"A Lasting Peace Without the Tears"

Towards a lasting peace!

By Mike K2

To be very honest, I wished this site allowed interlinking of a member's material, or that of other members. In this case to sting these writings like a strand of pearls in order to provide a modicum of security and comfort. But the real world for its own reasons, has its layers of rules.

I decided to put this in book form, hopefully never to be ended as the thoughts towards peace should always be there within my mind.

The materials presented are various poems, heavily notated themselves at times. In my opinion, a peace is a commonality that should be shared, but I see many things that bother me in regards to this. First, one side shouldn't have to do acrobatics in order to maintain one, or be subject to severe shame, nor to be coerced when maintaining a peace isn't in their best interest. I think of Israel in this regard for so many reasons.

I feel that in ancient times, they purchased that land and utilized it. Gained and lost through several occupations; the biggest area of concern lies in which slice of history to apply. My question is whose temple is on whose foundation? In modern times, I feel that the Jewish people are the stewards of three religions that are seated in their area. God bless them for it! The truth of history will always resurface, much like a lotus through the pond scum. We can reinterpret history, but the facts will eventually come to light.

Much of peace is applied to borders. There are times that a country's borders are determined by geography and others due to economics and overall management. I believe that these should be the established borders. Only changing by treaty. But within a country, especially with countries that have a tumultuous history with several implanted ethnic and religious varieties. These little factions try to gain a foothold for power. Blessed are the countries that allow a freedom to be who you really are and tend to be pro choice(1) and socially liberal. Even the more strident factions are allowed to exist, yet the choice is a personal one and all are appreciated as one can live the lifestyle that they choose. Yet, there is a dual responsibility of the individual to also be a positively contributing member to the society as a whole.

Much of my peace poetry is geared towards exposing terrorism and its aspect for what it truly is; a tyranny that no group of people or country can afford to give a safe harbor to. Peace to them is only a delaying tactic to gain strength or they are never happy to coexist. It is not God that they want worshiped, but themselves. I felt this when I realized that in the name of Islam, ten to a hundred times more Muslims have perished than the rest of the world in the extremists declared holy war.

I resent our country being put under the micro scope for helping peoples that need to abolish this tyranny. Iraq is not George Bush's war, but one declared by Saddam Husein and his parliament themselves. I remember quite vividly that he threatened New York City with chemical and nuclear weapons himself. Everything I have heard outside of the mainstream media, including from members of our own armed forces indicate to me that this country is serious in helping Iraq and Afghanistan to rise up and function as free countries. Pull the plug too soon and it will become a grave situation, not only for us but the world.

Before WWII, it was obvious that the United States enjoyed its peace, but at the expense of other peoples of the world. In ignoring their situation, countless others were victimized and it took many times the causalities for our country, as well many others, to bring things back to a state of peace. With today's potential weapons, no nation can afford to turn its head and isolate themselves.

No peace is worth the carnage, if that is all peace will be for one side. Nor should those that really don't want it be given any aid or quarter. My feelings are simplistic, but well learned from events in my life. In a sense, all must hold peace in our hearts, yet be willing to lose fear of the truth and fight to maintain it for more than a fleeting second.

Author Notes (1) Por Choice, meaning that within reason, the citizens are allowed to live their life as they see fit. The responsibility is that they don't try to force their ways upon most of the citizens who choose not to live that way.

Chapter 1
[The longest] Poem for World Peace

By Mike K2

I pray that world peace reigns;
even while evil causes so much pain.
For our own sake; sometimes we must fight;
I pray very hard, the world realizes and does right.

Wickedness, selfishness, causing harm to others...
.... a skin that we all must shed!
No matter what I see or the state of this world...
... peace is my first choice instead.

Peace starts with each one of us, I say!
When everyone of us can realize this...

There will be world peace one day!

Author Notes - This was the hardest thing I did at the Poetry convention. They had a sheet of paper extending from one side of the room to the other and invited people to participate in, "The World's Longest Poem For Peace." Standing down one end and looking to the other, the old woman in me thought, "Oh my, how quaint! How idyllic! How impossible!" The man in me said, "There was peace in your life only after you faced a car load of boys in a car with a tomahawk in one hand and a Bowie in the other." Until I reached that point, I had to endure a solid year in a half of constant threats from it seemed everybody. The more credible was a sheriff on one end who tried to get my Social Security number so he could put me in the system and shoot me (his wife was helping my step daughter to run away), to drug dealers on the other. The Police said that they couldn't do anything about this and told me not to because it isn't worth the trouble that, "I" would get in. All of the kids were telling me that they could do what they wanted, but I would go to jail if I tried to stop them. I decided that jail wasn't as bad as what I was living and drew the line. You know what? When the word got out that I was crazy and wasn't afraid of jail, people left me alone and I had found peace.
- Most people at the convention signed or initialed their names on that poem, some jotted something down or included a political statement. I actually spent two days thinking of something to say, that wasn't just good wishing. This is the absolute best that I could come up with; acknowledging that it takes ALL sides for world peace, talking peace generally is a delaying tactic for the bad guys to wreak further havoc and a heavy fist [actual in my case of figuratively in the world's] generates true peace with out much talk about it.

Chapter 2
Tribal Areas

By Mike K2

For some people...
Lands and facets are set aside,
for one's identity, belonging and pride.
Those within are separated by choice,
those leaving do so without rejoice.

For others outside of this flat world,
always talked within by negatives hurled.
Certain offerings are taken by embracing hands;
contemptuous suspicions and voiced insults land.

Others feel their roots too, but are rejected;
suffering contempt, indignation and feel dejected.
Funny that is actually the claims from those within,
which is where they feel that history has trapped them.

The toughest boundaries aren't razor and barbed wire,
it's the mind that traps the spirit and hatred is sired.
One wonders if tribal areas are really good to keep,
as we all share the same roots in a good spirit runs deep.

Dark hollow eyed are those who make these lands their home,
there is even more spirit left in scattered bleached bones.

Author Notes In Pakistan, they have their tribal areas which while preferring to be left alone, still offer support to various terrorists who promise to help them out. The leaders in those areas freely voice their resentment and contempt, blame those they hate for their poor conditions, which are actually the product of their isolation. While things like money and peace are taken, there really isn't any positive that is given back out to those around them that give to them. So to speak, many people in the tribal world can't place themselves in the real world.

I ran into this with Native American reservations who would welcome me to their casinos, yet show resentment outside of that venue leading one to feel very unwelcome. In Tennessee that was the case when I wanted to purchase a flute and decided not to buy it when I wasn't permitted to play it. In another instance, I asked to visit Pine Ridge Reservation to see if I could pay my respects to Iron Hail and Fools Crow. No one saw fit to get back to me or at least point me in a direction. When I mentioned this to a friend that was a Native American who gladly lives within this society, yet spent time living on a reservation actually told me this was for the best as I would have been very disappointed on what I saw and how I would be treated. No, not all tribal lands are like this, but there are enough left that made me think about this poem.

I sometimes fear that writer's face such a world at times and try for a little self-ingratiation create their own tribal worlds.

Chapter 3
EX- Prime Minister

By Mike K2

To her country, she
decided to come back.
Even though she knew,
the many threats racked.

I see her as strong as
our country's forefathers.
In a county scared of the
terrorists, afraid to bother.

It is obvious that she loved
her country and lost her head.
That country is now left shamed
and grief stricken instead.

It is the terrorists for their
own tyrannical goals, declared...
Holy War!
Not Christians, Hindus or Jews;
but the decent Muslims that must...
remove these whores!

Even in fear, the citizens must
not fear to face, the eyes of tyranny.
So the strife that these people
cause will disappear, if they can see.

I pray that every Muslim heeds
the call.
The extremists
elimination will help us all!

Author Notes The poem is formatted in green and white for the Pakistani flag.

Photograph provided by AsiaNews and is considered public domain.

I use the word, "shame," in reference that they are sad to see something like this in their country, within their religion. I didn't mean it in the sense of disgrace.

The present president is depicted at times as a dictator or a hand picked of our president. I don't see the type of signs associated with a dictator. I think he has to walk a very fine line with balancing the countries problems with wanting to fit into the world and benefit from it. I see a patience with the elections, in that he wants the right people running. What I mean by is, is that the people running have to have the thoughts of the Pakistani people and their future in their heart. Not personal power or some religious ideology.

With my quest for Halal cooking, I met all kinds of Muslims. I never questioned their faith, even though mine was questioned. I astounded many a Muslim in that I gained the ability of speaking commonalities. As a Christian, I could show them that I was on the same spiritual page as they were, by not citing Christ but the Apostles creed, "I believe in one God..." The way I was, challenged many misconceptions that they had about the Christian religion. I also acknowledged many Christian failings as they saw it and let them know when they perpetuated these. In my dealings with Muslims of many countries, the extremism seems to disperse the further away you get from the holy land. In talking with Pakistanis I find them the most like us in acceptance with what we encounter in everyday life and as such very rightious and dedicated people.

To me this is not a Holy war, but a choice. The extreme Muslims have their excuses and idioms for why they fight the way that they do, but most Muslim people want to live their days in peace like we do. You may also view my, "Poem for World Peace." This isn't a religious choice, but a choice, "Do I accept tyranny, or not?" I experienced this on a small scale with my step-daughter and my problems didn't get solved until enough was enough and I resorted to weapons and had to be willing to put my future and life on the line for righteousness. The problem went away. Everyone has a stake in this.

I look at our forefathers and though they were wealthy, they put there lives on the line for what was right. Most people didn't care, but at least they were discouraged from aiding the enemy. I now feel that this is the average Muslim's decision to make. Many have expressed this sentiment to me, but they now have to turn and face the real adversary. All of our prayers count!

Chapter 3
Protestors! Go Home!

By Mike K2

Author Note:An event that occurred near work.

You invade grieving people's lives.
Reveling in and causing them strife.

Their son's and daughter's lives
given in service for their country.
Based on the principals they guard,
that allow you to do this and run free.

You disturb innocent people's lives,
saying this is what "GOD!", because
of our sins, has for us in-store.
Yet its obvious, by your prancing around
and goading, you're just media whores.

You enjoy the controversy and anger that
you put upon people's backs.
You state all that you do, saying you'll
see it all through; then you are gone
as soon as the press wraps up and packs.

You say that we are to blame, for God's wrath!
To me your nothing more then the devil's gaff!
I feel the greatest aspect of being Christian
is the Golden Rule.
Would you enjoy all of us, showing up on your
grieving family, you fool?

Author Notes Photograph taken January 8, 2008 by an anonymous employee.

The title is derived from a sign that another fellow employee saw fit to tape to the shop's door.

Before Christendom greets me across my back or I am lashed by words. This poem is not about religion, religious beliefs or opinions. Many Christians hold similar views, including my father. I shared with him my beliefs and observations that America has been blessed; in part that we take up causes for the greater good, freedom and justice. Everybody not only has an opinion but the right to state it and invite a discourse. This particular poem is about personal responsibility. Period. Somewhere along the line, people feel that they have a right invade other people's lives and use mayhem for their own selfish purpose with purulent intentions. I believe at this point, a protest crosses the line. There were numerous police officers there to protect the protesters from harm, the very people who this groups states dies for God's wrath. It doesn't take a genius or theologian to figure out who has the higher ideals.

The best thing that God can do to punish each and every one of us is to let us suffer the fate of our own decisions. I really don't think that he has too work so hard as to kill people to make His point. That isn't why He is here.

This background about the protest is compiled from a web based extentsion of the Baltimore Sun Papers.

This was a protest done by the Kansas based Westboro Baptist Church. Attending the funeral was Daniel Griffen Jr. who was not only involved in the accident, but lost his wife and four of his children and step children to a drunk driving accident that occurred December 31, 2007. The drunk driver entered the Ohio interstate in the wrong direction and hitting the family head on. The group said that this accident is God's retaliation for a Baltimore Jury awarding awarding a Westminster man $11 million dollars for the disruption of his funeral for his son, a soldier killed in Iraq. Needless to say, God's retaliation for use being there and for our acceptance of homosexuality. The picture says it all. Having lossed a love due to a drunk driver, if I had ripped on of these protesters apart, could I not say, "God told me to do that?"

Chapter 4

By Mike K2

I know where I am headed!
Terror infliction is my
tool, to your dread!

My enjoyment is of murder
and mayhem, keeping me alive.
I wrap myself in any cause
for attention, even religion,
as to my ends I strive.

My friends came upon you,
already sacrificed,
I huddle and hide.
Plan and conspire, get angry
and frustrated people aboard,
for this grand ride.

We will do what it takes!
Inflicting terror that
you will never know, when or
where it will come about!
We will capture the media's
attention and lull them into
believing, this injustice handed
to us, of which we shout!

To people of my religion, that
might have a better view.
In sending out my message.
Sorry, I also have to sacrifice you!

I say that you died because
to Allah you weren't really
as faithful as me, in any way.
I will see who I lovingly killed
in my created carnage and explain
it in a statement the next day.

I have no qualms about even
destroying my religion or
God's Kingdom as I crave
more and take it farther.

People will celebrate me!

Author Notes Martyr-1) A person who chooses to die rather then give up his principle; a person who is killed because of his beliefs. 2) A person who sufferers great pain or misery for a long time.

There were three articles from the Baltimore Sun Papers that inspired this piece.

Thursday 02.14.2008-"Bomb kills Hezbollah militant." The article mentions that Imad Mughniyeh who is believed responsible for a TWA hijacking, bombing of a marine embassy and Marine barracks in Beirut and the group that he was a part of were responsible for several other attacks such as the Kobar Towers in Saudi Arabia. The group also blames Israel for the bombing.

Friday 02.15.2008- Two headlines-"Lebanese honor two martyrs" and "Hezbollah chief vows revenge for killing." There by setting up the next cycle of violence.

My personal thought is the way the headline as stated, ",Lebanese honor two martyrs;" it is very disingenuous. Why are they reported as being martyrs? Because someone says they are? I feel they it be reported that some believe they are martyrs, but more leg work should be done to see how the rest of Islam views them as such;- I doubt it very much. I wished a formal declaration of war would be declared against terrorist groups and the powers to deal with this should be overtly broadened. Many people become suicide bombers in the knowledge that their families will be taken care of after their death better then they could; dare I say this comfort of thought be eliminated, both with the suicide bomber's families and the people that provided the money and the arms that bring this about.

True, a Martyr is some one that has willingly died for his beliefs, but notice I didn't say voluntarily. By no means am I an expert on any religion, but I believe that Islam took hold to a people that were travelers and nomadic people. They were given a religion to practice that they could take anywhere and follow and with them, I have no doubt in my mind that there are true Islamic Martyrs who stood by their beliefs and died by someone else's hand. I feel that every religion has its' martyrs. In my opinion, what the terrorists are doing by redefining, "martyr," is a grave injustice and a mistake. Let them consider them such, but let the rest of the world, refuse credence. I'm know that people who rob have excuses, people who kill (murder, meaning deliberate-other then self-defense), have their's as well. Do we excuse them for their act? I don't believe that a cause can be attached to their acts. These groups have a military and a humanitarian wing; a cloak in my feelings. I believe that the world can not permit this, as aid has been shunted to military wings and for them to receive any aid, common sense dictates that this can not be permitted.

Terrorism in my opinion is to give people power that really couldn't get it through any other means. Yes, many people have died at terrorist hands, but look around today and you will discover that it is the terrorist's fellow Muslims that make up the greatest losses the terrorists inflict. Maybe an effort needs to be made to illustrate this point to honor the innocent Muslim people that have lost their lives in this terrorist cause, whether it be from these bazaar bombings or a nation lead by strict adherents who view their beliefs as the only way. I believe that the best governments, sort of separate religion (but not visa versa) from governing and allow people to make their own decisions. Let God decide who is right, what better way can we create?

The Untied States has its' Memorial wall for each Vietnam Veteran who lost their life, the Islamic people should erect their own. My suggestion on the beginning, "There is no better way to loose one's life then for his beliefs. But oh, no worse curse for the one who has taken these lives for theirs." I fear that the list of names would stretch across the desert.

From my religion, Jesus exclaimed, "You Hypocrites! All!" In the life time of Jesus a documentary pointed out that the Greek theater might have been nearby and that is a term that means actors. Once I understood the meaning, "actors," I believe that is exactly what terrorists are. Thank you for considering my words.

-Post Note: I made this poem available to a priest at my church and he felt that this piece was very timely because very recently and Catholic Priest of an church in Iraq, was assassinated outside of his church while still wearing his vestments. This priest was noted for his striving for peace. Needless to say, another priest will willingly take his place. I wonder if this priest receive the same press attention, if any at all. I wonder which type of martyr would get God's better judgment. I now dedicate this work to ALL people that are willing to sacrifice or have sacrificed their lives in their beliefs, not by their own hands or taking innocent lives.

Also related are my poems, "Ex-Prime Minister" and "[The longest] Poem for World Peace"

Chapter 5
Congrats! Now We Want a Peace!

By Mike K2

We congratulate you
on your election victory!
We're telling the world
it's time, we want a
peace accord with thee!

Never mind that we killed
the first person who would run.
Your anti-president stance
vote tells us, you're the one.

You're right, he was running
around like a corrupt cop.
His fighting was his excuse
for oppression, not our
terrorism he tried to stop.

We want to talk to you, since
you are stated peace champs.
We Promise. We'll use another
country for our terrorist camps.

We are so glad that you want
to work with us and forget
our horrible history.
We will be good and appear to
be helping you, everybody
will surely see.

We'll work together until
we declare you the enemy
that we must meet!
In the meantime, please
accept the world accolades
for this newly created peace.

Author Notes This poem was inspired by the following:

A Baltimore Sunpapers article titled, "Pakistan Militants Seeking Dialog With New Leaders." Monday, 02.25.2008 The article reports Taliban-style militants are seeking dialog with the newly elected leaders urging them to abandon President Musharraf's war on terror. -No doubt! The way this war is presented bothers me, lest we loose sight of the goals. In other news, it has been reported that people are concerned at the the increased taliban fighting in Afghanistan as a weakening of the US effort. I believe the increase in fighting is the direct result of the Pakistani president sending the fighters that fled as we arrived, back into their native county and now is the time to fully engage this enemy.

Believe me! I am for peace above all else, but it must be one that is sincere from the start and made with total forgiveness. One only has to look at the world wars. The first one lead to peace, but the victors were very punitive with Germany and it destroyed the German economy and set the stage for Hitler and World War II. The peace garnered from that one has not only kept, but created allies. Once the problem was dealt with, we aided them to improve their economies that gave ours a run for its money. In the end hostilities were put aside and allies were created. Outside of joking around a bit, all sides have forgiven the other, though we still remember the history.

From the other side, look at the cease fires and peace accords between Israel and the Palestinians. None can hold. Upon signing, Israel abides and people then start using terrorism or firing rockets at them. Remember the news. You first hear Israel being attacked, Israel withholds action and the other side continues to provoke them until Israel must defend themselves. The Palestinians call this terror, though it seems very directed at the terrorists themselves causing a minimum of causalities. These occur because the terrorists operate amongst the people. The world cry is for Israel to stop, then the terrorists build back up and attack again. Terrorism must be given no quarter and history must be remembered. For peace to occur, there must be no links to any faction of terrorism, even their humanitarian wing and both sides must agree and fight to the end of eliminating these people.

No sovereign nation can afford to have people like this threatening their sovereignty or borders, period. The United States tends to forget this because we are fairly well isolated. We could have probably avoided conflict with Japan by sacrificing Hawaii, but in the end, they would have continue to encroach on the mainland.

On the 98Rock Morning show in Baltimore, the Israeli conflict was reported and a discussion ensued and it also discussed where do Muslims stand on the issue? One Muslim man called in and explained that he was a Muslim, though not a practicing one and they feel much like we do, but that he couldn't say anything against it because to do so will get him killed. With terrorism, it is the Muslims themselves that make up the most innocent people being killed and I believe it is directly the result of turning their heads and not taking the responsibility. I would rather take the risk on the condemnation side, then on the permissive side and have them amongst me. It would be a better place for them to live. I don't look at this a religious war, but one against the tyranny of terrorism and despotic people. I don't consider these people to be religious at all, no matter the airs or how much prostration these people do. I believe one must kill defend themselves or a nation when it comes to sovereignty, but deliberately killing innocent people no matter the method or cause is just plain murder, period.

I personally don't consider Israel to be a Jewish run state, the form of government is one reason and the fact that a Mosque is still permitted to cover the dome of the rock and be on their temple mount. I believe that they have forgiven the past and turn to the future. I understand Israel is made up of mostly Jewish people and the state was established for their benefit. I consider them good custodians of the Holy Land because they appear to be good stewards by allowing three religions to make it their home and permit worship without interference. Many Muslim states, this has not been the case.

Chapter 6
Oh, Pakistan! C'est la Vie...

By Mike K2

I find trying peace at
any price to be funny;
for you can't stop bullets
by throwing at them money.

They will take the offering
and use it to buy weapons.
Give them an inch of influence,
they'll still come back at you again.

I know! We will do nothing and let
you operate within our sovereignty.
Hoping that you won't kill too many of us,
even ignoring how this has played in history.

I don't understand? The media are making us,
the government,out to appear the villain.
Everybody wanted us to cede to the bad guy's desires,
beating women and for their cause, recruiting children.

We try to be sensitive and show we care,
they kill more of us; I'd never thought they'd dare.
With our own olive branch they beat us back,
we try to placate them, but brazenness they don't lack.

Pakistani President!

You have lost your wife at a terrorist's hand,
why would you give them any authority or to operate from,
even an inch of Pakistani land?

These people may clothe themselves in
religion and a Holy War for all to see.
But make the argument that this is nothing
but a cloak to hide their face of tyranny.

You owe to your country to rid them from
your land with an honest and good fight.
So your people can live in peace and
be the best without living in fright.

Author Notes For personal reasons, Pakistan is a special country for me. Pakistani people have also been some of the nicest and most respectful people that I have encountered from that region. They are always included in my prayers. Though I am Christian.

Peace is one of those conundrums, those that desire it the most will have at times the least. I believe in peace first, but one needs more understanding of when it is not possible to attain it. Terrorism falls into that category, because it is about establishing a tyranny. I resent terrorists and their proponents being called Islamists. To me that is the cloak (a good cause) that they wrap around their practices of terrorism. I gave up any notion of the holy war when I realized that it is the Muslims themselves that are by far, the largest victims. In my opinion, no nation can afford to either try to peacefully exist or placate these people. To them peace is more of a tactic to allow them to rearm and come back stronger. I believe that even if fighting or military action is necessary, then a country has a right to dictate that terroristic methods is not acceptable and any people that harbor them will be not be considered in any action against them.

With Pakistan, the terrorists have a foot hold in the tribal areas. These areas are considered semi-autonomous and being a more feudal system, the terrorists come in and help those leaders boost their power and influence in exchange for a platform.

In some respects, the current President has fought them, but in others he has offered olive branches, such as control of some areas or being able to practice their more stringent beliefs, such as dictating to and beating women for offenses. But Pakistan doesn't have more peace from these people, they have less. To me, it is an all or nothing situation and I feel that every decent Pakistani must fight for their country to rid them of these people for their own freedoms and existence.

My view of handling terrorism, change with a personal war that I was pulled in. You could say the I was a county and had terrorism in my midst. This was a family affair caused by one bad egg, how needed time to grow. The authorities were involved and ironically in placating the bad egg, mentioned what I could not do. This led to my life becoming a total hell, with any authority I could levy being removed and those that were causing the problems, not only reveled in it, they became that much more bold and empowered. My wife was like Pakistan and to try to garner a lost love, turned me into an enemy as well, hoping that it would make things right. But I was needed as I was the only moderating force in the situation. Terrorism and tyranny whether by a individual to an individual, or a large group to a county can not be permitted to thrive. Police, family, neighbors were all forces who had their ideas and limitations. The bad people did not and in reality, it was one police officer that recognized the problem and we discussed, even though it might bring trouble to me, like jail, there really wasn't a police decision. The bad side declared war on me from the start and I did everything that I could think to avoid the situation or "mediate, it. Guess what, it only emboldened the bad guys and it became mortally worse. Hell, what they did to my life no longer made jail fearful to me and I openly declared war and had they did what they said, one or a few would be dead. I believe that the authorities got the message and left me alone. You know what, they realized that I was serious, labeled me crazy but they were the ones that not only retreated, they left me and my family alone. At a possible cost to my own life, I stood up!.

09/08/09 Since I wrote this poem, Pakistan has had constistant action againt the terrorists. I believe that that many have migrated back into Afganistan and it will take both countries with an agreement about sharing the border to erradicate the problem of terrorism. All in this fight deserves the aid and support of the free world. This is also fostered that no country or peoples can afford terrorism any quarter.

Chapter 7
The Wild Fires Of Terrorism

By Mike K2

When a house is seen burning down,
sometimes it is best to let it go;
until the right equipment rolls around;
limiting the risk for those who know.

Perhaps those around it can be saved,
by preventing it from becoming fuel;
as loss to lives can remain staved,
though to the owner this can be cruel.

But with a wildfire's smoke in the distance,
do you really want to ignore the chance;
the winds will shift with unpredictable persistence,
as around your climes, lapping flames will dance?

There will always seem to be smoke on the horizon,
but conditions will change and bring it back to you;
one will have to run, too hot to keep your eyes upon,
leaving all others behind for something you didn't do.

As soon as the distant smoke is seen, it must be stemmed,
for it affects us all eventually, best to join forces now;
the fiery pockets of fuel, isolated from winds and hemmed,
saving other's land and lives, keeping it penned up anyhow.

With displaced beliefs, terrorism is such a tyrannical wildfire,
taking hold, thwarting civility, taking people's righteous belief;
held at bay, little pockets of terrorism go out, becoming not dire,
with intelligence and vigilance, for all can have blessed relief.

In fighting fire as with terrorism, there is a price to pay;
but ready to jump to put out the flames, will make a safer way.
Then it will be only like minded people to share on life a new lease;
as then all can enjoy a solid and lasting, well founded peace.

Author Notes I honestly believe that George Bush could have done far better at being president if he took a public moral stance on many issues. I feel the biggest accomplishment was to pull together the intelligence agencies and also gain on intelligence sharing with other countries. This severely hampered terrorism and prevented numerous serious occurrences. There was and will be a price still to be paid for this vigilance, as an obligation. If every one or country lends a hand, it will be minimized.

When it comes to Barrack Obama, I loved what he had to say and the feelings that he gave me, as I looked at crossing the lines of my beliefs and voting for him. The reason that I decided not to was, while there were plenty of words, I found myself asking the question, "How?" To be honest, not only weren't there answers be provided, I didn't like what my mind came up with answering them. To my wild amazement, I couldn't believe what I saw from an American president as he apologized to world leaders with governments that espoused us as enemies. Even bowing to or accepting books that held us with contempt. In addition to undoing what the Bush presidency did in reference to intelligence. I feel at this time it is very dangerous to hamper or dismantle a necessary part of life that protects us. This also happened in the Clinton administration and I feel lead up to 911.

I have seen victims blame themselves for acts of others. If I walk up to you and punch you in the face, kick you in the gut, you may want to come up with reasons to why that happened. If caught, I will say what ever it takes to get out of it or minimize the punishment. I saw that happen with an armed robbery that I was caught in. The sentence didn't fit the crime or someone putting another's life in jeopardy. Best to realize whether the act itself was right or wrong to have occurred and act on that basis.

With fighting a wild fire, several things must happen at once, enough manpower has to be provided to deal with the individual fires; also unburned areas in the way, must be retarded to slow the flames and deny the fire fuel. Whether a slow smoldering ember that will erupt fanned by some wind, or something that hits with a bright flash of lightening, both must be discovered and fought. You can't call a wildfire local and say that they should fight it, or stop when it hits another jurisdiction. Fire fighting crews and apparatus are brought in from all over the country and even has world participation in putting it out. Not to do so, would mean much more death and destruction.

Likewise, terrorism will seek to have the conditions that it can operate and spread. How? In Pakistan it is affecting two countries as terrorists get operational ability and sanctuary within the tribal areas. One reason stated is that the terrorists do more then the government. The help out a little and promise a lot, eventually they realize that this was for the terrorists benefit and not theirs. The other reason that a terrorist group is permitted to move in is fear. This can be stemmed with having the agent work with the people. The problem that has to be mitigated is that in these places, unusually because of criminal activity, the government isn't welcome.

I feel that it is a matter of right and wrong, Taking of innocent people's lives that the country and world has a right to not only dictate that this won't be tolerated, but also to prevent it. Baltimore has a different problem with terrorism, in this case the violence over drugs. It is easy to say, "Well I am not part of this realm," and for fear to ignore it; as the government makes it easier for this to happen with a lenient criminal justice system that cites expense of removing them from society. That is why we have some of the highest crime statistics in the country and why I have to walk past prostitutes everyday. The dividing line for me is when it not only affects the individual user, but it spills out into society. Hell, this all spilled into my household, until I risked everything and put a stop to it.

You can not make peace with people who either blame you or call for your destruction, as it will only delay the inevitable. Destruction, either yours or theirs, in the meantime, they experience intense joy at your demise. I want to honor with truth the memory of 911, those who perished fighting it since as their sacrifices have prevented many more; as well all of the innocent victims who have perished in terrorism's tyranny, that great vast majorities have actually been the Muslims themselves. It is time for them to also make a stand and not permit their religion being used as an excuse or vehicle for this violence to continue. I pray that all countries have the common sense to help and stop this. I don't want our next 9-11 to be a blinding flash with a five mile path of destruction.

Chapter 8
When Towers Fall

By Mike K2

Death applies its
own makeup base,
making reality...
Covering the illusions
of carnival painted faces.

Midway atmosphere of life is dust choked,
now barely breaching from shock is hope;
yet, -that dust absorbs victim's tears
and human bastion;
preventing the emotional mascara
from running in dramatic fashion.

Revealed for the masks of near death,
eyes wide open, now showing soulful breath.
Tongues are tied, allowing the mind
to speak to those now muted.
Through the confusion, the evil
manifesting itself can no longer be disputed.

Screaming though the popped eardrums of thought;
the fact that planes are no longer flying
is not the peace we all sought.

The towers stood again in us all,
as it was the time for those responsible to fall;
but even before the manhunt for evil began,
everyday people will step up to be spur
of the moment heroes again.

But like the people before that fateful day;
those closest to the evil roots
must stop running away.
While the towers falling are a yearly remembrance;
innocent victims of evil are a daily circumstance.

Leaders of all countries must realize
terrorists are an evil, not an excused means;
and have to become the forefather's
of what is right over wrong,
to give courage to wipe out evil
and silence the victim's screams.

Author Notes The photographs,were obtained though Wikipedia's image gallery and are as such considered public domain for us. The photograph in the upper right hand corner was taken by Don Hensley, New York Post and was released into the public domain by Don Hensley. The image is titled, "Dust covered 911victims. jpg which was titled by library staff. I have not modified it in any way, except to size it into its window.

The main photo was taken the New York Office of Emergency Management, Federal Emergency Management Agency and as such is considered public domain. The image is titled, "File:911-tower-collapse.jpg" This image has been modified by me to eliminate the imprinted type of, "WTC-& and the red arrow pointing to the building. Also the water that was in the right was removed to make room for the previous image. The photograph that the poem is on was also taken from a portion of the tower collapse photo and also modified to create a clear canvas for the poem.

I am not in a 911 mood and decided it was best to take my time in penning the poem, and remained unconcerned with any time constraints.

I think for the most part, there may not be another successful terrorist attack on our soil, but every time I think about September 11, 2001 and still remember that many people are dying from terrorist attacks on a daily basis, to me the same old song, and in part I blame the countries leaders for sending out mixed messages or trying to buy peace with people who only use it as a means of delay and gaining of their strength to carry out more terrorist attacks. Hell, the administration of our country is stupid enough to pay the very terrorists for secure passage of our supplies in the war zone. Where the hell do they think the people us the money we give them? It just continues and to me, terrorists are not part of any religion, but of evil and I honestly feel that if the country's leaders set that tone and fight them, there will be far fewer terrorists, and they will be far weaker to boot.

While this is geared towards terrorism, I can't help but think of Baltimore, my own city and it's fight over crime. Rationalizing it or overcomplicating it is why it flourishes so much in my area. Lately the politicians say all the numbers are down, but the reality on the streets and people's observations doesn't support their facts. Again I see crime as an evil with the dividing line when it makes victims out of innocent people simply concerned with daily life.

I had worked a harsh double shift and was intent on remaining asleep when my wife at that time barged in and started screaming about terrorists bombing buildings with planes. It was so unbelievable I asked if she was listening to 98ROCK as I thought it was some bit or something. I got about another half-hour of sleep yet, not a restful one so I went downstairs and flipped on FOX News, just in time to see the second plane hit. I knew then, life as it was, was all over. Most people didn't say a thing, except, "Damn."

The skys were blue and clear, but all I could hear is Pink Floyd's song, "Goodbye, Blue Sky." Except the child's words were replaced with, "Look Mommy, there are not planes up in the sky." All of a sudden, I wanted to hear that sound I learned to ignore.

One of thousands of stories, poems and books available online at

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