- The question of Faithby Carolyn 'Deaton' Stephens
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Another little story about Faith and her PaPa
Carolyn's Corner
: The question of Faith by Carolyn 'Deaton' Stephens

We heard a loud knocking on the door and PaPa said, "were we expecting Faith today?"

You see Faith has her own special little knock, she definitely wants us to know she has arrived. First she bangs on the door, then she rings the doorbell intermittently until someone opens it. There is no doubt who will be there when we open the door.

On this particular day, I ran to the door, "Just a minute", I said, and proceeded to open it and play the usual game of looking for Faith. This was not the day to be looking over her head, saying "I don't see anyone, I wonder who could have been ringing my doorbell? " And then she will say, "GeGe, I am down here, its' me Faith!" Well, not today, I got no hug, no hello, nothing, except, "Where is my PaPa, I have to talk to him, right now. "

I stepped aside of this possible little stampede and told her, "In the kitchen, PaPa is in the kitchen."

Faith, her mommy and I went into the kitchen where PaPa had already reached out his arms for the hug he was sure would follow. But, not today, no hug, no hello. She placed one hand on each of PaPa's arms and looking up into his face said, "PaPa, can I ask you a question? It is very serious."

PaPa said, "Of course Faith, you can ask me anything, anytime."

She said, "PaPa, I have just been thinking, you told me that God can see everything, right?"

PaPa answered, "that's right Faith, God can see everything."

Faith then said, "PaPa, what I want to know then, if God can see everything, how does He do it PaPa? Does He use a telescope?"

I wish you could have been here as PaPa tried to explain that one to his little five year old grand-daughter.


Author Notes
Thanks to wrekless for the wonderful picture.

I hope you enjoy reading this little update on Faith. She is a little character. And as she is so willing to tell you, "Smart, too".


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