him.

Piper placed the fife back in its case, his fingers lingering a moment as if unable to release the connection. Even as he took a hesitant step back, he found it difficult to take his eyes off the instrument. Once Melodica closed the case, Piper's trembling fingers reached to clutch the flute hanging at his side.

Chapter 30

"Master Crescendo's cottage is at the end of this path. Serein and I will leave you here." Melodica gave him a peck on the cheek. "Have a good day, Piper."

"Thank you." Piper nodded to Melodica and Serein, then started up the path. All this affection is going to take some getting used to. Lynx had volunteered to show him the way to the Prime Sage's cottage, but Master Raven had called an early morning bow-and-arrow practice for the young hunters and Lynx hadn't returned home in time.

Piper paused in his tracks. Actually, a few minutes alone were welcome. Yesterday's events had left him feeling unsettled and drained. He found a boulder next to the path and sat down. So many extraordinary things have happened. I encountered elves, pixies and faeries for the first time. He smiled at the memory, but quickly grew contemplative. Redd-Leif started to tell me he was my father. Then Lynx bounces in and tells me I have a brother and a sister too. And why didn't Redd-Leif tell me two weeks ago he was my father when he told me about Melodica? I'm supposed to believe I'm not human; I'm half-elf and half-Fae. He shook his head and stared ahead at nothing in particular. They seem like a nice family, so happy to see me. Maybe. . . It seems so fantastic, yet everyone treats me as if it is fact. If it's a trick, it is certainly an elaborate one.

And what about the Mage Flute? A musician is supposed to master his instruments, to use his skill to bring them to life. The Mage Flute feels like it has a mind of its own--powerful and unpredictable. And being able to play it supposedly confirms my heritage as an elf. Piper put his hand on the flute at his side and breathed a sigh of relief. At least you're a reliable friend.

"Hey, Piper!"

Piper looked up the path. Speaking of friends. "Rupert!" A wave of relief flooded through him.

"Hi, Piper!" Rupert broke into a run, pulling up short when he reached Piper. "It's so good to see you again."

"And it's good to see you."

"Master Crescendo said you arrived yesterday."

"I did. I asked about you, but he said you were playing at a concert last night."

Rupert nodded. "The pixies had a big festival. I felt honored when the musicians invited me to go with them, especially since I've been here such a short time. It was so exciting. There was wonderful food, games, and competitions. When the stars came out, the music became the center of attention. Talk about spectacular! The pixies started dancing and some of them even changed size and started flying around. It was the most incredible thing I've ever seen." Rupert had a transported look in his eye. "We played for hours. I wish you could have been there, Piper. You would have loved it."

"I can imagine it. I met a group of pixies on my way here and played for them. It was pretty amazing." Piper looked Rupert up and down, noting the sling on his arm. "How's your arm? Are you alright?"

Rupert grinned. "I'm more than alright. Elemental healers are remarkable. They're able to reduce the healing process by half. Instead of six weeks, it will only take three weeks for my broken bones to knit. I only have to wear this splint for another week. And the musicians are wonderful. Master Braun was right about this trip. I've learned so much in the past couple of weeks. This place is amazing. I feel so lucky to be here."

Master Braun. I bet he's worried about us. I wonder where he is?

Rupert looked up at the sky. "Look, Master Crescendo let me sleep in since we didn't get back until almost dawn. I'm late for practice with the other musicians so I've got to hurry, but we can get together this evening."


Rupert took a few steps down the path, then turned back. "Meet me at Moonbow Meadow."


"Everyone knows where it is." Rupert tilted his head back the way he had come. "By the way, Master Crescendo is waiting for you."

"Yes, I know."

Rupert smiled. "The High Mage is an amazing teacher. You're in for a wonderful day. See you later." With that, Rupert trotted away.

Piper watched Rupert until he reached the end of the path and turned onto the road. He heaved a frustrated sigh. It wasn't the reunion he expected. Somehow, he'd pictured the two of them talking for hours as they caught up on what had happened to them, and figuring a way out of the faerie realm and back home. At least Rupert is safe. He looked down the path. Rupert was nowhere in sight. He's obviously enjoying himself too. He seems so enchanted with this place. Piper hesitated. Is it possible they put a charm on him?

Piper turned and looked up the path with its beautiful hedges and trees The foliage didn't hold the same wonder it did yesterday. He kicked at a loose stone on the path. I should head to Master Crescendo's cottage. Instead, he pulled out his flute and began to play.

Master Crescendo enjoyed watching the bees buzz around his flower garden. Even more, he considered their pleasant humming sound some of the sweetest music in nature. So, why were they all so still at the moment? He walked around to the front of the cottage and listened intently. Flute music resonated in the distance. A musician was pouring his soul into his instrument. A musician who was so talented even insects and leaves took notice. A musician so naturally gifted he was unaware of his influence. A young musician who was in need of understanding by the sounds of it.

Master Crescendo smiled knowingly, stepped inside his cottage to retrieve his cloak, then started down the path.


Author Notes Free stock photo. Artist = StuartMiles

Cast of Characters
*Piper = A musical apprentice, just turned age 15.
*Rupert = A musical apprentice. Piper's friend, age 14.
*Grand Master Raymond Acker = Head of the music guild. Piper's grandfather. Recently deceased leaving Piper an orphan under the care of the music guild.
*Captain Burkehart = Captain of the Guard at Castle Welf
*Redd-Leif Summerstorm = A Fae
*Master Braun = Troubadour recently promoted to the rank of Master in the music guild at Castle Welf
*Sheba = an enchanted creature in wolf form
*Melodica = an Elven female
*Master Raven = Elf; master hunter
*Lynx = Ten-year-old son of Redd-Leif and Melodica Summerstorm
*Serein = Six-year-old daughter of Redd-Leif and Melodica Summerstorm
*Master Crescendo = Elven High Mage, First Sage of Music and Song

Elementals, also called Fair Folk by humans
*Fae = Oldest of the elemental races. Known as strong, swift and deadly by their enemies. Characterized by white hair and skin that shimmers silver-blue in direct moonlight. Usually taller than humans and muscular.
*Elf = Most numerous of the elementals. Often slightly taller and more slender than humans.
*Pixie = In their normal form they are six inches tall with wings, but they can change size to as large as humans or as small as a faerie.
*Faerie = Vary in height from one to three inches. Wings vary and can appear to be like those of dragonflies or butterflies.

Fair Folk = Name given to faerie races by humans. Refers to elves, Fae, faeries, brownies, sprites, gnomes, dwarfs, etc.

Chapter 31
The Piper, part 31

By w.j.debi

Piper is a young musician whose grandfather has passed away, leaving Piper an orphan to be raised by the music guild where he is an apprentice. After the funeral, Piper returns alone to play his flute at his grandfather's grave, and a Fae appears--a creature considered swift, strong and deadly--and compliments Piper's flute playing. Captain Burkehart comes to the rescue and escorts Piper back to the castle. During the next few weeks the Fae (Redd-Leif Summerstorm) approaches Piper on several occasions and says he has some secrets he needs to share, but each time they are interrupted by a vigilant Captain Burkehart. Meanwhile, Piper continues his musical education under the direction of the popular performer Master Braun, including traveling with a performing troupe. A wolf attack leaves Piper separated from the musicians and in the hands of Redd-Leif Summerstorm who tells Piper he is half-elven and Piper's elven mother (Melodica) is alive and wants to see him. Redd-Leif then leads Piper into the faerie realm.

End of Previous Chapter
Master Crescendo enjoyed watching the bees buzz around his flower garden. Even more, he considered their pleasant humming sound some of the sweetest music in nature. So, why were they all so still at the moment? He walked around to the front of the cottage and listened intently. Flute music resonated in the distance. A musician was pouring his soul into his instrument. A musician who was so talented even insects and leaves took notice. A musician so naturally gifted he was unaware of his influence. A young musician who was in need of understanding by the sounds of it.

Master Crescendo smiled knowingly, stepped inside his cottage to retrieve his cloak, then started down the path.

Chapter 31
A bird sat quietly in the trees with its head cocked, as if trying to capture an exquisite melody it wished to imitate. Master Crescendo noted several other birds sitting on nearby branches exhibiting the same expression. Butterflies were still. A line of ants had paused in its busy trek of duties. Even the blades of grass and leaves on the trees seemed to be listening. Just like the bees in my flower garden.

Master Crescendo found himself humming as he walked slowly down the sunlit path, enjoying each note and musical phrase that floated his way. At first the music was slow and melodious, even a touch mournful. Then it grew more lively. Trills and runs extended from the flute's lowest to its highest notes, as if testing the range and versatility of both the instrument and its musician. Master Crescendo nodded. Ah, Piper, music is an understanding companion, isn't it? Nothing else responds so completely.

When Master Crescendo came over the rise, Piper was prancing about, enjoying himself. The High Mage continued forward until he was a few paces from the young performer, who was so caught up in his music he was oblivious to everything else. Master Crescendo waited patiently, swaying in place to the rhythm as he enjoyed the performance.

Piper finished an especially elaborate set of musical phrases, and paused to laugh at his own cleverness. "Too bad I don't have parchment and ink to write the music down while I still remember it."

"I think I can arrange that."

Piper started and turned to look at the High Mage. "Master Crescendo, sir. I ... was resting for a moment. I guess I lost track of time."

Master Crescendo smiled. "It's alright, Piper. I've been lost in music plenty of times myself. It drives my wife crazy, and some of my pupils and assistants as well." He walked over and sat on a log. "Improvising?"

"Yes, sir."

"So you compose music as well as play it. Lord Summerstorm said you were talented. I thought he was just being a proud father. Last night, I wasn't certain how much was your talent and how much was the Mage Flute. At last I get a chance to hear what you can do. You have spoken through your music and it has told me a great deal."

"Master Crescendo, I--"

Master Crescendo put up a hand. "What I had intended to do in our first meeting was to have you play so I could assess your musical ability and training. I think you have given me a good sample just now." He pointed to Piper's flute. "You always carry your flute so I assume it is your preferred instrument, however, knowing Master Acker, he would have trained you on others. What else do you play?"

"Most everything he had around: various pipes or flutes, lutes, lyres, harps, percussion, horns."

Master Crescendo again put up his hand. "Good."

"Of course, I'm more proficient at some instruments than others."

"Of course. You can demonstrate your proficiency on them later. What about singing? Did you inherit your mother's marvelous vocal cords?"

Piper grimaced. "Well, I used to sing quite a lot, but I enjoy playing instruments so I've concentrated on learning how to play as many of them as possible. Grandfather played the lute and sang. I usually accompanied on one instrument or another."

Master Crescendo smiled. "There's nothing wrong with that, though, if I were to guess, I'd dare say you have a beautiful singing voice. We can test it later as well. Sounds like you have an abundance of talent." Master Crescendo leaned toward Piper. "But there is one thing I want you to remember above all else." Master Crescendo looked Piper directly in the eye. "Follow your heart when it comes to your music. As you've demonstrated, when passion and talent combine, they are powerful."

Piper smiled. "Thank you, sir."

A bird started trilling in the distance. Master Crescendo paused to listen. "Ah, nature is returning to its normal routines now it is free of your enchantment."

Piper's brow furrowed. "My enchantment?"

"Yes." Master Crescendo leaned forward. "Has anyone ever commented on the affect your music has on things around you?"

Piper thought for a moment. "Well, obviously the audiences at musical performances, and sometimes those who listen at our practices."

"Obviously. Anything else? Perhaps, something about how your music affects plants or animals?"

Piper shrugged. "Sometimes the gardeners at Castle Welf joke that the ivy nearest the musicians' practice chambers grows faster and thicker than anywhere else on the castle."

Master Crescendo waited as Piper reflected further.

"When Redd-Leif left me alone in the cave, he told me to play my flute to keep animals away. He told me I should play the piece I played at my grandfather's grave or the one I played at the celebration for Troubadour Braun when he was promoted to master. Redd-Leif said they had deeper magic."

"Yes. Your father has some understanding of the magic of music."

Piper looked over at Master Crescendo. "Sir, we often say music is magical, but Redd-Leif was the first person who ever made me think it was something more than just a saying." Piper shrugged. "I wondered what he meant, but the topic never came up again."

"I see." Master Crescendo placed his chin in his hand and thought for a moment. "What I'd like to do," he finally said, "is head to my cottage and have you demonstrate what you know about composition and transcription. Perhaps, as you mentioned, you could commit what you were playing just now to paper and transcribe it for several instruments."

Piper grinned. "I would like that, sir."

"Excellent. I like your eagerness." Master Crescendo stood and clapped Piper on the back. "Let's get going. I'd also like to introduce you to some winged friends of mine."

Piper's eyes grew wide. "Faeries?"

Master Crescendo chuckled. "Something even better. Bees."


Author Notes Free stock photo. Artist = StuartMiles

Cast of Characters
*Piper = A musical apprentice, just turned age 15.
*Rupert = A musical apprentice. Piper's friend, age 14.
*Grand Master Raymond Acker = Head of the music guild. Piper's grandfather. Recently deceased leaving Piper an orphan under the care of the music guild.
*Captain Burkehart = Captain of the Guard at Castle Welf
*Redd-Leif Summerstorm = A Fae
*Master Braun = Troubadour recently promoted to the rank of Master in the music guild at Castle Welf
*Sheba = an enchanted creature in wolf form
*Melodica = an Elven female
*Master Raven = Elf; master hunter
*Lynx = Ten-year-old son of Redd-Leif and Melodica Summerstorm
*Serein = Six-year-old daughter of Redd-Leif and Melodica Summerstorm
*Master Crescendo = Elven High Mage, First Sage of Music and Song

Elementals, also called Fair Folk by humans
*Fae = Oldest of the elemental races. Known as strong, swift and deadly by their enemies. Characterized by white hair and skin that shimmers silver-blue in direct moonlight. Usually taller than humans and muscular.
*Elf = Most numerous of the elementals. Often slightly taller and more slender than humans.
*Pixie = In their normal form they are six inches tall with wings, but they can change size to as large as humans or as small as a faerie.
*Faerie = Vary in height from one to three inches. Wings vary and can appear to be like those of dragonflies or butterflies.

Fair Folk = Name given to faerie races by humans. Refers to elves, Fae, faeries, brownies, sprites, gnomes, dwarfs, etc.

Chapter 32
The Piper, part 32

By w.j.debi

Piper is a young musician whose grandfather has passed away, leaving Piper an orphan to be raised by the music guild where he is an apprentice. After the funeral, Piper returns alone to play his flute at his grandfather's grave, and a Fae appears--a creature considered swift, strong and deadly--and compliments Piper's flute playing. Captain Burkehart comes to the rescue and escorts Piper back to the castle. During the next few weeks the Fae (Redd-Leif Summerstorm) approaches Piper on several occasions and says he has some secrets he needs to share, but each time they are interrupted by a vigilant Captain Burkehart. Meanwhile, Piper continues his musical education under the direction of the popular performer Master Braun, including traveling with a performing troupe. A wolf attack leaves Piper separated from the musicians and in the hands of Redd-Leif Summerstorm who tells Piper he is half-elven and Piper's elven mother (Melodica) is alive and wants to see him. Redd-Leif then leads Piper into the faerie realm.

End of Previous Chapter
Master Crescendo placed his chin in his hand and thought for a moment. "What I'd like to do," he finally said, "is head to my cottage and have you demonstrate what you know about composition and transcription. Perhaps, as you mentioned, you could commit what you were playing just now to paper and transcribe it for several instruments."

Piper grinned. "I would like that, sir."

"Excellent. I like your eagerness." Master Crescendo stood and clapped Piper on the back. "Let's get going. I'd also like to introduce you to some winged friends of mine."

Piper's eyes grew wide. "Faeries?"

Master Crescendo chuckled. "Something even better. Bees."

Chapter 32
Captain Burkehart dipped his cupped hand into the stream and bent forward to gulp the water before it drained away between his fingers. The iciness of it made his hand sting, but felt good in his mouth and throat. He repeated the process until he quenched his thirst.

As he filled his water-skin, he gazed upstream at the thundering waterfalls that fed this cascade. He clenched his teeth in frustration. Every group of fair folk he had tracked had either headed toward a human village, or the group had split and gone numerous ways.

Yet, nothing led in this direction. It was that very fact that piqued his interest, and why he had set up an observation post downstream late yesterday.

Several groups had passed his look-out point this morning, the last one about an hour ago. Following them had ended at the waterfall. No footprints led around the falls. The water was too swift and deep for them to be crossing to the opposite bank. Climbing the rock face to the top of the falls was extremely perilous. Even more mysterious, all footprints along this stream disappeared within an hour after the travelers passed by.

Burkehart stood, blowing on his numbing fingers to warm them before putting his glove back on. He noted the dense foliage surrounding him and smiled. It will be easy to conceal myself. All I need now is to find an existing path. A game trail would be perfect, one animals use to reach the stream. It would make it easier to obscure my movements and establish a new look-out point. He threw the strap of his water-skin over his shoulder and picked up his pack. He took another look around, then trudged up the bank toward the falls, keeping an eye out for any unusual movements or signs of danger, be they human, animal or, most importantly, fair folk.

Three more days. That's what I'll give myself. If I don't locate the entrance to the faerie realm by then, I'll head back and rejoin my men before they return to Castle Welf.

A few minutes later, Burkehart located a game trail across from the waterfall and followed it high into the foliage. After he secured his pack and found a good position to watch for travelers, he sat with his back against a tree, allowing himself to slump with his arms on his knees. He closed his eyes for a moment. I need to rest, but I can't stop now. His stomach growled, reminding him that he hadn't eaten since yesterday. With a sigh, he sat up and rummaged through his pack, found some dry meat, bit off a piece and tucked it in his cheek so he could suck on the juices.

A movement near the stream below caught his attention, and he peered through the leaves. A group of travelers was hiking toward the waterfall. Burkehart leaned forward. Are you human or fair folk?

Everyone was wearing a hat or cowl so he couldn't see their ears. Their traveling attire didn't distinguish them, but fair folk would try to blend in while traveling outside their realm. Burkehart glanced downstream. Another group was about two miles away. That gave him time to observe this group and track them if necessary. He heaved a self-satisfied sigh. This location gave him an excellent view of the falls and the canyon below.

Returning his attention to the first group of travelers, Burkehart watched as they reached the falls, and then stopped to adjust and secure their packs. One individual stepped onto the rocks jutting out of the streambed, balancing carefully, and advanced toward the torrent of falling water.

Burkehart sat up straighter and leaned forward. What is he doing?

The person balancing on the rocks continued forward and, just when it appeared he'd be knocked into the stream by the gushing surge, he disappeared behind the wall of water. One-by-one, the others followed.

Burkehart grinned. "You crafty devils."

With renewed energy, he grabbed his pack and rushed down the game trail, sliding down the steepest part so he wouldn't lose momentum. Within a few moments he stood breathless at the edge of the falls, grinning as mist sprayed toward him.


Author Notes Free stock photo. Artist = StuartMiles

Cast of Characters
*Piper = A musical apprentice, just turned age 15.
*Rupert = A musical apprentice. Piper's friend, age 14.
*Grand Master Raymond Acker = Head of the music guild. Piper's grandfather. Recently deceased leaving Piper an orphan under the care of the music guild.
*Captain Burkehart = Captain of the Guard at Castle Welf
*Redd-Leif Summerstorm = A Fae
*Master Braun = Troubadour recently promoted to the rank of Master in the music guild at Castle Welf
*Sheba = an enchanted creature in wolf form
*Melodica = an Elven female
*Master Raven = Elf; master hunter
*Lynx = Ten-year-old son of Redd-Leif and Melodica Summerstorm
*Serein = Six-year-old daughter of Redd-Leif and Melodica Summerstorm
*Master Crescendo = Elven High Mage, First Sage of Music and Song

Elementals, also called Fair Folk by humans
*Fae = Oldest of the elemental races. Known as strong, swift and deadly by their enemies. Characterized by white hair and skin that shimmers silver-blue in direct moonlight. Usually taller than humans and muscular.
*Elf = Most numerous of the elementals. Often slightly taller and more slender than humans.
*Pixie = In their normal form they are six inches tall with wings, but they can change size to as large as humans or as small as a faerie.
*Faerie = Vary in height from one to three inches. Wings vary and can appear to be like those of dragonflies or butterflies.

Fair Folk = Name given to faerie races by humans. Refers to elves, Fae, faeries, brownies, sprites, gnomes, dwarfs, etc.

Chapter 33
The Piper, part 33

By w.j.debi

Piper is a young musician whose grandfather has passed away, leaving Piper an orphan to be raised by the music guild where he is an apprentice. After the funeral, Piper returns alone to play his flute at his grandfather's grave, and a Fae appears--a creature considered swift, strong and deadly--and compliments Piper's flute playing. Captain Burkehart comes to the rescue and escorts Piper back to the castle. During the next few weeks the Fae (Redd-Leif Summerstorm) approaches Piper on several occasions and says he has some secrets he needs to share, but each time they are interrupted by a vigilant Captain Burkehart. Meanwhile, Piper continues his musical education under the direction of the popular performer Master Braun, including traveling with a performing troupe. A wolf attack leaves Piper separated from the musicians and in the hands of Redd-Leif Summerstorm who tells Piper he is half-elven and Piper's elven mother (Melodica) is alive and wants to see him. Redd-Leif then leads Piper into the faerie realm.

End of Previous Chapter
The person balancing on the rocks continued forward and, just when it appeared he'd be knocked into the stream by the gushing surge, he disappeared behind the wall of water. One-by-one, the others followed.

Burkehart grinned. "You crafty devils."

With renewed energy, he grabbed his pack and rushed down the game trail, sliding down the steepest part so he wouldn't lose momentum. Within a few moments he stood breathless at the edge of the falls, grinning as mist sprayed toward him.

Chapter 33
Piper blew out a breath, half-expecting to see it fog on the cool spring air even though he could feel the sun's penetrating warmth reaching toward him. He considered moving his chair to a sunny part of the veranda, but the early afternoon sunshine was so bright it made his eyes water.

"Do you hear them, Piper?"

"Yes, sir. The pair you mentioned is over there." Piper pointed to a stand of trees at the end of the garden.

High Mage Crescendo did not turn to see where Piper pointed. Instead, he remained with his hands clasped behind his back and his head slightly bent, watching the bees buzz around his garden a few feet away. "Good. Now, I want you to play the piece again and see if you notice when the birds stop singing. Stand when you are certain they have stopped, but keep playing." 

A sweet melody began immediately. After a few measures, Piper stood.

"Keep playing," Crescendo reminded when he noted a slight hesitation in the melody.

Once Piper completed the tune, he removed the flute from his lips and a look of wonder spread over his face. "It's true."

Crescendo put up his hand. "Wait. Listen."

Birds started singing at the end of the garden.

Piper smiled. "They do pause to listen."

"Yes." Crescendo smiled back. "You identified it more quickly this time. You're improving."

"I'm surprised how hard it is to play music and listen for their reaction at the same time."

"It can be in the beginning." Crescendo turned to face Piper. "Let me guess. Because you've been living in the human realm, everyone comments on what good hearing you have. Am I right?"

"Not everyone, but occasionally someone makes a remark about it."

"And what did Master Acker say?"

"Grandfather told me musicians often have better hearing than most people because part of our training is to analyze sounds."

"Hmm. Yes, it makes sense; he would raise you to blend in." Crescendo turned back to the bees. "So you've never noticed how your playing affects the creatures around you?"

"No, sir. Maybe because we usually practice and perform inside."

"Or because you were concentrating on your music and shut out everything else." There was a hint of amusement in his tone.

Piper shrugged. "I guess that's possible."

"There is no need to be embarrassed, Piper. Your devotion to your music is admirable. It's one of the reasons you're such a good musician." Crescendo watched the bees for a few more moments. "Let's try something new. Let's test your ability with the bees."

"The bees?" Piper frowned. "But I'm just starting to identify when the birds stop singing. Couldn't we practice with them some more?"

Crescendo grinned. "A bit of a perfectionist, aren't you, Piper? You want to conquer and understand a thing until you master it. That's good, but I'll tell you what, practice identifying the reactions of a few birds on your own at home tonight. We can discuss your observations tomorrow." 

"I'm not sure how much time I'll have to do that. I'm joining Rupert at Moonbow Meadow tonight. We have a lot of catching up to do."

"Ah, excellent." Crescendo grinned, a twinkle in his eye. "You always carry your flute, so tonight it can serve several purposes. You can delight Rupert, and I"m sure an audience of new friends as well, and practice your skills on a different set of birds. I will be excited to hear the results."

Piper sighed.

Crescendo thought for a moment. "Piper, it is rare for anyone to display as much magical power in their music as you do. To develop it, I need to understand your capabilities. This exploration helps me as much as it does you. Please indulge me."

"Indulge you?" a feminine voice questioned from the doorway. "He's been indulging you for the past three hours. Honestly, my dear, I think you need to give Piper a break."

Crescendo turned to face his wife. "Willow, my love. How good of you to join us." He looked up at the sun. "Is it really that late? My how time flies."

"Yes, and I think it's about time you had something to eat." She lifted the tray she was holding slightly higher. "You do remember eating, don't you, dear? Honestly, you're like a child with a new toy."

Piper grinned. "It's good to see you, Lady Crescendo."

She walked over and placed the tray on the table in the middle of the veranda. "Actually, it's Lady Spring. Master Crescendo is my husband's title, but his name is Cattail Spring."

"Sorry, Lady Spring."

"It's alright; I'm used to it. Many people make the same mistake." She motioned for Piper and Crescendo to move over to the table. When they were seated, she smiled. "I imagine a growing boy like you is hungry. I baked the bread this morning so it's still warm. A little fruit and cheese should get you through the next few hours. And," she turned to give Crescendo a look, "Cattail, I realize you are excited to have such an exceptional student, but from what I gathered at the Summerstorms' last evening, Piper hasn't had much time with his family. They've waited years for this reunion. Back off a little and let the young man gain his bearings."

"You're right, as usual, my love." Crescendo turned to Piper. "I don't know what I'd do without her keeping me on track."

Lady Spring laughed. "Oh, probably starve to death as you sit in the garden with your bees and your music."

"Wow," a voice called from the doorway. "Looks like I got here just in time. And that bread smells so good."

"Rupert!" Piper rose to greet his friend.

"Master Crescendo, Lady Spring, do you mind if I join you?"  Rupert asked.

Lady Spring smiled. "Please do. Looks like I better go get another loaf of bread."

"Or two," Crescendo called after her as she disappeared into the house. "This boy can eat." He turned to Rupert. "You're back early."

"Yeah, the music masters said we deserved a break because of the great job we did at the festival last night. I was really happy to get back so Piper and I can catch up."

"I can't wait to hear what you've been doing the past two weeks." Piper gave Crescendo a hopeful look. "Sir?"

The High Mage sighed, "Looks like you won't be able to concentrate anyway so, we might as well call it a day. Besides," Crescendo added before taking his next bite, "my bees could use a rest, not to mention the birds and other creatures."

Rupert gave Piper a questioning look, but Piper just shrugged and reached for the cheese and bread.


Author Notes Free stock photo. Artist = StuartMiles

Cast of Characters
*Piper = A musical apprentice, just turned age 15.
*Rupert = A musical apprentice. Piper's friend, age 14.
*Grand Master Raymond Acker = Head of the music guild. Piper's grandfather. Recently deceased leaving Piper an orphan under the care of the music guild.
*Captain Burkehart = Captain of the Guard at Castle Welf
*Redd-Leif Summerstorm = A Fae
*Master Braun = Troubadour recently promoted to the rank of Master in the music guild at Castle Welf
*Sheba = an enchanted creature in wolf form
*Melodica = an Elven female
*Master Raven = Elf; master hunter
*Lynx = Ten-year-old son of Redd-Leif and Melodica Summerstorm
*Serein = Six-year-old daughter of Redd-Leif and Melodica Summerstorm
*Master Crescendo = Elven High Mage, First Sage of Music and Song

Elementals, also called Fair Folk by humans
*Fae = Oldest of the elemental races. Known as strong, swift and deadly by their enemies. Characterized by white hair and skin that shimmers silver-blue in direct moonlight. Usually taller than humans and muscular.
*Elf = Most numerous of the elementals. Often slightly taller and more slender than humans.
*Pixie = In their normal form they are six inches tall with wings, but they can change size to as large as humans or as small as a faerie.
*Faerie = Vary in height from one to three inches. Wings vary and can appear to be like those of dragonflies or butterflies.

Fair Folk = Name given to faerie races by humans. Refers to elves, Fae, faeries, brownies, sprites, gnomes, dwarfs, etc.

Chapter 34
The Piper, part 34

By w.j.debi

Piper is a young musician whose grandfather has passed away, leaving Piper an orphan to be raised by the music guild where he is an apprentice. After the funeral, Piper returns alone to play his flute at his grandfather's grave, and a Fae appears--a creature considered swift, strong and deadly--and compliments Piper's flute playing. Captain Burkehart comes to the rescue and escorts Piper back to the castle. During the next few weeks the Fae (Redd-Leif Summerstorm) approaches Piper on several occasions and says he has some secrets he needs to share, but each time they are interrupted by a vigilant Captain Burkehart. Meanwhile, Piper continues his musical education under the direction of the popular performer Master Braun, including traveling with a performing troupe. A wolf attack leaves Piper separated from the musicians and in the hands of Redd-Leif Summerstorm who tells Piper he is half-elven and Piper's elven mother (Melodica) is alive and wants to see him. Redd-Leif then leads Piper into the faerie realm.

End of Previous Chapter
"I can't wait to hear what you've been doing the past two weeks, Rupert." Piper gave Crescendo a hopeful look. "Sir?"

The High Mage sighed, "Looks like you won't be able to concentrate anyway so, we might as well call it a day. Besides," Crescendo added before taking his next bite, "my bees could use a rest, not to mention the birds and other creatures."

Rupert gave Piper a questioning look, but Piper just shrugged and reached for the cheese and bread.

Chapter 34
Burkehart took a deep breath and let it out to the count of five. Shifting waves of water and light at the edge of the waterfall made it difficult to distinguish the shape and location of rocks and plants. Finding footing was tricky, demanding complete focus on each movement.

Though nothing was dry, Burkehart tried to anticipate his moves two or three steps ahead, selecting rocks that appeared to poke out of the water and to offer enough space to support at least the ball of his foot. Almost there. Only a couple more rocks to go.

He selected the next rock and stepped forward. His foot slipped just enough to make him struggle for balance. Luckily, he fell forward against the canyon wall and was able to catch himself before he took a tumble. A splash of water hit his face, reminding him how cold the spring runoff was. Burkehart looked over his shoulder at the cascading stream that surged away from the waterfall. If I fall in... He shuddered. If the current didn't get him, the cold would.

Concentrate. Keep going. He took several deep breaths, then crept forward.

When he stepped behind the waterfall and reached a solid place to stand, he paused to orient himself. The sheer power of the water roared in his ears. The dim and flickering light in the cavern revealed little. The entrance to the faerie realm was not as obvious as he had hoped. He cursed. Why couldn't there at least be a shaft of light revealing where to look?

With his gloved hands, he began feeling his way along the nearest wall an inch at a time. Although the rock was uneven and pitted, everything seemed solid. A thick layer of moss lent a fuzzy, velvety slickness to parts of the cavern's wall and floor. I hate the feel of moss.

After a few minutes, a curve in the wall indicated he had reached the back of the cavern. He went a couple of feet farther, satisfied himself that the flooring was level enough, and put down his pack and water-skin. Perhaps, there is a crevice or nook that hides a switch or knob. Burkehart took off his gloves, unbuckled the sword and dagger from his waist, and placed them on top of his pack. As he continued his search, he curled his lip in a snarl. The pitted stone covered in moss felt even more disgusting when he touched it with his bare hands.

Burkehart inched along with his fingers, feeling up and down for an opening or lever. To adjust his weight, he took a step to his left. Suddenly, his foot slipped on the slick rock. With a thump, he landed on his stomach and began sliding downward. Scrambling for something to hold onto, he snatched at rocks and vegetation. Moss soon filled his fingernails as it tore away from the rocks.

Panic brought visions of plunging under the falls and into the cascade at its base. I'm going to drown or, if I do manage to resurface and drag myself to shore, die from exposure from the wet and cold.

A jolt shot through his hand as three fingers locked onto a small outcropping. The strain of holding onto the sharp rock sent pain shooting through his hand and into his arm. It might not hold his weight for long, but it might be enough. He found a foothold for his right foot, tested it to make sure it was secure, and eased some of the weight from his hand. Next, he felt around with his left hand, found a hand hold and eased more weight off his right hand. Then he found support for his left foot. He concentrated on breathing in and out to a steady count and continued to haul himself upward, testing each handhold and foothold before moving to the next.

Several minutes later, coughing and gasping for air, he crawled the final few inches to sit next to the pack he had left at the back of the cave.

Once his breathing returned to normal, he reached for his water-skin. In the flickering light, he noticed his right hand was covered in blood. He was so wet and cold, he hadn't realized it. Upon further examination, he saw the blood oozing from the deep scrapes in his knuckles, and the torn fingernails of his forefinger and middle finger. It was numb now, but when his hand warmed up, it was going to hurt.

With trembling hands, he located some cloth in his knapsack and wrapped each finger individually and then covered his knuckles. His face felt slick from the moist air, sweat and slime. He cleaned off what he could, then reached for his gloves. It took some effort to get his right glove on over the bandages, but he managed it with a grimace and a groan.

Exhaustion, pain and cold threatened to overwhelm him, but he didn't have much time to rest. The other travelers had been about two miles behind the first group. If they were fair folk, he needed to find his way out of here before they arrived, and he wasn't sure how long he'd been in the cavern already.

Still, he needed a minute before he could continue, so he leaned back to rest against the cavern wall. Maybe there's not a switch. Maybe it's a secret password or a charm. Fair folk like such things. But there is nowhere to hide in this cavern so I can watch, and it's too noisy to overhear them even if I could. He cursed and shook his head. After all this, I'm going to have to go back.

It would be nice to punch something, but he hurt too much. Besides, he needed to conserve his energy to climb out of this cavern and back into the forest. He took several deep breaths to steady himself. Better get going.

He turned to get to his knees, and leaned forward to use the cavern wall as a support. What is that? A faint glimmer of light peeked through a crevice. He reached toward it. The stone curved around; warm air teased from behind it. Could it be?

Burkehart dragged himself to his feet and peeked around the stone. His eyes grew wide.

"At last. After all these years, I've finally found it."

Giddy with exhaustion or relief, he wasn't sure which, Burkehart laughed until his sides hurt which, considering his condition, wasn't long. Then he buckled on his sword and dagger, shouldered his pack, picked up his water-skin, and trudged into the dry, level corridor with the daylight shining at the end of it.


Author Notes Free stock photo. Artist = StuartMiles

Cast of Characters
*Piper = A musical apprentice, just turned age 15.
*Rupert = A musical apprentice. Piper's friend, age 14.
*Grand Master Raymond Acker = Head of the music guild. Piper's grandfather. Recently deceased leaving Piper an orphan under the care of the music guild.
*Captain Burkehart = Captain of the Guard at Castle Welf
*Redd-Leif Summerstorm = A Fae
*Master Braun = Troubadour recently promoted to the rank of Master in the music guild at Castle Welf
*Sheba = an enchanted creature in wolf form
*Melodica = an Elven female
*Master Raven = Elf; master hunter
*Lynx = Ten-year-old son of Redd-Leif and Melodica Summerstorm
*Serein = Six-year-old daughter of Redd-Leif and Melodica Summerstorm
*Master Crescendo = Elven High Mage, First Sage of Music and Song

Elementals, also called Fair Folk by humans
*Fae = Oldest of the elemental races. Known as strong, swift and deadly by their enemies. Characterized by white hair and skin that shimmers silver-blue in direct moonlight. Usually taller than humans and muscular.
*Elf = Most numerous of the elementals. Often slightly taller and more slender than humans.
*Pixie = In their normal form they are six inches tall with wings, but they can change size to as large as humans or as small as a faerie.
*Faerie = Vary in height from one to three inches. Wings vary and can appear to be like those of dragonflies or butterflies.

Fair Folk = Name given to faerie races by humans. Refers to elves, Fae, faeries, brownies, sprites, gnomes, dwarfs, etc.

Chapter 35
The Piper, part 35

By w.j.debi

Piper is a young musician whose grandfather has passed away, leaving Piper an orphan to be raised by the music guild where he is an apprentice. After the funeral, Piper returns alone to play his flute at his grandfather's grave, and a Fae appears--a creature considered swift, strong and deadly--and compliments Piper's flute playing. Captain Burkehart comes to the rescue and escorts Piper back to the castle. During the next few weeks the Fae (Redd-Leif Summerstorm) approaches Piper on several occasions and says he has some secrets he needs to share, but each time they are interrupted by a vigilant Captain Burkehart. Meanwhile, Piper continues his musical education under the direction of the popular performer Master Braun, including traveling with a performing troupe. A wolf attack leaves Piper separated from the musicians and in the hands of Redd-Leif Summerstorm who tells Piper he is half-elven and Piper's elven mother (Melodica) is alive and wants to see him. Redd-Leif then leads Piper into the faerie realm.

End of Previous Chapter
Burkehart dragged himself to his feet and peeked around the stone. His eyes grew wide.

"At last. After all these years, I've finally found it."

Giddy with exhaustion or relief, he wasn't sure which, Burkehart laughed until his sides hurt which, considering his condition, wasn't long. Then he buckled on his sword and dagger, shouldered his pack, picked up his water-skin, and trudged into the dry, level corridor with the daylight shining at the end of it.

Chapter 35
Redd-Leif stepped onto the stoop of High Mage Crescendo's cottage, raised his hand to knock on the door--and hesitated. There's so much I should have told Piper before we reached the faerie realm. I was just so happy to finally have him with me. Voices drifted from the back of the cottage. He strolled around to the side of the building and paused in the shadows to observe the group enjoying their lunch.

Piper reached for a strawberry. "And you don't remember the cave at all?"

"I remember the wolf attack and waking up in Elfhaven. Everything in between is kind of a blur." Rupert took a bite of bread and looked thoughtful as he considered his answer. "I had strange dreams about traveling extremely fast through the forest." He laughed. "I even imagined I had a conversation with a wolf."

Piper nodded. "Sheba. I've met her."

"What?" Rupert's eyes grew wide. "I wasn't dreaming? There really is a talking wolf?"

"Yes, there is." Piper grinned. "She scared me to death when she walked into the cave and sat down. And when she spoke..." He shook his head. "She told me Summerstorm sent her to watch over me until he got back." Piper leaned forward. "I asked if she was going to eat me, and she snapped her jaws and licked her lips. I thought I was dinner."

Master Crescendo and Lady Spring laughed.

"Certainly sounds like Sheba," Crescendo said.

"You know her?" Rupert asked.

Crescendo nodded. "Everyone knows Sheba."

Redd-Leif chuckled to himself. Looks like I'm just in time. He stepped from the shadows. "Greetings. Anyone home?"

"Lord Summerstorm." Lady Spring smiled. "Welcome. Would you care to join us?"

"Thank you, Lady Spring. I have already eaten." He gave her a slight bow and one to Crescendo. "High Mage." Then he nodded at the young men. "Piper. Rupert, good to see you again."

Rupert grinned. "You're Redd-Leif Summerstorm?"

"I am."

"Master Crescendo said you're the one who rescued me and brought me here. I am very grateful, sir."

Redd-Leif smiled. "You're welcome, young man. It is good to see you have recovered so well." He turned to Lady Spring. "I am sorry to interrupt, but I need to speak with Piper."

"Nonsense. We were just finishing." Lady Spring stood. "Rupert, could you help me clear up, please?"

"High Mage," Redd-Leif asked, "mind if we wander through your gardens? You have such a talent for mixing the flora to get just the right visual combinations and scents in the air."

"Be my guest. Wander wherever you wish, my friend."

Redd-Leif motioned for Piper to follow him and they walked the length of the garden in silence. When they reached the lilac bushes at the end of the path, Redd-Leif waved toward the mushroom-shaped seats and they settled in.

"Have you enjoyed your lessons with the High Mage today?"

"Yes, sir. I find the concept of magic in music exciting."

"I knew you would." Redd-Leif suppressed a frown. I wish he would call me "Father," but I guess that will take time.

Piper waited for a moment then asked, "You said you need to speak to me, sir?"

"Yes, I do." Redd-Leif shifted to face Piper. "When I heard the music students got out of class early, and Rupert was on the way to Crescendo's cottage, I decided I'd better find you."

Piper's brow furrowed. "Is there a problem?"

"No, no problem. I just need to ask you a couple of questions." Redd-Leif took a deep breath. "How much do you trust Rupert?"

"What do you mean?"

"He is human, an outsider. I know you've only been here a day, but as the elemental who knows him best, our custom dictates that you decide how much Rupert knows about you, about us, about what we can do. I need to know what you intend to tell him."

"Well..." Piper thought for a moment. "What does he know so far?"

"Obviously, he knows he is in the faerie realm and that he has been tended to by elven healers. He is staying with Crescendo because the High Mage was at the healer's cottage when I arrived, and I was in a hurry to return for you. Crescendo was interested in comparing human musical training to our own so he was happy to have Rupert as a house guest."

Piper swallowed. "What does he know about me?"

"Only that you are staying at the Summerstorm home because we have room and, due to Melodica's musical talent, we are also curious about your musical training. Rupert has musical lessons with Master Crescendo each day, so it should seem natural to him that you are doing the same."

"I see." Piper pursed his lips.

"My boy, we will honor whatever you decide to tell him or not tell him about yourself and the realm." Redd-Leif leaned toward him. "I must caution you about one thing."


"I understand you and Rupert are going to Moonbow Meadow tonight. Many people go there each evening. Our family is well known and your return has been anticipated for some time--"

"So someone might let it slip that I'm an elemental and the son of Redd-Leif Summerstorm."

"Yes." A smile flickered across Redd-Leif's lips. Yes, my son. "I probably should have told you these things earlier."

Piper hesitated a moment. "So, why didn't you?"

"A fair question." Redd-Leif took a deep breath then looked directly at Piper. "After I told you about your mother, you seemed to need time to think. I didn't want to overwhelm you by telling you I was your father, and that you had a brother and sister, so I decided to wait. I thought you would ask questions when you were ready. When you didn't, I wasn't sure if you had accepted you were half-elven so I wasn't sure how you'd react to being half-Fae."

"So you kept it secret," Piper said, mostly to himself.

"It wasn't secret..." Redd-Leif closed his eyes a moment then continued. "I had determined to share this information with you on our way to the waterfalls so you could be prepared when we entered the faerie realm. What I hadn't anticipated was Lynx showing up."

"And he was so excited that he shared it all."

Redd-Leif nodded. "Such excellent timing. It seems to be a trait of his. And Lynx said it better than I could have."

"And saved you from having to do it."

Redd-Leif smirked. "Now there's the Piper I remember--one willing to show his impatience and challenge what he is told." He looked toward the cottage then back at Piper. "You've been so quiet since the wolf attack, I was worried you'd hit your head on that log harder than I thought. Seeing your friend Rupert seems to have made you comfortable enough to be yourself again. I'm glad." Redd-Leif raised an eyebrow. "How do you think he will react once he knows you are elemental? Some humans consider it an honor to have fair folks as friends, others turn away."

Piper fidgeted.

"If it helps any, Piper, I've had several human friends. It can be risky, especially if you travel between realms, but it also can create a special bond." Redd-Leif reached over and put a hand on Piper's shoulder. "Follow your heart, my boy. It will be the best judge."

Piper looked up at Redd-Leif. "Rupert's always been fascinated by fair folk. He should accept I'm elemental."

"Will he keep it secret if you ask him to?"

"I believe he will." Piper bit his lip. "As far as the magic...I only found out about it a few hours ago. I'd like to learn more first."

"That's wise."

Piper looked toward the cottage. Rupert was standing on the veranda waving at him. Piper waved back.

Redd-Leif watched the emotions warring on Piper's face. It's all so new to him. He isn't even sure what he believes himself.

vote 3rd place

Author Notes Free stock photo. Artist = StuartMiles

Cast of Characters
*Piper = A musical apprentice, just turned age 15.
*Rupert = A musical apprentice. Piper's friend, age 14.
*Grand Master Raymond Acker = Head of the music guild. Piper's grandfather. Recently deceased leaving Piper an orphan under the care of the music guild.
*Captain Burkehart = Captain of the Guard at Castle Welf
*Redd-Leif Summerstorm = A Fae
*Master Braun = Troubadour recently promoted to the rank of Master in the music guild at Castle Welf
*Sheba = an enchanted creature in wolf form
*Melodica = an Elven female
*Master Raven = Elf; master hunter
*Lynx = Ten-year-old son of Redd-Leif and Melodica Summerstorm
*Serein = Six-year-old daughter of Redd-Leif and Melodica Summerstorm
*Master Crescendo = Elven High Mage, First Sage of Music and Song

Elementals, also called Fair Folk by humans
*Fae = Oldest of the elemental races. Known as strong, swift and deadly by their enemies. Characterized by white hair and skin that shimmers silver-blue in direct moonlight. Usually taller than humans and muscular.
*Elf = Most numerous of the elementals. Often slightly taller and more slender than humans.
*Pixie = In their normal form they are six inches tall with wings, but they can change size to as large as humans or as small as a faerie.
*Faerie = Vary in height from one to three inches. Wings vary and can appear to be like those of dragonflies or butterflies.

Fair Folk = Name given to faerie races by humans. Refers to elves, Fae, faeries, brownies, sprites, gnomes, dwarfs, etc.

Chapter 36
The Piper, part 36

By w.j.debi

Piper is a young musician whose grandfather has passed away, leaving Piper an orphan to be raised by the music guild where he is an apprentice. After the funeral, Piper returns alone to play his flute at his grandfather's grave, and a Fae appears--a creature considered swift, strong and deadly--and compliments Piper's flute playing. Captain 
Burkehart comes to the rescue and escorts Piper back to the castle. During the next few weeks the Fae (Redd-Leif Summerstorm) approaches Piper on several occasions and says he has some secrets he needs to share, but each time they are interrupted by a vigilant Captain Burkehart. Meanwhile, Piper continues his musical education under the direction of the popular performer Master Braun, including traveling with a performing troupe. A wolf attack leaves Piper separated from the musicians and in the hands of Redd-Leif Summerstorm who tells Piper he is half-elven and Piper's elven mother (Melodica) is alive and wants to see him. Redd-Leif then leads Piper into the faerie realm where Piper begins to learn about his heritage and the magic in the music he wields.

End of Previous Chapter
"If it helps any, Piper, I've had several human friends. It can be risky, especially if you travel between realms, but it also can create a special bond." Redd-Leif reached over and put a hand on Piper's shoulder. "Follow your heart, my boy. It will be the best judge."

Piper looked up at Redd-Leif. "Rupert's always been fascinated by fair folk. He should accept I'm elemental."

"Will he keep it secret if you ask him to?"

"I believe he will." Piper bit his lip. "As far as the magic...I only found out about it a few hours ago. I'd like to learn more first."

"That's wise."

Piper looked toward the cottage. Rupert was standing on the veranda waving at him. Piper waved back.

Redd-Leif watched the emotions warring on Piper's face. It's all so new to him. He isn't even sure what he believes himself.

Chapter 36

Lynx stepped off the path and edged his way over to a knoll that overlooked Moonbow Meadow. "We're here," he announced. His eyes gleamed with pride as Piper closed the last few strides to stand beside him. "Spectacular, huh, Piper?"

Piper surveyed the valley below them. Wow. It's huge. Far bigger than I imagined. It's like drawings I've seen of the ancient Roman amphitheaters, minus the seating, of course. And the basin is enormous. The grass is so green and even, like a carpet covering the entire area. No doubt the elves use magic to make it grow just the right length to give it such a well-groomed appearance.

Lush trees and bushes surrounded the meadow. As he'd noticed since entering the faerie realm, some plants were in full bloom while others were loaded with mature fruit despite it being spring. The fragrance of evergreen trees mixed with those of the flowers and bushes, filling the air with wonderful scents. The waterfall on the far side of the meadow shimmered in the twilight as the water tumbled over the rocks and cascaded to the pool below.

Elementals of all ages were playing games in groups, strolling along various paths, chasing each other, or sitting on the grass chatting. Pixies were performing aerial acrobatics to amuse themselves and others. A few faeries flitted through the air creating a luminescent glow that trailed after them in the twilight. Piper smiled at the sight. I bet that's what they call faerie dust.

"Well, what do you think, Piper?"

Piper stood in silence a moment more as he took in the scene. "I have to admit, it looks like something...out of a faerie tale."

"Yes!" Lynx chortled in victory. "I knew you'd like it. It's my favorite place. But you haven't seen anything yet. Wait until the moon comes out. Then you'll see the moonbows that give the meadow its name. They're like rainbows, only because they form at night they are called moonbows. And wait until you see how many of them there are."

"I'm already impressed."

"Yeah, it's hard not to be." Lynx pointed to a spot at the bottom of the slope. "Look, there's Master Crescendo and his wife. Is that your friend Rupert with them?"

Piper nodded. "Yes, that's him." Suddenly, he felt a knot growing in his stomach.

"I guess this is where I leave you then. I see some of my friends down in the meadow playing a game of Mischief." Lynx took a few steps and then paused to look back at Piper. "Call out if you need anything. I won't be far. Good luck. I hope everything goes well with your friend."

Me, too. "Thanks, Lynx. Have fun with your friends."

Lynx started down the slope at one angle and Piper at another. When Piper was about halfway down the slope, Rupert turned and looked up. Rupert waved, said something to Master Crescendo, and started up to meet Piper.

When they were within a few steps of each other Rupert asked, "Is everything alright?"

"Of course." Piper's brow furrowed. I hope I don't look as nervous as I feel. "Why wouldn't it be?"

"I just wondered why you had to go back to the Summerstorm home this afternoon."

"Oh, that. Melodica, that's Redd-Leif's wife, fixed a special dinner, and the family had friends over. They wanted me to play some music for them." Partially true; I did play for some of the neighbors who dropped by. The real reason I went back was to have them help me figure out what to tell you and how.

"Yeah, the same thing happens to me at Crescendo's cottage. It seems the elementals like our music. We're celebrities."

"Probably, just exotic."


"Outsiders from another realm, a curiosity. They don't see many humans."

"Maybe, but I like the attention."

"Must be the performer in you," Piper teased.

Rupert grinned then pointed across the meadow. "We should head down to the waterfall. The moon will be rising soon and you'll see how the meadow gets its name."

"I've heard a lot about it from Lynx so I am excited to see it."


"Summerstorm's son."

"So, how is it, staying with the 'royal family' of Elfhaven?"

"What do you mean?"

"I hear Fae are considered royalty in the faerie realm because they are the most ancient race. All the fair folk descended from them somehow. Since Redd-Leif Summerstorm is the only Fae to be seen in decades, they think of him as elite among the elementals."

"Really? I had no idea. They've never mentioned it." Piper thought for a moment. That's why the guards called me "prince" when I entered the realm. "Maybe that explains the cottage."

"Cottage? I've heard it's more like a mansion."

"That's an understatement. I think the Summerstorm cottage has more rooms than Castle Welf, and the craftsmanship is amazing. A stand of trees has been enchanted to grow into the shapes needed for rooms in one-half of the cottage, with beautiful balconies woven of live vines and branches. The other half of the house is formed from enchanted rock that flows back into the mountainside. The Summerstorms have a lot of visitors and like to make everyone comfortable. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised to find they have rooms underground for those that prefer it. I'm staying with the family on the tree side of the cottage. I'll show you around when you come over."

"I'd like that." Rupert hesitated when they came to a fork in the path they were following. "Let's cut through Fae Grove. It has the most remarkable trees."

As they continued toward the grove, Rupert pointed out elementals that he knew, mostly musicians, but also healers and other elementals he had met. They paused to watch the elemental youth playing Mischief, and Piper cheered when Lynx scored.

When they entered Fae Grove, starlight shone through the leaves of the trees creating a dappling effect that flickered due to a slight breeze.

Piper gazed about him trying to take it all in. "The trees are remarkable. Even better, the light is dazzling."

Rupert turned to Piper and gasped. "Piper! Look at your skin. It's got a silver-blue tinge to it." His eyes grew wide. "You must be Fae."

Piper looked down at his arm. His skin gleamed silver-blue. He gulped. "I...I..."

Rupert burst out laughing. "Oh, Piper, you should see the look on your face."

Piper stared at Rupert.

Rupert doubled over as his laughter increased. When he finally caught his breath, he said, "All the elementals come here to pretend they are Fae. Look, even my skin is silver-blue in this light. I must be Fae, too."

Piper gawked at Rupert. It was true; Rupert's skin glowed silver-blue as well.

Between breaths Rupert continued, "Everyone's skin is silver-blue here. It's something to do with the light in this meadow. Moonbows and silver-blue skin. Maybe there is some kind of spell on this place; or maybe it's just a freak of nature that the light is different here."

Piper forced a slight chuckle. "Very funny, Rupert." Time to find out if I still have a friend or not. Piper took a deep breath and blurted out, "What if I told you, I truly am half-Fae?"

"Yeah, sure you are." Rupert gradually stopped laughing and his smug expression slowly dissolved as Piper remained solemn. He whispered, "You're serious?"

Piper nodded. "I am."


"Redd-Leif Summerstorm is my father; his elven wife, Melodica, is my mother."

Rupert gaped at Piper for a full minute. "That means you''re an elemental."

"Yes, it does."



Author Notes Free stock photo. Artist = StuartMiles

Cast of Characters
*Piper = A musical apprentice, just turned age 15.
*Rupert = A musical apprentice. Piper's friend, age 14.
*Grand Master Raymond Acker = Head of the music guild. Piper's grandfather. Recently deceased leaving Piper an orphan under the care of the music guild.
*Captain Burkehart = Captain of the Guard at Castle Welf
*Redd-Leif Summerstorm = A Fae
*Master Braun = Troubadour recently promoted to the rank of Master in the music guild at Castle Welf
*Sheba = an enchanted creature in wolf form
*Melodica = an Elven female
*Master Raven = Elf; master hunter
*Lynx = Ten-year-old son of Redd-Leif and Melodica Summerstorm
*Serein = Six-year-old daughter of Redd-Leif and Melodica Summerstorm
*Master Crescendo = Elven High Mage, First Sage of Music and Song
* Lady Spring = Wife of Master Crescendo

Elementals, also called Fair Folk by humans
*Fae = Oldest of the elemental races. Known as strong, swift and deadly by their enemies. Characterized by white hair and skin that shimmers silver-blue in direct moonlight. Usually taller than humans and muscular.
*Elf = Most numerous of the elementals. Often slightly taller and more slender than humans.
*Pixie = In their normal form they are six inches tall with wings, but they can change size to as large as humans or as small as a faerie.
*Faerie = Vary in height from one to three inches. Wings vary and can appear to be like those of dragonflies or butterflies.

Fair Folk = Name given to faerie races by humans. Refers to elves, Fae, faeries, brownies, sprites, gnomes, dwarfs, etc.

Chapter 37
The Piper, part 37

By w.j.debi

Piper is a young musician whose grandfather has passed away, leaving Piper an orphan to be raised by the music guild where he is an apprentice. After the funeral, Piper returns alone to play his flute at his grandfather's grave, and a Fae appears--a creature considered swift, strong and deadly--and compliments Piper's flute playing. Captain Burkehart comes to the rescue and escorts Piper back to the castle. During the next few weeks, the Fae (Redd-Leif Summerstorm) approaches Piper on several occasions and says he has some secrets he needs to share, but each time they are interrupted by a vigilant Captain Burkehart. Meanwhile, Piper continues his musical education under the direction of the popular performer Master Braun, including traveling with a performing troupe. A wolf attack leaves Piper separated from the musicians and in the hands of Redd-Leif Summerstorm who tells Piper he is half-elven and Piper's elven mother (Melodica) is alive and wants to see him. Redd-Leif then leads Piper into the faerie realm where Piper begins to learn about his heritage and the magic in the music he wields.

End of Previous Chapter
Piper took a deep breath and blurted out, "What if I told you, I truly am half-Fae?"

"Yeah, sure you are." Rupert gradually stopped laughing and his smug expression slowly dissolved as Piper remained solemn. He whispered, "You're serious?"

Piper nodded. "I am."


"Redd-Leif Summerstorm is my father; his elven wife, Melodica, is my mother."

Rupert gaped at Piper for a full minute. "That means you''re an elemental."

"Yes, it does."

Chapter 37

Piper held his breath as he watched the silver-blue light of Fae Grove flicker across Rupert's astonished face. Come on, Rupert. Give me a clue. What are you thinking?

Suddenly, an enormous grin enveloped Rupert's face and lit up his eyes. "You're an elemental! Piper, that's wonderful. Wait until they hear about this back at the castle."

Piper let out a huge sigh as the knot in his stomach dissipated. "Ah . . . could we keep it a secret between the two of us? Not everyone likes elementals. Fact is, I'm still getting used to the idea myself."

Rupert gave a sharp nod of his head. "You bet. Our secret." Rupert chortled with glee and nearly shouted, "My friend is an elemental." He gave a furtive look around. "It is alright to say that here, isn't it? We're surrounded by elementals. They know, don't they?"

"The ones I've met do."

"Who else knows?"

"You're the first person I've told." Piper shook his head. "It sounds so strange. I have a whole family I never knew about."

"But, I'm the first human to know?"

"Yes." Piper chuckled with relief. "You are the first."

Rupert did a little dance but stopped abruptly at the sound of someone coming up the path.

Three elven youths, a couple of years older than Piper, stepped out of the shadows. All three were dressed in hunting gear, with quivers and bows slung over their backs, knives and hatches at their waists.

"Hello, youngsters," the tallest elf said. "Having fun pretending to be Fae, I see." He looked at Piper, then at Rupert. "I don't believe I've met you two before, but then we have been away for a few weeks. My name is Falcon. These are my friends Robin and Blue Jay."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Piper and this is my friend Rupert."

"Rupert?" Falcon looked puzzled.

"They're musicians." Robin pointed at Piper. "See the flute he has hanging over his shoulder? And the other one was dancing when we walked up."

"That makes sense." Falcon kept his gaze fixed on Piper and Rupert. "The spring festival is coming up. You here to help with the entertainment?"

"No. We didn't know about the festival," Piper said.

"We were attacked by wolves. Redd-Leif Summerstorm saved us and brought us here," Rupert added.

"Lord Summerstorm?" Blue Jay looked amused. "He's known for being a wolf's worst enemy."

Falcon assessed Rupert. "I guess that explains the plaster mold on your arm. Broken?"

"Yes, in the attack. The elven healers say it can be removed next week."

"Elven healers?" Falcon frowned. "You're human?"

"Rupert's human, but Piper's my brother." Lynx stepped into the circle, a big smile on his face. "Hi, Piper."

"Lynx. How long have you been there?" Piper asked.

"I just got here. The game was over so I decided to come find you."

"I thought you had a familiar look to you." Falcon circled Piper and then stopped in front of him. "So, the changeling prince comes home at last."

"Changeling prince?" Piper asked.

Blue Jay stepped closer to Piper. "Word is you were switched for a human prince at birth and raised in a castle. That would make you a changeling, wouldn't it?"

"I did grow up in a castle, but I'm not a prince."

"No?" Falcon looked at his two friends. "I guess we are mistaken. Who are you?"

"My name is Piper Strauss."

"What?" Lynx looked shocked.

Falcon's next words were full of sarcasm. "So, you're not Summerstorm's lost son?" Falcon smirked. "I thought Lynx said you were his brother."

"Well . . . he did . . . I am . . . I . . ." Piper looked at Lynx, hoping for help.

"And your name is Piper Strauss." He turned to Robin and Blue Jay. "Did you hear that? He chose his human name over his elemental one." The three of them laughed. Falcon turned back to Piper. "What? Isn't being elemental good enough for you?"

"It's typical of a changeling," Robin said.

"Yeah, you never can be sure what side a changeling is on," Blue Jay chimed in.

Lynx stepped between Piper and the tall elven youth. "Falcon Grove, you leave my brother alone."

"Oh, look. The changeling prince had a bodyguard. Probably had guards to protect him at the castle too." Falcon turned to Piper. "Were the guards at the castle more than ten years old? Or did you hire the great hunter here because he's your brother? But, if your only weapon is a flute, I guess anyone who can . . ."

Falcon choked on that last word as Lynx punched the older boy in the stomach so hard it doubled him over. Falcon glared at Lynx. "You little . . ."

"Is there a problem here, boys?" a mature voice sounded behind them.

They all turned to look at the newcomer.

"Master Raven." Lynx nodded in welcome to the hunting master.

"Well?" Master Raven folded his arms across his chest, a stern look on his face. "Falcon, you honoring your code by watching out for the younger elementals?"

Falcon straightened up. "Of course, Master Raven. We, ah . . . were just welcoming Piper and his friend to Elfhaven."

"That is good of you. I believe Piper entered our realm yesterday afternoon. There will be a lot he'll want to see. Thank you for your kindness."

"It is our privilege, sir."

"I'm glad you think so, but I hope you won't mind if I take over and show Piper around myself. I met him yesterday, but we didn't get much time to chat. I've anticipated his arrival for a long time and I'd like to get to know him better."

"We defer to you, Master Raven," Falcon said. "Piper, Rupert, I hope you enjoy your stay in Elfhaven." He turned so Raven couldn't see the sneer on his face. "See you around, Lynx."

"Before you go, may I ask how the hunting went?" Raven asked.

"It went well, Master Raven. We brought back more than we anticipated."

"Good. I look forward to a full report tomorrow."

"You shall have it, sir." Falcon inclined his head toward Raven. "If you will excuse us, we will be on our way." Falcon motioned to his friends. "Robin, Blue Jay, come. We have things to do."

Lynx glared at the three departing youths as they strode away, then turned to the master hunter. "Master Raven, I . . . "

"I saw." Raven raised an eyebrow. "Your reaction was a bit excessive, wasn't it, Lynx?"

Lynx shrugged. "They were teasing Piper."

Raven chuckled and reached over to rumple Lynx's hair. "Why is it you always go for the biggest prey you can, little hunter? We need to work on your strategy so you grow up to be a big hunter." He nodded to Piper and Rupert. "If you want to catch the moonrise and the appearance of the moonbows, we'd better head to the falls."

Lynx stepped forward. "Master Raven, could I talk to Piper for a minute? We won't be long."

"Of course. Come on, Rupert. You can catch me up on your story while we wait for them."

Piper watched Rupert follow Master Raven from the grove and turned to his brother. "What's up, Lynx?"

"Shush. I want to make sure they are far enough away that they can't hear us."

"Alright." Piper waited as Lynx listened for the others to be out of range.

With a defiant frown, Lynx turned on him. "Why did you tell them your name was Piper Strauss?"

Piper took a step back. "It's my name."

Lynx balled up his fists. "Maybe in the human world, but not here. You're a Summerstorm and you should be proud of it. We are the last of the Fae, and people respect us for it. Brownies insist on cleaning our house for free. People visit to pay respect to Papa and honor him because most of the Fae died protecting them in the Human-Elemental War. We are descended from the oldest elemental race and we have a responsibility to honor the Fae and the Summerstorm name."

Piper was quiet for a moment. "I didn't know. No one ever told me."

"Well, I'm telling you now. You may be my older brother, but you have a lot to learn."

Piper nodded, a sheepish look on his face. "I guess I do."

Lynx's jaw tightened in a manner that reminded Piper of Redd-Leif. "And your name is Piper Summerstorm, you hear? If Mama hears you say anything else, it will make her cry." With that, Lynx stalked away.

Piper stood stunned as Lynx receded into the night. Piper Summerstorm? I hadn't even considered . . . Piper took a big gulp of air and called out, "Lynx, wait!" and ran to catch up.



Author Notes Free stock photo. Artist = StuartMiles

Cast of Characters
*Piper = A musical apprentice, just turned age 15.
*Rupert = A musical apprentice. Piper's friend, age 14.
*Grand Master Raymond Acker = Head of the music guild. Piper's grandfather. Recently deceased leaving Piper an orphan under the care of the music guild.
*Captain Burkehart = Captain of the Guard at Castle Welf
*Redd-Leif Summerstorm = A Fae
*Master Braun = Troubadour recently promoted to the rank of Master in the music guild at Castle Welf
*Sheba = an enchanted creature in wolf form
*Melodica = an Elven female
*Master Raven = Elf; master hunter
*Lynx = Ten-year-old son of Redd-Leif and Melodica Summerstorm
*Serein = Six-year-old daughter of Redd-Leif and Melodica Summerstorm
*Master Crescendo = Elven High Mage, First Sage of Music and Song
* Lady Spring = Wife of Master Crescendo

Elementals, also called Fair Folk by humans
*Fae = Oldest of the elemental races. Known as strong, swift and deadly by their enemies. Characterized by white hair and skin that shimmers silver-blue in direct moonlight. Usually taller than humans and muscular.
*Elf = Most numerous of the elementals. Often slightly taller and more slender than humans.
*Pixie = In their normal form they are six inches tall with wings, but they can change size to as large as humans or as small as a faerie.
*Faerie = Vary in height from one to three inches. Wings vary and can appear to be like those of dragonflies or butterflies.

Fair Folk = Name given to faerie races by humans. Refers to elves, Fae, faeries, brownies, sprites, gnomes, dwarfs, etc.

Chapter 38
The Piper, part 38

By w.j.debi

Piper is a young musician whose grandfather has passed away, leaving Piper an orphan to be raised by the music guild where he is an apprentice. After the funeral, Piper returns alone to play his flute at his grandfather's grave, and a Fae appears--a creature considered swift, strong and deadly--and compliments Piper's flute playing. Captain Burkehart comes to the rescue and escorts Piper back to the castle. During the next few weeks, the Fae (Redd-Leif Summerstorm) approaches Piper on several occasions and says he has some secrets he needs to share, but each time they are interrupted by a vigilant Captain Burkehart. Meanwhile, Piper continues his musical education under the direction of the popular performer Master Braun, including traveling with a performing troupe. A wolf attack leaves Piper separated from the musicians and in the hands of Redd-Leif Summerstorm who tells Piper he is half-elven and Piper's elven mother (Melodica) is alive and wants to see him. Redd-Leif then leads Piper into the faerie realm where Piper begins to learn about his heritage and the magic in the music he wields.

End of Previous Chapter
With a defiant frown, Lynx turned on him. "Why did you tell them your name was Piper Strauss?"

Piper took a step back. "It's my name."

Lynx balled up his fists. "Maybe in the human world, but not here. You're a Summerstorm and you should be proud of it. We are the last of the Fae, and people respect us for it. Brownies insist on cleaning our house for free. People visit to pay respect to Papa and honor him because most of the Fae died protecting them in the Human-Elemental War. We are descended from the oldest elemental race and we have a responsibility to honor the Fae and the Summerstorm name."

Piper was quiet for a moment. "I didn't know. No one ever told me."

"Well, I'm telling you now. You may be my older brother, but you have a lot to learn."

Piper nodded, a sheepish look on his face. "I guess I do."

Lynx's jaw tightened in a manner that reminded Piper of Redd-Leif. "And your name is Piper Summerstorm, you hear? If Mama hears you say anything else, it will make her cry." With that, Lynx stalked away.

Piper stood stunned as Lynx receded into the night. Piper Summerstorm? I hadn't even considered . . . Piper took a big gulp of air and called out, "Lynx, wait!" and ran to catch up.

Chapter 38
Burkehart watched the faeries flitter through the air, zipping to-and-fro, leaving trails of light behind them in the darkness. Was it faerie dust or blurry vision? He blinked. One faerie hovered to look at him. Obnoxious little insects. If only they would come close enough for him to swat. He grimaced in frustration. Maybe the pain in his hand was getting to him.

Slowly, he unwound the bandages on his two damaged fingers. Layer-by-layer the throbbing intensified. Dried blood made the last two layers of cloth stick together--and to the wounds on his fingers. He closed his eyes for a moment then yanked the bandages off of both fingers at once. He clenched his teeth to keep from groaning, took a deep breath, and braced himself as he reached for the potion he had made from herbs and oils. This was going to sting. With a trembling hand, he coated the forefinger and middle finger of his right hand liberally then wrapped the fingers in clean cloth. Panting, he collapsed against the tree he was sitting under and curled up to let the potion take effect as he drifted off to sleep.

Piper trudged up the hill, his trusty flute at his side, a lute, lyre, and drum slung over his back, and bells in his hands. He paused to catch his breath, raised a jingling hand to block the sun from his eyes, and looked up the trail. Master Crescendo was continuing his steady pace up ahead.

"Keep up, Piper. We are almost there."

"Yes, sir." Piper ran a sleeve over his forehead to remove the perspiration, took a deep breath and muttered, "I don't understand why I have to carry all these instruments up here."

Crescendo reached the top of the ridge and turned to look down at him. "You'll soon understand the purpose."

Oops. I forgot about elven hearing. "Yes, sir."

Piper topped the hill and took a moment to survey the plateau. To his left, a peak rose into the sky and blocked off the view in that direction. The rest of the plateau was formed by trees and foliage surrounding a small meadow. He heard a roaring stream in the distance somewhere below them. If he was correct, that particular stream fed the falls that marked the passage into the faerie realm. Piper walked over to Master Crescendo. "Is it alright if I put down the instruments now, sir?"

"Yes, of course, Piper. You can put them there." Crescendo indicated a spot in the shade near them.

Piper stifled a sigh and tried to keep the impatience out of his voice. Remember, you are lucky to be taught by the High Mage of Music. "I still wonder why we had to come all the way up here for lessons. I mean, it's a nice setting, but so is your garden."

Crescendo smiled. "There are several reasons. First, as you stated, it is a lovely setting. Second, you know the charm your music has on the birds, but do you have any idea what your music is doing to my bees and the plants in my garden?"

"Your bees? I suppose they stop and listen like the birds do."

"Yes, and it is disturbing my garden and my honey production. Besides, up here we can test your skills and experiment freely with the plant, insect, and animal life."

"And not be interrupted?"

"I'm not certain about that. This is a popular meadow. We could easily be joined by others." Crescendo took a deep breath and sighed. "I'd forgotten how lovely it is up here." He turned to Piper. "I don't think you understand just how talented you are, my boy. You have a natural ability to do what most musicians, including most high mages, only dream of doing. Nature is charmed by your music. I think it's so natural to you that you haven't taken any notice of it, have you?"

Piper looked a little sheepish. "No, sir. It never occurred to me."

"No reason it should have, but I suspect with some training, you may be able to control some elements in nature and do much good. Come; sit next to me on this log. Let's test your skill, starting with the lyre and the grass directly in front of us."

Burkehart woke to the sound of voices. He cursed the faeries for not leaving him alone, but when he opened his eyes, he couldn't see any of the little pests, just daylight filtering through the trees.

He stirred himself to a sitting position and peered through the bushes in front of him. In the nearby clearing were two people. He caught snatches of conversations, laughter, and music. They were certainly enjoying themselves.

"Piper?" he whispered as he leaned forward. Yes, it was Piper and an elf in master robes. Musical instruments surrounded them. The elven master was nodding and saying something in tones too low to be heard at this distance. A music instructor of some kind? Of course, lure Piper into the faerie realm and charm him with something exciting about music. That would be the best way to trick him.

Piper put down a drum and began strumming a lute. Burkehart smiled to himself. Piper was good. The lad had mentioned he played many instruments. Still, it seemed odd to see him playing something besides a flute.

As the music flowed, two flowers pushed their way out of the soil and grew taller, centimeter by centimeter. Leaves unraveled to the harmony. Buds nodded in time to the rhythm, shyly exposing their blooms one layer at a time, each petal blushing open as it was enticed by the melody.

"It worked!" Piper's eyes were bright with excitement. "Master Crescendo, it's amazing. It really works."

Crescendo chuckled. "Good job, Piper. I was hoping you could charm the plants into growing. It doesn't appear to matter which instrument you play, drum, lute, bells, or lyre. As I suspected, the magic is coming from you." Crescendo grew thoughtful for a moment. "I do wonder, however, if you use your favorite instrument if it would make any difference, perhaps be more powerful." Crescendo got a glint in his eye. "Shall we give the flute a try?"

Piper put down the lute and gave an enthusiastic, "Yes!" Flute music instantly filled the air.

From his hiding place, Burkehart attempted to eavesdrop on the music lessons, but he only caught snatches of the conversation due to the distance, or so he told himself. The music kept distracting him. Jaunty tunes had him tapping his finger on his knee and the serene melodies lulled him into musings. Twice he caught himself nodding off to sleep. He tried rolling his shoulder and stretching as silently as possible to keep himself alert.

When Piper and his companion packed-up for the day and headed for the trail, Burkehart snapped to attention as they passed. The words of the music master were clear.

“We'll come back tomorrow and see how the insects behave."

Insects? What does that mean? Burkehart took a deep breath and relaxed as Piper and the music master disappeared down the path. Back tomorrow. He leaned back against the tree trunk and grinned. Piper was within reach.


Author Notes Free stock photo. Artist = StuartMiles

Cast of Characters
*Piper = A musical apprentice, just turned age 15.
*Rupert = A musical apprentice. Piper's friend, age 14.
*Grand Master Raymond Acker = Head of the music guild. Piper's grandfather. Recently deceased leaving Piper an orphan under the care of the music guild.
*Captain Burkehart = Captain of the Guard at Castle Welf
*Redd-Leif Summerstorm = A Fae
*Master Braun = Troubadour recently promoted to the rank of Master in the music guild at Castle Welf
*Sheba = an enchanted creature in wolf form
*Melodica = an Elven female
*Master Raven = Elf; master hunter
*Lynx = Ten-year-old son of Redd-Leif and Melodica Summerstorm
*Serein = Six-year-old daughter of Redd-Leif and Melodica Summerstorm
*Master Crescendo = Elven High Mage, First Sage of Music and Song
* Lady Spring = Wife of Master Crescendo

Elementals, also called Fair Folk by humans
*Fae = Oldest of the elemental races. Known as strong, swift and deadly by their enemies. Characterized by white hair and skin that shimmers silver-blue in direct moonlight. Usually taller than humans and muscular.
*Elf = Most numerous of the elementals. Often slightly taller and more slender than humans.
*Pixie = In their normal form they are six inches tall with wings, but they can change size to as large as humans or as small as a faerie.
*Faerie = Vary in height from one to three inches. Wings vary and can appear to be like those of dragonflies or butterflies.

Fair Folk = Name given to faerie races by humans. Refers to elves, Fae, faeries, brownies, sprites, gnomes, dwarfs, etc.

Chapter 39
The Piper, part 39

By w.j.debi

Recently orphaned, Piper is a young musician being raised by the music guild at Castle Welf. A Fae (Redd-Leif Summerstorm) approaches Piper on several occasions and says he has secrets to share, but each time they are interrupted by the vigilant head of the castle guard, Captain Burkehart.

Meanwhile, Piper continues his musical education under the direction of the popular performer Master Braun, including traveling with a performing troupe. A wolf attack leaves Piper separated from the musicians and in the hands of Redd-Leif Summerstorm who discloses that Piper is half-elven and Piper's elven mother (Melodica) is alive and wants to see him. Redd-Leif then leads Piper into the faerie realm where Piper begins to learn about his heritage and the magic he wields in the music he plays.

End of Previous Chapter
When Piper and his companion packed-up for the day and headed for the trail, Burkehart snapped to attention as they passed. The words of the music master were clear.

“We'll come back tomorrow and see how the insects behave."

Insects? What does that mean? Burkehart took a deep breath and relaxed as Piper and the music master disappeared down the path. Back tomorrow. He leaned back against the tree trunk and grinned. Piper was within reach.

Chapter 39

A wasp hesitated in her travels, antennas tingling to interpret the code and the rhythm of this new irresistible urge. She turned, her wings gathering speed as she plummeted toward the swarm amassing nearby. A buzz of excited communication increased as other wasps merged into the ranks. Message conveyed. Objective determined. One in instinct and purpose. 

Piper gulped when he saw the buzzing ball of insects flying in their direction. They really are coming. He kept the flute near his lips but paused the melody mid-measure. "Master Crescendo--"

"Keep playing. They are responding just as we discussed. Now is not the time to be timid. They will sense it."

Piper took a breath and continued with the next musical phrase. The swarm approached and stopped to hover a few feet in front of him as he continued to play. I hope Crescendo is right about this. A slight fluctuation in the tempo was met by the sphere edging nearer and an increase in the intensity of the buzzing.

"Steady, Piper," Crescendo said in a calm, soft voice. "Focus on what you want them to do, not what you fear they might do. I don't fancy being stung any more than you."

Piper kept one eye on the swarm and the other on Crescendo. Keep the rhythm steady. Count.

Buzzing started to mimic the cadence of the flute music lending a strong timbre of bass to the duet. Individual insects dashed about as if they were desperate for a way to escape their confines. Occasionally, a stray insect broke formation but immediately returned to the swarm.

Perspiration beaded on Piper's forehead and started to trickle down his cheeks, but he didn't dare stop playing to wipe at it. He gave a furtive look at the music master, but Crescendo wasn't paying any attention to him.

"Excellent," Crescendo whispered as he admired the wasps. "Most excellent."

Piper's left eye began to twitch, something it only did when he was extremely anxious. It was becoming harder to concentrate with each stanza, and he was taking deep breaths even when short ones were required for the music. Come on, Master Crescendo. I can't keep this up much longer.

"Piper," Crescendo whispered, "you've done a great job calling the wasps to you and keeping them under control. Now it's time to send them on their way. As we discussed, let's take it step-by-step. First, try focusing on that tree across from us. It's just a few feet away. Let's see if they will move toward it. You may also want to change to a more serene tune."

Piper nodded slightly. What were those two pieces Redd-Leif said held special power? He began playing the melody he performed at his grandfather's graveside. Buzzing intensified and wasps darted about more quickly within the sphere, but the swarm moved a few inches away from them and toward the tree.

"Good, Piper. It's working. Focus on the tree and your music. The wasps seem to be responding as expected."

The buzzing mass continued to inch away. Once it reached the tree, Crescendo picked another location further away. When the swarm reached it, he had Piper pause for a few beats and decrease the volume of his playing. Gradually, the wasps dispersed and went their separate ways.

Crescendo grinned. "I think we can call that a very successful first attempt."

Piper let out a relieved sigh. "Master Crescendo, may I ask why we had to start with wasps? Why not something less threatening like butterflies or even ants? At least if something went wrong we could get away from them."

"What could go wrong? Besides, why take baby steps when you are capable of so much more? Of course, I encourage you to practice with ants and any other insect you wish and let me know how it goes." Crescendo put a hand on Piper's shoulder and softened his tone. "Frankly, I don't think you appreciate how easily music comes to you, my boy. It is time you had a challenge, stretched a bit, put some real effort into your musical performance."

"I see." Piper resisted the urge to roll his eyes. "So why the wasps instead of your bees?"

"You need to choose your subjects methodically and consider the consequences to them as well as yourself and your surroundings. A bee can only sting once and then it dies. A wasp, however..."

"...can sting many times and still live." Piper gave an exasperated sigh.

"Exactly. So if something did go wrong you would not be killing an innocent. Besides that, fewer people visit this location than my garden. We were less likely to bring harm to anyone else if there were problems."

Piper considered the High Mage's words as he wiped at the perspiration that still poured from his forehead. "That makes sense." He was silent a moment and then continued. "But why my flute? Why not a lute so I could play and ask questions at the same time?"

"Precisely so you couldn't play and ask questions at the same time. You needed to concentrate." Crescendo studied Piper for a moment. "You did well, but you do look a bit drained, my boy."

"I admit I feel like I've run a mile at top speed."

"Perhaps we should call it a day. Let's pick up the instruments and head back. Hand me the lute and the lyre and you can bring your flute and the drum." Crescendo took a few steps toward the path and then waited for Piper to catch up. "Smile, my boy. You should be proud of your work. I know I am. You've shown a great deal of promise today."

Piper grinned back, well aware that Crescendo didn't give compliments unless they were deserved. "Thank you, sir."

A bit disoriented, antennas still tingling from the strange hypnotic music that had summoned her to congregate with the swarm, one wasp headed back to her assigned territory to scout for danger. Two large creatures, carrying large music making things, were walking down the path away from the area. Even though they seemed harmless, her stinger twitched. She circled them. These intruders were oblivious to her presence, but she could leave them with a memorable warning.

Her body curled in preparation for a quick attack. At that moment, the younger creature lifted a music stick to his lips and an enchanting haze enveloped her. Her stinger relaxed. She hovered. Her antennas longed to decipher the spellbinding code of this ethereal song, but it was too deep, too magical for her understanding. No directive within the music demanded action so instinct overcame her urge to hover and she continued her patrol.


Author Notes Free stock photo. Artist = StuartMiles

Cast of Characters
*Piper = A musical apprentice, just turned age 15.
*Rupert = A musical apprentice. Piper's friend, age 14.
*Grand Master Raymond Acker = Head of the music guild. Piper's grandfather. Recently deceased leaving Piper an orphan under the care of the music guild.
*Captain Burkehart = Captain of the Guard at Castle Welf
*Redd-Leif Summerstorm = A Fae
*Master Braun = Troubadour recently promoted to the rank of Master in the music guild at Castle Welf
*Sheba = an enchanted creature in wolf form
*Melodica = an Elven female
*Master Raven = Elf; master hunter
*Lynx = Ten-year-old son of Redd-Leif and Melodica Summerstorm
*Serein = Six-year-old daughter of Redd-Leif and Melodica Summerstorm
*Master Crescendo = Elven High Mage, First Sage of Music and Song
* Lady Spring = Wife of Master Crescendo

Elementals, also called Fair Folk by humans
*Fae = Oldest of the elemental races. Known as strong, swift and deadly by their enemies. Characterized by white hair and skin that shimmers silver-blue in direct moonlight. Usually taller than humans and muscular.
*Elf = Most numerous of the elementals. Often slightly taller and more slender than humans.
*Pixie = In their normal form they are six inches tall with wings, but they can change size to as large as humans or as small as a faerie.
*Faerie = Vary in height from one to three inches. Wings vary and can appear to be like those of dragonflies or butterflies.

Fair Folk = Name given to faerie races by humans. Refers to elves, Fae, faeries, brownies, sprites, gnomes, dwarfs, etc.

Chapter 40
The Piper, part 40

By w.j.debi

Recently orphaned, Piper is a young musician being raised by the music guild at Castle Welf. A Fae (Redd-Leif Summerstorm) approaches Piper on several occasions and says he has secrets to share, but each time they are interrupted by the vigilant head of the castle guard, Captain Burkehart.

Meanwhile, Piper continues his musical education under the direction of the popular performer Master Braun, including traveling with a performing troupe. A wolf attack leaves Piper separated from the musicians and in the hands of Redd-Leif Summerstorm who discloses that Piper is half-elven and Piper's elven mother (Melodica) is alive and wants to see him. Redd-Leif then leads Piper into the faerie realm where Piper begins to learn about his heritage and the magic he wields in the music he plays.

End of the Previous Chapter
A bit disoriented, antennas still tingling from the strange hypnotic music that had summoned her to congregate with the swarm, one wasp headed back to her assigned territory to scout for danger. Two large creatures, carrying large music-making things, were walking down the path away from the area. Even though they seemed harmless, her stinger twitched. She circled them. These intruders were oblivious to her presence, but she could leave them with a memorable warning.

Her body curled in preparation for a quick attack. At that moment, the younger creature lifted a music stick to his lips and an enchanting haze enveloped her. Her stinger relaxed. She hovered. Her antennas longed to decipher the spellbinding code of this ethereal song, but it was too deep, too magical for her understanding. No directive within the music demanded action so instinct overcame her urge to hover and she continued her patrol.

Chapter 40
Piper strode down the hill at a leisurely pace. Since Master Crescendo had released him from his lessons early, no one was expecting him at home for several hours, or anywhere else for that matter. Though the experience with the wasps had been draining, suddenly having the freedom to do as he wished invigorated him. Maybe he should head over to the music school and see what the elven musicians were doing. It would be good to see Rupert and start getting to know some of the elementals. Rupert was ahead of him in that area.

When he reached the bottom of the hill, Piper walked in the opposite direction from the Summerstorm home and the school. He'd never been this way. It would be good to explore. A few minutes later, a small clearing in the trees caught his attention. It was the perfect niche where he could experiment with his newly discovered magic.

Settling himself on the trunk of a fallen tree, Piper pulled out his flute and rested it on his knee. He surveyed the glen. Except for a few birds singing in the distance, the place was secluded, perfect for his needs.

A few feet away, the tops of several buds were barely visible in the surrounding grass. Why not practice with them? Crescendo had taught him all he needed to do was concentrate on the plant in question and imagine it growing, then coax it with an enchanted tune. The action was so simple yet the results were so magical. Why hadn't he known it all along?

Piper raised the flute to his lips and let the music flow. As expected, the buds pushed their way out of the soil and lifted their heads centimeter-by-centimeter. One petal at a time unfurled to reveal the heart of the flower and its precious scent, just as they had when Piper played under Crescendo's watchful guidance a few days ago.

Could he speed up the process? They hadn't tried that. Piper located another group of buds a few steps away and experimented with changing the rhythm and tempo of the music. Maybe it was his imagination, but these plants seemed to respond more quickly.

To confirm his results, he searched out another group of buds. This time he kept the rhythm but increased the tempo and volume of the tune. The buds burst into bloom and their perfume exploded into the air causing Piper's eyes to water at the intensity of the scent.

"It works!"

Delighted, he returned to the trunk of the fallen tree and studied the first group of blossoms. "The flowers are beautiful, but. . . I need something more challenging."

His eyes lit up. "Enticing insects is more difficult than plants."

Why else had Master Crescendo insisted on taking two full days to prepare for calling the wasps, emphasizing the precautions that had to be taken so they wouldn't be stung? First was envisioning how the wasps would respond, the sounds they would make, how they would converge. They'd gone over every detail dozens of times. Then Piper had been required to envision the entire exercise in reverse. The final lesson was imagining how the wasps would disperse from the swarm when they were released. Though he'd been nervous, when it came to the actual attempt, everything had gone as planned. Still, he would pick something less dangerous than a swarm of wasps.

Piper sat up straight and listened to the sounds of the glen. Now, what creature should I try to summon?

A butterfly fluttered by a few inches from his face and lit on one of the nearby blossoms he had encouraged to bloom. Piper studied the pattern of the wings. "What a beautiful creature." A grin slowly overtook his face. "Why not? A single butterfly shouldn't be too risky."

As he had done with the wasps, Piper took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and focused. He pictured the butterfly resting on the flower, slowly opening and closing its wings, and finally flying over and landing on his knee. He ran the image through his mind several times, then opened his eyes. The butterfly was still feeding on the flower. Piper stood, put the flute to his lips, blew a soft six-note trill into it, and began playing the tune he had played for the wasps. The butterfly paused.

Piper's eyes widened. This might work.

In response to the next few notes, the butterfly folded its wings into an upright position. Good. Things were progressing just right.

Now, let's try this. A few more measures of music embraced the air. The butterfly's wings slowly opened until they were outstretched. Piper held the note and the butterfly remained still. Perfect.

Piper paused playing for a moment to enjoy his success. The butterfly went back to feeding on the flower.

He took an enthusiastic breath and let his fingers playfully frolic across the keyholes. Now, come to me.

The tune beckoned and the butterfly fluttered over to land on Piper's elbow. Then it flitted to the end of the flute. Piper grinned. The butterfly floated upwards and lit on his forefinger. It stayed there even as he continued playing. The veins and patterns of colors were fascinating to observe up close.

Sounds of a hushed, gentle drizzle in the distance made Piper turn. The sky was clear. He concentrated on the sound. What a catchy rhythm. He attempted to match the cadence with his music. The hush turned to a loud whisper and kept getting louder. So captivating.

A moment later a swirling mass of butterflies converged from every direction. They landed in Piper's hair, clung to his clothes, and clogged the end of the flute. Help! 

His intended shout came out as a muffled moan. Butterfly wings covered his nose. Piper didn't dare remove the flute from his mouth. He was getting some air through the instrument as he slightly adjusted his fingers over the holes but not much. How am I going to release the butterflies? He closed his eyes to protect them from the insects. Concentrate. Take a small breath and begin the releasing music. A couple of soft notes escaped the flute. If they had any effect, it was imperceptible.

The growing weight of the butterflies caused Piper to teeter off-balance and stumble. When his heels hit the fallen tree trunk behind him, he tumbled backward. The flute went flying into the grass.

Butterflies dispersed upwards en masse.

Piper gasped for air. Quickly, he rolled onto his knees. My flute? 

Frantic, he surveyed the area. There. A few feet away. He crawled over to retrieve it. Shaking, he clasped it next to his chest with both hands.

Worried about the insects, he scrutinized the grass. No traces of crushed wings. He let out a relieved sigh and turned over into a sitting position.

He sat with his head bowed, the flute in his right hand, and his arms wrapped around his knees, panting. When he looked up, Falcon was standing in front of him with Blue Jay and Robin flanking him on each side. Piper gulped. He'd only met this trio of teenage elven hunters once before, and they hadn't exactly parted on friendly terms.

Robin smirked. "Well, if it isn't the Changeling Prince."

"So, it would appear." Falcon stood for a moment observing Piper, a menacing glint in his eye. Then he put one foot on the fallen tree trunk, leaned forward, put his elbow on his knee and his chin on his fist. A grin spread across his face as he gazed down at Piper. "Hello, Flute Boy. Need lessons on hunting butterflies, or are they hunting you?"


Author Notes Free stock photo. Artist = StuartMiles

Cast of Characters
*Piper = A musical apprentice, just turned age 15.
*Rupert = A musical apprentice. Piper's friend, age 14.
*Grand Master Raymond Acker = Head of the music guild. Piper's grandfather. Recently deceased leaving Piper an orphan under the care of the music guild.
*Captain Burkehart = Captain of the Guard at Castle Welf
*Redd-Leif Summerstorm = A Fae
*Master Braun = Troubadour recently promoted to the rank of Master in the music guild at Castle Welf
*Sheba = an enchanted creature in wolf form
*Melodica = an Elven female
*Master Raven = Elf; master hunter
*Lynx = Ten-year-old son of Redd-Leif and Melodica Summerstorm
*Serein = Six-year-old daughter of Redd-Leif and Melodica Summerstorm
*Master Crescendo = Elven High Mage, First Sage of Music and Song
*Lady Spring = Wife of Master Crescendo
*Falcon, Blue Jay, and Robin = Teen-age elven hunters, nearly always together, slightly older than Piper at ages of 16 and 17 years-old

Elementals, also called Fair Folk by humans
*Fae = Oldest of the elemental races. Known as strong, swift and deadly by their enemies. Characterized by white hair and skin that shimmers silver-blue in direct moonlight. Usually taller than humans and muscular.
*Elf = Most numerous of the elementals. Often slightly taller and more slender than humans.
*Pixie = In their normal form they are six inches tall with wings, but they can change size to as large as humans or as small as a faerie.
*Faerie = Vary in height from one to three inches. Wings vary and can appear to be like those of dragonflies or butterflies.

Fair Folk = Name given to faerie races by humans. Refers to elves, Fae, faeries, brownies, sprites, gnomes, dwarfs, etc.

Chapter 41
The Piper, part 41

By w.j.debi

Recently orphaned, Piper is a young musician being raised by the music guild at Castle Welf. A Fae (Redd-Leif Summerstorm) approaches Piper on several occasions and says he has secrets to share, but each time they are interrupted by the vigilant head of the castle guard, Captain Burkehart.

Meanwhile, Piper continues his musical education under the direction of the popular performer Master Braun, including traveling with a performing troupe. A wolf attack leaves Piper separated from the musicians and in the hands of Redd-Leif Summerstorm who discloses that Piper is half-elven and Piper's elven mother (Melodica) is alive and wants to see him. Redd-Leif then leads Piper into the faerie realm where Piper begins to learn about his heritage and the magic he wields in the music he plays.

End of the Previous Chapter
He sat with his head bowed, the flute in his right hand, and his arms wrapped around his knees, panting. When he looked up, Falcon was standing in front of him with Blue Jay and Robin flanking him on each side. Piper gulped. He'd only met this trio of teenage elven hunters once before, and they hadn't exactly parted on friendly terms.

Robin smirked. "Well, if it isn't the Changeling Prince."

"So, it would appear." Falcon stood for a moment observing Piper, a menacing glint in his eye. Then he put one foot on the fallen tree trunk, leaned forward, put his elbow on his knee and his chin on his fist. A grin spread across his face as he gazed down at Piper. "Hello, Flute Boy. Need lessons on hunting butterflies, or are they hunting you?"

Chapter 41
"Eat my faerie dust!" Jasmine teased, upsetting the flight of a woodpecker as she zipped under his right wing to avoid Peck's pursuit. Unruffled, the bird instinctively adjusted the angle of its wing to account for the unexpected puff of wind and proceeded to his favorite tree to search for bugs. These things happened in the faerie realm.

Too quick for any but the most observant elemental eyes, Jasmine and Peck raced through the forest, zipping, diving, flipping, somersaulting, zooming, spinning, downward, upward, backward, and through, their gossamer wings a blur of speed.

"I'll catch you yet," Peck shouted as he dashed after her, both of them giddy with glee. To any astute enough to be listening, their shouting and laughter tinkled in the air like tiny bells.

Suddenly, Peck pulled up short and hovered mid-air. He signaled to Jasmine who performed an expressive loop in the air and zipped to his side.

"What is it?"

Peck pointed to the glen. "Look."

"Are they playing a game? And..." Jasmine's eyes grew wide. "Is that Lord Summerstorm's long lost son, the one they call Piper?"

Peck shrugged. "Could be."

Jasmine clapped her tiny hands together. "Let's go see."

Off they zipped, leaving a faint translucent trail of sparkling faerie dust in the air behind them.

"Toss it over here," Blue Jay shouted.

"No, here," Robin waved his hand.

Falcon tossed the flute to Blue Jay, who tossed it to Robin, who tossed it back to Falcon.

Piper followed the flute as it moved between the young elven hunters. Chasing back-and-forth between them was useless. Even if he were able to get hold of the flute, he wouldn't use force to get it back. He couldn't risk damaging it. But this was his flute. His grandfather had given it to him when he was six. He'd played it every day since then. If they hurt it in any way... His throat constricted at the thought.

Falcon dangled the flute in front of Piper. "Want it, Flute Boy?" When Piper reached for it, Falcon tossed it away.

Piper headed for Robin who swung and stabbed with the flute in mock swordplay. "Please, be careful. It's an expensive instrument."

"Then why do you have it, apprentice?" Blue Jay jeered.

Robin tossed it to Blue Jay.

"Please, Blue Jay. Give me the flute."

"Why? You going to play a tune so we can dance?" Robin taunted.

The three young hunters burst out laughing.

"Make sure you get the cadence right." Blue Jay danced around and twirled the flute in front of him. He tossed the flute to Robin, who tossed it back. Then it went to Falcon. They kept this up for several minutes until Piper stumbled and fell to the grass.

"What's the matter, Flute Boy? Getting tired?" Falcon smirked at the other two hunters.

Piper raised his eyes to meet Falcon's. "My name is Piper."

"Oh, that's right," Robin said. "Piper . . . what was that surname?"

"Summerstorm. Piper Summerstorm." Piper briefly thought how Lynx would be upset with the lack of enthusiasm in his tone. Good thing his brother wasn't here to remind him to be proud of his name.

"Ooo. Finally decided to embrace your elemental family, have you, Changeling Prince?" Blue Jay mocked.

Piper struggled to his feet.

Falcon held the flute out to Piper again. Half-heartedly, Piper started toward it. Falcon laughed as he continued to keep it just out of the boy's reach.

After several more minutes, Piper heaved a defeated sigh and stood still. The three young hunters tossed the flute between them a few more times, but Piper was too spent to continue chasing it.

Falcon caught the flute and regarded Piper. "I'm getting tired of this game anyway." He grasped the instrument in both hands, lifted it above his head, and brought it down with great force while bringing his knee up to meet it.

"Nooooo!" Piper screamed.

A sudden flash of blinding light and a high-pitched shriek filled the air.

Falcon dropped the flute as if it were on fire. He stared at his hands, the instrument, then looked over at Piper. "I wouldn't really have . . ."

Robin and Blue Jay moved toward Piper, preparing to grab him.

The flute rolled in their direction, picking up speed and emitting a shrill squeal as it approached them.

Falcon shouted, "Watch out! It's enchanted!"

Robin and Blue Jay hesitated. The three elven hunters exchanged glances. Then the flute gave another shrill squeal and, as if on cue, the three elves turned and disappeared into the forest.

Piper watched them go, too stunned to move.

The flute rolled over to Piper and bumped his shoe. He stared down at this strange stick of wood. What had just happened? The flute bumped his shoe again, accompanied by a soft cooing whistle. Was it calling to him?

Shaking, Piper bent toward the flute. When his fingertips touched the rosewood, a tingling sensation went through his fingers and up his arm. He flinched.

"Enchanted." Piper stared blankly at the ground. That was the word Falcon had used. Enchanted. A word that was used to describe elementals and their strange world.

The cooing whistle grew louder, plaintive. A questioning trill followed and another tap against his shoe.

Without looking at it, Piper tentatively and tenderly closed his hand around the flute, then quickly clasped it to his chest and cuddled it with both hands.

He choked back tears. Tears? Really? He'd cried when his parents died. He'd cried when his grandfather died. But for a flute? It wasn't even damaged. He snuggled it closer. But he'd almost lost it. What would he do without it? His fingers brushed over its surface.

The flute cooed in response.

Piper froze. The distinct rosewood scent. The smooth finish beneath his fingers. The perfectly positioned tone holes. The familiar timbre of its voice as it emitted another cooing whistle. It was his same trusty flute. Wasn't it?


Author Notes Free stock photo. Artist = StuartMiles

Cast of Characters
*Piper = A musical apprentice, just turned age 15.
*Rupert = A musical apprentice. Piper's friend, age 14.
*Grand Master Raymond Acker = Head of the music guild. Piper's grandfather. Recently deceased leaving Piper an orphan under the care of the music guild.
*Captain Burkehart = Captain of the Guard at Castle Welf
*Redd-Leif Summerstorm = A Fae
*Master Braun = Troubadour recently promoted to the rank of Master in the music guild at Castle Welf
*Sheba = an enchanted creature in wolf form
*Melodica = an Elven female
*Master Raven = Elf; master hunter
*Lynx = Ten-year-old son of Redd-Leif and Melodica Summerstorm
*Serein = Six-year-old daughter of Redd-Leif and Melodica Summerstorm
*Master Crescendo = Elven High Mage, First Sage of Music and Song
*Lady Spring = Wife of Master Crescendo
*Falcon, Blue Jay, and Robin = Teen-age elven hunters, nearly always together, slightly older than Piper at ages of 16 and 17 years-old

Elementals, also called Fair Folk by humans
*Fae = Oldest of the elemental races. Known as strong, swift and deadly by their enemies. Characterized by white hair and skin that shimmers silver-blue in direct moonlight. Usually taller than humans and muscular.
*Elf = Most numerous of the elementals. Often slightly taller and more slender than humans.
*Pixie = In their normal form they are six inches tall with wings, but they can change size to as large as humans or as small as a faerie.
*Faerie = Vary in height from one to three inches. Wings vary and can appear to be like those of dragonflies or butterflies.

Fair Folk = Name given to faerie races by humans. Refers to elves, Fae, faeries, brownies, sprites, gnomes, dwarfs, etc.

Chapter 43
The Piper, part 43

By w.j.debi


Piper is a young apprentice and prodigy in the music guild of Castle Welf. With the death of his grandfather, the Grand Master of the guild, Piper is assigned to a new music master. Master Braun takes Piper on his first traveling tour. During their travels, a wolf attack separates Piper and his friend Rupert from the traveling troupe. Redd-Leif Summerstorm, a powerful Fae, and Sheba, an enchanted wolf, rescue the boys and take them to the faerie realm. When we last left Piper, the flute that he has had since he was six had just come to life and frightened off three elven youths who were teasing him. Piper is now wondering about his trusty flute and what has happened to it.


Without looking at it, Piper tentatively and tenderly closed his hand around the flute, then quickly clasped it to his chest and cuddled it with both hands.

He chocked back tears, Tears? Really? He'd cried when his parents died. He'd cried when his grandfather died. But for the flute? It wasn't even damaged. He snuggled it closer. But he'd almost lost it What would he do without it? His fingers brushed over its surface.

The flute cooed in response.

Piper froze. The distinct rosewood scent. The smooth finish beneath his fingers. The perfectly positioned tone holes. The familar timbre of its voice as it emitted another cooing whistle. It was his same trusty flute. Wasn't it?


As one of the few creatures able to withstand the freezing spring runoff of Hidden Falls, Sheba reveled splashing in the icy waters cascading down the mountain. She playfully nipped at the globules that showered down from above and dove under the water to swim against the swift current to test her strength. Her best efforts merely kept her from floating downstream. At last, she drifted to shore and shook the water from her gray fur, her jade eyes gleaming with pleasure from the exertion. One thing she enjoyed about her wolf body was the powerful muscles that rippled beneath her fur coat. Being trapped in wolf-form may have been a curse, but it had its perks.

She sauntered up the shoreline then loped up the slope and plunged into the thick forest growth. Sheba nestled into a comfortable nest of pine needles and leaves she had previously made for herself in the underbrush and settled in to wait, maybe even to nap.

It was probably too early to expect Tabbart Braun to be in the area. The master musician had said he’d get away from the traveling troupe as soon as he could and then Sheba would lead him into the faerie realm. It had only been two weeks. No doubt. he’d have to give a few performances before the guards from Castle Welf would leave Hanover and head home. Once they were gone, Master Braun could direct the rest of the musicians to continue their tour of the surrounding castles. He could meet up with them after his business was finished in the faerie realm.

Sheba sniffed the air. Ah, the scents of evergreens, moist soil and new life filled her nostrils. The mortal side of the falls was awakening from its wintery slumber.

But then … a strange tingling in the air piqued her senses. She rose to her feet, ears pricked, nose searching for scents. Was that … Yes. Yes, it was. The aroma of magic. A rare enchantment stirred, strong enough to trickle through the falls and seep into the mortal realm. She licked her lips. Curiosity was delicious. She dashed down the hill, under the falls, and into the faerie realm beyond.

* * * * * 

Faeries flitted around the edge of the glen, trailing faerie dust and the whisper of tiny bells in their wake. Normally, Piper would have been captivated by their magical aura. Instead, he was transfixed by the flute that rested in his lap. He held it tentatively with one hand, barely breathing as he stared at it. It cooed and played soft trills as if talking to him. Vibrations coursed up his arm. Piper squirmed with each note.

What has happened to you? You’re so . . . Altered. It was the only word that came to mind. We’ve been together since I was six. Why change now?  He gulped. I need to get back to Castle Welf and normal life. The faerie realm is too . . . Too full of strange magical occurrences. I don’t belong here.

Piper looked across the glen. A tree in full bloom grew next to one laden with mature fruit. It wasn’t natural. In the mortal realm plants knew to bloom in spring, produce fruit in summer, and lose their leaves in fall.

His eyes fell on crushed flower petals nearby. He had enticed them to bloom and now they were starting to decay. Was that quiet weeping he heard? What have I done? If I’d left you alone then you would still be in the ground getting ready to emerge. Instead, your lives were cut short when the elves trampled on you. He gritted his teeth in frustration. Falcon and his stupid game. The flute continued its soft musical conversation. Piper frowned. In the mortal realm, musicians control their instruments.

A faerie zipped over and hovered in front of his face. “Piper?” Her voice was as tiny as she was. She repeated, “Piper?”

He blinked. “Hmm? What?” He looked at her. “Oh, hi.”

“I knew it!” The faerie did a little dance in mid-air.

Piper scrunched his brows together. “Knew what?”

“You’re Piper, Redd-Leif Summerstorm’s son. I told Peck you were.” She did a pirouette then reached out and touched the tip of Piper’s nose with one hand. “We faeries are honored to have those with ancient Fae blood among us. Around here that means Lord Summerstorm.” She flew backwards a few inches and assessed Piper. “And you and your siblings. And Sheba, of course.”

“The wolf,” Piper said absently.

“She’s not a wolf.”

“I know. She told me.” Piper sighed. “Several times.”

The faerie giggled which sounded like the tinkling of small bells. “By the way, I’m Jasmine.”

He gave her a half-smile. Please go away; I want to be alone. “Nice to meet you, Jasmine.”

Jasmine did a pirouette. “I feel so fortunate. I was here. I saw the flute awaken. It was Spec-tac-u-lar.” She sang each syllable as she zipped up and then back. “Yes, spec-tac-u-lar, spec-tac-u-lar, spec-tac-u-lar.” Jasmine’s tinkling voice grew slightly louder, her wings fluttered faster, and her trail of faerie dust grew more distinct each time she repeated the word. “It’s so won-der-ful.” She spun around several times then stopped and put her tiny hands on Piper’s nose.

Piper was grateful Jasmine was still for a moment. He was getting dizzy trying to follow her flitting.

“The enchantment Melodica had us put on the flute is fully awake.”


“Yes, your mother wanted something special before she gave it to you.”

Piper pursed his lips. “My grandfather gave me the flute, not Melodica.”

Jasmine tilted her head in a questioning manner. “Your grandfather?”

“Grand Master Raymond Acker.”

“Oh, yes, I remember. Melodica asked him to deliver the flute to you.” Jasmine laughed. “I remember his objections, too.” She put her hands on her hips, put a grumpy expression on her face and tried to affect a deep male voice. The change in her tone was barely perceptible, even to Piper's enhanced hearing.  “A child of six is too young for such a magnificent instrument. It should be saved until he is older and can appreciate it. He might damage it or lose it.”

She returned to her normal voice and posture. “But Melodica insisted. Cheap instruments can be shrill and squeak a lot. ‘Piper,’ she said, ‘needs a quality instrument to encourage his talent. He is going to be the best musician ever born.’” Jasmine shrugged. “Or something like that.”

Piper looked up with an amazed look. “That’s what Grandfather Acker said to my mother.”

Jasmine looked confused. “Your mother? Melodica? No. You’re the one who is confused.”

Piper sighed. “I mean my mortal mother. She objected because I was too young for the instrument. She said it should go to a master musician or a troubadour. Grandfather said the tone would make my parents joyful because of the quality and that I would take good care of it. And . . .”

Piper paused as he recalled the day when he played the first note on this flute. Vibrations went up his arms and through his body that day. It made music more alive than his toy reed and bone pipes ever had. Piper shuddered. I should have realized from the first day that the flute was enchanted. But I was only six. What did I know? He looked at Jasmine. Faeries and magic. I know so little about this realm. I need to go home.

“She didn’t understand. Humans never do.” Jasmine tapped her cheek with her finger. “Did you know, I was there when the spell was cast.” She giggled. “Silly me, of course you didn’t know. Anyway, Melodica had the flute specially made by one of the best flute makers in the realm and brought it to us faeries to have the enchantment put on it. It can never be damaged or lost as long as it belongs to you.”

Jasmine’s wings fluttered faster. “But now it’s in the faerie realm, and it doesn’t have to hide its magic, and you are ready to learn how to summon its deeper enchantments.” She clasped her hands together. “And I got to be here to see it awaken. Me and Peck. I’m so excited.” She paused. “Oh, I don’t think I was supposed to tell you all this. Melodica was going to. Or was that Redd-Leif Summerstorm? Or Master Crescendo? Or the Faerie Queen?” She shrugged. “Oh, well. Now you know. Isn’t it fan-tas-tic?”

Jasmine drew so close, Piper thought she was going to land on his cheek. “Peck and I were the first to see the flute awaken. Can I be your guardian faerie? For you and the flute? I mean, Peck and I have the right, but only if you want us to.”

The flute trilled excitedly.

Piper glanced at the flute then at the faerie. He took a breath and let it out slowly. “My flute seems to like the idea. But . . . but I’m not sure what that means or how it all works.”

Jasmine did a pirouette and exclaimed, “Oh, I’d be so happy to teach you.” Then she zipped into an intricate flight pattern to express her joy.

Piper watched with growing anxiety. I need to get away from the faerie realm, not become part of it. Captain Burkehart tried to warn me, once in, you are trapped.

He watched in silence as Jasmine continued to zip about. Lynx said even elementals seldom see a faerie. I've heard they are temperamental. But what does having a faerie guardian mean?

Jasmine finished her intricate flight pattern, ending with a run up the flute. Faerie dust trailed after her making the flute sparkle in the bright sun. Then Jasmine stopped in mid-air and hovered over the flute; her bright eyes focused on Piper. “Well? Can I be your guardian faerie?”

She looked so earnest he wasn’t sure whether to be excited or frightened.

The flute whistled, sending a vibration up his arms. He looked down at the flute. Piper gulped. If this flute was enchanted from the first, did I ever have a choice?


Author Notes Free stock photo. Artist = StuartMiles

3rd place February Book of the Month

First--My apologies for the two year wait for this chapter. Thank you to the Fanstory members who have supported this novel from the beginning (rspoet and Pam (respa). Thanks especially go to Pam for reaching out to encourage me to return and finish it. Thanks also to lyenochka who has been so supportive of my writing. The writers on this site are the best and I count them as true friends.

Cast of Characters
*Piper = A musical apprentice, just turned age 15.
*Rupert = A musical apprentice. Piper's friend, age 14.
*Grand Master Raymond Acker = Head of the music guild. Piper's grandfather. Recently deceased leaving Piper an orphan under the care of the music guild.
*Captain Burkehart = Captain of the Guard at Castle Welf
*Redd-Leif Summerstorm = A Fae
*Master Braun = Troubadour recently promoted to the rank of Master in the music guild at Castle Welf
*Sheba = an enchanted creature in wolf form
*Melodica = an Elven female
*Master Raven = Elf; master hunter
*Lynx = Ten-year-old son of Redd-Leif and Melodica Summerstorm
*Serein = Six-year-old daughter of Redd-Leif and Melodica Summerstorm
*Master Crescendo = Elven High Mage, First Sage of Music and Song
*Lady Spring = Wife of Master Crescendo
*Falcon, Blue Jay, and Robin = Teen-age elven hunters, nearly always together, slightly older than Piper at ages of 16 and 17 years-old

Elementals, also called Fair Folk by humans
*Fae = Oldest of the elemental races. Known as strong, swift and deadly by their enemies. Characterized by white hair and skin that shimmers silver-blue in direct moonlight. Usually taller than humans and muscular.
*Elf = Most numerous of the elementals. Often slightly taller and more slender than humans.
*Pixie = In their normal form they are six inches tall with wings, but they can change size to as large as humans or as small as a faerie.
*Faerie = Vary in height from one to three inches. Wings vary and can appear to be like those of dragonflies or butterflies.

Fair Folk = Name given to faerie races by humans. Refers to elves, Fae, faeries, brownies, sprites, gnomes, dwarfs, et

Chapter 44
The Piper, part 44

By w.j.debi

Piper is a young apprentice and prodigy in the music guild of Castle Welf. With the death of his grandfather, the Grand Master of the guild, Piper is assigned to a new music master. Master Braun takes Piper on his first traveling tour. During their travels, a wolf attack separates Piper and his friend Rupert from the traveling troupe. Redd-Leif Summerstorm, a powerful Fae, and Sheba, an enchanted wolf, rescue the boys and take them to the faerie realm. When we last left Piper, the flute that he has had since he was six had just come to life and frightened off three elven youths who were teasing him. Piper is now wondering about his trusty flute and what has happened to it.


Jasmine finished her intricate flight pattern, ending with a run up the flute. Faerie dust trailed after her making the flute sparkle in the bright sun. Then Jasmine stopped in mid-air and hovered over the flute; her bright eyes focused on Piper. “Well? Can I be your guardian faerie?”

She looked so earnest he wasn’t sure whether to be excited or frightened.

The flute whistled, sending a vibration up his arms. He looked down at the flute. Piper gulped. If this flute was enchanted from the first, did I ever have a choice?

Chapter 44

Captain Burkehart jolted awake. He sat up, groaned, and rubbed his sore neck, shaking his head to clear the haze. What woke me?

He repositioned himself among the leaves and branches that made up his hiding place, bumping his bandaged hand against a stray piece of wood in the process. “Ouch.” At least it was a dull ache, not the throbbing of a few days ago. He blew on his fingers to ease the pain.

An insect buzzed past so close that he felt the vibration against his cheek. Leaning forward, he studied the adjoining area. A few hornets were zipping around, but that was all. For once, not a single faerie was in sight, not a single tinkling voice irritated his ears. But some strange sensation was raising goosebumps on his skin. What magic would do that? He adjusted to a kneeling position and peered through the trees. What charm would make the faeries desert the plateau?

Burkehart huffed. He was letting his imagination get the best of him. He had no idea what normal behavior was for faeries. Maybe, they just moved to another area.

He rubbed his arms, but the strange sensation persisted. Perhaps, he should venture out and look around. It would feel good to get out of this cramped area and stretch his legs. He couldn’t hide here forever anyway.

Burkehart strapped on his sword, and adjusted the position of the dagger on his belt. He considered his cloak for a moment. No, it isn’t that chilly and I can move more freely without it. He took a deep breath. All he could smell was moist soil and forest vegetation. Satisfied, he emerged from his hiding place. A bird chirped in the distance; a few insects buzzed about.

He stole along the edge of the clearing, careful to consider every step. Near the top of the trail that led to the plateau, he crouched behind a rock and peered down the slope. A smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. Is that Piper? Is he alone?  His smile broadened. I couldn’t be that lucky.

A twig snapped underfoot as he shifted his weight. Out of habit, Burkehart’s hand went to his sword hilt. He held his breath. All was quiet. Piper was too far away to notice his movements. Besides, the sound of a flute seemed to be distracting Piper. Strange, he wasn’t playing the instrument, but the music was coming from somewhere near Piper and the lad did seem to be talking to someone. Is another music lesson in progress?

Burkehart edged his way down the trail, merging with the shadows, using vegetation as a shield against detection. As he drew closer, snatches of Piper’s comments drifted toward him.

“…won’t be long…talk to the flute to calm it down…”

What does that mean?

He crept closer and noticed two faeries hovering near Piper. The flute case hung on a tree limb and flute sounds came in chirps and squeals. The music seemed discordant, not at all what Piper would normally play. But no one appeared to be playing the flute.

Burkehart inched closer to hear what Piper was saying. The flute seemed to grow more agitated with each step he took. The case bounced as if the flute were trying to free itself. Probably some faerie charm. Those pesky faeries were making obnoxious tinkling noises as they hovered between the flute and Piper.

“I’m sorry. I thought you could understand it.” Piper addressed the female faerie. “Oh, you don’t speak flute? No, it’s upset because I’ve never left it behind before. I won’t be long, I promise.”

Is Piper talking with faeries? Burkehart’s eyes narrowed. Only fair folk could do that, and not all of them had the ability. But…hadn’t someone told him long ago that Faerie was a language that could be learned? He didn’t know anyone who spoke it. Piper is a bright lad and he's been in the faerie realm for over a week. Maybe, he's picked up a bit of the language. Or, maybe, he's pretending so he can appease the faeries.

Piper turned and started up the path, but the female faerie zipped over to hover in front of him, tinkling wildly.

“Nonsense, Jasmine. I’ll only be gone a few minutes,” Piper said. “Well…ah, you see…since the flute has come to life, it gets so excited that I’m afraid that it won’t be able to contain itself and its excited trilling will spoil the surprise. So…it is best if I do this alone so the flute will be surprised, too.”

The flute has come to life? Is that the magic that is making my skin crawl? The conversation continued, but Burkehart turned and edged back up the slope so he could be at the plateau when Piper arrived.

At the top of the trail, Burkehart looked back to see Piper about mid-way up the slope. It would only take him a few more minutes to reach the plateau. Burkehart hurried to his hiding place and reached for his knapsack. He rummaged through it to locate the small pouch he had hidden in the bottom. Opening the pouch, he examined the contents then tied it to his belt. Not much left, but it doesn’t require much.

When Burkehart emerged from his lair, Piper was walking toward the spot where he had his lessons with the music master.

“Hello, Piper,” Burkehart called.

Piper turned, a puzzled look on his face. “Hello?” He glanced toward the path he’d just climbed, probably considering an escape route.

Burkehart looked down at his clothes. His trip through the falls and hiding in the small grove of trees had left him with rips in his tunic; dirt clung to his clothes. He looked tattered. The bandaged hand didn’t help. Admittedly, he hadn’t even paused to comb his hair this morning. Not very professional for the head of the castle guard.

“Piper, it’s me, Captain Burkehart. I know I must look a little…ah…disheveled.”

Relief crossed Piper’s face. “Captain? did you get here?”

Burkehart put on his best smile. “It wasn’t easy. The entrance to the faerie realm is well hidden. We should catch up. I was about to have some tea and a biscuit. It isn’t much, but you’re welcome to join me.”

“Thank you for the offer, sir. I would like that. I can gather wood, if you like.”

“I would appreciate that.”

Burkehart bit his lip as the tinder ignited. Discovery seems unlikely now the faeries are gone. And something hot sounds delightful after so many days of cold rations. Besides, I need the tea if this plan is to work. He poured water from his water skin into a small pot and placed it on the fire, keeping a watchful eye on Piper as he sat on a convenient rock and stared off into the distance.

“You’re awfully quiet, young man.”

Piper looked up. “Sorry, sir. I have a lot on my mind.”

“Anything I can help with?”

Piper shrugged. “I’m not sure.”

“Well, you think about it and let me know. Being in this realm can be unsettling.”

“Yeah, it can.” Piper turned to look at a bird that flew by. “Nice colors.”

“I agree.” 

While Piper was distracted, Burkehart reached two fingers into the pouch on his belt then flicked a pinch of dark powder into a cup. He added hot tea and watched the powder dissolve. Elfbane. It was deadly to anyone with elven blood. I'll have my answer soon.

Burkehart walked over and handed the cup to Piper.

“Thank you, Captain.”

Burkehart nodded. “You’re welcome, young man.”

Down the slope, flute music grew into a shrill cacophony of frenzied trills and squeals.


Author Notes Free stock photo. Artist = StuartMiles

Cast of Characters
*Piper = A musical apprentice, just turned age 15.
*Rupert = A musical apprentice. Piper's friend, age 14.
*Grand Master Raymond Acker = Head of the music guild. Piper's grandfather. Recently deceased leaving Piper an orphan under the care of the music guild.
*Captain Burkehart = Captain of the Guard at Castle Welf
*Redd-Leif Summerstorm = A Fae
*Master Braun = Troubadour recently promoted to the rank of Master in the music guild at Castle Welf
*Sheba = an enchanted creature in wolf form
*Melodica = an Elven female
*Master Raven = Elf; master hunter
*Lynx = Ten-year-old son of Redd-Leif and Melodica Summerstorm
*Serein = Six-year-old daughter of Redd-Leif and Melodica Summerstorm
*Master Crescendo = Elven High Mage, First Sage of Music and Song
*Lady Spring = Wife of Master Crescendo
*Falcon, Blue Jay, and Robin = Teen-age elven hunters, nearly always together, slightly older than Piper at ages of 16 and 17 years-old

Elementals, also called Fair Folk by humans
*Fae = Oldest of the elemental races. Known as strong, swift and deadly by their enemies. Characterized by white hair and skin that shimmers silver-blue in direct moonlight. Usually taller than humans and muscular.
*Elf = Most numerous of the elementals. Often slightly taller and more slender than humans.
*Pixie = In their normal form they are six inches tall with wings, but they can change size to as large as humans or as small as a faerie.
*Faerie = Vary in height from one to three inches. Wings vary and can appear to be like those of dragonflies or butterflies.

Fair Folk = Name given to faerie races (elementals) by humans. Refers to elves, Fae, faeries, brownies, sprites, gnomes, dwarfs, etc.

Chapter 45
The Piper, part 45

By w.j.debi

See author notes for synopsis of the story so far

Chapter 45

Redd-Leif stood in the shadows of a stand of trees that bordered the Summerstorm cottage and watched Lynx emerge from the shrubbery at the opposite side of the glen. Lynx rushed toward a boulder at the glen’s edge. Redd-Leif chuckled. He could imagine the gleam of anticipation in his son’s eyes.

The boulder Lynx had chosen was flat and fairly level. The family often used it for a table when they gathered for parties and archery competitions. Adults liked using it because it was about waist-high. It hit Lynx mid-chest, limiting his use to the area within his reach.

Lynx wiped his hands on his tunic. The smell of moss and leather wafted toward Redd-Leif as he did so. The boy’s hands must have been damp from gathering ammunition from the streambed for the coming activity. Then Lynx pulled the strap that crossed his chest over his head and set the attached pouch on the boulder. He glanced toward the stand of trees, but didn’t notice his father.

Lynx tipped the pouch. A dozen or so stones tumble out. He began arranging them by size, continuing to steal glimpses over his shoulder while he considered each stone in turn.

Redd-Leif started forward. “Hello, Lynx. Are you ready?”

Lynx gave a start and Redd-Leif saw the boy take a breath to steady himself.

“Hi, Papa.” Lynx was obviously resisting the urge to bounce up and down, but the lilt in his voice betrayed his excitement.

Redd-Leif smiled at Lynx’s eagerness. When he reached the boulder, he placed a hand on Lynx’s shoulder. “Let’s see what you have, my boy.”

Lynx took a step back, biting his bottom lip as Papa examined the stones.

Redd-Leif picked up each stone in turn, rubbed it between his fingers and held it up for a closer examination. Occasionally, he pursed his lips, or stole a sideways glance at Lynx.

Lynx was forgetting to blink as he waited.

“Well, Lynx…” Redd-Leif paused.

Lynx held his breath.

“…you’ve done an outstanding job.” He reached into a pouch at his side. “So, as promised, here is your sling.”

Lynx stared at the object in his open palm for several seconds. The woven woolen cords tumbled down each side of his hand as he rubbed the rawhide of the sling pocket with his fingers. Then he yelped and leapt into the air, jumping around for a good fifteen seconds.

Redd-Leif laughed at the antics. “You act like this when you are hunting and you’ll scare the game so far away that sling will be useless.”

“I know, Papa, but I’ve been waiting for so long. Thank you, thank you, thank you.” Lynx pulled on the woolen cords to test their strength, then looked up at his father and beamed.

 “Tell me again why you want to be a slinger. You’re proficient with a bow and arrow. Surely, that is enough.”

“No, Papa. I want to be a slinger like you. Good slingers are even quicker and more precise than archers. Ammunition is easier to come by. A sling is easier to carry. Besides, you said you would teach me when I was old enough.”

“And able to handle the weapon responsibly.”

Lynx frowned.

Redd-Leif laughed and reached over to ruffle Lynx’s hair. “Relax. I think you’re ready. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have spent the last week going over the best sizes and shapes of stones to use and then spent time searching for some. I see you remembered that streambeds offer some of the finest choices because of the shapes and smoothness of the rocks found there.” He paused for a moment and added, “Do you think you can calm down long enough to learn how to load stones into that thing?”

Lynx nodded vigorously. “Yes, Papa.”

“Very well. Let’s begin with stationary targets.”

Redd-Leif spent several minutes demonstrating how to load, aim, and cast with his own sling. When he was ready to show Lynx how to hold the sling, Lynx already had the finger loop of one cord over his middle finger and was holding the knot of the other cord between his thumb and index finger.

Redd-Leif raised an approving eyebrow. “Looks like someone has been studying already.”

Lynx grinned. “I can concentrate when it’s hunting.”

During the next few minutes, Lynx made his first attempts at casting. The stones didn’t come near to hitting the mark and several went wild.

Lynx grimaced. “Sorry, Papa.”

“You are doing fine, my boy. It takes practice, and more practice, and then some more practice. Remember, it took time with the bow and arrow. Be patient with yourself.”

Lynx loaded a stone into the projectile pocket, took a breath, and placed his feet in stance to cast his next projectile.

The hair on the back of Redd-Leif’s neck suddenly stood on end.


Redd-Leif put up a hand to indicate silence. He gazed off into the distance and sniffed the air.

“It feels strange, Papa. What is it?”

“A new magic. And…” He paused for a moment to soak in the new magic, analyzing it. Then he looked back at Lynx. “I want you to head to the cottage.”

“Is it dangerous, Papa?”

“New doesn’t necessarily mean dangerous, just different. I’d like to investigate.”

“Can I go with you?”

Redd-Leif smiled down at his son. “It’s probably nothing and I need you to let your mother know what I’m doing. Now, go. Tell your mother I’ll be back shortly.”

Lynx sighed. “Yes, Papa.” He shuffled toward the cottage.

“And Lynx. We’ll continue the lesson as soon as I get back.”

Lynx beamed. “Thank you, Papa.” Then he took off at a quick jog.

Redd-Leif watched his son disappear into the cottage before he turned and sprang toward the source of the new magic. Ignoring the established trails, he let his senses draw him through the forest vegetation, moving swiftly and silently. The magic itself didn’t seem dangerous, just extremely animated. But there was something more. An element of music. A minor key. Discordant. Threatening.

A chill went down Redd-Leif's spine. Magic and music. That could only mean Piper.

Piper is a young apprentice and prodigy in the music guild of Castle Welf. With the death of his grandfather, the Grand Master of the guild, Piper is assigned to a new music master. Master Braun takes Piper on his first traveling tour. During their travels, a wolf attack separates Piper and his friend Rupert from the traveling troupe. Redd-Leif Summerstorm, a powerful Fae, and Sheba, an enchanted wolf, rescue the boys and take them to the faerie realm. When we last left Piper, the flute that he has had since he was six had just come to life and frightened off three elven youths who were teasing him. Piper is now wondering about his trusty flute and what has happened to it. Captain Burkehart has made his way to the Faery Realm and has been hiding. He just handed Piper a cup of tea laced with elfbane in the last chapter.

Free stock photo. Artist = StuartMiles

Cast of Characters
*Piper = A musical apprentice, just turned age 15.
*Rupert = A musical apprentice. Piper's friend, age 14.
*Grand Master Raymond Acker = Head of the music guild. Piper's grandfather. Recently deceased leaving Piper an orphan under the care of the music guild.
*Captain Burkehart = Captain of the Guard at Castle Welf
*Redd-Leif Summerstorm = A Fae
*Master Braun = Troubadour recently promoted to the rank of Master in the music guild at Castle Welf
*Sheba = an enchanted creature in wolf form
*Melodica = an Elven female
*Master Raven = Elf; master hunter
*Lynx = Ten-year-old son of Redd-Leif and Melodica Summerstorm
*Serein = Six-year-old daughter of Redd-Leif and Melodica Summerstorm
*Master Crescendo = Elven High Mage, First Sage of Music and Song
*Lady Spring = Wife of Master Crescendo
*Falcon, Blue Jay, and Robin = Teen-age elven hunters, nearly always together, slightly older than Piper at ages of 16 and 17 years-old

Elementals, also called Fair Folk by humans
*Fae = Oldest of the elemental races. Known as strong, swift and deadly by their enemies. Characterized by white hair and skin that shimmers silver-blue in direct moonlight. Usually taller than humans and muscular.
*Elf = Most numerous of the elementals. Often slightly taller and more slender than humans.
*Pixie = In their normal form they are six inches tall with wings, but they can change size to as large as humans or as small as a faerie.
*Faerie = Vary in height from one to three inches. Wings vary and can appear to be like those of dragonflies or butterflies.

Fair Folk = Name given to faerie races (elementals) by humans. Refers to elves, Fae, faeries, brownies, sprites, gnomes, dwarfs, etc.

Chapter 46
The Piper, part 46

By w.j.debi

see Author notes for synopsis of the story so far.
Chapter 46

Captain Burkehart sat on a log across from Piper, drinking tea from a tin cup. He clenched and unclenched his right hand to relieve the swelling and stiffness of his bandaged index and middle fingers. As he did so, he studied Piper.

The lad’s tall for his age and slender like an elf. But the same could be said of some human youths. At his age it’s difficult to be certain. Elves don’t develop pointy ears until puberty, some even later, especially if their blood is mixed. Burkehart noted the cup of tea he’d given Piper sat on the rock beside him, untouched.

“You should drink that tea while it is still hot, young man. I made it from some of the flowers and herbs on this plateau.” He took another gulp. “It’s tasty, if I say so myself.”

Piper looked up. “I will, sir. I’m letting it cool down first.” A weak smile tugged at his lips. “Grandpa Acker used to tease me about liking my tea lukewarm.”

Burkehart took a final bite of his biscuit and another gulp of tea. “Speaking of the music master, didn’t I hear you were only nine when you came to live at Castle Welf with your grandfather? Why so young? Most apprentices start at twelve or thirteen.”

“I was visiting him for the summer. While I was away, my parents died of the fever.” Piper poked at the dirt with a stick. “I guess I was lucky. If I’d been at home, it’s likely I would have died, too. Anyway, I had no other relatives to take me in and it seemed logical to begin my apprenticeship since I wanted to be  a musician.”

“So that’s how you became the youngest prodigy of Castle Welf.”

Piper blushed. “Yeah. Some people say that.”

Burkehart glanced at his sword resting next to him, then toward the trail. He made a quick survey of the surrounding area. Rocky walls rose on one end. Stands of trees boarded the other. Short green grass covered the ground; velvety moss hugged shaded spots. In the canyon below, the roar of the river rushing towards Hidden Falls gave a muted hint of its power. Except for a few hornets buzzing around and the occasional bird flying past, they had the plateau to themselves. He took another gulp of tea.

Come on, Piper. Drink the tea. If you’re human, like I hope, it won’t harm you. We’ll get out of this cursed realm and away from the fair folk. But if you have elven blood the elfbane will do its work.

Burkehart hated to admit it, but a part of him hoped Piper would spill the contents of that cup. Piper reminded him of himself as a youth—reserved, unsure of his heritage or his future, but full of promise and dreams.

“Something bothering you, Piper? You’re awfully quiet.”

Piper shrugged. “Sorry, Captain. I have a lot to think about. So much has happened the last few weeks.”

 “Such as?”

“The wolf attack, coming to the faerie realm.” He sighed. “My flute coming to life.”

“Come to life? In what way?”

“Well, it plays music by itself. I’ve never seen that before. In the human realm, a musician controls his instruments.”

“Yes, that would be unsettling. It’s enchanted, no doubt.” Burkehart noted the missing flute and felt a twinge of hope. Piper seems disturbed about the flute’s enchantment and being in this realm. Maybe he is human. “Where is the flute?”

“Just down the trail. Can’t you hear it?”

“Ah, so that is your flute making all that noise?”


“It doesn’t play itself nearly as well as you play it.”

“Thank you, Captain. But…well, I’m not sure if I should play it now.”

“That must be difficult; you’ve had it a long time.”

“Since I was six.” Piper’s shoulders slumped. “It’s just so changed.”

Not sure what else to say, Burkehart stood. “I’m getting more tea. Want another biscuit while I’m up?”

“No, thank you, sir.”

Even though the fire was only a few feet away, Burkehart noted the position of his sword against the log before stepping away. His hand went to the dagger at his side and stayed there until he stooped to pour tea into his cup. Once the cup was full, his hand went back to the dagger. Through every motion, he kept an eye on Piper.

Piper picked up the cup next to him.


The lad sniffed the contents.

Can he smell the elfbane? Burkehart tensed. Come on, Piper. Take a sip.

Piper put the cup to his lips.

A sudden blur of motion sent the cup flying, the contents splashing in various directions as the cup bounced across the grass. Piper yelped and jumped to his feet.

Burkehart dove for his sword, drawing first the sword then his dagger from their sheaths as he rolled to a crouching position and rose to his feet. He stepped toward Piper, but a large, powerful Fae was already blocking his path. Burkehart’s lips curled into a snarl. “Summerstorm.”

 Wide-eyed, Piper addressed the tall, angry Fae in front of him. “What…why?”

Summerstorm regarded his son. “I’m not sure what the elfbane would do to you, my boy. I couldn’t take the chance.”


“I could smell it in the tea. It’s deadly to elves and you are part elf.”

So, you are faerie-born. Burkehart felt the hatred welling inside him.

Piper shook his head. “No, you’re wrong. Captain Burkehart wouldn’t hurt me. He came to find me, to help me.” He turned to Burkehart. “Right, Captain?”

Burkehart glared at Piper. Through clenched teeth he said, “Yes. I came to find you.”

Piper blanched and took a step back.

“But you’re not here to help Piper, are you?” Summerstorm asked. “You used him to get into the faerie realm. Why?”

Burkehart adjusted his stance and pointed his blades at the unarmed Fae. Then he sneered. “Revenge.”

Piper is a young apprentice and prodigy in the music guild of Castle Welf. With the death of his grandfather, the Grand Master of the guild, Piper is assigned to a new music master. Master Braun takes Piper on his first traveling tour. During their travels, a wolf attack separates Piper and his friend Rupert from the traveling troupe. Redd-Leif Summerstorm, a powerful Fae, and Sheba, an enchanted wolf, rescue the boys and take them to the faerie realm. When we last left Piper, the flute that he has had since he was six had just come to life and frightened off three elven youths who were teasing him. Piper is now wondering about his trusty flute and what has happened to it. Captain Burkehart has made his way to the Faery Realm and has been hiding. He just handed Piper a cup of tea laced with elfbane. In the previous chapter, Piper's father senses danger and is looking for Piper.

Free stock photo. Artist = StuartMiles

Cast of Characters
*Piper = A musical apprentice, just turned age 15.
*Rupert = A musical apprentice. Piper's friend, age 14.
*Grand Master Raymond Acker = Head of the music guild. Piper's grandfather. Recently deceased leaving Piper an orphan under the care of the music guild.
*Captain Burkehart = Captain of the Guard at Castle Welf
*Redd-Leif Summerstorm = A Fae
*Master Braun = Troubadour recently promoted to the rank of Master in the music guild at Castle Welf
*Sheba = an enchanted creature in wolf form
*Melodica = an Elven female
*Master Raven = Elf; master hunter
*Lynx = Ten-year-old son of Redd-Leif and Melodica Summerstorm
*Serein = Six-year-old daughter of Redd-Leif and Melodica Summerstorm
*Master Crescendo = Elven High Mage, First Sage of Music and Song
*Lady Spring = Wife of Master Crescendo
*Falcon, Blue Jay, and Robin = Teen-age elven hunters, nearly always together, slightly older than Piper at ages of 16 and 17 years-old

Elementals, also called Fair Folk by humans
*Fae = Oldest of the elemental races. Known as strong, swift and deadly by their enemies. Characterized by white hair and skin that shimmers silver-blue in direct moonlight. Usually taller than humans and muscular.
*Elf = Most numerous of the elementals. Often slightly taller and more slender than humans.
*Pixie = In their normal form they are six inches tall with wings, but they can change size to as large as humans or as small as a faerie.
*Faerie = Vary in height from one to three inches. Wings vary and can appear to be like those of dragonflies or butterflies.

Fair Folk = Name given to faerie races (elementals) by humans. Refers to elves, Fae, faeries, brownies, sprites, gnomes, dwarfs, etc.

Chapter 47
The Piper, part 47

By w.j.debi

see author notes for a synopsis of the story so far

Chapter 47

Piper stood motionless, eyeing the two combatants in front of him. Both appeared rooted in place. Both were set to erupt into action at any instant. He clenched his empty fists. I wish I had my flute with me. I’m not sure what I could do, but I feel so helpless without it. Down the trail, the flute continued its agitated cacophony of trills and squeals. Piper resisted the urge to bolt and retrieve it. The slightest twitch on his part might ignite the looming confrontation.

Captain Burkehart’s blades flashed in the sun. The points of his sword and dagger were trained on Summerstorm, poised for attack, daring the Fae to move. The rage in his eyes hinted at a fury barely held in check.

Likewise, Redd-Leif Summerstorm was all flexing muscle and sinew, the embodiment of the legendary Fae warrior. With arms lifted and fingers curled, he appeared ready to seize his opponent and rip him to shreds. He inhaled power. He exhaled intimidation. The glint in his eye looked sharp enough to cut an adversary in two. Even unarmed, he was menacing.

“Revenge?” Summerstorm’s voice was low and deliberate. “Why now, Burkehart? The Human-Elemental Treaties were signed decades ago.”

“Not by me.” Burkehart took a step to his left.

“Be realistic, Captain. Those offenses are long behind us.” Summerstorm moved to his right. Piper was relieved to find himself blocked from Burkehart’s direct line of attack.

“Behind us?” Burkehart huffed. “Never! Someone must pay for what happened to my brother.” Burkehart adjusted the grip on his sword hilt.

 Summerstorm lifted an eyebrow. “Bandaged fingers, Captain? Perhaps the healers should look at your wounds. They could make sure they aren’t infected. We could resume this argument once you recover.”

“I’ve been worse and still bested my foe.” Burkehart sheathed his dagger then gripped the sword hilt with both hands.

Summerstorm took a deep breath. He exhaled ever so slowly, an action which somehow made him appear more threatening. “You blame elementals? It was a human arrow that killed your brother.”

“I blame you. He served under your command. It is your fault he is dead. You lured him away to the faerie realm.” Burkehart swept his sword in a preparatory maneuver.

Piper cringed at the whooshing sound it made.

“We all lost loved ones in the war. I, too, wish it were otherwise. Your brother was a good friend as well as a great warrior.”

“He should have fought with the humans.”

“Like you did? How would that have protected him?”

“At least we would have been together.” The anger in Burkehart’s voice increased. “He was my best friend. You took him from me.”

“Oh?” Summerstorm clenched and unclenched his fists. “Your brother came to us. He said he wanted to honor his grandfather’s troll and elven heritage by joining us.”

“You tricked him. My brother was more human than fair folk.” He arced his sword in another preparatory sweep then shifted several steps to his right.

Piper remained as still as possible to keep from attracting attention.

 “There is no dishonor in acknowledging you are part elf and troll.”

The fire in Burkehart’s eyes increased. “Elves are a pompous lot. Trolls are ugly and stupid.”

“You know better. Elves are as varied as humans in their traits. Trolls may have a different standard of beauty, but they certainly are not stupid. The ones I’ve known are a strong, clever people. You should be proud of your heritage. Troll, elven and human is a unique mix. You gain benefits from each.”

“Benefits?” Burkehart huffed. “All I got out of it is an abnormally long life. I must move every eight or ten years or people get suspicious because I don’t age like they do.”

“You’re too hard on yourself, Captain. Come, live in the faerie realm. Age means little to us. Many people of mixed blood live here.”

“Never.” He slashed the sword twice at Summerstorm who jumped back to avoid the blade. The two started circling. Piper began inching his way along the edge of the trees in the direction of the trail.

Burkehart looked over at Piper.

Piper froze. Oh, I was hoping they’d forgotten I was here.

“He is your son, isn’t he, Summerstorm? It wasn’t just a trick to get him into the faerie realm and exploit his musical talent.”

“Yes. He is my son.” Summerstorm glanced at Piper then returned his focus to Burkehart. “As you say, my son was raised as a human. It’s something you have in common. In fact, he has counted you as a friend. You like the lad, why not let him go now? He has served his purpose.”


“Why? He has done nothing to harm you. Anything that passed between the two of us happened decades before he was born. No sense hurting him.”

“Hurting him, hurts you.”

A chill went down Piper’s spine.

“Come on, Summerstorm, stop stalling. Where are those legendary fighting skills I’ve heard so much about? Out of practice?”

“You wish.”

A wasp landed on Burkehart’s cheek. He brushed it off and watched as it buzzed away.

This gave Summerstorm time to pick up several stones which he threw in quick succession. Thud, thud, thud.

Burkehart grunted as each one hit him. He roared then lunged forward to engage Summerstorm who side-stepped. The captain blundered past. He turned, leaving his back to Piper.

Piper wiped at the perspiration beading on his forehead. What can I do? The flute was still protesting down the trail. I can control insects and plants with music, but how can that help? He quickened his pace through the trees. Once he was across from the trail, he paused to survey the clearing. He took a deep breath. Now or never.

Crack! Thunk! Swish!

Piper looked back at the fight.

Summerstorm was wielding a branch like a sword. He blocked a barrage of blows. Burkehart slashed at him. Summerstorm brought the branch down hard. The blade stuck in the wood. The two combatants grappled for position. Summerstorm dropped his hold on the branch and backed up.

The branch dropped to the ground dragging the sword down with it. Burkehart stumbled as he struggled to keep a grip on his sword. Once he regained his footing, he stepped forward to brace his foot against the branch. With a grunt, he yanked his blade free. Panting, he dropped back into fighting stance. “So unimpressive, Summerstorm.”

“You fight more like a troll than a human.”

Burkehart roared.

“Sound more like one, too.”

While the two combatants eyed each other, Piper broke from the shadows and ran for the trail.

Burkehart charged toward Summerstorm then changed direction at the last moment. In the seconds it took for Summerstorm to reposition himself, Burkehart dashed past him to cut off Piper.

Piper yelped. Panicking, he retreated toward the opposite end of the plateau.

Summerstorm tackled Burkehart around the knees. They tumbled to the ground. Burkehart kicked a foot free then smashed Summerstorm in the face.

Summerstorm groaned. He rolled to the side, wiping at the blood on his face. Dazed, he shook his head.

In horror, Piper watched Burkehart get up. The captain started toward him, cutting off his access to the trail. Desperate to avoid being herded toward the rim of the plateau, Piper kept changing course. Each time he did, Burkehart countered. Territory to maneuver quickly diminished until Piper was at the edge of the cliff. He looked down the steep slope. Below him, the rushing river thundered.

Piper turned to face the plateau. Captain Burkehart stood only a few feet away, staring at him.

“Nowhere left to run, elfling.”

Burkehart lifted the sword above his head. Instinctively, Piper raised his hands to block the blow. He closed his eyes. Footsteps crunched toward him.


Instead of the impact of the blade, a hand grabbed Piper’s tunic. He was tossed several yards, landing with a thump. Piper rolled to his feet. Glancing back, he saw Burkehart had been knocked to his knees. Summerstorm was struggling for footing at the edge of the cliff. Suddenly, the ground under Summerstorm’s feet crumbled away.

“No!” Piper shouted.

Even as he disappeared over the ledge, Summerstorm called, “Run, Piper!”

Burkehart rose to his feet. The blade of his sword glinted in the sun as he strode to the edge of the cliff. He peered down the slope. Then he turned and locked eyes on Piper.

Piper gulped.

Burkehart sneered. “Like the Fae said. Run.”

Piper is a young apprentice and prodigy in the music guild of Castle Welf. With the death of his grandfather, the Grand Master of the guild, Piper is assigned to a new music master. Master Braun takes Piper on his first traveling tour. During their travels, a wolf attack separates Piper and his friend Rupert from the traveling troupe. Redd-Leif Summerstorm, a powerful Fae, and Sheba, an enchanted wolf, rescue the boys and take them to the faerie realm.The flute that he has had since he was six comes to life and frightens off three elven youths who were teasing him. Piper wonders about his trusty flute and what the changes mean. Captain Burkehart has made his way to the Faerie Realm and has been hiding. He reveals himself to Piper, tries to poison him, and Piper is saved by the timely arrival of Summerstorm. Burkehart and Summerstorm are now confronting each other.

Free stock photo. Artist = StuartMiles

Cast of Characters
*Piper = A musical apprentice, just turned age 15.
*Rupert = A musical apprentice. Piper's friend, age 14.
*Grand Master Raymond Acker = Head of the music guild. Piper's grandfather. Recently deceased leaving Piper an orphan under the care of the music guild.
*Captain Burkehart = Captain of the Guard at Castle Welf
*Redd-Leif Summerstorm = A Fae
*Master Braun = Troubadour recently promoted to the rank of Master in the music guild at Castle Welf
*Sheba = an enchanted creature in wolf form
*Melodica = an Elven female
*Master Raven = Elf; master hunter
*Lynx = Ten-year-old son of Redd-Leif and Melodica Summerstorm
*Serein = Six-year-old daughter of Redd-Leif and Melodica Summerstorm
*Master Crescendo = Elven High Mage, First Sage of Music and Song
*Lady Spring = Wife of Master Crescendo
*Falcon, Blue Jay, and Robin = Teen-age elven hunters, nearly always together, slightly older than Piper at ages of 16 and 17 years-old

Elementals, also called Fair Folk by humans
*Fae = Oldest of the elemental races. Known as strong, swift and deadly by their enemies. Characterized by white hair and skin that shimmers silver-blue in direct moonlight. Usually taller than humans and muscular.
*Elf = Most numerous of the elementals. Often slightly taller and more slender than humans.
*Pixie = In their normal form they are six inches tall with wings, but they can change size to as large as humans or as small as a faerie.
*Faerie = Vary in height from one to three inches. Wings vary and can appear to be like those of dragonflies or butterflies.

Fair Folk = Name given to faerie races (elementals) by humans. Refers to elves, Fae, faeries, brownies, sprites, gnomes, dwarfs, etc.

Chapter 48
The Piper, Part 48

By w.j.debi

see author notes for synopsis of the story so far

Chapter 48
Piper’s thoughts raced faster than his pounding heart. No time to focus. Only time to run. The plateau was small, but the trail to safety seemed an unreachable distance away. How close was Captain Burkehart with that sword? He didn’t dare turn to look.

When he was half-way across the plateau, a large gray wolf crested the top of the trail. Bounding at an incredible speed, she headed straight for Piper. Sheba didn’t break stride as she knocked him down, dropping something at his side. The growl that erupted from her as she passed gave Piper goosebumps.

He rolled to his feet, instinctively clutching the flute Sheba had dropped. Snarling and cursing drew Piper’s attention to the attack. He froze. Blade and fangs grappled just a hundred paces away as Sheba fought with Burkehart.

Two faeries darted into Piper’s direct line of vision. Tiny, tinkling voices shouted in unison, “Play the flute, Piper!”
“Oh.” Piper put the flute to his lips.
Well, it’s about time, Piper. You haven’t played a note since I came alive. I have a lengthy scolding to give you. But first we must save Redd-Leif.
Redd-Leif is alive? Wait. You speak?
Later. Follow the faeries!
Peck zipped away. Jasmine hovered for a moment. “Hurry, Piper. Lord Summerstorm can’t hold on much longer.”
“Redd-Leif is alive.”  A new sense of determination energized Piper as he raced toward the rim of the plateau. The flute sent vibrations up his arm as it chirped its encouragement.
At the edge of the plateau, Piper peered down the steep slope. Redd-Leif clung one-handed from a sapling. His feet appeared to be touching the ground, but didn’t seem to have purchase. He was struggling to get a grasp with his other hand. The sapling looked as if it could be uprooted at any moment, if it didn’t snap first. Lower down, there was a line of bushes. They were too small and widespread to catch Redd-Leif if he fell. Below that, the rushing river thundered toward Hidden Falls.
Faerie dust sparkled in the sun as the two faeries flew circle-eights around Redd-Leif and the sapling. One of the faeries broke from the pattern. A trail of faerie dust headed for Piper.
Jasmine stopped an inch from his nose. “Hurry, Piper. That sapling can’t last much longer. It’s roots aren’t deep enough.”
Not knowing what else to do, Piper put the flute to his lips. He closed his eyes for a moment. When he opened them, he began playing the tune his grandfather had taught him. Redd-Leif once told him this tune held deeper magic. Focus. That was the instruction Master Crescendo often gave. Piper concentrated on the sapling. It wanted to help, but it was weakening. Grow. Its trunk thickened slightly. Roots searched for soil to dig into.
It isn’t working, Piper, the flute said. Too much rock, too many stones. Nowhere for the roots to go.
Thank you, little sapling. You've been very brave. Piper turned his attention to the bushes. They were eager to respond. Boughs began thickening, lengthening, reaching to entwine with neighboring bushes. Roots tunneled deeper into rich soil. Leaves sprouted, unfurling into lush foliage. The line of bushes returned a sense of welcoming, a sense of purpose, a joy for life.
Piper paused playing for a moment. “Jasmine, please tell my father to slide down the slope. The bushes will catch him. He can rest there until help comes.”
“On my way.” She zipped downward. 
Piper watched her reach Redd-Leif. He wished he could hear Jasmine’s tinkling voice, but the river was too loud. He started playing again. There was a slight hitch in the tune as he watched Redd-Leif release his grip on the sapling and slide down the slope. He bounced once upon hitting the bushes but they held. Redd-Leif waved, indicating he was alright. The faeries circled him. The bushes seemed pleased with themselves. Piper smiled. Thank you for your help.  
Pained yelping pulled Piper’s attention back down the plateau.
Sheba? the flute questioned.
Sounds like she is in trouble. Piper took the flute from his lips. He hurried over to a spot where he could see into the plateau. Burkehart stood over a prone Sheba, his blade glinting in the sun. 
Whoosh! A faerie buzzed past. Glittering dust trailed to the conflict below. 
“Jasmine! What are you doing?” Piper took several steps forward then paused.
Jasmine zipped, dodged, looped, and swirled around Burkehart. The captain turned his attention from Sheba to swipe at the faerie with his free hand. When he found he was too slow to hit the faerie, he lifted his sword and started batting at her. Frustrated, he roared. Then he locked eyes on Piper. Ignoring the faerie, Burkehart growled, “This is your doing, elfling.” The captain started upward.
Panicked, Piper realized Burkehart was between him and the trail. He looked around for a tree or a plant he could use to stop the captain. Vines to entangle him? Thickets to create a barrier? What could he get to grow fast enough? Then Piper spotted the nest. Wasps.
Piper put the flute to his lips. He played the tune Master Crescendo had taught him when he called the wasps previously. 
Good plan, the flute responded.
A few wasps buzzed past. He wouldn’t need the entire swarm, just a few wasps to distract the captain. They will need direction. Focus. Visualize. What do I want them to do? Distract. Block.
“What?” Burkehart bellowed as he tromped forward. “Do you intend to force me to dance to your little tune? It won’t work. Your flute is no match for my sword. You’re the one that will be doing the dancing.”
Come on wasps. Where are you? True, the wasps had taken time to respond when he had called them before, but he hadn’t wanted to call them then. He’d considered Master Crescendo crazy for requiring him to do it. Now, he was desperate for them to respond.
Hurry, Piper. He’s getting closer.
Piper increased the tempo of the music. A small circle of wasp began forming directly in front of the captain, slowing his progress as he moved to avoid them. Piper increased the pace of the rhythm again. More wasps joined the swarm. Stay between me and Burkehart. 
The captain continued to move up the plateau. Wasps darted and buzzed. Individual buzzing took on a group hum that pulsed in time to the rhythm of Piper’s tune. 
When he was only a dozen paces away, Burkehart paused to glare at Piper. “You can’t play forever, elfling. You’ll run out of breath sooner or later.”
Piper didn’t dare remove the flute from his lips to give a retort. He modulated the melody to a minor key. The wasps buzzed wildly. A few wasps broke from the group and stung Burkehart on the hand. He dropped his sword. When he bent to pick it up, the swarm blocked him, forcing him to back away. Protect me. Piper took the opportunity to move past the captain so that he had access to the plateau. Now, Burkehart was the one cut off from escape.
The captain clenched his teeth, glaring at Piper. “Once I get loose, I’m going to whittle that flute into pieces too small for kindling.”
Stay between me and Burkehart. Piper moved toward Burkehart. The swarm moved in front of him, forcing Burkehart to back away one step at at time until his back was against the canyon wall. 
Don’t let him escape. Keep him here. The swarm hummed in time to the rhythm of Piper’s music. 
Piper stopped playing. He waited a moment to make certain the swarm was still concentrating on their captive. 
Then he looked down the plateau to locate the gray wolf. He could just make out Sheba’s form in the grass below. She didn’t stir. He looked up to see Jasmine and Peck hovering in front of him. “Sheba?”
Jasmine looked worried. “Sheba is alive, but she is hurt bad.”
Piper nodded at the faeries “Let’s go.”
The flute trilled agreement.
With Jasmine and Peck flanking him on each side, Piper raced toward Sheba.

Piper is a young apprentice and prodigy in the music guild of Castle Welf. With the death of his grandfather, the Grand Master of the guild, Piper is assigned to a new music master. Master Braun takes Piper on his first traveling tour. During their travels, a wolf attack separates Piper and his friend Rupert from the traveling troupe. Redd-Leif Summerstorm, a powerful Fae, and Sheba, an enchanted wolf, rescue the boys and take them to the faerie realm.The flute that he has had since he was six comes to life and frightens off three elven youths who were teasing him. Piper wonders about his trusty flute and what the changes mean. Captain Burkehart has made his way to the Faerie Realm and has been hiding. He reveals himself to Piper, tries to poison him, and Piper is saved by the timely arrival of Summerstorm. Burkehart and Summerstorm confront each other. Summerstorm saves Piper, falling over the ridge. Piper runs for his life.

Free stock photo. Artist = StuartMiles

Cast of Characters
*Piper = A musical apprentice, just turned age 15.
*Rupert = A musical apprentice. Piper's friend, age 14.
*Grand Master Raymond Acker = Head of the music guild. Piper's grandfather. Recently deceased leaving Piper an orphan under the care of the music guild.
*Captain Burkehart = Captain of the Guard at Castle Welf
*Redd-Leif Summerstorm = A Fae
*Master Braun = Troubadour recently promoted to the rank of Master in the music guild at Castle Welf
*Sheba = an enchanted creature in wolf form
*Melodica = an Elven female
*Master Raven = Elf; master hunter
*Lynx = Ten-year-old son of Redd-Leif and Melodica Summerstorm
*Serein = Six-year-old daughter of Redd-Leif and Melodica Summerstorm
*Master Crescendo = Elven High Mage, First Sage of Music and Song
*Lady Spring = Wife of Master Crescendo
*Falcon, Blue Jay, and Robin = Teen-age elven hunters, nearly always together, slightly older than Piper at ages of 16 and 17 years-old
*Jasmine and Peck = guardian faeries of Piper and his flute

Elementals, also called Fair Folk by humans
*Fae = Oldest of the elemental races. Known as strong, swift and deadly by their enemies. Characterized by white hair and skin that shimmers silver-blue in direct moonlight. Usually taller than humans and muscular.
*Elf = Most numerous of the elementals. Often slightly taller and more slender than humans.
*Pixie = In their normal form they are six inches tall with wings, but they can change size to as large as humans or as small as a faerie.
*Faerie = Vary in height from one to three inches. Wings vary and can appear to be like those of dragonflies or butterflies.

Fair Folk = Name given to faerie races (elementals) by humans. Refers to elves, Fae, faeries, brownies, sprites, gnomes, dwarfs, etc.

Chapter 49
The Piper, part 49

By w.j.debi

see Author Notes for synopsis of the story so far
Chapter 49
Piper dropped to his knees next to Sheba. The grass was damp and blood-stained from a deep slash near her stomach. Her eyes were half closed; breathing came in short shallow pants. Jasmine and Peck flew back and forth, spreading faerie dust from the tip of her nose to the tip of her tail. The flute chirped nervously.

Perhaps, it was the pounding in his ears from running down the plateau or the fact he was concentrating so hard on Sheba, but Master Raven’s voice gave Piper a start.

“What happened here?” The hunting master knelt across from Piper, immediately pressing cloth into Sheba’s wound. “Piper?”

“Sorry, sir.” He took a few breaths, looked around to see he was surrounded by elven hunters, then blurted out, “Captain Burkehart tried to kill us. Redd-Leif fell over the ledge, but is safe. Sheba came to help.” Piper looked from Sheba to Master Raven. “She saved my life. They all did.”

“It’s alright, lad. Take a deep breath and let it out slowly.” Master Raven looked around the group. “Lynx, give your brother your water skin.”

After Piper had taken a couple of gulps and set the waterskin down, Master Raven asked, “This captain you spoke of, where is he? Does he still present a danger?”

“Wasps have him contained against the canyon wall at the top of the plateau.”

Master Raven looked puzzled but didn’t press further. He nodded at two hunters who sprinted toward the trail leading away from the plateau. A glance had three additional hunters heading the same direction. A tilt of his head sent two others running for the top of the plateau. Six hunters grouped next to Lynx. The rest formed a protective circle around Sheba, Piper, and Master Raven. Piper had heard that hunters used silent signals so they would not alert their prey, but he marveled at its effectiveness.
Master Raven continued to work on Sheba while communicating discrete instructions to his hunters. “Piper, you said Lord Summerstorm is safe. Where is he exactly?”

Peck flew over to hover in front of Piper. “I can show them. Jasmine will stay with you.”

Piper nodded.
Lynx said, “The faerie says he can show us.”
“Thank you. I would prefer Piper to stay here. Lynx, since you speak faerie, go see what help your father needs.”
“Yes, sir.” Lynx turned to follow Peck, obviously pleased to accompany the faerie. More silent communication must have occurred because six hunters went with him.

Sheba whimpered. Jasmine hovered near her head. More cloth appeared from the hands of other hunters and Master Raven did his best to stanch the bleeding.

Piper bit his lip as he watched the cloth and Raven’s hands turn red. “Will Sheba be alright?”

“The healers are on their way.”

That isn’t really an answer. I wonder… “Will music help?”

Master Raven gave a weak smile. “It couldn’t hurt.”

“Not entirely true, Master Raven. In Piper’s hands, music has much more power than you might imagine.”

Piper looked up to see Master Crescendo. Melodica, his sister Serein, and several other elves were with the music master.

“What are your intentions with the music, Piper?” asked Master Crescendo.

“Calm her. Maybe see if I could help heal her.”

Crescendo exhaled slowly. “Those are good intentions, Piper, but you could do more harm than good.” In a gentle tone, he added, “Even if you did know how to cure a wolf, Sheba is not a wolf. She is an enchanted creature. Whatever you do to mend her wolf body, you have no idea what it will do to her true self. We need to wait for the healers trained in treating enchanted beings.”

“Maybe he could do as he said and play some calming music,” Melodica said. “It might benefit us all.”

Piper gave the music master an imploring look. “Sheba saved my life. I want to help.”

Crescendo nodded. “Be careful to limit your thoughts to soothing music.”

Another voice said, I can help Sheba.

Piper looked around. “Who said that?”

Questioning looks shot around the group.

You know my voice, Piper.

He held his breath. The Mage Flute?


Piper looked up at Melodica and Master Crescendo. “I don’t understand, but the Mage Flute says it can help.” He bit his lower lip. “I thought it was locked up safely at home.”

Melodica pulled a case from the satchel at her side. “I wasn’t sure why, but I felt compelled to bring it.” She opened the case, stepping forward to offer the Mage Flute to Piper.
He stared at it. A chill went down his spine. The Mage Flute… The last time he played it… Well, he didn’t exactly play it, did he? Musicians should control their instruments, not the other way around. He looked at Sheba. Would she last until the healers came? He had no choice.

I don’t know what to play.

Breathe life into me and I will lead your fingers.

Piper hesitated. His own flute trilled, sending a vibration up his arm.

“Can I hold your flute?” Serein asked.

The flute chirped.

Piper nodded. “She says, ‘Yes.’”

Serein beamed as she took the instrument which cooed softly in her hands. “She approves of me.”

Melodica leaned closer to Piper. He stood and reached for the Mage Flute.

We should begin, Piper. Sheba does not have much time.

He licked his lips and raised the instrument to his mouth.

Open your eyes, Piper. I need to see what is happening. Concentrate on Sheba. Let me do the rest. Come. Breathe life into me.

Mysterious, magical tones reached through the Mage Flute, coursed through Piper, and reached out to embrace Sheba. The music was unearthly, lyrical, hypnotic. Piper felt transported to another plane of existence. Flashes of pulsing, throbbing, stretching, contracting, entwining images flooded his vision. Piper gasped and removed the Mage Flute from his mouth.

A hand squeezed his shoulder. He looked over expecting to see Master Crescendo. Instead, it was Melodica’s tender gaze that met his.

“Steady, Piper. My father often found playing the Mage Flute overwhelming. He said he concentrated on his breathing. Follow the phrasing in the music like you would for a performance.”

Piper nodded. “I like performing.”

Melodica smiled.

With a deep breath, Piper put the Mage Flute back to his lips. Sorry, he communicated to the instrument.

I understand. This is powerful magic. I’m sorry we did not have time to build up to it, but this is an emergency. Sheba is one of my favorites. Breathe life into me so I can give it to her.
Sheba came to save me.

Now, you can save her. You have always trusted there was magic in music. Trust it now. Stop trying to analyze it. Succumb to the charm in it. The music will do its own work.

He relaxed into the rhythm, allowing the melody to progress on its own. A refrain beyond his skill to perform flowed beneath his fingers. It exuded healing, life. Piper watched Sheba’s breathing ease. The bleeding slow. The wound knit together.

Sheba opened her eyes. “Piper?” Her voice was weak, but it gave him a thrill to hear it.

He smiled at her, but kept playing. Sheba seemed to gain strength with each note. Then the music abruptly stopped. He blew harder, but no sound came from the Mage Flute.

I am tired, Piper. The healers have arrived. They can help Sheba from here. Put me back in my case.

Shouldn’t I clean and polish you first?

Later. I need to rest now.

Piper removed the instrument from his lips. A squeeze at his shoulder let him know his mother had remained with him the entire time. He looked over at her. “The Mage Flute says it needs to rest.”

Melodica presented the open case and Piper placed the Mage Flute inside. Her emerald eyes twinkled. “You did well. I am proud of you, Piper.” She pulled him into an embrace then led him back a few steps to allow the healers to begin working on Sheba.

“Very well done,” said Master Crescendo. He appraised Piper for a moment. “You look exhausted, but your work is not done, my boy. The hunters say there is a man trapped by wasps as the top of the plateau.” He raised his eyebrows. “Your doing, I assume.”

Piper scowled at the remark. “Captain Burkehart. He tried to kill us.” He looked over at the healers working on the wolf. “You see what he did to Sheba.”

Crescendo smiled in the knowing way of a wise master. “You misunderstand me, Piper. I’m not worried about this captain. Rather, it’s what you’ve done to the wasps that concerns me.”

Piper is a young apprentice and prodigy in the music guild of Castle Welf. With the death of his grandfather, the Grand Master of the guild, Piper is assigned to a new music master. Master Braun takes Piper on his first traveling tour. During their travels, a wolf attack separates Piper and his friend Rupert from the traveling troupe. Redd-Leif Summerstorm, a powerful Fae, and Sheba, an enchanted wolf, rescue the boys and take them to the faerie realm.The flute that he has had since he was six comes to life and frightens off three elven youths who were teasing him. Piper wonders about his trusty flute and what the changes mean. Captain Burkehart has made his way to the Faerie Realm and has been hiding. He reveals himself to Piper, tries to poison him, and Piper is saved by the timely arrival of Summerstorm. Burkehart and Summerstorm confront each other. While saving Piper, Summerstorm falls over the ridge. Piper uses his flute to make plants grow to save Summerstorm, and entice wasps to protect him from Burkehart.

Free stock photo. Artist = StuartMiles

Cast of Characters
*Piper = A musical apprentice, just turned age 15.
*Rupert = A musical apprentice. Piper's friend, age 14.
*Grand Master Raymond Acker = Head of the music guild. Piper's grandfather. Recently deceased leaving Piper an orphan under the care of the music guild.
*Captain Burkehart = Captain of the Guard at Castle Welf
*Redd-Leif Summerstorm = A Fae
*Master Braun = Troubadour recently promoted to the rank of Master in the music guild at Castle Welf
*Sheba = an enchanted creature in wolf form
*Melodica = an Elven female
*Master Raven = Elf; master hunter
*Lynx = Ten-year-old son of Redd-Leif and Melodica Summerstorm
*Serein = Six-year-old daughter of Redd-Leif and Melodica Summerstorm
*Master Crescendo = Elven High Mage, First Sage of Music and Song
*Lady Spring = Wife of Master Crescendo
*Falcon, Blue Jay, and Robin = Teen-age elven hunters, nearly always together, slightly older than Piper at ages of 16 and 17 years-old
*Jasmine and Peck = guardian faeries of Piper and his flute

Elementals, also called Fair Folk by humans
*Fae = Oldest of the elemental races. Known as strong, swift and deadly by their enemies. Characterized by white hair and skin that shimmers silver-blue in direct moonlight. Usually taller than humans and muscular.
*Elf = Most numerous of the elementals. Often slightly taller and more slender than humans.
*Pixie = In their normal form they are six inches tall with wings, but they can change size to as large as humans or as small as a faerie.
*Faerie = Vary in height from one to three inches. Wings vary and can appear to be like those of dragonflies or butterflies.
Mage Flute = also known as the Black Forest Fife. Made from the heart of the last Mage Tree from the Black Forest. It chooses who can play it.

Fair Folk = Name given to faerie races (elementals) by humans. Refers to elves, Fae, faeries, brownies, sprites, gnomes, dwarfs, etc.

Chapter 50
The Piper, part 50

By w.j.debi

see Author note for synopsis of the story so far
Wasps were buzzing with frustration, zipping around within the confines of an invisible bubble. Sporadically, one left the swarm and aimed for the figure curled into a ball next to the canyon wall. Burkehart kept his hands covering his face, but flinched at each sting that found a chink in his thick leather clothing.
Piper frowned. I almost feel sorry for you, Captain. But you did try to kill me, and my father, and Sheba. You almost succeeded, too.

The sound of deep gravelly voices drew Piper’s attention to the side. Three trolls were waiting to take Burkehart into custody. One was so short he only came to Piper’s waist. The second was about the size of an average human male. The third was twice that height, towering over everything except a few trees on the plateau. The tall troll nodded at Piper then dropped his gaze to Piper’s side.

Serein faced the crowd gathering behind him. When Melodica had left to check on Redd-Leif, Serein begged to stay with her brother. Piper knew it was more about holding his “alive” flute than a sudden fondness for him. Still, it was the first Serein had wanted to be with him. From the corner of his eye, he saw her wave then curtsy.

Piper smiled. There’s a bit of the  performer in you, little sister.
“Are you listening to me, Piper?”

Piper turned to look at Master Crescendo. “Yes, sir. I’m listening.”

“Wasps spend their nights inside their nests doing repairs and taking care of the larva, but do not fly around during the night. It is nearing dusk. You need to release them soon.”

Piper nodded. “Sorry, I thought the charm would wear off and they would just go on their way.”

Crescendo gave Piper a patient smile. “What made you think that, Piper? When we practiced with them before, we took even more time to release them than to call them, didn’t we?”

Piper sighed. “Yes, sir. I guess I was in a hurry to help Sheba.”

Master Crescendo appraised his student for a moment. “It must have been frightening being attacked by that soldier. It was good thinking to call the wasps to protect you.” He put a hand on Piper’s shoulder. “You look tired, Piper, but we need to take care of this.”

“I understand.”

Lynx came bouncing up to them, eyes shining with excitement. “You going to disperse the wasps now? Papa and Mama say not to wait for them. The healers are still seeing to Papa’s wounds.”

“I’m glad you’re here,” Piper said. “You need to watch Serein.”

Lynx stood straight, standing at his full ten-year-old height. He had his bow in hand, quiver of arrows at his back, a slingshot tucked in his belt. “I’m used to keeping her safe.”

Serein gave Piper a hopeful look. “Can I go with you?”

He squatted down so he was eye-level with her. “I’m not sure what the wasps are going to do with such a large crowd. I don’t want you to get stung.”


“How about you and Lynx stay with me?” Master Crescendo asked. “I’ll be following Piper so we’ll be close to him.”

Serein smiled at the music master.

Piper put out his hand. “I need my flute.”

Serein looked reluctant to give it away, but handed it to him. The flute cooed as it passed hands. Serein grinned. "She likes me."

"Yes, she does." As he rose, Piper gazed at the crowd. “Word travels fast in the faerie realm. Where did they all come from?”

“They’re just curious,” Crescendo said. “Everyone has been wanting to meet Lord Summerstorm’s lost boy. We were planning a concert a bit later, but looks like it will be an impromptu performance now.”

“The wasps, how are they going to react? We’ve only done this in private lessons.”

“I’ll speak to the crowd before you begin. You concentrate on the wasps. Now, just as we did in practice, pick a spot for the swarm to move to. Envision them doing it. Once they reach that spot, pick another. Keep repeating until you get them down the plateau and near their nest. Envision them dispersing to release them. I’ll be near in case you need me. You remember the tune we used in practice?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Good, let’s get started.” Master Crescendo turned to the crowd, motioning for silence. “Everyone. Attention. Attention, please.” Once they were quiet, he continued, “Thank you. I appreciate that you’re all curious, but there isn’t time to explain at present. What you do need to know is that these wasps need to be moved to another area. We need your help. Please, be as quiet as possible so you don’t disturb the wasps, and so Piper can concentrate. Also, please stay back so he has room to work. If you’re like me, you don’t want to get stung. Piper will be directing the swarm away from this area and releasing them.” 

“With music?” someone asked.

“Yes, with music. I know that is a bit unusual, but Piper has this under control.”

A murmur went through the crowd.

Crescendo raised his arms. “Now, everyone, silence please.”

Piper turned to face the wasps, putting the flute to his lips. You ready?

Eager. Let’s work some magic with our music.

Piper began playing the tune he’d used during practice with the wasps. The swarm continued to be agitated. He attempted different rhythms and phrasing. The buzzing didn’t change. It’s not working.

It’s not the tune we used this afternoon.

You’re right. Maybe it must be the same music. Piper played a trill to change the modulation, then began playing the tune his Grandfather Acker had taught him.

Master Crescendo gave him a puzzled look then nodded.

The buzzing calmed. The swarm took on the soothing rhythm of the melody.

They’re tired, Piper.

Yes, and thirsty. We need to release them as quickly as possible. There’s a pond near their nest. We’ll release them there.


Piper turned to looked down the plateau for a place to direct the swarm. There was a slight catch in the melody as he realized the crowd blocked his view. What can I do?

You didn’t have a destination in mind when Burkehart attacked. The wasps stayed between you and Burkehart. They also contained the captain as instructed. Maybe they will just follow you. 

It’s worth a try. He turned to face the wasps again. Leave the captain. Come toward me. Piper’s skin prickled as the buzzing insects moved within two arms lengths. Maintain this distance. 

He turned back to the plateau. The crowd parted to allow him a pathway. Follow me. He stepped forward, concentrating on the music and the path, ignoring the crowd. The trembling hum of the air confirmed the swarm was following him. I am grateful for your help. You will be free shortly.
The wasps buzzed in tempo with Piper’s steady, measured cadence as they moved forward. When he neared the pond, Piper slowed his stride and the tempo of the tune. He envisioned the wasps dispersing. Thank you, my friends. One-by-one, wasps left the swarm and headed to get a drink before going to their nest. When only a few wasps were in the air, Piper removed the flute from his lips.

A wasp landed on his free hand. He brought his hand closer to his face. “Hello, little friend. Time to go rest. Ouch!” Piper gasped. “She stung me.”

The flute chirped in a manner that sound like giggling.

Piper put the flute to his lips. Are you laughing at me?

You must admit, it is funny. Did you expect gratitude? It will probably take them days to recover.

Piper smiled. Yeah, you’re right. But I am grateful they saved us.

Me, too.

Piper began playing a lullaby as much to calm himself as to help the wasps relax.
Master Crescendo appeared at his side with Lynx and Serein. “Well done, Piper. Your impromptu changes worked well. We’ll discuss them at our next lesson.”

Piper smiled but continued to play. Thank you, my friends. Wasps are amazing. He felt their contentment and stopped playing.

When he turned, an eager crowd stared at him. Ever the performer, he bowed to his audience. Clapping and cheering filled the plateau. He grinned, bowing several times. After all, nothing could please a musician more than having his performance appreciated.

Once the crowd quieted some, Master Crescendo motioned for silence. “Thank you. Thank you. I know you would all like to meet and congratulate Piper, but as you can see, he is exhausted. Please allow the Summerstorms a few days to recover. I promise to arrange a festival in Moonbow Valley so you can all meet Piper.” He turned to wink at Piper. “Maybe we can even get him to perform.”

As the crowd began to disperse, Redd-Leif and Melodica came to greet Piper.

Noting Redd-Leif’s bandaged arm, swollen nose, and numerous bruises and scrapes, Piper asked, “Are you alright, Father?”

A big grin enveloped Redd-Leif’s face. “I am now. I believe this is the first time you’ve called me ‘Father.’”

Piper returned a sheepish grin. “Yeah, you’re right.”
Melodica stepped closer. “That was amazing, Piper.” Then she looked back at Redd-Leif. “I thought you were just a proud father, but what you always say is true.”

Piper gave her a questioning look. “May I ask what he says?”

Melodica smiled. “When Piper plays, it’s magic. Pure magic.”

Piper is a young apprentice and prodigy in the music guild of Castle Welf. With the death of his grandfather, the Grand Master of the guild, Piper is assigned to a new music master. Master Braun takes Piper on his first traveling tour. During their travels, a wolf attack separates Piper and his friend Rupert from the traveling troupe. Redd-Leif Summerstorm, a powerful Fae, and Sheba, an enchanted wolf, rescue the boys and take them to the faerie realm.The flute that he has had since he was six comes to life and frightens off three elven youths who were teasing him. Piper wonders about his trusty flute and what the changes mean. Captain Burkehart has made his way to the Faerie Realm and has been hiding. He reveals himself to Piper, tries to poison him, and Piper is saved by the timely arrival of Summerstorm. Burkehart and Summerstorm confront each other. While saving Piper, Summerstorm falls over the ridge. Piper uses his flute to make plants grow to save Summerstorm, and entice wasps to protect him from Burkehart. With the help of the Mage Flute, Piper is able to partiallly heal Sheba.

Free stock photo. Artist = StuartMiles

Cast of Characters
*Piper = A musical apprentice, just turned age 15.
*Rupert = A musical apprentice. Piper's friend, age 14.
*Grand Master Raymond Acker = Head of the music guild. Piper's grandfather. Recently deceased leaving Piper an orphan under the care of the music guild.
*Captain Burkehart = Captain of the Guard at Castle Welf
*Redd-Leif Summerstorm = A Fae
*Master Braun = Troubadour recently promoted to the rank of Master in the music guild at Castle Welf
*Sheba = an enchanted creature in wolf form
*Melodica = an Elven female
*Master Raven = Elf; master hunter
*Lynx = Ten-year-old son of Redd-Leif and Melodica Summerstorm
*Serein = Six-year-old daughter of Redd-Leif and Melodica Summerstorm
*Master Crescendo = Elven High Mage, First Sage of Music and Song
*Lady Spring = Wife of Master Crescendo
*Falcon, Blue Jay, and Robin = Teen-age elven hunters, nearly always together, slightly older than Piper at ages of 16 and 17 years-old
*Jasmine and Peck = guardian faeries of Piper and his flute

Elementals, also called Fair Folk by humans
*Fae = Oldest of the elemental races. Known as strong, swift and deadly by their enemies. Characterized by white hair and skin that shimmers silver-blue in direct moonlight. Usually taller than humans and muscular.
*Elf = Most numerous of the elementals. Often slightly taller and more slender than humans.
*Pixie = In their normal form they are six inches tall with wings, but they can change size to as large as humans or as small as a faerie.
*Faerie = Vary in height from one to three inches. Wings vary and can appear to be like those of dragonflies or butterflies.
Mage Flute = also known as the Black Forest Fife. Made from the heart of the last Mage Tree from the Black Forest. It chooses who can play it.

Fair Folk = Name given to faerie races (elementals) by humans. Refers to elves, Fae, faeries, brownies, sprites, gnomes, dwarfs, etc.

Chapter 51
The Piper, part 51

By w.j.debi

see author notes for synopsis of the story so far
Serein held Piper’s hand as they walked toward Hidden Falls. In the other hand, she held Piper’s flute which cooed and trilled. She smiled up at Piper. “The flute likes me.”

He smiled back. “Yes, I know.” It was at least the tenth time she’d said it. Piper glanced over his shoulder. Master Crescendo and Rupert were sauntering down the path behind him. Deep in conversation about music for the upcoming concert, they stopped walking as they discussed some point more thoroughly. Come on you two. Master Braun will be here any minute. Even Serein is moving faster than you are.

Around the next bend, Piper’s eyes lit up. Up ahead, Lynx was talking in an animated voice to Master Braun.

Serein shook her head. “Lynx is not in hunting mode. That’s what Papa says when Lynx is talking loud and fast. When he is hunting, Lynx is very quiet, but when he isn’t, he is very noisy.”

Piper suppressed a laugh then did his best to hear what Lynx was saying as they drew closer.

“They’ll turn him into stone for certain.”

“Then what will they do with him?” Braun asked.

“Hard to say. Trolls like to build things. Papa says they’re master masons. So, Burkehart could end up as part of a castle or a city wall. Trolls are especially good at stone bridges so that is highly likely. He could even end up at the bottom of a river if he makes them angry enough. I wish I could watch, but they never allow it. Whatever it is, we will never see him again. No one ever returns from troll justice.”

“I don’t believe I’ve ever seen a troll.”

“Probably because trolls blend in so well. They can go weeks without moving. When they do, they can move very fast so watch out. Anyway, they found the sword the captain had. They said it is from one of their clans. It went missing during the Human-Elemental Wars. They also have other charges against him. They are very upset that he attacked Papa. Attacking a Fae is even worse than attacking a troll in their law. They’re also upset that Burkehart denies his troll heritage. Not a good thing.”

Piper smiled. Lynx was ever willing to share what he knew and usually more than necessary.

At that moment, Master Braun looked up. “Piper. It’s so good to see you alive and well. Lynx was just filling me in on all the excitement you’ve had the last few weeks.”

“It certainly hasn’t been dull.” Piper tried to quicken his step, but had to account for Serein’s short legs. “It is so good to see you Master Braun.” He looked behind him. Master Crescendo and Rupert were still up the trail. “By the way, Sheba asked me to apologize that she didn’t meet you as promised.”

“I understand completely. You can let her know that elves and pixies were here to help me get my musical instruments through the falls and keep them dry. Anyway, how is Sheba doing?”

“The healers say she will recover, but they’d like her to rest for a while. Father also apologizes for not being here.”

Braun smiled. “So, Lord Summerstorm finally got around to telling you about your heritage. Quite a surprise, I’m sure.”

“Yeah, it was.”

“How is he? Lynx says there was a bit of a battle up on the plateau.”

“He says he’s fine, but the healers are making him take it easy for a few days.” Piper stopped a couple feet from Braun. “You know about Captain Burkehart then?”

Braun nodded. “Yes.” He crossed his arms and smirked. “It seems a wolf attack was not enough for your first traveling tour. You had to have the captain of the castle guards track you down and try to kill you, too. Looks like my first apprentice is going to be more trouble than I thought. I better watch myself, especially around wasps from what I hear. Got any other surprises for me?”

Piper looked a bit sheepish. “None I can think of.” He thought for a moment. “I guess we need a way to explain to Lord Welf why Captain Burkehart is missing when we get back.”

“It won’t be an issue. In fact, I doubt anyone will ask us about the captain. Burkehart went off alone, declaring that he was searching for a faster way to Hanover. His guards looked for him, but couldn’t find any sign of him. It is assumed he was ambushed by brigands. No one is looking for him in this direction and certainly not in the faery realm. As far as you and Rupert, we’ll stick as close to the truth as possible.” He paused to wave at Crescendo and Rupert as they approached.

Piper got a puzzled look on his face. “You seem to know a lot about the faery realm.”

“I visit Elfhaven every year to confer with Master Crescendo. Speaking of which, here he is.” Braun stepped forward. “Salutations, High Mage. It is good to see you again.”

“Good to see you, my friend. I understand it is now ‘Master’ Braun. You’re not letting that go to your head, are you, my young friend?”

“No, sir.” Braun embraced Crescendo then turned to Rupert. “I am relieved to see you are up and around. Sheba told me you were wounded.”

Rupert beamed. “Nothing the elven healers couldn’t fix.”

“Good to hear. Learning as much as possible from the High Mage as well, I hope? There isn't a better mentor.”

“He is an excellent pupil and performer,” Master Crescendo answered.

Braun nodded. “I’m glad to see you are taking such good care of my first two apprentices, High Mage.”

Master Crescendo gave Braun a quizzical look. “Your apprentices? Now, I see that Rupert must return to Castle Welf. His parents will be anxious to see him. Piper, however, has a family here.”

“But I have plans to expand his career in the human realm. As my first apprentice, he will have opportunities you cannot offer him here. He will get to travel and perform all over the region.”

Crescendo looked over at Piper as he addressed Braun. “I think we have a lot to discuss.” He placed a hand on Braun's arm. “Come, my friend. Let’s gather your things and head to the Summerstorm cottage. We can talk along the way.”

Elves and pixies grabbed an instrument or bundle and headed up the path. Caught off-guard by the discussion between the music masters, Piper stood in place, watching them recede up the path.

Rupert grabbed a lute then elbowed Piper. “You are coming back to Castle Welf with us, aren’t you?”

“Of course. I mean, well…I just assumed that was the plan.”

“Good.” Rupert returned his attention to the music masters’ animated discussion. “I wish they would fight over me like that.” He hurried to catch up with the group.

Serein tugged on Piper’s tunic. 

He looked down to see the concern in her bright blue eyes. “What’s wrong?”

“You aren’t going to leave us, are you, Piper?”

“Nah,” Lynx said. “He’s just being polite to his friend. Piper just got here and found out he has a family. He needs time to get to know us. He’s staying. Right, Piper?”

Piper looked at Lynx, sensing the young hunter wasn’t as confident as he was trying to communicate to their little sister.

In a shy, pleading voice, Serein added, “I like you, Piper.”

“I like you, too, Serein.”

Those hopeful eyes made a lump form in his throat. Then the flute let out a long imploring coo.

Piper bit his lip. A moment ago, his future as Braun’s apprentice at Castle Welf had been so certain. Suddenly, he wasn’t sure.

Piper is a young apprentice and prodigy in the music guild of Castle Welf. With the death of his grandfather, the Grand Master of the guild, Piper is assigned to a new music master. Master Braun takes Piper on his first traveling tour. During their travels, a wolf attack separates Piper and his friend Rupert from the traveling troupe. Redd-Leif Summerstorm, a powerful Fae, and Sheba, an enchanted wolf, rescue the boys and take them to the faerie realm.The flute that he has had since he was six comes to life and frightens off three elven youths who were teasing him. Piper wonders about his trusty flute and what the changes mean. Captain Burkehart has made his way to the Faerie Realm and has been hiding. He reveals himself to Piper, tries to poison him, and Piper is saved by the timely arrival of Summerstorm. Burkehart and Summerstorm confront each other. While saving Piper, Summerstorm falls over the ridge. Piper uses his flute to make plants grow to save Summerstorm, and entice wasps to protect him from Burkehart. With the help of the Mage Flute, Piper is able to partially heal Sheba.

Free stock photo. Artist = StuartMiles

Cast of Characters
*Piper = A musical apprentice, just turned age 15.
*Rupert = A musical apprentice. Piper's friend, age 14.
*Grand Master Raymond Acker = Head of the music guild. Piper's grandfather. Recently deceased leaving Piper an orphan under the care of the music guild.
*Captain Burkehart = Captain of the Guard at Castle Welf
*Redd-Leif Summerstorm = A Fae
*Master Braun = Troubadour recently promoted to the rank of Master in the music guild at Castle Welf
*Sheba = an enchanted creature in wolf form
*Melodica = an Elven female
*Master Raven = Elf; master hunter
*Lynx = Ten-year-old son of Redd-Leif and Melodica Summerstorm
*Serein = Six-year-old daughter of Redd-Leif and Melodica Summerstorm
*Master Crescendo = Elven High Mage, First Sage of Music and Song
*Lady Spring = Wife of Master Crescendo
*Falcon, Blue Jay, and Robin = Teen-age elven hunters, nearly always together, slightly older than Piper at ages of 16 and 17 years-old
*Jasmine and Peck = guardian faeries of Piper and his flute

Elementals, also called Fair Folk by humans
*Fae = Oldest of the elemental races. Known as strong, swift and deadly by their enemies. Characterized by white hair and skin that shimmers silver-blue in direct moonlight. Usually taller than humans and muscular.
*Elf = Most numerous of the elementals. Often slightly taller and more slender than humans.
*Pixie = In their normal form they are six inches tall with wings, but they can change size to as large as humans or as small as a faerie.
*Faerie = Vary in height from one to three inches. Wings vary and can appear to be like those of dragonflies or butterflies.
Mage Flute = also known as the Black Forest Fife. Made from the heart of the last Mage Tree from the Black Forest. It chooses who can play it.

Fair Folk = Name given to faerie races (elementals) by humans. Refers to elves, Fae, faeries, brownies, sprites, gnomes, dwarfs, etc.

Chapter 52
The Piper, part 52

By w.j.debi

Moonlight spilled through the trees in the glen behind the Summerstorm cottage creating dappled patterns on the damp grass. A late spring rainstorm, complete with thunder, lightning, and gusty wind, had passed a few hours ago. Now, the fresh aromas of moist soil and various forest flora teased the senses. A few stars winked down at the scene.

Benches grown from vines were grouped around the perimeter. An appealing melody wafted through the air as a lone flute player plied his craft from one of those benches. It was a thoughtful tune, gentle and, somehow, inquisitive. An owl cocked its head to listen. Insects hummed and chirped in tempo to the rhythm. Frogs croaked a pulse into the melody. The corners of Piper’s lips curled upward as a curious rabbit hopped to the edge of the tree line, and its eyes glowed at him from across the glen.

Do you see the deer, Piper? asked the flute.

Where? he asked without missing a note.

On the other side of the glen. In the trees to your left.

Ah, yes. I see it now.

The deer stood in the shadows of the trees, peering at Piper. Its short tail flicked back and forth. Without a sound, a hoof raised, hesitated in mid-air, then slowly descended to the ground. Tail flicking increased. Six tentative steps forward were followed by cautious sniffing. Hugging the tree line, the deer crept forward until it reached a large bush. It craned its neck to peek past the foliage. Piper continued playing as he focused on the creature. The deer ventured another ten steps forward and paused in full view to stare at Piper.

I don’t understand, Piper, the flute questioned. We’re not using any magic.

It’s just curious. Music casts its own enchantment.

Suddenly, the deer turned, leaping into the trees.

Piper stopped playing and set the flute across his lap. He called over his shoulder. “Hello, Father.”

Redd-Leif walked over to the bench. “Hello, my boy. That’s a nice tune. I don’t believe I’ve heard it before.”

“It’s a new composition I’m working on.” Piper took a cloth from his satchel and began cleaning the flute.

“I like it. Are you going to play it at the concert tomorrow night?”

“Maybe. It still needs a little work.”

Redd-Leif surveyed the area then asked, “Mind if I join you?”

“Please, do.”

Redd-Leif picked up the flute case that was sitting on the bench next to Piper then sat down. He examined the case, tracing the intricate pattern in the leather with his finger. “The Faerie Queen doesn’t give gifts often.”

“I know. It’s beautiful. I’m so honored that she replaced the one Sheba ripped to shreds.” Piper took the case and placed the cooing flute into it.

“Sheba had to do it in order to remove the flute so she could bring it to you. The faeries couldn’t get it out of the tree you hung it in.”

The flute let out a flurry of scolding notes.

Piper patted the flute case. “And I won’t be leaving you behind again.”

The flute gave an approving trill.

“Where are your two faeries?” Redd-Leif asked.

“They had a meeting with the Faerie Queen. Afterwards, they’re taking the night off to play with their friends. They feel I am safe here at home.”

Piper studied his father’s bandaged arm and scratched face. “Aren’t you supposed to be resting?”

“I needed to get out of the cottage.”

Piper grinned. “So, is Master Braun still trying to convince Mother that I should return with him to Castle Welf?”

“Well, Braun’s arguments do have merit. If you return with him, it will be easier for you to come and go between the realms. He’s created a credible story to cover the disappearance and rescue of his two apprentices. If you show up later, it will be more complicated. 

“Besides, from what I understand, Master Braun is to be assigned Master Acker’s old chambers. As his first apprentice, you can keep your old rooms. It seems the new grand master, Master Kort, likes his present accommodations and isn’t too thrilled to go through Master Acker’s things. That will be Master Braun’s job and his apprentices.” Redd-Leif leaned toward Piper. “Personally, I think Grand Master Kort believes the doors to those chambers are enchanted and that frightens him.”

Piper laughed. “The carved figures do appear to dance in the flickering light of the torches and lamps. That frightens some people.” He thought a moment. “Are they enchanted?”

“As far as I know, they are just the work of a very talented craftsman, a human craftsman.”

They sat in silence, watching the night birds flit about the glen.

Piper finally asked, “You think I should go with Master Braun, then?”

“I didn’t say that. There are also risks. You will be an elemental in the human realm. I know you always have been, but now that you know it, things will be different. Not all humans are tolerant of what they call the fair folk.”

“I know. I grew up with the stories.”

“Although we have treaties, there are no guarantees that they will be honored by everyone.”

Piper frowned. “People like Captain Burkehart.”

“In varying degrees. If you go back to Castle Welf, the safest course would be to go as Piper Strauss, apprentice musician to Master Braun. It would be best to avoid mentioning your Fae and elven heritage. You will need to be cautious.”

Piper nodded.

Redd-Leif took a deep breath. “Truth is Piper, I would like you to stay here in Elfhaven. We could get to know each other better. Your brother and sister would like that, too. And your mother, well, Melodica has yearned to see you every day you’ve been gone.” His next words seemed far away. “She and I missed your entire childhood.”

Redd-Leif cleared his throat and put a smile on his face. “Also, you have much to learn about the faerie realm and your heritage. By staying here, you’d have a lot of support as you explore the magic in music. In addition to Melodica and Master Crescendo, there are several music masters that are eager to work with you, as are their students. You’d be safer here, free to explore and wield your music without worry of discovery.”

Redd-Leif paused to watch a moth flitter by. “But you are also of an age when most young men leave home to begin their apprenticeships.”

Piper thought for a moment. “So, who do you think will win the argument, Master Braun or Master Crescendo?”

“It doesn’t matter.”

“What?” Piper’s brows furrowed. “It’s my life they are deciding.”

“No. It is your life they are discussing. The choice is yours.”


Redd-Leif chuckled. “Don’t look so worried Piper. You don’t have to make the decision right away. Master Braun usually spends several weeks with us each summer so you have time to weigh your options. Search your heart for the answer. It will guide you far better than your eyes or ears if you trust it.”

Piper nodded. “You told me that when we first met.”

Redd-Leif smiled. “I may have; I have long believed it. Besides, you can always change your mind if it doesn’t work out the way you hope.”

There was a low growl at Redd-Leif’s side. They both turned to look at Sheba.

“I’m sorry to interrupt you two gentlemen, but Master Crescendo has arrived with his wife Lady Spring, and Rupert is with them. We can eat now.”

Piper smiled at the enchanted wolf. “Hello, Sheba. Hungry?”

“Starving. Between Melodica’s delicacies and the scrumptious treats the brownies have made, there are so many good things to eat tonight my mouth is already watering.” She licked her lips. “I may never leave Cottage Summerstorm again.”

Redd-Leif chuckled. “You’re welcome to stay as long as you like, Sheba.”

“Thank you, my friend. Now, hurry. I’m heading in. Even though I’m recuperating, I bet I can still beat you back to the cottage.” Sheba started toward the cottage at a slow trot.

“We’re right behind you.”

As he rose to his feet, an ethereal glow enveloped Redd-Leif. While they had been talking, the full moon had risen above the trees and now shone directly on him. The exposed skin of his face and arms shimmered with the fabled silver-blue hue of the Fae.

Redd-Leif extended his glistening hand. “Come, Piper. We don’t want to keep your mother and the others waiting, especially a certain starving wolf who is not a wolf.”

Piper grinned, slipping the strap of his flute case over his head with one hand as he grabbed his satchel with the other. When he reached to grasp his father’s hand, his eyes widened. Perhaps it was only a trick of the dazzling moonlight, but Piper could swear there was a silver-blue sheen to his own skin.

Author Notes Since this is the final chapter, I am skipping the synopsis and list of characters. Instead, I would like to thank all those who have read and reviewed this novel along the way. I appreciate all you have done to help.

A special thank you to two people who have read and reviewed every chapter:

rspoet and Pam(respa)--Your support, encouragement and suggestions have been invaluable.
Robert has a great memory for catching past characters and situations and keeping me on course.
Pam knows the right questions to ask to get me to consider options. I hope the deer is familiar. I've been trying to fit it in, but couldn't find a spot until now.

Thank you also to royowen who has faithfully followed the story, reviewing consistently with much encouragement since chapter 27.

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