"Bible Stories in Rhyme"

To long to remember

By Carolyn 'Deaton' Stephens

"It's been a long time since I heard that story."

I wrote a poem recently called, 'Dare to be a David,' and then one titled, 'Jonah '. Both poems summarize an event in the lives of those men of old. It has been amazing to read the wonderful reviews, and comments the readers have left. I plan to continue that short series due to the interest the poems have generated.

From the Garden to the Cross, and from the Cross to this present day, the Lord has given us examples and lessons that are designed to be easily understood. (Reference: New Testament, 2 Timothy 3:16) Each of those lessons, if applied in our lives, can enrich our journey here on Earth, as we strive to do His will. He wants us to be Spiritual , he also desires our obedience.

His Word was given, once, for all. (Reference: Jude 3) It is a funny thing about the word 'all', that leaves no-one out. If you have 'all' of something, there is no more, you can't expect more, nor can you ever have more.

I hope you enjoy this series of 'Bible Stories in Rhyme.'

Author Notes This picture was taken on a trip out West. God's architectural prowess can't be beat.

Chapter 1
Dare to be a David

By Carolyn 'Deaton' Stephens

David rose up early and checked on his sheep
for he was a shepherd boy, who seldom fell sound asleep

His father had chosen him, to live with sheep in the wild
He watched over the flock with love, began this work as a child

David fought a bear and lion, he had a heart of gold
He also sang songs of joy, and psalms to God he told

King Saul was in a battle, down in the valley below
the Philistines had a giant, whose mighty strength would show

David went to King Saul, and said with confidence
"I will fight Goliath, sire," and into the valley he went

He needed no suit of armor, it didn't fit him anyway
He had God as his protector, as he stepped out on that day

He picked up five stones from the babbling brook, his slingshot he made ready
He placed one stone in the sling, and with a prayer his hand was steady

"This battle is the Lord's," he said, "all the earth may know God is in Israel."
the stone found its mark in Goliath's forehead and the Philistine giant fell

When you're feeling small, and insignificant, or doubt your valued worth
Dare to be a David while you are here on earth

Author Notes This one is for Roy Owen, just a regular Carolyn poem. :-)

We all need to have a liitle bit of David in us, to courageously fight worthy battles, and stand up for what is right.

Chapter 2

By Carolyn 'Deaton' Stephens

Many , many years ago, Jonah lived like me and you
God said to him, "Hey Jonah, I have a job for you to do"

"You must go to Nineveh, and preach about their sin,
They must repent, and do it soon, or Heaven they'll not win"

"But God", said Jonah in his thoughts, "I do not want to go"
"They are too mean and wicked Lord, as you surely know."

So Jonah sneaked away from God , and he disobeyed
He hid out on a big old ship, Jonah ran away

Wasn't long 'til the Lord found him out and caused a storm to blow
The seamen were afraid they'd sink, but Jonah slept below

They threw things over-board the ship, so they wouldn't sink
They woke up Jonah, who said to them, "Throw me in the brink"

"I've failed the Lord and I must pay, just toss me over now,
So you can live, I'll give myself, we'll save the day somehow"

Over he went, down, down he sank, into the ocean deep
Then along came a whale, swallowed him up, for three days he would keep

Jonah called the Lord, from the belly of the whale, that God prepared for him
"Oh Lord, I will do what you say, I'll keep my vow, just get me out of him."

The whale spit Jonah onto dry land, and he was safe and sound
God called again, "Go to Nineveh my friend, they are still not coming 'round"

Off Jonah went for a three day walk, and Nineveh he did reach
"In forty days, you'll be over-thrown, if you don't listen to what I preach."

They listened and heard the wonderful word, repented and turned around
It's a lesson for us, as we live on this earth, obey God and be Heaven bound

Author Notes Sometimes God chose unlikely people to do unlikely jobs. And then He assisted them in the most unlikely ways to carry out His plans. The book of Jonah is one of those events. What an awesome God, he never gives us more than He and we can handle together.

Chapter 3

By Carolyn 'Deaton' Stephens

Daniel was a young man who worshipped God, prayed three times a day
He set his heart to do God's will, no matter what people say

He was a captive in Babylon, he was held there against his will
But he didn't let being a slave get him down, he vowed to worship still

Daniel was loved by King Darius, and was known throughout the land
But the King thought everyone should worship him, so Daniel took a stand

The Lion's Den is ready, for any who will not obey
Daniel was found praying to God, as he did on every day

So the King could not change his mind, into the Lion's den Daniel went
The King put a stone on top of the pit, that's where Daniel's night was spent

King Darius could not sleep that night, so he went on down to the den
He hoped Daniel's God would do something, so no harm would come to him

Daniel said, "An angel came and fixed those Lions, God kept me through the night
It was impossible for them to eat me, for their mouths were shut up tight."

Daniel was uninjured, and that made the King so glad
He knew Daniel lived to serve his God, because of the faith he had

Author Notes Reference: Bible; The book of Daniel chapter six

Chapter 4

By Carolyn 'Deaton' Stephens

Now there was a man called Joash, who lived in the land of Midian
He worshiped Baal instead of God, and had a son named Gideon

Gideon was a good young man, , and worked in the fields each day
For the Midianites would come every year, and take their crops away

An angel of the Lord came to Gideon one night ,and told him of a plan
Do what I say, We'll fight and beat the Midianites, you're a chosen man

So Gideon tore down the altar of Baal, and burnt it to the ground
He sacrificed to the Almighty, the only true, living God to be found

Gideon trusted God to provide an army to fight the Midianites
But he asked God to show him a sign, a dew-soaked fleece would be alright

So the ground was dry in the early morn, not a drop of dew
For it was all on Gideon's fleece, God's miracle had come through

God then spoke to Gideon, let's choose an army today
Just let the people go to drink, and then do what I say

If they get on their knees to get a drink, they are not the ones to choose
If they dip water with their hand and lap like a dog, you will never lose

Three hundred men who drank like a dog became Gideon's army that day
And Gideon won, because of the Lord, the Midianites had to pay

Gideon was brave and loved our God, and accomplished quite a task
You can be in God's army too, it's not that much to ask

Author Notes The story of Gideon is taken from the Old Testament: reference Judges, Chapter 6

Photo of upper Mississippi River, taken while on a short road trip to Hannibal, Missouri.

Chapter 5

By Carolyn 'Deaton' Stephens

Isaiah was a prophet
who went throughout the land
He told so many years ago
about Jesus and His plan

Wonderful and
Prince of Peace was He
The one led to the slaughter
like a lamb He'd be

He would be counted with the wicked
and with them He would die
But when His death was over
in the grave of the rich He would lie

Isaiah told of many things
and how the world would be
When God asked
"who will go and spread my word?"
He said,
"Here am I, send me."

Author Notes The book of Isaiah is like a Gospel in many ways. He tells about the coming of the Lord, the Son of God and depicts so clearly the death on the cross. Isaiah was always ready to work, what an admirable example of courage and commitment.
Reference: Old Testament, Isaiah, chapters 53 and chapter 6.

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