Write a Poem in Terza Rima

Poetry Contest
Definition of Terza Rima

Terza rima is a verse form composed of tercets (three-line groupings). The rhyme scheme for this form of poetry is "aba bcb cdc, etc." The second line of each tercet sets the rhyme for the following tercet, and thus supplying the verse with a common thread, a way to link the stanzas. The only time the form changes is at the conclusion of the poem, where the terza rima ends with either a single line or couplet repeating the rhyme of the middle line of the final tercet (like d or dd). There is no limit to the number of lines in terza rime.

Sun and moon the planets of light
the former fervently rules the day
the other brings the shades of night;

butterflies on daises they hover and play
ladybirds slowly, slowly climbing stalks
grasshoppers threatens their glorious day;

wild rabbits hide from the cunning fox
snakes slither away searching for food
while a colony of ants working the stocks;

the tiger and the deer forever in feud
the lion roars, scaring the monkeys
whereas a pair of hawks on a branch collude

The high street very busy in all countries
shoppers, walkers and even junkies.

The contest winner will win half of the prize pool of 90.00 member dollars. In this contest at least 5 submissions must be made for the vote to begin.

Deadline: Contest is closed. Deadline was Thursday, September 4, 2014.

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