"Vision and Sound: Their Stories"

Introductory Synopsis

By michaelcahill


This is the story of two souls that encounter each other frequently on earth. They know each other and are friends in Heaven. On earth, they are strangers, yet they are always drawn to each other somehow. The overall story is about their connection and why it is unique in Heaven. The story supposes that souls come back and forth to earth to learn and grow many times. It would be in a manner that is like reincarnation. I'm not supporting any particular belief with my story, it's just a story. To be honest, there is an experience in my life that is the basis for this story. It is a part of the story though I won't point it out. The story includes a narrator who is a special soul that is privy to information that the other souls aren't aware of.
Personally, I'm a Christian and I imagine that my beliefs will be reflected in the writing as it probably is in much of my work. I guess that is to be expected. I'm not writing this though with that in mind. I do recommend Christianity highly and invite anyone interested to drop me a line and I'll tell you all about it! As far as this story goes, it is creative (I hope) writing and not necessarily always a reflection of my own personal beliefs. I will try to be true to the plot and the nature of the characters regardless of my own personal feelings. I only offer this because Heaven, souls, reincarnation and the like are components of the story. I can well imagine that this might be taken as a statement of my beliefs.
As with all of my prose, I rely heavily on input and suggestions from my readers. I am new to prose and brand new to novels. Anything that you can offer me in the way of help and guidance is so appreciated. I've improved quite a bit in the year I've been here and I owe it all to you and your invaluable help.
This is a first draft, and there are going to be mistakes; that is a certainty. I am learning, so hopefully there will be fewer mistakes than there were in my last piece. 

A little bit now about the main characters:
Vision is a soul that has female characteristics and views the world visually. When she is human, she uses her sight to tell her about things. She sees a crowd of people and can pick out who the threats are as well as who might be friends. She interprets things in great detail as though she is looking at them. If you were to ask her, "what kind of a car picked you up?", she would stare off into space as though visualizing it in her mind. Then, she would give a detailed description including every dent and window sticker.
Sound is so named for two reasons. Firstly because he interprets the world like Vision but with sound has the basis. Secondly, he is known for being very quiet and a great listener. Therefore, the name is a bit of a Heavenly witticism as well.
The narrator offers inside information about the nature of Heaven and the souls that reside there. He explains how unusual it is for Vision and Sound to have the relationship they do. It is unique among all the souls and the cause of much discussion and concern.
Well, this is more of an introduction and a brief synopsis. The first installment will be offered in a day or two. This is going to be quite different from anything I've written before. Thanks for listening. I hope you will give it a shot and follow along.


Author Notes This is an introduction to a book. I'm not sure what category this falls under. Fantasy?

Prologue: Magic Felix

By michaelcahill

The story of Vision and Sound spans time beyond that measured by humans. "Their story" is about two souls and their existance. "Their stories" are confined to those times when they have been on Earth as humans either together or separately.

The story is about their entire existence as souls and the journey they have taken. They are considered unique among souls in their connection to each other. The concept of soul mates is known here where souls reside. We understand and appreciate the term and human understanding of it. Vision and Sound exhibit that connection in ways that even we find difficult to explain.
They have both been on Earth many times and lived many lives. They have lived alone. They have been on Earth at the same time, unaware of each other. But, they have been on Earth an extraordinary number of times when they have found each other.
They have often embraced destiny as though they knew it stood in front of them with open arms. Awareness could never be more than a feeling, but sometimes it felt as though an invisible hand pulled them gently towards each other.
It is important that an understanding of our nature is established to properly tell their story and their stories.
Their story is a tale of two souls. Souls reside in what you would be comfortable in calling Heaven. I am satisfied with that as a name and a general concept. I could only confuse the matters at hand with further explanation.
I am also a soul. I reside there as well and know them both. I have certain abilities that other souls don't have. Again, the details and an overly detailed explanation would only cause confusion. I am a soul who knows what it is like to be human and remembers being human in detail. I know of the human lives of all souls. I know what souls have learned as humans and what they need to learn.
The other souls know when they are souls and they know when they are human. A human does not recall being a soul and what it is like to be one. The souls are aware of humans and can influence and even interact with them if they wish. But, they are not of great interest to them. Souls are of interest to each other.

Souls spend vast amounts of time discussing what has occured in lives spent on Earth. What was created? What good things were accomplished? What unfortunate acts were committed? Souls are more apt to observe than they are to intervene. After all, we do know that there is no real danger in anything that happens on Earth. All end up back here safe and sound. What is important is the learning.
You see? It is confusing already and I am stating this in the most simplistic terms I can possibly impart to you. I can safely tell you that you are a soul. You have lived here and you will live here again. You have met me and I know who you are. I tell you that almost solely to amuse you for you have no knowledge of it. You have no basis to believe it or not to believe it. But, your reaction to it would be the same as the two individuals in this story if they happened to be reading this as humans.
Now, listen, as this is important. A soul is altered by being human. A soul retains what it experiences as a human. It brings those experiences back as part of themselves. When it returns to being a human, those parts are already there and they do influence what reactions occur in the new life that begins. I'll leave it at that for now. Once again, confusion begins just thinking about it, doesn't it?
You can call me, Magic Felix. It's just a name that I came up with to amuse myself. Some of the other souls find it amusing. Some of the souls find it obnoxious. I find that amusing.
We call the two souls, Vision and Sound. Souls are not male or female, only humans are. Vision is a soul that has evolved into a being that relies on sight and visual stimulus to interpret the world. Sound relies on sound or the lack of sound. Sound is a name given partially in jest. Sound is not one to give speeches. Sound listens and speaks when it is time and usually with well thought out and chosen words that tend to be the last words.

That is simplistic and you will find that old souls like these are not simple. But, names will help identify them at least.
Of course, those are traits and names. Vision could be born as a human that is blind. Sound could be born into a family of politicians and live a life groomed for speech giving on the stump seeking office.
There is a great deal more to tell of the nature of souls and the workings of our home. When do we return to earth as humans? How many times do we come back? Are we ever through coming and going? Is there a time when we move on to something higher? Are we in danger of being discarded? Is there a hell? Is there a God? Which religion is the right one?
Well, I am not going to answer most of those questions. Those are for you to decide. If you knew, there would be no need to find out now, would there? If you have to find out then that seems to give life an important purpose doesn't it? Yes, it is a good plan.
Let's get on with the story. There will be plenty of time to discuss all of this. Too much of this will give you a headache. Anyway, I feel like telling some tales about my two favorite souls.
I take you back now about eighty thousand years to their first encounter as humans. Though the beings they inhabited were not exactly homo sapiens, they were nonetheless no more than a step away from becoming that. I reference time because you referrence time. We have no use for it. I am aware that you do.

Coming next, chapter one:

A Threatening Orphan



Author Notes I discovered upon reading the original story that I'm going to have to rewrite almost all of it. I seem to be a better writer than I used to be! Well, for once, I have a direction and a basic story line to referrence. That is a new one for me. As always, critique, suggestions and input of all kinds is most appreciated. I am a novice when it comes to novels. So, help is needed and received with gratitude.

I'm calling this a fantasy though I am not sure that fantasy is the proper term. There are even elements of biography in this. So... any thoughts?


Magic Felix: Narrator. A soul with special abilities. It is never stated, but appears to be the soul that is in charge.

Vision- An old soul that interprets the world relying on visual input.

Sound- Another old soul that relies on sound to interpret the world. A great listener that is usually going to offer the last word due to diligent consideration of all sides.

Chapter 1
A Threatening Orphan

By michaelcahill

Previously, we learned that Vision and Sound are two souls that live in what, for convenience, is being referred to as Heaven. Our guide and story teller is Magic Felix, a soul that has special abilities. He has the ability to remember the events of the past lives of all the souls and is aware of being a soul when he is human. No other soul is aware of any other existance when they are human. Thus, to a human, the life they are living appears to be the only life they will live. We continue the story now as Vision is about to encounter Sound for the very first time on Earth in a physical existence.

By human reckoning Vision first encountered Sound on Earth some eighty thousand years ago. Their hosts were close ancestors of homo sapiens and highly intelligent. Vision held a prominent position of leadership in his clan. Leadership had little meaning in those times. Cleverness gained some degree of prominence and deference though. 

Vision devised simple strategies when hunting the larger prey of the day. Through simple distraction and stealth he had managed to direct the slaying of an adult wooly mammoth. While the clan's hunters prepared for a frontal assault, a young Vision had climbed a nearby tree and had begun shouting at the beast. The beast looked into the tree to see what might be causing such an unwelcome racket in its domain.

With the mammoth distracted, the remaining hunters snuck up and impaled the large creature on their spears. The fierceness of the blows, delivered all at once, brought the beast to its knees where it was easily dispatched. A hunt so free of death and injury had never occurred before. 

Vision led this small tribe by virtue of a slightly more clever intellect. It meant that he had a better cut of meat and held favor with the ladies of the group. In a sense, position and power factored in to a man's attractiveness even in the earliest days of man's existence, so to speak.

Sound sat alone in a clearing, at the age of six, with everything that meant anything to him gone. The reason or reasons that found him there alone came with no meaningful explanation. Speculation included attack by beasts or even another tribe. Maybe he wandered away from his family and became lost. The world contained endless methods for one's demise or estrangement. 

Vision paused to contemplate Sound sitting there alone in the clearing. His fellow tribes people paused in curiosity. Curious that Vision paused. They had little interest in the child. They weren't without feeling. Feeling and compassion couldn't take precedence over survival. That mindset served survival well. Another mouth to feed and another body to defend held no benefit to outweigh the terrible risk that a helpless mouth to feed brought along with it.

The standard response would be an averted glance tinged lightly with sorrow for the child's plight. The pace of the journey at hand wouldn't slow and the thought of rescue wouldn't occur to anyone. That was the reality of the times. It seems to lack compassion, but it doesn't. Compassion reaches a point where it becomes impractical. There is a limit to the wishes of a heart in the face of reality. There is food enough for ten and a thousand are hungry. Many will starve, it isn't for lack of caring.

Sound caught the eye of Vision and smiled. He rose to his feet and began to imitate one of the elderly in Sounds clan that had a limp. The other travelers found the mimicking to be strange and had little reaction to it. Vision found it amusing. Amusing rarely found a home in anyone's mindset in those times. Relief seemed to be the highest level of satisfaction that could be expected in a practical sense. Resignation and foreboding constituted the normal range of emotions.

Vision laughed at the antics of Sound. Most of the tribe looked on in bewilderment. A few, however, joined in the rare sounds that came from Vision. Vision walked over to Sound and grabbed his hand. He took Sound over to one of the females in the tribe and placed his hand in hers. She took his hand and their journey continued.

The rest of the tribe did not approve, but no one had a level of heartlessness to protest. That, and the esteem for Vision that the tribe held, insured that Sound had found a new life as part of this tribe that fortunately had traveled by at the right time. Lucky too that the leader of the tribe found Sound amusing.

Of course, they had names in their physical existance. But, they would carry little meaning to you and be extremely difficult to pronounce. Imagine trying to lift a waterbed out of a frame and press it over your head. Vision's name would sound similar to the cry you would make after an hour of trying.

The rarity of an event like this cannot be overstated. For the souls observing it, it gave rise to endless discussion. Indeed, it is discussed to this day and held as a milestone in human development. The irony doesn't escape us either. There is little doubt that a human today would even consider those individuals braving the harshness of those times to be connected to them in any way. 

It is likely that most humans today would consider them to be monkey's mimicking human behavior albeit in a darling and endearing way. Well, I'll try to keep my opinions to myself and tell the story. I do agree though, the words of Magic Felix are fascinating. Ha!

Vision had enough power in the tribe to insure Sound's inclusion and survival. Sound continued with his penchant for mimicry which included the ability to mock the sounds of various animals. This came in handy when hunting as Sound could draw various game and fowl in for the kill by imitating their vocalizations. This also served to make him a more valued member of the tribe.

Vision passed away when Sound had reached the age of eleven. The sound of laughter became rare. Sound missed Vision terribly, but carried on and remained a prominent member of the tribe. No one emerged as the leader that Vision had been. The techniques that Vision had taught the tribe lived on and following generations utilized them though unaware of their true origins.

Vision observed Sound from Heaven with some interest, but with a realization of infinite time, observations and interests are not as intense as one would expect viewing from the human perspective of a finite existence. Vision would encounter Sound here in Heaven soon. It is not a matter of faith or hope in Heaven, it is a certainty. Remember, some of these terms, like 'Heaven', I use for your reference points only. We don't call our home Heaven, we call it home.

Both had been to Earth before. We are even able to go and roam as souls without any corporal existence at all. There is the ability to influence with our thoughts, but it is rare that we do this in spite of what humans believe. There are infinite possibilities and we have infinite time at least in terms that you might be comfortable with. So, to interfere is of little value to us. But, there is fun. Fun is underrated by humans, as is laughter. You do tend to be boring at times. (Imagine that I have winked!)

In any case, this was the first time that they encountered each other on Earth. A few thousand years later they would encounter each other again. In the meantime they rejoined us here. They knew each other and they knew that something existed between them. But, there would be endless time to consider that.


Author Notes Your input has been wonderful. I do know where this ends up. I don't exactly know how it gets there though! Any ideas or suggestions will be seriously considered. There is a lot of room withing the story to explore and I'm more than happy to do that. Thank you so much. Some great improvements already to the first parts. Big smiles!!

Chapter 2
An Ancient Embrace

By michaelcahill


Previously, Vision and Sound encountered each other on Earth for the first time. They both lived in a time slightly before homo sapiens, but in human ancestors. They returned to Heaven aware of each other and cognizant that they had shared time together on Earth. We continue now as the narrator, Magic Felix, continues to explain the nature of souls and their travels.

In our home, the awareness of each other is consumed by the immersion in the all of it. A memory of laughter would drift between them on occasion. I don't want to discount that. It is rare that interactions as humans remain significant here in a personal way. Here it is the learning and the growth that are paramount. The occasional smile that passed between them was and is rare.
Here we are connected. On Earth you connect. It is different. Beliefs on Earth are strengthened by sharing. If one believes something it becomes more solid with the agreement of another especially if there is respect or regard for that other. But, it only works one on one. There is no power when it is impersonal. We is diluted when there is no personal knowledge of who "we" is.
Okay, now wake up. I see I am losing you in a sea of my own fascinating meanderings. The Magic one is fond of his insights, but I realize that you may not be as fond as I am. Ha!
I can see for convenience that a more informal tone is in order on my part. I'm not known for my studious nature. While true that souls are not one sex or another, there is over time a predilection that a soul acquires. With that in mind, I can reveal that Vision whose name to us is "Vi" has female leanings. Sound leans towards male qualities. We call Sound, Sam. I can't truly explain why, but Sam has brought home a stray pet and named him "Sam" in several lifetimes. No, that isn't to be expected and no, I have no explanation for it. He just seems to wander home with an animal, usually a dog, often enough to be more than coincidence. Sam stands for Sound Amplified by Mime. It is hilarious to us and no doubt not quite as amusing to you, at least in your human form.
All of that aside, Vision is mostly female and we call her Vi. Sound is mostly male and we call him Sam. I realize that it may be confusing when Vi is in a male host on Earth or Sam is in a female host. Just remember, souls are souls and they possess good and bad qualities. Circumstance has a great effect on a life. It is difficult for one born into poverty to be generous for they have little to give. Yet, it can be one of a poor persons most prominent qualities. To be born the ruler of a vast empire would seem to preclude humility, but it doesn't always. Thus, the endless stories and learning that take place with mankind.
Of course, I can't help but speak of these things from time to time. I am aware that there are stories to tell. I know that you will tolerate them well knowing that the possibility of more of my special wisdom flowing forth at any moment.

An Ancient Embrace

Vi and Sam spent a great many thousands of years here at home interacting with the many souls that reside here. Souls come and go. New souls appear and there origin is a mystery to us, even to me. As the population of mankind on Earth increases the number of souls increases with it.
They both returned to Earth at the same time and to the same place. That was neither the norm nor the exception. These things are random as far as we know. Vi occupied the body of Latar, a female daughter of the chief of a tribe of cave dwelling early homo sapiens. Sam was the daughter of one of the women gatherers who had no mate. Her father had been a hunter and fallen prey to a sickness that claimed several members of the tribe.
Sam was called Narina, so named by her father before he passed. She didn't know the significance of the name nor did her mother. There may not have been any, other than the pleasant sound of it.
Farth ruled the tribe by virtue of his great strength and hunting ability. None dared challenge him for his leadership role. He took full advantage of his position and saw to it that he had the finest cuts of meat and the most expertly crafted garments to protect against the elements. His family, wife Yessa, son Breen and Latar lived as he lived, enjoying the best that the tribe had to offer.
Narina and her mother, Solta were cared for, but held no power in the tribe. They gathered roots and berries for the tribe. They prepared meals and assisted in whatever menial tasks needed tending.
The tribe had shrunk mainly due to illness down to twenty-two members including an infant and three children under ten. The infant could do nothing but receive care. The children could perform simple tasks of cleaning and carrying. They earned their keep.
Latar and Narina were acquainted, but they were clearly of different importance to the tribe. They were friends within that contest however and had a pleasant relationship. In spite of her lowly status, Narina had the ability to make Latar laugh. Laughter, even for one well off, was a rare commodity. Latar enjoyed Narina's company for that reason alone.
The competition for game had become intense. The dwindling numbers of Farth's tribe reached a point where they no longer could compete for food. The lack of food would soon take its toll as winter approached. Farth could see this coming. There were no reserves to get the tribe through the winter. The tribe was in dire straits and he knew it.
Farth stood before the tribe. He had no need to ask for silence. All were silent with their eyes fixed on him. "To survive, we must hunt the mammoth. We cannot survive the season of ice with a few meager berries and roots."
The tribe responded with silence. There would be no dispute. Nor would anyone stand up and cheer a course of action that amounted to certain death for many of them.
Farth continued. "I have a plan for the hunt. Our numbers are small. We will use the females to make our numbers appear large. They will pretend to be hunters. This will confuse the beast and allow the real hunters a chance to strike."
Solta blurted out an answer. "But, Farth. I have but my daughter as my only family. Surely, she might stay and watch our camp to keep it safe from enemies."
Her outburst was unheard of. Not even a young hunter had ever stood in defiance of Farth. He spoke. "There can be no exceptions. We need everyone out there. My own son who is but seven years will be there."
Narina rose excitedly. "There is no need to worry, mother. I have the speed of the great cat. The great beast shall be dizzy from watching me run. The hunters will fell him with ease. Farth is wise. It is a good plan! When do we begin?"
Whatever anger Farth had ready to unleash disappeared with the hope that Narina's speech gave him and everyone else. Latar smiled. She had given the idea of the hunt to her father. He would be quite shocked to know that Latar had received the idea from Narina. The two young girls were clever enough to let Farth take full credit for the idea. There was little doubt in Narina's mind that Farth already believed the idea to be his.
"We leave in the morning".


Author Notes As humanity progresses there will be more interaction and dialogue and less narration. It won't be long. Great input that I thank you for.

Chapter 3
An Ancient Embrace: Part Two

By michaelcahill


Previously, preperations to hunt the woolly mammoth were made. The idea for the hunt came from Narina, but the women wisely let Farth take credit for the idea. We continue now as they tribe is about to set forth on the hunt.

The morning arrived covered in fog. Many in the tribe took it as a sign from the Gods that the hunt was ill-fated and should be called off. None voiced their opinion out of fear for what Farth might bring down upon them for their impertinence.
They came upon a herd of mammoths grazing on a hillside. What sounded good by a campfire didn't seem quite the easy task at the moment. The tribe moved towards the mammoths. They appeared uninterested in the puny humans. Looks can be deceiving. They have had plenty of experience with humans, having been hunted many times by many tribes. They were well aware of the human's presence.
Narina had an odd sensation as they approached the herd. She felt a familiarity with the situation as though she had experienced it before.
Latar spoke to her. "This is so odd. It seems like I've been in this very spot doing this very thing before. Yet, I know that I never have."
Narina looked to hear if anyone listened. "Yes, I have that feeling too. I think it is just the Gods filling us with anticipation."
Latar nodded her head in agreement. Hmm. That must be it. I've never been this close to one of these before. Yet, their smell and their movement... I could swear that I have experienced this before. I could swear it. Father looks anxious. "Are you ready, Father?"
Farth, unbeknownst to anyone there, had the same feeling that Latar and his daughter had. He had a rush of glorious victory surging through him as though the deed were done. It gave him great confidence. Yet, it felt strange and foreboding at the same time. He looked to his daughter who had called out to him and smiled. "Yes, I am ready."
The females and young males rushed behind one of the mammoths that stood separated from the herd and began to make a racket. The beast turned to investigate. With the creature distracted, Farth led a charge with the remaining men straight at the front of it. In the blink of an eye, the mammoth turned with its massive tusks and brushed several of the men to the side. Farth was one of them and he was mortally wounded.
The sight of Farth on the ground unmoving was disheartening to the rest of the men. They regrouped to charge again. In the meantime, other members of the herd responded to the loud cries of the mammoth under siege and came to his aid. The remaining men were trampled and tossed aside by the giant mammoths. The beasts then set their sights on the women and children that were there only as decoys.
Latar screamed out, "Run!"
Some of them ran while others remained frozen in their tracks. Latar saw that her father still moved on the ground and began to move towards him. An arm reached and stopped her from progressing. It was Narina.
Narina said, "You cannot help him. His wounds will kill him. You must save yourself. Come with me."
They both watched as a mammoth used his tusk to upend Farth and send him flying across the hillside. Narina ran to scoop a child up from the ground as a mammoth charged it. She joined Latar in shouting, "Run!"
Six of the twenty-three made it back to camp, three women and three children. Narina and Latar were joined by an elderly woman named Berlis. She was the wife of one of the warriors that had just been slain. There were two young female children, seven or eight years old and one male child barely three.
Latar couldn't help but be despondent. One thing stuck in her mind though. "Why did you stay for me? You could have been killed doing that?"
Narina paused for a moment. She had been making up beds in the cave. "You are my friend. The Gods spoke to my heart and told me to help you. I don't know. It was within me to do so."
Latar reached out, touched Narina's shoulder, and squeezed it. She spoke no words. Narina reached up, covered her hand, and tilted her head towards the two hands.
They both understood the situation clearly. The hunters and others that had just died under the wrath of the mammoths may have suffered the kinder fate. They were without food and the cold would soon arrive. Death would be certain and it would be cruel. No other tribe would take them in, all of them anyway. Narina and Latar perhaps stood some chance of finding a spot within a tribe. They had skills to offer. The old lady and the children were nothing more than mouths to feed. The risk was not worth it. That was reality.
The old lady went first. It seemed an act of resignation on her part.
"There is nothing here for me", she had said. "My mate has gone, my children, my family... only the promises of the God's remain."
Latar awakened a couple of days later and found her dead. "She sleeps the long sleep, Narina. She is with the Gods. How long before we join her?"
"I am not in quite the hurry, Latar. It is still tolerable outside. There might be game. We can only try. Perhaps some fish are trapped in the stream."
Latar didn't have the outlook of Narina, but she was inspired enough to make an effort. "You two, watch our home and the baby. We go to hunt. Wish us luck."
The children could manage no more than a weak nod of acknowledgement.
When they returned, the children were gone. They would never know where they went. They couldn't muster the energy to speculate. Their hunting trip proved fruitless. With Winter already arrived, there was no game or fish. There baskets remained empty as branches were bare as well.
Two women huddled together in a cave. They would certainly die there together. They shared the anticipation of the inevitable and they shared hunger. They were grateful for the sharing.

They had no knowledge of the irony of the situation. The feeling of having been to the hunt before was an accurate one. We all recall the successful hunt of a wooly mammoth centuries earlier with a child in a tree making noise while hunters impaled the distracted beast. This hunt didn't turn out that way. Another lesson learned. For Farth, it was also a lesson learned. He was there too at the first hunt centuries earlier and reveled in the easy kill. This time it was he that fell with ease.
Vi and Sam returned here to the other side and once again joined the all of it. There continued to be an acknowledgement of each other, but without the intensity of circumstance it smoldered in the recesses. Discussion and debate returned to the forefront of their priorities as time lost meaning.
One would leave to a life on Earth and return with a tale to tell. Then the other would do likewise. Many thousands of years would pass before they would encounter each other in human form again.

Next: Born Enemies


Author Notes
The stories will be moving into more conventional modes now that much of the introductory explanations and caveman segments are finished. Keep the feedback coming please! I realize this is an unusual story. The individual stories of their encounters on Earth will be longer and more detailed from here on out and should make this easier to follow.

Chapter 4
Born Enemies

By michaelcahill

Previously, Vi and Sam were in human form in prehistoric times. The tribe they were in planned a dangerous hunt of the woolly mammoth due to dwindling food supplies. The plan seemed familiar to some of the tribe as it was similar to an experience they shared thousands of years earlier. The results this time were disasterous. We continue now as Vi and Sam return to Earth around 700BC.

Finally, Sam returned to Earth around 700 BC. He joined the military at a young age, as was the custom. At age thirty-seven, Sam occupied a high-ranking male, known as Tibertin in the military of the Roman Republic. He had some wealth and prestige and amongst his holdings was a slave girl named Allutia. This was Vi who had come to Earth some fifteen years after Sam. She had once been well to do among her people and did not take kindly to slavery. Her hatred of Tibertin was known even to him.
Her feelings were of little consequence to him. A slave that hated slavery did not raise eyebrows. Slaves came from peoples that were bested militarily. These often included people of nobility and prominence in their former lives. Vengeance stewed somewhere inside of every slave and Allutia proved to be no exception.
Tibertin had great skill as a strategist and showed courage in battle. A man in his position no longer had to engage in physical combat. His position was one of a planner. He was much admired for he always joined his men on the field and held back nothing in skirmishes. Many a soldier in arms owed their lives to Tibertin. In kind, he owed his life to many a comrade as well.
He also had great skills that were incongruous with those of a fighting man. He told great tales of battle and regaled many a campfire. He had skills with music, which were rare even among the aristocracy. He could converse with nobility on any topic and hold his own. Yet, he had the sense to display humility and demure to the status of his hosts.
Allutia had grown into great beauty and that fact did not escape Tibertin. He found himself drawn to her in spite of the eagerness of so many other beauties wishing to gain favor with the master of the house. Tibertin preferred a willing encounter, but it reached a point where he would simply take what was his.
"Allutia, you will come to my chambers this evening after supper."
"Yes. May I ask the task you require of me?"
"It will be pleasant and not really a task at all. I wish to spend time with you. I'm offering you an evening of company and conversation." Tibertin smiled. The smile was genuine, but there was a nervousness to it as well.
Allutia turned pale. "Are you saying that you wish to rape me this evening?"
"Rape? Well, I wouldn't call it that. I would hope that it would be enjoyable for you as well."
"How could I enjoy being savaged by the man that denies my freedom?"
Tibertin paused and looked out the window. I don't know why it matters to me, but I need her to be willing. Her. Her and no other. I will get no pleasure from forcing her. "It isn't me Allutia. This is the way of things. I am but a part of a grander whole. One nation competes with another and to the victor goes the goods and holdings of the victor. It is not my system. It is how it is."
"How easy for you to stand there and take no responsibility for any part of it. You don't seem to find a damn thing wrong with it. It is fine with you that I was dragged from my home and thrown in a cell. Just fine that a woman of education and skills toils in your fields and fetches your water from the lake. Certainly no objection to stripping me naked and having your way with me. I know that won't bother you in the least. It is how it is. It isn't your doing. It isn't your arm that swings the sword. It isn't your mouth that barks the orders to your servants. It isn't your body that will soon violate mine in a most unwelcome and vile way."
"NO! I won't do that. I'm a soldier. What would you have me do on a battlefield? Blow kisses to the enemy that is trying to kill me." Tibertin started doing a kind of silly ballet and blew kisses to imaginary adversaries. "Oh dear, that sword looks awfully sharp kind sir. It would be ever so unkind of you to cut my head off with it. How would that look to my poor mother?" I'm losing my mind. What the hell am I doing dancing around making a fool of myself? I must get a grip here. She's just a slave. A maddening one at that. "Well, you see how silly your contentions are. In any case, I've no need to rape a woman or force my way on one either. If you aren't interested, that is your loss."
Allutia burst out laughing. She may have been more surprised than Tibertin at her outburst. She put her hand over her mouth and turned a bright shade of red. "I'm sorry. It is just so amusing watching your dance to your enemy. I can't help but imagine it on the battlefield. Can you imagine the looks on their faces? I dare say it would bring the battle to a halt. I believe that you have devised a new battle strategy!"
Tibertin began to laugh as well. The sound of her laughter filled his ears like the most intoxicating elixir cupid had ever concocted. In a few moments, he regained himself. "Yes, well, I was trying to illustrate the fallacies of your argument. I'm not the barbarian you perceive. In any case I won't bother you again."

Allutia regained herself and found that his words brought her sadness instead of the relief that she would expect. What is this? I should be pleased. But, this is nothing like I expected. I haven't laughed in years. Ha! Right in the middle of a heated argument, he does a silly routine. …my poor mother! I should thank my good fortune and run out of here. But, now I think I feel like staying. "I perhaps spoke out of turn regarding your intentions. If that is so then I apologize. You must understand that I once had my own home that was comparable to this. Now, I am a lowly servant here. What did I do to warrant this? Nothing that I can determine."
"I see that. I am not uneducated. Perhaps I can see to it that your skills are put to better use. Maybe a position on the house staff. Well, I don't know if you'd be interested, but I do have artistic pursuits, music and storytelling and such. I could use assistance with that. There is the occasional show and entertainment for the higher ups from time to time. Well… you think about it."
Tibertin escorted Allutia to the door and opened it for her. She had calmed down and realized that her behavior was dangerous to her wellbeing and that she was lucky with Tibertin's response to it.
"Thank you," he said. "I hope you will consider what I've said and perhaps an offer to improve your situation. It is the best that I can offer."
She smiled. "Yes, I will. You have been very tolerant and understanding. I will take your thoughts to heart. Good night."
He walked over and poured himself a drink. A knock on the door drew his attention. Could it be her? No. What a silly thought. He walked over and opened the door.

"I see your evening with Allutia ended early. I thought you might like some company."
Travalia didn't even look twenty-two years old. She looked younger than her actual age. He knew from experience that her company was most satisfying. She wore next to nothing and left no doubt as to her willingness to fulfill whatever Tibertin could dream of fulfilling.
"No. I'm weary this evening. But, soon. I wish to see you soon." He managed a warm smile. How could I not be interested in Travalia? I do need a drink and a good night's rest.

Author Notes This is going much slower than usual for me. A much more difficult write. Getting to were it is going is proving difficult. I know what is there once I get there though. Ha! I very much appreciate the candid input you're giving me. It is truly keeping me from going way off track. Open to all input and suggestions. Thank you so much.

Chapter 5
Born Enemies: Part Two

By michaelcahill

Previously, Allutia, the slave girl, had a most surprising effect on Tibertin, the powerful military leader of the Roman Republic. The effect went both ways. The hatred Allutia felt for her captor dissolved into laughter at his frustrated antics as their argument took a sudden turn towards a friendlier exchange. They parted ways with each unable to get the other out of their minds. It was especially unnerving for Allutia whose people had been vanquished by the nation that Tibertin so proudly represented. Tibertin indeed was her master, and she was his slave. We continue now, as Allutia returns to her quarters. In Heaven, surprise at the encounter is discussed.

This encounter came as a surprise to those of us observing from the other side. Vi or Allutia as she was called in this lifetime was known to have harbored real hatred for Tibertin. She had watched him from her unwelcome role as a slave and found him reprehensible, a typical Roman soldier with everything at his fingertips. She saw herself as a most unfortunate victim of him and a whole country of people just like him.
Her conclusions were not without merit. Sam or Tibertin, as he was called here, indeed was born into relative wealth and knew nothing of struggle or unfairness. True, he had uncommon courage and inventiveness. We knew that he was born with those traits, and it wasn't surprising that they came to the fore in the environment he was born into.
Earlier in her life, Vi/Allutia had achieved some of her potential in much the same way. But, her life was devastated by circumstance. Sadly, the circumstance centered in great part around Sam and his role as conquering soldier and then as slave master.
In a brief encounter, their connection came through in a surprising way. In this lifetime, it wouldn't be at all beyond Sam/Tibertin to simply take this slave girl to his bed and have his way with her. He did have a mentality that she was property and that he was entitled. Something about her that he couldn't have possibly understood stopped him. The soul him within recognized the soul within her. That was enough to alter everything.
We all thought back to Sound abandoned and six years old making Vision laugh tens of thousands of years ago. That same connection came through even in these unlikely circumstances. Ancient souls inside of them both stirred and the humans that carried them were moved by the stirrings. Well, enough Magic Felix musings. The story:

Allutia returned to her meager quarters among the other field hands. Eyes scrutinized her, passing judgment, even though they knew there was no choice in the matter. They assumed that she had given herself over to Tibertin as easily as many of them had. In a cruel way, they found satisfaction in that.
"Was it at least pleasant, Allutia?" Mirratta said.
Mirratta once had worked for Allutia as a courier and felt her equal, now, in a strange way. Even in these dire circumstances, former jealousies refused to be extinguished. The pleasure Mirratta found in asking the question was not easily hidden.
"Yes, we had a fruitful conversation. He may need my services in the household. He is a musician and storyteller, or so he says. I have overheard him at times in these endeavors and find him to be skilled." Her smile also told its tale.
Mirratta was obviously piqued at Alluvia's response and burst forth with a less pleasant inquiry. "I meant as a lover, Allutia. Did you enjoy his lovemaking? I found him to be somewhat attentive. More than most in his position." She looked down having revealed more than she had wished to.
Allutia smirked at Mirratta's revelations. "I wouldn't know about that. We talked and nothing more. I had no interest in his lovemaking skills." She turned and placed her sandals under her bed and removed her dress. She laid down and feigned falling almost immediately to sleep. Mirratta fumed and remained speechless.
Allutia try as she might couldn't keep her mind from seeing Tibertin performing a silly dance and blowing kisses to an imaginary enemy. The image kept rising from her heart and into her mind. Her mind was not at all accepting of it. This was her captor, her enslaver and the cause of all her ills. How dare anything to do with such a man bring a warm smile to my face.
Tibertin had battle plans to consider that evening. His strategies had to be precise. The enemy had grown in strength and in his gut, he sensed they knew him all too well. He knew that the enemy's ability to anticipate his moves would spell doom for his forces. What worked once would not necessarily work again. It was a lesson that he felt within himself whose origin was tens of thousands of years old. He knew not the source, only the truth of the feeling.
The sound of Alluvia's laughter was a pleasant but unwelcome distraction. How can I concentrate on important matters with the sound of that slave girl in my mind? How does she command my attention? But, the sound is like a brook through a meadow… Stop! To the matters at hand! You are going soft, Tibertin. A brook through a meadow? It will be a brook filled with your blood and a meadow to bury you in if you don't get to the matters at hand… He struggled into the night and found himself awakened in the morning at his table. He had dreamed of going into battle with her. But, it was all so ridiculous and hard to recall. It wasn't really her. He wasn't really himself. Giant hairy elephants... ridicuous notions.
"Octalvo. Fetch the slave girl, Allutia. I require her services." Tibertin clenched his jaw and planted his feet defiantly. I need her here. I don't know why. But, I need her here. Cursed woman!
Allutia entered the room with head bowed. All eyes considered her. The men looked at her form and beauty with as much discretion as they were capable of, it wasn't much. The women looked at her with envy and malice. Whatever her purpose for being there it would not be of benefit to them be they Roman or be they slave. Allutia felt the eyes upon her and reacted by lifting her head defiantly. As she looked around the room, all eyes were averted.
Tibertin announced, "Clear the room! I need to speak to her alone."
They did as he ordered in silence. Grumblings and whispers waited until well out of earshot.
"I can't seem to get you out of my mind. That doesn't bode well for what I have to do. The enemy grows in strength and my strategies are critical to our success. But, your laughter haunts my mind. You are in my dreams. I need to be strong and you make me weak."
"Your enemies are my people… master." She looked at him in his eyes and caused him to avert his glance. The word "master" was spoken with venom and a thickness of reality that chilled the air. "What would you have me do, master, assist you in their slaughter?"
"I am not the architect of this world. I am but one that has a role to play. I was born into this as you were born into your station. The Gods place us here and we do as we do. What else are we to do?"
"By the Gods! Do you hear yourself? What part do you play in all of this? You sound like a pet that has been taught a clever trick. Why, ha!, you have no hand in any of it. You are little more than a tree that grows in the forest. An acorn that grew where it fell. Do you even… "
"Silence! You forget your place and the courtesy I extend you. You dare speak to me thusly? I am not the cruel patrician that many in my position are. I garner no pleasure from war or the consequences of it. I asked you here… "
"You summonsed me here! Ordered me here or had me brought here. Asked? That implies a choice on my part. A slave has no choice. I am here as your property, like this vase or the oxen that pulls the plow in your field. And now that I speak, you will punish me as you would a pig that has left its pen… "
"Enough woman! Enough!" Tibertin upended the table where he had awakened. The racket startled the ears of those that listened closely at his chamber door. None had a predilection to enter. He picked up the vase and held it in front of him. "Maybe you will be more reasonable. Could you explain to this… woman… that I didn't ask her here to fight? I asked her here because… because I think. Because I think, I might have some kind of feelings for her. Would you tell her that please before I have her beheaded?"


Author Notes I couldn't ask for better input. Please keep it coming. It is such a help to me in telling this story. There is so much to consider and your thoughts and ideas do wonders in keeping me focused.


Earth: The story and stories happen on Earth as two souls occupy human hosts in a series of lifetimes. When in human form, they have no knowledge of previous lifetimes or of their lives in Heaven as souls. The souls have feelings and memories, but they are not conscious. They do influence the humans they occupy heavily.

Heaven: Heaven is a name we use to help the reader more easily understand where the souls live and come from. The souls call it home. Often referred to as "the other side".


Magic Felix: The narrator. A soul that has special abilities. He has knowledge of all souls. He knows of all their lifetimes as humans and also knows what is is like to be a soul within a human body. No other soul is conscious in human form.

Vision: Also known as Vi. Acknowledged to be thought of as female. The main character that we follow throughout several lifetimes. She will be seen in many identities both male and female throughout time as we track her story towards the present.

Sound: Also known as Sam. Acknowledged to be thought of as male. The other main character that is so often found with Vision as they encounter each other over and over again. Also seen in both male and female hosts. Seen along with Vision through several lifetimes.

There are various other characters most of whom are not seen again. Occasionally there is a character that appears that has encountered the two main characters before. That will be pointed out if it is of significance.

Chapter 6
Born Enemies: Part Three

By michaelcahill

Previously, Tibertin made his feelings for Allutia known. It came as a surprise to her as did the realization that she had feelings for him as well. She felt a great struggle within herself as her mind battled with her heart over these feelings. She was a slave and Tibertin was her master. The Roman Republic had waged war against her people and were her enemy. Now, here was this enemy professing his love to her. We continue the story now as Allutia considers a response to Tibertin's revelation.

Allutia stood there in silence. That had to be the last thing she expected to hear. Feelings? Oh my. Feelings. But, what can come of that. I cannot have feelings for him. For my master. For the enslaver of my people. The annihilator of my people. But, I do. What to do. I cannot do this. My feelings do not come before everything else. I'm no traitor. "I do not know what I am to tell you, Tibertin. You speak of things that can never be. Can you make war end? Can you make friends out of enemies? Can you elevate slaves to equals? It is true in some ways that you and I both are small in the grand scheme of things. You a soldier in a mighty army at the whim of a powerful ruler. I am but a citizen of a country that is all but vanquished, now a slave. This is all talk that leads to nowhere."
"Like a traveler in the desert finds an oasis, such is the world that I can offer you. Within my own dominion, I am unquestioned. If I wish you to be my companion then that is what you will be. It is an existence superior to the slave quarters where you now dwell. I am sincere in what I tell you. I tell you alone and no other. It is between us and will always remain so. I tell you this having met you but once. It is your laughter that holds my heart captive. There is no limit to my resolve to hear you laugh again. It is a prison that I have been consigned to. There you have it. This is the moment of foolishness in my life that has befallen me. It is without sense to me, yet I succumb to it."
"What you ask is beyond every principal I hold dear. What have I if I don't have my standards to live by? My holdings have become your holdings. My status is now as you see fit to make it. My very life is at your whim. I am but your slave. Now, you ask me to ignore all of that and embark on a fantasy with you. I should join you on a mythical oasis right here in the middle of your chambers while all around us the tormentors of my people giggle at the door. And when the fantasy is done, then what, a sword across my neck? I cannot deny that you turn my eye and my mind as well, but what would you have me do?"
"How do you benefit your people by denying your own happiness? How do you benefit yourself? Surely I would be more kindly inclined were you to soften my resolve with your smile. I have influence, as you might suspect. Treaties might be pursued in lieu of campaigns. I have a say in that. I'm not the authority. I am but a soldier. But my word carries weight. I do understand your pride and unbended knee. I admire you for them. I only know that I offer you more than you have now. It can only be an improvement for you and your people. A favorable look cannot be a detriment in my view. Surely you understand that it is the greatest respect that I can tender you to ask for what I can have with a snap of my finger?"
"No. What you ask for you can never have without my say so. You can have your way with me a thousand times and not have what you ask for. My body is but a vessel for what you seek. What you seek is inside and beyond enslavement. Denounce your position and join me in the fields. Soil your hands tilling the fields of your enemy. Then we meet on common ground. Then Tibertin, I have no doubt that what you seek would be yours."
"Have mercy!" He picks up the vase again and whirls around the room with it. "Dear sculpted artifact. You would listen to sense, would you not? Should I renounce my position and become a slave to my own people?" He puts the vase to his ear. "What's that? Daft? Madness? Yes, yes… I see… Hmm, then climb a tree and denounce my country and its rulers… yes, yes… ahhh, beg to be cast to the fields and be treated like a slave." He begins to limp around the room. "Strike me again, master! I am lovesick. Only the pain of your whip takes my mind off of it. Yes! The sweet pain of every blow!"
Allutia couldn't help but laugh. Tibertin was clearly hopping mad and he was practically hopping as he vented his anger with a ridiculous soliloquy. It came across as amusing though. "Please, Tibertin put that poor innocent vase down and we will talk."
"Ah. Laughter. That is what makes the hell you put me through worth it. Like the music that is in my mind. That is what your laughter sounds like. What must I do, Allutia? I am no longer myself. I… "
At that moment, the doors burst open and a soldier rushed in. "Tibertin! They have arrived early. They are but a day's journey from our city. They come from the north. We must act now. The north is without proper garrison."
Tibertin froze and looked at Allutia. She returned his gaze. It was a moment of reality for both of them. The candor they spoke of alone had vanished completely. They had become Tibertin, the military leader of the Roman Republic and Allutia, the lovely slave girl that he had summoned for unknown purpose. The arrived soldier had no awareness of any of that. He stood there with bated breath awaiting an answer.
"Bring up all troops from the south and prepare all troops in the city for battle. Spread the word and see to it immediately. Send a courier to the consul and tell them of my plans."
Allutia remained silent. That is what a slave girl would do and she was that.
Tibertin addressed Allutia. "We have much to discuss. In light of this crisis, I think we should wait until its resolution to continue." He would normally wave his hand in dismissal. This time he simply stood there.
Allutia, as a slave girl, should have bowed and said something deferential. She said, "as you wish." She turned with some fanfare and walked proudly back to her quarters.
Mirratta was the first to greet her upon return. "Well, how was it? Or did you speak of politics this time?"
"There is no time for petty games now, Mirratta. Our armies come from the north to free us. Pass the word. We need to be ready. Freedom is at hand. Let the men know. Our people will be here within a days' time."
Tibertin had made a terrible strategic error and it hadn't even occurred to him. He had alerted the entire slave population that their people were on their way. There was a sizable number of slaves. It would be a force to be reckoned with if they all revolted at the same time. They now had a reason to do just that.

With the protection of their own countries army assured and the certain preoccupation of their oppressor's army, it would be easy to join the battle. There was a good chance that the slaves could turn the tide and gain their freedom. Tibertin was in trouble and he was not aware of it.
The women he loved was the women that betrayed him. It didn't occur to her until much later that she had betrayed Tibertin. Her thoughts were of her people. I may have caused the death of a man that I love. Yes… I am letting that word enter my mind. But, my people have to come first. I can't let my people remain in bondage to satisfy my personal whims. My life does not compare to the life of a nation. I pray to the gods that he is protected in battle.


Author Notes The feedback continues to be amazing. I'm starting to get a better feel for where I'm going and how to get there. Thank you so much.

Chapter 7
Allutia's Betrayal & Regret

By michaelcahill

Previously, Allutia and Tibertin discovered that there were feelings between them that could not be denied. Tibertin made overtures to Allutia, but she was not as open to them as he would have liked. She was after all one of his slaves. She had been well to do before the Roman Republic had defeated her country and subjugated her people. However, she couldn't deny that she had feelings for him. In the middle of their discussion, word of Persian troops advancing came to Tibertin. He dismissed Allutia to tend to this new threat. He didn't realize that Allutia would alert the sizable slave population that troops were on the way to free them. An organized slave rebelion in conjuction with an attack might prove to be more than Tibertin's army could withstand. We continue know as Tiberin considers his options.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Persian Camp, less than a day from the city.

Near the point of dropping, the courier stood before Artabanus to give his report.
With a nod from Artabanus, he spoke. "The Romans are aware of our advance. However, they have come to awareness in the time it has taken me to bring this message. They hurry troops from the south and rally the city to arms. They are prepared, but not to Tibertin's usual standards."
Artabanus gestured to one of his footservants who escorted the exhausted courier to rest by a shade tree with a carved goblet of mead. It was from the general's private reserve and high praise for a job done well.
Artabanus turned to Prath, his top advisor, and spoke. "If only we could get word to the captives there. Can you imagine if they knew of our approach? They could be organizing right behind the Roman's backs. But, still if we are strong, they may yet play a role. We must be swift. If we are to breech the forces of Tibertin, then our captive people may yet taste some vengeance. Let us tarry no longer. My daughter, Allutia, awaits her father." I am no longer a foot soldier lost on a battlefield, Tibertin. I return as a general. I return to reclaim what is mine. "Advance!"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Tibertin's chambers.

Tibertin paced alone in his chambers. Out! Leave my mind now, Allutia. He picked up the piece of pottery that had caused Allutia to laugh. He studied it briefly and set it down. He shook his head as though clearing it. It is war that must occupy my mind now. War, sudden and deadly, advancing even as I collect my thoughts. He began to picture the mountainous regions to the north and the valley that the Persian forces would be approaching through. There was no flanking point. But, at the same time that meant there was only one point of retreat for the enemy. Victory would be total. The mountains that protect them would trap them in a retreat.
He burst through the doors of his chamber in full military regalia. Thoughts of Allutia slipped into the back of his consciousness at the sight of his troops, alert and at the ready. It never entered his mind that Allutia was a Persian slave. It didn't occur to him that a Persian slave was fully aware that the Persian army was on its way to free them from bondage. 

~~~~~~~~The slave quarters

Allutia's heart ached with every beat. Joy could find no quarter there. She paced as activity whirled around her. This must be. The hundreds and thousands are the priority. She glanced at the energized people that bustled about. Yes, what is my life in comparison? A love that has no future? My father's blood enemy. Do you not realize any of this? I am Persian, Tibertin. Does that not occur to you? Am I to shield your plans from my people and condemn them? Would you?  
She joined the others as they made plans and stashed tools that could easily make a fine weapon. Implements used for clearing a forest could make short work of a man's limbs as well. These were plans that had occurred to them before. They had all tasted freedom and the hope of tasting it again burned in every single one of them. Talk of it never ceased. Planning for it never stopped. The dream that one day their countrymen would come to their rescue was a dream that wouldn't die.

~~~~~~~~Tibertin's Counsel Room

"Report". Tibertin was focused.
Bavarius fidgeted with the strap of his helmet, but only for a moment. "The southern troops are less than a day's journey. The courier was dispatched immediately with instructions. It is expected that they will arrive in advance of the Persians."
Tibertin gave no acknowledgement. He fixed his gaze on Cardasius. "And the forces here?"
"They are at the ready, Tibertin. Should the southern troops not arrive in a timely manner, they have the resolve to hold until they do."
"No! That is inadequate. I don't want to hold. I want to destroy! What of the guards that waste their times with the slaves? Surely no more than a handful of guards at the gates are necessary."
"Sir, it is not advisable to leave the slaves without guard. If they perceive rescue, there could be an uprising. That would be most unfortunate. They are indeed weak in resolve, sir. But, they are great in number. Their resolve might be kindled by thought of freedom."
"Nonsense. They are quartered away from all news of this. A minimal guard will suffice. I don't plan on waiting on the Persians. They will feel the force of my will long before they expect it. Prepare every soldier for battle. Prepare them now. We advance within the hour. They will never get close enough for the slaves to smell them."

Within an hour, Tibertin rode his steed in front of his troops. He gazed proudly over them in approval. They were among the best trained in all the Roman Republic. They had pushed into Persian territory beyond what any had dreamed possible. Tibertin's tactics were considered unusual at best, but no one could argue with the great success he enjoyed.
Tibertin turned and faced forward. He drew his sword and pointed outward. As one, the army moved swiftly. Tibertin planned to strike and end the threat before it even became one.

~~~~~~~The slave quarters

No notice was made of the light guard that had been placed on the gates that contained the slaves. There were no more than a few dozen soldiers between the entire slave population and control of the city. The soldiers weren't aware of how well armed the slaves were. They also weren't aware of the state of readiness the slaves were at. The slaves had no idea that Tibertin had led the entire army out of the city leaving it unprotected. It would be most of a day before the southern forces arrived in the city. Until that time, the city was in jeopardy of being taken over by the slaves. It was a simple matter of the slaves becoming aware of that fact.


Author Notes I'm letting this go where it will. Wonderful input that is helping me so much. I can't thank you enough.

Chapter 8
Born Enemies: Soon To Meet

By michaelcahill

Previously, Tibertin hurriedly mustered his troops for battle. The troops from the south would arrive in roughly a day. The Persian army was on a pace to arrive at almost the same time. The slaves, having been alerted to the coming of the Persian army, prepared to join the battle with hopes of turning the tide against the Romans. Allutia agonized over her decision to tell the secret she had learned by being present as Tiberin's guest when the news was revealed. She betrayed whatever trust she held by doing so. We coninue the story now in the slave quarters as plans are made and Allutia ponders her decisions.

~~~~~~~~Slave quarters

Danaria approached Allutia, who stared above the horizon as though transfixed on some point in a cloudless sky. "You appear bewitched by a ghost in the sky, Allutia. What troubles you?"
"Oh, Auntie, I am confused by the speaking of my heart. It argues with itself and comes to no conclusion. I have enjoyed the company of my enemy. He extends me courtesy and I am loathe to dissuade him. My father's most reviled enemy. The enslaver of my people."
Danaria looked on Allutia with surprise. "Tibertin? You have made a liaison with him? I have never heard a kind utterance on his behalf cross your lips. He looks favorably upon you? How is that so?"
"He professes his love to me. I rebuke him with logic. The senselessness of it almost amuses me. A slave girl. Would that he knew, I am the daughter of the General that means an end to him. Would that he knew that I have betrayed him already. But, what would he have me do? Would not he, in my position, seek freedom? Would not anyone?"
"How long has this been the case, Allutia? I would think you might have consulted with me long ago. With your mother gone and your father far away, I am your family. Why have you not spoken of this?"
"I have met with him but twice and briefly at that. But, I cannot deny that there is a bond between us. I felt it the moment I beheld his gaze. I knew him. Somehow, I knew him. He lost himself in my presence. He held no air about him. He nearly fell at my feet enchanted. How is this possible? Now, I may be his undoing."
Danaria closed her eyes. She spoke softly, "Do you still dream child. Do you dream of things that never were? Do you dream of things that have yet to be? What do you see in his eyes?"
Allutia grew silent and the color drained from her face. She had learned to put her dreams from her mind. She had learned to turn a blind eye to what danced on the horizon in the empty sky. "I have seen figures on the horizon. I try not to look, but how can I not. My dreams are without meaning. Pictures of people living like animals. Pictures of animals that are not of Earth. Yet, it is all familiar somehow. But, what does any of that have to do with this."
"It is said that the spirit within us does not die. It becomes part of something greater. There are those that believe that some have been here before. Your mother believed that. She believed that she and I had lived together in ancient times and spoke of it. She said things that I understood, Allutia. I couldn't explain why I understood. I only knew that I did understand. I knew your mother in ancient times. I do not remember it. But, she remembered. When she spoke of it, I knew that it was true. What do your dreams tell you of Tibertin?"
"They tell me nothing. I dream of things that are not real. Of people that live in caves and hunt strange animals with sticks and stones. Their life is harsh and unrewarding… but…" Allutia paused and looked away.
"But what, my child?"
"There is a child that amuses the leader of the cave people. The child makes him laugh. The child laughs and finds amusement in everything. The child… the child is… "
"Go on, Allutia. What is it? The child is what?"
"The child is him. No. That is my own mind telling me foolishness. I am confused and under a great strain. My mind is playing tricks on me. Enough of this. It is all for nothing. My father comes to secure our freedom. That is real. We must be ready. Tibertin will be left to his own devices. He is clever in battle. I cannot concern myself with the well-being of my master. My place is with my people."

~~~~~~~Tibertin's troops on the move

Tibertin's troops continued a steady advance as Tibertin paused to consult with Cardasius. He unscrolled a map and laid it out on a large boulder that acted as a table. "Where do you estimate the enemy is at this point?"
Cardasius studied the map for a moment. "I would calculate their position to be here." He pointed to a point about two thirds of the way through the valley. "If they had any awareness of your plans of course they would be rushing forward. But, there is no way for them to anticipate such boldness on your part. If we continue on our pace, we might be in time to trap them in the valley."
Tibertin studied the map. He closed his eyes and cocked his head as though listening for something. "I want a small contingent of men to take a position in the mountains above the valley. Send the horns with them. Upon arrival, they are to make the signal to attack. They are to continue to travel across the mountain until they are behind the enemy and once again signal an attack. They will be safe in the mountains. They are to make no aggressive move. Simply sound the signal of attack at the two places I have indicated."
"But, sir, you are signaling an attack that will not come. I don't understand the purpose."
"The signal will cause them to react. Whatever their reaction is will not matter. It will delay them. That will ensure we will trap them in the valley." Tibertin smiled and showed great confidence in his plan.
Cardasius remained puzzled, but he organized the small party and sent them at the fastest possible pace to complete their task.
Cardasius spoke under his breath to Merackin, "He attacks with music. Does he hope the Persians will be moved to dance? Well, his ways are strange, but I cannot argue with his record of success. May the Gods favor his actions."

~~~~~~~The Persian troops advancing through the valley

Artabanus was pleased. The element of surprise had been lost. However, his troops had marched at a high rate of speed for a long time. They had moved much further through the Romans could possibly anticipate. His troops were at the ready. They would be in action much sooner than Artabanus anticipated.


Author Notes Continued excellent feedback has me right on track. The reviews have been excellent and most helpful. Please keep them coming. I read every word and I apologize for being behind with responses.

The horns used in these times were quite simple and some military men used them to signal troops to advance or take a particular action. Music came to early Roman culture by way of conquest. They simply took the music of the Greeks and Persians and adopted it as their own.

Chapter 9
Born Enemies: New Tactics

By michaelcahill

Previously, Allutia's mind was at odds with her heart. Her attraction to Tibertin made no sense to her, yet she could not deny it. It permeated her dreams and touched parts of her that were difficult to speak of with words. Her mind was strong and realized that she was a slave and made captive by him. Her loyalty was to her people and she freely employed that loyalty on their behalf.
Tibertin found it difficult to get Allutia out of his mind as well. But, the impending battle served as a distraction. He decided to meet the Persian troops led by Artabanus in the valley as they marched towards the city. It was a bold move that would surprise the Persians. He also sent scouts ahead with horns to further confuse the enemy. We continue now, as Artabanus urges his troops forward towards the city. He hopes to clear the valley to avoid being boxed in, and to reach the city and find Tibertin unprepared.

"Move lively! Forward! Our people await their freedom." Allutia, my child, your father comes for you. Artabanus had spoken of vengeance on Tibertin for many years. Though the Roman was unaware of Allutia's lineage, it mattered not. The deed was done, nonetheless. His own daughter, a slave. Year after year, his mind churned with unspeakable possibilities at the hand of Tibertin. "Lively, I say! The hand of vengeance will not be delayed!"
Prath observed his commander and friend discreetly. Many a conversation had led up to this moment of epiphany. A cool head, Artabanus. A cool head in battle wins wars. It is you that says so. Prath worried that his friend's obsession with vengeance might cloud his thinking on the field of battle. Tibertin was ferocious, but he was clever too. They would all have to be of a clear mind. I am here, my friend. Together, the day will be ours. "Forward now! Destiny awaits no man! Your general has commanded. Forward!"
The Persian troops moved at a remarkable clip in perfect formation. Once engaged, they were relentless. The troops were divided into smaller divisions and the divisions into smaller battalions. They over lapped in their attack and the result was a relentless barrage. When the Persians attacked the arrows never ceased their flight.
Prath drew near Artabanus. "They move with unheard of swiftness. We will be clear of the valley in less than two hours I estimate."
"Well done, my friend. They may yet be surprised. The troops from the south may ride into a city that is already ours."
From the mountains due east the sound of horns pierced the air.
Artabanus jerked upright on his mount. "What's this? A call to battle? But… At the ready! Battle formations! Draw your bows." He nodded towards Prath who sat atop his horse unmoving.
The nod of his commander sent Prath into action. "Now. Formations. Every archer with drawn bow. Prepare for battle!"
With shocking speed, the entire Persian army turned and faced the mountains to the east. Arms were at the ready and all bows were drawn and ready to fire. The enemy would face the full force of Persian resolve.

~~~~~~~~The mountains above the Persian position

"What if they decide to investigate?"
"Well, I would imagine that we best not tarry to find out. I never would've believed it. The entire Persian army facing a mountain to do battle."
"It is a sight. Perhaps they think the Roman army has sprouted wings, or taken on hooves like a mountain goat."
"Off then, before they think to discover for themselves."

~~~~~~~~The Persians in the valley

"This can't be, Artabanus. There is no army in those mountains. It is a ruse. To what end, I cannot say."
"He delays us, Prath. He delays us. We stop here at the ready for a battle that will not come. We send scouts to investigate a ghost. All to delay." Why? What do you gain? Time to prepare? "Prepare to march! Forward."
The troops formed into marching units as quickly as they had become battle ready. The march on the city began anew.
"Well played, General. Nothing but a ghost. Nothing to waste our time with."
About ten minutes passed. The entire force once again marched at full speed towards the city. Once again, the sound of battle horns sounded piercing the chill in the air. But now they sounded directly to the rear of the force from the open valley.
"Come about! To arms and at the ready. The enemy approaches from the rear! Prepare for battle."
"They may not march down a mountainside, Prath, but certainly they can march through a valley. Where might they have been hiding? How could our scouts have missed an army and allowed them to flank us. Be sharp and listen to my commands!" Artabanus dismounted his steed and bid Prath do likewise.
The troops remained in formation. No enemy was sighted nor did any evidence of an enemy approach make itself manifest.
"Send scouts ahead. I want to know the size of their forces. Send scouts forward as well, I suspect a trap. I don't put it beyond Tibertin to bring the fight to us. A perfect trap, right here in this valley. The mountain's that provide us safe passage become our tomb. Tell them, swiftly. We may advance to greet one or the other."
"Forward can be our only option, General, as I see it. Whatever forces lie behind us are forces that don't wait to greet us. That weakens Tibertin to my way of thinking."
"We agree, Prath. Once again, my friend, we speak with the same voice. Return to formation! Forward! Forward to the city without delay. We shan't be stopping for horns again. Forward!"

~~~~~~~~Tibertin's troops. About an hour from the valley.

"Push. We must make the valley while they are still inside. Forward!" Tibertin surveyed his forces and felt a surge of pride. He sang, "The scourge of battle comes to call, not one will stand, each one shall fall. Upon my sword, their blood shall dry. Make peace with your gods, your end is nigh!"
His troops had become used to the sound of Tibertin's singing. It was not common even in a civilian setting. The Romans did have plays and music, but most of the arts were assimilated from races that the Romans had conquered. Tibertin was unique among military men. His men felt a surge of strength when they heard his words. Some would sing along if the battle was thought to be hotly contested. Today was such a day. It served to unnerve the enemy who were unlikely to have encountered such a thing before.

~~~~~~~~~The Northwest gate to the slave's quarters

Flautarvus decided that a few moments from his post would go unnoticed. The slaves seemed to be preoccupied today. Another Persian day of celebration. Is there a day they don't celebrate? He sought refreshment from the noon day sun. The northwest gate was unshielded and left guards victim to the elements. A ladle of well water would suffice until the end of his watch.
Martius was a lad of great curiosity and knew of no life other than the life here within the slave quarters. He had been born here and orphaned when his mother died giving birth under trying conditions. The slaves were busy making plans for the coming invasion. Martius had his run of the place and being a curious sort was taking full advantage of his freedom.
Flautarvus knew him well and looked favorably upon him, as did most of the Roman guards. They delighted in his antics and he was a bright spot in an otherwise dull existence. Martius skipped towards the northwest gate seeking his friend. To Martius, Flautarvus was a giant of mythical proportions. Yet, Martius always emerged victorious in their imaginary battles, often slaying the giant with embarrassing swiftness.
Today, it seemed Flautarvus had added a new sense of mystery to their ongoing battles. He had hidden himself, no doubt ready to launch a surprise attack! Martius approached the northwest gate barely able to contain his excitement. He pushed on the large gate, which opened with surprising ease. He entered the courtyard and scanned the surroundings for his nemesis. He had hidden himself with great skill for Martius could not find hide nor hair of him. He crept toward a statue of a Roman warrior and peeked around the base of it silently seeking a clue.


Author Notes Been off line. At the library to put a chapter up so you don't forget me. Back on line soon I hope. Thanks for all your help!

Chapter 10
Born Enemies: From All Directions

By michaelcahill

Warning: The author has noted that this contains strong violence.

Previously, the Persians reacted to the horns sounding in the mountains and then to the rear of them. Tibertin's ploy to delay their forward progress had worked. Artabanus vowed to ignore the horns henceforth. That was also part of Tibertin's strategy. Meanwhile the Roman guarding one of the gates to the slave quarters left it briefly unattended. A Persian child found it and went through the gate at play. The child found the courtyard empty as he searched for the guard who often entertained him. We join the story now as the guard discovers him in the courtyard where he doesn't belong.

"What have we here? The enemy has breached the gate! To arms, I say! To arms!" Flautarvus had sneaked up behind him and scooped him up. He carried the laughing and squealing young warrior back to the proper side of the gate and set him down.
Flautarvus became serious. "Now, Martius, it is forbidden for you to go beyond the gate. I hope you will not try such a foolhardy stunt again. Now, give me your word as a soldier that you will not try this again."
"But, why? It looks like so much fun beyond the gate with places to hide."
"Well, you must trust me. It is for everyone's safety that they remain where they belong. You ask your people and they will explain it to you. Now, you run along. I've work to do."
Martius pretended to unleash an arrow at Flautarvus who immediately staggered back as though mortally wounded. Martius ran off laughing with glee.
"Martius! Where are you running in such a hurry?" Allutia appreciated the distraction of this youngster and his innocent energy.
"I have slain the giant Flautarvus and breeched the northwest gate!"
"Indeed! I am not surprised. A warrior of your legend was bound to take the measure of that giant at some point. Did you find a magical land on the other side of the gate?"
"Well, there was no one there. Just a statue. Then I was ambushed by the giant. He took me back, but I slew him with an arrow shot true."
Allutia paused. "Martius. Were you really on the other side of the gate?"
Martius looked down, fearing that he might be in trouble. "It was open. I did not see the harm in going through to see what was there. No one was there to stop me. No one was there at all."
Allutia was thoughtful for a moment and then regained a more joyful tone. "Well, good for you. We will all rest better knowing the evil giant has been cast from our midst. Well done, Martius. Now you run off and play now."
Allutia watched Martius skip away. She immediately sought out Artellian, the highest-ranking military man amongst the slaves.
"Artellian. I may have news."
"I am tasked at the moment. Make it quick." He had a normally short manner and with the weight of the invasion on his shoulders, he was less gregarious than usual.
"Very well. I believe that the army has left the city with but a minimal guard. Martius wandered through the open northwest gate and found no one on the other side. There is but one guard at the gate."
"Martius, the child? You bring me the scouting report of a child? What would you have me do? This is foolishness."
"I understand your responsibilities, Artellian. I am the daughter of a general. I have given you information that might indicate that this city is unprotected and ours for the taking. You might find that foolish. I find it at the very least interesting." Allutia's eyes bore into his with a scrutiny that he seldom encountered.
"Yes, of course. Thank you. I shall see to it at once." He turned as though the King of Persia himself had just given him instruction. There is a fire in an old soul that can burn when ignited. It transcends a temporary station in life and brings all lifetimes to bear.

~~~~~~~~~The Persian forces advancing towards the city

Artabanus motioned to Prath to join him. "These tricks are to be ignored. They are designed to distract. The need for trickery implies weakness. Strength marches in proudly with victory on its shoulders. Any further horns will be ignored. See to it."
"Very well, general. I am in agreement. Most wise."

~~~~~~~~The Roman forces advancing towards the Persians

Tibertin motioned to Cardasius. "I want our forces divided. I want a battalion to the east and one to the west. I want horns to announce their movements. See to it."
"But… commander. Where is the surprise if they announce their attack? We are short-handed as it is. I must advise… "
Tibertin held up his hand. "This is all known to me Cardasius. It is known to the Persians as well. I have seen to it. Now, do as I ask. Watch and learn." He rode to the front of his men. "Forward all!" He began to sing. "We march, we march to victory. None dare stand in our way. Our swords inscribed with destiny. And on this course we stay!" His own voice could not be heard above the voices of his men.

~~~~~~~The slave quarters

Artellian approached Flautarvus standing guard by the northwest gate. Flautarvus, though not the giant Martius made him out to be still stood over six foot tall and was a powerful man. Artellian used stealth and speed in battle and it served him well.
The guard did his best not to belie his trepidation at the slaves approach. He knew Artellian both by reputation and through personal interaction over the years. They were not friendly, however Flautarvus was even handed in his dealings with slaves, so there was no particular animosity between them.
"A quiet day Flautarvus. I can hear a birdsongs in the courtyard. Do the Romans rest today?"
"A day given to rest is earned on occasion, Artellian. I am but a soldier and not privy to the workings of such things." Why does he approach on this day? Suspicions? There was an uneasiness to his manor. An air of superiority was maintained, but it seemed more feigned than real.
"I would say that the whole of the army slumbers leaving you in charge. You have been fair in dealing with my people Flautarvus. For that, I wish to spare your life. We know of the coming of our army, and it is clear that Tibertin has gone to meet it. A grave error on his part. Step aside now and we will assume control of the city in an orderly and peaceful way."
Flautarvus drew his sword. "Your assumptions are unfounded, my friend. I suggest you cease this folly at once. I'm a reasonable man, but I am charged to keep order and that is what I aim to do. That will begin with you I'm sorry to say."
To the great astonishment of Flautarvus, Artellian produced a sword from behind his back. "As I have stated, my friend, it is your choice."
Flautarvus did not hesitate. He came at Artellian with his sword in motion. Only cat like speed spared Artellian the brunt of its blow. The breeze, as it passed by his head, gave him a chill that surpassed any winter. From the shadows, a dozen armed Persians emerged. If the Romans had back up it would have arrived already. Flautarvus backed up to the gate with his sword drawn. There was no fear in his eyes. He was every bit the soldier he was rumored to be.
Martius screamed as he saw what had been his friend impaled on a crude spear. "NO!"
Allutia scooped him up and held him close with his eyes buried in her shoulder.
The Persians burst through the gate to the empty courtyard. "It is empty!" They shouted the news back into the slave quarters. Hundreds of men burst forth with weaponry, some crude, some finely fashioned and attacked the other gates. Resistance was very little in all cases. The Roman soldiers did not yield without a fight. The casualties among the Persians were small.
The Roman citizens occupying the city were more easily convinced. In a very short time, the slave quarters were filled with Romans. The city was occupied completely by former Persian slaves. There was a vast garrison of weaponry and there were plenty of trained soldiers among now free Persian slaves. The troops soon to arrive from the south would be arriving in enemy territory. They would have no warning.


Author Notes At a neighbors house posting. They are thrilled! Hahaha. Thank you for continuing with the great input and support. I am enjoying this section quite a bit. I may become a gladiator!

Chapter 11
Born Enemies: Destiny's Own Time

By michaelcahill

Previously, A small child at play turned out to be the key to discovering that Tibertin had left the city unguarded. The Persian slaves easily overcame the minimal guard compliment and took the city. Tibertin's troops closed in on the valley while Artabanus's forces rushed to clear the valley. The Persian slaves decided to rush to the aid of their Persian rescuers. We join the southern Roman troops now as they make a decision as they rush to reach the city.

~~~~~~~~The southern troops returning to the city

Waltrian rode in front of his troops alone. He seldom consulted with any of his advisors. He found most advice to be short sighted and predictable. His ways gave no quarter to the opinions of others or to any convention of the day. It did not gain him favor with his advisors, but it elevated him to near god status in the eyes of the soldiers who saw victory emerge from certain defeat as though by magic. They had learned to follow his orders without question no matter how strange they seemed.
He raised his hand and the all came to a stop. He turned his steed and rode to his commanders. "We bypass the city and head to intercept the Persians enroute. Tibertin has already taken that course."
"But, sir, our orders… "
"My orders are clear, I believe. Is there anything else?"
He didn't wait for an answer. He turned and returned to the front. His commanders gave signals and the entire force moved forward towards the valley where Tibertin's forces raced to meet the Persian invaders. The city would have to wait for these other matters to resolve themselves.
Waltrian rode as though he were alone. To the very few that knew him well he would speak of visions…  battles remembered from antiquity that haunted his dreams and always, he was there… sometimes the victor, sometimes the vanquished, but always the better for having learned. Follow your heart, Tibertin, and we will emerge victorious.

~~~~~~~~The city formerly under Roman control

Allutia strode through the chambers that she had been summoned to as a slave to meet with Tibertin. She reflected now as a free woman. Perhaps this was a temporary freedom. Much that would determine that was out of her control. Forces met in a valley far away. Her fate rested in the hands of the victor. For now, her thoughts drifted to more simple things.
She thought of a man, her captor, master even. A man that professed his love to her. What have I done? You ride to your death perhaps. You ride to slay my father. There can be no good to come of this. She picked up a piece of pottery and smiled slightly. She recalled a flustered Tibertin in earnest discourse with it. She held it before herself. "Am I to profess my love to you? But, perhaps you are dead. Perhaps you return as my master and the murderer of my father. Do I profess my love? Yes, I do. But, Tibertin, I can never pledge myself to you. That I cannot do."
Dreams and images drifted through the mind of Allutia. They seldom made a lot of sense to her, but they touched her spirit. Ideas came to her as though they had been sent through time in whispers to capture from the breeze that gently tickles the neck. As though suddenly awakened, she ran to seek Artellian.
Artellian was in counsel with the newly formed military men that had been imprisoned for all these years. They had not forgotten their training. He saw Allutia approach and rose to greet her.
"Artellian. Why do we wait here in the city of our enslavement? If we are indeed free, then why do we not rush to the aid of those that come to aid us?"
Artellian had a look of awareness come over him. Then a look of embarrassment followed. "By the gods, you are right! Have I been enslaved for such a length of time that I know no other thing?" He approached the men at the council table. "Prepare the men for battle. We take the fight to them. This is not our city. It is time to go home. We are free."
Allutia spoke up. "We will not be left behind. We have no ties to this prison. We will follow and we will fight if that is what has to be. But none of us will spend another day as a slave!"
Artellian could see that it was not a request. "Arm all that can carry arms. Spare the lives in the city; they are but woman and children. Let them remember this kindness."

~~~~~~~The Persian troops in the valley

"Look lively now. Forward! The end of this valley is in sight. Push forward. Less than an hour's time."
Artabanus could hear the sound of horns continuing periodically from the rear and occasionally to the east and west in the mountains as well. His instincts caused tension at every blast of the horn. His resolve kept him at a steady forward pace with no more delays. Your tricks will not work on me Tibertin. We march straight to you. Prepare yourself. We are not swayed by your foolishness.

~~~~~~~The Roman troops in sight of the valley

"Tibertin, the valley is less than an hour's travel and still no sign of the Persians. I think your plan may have worked." Cardasius seemed surprised.
"This should come as no surprise, Cardasius. It is as I have planned. Are the battalions deployed to the east and west?"
"Yes, commander."
"And the horns as well?"
"Yes, as you have commanded. May I ask… "
"You may ask, yes. As I have told you. The Persians are quite familiar with horns and their purpose by now. Watch and learn. Put yourself in the place of the Persian commander. That will give you the answer. It is not only what we think, Cardasius. It is what they think as well." Tibertin looked off into the distance. "What worked once might not work a second time or a third. Each time is different. Each time has the memory of all other times to consider. Think on that."
All will go as planned, Allutia. I can do no other thing. Tibertin's mind flew far from the battlefield. Dreams and realities fought for a foothold in his visions. Dreams are powerful things, but realities arrive with a thick and dark oil that obscures them. Futility does not silence the heart. It only causes it to ache. Tibertin sensed victory, but it brought him no joy.

~~~~~~~Former Persian slaves marching to aid Artabanus

Artellian looked as though he had never left his mount as he rode in front of the force of former Persian slaves. Indeed, they were simply an arm of the Persian army now. They were fully armed and experienced in battle. They would not hesitate to engage their former oppressors. A sense of grim glee permeated the determined ranks that marched with a vengeance.
Tibertin, why do I think of you, even as my father plots your demise? Allutia rode among the troops, a general's daughter much revered by her people. Her mind drifted far away to an oasis that held a mirage. She approached the mirage and inquired of its occupant, "How is this possible?" A smiling Tibertin turned and said, "It is possible here, where the desires of the heart escape to."
Martius ran noisily up to her horse. "Won't they be surprised to see us?" He looked up to Allutia with wide innocent eyes that broke the spell of her daydream.
"Yes, brave warrior, surprised indeed." She reached down and lifted him up to ride with her. They enjoyed the wind as it wove freely through their hair.


Author Notes Four separate forces converge on one spot at different times. Victory and defeat will change hands more than once. Great input and amazing ideas. I am listening, believe me. Thank you so much. At my neighbors again. Rachel is her name. I didn't even know it yesterday!!

Chapter 12
Born Enemies: The Battle Begins

By michaelcahill


Previously, the various forces continued to converge on the valley. There were now four deployments of troops, two Persian and two Roman, that all marched towards the same spot. There would be several surprises in store as the battle was on the verge of beginning. We join the story now as the Persian forces already in the valley are about to encounter Tibertin's forces that are just arriving.

An hour had passed and Artabanus could see the end of the valley less than half a mile distant. Exhilaration was cut by the sound of horns from the mountains on both the east and west. Commander Prath bolted on horseback towards the mountains to the east and reared his mount. He held his shield outstretched to his side. "Yes, we quiver at the sounds of your impending attack! Shall we stop now and prepare for your onslaught? Here is your target. Perhaps a blast from your horn will unseat me!"
Artabanus looked on in amusement. Prath looked back at his general with a look of astonished confusion covering his face. The shield dropped from his hand and his body slipped off his mount as though suddenly stricken with sleep. Artabanus took in the event as though in a dream. The look on his face was slow to change as the information fought its way through his astonished brain.
As though slapped in the face by an insulted lover, Artabanus regained himself. "To battle! On the flanks and forward." The plan of Tibertin became clear to him in that instant. Curse him! How could I not have seen it? Now, he had to deal with its success. He had to do it immediately.
The initial attack from the east and west had taken out several unprepared soldiers. The response was immediate as battle lines were formed to repel the coming attack. The attack was loud and swift and came from both sides. The battalions were not large but the surprise gave them the early upper hand. Artabanus focused his concern on what was to come from the front. That would be the whole of Tibertin's forces coming to bear.
The sound of horns and singing filled the air. It served to energize the Roman forces already engaged. Artabanus already grieved for his fallen friend and advisor, but thoughts of his daughter steeled him to battle. I'll not wait for this folly to arrive. "Forward all. Engage the enemy!"
In moments, the word was passed and the Persian troops pressed forward shouting their disdain and drowning out the sound of song that had been permeating the air. Upon sighting the Romans, the Persian archers began firing in overlapping patterns. Group after overlapping group unleashed their payload. It had the effect of a constant barrage. The air was never empty of deadly arrows in flight. The rest of the ground troops advanced into the advancing Roman horde and engaged them. The Roman's were too many, however, and the tide turned in their favor.
The Persians fought ferociously and it was clear that they would not cease or surrender. Though uncommon for the commander to engage in the actual battle, Tibertin had made a reputation as a fierce warrior. Today was no exception. He had led his men to battle and fought in the thick of it.
Artabanus had observed from the sidelines with his remaining advisors, as was the custom. Upon seeing the tide turn against his men, he and his advisors charged into the battle as well. Artabanus sought out Tibertin on the battlefield. The sight of you prone on the battlefield may discourage your men. I owe you my friend. It is a personal matter between us. "Tibertin!" He screamed as he came in earshot.
Tibertin turned his horse to greet the intruder. "So, you are not the coward that refuses to fight by the side of your men. Good. I honor that."
"For my daughter, I send you to your grave. Allutia will be a slave no more. By my sword, I swear it." Artabanus drew his blade and held it high above his head.
"Allutia? Allutia is your daughter? How could I know? That is not of my making. She was not harmed, Artabanus. She…" The reality of the moment jolted Tibertin back to the reality of the battlefield. He drew his blade as well.
"You speak as though you know her. All the more reason for you to die. I've thought of what you might have done to her for many years. I avenge her!" He charged with sword held high.
They rode towards each other and swung powerful blows. Neither dismounted the other though the blows struck true and each was shaken mightily. As they regrouped to charge again, the sound of horns sounded from the direction of the city. Both the combatants turned in their direction. The pattern was Persian. It was a Persian call to battle.
A roar that began in the distance became loader and louder as it got closer. A horde of fresh Persian soldiers suddenly joined the battle and fought with shocking ferocity. The tide of the battle began to turn. It was the former Persian slaves newly arrived.
The children, elderly and youngest of the woman that were not of a mind to fight were left at the entrance to the valley to await the outcome of the battle. The soldiers including many armed woman, Allutia among them, surged forward to join the battle already being waged.
The former slaves fought as though it were a privilege. Even though Tibertin was not a vicious slave owner, there were beatings remembered. Indeed, the very act of taking away one's life with no intention of ever giving it back was an act of cruelty that demanded the most severe vengeance. The slaves relished the chance to beat their masters to death. It was almost as if they considered it a kindness to spare them a life of slavery by killing them.
Martius was frozen in fear listening to the screams that came from the valley. There was no way of knowing what could be taking place. And now he looked at a contingent of Roman soldiers marching swiftly by and towards the valley. It was the southern forces of Tibertin. They had bypassed the city and were newly arrived.
Waltrian looked at Martius trembling behind a tree. "Your day will come, son. But, today is mine."
Martius had no idea what this Roman on horseback was talking about. He just watched him ride by, grateful that a few words were his only interest in him.
Waltrian listened to the sound of battle in the distance as though he knew the interpretation of it perfectly. Well done, Tibertin. You have held the day. I come to win it.
Commander Waltrian turned to one of his aids. "Pass the word. The slaves have overtaken the city and are engaged here. No mercy."
Waltrian rode alone ahead of his troops. He was still some distance from the valley, perhaps more than half a mile. Yet, he gave the word, "Attack. Full force!" The troops rushed the final distance and were there in about five minute's time and not a moment too soon.
The slaves were clearly winning the day. The sight of the southern forces was a relief to the Roman forces to say the least. Tibertin looked towards Waltrian in amazement. It hadn't occurred to him that he would make this bold move. He sought out Artabanus once again. They had become separated by the ferocity of the battle surrounding them.
Artabanus found him. "Are you done cowering behind your men, Tibertin?""
"It was you that rode off in fear. To the death!"
"Wait. Stop this at once!" Allutia rode up and placed her mount between them.
Artabanus looked elated. "Allutia. I am overjoyed. But, what are you doing on this battlefield? This is no place for the daughter of a general."
"I am but a slave that fights for freedom, father."


Author Notes This is a little complicated.

There are four forces converging on the same area to do battle.
#1 The Persian forces led by Artabanus coming to free the slaves in the city.

#2 The troops of Tibertin who rushes to meet them rather than wait. He hopes to ambush them with a surprise attack.

#3 The Persian slaves who have over run the city because Tibertin left it under guarded. They are rushing to aid their brethren that come to free them.

#4 The southern forces of Tibertin led by Waltrian who have bypassed the city and rush to aid Tibertin.

Martius is the Persian child that played with the Roman guard and discovered the city to be empty of soldiers.

I left off the little headings this time as there would be too many and just confuse the matter.

I realize this became a bit complicated. It all boils down to a lot of Romans fighting a lot of Persians. Our main characters are stuck somewhere in the middle of all this. Not the most romantic situation.

Thank you for all the great suggestions and support. I had no idea this part of the story would turn into this. I think this section will wrap up in one more post, two at the most!

Chapter 13
Born Enemies: To The Death

By michaelcahill

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.

Previously, all forces arrived in the valley and a desperate battle broke out. The Persian slaves especially fought with great resolve unwilling to return to a life of servitude. Tibertin and Allutia encountered each other on the battlefield where Allutia tried to become the peacemaker between Tibertin and her father, General Artabanus, the leader of the Persian troops. We continue now, as Allutia has intervened in a personal conflict between Artabanus and Tibertin.

Tibertin cast his gaze upon Allutia. "You are no slave, nor will you ever be."
"Silence, Roman. I speak with my daughter. That only delays your death. It does not give you invitation to speak."
"You do yourself no service to rile me, old man. I spare you, perhaps, out of favor for your daughter. Be glad that I hold her in esteem."
"Both of you. There is no need for this discourse. I am free, father. Let us return home. The two of you can call an end to this. How many more must die. Look around you."
Tibertin looked over the battlefield. "My southern forces have turned the tide. Victory is mine." He gazed at Allutia sitting on her horse. None of this matters when I look at you. None of it. "I will call off my men upon your surrender. I've no wish to take all of these lives."
"We will not return to slavery, Tibertin. I speak for them and I speak for myself." Allutia looked into Tibertin's eyes. I feel what I feel. But, I am who I am.
My god, Allutia. What would you have me do, let you all go free? I am but a soldier of the Roman Republic. Tibertin closed his eyes in thought. "Well, Allutia, what would you have me do? Perhaps I should send your father here, who wants to kill me by the way, home. Perhaps I should send everyone home and tell my superiors that I misplaced you all. Is that your advice?"
Allutia pulled her lips in slightly as a reaction to the smile that threatened to crease them. Tibertin had an amusing way about him. "I merely state that there will be no surrender. Either way you will go home empty handed. It will be with hands as bloody as you wish them to be. If you have regard for me, as you say you do, how will my blood on your hands sit with you?"
Artabanus had grown impatient. "I tire of this discourse. I came here to avenge my people on you, Tibertin, and that is what I plan to do. If you plan to listen to my lovely daughter here, then I suggest you do so now. Otherwise, let us commence with our business."
"I will free you all, if Allutia remains with me."
"Yes, that is acceptable." Allutia answered without hesitation.
"No! That will never be acceptable." Artabanus drew his sword and rode back to face Tibertin.
Allutia rode to block his path. "Father, our people are being slaughtered. We will all die here today, me included. Let me make this sacrifice for my people. Let my life mean something."
"Never. Defeat is no certainty. With Tibertin dead, the tide will turn. You will see."
On the field around them, the southern forces were taking control. The ferocity of the former slaves was a force to be reckoned with, but slowly sheer numbers overcame them and the Romans began to take control of the battlefield.
As Artabanus argued with Allutia, several combatants collided with their horses dismounting Allutia. Allutia managed to draw her sword and strike a fatal blow to a charging Roman soldier. Artabanus seeing his daughter compromised dismounted to aid her. Tibertin approached on his steed as well and dismounted. Artabanus took his actions to be an act of aggression against him.
Another Roman soldier came at Allutia and the force of his glancing blow knocked her to the ground. Artabanus was unaware of this. His eyes were fixed on Tibertin. The Roman soldier swung around to deliver a blow to Allutia who was still on the ground. To the Roman soldier's shock, Tibertin met the soldier's blow with a thrust of his own through the belly. He had killed his own soldier to save the life of the Persian slave girl. Allutia looked at him with surprise. Tibertin smiled at her.
Tibertin's smile turned to a puzzled grimace as Artabanus drove his sword home through his upper chest.
He spun to spur his troops. "Tibertin falls! Fight on! Show no quarter." The thrill of his victory over Tibertin was short lived. It was hopeless. He could see that. In another moment, he gave the signal to surrender. The death toll to both sides was horrific.
Waltrian saw the signal to surrender and gave the order to halt the battle. The fighting stopped and an errie silence enshrouded the valley. The moans of soldiers breathing their last were soft and more like a death dirge than a plea for help.

The remaining Roman forces began herding the Persians into groups that would be marched back to the city and into slavery.
Allutia held Tibertin's head on her lap. His wound was mortal and his breathing was labored. Allutia had tears streaming down her face. Her father had felt the thrill of his victory over Tibertin and was unaware of the dynamics of it. It had all transpired so quickly.
"I'm so sorry. You saved my life. I don't know what to say." Allutia looked into the eyes of Tibertin. He looked back and there was a peace that had come over him.
"This is everything I want, Allutia. I have no regrets. I see what I want to see in your eyes."
"I was too proud. I should've… "
"No matter, Vision… all is…" Tibertin was gone. Sound was once again a soul in heaven.
Artabanus saw his daughter's grief and tried to console her. "I did not know that he came to your aid child. How could I expect such a thing from a Roman commander? I'm sorry. I knew not that you had a friendship or… "
"No. Nothing like that, Father. There was a strange connection he felt to me. I suppose I felt the same towards him. But, we were born enemies. What could come of it?"
"What were his words… at the end?"
"Oh. I didn't understand. Something about a vision. Perhaps he was already gone to the other side."
Waltrian had observed the scene with interest. Tibertin had been his close friend and advisor since they were children. He nudged his mount near to the scene that unfolded. He said with respect. "Your men fought bravely."
Artabanus merely nodded his head. He would never bow or acknowledge Waltrian as a superior. Allutia looked up as well. Her face was unreadable. The head of Tibertin still rested on her lap. His blood congealed on her garments and skin.
And so, the story would continue as stories always do. Allutia would live her life as it unfolded. The soul within her, Vision, would learn what she could learn and one-day return to heaven where we would all be waiting for her.
Sound or Sam as we called him would watch with interest for a short time. We do that. In a while, the sense of infinite time would have its affect and he would be distracted by the many matters that concerned us. Soon, to our reckoning, Vi would return and all that Sam and Vi had learned in this lifetime, both together and apart, would become part of what we considered and discussed.
Here there are no sensations to feel. It is all an intellectual exchange. We understand sensations having felt them, some of us many, many times. However, it is only in human form that the yearning for them returns as we are unconsciously reminded of them constantly.
When they once again return to Earth, the experiences of this life will return as a part of them in their unconscious beings. As previous experiences spoke to them in this life in ways they couldn't explain, so will moments from this life return in the future. Growth results in most cases, but not in all.
Some souls grow in unexpected ways. I have seen souls obsessed with specific things to the exclusion of all other things. Well, listening to your humbel narrator ramble is exhilarating no doubt, and I do promise more in the future. But, it would be a short time that Vi and Sam would spend here in Heaven. They would be back on Earth before long.
The number of souls now here had grown considerably. Sam and Vi were among the very oldest of souls. Though there is no hierarchy among us, there is a deference to the experience and knowledge of the older souls. There is a familiarity that exists between them. It is not the same as what a human would consider a relationship, but "friend" would be a term that might help with the understanding of it. It could be said that in the best and purist way, Sam and Vi were friends.


Author Notes So concludes this single lifetime. Vision and Sound or Vi and Sam as they are called will soon return to Earth at the same time again. The just concluded section expanded much to my surprise! So we will see what happens next. Any suggestions? You always have great ideas, so don't be shy. :)

I do have a finished book to go by, but the tone and style of it is a little different than I have fallen into here. So I am contemplating the next move carefully. I want to maintain continuity, but I do have some areas that I want to go into as well. I should just realize that I'm going to rewrite everything and just ignore what I already have. Hahaha!

Chapter 14
Physician & Patient: Pt. 1

By michaelcahill

For those of you who haven't been following. This is the story of two souls that are closely bonded. They encounter each other over and over again in several lifetimes as humans on Earth. As humans they are unaware of the souls that are inside of them and their connection. They have encountered each other in previous lifetimes and are about to begin new lives on Earth in new human bodies.
Previously, Vision known as Vi and Sound known as Sam were on Earth as a Roman Soldier named Tibertin and a Persian slave girl named Allutia. They discovered their connection or attraction to each other, but the circumstances involved were more than they could overcome. Tibertin was killed in battle and returned to Heaven. Allutia lived out the remainder of her life and returned as well. We continue now as Vi and Sam are about to return to Earth and live new lives. It is 500 AD and we are about to meet the humans that will house their souls.

~~~~~~~~Vi returns to Earth

Vi returned to Earth in unfortunate circumstances. Her family loved her as much as they did her brothers and sisters. Her birth came about in the usual way and complications didn't cause the maladies that would afflict her and manifest themselves early in life. The body that contained her had a brain that didn't function normally. Given the level of medicine at the time, 500AD, the future could look nothing but grim for her.
Her parents named her Julia, a name that commonly meant youthful among other things. Julia would turn out to be an ironic name, for this child seemed to live in a world of make believe, and matters of an adult nature never found a foothold in her psyche. Her family feared for her life due to the attitudes of the time, and sheltered her from the world.
There were those that considered mental afflictions to be like a disease and therefore treatable. There were therapies available and some even proved effective. The greater preponderance of opinion lay in the realm of religious beliefs. Demon possession or weak moral character held sway as the more likely cause of any mental defect. Religious thinking considered it a weakness rather than a disease. It could prove to be quite dangerous to go against the thinking of religious leaders.

~~~~~~~Sam returns to Earth

Sam had no affliction to deal with. He didn't have a family of any particular note, but they did well and survived in a harsh environment through hard work and knowledge of the land. Survival alone had to be considered well-to-do on a relative scale that included wealth on one end and poverty on the other with nothing in between. The upper end of poverty took education and hard work. It took common sense as well.
They named him Valerius. The name means to be healthy and strong. While it applied to him in particular, it more applied as a desire within him for others. Valerius concerned himself with the afflictions of others. Perhaps it had to do with the fact that he seldom had even common ailments befall him. Many a winter saw his family down with a common winter virus and Valerius the only one healthy. He learned what medicine was available and could be counted on by the village to be a help should anyone fall ill. He even devised his own treatments and there were villagers that would swear their life to be a gift from the skilled hands of the Physician Valerius.
But, I get ahead of myself. As I said, Julia's family wisely kept her hidden. I don't wish to give the impression that the average villager was of a cruel or fanatical nature, they were not. As is often the case, it is the powers that be determining how a life is lived to a great degree. A village where the religious leaders held considerable sway made for a lifestyle that adhered to a structure that conformed to the mores and doctrines that they set forth. It brought trouble to do otherwise, it brought peace to acquiesce.
As an infant and even a toddler, it didn't prove to be difficult keeping young Julia under wraps. Her brothers and sisters cared for her and found her whimsical ways to be charming and endearing. She seemed most clever though her thinking didn't appear to be of things that were real. She lived in a world of ghosts and fantastic animals. Her brother, Cassius, was but a year older and a willing playmate.
"Quick, Cassius, climb the tree and make noise. The beast will be confused. Then I will slay it for supper. Father will be so proud!"
"I'm off then to the tree. Strike it in the heart, Julia. Right in the heart!"
Julia seemed to see the beast as she stalked what Cassius thought to be something completely imaginary. Julia lunged forward and shouted, "Ahhhhh!"
Cassius scrambled down the tree and joined her, "Ahhhh!"
"We've done it. I can't wait to tell Father. This will get us through the winter. We have saved the clan, Cassius. It was just like before. I knew it would work!"
Julia ran in circles and Cassius joined her. It looked like children at play only Julia played in a world that only she could see.
She talked of battles on the land and at sea and of people, which no one had ever heard of. She even talked to a couple of her brothers as though they were there too. Her brother Cassius was but a year older. He enjoyed the games, but didn't understand them for the most part. To him it was fun play and nothing more.
There was no animosity towards her. Her visions and fantasies were of no harm to anyone. There existed an underlying sadness that she didn't seem able to enjoy the real things in life though. Her family wondered if she understood that Cassius was her real life brother or just some fantasy character in her made up world. Her spirit was one of affection and happiness. It would be difficult to be around her and not find oneself smiling.
As the years passed, however, Julia became less and less satisfied with the confinement to the small farm that the family worked to get by. Her curiosity was great and her desire to explore and interact with people strong. In spite of the delusional nature of her existence, she was nonetheless drawn to people and wished to have them join in her fantasies. Many though were fearful of her and thought her to be possessed by demons.
"Your child needs to be seen by the priest. She is with demons. It is a most dangerous matter. I fear for my own safety being near her." More than one villager had spoken those words with the wide eyes of a fanatic.
Julia's father would laugh it off as nonsense, but the accusations were becoming more frequent. The church supported those views and it became clear by the time that Julia was sixteen years old that safety could only be guaranteed through isolation. Julia did not enjoy isolation. She did not understand it either.
Julia looked forlorn as she spoke to her father, "There is no escape, Father. Is not death more honorable? They have no choice but to enslave us. They are slaves themselves. Don't you see? They are slaves that have no choice. There is no difference."
"Child, I won't have you speak of such things. I only want to protect you. We are not slaves. We work the land and sell our wares and provide for ourselves. People don't know you like we do and they fear you. It is safer for you to stay here with those that love you."
Cassius seemed to have a way with her, "Would I allow harm to you? We will lay low and bide our time. When the time is right, we will make our move. It is all strategy. You must be patient. Now, we will do as Father says for the time being. He is wise and the leader of our clan."
Julia smiled slightly. "True, everything does not happen overnight. I know that. Sometimes the suffering is long and arduous. The feeling of triumph though is more the sweet for the wait. Do you think that Artabanus comes for us soon?"
Cassius smiled at his sister. "I imagine he plans his move carefully."
For Julia, the memories of Vision were clear. She didn't know where they came from and Vi was not conscious within her. Something in her brain made them more than vague hunches or feelings. Julia saw them in front of her and remembered them as though she had experienced them herself. It didn't occur to her to analyze the logic of it. This was how she was and she knew nothing else.

~~~~~~~The farm of Valerius' family

"Let me try something, Father."
"Son, it is best to put the creature out of its misery. Such is the way of a caring farmer."
Valerius looked anxiously at the sheep that shivered in front of him. "I think that I can help him. He shakes like my sister when she comes wet from the stream. She sits by the hearth and her shaking ceases. Let me try, Father."
"Very well, Son, only one night. I don't want him to suffer needlessly. Perhaps you can help him. You do have a way about you."
Valerius stayed up the night with the sheep and tended to it. By morning, it had stopped shaking.
"Well, he doesn't look well, Son, but I will grant that he looks better. If he continues to improve, you may continue your treatment. Well done, Son."
Valerius smiled. His father was not one to praise. "Thank you, Father, I am hopeful."


Author Notes A little more "tell" than I like, but had to establish some things. Hope it didn't drag too much. Hope you will be as forthcoming with input and suggestions as always. You are lifesavers. Thank you.

Valerius is pronounced-Va-leer-ee-us

Vision also called Vi occupying Julia in this lifetime

Sound also called Sam occupying Valerius in this lifetime

Cassius-Julia's older brother by one year

Chapter 15
Physician & Patient Pt: 2

By michaelcahill

Previously, We were introduced to Valerius and Julia the new hosts for Vi and Sam as they begin their new lives on Earth. Julia has mental issues and seems to have memories of past lives though she doesn't know that that is what they are. Sam has a desire to be a physician. He is healthy and lives in the same village as Julia. They have yet to meet. It is 500 AD and the birth of the Dark Ages. The church considers mental disorders to be demonic in nature. Physicians consider them to be diseases that require treatment. We continue the story now as Valerius is just beginning to pursue his interest in medicine by tending to a sick sheep for his father.

~~~~~~Valerius camping by the flock of sheep
The sheep continued to improve under the watchful eye of Valerius. However, others in the small flock began to take ill and shook in the same manner. His father, owing to the success with the one sheep, agreed to allow Valerius to camp by the flock and try to treat the others that became ill.
He discovered a mushroom growing near the forest where strays would sometimes wander. He had never seen it before. The rains had been heavy that winter and growth of foliage was abundant. These mushrooms were unfamiliar. Farmers knew of the things that grew wild and depended on them for survival. He sought out Trellitia, a widow of great age who had knowledge of such things. She lived alone and preferred it. She grieved for her lost husband and claimed a longing to join him in the beyond. She did not care for visitors.
"Who dares disturb the footsteps of my lost husband?" Her voice sounded as though it came from a great distance. She stood on her stoop but five feet away.
"My apologies, Lady Trellitia. It is I, Valerius, from down the path. I come on a matter of importance seeking your wisdom." Valerius managed a voice that spoke with a confidence not found within him. He had heard tales of her witchery as a child and still feared a spell might be cast upon him.
"Wisdom? If living a life of hardship and grief is wisdom, then I am indeed wise. I will determine if it is of importance. What is it you trouble me with?"
Valerius produced a sample of the mushroom that was unfamiliar to him and held it out for her inspection. "I suspect that these have caused infirmity in my flock."
Trillitia's face contorted into what might be called a slight smile. "Indeed. A bellyache if they are eating their fill. An early meeting with a cauldron if they are greedy. It is a medicine, boy, in small doses. In large doses, it can cause one to become indisposed. It could kill someone if ingested senselessly."
"Ah. That is most enlightening. I knew that you would know the answer. Your knowledge is legend among the villagers. A medicine you say? To what use?"
She relaxed her rigid posture somewhat and considered the young man before her. So sincere. Just like… Memories of better times came over her in a welcome flood. "Come in, boy, and learn something."
He smiled and walked in the front door. He had been hoping beyond hope for an answer to his question. He drank in the contents of her cluttered dwelling with anticipation. Her husband had been the physician for the village before taking ill. He wasted away over a long period. All of his medical knowledge could not be brought to bear on the ravages of the illness that took his life. All of his knowledge was here in this room and his widow had taken a shine to him. This was a life-changing day for him.
"Let me see that mushroom, Valerius. I'll make us a tea." She laughed and it was a laugh that still managed to send chills down his spine. She took the mushroom, chopped it up, and along with some other herbs made them both a cup of delicious tea.
"It's quite refreshing." He commented truthfully.
"Well, son, enjoy it… it may be your last!" She laughed again heartily.
This time Valerius joined her.
~~~~~~~Julia in town with her father and brother

Julia's father felt bad having to keep her at home on the farm all the time. There was a forest nearby that Julia seemed to enjoy, but it was clear that she enjoyed human contact thought they often felt ill at ease in her presence. He had come to know who to avoid and who were more favorably disposed to her nature.
He was in town to sell some wool and baked goods. Cassius always came along when Julia accompanied her father. Cassius seemed the most adept at calming Julia when she became confused or if the wrong person happened upon her.
Leopold was a man that Abramus, Julia's father, sought to avoid especially with his daughter in tow. But, here he stood and his intention was to engage Abramus in conversation.
"I see you have your daughter, Julia, with you. Perhaps her condition has improved since last I saw her. Hello, Julia. How are you feeling on this fine day that the Lord has provided?"
"All is well today, Abramus. Freedom feels as though it calls to me. I hear it with great excitement."
"I see. Freedom you say. Then you imagine yourself to be enslaved? Is your father then your taskmaster? Are you in a dungeon of his making? I see no shackles or signs of lashings across your back. He seems the most lenient of masters."
"All are slaves in some form. Some by their own failure to see what lies before them. Others by their blindness to what has gone before. I merely listen to what is spoken to me and take in what is presented before me to see. Is this not what all the Lord's creatures do?" Julia said the word "creatures" with venom somehow as though she thought of him as something from the ground that had slithered up.
Leopold addressed Abramus directly. "I've warned you before, Abramus, the church is clear on these matters. I've turned a blind eye because of our friendship. You insist on bringing her to town when she is clearly possessed of an evil spirit. She speaks of voices and visions that are seen only by her. Let the church help you. We can drive these demons out, Abramus. At the very least, keep them from the city where they might leap into the heart of an innocent."
"Leopold, my old friend. There are no demons. She but has a vivid imagination. Shall I fault her for that? She is of no harm to anyone. She graces my family and has for over twenty years now. What harm has come to us? You see. You worry and stir up controversy where there is none. Now, I appreciate your concerns. You have voiced them and I have answered you. I consider the matter closed. Good day to you. It is a lovely day as you have pointed out." Abramus grabbed Julia's hand and they strode away together.
Abramus waited until Leopold was beyond hearing them. "Julia, you must keep your thoughts to yourself when in public. People, especially people like Leopold, do not understand them. It is dangerous for you. You could be deemed possessed."
"That is a most evil man, Father. He tortured many of my people in the rooms under the ground. There were whips and devices that mangled a person's body. Many died in agony at his hand. I don't understand why he is respected as he is. Why is that, Father?"


Author Notes
Thank you for the continuing great input. Listening intently. I'm behind in responses, but I am reading and have copied the reviews into word. Thank you so much. I appreciate every word.

Chapter 16
Physician & Patient: Pt. 3

By michaelcahill

Previously, Valerius demonstrated an affinity for medicine by nursing a sick sheep back to health. His father acknowledged his good work and entrusted the flock to him. He noticed a mushroom that had grown wild near the forest and suspected that the stray sheep eating it may have become ill from it. He took it to Trellitia, the widow of the former village physician to find out if she knew of it. She took a shine to him and agreed to teach him some things. Julia accompanied her father to town where they ran into Leopold a religious leader. It was unfortunate because Leopold considered Julia demon possesed and she gave him no reason to change his mind with this encounter. We continue the story now as Julia's father tries to explain the danger of letting others know of her delusions.

~~~~~~~~~Julia and her family in town
"Why do you say such things child? I may not care for his company, but Leopold is a man of God. He does not torture or murder anyone. That is the talk that puts you in danger."
"I only speak of what is plainly there for all to see. I do not understand father. Is everyone blind? Are they without the ability to hear? Move, Father! The soldiers come. We will be trampled!" Julia pulled roughly on her father's arm and he let her drag him to the side of the road. She turned her back to the road as though shielding herself from something.
Abramus looked around quickly and made note that no one had seen her display. Mercy. I mustn't allow this exposure again. It could mean her death if the wrong person were to encounter her in one of these moments. "Child, there is nothing there. What is it you see? I stand here and see nothing. Don't you understand? No one but you sees. There is nothing there. It is in your imagination and nothing more."
"Don't be silly, Father. It is as plain as the wheels on our cart. They live and breathe, as do you and my dear brother Cassius who was almost run down. Ask him, Father. Ask him if he did not narrowly escape being trampled."
Cassius looked down as he arrived to the conversation. "Well, Julia. I understand that you believe you see something. I know you believe that. I can't say that I do. That doesn't mean that you are wrong and I am right. I just don't see the world as you see it."
Julia looked forlorn. It was a mood of melancholy difficult to reach through. She didn't display anything in a demonstrative way. Those that knew her well, however, felt her sweet spirit withdraw from them and go to a place that they couldn't reach. She left them even as she stood before them. She would remain like this until she returned. It could be an hour; it could be a week.
Abramus was grateful his business in town was concluded. Julia would certainly come under scrutiny in her current condition. She conversed in whispers and gestures to beings or creatures that were not there. At least anyone observing her could see nothing but thin air in front of her. If she happened to be by an animal or a tree, then it appeared in an almost comical way that she conversed with that.
~~~~~~~The home of Lady Trellitia

"I know of your husband by reputation and I do apologize for the mention of his name. I realize that it is grievous wound to your heart. I am inspired when my father speaks of him and dearly wish to pursue a life of service as he did. To be welcomed into your home, M'lady, is a humbling honor. I do fear that I am speechless."
"Indeed. I fear the onslaught should you regain your tongue, lad. You warm me with your earnestness. My husband was such a man. He was also a man of vision and cleverness. I stood by his side, assisted every treatment, and witnessed every birth. I even went on my own many times when he was indisposed or the need was more than he could bear alone. If you are serious, I am amenable to instructing you. It is a matter of importance to the village as there is no physician of any skill within any reasonable distance. You would be embarking on a journey that would encompass your lifetime. It is not a journey that tolerates a timid step."
"I understand. I have thought of nothing else from the earliest wisps of my memory. I never dreamed that the privilege of your instruction would even be a possibility. Nothing would honor me more than to call myself your apprentice. I am ready to begin."
"I smile at your eagerness. I do expect that your family might have an interest in your decision. I know that your father has a farm and that your strong hands are a great part of its running. Your family's approval is necessary."
"I shall secure it at once. I thank you, Lady Trellitia. I will not disappoint you." He smiled and nearly vibrated with excitement.
"And you have no fear of my witchcraft? Why, the children say that I can turn a young one into a toad with a wave of my hand. Do you fancy water lilies, Doctor Valerius?"
For a brief moment, a shudder started to run the course of his back as he recalled a childhood memory. In the next moment, laughter stopped it from traveling more than an inch or two. "I don’t' pay attention to the silliness of children at play. There are more serious matters to consider." He tried mightily to look scholarly.
"Remember, Lad, joy is a powerful medicine as well. Sometimes it is one of the most powerful of remedies. My husband always brought it in abundance to all the infirm. Let that be your first lesson. Now, off with you. I have dusting to do." She began to go about organizing various vials and strange tools and the like. Valerius couldn't wait to know what each potion and device where used for.
He ran home.
His father surprised him with his willingness to allow him to follow the course that he described with such excitement. "Son, I have seen the natural skill that the Lord has given you. I cannot in good conscience deny you the calling that is clearly ordained. You have my blessing. I am proud of you. Don't think that this relieves you of all duties here on our farm. When you aren't busy healing the sick and populating our village with new life, there will still be fields to plow and stock to feed. Are we in agreement?"
Valerius extended his hand. His father clasped it and solemnly shook it. The career of Valerius the Physician began.
"I need some supplies in town. Lady Trellitia suggested some items to begin with."
"I see.' Lady Trellitia' is it? As I recall, isn't that the same woman you youngsters referred to as the Black Witch of the Dead Forest?"
"Oh, Father. That was just the silly games of children at play. None of us actually believed that." His smile was somewhat disingenuous.
His father was highly amused. How quickly you've grown. He remembered a young Valerius of perhaps four years, crying in fear after being told that the witch had cast a spell on him. Father, Father. I shall wake up on the 'morrow a toad! He could still hear his voice. It touched him now to see his son standing before him, a grown man. "Get your supplies, son." The village awaits its new physician.

~~~~~~~~Valerius in town

Valerius walked to his cart laden with supplies suggested to him by Lady Trellitia. He noticed the commotion caused by Abramus and his two children. He placed his packages in his cart and went to investigate. He went as the town physician. He was young and uneducated, but he was the only physician in the village. He knew the family well enough to exchange a friendly greeting. He knew Cassius and had played with him as a young boy. He knew Julia, but not very well. She seldom left the farm and was rumored to be feeble minded or possessed by demons depending upon whom you asked.
He addressed Abramus. "Is all well? I am the village physician now. I am happy to assist if there is a need."
"No, Valerius. We are well. Just a squabble among siblings. Nothing of concern. I am pleased that you have become serious about your interest in the healing ways. That will be of great benefit to our little community. It is half a day's ride to a physician now."

Julia had been standing there with her head downcast. She glanced up and saw Valerius and the light returned to her eyes. "It is you. I thought that you had crossed over never to be seen again. Yet, here you stand before me. It is me, Julia. You saved my life most unexpectedly. I am so pleased to see you. I don't believe I offered my gratitude properly." She extended her hand to a stunned Valerius.


Author Notes Advice, suggestions, and input all gratefully accepted. Your help has been wonderful. Thank you so much.

This is listed as "Fantasy" for lack of a suitable category. There is philosophy in this as well as grains of non-fiction.

Chapter 17
Physician & Patient: Pt. 4

By michaelcahill

Previously, Abramus took Julia to town and they encountered Leopold. The church leader discovered that Julia was still seeing and hearing things and suspected her of demonic possesion. Abramus tried to minimize the situation and escorted his daughter away. She saw troops on horseback coming and pulled her father to safety. She became depressed when she learned that her father and brother had not seen the men on horseback. Valerius happened to be in the city and went to investigate. He met Julia who claimed to know him, reciting instances from previous lifetimes. We resume now as their encounter continues.

~~~~~~~Valerius encounters Julia in town

Valerius felt his knees give way slightly. He had seen Julia from a distance a time or two, but he had never been close to her like this looking into her eyes. He had not noticed before what a stunning beauty she was. There was a depth in her eyes that he had never encountered in a woman before. He attributed it to her condition and beauty and assumed that it was an effect she had on most that encountered her up close. He couldn't know, of course, that he was in the presence of his soul mate, especially under these circumstances.
"Well, are you not at least pleased to see me? You have died for me. I had the impression that you had a certain fondness for me."
"Um. Well, Julia. I am pleased to make your acquaintance. I am the new physician for the village. If you would ever wish to speak with me, let your father know and I'm sure he will be happy to contact me for you." He took Abramus to the side. "Is this the norm for her?"
Abramus sensed strongly that he could trust him and felt a strong sense of release at the notion. "Well, Valerius, we are never quite sure what she may come up with next. She is very sweet and engaging. She has never harmed or attempted to harm us or anyone else. If you know of such matters, I would appreciate any advice you might have."
"I will find out everything there is to know, sir. I must advise you to please not bring her to the city. She is in grave danger here. The church leaders have their own ideas that are not good news for your daughter. I consider what afflicts her to be a disease like any other ailment. There is treatment and I will look for more treatment. As time goes by, I will grow in knowledge. Keep her loved and close to home. I sense nothing dangerous about her, but when one's entire world is challenged, there is no telling what the effect might be."
"I understand, Doctor. I will stay in touch. You are most kind, I thank you."
"It is nothing. It is my job and my calling."
"Will you stop by my farm? I'd like to discuss this in private. There are forces that I sense to be dangerous. I sense that you are a man of discretion and perhaps sympathetic to the situation."
"I consider matters of one's health, be it of the body or mind, to be confidential. It is important that the patient feel at ease and forthcoming." Valerius sounded more like a doctor with each passing moment. He turned to address Julia.
Julia looked on Valerius with what one might call affection.
Valerius was taken aback and confused by his reaction to her. She delights me. How odd that is. The thrill of a new patient? Her simple charm and loveliness? He returned her smile and walked closer to speak to her. She is lovely. That is natural. I am a man after all. "Perhaps I will visit by and by and we may talk of what you see. I might be able to help you understand it."
"I would be pleased with your company. There is much for us to speak of. I do understand perfectly what I see and hear. It would be a help if you could explain it to those that are not as fortunate. You speak as though we are newly acquainted, yet we have known each other for as long as I can remember. Are you not aware of this?"
Valerius studied her as she spoke. There were no signs that he could discern indicating a feeble mind. She spoke with clarity and precision. However, what she said was quite mad. "Well, I don't have the same recollections as you, Julia. But, that is often true of any two people. We can talk of it together and perhaps come to a better understanding. Would that be to your liking?
"You do sound clever, as always. Yes, Valerius, I do believe your proposal to be to my liking." She moved forward to embrace him in the way of a well-met acquaintance. He accepted her gesture and lingered a moment in her arms. The feeling of it would never leave his memory. It felt as though the earth itself had disappeared and they had been cast into the constellations alone. He wrote of it at home in a poem. He never showed it to anybody.

These souls that trudge with burdens
they seek to lay them down
when twilight slaps the ocean
moonlight multiplies unbound

atop the spray, I find you
and while all around us fall
we rise up to the heavens
we've heard each other's call
As he slowly pulled away from her embrace, their eyes locked. I love you. Those words entered his mind. No! Put such things from your mind. She is sick. You're her doctor. He was shocked by his reaction to Julia. He made a vow to himself to maintain a professional relationship and not succumb to… whatever craziness has entered my mind.
"I will see you soon then?" Julia smiled. She looked as though this was all expected.
"Um, yes… yes, you will… soon." Valerius looked half as stunned as he actually was.
He nodded to Abramus and Cassius and turned to leave. Whatever melancholy had befallen Julia had completely vanished. Julia's father and brother were impressed and even optimistic that this new, young doctor might be able to do their beloved family member some good.

~~~~~~~Valerius at Trellitia's cottage

Valerius barely had enough breath to respond to Trellitia when she came out on the stoop to greet him.
"Ghosts in the forest again? Or is it rival witches, jealous that I have you?" Trellitia looked around with a mock sour look on her face as though looking for rivals that may have followed her protégé there.
"No, m'lady. Nothing like that. You have no rival." He smiled and took a deep breath. "I have a patient! I need your help. I know so little about things of the mind. She seems clever but she speaks of things that are not there. She hears things that no one else hears. She fancies me an old acquaintance. Yet, she speaks with intelligence. Her father, Abramus, fears the church has an eye out for her and… "
"Dear lad, slow down now before you become a patient yourself! I know of the girl, the daughter of Abramus. My husband saw her when she was young. She is quite ill, Son. There was little my husband could do. She took to music a bit and showed an affinity for sculpture and especially for painting. But, those served to occupy her time. They didn't provide any relief from her delusions. Indeed, she sang of them and composed music to accompany her grand tales. She rendered pictures of battles and hunts for animals that don't even exist."
"She claims to know me. Says she has known me a long while and that I have saved her life before. She speaks as you and I do. She is not given to hysterics."
"True. She is even charming. There is no reason that you shouldn't attempt to help her with her condition. She is in danger that I can assure you. Leopold is strict and follows the church blindly. You must keep him at bay. If you could instruct her to maintain some kind of normal behavior in his presence, it could save her life. Her family too. They could fall protecting her. I don't need to explain the danger to yourself as her physician. I can't advise you more strongly that you must never interfere with the affairs of the church of the state, Valerius. My husband was wise in these matters. To interfere deprives the entire village of a physician. Do you understand?"
"Yes. Yes, I see the sense of it. I still want to help her. There is something about her. I think there is something within her that is sane. I can feel it."
"Boy. Be careful. She is lovely and you are not beyond having your head turned. You are a physician first and a man second, never forget that."
"I have already made that vow."


Author Notes Wonderful feedback. So exciting to receive all of these excellent ideas and input. I can't tell you how delighted I am with the great support. Thank you. I know I'm behind in responses. I review first. But, I read my reviews and copy them to word. I'll try to catch up. They don't go unread. Thank you so much.

By the way. I'm calling this a fantasy for that is the only designater that comes close. It's not exactly a fantasy. There are elements of philosophy and there is also some underlying non-fiction as well.

Chapter 18
Heaven Observes, the Mammoth Returns

By michaelcahill


Previously, Valerius encountered Julia in town and discussed treating her with her father. Julia recognized him from their several lifetime's together though she had no understanding of that being the case. She had memories of events and considered everything to be a part of the life she lived. Valerius, though he had no memories of any past encounter with her, was nonetheless immediately attracted to her. He took it to be due to her beauty and his interest in her as a patient. He vowed that he would keep their relationship strictly as a doctor and patient. He ran to his mentor, Trellitia, to seek further instruction. He especailly had an interest, now, in treating mental illness. We continue now with reactions from Heaven to what is transpiring and then return to the story as Trellitia advises Valerius on matters concerning being a doctor.

~~~~~~Home, known to you as Heaven

Note: The narrator is named Magic Felix for those who might be dropping in late to the story. He is a soul much like the other souls in Heaven. He returns to Earth whenever he is sent, lives his life and then returns. Unlike the other souls, he has total recall of all lifetimes in Heaven and is aware of being a soul from Heaven when he is human. Suffice to say that while he isn't in charge, he is nonetheless by far the most knowledgeable of all the souls and possibly the oldest. It is he that tells the various stories.

The lives of Vi and Sam on Earth had been of interest to us in Heaven for some time now. I suppose it might have been their roots in the most ancient of origins. Only I recall a time before them. Bonding between souls is not uncommon. Bonding under the circumstances that these two sometimes find themselves in is quite unusual. We are not judgmental in Heaven. We understand that being born into a life of slavery precludes a bonding with a slave master. Needless to say, it was surprising to us that Tibertin and Allutia even attempted to pursue each other under the circumstances. It is surprising now, as I tell the story of Valerius and Julia, that a young man becoming a doctor is able to overcome every instinct and sensible fact that is ingrained in his brain. He is able to look upon a woman considered insane and feel love. It is not something we have seen before. We have never seen a woman like Julia afflicted with memories of past lives dating back to antiquity be able to handle those memories without going completely insane. Well, I like to talk. It is what we do here. We talk, contemplate, and make fun of each other even. But, it is in a way that a human would not understand. We laugh together. We always laugh together. The poem that Valerius wrote for Julia is considered one of the finest romantic writings ever written. None of you or anyone in the last fifteen hundred years has even heard it before. It matters here. This is where everything of value lasts. Okay, are you back from your coffee break now? very well, the fabulous Magic Felix will enthrall you another time with more astonishing wisdom. For now, we return to the story.

~~~~~~~Valerius at Trellitia's cottage

"Now, lad, let's get to work. What do you know of music?"
Valerius smiled. His family had little interest in music. He sometimes wondered if he had not been hatched in a dragon's egg and borne by a clever falcon to the doorstep of his father's home. He took to music at a young age. He played the signaling horns of the military as though he had seen battle on a regular basis. He had found a battered horn in his father's fields while harvesting. In short order, he had mastered it. He rivaled any seasoned soldier by the age of nine. He played several instruments and was given to inventing songs about all manner of things. A dove alighting on the rooftop might give way to a chorus or two right off the top of his head. His family was amused, but saw no purpose in it. He did his work and seemed a more willing worker when accompanied by his verse. His father didn't discourage what served the farm well.
"Well, son, have you fallen into a spell of melancholy? Music, boy. What do you know of music?"
Valerius shook off his daydream. "I am knowledgeable. The horns and wind instruments, strings as well, I am strong of voice and clever of verse."
"Music is known to have a calming effect on the troubled or angered mind. I recommend it for your patient, as she seems a creative sort. A mind like that of Julia's does not know rest. It twists and turns as a river through a canyon. But, with her, there are many rivers. They all flow until they converge… and then they overflow, spilling over the banks. Music slows the relentless flow. Each river moves more peacefully and the banks are not rushed with flooding. Are you following this, Valerius? The simple act of labor can achieve that effect. You tire the mind and the torment slowly lessons. My husband encouraged her artwork. She was quite talented. But her renditions were all of things from her mind. Made up visions that only she saw. Creatures of her own making. strange beings that resembled men, but looked more like animals. It disturbed her father greatly, but in truth, the treatment was effective."
"What about herbs and medicines? I have heard tell of certain potions that quiet the mind and bring about a clarity of thought."
"In time. All of these things cannot be imparted to you in an afternoon. There are things to discover on your own. Knowledge to discover from distant lands. My husband knew no boundaries when it came to healing. Whatever would be of assistance was welcome. I know of no other Roman physician that called upon the knowledge of the Persians. But, he did. He didn't see the sense to extending war beyond the field of battle. These are all manners of thought that I impart to you for your information. I don't mean to suggest how you approach your own life, Valerius. I will say that my husband was the most honorable man I have known and you will hear the very same thing from most that knew him. I see his spirit in you, child. The moment I saw you, your yearning for the healing knowledge, I knew that I would have to leave the prison of my grief and live once more."
Valerius seldom quelled his never-ending stream of questions. Something resonated inside of him when Trellitia spoke. A need to listen to every word and embrace them came over him. "I listen, teacher. I listen with a keen ear for I know you speak of truth. Your husband was a man well thought of by all. His reputation follows him in the words of all whom I encounter. I can be only humbled that you would find any of his favor in myself."
"Now, hear me, Valerius. There is danger in your path, especially with the girl. The thinking of the realm is that God giveth and God taketh away. It is a thinking that brands a physician a conjurer interfering with the natural order of God's plan. Leopold considers that girl the voice of the devil himself. He holds great sway amongst the villagers. On a farm, far from the madding crowd, she is not readily brought to mind. In these times, the day to day takes dominion over any quest that might occur. But, a threat that walks the streets in full view of the sun, that is another matter. Are you understanding me?"
"Yes, I have advised Abramus in that matter just as you say. I hear your words. So sad, would not a wise God expect a curiosity to be pursued. Why would He create mankind to sit in a stupor awaiting the inevitable? All are born differently, some are men, some women, some of small stature, some tall, some clever, some dim-witted, who are we to decide which the Almighty favors? Does God compel a man to fall from great height? Does he require us to watch as he suffers and provide no relief? No. What other conclusion could a reasonable man arrive at?"

~~~~~~~Julia near the forest on the farm

"FATHER! Come quick. Summon the physician. The beast has thrown Cassius from the tree!" Julia bent over Cassius. He grimaced in pain. The wound on his leg oozed blood and looked to be serious. She removed her scarf and held it against the wound. "This will help stem the flow of your life forces, Cassius. Father will send for the physician. He will know what to do."
Cassius gazed up at his sister. He had given up trying to rise against her forceful protest. The pressure she applied to his injury provided some comfort. "Thank you, I will be patient."
Julia looked at the scene in front of her. The beast had fled, as had all of those still able. The other bodies lay there unmoving. She expected that they were dead. Where did you all come from? So sad to die here like this. We are poor, but we would have offered food. She looked back at Cassius. He was sweating and had a grimace. He was in pain.
Abramus arrived in the cart, jumped off and dropped to his knees. "Are you all right son? You appear to have put quite the hurt on your leg. The physician has been sent for. I think it best to get you to the house where it is warm." He looked at Julia who rose to help him.
Julia sat in the back of the cart with Cassius and continued to apply pressure to the wound. She looked back at the field and noticed that the dead bodies were no longer there. She thought nothing of it. Such was the way of things in her world.


Author Notes Thank you for the great input. I appreciate any input. If something isn't ringing true or leaving you disappointed, PLEASE let me know. I often have questions myself if I am taking the right direction or if something is working. Criticism is fine! It all helps a great deal. If something sucks, tell me so I can unsuck it! Hahaha.

Chapter 19
The Deacon & The Doctor Are In

By michaelcahill

Previously, we heard some insights from Magic Felix as to the opinions in Heaven regarding Vision and Sound. Valerius continued his instructions with Trelittia. Julia and Cassius were at play and Cassius fell from a tree and severly injured his leg. Julia saw it as a great beast knocking him out of the tree as she was witnessing the hunt for the woolly mammoth from a previous lifetime. The doctor was summoned. As Julia looked back on the field where they had been she noticed that the bodies she had seen laying there were all vanished now. That was normal for her. We continue now as we find Leopold in Constantinople on a mission to get advice from the church.

~~~~~~~Leopold in Constantinople

The Church displayed magnificent artwork everywhere, sculptures, paintings and windows of stained glass could be seen no matter which direction one were facing. Leopold had never taken the trip here before and stood in awe of its opulence. He came as the spiritual leader of his small village seeking council with the religious leaders of the church. His concerns with the daughter of his friend where founded in doctrine that he had been raised on. Fanaticism is not always with ill will, but it is usually with ill thinking.
He had been granted an audience with Deacon Rastavius, an elder in the church of great age. Rastavius had reached the age of seventy-four years when forty was considered a good and full life. He remained of sound mind and managed to see to his own care.
Leopold dropped to his knee before him, grabbed and kissed his hand. Rastavius smiled as he lifted him to his feet. "That is unnecessary, son. I am but a deacon. We are equals. I serve the same purpose as you, but in a large city is all. What brings you to our humble parish?"
Humble parish? Leopold let that thought drift through his brain. "I come on a matter of great urgency to our village. I believe that one of the members of our community is demon possessed. I thought that I should seek council before taking action."
"I see." Rastavius stroked his long white and black beard. In spite of his age, his hair and beard still had a great deal of color. "A demon is a clever and dangerous thing Leopold. They must not be tolerated!" The calm that had accompanied him quickly vanished to be replaced by a firestorm of vitriol. "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live! It is clearly writ. Yet, there are those that would don a festive hat and dance with the devil in the forest, whilst the lute plays the tunes of damnation! Listen good, my friend, a demon can turn the most sensible head to the ways of the wicked imp. I've seen it myself too many times. Even within these sacred walls are those that think a carefree tune, or a run to the city's entrance, will calm a demon's spirit. Think of the silliness of it!"
Leopold listened with wide eyes. He had suspected as much. He knew of the schools of thought that considered the demon-possessed to be ill, like an over-grazed calf with a bellyache. Abramus had been his friend of many, many years. He knew him to be a man of strong faith. It saddened him to realize that he had a daughter that endangered his very soul and that of his family as well. But, it was his position as a spiritual leader in the village that concerned Leopold the most. He couldn't allow friendship to intercede when it came to protecting the souls of those in the village that he was called on by Almighty God to serve.
Rastavius began walking swiftly towards a door near the back of the church. "Come, Leopold, I have important things to show you".
Leopold followed with haste to keep up with him.

~~~~~~~Valerius arrives at the home of Abramus

"Hurry, we have stemmed the flow of his life forces somewhat, but they seep unabated. He weakens. The wound is deep and I fear the bone inside may be broken." Abramus was clearly distraught, but he brought his fatherly leadership to bear on the situation. There was no time for sorrow now. That would come later if the need arose.
Valerius realized, as he looked at the gaping wound in the leg of Cassius that he had never treated a wound before. He had his instincts and the brief instructions of Trellitia to go by for this, his first patient. "Heat water and bring me strips of woolen fabric." All jumped at the sound of his voice. He reached into his satchel and pulled out some herbs that he had acquired and spread them out on the bed where Cassius lie moaning. The items he requested came to him and he set about cleaning and dressing the wound. He seared the wound, which brought forth screams from Cassius in spite of his great bravery. He noticed that the leg was not straight and suspected that the bone had been broken in the fall. It occurred to him that returning the leg to its proper shape might assist with its healing. The pain of this might be unbearable… perhaps some wine to dull the senses. "Bring some wine and get his two brothers. I'll need you as well Julia and you Abramus."
They all carried out his instructions to the letter. He administered the wine to Cassius who was more than amenable to ingesting it.
"Now, I need you all to hold him in place as I return his leg to a normal position. I suspect it will be painful". They all positioned themselves around him and stood at the ready. "Be strong, Cassius, I will be as swift as possible". Valerius took a deep breath. He grabbed the lower part of the leg and hard while twisting to the right. There was a large popping sound as though someone had taken a tree branch and smacked it on the table. All froze at the sound including Valerius. All eyes went from Valerius to the leg. It looked almost normal save for some swelling and blackened skin.
The eyes all in unison looked into the eyes of Cassius. A look of relief covered his face. He spoke, "I think you have fixed it somehow. It is as though you reversed whatever had happened. It barely hurts." He smiled and it didn't appear to all be from the copious quantity of wine he had ingested.
"You must not use this leg until it is healed. Do you understand?" Valerius looked at Cassius who paid no attention to him.
"Cassius! You must listen to me. You will damage the limb if you use it and it will never heal. Are you listening to me? You must stay off this leg. I will immobilize it. You may use a crutch to move about the room, but I want no work about the farm until I say it is okay, do you understand?"
Cassius looked to his father.
"NO! It is not up to your father. I am the doctor. It is my instructions. You will both abide by them. Is that understood? I am setting forth this treatment for your own good. You will see. If there is any chance of returning to full health, you must listen to me."
Abramus looked solemn. "Of course, Doctor. We will follow your instructions to the letter. I can't thank you enough. What do we owe you for your services? We are poor of monies, but we have goods and services to offer. Of course, there is the treatment of my daughter as well."
Julia bristled at that. "I need no treatment, Father. Negotiate on behalf of my brother of course. I am in need of no help."
Valerius jumped into the conversation. "Of course, Julia, your father meant nothing by that. As far as young Cassius here, I consider it a learning experience. I haven't given thought to payment and the like. Now, Julia, there are matters for us to discuss, but treatment is not what I would call it. We need to silence the voices in the village that may not understand the things you see and hear. We may even decide that they aren't worthy to be made privy to them. We will discuss these matters by and by. Now, keep an eye on this young man. I want to know if there is any fever at the earliest possible moment. Tend to his dressings and apply the liniments I am leaving with you. He is brave, but I am relying on you, Abramus, to keep him from being foolish. With that, I will bid you all good day". Valerius, the village physician, turned and left the house to return for more instruction from Trellitia. 


Author Notes Delighted with the wonderful advice and input. Please keep it coming. I'll try to get caught up with responses, but I put reviewing first. I know you'd rather have a review than a response. But, I do read every single review and copy them to Word. Thank you.

Chapter 20
Shedding Light On A Demon

By michaelcahill

Warning: The author has noted that this contains strong violence.

Previously, Leopold traveled to Constantinople to visit with church leaders concerning his suspicions regarding Julia's demon posession. He was left in the hands of Rastavius a very old priest with some interesting ideas on the subject. He began to learn of the views of Rastavius. Cassius was taken home and before long, Valerius showed up to adminster treatment to his badly injured leg. Valerius did an excellent job and implemented proceedures that no one had seen before. His treatment saved the leg of Cassius. We continue the story now as Rastavius hurriedly rushes towards a door at the back of the church. Leopold is not sure where he is going. But, he has been summoned to come along, so he is following quicly after.

~~~~~~~within the inner sanctum of the church in Constantinople

The stairs appeared almost immediately upon entering the door that Leopold followed Rastavius to in rapid pursuit. Had it not been for the flowing hair of Rastavius descending those stairs, there is every likelihood that Leopold would've plummeted to his death. As it was, the stairs creaked with age and neglect. They stank of mystery and foreboding. Leopold followed, staggering under the intoxicating effect of maniacal purpose. Whatever Rastavius sought at the end of this journey, Leopold feared. He knew that he would be charged with the knowledge of it, and the knowledge could be nothing but terrible.
He reached the bottom of the stairs and found passageways leading in different directions. Doors closed in the distance, as though a secret shivered in the shadows, behind them. The faint screams and moans, he realized, where conjured by the foreboding of his own pounding heartbeat. He whispered down the passageway, "What would God, who is everywhere, want in this place?" The whistling of a breeze, from parts unknown, whispered its answer. I do pray that you are near, Lord. I truly do. He braved the dancing light on the walls of the one corridor that was illuminated and sought Rastavius. The door at the end of short walk had ancient writing on it. He was not versed, but it appeared to be Aramaic. He had seen it before, though he could not begin to decipher its meaning. Creatures that were unknown to him entwined themselves above the doorway with eyes fixed upon him.

He reached for the ornate handle and pulled gently. The horrific, nerve-jangling screech of metal as the door opened did not become manifest. The silence of its opening proved more chilling in juxtaposition to his expectations. The room twinkled as though a child's dream had come to life. Leopold knew some opulence as a Deacon of the parish in the village. There were artifacts of gold and examples of fine art in the village church. But, this room contained more gold than he knew existed in the world. Every goblet and frame was bejeweled. Every portrait and scene depicted within those frames was in a detail and realism that he never knew possible. He looked for Rastavious, but, except for the awe striking treasures, he was alone.
At the far corner of the room was a small door. It was plain and small so that a normal sized man would have to stoop to fit through. There was no decoration of any kind on it. A small oval knob that appeared to be made of amber attached towards the right side a little above the middle. He placed his thumb and forefinger over the oval protrusion and pulled. The door opened to a great fanfare of grating and creaking although the effort proved minimal.
A young woman stood at the wall to his right as he entered. Rastavius faced him, his back to her, watching him enter the room. While many lanterns had brightened the previous room, this room had but a single candle on a table. The table was of an indeterminate wood, having been covered completely in wood and what looked to be dried blood, as well as other material that appeared organic in nature. The woman bled from wounds to her face and torso. Bruises of varying severity mapped her body. She appeared to be in distress, but made no sound.
"This is a girl like the one that threatens your village. She feels none of this… at least the demon uses trickery to hide the pain and its truth from her mind. She is hardly removed from childhood. Indeed, the demon has taken her childhood from her and cast her to the streets of iniquity. He whores her on the streets of Constantinople without regard for her soul. The soul within her sleeps unaware of the body's desecration. I fear that I may not favor it by its freedom. Free to face its own damnation of deed. Free to live in a temple of depravity lusting without understanding." He turned and faced the woman.
Leopold was in shock. What will he do with her then? "Once free of the demon, she returns to a life where she looks the same. It is the same body that walks the same streets. What is her fate?"
"Yes, my friend, once the flesh has tasted the fruit of depravity it craves it as an animal craves prey. A sin that isn't a sin, becomes one. Shall I release her to that?" He drew a crooked dagger from a sheath within his frock. "No. I offer her eternal life. A soul that is not marred by the deeds of a body possessed. Am I not showing the kindness of Almighty God?"
"You plan to kill her?"
"I plan to release her soul from the grips of this demon. Then what will he do but return to the fire that spawned him?"
"There is no way to drive the demon away?"
"Would you be its host? Would I? No good could come of God's own servants being given to the will of such a hellhound. The struggle would be its death, yes. It would be our death too. A hollow victory. The woman seeks release. There is none on this earth for her. The Great God of Mercy opens his arms to her. What is there that I can offer that is better than that?"
Leopold considered that. He had no words. He shrugged slightly and turned his head to the side with an eyebrow raised in confirmation. The woman did not scream or offer a reaction of any kind. Leopold contemplated the length of time that the struggle might have gone on, but he could not fathom a guess. She certainly is not blessed to be on this Earth. An eternity with… "Is it up to us to make such a determination? I concern myself greatly with the girl in my village, but who am I to judge her? Am I not a sinner myself living by the grace of the Father?"
"Do you wear these garments out of favor for the cut of the cloth? These trappings display the favor of the Lord upon us. We have dedicated our lives to service and hold ourselves up to the wicked eye of our fellows. They wish nothing more than a bridge that washes out over a deep canyon. It is the nature of man. A mountain to climb made of bones that give way with a sigh of shame. We speak for and carry out the will of God, son. If not, why the pretense. A nod as you stroll through the village? Is that what you seek?"
"No, no. Service, indeed. It weighs upon my heart. Such matters are solemn and given to grave reflection. Perhaps the girl is dim-witted and thinking with the mind of a child. Am I to cut into the heart of a child that plays like a soldier? Did I not do the very same? And you, were you not once marching on Rome causing its fall?"
"Children are not of an ilk that bring the flesh of a man to blindness as this Jezebel here. They do not possess the cleverness to vex a learned holy man, and send him on a mission of great distance, as she has you this very day. Make no mistake; you have not made this journey in error." With speed, unexpected in a man of his years, he turned and mortally wounded the woman bound against the wall. Her life spewed forth and sprayed the room as a fountain in the church courtyard. But, by candlelight, the crimson liquid looked more like a fog that had rolled in to never leave.
Leopold observed with much less shock than he ever dreamed possible. The thought of this woman's soul already floating free in the perfect embrace of Almighty God became the image that predominated his thoughts. The look of fervor that was etched into the face of Rastavius began to find a home on the countenance of Leopold. Thoughts of Julia flying with the wings of angels into the arms of the Lord began to fill his mind and cause his eyes to glaze over. He had work to do… the Lord's work.


Author Notes
I will try to get some headway going on responses to your fantastic input. I hope you notice the direction of the story and the many influences your ideas and input have had on the writing of this. Thank you so much.

I had to rate this a three for violence because a two doesn't show any warning or even make mention of it.

Chapter 21
A Journey and A Surprise Meeting

By michaelcahill

Previously, Leopold followed the old priest, Rastavious, to an old room which was somewhat of a dungeon where a young prostitute was bound and being admonished for her wicked ways. The old priest explained the nature of demons and the need to sacrifice the young womans life in order to save her soul. The logic of his message somehow got through to Leopold and began to make sense to him. Leopold watched in shock as the old priest plunged a knife into her and took her life. Leopold made no attempt to stop him and even began to understand the necessity of such an act. We resume the story now as we check in on Abramus and his family. Valerius has just left their home and Cassius has just had his leg repaired in an almost miraculous fashion by the young doctor.

~~~~~~~The home of Abramus

"I hope you listened to what the doctor has told you, Cassius. It will be a hardship without your strong hands in the field. What were you doing playing in a tree at your age? You are a man now, not a child given to games."
Cassius looked down in silence. Is it play to indulge my sister? Would you have me turn my back to her and the visions that she sees? "I only wished to aid Julia, Father. She was given to a vision and I merely attempted to help her with it."
Julia seemed to be offended by all of this. "Father, accidents happen. The world is wrought with danger. It is everywhere. Others lost their lives in the hunt, would you that Cassius were one of them? He is lucky, Valerius called upon ancient skills to repair his injured limb. Many have fallen in the hunt. The beast is mighty."
Abramus rarely took to anger with Julia. He had come to know that anger served no purpose. She saw what she saw and meant no harm by it. Still, the consequences of it today were dire. Cassius could have fallen to his death today. To die for a vision from a mind that sees things that aren't… "Julia, I do entertain your notions, and I do so far more kindly than most. Do you not see your own brother here? He is flesh and blood sitting before you. Touch him; he is of substance. We can all see and feel that. The hunt and beast that you speak of exist only to you. How are we to understand? If I were to tell you a camel sits at the table waiting for super, what would you make of me, child?"
Julia's expression didn't change. "I would tell you that I did not see it. I would not tell you that it is not there. How can I look through your eyes, Father? How can I see what you see? What would a camel expect for supper, Father? What would a camel be doing in our home? You see? Your story is somewhat foolish. A beast near the forest being hunted by hunters for they are hungry, that is a story born of sense. Is it not my story that carries the greater weight?"
Abramus tried to gather himself. Pointless! Why do I engage her in these little discourses? 'Well, your point is well founded, daughter. Let's stick to the matter at hand. Now, Cassius, the physician has made us promise to keep you off that leg until he deems it sound. I am ordering you, as your father, to pay heed. I cannot afford to lose you permanently from the fields".
"Very well, Father. I will do as you wish. But, I feel as though I am able to help. My leg no longer pains me." Cassius moved his leg and winced in pain. "Well, indeed a few days of rest at least".

~~~~~~~The home of Trellitia

As always, Valerius arrived in a rush, excited and breathless at the door of his teacher's home.
"Do you not understand that you may stroll to my house? I am old, true, but I am not so infirm that my moments are numbered. I expect that you are likely to find me breathing still if you take a more leisurely pace". Trellitia smiled at her eager student. She drifted back in time to a man that approached life in a similar manner, her departed husband.
"Letty, I've discovered a moss that is most soothing on the skin. Let me try some here on your leg where those insects have worried you this Spring". He didn't wait for an answer. The potion was quite cold and made Trellitia gasp.
"Goodness, dear. The chill of it alone would distract from the discomfort. What in the world is it?"
"It is a moss that grows under lily pads in the marshes outside of the forest. I have applied some to my sore hands and found great relief". He flexed his hands rapidly. "See, no pain whatsoever.
"Madame Trellitia? You seem to have abandoned the present for the moment. Will you be inviting me in, or may I join you in whatever pleasant spot you have drifted to?" Valerius smiled as she refocused her eyes on him.
"Oh, just an old lady remembering. When you reach an age, boy, you will have things to occupy your mind when in need of an escape. Well, if you are lucky that is".
"You should have been there. You would have been proud of your student today. His limb was mangled severely. I pictured it in my mind as though I was inside of it. I could see the inner workings of it. I grabbed it and twisted it into a normal shape. The pain took the whole of the clan to hold him down. It snapped as though what had been broken became unbroken. I restored it to normal. I did not even know that it was possible. Dumb luck, I suppose".
"Impressive, child. You have the instinct that my late husband possessed. He was such a healer. It would just come over him like that. Much of what I will teach you came to him in like manner. First though, I want you to travel to Constantinople and visit Gregorio. He is a friend to my husband. He is ancient now, more than even me. But, he is sound and of a thinking that is rare to find. Your studies will continue with him".
"But, my patient. I must tend to him… I must see to it that… ".
"Boy, now I am in charge of your learning. You will do as I say. I have obtained your word in this matter. I am fully able to check on the boy. He thinks me a witch anyway. He will be loath to risk my will lest I turn him to worm for a bird to have its way with". She laughed heartily at that. It did have the sound of something foreboding when she laughed.
Valerius knew too much of her tender side to be fooled by the wicked sound of her laughter. He laughed along with equal good cheer. "Very well, your point is well taken. I will do as you request. I have never been to the great city. Indeed, I have never left our village. It excites me to think of it".


The estate of Gregorio the Physician stood near the church. He practiced the healing arts as he had nearly all of his life. At sixty-two-years, he was considered ancient. He displayed no evidence of such advanced years upon greeting Valerius.
"I had my eyes set for someone more elderly in appearance".
"I am pleased at your surprise". Gregorio extended his hand and gripped tightly the outstretched hand of Valerius. "You seek instruction?"
"Yes, Trellitia sends me".
"Indeed. I am aware of you". Gregorio considered this young man. Earnest and eager served him well in the eyes of this learned man. "I have business at the church. You will join me. It is not of great consequence. I check on the various clergy from time to time. It is mostly to put their minds to ease. I have, on occasion, discovered conditions that require my skills. It will give you a chance to meet some people".
"Very well, I would be excited to witness you in action".
Gregorio had no reaction to the remark of Valerius. He turned to leave and clearly expected Valerius to follow, which he did.

~~~~~~The entrance to the church

"Welcome, Gregorio. All seems to be well here, but I suspect if you agree we can state that with greater confidence".
Gregorio smiled with affection. "My friend, I never expect to find anything but the warmth of friendship here. That I already feel in abundance".
"There is one small matter. Father Rastavius appears ill to me though he denies it. I am hoping that you might give me an opinion without, of course, alarming him".
"Yes. I would consider it but a small favor from one that I owe so many to already. I recall Father Rastavius. Is he still given to a somber countenance?"
"Yes, he takes his vows most seriously. He is nonetheless, a wonderful and caring servant of our Father. It would put my mind at ease knowing he is well".
Gregorio and Valerius were escorted through the church to a garden with a grand pond running the length of it. There were several multi colored fish in it. Gregorio had seen it before, but Valerius had never seen it or anything near the like of it.
"There sits Rastavius near the pond. I know not the name of his guest, but I am sure he will make the necessary introductions".
"Father Rastavius, you recall Doctor Gregorio. This is his friend, Valerius whom he is training."
At the sound of that name, Father Leopold turned quickly. "Valerius, the world is ever shrinking. How pleased I am to find a familiar face here in this grand city".


Author Notes This continues to expand. The story goes where it goes, I suppose. Wonderful feedback as always. Great reviews filled with ideas and suggestions all downloaded to Word for future editing. Thank you so much.

Chapter 22
How To Heal: A Discussion

By michaelcahill

Previously, Father Leopold followed Rastavius into a kind of dungeon where he murdered a woman in the name of freeing her soul to be with the Lord in Heaven. Leopold became mesmerized by the words of Rastavius and was converted to his way of thinking. Later they encountered Dr. Gregorio and Valerius, as they called upon the Church to check up on the medical condition of the varius church officials. The four of them encounter each other and introductions are made.We continue now as the four of them exchange greetings.

~~~~~~~~Constantinople: Doctor Gregorio calls upon the church

"Father Leopold, indeed the world can be a place of converging roads. I come to seek knowledge of the healing arts. I suspect that your mission is of a similar nature." Valerius smiled. He knew of Leopold and his interest in Julia. However, Leopold knew not of Valerius and his connection to Julia, only as the dutiful son of one of his parishioners."
"Ah, how grand that is to hear. We have been without a physician in the village for a great while. Are you familiar with Trellitia? She is the widow of our former physician. She has great knowledge, but I fear she is difficult to approach."
"Indeed, she has taken a shine to me. Perhaps, something in my manner reminds me of her late husband. It was she that compelled me to make this journey."
"Oh, wonderful. Well, you are in the best of hands here with Doctor Gregorio, son. Rastavius speaks quite highly of him and claims to still be here in service to the Lord because of his great skills."
Gregorio seemed ill at ease between the two priests. "Is the blood on your garments, Rastavius, from your wound? It seems fresh and in need of attendance." It no doubt is of a volume to have killed someone.
Rastavius bristled at the accusatory tone of Gregorio, but maintained the same pretense of congeniality. "Why no, dear friend, I am unharmed. The work of the Lord can be a battle of physical will as well as spiritual at times. Demons are not of a courteous nature and given to discussion."
"Well, a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Father Leopold. I trust you will gain a great deal of interesting insights from Father Rastavius here." And bloody ones as well.
"Likewise, Doctor Gregorio. I will see you in church I trust, Valerius… Doctor Valerius." He extended his hand.
"Indeed." Valerius clasped his hand and shook it. He extended his hand to Father Rastavius and regretted it as he noted the dried blood covering it. He doubted his smile looked sincere as he shook it and withdrew his hand quickly. Where is the service to the Lord in the shedding of blood?

~~~~~~~~Valerius and Gregorio converse by the pond

"This will be your first, and most important lesson, son."
Gregorio shifted on the bench that faced the pond, but failed to find a position of comfort. Valerius sat with his eyes fixed intently on his new mentor. His mind reeled with what he had heard and seen. The old priest, Rastavius, covered in fresh blood as though he had been in battle. A familiar face from his own village had stood beside him as though that were a perfectly normal thing. He hoped that Gregorio would make sense of it.
"That is the reality of the world, Valerius. The spokesmen of the Lord, covered in blood having murdered in His name. I fear you have met your enemy today. He came here on the wings of fate, as did you. He has engaged his mentor and you are privy to that meeting. That is most fortunate. Rastavius has already turned his head, you see it yourself."
Valerius gazed at the fish swimming without care in the cool waters. "Yes. A man drenched in blood engages in idle conversation while another man stands uncaring, contemplating the direction of the breeze. Two men of God, having been complicit in an unspeakable act of depravity prattle about a sparrow on a branch whilst their souls prepare for eternal damnation."
"Good. I had hoped that these things would be manifest to you. There are many aspects to the role you have chosen, son. There are tools that may not occur to you that must be brought to bear. Foremost is humility. A brash physician is a threat to those that he treats. You must always remain in awe of the mystery of healing, Valerius. Look at it as a blessing from God. You are but the lucky soul chosen to deliver it."
"Yes, yes, I understand. To draw attention to myself draws attention from He who created us. That is obvious here, but true anywhere. I would not have considered that perhaps. I did feel an excitement that I was thrilled to share with Trellitia. Such a display would be off putting to those I seek to build a rapport with."
"You are wise for your years. Now, tell me, how did you effect repair of the shattered limb. I am anxious for the student to enlighten me."
A little of his youthful exuberance returned. "It was almost out of my hands really. Somehow, I felt like I was looking inside of the limb and seeing the bone inside. The outside told me what the inside looked like. It seemed simple when I executed the repair. I was shocked when I heard the limb snap. There was a moment when I thought I had injured it further. A moment later, I looked and it appeared sound."
"Remarkable. I wonder if you are able to render a picture of it? Are you skilled at such things?"
"I am, Gregorio. My family finds it all a waste of energy. I find music to my liking as well. Indeed, that is a matter I wished to discuss with you regarding a patient that suffers."
Gregorio had a look of excitement come to him, along with a look of seriousness. "I know of her."
His energy could be felt by Valerius tingling on his own skin. It excited him as well. "I see. From previous encounters? Or has Trellitia sent word of her to you?"
"Both. An unusual case, and even more so now. The degree of delusion would normally have one bound in a dungeon somewhere. Perhaps worse, a subject of religious release, like the men we just spoke with practice." The excitement shifted to a foreboding chill, felt equally as strong.
"Father Leopold is well known in the village. He is not known for being given to such practices. He is stern in his teachings, but pious in his admonitions for a life well lived in service to the Lord."
"Listen well, Valerius. Leopold has learned new ways and taken them deep into his heart. You must watch him closely now. The girl, Julia, is in grave danger. She will be a target for him. She will be an example of his leadership. You must teach her at once how to speak and behave in his presence. Her life and your life hang in the balance."
"I see. I will learn… "
"No, I do not think you do see. You cannot deprive an entire village of their physician no matter how strong your caring for this girl is. Her guilt or innocence are not matters that can concern you, Valerius. You are no longer just a man. You have chosen to be a doctor. It is a calling that requires sacrifice. She may be part of that sacrifice so that the many may benefit. Do you understand?"
"Trellitia has said the same to me. I understand what you are both saying. I have no intention of acting foolishly. But, to stand idly by, as Father Leopold has, and watch murder unfold before my eyes, surely you do not suggest that."
"I suggest that you may not be in a position to do anything to prevent it. I suggest to try may cause your own demise, and thus the end to care in your village. There will be no Julia and no doctor. That cannot be allowed. That is what you must understand."
"I understand, Gregorio. I will not allow it to come to that. I cannot allow it and I won't!"


Author Notes The story continues to evolve. The times dictate the issues and highlight what may not be as apparent at other times in history. Yet, these issues are always there in some form.

Wonderful feedback as always. So very appreciated. Thank you so much.

Chapter 23
Private Talks & Persian Sightings

By michaelcahill

Previously, Valerius met Gregorio the old physician recommended as an instructor by Trellitia. Leopold conferred with Rastavius, an old priest that held with conservative views as far as mental illness. They all met and had an interesting discussion. They parted ways and had private discussions where the topic was how to handle the other's viewpoints. It became apparrent  that Valerius and Leopold would be at odds in the village and Julia would be at the center of things. We continue now as Rastavius and Leopold discuss matters.

~~~~~~~~Back inside the church

Leopold and Rastavius walked along with their own thoughts after their encounter with Gregorio and Valerius.
Rastavius perceived that they were alone now and tested the waters to gauge the thinking of Leopold. "Young Valerius seems to be an earnest young apprentice. I hope that Gregorio restricts his teachings to that within his field of expertise."
"Oh? He is one to expose theories is he?" Leopold sought to test the waters as well.
"Well, you have to understand, my friend, that it is in the nature of a healer to be single minded. They are wont to repair and restore. They apply that way of thinking in an almost childlike way. A steed with a broken leg for instance. We both know that it is a cruelty to force a creature to endure the hardship of a life that it cannot tolerate. A horse that cannot be a horse is of little use and it lives a life of unhappiness. We open our hearts to such a creature and end its suffering."
"Yes, of course, it is a most human and compassionate act. How cruel to force it into a life of constant agony. A physician, I take it, would be loath to take that route. Perhaps, the thought of a cure or a miracle treatment may cloud his thinking."
"Yes, I see you do understand completely. The girl we administered to, I could sense the disapproval of Gregorio without even mentioning the graveness of the circumstances. All he could see, with his simple reasoning, was blood. It is a common failing of Doctors. Mind you, I do not criticize him for it. Indeed, he is a fine physician."
Rastavius walked to a sculpture of Christ holding a dove on his finger. He contemplated it. Leopold, too, had his eyes drawn to it as he noticed the interest of his mentor.
Rastavius continued, "The young man from your village, you know him well?"
"No. Not well. He attends services with his family. His father is well known to me. A pious man that works his land and provides for his family. The young man is given to music and I am somewhat surprised to find a seriousness in him. I think that this is something he is newly come to. I am pleased, of course, that he seeks to be a physician. That is lacking in our village."
"This liaison with Gregorio troubles me. I know Trellitia, the widow, as well. Her husband frequented Gregorio's company and I fear they were of a like mind concerning the workings of the church. I admonish you to be diligent with this young man. Gregorio is a powerful man with dangerous thinking. The boy is, no doubt, impressed with his knowledge, as I am sure he is with Trellitia. I suggest you make your thinking known to him. Involve him in the church. I fear that his education may be all too one-sided. That is a danger to the village."
"His father is dutiful. I am sure that he will steer him in the right direction… "
"Yes, a strong father is important. But, the child often rebels against the firm hand, finding it unreasonable and not to his liking. A natural thing and not unexpected. The cloth of a priest commands a reverence that does not exist within the confines of an earthly family. It must be a presence that is strongly felt by this young physician."
"I will see to it. He is but a boy in my eyes. But, boys become men, and obedience to the will of the Lord is best learned young."
"We think very much alike, my friend. Remember, Leopold, this is no ordinary boy. This is a physician sure to rise in prominence in the village. He will soon carry a weight of his own. His word may one day rival yours in influence. You will want to see to it that you are in agreement on important matters. He merely tends to bodies. You tend to immortal souls."
The words of Rastavius hit home in the heart and mind of Leopold. He left their meeting with a newfound sense of importance. I must see to it that Valerius receives education in the ways of the Lord. No doubt, that Trellitia has his ear in other matters. The old doctor here too, how glorified he must appear to a young man seeking knowledge. I must persist. Leopold quickened his pace homeward. There was work to do.

~~~~~~~Julia admonishes Cassius

"Cassius! You have given your word. This is a most dangerous path you trod. You walk in the manner of a horse that has ridden in its last battle. You are not steady. I will be forced to get father. You leave me no choice."
"I am fine. There is but some stiffness in the joint. Stretching it out can only assist in its healing. I'm simply holding some reins behind a plow. There is no danger in that."
"And what if the ox is spooked and bolts? You'd be tossed like a leaf in the wind. Then what of your leg when you land on it?"
The small force of soldiers that traveled by the small farm paid no heed to the bickering brother and sister tending crops in the field. They escorted Persian prisoners to Constantinople. Julia paused in the field and watched the procession.
"Cassius, they speak of cruelty. They say that these soldiers burned their village to the ground and killed all but these few that march before us. Woman and children, brother. For no reason, long after they had surrendered." Julia began walking towards the party that marched by their farm.
"Julia, are you mad? What are you doing?"
Julia shouted out in Persian, "Is it true what you say? Children were murdered?"
One of the Persians turned her head and replied. "Yes, innocent children. We offered no resistance. Brutally slain for no reason."
"Julia, in the name of sense. Stop this at once. The soldiers will hear you. Do you wish to be… "
"Would you have me turn my back, Cassius? These are my people. Have you suffered slavery? You would not be so complacent if you had."
"What? You've suffered not slavery, Julia." He grabbed her arm and forcefully pulled her away. She fought him. He cleverly cried out in pain and clutched at his leg.
"Oh no. Okay. Okay, you may stop pulling. Let me see to your leg." She dropped to the ground and rolled up his pant leg to look at his leg. "It appears sound. Is it causing you pain?"
Cassius continued to moan as he watched the troops with their Persian captives round a stand of trees and disappear from view. "It is feeling better now. Perhaps I just strained it a little. You may be correct. It is too early to begin working again. We should return to the house."
Julia jumped to her feet. She looked in the direction where the soldiers had been. "Are they gone now? Did you see them? Was it only me that saw them?"
Cassius feared that she might take off in pursuit of them. He pondered his answer for a few moments. "Ah… yes, Julia. It appears that it was one of your visions. I'm sorry. I saw nothing myself."
"I see. Why did you cry out then?" Julia eyed him with distrust and scrutiny in her eyes.
"It was Jonas Martius from over the hill. He drove his cart towards the village. I didn't want him to see you in such a state. I thought he might not understand." He didn't enjoy one lie to cover another lie.
"I see. Let's get you home then, whilst you are still in one piece. I'd be loath to explain to father a second injured limb." Now, my own brother hides the truth from me. Perhaps to shield me from trouble he perceives. Well, how can I trust him in these matters?
"Julia, how is it that you came to speak Persian? I am not aware of you attending school or receiving private instruction." Cassius seemed quite perplexed.


Author Notes Moving along at the pace the story is dictating. Wonderful input and suggestions. I am delighted with the excellent feedback and consider every word carefully. Thank you.

Chapter 24
Trellitia Tries to Reason With Julia

By michaelcahill

Previously, Coversations continued in earnest. Valerius consulted with Gregorio and Rastavius continued to work on the thinking of Leopold. Leopold easily was swayed by the thinking of Rastavius and his forceful manner of speaking. He found sense and truth in the arguments set forth by him. Valerius, likewise, listened to the teachings of Gregorio and came to see the importance of keeping Leopold at arms length and Julia under a watchful eye. Cassius decided to test his leg against the advice of Valerius. Julia came close to getting the two of them in trouble by speaking Persian to some prisoners being escorted by soldiers. Cassius thought quickly and the troops moved on without incident. We continue now as Trellitia pays a visit to Cassius to check on his leg.

~~~~~~~Trellitia visits Cassius and Julia

Upon arriving at home, Cassius and Julia found that Trellitia had been waiting for them.
"You look to have been exerting yourself, Cassius. Or, am I to believe that the day has become hotter since I arrived here more than an hour ago?"
Cassius looked down at the ground. There was a memory from his childhood of running through the forest laughing in fear having seen the witch as the sun set. It had been a dare from his mates that sent him near her stoop to peek in the window. But, she had happened to exit her house at that same moment. She cried out, startled at his presence. He took off running, fearing the sound to be an unholy cry of some sort.

Trellitia smiled and considered Julia.
Julia had no fear of Trellitia and put no stock in talk of witches even as a very young child. In fact, she claimed to know Trellitia as a great healer adept in medicines and healing herbs. "He merely sought to test the soundness of his limb, M'lady. I accompanied him to see to his safety. We decided that healing is not complete after all. Another week perhaps for some of the stiffness to go away. He is proud, you might imagine, and wishes to carry his weight on the family's farm."
"I see. I am pleased that no further harm has come to him. The healing by Valerius is uncommon. It would be most shameful to waste such a gift in haste and damage it once again before it is sound."
"Agreed. It was a most impressive feat of healing, though I am not surprised. Valerius has a long history of healing. In the olden days of the great hunts, there was many a terrible wound that needed tending. He proved most clever and helped several tribesman through difficult winters. Cassius himself once endured the harshness of winter under the hand of Valerius, though he has no recollection of it."
Trellitia knew of Julia's visions and fantasies, but had never spoken to her of them. Her husband deemed them a sickness of the mind and not uncommon. Many physicians found relief through music and creative outlets, like basket weaving or painting. Still others found that exhausting exercise could silence the intrusive voices and dim the visions of the over active mind. Of course, the church had its methods. They did not bode well for those that suffered such afflictions. The involvement of the church often resulted in death. The church called it the releasing of the soul. Indeed, the soul takes flight, but the body is certainly going nowhere.
Cassius seemed pleased to have the conversation take a turn that focused on Julia rather than him. "I cannot speak to what I have no memory of. Valerius is but nineteen years old, Julia. When would he have performed these feats? He is only recently come to the practice of the healing arts. You speak of ancient times, yet his time is short."
"There are many times, Cassius. This is but one time of many. They follow, one after the other. How can you not remember hunting the beast and the pain of its horn piercing your shoulder? If not for Valerius, your soul would have surely left your body on the ice that day."
Trellitia spoke up. "Perhaps Cassius only remembers the life he lives now. That seems to be the way of things, Julia. I sense that I may have been acquainted with someone at some point unknown to me, but I have no memory of it. I simply feel it, almost like I feel the spirit of our maker within me guiding me between right and wrong. You can see that it might appear strange to him that you remember what he remembers not?"
"Perhaps. Perhaps it appears strange. But, it appears equally strange to me that he does not remember what is so clear in my own memory. Then I find him to be deceptive today and that disturbs me for I find no reason to deceive."
Cassius turned red in the face. "Deceived? Whatever do you mean, sister?"
"The Persian slaves, Cassius. You saw them under guard, as did I. You referred to them and prevented me from addressing them further. Then you denied that you saw them at all. Why would you do such a thing?"
"Yes. I did deceive you. I feared for your safety. Are you not sensible enough to see the danger you would be in if you were to interfere with soldiers and their prisoners? You are but a farm girl tilling the fields. Would you free the prisoners with an ox team and a plow? What was I to do? Indeed, how is it that you were able to converse in fluid Persian with the prisoner? You have never left this village or attended school."
"I have told you many times that I was a slave under Roman rule for many years. Valerius himself was my master. Then he saved my life on the battlefield. He saw who I was. He remembered. But, then he was gone. Now, he has returned. I don't know the way of things. It is all too much for me to comprehend."
Trellitia spoke softly, "Child, hear me as a friend to you and to Valerius. You speak of things that do not exist on this Earth at this time. They may have existed at another time. Perhaps a time long ago. Valerius as he exists now is not the same man that you remember from those many years before. He is a man that lives now… not then. You are a woman that lives now not then. Do you understand? It doesn't matter what is in your mind even if it is the truth. What matters is now, this life."
Julia's expression hardened. "I understand that I am living this life as is Valerius. You must understand that this life is a part of the life I have lived. It is one life and this is a part of it. I cannot speak for Valerius. I can only speak to what I know of him and what I remember."
"Yes, yes, Julia. That is all understood. What was his name when he was the Roman? What was your name when you were his slave? There are no Persians named Julia. It is a Roman name."
"I do not remember our names. I remember very few names. I remember that Leopold the priest was once named Farth. I recall the name Artabanus as my father. But, he is not the same father that I have now. There are others. This is of no consequence. Will you empty my mind? No? Then what am I to do. Ignore what I see and hear. Pay no heed to what I remember?"
"No, Julia. Of course not. But, you are in danger. People do not understand. You must listen to Valerius. He wants to help you. You yourself say that you know him and that you have known him for an untold number of years. You must pay heed to what he tells you. Search your heart and you will see he is your friend. Surely, you see that I am your friend? Your family, father, your brother Cassius here, do you not see they all wish you well?"
"Ay. Yes. I do see. Very well. I will pay heed. But, I know what I know. That will not change."


Author Notes Feedback continues to be excellent. Most appreciated. I'm always open to any suggestions. Is the pace to your liking? Let me know your opinions and input. I do listen.

Chapter 25
Valerius Begins His Practice

By michaelcahill

Previously, Trellitia spoke with Julia and her family and got to the bottom of how Cassius injured his leg, and what he and Julia were up to in the field that day. She began a dialogue with Julia in order to instill in her the idea that her life might be in danger if she continued to display the behavior that indicated she saw past lives. We continue the story now as Valerius rushes home. He is delayed on the road by soldiers carrying wounded back to Constantinople. To keep the peace, he intervenes and offers his services as physician.

~~~~~~~Valerius forced into service

Valerius rushed towards the village filled with excitement. It was a fair distance from the great city of Constantinople to the small village he called home. It suited him. The world outside of the village was filled with danger and uncertainty. War and anticipation of war permeated the countryside. The villagers enjoyed a life far removed from politics and power. The time spent on the road exposed them to the outside world they all abhorred. He thought of Julia as he hurried home.
When encountering troops of soldiers on the road, Valerius would give plenty of room, and even recede into the forest if necessary. To bring attention to one's self was not wise. A young man encountered on the road, regardless of the reason, was a possible conscript in whatever cause that happened upon him. The sound of battle filtered through the forest and bothered his ears. As a physician, the cries and moans of injury found their way into his psyche.
He walked with several other people on their way home. They were all disrupted by the shouts of soldiers.
"Make way. Make way, I say! We have wounded in transport to the city. Clear a path now."
Soldiers carrying wounded strapped to horses waited impatiently for ox drawn carts to pull to the side of the road. There was very little room for egress and the oxen were not of a mind to cooperate.
"Now! Or we will level the cart into the forest. Make way, I say!"
Valerius watched the scene unfold. The words of Gregorio came to mind. Stay in the shadows when possible. That is how you serve your village. Prominence will get you removed to the city as I was when young and foolish. He could see that the scene was beginning to take a turn that would prove unfortunate to the small group on the road.
The soldiers began dismounting. Valerius faded into the forest heeding the words of his mentor. The soldiers began to push on the cart and strike the oxen disturbing them. The result was confusion on the part of the animals. One of the soldiers drew his sword and Valerius could see that his next act would be to slay the oxen.
"Wait! Wait for a moment. I am a physician. Let me tend to these men. Better that they are tended to now then suffer the hardship of a long ride to the city."
"You're just a boy. What do you know of the healing arts?"
"I am young, yes. I apprentice under the hand of the great Physician, Gregorio of Constantinople. I am quite able to assist these brave men. Now, bring them from their mounts so I may see to their injuries."
There was an authority to his voice that resonated with the soldiers. They did as he asked. He watched as the soldiers brought the wounded to the ground. He felt fear and surprise. Fear that he might not have the skills to be of assistance, surprise that they moved to his wishes so readily. It occurred to him that it felt natural to give orders and upon giving them, he expected them to be carried out. Perhaps Julia is correct to remember me as a commander. He smiled and set about assessing the injuries to the wounded.
All of the wounds were considered serious, but not mortal. The mortally wounded were left on the battlefield. Those who received survivable injuries would receive treatment upon the conclusion of the battle if they were still alive. The first soldier he knelt down to examine was already deceased. He hesitated; this was not what he was hoping for.
"Well, get to it then." The soldier stood over him and displayed an impatient manner.
Valerius could see that establishing his authority was important. "This man is dead. Mind your tone. I'm not one of your soldiers and you have no authority over me. You'll want to save your orders for the battlefield. I've work to do here." He moved to the next man. "Water." He spoke firmly, as in a command, but not loudly.
The same soldier went to his mount, retrieved water, and handed it to Valerius. Valerius made no move to acknowledge him. He gave water to the injured man. There was an arrow in his shoulder. The shaft had been broken off to allow him to continue in battle. The loss of blood had weakened him and caused him to fall in the field.
"Hold him now. Tightly. I need to remove this arrow." The soldiers rushed to the task at hand. He took a tool from his bag and inserted it into the wound. It had a curved end and he searched for the tip of the arrow attempting to brace the tool against it. He grasped the one end in his hand and pushed on the tool with his other. The soldier moaned through gritted teeth. In one motion, the arrow popped out followed by fresh blood. He took the flask of water and poured it into the open wound, cleaning it. Then he dressed it tightly and moved on to the next soldier.
He managed to treat the remaining four wounded warriors in due course. He gave instructions as to care and advised them to continue into the city and seek Gregorio. Within another few moments, the soldiers had given their thanks and were gone. The small party continued on their journey. All felt safer with a physician accompanying them.

~~~~~~~Trellitia speaks alone with Julia

Trellitia spoke to Julia as they walked near the site where Cassius was injured. "Tell me what you saw, Julia."
"Very well. For what that may mean to you. What I might see others are often blind to. Perhaps my vision is more acute. Perhaps theirs is more dull."
"True, that may be the case, Julia. I'm not judging what you see. I'm trying to understand it and help you understand how others may interpret it. I am here as your friend."
Julia acknowledged what she said with a simple nod of her head. She didn't show any particular enthusiasm for it. "The hunters appeared out of the forest over there by the stand of trees. I recognized them as being from my tribe. The great beast had strayed from the herd and seemed a target worth the risk. Winters were harsh and our reserves were low. The risk was a necessity and not come to without due consideration. It occurred to Valerius, who was younger then and in the form of an orphan boy, that to climb a tree and make a racket might distract the great beast and further our chances of success."
"Julia, how is that Valerius is at my home in one form and in a tree here with you in another form at the same time? Do you see where that might cause one curiosity?"


Author Notes Suggestions and input always eagerly sought! Wonderful input so far, much appreciated.

List of characters:

Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique.

Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection.

Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia

Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician.

Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople.

Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold.

The story takes place about 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome.

Chapter 26
More Discussion & More Treatment

By michaelcahill

Previously, Valerius was called into action on the road home to the village as soldiers on horseback carrying wounded men threatened to disrupt the party he was with. Valerius intervened and offered his services as a physician. He proved to be effective. He treated the wounded and the soldiers were on their way. Trellitia and Julia continued their converstation and Julia began to understand some of what Trellitia explained to her about the perception of others concerning Julia's visions. We continue know as Julia and Trellitia continue their discussion.

"Julia, how is that Valerius is at my home in one form and in a tree here with you in another form at the same time? Do you see where that might cause one curiosity?"

~~~~~~~Julia and Trellitia continue their conversation

"Yes, of course I do. I realize it is curious. But, I cannot deny what mine own eyes see as plain as day. I know the hunt is of another time already past. But, it happens again and again. Why it happens again I cannot say. Perhaps there is a lesson to learn, something missed the first time."
"Listen to me, Julia. I understand every word of what you tell me. I also believe that you see everything you say you see. That is not the problem. The problem is the danger to you from those who do not understand. There are those who would even end your life for their lack of understanding. There are those who think you are possessed of demons filling your head with these visions. They are afraid you will bring harm to them. They think you are evil and a threat to their safety and should be killed. Am I making myself clear?"
"Yes. I hear you. It makes no sense to me, but I do hear what you say. What would you have me do, Trellitia? Shall I deny my existence and live a life that is a lie?"
"Yes, child. That is what you must do if you want to survive. That is what you must do to protect your family and friends. Do you want to see Valerius fall to his death defending you? That is what will happen if it comes down to it. He will defend you, I know it. No matter what he is told about sense and level headedness, he will rush to your aid no matter the cost."
"I will listen to your instructions, Trellitia. I believe you have my interests at heart. As long as there are those who I care for who know me as I truly am, I will try. How do I know what others see? When I look at a field and see what I see, how will I know what portion of that is seen by those who are viewing the same field?"
"It is something we will have to learn together, you, me and Valerius. Your family will learn as well. The times become more treacherous, child. The scent of blood fills the air. There is a madness screaming from the darkness and many listen and seek its source."
"I know of these things, even within a single soul there is darkness and light. It is a skirmish that goes on forever. I see the priest, Leopold, and know what he has been. I have anger for him before he even speaks. I have mistrust for those who smile upon him. How do I trust they who look upon him with kind eyes? This is the world I live and the only world I know. If there is another world that is not so demanding, I would seek it gladly."
"There is such a world. It is a world we will seek together."
"You are too kind, Trellitia. I'm not able to repay your kindness."
"Child. I have sat in the darkness of my grief for more years than I care to count. A purpose to come into the light once again is a gift exceeding what small favor I do for a dear friend. Valerius walked into my home and brought a handful of stardust with him. He enchanted the old witch. She lives again."
The old woman and the young woman smiled and considered each other. There was no gulf between them. Any gulf is easily breeched when the bridge is discovered.

~~~~~~~Valerius on the road home

"Physician? Might you look at my daughter? She is… she is possessed they say. I took her to the church, but I became fearful. My faith wavered. I… heard stories and… " The woman seemed to Valerius little more than a child herself. Her child clung to her leg and seemed fearful.
Valerius was not at all used to being thought of as a physician. I am but an apprentice. Their expectations exceed my skills. Still, I must… "Is this your daughter here?"
"Yes. She is fearful. The priest treated her unkindly. He screamed and struck her… a madman… I… " She began to shake and sob and the little girl fell to the ground unmoving, her eyes staring wide open.
"Ma'am, please. This only makes matters worse. You must find strength for your daughter. She will be lost without you." He knelt down to the little girl and put his hand on her shoulder. She recoiled and fell back on her hands and fixed a terrified gaze upon him. "It's okay, little one, I am a friend. I am Valerius. What is your name, child?"
The little girl remained silent, but the sound of his voice seemed to bring her some solace.
"She is Florentina, as was my mother. I am Lourdes. She seems to find favor in you."
"Florentina, your mother worries about you. Did you find the great city not to your liking?"
The little girl shuffled her feet and looked away for a moment. She spoke with a trembling voice. "It was all so big and the men were mean to me. They yelled in my ear and struck me for no reason. I did nothing wrong."
"I see. Yes, the city was quite large. I was just there myself and pleased to return home to my small village. I'm sorry the men were unkind. I think that they were only trying to help you." He turned to Lourdes. "What behavior has caused you concern?"
"She runs and dances with ghosts in the forest. She appears enchanted and is given to fits of laughter where no mirth is about. The priest says there is more than one demon inside of her. I was to return for more prayers and treatment… but she was so forlorn and frightened. I feared that the cure was of greater danger than the affliction. She is at ease with the village priest. I decided to take the matter to him. I fear I have jeopardized her soul."
"No. Worry not. Priests are but men. Indeed they are men of great learning and conviction, but still men and not infallible. May I speak with Florentina? Perhaps an outsider might gain some insight. I am apprenticed to Gregorio in Constantinople, and mentored by Trellitia in my village. I am not unfamiliar with these issues."
Lourdes smiled and attempted to contain her excitement. "That would be lovely and most kind of you. I'm not in a position to compensate you. I am a skilled seamstress and able to offer services in your household or even in the field if necessary… "
"I'm sure that won't be necessary. Let me converse with your daughter and see if I am able to find out anything of value." He smiled and her smile in return signified her consent.
"Tell me about your friends in the forest. Do they live there all the time or do they meet you there to play?"
"I don't know, sir. I am but a little girl. The world holds little to interest me. I find music in the forest and the music comes to life. It makes me spin and leap and sing… I don't know. It is all so dull with no one to play with. I wish for playmates and they are there. I wish with all my might."
"You like music do you?"
"Oh yes! I make up songs and sing them in the forest."
"I see. Well, I like music too. May I sing one of your songs with you?"
"Why yes. No one ever wanted… well, they found it foolish you see. I have one about the bear that hides in the cave." She proceeded to teach Valerius her little tune and together they sang it as they walked the trail towards their homes.


Author Notes I'm pleased with the direction this has taken. I hope you are too. The feedback has been wonderful and helpful as well. Any and all suggestions are listened to very seriously and are most appreciated.

List of characters:

Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique.

Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection.

Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia

Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician.

Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople.

Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold.

The story takes place about 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome.

Chapter 27
Valerius and Lourdes Journey Home

By michaelcahill

Previously, Valerius met a young woman and her daughter on the road home. The daughter was thought to be demon possesed according to the mother. Valerius agreed to examine the girl and speak with her. At the home of Julia, Trellitia continued to speak with Julia in an attempt to impart the importance of keeping her visions to herself. We continue the story now as Valerius speaks to Lourdes, the mother of the little girl, Florentina.

~~~~~~~Valerius & Lourdes continue the journey home
After a while, he spoke with Lourdes about her daughter. "She doesn't appear to be possessed in my humble opinion. I suggest that she is bored and has a keen mind which needs nurturing. I was once such a child. My family found me strange and given to foolish notions. But, they did not discourage me as long as I tended to my chores and work in the field. As you can see, I seem to have turned out fairly well."
"So, you would say that she is not possessed? But the priests, they… "
"You must understand that the priests are responding to their perception of a problem. They are looking for a demon for they already suspect a demon exists. I can only determine what is there, as I have no perception to sway me. I find a little girl who longs to play and live life. My advice is to encourage her. My advice to you is to join her. It would do you both good."
Lourdes smiled. "That makes perfect sense. I am so relieved to hear what you say. In hearing it, I know it is true. Thank you."
"It is my pleasure."
They continued to walk along the trail. They heard the sound of hooves pounding the ground in the distance.
The soldiers. They come back for me. I can feel it. "Lourdes, I need your help. You may be able to offer payment for my services after all. I suspect that the soldiers whose men I treated are returned to enlist my services. I am needed in my village. I will hide in the forest. Tell them I left on horseback to the city. Or, well… I don’t know. Tell them something, but tell them I am gone. I will be in your debt."
Lourdes merely nodded in the affirmative. Valerius slipped into the nearby forest and sought a suitable hiding place. Minutes later the truth of his suspicions shone as the men dismounted their steeds before Lourdes and her daughter.
"The physician who traveled with you, we have need of his services. Where is he?" The soldier was tall and intimidating. Florentina clung to her mother's leg and noticed it was shaking.
"He returned… uh… he returned to the city. He… after you left… he left and ret… "
"Left, you say? Walking back to the city? What is the sense… "
"By carriage. A… a man came by carriage seeking him. He returned to the city. Well, perhaps elsewhere. I know of nothing else east but the city. But, that is the path. In a hurry. A carriage. A man of means it seemed. A matter of some urgency it app… "
"That will do. I get the general picture." He offered nothing else in the way of conversation. He mounted his horse and spoke to his small group of horsemen. "Perhaps we might catch him on the road or locate him in the city. The general seemed to think it urgent."
Lourdes watched as the soldiers galloped off down the road. The ordeal left her near fainting. Valerius reappeared from the forest. "Well done, I am in your debt."
"No. We are no more than even. I expect it is I who am still beholding to you."
"In any case, we should be well out of their path after they fail to find me in the city. I'll keep eyes and ears at the ready. You are practiced at clever deception now. The next episode should be less taxing on you and young Florentina here. A good song might come of this though. What say you?"
The young girl forgot her fear and her mother did as well. She set to the composition of her next great epic ballad encouraged by her newfound friend and fellow balladeer.
A mile or so down the road and in the middle of her new composition, she screamed out, rushed behind Valerius, and stood trembling in fear.
"Protect me! They come for me. Don't let them take me… oh please. You mustn't let them take me."
"What? Who? Take you… what is it you speak of child?" Valerius was taken aback by her outburst.
"The wolves! The wolves! They've come for me. They took my brother and now they come for me. Please!"
"Her brother? You have a son?"
"No. I have no son. I don't know what she speaks of. This is the demon, the priests say. The hellhounds coming to greet their master. But, there is nothing there. Yet, she screams and hides in terror. God help me. I never should have left the city. But, those men… they terrified her so. They hurt her."
Lourdes lifted the back of her daughter's blouse revealing welts and cuts that looked to be fresh. "This is what they did to her. They beat her until she passed out. I tried to stop them and they knocked me to the ground. They implored me to be strong or the demon would enter me too. Thank God, they were done for the day. I was to return in the morning. You see me here now."
"Do you still see the wolves?"
"They stand there. They just stand there now with glowing eyes staring at me. I know if I move, they will move. Make them go away."
"Be gone! Run now or it will be your doom!" Valerius ran in the direction the girl was staring.
"Yes. You run! Run, or you will be done in." Florentina joined him.
Lourdes looked on not knowing what her reaction should be. Should she join in the imaginary chase? Thank Valerius for chasing away ghost dogs? She was at a loss for words and speechless.
"Did you see? They ran, mother. They ran in fear." Florentina seemed overly pleased considering she had been frozen in fear.
"Yes. That's fine dear. Very nice." Lourdes looked at the Valerius with concern in her eyes that belied the smile she had managed for her daughter.
"It is a trick of the mind and nothing more. Surely a hellhound would not scurry and run from a mere man waving his arms and shouting. The mind is complex, we know little of it. Why is one man clever and another dull? We know not. This has nothing to do with demons. It is a sickness like any other. There are treatments that can help. But, you must keep her from the church. There are forces of great evil in the church that have taken to murder. Perhaps they think it is God's work, but to kill a breathing human being with a soul as though it were a lame horse is not the work of the God that I worship."
"Can you help us?"
"I will do what I can. I don't mean to give myself over to such fervor, but the innocence of children cannot be a matter a deaf ear or a blind eye is turned to. We will help your little girl. There is no demon in her. She is as God made her. We cannot know the reasons for all that God does. We can only accept what he does and make the most of it." He smiled and picked up Florentina and hoisted her to his shoulder. They continued their journey. A song about wolves began to take form. 


Author Notes Florentina is a new character that Valerius has met on the way home. As sometimes happens in life, things happen that are unexpected. This is one of those things. Your input is continuing to be a huge plus to me. I can't tell you how many great ideas come from reading your thoughts. Thank you so much.

List of characters:

Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique.

Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection.

Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia

Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician.

Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople.

Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold.

Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina.

Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius.

The story takes place about 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her.

Chapter 28
Leopold Is Home, Valerius Will Be

By michaelcahill

Previously, Valerius and Lourdes walked along the road home. Florentina became hysterical upon seeing wolves on the road that she perceived were going to attack her. No one but her saw them. She claimed that they had eaten her brother. Lourdes informed Valerius that Florentina had no brother. Valerius ran at where he thought Florentina saw the wolves and chased them off. We pick up now as Leopold arrives back in the village.

~~~~~~~Leopold arrives in the village

Leopold made good time back to the village. The parish provided a carriage for the priests in cases of church business. He had been somewhat deceptive in his procurement of it. He went under the guise of seeking funding for impoverished villagers who had no means to procure a proper burial. The church collected a tidy donation for its services when it came to sending the deceased into the waiting arms of the Lord. The voluntary donations were hardly voluntary. But, there were those who had no funds and the church was obliged to provide its services nonetheless.
Leopold had his own agenda. He sought information on demon possession and found what he sought. He brought back funding as well as extra credibility among the church leaders concerning other matters. There was a growing concern among the church that demons ran wild throughout the countryside and the church should be at the forefront of the battle against the legion of Satan. There were other voices too. There were those that knew of Hippocrates, Galen and some of the great physicians of past days who had treated diseases of the mind successfully and proven them to be an ailment not of the devil at all. Fervor is always more passionate than sense. It shouts loudly and is hard to ignore. Sense can be lost in the great din of righteousness.
Leopold was once a reasonable man. He was becoming less and less so with each new set of ears who paid homage to his new rhetoric. The more he was fed, the more he hungered. In such ways fanatics are born. His rise to prominence in the village hierarchy was swift and his views on demons and the danger of Satan's power came to be the predominant thinking of his parish.
The times were ripe for fanaticism. It seemed there was always a major meeting of church officials getting together to determine the exact definition of something. Their safest place to be was on the outskirts in a village. But, even there danger lurked at the beck and call of whatever fervent priest decided there was a need for it.
"I worry, Leopold, about bringing attention to our little parish. Such things can have a way of turning a different corner than expected. The times are wrought with change and not all of it seems sensible. How can four different decrees say four different things and claim them to be the divine word of God?" Thurston was older than Leopold by a little, but looked to be considerably his senior. He had spent many years in Constantinople and considered it a blessing to be somewhat banished to this small village. He wasn't exactly excommunicated from the church. He was more silenced by his absence from the mainstream of discussion. He voiced his opinion and it didn't agree with what the wanted opinion was.
"I hear you, Thurston. I heed your words as always and attention from the madness that permeates the great city would not be to my liking either. However, I don't wish to cower with my head covered in darkness. My conversations with Rastavius were fruitful and I learned much from them. There is nothing to the glory of God in leaving a soul in torture. We are vowed as protectors of the very being of those we minister to. We aren't allowed the luxury of convenience in such matters. Eternity is a most serious matter. That I'm sure you agree with."
"Indeed, we are of one mind in that regard."
"Then, it follows, that a soul under attack must be defended. The body housing it is secondary. The shell is temporary. It is the soul that should concern us, it is eternal."
"I see your logic, Leopold. But, I caution you, a soul in danger is often a subjective matter. A physician might tell you that one you consider to be with demons to be simply ill with a disorder of the mind. It is a matter requiring great care and thought. Would you agree?"
"Yes. Of course, I am in full agreement. We are not on a quest. We are merely the instruments of God, here on Earth to do His will, whatever it may be. I always wait for His divine instruction. I am but a lowly priest, I know nothing. It is God himself who guides me."
Thurston nodded his head in agreement. I hear you speak. It sounds logical and sane. But, your eyes tell me that the words mean something different to you than they would to me. You have the eyes of a madman. I have met Rastavius. I am happy to be here. Now I am not so sure. "We will continue to talk. These are matters of concern to me as well." Thurston took his leave.

~~~~~~~Valerius and Lourdes nearing the village

"I have someone who I would like Florentina to meet in my village. She too sees things that others do not see. Perhaps it might be beneficial to your daughter to know that others are like her and she is not alone. It is my feeling that it would be beneficial."
Lourdes looked towards the ground. "I… I am unable to compensate you, sir, for your kindness. I am without husband. I, dear Lord, how do I say… I am without dwelling, kind sir. My daughter and I live by our wits in the forest. I hunt and forage for our meals and we make do. It is a blessing in one sense that others don't see my child in her current state. I fear I have troubled her mind with the uncertainty of our existence. My husband was lost to war while she was but an infant. I was little more than a child myself I suppose. But, I have done my best and love her so."
"My friend, it is my great pleasure to practice what the good Lord has put upon me to do. There is, no doubt, plenty of assistance one as disheveled as myself will need in my new practice. I am just beginning in practice, you see. I am in need of an assistant to bring me water, sheets, bindings and such. It would mean that you and your daughter would have to take up lodgings on our family farm. A physician is on call and his assistant is as well. I'm afraid that room and board would be the only compensation to begin with. But, in time, I am hopeful that a suitable salary might be forthcoming. Would that arrangement be to your liking?"
"Oh sir, yes. Why yes, it would be very much to our liking. I can assure you I am not one to take advantage. I am a hard worker. When not assisting you, I am happy to help in the field or home, wherever I might be needed. My daughter too, is happy to help with chores. She likes to keep busy. Do you mean it sir?"
"Yes, of course. I think it would be a splendid arrangement and… "
Lourdes couldn’t maintain the pretense of a simple business arrangement. She leapt forward near tears and hugged Valerius tightly. "Oh Florentina, this wonderful man is going to take us to his home. We will do some work for him and live in a real home."
Florentina began dancing down the road already intent on composing a song about it.

~~~~~~~Trellitia encounters Thurston

"Good afternoon, Father Thurston. It has been a good while since I have seen you."
"Well, Lady Trellitia, it is so seldom that you leave your home. I do wish you would come to service. There are many who love you and miss you, myself included."


Author Notes Wonderful feedback. Thank you so much.

List of characters:

Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique.

Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection.

Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia

Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician.

Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople.

Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold.

Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina.

Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius.

Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold.

The story takes place about 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her.

Chapter 29
A New Ally, A New Assisstant

By michaelcahill

Previously, Leopold returned to town, his head filled with information from Rastavius. Thurston conversed with him and saw the change which put him on alert. Thurston later ran into his old friend Trellitia. Valerius neared the village and considered what he would tell his father concerning his traveling companions. He hoped his father would be accepting of his idea to hire Lourdes as his assisstant. We continue now as Trellitia encounters Thurston on the road.

~~~~~~~Trellitia encounters Thurston

"Good afternoon, Father Thurston. It has been a good while since I have seen you."
"Well, Lady Trellitia, it is so seldom that you leave your home. I do wish you would come to service. There are many that love you and miss you, myself included."

"Perhaps I may be more inclined. I have taken an apprentice and he renews my spirit, Father. Young Valerius has grown in the blink of an eye. Why, I still see him as a child running through the forest." She laughed heartily. "Escaping the witch at the time."
They shared a good laugh. Father Thurston was aware of the children's musing about his friend.
"Well, perhaps if you didn't seal yourself inside like a winter bear, they might not have come to that conclusion, dear lady. Valerius you say, an apprentice? That is most heartening news. We have been without a local physician since… well a long time. I was not aware of his interest."
"He seems a natural. I believe it is the daughter of Abramus that triggers his interest. You are aware of the strangeness of her actions. He has taken an interest in her. Honestly, I believe him to be smitten. But, there is no denying his skills. He repaired the leg of Cassius in a manner I have never seen before, even by my husband."
Thurston took on a serious expression. "I should warn you then, Trellitia. He must be on guard. Leopold has been to Constantinople and consulted with Rastavius. Rastavius is a fanatic who caused me to seek the peace of this village. Leopold has returned with the wide eyes of fervor. Julia might be in danger. Make sure that Valerius is aware of the danger to his patient and to himself as one who takes her part. I am pleased to have encountered you here. It seems to be a power that has brought us together. We will keep each other informed. I fear that Leopold may gain power. His kind usually does."
The two old friends walked on for a while longer and then parted ways.

~~~~~~~Valerius arrives home

Petrus viewed his son who was not alone. He thought back to countless times when his son was not alone. There never seemed to be a time when Valerius would leave on his own and not return with some creature in need of assistance. Of course, a wounded crow or wild hare to tend to in the barn was hardly a burden even to this impoverished family. A child with a child. What is this, Valerius? You haven't been gone long enough to wed and produce heirs. "Greetings, Son. I see you have married and already there is a granddaughter for me."
Lourdes blushed to match the color of the newly painted barn. Valerius smiled, pleased that his father seemed willing to discuss the visitors he had brought home with him. These were not a pair of fledgling sparrows in need of weaning. "I would introduce you, Father, to Lourdes and her daughter, Florentina. I am hoping to make Lourdes my assistant. She has already expressed a willingness to assist anywhere needed on the farm. Her daughter is energetic and amenable to hard work as well. I will need an assistant, Father. A physician should concern himself with the patient and not with the fetching of bindings and such."
Petrius looked sternly at Lourdes and at the same time managed to look kindly at young Florentina. "I am able to see that the young one here is filled with energy. I might ask if Mother is skilled in the kitchen and with the needle? There is work in the field, of course, but there are chores inside as well more suited to a young mother and her child."
Valerius began to answer, but Lourdes cut him off. "Kind sir, my daughter and myself would be greatly in your debt for your kindness. I do have skills in those areas. I am wise at gathering from the land as well. In these times, that which we glean from the land itself is most profitable in comparison to the cost of goods from market."
"Very well put, ma'am. My son here will see to your accommodations. We will be most pleased to have you here with us. Perhaps there is something we can learn from you. The earth is indeed rich with bounty for those who know how to look for it. I've tried to teach my children thusly. Welcome." He bent down with his arms open. Lourdes nudged her daughter who was shy at first, but then, upon seeing the warm smile of Petrius, rushed into his arms. Lourdes smiled in relieved approval.
"Well, a lesson in the kitchen would seem to be in order then. The berries in the forest sustain us, but a roast and fresh vegetables are what I have dreamed of for days!" Valerius was already in the kitchen pulling out the large stew pot and making a racket.

~~~~~~~Julia at war

"Julia! Stop this at once and come home."
Cassius had never seen his sister quite this frantic before. He had joined in what he considered play since they were small children. They were not children any longer. She appeared to be in the middle of a battle, but, of course, she was alone.
"Cassius! The horns sound from the rear. They are a ruse, you must tell father. The horns from the front are real, they signal battle. This has happened before. We can turn the tide if we attack now! Why do you just stand there? Have you no heart for battle after all we have weathered?" Julia jumped to the side and lashed out with the limb in her hand. It whooshed through the air. The sound of it chilled Cassius.
"Julia, please. There is nothing there. You must stop. Listen to me. This is what Trellitia told you. If others do not see it, you should ignore it and speak of it later when others are not around. What if father Leopold were to come by at this moment? Think, Julia."
The mention of Leopold seemed to reach Julia. She stopped in place. She blanched as she saw a sword come toward her. The blade passed through her, but it caused no injury. "It didn't harm me, Cassius. I saw the blade pass through my flesh, yet it left no mark. How is it possible?" She gazed off toward the horizon.
Cassius rushed to her side. "Yes. You see. There is nothing that can harm you. It is in your mind. You can see it, but no one else can. It is a vision without substance. It cannot harm you. Julia!"
Julia did not respond. Cassius grabbed her arm and pulled her along towards their home. The forest was empty. No one witnessed her outburst. It was hard to say which appeared to be the more disturbing behavior, the wild pantomime of war or the vacant stare coming from her face as she shuffled along under the guidance of her brother.
"Father! Come quickly!"
Abramus was familiar with the tone. He knew that it involved his daughter. He rushed out of the house. "What is it, son? Is she injured?"
"No, father. She has had an episode in the forest. No one was witness. But, now she has withdrawn and I cannot reach her."
"Julia. Julia, it is your father. Speak to me, daughter." Abramus shook his daughter's shoulder gently, but she continued to stare blankly forward.
"She seemed more convinced than ever, Father. She listened to my admonishment to stop and then… her imaginary soldier struck a blow… or she perceived that he did. She said the blow passed through her… it passed through without leaving a mark. I tried to tell her it wasn't real"
"It's something new, is it not? I don't recall her ever responding like that. Then what?"
"Then it appeared to occur to her that it was perhaps a delusion. I think it is what happened. It hit her mind heavy and caused her to come to this state of melancholy. Shall I fetch the doctor?"
"Yes, indeed. I'm not sure if he is returned from his travels. Try to find him. If he is not to be found then perhaps Trellitia will assist us. She is versed in these matters as well."
Cassius ran down the pathway to do as his father wished.


Author Notes Excellent feedback. I learn from each little nit that is pointed out so please don't be shy. I appreciate it greatly. Some wonderful ideas that I keep in mind as well. Thank you everyone!

List of characters:

Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique.

Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection.

Petrus- The father of Valerius

Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia

Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician.

Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople.

Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold.

Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina.

Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius.

Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold.

The story takes place about 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her.

Chapter 30
Several Encounters

By michaelcahill

Previously, Julia had an episode in the forest encountering warriors she engaged in battle. Cassius admonished her that it would not bode well if villagers were to see her in such a state. She paused at his insistance. A soldier who only she saw dealt a blow to her that passed right through her doing no harm. This caused her to almost completely shut down due to the shock of the event. Cassius was sent by his father to retrieve Valerius to treat her. We continue the story as Cassius finds Valerius just outside of the physician's home.

~~~~~~~Cassius encounters Valerius

"Whoa! Slow down boy. I don't recall telling you to enter a foot race just yet!" Valerius intercepted Cassius as he ran down the pathway. Valerius had just stepped out of his home. "What brings you here in such haste?"
"Julia, sir. She has taken ill, or had an episode I suppose. She is unreachable. She was engaged in battle… well, in her way of thinking anyway, I implored her that others might see… you know, like you and Trellitia have told us… she stopped and exclaimed something… a sword it seems… in her mind you understand… "
"Hold on, Cassius. Calm yourself. Now, tell me slowly. She was engaged in a battle that only she perceived, is that correct?"
"Yes, exactly. She stopped at my urging, lest anyone see her. It was at that point she imagined a sword passing through her body. It shocked her that it caused no damage. I think it caused damage to her mind. She has not spoken or made a motion to acknowledge anything since. She is blank to the world if that makes sense, sir."
"I see. You were wise to come to me although I worry about the liberties you have taken with your injury. But, it seems to have performed quite well. I have someone for you to meet. My new assistant. Then we will tend to Julia. This may be a good thing, Cassius. You are a good brother to look out for her wellbeing. I am proud to know you and call you friend."
Cassius was calmed and joined Valerius in walking back to meet Lourdes.
"Lourdes. Come quick. It appears we are called into service already. This is my friend, Cassius. His sister, Julia, is a special patient of mine. You will find her interesting. I think Florentina might enjoy her company as well. Julia sees things that others do not, just as she does. It may be a comfort to both of them to find they are not alone."
"Most pleased to meet you, Cassius. You do well by your sister in coming to seek aid for her. A fine brother indeed. I was not blessed with a brother and I am afraid that I am alone in the world with my daughter. My husband fell victim to the war."
"I will be pleased to be at your service. We are a small village here, Lourdes, but we watch out for each other and you will be important to us in your new position. It will be nice to see Valerius here more organized and not shouting instructions to distraught family members." He laughed heartily and Valerius was quick to join him. Lourdes joined in as well when she realized it was all in fun.
She gathered up Florentina at the doctor's suggestion and they all moved quickly toward the home of Abramus where Julia awaited their attention. Valerius did well to calm Cassius in spite of his own concern regarding Julia.
"Watch your leg, Cassius. It wouldn't do well for your sister if I had to pause in my treatment to repair your leg again." Valerius smiled warmly. I feel like galloping like a steed in battle myself, but I must set a sensible pace… hysteria is not the order of the day here.

~~~~~~~Thurston and Leopold on the road to the parish

"The big city was exciting, Thurston. I'm not one to be dazzled by such things, but the history contained there is to put one in awe of the Lord's work. Rastavius surprised me. I found him at first to be a bit ancient to be honest. But, the spirit shone through his eyes and belied his age. His mind was sharp and the Lord clearly spoke through him."
"I am familiar with Rastavius, my friend. I worked in the city for several years before seeking the quiet of our fair village. Rastavius was one to be involved with the many conclaves and Bishops meetings. I am more inclined to a quiet reflection. But, there are matters that bear discussion. I do realize that, Leopold. Much was made of the work of Galen while I was there. Rastavius was at odds with that as I recall." As are you, I have no doubt. Your eyes are wont to leap from your head with fervor.
"True, there is perhaps a kernel of truth to the physicians yearning for an herb or poultice to sooth the troubled mind. I honor the heart who cares in such a way. At the same time, we cannot stand idly by and watch a soul in torment find no relief. There is a time when the power of the Lord need be brought to bear." I must watch Thurston. I knew he left the city for a reason. Weakness, I suspect. Perhaps he can be persuaded. He seems inspired by my guidance. "I am always open to discussion and I know you are. That is the strength of our bond I believe."
I must not appear to be an adversary. Capitulate and go along to a point or go to war. War is of no value against his kind. "Indeed, my friend. You make a compelling argument. I am always open to an intelligent discussion."
They walked along, each with his own agenda. Leopold held his head in confidence. Thurston wisely held his head in humility. A battle of sorts was well under way.

~~~~~~~Valerius encounters the two priests on the road

Valerius saw the two priests approaching down the road. This was not at all what he wished for. They can't know that this is a mission of urgency. "Listen, everyone." He spoke softly. "I don't wish the priests to be privy to our goings on. We are just out for a walk and a visit. Do you understand? Let me do the talking." All nodded their heads in agreement.
Valerius took on a jovial mood. "And then the soldiers returned to find that I had left. Well, little did they know I was but a few feet away behind a stand of trees. Lourdes here was brilliant. Ha! The soldier was ten feet tall if he was an inch. Now, ma'am you say he walked back… No. No, sir… it was a carriage. Yes, a carriage with an important man in it. He took him back… Ahh Leopold! We meet again. We had the good fortune to come upon each other in the great city."
"Yes, indeed. I see you are home now as well. You know father Thurston, of course."
"Yes, we are acquainted. Let me introduce you to my new assistant. This is Lourdes and her daughter, Florentina. She is recently widowed. She is skilled in medicine and has agreed to assist me as I begin my new career. I am most fortunate that lodging is all she requires as salary to begin with."
"Well, that is good news, Valerius. On your way to a call are you?"
"No, just a walk in the countryside. We are calling on Abramus by way of introduction, as his son here is my first official patient." Cassius did a little dance step to demonstrate the efficacy of the treatment he had received from Valerius. "Well, we won't detain you any further. Good day to you."
"We will see you at services I'm sure and your lovely assistant as well." Leopold smiled, but genuine seemed difficult for him to master anymore. Thurston, however, managed to put forth a friendly and welcoming smile to all concerned.
Both parties continued on their respective journeys.
Valerius sighed. That went well. I could feel the wheels turning in Leopold's head.
"Aaaaaaahhhhh! Mother! They have returned. Protect me!" Florentina screamed out loudly as she envisioned wolves in the pathway. Cassius jumped back having no idea what was going on. Valerius ran at the imagined wolves, waving his arms and within moments, Florentina joined him. By the time the priests returned, Valerius and the little girl were laughing.
"What is it child? You screamed with such terror. Are you hurt? Did you see something?" Leopold looked upon the little girl with great suspicion. It was not a kind look.


Author Notes
Truly excellent ideas coming with almost every review as well as great encouragement. This is one of the most enjoyable writes I have done. Thank you.

List of characters:

Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique.

Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection.

Petrus- The father of Valerius

Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia

Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician.

Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople.

Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold.

Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina.

Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius.

Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold.

The story takes place about 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her.

Chapter 31
Wolves At Every Turn

By michaelcahill

Previously, Cassius found Valerius outside of his father's house and informed him of Julia's condition. Valerius calmed him and introduced him to Lourdes and Florentina. They set off to assist Julia. On the road they encountered Leopold and Thurston who had been engaged in conversation relevant to Julia and her problems. Thurston proved to be an ally to Valerius. Just as they parted ways, Florentina screamed out having once again had a vision of wolves blocking their way. Valerius acted quickly to quell the fears of the little girl, but not before arrousing the suspicions of Leopold. We continue now as Leopold and Thurston have hurried back to check on the well being of Florentina.

~~~~~~~Speaking of wolves

"Sorry to startle you. A game is all. Wolves in the road. We had to scare them off and make the pathway safe for all travelers. Silly, I suppose. It was once a reality when she was very young, you see."
Leopold looked suspiciously at the little girl. "Do you see wolves in the road, little one?"
Lourdes scooped her up laughing. "Why, of course not. She sent them running into the woods! They won't dare show their heads around here again, will they darling?"
"No mother. I don't think they will." She giggled with delight as Lourdes tickled her.
Leopold wasn't quite satisfied with the answer, but there was nothing he could do to inquire further.
Thurston could sense the suspicion in his fellow priest's demeanor. "Well, what a fun game. And it appears a comfort to the girl as well. She suffered a trauma then when a little girl?"
Bless you, father. Valerius could see that Thurston understood the predicament and was playing into his hand. "Yes. As a child she had wandered from camp and been confronted by a wolf pack. A stroke of luck that hunters were nearby to scare them off. But it left its mark."
"Ah. So the reenactment with her taking charge helps her overcome the fear then?"
"Exactly. Very good, Father. You have some knowledge then of the healing arts."
"I knew Gregorio in the city. He spoke of Galen, Hippocrates and others. Very interesting."
"Yes, interesting indeed. There is merit at times to the medicine that man devises. But, of course, there is no medicine that compares to the healing power of the almighty." Leopold was not about to be silenced.
"Here, here. Indeed it is the force holding sway over all other forces. I'm sure our young doctor here would agree." Thurston once again formed a bridge for Valerius to cross.
"Amen, Father. I believe it is He who guides me. I have no knowledge he doesn't gift to me. Well, we will once again let you be on your way. And be assured there is not a wolf to be found that will trouble you." Valerius smiled and nodded knowingly to Thurston.
The two priests took their leave and continued on their way.

~~~~~~~~The priests converse

"A fine young man. A comfort to have a man of God to minister to our health, wouldn't you agree?" Thurston knew that Leopold would not be swayed from his suspicions, but shedding a good light on Valerius was a good thing in any case. Surely, you can see that this is a fine young man. Your thinking cannot be that clouded.
"Yes, his father has raised him well in the ways of the church. We must be steadfast with him, Thurston. These physicians tend to think in worldly terms and often become drunk with notions of their own abilities. Rastavius warned me of this. It is our charge and we must be diligent. It is the Lord who heals in his own wisdom, not a mere man." Do not be blinded yourself, my friend. The evil one greets even the wise with smiles and praises.
Not a chance you will listen to reason is there, my friend. Yes, steadfast indeed. There is blood in your eyes and you swipe at it with your hands. I fear you like the look of it. I must speak in private with Valerius. "Well said, my friend. I have every confidence in our young doctor. He shows deference to the child. That is from the heart. Our Lord spoke of the children often. Yes, diligence must be the watchword here, Leopold. There is no telling what influences from outside our village can come calling. It is up to us to stand vigil over our flock. You are most wise." And most lost to your own delusions. I appear to be on my own. Mine enemy sups at my table.

~~~~~~~~Valerius continues with the others onto the house of Abramus

Cassius seemed quite taken with Florentina. Perhaps she reminded him of his sister. Julia was given to outbursts of a similar nature when she was a child. He had an understanding of it in ways that the others might not. A mother has a view that is different from a playmate and sees things as a protector. There is an insight within her which is unique, but there is a common ground with playmates a parent doesn't trod.
"You sent those wolves on the run then, didn't you?" Cassius smiled broadly.
"Yes. When I saw how frightened they were, I knew they weren't so scary after all. They were terrified when I ran at them. Now they know what it is like!" Florentina smiled peacefully making it difficult to imagine she had recently screamed hysterically in fear.
While Cassius walked along with his new friend, Valerius motioned Lourdes to his side. "I could see you sensed the urgency of that meeting. You were correct in your perceptions. Leopold has been to the city and fallen prey to the teachings of Rastavius a preacher of hell fire and demons. I fear that Leopold had a ready ear for such things. He was already of a mind to lean in that direction. He is a danger to Julia who we will meet and I fear he might have an eye on your daughter as well."
"But, it is absurd. My daughter is not possessed of demons. She is upset by the travails of life, mostly, I fear, due to my own shortcomings on her behalf. I was too young and heavily fallen for her father. Then all at once, I was alone and young with no means. It is not her fault. She… "
"I understand fully. You are too hard on yourself. You have done beautifully for your daughter. She is filled with wonder for the world and a ready smile. She is a light to all she encounters, as are you. There is no need for apology. I seek your help not out of charity. I do need help in my new enterprise. I am new to this. You are wise to much of the world and its ways. I am secluded in a village on a farm. I have just now ventured beyond its boundaries to the great city. We will work together. We have an ally in Father Thurston. It is a great fortune that has brought him to us. He rallied to our cause without any prodding on my part. He sensed our urgency immediately. You possess that same intuition. It is a skill of the heart that cannot be underestimated in these times."
"You are most kind in deed and word. We are in your debt regardless of your graciousness. I am at your service and I do believe we are of a like mind in these matters. I know my child. There is no demon dwelling within her. There is nothing but the purist good shining from her eyes."
The four of them walked hastily towards the home of Abramus where Julia awaited them.

~~~~~~The home of Abramus

"They are here Julia. Valerius, your friend. Your brother has brought him to speak with you."
"I have brought my new assistant and her daughter to meet you, Julia. Her daughter is in need of your help. She sees things others do not see in the way you sometimes do. Perhaps you can explain to her what it is like and help her understand."
Julia stared forward. At the mention of Florentina seeing things that others didn't see, Julia reacted slightly. She looked to the right in the direction of Florentina, but just a brief glance. She seemed to be considering the situation though it was difficult to tell. She still appeared to be staring blankly.
"Florentina sees wolves in the pathway who block her egress. She fears them. I have helped chase them off more than once. She doesn't understand why no one else sees them."
"I am Lourdes, Julia. I am her mother. Valerius has taken us in. I am to be his assistant. If you can help my little girl, I would be ever so grateful. She fears the wolves and trembles so when she sees them. I am at a loss as to what I should do. I would throw myself at them, but I see nothing there."
"They are there, nonetheless." Julia turned to face Lourdes. "Is the Lord who you speak of… there? You can't even see him. How can you doubt that a wolf with teeth who growls and threatens is there? It isn't a question of her seeing them. The question is why you can't."
Lourdes seemed stunned for a moment, but the opportunity to speak to Julia about her daughter overrode any surprise she felt. "Indeed. I understand, truly I do. I mean to say I am at a loss and I find myself inadequate in the face of it. My little girl needs me and I stand like a fool, helpless."
"It is a good thing. It is good you admit you don't understand. It is those who claim to understand that cause grief. I don't understand myself and I see things on a grand scale no one I have encountered sees at all. Your daughter is the first I have met to have experienced the like. Come here little one. I have waited a very long time to meet someone special like you." Florentina smiled and ran to Julia who scooped her up and smiled. "Yes, this is indeed a special child."


Author Notes This post ran a little long to maintain continuity. I hope it is so incredibly exciting that you didn't notice!!

The feedback continues to be wonderful. Please continue to offer any and all suggestions. I consider everything you offer. Many of your ideas are intriguing. Your support means the world to me. Thank you!

List of characters:

Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique.

Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection.

Petrus- The father of Valerius

Abramus- The father of Julia

Cassius- The brother of Julia

Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia

Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician.

Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople.

Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold.

Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina.

Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius.

Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold.

The story takes place about 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her.

Chapter 32
The Girls Bond, Plans Are Made

By michaelcahill

Previously, The priests return and Lourdes and Valerius cover Florentina's outburst well. Leopold remains suspicious despite Thurston's help in the matter. The priests converse on the road and it becomes apparent to Thurston that Leopold has crossed the line into fanatacism, and he will have to keep an eye on him. Valerius and party finally reach the home of Abramus. Julia takes to Florentina and is brought out of her depressed state by the little girl. A discussion begins. We continue now as Julia addresses Lourdes about her daughter.

~~~~~~~A plan begins to take shape

Lourdes had mixed feelings seeing her daughter in the arms of Julia. The smile on Florentina's face certainly warmed her heart. Yet, Julia had, moments before, been unreachable in a world of her own.
Valerius could see the sense of fear mixed with joy displayed by Lourdes. He understood it. The mind was difficult to comprehend when it was ordinary. A mind not within the accepted boundaries or normal frightened people. It even scared sensible people. She fears Julia to a degree. Perhaps worries her daughter might be caught up in Julia's world. Hmmm… that might be a possibility. But, that is no way to think… "Your daughter seems to have found a friend and Julia seems to have found one as well."
"Yes, they seem taken with one another. I've not seen my daughter so readily at ease with a stranger. It pleases me. She seems to bring out a smile in Julia as well." It is good. I am wrong to worry perhaps. Valerius is wise and seems to approve. "Maybe they wish to chat for a while without scrutiny. Would you like to spend time with Julia, Florentina? She may know of wolves and such."
"I don't know if I can speak to wolves. But, I am not yet so ancient that I cannot out run her in a foot race down the lane!" With that, she set Florentina down and bolted towards the door.
Florentina giggled and screamed at the same time. She burst thru the door in pursuit.
"Did you see, Father? The little girl reached thru to Julia right away. Julia seemed to be concerned for her. I'm so happy you brought your new friends, Valerius." Cassius seemed amazed by the interaction between Julia and Florentina.
Abramus smiled widely as well. "Yes, ma'am, your child is a ray of sunshine indeed. I feared my daughter might remain morose for a good long time. Your little girl's spirit jumped right up and snapped her right out of it. I am in your debt."
"You are too kind. I've not seen a smile so wide on my daughter since her father was still with us. He used to imitate the animals of the forest. It delighted her. She has that same excitement with your daughter. They seem good for each other."
"I suspected they would have a connection in a way possibly difficult for us to understand. While they become better acquainted, it affords us the opportunity to discuss matters on their behalf. I intend to be candid. There is no other way. The church has taken to murder in Constantinople. Our good father Leopold participated first hand to my understanding. I'm not sure if he wielded a weapon or struck a blow, but he certainly made no attempt to intervene."
Abramus was sharp in his response, "Surely you are mistaken. Why, I almost hope this is a folly on your part, though I would fail to find it amusing. How are you privy to such information? Those are serious allegations. I've known Father Leopold for most of my life. We are at odds from time to time, but I consider him a friend. I hope this is not capricious on your part. You are young, Valerius, and perhaps given to enthusiasm."
"My friends here can tell you that we encountered him on the road even as we rushed to Julia's aid. Our encounter in the great city was discussed. I was there to receive instruction from Gregorio. Leopold was there at the same time to consult with Rastavius. While there, Rastavius murdered a young woman under the pretext of freeing her soul. Leopold was in agreement with this practice." He paused and looked at the stunned expressions.
In the distance, the happy sounds of the two girls engaging in play sounded out of place considering the serious nature of the conversation inside.
"I offer this as information. It is a fact. I need you to accept this as a fact, and we need to protect those girls out there from Father Leopold. I can't be any more clear. Abramus, Julia must not give Leopold a reason to scrutinize her. He already has his eye on her. His mind is made up and we will not change it. We must keep him at bay and give him nothing else to use against Julia. That holds true for Florentina as well." He looked seriously into the eyes of Lourdes who gazed back intently. "We did well with our explanation today. But you could see that he was suspicious nonetheless. He would be suspicious of a prayer for favorable weather."
"Well, what do you want us to do? Julia isn't one to back down and fade into the background. And for God's sake, Valerius, Florentina is but a child. How can we ask her to be pious and reverential? Her very presence brings out the boy in me. I feel my feet become lighter just at the sight of her." Cassius spoke with more earnestness than anyone there had ever seen from him.
It heartened Valerius to see the depth of concern that Cassius was bringing to bear on these matters. "Thank you, Cassius. I knew you would be the first to offer your help. We're all going to have to watch the two of them closely. Remember, Leopold has followers. It isn't his eyes alone that we worry about. It is those we may not even know are watching. We must be careful. I have the feeling that these two girls aren't the only patients I'm going to have in need of my services. Gregorio told me quite a bit about what goes on in the nearby villages and even in the forest where many people live on their own with little help. My assistant here knows much about this."
Abramus seemed concerned and perhaps skeptical. "You make it sound like a war, son. I can't believe that Leopold would move against people in the village where he has spent his whole life. Perhaps he was intimidated by the great city."
"True, he was, no doubt. But, when we encountered him on the road, he spoke with even more confidence. We are favored by God to have an ally in the church right her in the village. Father Thurston came to our aid immediately. He senses the danger I believe. He acknowledged me and the others in my party without speaking. We had a clear understanding, I am certain of it."
"We are in agreement, Valerius. Don't take my reticence as anything other than disappointment in an old friend. My daughter is more important to me than anything. I am behind anything you suggest that will make this world safe for her."
All there nodded in agreement.


Author Notes The feedback and support is wonderful. Any suggestions or input is considered most seriously. Thank you so much!

List of characters:

Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique.

Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection.

Petrus- The father of Valerius

Abramus- The father of Julia

Cassius- The brother of Julia

Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia

Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician.

Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople.

Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold.

Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina.

Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius.

Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold.

The story takes place about 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her.

Chapter 33
Julia Reaches Through to Florentina

By michaelcahill

Previously, Julia and Florentina took to each other readily. While they went outside to play and get to know each other, the people in the house began to discuss plans to keep them safe. Abramus was shocked to find that his lifelong friend, Leopold, had become a fanatic and a danger to his daughter. Before long the truth of what Valerius imparted to them became apparent. A plan to protect the girls formed and all agreed to it. Valerius indicated to them the help that Father Thurston had freely given on the road. We continue now as Julia and Florentina discuss matters that only they might understand.

~~~~~~~Julia and Florentina play and talk

The two girls did a lot of laughing and running around. Julia sensed that Florentina had not played in this manner in a very long time. Julia enjoyed the exertion and found it took her mind off the constant images and whispers always invading her consciousness. She took great pleasure in the squeals of her new friend as the little one ran in circles for no reason at all. It brought back memories of a time in her life when she didn't worry about what was real and what was not. She thought back to playing with her brother, Cassius. It was so much fun to pretend they were adults hunting the great beast. She knew she was too little to really get close to it. She tried to remember when things began to change, but she only knew that things had changed.
"What do you see that others don't see, Julia?" Florentina had stopped running and stood still before her.
Julia was a bit startled, as her mind had drifted off in thought. "Well, let me think. There is a great deal. Perhaps most of what I see is not seen by others. It seems as though people only see each other and the things that are here right now. It is as though things that happened before are gone forever. I see things that happened before, sometimes when people where different people. Valerius has been many people. I have known him for a long time. But, he only remembers knowing me now. It is funny. I can barely talk to him about much because he doesn't remember our life together."
Florentina looked rather confused by what Julia was saying. "When I see the wolves, it is always brand new. I don't remember seeing them before. They are just there and it is a new day. It is why they scare me. If I knew they were just some memory that happened before and I was only looking at it, then it wouldn't scare me."
Julia tilted her head and took Florentina's thoughts in with great interest. She had never considered that idea before. She had always reacted like it was happening for the first time. Why would I do that? I know it has happened before. I could just watch it. I don't have to do anything about it at all. "That's very smart, Florentina. I have never considered it in such a way. Have you ever seen wolves that other people see too?"
"I don't remember them, but my mother tells me I have."
"I see. Does your mother tell you they frightened you?"
"Well, it is a made up story. She told my father she made it up to help me. I heard them talking softly about it. They thought I was asleep… "
"Oh dear. It is good you overheard them. A lie would only confuse you. It is better to know what is true. At least I would think so. I would rather know what it true."
"You won't tell her, will you? She doesn't know that I know."
"Of course not. We are friends. I will never tell anyone our secrets. We are like sisters now. We have our secrets between us and they are nobody's business. Ha! It's nobody's business! Can you say it?"
"It's nobody's business!"
"Yes. They can pull out all of my teeth and I will not tell them."
"They can cut off all my hair and I will not tell them!"
They burst into laughter.
Valerius came upon the two of them laughing hysterically. "What is so funny, you two?"
Florentina looked at him seriously and said, "You can cut off my head and I will not tell you!"
The two girls laughed even louder now.
Valerius joined them, though not quite so hysterically. "I doubt I have anything in my bag that will cure this!"
Florentina dropped to the ground and grabbed her head with both hands. "Oh, it hurts so."
Both Valerius and Julia quickly knelt beside her. Valerius began massaging her head gently in the temple area. He said to Julia, "Would you send Lourdes with my bag, Please?"
Julia nodded and rushed to get Lourdes.
"Does this help, child?" Valerius rubbed her temples gently. "Close your eyes to the sun, it should help."
"It is a little better, Doctor. The sun is so bright."
Valerius gathered her up and headed for the house. He met Lourdes and Julia on the way. "I've decided to get her out of the bright sun. It seems to affect her poorly." They all rushed to the house.
"She has had these spells before. They usually go away in a short while." Lourdes seemed concerned but not overly so.
"I see. Do they coincide with her visions?"
"Well… yes, yes they do, I think. I sometimes see here rub at her head before a vision. Perhaps there is an ache… I don't know as it isn't always one with the other."
Florentina screamed out and pointed at the window. "Look. Don't let them in. They will eat me!"
It was Julia who responded. "Go to the window, Florentina. I will go with you. You must see what is around them. Come now, I am with you. They are outside and you are in. You are safe." She grabbed the little girl's hand and they approached the window together. The presence of Julia by her side gave her confidence.
"They have stopped growling and just look at me now."
"Good. Good. Now, look beyond them. What do you see?" Julia looked at Florentina and not out the window.
"I see shadows that move. Figures moving. One approaches me. It is… Father! It is Father. Oh, Mother, come quickly. It is Father. He has come back to us."
"It is his spirit, Florentina. He comes to watch over you. He sends wolves to protect you. Wave your hand at the wolves."
Florentina waved her hand at the wolves she saw. "They lie on the ground! They lie down as I wave my hand over them. Do you see Father? Father? He is gone, Julia. Oh my, the wolves are gone too."
Julia put her arms around her. "Yes, they are gone. Your father protects you. You miss your father and the games he played, don't you child?"
"Oh yes. He was so clever. The animals of the forest would answer him sometimes. They were fooled by him. I would laugh so. Can you imagine? A crow would think he spoke to another crow. Caaw Caaw. If only we knew what they were saying." Florentina had forgotten completely about her headache and fear was a distant memory. Julia glanced back at Lourdes who smiled and nodded her approval. The two of them went back outside to enjoy the warmth of the sun and the light of each other's company.
Valerius had a look of wonder upon him. "Did you see? Did you all see? How do I call myself a physician having seen the healing I have just seen? It is as I have suspected. Just because we do not understand something does not mean it is wrong. You see? Such is the human mind. Where do our thoughts come from? All of this is a mystery to even the most learned. We dare call another mind sick? What gives us the right? You see the arrogance do you not? How can I say my mind is superior to the mind of the woman who soothed this troubled child? I cannot."
A knock on the door interrupted Valerius.
Cassius turned to speak. "It is Father Thurston." Cassius invited him in.
Valerius rushed to clasp his hand and embrace the priest.
Father Thurston looked most serious. "I come to offer my assistance. These are troubling times."


Author Notes Excellent feedback and support continues. It is so appreciated. I am enjoying this section of the book more than anything I have written. I draw so many ideas from your comments and suggestions. I can't thank you enough!

List of characters:

Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique.

Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection.

Petrus- The father of Valerius

Abramus- The father of Julia

Cassius- The brother of Julia

Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia

Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician.

Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople.

Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold.

Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina.

Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius.

Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold.

The story takes place about 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her.

Chapter 34
A Glimpse of the Past

By michaelcahill

Previously, Julia made great strides with Florentina. She helped her to see beyond her fear and realize that the wolves were only spirits that came with her father to watch over her. Valerius was astonished by her abilities. Discussions continued concerning the church's potential danger. It took some convincing to make Abramus realize that his life long friend, Leopold, was a danger to his daughter. As discussions continued, a knock on the door revealed the arrival of Father Thurston. We continue now as he is greeted and reveals his purpose for visiting.

"Welcome to my home, Father. Can I offer you something to drink? There is a stew prepared. It would be our great honor to share some with you." Abramus was a genuinely gracious man and had a high regard for the clergy.
"You honor me, Abramus. Perhaps some stew later. I do appreciate the aroma, I must confess. I am here on a matter of some urgency. Valerius here is aware that I have been in discourse with Father Leopold. We encountered Valerius on the road not too long ago."
"Yes, he told us of your encounter and your assistance. I offer my thanks. I worry about the welfare of my daughter of course. She is a kind soul and nothing but goodness ever comes from her. I am not blind to what has been done in the name of God in times gone by. I do have a fear of it." Abramus had removed any form of gregariousness from his manner and spoke in hushed tones.
"Let us sit then, all of us." He gestured all there to sit. "We will discuss what need be done in light of Leopold's enlightenment, if you will, under the tutelage of Rastavius. I warn you, there is more than Leopold to concern ourselves with. We are blessed with obscurity in our village. We are small and insignificant in the scheme of things. The great cities and warring factions have little interest in a few flocks of sheep or rows of barley. Oh... perhaps some water, if it wouldn't be troublesome." He smiled at Abramus.
"Cassius, would you… " Abramus remained intensely stoic.
Before his father could complete his request, Cassius was on his way to the cistern to fetch water for Father Thurston. He returned shortly. "The corner of the room stays somewhat cold; I hope it meets with your approval."
Thurston took a long drink from the large chalice that Cassius had chosen for a vessel. He held the chalice before him admiring it. "This appears to be ancient, son. Two hundred years old, maybe more."
Abramus answered, "It was my father's and his father's before that. It is Roman in origin. I was told that it dates back six generations. It has been in the family at least that long. It is said to have belonged to Emperor Septimius Severus. That would make it about three hundred years old. It has been handed down from General Abramus in the army of Severus who was held in good favor. I am the seventh Abramus to have possession of it. Well, if all of it is to be believed. My son, Abramus, was made a conscript about a year past. We encountered soldiers on the road who enlisted him on the spot. My protests went unheeded. I have not heard from him since. We pray he is safe and will return one day."
"I will add him to my prayers, my friend. The wars are the bain of the land. To fight over a portion of land and then to fight over it again... where is the sense when there is land for all. The nobility flourishes while men die and people starve. Even the clergy are not without darkness. You saw yourself, Valerius, the opulence of the church in Constantinople."
"Indeed, the courtyard was adorned with statuary of incredible detail. Marble fountains of the highest quality. Astonishing beauty."
"Yes, beautiful--it is that. But what does it serve? In what way is it of God? People made in the image of God, those who he has written are his children, live like animals in the forest, while the priests of the church take communion from gold plates and bejeweled chalices. This is in reverent memory of Christ? Well, I digress. But, this is all important to consider. I chastise myself for my own judgment of such things. I wear garments and a coat to shield me from the cold. Would I not do nearly as well without the coat? Would not the coat be of more comfort to one exposed to the elements with no shelter?" Thurston drank from the chalice and set it down on the table.
Lourdes seemed nervous to speak, but spoke nonetheless. "Father, I have lived in the forest having lost my husband to the war. I have cared for my daughter as best as I might. Now, I find she is in more danger under the warmth of this roof. Must I hide in the forest to save her?"
"No. No, dear child. I will not allow such a travesty. I am here to assure you that Leopold will not succeed if he attempts to harm anyone in this village under the guise of ridding it of a demon. But, we must be wise and we must have sense. The church is powerful. It is hideously powerful and dangerous. It holds the lives of men in its hands. The hands that come together in prayer drip with innocent blood and do so with impunity. We cannot afford to bring the eyes of the church into this village. That is our struggle. That is our fight."
Julia and Florentina stood in the doorway observing in silence. Florentina looked fearful and Julia looked angry. Their eyes were on Thurston.
Valerius sensed the presence of Julia and then looked to confirm it. "Are you two in good spirits? We are discussing matters that concern you both. We endeavor to ensure that you are both safe."
Julia smiled warmly to him. "No one is safe from the church, Valerius. It has been so for hundreds of years. A church devoted to the worship of the very man they murdered. Do you not see the senselessness of it?" Julia did not speak with anger. She spoke as though she recited a well-known fact.

She then fixed her eyes on Thurston as she continued. "You opposed the murder. But there was nothing you could do. It haunts you. Leopold did not oppose it. He welcomed it and relished the status it gave him. You were once friends. You became enemies. You continue to be in contention, one trying to convince the other."
"You speak of the Christ? Is that it child?" Thurston was clearly shocked by what she said.
"No, I speak of the man called Jesus. He was not called the Christ then. That came later from a foreign land. I speak of Jesus, the man murdered by the Romans. You opposed the murder but found no support. Leopold saw gain in his position and favored it. He favored it gleefully."
"How can you know such things, child? You are but barely twenty years on this good earth. I, myself, am but forty-two years on this earth. How can any of this be?"
"I was there. You were there, Leopold was there. I remember it. You do not?"
"No. No, I do not remember what is impossible to remember. Impossible for me and impossible for you too, dear child. Valerius, can you not make her see that this is impossible?"
"I cannot say that it is. Who am I to say what is or is not possible? Is it not your teaching that all things are possible? I have heard it said exactly so. I don't profess to understand how it is possible, but I will not say that it isn't. She is not insane. I can tell you that as her doctor. She is of sound mind and considerably more gifted of intellect than most, perhaps more than anyone that I have known."
"You speak the truth, Valerius. I am not one to judge. It is written thusly. I will consider the possibility then that there is truth in what she says. As she speaks, I feel the sense of it. What she describes between Leopold and myself is true. Whether it is five years in the making or five hundred, the truth of it is not in dispute. The power of the church she speaks of is true as well. In all fairness, it was the Romans who killed Jesus and the Roman church that worships him."
Lourdes was clearly tiring of this debate. "This is all fine and good, but none of this protects my daughter or Julia either for that matter. This is what needs be discussed, is it not?"
"Indeed, child. You are most correct. Let me address the two girls directly." He waved the two girls in front of him. They came as he requested. "Julia, you seem to understand fully the danger that the church possess. I am here to tell you that the danger is to you and your newfound friend here. But, it does not stop there. The people in this room share the same burden that you do."
"I understand, Father. I truly understand. What would you have us do? Are we to no longer be ourselves? Should we slither around the village like the snakes in the meadow? Perhaps the villagers would enjoy poking us with sticks to see if it angers us."
Valerius intervened. "I understand that you find this distasteful and even insulting, Julia. I can even say that we are in agreement. Here him out. He is trying to find a way for all of us to live the best lives we can in the safest way possible. What does it gain you if you are yourself and that gets your head cut off and put on a pike to ward off demons? And, would you be pleased to know that my head would likely be joining you? Your brother, Cassius? Your father? Florentina and her mother?"
"Of course I don't wish that. But, if I am made to be reasonable in the course of the unreasonable, why is there no effort to impart reason to one that is supposed to be reasonable? Is redemption not a foundation of your beliefs?"
"Indeed it is. I have made an effort to bring sense to a man filled with vile nonsense to no avail. I will continue to do so. I can tell you, my efforts will be futile. That is why we need to have a plan for you and your friend."
"I understand. Such a foolish world. There is no escaping what we do in life. It is all a part of us. If only people could see it. I am ready to discuss our plan." Julia seemed peaceful and even in charge.


Author Notes Wonderful feedback as always. I am hopelessly behind and apologize for not answering every review in a timely manner. I do read every word and copy to my files in MS WORD. Wonderful input. Thank you so much!

Chapter 35
Julia Describes Her Visions

By michaelcahill


Previously, Discussions continued. Julia and Florentina walked in unnoticed as the others talked about the dangers to them and possible solutions. Julia displayed some of her knowledge of past lives telling Father Thurston that he recognized him as being there for the crucifixtion of Jesus along with herself and Father Leopold. This lead to a philosophical discussion. We continue now as Valerius takes Julia ourside to consult with her in private. The others remain inside to discuss strategy for keeping the girls safe. We continue now as Julia and Valerius prepare to take a stroll.

~~~~~~~Valerius and Julia take a walk

Valerius took Julia to the side. He spoke softly, "I'd like a moment with you alone. Would that be acceptable to you? I suggest a walk down the pathway."
"Of course. I would wish for no one else's company. You don't understand that do you?" Julia looked quizzically at him, but not unkindly.
"Perhaps you can explain it to me."
"I shall try to do just that." She smiled now as though more hopeful.
Valerius addressed the others. "I will consult with Julia as her doctor in a private session. If you would be so kind as to remain here, the discussion will resume in a short time."
The others nodded their agreement and Valerius escorted Julia down the walkway.

~~~~~~~Inside the home of Abramus

Lourdes approached Father Thurston. "Father, what is the danger to my daughter? She is grieving for her father. Is that not a natural thing for a child? She misses the good times and comfort of his voice, the feel of his powerful arms around her to keep her safe and the joy that he brought to her with his play. How is she a threat to the power of the church?"
"You speak with good sense, dear woman. All that you say finds a warm hearth within me. Yes, the church is powerful. Within that power are men, men who crave that power. It does something to them. I don't know why. The glory of adulation perhaps. I can't say that I don't understand it somewhat. I feel a sense of pride when addressed reverently as father. I feel it personally though I know it is respect for the position. It is a flaw, pride. It is a common flaw shared by many."
"Perhaps, but you command reverence. You are kindly and given to good. Here you are at this home with a noble purpose. There is certainly nothing for you to gain to align yourself with us. I am but the lowliest of peasants. I have lived… "
"No, no dear woman. There is nothing about you that is low. You take care of your daughter with no regard for yourself. It is you that command reverence. It is you that are good and with noble purpose. I would be loath to turn my back to you considering my vows. I merely do what I claim I will do."
"Thank you Father. What are we to do now?" Lourdes looked to Father Thurston anxiously.
"Well, we must instruct the girls in what behavior to avoid especially around Father Leopold. But, we must always be cautious. There is no telling whose eyes are at his call. Valerius will be most helpful with methods to assist you in that regard. Leopold looks for demons under every rock and lily pad. He has blood lust in his eyes. I prodded him to relate the cleansing of that girl with Rastavius that Valerius told me about. He needed very little encouragement." All eyes and ears in the room were focused on his every word.
Cassius took note of Florentina's presence. "Florentina and I tire of all this talk. We'll take our leave and enjoy the afternoon sun. Shall we?" He bent over and extended his hand to the girl. She smiled, clasped his hand and they were out the door. Lourdes nodded her approval and sent Cassius on his way with a warm smile.
Thurston continued. "He relished every moment of it. He watched Rastavius plunge a knife into that woman and delighted in it. He thinks they released her soul to God. Condemned their own to hell would be more in keeping with the truth."
Abramus leapt from his stool. "Mercy! Surely, this is not acceptable to the church. Murder in the sanctity of the house of the Lord. How can this be? Is there no one with sense that you might report this to? I can't believe that there are no Godly men to condemn such wickedness."
"Yes, there are such men. But, such men do not have the favor of the military. Words and righteousness fare poorly in the face of a bludgeon. A soldier is given to warring. A soldier has an ear for those that offer the potential of battle and conquest. The cause need not be just, it but need be a cause." Thurston looked up from the ground to capture the eye of Abramus.
Abramus saw the truth of what Thurston spoke in the priest's eyes and felt the truth within himself. "What do we do to defend ourselves? I am no soldier. None of us are. We are farmers."
"No soldier is one until he becomes one. I fear we may have to become soldiers. It may be necessary. I hope that it is not so. We must be clear in our plan and all of a like mind. We will speak more when Valerius returns with Julia. Now, I heard mention of a stew. The evidence tickles my nostrils. I pray you were genuine in your offer of a bowl."
Abramus smiled and began to gesture to his son. He arose when he realized that Cassius had taken his leave. "Perhaps I'll join you. It does please the senses."

~~~~~~~Julia and Valerius enjoy their time alone

"I want to speak with you alone as your doctor, Julia. I understand that you are not sick. But, at the same time, you must understand that you are unlike others. You are unlike myself. You claim to know me and know me for time that stretches beyond my comprehension. I know you first as a childhood acquaintance and now as we have grown."
Julia smiled. She found it difficult to brew anger towards Valerius. He presented himself to her as a friend of the highest order. She could feel in her heart that his loyalty was without question. "True, you have a limited memory. Perhaps I might refresh your memory. I can certainly tell you of times we have shared together that you seem to have forgotten or misplaced in your mind."
Julia ran towards the forest laughing. Valerius stood startled for a moment and then pursued her. She spoke, "Let me describe what I see and you can tell me what you see."
Valerius nodded his head. He looked into the forest and down the path as though taking stock of what he already saw. "Very well. Tell me what you see. Tell me in detail and speak of what it means to you and perhaps if you are aware of time. Maybe if you feel it was long ago."
"Always there are shadows. Pictures of objects and people. Some of them I recognize and many I do not. Creatures of all kinds roam the forest. They are faint and of no consequence. They cannot touch me or be touched. Men and woman are among them. Most are strangers, some are familiar."
"Who is familiar?"
"I am always familiar to myself. I stand out from the other shadows though I cannot touch myself either. I see myself over there with a long spear on my way to a hunt. You are there as well and Leopold too. You are a young boy. Leopold an old man that resents me. I am the leader of the clan. He has become too old and infirm. He resents you. You are an orphan. I have befriended you, as you amuse me. Do you remember? You imitate the old man. You limp and drag your foot as he does. He reviles you for it and reviles me for my enjoyment of it. Neither of us mean harm. It is just antics. Are you aware of any of this? Do you see it?"
"No, I don't see it. I only see trees and the crow that sits on the branch. When you speak, it stirs within me in a way I can't explain. I know that in some way there is truth to it. I know that there is something between us that I share with no other on Earth. I have felt it pass through me when I first embraced you as a friend. There is a force that is beyond the two shells that walk through this forest. Indeed, that is a great part of what lends to my belief in your visions. If I can feel between us a force that is beyond what we physically are then why then should I doubt that you see things in the same way."
"Yes. That is sensible. That is wonderful to hear. I feel like you have explained to me what I see. I see what is outside of my body. There is certainly forces outside of our body. It is the foundation of faith that there is. If I see them then I do. That makes me more abled than others not less so, wouldn't you agree?"
"Yes, Julia. I do agree. I have thought as much for some time. It occurs to me that there is a portion of that truth within all that are considered ill of mind. I saw how you were able to reach thru to Florentina. I could not have done that. I would not have had the understanding. I believe you can help many in the same way if you are of a mind to."
"Oh yes, Valerius. I am of such a mind. I have felt such a burden for so long. I would dearly love to be a help."
"I knew you would feel so. We will talk more of this. Let's join the others. We do need to form a plan to keep you and Florentina safe from the clutches of Leopold. I suspect that before long there will be many others that we must protect from him as well."
They joined hands and set out towards the house. Julia felt at home with Valerius. He fought desperately with the feelings he had for her. How am I to minister to her as a doctor and work with her as a colleague when my love for her is beyond my comprehension? Valerius smiled. It was not a problem that he found unpleasant. He wasn't quite sure if his feet touched the ground as they walked.


Author Notes Feedback continues to be invaluable. Thank you so much!

List of characters:

Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique.

Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection.

Petrus- The father of Valerius

Abramus- The father of Julia

Cassius- The brother of Julia

Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia

Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician.

Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople.

Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold.

Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina.

Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius.

Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold.

The story takes place about 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her.

Chapter 36
Plans, More Plans and Romance

By michaelcahill

Previously, discussions continued and romance began to bloom between Valerius and Julia. This was in spite of the fact that Valerius considered it a betrayal of his oath as a physician. He couldn't deny that he was in love with her, madly in love. Julia described in great detail what she saw in what people considered her delusions. Valerius came to a greater understanding of her and felt there was truth to what she saw. He became convinced she was not mentally ill, but only saw more than others did. We continue now as Cassius and Florentina enjoy the garden and talk.

~~~~~~~Cassius and Florentina walk in the vegetable garden

"I have never seen so much food in my life. May I have a taste of something?" Florentina looked over the large vegetable garden in wonder.
Cassius smiled. "Let me pick something out that may be new to you." He bent over, grabbed a green crown close to the ground, and pulled. The ground gave way with ease and a bunch of radishes of varying size was dangling there. "Have you had one of these before?"
"Why no. You pulled those right out of the ground. What are they? They're all red like a strawberry."
"They don't please the palette as a strawberry does. They have a surprising heat to them and excite a salad of vegetables or cooked in a stew. But I like them just like this." He rubbed the dirt off on his pant leg and poppped one in his mouth. His chewing made a loud crunching noise as he consumed it. "It's a radish."
"A radish." She looked serious as she accepted one from him and popped it in her mouth. She bit into it and stopped with a puzzled look on her face. Her eyes grew wide. She began to chew it. "It is most odd and somewhat hot." She managed to mumble with her mouth occupied. "I think I like it! It makes me laugh. Right out of the ground where it has been hiding."
Cassius laughed. They walked on a bit and he pointed out various vegetables growing there along with spices and herbs. Finally, he came to the point of asking what had been on his mind. "How long has it been since your father has been gone?"
"It has been a good long while. We still miss him so. We were left alone with nothing. I was only five years old at the time, but I remember him clearly."
"I see. You are eight years old now. Your mother has done well by you; you are a remarkable young lady."
"Oh, I don't know. We just get by as best we can. The people in the forest help each other just like a family. It's not so bad. It does become frightfully cold in the winter."
"I hope you will not have to suffer such hardships again. Valerius is a good man. He will not turn his back to your mother and you. I am your friend now too. I will not see you in dire straits either."
He squeezed her hand and they headed back to the house. I may become more acquainted with your mother if I have my way. She is quite lovely and well spoken. He quickened their pace.

~~~~~~~Leopold meets with Bishop Julius Brosius

Leopold spent the morning ordering the nuns in cleaning duties around the parish. Bishop Julius Brosius would be making his monthly stop in the afternoon and Leopold planned that it would not be a routine meal, inventory and accounting session.
The Bishop stopped by monthly to collect the tribute for the church. The tribute, which was called a donation, amounted to fifty percent of the offerings acquired by the local parish during the previous month. The offering was voluntary… or referred to as such. No church had ever seen fit to withhold the offering, so repercussions were unknown.
A greeting, followed by a hearty meal and then bestowment of the offering constituted the events of the usual visit. Business could be discussed, but there was seldom any business of note. Today there would be. There were demons afoot in the parish. The Bishops advice would be sought and possibly his help as well.
Leopold attempted to conceal his excitement as the Bishop strode up to the parish. "Good day, Bishop Brosius. I am pleased to see you once again."
"The pleasure is mine, Father Leopold. Father Thurston will be joining us?"
"Alas, he is about the village doing the Lord's work. I have taken the liberty of inviting Father Cervantes. He is young and new to the cloth. He is excited, of course, to meet you. An impressionable young man of strong faith. He seems well liked by the villagers."
"Excellent. I enjoy the company of young men new to the ministry. It comforts me to know the church will be in good hands as we age and finally go to Glory."
Father Cervantes waited anxiously in the dining hall and strode a little too swiftly to greet the Bishop. "I am honored to meet you, Bishop Brosius. I am new to the parish. I am Father Cervantes."
"Yes, son. I have been apprised. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. The work of the Lord is never done. One day you will be the aging clergyman meeting the young energetic priest." The Bishop smiled somewhat warmly, but the smiled disappeared as he noticed the bounty of food on the banquet table.
It wasn't long before Father Leopold spilled what was on his mind. "Bishop, I seek your wisdom. I am convinced a demon exists in our village. I have consulted with Father Rastavius in Constantinople and been enlightened. A young woman I have known since she was an infant shows clear signs of possession. Indeed, she has attracted another demon from the forest to join her. I fear that if something is not done, the village is in danger."
"The Lord is powerful, Leopold. Faith and piety will protect all. It is the one that is possessed that brings worry to me. Perhaps you mistake a folly of the mind."
"I have seen her commune with demons unseen by human eyes. Speaking to the wind as though a being of great evil had grabbed hold of her."
"Well, we do investigate such matters. We have found that in times of duress, Satan is ever vigilant in his quest. If you were to document this matter fully I would then present it to the church and await their recommendation." The Bishop looked around the room suspiciously and lowered his voice. "Of course, this is your parish. The Lord always guides those that serve him. It often becomes necessary for these matters to be dealt with locally through prayer and the support of the local clergy."
Father Cervantes broke the hushed tone exuberantly. "I have heard tell of resistance from villagers sometimes resorting to violent means. Are there troops available should that be the case?"
Leopold looked aghast as the young priest spoke out loud what should remain unsaid. "Son, the church does not call upon… "
"Yes, son. The government supports the sovereignty of the church and will step in to preserve it. It is not our desire to bring a matter to that end. Satan is powerful, son. We fight with light and truth. But the good book tells us that if need be we take up the sword. The hour is late. I am due south shortly. I must take my leave. I will keep in close contact, Father. The Lord will guide you and the church is at your disposal if needs be." He bowed and extended his hand.
Both priests took his hand and kissed the ring it bore and bid him a safe journey.
Once he had taken leave, Cervantes spoke. "I beg forgiveness, Father. I spoke out of turn. The excitement overwhelmed me."
"No, son, you were bold, it is true, but truth is never out of turn. I have heard of fellow clergy being murdered by frenzied crowds taken with the Devil's charm. You were right to voice your concern. I might have done so with less flourish, but you were not out of order. I am pleased with the Bishop's response. I feel renewed knowing that the church stands behind us. I have a visit to make."
Leopold took his leave. He horsed the carriage and set off on his way to the house of Abramus.

~~~~~~~Inside the home of Abramus

Cassius and Florentina entered smiling and the girl bounced to her mother smiling.
Cassius seemed to be shy as he addressed Lourdes. "Ma'am, your daughter is charming. I do hope that you will bring her by for visits. Perhaps when you are assisting the Doctor here, she might enjoy our company. She is taken with the farm and its hidden treasures." And YOU will be bringing her of course. In that way I will see you more often.
"I would be in your debt, sir. This is indeed a most welcoming home. She is taken with you. I have not seen her so light of spirit since… well, in quite some time. You have great charm yourself, Cassius."
"You are too kind, Lourdes. Of course, her visits will be my excuse to enjoy the company of her mother." His face flushed. Why did I say that? Oh dear. I shouldn't have blurted that out…
Lourdes blushed in kind. "You flatter me. That would indeed be my pleasure as well." She smiled brightly as she looked away towards the window. Oh my. I hadn't thought he even noticed me. This is certainly a lovely day. Yes, just lovely.


Author Notes Romance blossoms as it must! Feedback continues to be wonderful. Thank you so much.

List of characters:

Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique.

Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection.

Petrus- The father of Valerius

Abramus- The father of Julia

Cassius- The brother of Julia

Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia

Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician.

Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople.

Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold.

Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina.

Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius.

Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold.

Bishop Julius Brosius- A Bishop in the hiearchy of the church.

Father Cervantes- a young priest that Leopold has taken under his wing.

The story takes place about 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her.

Chapter 37
A Friendly Gathering

By michaelcahill

Previously, Leopold meets with the Bishop and discusses demon possession and receives backing from the church of sorts. He also receives unofficial sanctions to act on his own. We meet a young priest, Cervantes, who seems enamored of Leopold and his ways. Romance has bloomed betweeen Cassius and Lourdes. Cassius and Florentina are comfortable as they walk in the garden and enjoy each other's company. We continue now as everyone has reassembled at the house and discussion resumes regarding the safety of Julia and Florentina.

~~~~~~~All assembled in the Abramus household

With all parties in attendance, the time for planning in earnest had come. 

Valerius took the floor. "I want to make it clear that I am not proposing what is just or what is correct. I am proposing what is necessary. The lives of Julia and Florentina are at stake. The lives of all of us may be at stake as well. Father Leopold seeks evidence, isn't that right, Father Thurston?"
"Yes. That is exactly right. We have discretion, of course, in our own parish, but it is expected that evidence is gathered and presented to the council at the church in Constantinople. In my experience, the so-called evidence is to explain what has already been acted upon. The main church is just as likely to exonerate a parishioner, as it is to recommend prayer and expulsion of a demon. Exorcism is rare in the main church. It is more common in a village like this." Father Thurston noted the solemn eyes fixed on his every word.
Florentina squirmed in the arms of her mother. "What is exorcism, Father?"
"Well, it is a ceremony or a process by which an unclean spirit or a demon that possesses an individual is driven out of that person through the power of prayer and the commands of Christ, the Holy Spirit and God, Himself. It is only performed after… " He could see that his complicated answer was having no impact on the young girl. "Well, to put it simply, a priest tries to drive a demon out of a human that is possessed by it."
Valerius took charge as he could see that none of this mattered at the moment. "For now, we need to make an immediate plan. These details can be filled in later. As the good Father has pointed out, we don't want to give Leopold evidence. Simply put, that means that you, Julia, should not speak of or display any inkling that you have or are having visions of anything that others cannot see. It means that you, Florentina, should not mention the wolves in the pathway. If needs be, you may signal one of us that they are there and we will protect you… "
"I don't need protection. They are here to protect me. I am not afraid of them anymore. My father sends them. I will remain silent about them if you wish."
"Good. You may speak of them amongst us, but not around villagers or Father Leopold."
"Yes, I understand." Florentina seemed to understand at least what she should do. Whether she understood the reason or not, was another matter.
"Valerius, that is fine for her, she has but the one vision. I see worlds constantly around me. I find it difficult to know what is from another time and what is from this time that everyone sees. I recognize the people I know, most villagers, the clergy that I have met and of course my family and friends in this room." Julia became somewhat distraught. "I'm shunned by all in the village. They look upon me as something to be feared and speak of me in hushed tones. I hate going near any of them. It is only here with my family and you that I am at ease. Even you find me strange. All of you. Even you, Father, find need to explain me." She had tears in her eyes.
Valerius rushed to her side and embraced her.
She spoke softly. "Am I to perform now like a fool in a show? What would you have me do?"
"No, Julia. Not a fool. Not a show. I only ask that you cease to speak of those things that others do not see. There is no point in any case. They lack the vision to see; therefore what are they able to say? Nothing. They are able to say nothing. Speak about what THEY can see. What else are they able to speak of. In doing so, you will be safe. And please, whatever a person was in another life, they are not them now. Save those thoughts to share with us."
"Very well. I do understand. I even see the sense of it. I will do what I…."
The sound of a carriage brought silence to the room.
Abramus looked through the window and turned to those assembled. "It is Leopold. He is alone."
"Cassius and Lourdes to the kitchen. Julia, you join them. Make as though you are preparing for our get together. Everyone enjoy each other's company. This is a simple social afternoon." Valerius was steely eyed. Everyone moved quickly in response.
Father Thurston sat by the hearth by Abramus. Valerius bent down to Florentina and spoke. "Let's go for a little walk."
"Very well." Florentina smiled and took his arm and they walked out the door.
Father Leopold came upon the two of them shortly thereafter. They both waved to him with big smiles and approached his carriage.
Valerius spoke. "Ah, Leopold. How fortuitous. We are planning a bit of supper perhaps. Father Thurston stopped by to pay a visit to Cassius who was injured. I hope your schedule will allow you some time to socialize. We seem to be drawing quite the crowd. I am here to introduce my assistant, as you know. I believe you have met Florentina here."
"Why yes. The young lass that chases wolves. Hello, my dear." Leopold made a poor attempt to be charming. He came across as something worse than ghoulish.
Florentina curtsied. "Why yes. I chased them off for good. You'll be safe in your travels now."

Valerius added, "We did at that. A fun game indeed!" I fear at her age she doesn't quite understand.
"Oh, excellent. I feel safer already. Valerius, would you be so kind as to tend to my horse. The young lady can escort me inside." A gleeful sneer that may have been intended as a smile came across his face.
"Very well. She shall see you inside then." I don't care for leaving you alone with her… I'm stuck. Well, she knows what to do. I hope.

Valerius tended to the mounts as Leopold and Florentina headed towards the house.
"How often have these wolves visited you, my dear?" Leopold attempted to sound gregarious.
"Oh, they have come since my father was killed in battle." Florentina answered without considering the game Leopold played.
"I see. That must have frightened you." Ah. I knew they were unwordly.
"Yes, they killed my brother. I was afraid they would kill me too, but Julia showed me that my father brought them to protect me. They follow my commands now. I wave my hand and they lay down."
"Interesting. And you say Julia helped you with this." I knew it!
"Yes, she helped me see that my father was with them and he was the one who brought them to me for my protection. I'm not afraid of them anymore."
"Well, that is wonderful, child. I'm pleased that Julia was able to help you." Just as I suspected. Hellhounds that she silences with a wave of her hand. Julia sees them too and helps her with them. I knew it was wise to come here.
They walked into the house, Leopold following Florentina.
Abramus greeted them. "Leopold. So good to see you. Won't you stay for supper? We have a fine stew. Father Thurston is here already. We have captured him. Will you be as easy?"
"I dare say the aroma is tempting. I've a schedule to keep, but I have a little time. How are you Abramus? I see your son, Cassius, is making a remarkable recovery. Valerius seems to have great skill as a physician. I understand he fixed the injury with his bare hands. I have never heard the like."
"Indeed, nor have I Leopold. He somehow grabbed the leg with two hands, twisted, pulled and returned it to a normal shape. A miracle, I suppose." Abramus did well to hide his contempt.
"And his injury, how did he come by it?"
"Oh … he was … ah, ah well, he fell from a tree and landed on it. He broke it in the fall, you see."
"A tree, you say. What in creation was he doing in a tree?" Leopold had almost turned a grey color as he interrogated Abramus.
"Well, I don't rightly know. He was ah…."
"Some tea, Father, freshly brewed?" Cassius had been listening and thought it wise to intervene. "I was trying to catch a bird that appeared injured. I thought I could perhaps nurse it to health. But, it deceived me. It flew straight up as quick as you please. Not a thing wrong with it. Ha! All of that for nothing, well, a broken limb I suppose!"


Author Notes Wonderful insightful feedback and excellent suggestions. Thank you so much.

List of characters:

Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique.

Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection.

Petrus- The father of Valerius

Abramus- The father of Julia

Cassius- The brother of Julia

Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia

Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician.

Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople.

Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold.

Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina.

Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius.

Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold.

Bishop Julius Brosius- A Bishop in the hiearchy of the church.

Father Cervantes- a young priest that Leopold has taken under his wing.

The story takes place about 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her.

Chapter 38
Leopold Attacks, Julia Responds.

By michaelcahill

Previously, Father Leopold was able to garner information from Florentina by seperating her from Valerius. She innocently told him about her visions of wolves not realizing she was being tricked. The conversations continued inside, as Leopold dug for information and everyone tried to thwart him. We continue now, as the supper party continues along the same lines. Leopold tries to direct the conversation towards the activities of Julia.

~~~~~~~~The supper conversation continues

"Ah, how lovely. All of God's creatures are worthy of our attention. He smiles on those who care for them. Your sister was a big help to you I understand." Leopold could barely contain the inquisitor's stare.
Cassius flinched under the scrutiny of Leopold's stare. He didn't avert his eyes. "Yes, she proved most helpful to me. The doctor tells me her levelheaded thinking kept me from further damaging my leg. My instinct told me to drag myself home any which way. She calmed me and fetched Father's assistance."
"Yes, most fortuitous indeed. What brought the two of you to the forest that day?" He spoke as though he were a barrister before a council. Were he to pace before Cassius and turn to the others in the room, the courtroom picture would be complete.
The room had grown suspiciously still as eyes and ears drifted towards the conversation between the two. Julia tapped her foot like a mother at wits end over a petulant child. Florentina made no attempt to cover the look of fear that brought a pallor to her face.
Valerius scooped Florentina up from behind who squealed with surprise. "I thought you were fixing these weary travelers a feast of mutton stew. You appear to be frozen to the ground. Have your feet come to be trapped in a bog which prevents your movement. Let me help you!" He swung her high in the air.
Florentina giggled and gasped for air. "Mother! Some beast of the forest has hold of me. Help!"
"I'm afraid I am a slave to the stewpot, little one. You will have to fend it off as best you can. I fear the other beasts, should I not bring the stew in a timely manner." Lourdes wisely joined in the merriment.
Julia snapped out of her mood as well. "I'll not risk life and limb against such a hideous beast. Why, look at the drooling jowls of it. I will help with the stew. You are such a small morsel, perhaps a large bowl of it might be bartered for your release."
Valerius set the girl down and sniffed at the air. "Aaaaahhhh! They boil the flesh of a comely beast. Perhaps I shall be patient after all."
Florentina rushed to her mother's arms. "Mother, I can't believe you would tend to the stew while the beast would eat me alive." She giggled and shook from the fun of it all.
Lourdes laughed. "Do you not see the real beasts that fill this room? Do you not sense the hunger building in them? I have chosen the safer course in the long run. You will learn of men when you are older."
With that, the room burst into laughter. Only Leopold pretended merriment.
Julia and Lourdes managed to produce a respectable stew and began to serve it. The conversations concerned minor matters of little importance.
Father Thurston inquired of Father Leopold. "What news of the big city? Was the Bishop pleased with our offering?"
"He was indeed. The church remains ever vigilant. These are trying times of war, as everyone knows. A great darkness invades the land. The evil one is clever and his minions seek the weak and the innocent. I consulted with Rastavius on my recent visit and assisted him with a young woman besot with demons. A very sad case indeed. But the Lord was strong and prevailed. The demon fled and her soul was freed to live in glory. Rastavius is old, but his will in the Lord is strong." Leopold clearly enjoyed the attention that his words brought to himself.
"The woman died by the blade of a knife did she not?" Valerius smiled pleasently as though he had mentioned a summer shower that had passed. His voice sounded like a robin's song carried on the breeze.
"Sadly, the demon was strong in the powers of evil and there was no other path to salvation. These are the choices the Lord asks of us. It is not always an easy task to do his bidding." If retribution were a color, then his eyes were that color as he fixed his gaze upon Valerius.
With eyes fixed in resolve, Valerius responded. "Sad, that the Lord required what most would see as an act of murder as the only alternative for her salvation."
"But, glorious is her eternal life in communion with our Lord. The tortured life as a vessel for Satan's spawn finally ended and supplicated with everlasting peace." Leopold's face attempted piety, but it could not be found within the evil that covered it.
"Still, sad that her life of service here was cut short." Father Thurston had not shone this determined side of his demeanor before. He lowered his head and looked beneath his furrowed brow with determination.
Leopold hesitated for a moment no doubt having not seen it himself. "True, it is not a happy thing for those left behind. Such is death. It is human for us to grieve and ponder the loss of this shell we call life. In comparison to eternal glory, this is but a blink of God's all seeing eye." He returned Thurston's glare with one of his own. He rose from his chair and approached the window. "A lovely day the Lord has made."
Thurston rose as well and approached him. He whispered to Leopold, "perhaps such talk is too disturbing for the parishioners. Might it not be for a private discourse?"
"No, I think not. The Bishop made himself clear that we are to step to the task of our parish. It is up to us the priests of this village to protect the villagers." Leopold spoke softly, but loudly enough for all to hear.
"There is no danger in our parish, it is peaceful." Thurston also spoke loudly enough for all to hear.
Leopold turned to address everyone. "The Bishop was clear in his instructions to me. The priests of our parish are charged with the safety of our own. The church backs us in this regard with military might if need be. We must be steadfast. The Devil knows no loyalty. Even those that serve the Lord have been targets of his vile evil. The Bishop spoke of a priest not a half day's ride from here that had become possessed of the very demon he attempted to expel. No, it is clear that we must be strong. No stone unturned in our vigilance." He looked at Julia directly as he spoke his last line.
Leopold fabricated the story of the priest. Thurston had a good idea that such was the case. The others couldn't be sure. All were surprised by the aggressive stance of Leopold. His leanings were no secret, but for him to come forth with such an aggressive display was unheard of even for him.
"A priest possessed by demons, you say?" Julia spoke forcefully. "That is a terrifying thought. Can anyone imagine the power that he would possess? A man welcomed without question into others homes?" Julia did not look directly at Father Leopold as she spoke, but she made it a point to walk near him as though he was the topic of discussion. "Think of it. A man respected and confided in, who anyone would be proud to have at their supper table, all the while plotting the work of Satan himself. What would you do in such a case, Father Leopold?" She turned and looked Leopold directly in the eye. The certainty of her gaze was chilling even to her own father. The power that emanated from her eyes struck Leopold momentarily speechless.


Author Notes
Wonderful insightful feedback and excellent suggestions. Thank you so much.

List of characters:

Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique.

Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection.

Petrus- The father of Valerius

Abramus- The father of Julia

Cassius- The brother of Julia

Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia

Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician.

Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople.

Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold.

Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina.

Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius.

Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold.

Bishop Julius Brosius- A Bishop in the hiearchy of the church.

Father Cervantes- a young priest that Leopold has taken under his wing.

The story takes place about 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her.

Chapter 39
Delusions That Must Be Stopped

By michaelcahill

Previously, All gathered in conference to plan for the safety of Julia and Florentina. In the middle of their discussion Cassius noticed Leopold arriving unexpectedly by carriage. All concerned quickly jumped to action and the appearance of a social gathering unfolded by the time Leopold arrived at the door. Stew was being prepared and tea was offered to Leopold as he was invited in to join them. Leopold began to make accusations. Julia made innuendos as well. Leopold was silenced by the power of Julia's presence. We continue now as Leopold regains himself to respond.

~~~~~~~Discussion continues at the home of Abramus

Father Leopold regained himself and rose to speak. Julia stood nearby unmoving. "The church believes in the power of prayer young lady. Satan enters through the portal of weakness, weakness of spirit and resolve. He finds a ready vessel in weakness of mind." He returned Julia's gaze now with one of his own. Upon finding hers unflinching, he looked away. "Of course, Satan has no power over the Lord God Almighty. We call upon him in such matters. Faith … faith defeats the minions of hell."
"Here, here." Father Thurston rose to answer. "Indeed, the faith of a mustard seed that moves a mountain as it is written. Our village is unlike the big city. In Constantinople, one can be lost in its grandeur and seduced by its golden shine. These are the temptations of Earth that call to the greedy. Here in the country we till the land and commune with the creation of the Lord. We reap the bounty of our own toil and sweat. Riches are in the bounty of love and charity for our fellows."
Abramus spoke from his chair. "Well put, Father. Indeed, no one starves when there is food to share. No one suffers the weather when there is a roof to shelter. Such is the teaching of the good book. This is as it has been taught by you, yourself, Leopold since I was young and strong of limb."
"True that. Were we once young, Abramus?" Leopold smiled as though the tension had suddenly left his body. "My bones tell me that it is not so. But I do recall such a time. We once could climb a tree like young Cassius here and run through the garden like the young lady yonder." He gestured towards Florentina. "War and hard times bring a cloud over our village. It is dark and brings foreboding. We must be steadfast in our resolve."
Julia swayed slightly as Leopold spoke. Valerius made note of it and ambled to her side. He spoke, "Such dire and dark a conversation. I fear that the tea has an unfriendly potion steeped in it. I must look in my bag for something to produce merriment."
A pattering of laughter came over the assemblage and turned the attention from Leopold and Julia as he had hoped. Cassius caught the tone that Valerius had set.
"Perhaps a stout mug of ale to cap the afternoon, Father. It seems a festive occasion." Cassius smiled and looked to his father and the eyes in the room followed.
Valerius put his arm around Julia's waist and whispered, "Do you feel faint?"
"Ay, I see so much around Farth, it makes me dizzy. Perhaps a chair." Julia answered softly.
Valerius gently guided Julia to a chair nearby where she gently sat down. "Be careful to call him Leopold. He knows not of Farth, nor do we wish him to."
Julia looked up and nodded with a slight smile. Valerius turned away the ale for him and Julia without drawing attention to either of them. Cassius was in tune with the situation and subtle in his approach.
"More stew anyone? There is plenty. Riches amongst the poor, a bounty for the hard working!" He raised his cup in toast and the others joined him. Valerius nodded to him in gratitude. All eyes were on Cassius, Leopold included.
Time passed with small talk. By and by Leopold rose to take his leave. "Abramus, my friend, as always a most hospitable reception. Be wary and wise all as will I. Diligence is the watchword. I bid you good day all." With that, he turned towards the door.
"Hold a moment, Leopold, I will accompany you." Thurston rose to join him. "Thank you kindly, Abramus, a lovely respite indeed." Thurston accompanied Leopold out the door. He caught the eye of Valerius on the way out and an understanding of purpose passed between Thurston and the young doctor.

~~~~~~~~~The Abramus household heaves a sigh of relief

The breeze from the sigh of relief upon Father Leopold's exit cooled the room considerably.
"You are a marvel, Cassius. I imagine Julia here would tell us we once occupied the very same body!" Valerius slumped in his chair in relief. "I thought I would have to treat Leopold for a fainting spell when Julia spoke of him. To her credit, she made no mention of his name. A most bold but dangerous game though, dear woman."
Julia smiled, "He droned on with evil tone and intention encouraged by an unholy host of spirits past and present surrounding him. The shadows and whispers caused a spin to come over me. Most helpful of you", she nodded to Valerius, "I may have staggered to the ground on the spot".
Valerius became serious. "This is how we come to each other's aid in these matters. We see now that Leopold is determined and single minded. He is not given to reason, or sense for that matter. Julia clearly sees evil surrounding him. It is apparent to us as well, even without a special sight."
"Leopold is strong in our village and well known to all. He has ties to Constantinople and factions that would back him in the church. We have our own love for each other and belief in what is right and Godly. That is often the beginning of injustice in the world of man. We must be ready and we must be smart." Valerius spoke and looked to be beyond his years, which numbered but twenty.

~~~~~~~~Leopold and Thurston on the road

Leopold pulled the carriage to the side of the road and addressed Thurston, "There is a nice brook near the copse here. Perhaps a nice walk and a chat."
Thurston dismounted the carriage and stretched his legs. "That would be lovely."
They walked along in the forest drawn by the sound of the running water. The peaceful scene belied the thoughts that ran through their minds.
Leopold knew what he had to say. "The little one in her innocence has revealed the nature of her possession to me. You were a witness to the hostility in the demon possessing young Julia." He held out his walking stick towards the pond as though he expected it to part.
Thurston observed and listened. What is this? He thinks he is Moses at the red sea. Perhaps there is no reasoning … then what is there? "I saw no evidence that would lead me to believe either young lady was possessed. I scarcely understand your reasoning, A child and her fantasies, a young woman speaking, perhaps with anger, at her tormentor. What would you have her do in the face of your accusations and poorly veiled threats? Yes, we are all quite aware of the impetus for your terse words directed at her. I found it uncalled for."
"I see, uncalled for, you say." Leopold studied his stick and leveled it against the horizon as though he weighed his options. "Would I not be remiss to ignore a child that is set upon by hellhounds that have tormented her for as long as she can remember? And the girl, Julia. I am not alone in my knowledge of her visions. They have plagued her since childhood and caused her to be an outcast from the village. Her father secludes her in his house like a leper." He lowered his staff and looked at Thurston.
Thurston began to respond, but was cut off without a word as Leopold raised his staff even higher and exclaimed, "The Bishop knows what I face here and gives me my way. The great church in Constantinople is privy to our travails…."
Thurston cut him off at this point. "You hold your staff out as though you summon the lightning from on high. Is that the calling you speak of so fervently? You take this course upon yourself with no counsel? What are your plans then, Leopold? Will you then attempt to spirit away the child to the cellar of the sanctuary and apply the blade of faith to her throat? NO! I can tell you. That will not stand on the speaking of your word alone. Take heed, my friend, you must stay this reckless and vengeful course. It will be your undoing. Pray for guidance and it will be given you."
Leopold sneered and spoke threateningly, "Perhaps it is you that need the cleansing prayer. I fear that exposure to these demons has clouded your judgment and you have become an unwitting recruit to their unholy purposes."
Thurston decided that there was no sense to this exchange. "Well, my friend, it grows late and the sun begins to set. I suggest we take up this matter later. Let us return to the sanctuary and give ourselves to quiet reflection. I'm sure that answers will come to us." No answer will ever come to this man. I see who is possessed. I see that indeed.
Leopold nodded and headed towards the carriage. The sneer and sense of accusation remained fixed upon his countenance. In the distance, the sound of wolves cries cut the air. Both priests quickened their pace.


Author Notes Wonderful insightful feedback and excellent suggestions. Thank you so much.

List of characters:

Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique.

Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection.

Petrus- The father of Valerius

Abramus- The father of Julia

Cassius- The brother of Julia

Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia

Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician.

Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople.

Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold.

Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina.

Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius.

Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold.

Bishop Julius Brosius- A Bishop in the hiearchy of the church.

Father Cervantes- a young priest that Leopold has taken under his wing.

The story takes place about 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her.

Chapter 40
Romance Within The Storm

By michaelcahill

Previously, Leopold and Thurston argued by the creek. Thurston came to realize that Leopold was more fanatical in his beliefs than he had first imagined. The mood in the Abramus house was one of relief. We continue now as the tension has died down and private conversations take place. Abramus walks around his home while Florentina naps. He observes his son and daughter as they converse with their new friends.

~~~~~~~Abramus ponders the afternoon

As though the emotions of the afternoon needed to be cooled gradually by the setting of the sun, the people in the home of Abramus split off to discuss the events of the day among themselves in private. Cassius and Lourdes went to tour the vegetable garden at the urging of Florentina. Abramus covered a weary Florentina with a quilt his wife had made for his own Julia many years ago.
Abramus missed his wife. The sight of Florentina sleeping peacefully under the worn but still beautiful quilt sent his mind back to a time when joy existed in his home unfettered by the complications that had invaded his world today. He remembered his wife, Victoria …
"She dreams so fitfully, darling. What could possibly be going on that sweet little head?" Abramus could still hear her voice in his mind as he closed his eyes and listened.
Victoria and Abramus married young, even for the times, but never had a moments regret pass between them. The fever that took her came suddenly and spared the rest of the family. Julia had been the rock of the family during that awful time. She had quelled the fears of her mother as she spoke quietly to her on her deathbed. Julia spoke of life that flowed into the past and then into the future. Julia was but ten years old at the time of her mother's passing.
Abramus walked around his home, empty but for the sleeping child. Oh, Victoria, how I miss you still. Our little girl is under the terrible eye of Father Leopold. He is possessed of foolishness … demons. It is he who has the demon's eye. What am I to do, my love? He walked into the kitchen where she spent many an afternoon baking and cooking for him and their children. Tears welled up in his eyes. These were tears that he would only share with her. Yes, yes my darling. I will protect her as you wish. You needn't worry. He walked to the window and smiled as Julia and Valerius strolled towards the forest engaged in conversation. Off in the vegetable garden Lourdes and Cassius were laughing together as they walked arm in arm. Nothing will interfere with the happiness of our children, Victoria, nothing.

~~~~~~~~Cassius and Lourdes stroll in the vegetable garden

Cassius had never felt like this before. "Florentina was wise. This is a nice walk here to enjoy the fruits of what I usually only toil at. It is nice to see that my hard work is rewarded by the Earth in such a bounty." How lovely it is to share it with you. He smiled at Lourdes as she reached for a plum.
"May I have one?" Lourdes looked to Cassius, her eyes filled with love.
Cassius bent forward and kissed her. He had never kissed a woman in this fashion before. His ability to speak was lost for the moment.
Lourdes thrilled to the touch of his lips far more then she expected she would. "I will take that as a yes."
Cassius smiled and took her hand. They walked along together sharing everything without the hindrance of words.
Abramus smiled from his window. Perhaps our family is growing, Victoria. Cassius is becoming a fine man, just as you told me he would. Is he really so much like me? I may finally take that as words well meant.

~~~~~~~Valerius and Julia converse in the forest

”You were wonderful today, Valerius. You knew just when to come to my rescue. Do you finally remember beyond this short time we have spent here in this village?" Julia walked with a grace uncommon to peasants. The hardships of poverty and back breaking labor found no evidence anywhere in her persona.
"I only know what I see before me and what is in my mind. I know too, what I believe is real. When you speak, I know you speak of events that have occurred and I know that I have been there and shared them with you." Valerius walked towards a tall tree and placed his hand against the trunk as if looking for support. "I know this for I have embraced you and been astonished by the effect of it." Am I revealing too much? How do I withhold my every thought and speak to her honestly?
"I see through my eyes alone. I have come to know with your guidance that, perhaps, I see what no one else sees. Young Florentina sees a spirit that is her father watching over her. It is different, you understand, it is all in the here and now, as are you. How do I make you understand that you have lived what you have lived. It is much like convincing you that you stand now by a tree with your hand on it. You have embraced me, yes, and I you. But, Valerius, I have embraced you countless times. I have embraced you until I scarcely know where I end and you begin." Julia did not look away. She looked directly at Valerius with eyes that pierced without wavering. There was no hesitation or doubt within them.
"I am living this life, Julia. I know no other. In this life, I am a physician with an oath to my patients … an oath to you. How do I tell one that I attempt to heal that I love her beyond my comprehension. How do I betray an oath that defines who I am? How do…."
Julia walked to him and placed her hand on his shoulder. The fire of her touch flowed through him. "I am not your patient. I am not ill. You are not my doctor. Your oath is to me as my friend. Of all the words that pass between people, that is the strongest, Valerius. Friend. It requires nothing, it gives everything. Whatever passes between us in this lifetime is but a part of what we carry between us for all lifetimes."
She removed her hand and walked a few paces away. Valerius removed his hand from the tree and followed her with his eyes.
She continued, "I don't pretend to have answers or understanding. I only speak to what is in my heart and mind. I love you and the people in my life, my father and mother, Cassius, Lourdes and her daughter. I love people I see at a distance even. I see them from another time. It can be confusing and was terribly so when I was younger. I disappoint people so. I … I…."
Valerius rushed to her as tears formed in her eyes. "You do not need to be strong every moment of your life, Julia." He embraced her. "Feel the strength in my arms. Feel what you call my friendship. Feel this love and fall into it. I will protect you always. You may cry. You may be confused. You may live this life, Julia. This is the life you are living now. When a new life presents itself, then live that life. If you have lived other lives, they are already lived. They are not for you to live again. You are here."
Valerius brushed a tear from Julia's cheek and she smiled. He leaned forward and kissed her. In that moment their souls finally touched. For the first time he realized that this love had grown from more than just a single lifetime.
Abramus looked from his window to the edge of the forest in the distance. He saw his daughter in the arms of the young doctor, Valerius. He was a man that Abramus had come to respect. Abramus had tears in his eyes. Look Victoria. It is just as you said it would be. A man as special as Valerius would one day find her. You always put my heart at ease. You are right once again, my darling.

~~~~~~~Trellitia watches the two priests leave

Trellitia had heard every word of the conversation between Leopold and Thurston. She had almost announced her presence when she caught the tone of discord in their conversation. Once she was certain they were out of sight, she headed for the house of Abramus where Valerius had told her he would be that afternoon.

~~~~~~~Cassius and Lourdes greet Trellitia

Cassius looked down the road and saw Trellitia walked hurriedly towards the house. He released his embrace of Lourdes. "There is someone for you to meet, a good friend." He gestured towards the road. The two of them went to greet Trellitia.


Author Notes I love this story. I love the input and suggestions and help you all have been giving me as well. Thank you so very much!

List of characters:

Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique.

Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection.

Petrus- The father of Valerius

Abramus- The father of Julia

Cassius- The brother of Julia

Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia

Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician.

Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople.

Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold.

Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina.

Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius.

Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold.

Bishop Julius Brosius- A Bishop in the hiearchy of the church.

Father Cervantes- a young priest that Leopold has taken under his wing.

The story takes place about 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her.

Chapter 41
Forces Start To Muster

By michaelcahill

Previously, Romance bloomed as the stakes grew. Leopold and Thurston drew lines in the sand. The natural attraction between couples could no longer be denied especially between Julia and Valerius who are soulmates and have been for thousands of years. Abramus is pleased to see his children find possible mates and feels renewed. In spite of the turmoil of recent events, there is joy in the air. We continue now as Trellitia is observed approaching hurridly down the trail with a story to tell.

~~~~~~~Trellitia's tells what she's overheard

Cassius introduced Lourdes and Trellitia. "The good Doctor's teacher, may I present the good Doctor's new assistant, Lourdes." Cassius bowed formally to Trellitia.
Though clearly in a hurry, she had seen the two of them together in the garden and it brought her pleasure to see a happy young Cassius. "She is lovely. A fine new friend for you as well, if my old eyes are not playing tricks."
"They do not deceive. She is that and more." Cassius could not contain his joy.
Lourdes curtsied respectfully. "My pleasure. I have heard grand tales of your expertise."
"Exaggerated to humor an old widow I am sure." She smiled not quite fully. "I come on a matter of some urgency. Valerius and Julia need to be warned and I am sorry to say, you do as well. It is not a pleasant meeting, as I would wish, but a meeting born of urgency. Let us to the house then. Is Valerius inside?"
Cassius began to smile, but caught himself. "Ma'am, Valerius is nearby with Julia. The two of you go inside and I will fetch him. Abramus tends to Florentina inside. I will return shortly with the two of them."
As the two woman strode towards the house, Cassius ran to the woods where he surmised he would find his sister and Valerius as well.
Cassius snuck up on Valerius and Julia who were kissing. "A new therapy, I see. I believe it seems to be having a positive affect too. The patient seems to have a healthy blush to her cheeks and…." Cassius had to dodge the swift blow from Julia who was mildly amused and mildly perturbed at the same time.
"Ah, you misunderstand, Cassius, your sister had something in her eye that I ... was ... um, inspecting. I believe I have successfully removed it. What brings you here on the run and what have you done with my assistant? It is but here first day on the job." Valerius had a blush to his cheeks as well. His wit partially covered his embarrassment at being discovered in less than a professional repose.
Cassius furrowed his brow. "Trellitia summons us all to the house. A matter of great concern, as she explains it. I have come to fetch you at her request."
The three of them made their way to the house. Valerius and Julia were painfully aware of each other's presence and found it difficult to avoid brushing each other's arm and leg as they walked. Each touch produced sparks that they could feel and were not certain others couldn't see them.
Finally, all were assembled in the house. Trellitia wasted no time. "I heard an incredible argument by the creek that leads to my home not more than thirty minutes ago. Father Thurston and that crazed fool Leopold sounded like soldiers gone to battle. Thurston surprised me with his tenacity. Likewise, Leopold has reached a resolve I scarce dreamed he had within him. He is not the man I have known these many years. He is the image of Rastavius whom you are well aware of Abramus."
Abramus took on a grave countenance. "I recall the days of his troubles with your husband, Bartholomew, Lady Trellitia. A young Gregorio was most helpful an aid as I recall. Your husband had the ear of the military though. It proved to be a great asset."
Trellitia nodded and looked away. "It proved to be his undoing as well though for different reasons. Rastavius held his rancor within though and brought peril to me for some time. Greater matters took his attention blessedly from concern about my wellbeing or lack thereof. The old witch of the forest came to be forgotten by him. I fear it may not be the case now that the young doctor here is my apprentice. He thirsts for demons and believes he has found them in Julia and in your sweet young daughter, Lourdes."
"But, it is absurd! She is but a child. He knows her not having met her but on the road and briefly here at the house. Why the notion is folly, it is an absur…." Lourdes was not pleased to say the least.
Trellitia cut her off mid-sentence. "My apologies. I do not claim sense to his yearnings and accusations. But, we cannot turn our heads to them. Fervor is a powerful force. It is loud and gains ears. Sense may come softly on a whispered notion, but self-righteousness screams from a mountain top into a canyon." She paused and looked around the room solemnly. "And it echoes."
Abramus stood with a snap to his personage unseen in many years. "The village leaders must be apprised of this development. We must be cautious. There are many a sympathetic ear long acquainted with Leopold. I, myself, may have been so inclined not long ago. Start with your father, Valerius. He is strong in influence. Be discreet. Leopold must not get wind of opposition. All must appear as it is now. It is clear any sensible approach we have discussed is of little consequence. Leopold's mind is set."

~~~~~~~Strangers approach the house

Cassius looked out the window and announced to those gathered. "A stranger comes down the lane. A man and his family it appears. They are unknown to me. They appear to be farmers such as we. Shall I go forth to greet them?"
Abramus thought for a moment. "No, observe as they approach in a subtle manner. They will make their intent known at our doorstep."
Julia looked out as well. "There son is beset with visions. He is bound and guided by his mother. You see, Brother. He speaks to the air and gestures wildly. Interesting. Is this how I appear to you? You are a fine brother indeed." She took his arm and rested her head on his shoulder.
Cassius raised his hand to her head. "You are much more interesting, Julia."
She looked up and they shared a smile as they waited for the family to arrive.
Cassius opened the door as they approached. "Greetings. To what do we owe the pleasure of your company?"
"We come by way of Father Thurston of the parish. We are from the village nearby. Our son is beset with delusions. We are cast out of our village accused of demon possession. We fled to save our son. The physician Valerius is said to be visiting here. I am Winslow."
"I am Valerius. I am whom you seek. This is not my home, however. I will be pleased to see you to…."
Abramus strode forward with his hand outstretched. "I am Abramus, this is my home in which you are most welcome. You must be weary from your journey. Please sit and rest. There is time to meet your new friends. I am sorry for your troubles. You will find a sympathetic ear in my home."
Winslow exhaled in gratitude and relief. "Thank you for your kindness, sir. This is my wife, Adeline, my daughter, Noreen and my son, Grenadier. He is a bit indisposed at the moment. It comes and goes. I hope you understand." He looked around anxiously.
Cassius smiled. "We understand perfectly. Some tea for everyone? Perhaps a stout ale for your sir. The dust of the road leaves a throat parched, yes?"
Trellitia smiled. "I feel the spirit of my Bartholomew here and he is pleased. This is just the kind of gathering that brought out the best in him." She raised her glass. "May it bring out the best in us all." All raised their glasses in agreement including the newcomers who, at the very least, had cause to celebrate something.


Author Notes I love this story. I love the input and suggestions and help you all have been giving me as well. Thank you so very much!

List of characters:

Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique.

Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection.

Petrus- The father of Valerius

Abramus- The father of Julia

Cassius- The brother of Julia

Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia

Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician.

Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople.

Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold.

Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina.

Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius.

Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold.

Bishop Julius Brosius- A Bishop in the hiearchy of the church.

Father Cervantes- a young priest that Leopold has taken under his wing.

Winslow-husband/Adeline-wife/Noreen-daughter/Grenadier-disturbed son-- a family cast out of a nearby village when their son was accused of demon possession. The family fled to save their son's life. New patient for Valerius.

The story takes place after 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. Other patients come to Valerius and they are in danger as well.

Chapter 42
Fugitive Hunt and a Seizure

By michaelcahill

Previously, Trellitia arrived at the house to report the conversation she overheard between Leopold and Thurston. The levels of concern rose accordingly as it appeared they would have to take a more aggressive stand to defend their loved ones. As the discussion continued, a family on the run from a nearby village showed up at the doorstep seeking the aid of Valerius for their son. Their son was deemed possessed and they fled in fear for his safety. We continue now as Leopold and Thurston have arrived back at the parish where they continue their argument. Visitors are about to arrive.

~~~~~~~~~~Visitors at the parish

"My friend, we have come far in these few years." Thurston paced in the priests private chambers. "We must reach an understanding between us. It serves not our parishioners for us to be at odds. We at least agree on the teachings of the Good Book and the sovereignty of the Christ. Demons and the like are cause for emotions and fervor. It has always been so. We cannot be given to them." I speak to a deaf man. Would that this statue of Peter be not mute.
Leopold smiled and answered with pious sanctimony. "Indeed, dear friend. I have no intention of allowing fervor to be the ruler of my views. It is our parishioners I place at the forefront of my concerns. I am not given to emotion concerning demons. I am given to their banishment from this village and from this earth." The question is why aren't you? "We see eye to eye on many things, Thurston. But this is something of grave importance. It can't be swept to the side. I have the backing of the church in these matters. I do not consider this lightly."
"Nor I, my friend, nor I. Not every fanciful child or disturbed individual is possessed by a demon. People are often beset by worry and great sadness. Why ... the child you speak of, you barely know. She is without a father and has lived in poverty under great hardship. Are her fears borne of some great evil demon that has possessed her, or---OR are they the simple terrors of a child who does not know where her next meal will come from, or where she might rest her head on a given night? Yes, we differ on this matter." He paused to consider the statue of Peter as though, at least, it might be listening.
Cervantes entered the room and sensed the tension. "Have I interrupted a private conversation? I offer my apologies." He turned as though to leave the room though he made no motion to do so. "I can have Father Cicero wait a moment. I will offer him some bread and coffee."
"No, we will continue our discussion later. I'm sure Father Cicero is anxious to see us. It is half a day's ride from his village. The bread and coffee sounds to my liking though. How about you, Father Thurston?" Leopold smiled at Thurston with a chilling genuineness.
Thurston recoiled from the look on Leopold's face slightly and recovered. "Yes … ah, yes … that would be fine."
Cervantes spoke softly to Leopold. "Father Cicero is accompanied by four soldiers, should I invite them in as well?"
"Why yes, of course. They are no doubt parched as well. What are you thinking, Cervantes? All are welcome in the Lord's house. Never mind, tend to the bread and tea. I will greet the soldiers." Leopold made his way to the parish entrance.
The soldiers were dismounted, waiting outside and drinking from their canteens when Leopold appeared at the front of the church. "Gentlemen, forgive my young apprentice. Won't you come in out of the heat? We have fresh baked bread and tea, you are most welcome." Leopold smiled.
The priests and soldiers enjoyed the refreshments. They engaged in conversation concerning the weather and the growth of each other's villages. At the appropriate time, Father Thurston stood to address Father Cicero.
"Father Cicero, what brings you to our parish accompanied by armed guard?" he smiled while he nodded towards the soldiers.
"I'm afraid it is not as dramatic as it appears. The soldiers were recommended by Father Rastavius as protection on the road. There are demons growing in number and given to attacking the clergy, he alleges. I think nothing of it, but he insists." Cicero smiled.
"I see, caution is the sensible thing in these matters. Rastavius is not given to overreaction." Leopold made it a point to catch Thurston's eye, insuring he caught the meaning of his remark.
"Indeed", Thurston remarked in acknowledgement of Leopold having spoken, but without acknowledging the truth of what he spoke. "What, then, is the purpose of your visit? Surely, not simply for our delicious bread."
"One of my parishioners is missing. Well, his entire family is missing. They are prominent members of our village. I was treating his son who has been determined by the church to be demon possessed. I fear they have foolishly fled to spare him treatment which may have appeared harsh to them. I don't need to tell you of the danger they have placed themselves, and anyone they encounter, in." Cicero looked directly at Father Leopold as though he knew that a sympathetic ear was listening.
Leopold stood with a solemn air about him. "The foolishness of it all. They run from those that would help them into the unknown. No doubt they will find danger, for what else is there to find when running from the outstretched arms of the Lord? I have not heard of anyone having contact with these people. I know whom they would seek though, if they came to our village. The physician, Valerius, seems to think he can drive away a demon with a few herbs and a fanciful tune. His reputation spreads. It is a good chance that they would seek his aid. We will be watchful on your behalf."
"I am pleased to hear that. Valerius, you say. One of the older priests is stricken with endless pain in his limbs. It makes it difficult for him to call on villagers. It has left him a recluse at the parish. We have no physician. If you have the ear of this young doctor, perhaps you will mention it." Cicero looked hopeful.
Thurston answered, "He is a fine young man as well as a skilled physician. I'm sure he will see his way clear to pay a visit before long."

~~~~~~~~A seizure strikes Grenadier

Winslow and his family ate heartily of the stew and freshly baked bread. They had clearly not eaten a good meal in some time. Noreen was near the age of Florentina and they made fast friends. Winslow's wife Adeline helped serve some of the food, but Julia insisted she sit and eat with her family. Grenadier seemed to calm down from his earlier state. He ate his food, conversed a little with his own family, and acknowledged the others in the house shyly. He continued to interact periodically with entities that no one else could see including Julia and Florentina.
Julia sat by him and began to converse with him quietly. "What is it you see, Grenadier? Is it people?"
Grenadier nodded his head up and down indicating, yes. He said, "They are friends mostly, but there are strangers too who are mean to me. They tell me what to do. It seems wrong, but I am afraid I will get in trouble if I don't do what they tell me to do. I'm in trouble with my father, you see, when I don't do as he says."
Julia smiled. "I know what you mean. I see whole armies sometimes. Not another soul sees them but me. Can you imagine what they think?" They both giggled at that.
Winslow and Adeline both looked up at the sound of Grenadier laughing. It occurred to them both; it had been a long time since they had heard him laugh.
In the middle of Grenadier's conversation with Julia, his arms curled up towards his shoulders and his mouth became crooked. His head leaned to the right and became rigid. Seconds later, he slipped from the chair and began shaking on the floor. He made a plaintive noise as though he were trying to form a word but couldn't do it. It sounded strained and frantic. Winslow and his family were familiar with what was happening to him. No one else there was.
Winslow rushed to his aid. "There is nothing to do. Give him room. Move this table so he doesn't hurt his leg on it. It will cease in a few moments time. He'll be okay."
Valerius kneeled down by the boy with a pillow and placed it under his head. "Lourdes, fetch my bag and boil some water. I'll need a few clean rags as well. A bowl also, of water when it has boiled. Everyone go about your business. As Winslow says, there is nothing to be done. He will be fine."
Florentina stood with her mouth open as though she were screaming, but not a peep came out. Julia rushed to her side. "It's okay dear. It's just a spell he's having. He'll be just fine. His father says this happens to him from time to time. The Doctor will help him."
Valerius overheard Julia refer to himself as, "The Doctor". It made him feel proud, but, at the same time, he felt a weight suddenly press down on his shoulders.


Author Notes Wonderful feedback. I listen to every word and take it to heart. I often get excellent ideas from your thoughts and comments. The encouragement has been so appreciated. I apologize for my terrible record in responding to reviews. I'm buried and try to keep up with reviews first. I swear I read every word and appreciate your input more than you could possibly know. Thank you so very much.

List of characters:

Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique.

Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection.

Petrus- The father of Valerius

Abramus- The father of Julia

Cassius- The brother of Julia

Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia

Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician.

Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople.

Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold.

Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina.

Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius.

Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold.

Bishop Julius Brosius- A Bishop in the hiearchy of the church.

Father Cervantes- a young priest that Leopold has taken under his wing.

Winslow-husband/Adeline-wife/Noreen-daughter/Grenadier-disturbed son-- a family cast out of a nearby village when their son was accused of demon possession. The family fled to save their son's life. New patient for Valerius.

Father Cicero-A priest from a nearby village that had been performing prayer and other rites on Grenadier to drive out the demon he believes the child has inside him. He is searching for Winslow and his family.

The story takes place after 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. Other patients come to Valerius and they are in danger as well.

Chapter 43
More Injuries and a Visitor

By michaelcahill

Previously, Father Cicero from a neighboring village visited the parish searching for Winslow, who has stoped at the home of Abramus seeking refuge and the services of Valerius. Leopold listens with great interest as this Father Cicero explains that the family left due to the treatment for possesion of Winslow's son. In the meantime Grenadier had a seizure and was treated by Valerius at the home of Abramus. Cicero had need of a phsician in his village for an old priest and decided to seek out Valerius while searching for the missing family. We continue now as the young boy is tended to by Valerius as Trellitia looks on.

Trellitia joined Valerius as he tended to the young boy. She mostly observed, nodding her approval, making expressions that ranged from worry to curiosity. The conversation between them had little meaning for anyone but them for the most part.
Trellitia smiled. "Yes, grind the root very fine. Yes, perfect … not too hot. Apply to your wrist first."
Valerius listened with interest as he intently went about his tasks. "No, don't let him up yet, he's fine right there. More pillows." He made his request to no one in particular. Nonetheless, the pillows appeared and Lourdes took them and arranged them to the young boys comfort.
Grenadier's eyes seemed to roam the room without fixating, and his responses to inquiries were not clear.
"This is not the most agreeable of drinks, Grenadier, but it will calm your body. Please try and drink some slowly." He placed the cup to Grenadier's lips, tilted slightly, and let the boy drink at his own pace. Grenadier did not seem to mind the taste. "He's doing quite well. This is the norm?" He addressed Winslow.
Winslow deferred to Adeline, his wife, who answered, "Yes, though we have no potions to aid him. We make him comfortable and try to make him rest. But, he is a boy and given to the ways of a boy. He does not tolerate too much of a mother's embrace."
As though her words were permission, Grenadier broke swiftly from the arms of Lourdes and jumped to his feet. "I'm all right. It's something that comes to me and then goes. I don't know why. The priest says that I am the child of the devil. He's frightening and hurts me. I think he's the devil." He showed Valerius his left arm.
Valerius swelled with outrage. He addressed Winslow, "Are you aware of this. This appears to be inflicted by bondage--chains no doubt. The bruising is deep and recent. Let me see more closely, my friend. I won't harm you." He prodded gently and noted the boy recoiled to the touch near the wrist. "I suspect there may be a break near the wrist. Lourdes?"
Lourdes had already pulled binding cloth from his bag and had it at the ready.
Valerius smiled as he took it and began to wrap the wrist. "He is an active young man, of course, but if you could attempt to restrict his use of this hand it would aid its healing. I see he favors his left hand. This might be an opportunity to strengthen his right. The priests find it some kind of sign when a person favors their left hand. Silly, but there you are. A suggestion only, I find the notion absurd."
"A priest approaches." Julia looked through a window in the kitchen. "I'm not familiar with him." She motioned her father to her side. "Do you know him, Father?"
Abramus went with haste to the window and considered the priest that approached slowly. He considered the soldiers on the roadside who awaited on horseback while holding an empty stead. "Everyone. I don't care for the look of this one bit. Be silent, I will go to greet him. Winslow." He nodded to his guest. "Is this the priest from your village?"
Winslow stepped back from the window. "Indeed it is. But what … looking for us I imagine. My apologies…."
"Nonsense! Now you seclude yourself in my chambers quietly. I don't plan to have him in, but just in case, remain still. He can't be sure you are here. No one is aware, am I correct?"
Winslow nodded in the affirmative as he spoke, "We have taken to traveling in the evening to avoid detection. Come now, quickly, everyone. To the chambers quietly."
Abramus walked casually through his front door and down the wooden steps to greet the stranger. "Hello, Father, I am Abramus. I don't believe I have had the pleasure." He extended his hand.
His greeting was received in kind. "I am Father Cicero. I come on two matters. I search for four of my parishioners who have fled my parish. I don't expect you have seen them, A family, man, woman, daughter and son … missing for several days now. The boy is quite ill."
"No, I'm afraid not. We are remote here. Perhaps you might inquire in town or at our Parish if they sought aid." Abramus smiled.
"I thought not. I have been to the Parish. There I learned of your young Doctor Valerius. We are without a physician in our village. I sought to meet him and learned that he might be paying a visit here. I am concerned for one of the elder priests in our parish. I plan to play on the sympathies of the young Doctor. Do you think he might be vulnerable to such a shameless approach?" Cicero smiled warmly.
"Kindness is not a stranger to him, I can tell you that. He is just about to take leave. I would invite you in, but there is a small fever in my home and I wouldn't want to risk your health. The doctor assures me it is nothing if you wish to…."
"No, if he is taking leave, I will wait for him to depart then. I seem to have come at a perfect time."
"May I ask why you come with soldiers? It is not common to see them in our village."
"A silly precaution that I do not approve of. Protection on the road they say. Foolishness. I do hope that we might share more time together when next we meet." Cicero extended his hand. "Now, don't warn the doctor now. I want to launch my attack with surprise!"
Abramus managed to smile and chuckle with some genuineness. "Indeed I will conspire with you to that end."
Abramus returned to his home and entered. Anxious faces greeted him.
Cassius spoke for them, "Well?"
Abramus took a deep breath and spoke, "He does seek our guests, but he is not aware that they are here. He also seeks you, Valerius. He has need of a physician at his parish. I had to think fast. I told him you were about to take leave. He plans to prey upon your good nature to minister to his fellow priest in his village. I could think of no other way to keep from extending him an invitation. I told him there was a fever in my home. The lies are enough to give me a fever. I can scarce remember the order of them. In any case, it is best you take leave now." Abramus looked to be relieved when finished with his explanation.
Valerius looked at Lourdes. "I would like you to come with me. You are an excellent assistant. I would think your daughter safe here with Abramus and Julia, if that were to meet with their acceptance." He looked to Abramus who nodded.
Valerius looked to Julia who spoke, "I will manage to cling to my mind anticipating your return." She looked at him and made no attempt to hide her affection. It caused him to blush in spite of his best efforts. All there pretended not to notice.
Cassius stepped forward. "Not to worry, my friend. Father and I shall keep everyone safe. Besides, all here know who the teacher is. I expect we will do fine without the student for a few short days." Cassius bowed respectfully to Trellitia who seemed genuinely touched by his gesture.
With that, Valerius and Lourdes were out the door to greet Father Cicero.
Valerius extended his hand, "I understand you are in need of a physician." I am in need of answers. Are you the man that binds and beats a child? I have a purpose to my journey as well.
"I am Father Cicero. Yes, we rarely see a physician; the great city is such a struggle for our older parishioners. We rely on the Lord and his kindness. We would be grateful for one of his sons blessed with the healing knowledge to tend to our beloved friend at the parish. Father David seems not himself more often than not. We can provide some compensation though our coffers are not over flowing." He seemed to be genuine in his concern.
"I will see to him. There are things that are beyond the physicians skills. But if I am able to help your friend, I certainly will. Let's hope the soldiers don't provide additional patients for me on the road to your village." Valerius smiled and noted that Cicero found Lourdes attractive. Yes, old man, I see your eyes move. They are not as quick as you suspect. No harm, I suppose, but noted.


Author Notes Wonderful feedback. I listen to every word and take it to heart. I often get excellent ideas from your thoughts and comments. The encouragement has been so appreciated. I apologize for my terrible record in responding to reviews. I'm buried and try to keep up with reviews first. I swear I read every word and appreciate your input more than you could possibly know. Thank you so very much.

List of characters:

Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique.

Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection.

Petrus- The father of Valerius

Abramus- The father of Julia

Cassius- The brother of Julia

Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia

Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician.

Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople.

Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold.

Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina.

Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius.

Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold.

Bishop Julius Brosius- A Bishop in the hiearchy of the church.

Father Cervantes- a young priest that Leopold has taken under his wing.

Winslow-husband/Adeline-wife/Noreen-daughter/Grenadier-disturbed son-- a family cast out of a nearby village when their son was accused of demon possession. The family fled to save their son's life. New patient for Valerius.

Father Cicero-A priest from a nearby village that had been performing prayer and other rites on Grenadier to drive out the demon he believes the child has inside him. He is searching for Winslow and his family.

The story takes place after 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. Other patients come to Valerius and they are in danger as well.

Chapter 44
Roads Quickly Traveled

By michaelcahill


Previously, Valerius treated the young boy that had a seizure assisted by Lourdes and observed by Trellitia. The family had to hide as the priest that they fled from came looking for them at the house of Abramus. The priest, Father Cicero, was also looking for Valerius and was told he might be there. He wanted help with a priest in his own village that was ill. Valerius agreed to accompany the priest back to his village to look at his friend. We continue now as Valerius stops at his father's home to give instructions and pick up a few things.

~~~~~~~A stop at the home of Petrus

"I'll need to stop by my home for some things." Valerius smiled to Cicero. "My family might miss me as well." I'll want to alert them to Leopold and the escalation of matters too.
Cicero smiled sincerely. "Of course, I realize this is an imposition. Take whatever time you need to get your affairs in order. I consider myself on your time and most gratefully so."
"I'll need your assistance." Valerius nodded to Lourdes. I don't plan to leave you alone with Cicero.
"Of course." Lourdes accompanied him to the door of his father's home.
They both entered. "Father. We are in a rush. I am needed in a nearby village. I have a couple of matters to discuss of some urgency."
Lourdes looked back from the window. "He greets the priest and soldiers. He must have been in the fields. He hurries now to the house."
Petrus rushed through the door. "What is the need for soldiers, son? Are you being conscripted? Imagine my surprise to look up from my plow. Roman soldiers! War in my barley field. Can't be of benefit to the crop. Well … speak up boy!"
Valerius laughed. "Our barley field is safe, Father. The soldiers are to secure us on the road, though I fear they attract more danger then they protect us from. I'm assisting a nearby village who are without medical assistance. I won't be more than a couple days. It is part of my calling."
"Very well. You think it wise to bring Lourdes here with you? What of young Florentina? We are happy to provide for her here."
"Thank you, Father; I know she would be well cared for here. She is taken with Cassius and a young man her age, Grenadier, visiting there. Abramus assures us she will be no trouble."

Lourdes smiled. "Julia has a calming affect on her even more than I. She is in good hands."

Valerius interjected anxiously, "Now, Father, trouble is what I wish to discuss. Leopold has passed any point of reasoning. It seems he has some backing from the church or claims to. Thurston seems concerned, so I believe there is truth behind his boasting."
"What is the nature of the trouble, son. He is a priest after all. What threat could he pose other than to our souls?" Petrus took a chair at the kitchen table and bid the two of them sit. "Would your guests require refreshment?"
"No, they are nourished. I don't wish to discuss this matter in their presence. I don't distrust Father Cicero, but I don't put my confidence in him either. He searches for the family being harbored by Abramus at his home. They fled the so-called care of Cicero. Leopold is determined help Julia and Florentina. He considers them both possessed by demons. I am nervous knowing that the main church in Constantinople is involved as well as the military." Valerius paced the kitchen without taking a chair.
"These are serious matters, I can see that. I have heard tell of the church going to extreme measures with the full backing of the state. The state considers the church a necessary evil and source of control and riches. It is an ugly marriage, if you ask me." Petrus looked grim.
"You have respect in our village, Father, as does Abramus. Leopold has many an ear too, though. You must tell as many sympathetic ears as possible to be at the ready. It is Julia today; it may be their sons and daughters tomorrow. We have a sympathetic ear in Father Thurston. What that gains us, I do not know. But, I believe in his commitment to what is sensible and right. We must go so as not to draw suspicion."
Petrus rose to bid his son farewell. "I will do what I can, Son. You do what you can to maintain your own safety. Remember, a physician is a valuable and sought after commodity in these times. Prominence is not always a good thing."
They embraced and Valerius made his way to the door along with Lourdes. They rushed to Cicero who awaited them along with the Roman Soldiers.

~~~~~~~~~A stop at the parish

Father Cicero had a stop of his own to make on his way out of the village. Valerius wanted dearly to hear the conversation Cicero exchanged with Leopold. He saw no opportunity to impose his presence, so he remained with Lourdes and the soldiers.
Inside the parish, Leopold spoke quickly as Cicero listened. "It is my belief that the family you seek will find a ready refuge in the homes of Abramus or Petrus. Such are the ways of demons. They congregate together and attract one another. They commune in the shadows and bide their time. If your missing family is nearby, they will be drawn here, if they haven't been already. I will be ever watchful. Valerius may have knowledge which he hides. You are wise. Be subtle and perhaps he will reveal more than he wishes."
Father Thurston entered through a side door. He feigned surprise at seeing Father Cicero. "Ah, I thought you long gone. Were you able to find our young physician?"
"Indeed, I was. He awaits outside. A most fortunate trip for me. I have not found what I sought, but I have nonetheless discovered a great treasure to accompany me home. I am optimistic that he may be able to help my friend." Cicero smiled, even as Leopold studied the face of Thurston for signs of deception.
Leopold smiled, but there was no mirth to be found in it. Did you overhear anything of interest, my friend? It appears not. "I'm hoping he doesn't entice our good doctor to remain. I understand there is a master baker in the village." 
"Well, I shall wish our good doctor a safe trip then." Thurston took leave of the two priests and was out the church door before they could react.
Valerius strode forward to greet him.
Thurstone whispered to him, "Listen, I will be quick. Watch your tongue around Cicero. He is in league with Leopold. They suspect the missing family to be in or near this village. I will warn the others." Thurston placed his arm on Valerius' shoulders and laughed heartily. "Now, you know you are needed here. A piece of pie should not be enough to turn your head, no matter the quality. We expect you back soon." Leopold shook his hand and made his way swiftly back to the church.
Thurston addressed Cicero, "He seems to have already heard rumor of fresh baked pie in your village. I trust a man of the cloth would not resort to such measures to ply him from his duties here." Thurston laughed heartily and Cicero joined him.
"Of course, no such thought has occurred to me. Now, if he happens, through no fault of my own, to take a liking to certain aspects of our fellowship, surely I can't be held accountable." They all laughed heartily at that. Somehow, Leopold continued to look disingenuous in the effort.

~~~~~~~~Thurston visits Abramus

Father Thurston found the baptism of Zacharias' and Belinda's baby a perfect opportunity to visit Abramus. The baptism would take Father Leopold some time with fellowship to follow. He took the carriage and made good time to the Abramus farm.
"It is Father Thurston and he comes in a hurry." Julia was at the window watching Florentina and Grenadier play.
Abramus rose to open the door. Cassius went out to tend to his horse and carriage. Thurston hurriedly greeted Cassius and strode quickly to the open door.
"I have news. I best just speak it outright. Leopold and Cicero suspect that Winslow and his family either are here or soon will be. Leopold is obsessed with demons and sees them in every corner. I believe they are not safe here. I fear that Julia and young Florentina are not either. Valerius is aware of this and forewarned as he travels with Cicero to his village." Father Thurston exhaled as though he had been holding his breath for a long time.
"I have begun to inform sympathetic ears in the village of our plight. But, as you know, there are many loyal to Leopold. He is in a position of great influence. Cassius, bring the children in. It is not safe for them out there. Grenadier mustn't be seen by passersby." Abramus showed some of the strain that had been weighing on him.
"I'd like to slit his throat and leave him in the forest." Cassius spoke and silence came over the room like a shroud.
"Murder is not the answer, son." Thurston seemed to speak with little conviction, as though it were his place to speak those words, whether he believed them or not.


Author Notes Wonderful feedback. I listen to every word and take it to heart. I often get excellent ideas from your thoughts and comments. The encouragement has been so appreciated. I apologize for my terrible record in responding to reviews. I'm buried and try to keep up with reviews first. I swear I read every word and appreciate your input more than you could possibly know. Thank you so very much.

List of characters:

Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique.

Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection.

Petrus- The father of Valerius

Abramus- The father of Julia

Cassius- The brother of Julia

Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia

Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina.

Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius.

Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold.

Winslow-husband/Adeline-wife/Noreen-daughter/Grenadier-disturbed son-- a family cast out of a nearby village when their son was accused of demon possession. The family fled to save their son's life. New patient for Valerius.

Father Cicero-A priest from a nearby village that had been performing prayer and other rites on Grenadier to drive out the demon he believes the child has inside him. He is searching for Winslow and his family.

The story takes place after 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. Other patients come to Valerius and they are in danger as well.

Chapter 45
Who To Trust

By michaelcahill

Previously, Plans began to form as people came and went from place to place. It was clear to everyone that Leopold was determined to cast demons out of Julia and Florentina. The search was on for Winslow and his family and the homes of Abramus and Petrus were considered likely hideouts. Valerius agreed to accompany Cicero to his village to minister aid to an ailing priest. Valerius forwarned his father, Petrus, that Leopold considered his home and the home of Abramus as possible hiding places for the runaway family. Thurston warned Abramus of Leopold's intentions while Leopold conducted a baptism for a villager. We continue now as Cervantes greets Thurston who has returned from visiting Abramus.

~~~~~~~The parish

Father Cervantes greeted Thurston as he returned from his meeting with Abramus and the others. "Father, I didn't realize you had a call this afternoon."
"We are always on call, son. Nothing of consequence. I enjoy the fresh air and countryside. I need very little excuse to partake of them. If I happen upon a villager then there is my purpose, guided by the hand of the Lord." Thurston smiled. He had yet to form an opinion on the young priest. The young priest's eagerness was to be admired and Thurston recalled his own eagerness from his own early days.  Cervantes was overly in awe of Leopold and himself, Father Thurston kept that in mind.
"I hope to be a figure who brings the people comfort one day … a symbol I suppose … like you and Father Leopold. A man whose very presence brings a sense of peace and awareness of God." Cervantes looked to Thurston with hungry eyes.
"Always remember, my friend, we are just men. We are no different from those we speak to or encounter on the road, no better, no worse. God has called us and what could we do but answer. We are servants just as the Lord Jesus was. Being looked on with favor reflects his glory and not our own." Thurston searched his eyes for a reaction.
Cervantes looked thoughtful as he responded, "Yes, something to keep in mind. I imagine that the respect and status of the cloth might turn a head and raise one's sense of self-worth. You are wise to point out the truth of our mission. I look inside myself and I see a shameful pride where humility and gratitude belong."
"Not to fret, son. The Lord is most wise and understanding. He smiles warmly when he hears you say such a thing so honestly. It is to his glory you confess your shortcomings." Thurston smiled warmly. Relief made its way into his mindset. Perhaps Cervantes had yet to be recruited by Leopold. "Remember, it is within your own heart where truth is found. Father Leopold and myself are but two men no different from yourself. We offer advice and opinions. Yes, we might be wise, but it is only that we have seen more than you have seen and experienced more than you have experienced. You are smart to heed our words, but your answers are inside of you and come from the Lord, not us." Thurston studied the young man. Cervantes nodded his head in solemn affirmation.
Cervantes spoke, "I will remember what you have said, Father. It is an easy course to cast my lot with an elder and do as he does. Making choices within my own heart and mind is much more difficult. It is sensible that it would be so. Thank you, Father. I am blessed to know you and Father Leopold."
The sounds of services coming to a close could be heard outside the rectory. Thurston looked to Cervantes. "Let us go practice our wisdom with some fatted calf then."
"Indeed. Both my heart and mind are in accord with your thinking." Cervantes smiled as he approached the door with Father Thurston.
The turnout for the baptism flowed into the courtyard of the church. The church itself had stood for over one hundred years mostly unchanged. The village once knew prosperity, but those times were long gone. The church stood as a reminder of better times. It was highly ornate and featured statuary in the courtyard surrounding a large fountain. The sanctuary shined with well-appointed artwork and well rendered statues. Villagers rushed to attend any event of even small significance. To dine in the courtyard of the church was to taste a life that the poor villagers could only envy from a distance.
Father Thurston stopped to greet a family he had brought solace to on the loss of their father. Father Cervantes eyed the crowd seeking Leopold. He spotted him and walked hurriedly towards him. Thurston made note.
Leopold greeted Cervantes warmly and leaned in quickly to give him his ear. Cervantes whispered, "He took the carriage and claimed to enjoy the countryside. He was gone for a great length of time having returned only a short while ago."
Leopold whispered back. "Well done, my son. He went to give warning as I suspected. That family is there as I reasoned they would be. Show merriment. I don't want Thurston meddling with what we have to do. Merriment … let him see it."  
Cervantes laughed boisterously and slapped Leopold on the back. "Well, I can tell you that I, for one, am famished. The aroma of that spit drew Father Thurston and I from the rectory."
"It is a blessed day. The Lord is smiling down. Ah, Father Thurston." Leopold took leave and made his way to Thurston nearby.
Thurston didn't like the way Cervantes rushed to Leopold. Perhaps I am overly suspicious. "I trust the service went well."
"Indeed, a lovely service and another precious life given over to the care of the Lord. And how was your day, Father?" I expect you are too clever to lie outright. Leopold made little effort to cover up the accusatory nature of his inquiry.
"A carriage ride in the country, quite lovely. I called on Abramus. I have missed him from services of late. He assures me his work has overwhelmed him with his son's injury and he will return to the fold soon. I, of course, reminded him the Sabbath is a day of rest. He told me with some amusement he did, indeed, rest. A pleasant exchange. His son is healed already. Doctor Valerius seems quite skilled, an asset to our village." Did you think I would lie knowing that my dear friend Cervantes has already told you this? Thurston returned the inquisitors stare of Leopold with a defiant and challenging stare of his own.
"Yes, I hope he is of service to Father Cicero. Well, let us mingle and, of course, enjoy the bounty of the Lord." Leopold rejoined Cervantes and they left speaking in a conspiratorial manner.
Petrus approached Father Thurston from the crowd. Petrus looked to Leopold and Cervantes and seemed assured they were not observing his approach. He motioned to the Father to meet him by a stand of trees near the road that led to the parish.
Thurston casually walked to the stand of trees observing Leopold and Cervantes and wondering where Petrus had gone.
Petrus stepped from behind one of the larger trees. "I bring news and am told that yours is an ear I can trust. Valerius was able to get word to me of Leopold's intentions. We do have Winslow and his family under our protection. They are currently at the home of Abramus. We believe they are not safe there. We fear for the daughter of my son's assistant as well. Florentina is but a child and without wiles in such matters. Of course, Julia you are familiar with. Abramus has charged me with seeking sympathetic ears in the village. We fear the worst. Leopold is obsessed."
Thurston continued to look towards Leopold and Cervantes as he spoke. "Indeed, I am one you can trust in these matters. Leopold is indeed given to fervor in this quest of his. The sight of soldiers quickens my heart and chills me. I am under a watchful eye here, but I will do what I can and I will stand for the innocent should it come to that. You may rest assured."
Petrus nodded in relief. "I thought as much having known you but a short time. What do you recommend? The boy is beset by fits where his body flails wildly and he becomes unable to speak or even understand what is spoken to him. Julia, you are familiar with her visions. The girl, Florentina, is but a child with seemingly no more than an imagination born from loneliness and sorrow for the loss of her father. Leopold thinks it all the work of the Devil."
Thurston nodded and continued, "Safe refuge would seem the order of the day. Trellitia has lands in the forest. She alone may know of a hiding place. Long ago, there were many families that lived in cottages in the forest. Those roads have been taken over and the homes might not be in the best condition. However, to my knowledge, no one stakes claim to them. Make it quick. They seem in earnest discussion already. I trust Leopold not a bit and he appears to have a willing accomplice in Cervantes. Cicero with whom Valerius travels is sympathetic to Leopold as well. He may not be fully aware of Leopold's descent into a fanatical state. I can't say, but Valerius aims to find out if he be friend or foe."
Thurston looked around at the throng of revelers. Little do they know the danger that lurks in their village. They revel with evil … evil bearing a cross.


Author Notes Wonderful feedback. I listen to every word and take it to heart. I often get excellent ideas from your thoughts and comments. The encouragement has been so appreciated. I apologize for my terrible record in responding to reviews. I'm buried and try to keep up with reviews first. I swear I read every word and appreciate your input more than you could possibly know. Thank you so very much.

List of characters:

Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique.

Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection.

Petrus- The father of Valerius

Abramus- The father of Julia

Cassius- The brother of Julia

Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia

Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina.

Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius.

Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold.

Winslow-husband/Adeline-wife/Noreen-daughter/Grenadier-disturbed son-- a family cast out of a nearby village when their son was accused of demon possession. The family fled to save their son's life. New patient for Valerius.

Father Cicero-A priest from a nearby village that had been performing prayer and other rites on Grenadier to drive out the demon he believes the child has inside him. He is searching for Winslow and his family.

The story takes place after 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. Other patients come to Valerius and they are in danger as well.

Chapter 46
Possible New Home, Valerius Inquires

By michaelcahill

Previously, The various individuals are scrambling to either protect themselves or put themselves in position to go on the offensive. The Priests suspect that Winslow and his family are being harbored by Abramus or Petrus. If the family isn't already at one of their houses then they will be before long. Valerius is with Father Cicero on his way to offer aid to a nearby village. He has stopped to warn his father of the plans of Father Leopold. Father Thurston has told Abramus what he knows and returned to the parish. Cervantes is aware that Thurston has been absent and soon Leopold knows. Petrus confers with Thurston at the parish out of sight of Leopold. We continue know as Petrus visits Trellitia with plans to hide the children in the woods. She lives in the woods and may know of abandoned dwellings.

~~~~~~~~~Petrus visits Trellitia

Trellitia showed surprise at seeing Petrus at her doorstep. "Why, Petrus, a pleasure to see you. Do you bring news? Please come in."
"Thank you. I don't mean to be short. Yes, I bring news and not pleasant news I'm afraid. The children are in danger and by implication; I suspect we all are. This obsession with demons and the like does not end at the doorstep of Father Leopold … he has allies. I fear that they are formidable allies. I come seeking your help." Petrus looked to Trellitia with urgency.
"I am not one needing persuasion in these matters. What is it an old lady can offer?"
"We wish to take no chances. We feel it best to hide the children for the time being. We are aware of your holdings here in the forest and your knowledge of these woods. We seek a secure location in which to hide the children."
"The forest can hide many things, Petrus. The laughter and light of children is both noisy and bright. They will need supervision and the roads leading to them will need monitoring. How will you explain their absence? Julia especially is known to be at her families side at all times."
"Yes, I understand. I fear the military may be involved. Leopold has the ear of Rastavius who takes interest in this matter. I know you are familiar with him. Most of us have never left the village, but we hear things, terrible things. We are but farmers, but we value our families. We are not given to idleness should they be in danger. The cost is fearsome. I dread what may come to be."
"You are wise to fear, Petrus. The state will do the church's bidding to placate the church. It has always been so. Soldiers are soldiers as they have always been. Their course is clear. Bring them here. There is a cabin in the woods nearby. It is in disrepair, but it is shelter. I am nearby of course." I'm quite alive now, dear husband. Is this your doing? Trellitia escorted Petrus to the door.
Petrus turned to take his leave, "Thank you, Trellitia. May I say how proud your husband would be of you were he here."
"Oh, he's here, Petrus … he's here."

~~~~~~~Petrus visits Abramus

"Enter my friend. May I offer you something?" Abramus smiled slightly realizing this to be a visit borne of urgency.
"Some tea perhaps, if it would not be too much trouble." Petrus sat in the kitchen with weariness.
"Tea is brewing as we speak. It has been a day of much excitement." Julia smiled.
"Thank you. Indeed, it has. I feel as though I've been called to service. I've spoken with Trellitia. She has suitable shelter for the children. My son visited in a hurry on his way out of town. He believes Father Cicero to be in league with Leopold. They both suspect that Winslow and his family either are here or soon will be here. It is not safe for them. He fears for Julia and Florentina as well. Leopold is convinced of their possession and will hear no sense." Petrus leaned forward on the table and took a deep breath.
"There is no need for me to hide out in the forest, Petrus. I am able to take care of myself. I believe it in the best interest of the children, however, to seek safety. I have witnessed events like these many times. Those who believe they understand God are more piteous than those who believe they understand Man. I suggest we prepare for battle. I suggest we prepare for loss." Julia poured tea and brought it to Petrus.
Abramus smiled. I'll have to give her a reason to go with the others. "I think the children need you there. You understand them better than anyone else. They'll be scared with no one there to guide them."
Julia laughed softly. "Father, when will you realize that you are not more clever than I? I do agree though, they will need an adult with them. The forest is said to be a scary place, especially in the evening. I will be there to protect them and dear Trellitia will be close at hand. It will be fun. We will have an adventure that we will talk about for years to come." Julia scooped up Grenadier and took off after Florentina who ran from her screaming in delight.
Trellitia grabbed Florentina and lifted her high in the air, "You don't fear witches do you child?"
Florentina laughed uncontrollably. "I'll have my father bring the wolves to eat you!" Trellitia set her down quickly and ran to the corner of the room pretending to watch out for the wolves. The little girl shook as she squealed and sputtered with delight.
Petrus smiled to Abramus. "I'm pleased they understand the seriousness of this situation."
"Yes, my friend, I can see the fear etched in their eyes!" Abramus looked to Heaven and shook his head. They both were unable to keep from laughing at the merriment.

~~~~~~~On the road with Valerius and Cicero

"I recently returned from Constantinople. Have you been to the big city?" Valerius began his quest for answers.
"Yes, indeed I have. We are not so lucky as to have a physician amongst us. The only doctor available is in the city. The great physician Gregorio or his apprentices are of great comfort to many in our village. Of course, there is the occasion to discuss church matters and the like." Cicero tried to appear matter of fact, but he seemed on edge.
"You are acquainted with Rastavius whom I met then?"
"Indeed, I have met with him on occasion."
"I understand that he and Leopold killed a young girl when I last visited Gregorio. Is that practice common in the expulsion of demons?"
Cicero began to sweat as though under inquisition. "Common? No, I can't say that common is a word I would use. It is often difficult to comprehend to power of evil. It can take hold and its grasp can be unbreakable. In some rare cases the host is lost in order to vanquish the demon and free the immortal soul." Cicero seemed to find his stride now. "What good to be tortured endlessly in a vessel that is no longer your own? What could be more sad than a soul forced to live with an agent of Satan twisting and churning inside of them causing them to do harm to others. Sadly, yes, the girl's mortal vessel was lost, but her immortal soul was saved to spend eternity in glory."
As I thought. "I imagine there is resistance from family and friends. The military can be of great assistance in keeping order." Valerius nodded to the soldiers riding ahead of them.
Cicero felt his confidence return. "Yes, in some cases. Personally, I find them a nuisance. What does the Lord need with spear or lance? But then, many times the Lord called upon his people to rise up and vanquish evil in his name. I suppose it can be a necessity. No one wishes bloodshed, but so much is at stake. People cannot be expected to fully understand the ways of the Lord and his servants. To serve is often a thankless calling beset with the judgment of the ignorant. You, yourself, refer to the young girl as being killed. Yes, most would see it thus. I do not take offence especially given you are a physician. The truth is, the girl was released from bondage and misery into the hands of the Creator to a life of eternal bliss. Is that not a wonderful thing?"
"I am indeed a physician. I see many maladies of the brain which are simple illness and nothing more. Not everything different or unusual in human behavior is a demon. A child at play with friends who no one sees is a child with imagination and a fertile mind. Why not an older child who sees the world the same way … why not a child grown to an adult? Does not the Lord, Himself, show visions others do not see? Saul on the road to Damascus saw the Lord Jesus clear as day when no one else did. Was he possessed by a demon? Who decides? One who runs their fellow through with a sword at the behest of an imaginary friend is not the same as one who talks to a face they see in the moon."


Author Notes Wonderful feedback. I listen to every word and take it to heart. I often get excellent ideas from your thoughts and comments. The encouragement has been so appreciated. I apologize for my terrible record in responding to reviews. I'm buried and try to keep up with reviews first. I swear I read every word and appreciate your input more than you could possibly know. Thank you so very much.

List of characters:

Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique.

Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection.

Petrus- The father of Valerius

Abramus- The father of Julia

Cassius- The brother of Julia

Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia

Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina.

Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius.

Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold.

Winslow-husband/Adeline-wife/Noreen-daughter/Grenadier-disturbed son-- a family cast out of a nearby village when their son was accused of demon possession. The family fled to save their son's life. New patient for Valerius.

Father Cicero-A priest from a nearby village that had been performing prayer and other rites on Grenadier to drive out the demon he believes the child has inside him. He is searching for Winslow and his family.

The story takes place after 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. Other patients come to Valerius and they are in danger as well.

Chapter 47
A Cabin and a Cathedral

By michaelcahill

Previously, it was determined that the safest course of action would be to put Winslow and his family along with Florentina and Julia in hiding. Trellitia knew of a suitable house in the forest where homes once occupied stood abandoned. Valerius attempted to discover the true nature of Cicero and determine if he might be an ally of Leopold and thus another foe to consider. We continue now as Trellitia reveals details about the cabin in the forest and plans are made to get there safely without being seen.

~~~~~~~~The cabin in the forest

Long ago, but not terribly long ago, the forest near the property of Trellitia sang with the music of families growing and thriving. As the need for skilled artisans dwindled in favor of the more practical vocation of farming. The music slowly became more stilled every year. It reached a point where the widow Trellitia lived in the forest alone. The forest reclaimed most of the structures. A few still stood, most in disrepair and unsuitable for shelter. A man named Forvalford used his skills in construction to fashion a home built mostly of stone. Though he had left many years ago with his family, the home he had built still stood in a condition which at the very least would protect one from the weather.
The Forvalford home hid behind large trees and overgrowth making it invisible to one passing by on the road. The pathway leading to it existed only in the memory of those who had once trod its winding way. Trellitia could see it from the back of her property where she grew herbs and vegetables for potions and food.
"I know the perfect place. It is near my own home, secluded from the road and suitable for our purposes. For these three, who are young, I expect it will be an adventure." Trellitia had a ready answer to the direct inquiry of Abramus.
Abramus seemed pensive. "This is a bold move, I would say. It almost admits a rift of purpose between the church and ourselves. We hide our young for what reason? Are they possessed? Then what other purpose? What has happened to my former friend, Leopold? I fear for him. It is a course of madness he sets upon … and he embraces it with such fervor and conviction. It is sad to see."
Julia sat by her father with an arm about his shoulder. "There are many questions over many lifetimes that plague Leopold, Father. He seeks resolution and answers, that is all. He will not find them in this manner, he never will, not in this life, the next, or the next after that. It is the new manner of thinking he must find. That is what he should seek."
"I do not understand, daughter. It is a riddle to me. I don't doubt what you say, I simply don't understand it. You see? I am a simple man living a simple life. I grow food in the ground for my family to eat. I protect my family as best I can--with my life, if it need be so. Such is my world and life. I know of no life past, nor any life to come, lest it be one with the Lord. If there is a way to help my friend, I would wish to know it; for I fear I will soon have to choose my family's interests over his." Abramus looked weary.
"I know your heart is heavy, Father. I love you. I always have and always will. Whatever happens, that never changes. That is what is important." Julia kissed him on the forehead.
Trellitia stood. "I believe we should waste no time. Valerius is away and the house awaits. The sooner we make use of it the better. Is it agreed?"
"It is a blessing Trellitia will be nearby. I feel safe knowing she understands my son's condition." Winslow seemed more at ease than he had since arriving. "Perhaps we should leave immediately. The sooner my family is out of sight the less jeopardy we are all in. It concerns me that I have brought danger into your home." He gestured to Abramus.
"No, think nothing of it. We are a community standing with each other. When one is wronged, we are all wronged. What they would do to your Grenadier, they would do as quickly to my Julia or dear Florentina here. We must band together in this matter. It is not one son or one daughter; it is everyone's daughters and sons. You are correct though, I think time is of the essence. We should be set to the road quickly. I suggest you set out ahead, Cassius, to insure a clear path and warn of travelers on the road. We want to be unseen." Abramus found new energy as the plan began to manifest
Cassius rose to approach the door. "I shall set out immediately. I will lay low and report back to the group. I will not be detected. We can take cover in the woods until travelers pass by. We will not be observed. I will see to it." Cassius pushed through the door without another word.

~~~~~~~Cicero and Valerius approach the parish

The parish in the neighboring village proved even older and more ornate than the one Valerius attended. He looked to Cicero and smiled. "This is as beautiful a church as I've seen. It rivals the church in the big city and surpasses it in some ways. It appears ancient in origin."
"It is indeed ancient, my friend, in excess of four hundred years. Many needed repairs, of course, but the design and look of it much as it looked all those years ago. So near the beginnings of our faith, Valerius. It has a feel to it … a Holiness I can't describe. It lives and breathes with the Spirit." Cicero had a look about him new to what Valerius had seen before. He looked serene and peaceful. It was difficult to believe he could be in league with Leopold.
"The design is wholly Roman. Very impressive. I shall enjoy a tour after we tend to your friend, of course."
"Yes, I will be pleased to show you. I so hope you can help him. He so loves to conduct services here. He hasn't been himself though. Let us settle in and have a small meal and I will introduce you." Cicero smiled and nodded his head respectfully.
After a small meal, Valerius introduced himself to Father Travis.
"Father Travis, I am Valerius. I am a physician. Your friend, Father Cicero is worried about you and asked me to come and see if I could be of service to you." Valerius extended his hand.
Father Travis eyed Valerius as he sat on a bench in the garden. He neither acknowledged nor ignored him. "The jays of the forest prefer our garden to the drab offerings of their natural home. Wise, wouldn't you say?"
"Yes, given that bread crumbs are not plentiful in the forest I would imagine." Valerius let him have his pace.
Father Travis briefly touched the still extended hand of Valerius in an acknowledgement of his greeting, but not exactly a warm welcoming of it. "I am given to such observations of late. It is surmised that matters of a more complex nature escape me. What is your medical assessment of that hypothesis?"
"I might say you seem intent on proving them erroneous in their assessment. I take it you feel in good spirits vital of late?" Valerius studied Travis intently. He recalled Trellitia telling him of telltale signs of ill health, discoloration of the whites of the eyes, a protrusion of the throat chords in the front or back, a grayness in general to the skin, or a color other than pink or brown overall, all of these things were signs of ill health.
"I feel old. I am old. I feel looked upon as feeble and incapable. I am neither. How does one answer such allegations? If I were to allege that you looked weary after a long trip and unable to assess my condition and solicited others to back my claims, how would you answer me? Would you not look foolish if a host of villagers admonished you to rest while you claimed to be fresh with energy? Ahh … there is my plight, sir. You have already been told I am in need of help ... ha! and are here to help me. Yes! In fact, you have come a great distance with no other purpose than to extend your services to me. Is it even possible there is no need for you to be here in the first place?" Travis looked pleased with himself.
Interesting. He does not appear to be lacking in mental capacity. He is old, but shows no ailment uncommon to simple ageing. I might be pleased to age as well. "I would think it is indeed possible your friends are overly concerned. I understand you are beloved amongst your fellows and they care for you. On the other hand, it is a long ride to Constantinople and I am here with no other purpose than to see you. I think it would be wise to take advantage of your friends concern, don't you?" Valerius smiled pleasantly.
"Well … a good argument … uh … Doctor. I suppose if it would put their needling to rest ... then I best entertain their notions. You will tell them when you find nothing won't you? Surely they will cease their pestering when their own solicited doctor informs them they are concerned without cause."
"I will tell you and them nothing that isn't true. That is my word to you. Until tomorrow then?" Valerius extended his hand. This time it was shook heartily.
Valerius found himself alone near the forest on the outskirts of the church grounds. It had a familiar look. It was not far from his own village and this forest looked much like the forest he grew up in. It looked much like the forest where he walked with Julia. Where are you tonight, dear girl? All of these troubles interfere with our time together. Where is the world in which I hold you and nothing more? Have I known you forever? Will I know you forever more? My heart says it is so. If only my soul could fly to yours, right now. He felt a warmth come into him. It weakened his knees. Julia.
~~~~~~~Julia and the others set out for the cabin

Julia paused and looked at the forest for a moment. For once, everything around her became still. The shadows ceased their activities. The noise of voices ceased their endless talking. She looked and remembered being in the arms of Valerius and kissing him. She closed her eyes. Do you think of me ever, when I am not with you? Do you come back to this moment and wish it to last forever? I send myself to you, my love. If only I could do so. Tears filled her eyes as a feeling she had never felt before came over her. Valerius, oh my.


Author Notes Wonderful feedback. I listen to every word and take it to heart. I often get excellent ideas from your thoughts and comments. The encouragement has been so appreciated. I apologize for my terrible record in responding to reviews. I'm buried and try to keep up with reviews first. I swear I read every word and appreciate your input more than you could possibly know. Thank you so very much.

List of characters:

Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique.

Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection.

Petrus- The father of Valerius

Abramus- The father of Julia

Cassius- The brother of Julia

Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia

Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina.

Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius.

Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold.

Winslow-husband/Adeline-wife/Noreen-daughter/Grenadier-disturbed son-- a family cast out of a nearby village when their son was accused of demon possession. The family fled to save their son's life. New patient for Valerius.

Father Cicero-A priest from a nearby village that had been performing prayer and other rites on Grenadier to drive out the demon he believes the child has inside him. He is searching for Winslow and his family.

Father Travis-The priest from the nearby village that Valerius has been called upon to treat.

The story takes place after 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. Other patients come to Valerius and they are in danger as well.

Chapter 48
Oracles and Quests

By michaelcahill

Previously, Valerius met Father Travis who seemed much sharper of intellect than he had been led to believe. He conversed with him and discovered him to have misgivings about the motives of Cicero, but agreed to let Valerius examine him. Winslow and the others began their journey to the home of Trellitia and shelter from Leopold. Julia and Valerius found moments of solitude and their thoughts turned to each other. Both felt the presence of each other inside of themselves. They were surprised and moved by their connection. We continue now as Julia and the others make their way to Trellitia's. 

~~~~~~~They hurry to the cabin

"Julia, c'mon. We have to go fast now." Florentina tugged on Julia's arm.
Julia looked down at Florentina. The feeling of oneness with Valerius remained and her face glowed as she smiled. Florentina smiled back. She didn't understand, but she enjoyed the feeling of warmth that emanated from Julia.
Julia spoke, "Of course, I was just … well, yes, we must hurry." She took the little girl's hand and they rushed up to catch the others.
They all walked along in high spirits. Winslow saw dust down the road. "Someone approaches. It must be Cassius. Everyone hide, just to be safe. I will stick to the far side of the road, inconspicuous, in case it is not he."
Cassius rode up and dismounted abruptly. He addressed Winslow, "It is Leopold, by carriage. He comes with the young priest, I don't recall his name. There is another passenger in the dark of the carriage. I believe they are headed this way. Off to the forest for now. I go to warn Father. I'll return with instructions soon. I will see if I can come up with a plan for Father to delay them. Remember, quiet now. They will pass soon. His carriage is swift and he proceeds with purpose." He mounted his steed and galloped down the road in an instant. 
Winslow turned to inform the others. They had already begun to retreat into the forest. Winslow hurried to join them.
In short order, Leopold and Cervantes hurtled by. They were headed to the home of Abramus just as Cassius suspected. A silent sigh of relief came over the small conclave huddled in the forest. They continued under the forest canopy making their way towards Trellitia's and, hopefully, safety.
"Stop! The Oracle of the Forest bid thee state thy purpose." Grenadier stood looking up at an elderly man, at least to the young boy. He carried a tree branch as a staff and wore tattered and dirty clothing. His hair shot from his head in disarray and his eyes were not both fixed in the same direction, one looked directly at the boy, the other skyward.
Noreen, Winslow's daughter, seldom spoke, but now said, "He may come and go as he pleases. We all may." She shrunk away as though surprised at her own boldness.
Adeline surged forward sensing the unease of her children. "I am unaware of any special powers over rites of passage given to an oracle. I see you have upset my children. Of that, I am aware. By what authority do you stop us? If you are indeed an oracle you should know our purpose, is it not so?"
The Oracle stepped back and a look of terror crossed his face. "Please … I … I uh meant no … harm. I am alone here. I am beset upon and hunted. I only meant to scare you off. I only meant … I am sorry. I meant to harm, but they beat me so terribly. I can't go back. You won't tell them. Please, I won't harm you. I mean no harm to anyone. Please…."
Adeline relaxed somewhat and felt sympathy for him. "We mean you no harm. I merely came to the aid of my children. Your approach to strangers will bring you harm, I fear. The forest is not populated with the meek, sir. Are you in need of aid? We ourselves are being assisted in our time of need."
"I don't mean to burden you with my plight. I only wish the peace of my own solitude. I am an artisan, but there is little call for my skills. I have become ill and my body betrays me. I sought help and was rewarded with beatings. I fled the big city and sought shelter elsewhere. The priests of the villages are of the same ilk as the city. They believed me to be possesed of demons. I dwell in the forest now. It is the only way for me. I will take my leave and bother you no more. My apologies and best wishes." He turned to go.
"No, wait." Winslow stepped forward. "I believe an oracle would be of great assistance to us in our current situation. What say you, Julia?"
Julia stepped up the Oracle slowly and looked him over. "This does seem to be a fine oracle. I expect there are mysteries unraveling within him even as we speak." She addressed him directly, "What say you then? Will our journey be fraught with peril? Or a smooth adventure blessed with serenity?"
The Oracle smiled, as he understood the kindness being offered him. "Indeed there is peril in blindness. An Oracle can assure serenity as he sees the shadows of things to come and the pathways that avoid them. Of course, if there were those of a mind to keep his company."
Winslow took on an air of grave seriousness. "I don't suppose an oracle of your caliber would be available to such a disheveled group of travelers. We could offer but our company and some simple hot meals. Our gratitude would be immense, sir." Winslow extended his hand.
"I believe I am most amenable to such an arrangement." He smiled and shook Winslow's hand. "You are most kind, sir. I have not met with kindness in a long while. My gratitude is beyond my skill with words to express."
"What is your name, Oracle? I am Winslow."
"I am Agapito of Constantinople, a candle maker. Well, formerly on both accounts I am afraid." He held up his left hand, which appeared to be balled partially into a fist. His right hand had some flexibility, but was somewhat immobile as well.
"This may be a day of good fortune for you. We go to the home of a physician's widow and await the arrival before long of a skilled doctor. Perhaps they will find some remedy for your condition." Winslow nodded to him.
Winslow quickly introduced him to the others and they all continued towards Trellitia's home.

~~~~~~Cassius arrives home

Cassius dismounted quickly and rushed inside. "Father, I bring news."
Abramus was in the kitchen warming tea. "Yes, I observed you from the kitchen. I take it the news is urgent by your pace."
"Leopold comes by carriage. He brings the young priest and another passenger. I couldn't make him out in the darkness of the carriage. I warned the others and they retreated to the safety of the forest. I am hoping to delay Leopold or even divert him to a new course as Julia and the others make their way to Trellitia's."
"I see. Cervantes, he is the new priest. A nice young man. I can't imagine that he would bring Thurston with him. We wait and see who his passenger is. Hmm. No sense in devising a strategy, as we know not their purpose. Let me speak, son. We don't want to utter something in haste. Leopold is clever and given his state of mind I would imagine on the lookout for anything out of the ordinary." Abramus sighed. "It seems there is no end to this matter."
Cassius peered out the kitchen window. "He arrives. The passenger is a priest as well. I do not know him. An older priest, ancient even, I would say. The young priest seems excited. He treats them both with the respect one would imagine a saint would receive." They see my horse. Okay, then. A simple ride in the country. Inspecting the fields of barley. Nothing exciting or unusual. "They notice my horse is recently in service. I will say I was inspecting our barley field."
"Ah yes, further lies. Very well. I imagine you saw it as you passed by." Abramus sighed as though that would calm his nerves. Older priest … ancient? Hmm. Abramus looked out the window for himself. "Rastavius. He comes from Constantinople on these matters? What must that damn fool have told him? Say nothing. He comes with a great deal of power behind him. He is more dangerous than Leopold. This is not good, Cassius. Watch your tongue. Remain humble and do not cross him for any reason. He has power. Do you understand?"
"Yes, father. I am aware of the situation. I defer to your wisdom." Cassius did not look pleased.



Author Notes Wonderful feedback. I listen to every word and take it to heart. I often get excellent ideas from your thoughts and comments. The encouragement has been so appreciated. I apologize for my terrible record in responding to reviews. I'm buried and try to keep up with reviews first. I swear I read every word and appreciate your input more than you could possibly know. Thank you so very much.

List of characters:

Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique.

Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection.

Petrus- The father of Valerius

Abramus- The father of Julia

Cassius- The brother of Julia

Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia

Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina.

Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius.

Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold.

Winslow-husband/Adeline-wife/Noreen-daughter/Grenadier-disturbed son-- a family cast out of a nearby village when their son was accused of demon possession. The family fled to save their son's life. New patient for Valerius.

Father Cicero-A priest from a nearby village that had been performing prayer and other rites on Grenadier to drive out the demon he believes the child has inside him. He is searching for Winslow and his family.

Father Travis-The priest from the nearby village that Valerius has been called upon to treat.

Agapito-A man in the forest met by Winslow and the others. He claims to be "the oracle", but only to scare the others and protect himself. They take pity on him and offer help.

The story takes place after 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. Other patients come to Valerius and they are in danger as well.

Chapter 49
Rastavius Returns

By michaelcahill

Previously, Julia and the others encountered a man who called himself "the Oracle". He turned out to be a man cast out of his village. They took pity on him and asked him to join them at the cabin where they would seek shelter. Cassius saw Leopold and Cervantes coming down the road in their carriage and rushed ahead to warn his father. We continue now as Abramus awaits the arrival of Abramus and another visitor who has been in the shadows of the carriage.

~~~~~~~~Rastavius makes his presence known

Abramus observed the priests as they approached his home. Rastavius moved with grim purpose. Leopold stood tall as though authority had come to him. Cervantes scurried even though the others moved at an even pace. Abramus nodded to Cassius.
Cassius opened the door and stood to the side. "Welcome, Fathers, our home is humble, but always open to servants of the Lord."
Leopold led the way. "Abramus is acquainted, but may I present Father Rastavius. This is Cassius, Father."
Rastavius already had his hand extended and Cassius shook it with some vigor. "My pleasure, I am familiar with your name and works, of course." He decided to get to the point. "What brings you to our home today?"
Abramus stepped forward sensing the abruptness of his son's inquiry. "My son is impetuous. Would I were so young and given to curiosity. You must thirst after a long journey. There is tea set to boil or perhaps a mug of ale to wash away the dust of the road."
Leopold clearly stood back in deference to Rastavius who spoke, "Some tea would be appreciated, if it's not too much trouble. It has been a great long while, Abramus. You look well. I fear my visit is of some urgency and concerns, in part, one of your own. Leopold has reported to me regarding your daughter Julia. I recall her as a child. She was given to wild fantasies and visions. Her youth and sweet disposition may have waylaid us at the time from the truth of her condition. I understand the visions and demon possession have persisted, and she has come under the care of the physician, Valerius, is that correct?"
Cassius, sensing his father needed time to respond, came from the kitchen with tea for the priests. "I hope this meets with favor to you. It is a blend of my dear Mother's invention. It brings her spirit to us when the aroma fills the air."
Leopold had been boring a hole into Abramus with his gaze. He glanced away at the intrusion of Cassius. "Yes, uh … your mother was a dear lady, Cassius. She is missed."
Rastavius remained fixed on Abramus. He repeated his question, "Valerius is her physician?"
"They are friends and he has examined her. He finds her to be in excellent health." Abramus decided that being forthcoming would not be to anyone's advantage.
Rastavius continued, as though expecting such an answer. "Valerius has come under the tutelage of Trellitia. Her husband and his methods are quite familiar to me. Perhaps a pretty song and a romp through the meadows might persuade a demon to give up its struggle, but such is not the case in my experience. Satan is powerful, Abramus, he seeks a foothold and, when he finds it, is loath to relinquish it. I have no doubt that Valerius is sincere, but I caution you, his methods will not help your daughter. The Devil is clever and may trick you with illusions of progress. You may even believe all is well. I assure you, it is not. It is when the Evil One is ignored he is the most dangerous."
Cassius could barely contain his anger. Ignoring the stern look from his father, he spoke, "Julia is not possessed by any demon, I assure you. She is nothing but kind and giving to all she encounters. Whatever it is she sees, it is not of the Devil, that much is clear. Every mystery is not evil. Are the stars evil? Is the warmth from the sun the fires of hell? The Lord has all knowledge, we do not. His purpose for Julia is, perhaps, unknown to us, that does not make her possessed. It is clear though, she is of the Lord and no other."
Abramus felt pride within himself. His son had spoken with great truth. "Indeed, is there a more honest and giving soul in the village than my Julia? A demon would drown in the goodness she is filled with."
Cervantes seemed eager as he spoke. "Of course, you would feel that about your own daughter. That is to be expected. These are men experienced in such manners. They are chosen of God for no other purpose than the saving of souls. You perceive an attack when there is none…."
Rastavius raised his hand and Cervantes stopped speaking immediately. "Thank you, son. True all you say and appreciated. I realize the difficulty to my old friend here. Surely, you see that others are now drawn here. Such is their way. They come in the night by way of shadow, creeping into the hearts of decent men with tales of woe. Before long, a village is under siege. Then it becomes a war. It is our function to prevent it. Is there not a child already arrived beset with visions and embraced by Valerius? A family has fled the warmth and care of its own community to come here for shelter. Shelter from what? The loving intervention of God Almighty, that is what. Surely, you can see what happens before your own eyes. It is only the beginning. There will be another and then another and then another after that. This village will be home to evil. We are here to help, Abramus. Let us help you now while there is still time."
Leopold eyed Cassius who sat in stunned silence. Leopold spoke, "Your horse is sweaty and recently ridden hard. Where did you come from in such a hurry?"
Cassius looked up at Leopold who stared steely-eyed at him. "I … uh … I went for a ride. What of it? I enjoy a brisk ride now and then. I inspected our fields and decided to enjoy the air and beauty of the forest."
"And not tend to the comfort of your steed upon return? It remains tied outside uncared for. A compelling need to get inside to your father it seems. Why the urgency?" Leopold surmised correctly that Cassius rushed to his father as though he knew to warn him of their arrival.
"I saw you coming down the road and rushed in to make tea is all. I forgot about my horse in the excitement of your visit. I thank you for the reminder." Cassius rushed out the door as much to get away from the interrogation as to tend to his horse.
Leopold turned his attention to Abramus. "Where is young Julia by the way?"
Abramus answered coldly, "She is away."
"Away? Away to where, if I may be so bold. And the little girl, the one who calls upon hellhounds, where is she? And the family whose son is demon possessed, are they away as well?" Leopold looked evil under his furrowed brow.
"I know nothing of any family. My daughter's whereabouts is my concern. The little girl is of concern to her mother. If I see her I will voice your concerns." Abramus gazed at Leopold with purpose until the priest looked away.
Rastavius rose. "The tea suited me. Your wife's spirit filled the room indeed. You will find, my friend, when it comes to the safety of God's children we leave no stone unturned. Satan is the enemy as are his sympathizers. We will find what we seek. If there are demons, they will be driven out. It is the souls of the afflicted that concerns us, nothing more. Should you be contacted by the runaway Winslow and his family or if you happen to know of their whereabouts, please tell them we wish to help their son. It is of grave importance."
Rastavius headed to the door and the other two priests followed close behind.
Cassius observed from the barn as they mounted the carriage and returned down the road. They were heading back the way they had come, heading towards Julia and the others. He mounted his horse and took a route he hoped would get him to Julia before their carriage arrived.


Author Notes love this story. I love the input and suggestions and help you all have been giving me as well. Thank you so very much!

List of characters:

Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique.

Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection.

Petrus- The father of Valerius

Abramus- The father of Julia

Cassius- The brother of Julia

Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia

Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician.

Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople.

Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold.

Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina.

Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius.

Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold.

Bishop Julius Brosius- A Bishop in the hiearchy of the church.

Father Cervantes- a young priest that Leopold has taken under his wing.

Winslow-husband/Adeline-wife/Noreen-daughter/Grenadier-disturbed son-- a family cast out of a nearby village when their son was accused of demon possession. The family fled to save their son's life. New patient for Valerius.

The Oracle- A strange man that Julia and the others meet in the forest and invite to join them.

Father Cicero-A priest from a nearby village that had been performing prayer and other rites on Grenadier to drive out the demon he believes the child has inside him. He is searching for Winslow and his family.

Father Travis-Valerius travels to treat him and finds him to be at odds with Father Cicero over demon possesion.

The story takes place after 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. Other patients come to Valerius and they are in danger as well.

Chapter 50
The Priests Who Cried Wolf

By michaelcahill

Previously, Rastavius visited Abramus and Cassius looking for Julia, Florentina and the missing family from the other village. The conversation became tense and heated as Abramus and Cassius realized the priests sought them to remove demons from them and there was no debating the issue. Cassius tried to beat them to Julia and the others by taking a route off the main road. The three priests were headed back in the direction which would take them by where Julia and the others were hiding. In the other village, Valerius has arrived to examine Father Travis and found Cicero to be a zealot much like Leopold. We continue now as Valerius examines Father Travis in the other village.

~~~~~~~Valerius examines Father Travis

Valerius smiled at the suspicious manner in which Father Travis regarded him. "Do you find me to be in league with some great conspiracy? I sense you feel me untrustworthy."
"It has become second nature to me. Father Cicero has found me to be a burden of late. He has not been the same since traveling to the big city and visiting Rastavius." Travis cocked his head to the side looking for a reaction.
"Ah, I see. Rastavius is a name I have heard often of late. He seems to stir up fervor in those he consults with. Is such the case with Father Cicero?" Valerius put his hand to his chin and pursed his lips.
"Yes! That is it exactly. He came back filled with notions of demons and possession. He thinks I am possessed and anyone who sneezes too loudly to have had a demon enter them. He is not the same man I knew. He drove a perfectly decent family out of the village. He beat their son without mercy." Travis put his hand to his mouth and looked around rapidly as though fearing someone might catch him speaking such words.
"Fear not. I am no friend to Cicero or disciple of Rastavius and his ilk. I am a physician. I treat illness, illness of the body and mind. Yes, a mind can become ill just as a body. A limb can break and be healed. A mind is no different in my view. Many physicians have thought the same and have had success treating the illnesses that plague the mind. Hippocrates, Galen, men like these were once revered. Now, it is men like Rastavius who seem to hold sway. I do not abide with such thinking."
"Bless you. I am at ease. I fear that Rastavius has the ear of the military. It is a battle I fear is unwinnable." Travis seemed relieved and weary.
"There are many ways to wage war, my friend, many ways." Another ally. Yet, another to protect as well. I must speak to Gregorio, he will have advice. "What would you say to leaving here for a short time? I think it might be worthwhile to visit the big city. I have an ally in the physician, Gregorio there. He does have some power and stands up to Rastavius or so it seems."
"I'm not sure what Cicero's reaction might be, but it would force his hand. He brings you to declare me in good health to further his claims of my possession. If I am healthy then I must be possessed. It stands to reason, at least by his way of thinking. A treatable ailment might be just the thing to waylay his plans. I'd have to be cured, of course, for his plan to move forward."
"Is there danger of such a plan being successful? You are sound of mind, I can attest to that."
"He sways the village against me. A man accused falls under suspicion regardless. It is the nature of accusation. Innocence takes a back seat and even exoneration carries less weight in many cases. Justice is fleeting, condemnation is most assertive and crowd pleasing I'm sorry to say."
Valerius nodded his head in agreement. "I have seen as much in my short years. I will make my recommendation under authority of my office then. I believe I know exactly how to present my case in a way Cicero will be hard pressed to deny."

~~~~~~~Valerius approaches Cicero

Cicero seemed to sense the purpose of Valerius. He motioned him in to the rectory. "Tea? I've brewed some just recently and it is still hot."
"I would enjoy a cup, yes."
Cicero poured the tea with some urgency as though it were a task to perform. He set the tea in front of Valerius and spoke without mentioning it, ”I take it you have news of my friend?"
Valerius picked up his tea and sipped it. He savored it and took his time as though he were answering Cicero's lack of hospitality. "This is quite good. Thank you kindly, Cicero." He took another sip and placed the cup down gently. "Yes, I think you were wise in your assessment of your friend's health. He does appear to be in need of treatment. I feel his condition is treatable and most likely curable. Often as a man reaches advanced years, they eat a less nutritious diet that depletes the body of necessary ingredients that promote vitality. Such appears to be the case with Father Petrus. I can't be certain that the herbs and potions I can provide him will clear up his mental faculties, but I suspect they will."
"Then you notice deficiencies in his mental capacities." Cicero seemed surprised, as he had fabricated the condition of Travis to gain power in the village. "It is good to know you may be able to assist him. Must you take him to your village for treatment?"
"Yes, there is an abundance of the root I need to treat him near my Father's home. I believe it to be most beneficial in restoring health to a weakened mind. Exercise of the mind can be beneficial as well. The great physician, Galen practiced the application of music to restore agility to the mind. I am a musician as well as a physician. I would like to try and apply Galen's theory in this case. The herbal remedy I plan to utilize will be of immediate benefit if my suspicions are correct."
Cicero clearly had misgivings about Travis leaving the village, but the argument of Valerius seemed legitimate and sensible. He could think of no plausible reason to deny his friend needed treatment. "Will he be long? He is much loved here."
"No, I am planning little more than an initial observation. If it is effective, I will return with medicine and instructions for its use. One never knows, but I am expecting him to be home in no more than three day's time." Valerius stared at Cicero, pressuring him for an answer with his unblinking eyes.
"Indeed, whatever you need. Travis will be in good hands. May your treatment be a success. May my friend return with his former energy."
Valerius shook hands with Cicero. "We'll see you soon. Pray I am able to help."
Cicero nodded his head slightly.
Valerius and Travis were on their way within the hour.
Valerius spoke to Travis, "I'm feeling that I should go home before we visit the big city. I can't explain it. Julia needs me. We must hurry."
~~~~~~~Cassius finds Julia in the forest
"Hush. Everyone. A horse." The Oracle hunched down and spoke in a whisper.
"It's Cassius; he's the only one who knows we are here." Julia stood erect and looked in the direction of the sound. "Okay, everyone take cover. I will see who it is."
The horse and its rider came into view. Cassius rode with a determination, looking left and right. Julia stood out from behind her hiding place and waved her arms. Cassius caught sight of her and rode to her position.
"Cassius, you ride with such purpose. Is all well?"
"Yes, I come to warn you though. It is Rastavius in the carriage. I don't need to tell you what Valerius has already told of his ways in the big city. Leopold acts as though he is in a trance in his presence. The young priest bustles about like a young pup as yet untrained. They come this way no doubt moments behind me. Where are the others?"
As if they had heard the conversation, the others emerged from hiding and approached the two of them.
~~~~~~~~Leopold on the road with Rastavius
Leopold listened as Cervantes told him to stop.
"I saw Cassius on horseback enter the forest from the east. I'm sure it was him. He rode with great haste." Cervantes was shaking with excitement like a hound at a rabbit hole.
Rastavius came forward from the back of the carriage. "They are in the forest then, hiding or seeking a place to hide. One or the other, it matters not. They must be near."
"Secure the carriage. We will confront them. They will be given every opportunity to receive cleansing. We don't wish to escalate these matters. This is for their benefit and the benefit of their family and friends." Leopold, sword in hand, strode towards the forest.
Rastavius followed, his knife was sheathed. Cervantes had a knife as well; it was well hidden in the folds of his raiments.
As the three priests disappeared into the forest, the sound of wolves howling pierced the stillness of the air.


Author Notes love this story. I love the input and suggestions and help you all have been giving me as well. Thank you so very much!

List of characters:

Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique.

Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection.

Petrus- The father of Valerius

Abramus- The father of Julia

Cassius- The brother of Julia

Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia

Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician.

Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople.

Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold.

Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina.

Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius.

Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold.

Bishop Julius Brosius- A Bishop in the hiearchy of the church.

Father Cervantes- a young priest that Leopold has taken under his wing.

Winslow-husband/Adeline-wife/Noreen-daughter/Grenadier-disturbed son-- a family cast out of a nearby village when their son was accused of demon possession. The family fled to save their son's life. New patient for Valerius.

The Oracle- A strange man that Julia and the others meet in the forest and invite to join them.

Father Cicero-A priest from a nearby village that had been performing prayer and other rites on Grenadier to drive out the demon he believes the child has inside him. He is searching for Winslow and his family.

Father Travis-Valerius travels to treat him and finds him to be at odds with Father Cicero over demon possesion.

The story takes place after 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. Other patients come to Valerius and they are in danger as well.

Chapter 51
The Priests Confront Julia & Wolves

By michaelcahill

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.

Previously, Valerius examined Father Travis and found what he expected, Travis in good health and Cicero seeking to eliminate him. Valerius convinced Cicero it would be in his best interest to let him take Travis back with him for treatment. Valerius planned to stop and see Gregorio, but he felt that Julia needed him and rushed to her aid. Julia and the others were in the forest and Cassius rode to warn them the priests were traveling in their direction. One of the priests spied Cassius entering the forest and the priests surmissed that Julia and the others were in there. As the priests entered the forest they heard the cries of wolves. We continue now as the priests discuss the sound of wolves and what to do about them.

~~~~~~A confrontation

Cervantes stopped. "Do you hear that? I'm not going in there."
Leopold grabbed his arm. "Don't be foolish, son. It's just wolves. Are you not aware that wolves inhabit the forest? There are three of us. We have work to do. The Lord is with us."
Rastavius looked back in disgust. "Foolish boy, we haven't the time to coddle you. If you wish to walk back to the carriage ALONE, feel free to follow that path; our path lies before us." He turned and proceeded at a brisk pace.
Leopold hurried after him. Cervantes stood still for a moment, and then fear overtook him. He rushed to catch up to them. The sound of the wolves increased in volume. Cervantes broke into a sweat and looked madly all around him. Leopold and Rastavius moved forward with purpose, ignoring the wails echoing through the dimly lit surroundings.
~~~~~~~Julia and the others in the forest

"Florentina, did you bring the wolves?" Julia kneeled down to talk to the young girl.
"No, I never bring them. They just appear, it must be father."
Cassius returned out of breath. "They've entered the forest. I hear wolves, but I don't see them. I suggest we get away from them. Rastavius carries a sword and the other ones may be armed as well. They are nearby and approach. They must have spied me entering from the south."
Winslow stepped forward. "I feel as though I should confront them. It is me they seek … me and my family. The rest of you make your way to the shelter. I will delay them."
The Oracle stepped by his side. "I will stand with him. You have shown me kindness. I wish to aid you now in return. I'm sure they will think twice when they see the two of us."
Cassius spoke. "I will stay as well. They will be no match for the three of us. Julia, you take the … Julia? Where has she gone? Julia!"
Julia was no longer with them.
Cassius spoke again with more urgency, "Any of you, where has my sister gone?"
They all shook their heads and looked at each other blankly. No one had noticed her slipping away.

~~~~~~Julia encounters the priests

"It is dangerous in these woods for old men. What is it you seek?" Julia appeared a short distance from where the priests were making their way through the forest.
All three stopped abruptly, startled by her appearance.
Leopold spoke, "We seek you and the two children for cleansing. We mean you no harm. We want to help remove the spirits that trouble you."
"There are no spirits troubling any of us. It is you that appear troubled. Who is this old man you bring with you. He appears to be in ill health and confused. And this young boy, he seems terrified. Why do they accompany you?" Julia bore her eyes into Rastavius with deadly seriousness and contempt.
Rastavius stepped forward and held up his sword. His hand shook slightly. "You speak with a clever tongue, Demon. I am familiar with your kind. You do not frighten me, nor does your trickery. I hear wolves crying out, but I see no wolves. Is that your attempt to dissuade us from our purpose? It will fail. You will leave this child and your kind will leave the other children as well. The Lord commands it."
Three wolves appeared from a stand of trees to the right of the priests. They bared their teeth and growled softly but menacingly at them. Two more wolves stood behind them, but were not noticed at first.
Cervantes nudged Leopold and directed his attention behind them. Leopold faltered at the knees upon seeing the two wolves but regained his footing. Rastavius glanced at the three wolves for a moment, but he kept his gaze fixed on Julia.
Julia spoke again, this time to Leopold. "I have known you for a very long time. You act foolishly and make poor choices. Perhaps you will finally see the intelligent choice here and go from whence you came. You know there is no demon. This man here influences you and twists your thinking. Your path does not lie with him. In your heart, you know it is the wrong path. Now you lead this young boy along with you. I don't wish you ill, but I cannot allow harm to my friends and I will not allow harm to myself."
Leopold addressed Rastavius, "Perhaps this is not the time. They are many and the danger is high. The military pledges soldiers to my aid. Is that not the more sensible approach? They can be treated with greater care in the Lord's house. Why confront them here where there is no telling what evil may lurk?"
Leopold's admonishments only served to fuel the fervor inside of Rastavius. Any misgivings he had held gave way to a self-righteous look of entitlement. "I fear not anything born of hell or its master, Satan. A hellhound quakes at the power of Christ. He lifted his sword high and pointed it towards the wolves.
The wolves began to growl louder and become more restless.
"Leave this forest and return to the world of darkness from whence you came. The power of Almighty God compels you thusly." Rastavius stared at the wolves and stepped towards them.
The two wolves behind them rushed toward him and leaped high into the air knocking him down. The other three flew into action immediately. Two knocked Leopold to the ground and stood over him. One backed Cervantes up to a tree and sat before him. Cervantes froze in place too terrified to scream or move a muscle.
Rastavius managed to strike one wolf a glancing blow. It was not a mortal wound, but it drew blood. It seemed to encourage the animal. Rastavius screamed out in high-pitched unintelligible words as the wounded wolf tore into the arm that held the sword. The sword dropped from his hand and his mangled arm laid above his head barely attached and unmoving. The wolf's powerful jaw cradled his throat. Rastavius looked forward terrified and unmoving. He pressure on his throat left him unable to utter a sound.
One of the wolves bit into the head of Leopold dislodging an eyeball. The priest shook with pain, but made no sound. His eye lay on the ground seeming to look back at him. Blood trickled down his face. He could taste it in his throat where it dripped from the open eye socket down his nasal passage into his throat.
Cervantes found a voice within himself, "Call them off! For God's sake, they're killing them. For the love of God, call them off."
Julia was calm. "I have no power over wolves. He should not have threatened them."
A moment later, the wolves ran to the trees and disappeared. There was no sound of them running when they were out of sight. It was as though they vanished. The wounds to the two priests were real.
Julia called out, "Come quickly, they have been attacked."
Cassius arrived first. "My God, what happened?"
"The wolves. The old priest threatened them and they attacked. They are severely wounded. Get Trellitia." Julia went to Rastavius first. He may not survive. She next examined Leopold. She ripped material from her garmets and applied pressure to the wound on his face. "Lie still. I have sent for Trellitia, she is knowledgeable in medicine. Hold this to your wound. It will keep the blood from flowing out. The wolves have gone."
Leopold had no words. He applied the cloth to his head as Julia instructed.
Cervantes remained in the same spot unmoving. The wolves were long gone, but he stood backed up against the tree as though one was guarding him.
"The wolf is gone, priest. You need not stand there any longer. Come and tend to your fellow priests. I fear the older one may not make it. His injuries appear mortal. You must consult with him. There are matters of faith are there not?" Julia attempted to reach Cervantes.
The sound of Julia's voice seemed to calm Cervantes. He went to the side of Leopold who spoke to him softly. He quickly then went to the side of Rastavius and appeared to be praying. Rastavius still moaned in pain and moved his legs and good arm. He still lived, at least for now.


Author Notes love this story. I love the input and suggestions and help you all have been giving me as well. Thank you so very much!

List of characters:

Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique.

Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection.

Petrus- The father of Valerius

Abramus- The father of Julia

Cassius- The brother of Julia

Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia

Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician.

Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople.

Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold.

Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina.

Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius.

Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold.

Bishop Julius Brosius- A Bishop in the hiearchy of the church.

Father Cervantes- a young priest that Leopold has taken under his wing.

Winslow-husband/Adeline-wife/Noreen-daughter/Grenadier-disturbed son-- a family cast out of a nearby village when their son was accused of demon possession. The family fled to save their son's life. New patient for Valerius.

The Oracle- A strange man that Julia and the others meet in the forest and invite to join them.

Father Cicero-A priest from a nearby village that had been performing prayer and other rites on Grenadier to drive out the demon he believes the child has inside him. He is searching for Winslow and his family.

Father Travis-Valerius travels to treat him and finds him to be at odds with Father Cicero over demon possesion.

The story takes place after 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. Other patients come to Valerius and they are in danger as well.

Chapter 52
Compassion For the Heartless

By michaelcahill

Previously, the priests stopped their carriage to enter the forest when Cervantes informed them he saw Cassius enter. They suspected Julia and the others were in there. Upon entering they heard the sound of wolves. It scared Cervantes who wanted to turn back, but Rastavius convinced them to move forward. Julia suddenly appeared before them a short distance away and asked their purpose. As they conversed, wolves appeared, glaring at the priests. Rastavius made threatning gestures towards them and they attacked. Rastavius and Leopold were injured and Cervantes was held at bay. The wolves left Rastavius severly injured. We continue now as Julia and the others attempt to take care of the wounded.

~~~~~~~~Tending the wounded

Cassius brought his steed to an abrupt halt, nearly losing Trellitia as the horse reared up. She paid it no mind, dismounted quickly, and caught Julia's eye. Julia motioned to Rastavius.
As Trellitia made her way to Rastavius, Julia slipped quietly out of view. Julia went to consult with Winslow and the others.
"Everything is under control here. Take them to the shelter as planned. I will be along when I am able." Julia spoke in a whisper. Winslow's presence had not been detected as yet.
Florentina rushed up to hug Julia. "I didn't bring the wolves. I don't know where they came from. My father wasn't with them. It wasn't my fault." She had tears streaming down her face.
Julia hugged her. "You've done nothing wrong. The wolves came to protect us, it matters not where they came from. Those men were evil and carried weapons to harm us. Now, you run along and I will be with you soon. Your mother will be back before long. She will be pleased to find you safe. Now, run along. She exchanged a glance with Adeline who clung tightly to Grenadier, her son, and Adeline turned and hurried the others towards the shelter.
"Move aside son." Trellitia dropped to her knees brushing Cervantes forcefully to the side. He rose to his feet in anger, but said nothing.
Julia returned to observe Trellitia.
Trellitia leaned in to Rastavius who looked back in pain. "You remember me don't you, dear friend? I will help you if I can. Unlike you, I cherish life … even yours." She looked steely-eyed at him. His expression couldn't be fathomed; fear mixed with pain and something that might be contempt or could be gratitude. She reached into a red and blue satchel. It showed signs of wear, but it was intricately appointed with scenes of nature. She pulled a vile from the contents and lifted his head. "Drink this; it will help with the pain."
Rastavius adopted a look akin to a man facing execution. He mouthed a one-word question, "Poison?"
"Idiot, if I wanted you dead, I could sit here and watch in rapture as you breathed your last. You'd have it coming for what you did to my husband and so many others. It is medicine. I would not dishonor my husband by turning my back on his vows. Now, drink this you old fool."
Rastavius relaxed a small bit and drank the potion. He made a face in reaction to the bitterness of its flavor. The potion was a thick pulp made from poppy seeds. It took very little time for its effects to manifest on his face. The tension left his expression.
"Julia. I will need your assistance and Cassius too." She called to the two who were nearby. The Oracle, who had remained behind, accompanied them. Trellitia eyed him suspiciously at first, but returned her attention to the priest. "I'm going to have to remove the arm above the wound. I've given him medicine to relive pain, but it will not fully dull the pain of this. "Julia, a fire to heat the instruments."
Julia gathered materials for the fire, took the flint from Trellitia, and soon had a fire going. She held the blades Trellitia handed her over the fire. Trellitia cut the garment covering the arm and observed an arm nearly severed. "It will have to come off here, above the elbow." She spoke as though she planned to carve a roast for supper.
Cervantes spoke, "You cannot bind the arm … allow it to heal?"
"The arm is dead, son. If there is any chance for him to survive, it must come off. Come and assist in holding him down. Prayers would be in order. His condition is grave and his prospects are not good."
She moved quickly when Julia brought her instruments. "This needs to remain in the fire until I call for it." A blunt tool seeming to be of no function, Julia placed its tip into the fire. She held it in anticipation. Trellitia lifted the arm and poured water over it cleaning it as best she could. She took a tool that had a curved blade with small teeth and cut into the arm above the elbow and halfway to the shoulder. Rastavius cried out in pain. The men held him firmly as he began to thrash about. Trellitia was swift in her operation and the arm was removed in little time.
"Bring it now, Julia." Julia handed her the blunt tool, which glowed at the tip from the heat. Trellitia applied it to the end of the wound. The smell of burning flesh filed the air and Rastavius cried out and resisted the attempts of the men to hold him down. They held firm. The flow of blood ceased. She rubbed a liniment on the still steaming wound and wrapped it with cloth.
Leopold began moaning louder as the pain increased. The flow of blood continued in a slow ooze from his empty eye socket.
Trellitia inspected the wounds on the neck of Rastavius and noted that they were not bleeding. "I have done what can be done for him. Keep him warm. His outlook is grim, but he yet breathes. Most do not survive to this point. Stay with him, son. Prayer and comforting words are the only medicine left now."
Cervantes kneeled by him, clasped his remaining hand, and spoke softly as he leaned close to his ear. A prayer, words of solace, it wasn't clear and no one paid attention as Trellitia went to tend to Leopold.

~~~~~~~Valerius and Travis approach a carriage unattended

Valerius smiled as the road became familiar. Home held an attraction to him he hadn't realized until now. "A carriage up ahead. Curious. I feel we should stop and see what has become of its occupants. This must have something to do with Julia. I feel her near. I know you miss Florentina as well, Lourdes."
Lourdes had been content to let the two of them talk and had been silent most of the way home. "Yes, this has been a long separation. I worry, of course, with talk of demons and obsessed priests about. Uh … no offence to you, Father."
Travis nodded. "I take none. I am embarrassed by their behavior. Cicero had been like a son to me until consulting with Rastavius. His change is dramatic and unsettling."
Valerius nodded with concern. "Rastavius had that same effect on Leopold. A different man returned from Constantinople. Well, Julia is near, I hope you understand. I feel it."
He didn't understand, but in his short time with Valerius, he had come to respect him. He sensed a wisdom that belied his youth. They all dismounted together and entered the forest.
~~~~~~~Julia speaks to Leopold.

Julia knealt by Leopold. "Your bleeding has subsided somewhat. Your other wounds do not appear serious. You see what your foolish notions have gained you? It is lucky that you still live."
Leopold did not mince words."The incantations of a witch who commands the beasts of hell. You and the demon child. You were not attacked. Why is that? A beast does not attack its master, that is why! A beast does…."
Leopold grimaced in the middle of his sentence.
Julia spoke, "Still you cling to such nonsense after all of this. Your teacher lies near death. You battle for life yourself, yet you use what breath you have to condemn and accuse. Are these the words of one of God's chosen ones? Demons come from within, Leopold, not from without. They are already inside of every man seeking a foothold in a man's weakness. It is you that are possessed. Possessed with hatred and judgment of others. You are blind to your own actions and thoughts. God is nowhere to be found within you for you do not seek him. You listen to voices of destruction. The object of destruction is YOU. That is what you fail to see. Those you revile help you even as you spit venom in their faces."
Leopold moaned. "Trickery. Twisted words of Satan. It was you that called upon the hellhounds. It was God himself who bid them leave."
"You are hopeless. How many lives will you live before you face the truth?" Julia rose and left him moaning. She nodded to Trellitia who approaced with her satchel.
Trellitia knealt by him. She removed the covering over his eye socket. She poured water directly into it causing Leopold to cry out. "The wound is not deep. None of them are. You will be scared, but you will survive. You are lucky; Julia's quick thinking stemmed the bleeding. You could have easily died. Better to be a living one-eyed priest than a dead one, yes?"
"You, the witch of the forest, I hear you not. The power of the Lord will smite you all. Demons! All of you. Demons, possessed by the Evil One. A reckoning comes to you. A reckoning!"
Trellitia dressed the wound and bandaged it. "Change the bandages regularly ... keep it clean, it should heal." She rose and left him there. "Damn fool, what is the point in saving him?"
Leopold jumped to his feet, produced the knife he carried, drew it back over his head and stumbled towards Trellitia…


Author Notes love this story. I love the input and suggestions and help you all have been giving me as well. Thank you so very much!

List of characters:

Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique.

Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection.

Petrus- The father of Valerius

Abramus- The father of Julia

Cassius- The brother of Julia

Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia

Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician.

Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople.

Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold.

Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina.

Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius.

Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold.

Bishop Julius Brosius- A Bishop in the hiearchy of the church.

Father Cervantes- a young priest that Leopold has taken under his wing.

Winslow-husband/Adeline-wife/Noreen-daughter/Grenadier-disturbed son-- a family cast out of a nearby village when their son was accused of demon possession. The family fled to save their son's life. New patient for Valerius.

The Oracle- A strange man that Julia and the others meet in the forest and invite to join them.

Father Cicero-A priest from a nearby village that had been performing prayer and other rites on Grenadier to drive out the demon he believes the child has inside him. He is searching for Winslow and his family.

Father Travis-Valerius travels to treat him and finds him to be at odds with Father Cicero over demon possesion.

The story takes place after 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. Other patients come to Valerius and they are in danger as well.

Chapter 53
Still Seeing Demons

By michaelcahill

Warning: The author has noted that this contains strong violence.

Previously, wolves attacked the priests mortally wounding Rastavius and seriously injuring Leopold causing him to lose an eye. Cervantes was backed up and held at bay by a tree. Julia called the others to assist. In spite of how the priests had treated them, Julia and the others went to their aid and tended to their wounds. The priests showed no signs of recalcitrance and continued to denigrate Julia and call her a demon. Rastavius referred to Trellitia as a witch even as she attempted to save his life. We continue now as Leopold has risen to his feet and is about to attack Trellitia. Valerius has just arrived.

~~~~~~~Valerius arrives

Valerius, newly arrived, cried out, "Trellitia, behind you!"
Even as the words left his mouth, Leopold dove forward as though he had fallen over something. He landed on the ground screaming in agony. He rose immediately waving his arms and staggering in different directions trying to grasp at … anything. His blade protruded from his eye socket, what had been his good eye. He was blind.
Trellitia spun and looked at him. "Over hear, dear Leopold. Perhaps you may yet get a hold of me and choke the life out of me." She scurried to the right several feet. "Here now, my friend, don't lose heart, I'm over here." She got up close to him and whispered in his ear. "Here now, demon slayer. Shall I have my vengeance now for my husband … for myself? Reach out, blind man, reach out for me."
Leopold grasped at the air as Trellitia easily evaded him. "You will be dealt with." He screamed as he reached up and pulled the knife from his eye socket. Blood trickled down his face. He slashed at the air with the blade.
Valerius came up behind him and grasped his arm firmly. The Oracle grabbed the wrist and twisted until the knife dropped to the ground. Trellitia grabbed it and put it to Leopold's throat.
"No, don't do it", Valerius shouted. "We are physicians."
Trellitia whispered to Leopold, "I'd slit your throat if I were like you in any way. You would slit mine in an instant. You, the chosen of God, holy man … shall I remove the demon from your belly and provide safe passage to your creator? No, I'm well pleased to let you live just as you are. Bind him so that the doctor and I might treat this new and unfortunate wound."
Valerius turned to find Julia standing there motionless. He released Leopold's arm and walked to her. The Oracle grabbed the loose arm and wrestled him to the ground.
"I knew you would come." Julia spoke softly in a way Valerius had never heard.
"I heard you call me, I felt sure of it." He could not take his eyes off her.
They embraced and kissed as though there were nothing around them.
"This is my destiny." Valerius looked into Julia's eyes and felt as though there was no space between them. "I belong here … like this."
Julia leaned forward and kissed him again. He could feel her agreement. Words became unnecessary.
Trellitia smiled. "There will be plenty of time for that. Your services are required here, Doctor. That patient seems to be doing well." She chuckled softly.
Valerius smiled and released Julia who remained motionless. He turned to his patient and kneeled down. "The eye must come out, it is too damaged. It will rot and cause disease." He reached into his bag and applied a paste to the wound. It was similar in color to the liquid Trellitia gave Rastavius but thicker. It was made of the poppy seed as well and served to reduce pain. He pulled a digging tool from his bag and dislodged the eye with ease. It was nearly in two pieces.
The Oracle faced the road and seemed to strain his ear. "Quiet now. I hear the approach of horse. Several, I believe." He looked to Valerius.
"Our enemy is on this clearing here. Yet ... I don't like the feel of this." Valerius surveyed the scene before him. "I think it best to move the wounded under cover of those trees. Cassius, tend to Cervantes. If he makes a sound, slit his throat. We will move Leopold and Rastavius behind that stand of trees over there. Then we will await the passing of … well, whomever rides by." He faced the Oracle. "If you could find a vantage point near the road … unseen…."
"Yes. I understand your meaning. I have spent months here undetected. You have no worries." The oracle slipped away towards the road.
Valerius watched, as his plan was set into motion. Are the others aware as they make their way to shelter? I've no way to know. Be sharp, Winslow. There may yet be danger afoot.

~~~~~~~Winslow and the others continue

Adeline stopped. "Everyone stop. Do you hear that?"
They all came to a slow stop and their chatter died down.
Lourdes whispered, "Yes, I hear it, the approach of horse on the road. Everyone be still. Florentina, come by my side. Still now, do you hear?"
Florentina stopped smiling and came to be by her mother who put her arm around her. Grenadier went to his mother in like fashion. Winslow looked to an over growth of brush and trees and began motioning for everyone to seek refuge there.
Winslow whispered to the group, "I'm going near the road to see if I can get a glimpse of them. The others could be in danger."
Adeline grabbed his arm. "No, it is too dangerous. It could be Cicero searching for us. If he sees you, we are doomed. He has threatened to bring soldiers. Stay here where it is safe."
"Nonsense, I'll not be standing in the middle of the road. I'll be well hidden. I must see who comes. I may need to bring news to the others. They have endangered themselves to help us. It is the least I could do." He gently pulled his arm away and set out towards the road. Everyone remained motionless and silent.
~~~~~~~Leopold focuses on Cervantes

In spite of his injuries and resulting blindness, Leopold had lost none of his spite. "Cervantes, come here, Cervantes."
Cassius looked at Cervantes. "If I let you tend to him I expect it to remain quiet. I will cut you down without mercy if you endanger the others. Is that understood?" He maintained a cold visage.
"I understand." Cervantes nodded to Cassius who allowed him to tend to Leopold.
"Cervantes, why do you sit there in silence? Look what has been done to me. Rastavius barely clings to life. Yet, you stand by while demons instruct you. Is Satan your new master, Son? Have you…."
"Silence. Have you not caused enough damage with your foolishness? What demon tends to the wounds of their enemy? These are not demons. They kneel over the fallen bodies of their oppressors and lend aid. They could not be more Godly. I am shamed by my foolish allegiance to you and Rastavius. I have seen the light and you are not in it. Repent your ways, Father, and come out of the darkness before it consumes you." Cervantes remained, kneeling by Leopold.
Leopold reached out and grasped part of his garment. "You fool! Do you not see the cleverness of their actions? Now they can count you in their number." He released his hold. "Go from me. You will not be a priest for much longer. The Bishops will hear of your disloyalty … in league with Satan and his minions. FOOL!"
Cervantes walked to Rastavius who was nearby. Rastavius remained conscious though very pale with labored breathing. "Have you any confessions you wish to make, Father. I will hear them." Cervantes spoke softly.
"The Lord knows my heart. There is no need to confess when there is nothing to confess." Rastavius looked away. A sadness covered him like a fog covers a meadow at dawn, but wildflowers would not be found as the day wore on. "Wait, son. Mercy, son. They have shown mercy. Perhaps … perhaps we are wrong about the girl. She tended to our wounds without malice. I find that at odds with a demon's behavior. There is no need for trickery in victory. Do you understand? We may be wrong about these people. Bear that in mind. We may be wrong. I can only know what Leopold has told me. You have to decide for yourself. I am not convinced. I thought you should know. I may be…" His eyes rolled back in his head and then forward again. They seemed focused on something in front of him. Cervantes saw nothing. "No! Please! No! I will not go…." A look of terror came across his face and he stopped breathing. Cervantes grabbed his hand and began to softly pray.
Winslow ran up to Valerius near breathless. "Cicero comes with soldiers. He has passed us by, but he is sure to see the priest's carriage."


Author Notes love this story. I love the input and suggestions and help you all have been giving me as well. Thank you so very much!

List of characters:

Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique.

Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection.

Petrus- The father of Valerius

Abramus- The father of Julia

Cassius- The brother of Julia

Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia

Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician.

Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople.

Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold.

Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina.

Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius.

Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold.

Bishop Julius Brosius- A Bishop in the hiearchy of the church.

Father Cervantes- a young priest that Leopold has taken under his wing.

Winslow-husband/Adeline-wife/Noreen-daughter/Grenadier-disturbed son-- a family cast out of a nearby village when their son was accused of demon possession. The family fled to save their son's life. New patient for Valerius.

The Oracle- A strange man that Julia and the others meet in the forest and invite to join them.

Father Cicero-A priest from a nearby village that had been performing prayer and other rites on Grenadier to drive out the demon he believes the child has inside him. He is searching for Winslow and his family.

Father Travis-Valerius travels to treat him and finds him to be at odds with Father Cicero over demon possesion.

The story takes place after 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. Other patients come to Valerius and they are in danger as well.

Chapter 54
Cicero Arrives With Soldiers

By michaelcahill

Previously, Even after Julia tended to Leopold and cared for his injuries he still accused her of being possessed. He had now become blind in both eyes as he continued to accuse and attack. Rastavius died and showed some signs of regret and admitted to Cervantes that he might be wrong. It was not clear if Cervantes had seen any light or not. We continue now as Cicero has been spotted coming down the road with soldiers.

"How many soldiers?" Valerius showed no emotion.
"I believe six, I had to run. They are, no doubt, inspecting the empty carriage already. I must get back to my family and the others." Winslow turned to go back.
Valerius grasped his shoulder gently. "Well done, my friend, get them to the shelter. Everything is under control here. Do not worry."
Julia strolled up to Valerius smiling. "He seemed put upon by something."
"Cicero approaches momentarily with soldiers. I feared he might not be far behind." He smiled at Julia as though he couldn't help it. "I am distracted by you. It occurs to me to abandon this foolishness and become a traveling minstrel. Would that appeal to you?"
"To me, yes. To the village I fear not. What is our plan? Deception? Perhaps truth will win the day." Julia remained calm and still the hint of a smile graced her visage.
"I have found that plans are sometimes things to trip over. It may be best to let them make their play. We will react." He looked at the scene before him. It looked much like a battlefield. Rastavius lay dead. Leopold seemed every bit the prisoner, injured and defiant. All were blood stained, both he and Julia, as well as the Oracle, Cassius and even Cervantes.
"You don't trust him." Julia looked towards Cervantes
"He is yet confused. Some light seems to have come to him. I don't have confidence in him. He was easily swayed by these two fools. It does not speak to his character." He brightened suddenly. "Cassius!" He motioned the young man over.
Cassius had been guarding Leopold, who seemed more weakened now. Cassius eyed the blind priest warily and then Cervantes who stood by himself preoccupied with a birds nest in a tree. He came to the call of Valerius. "Yes."
"Put my bag over there by that tall tree, behind it, and out of sight. Don't draw attention to your actions."
Cassius strolled away. He walked as though strolling through a garden with no sense of urgency.
Valerius whispered to Julia. "My horn is in my bag. You'll recall I am skilled at military calls."
"Yes, as well you should be. Of course, you have no memory of such things. You have some cleverness in you when it comes to such things." She smiled and looked sideways at him as though in a grand conspiracy.
Valerius didn't quite understand, but he had a sense of the truth of which she spoke. "Yes, perhaps I will stumble upon some connection to that cleverness. There is a thought that has occurred to me."
Father Travis stood nearby and saw his opportunity to intervene. "I wish to be first to confront Cicero. I am his superior and I have too long been subservient to his fervor."
"Very well. That is agreeable to me. Perhaps you can establish authority and direct the soldiers to your discretion. Such would be our best hope. Be ready though. There is no telling what authority Cicero has solicited to gain this advantage. Here we are armed with our wits. They bring weapons that are not of good humor. Be on your toes and follow my play if things do not go to our liking." Valerius was pleased to see the steely-eyed acknowledgement from Travis. He seemed much improved over the man he met only two days before.
"Why wait here for their arrival. We will force the issue." Valerius nodded to Cassius who was returning from his small task. He nodded to Julia. "Father Travis and I will greet Cicero and the soldiers. We will do what we can. Be prepared to flee into the forest. You are familiar, they are not. Cervantes will make his own choice, neither encourage nor discourage him. Leave Leopold where he is. I will not have any of you endangered. Soldiers know how to soldier. We are not equipped for that endeavor."
All nodded in agreement. Valerius and Travis set out towards the road and the others went their way.

~~~~~~~Cicero and the soldiers come upon the carriage

Cicero put up his hand bringing his group to a halt. He slid off his mount somewhat ungracefully. The soldiers snickered softly behind his back while he inspected the carriage by the side of the rode.
"It bears the markings of the church." He stroked his beard though it hardly had the length to stroke effectively. "An investigation is in order. Perhaps they have found Winslow and family already."
"Do you wish escort?" One of the soldiers addressed the priest.
Cicero nodded dismissively. The six soldiers lined up silently. The lack of respect mixed with their devotion to duty made for a strange attitude of disregard for Cicero. Cicero led the way into the forest. Within a few minutes, they came upon Valerius and Travis who had set out to greet them.
Travis stepped forward. "Joined the military have you, Cicero? You'll need a weapon, I believe."
"Most witty, my friend. I see you're in good spirits. Valerius seems to have found the right potion for you." Cicero had an air of deadly joviality about him. He spoke with a light tone, but there was an unspoken edge to his delivery.
Travis seemed to catch the challenge in his voice. "Yes, some fresh air it seems did the trick … and fresh thinking. What brings you and these soldiers to the forest this fine day, a picnic?"
"We seek Winslow and his family. We stopped at the parish here but found the priest away on business. Now, we find their carriage … yet … we don't find them. Perhaps you enjoy a picnic of your own?" Cicero looked around Travis as though he could see what might be behind him.
Valerius responded tersely, "They are there indeed. It is no picnic. They attacked our party and have not come to a good end as a result. They too sought Winslow as well as others. They attacked with knives, unprovoked. I'm afraid Leopold is quite ill…."
Travis interceded. "Possessed? He is possessed, I'm afraid to say. Rastavius filled his head with thoughts of demons and opened his heart to their entry. He listens to no reason. Rastavius lies dead behind us and still Leopold curses even those that save his life and tend to his wellbeing. The Winslow family has not been seen in these parts. They sought them as well. We don't know their whereabouts. Come see for yourself if you like." Travis loomed close to Cicero. He didn't threatened, but he clearly aimed to show superiority as befitted his stature in their village.
Cicero didn't back down, but he didn't assert himself either. "Yes, I will do as you suggest. Perhaps we can help him together. Rastavius dead, I can scarcely believe it." He nodded to one of the soldiers and they followed behind as all turned to return to the scene of the altercation.
Valerius didn't seem pleased, but there seemed little he could do to prevent the military's involvement. He moved quickly ahead with Travis and spoke softly, "I have no trust for Cicero. He may turn these men loose upon us at any moment. Be ready to run at my signal. I know the woods, they do not. Discreetly tell the others. Oh … say nothing to Cervantes. He can chose to follow or stay. That is his choice."

~~~~~~~~Leopold continues to rage

"Demons! All of you. Yet, I still have breath. Release these souls and return from whence you came!" Leopold continued to rage.
The Oracle looked to Julia. "Can't you silence that fool?"
"He is silent. He speaks nothing. Would you have me do to him what he would do to me? Is that in keeping with what we are taught? If love will not reach him, then hatred will find no perch. He battles his worst enemy already. He needs no other." Julia looked at peace as she spoke.


Author Notes love this story. I love the input and suggestions and help you all have been giving me as well. Thank you so very much!

List of characters:

Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique.

Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection.

Petrus- The father of Valerius

Abramus- The father of Julia

Cassius- The brother of Julia

Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia

Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician.

Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople.

Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold.

Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina.

Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius.

Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold.

Bishop Julius Brosius- A Bishop in the hiearchy of the church.

Father Cervantes- a young priest that Leopold has taken under his wing.

Winslow-husband/Adeline-wife/Noreen-daughter/Grenadier-disturbed son-- a family cast out of a nearby village when their son was accused of demon possession. The family fled to save their son's life. New patient for Valerius.

The Oracle- A strange man that Julia and the others meet in the forest and invite to join them.

Father Cicero-A priest from a nearby village that had been performing prayer and other rites on Grenadier to drive out the demon he believes the child has inside him. He is searching for Winslow and his family.

Father Travis-Valerius travels to treat him and finds him to be at odds with Father Cicero over demon possesion.

The story takes place after 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. Other patients come to Valerius and they are in danger as well.

Chapter 55
Running For Their Lives!

By michaelcahill

Previously, Valerius and Julia learn from Winslow that Cicero approaches with military escort. They plan to meet the priest and soldiers and make their plans based on what Cicero has to say and his actions. Leopold continues to rage even though blinded. We continue now as Julia and Valerius go to meet Cicero. At the same time Winslow and the others reach the safety of the shelter. We join them now as they inspect their new dwelling.

~~~~~~~The shelter in the woods

Adeline and Lourdes both smiled slightly when they found the home near Trellitia's property. It could not be seen from the road or anywhere but the very back of Trellitia's land. It showed signs of disrepair, but it was sound and well able to withstand the weather.
Winslow opened the door and cringed at the sound of it creaking. "Why do I feel like it is heard for miles around?" He smiled at the others as they all piled in.
Trellitia had made some preparations. It had some furnishings and cleaning had begun. There was wood for a fire and Winslow had one going in a short time. Florentina and Grenadier flopped on one of the beds and bounced.
Grenadier announced, "It is soft, Mother, softer than any I have ever slept on."
"Yes, softer than a thousand forest leaves," exclaimed Florentina.
They all appeared safe for now.

~~~~~~~Abramus visits Petrus

Petrus looked to see Abramus coming at a full gallop.
"We must talk." Abramus dismounted and held the reins. "The time is now. The priests are hunting already. There is no telling. Leopold has brought that fool Rastavius and he is here and armed. Cassius has gone to warn and…."
"Slow down, my friend. Where? Where are they?" Petrus responded.
"They go to the shelter. But, I fear a confrontation. We must gather as many villagers as possible. We need a show of strength." Abramus looked to Petrus anxiously.
"I'll saddle up. We haven't much time. We will roust those who are ready immediately and put the word out for others." Petrus rushed to saddle his horse.
Within minutes, they were on their way to the village.

~~~~~~~~Cicero and Valerius come upon the skirmish site

"Right up ahead here, through these trees." Valerius pointed towards a stand of trees.
Cicero nodded to one of the soldiers who drew his sword and faced Valerius and Travis.
Travis shouted out, "What is the meaning of this?"
The soldier said in a deep voice, "The two of you will remain here while we investigate."
With that, two soldiers drew their swords and motioned for Valerius and Travis to sit on the ground.
Travis approached the soldier with Cicero. "He has no authority over me. By what authority do you order me guarded? Think before you speak and act against the church."
Valerius spoke too. "You delay a physician when there are wounded to be tended to? What authority will you answer to for this transgression?"
The soldier turned coldly. "My authority is my orders given to me by my superior. I act on authority of the state. I am to accompany Father Cicero and assist him as needed in the apprehension of fugitives from his village." He unsheathed his sword partially. "I will not be hampered in my duties."
Valerius made no move to back away from his threat. "Are you not taught to think for yourself should the need arise? A soldier rises through the ranks by showing leadership, not by following blindly as a sheep. This is clearly not the apprehension of a fugitive. I am not a fugitive; I am a doctor. Father Travis is not a fugitive; he is a man of God and indeed, this man's superior. Yet, you imprison us? I once again ask you; by what authority do you dare do this?"
The soldier hesitated. He thought for a moment. "I do not imprison you. I merely detain you … for your own safety. While we, uh, while we investigate the matters ahead. I will hear no more talk of this. This is a military matter. You will remain here. I am done with this discussion." He nodded to the two soldiers who each grabbed an arm.
Cicero and the four soldiers proceeded in the direction Valerius had indicated.
Valerius nodded to Father Travis. Travis looked somewhat alarmed, but understood that Valerius did not intend to remain under guard. He took a deep breath and waited for Valerius to make his play.
Valerius smiled at one of the guards. "Have you food with you? At least some water … I'm afraid I used my water on behalf of the wounded." He looked away as though disinterested.
Travis drew closer to the other guard. "I could use a bit of water myself, or something stronger if I might be so lucky." He smiled and made eye contact. The guard smiled as though he understood the meaning.
"I'm afraid what you want is back at the road with my mount. I do have some water." He reached for a flask on his side.
Valerius had a sword to the neck of his captor in an instant. It hadn't occurred to the soldier that this young doctor could possibly be a threat. It made it all too easy for him to turn the tables. It took more of a struggle for Travis, but the surprise gave him the edge, and he had his man at bay as well.
"I am a doctor. I have no desire to injure you. I cannot allow my friends to be at the mercy of that fool you blindly follow. If I have no choice, I will kill you. Do not make a move. Sit down there. Now you, join him, back to back." The soldiers complied. Valerius stood above them the sword at the ready. "Bind them well, Travis. Well, and quickly. Cicero will come upon the others soon."

~~~~~~~Cicero comes upon Julia and Leopold

Cicero halted in surprise at the scene before him. Leopold shouting loudly with blood covering his bandaged head. A young woman standing serenely watching him. A nervous priest contemplating the sky, or maybe nothing at all. A body, no doubt Rastavius, laying in the field unattended. And then a rather crazed looking gentleman staring at them along with a young man who seemed poised for action. An old woman that kills him with her eyes ... the witch, no doubt.
He called out. "Leopold! It is Father Cicero. I have come for you. Wait there and I will come to you." He gestured to the soldiers who followed him as he walked towards the crazed priest.
"Carefully, there are demons everywhere. The girl! The girl draws them from everywhere. She has done this. Rastavius lies there dead and I blinded by her hand. Her and the witch, Trellitia. Slay them both before they turn on you. Quickly draw your knife and attack. Take my hand and bring me near them. I'll CUT THEIR HEARTS OUT! DEMONS! DAMN THEM!" Leopold fell to the ground moaning and exclaiming unintelligible utterings.
Julia stepped forward to great them. "What brings you here, priest? Where are my friends, the doctor and Father Travis? I see you bring soldiers. Are you going to war?" She starred into his eyes deeply.
Cicero shuddered under the scrutiny of Julia. "What has gone on here? A respected man of God lies dead and another blinded. Is this not a matter that begs questioning?"
She looked more intensely. She spoke softly, almost sweetly. "I know you. Yes, I do know you. I think you can hear for yourself. He accuses and derides those that have saved his life. He attacks and calls for the death of his fellow human beings in the name of God. Is this the God you worship? Is this the God you are here to represent? Is he the spokesman for your God? My God speaks of love. Perhaps my God is the God you represent. Which is it?" Julia moved closer to Cicero. She looked into his eyes even deeper.
Sweat appeared on his brow as though a man held a knife to his throat. "The Evil One speaks with a smooth tongue." Cicero backed up and looked away. "I see a dead priest and a blind priest. Then before me, I see a young girl. Am I to believe a young girl has the strength to slay and mutilate men? Or, is there another force at work here?" He stepped back up. "Seize her! She is a demon!"
Julia ran before the soldiers could grab her. "Run! Run to the forest! He calls the soldiers to arms. He is insane like Leopold. Run!"
Cicero ran forward. "Stop her! She mustn't escape. Her and the old witch. Rastavius warned me of her. Do as I command. Stop her now!"
The soldiers moved into action. Two began to pursue on foot. The two others pulled their bows and drew arrows.
Leopold found new energy and ran towards the sound of Julia's voice. "Stop, demon! I command you. Stop." He ran almost in step with her.
The forest loomed ahead. The sound of arrows filled the air. Screams cut through the shouting on the field. Cassius had reached Julia and they were near the stand of trees and safety when Julia stumbled. The screams were piercing.
Cassius cried out, "Julia!"
Leopold shouted out, "DEMON!", as he lurched forward to the ground.


Author Notes love this story. I love the input and suggestions and help you all have been giving me as well. Thank you so very much!

List of characters:

Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique.

Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection.

Petrus- The father of Valerius

Abramus- The father of Julia

Cassius- The brother of Julia

Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia

Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician.

Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople.

Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold.

Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina.

Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius.

Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold.

Bishop Julius Brosius- A Bishop in the hiearchy of the church.

Father Cervantes- a young priest that Leopold has taken under his wing.

Winslow-husband/Adeline-wife/Noreen-daughter/Grenadier-disturbed son-- a family cast out of a nearby village when their son was accused of demon possession. The family fled to save their son's life. New patient for Valerius.

The Oracle- A strange man that Julia and the others meet in the forest and invite to join them.

Father Cicero-A priest from a nearby village that had been performing prayer and other rites on Grenadier to drive out the demon he believes the child has inside him. He is searching for Winslow and his family.

Father Travis-Valerius travels to treat him and finds him to be at odds with Father Cicero over demon possesion.

The story takes place after 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. Other patients come to Valerius and they are in danger as well.

Chapter 56
And Where It Lands....

By michaelcahill

Warning: The author has noted that this contains strong violence.

Previously, Cicero turned out to be as fanatical as either Leopold or Rastavius. Valerius and Father Travis were put under guard and Cicero went to confront Julia and capture her. Julia backed Cicero down with her truthful words, but Cicero stayed true to his plan and ordered the soldiers to capture her. She ran before they could seize her. Valerius and Travis took the two soldiers guarding them by surprise and escaped. As Julia ran, Leopold followed the sound of her voice in close pursuit. Arrows were shot and in the air as the last chapter closed. Julia stumbled and Leopold lurched forward as the arrows hit their mark. We continue now as their fate is revealed.


The forest loomed ahead. The sound of arrows filled the air. Screams cut through the shouting on the field. Cassius had reached Julia and they were near the stand of trees and safety when Julia stumbled. The screams were piercing.
Cassius cried out, "Julia!"
Leopold shouted out, "DEMON!", as he lurched forward to the ground. 
He moved no more. Two arrows stuck out from the middle of his back. He was no more than two feet behind Julia who had tripped on a rock he had kicked forward while running. The arrows were shot true and straight for her. Leopold had gotten in the way. Cassius and Julia slipped behind the stand of trees. They knew the forest better than anyone. They were safe.
"Stay here and I will see if I can spot the others." Cassius turned to go back. Julia followed him.
They peered through the trees. Trellitia and the Oracle were being ignored and almost to the woods. He observed Cervantes speaking with Cicero.
Cassius whispered, "He disappoints."
Julia answered, "Do not be so quick to judge. It may be deception. He can't fight them all on his own. We did abandon him, after all."
"Always the level head. Always fair. I love you, sister."
"As you should, brother, as you should." Julia smiled and they both suppressed their laughter.
Julia stood up. "Valerius".
Cassius looked up. "What is it? I have wondered where he might be. Are you worried?"
"No. He comes. He is coming to me."
"His bag. He had me put his bag … over here, by this tree. I have it. I don't know his plan. Two more soldiers. The one left and returned with two more. They come, Julia. What now?"
"We wait for Valerius. He comes to me. We wait."
"Very well, I hope it is soon. They will be upon us soon. Now two soldiers pursue Trellitia and the Oracle. I don't like this. I should defend her. They are unarmed. The Oracle alone … I don't know."
"We wait, Cassius. Valerius is close at hand." Julia looked at the soldiers advancing and at the two priests. "See, brother, Cervantes looks around as though he seeks help. Can you see it?"
"Perhaps, perhaps. If you say so. You may be right. He does seem to be uncomfortable … as though he does not approve."
"Trust me, he is with us. He knows the truth. I feel it."
Valerius and Father Travis came through the woods together and stood before them. Travis looked worn.
"The two of you should be long gone from here. Cassius, for God's sake! Why did you not force her to leave?" Valerius smiled.
Cassius sighed. "You know the answer as well as I."
Julia walked up to Valerius and embraced him. "Nice of you to show up."
"I have an idea. You once told me that I played the military maneuvers of the Persian army on my horn. Do you recall that?"
"Yes, of course. You once used it in battle, though it was Roman maneuvers as I recall. I have studied a bit since then…"
Cassius interrupted, "Forgive me, but Trellitia and the Oracle are in danger. We best put our efforts towards their safety." Cassius gestured towards the two as they neared the forest.
"Father", Valerius looked at Travis, "go with these two. All of you go and assist Trellitia and the Oracle. I'm going to take care of this."
"I'm staying with you." Julia said with finality.
"As am I." Cassius was equally adamant.
”I figured as much. Father, if you'd help those two. I think you should help them as well, Cassius; the Oracle and Travis are no match for those soldiers, they need you. Trellitia is dear to me, to all of us. There is no danger to us in the forest. We are safe."
"Very well. You make sense. Be careful then and take care of my sister. I'm somewhat fond of her." Cassius smiled slightly and left at once with Father Travis. Trellitia and the Oracle were nearby.
Julia and Valerius ran into the forest. Valerius had his bag in one hand and his horn in the other. They ran like two gazelles in perfect unison. They belonged together; every creature in the forest could see it. The forest glimmered with the light surrounding them.

~~~~~~~Trellitia and The Oracle move as best they can

Cassius and Francis came upon where they had seen Trellitia and the Oracle. They were not to be found, nor were the soldiers who pursued them. The walked slowly, searching for them.
Some distance away, the Oracle looked back and saw two soldiers close behind. He made his decision. "You keep running. I will delay them. Don't look back."
"No. I will not leave you here. We meet our fate together." Trellitia showed no fear.
"I am charged with your safety. No one has looked to me as a man in as long as I can remember. I intend to live the rest of my life as a man. Do as I say, woman. You are much loved. Run, run for those who love you. Do not dishonor me by staying and do not underestimate … the Oracle." He rose to his full height and looked somewhat formidable in a mystical way.
Trellitia embraced him. "I will tell the others of your bravery. You are indeed a good man, the best of men." She ran at her best speed, disappearing into the forest. None knew it better than she.
The Oracle took shelter behind a large tree and waited. He had surprise on his side. The soldiers had numbers and they had weapons. The Oracle planned to make the fight last, last long enough for Trellitia to reach safety.

~~~~~~~~Abramus and Petrus in town

There proved to be a lot of support for Abramus and Petrus as they quickly went from person to person soliciting their help. However, very few were willing to mount a steed and take their support into harm's way. Father Thurston, though, showed no hesitation as he mounted up and joined them.
Slowly a small posse of men formed growing in number as villagers saw their fellows already ready to ride. In a short time, eight men joined the two concerned fathers as they made top speed back to the abandoned carriage of the priests.

~~~~~~~Cicero and the other four soldiers

It became clear to Cicero that pursuing Julia and Valerius on foot would prove fruitless. He signaled the men to return to their horses.
He turned to Cervantes. "Take the carriage into town. Tell the villagers what has happened here. Leopold was much loved. Gather as many villagers as possible to our cause. We must find these demons. Winslow's family is sheltered here, I am certain of it. It is their way to take a foothold and congregate together. Avoid Thurston; his head is turned by the ramblings of the physician. He is weak and has no stomach for the difficult work the Lord calls us to do. Hurry now, we are depending on you."
Cervantes nodded, but he said nothing. He ran towards the carriage, mounted it and was off down the road.

~~~~~~~The soldiers come upon the Oracle

The two soldiers had lost sight of Trellitia and the Oracle. They came upon the tree where the Oracle hid.
"AHHHHH!" The Oracle cried out as he dropped from the branch above the soldiers unto them. The three of them tumbled to the ground. The Oracle rolled to his feet. He kicked the soldier beginning to rise squarely in the head toppling him over onto the other one. He took off running in the opposite direction Trellitia had fled.
With some effort, the soldiers managed to rise to their feet and follow. Moments later, they heard the sound of their commander's horn signaling their return. They ran a few more steps loathe to quit the chase. Ultimately, their sense of duty and discipline took hold and they returned to Cicero and their comrades who had brought their steeds with them from the road.
Cicero gave his instructions. "The old witch can wait and the fool she is with. The demon girl and the doctor, they are the real danger. They are on foot, we are on horseback. Let's end this little game." Cicero kicked his mount forward and the others followed.


Author Notes love this story. I love the input and suggestions and help you all have been giving me as well. Thank you so very much!

List of characters:

Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique.

Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection.

Petrus- The father of Valerius

Abramus- The father of Julia

Cassius- The brother of Julia

Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia

Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician.

Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople.

Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold.

Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina.

Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius.

Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold.

Bishop Julius Brosius- A Bishop in the hiearchy of the church.

Father Cervantes- a young priest that Leopold has taken under his wing.

Winslow-husband/Adeline-wife/Noreen-daughter/Grenadier-disturbed son-- a family cast out of a nearby village when their son was accused of demon possession. The family fled to save their son's life. New patient for Valerius.

The Oracle- A strange man that Julia and the others meet in the forest and invite to join them.

Father Cicero-A priest from a nearby village that had been performing prayer and other rites on Grenadier to drive out the demon he believes the child has inside him. He is searching for Winslow and his family.

Father Travis-Valerius travels to treat him and finds him to be at odds with Father Cicero over demon possesion.

The story takes place after 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. Other patients come to Valerius and they are in danger as well.

Chapter 57
Meetings and Manueverings

By michaelcahill

Previously, the arrows meant for Julia struck Leopold as he pursued her. He fell dead. Julia and Valerius escaped into the forest. Trellitia and the Oracle were nearing escape when two of the soldiers began to pursue them. Petrus and Abramus rushed to the village seeking help. Cervantes left to find re-inforcements for Cicero. Cicero had no awareness that Cervantes had no loyalty to Cicero and his obsession with demons. We continue now as the Oracle, having seen to Trellitia's escape, now plans to face the soldiers in pursuit. He is too weary to continue.

~~~~~~~~The Oracle and the wolf

The Oracle's lungs burned and he staggered now as he tried to lift his legs to run. He could run no more. He turned to await the soldiers who pursued him. A calm came over him. She is safe now. I have done what I set out to do. My honor is restored. Lord … remember me standing here now.
He stood peering into the trees. He closed his eyes for a moment as a breeze cooled his face. He opened his eyes to see a wolf before him. He tensed at the sight. The wolf made no move but to cock its head a bit to the right. It slowly turned and walked a few paces, stopped and looked back. The Oracle now cocked his head in like fashion, almost comically, if one had been there to witness the exchange. The Oracle was unsure of where Trellitia lived. Was she indeed a witch? He laughed out loud at his foolish thought. The wolf walked a few more paces, stopped and looked back.
"Yes, I see, my friend. I am to follow you. Have you cubs to feed?" The Oracle laughed again. "Very well, I'm sure there are stranger things in the world. I once thought I might be amongst them. Now … I'm not so sure."
Trellitia heard footsteps behind her and turned quickly. She smiled broadly. "I knew they stood no chance against the mystical powers of the Oracle." She rushed forth to greet him.
He noticed that the wolf was nowhere to be found. "Shall I tell you of my great bumbling luck or make up a grand tale of spells, incantations, soldiers turned to winged doves and wolves who guide mystics through the enchanted forest?"
"That sounds perfectly believable to me. But, these are the things a witch is familiar with." Within a few minutes, they were having tea and enjoying life in a manner people who have nearly lost it do.

~~~~~~~~Cassius and Travis come upon the shelter

Cassius looked to the shelter as well as Trellitia's home nearby. "I can only hope all have made it here, let us inquire."
Cassius knocked softly on Trellitia's door. "Problem's with your leg? I thought I instructed you to let it rest. You look as though you have been using it considerably." Trellitia stood back from the door in invitation.
Cassius smiled seeing the Oracle with a cup of tea in his hand. "A nice day for a cup of tea, indeed."
Pleasantries were exchanged for a brief moment.
Cassius spoke, "We must return now. Everyone here is safe, My sister and Valerius remain at risk. They know the forest, but Cicero is quite fervent in his quest. He is not one to give up."
The Oracle rose, "Of course, I will accompany you."
Cassius responded, "That will not be necessary, there is still the need for a presence here should this place be discovered. I'm sure all would rest easier here with your presence."
"Nonsense, I come with you. The battle is out there. That is where we stop them. They need never come close to this place. It ends far from here." The Oracle spoke with clarity. His tone was clear.
Cassius nodded and turned to leave with Travis and the Oracle close behind. "If there is a spell or incantation in your satchel, now would be a good time to invoke it."
Trellitia smiled slightly as the three of them made haste to the forest.

~~~~~~~Cervantes encounters Abramus and the others

Cervantes pulled up hard on his reigns as he encountered the small group of villagers led by Abramus and Petrus.
Abramus dismounted and approached the carriage. Two of the villagers, former soldiers, drew their bows. "Cervantes, where is your destination?"
Cervantes saw Thurston and addressed him, "Father, all is as you have said. Both Leopold and Rastavius are dead. Cicero leads soldiers in search of Valerius, Julia and the others. I beg your forgiveness. I would not have believed the madness had I not seen it for myself. I don't know how the name of God can be spoken in such evil circumstances. It is blasphemy for those men to even utter His name."
Thurston had a look of relief come over him. "Praise God, son. You let the Lord guide you to the truth. We will discuss these matters at another time. Tell us all you know and tell us where we go to rescue our friends."
Cervantes seemed to be on the verge of collapse, but he had much to tell. "Rastavius and Leopold have met their demise. I believe Rastavius may have sought redemption at the very end, I pray so. Leopold received the arrows aimed at Julia. I believe the hand of justice dealt a timely blow to him. He spit in the face of kindness, I could scarcely believe his venom. In spite of his cruelty to them, those people did not hesitate to offer him aid."
Cervantes seemed to slump in the saddle. He looked up with tears in his eyes. "I don't know how to right myself with you and these fine people. The Lord will forgive me, I know this. How can I do his work when I have failed so piteously?"
Thurston dismounted and came to his side. "Forgiveness is the truth of our faith, son. Through our forgiveness in you, your hope will grow and you will earn trust. We have no time for this now, my friend. Where are Julia and Valerius?"
"They escaped into the forest … Trellitia and a man you do not know, as well. Two soldiers pursued Trellitia, but came back with naught. Cicero gathered his soldiers and pursues Julia and Valerius. They believe I am recruiting reinforcements from the village. I have deceived him into believing my support for his doings. I don't know…."
Abramus dismounted and hurried to the two priests. "That may be useful. Cicero would never trust Thurston or myself and Petrus, but most of these men here are unknown to him. You could ride in with them and join the search. Ha! You'd be Cicero's hero!"
Petrus had joined them. "Yes, it would be much like the great wooden horse that was delivered onto Troy. Well, the crux of it in any case." He turned to the others. "You will follow Father Cervantes. Cicero believes him to be an ally. You will be there side by side with the soldiers should they find my son and Julia. What better place for a surprise attack!"
A sense of excitement came over the group. Cervantes mounted his carriage.
Abramus mounted his horse and rode up to the young priest. "We will be nearby, but out of view. The soldiers are given to battle by their nature. They will be no easy conquest. You are giving us our best chance. Thank you."
Cervantes nodded his head in gratitude and urged his horses forward. The others followed close behind. Abramus, Petrus and Father Thurston followed at some distance.

~~~~~~~Cicero and the soldiers search

"This forest is too large and we are too few." Cicero spoke to the soldier in charge, Quintus.
"We search for a hare in a field of burrows. We have time as our ally. Surely they don't intend a life in the forest." Quintus wiped his brow and shielded his eyes from the sun. "This only becomes more tedious with each hour that passes."
"We need more men. It is that simple. Send an envoy to request additional soldiers. We will guard the roadways. We will keep them trapped and then we will flush them out. We cannot allow their escape. There are two dead priests on that field. Surely such news will not sit well with the state. The church's favor can be an asset in many ways." Cicero looked with a steady gaze for a response.
Quintus had no trouble understanding his meaning. It would be a mark against him to go against his orders and cause ill will with the church. He turned wearily towards his men. "Arthur, return with what you have heard discussed here. Emphasize the wonton murders of two priests and the concern of the church in these matters. You do catch my meaning?"
Arthur answered, "As you command". He had no other words and no expression on his face. He turned his mount and set off at a gallop as ordered.


Author Notes There is an end to this section coming soon. Two or three segments at the most. (I hope) I love the input and suggestions and help you all have been giving me as well. Thank you so very much!

List of characters:

Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique.

Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection.

Petrus- The father of Valerius

Abramus- The father of Julia

Cassius- The brother of Julia

Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia

Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician.

Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople.

Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold.

Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina.

Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius.

Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold.

Bishop Julius Brosius- A Bishop in the hiearchy of the church.

Father Cervantes- a young priest that Leopold has taken under his wing.

Winslow-husband/Adeline-wife/Noreen-daughter/Grenadier-disturbed son-- a family cast out of a nearby village when their son was accused of demon possession. The family fled to save their son's life. New patient for Valerius.

The Oracle- A strange man that Julia and the others meet in the forest and invite to join them.

Father Cicero-A priest from a nearby village that had been performing prayer and other rites on Grenadier to drive out the demon he believes the child has inside him. He is searching for Winslow and his family.

Father Travis-Valerius travels to treat him and finds him to be at odds with Father Cicero over demon possesion.

The story takes place after 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. Other patients come to Valerius and they are in danger as well.

Chapter 58
A Pox On Us All

By michaelcahill

Previously, after much chasing and manuevering, somehow everyone remained safe and under shelter. Julia and Valerius were still in the forest, but after awhile Cicero could see the futility of trying to find them with a handful of men. He sent one of the soldiers for re-inforcements. We continue now as Julia and Valerius converse in the forest.

~~~~~~~Julia and Valerius in the forest

Valerius stepped back from the embrace of Julia, his face flush. "I can't think of anything but being in your arms when I'm in your arms." He smiled and embraced her again.
"Is there a reason you should be anywhere else or think on anything less worthy?" Julia kissed him and while she did the sounds in her head and the visions before her eyes faded away. She stepped back this time. "Have you a plan for this man who follows us, this man and his blind force of authority? How righteous a man's demeanor becomes when the force of a sword backs him."
"They won't find us. However, they won't go away either. Our friends are safe for the moment, as far as we know, but for how long. Now they pursue us. They may tire of our elusiveness. Then they will pursue troubled children and old women. Cicero knows nothing but his own obsession. I don't understand it—so foolish."
"Over the many years we repeat things it seems. There is some compulsion to resolve mistakes we have made in the past. Some do find resolution, I believe. They are people at peace, with themselves and with those they encounter. Others seem to never resolve their mistakes. They repeat them and even make them worse. They are not at peace, with themselves or anyone else. They walk into the same trap, over and over again. I see it, my love, but there is no understanding. We begin each life with what we have learned. At least, I feel as though there is knowledge within me from times before this. It would seem we would endeavor to learn more. It doesn't always seem to be so."
"Julia, you speak of each life. Are you truly so certain there is another life to come? Are you convinced you have lived previous lives … that I have lived previous lives with you? Somehow, when you are in my arms, I feel the truth of what you claim. I feel as though it is as it should be. It feels as though it has always been and always will be. You say I saved your life once, sacrificing my own. How do you know this?" Valerius seemed torn between accepting what passed between them and his natural desire to learn and understand. "Mind you, I am not sure I want to know more than how you feel in my arms and how soft your lips are."
"All I tell you, I have seen. I have lived those lives, as have you. Yes, a soldier drew his sword on me and you stepped in and slayed him. A man I recognize as my father did not know what had transpired. He mistook your act as aggression towards me and slayed you. As you left that body, you called me "Vision". I don't know why, but I remember it and it yet puzzles me. It was a man who doesn't look like you. I didn't look like me. My father then, is my brother now. Leopold has interfered in my life many times in the past, under many guises."
"How can you possibly believe this is more than the musings of your mind? I ask you this honestly, not with doubt, but to hear your answer."
"I know it. I have seen it. I remember it as I remember kissing you for the first time. It is a kiss promised for an uncountable number of years. I believe if I didn't know our past, I would still understand with that first kiss we are meant to be together."
Valerius smiled. "It does make me believe all you say. Now, we must tend to the tedium of this so-called man of God. By now, our families are aware something is amiss. At the moment, I fear we are the only ones who are safe. We need to go back and join the battle. I have some ideas."
Julia smiled, "I have no doubt you do."
Valerius continued, "I fear we are marooned here in the forest. Surely, the roads are guarded under a watchful eye. I can't be sure of any assistance although I feel many would rally to our side. My immediate concern is that they will tire of searching for us and seek easier prey. I believe the others are more at risk than we are."
"But how would adding our presence improve their lot. Out here, we have our knowledge of the forest. Huddled up with our fellows, we are as prone to capture as they are." Julia looked down and then deep into the forest as though seeing something. "I wish I could call upon what I see. But I have found that they are visions and have no substance."
"Perhaps there is information we can gather from what you see. I don't know. I have come to realize I have abilities whose origins are unknown to me, playing the horn for instance. Indeed, my medical knowledge seems to pop into my head when needed. Well, what next?"

~~~~~~~The shelter

Adeline and Lourdes prepared meals for the children. Grenadier didn't join in the play of his sister and Florentina.
Adeline stopped what she was doing and walked over to her son. "Are you ill, son? You normally have more energy for play. It worries me to see you sit and not join in."
"I feel week and these sores itch terribly." He scratched vigorously at his stomach.
"Sores? Let me see, son." She inspected several small red dots all over his stomach. As she investigated it turned out he had sores over a great portion of his body. "Goodness. How long have you had these sores?"
"I don't know. Two days? I didn't notice them, but then they itched and I saw many of them. What did I do?" He looked near tears.
Adeline hugged him close. "It isn't your fault. These things happen. Perhaps Trellitia can help."
Lourdes knocked on the door of Trellitia's home.
Trellitia looked to have been asleep upon answering. "Trouble? What is it? I don't mean to be jumpy. I have just now awoken. Now, what is it, Lourdes?"
"It is the boy. He is covered in sores. His mother is hoping you can help."
"Oh dear. I will be there shortly; I have some things to gather. Tell him not to scratch and please tell everyone to stay away from him, it may well be catching."

~~~~~~~Julia and Valerius in the forest

"What are those spots on your neck? Did you brush up against a plant that irritated you? You should know better." Julia smiled as she moved his collar to inspect.
"What is their appearance? I hadn't noticed them." Valerius seemed somewhat concerned, but not overly.
"They are reddish with a small yellow center." She looked closely, "The yellow is a liquid. It comes from the sore." She made a disapproving face.
Valerius grabbed her arm suddenly but gently. He pushed up her sleeve. "There, you have them to. We must treat this. It is deadly." He sifted through his bag and then froze looking at Julia. The others. "We must get to the others. It is no doubt one of the children who carries this. All are in danger. We must return. Cicero will have to wait."

~~~~~~~~Cicero and the soldiers

Cicero and two of the soldiers occupied the main road. Any one coming from either direction could be easily intercepted and questioned.
Cicero reached back with his cross and scratched his back absent-mindedly. The gold chain pulled at his neck. He itched there too. "When we get some reinforcements, we find those two. DEMONS! Two men of God slaughtered by their depraved disregard. Only Satan himself has so little conscience. We find them all, hear me! Then the vengeance of Almighty God will fall upon them with all its anger and fury. I will be his sword!" He scratched his neck.
The soldiers with him looked at each other unimpressed. One said to the other, "These Christians shall keep us in uniform for a great long while."


Author Notes There is an end to this section coming soon. Two or three segments at the most. (I hope) I love the input and suggestions and help you all have been giving me as well. Thank you so very much!

List of characters:

Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique.

Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection.

Petrus- The father of Valerius

Abramus- The father of Julia

Cassius- The brother of Julia

Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia

Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician.

Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople.

Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold.

Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina.

Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius.

Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold.

Bishop Julius Brosius- A Bishop in the hiearchy of the church.

Father Cervantes- a young priest that Leopold has taken under his wing.

Winslow-husband/Adeline-wife/Noreen-daughter/Grenadier-disturbed son-- a family cast out of a nearby village when their son was accused of demon possession. The family fled to save their son's life. New patient for Valerius.

The Oracle- A strange man that Julia and the others meet in the forest and invite to join them.

Father Cicero-A priest from a nearby village that had been performing prayer and other rites on Grenadier to drive out the demon he believes the child has inside him. He is searching for Winslow and his family.

Father Travis-Valerius travels to treat him and finds him to be at odds with Father Cicero over demon possesion.

The story takes place after 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. Other patients come to Valerius and they are in danger as well.

Chapter 59
Disease and Deception

By michaelcahill

Previously, Julia explained her visions and knowledge of past lives to Valerius. Their love for each other could not be contained and it helped Valerius understand to a degree much of what Julia tried to explain. Several people discovered red spots on their bodies including Valerius and Julia. Valerius and Trellitia both feared it may be a deadly, contagious disease. Cicero showed signs of having the disease as well. We continue now as we find Cassius, the Oracle and Winston searching for Valerius and Julia, hoping to find them before Cicero does.

~~~~~~~~Cassius, the Oracle and Winston

The three of them stopped in their tracks. A wolf blocked their path. It made no threatening move, nor did it show signs of retreat. It stood and stared.
The Oracle spoke. "I believe I know this fellow. Let me speak to him."
Cassius looked at the Oracle. "Know this fellow? Speak to him? What in creation are you speaking of? You expect this wolf to speak to you? I suggest we remain here with ours eyes open. They hunt in packs. They are not usually a danger, but hunger turns a desperate twist to things. Let's not show weakness. We'll be fine. The three of us are too much even for a pack."
"No, no, you don't understand. This is the fellow who led me to the shelter. He is an emissary, well, of sorts. I believe we should pay him mind."
The wolf looked warily at Cassius. He walked slowly in the direction the three of them had just come from. He glanced quickly at the Oracle, but only for a moment. He seemed keenly aware that Cassius held ill will towards him.
The Oracle spoke again. "We should follow him. He brings us this message from a source beyond our normal realm. God, a spirit, I don't know … we should follow as I did before. He led me to safety."
Cassius bristled. "My sister is out there being pursued by a Crazed Priest and a contingent of soldiers. I am loathe to abandon them. We must go forward and seek them out. I have no doubt you believe this wolf to be your friend and guide, but I don't have the same confidence in him. I am, however, fairly certain his teeth are sharp and his pack is nearby watching with great interest."
The wolf took his eyes now off Cassius. He looked to the Oracle, much as he had before. He walked a few steps, stopped and looked back over his shoulder as if beckoning. The Oracle took a couple steps in his direction.
Cassius reached out to stop him. "What would you have us do? Follow this wolf into the forest? To where?"
"We must go back. We are needed at the shelter. That must be it. I tell you, this is a sign. We must return. There is danger. Please, Cassius, I am not some fool. I know whereof I speak."
Winston had remained silent up unto this point. "If the shelter has been discovered, they will be defenseless. I must return. I cannot take the risk. Cassius, you must understand that as you seek your sister's safety, so do I seek the same for my family."
Cassius sighed. "Very well, I do understand what you tell me, Winston. Perhaps the Oracle is in tune with something. I can't be tasked now to consider it. The two of you follow what you feel is the correct path. My path is forward. Be careful."
Cassius turned after looking for a moment at the wolf. The wolf looked away as if to show disinterest. Cassius continued his journey in search of his sister. The Oracle and Winston headed back towards the shelter. The wolf was nowhere to be seen.

~~~~~~~Julia and Valerius in the forest.

"These spots are a plague, Valerius. Am I not correct?"
"I fear you may be correct. They must be treated quickly if there is to be a chance for survival. It is a deadly affliction." Valerius rummaged through his bag exhibiting some frustration. We must hurry back now. Don't scratch. Don't touch anyone. Well, you can touch me." He smiled. Just as quickly, he grew serious. "It is the Red Plague. It can be treated, but it must be tended to with diligence. I have a responsibility to the village here, but it may be stopped with this small group. I hope so."
~~~~~~~Cervantes and the villagers on the road
The lone soldier rode at a considerable clip. He reared his mount upon encountering Cervantes and the villagers. He dismounted. "These are recruits from the village?"
Cervantes didn't hesitate. "Indeed they are, loyalists every one. We ride to assist the cause of righteousness." Cervantes coyly spoke the truth.
"I see, perhaps my journey is unnecessary. This is a fine contingent for a search. We seek but two individuals. Time could be a factor. This is fortuitous. I will join you. You are the recruits I seek." He mounted his horse and all continued forward.

~~~~~~~Julia and Valerius in the forest

Julia stopped. "Do you hear that, or is it in my mind alone?"
Valerius craned his neck. "Yes, yes, I do indeed. A battle at a distance. Not too great a distance from the sound. Hmmm. Perhaps we should take a look."
"Dare we? I am feeling weaker I fear."
"It won't be but a brief detour in our path. I must know what is afoot. It may be to our advantage. Your sores are not many. We have some time."
"Very well, as you see fit."
They both made their way towards the sound of battle.

~~~~~~~Cicero and the soldiers on the road

Cicero alerted the five remaining soldiers. "Someone comes. Be at the ready." He peered intently down the road, absent-mindedly scratching at his neck. "Ah it is Cervantes. He brings reinforcements. Your man is with him."
In a few moments, the group arrived. The soldier dismounted quickly and reported to his superior. "I felt this would suffice as a search party. I am ready to return for additional men if that is your desire."
"No. This should be adequate for the task at hand. We seek but two individuals on foot in the forest north of here. They are known to you, Valerius the doctor and Julia who is sought for treatment by Father Cicero here. We are hopeful they will come without incident."
The soldiers followed their superior into the forest along with Cicero and the others. The search began.

~~~~~~~Thurston, Abramus and Petrus

Thurston, Abramus and Petrus watched undercover from a distance.
Thurston spoke, "This is as we hoped for. We outnumber the soldiers and we are in the waiting for a surprise attack if need be. I suggest we flank them to the west and hope we find the two of them first."
Abramus and Petrus nodded in the affirmative and the three of them made haste.
~~~~~~~Valerius and Julia

Julia and Valerius walked to the top of a small-forested hill and came upon a battle at some distance. It was Persians and Romans. The Roman Empire, though toppled some time ago, still had large remnants and held power in many areas.
Valerius spoke, "We linger here for the time being. We are safe and I may be able to misdirect the soldiers with Cicero." He pulled a horn from his satchel.
Julia smiled. "I recall you using such tactics to your advantage long ago."
~~~~~~~Cassius comes upon Cicero
Cassius had been looking for his sister. It was Cicero he found. Cicero spotted him at the same time he spotted Cicero.
Cicero shouted out, "It is the brother. Seize him! He knows where the two of them hide. Quickly, don't let him escape."
From his vantage point on the hill, Valerius saw Cicero and the soldiers come into view. He saw the villagers and observed that all seemed to go into action. The reason escaped him, as he did not see Cassius who had run into the forest.
The villagers turned on the soldiers who though stunned began to fight back.
In spite of superior numbers, the villagers were no match for trained soldiers. Two were quickly dismounted by blows from their adversaries.
Thurston, Abramus and Petrus galloped into the fray. Abramus fell quickly when one of the soldiers struck his horse barely missing him in the process. Abramus hit the ground hard and wasn't moving.
In the distance a horn sounded. It repeated the same pattern over and over again.
The commander of the small troop shouted out, "To battle, our brothers are in danger. Leave this nonsense behind. A real battle ensues. To battle!"
The six soldiers left together at a gallop heading towards the hill where Julia and Valerius hid. The villagers sat on their mounts with their weapons, still at the ready, dumbfounded.
Cicero screamed out, "Stop! You are under orders. I command you! Stop. St…." He looked around and realized he had nary a single friend in his presence. He scratched at his neck. His eyes rolled up in his head and he slipped off his mount to the ground unmoving. He appeared to have fainted.
As the soldiers disappeared over the hill, Valerius and Julia burst from the forest running. Petrus and Father Thurston rode to greet them. Abramus looked up from the ground rubbing his head and smiling.
Cassius appeared nearby out of the forest and let out a loud, "Whoop!"


Author Notes There is an end to this section coming soon. Two or three segments at the most. (I hope) I love the input and suggestions and help you all have been giving me as well. Thank you so very much!

List of characters:

Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique.

Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection.

Petrus- The father of Valerius

Abramus- The father of Julia

Cassius- The brother of Julia

Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia

Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician.

Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople.

Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold.

Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina.

Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius.

Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold.

Bishop Julius Brosius- A Bishop in the hiearchy of the church.

Father Cervantes- a young priest that Leopold has taken under his wing.

Winslow-husband/Adeline-wife/Noreen-daughter/Grenadier-disturbed son-- a family cast out of a nearby village when their son was accused of demon possession. The family fled to save their son's life. New patient for Valerius.

The Oracle- A strange man that Julia and the others meet in the forest and invite to join them.

Father Cicero-A priest from a nearby village that had been performing prayer and other rites on Grenadier to drive out the demon he believes the child has inside him. He is searching for Winslow and his family.

Father Travis-Valerius travels to treat him and finds him to be at odds with Father Cicero over demon possesion.

he story takes place after 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. Other patients come to Valerius and they are in danger as well.

Chapter 60
The Red Plague

By michaelcahill

Previously, The various forces came together and a battle broke out. It didn't bode well for the villagers who were no match for the soldiers in battle. Valerius used the horn to sound a distress call to the soldiers. The soldiers thinking their fellow brother's in arms needed their help, abandoned the battle. The enjoyment of their good fortune was short-lived as Julia and Valerius both discoverd they had the Red Plague. Cicero had it as well. At the shelter, Trellitia already gathered items to treat the children who had the plague as well. We continue now as Valerius and Julia reunite with the villagers on the battlefield.

~~~~~~~~~The battlefield

Petrus dismounted and reached out to his son to embrace him.
Valerius stepped back. "No, Father. You mustn't touch us. We carry the red plague. We must get to Trellitia's and begin treatment. There are no doubt others afflicted."
Valerius ran up to the others. "Check your bodies now for red sores. Check carefully. It is the red plague. It is deadly if not treated. Go to the village and check your loved ones. Those that are infected are to go to Trellitia's home. There can be no exceptions. All who have the red spots must go. We need a horse. We must get there quickly. Are any of you infected?"
All shook their head in the negative.
Abramus called out, "Cicero! Cicero is infected. He has the spots and lies here unconscious. What shall we do with him?"
Julia spoke softly, "Mount him to a horse and we will take him with us. No, wait. We will mount him. He is a danger to you. We are already infected."
Abramus began to protest, but Julia silenced him with an upraised hand.
Valerius spoke again, "Remember, ALL with the spots must come. Touch no one with the spots. Do not come to check on your loved ones. You must wait until the disease passes. The whole of the village is at stake. Now, get to it."
Valerius and Julia rode tandem and pulled Cicero who moaned on a mount behind them. The others made their way back to town. All were grim and set to the task at hand.
~~~~~~~The shelter
Lourdes looked out the window anxiously, "She comes."
Trellitia hurried up the overgrown path to the stone house concealed by overgrowth. She rushed in the already open door. "Add wood to the fire. Mine is extinguished. Besides, if they are inclined to search my backyard we will be discovered anyway. They have every reason now to remain at bay. What is everyone's condition? Who is exhibiting the spots?"
Lourdes spoke breathlessly, "The children are all afflicted. Grenadier is weakened and lays covered over there." She pointed to a bed in the corner. "The other children have spots yet exhibit no ill effects."
Trellitia spoke pointedly, "And the rest of you?"
Lourdes looked around. Adeline spoke, "We, I … I don't believe we have paused to examine ourselves."
Trellitia looked to Lourdes. "Begin with yourself. We need to know who has spots and how many. I have had the red spots in the past long ago. I'm unlikely to get them again. Inspect yourself and the others. I will tend to Grenadier to begin with."
She approached the boy and inspected his sores. "His stage is advanced. I must begin treatment immediately. Hurry with your inspection. Treatment cannot be delayed." She removed his shirt and applied a clear thin ointment to the sores, which covered his torso, neck and part of his face. Adeline gasped at the sight of her son. Trellitia admonished her with a stern glance. "We've no time for that. The sores are not pretty and they are plentiful. They must be kept from festering; therein lies the greatest danger. I have no time to be warm. There is no time for grief. There is only the battle of treatment. Mothers who have no sores do not touch children who do. Are you understanding me?"
Lourdes and Adeline looked stunned and had no answer.
Trellitia turned and faced them, getting eye contact with each one at a time. "Are you both understanding me?"
"Yes", they answered together and returned to their tasks.
Only two or three minutes passed and Lourdes spoke, "Florentina and Noreen have the spots, Noreen nearly as bad as Grenadier. Adeline has some. I have none."
"Now, you will learn the meaning of being a doctor's apprentice. Your oath is of like nature. I would send you away were you not an assistant to Valerius. Of course, you wouldn't leave with your daughter afflicted. Well, no matter. Prepare bedding for the children and Adeline."
Adeline protested, "I'm not feeling ill. I wish to assist with the care of my children."
Trellitia spared nothing in her tone. "You will do as you're told. You are every bit as ill as they. You are my patient and will do as I say. I've no time for anything else. Your children are getting the best possible care, better perhaps then they would receive in Constantinople."
Adeline understood Trellitia's position and made no further protestations. Lourdes assisted her onto a makeshift bed on the floor. She applied the clear poultice given to her by Trellitia. Lourdes winced as Adeline moaned in pain at its application.
"Pay the pain no mind. There's no time to quarter sympathy. The sores must be treated and kept clean. The pain is preferable to the alternative."
No one asked what the alternative might be; it needn't be spoken.
The knock on the door startled everyone equally. The desire to hide struck them and the foolishness of such a notion occurred in almost the same instant.
Trellitia rushed to the door. She blocked the passage as the Oracle and Winston attempted entry. "The plague is here. You may not enter. You must be inspected for signs. Wait at my house and I will tend to you shortly."
Winston bristled. "We have come under the impression we may be needed. My family is inside there and…."
"I will tend to your family. To my house now. I've no time for pleasantries or explanations. Your family is my concern as well. Now, do as I say so I may return to care for your wife and children."
Winston offered no rebuttal and left with the Oracle as Trellitia instructed.
Before they walked two steps, Trellitia called out, "Wait. There is a task you can assist me with. Others will arrive. Organize them at my house. Do not touch anyone. Instruct them to wait. Examine yourselves for red sores on your bodies around the chest and stomach. It is the red plague. I will be there to assess everyone soon."
They said nothing and proceeded to her house as instructed. Both rubbed their stomachs as they walked.
Moments after they went inside her house, there was a knock on the door.
"Valerius, I am needless to say surprised." Winston smiled for a moment and then became serious again. "The Red Plague has come to us. We are instructed to…. well, you are the doctor. I expect you are needed at the shelter."
"Are you infected? The Oracle?" Valerius proceeded to lift their shirts one at a time and inspect their torsos. You come with me, Winston." He looked at the Oracle. "I assume Trellitia has enlisted you to direct others to wait here, is that correct?"
"Exactly, yes."
"Very well. You are not infected. Do not touch anyone for any reason. simply have them wait." Valerius didn't wait for an answer. He, Julia, Winston and the barely conscious Cicero went to the shelter.
Trellitia came out to greet them. "As I live and breathe. I must admonish you; the Red Plague is inside. I have the treatment well in hand. Perhaps you should wait. I've no need for assistance as of yet. Lourdes is more than adequate. She does quite well."
Julia greeted her with a quick nod. "I'm afraid we are well aware of the plague. We are carriers, us and Cicero, who lies in a bad state on the horse we lead behind us. Winston here as well, is afflicted. Valerius examined the Oracle and he is free of the marks."
Trellitia looked saddened momentarily, but returned to her stoic persona almost as quickly. "Inside then, all of you. Are you certain you wish to treat the very man who has been the source of so much anguish?"
Valerius smiled, "Oh yes, I'm a believer in what he only professes to believe. I will indeed treat him to the limits of my skill. Let him find the demon's hand in that."



Author Notes There is an end to this section coming soon. Two or three segments at the most. (I hope) I love the input and suggestions and help you all have been giving me as well. Thank you so very much!

List of characters:

Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique.

Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection.

Petrus- The father of Valerius

Abramus- The father of Julia

Cassius- The brother of Julia

Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia

Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician.

Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople.

Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold.

Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina.

Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius.

Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold.

Bishop Julius Brosius- A Bishop in the hiearchy of the church.

Father Cervantes- a young priest that Leopold has taken under his wing.

Winslow-husband/Adeline-wife/Noreen-daughter/Grenadier-disturbed son-- a family cast out of a nearby village when their son was accused of demon possession. The family fled to save their son's life. New patient for Valerius.

The Oracle- A strange man that Julia and the others meet in the forest and invite to join them.

Father Cicero-A priest from a nearby village that had been performing prayer and other rites on Grenadier to drive out the demon he believes the child has inside him. He is searching for Winslow and his family.

Father Travis-Valerius travels to treat him and finds him to be at odds with Father Cicero over demon possesion.

he story takes place after 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. Other patients come to Valerius and they are in danger as well

Chapter 61
The Red Plague Takes Its Toll

By michaelcahill

Previously, Treatment began on those who had the red spots. A group went into the village to assess the towns folk. Those at the shelter are found to be in worse shape than imagined. The spots are mainly on the torso and revealed when the upper garments are removed. Grenadier is coverend in red spots oozing liquid from their centers. Cicero is also in bad shape and his treatment begins. He is still adamant that Julia, Florentina and Grenadier are demon possessed. In spite of his accusations and threats, Valerius and the others treat him. We continue now as exhaustive round the clock treatment continues. A report from town arrives. 

~~~~~~~~Treatment continues
The expected influx from town didn't materialize. Father Travis arrived first. He had accompanied Abramus and the others to town to help inspect the villagers. He turned out to be the most urgently in need of care.
Father Travis reported to Valerius, "The others are without marks, save for myself. Abramus, Petrus, and Cassius are at Trellitia's. They would not be dissuaded. They offer their services. I offer mine as…." Father Travis slumped to the floor. Lourdes and Trellitia rushed to his aid and assisted him to a makeshift bed on the floor.
Valerius, Lourdes and Trellitia moved from person to person treating the sores and encouraging the intake of water as instructed by Valerius.
He stopped to check on Julia. "You must drink water, Julia."
"I have drank more than I wish to for a lifetime." She smiled weakly at his disapproving look. "Very well, I think you enjoy having me at a disadvantage."
Valerius couldn't manage even a slight smile. He inspected her sores. "These are advanced. The evening will find you improving, but you must replenish your fluids."
"I'll be fine. I feel the strength returning to me. You are a fine physician, my love. You heal with your heart." She admonished him with her eyes to move along to the next patient.
Grenadier fidgeted. He had only hours before been near lifeless. Now he resisted care and being confined to bed. "I am better, truly I am. Can't I at least walk around the room a bit? I could fetch water. I could help. Mother will tell you, I'm a big help to her in the kitchen. Aren't I mother?"
Adeline gave no response. She lay motionless on the floor and her breathing came in gasps. Lourdes held her head attempting to administer small amounts of water to her. She patted her head with a cool cloth.
Cicero looked up with large eyes at Valerius who loomed above him. "You! I am captive? The soldiers defeated by the demon's chicanery?" He attempted to rise and Valerius easily prevented him.
"It is the red plague. You are ill, Cicero. It has been suggested I leave you to die for your evil transgressions. I have chosen to tender my skills to you as is my oath. May it remind you of your own oath." Valerius did not look with kindness upon him, nor did he regard him with contempt.
"The spots are on you as well." Cicero looked around. "All of these, afflicted as well?"
"Indeed. All are infected. It occurs to me it comes from your village. All from your village bear the marks and all who have interacted with them are infected as well. I fear for your village."
"Yes. There was illness in the village. The demon boy brought it upon us. A plague of the Evil One. Father Travis will tell you. A demon I tell … the boy is here among us! You have brought him in our midst. The two demon girls as well. Fool! Slay them now whilst they are weak. You strengthen them for their evil purpose. Have you no sense, lad?" Cicero fell back mumbling in delirium.
Valerius tended to his sores shaking his head in amazement. He is without sense. Perhaps there are demons. If so, they reside right here within this troubled soul.
~~~~~~~~~Two days later
Valerius finally collapsed having gone without rest for two days. Trellitia had been treating his wounds in spite of his protestations. He had shown improvement and some recovery could be seen in the spots. He simply could go no longer without sleep. Julia had rallied considerably. Her wounds had scabbed over now and her fever had abated. She assisted Trellitia and Lourdes, who had slept for a few hours in the evening.
The sound of digging chilled those still alive inside the shelter. Death had made its inevitable visit. Winston had passed the point of being inconsolable. He sat motionless with no expression. Only Grenadier remained of his family.
Valerius, Florentina, Cicero and Grenadier were not out of the woods, though they seemed to all be responding to treatment and improving over the last day. Grenadier had shown remarkable resiliency considering the increase in his seizures. With every seizure came the expectation of death. It also brought the cries of Cicero expecting the sudden arrival of Satan to do him in on his sick bed.
Cicero now looked up to see Julia kneeling by his side applying medicine to his sores. "It surprises me to say the least to find you tending to me. I would have you before the council for cleansing."
"Yes, me, the little girl, the young man who fights for his life, even the priest who mentored you in the ways of the Lord. Do you feel you have learned well what you have been taught? Is your heart pure and receptive to teaching? I have read where Jesus spoke of a man pure enough to cast the first stone at a sinful woman. Are you such a man? Or are you a lowly sinner like those you accuse?"
"Perhaps I am lower. A seat on the council in Constantinople held great appeal to me. Well, as I face death in the presence of the demons I seek to cleanse, I find I am the demon and they the saints doing the work of the Lord by deed. My words, loud and clumsy, are naught but a racket to toss into a roaring river. Rastavius saw the weakness in me and found a ready ally as he did in Leopold. Travis tried to speak sense to me, but I was filled with myself."
"To learn is to find wisdom to teach. It is all gain if you pass on what you have learned. Now, I must tend to the others. You seem on the road to recovery. Your sores close now. It is the sign of recovery."
Cicero clasped her wrist gently. "Thank you child … for all you have done."
Grenadier began to seize again. Julia rushed to his side. Trellitia beat her there and greeted her. "Perhaps the fever causes the shaking and contortions to increase. Look though, the sores improve". She pulled the blanket back and Julia observed that several sores had scabbed over.
Julia pulled the blanket back over him and held his arm to prevent it from striking the floor. His seizure stopped and he mumbled words she didn't understand. She responded nonetheless, "You're okay now. Just a convulsion as you have had before. You are improving. I think you will recover fully."
His eyes regained focus. "Mother?"
Julia didn't hesitate. "She's gone, Grenadier. Your sister, Noreen as well. Your father has survived. It is just the two of you now. He is distraught. You must be strong for him. Do you understand?"
He shook his head solemnly. "Yes, I must think of him now. It is always me that is being considered and looked after. It is my turn to be the one who does the looking after."
Julia squeezed his hand. "We will all look out for each other. We are all like family now."
Julia smiled as Trellitia grabbed his hand. Julia moved on to Valerius. As she knelt by him, the door burst open. It was her brother, Cassius. She admonished him, "Brother, it is not safe for you here. I have told you before…."
Cassius cut her off. "It is safe for no one. Soldiers advance from down the road. A carriage with priests from the big city comes with them. Leopold rides aboard."
It was rare for Cassius to see a look of surprise cross the face of Julia.
Valerius jumped up from his bed on the floor. He staggered momentarily before righting himself. "I thought he was dead!"


Author Notes
The Red Plague is small pox. There were many strains some more deadly than others. The best treatment was cleanliness to avoid infection and fluid intake to avoid dehydration. These methods were ancient in nature and as the Dark Ages approached falling out of favor. Treatments for all ailments would become more and more dependent on prayer and practices with no medicinal value.

There is an end to this section coming soon. Two or three segments at the most. (I hope) I love the input and suggestions and help you all have been giving me as well. Thank you so very much!

List of characters:

Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique.

Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection.

Petrus- The father of Valerius

Abramus- The father of Julia

Cassius- The brother of Julia

Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia

Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician.

Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople.

Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold.

Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina.

Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius.

Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold.

Bishop Julius Brosius- A Bishop in the hiearchy of the church.

Father Cervantes- a young priest that Leopold has taken under his wing.

Winslow-husband/Adeline-wife/Noreen-daughter/Grenadier-disturbed son-- a family cast out of a nearby village when their son was accused of demon possession. The family fled to save their son's life. New patient for Valerius.

The Oracle- A strange man that Julia and the others meet in the forest and invite to join them.

Father Cicero-A priest from a nearby village that had been performing prayer and other rites on Grenadier to drive out the demon he believes the child has inside him. He is searching for Winslow and his family.

Father Travis-Valerius travels to treat him and finds him to be at odds with Father Cicero over demon possesion.

he story takes place after 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. Other patients come to Valerius and they are in danger as well

Chapter 62
Leopold Lives

By michaelcahill

Previously, the red plague took its toll. Some made recovery and others secumbed. Cicero appeared to have a change of heart after facing death and being nursed back to health by the very people he had hunted. Just as it seemed they would be able to recover in peace, Cassius burst through the door with unsettling news. Soldiers on horseback approached, led by bishops and Father Leopold. They all believed Leopold to be dead, so to see him alive was a shock. We continue now as they react to the news and develop a plan.

Valerius seemed infused with energy. "How many soldiers? Are you sure it was Leopold? We saw him fall at our heels!"
Cassius said, "There's at least twelve, maybe more. We've got to get to the forest. We are not prepared to fight them."
"NO! That is not possible. I can't move these people. I'm barely able to move myself. They are sick with the plague. Treatment must continue. I will talk to them. They don't know what they are dealing with."
Cicero had also risen to his feet. "I will stand with you. That should have some sway with them."
Valerius looked to Cicero and nodded his head quickly and exited the front door, Cicero followed behind.
Valerius whispered to Cicero even though no one was within earshot, "We'll greet them in front of Trellitia's home. The shelter is not visible from the road. Perhaps they won't notice it."
Cicero nodded. Cassius followed behind eyeing Cicero suspiciously. Father Travis waited in front of Trellitia's. He showed surprise-seeing Cicero with Valerius.
Father Travis spoke, "I see Cassius has informed you. What are your plans? We have very little in the way of a fighting force."
Valerius looked skyward at a bird flying overhead. "I have no plan. We will deal with what they bring to us. We have truth on our side. It may not help us."
The carriage bearing the bishops and Leopold was appointed garishly. It must've appeared to those that saw it on the road as something mythical in nature. It had gold leaf decorating its edges and velvet purple curtains. The four steeds pulling it were dressed in purple blankets and wore gold crowns. The bishops and Leopold wore the finest garments of the formal mass.
The soldiers who followed and their steeds were fully suited for battle and their armor shimmered under the morning sun. It stood in stark contrast to the humble abode of Trellitia and the men in worn clothing who awaited them. Though weary from their labors and travails Valerius and the others waited unmoving as the glorious entourage approached.
They arrived in a cloud of dust. A priest in plain brown garb assisted Father Leopold from the carriage. One of the Bishops accompanied him.
"It is Bishop Alonsio, powerful." Cicero whispered to Valerius.
Father Travis spoke, "He is not a fanatic to my knowledge, perhaps he will listen to reason."
Valerius acknowledged with a slight nod. He spoke, "What brings this contingent to such a humble abode?"
Leopold spoke. "You know full well my purpose, butcher. I come for the murderers of Father Rastavius. I come for you, butcher and the demons you employ in your stead. One need only look at me to determine the depths of your depravity. Yet! The Lord in his great power has seen fit to allow me to bring you to justice. Not in your plans was it? You fled like cowards thinking me dead. Seize them and all who dwell within. They are all in league together."
Cicero stepped forward as if to speak, but Father Travis brushed past him. "Bishop Alonsio, You know me well. I fear you have been led astray by this man and his wild accusations. It is his own actions of which I am a witness that has brought about the condition he finds himself in. If not for the intervention of Valerius here and his people, he would have surely died from his wounds. He was attacked by wolves in the forest, him, Father Rastavius and Father Cervantes. I, and many others, were a witness to the attack. We all saw the care they received from the doctor. Care, I might add, given after being hunted and endangered by the very men they assisted."
"Wolves! Yes, indeed, wolves called by the demon child. They are possessed as I told you Bishop. The tricks of the Evil One know no decency. Tell them why you were here, Cicero. What lies have they told you for you to stand like a puppet by their side? The man who protected demons in your village now speaks for you. Are you that deluded?" Leopold spoke with venom, but the Bishop heard him nonetheless.
Cicero looked downcast. "Indeed, deluded is the word to describe me. But, it was Father Rastavius and yourself who deluded me. It is you and he who are evil. You are possessed with hatred and bloodlust. The thrill of murder courses through your veins and you cloak it in some veil of service to the Lord. Shame on you."
The Bishop stepped forward. "A priest has been killed and another mutilated. This is not an ordinary event. The church would like to see for itself if these people are possessed. That is the sensible approach. Of course, if they are not, then they come home and all is well. I see nothing unreasonable with that."
Valerius spoke, "There is no evidence of any possession other than the word of this twisted man. Can any man point a finger at another and have them ripped from their home under armed guard on such a basis. In that case I say you are possessed, Bishop. Arrest him! Quickly! We will send him home later!"
The Bishop walked toward Valerius. "You make light of this. I'm talking about an anointed man of God and a personal associate and friend of mine. This man here has served your village for twenty years, all your life. It is not a matter I take lightly. We seek the young lady, Julia and the young child Florentina. If you harbor Winston and his family, we seek them too."
Valerius furrowed his brow. "Winston and his family have shrunk in size. His wife and daughter are buried nearby. That should save you some trouble. He and his son are gone as are the others. Their whereabouts are unknown to me."
The Bishop furrowed his brow in like fashion. "I believe it is you I need to bring in for questioning then. I have a strong suspicion you know much more than you are telling me."
Valerius removed his shirt displaying his body covered in red sores. The Bishop backed up quickly. Valerius said, "Come and shackle me then."
Cicero walked to the soldiers on horseback and spoke, "This man, and this, these two here, all of these abandoned me in the midst of battle. They rode off in a cowardly display. They were bested by farmers fighting in a righteous cause. Have they been checked for the red spots? They have been exposed." Cicero opened his robe revealing a torso full of red spots.
One of the soldiers shouted out, "He lies! We were called to battle by brothers in distress. He can tell you, he heard the horn himself calling us."
The leader of the group turned his mount towards the soldier. "What battle was this were you called to? There are no skirmishes in this area."
"We found none, sir. But, the call was clear. We followed it over the hill, but there was no battle to be found."
Valerius said, "I saw from a stand of trees. The villagers fought mightily and they fled like cowards. There was no horn. They lie! They carry the red plague. The whole of the army will become infected. Bid them expose their flesh for inspection lest you all fall ill!"
The leader spoke, "Do as he says!"
The soldiers began removing their upper garments beginning with their armor. One by one, they stripped down to their bare skin. The soldiers who had been with Cicero all had the red spots and one who had not had them as well.
Valerius looked at the Bishop. "And you? Are you afflicted?"
"No, I am not. We were checked this morning as a matter of fact. These men clearly need treatment. I cannot bring the red plague back to Constantinople with me."
The leader of the soldiers gave an order, "You with the spots, dismount!" They did so. He looked at Valerius. "Can you treat them?"
Valerius relaxed somewhat. "Yes, they will be treated to the best of our ability. You must inspect all they came in contact with. Contact Doctor Gregorio in the great city. He will know how to assist you."
The Bishop stood there unmoving. The ground began to vibrate lightly. In the distance, it sounded like the trumpeting of elephants. Everyone stopped their activity and listened as the sound got louder. The sound of wolves baying could be heard as well now. Overhead and high in the sky were birds of prey, perhaps hawks though it was difficult to make them out so far away.
All looked to the forest in anticipation. It seemed as though whatever was making all that noise was close-at-hand.


Author Notes The Red Plague is small pox. There were many strains some more deadly than others. The best treatment was cleanliness to avoid infection and fluid intake to avoid dehydration. These methods were ancient in nature and as the Dark Ages approached falling out of favor. Treatments for all ailments would become more and more dependent on prayer and practices with no medicinal value.

There is an end to this section coming soon. Two or three segments at the most. (I hope) I love the input and suggestions and help you all have been giving me as well. Thank you so very much!

List of characters:

Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique.

Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection.

Petrus- The father of Valerius

Abramus- The father of Julia

Cassius- The brother of Julia

Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia

Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician.

Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople.

Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold.

Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina.

Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius.

Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold.

Bishop Julius Brosius- A Bishop in the hiearchy of the church.

Father Cervantes- a young priest that Leopold has taken under his wing.

Winslow-husband/Adeline-wife/Noreen-daughter/Grenadier-disturbed son-- a family cast out of a nearby village when their son was accused of demon possession. The family fled to save their son's life. New patient for Valerius.

The Oracle- A strange man that Julia and the others meet in the forest and invite to join them.

Father Cicero-A priest from a nearby village that had been performing prayer and other rites on Grenadier to drive out the demon he believes the child has inside him. He is searching for Winslow and his family.

Father Travis-Valerius travels to treat him and finds him to be at odds with Father Cicero over demon possesion.

he story takes place after 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. Other patients come to Valerius and they are in danger as well

Chapter 63
Leopold Seeks Justice, More Plague

By michaelcahill

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.

Previously, treatment continued in earnest for the victims of the red plague. Some recovered or showed signs of recovery. They disease took its toll however, and two of Winston's family passed away, his daughter and wife. His son, in spite of an increase in seizures did recover to everyone's surprise. While all of this was going on, Cassius burst into the shelter and announced soldiers making their way down the path. They were accompanying Bishops in a carriage. To everyone's shock, Leopold was with them. Everyone thought he was dead and it was stunning news to find him alive and still on his quest. We continue now as Leopold and his entourage arive to confront Valerius and Cicero who have stepped outside to greet them. The air is filled with the sound of wolves howling and great beasts roaring. It is terrifying and everyone is taken aback by it.

"Demons! I call you out! I am blind, yet I am the only one who sees." The young priest who had tended to Leopold now let him wander around ranting unattended. The young priest stood frozen in fear. Leopold continued with his admonitions. "The hounds of hell howl in the forest, and you stand there awaiting their attack. What other creatures have been summoned from the bowels of hell to torment us? Bring Satan's spawn at once, that we may deal with them swiftly."
The Bishop who had been watching Leopold in bewilderment, now bowed his head, "Cardinal Agapito, you were thought lost."
The Bishop addressed the Oracle, who walked with authority upon the scene. "Silence, you fool!" The Oracle stood before Leopold. "It is you who calls upon demons. It is you who brings the hatred of the Evil One into our midst. It is your weakness and failure to atone, which opens the fiery doors of brimstone and beckons the beast to join us. To your knees in atonement for your damnation comes right quick."
Valerius looked upon the Oracle in stunned silence. Cardinal Agapito? Agapito, yes that is the name I recall you giving us. But, a cardinal. How have you come to be…? "Oracle, you are the Cardinal of this Parish?"
"Indeed, my friend, that I am. I deemed the creatures of the forest a better audience than the fools who understood the word not. Here I have been for three years. The time has come for me to return." He turned towards the soldiers. "Detain this fool for his own good." Cardinal Agapito, though dressed in peasants clothing, commanded instant obedience from all assembled. They moved to subdue Leopold.
Leopold would have none of it. In spite of his blindness, he ran into the forest screaming, "In the name of the Almighty, I rebuke thee and cast you from the forest."
The Bishop nodded to the commander of the soldiers who gave orders to retrieve Leopold.
A scream flew from the forest as though propelled by a ferocious storm. It pierced the ears of all who took it in. The whimpers that followed told their tale, and all were grateful for the silence following close behind. Two soldiers went to confirm what everyone already knew, Leopold certainly had died horrifically.
A nod from the returning soldiers confirmed it. Cardinal Agapito spoke, "Father, our fallen brother, Leopold, served you faithfully the better part of his life. Forgive his rash recent actions. The Evil One is powerful and takes a strong foothold. Please take our brother in to your Kingdom with your mercy beyond our understanding. Heal him with the love your own son has already shown him on the cross. All to Your glory, Father."
All who heard the Cardinal's prayer softly said, "Amen".
Cicero dropped to his knees weeping. "Cardinal, I am unworthy to wear these vestments. I am no more than Leopold, who disgraced our church so. I, too, hunted demons, deluded by power and the words of evil spewed by one I never should have trusted. This man who saved my life did so after I hunted him as a heretic. It is I who am the heretic."
Cardinal Agapito tapped Cicero on the shoulder, "We believe, my friend, in redemption. We rejoice in it. It is the one sheep, who returns to the flock, who all will sacrifice everything to secure. Who could understand this better now than you. You stood against all odds with your friend in the name of righteousness. Your vestments become you, Cicero. I am proud to count you among my fellows."
Julia walked wearily out to Valerius. Her eyes looked to nothing else. Valerius turned knowing she approached. His joy could not be expressed with a mere smile. She felt the mood surrounding them and realized danger no longer factored in as a component. She embraced him and they stood there in embrace, shutting out all around them.
"I have new sores. The weakness and fever have returned. I fear I have not overcome this illness yet." Julia looked into the eyes of Valerius without fear. She had learned enough about the red plague to know this did not bode as good news.
"I must get you inside and resume treatment at once. This can happen. What worked once, will work again." He said the words, but he had difficulty believing them. He walked unsteadily as he took her to the shelter.
Trellitia had come outside and arranged for treatment of the soldiers who displayed the spots. One of the Bishops and the young priest who had tended to Leopold had the spots as well. It seems the doctor who examined them was not as thorough as first thought. Trellitia watched as Julia and Valerius made their way up the path to the shelter. She sighed and shook her head. She had no time for tears.
Valerius came in to find Winston on the floor with Lourdes hovering over him.
"What's his condition?" Valerius barely looked in his direction as though he spoke out of obligation.
Lourdes spoke, "The spots have returned worse than before. The fever too. His breathing is labored. His son continues to improve though."
Valerius looked around the room. He found Julia's bed and placed her in it. Lourdes brought him wet rags and ointment, which he applied immediately. "Keep these coming. These wounds must be kept spotless and her fever must be kept under control."
Lourdes nodded and continued with her tasks. A tear fell from her eye unseen by Valerius.
Julia reached up weakly and tugged at the shirt Valerius wore. She pulled it up to see his back. His sores had returned too. "It seems we have a similar fate, my love. Then we will find out together what lies in store for us." She grabbed his hand and pulled him closer. "There is more than this. I know it and you can surely see it."
Valerius squeezed her hand. "I like it right where I am, my darling. You underestimate my skills as a physician. According to you, I've been practicing for thousands of years. I must have some tricks up my sleeve." He kissed her hand and placed it on her chest. He started to fall backwards, but righted himself.
Lourdes walked up and took him by the arm. "You must lie down yourself. You need treatment just as much as she does. I know what to do. You've taught me well. Rest is important. Rest and sleep, those are your instructions."
Valerius began to protest, but the strength to do so eluded him. Lourdes escorted him to his bed. She felt his forehead and sighed while applying a cool rag to it. She slathered copious quantities of his special poultice on the wounds, old as well as new.


Author Notes Sorry for the sparseness or posting. I'm buried in reviews. Everyone's posting like it's going out of style. Hard to keep up. Hopefully it will die down soon. Looks like this section will wrap up soon. Always open to suggestions of any kind. Should I make this book one and conclude with this story? Or, just keep going forward regardless of the length? I didn't realize I'd fall so madly in love with 500 AD. :))

The Red Plague is small pox. There were many strains some more deadly than others. The best treatment was cleanliness to avoid infection and fluid intake to avoid dehydration. These methods were ancient in nature and as the Dark Ages approached falling out of favor. Treatments for all ailments would become more and more dependent on prayer and practices with no medicinal value.

There is an end to this section coming soon. Two or three segments at the most. (I hope) I love the input and suggestions and help you all have been giving me as well. Thank you so very much!

List of characters:

Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique.

Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection.

Petrus- The father of Valerius

Abramus- The father of Julia

Cassius- The brother of Julia

Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia

Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician.

Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople.

Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold.

Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina.

Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius.

Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold.

Bishop Julius Brosius- A Bishop in the hiearchy of the church.

Father Cervantes- a young priest that Leopold has taken under his wing.

Winslow-husband/Adeline-wife/Noreen-daughter/Grenadier-disturbed son-- a family cast out of a nearby village when their son was accused of demon possession. The family fled to save their son's life. New patient for Valerius.

The Oracle- A strange man that Julia and the others meet in the forest and invite to join them.

Father Cicero-A priest from a nearby village that had been performing prayer and other rites on Grenadier to drive out the demon he believes the child has inside him. He is searching for Winslow and his family.

Father Travis-Valerius travels to treat him and finds him to be at odds with Father Cicero over demon possesion.

he story takes place after 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. Other patients come to Valerius and they are in danger as well

Chapter 64
Families Being Formed

By michaelcahill

Previously, Julia and Valerius both had new sores appear indicating that the red plague had returned. In spite of being sick, Valerius went to greet the contingent of bishops and soldiers hunting for the possesed children and Julia. Cicero stood by his side. The Oracle came out to confront the Bishops and it turned out he was The Cardinal Agapito for the parish. The bishops listened to what he had to say and showed him great respect. Leopold went screaming into the forest and was killed, it was assumed, by a pack of wolves. According to the soldiers who found his body, there was nothing left but bones. We continue now as treatment continues and plans are made.

After a few hour's rest, both Julia and Valerius regained some strength. Their sores had increased even as old sores scabbed over and healed. Valerius knew full well the dire nature of their condition and Julia did as well. Winston succumbed rapidly. His will to live for his son did not match his grief for his wife and daughter. Grenadier recovered into a world without parents or family. Lourdes and Cassius required no discussion when it came to including him in theirs.
Florentina looked to her mother upon Winston's death and said, "Grenadier is my brother now, isn't he mother?"
Knowing without any doubt the heart of Cassius, she answered simply, "Yes, he is."
When the time came to inquire of Cassius, the question never came up. "Keep an eye on your brother, dear. There is no telling the mischief he might get into." That is what he said to Florentina when he came upon them playing.
Lourdes took him aside. "I am no longer a threat to others. Your sister and Valerius, I'm afraid, are a threat. It is unlikely they will recover, my love. I am sorry to tell you this. Julia wants us to get married together in the forest if you agree. The Oracle … The Cardinal Agapito is pleased to hold the services. It is safe outside if we keep our distance. I told them you agreed."
Cassius smiled. "It will be a day of celebration. I know Julia will hear of nothing else."
Inside the shelter, healing continued for some, even as Julia and Valerius fought to recover. Cicero had no re-occurrence of the spots and busied himself treating the others, offering prayers and comfort wherever it seemed needed.
Julia motioned him over.
Cicero lowered his head and rushed to her side. "Yes, anything I can do for you. I am still shamed by my misguided allegiance with Rastavius and Leopold. I fear I will never redeem myself."
Julia sat up and leaned against the wall. She smiled and put her hand on Cicero's shoulder. "Are you truly unaware of forgiveness? I would think a priest would have some understanding of the doctrine."
Cicero smiled somewhat childlike and looked down. "Yes, well, the concept is familiar, but…."
"Are you familiar with the story of Caiaphas?"
"Caiaphas, the Pharisee? Yes, indeed. His actions set in motion the murder of our savior. He is one of the most…."
"Yes, yes, I am aware he is not a popular figure. Yet, Jesus forgave him, didn't he?"
"Well, yes, I suppose. Jesus forgave, forgives all mankind. But…."
"Let me tell you the story of Caiaphas."
"Of course, I do know his story. He betrayed our Lord with a mockery of a trial and handed him over to Pilate who…."
"That is not the whole story, my friend. Yes, we know of the events you speak of. But, we don't know the man or the soul residing in the man, do we? What if I were to tell you he had walked the Earth before being Caiaphas, and, indeed, had walked the Earth more than once since? What if when God when faced with what to do with the soul of Caiaphas, decided to show him mercy? Perhaps, he gave him another chance and another lifetime to learn what he did not learn in his life as Caiaphas. Maybe he didn't learn it the second time, or the third."
"I would think a soul so besmirched would never find redemption. To betray the Savior of all mankind is egregious to say the least."
"Is it more egregious then it would be to betray any common man? What would Jesus offer as an answer? What if Caiaphas returned to Earth once more as a common man, trying his best to live a good life? Perhaps he was led astray once again. Maybe the road he always seemed to take was somehow unavoidable to him. How heartbreaking to think of it, lifetime after lifetime. What if one day, even as he traveled that familiar road to damnation, he dropped to his knees and cried out, I am on the wrong road. I see it now. I am weak and burdened with sorrow. Won't anyone please take my hand and pull me up that I may finally walk the right path? Would you not extend your hand to Caiaphas?"
Cicero smiled. "Yes, I would extend both hands. It is said you see what others do not see. You see lives that have been lived. Are you saying I was once Caiaphas?"
Julia laughed softly. "I am simply telling you a story. But, suppose you were once Caiaphas and I, Nicodemus. Would it not please the Lord we are now friends and allies?"
"Indeed, indeed, it would. You are very wise, my friend. Now, lie down so I may tend to you. It is you who need attention, I am well now." Cicero smiled as he applied cold rags to her forehead.
Valerius came over with his bedding and laid down next to Julia. "How is my wife to be doing, Cicero?"
"She is tending to my well-being quite nicely. I am doing my best to comfort her with these rags. I'm not sure the exchange is a fair one."
Valerius smiled. "She is good for one's well-being, I can attest to that. Keep up the good work. She has a wedding to attend."
Cicero could see spots on his neck and arms that were fresh. It grieved him to see these two fine young people struck down so. He maintained as festive a front as he was able. He excused himself as the weight of his sadness threatened to shatter his smile. His pleadings to the Lord continued in earnest.

~~~~~~~~Trellitia's house

Abramus would not be soothed. "But surely there is something in all of these potions and concoctions that can help them. They are children for God's sake. Their lives are just beginning." Tears could not be stopped even with all of his will brought to bear on them.
Trellitia knew of tears and had run out of them long ago. The ache that caused them filled her heart. She knew Valerius had saved her life. She didn't question it. The day he came up her pathway filled with questions was the day she began to live again. The spirit of her husband had haunted her for years almost causing her to hate him. It seemed to hover around her admonishing her for doing nothing but mourn his passing. The truth of it ate away at her.

Valerius gave her purpose and a life she could be proud of. She could feel the pleasure of her husband's spirit as she trained her new apprentice. Now he stood at death's door and she was helpless.
"Trellitia, is there nothing you can do?" Abramus knew the answer, but his pain needed companionship.
Trellitia took his hand. "There is nothing. I'm sorry." There weren't even words she could offer. Recovery from a reinfection was unheard of. Even with the relentless attention and care they received, it was a matter of days before they would be gone.
Cassius had become a young man in the past few weeks. He spoke to them both. "They wish to be married along with Lourdes and myself. We are taking Grenadier as our son. You know their wishes; I don't have to explain them. I have always believed in my sister and I believe in her now. It will be a festive occasion. It will be a celebration of life and a time for joy. It is their wish."
The others in the room gathered together and all agreed. Whatever tears there were to shed, would be shed now. The wedding would be joyous and grief would be saved for another day.


Author Notes This is in the end stages of this section. Bear with me as I close this out. I have some things in mind and I must write them. I hope they are to your liking. This section will conclude book 1. I'm not sure yet if there will be two books or three. The story ends in the current century. There are many lifetimes in between. There are lifetimes lived separately as well. I know where I want to end up, but I'm not sure how I want to get there or how long I want to take. I had no idea that this chapter would end up being this length. Oh well, I loved writing this. Your help has been amazing. Wonderful feedback all the way through that helped the story and me as a writer. Thank you all very much.
For anyone late to the game. This is the story of two souls who are drawn to each other. They are soul mates. They keep running into each other in various lifetimes. In spite of tremendous obstacles they are drawn to each other. As humans, they are unaware of any previous existence or life beyond the one they are currently living. In the current story, one of the souls has visions of previous lives. She doesn't know exactly what they are, but she comes to understand that there is an existence beyond the life she is living now.

Chapter 65
A Walk In the Fog

By michaelcahill

Author Note:The Final Chapter of Book One

Previously, the red plague returned to reinfect Julia and Valerius. It was bad news and meant almost certain death as recovery was quite rare. Lourdes and Cassius decided they and Julia and Valerius would marry in a double ceremony in the forest. We continue now with the final chapter of the book as the wedding is about to take place.

The double wedding proved to be a grander affair then everyone expected. Word got out in town and the early morning found many townsfolk in attendance. Whispers filtered through the audience as Cardinal Agapito stood in front of the assemblage.

Those who knew him as The Oracle found it difficult to think of him any other way. His position of authority was accepted and respected, but as a friend, he would always be The Oracle. He eschewed the garments of his office preferring his simple attire.
The Cardinal spoke. "Here in this cathedral designed by the Lord, Himself, we gather to join these young people together in the bonds of matrimony."
Lourdes and Cassius went first. The forest air was crisp and a variety of bird songs filled the morning with a joyous harmony. Upon completion of their ceremony, Valerius and Julia approached The Oracle as Trellitia ushered many onlookers to a safe distance. All knew of the red plague and needed little convincing.
The Cardinal spoke again. "Lord, Valerius and Julia stand before you and their fellows to declare their undying love for each other. They have chosen to exchange their own vows. Valerius?"
Valerius took a paper from his coat pocket. "Julia, you have told me we are meant to be together. Indeed, you have said our souls are connected. You say they have been together and always will be. It was with but a single kiss you convinced me it was so. Whatever life has to offer us, know I have lived a full and complete life, for I have held you in my arms. Wherever you go, there will I go. If it be the unknown, then we will learn its secrets together."
The Cardinal nodded to Julia.
Julia had no paper. "I often wondered why I saw what others did not see. Was it a curse? Perhaps, a gift. When I saw you, Valerius, I knew who you were. There was no doubt and no question. You are the soul who is mate to my soul. We have been together and will always be together. We need only recognize the love within us. Love is seen with the heart, not with the eyes. When we leave this world may our souls remember how to seek each other out when we return. Wherever you go, there will I go. There is no unknown, the secret is love."
Valerius turned to Julia and embraced her. They kissed deeply and swayed unsteadily. The Oracle tensed as if ready to catch them, but they did not fall.
Valerius let go of Julia and addressed those assembled. "We have decided to seek our fate on our own. I am a doctor and Julia is well trained to assist me. We will care for each other and our fate will be in our own hands. We leave you now. Remember us just as you see us now. Maybe we will reach a faraway land. Maybe you will encounter us in the forest. Thank you all for your love and friendship. We will say goodbye to you now."
Those that knew them well already knew of their decision. Those who did not, well, it didn't matter. They turned and walked towards the forest. Their steps were labored but steady. Many believed they saw their pace quicken as they reached the forest's edge and vanished.


Most of those afflicted with the red plague continued to recover. There were a few more deaths, but the care of Trellitia and Lourdes was expert. The plague hit the Roman Army hard and contributed mightily to the further weakening of what remained of the Roman Empire.

Lourdes proved to be an excellent physician and became the doctor for the village.
Florentina and Grenadier completely recovered from the red plague and returned to the activities of childhood. They would often come running from the forest to Cassius and Lourdes. Both children would be panting and out of breath.
One of them would say, "We saw them in the fog! They were on a hillside walking. They stopped and kissed."
The other would add, "Julia smiled at me, I swear it. It was them!"
Cassius and Lourdes never disputed what their children said. Truth be told, they often took early morning walks in the morning fog. They thought, on more than one occasion, they saw them too.
The End


Author Notes This is the final chapter of Book One. There will be at least one more book and possibly two. Their story ultimately ends up in the here and now. There are many lifetimes in between. Some are lived separately and some are lived together. I'm not sure if I want to include lives lived apart or how much of their interaction in heaven I want to include. That will determine if their is one more book or two. Any suggestions?

Your feedback and loyalty in following this story has been wonderful. I've copied and pasted all of your reviews to word for when I edit this. I realize I am terrible about responding to reviews. I apologize for that. I do read every word. I'm just buried and can barely keep up with reviewing. My new years resolution is to do better. Thank you all very much.

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