"Everyday Miracles"

Chapter 1
God's Palette

By DeboraDyess

The number of greens is awesome!
It seems they're a bit overdone...
But wouldn't the world be boring
if God had created just one?
Blues of the sky, always shifting,
in its hues of darkness and light,
palest of blues in the morning
and dark sapphire blue in the night.
Yellows and golds as the day breaks,
purples and pinks at sunset,
Father created a palette
Creation will never forget.
All colors sing praises loudly
acknowledging Lord God on high. 
People, all colors together,
give thanks to our God, Adonai. 

Author Notes This is an entry for the NatPoetryMonth Contest. I'm a couple of days behind (already), but have every intention of catching up! lol

As I stood outside this early morning, I looked at the sky through the leaves of a red oak growing in our yard. I tried to count the shades of green I could see just in that small sampling left me smiling at God's graciousness, even in something as simple as the creation of colors.
Rich Mullins sang a song called 'The Color Green'. If you haven't heard it, you should take a few minutes and listen.

Adonai is one of the names of God. It means 'Master of all'. It's translated into English as Lord God, Soverign God, Almighty God, and God of All.

Heres the first place I found it. If you know of an earlier spot, let me know. :)

Genesis 15:2 (CJB): Avram replied, �?�¢??Adonai, God, what good will your gifts be to me if I continue childless; and Eli�?�¢??ezer from Dammesek inherits my possessions?

Find that song, The Color Green (Rich Mullins) here:

Chapter 2
Black Bird Sits Alone

By DeboraDyess

ckbird sits alone
surrounded by darkest night
He hates blending it

Author Notes To be honest, I don't know if he hates blending in or not... lol

Chapter 3
That MAN!

By DeboraDyess

That man
makes me nuts!
Sometimes I think
he's too much trouble!
After all, look at me...
We all know I'm a real prize!
What's that? Could I live without him?
Hmm... I guess we're a perfect couple!

Author Notes Being in a relationship for decades isn't always easy but it's always worth getting through the hard times to experience the steadfast love of a good partner. Me meeting him was one of my favorite 'everyday miracles'.

The space before the last line is intentional, indicating a moment of thought.
Whoof! - The sound of a deep sigh...
The crazy artwork was created with AI.

Thanks for reading!

Chapter 4
My Son

By DeboraDyess

My heart
breaks for you,
my son...

Author Notes It doesn't matter how old they get. The relationship between mother and son is a bond that cannot be broken, even through hardship. That's my miracle.

Chapter 5
Why I 'Fish'

By DeboraDyess

The waves call out to my tired mind
to leave its cares and stress behind.
You can rest here, there is no doubt...
To my tired mind, the waves call out.

Upon my face, a gentle breeze
says this is time for sweet release.
So, in God's mercy and His grace,
a gentle breeze upon my face.

This old dock creaks like ancient bones.
It warns the fish to swim on home.
Despite the fisherman's best tweaks
like ancient bones, this old dock creaks.

The waves call out to my tired mind
to leave its cares and stress behind.
You can rest hee, there is no doubt...
To my tired mind, the waves call out.

Author Notes I wet a line one time in my life before I married. But I married a fisherman and raised a couple of kids who are fanatics about the sport. They go to catch fish and measure the trip's successio on the number in the bucket at night's end, along with laughter, chatter, and photos taken. (Of course, the photos are of the proud fisherperson and their catch!)
But for me... This is why I fish. It's my chance to participate in the family fun and competition (which I never win), but it's mostly about taking time to notice the miracles all around me.

The first stanza is repeated at the end intentionally.

Chapter 6
Our House

By DeboraDyess

This house we have is not so grand
- it's broken down, you understand -
but here, upon these old, cracked floors,
we've raised our children - yes, all four.

The walls have had their share of licks
with kids and grandkids playing tricks.
The roof still holds out most the rain
and every window has a pane.

The yard, where weeds and flowers grow,
has hosted races and some shows.
Along with kids, some trees have grown
where once my kid's dodge balls were thrown.

Although we truly love to roam
it's true - we've found no place like home.
To you, this house won't seem like much.
To me, it has my family's touch.

Author Notes We've lived here for 31 years. Our youngest son was born into this house and we watched all of them grow to adulthood here. Several of our grandchildren have lived here (along with their parents!) It holds memories a lifetime deep.
We're considering relocating and it's tough. Leaving the house won't change the memories, though.
God's everyday miracle - home.

Chapter 7
Heads Up!

By DeboraDyess

Heads up, my friend, Sun!
An interloper draws near!
Moon takes center stage...

Author Notes Yup, it's just another eclipse poem... lol Isn't it a blessing that the States are in line to see it so well!
We're due to have 99.5^ totality, but it's cloudy. Praying that our friend, Sun, burns them off before the Big Show starts!
Y'all enjoy! And thanks for reading.

Chapter 8
John 3

By DeboraDyess

"The wind blows where it will," He said
but it went o'er the old man's head.
A teacher of the Law, but still...
He said, "The wind blows where it will."
"You must be born again to live."
"The womb, no second chances give."
"Repent and turn away from sin.
To live, you must be born again."

"The Father sent His Son to save."
And with that promise He forgave.
He is The Way, the only one.
To save, the Father sent His Son.

Author Notes I'm so blessed to know the love and forgiveness of the Creator God!
John 3 tells about an evening when Nicodemus, a high-ranking religious leader, came to Jesus by night to ask questions. (Jesus' part of the exchange is bold print, Nic's is not.) When he didn't understand an answer, he kept prodding, getting clarification, striving to set aside his preconceived notions and beliefs to get down to the brass tacks - the Truth of God. It's okay to ask, to push, to dig. God doesn't fault us for that.
Jesus didn't come to be judge and jury over mankind/womankind, even though He has every right (as Creator) to do so. Because we cannot bribe a righteous God with acts of kindness, dedication, and charity, our plight was hopeless. So, in love, God sent a vital part of himself to take on human form, live a life without blemish or sin, and take the punishment for us. It was the only way to give us reconciliation, to give us peace, and to give us life. Yup, He loves us THAT much.
It takes a powerful God and a powerful love to set aside His diety for a bunch of knuckle-heads, but that's the power of God.

Chapter 9
This Modern Age

By DeboraDyess

Computers in this modern age
make everything so easy!
You need a recipe tonight?
Just Google! Easy-breezy!

You want to fix your car yourself,
or learn to play piano?
You need a roofing company?
To fix your teen's fiasco?
The Internet knows everything!
I've had some people tell me.
But I have posted there, as well...
But was it truth? Is wisdom free?

The fear of God - it is not fright
that we should cry or quake -
the understanding of His Word,
the difference it will make.

Computers in this modern age
are awesome. That's a truth!
But all my wisdom's from above.
I've kept it since my youth.

Perfection's not required by Him;
He gives faith willingly
to anyone who comes to Him,
their heart to be set free.


Author Notes I am CERTAINLY not the perfect example of Christ. I try but often fail. The Good News is that Jesus never failed and took on my wrong-doings as His own to reconsile me to my Creator, God. Even without the promise of Heaven, I'd follow Jesus. A relationship with Him is worth far more than anything I have, have ever had, or desire. It is my everyday blessing. Every day.

Ephesians 2:8-9
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith�¢??and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God�¢?? not by works, so that no one can boast.

Romans 12:3
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith�¢??and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God�¢?? 9 not by works, so that no one can boast.

Thanks for reading!

Chapter 10
The Nose Knows

By DeboraDyess

I love the smell of fresh-cut grass
and roses down the lane.
I love the smell of baby toes,
'though grown-up... Not the same.

I love the smell of bar-b-que
while cooking on the grill.
And, ahh, the scent, my man's cologne
still gives me thing'ling thrill.

I think of fresh baked bread and, oh,
the mem'ries that it brings.
The inside of old, antique cars
still plucks at my heart's strings.

And, no, not all scents are pleasant -
my trashcan will attest
when I have left it sit too long
and it starts growing pests!

But what a gift, this sense of smell
and all that it includes!
It's like a miracle to me,
the things it can compute!

My nose may be a bit too big...
but that's okay by me.
It's better big than not at all,
on that, you must agree!


Author Notes Just a silly little poem about our sniffers and the things they sniff.

The inside of old, restored cars makes me think of my dad, who used to love fixing them up for folks.

Thanks for reading! Hope it gave you a grin.

Chapter 11
A Day's Worth of Blessings

By DeboraDyess

I stand listn'ing as bluebirds sing -

like praises ring.

What joy they bring

then they take wing.

The children next door laugh and play

throughout the day.

They know the way,

no debts to pay.

My husband whispers, "Sweet, goodnight",

turns out the light.

He's my delight

and all is right.

Author Notes There are too many tiny blessings to write them all in a single poem. But these were some highlights from yesterday. :)
I'm not sure what happened with the spacing on this... Sorry for the weird editor...
Thank you for reading!

Chapter 12

By DeboraDyess

I let the music change my mood
my attitude...
My heart's good food.,
World can't intrude.
A symphony of sound I hear
sweet to my ear;
composer's dear
though far from here.
His music transcends time and space.
He's won his race,
now lives in grace
in Heaven's place.

Author Notes My favorite composers are varied - Vivaldi, Lennon & McCartney, a couple of country composers, etc.
But the one that souths my soul when my would needs soothing is Rich Mullins. His songs include things like
Awesome God
If I Stand
Hold Me, Jesus
Sing Your Praise To The Lord
Let Mercy Lead
Boy Like Me Man LLike You
Screen Door
The Color Green

And, yes, there are more that are my favorites!
Rich Mullins died in a car accident decades ago but his music still influences Christian writers and artists today. I'm going to try to attach 'Screen Door' here but it's such a great, fun song. Make sure to listen to it!
Thanks for reading.

Okay, my attempt at being tech-savvy failed. lol
Find the song here:

Chapter 13

By DeboraDyess

o'er the years,
slowly, surely,
like the rest of me.
I'm not a young girl now,
nor am I a young, fit mom.
But I wouldn't go back to 'then'.
Thank you, God. I appreciate 'now'.

Author Notes I've heard friends say, "Man I wish I oculd go back..." Not me. I might 'fix' some things but I have to wonder what I'd change or mess up. And, besides, I'm happy being right where I am. There are hardships, sure - health issues for my hubby, grandkid issues with school and friends, some new financial challenges. But this is a good life. I'm blessed to be healthy and happy at 63.

Chapter 14
My Kind of Place

By DeboraDyess



McDonald’s? Not my kind of place.

I like to eat with style and grace.

A restaurant with some ambiance.

(don’t want to call an ambulance.).




I’m not a snob, you understand

but fast food had the upper-hand.

When kids were small and called that shot

we had McDonald’s quite a lot!


So now I dine on nicer fare,

a steak that’s cooked to med’ium rare,

baked potatoes and Brussel’s sprouts…

That’s my favorite, have no doubt.



But sometimes, when the moon is high

and Golden Arches catch my eye,

I must admit, I slip on in

and fill my face with secret sin!

Author Notes Just kidding, folks! I donn't eat out a lot and I CERTAINLY odn't try to impress people with where I choose to eat. Sometimes it's fancy, sometimes fast food. This is just for fun.
Although... When my daughter was in med school, her study group would call and, to bribe her into coming to help, they'd meet at McDonald's! lol

Chapter 15
A Troll Adventure

By DeboraDyess

One day, I went out on a stroll
and there I met an ugly troll
'neath lightning flashed and thunder roll
I said, "Do you have magic still?"
He answered, "Yes, I'll have it till
I give it up because I'm ill."
I thought this conversation stale
decided I would end the tale
so we went out and had some ale.

Author Notes This is called a Diminishing poem. The last word of the first line in each stanza is the 'root' for the last word of the subsequent lines. Each line loses a letter of the previous word:
stroll - troll - roll
It was different! Hope it was a chuckle.
Thanks for reading!

Chapter 16
Sprinttime Preperations

By DeboraDyess

The mowers are mowing,
the weedeaters eat,
this whole neighborhood
seems to be on its feet!

'Cause springtime is coming -
it can't be denied.
The woes of the winter
have shriveled and died!

There's gardening - planting
and hoeing of rows,
all kinds of flowers
that tickle the nose.

There's carrots, tomatoes,
zucchini and such...
With so many veggies
we'll sure have enough!

'Cause springtime is coming,
let's all give a cheer!
Go out and enjoy
the best time of year.

Chapter 17
Psalm 56

By DeboraDyess

I saw a dove on distant oak
as nighttime failed and morn' awoke,
I thought, ' "I't s perfect, like God loves.'
On distant oak, I saw adove.
They sang the sweetest melody
of flying high and soaring free...
Throughout the neighborhood it rang.
The sweetest melody, they sang.
With joy, I sang along with them,
a mix of old and brand-new hymns.
the force of darkness, to destroy.
I sang along with them, with jooy.

Author Notes While this poem has little to do with Psalm 56, I thought I should give credit where credit is due. That paalm was written 'to the tune of A Dove on Distant Oak. I have no idea whatsoever how that tune went or if anyone alive knows it but I was taken with that title and knew I had to use it in a poem.
This is a swap quatrain, where the phrasing of the first line is swapped for the last line. It's probably my favorite form to write, although I'm trying to mix it up a bit so I odn't bore you to tears!
Thanks for reading!

Chapter 18

By DeboraDyess

I wear a mask to hide my face
'though I'm a sinner, saved by grace.
While speaking words and singing hymns,
I hide away my secret sins.
This mask I have, it is not new.
I know others who have quite a few.
We put them on, I guess, because
we'd like to think the mask is us.
But worship needs integrity
and I can't hide what God can see..
He never for perfection asks --
It's time now to remove that mask.

Author Notes This is one of my biggest gripes about the church (in general). Why do we, who acknowledge that we're no better than the average Joe feel the need to hide our sorrows, concerns, anger, etc from our church family? I don't get it.
My blessing is that I have a church family who accepts me - all m y faults, goofs, dumb questions and comments... They love me regardless.
I hope you have that church in your life, too. It's the family God wants.

Chapter 19

By DeboraDyess

Dawn lifts sleepy eyes
spilling rays of pink and gold.
Good morning, Sunshine!

Author Notes I know I'm getting ahead of the game and I apologize it it feels like I'm posting too much. I'm on my way out of town again, no computer or laptop. And, yup, I can post from my phone... But I'm a phone dummny. :( lol.
Y'all enjhoy this special day!

Chapter 20
Good old boy and country girl

By DeboraDyess

Dirt road
Good old boy
And country girl.
Blanket on soft grass...
They lay there, stargazing.
Professions of forever
as crickets, chirp, and horned owl hoots.
They fall asleep in each other's arms.

Author Notes Many years ago, we used to go to the back pasture with a blanket and stargaze. After children, we traded backfill blanket night for couch bed night with kids. What a blessingâ?¦ To be young and in love and have so if you concerns. ð??? thank yâ??all for reading.
I hope this comes out OKâ?¦ I have never posted from my iPhone before so please excuse any boo-boos. Lol.

Chapter 21
A Portrait of Me

By DeboraDyess

I listen to country,
And  enjoy my rock.
I love Vivaldi
And 70s pop.

I'm allergic to coffee 
But I  love iced tea.
When mornings are chilly
Coco does it for me.

I am a cat lover
But I own two hounds
Who seem to enjoy
Keeping cats off our grounds.

Strange forms of poetry
Really do it for me 
Some versus metered,
Some versus free. 

A lover of Jesus
Cause he holds my heart.
Both solemn and joking
And that's just a start.

I'm told I'm eclectic
But what does that mean?
I am my own person
Not vanity queen.

I'm a contradiction.
I guess you can see...
But those variations

Make up what is me.

Author Notes Each of us have so many different sides. We are each unique and lovingly created. God knew who we would be from the womb. He delights in each of our differences, personality, perks, and flaws, and loves to watch us live the lives he gave us.this is just a little quirky something. �??�?�°??? I hope you enjoy.

Chapter 22
Skae date

By DeboraDyess

"Come skate with us, "our grandkids said.
My husband grounded, "will end up dead! "
but those kids faces showing them with pride
when we found the rink and stepped inside  
My husband said, "I'll wait right there. "
and grabbed the closest, comfy chair.
"I'm not scared, "I said and grinned.
"I bet these ancient bones will mend."
I guess I fell a time or
The way that sometimes grandmas do.
But I wouldn't trade it for the world--
The skate with my grand boys and girl.

Author Notes Well, this event is true, some facts have been played with just a little bit for the sake of the story. My husband was not there. Had he been, he probably tackled me rather than let me go out on the skate floor. Lol I did fall twice. But I didnâ??t hardly hurt myself at all. No broken bones and I think the bruise was well worth the adventure.
My mom and dad met at a skating rink in the 50s. in the 70s, my sister met her first husband there and in the early 80s, her second husband. Most of the members of my family have trophies or have one cash prizes rollerskating. I was never that good but I certainly do love it. Was an awesome day skating with my two teenage grandsons and my 10-year-old granddaughter.
Thanks for reading! I hope you got a grin out of this silly take. ð???

Chapter 23

By DeboraDyess

Imagine lifting your hands to the heavens
And brushing away all the stars.
You believe you hear sweet zmusic playing.
you know it and Home a few bars.
like cotton, the clouds grow around you
But white turns to purple and blues.
Millions of fireflies start dancing
and dozens of colors and hues.
but Dawn sstarts to creep in your window
and pauses to give you a grin.
you borrow beneath all your blankets
and go back to your dreaming again.

Author Notes It�???�??�?�¢??s a bit of a miracle that our brains continue to sort through our days issues, process process process, and imagine while we sleep. I love to record my dreams and try and figure out what they mean. Or, even better, put them in a book. �???�??�?�°???
I hope you have nothing but good dreams.
Thank you for reading

Chapter 24

By DeboraDyess

I can't believe His love for me...
It sets me free,
gives victory,
and lets me *see.
This life I've lived is not in vain,
through sun and rain
and sometimes pain
my faith remains.
His love extends to you .. Explore!
Just don't ignore;
you will find more -
it's True Life's door.

Author Notes * It helps me see - Believers see God's handiwork not just in nature, but in life's event. Non-believers can absolutely learn from experience - no doubt! But Followers of Christ see it through a different lense.

We're supposed to come to Christ as children, whose faith in what they believe is resolute, unshakable, and perfect. So, with that in mind, I used a child-like font (yup, long purpose).
If anyone's ever told you that life with Jesus is easy, they lied to you. Sorry, but sometimes a life of faith can be more difficult. It's simplistic (like a child), but we have an enemy who throws all kinds of darts and fears at us, trying to dissuade us from believing. If he can't take it from us (and he cannot steal true salvation) he will at least make us as ineffective as he can by shaking us.

I know some people say the Word (the Bible) is boring. It's so far from that! (Some sermons, yes, but the Word? Naw...)

My niece recently began reading the Bible for the first time in her 26 years. She called me and said, "I don't believe it! This is like the best adventure book I've ever read! There's murder and intrigue, there's mystery and drama and humor. Why didn't you tell me that before now?"
(I did, sweetheart!)
If you've never take a few minutes to read the Book, I urge you to lay your phone down for a few minutes. The things on TikTok, Instagram, and FB, while fun, won't really change your life. They won't get you in touch with your Creator. Take 5 minutes, 5 days a week, and read for a month. See what truths you uncover. I'd suggest starting in the book of John (New Testament) or Proverbs (Old Testament). One tells you about Jesus from 'before' and the other is a book of incredibly wise sayings (pro verbs).

And, in case you don't have 5 minutes a day, here's some verses that I drew on for this Minute poem:

1 Peter 5:8
Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.

2 Peter 3:9 (NIV)
The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.

2 Corinthians 4:16-18 (NIV)
Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is Eternal.
(A note in the author's notes here: I would follow Christ even without the hope of Heaven. To be reconciled with my Creator, to walk in His grace... That would be worth the commitment!)

Deuteronomy 31:6(NIV)

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.
Philippians 4:6�??�?�¢??7 (NIV)

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Chapter 25
At a Snail's Pace

By DeboraDyess

I'm talking to a snail right now
and so my speech I must slow down.
"Heeeellllloooo, my snail friend, can you talk?
I will not interrupt your walk.

"But there are things I'd like to know
like why your family moves so slow.
And must you always leave your slime?
I see its traces all the time!

"Do you like butterflies and bees?
And can you climb? Do you like trees?
Are you a grape or orange fan?
A fan of apples, like I am?

"Do snails eat bugs, or bugs eat snails,
and can I maybe see your tail?"
I waited for the snail to speak
but in my waiting, fell asleep!

When I awoke the snail was gone.
It made me wonder, Do snails yawn?
I guess that's where my snail tale ends
but I am sure we're still best friends.

Author Notes While visiting my kids last week, we found snails on the back patio. My grandchild was amazed. I wondered what she'd say to them if she had more words in her little vocabulary. She doesn't, of course, so I asked them for her!
Hope you at least grinned, if not giggled. And I hope you remember what it was like to have a curiosity bigger than your whole body!

Chapter 26
I still Love Him

By DeboraDyess

I wait for him to speak to me...
his tongue to free.
what will it be?
He's lost his key...

I wait for what he has to say.
His speech delayed --
his thoughts so gray...
may take all day

I love him still, not out of debt.
I know it, yet.
Will he forget?
Tomorrow's bet.

Author Notes we're not there yet but we're getting there...
Life should be exciting with my sight and his hearing. Yikes. And yet, God is still God. He sees and hears. And we can still see and hear that He is good, no matter how old we get or how many parts of us stop woking the way they used to.

Chapter 27
Fairy Greeting

By DeboraDyess

From near the roses she peaked out
to view the wide world around her.
As she looked out, iwth such surprise,
it seemed a young child had found her.

"Hello, new friend," the fairy said
and raised her small hand in greeting.
"I had no thoughts when I awoke
of having this lovely meeting!"

The young child gasped and said, "Hello..."
tho' she barely could believe it.
To meet a fairy like this one --
Just how did the girl achieve it?

"I've never seen a girl like you," 
the child said in breathless whispers.
"You've tiny wings and firefly blings!
Your pink hair even glitters!"
"Nor have I seen one just like you!"
They both stared in amazement.
Each knew for sure, deep down inside,
just what the other's sweet gaze meant.
"I come here early in the morn,"
the little girl said, delighted.
"If you come, too, I'll play with you!"
Fairy fluttered up, excited.
"We'll plan on playing games each day
and stay until the sun gets hot!"
And did they meet to play these games?
Some say they did, and some say not.
But I will tell you, little one,
just how I know this story's true...
I knew that fairy long ago
and now she'd love to play with you!

Author Notes Just for fun... I hope I didn't make the fairy sound creepy! lol But, truly, what kid wouldn't love to spend a day or two playing in the garden with a real, live fairy!?
Thanks for reading! Now go... Get out to the garden and find a fairy!

Chapter 28
Tea Time

By DeboraDyess

Jeanenne will call, "Let's go get tea!"
and I'll jump into her car.
We go to grab our favorite drink -
not liquer store or bar.

We'll pull into our 'favorite' spot.
(It's always one of three.)
We know exactly what we want
 it's not just some sweet tea.

We drive and talk and talk and drive,
share life in both colors and grays,
As sunset melts the Texas sky
she drops me off, we go our ways.

Tea runs low but friendships do not
and I thank God for the ones I've got.


Author Notes We do stop for tea at 'one of three'. Sonic, Chicken Express, and Tea2Go are our 'spots'. It depends on the day and what kind of tea we're craving!

God has blessed me with such incredible friends. Jeanenne is my friend, my counselor, my accountability partner, and my partner in 'crime'. (Oh, yeah... We're BAD! lol) I could write about each of them but this is the end of the challenge, so... Sorry other gals!
I know this is posted as #28 but I entered two poems in contests this month. I'll renumber them as 29 and 30 because the system tricked me. It said 'add chapter' and then gave me an option to enter them in a contest. I was unaware that it would take them out of my book of poems.
Thanks so much for spending April with me!
I hope you see the everyday miracles God puts into your life each day.

Chapter 29
Inside Our Mind's Eye

By DeboraDyess

inside our mind's eye
The stories are riding us
every day we live

Author Notes Have you ever had a character that just wouldn�¢??t cooperate? Here she insisted on doing their own thing, ignoring the fact that you are its creator! Ignoring the fact that you know where you want the story to go and their personality just needs to cooperate. Lol this is a poem about those days. �°???

Chapter 30

By DeboraDyess

I'm a prude - I know it!
If it's lewd, don't show it.

Author Notes You may be wondering how this is a blessing. Allow me to share...
It's been somewhat distressing to me that, over the decades, what was a little outside the lines has become totally acceptable to watch , read, or listen to in both podcasts and music. It's not great stuff, either. At the risk of sounding like that prude I admit to being, there needs to be some kind of social standard. As it is, we just keep spiraling down.
The blessings? That there are so many like-minded folk on this site. Thanks for sharing content that is good, uplifting, and edifying. It means a lot. It's a blessing!
Thanks for reading.

Philippians 4:8
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

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