
My life

By keimosobie

I am tired of always being silent in my time of need. These poems are my experience with bulling and what I watched to. I hope this leaves an impression that you will carry for the reast of your life. Save a life stop and think. My life through the only way I know

Author Notes SMSAE keimosobie's daughter

Chapter 1

By keimosobie

Am I ugly
Breed from the night only
No hero coming forth to tell me otherwise
A pollution not part of the right population
I am nothing more than an ill bred human
The flaws of mankind impressed on my skin
Carrying more scars than I can account for
I holding the sins of those before
Nothing left for me to give
can't I just fit in

Author Notes SMSAE

Chapter 2
Meaning matters right?

By keimosobie

I need not know what my fate is
But people press on
Aggravating and creating
More trouble than its worth
I make myself not following clear paths
That they pointed me to telling me to go
Because they know what's right

Author Notes SMSAE

Chapter 3

By keimosobie

All hope I have bottled
All fame here caused by sick desires
We follow the wrong people
Listen through the lies
You will see the true people
Read between the lines
I see the future crashing down on us
And I'm running as fast as I can
From an unstapled fight between right and wrong
No encouraging words nothing to stop this
mankind will destroy its self from the inside
I keep my hope bottled
Running from inevitable battle
Sick from greif
Haunted from scars
Look what we do to people

Author Notes SMSAE

Chapter 4
Silent Perspective.

By keimosobie

refined beauty
its still there
hidden behind
lines that none
seem to see past
it's there
simple and elegant
with each twist
of the wind dancing
silently in the shadows

Author Notes SMSAE Everyone seems only to see material things and all the teenagers in this genartion don't seem to be looking past what they have in front of them.

Chapter 5

By keimosobie

They watch me I can feel it
Burning holes into my ugly skin
Riling me hoping for a reaction
But I am tired
And oh so weary
No need for a fight but they won't give in
Pushing and tripping
Yelling on top of their lungs like they matter
I won't give in not this time
A fleeting hope that they might quit
Leave me to my own lonesome but not today
They seem hungrier a glint in their eyes
And I almost forgot to breath
All on my own
I fight the rules of logic
Running as fast as I can

Author Notes SMSAE

Chapter 6

By keimosobie

just a step away
walk away leave it to another day
so many words left unsaid
I stare back at the mirror
and all I see is a monster looking back
so many actions I could take and I walked away from you
my biggest mistake was leaving you on the floor
now you moved on and I am still here not quite whole

Author Notes SMSAE keimosobie daughter

Chapter 7
Lunch time i might even be a snack

By keimosobie

Eating and raving they stuff there faces
Looking like the animals they are
A pure instinct they devour what's in front of them
But that's not always true they go on hunt
Hungrier for something other than food
My blood boiling
Hiding in the smallest of places
Something I have learned it easier said then done

Author Notes SMSAE

Chapter 8

By keimosobie

So many masks I hide behind
The world twisted in my vision
In all my wisdom I never learned the purposes
Of us humans we destroy and damage
An evil side in us all some just more pronounced
Watching behind this glass
Watching the world go by
And I wonder if that's the real you walking by
Once a friend now a foe
what's the real you
I need to know
Where did I go wrong

Author Notes SMSAE keimosobe's daughter

Chapter 9

By keimosobie

All ending
New beginnings

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