"Little ones"


By The Death

Heart imagines life
beneath silver-sweet full moon
not out of cocoon

Author Notes We face a lot of dilemmas,hurdles and contradictions,when we grow up.As a kid,we always imagined a just and beautiful world with great souls as it was being told or read in books.but when the true world is exposed,we wish to relive those sweet,carefree,selfless days which we spent as if living in a cocoon which kept us protected from this harsh world

Chapter 1
Revival of the Red

By The Death

Lurk lusty leeches
love luminal life-liquor
rave resurrection

Author Notes Vampires are fascinating creatures.The cold blooded ones bring death,but in lieu,they gift reincarnation-Revival of the Red.

Image courtesy :Google

Chapter 2
5-7-5(dry winter wind swirls)

By The Death

dry winter wind swirls
across hushed bony forest
withered green leaves dance

Chapter 3
5-7-5(moonlit lavenders)

By The Death

moonlit lavenders
sway silently with brisk breeze
~night's mystic perfume~

Author Notes Artwork is not used intentionally.

Chapter 4
5-7-5(moonlit lullaby)

By The Death

wind fondles flora
whispering coy night's secrets
moonlit lullaby

Author Notes Use of artwork is not intended.
There is no specific rule regarding the title of a 5-7-5, hence I have used the last line in my title.

Chapter 5
5/7/5 (cunning Ninja cat)

By The Death

cunning Ninja cat
smashes dog's innocent face
He goes home crying

Chapter 6
Twilight Dilemma

By The Death

Werewolf loves her but
she fell for charming vampire
perfect human life

Author Notes Based on the Twilight movie series.

Chapter 7
Unicorn's Magic

By The Death

Amidst moonlit woods
silver-light serenades life
unicorn's hushed charm


Chapter 8
Zombies' Valentine

By The Death

Beneath moonless sky--
dead lovers suck juicy brain
zombies' valentine


Chapter 9

By The Death

old tree stands alone
spreading shade across hushed creek
harmonic peace floats

Author Notes Thank you Sierra Treasures for this beautiful oil painting.

Chapter 10
5-7-5(my bodacious muse)

By The Death

my bodacious muse
seems to have many affairs--
but, why not with me?

Chapter 11
Spring's Delight

By The Death

spring's musical breath
resurrects frozen life-forms
nascent hues chant hymn

Chapter 12
The Inner Twins

By The Death

soul's aura varies
with inner twins' collision
life's split existence

Author Notes Our actions are greatly affected by the positivity and negativity which exists within the soul.

Chapter 13
Black Swan - Nina's Perfection

By The Death

dancing was her dream--
marred with illusion's black web
fatal perfection

Author Notes I don't remember how many times I've seen this movie. I'm a die-hard fan of this masterpiece--it's perfect!

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