"Carolyn's Corner"

Chapter 1
Where seagulls fly

By Carolyn 'Deaton' Stephens

My sisters and I embraced as we stood on the deck of the condo looking out at the gulf.

It had been a memorable week. We had sung and prayed together, cooked and ate until we were stuffed. Laughed until we almost 'peed' our pants, and dreaded the day of parting. But with pedicures and full body massages behind us, trips to a delightful consignment shop, dinner at McGuire's where we were surrounded by a million and a half dollar bills hanging around, several Dolphin sightings, and many other 'unforgettables', the day, the hour had arrived.

Bags were packed into the SUV and off we drove toward the airport in Pensacola. The scenic route was chosen. It was a beautiful sunshiny day. The gulf lay shimmering to the left of us and the bay to the right. What a sight!

We stopped at a pull-over area to view the incredible sea-scape once again. The sun had chosen to be shy most of the week, but not today. The seagulls came screaming as we walked out onto the sugar white sand. I had grabbed a handful of ' peanut butter stuffed pretzels' as I left the car. Upon crushing one, I threw it into the air and the gulls appreciatively rose to give me this incredible shot.

After sacrificing several more of my pretzels we drove on to the airport, with a solid plan to return next year, if the Lord wills.. 'Where seagulls fly.'

Author Notes Making memories to keep...

Chapter 2
Ouwie Alert

By Carolyn 'Deaton' Stephens

Hi everyone ,

I have had some health issues and have had to take a break from writing as well as my Art endeavors.

Somewhere along the line I have torn both shoulder rotator cuffs. MRI's show scar tissue of an old tear in the past as well. I am right handed so BIG problem.

Here's the good news so far.. for a temporary 'fix' I have opted for injections in both shoulders with intense physical therapy. Both processes seem to be working, slowly but surely. In addition to that I am taking anti-inflammatory medication.

Now lest you get to feeling to sorry for me, and I appreciate that you do, there is a bright side. My sister has a condo in Fort Walton Beach Florida, she insisted I come down and join her, and another sister for a full week. I arrived this morning and there is something about that white sand and gulf breeze that instigates re-invigoration to aching bones.

Still hurts like the thunder !!!. You just don't notice it as much.

I will read, review, and reply as I am able. Don't forget me, I won't be gone long. And while you're at it, a small prayer would be appreciated.

My love,
So long for now

Chapter 3
Looks can be deceiving

By Carolyn 'Deaton' Stephens

When Larry and I were dating, we promised each other, that when we got married, we would laugh every day.

We enjoy 'ribbing' each other and both of us are quick-witted. Sometimes we may seem 'half-witted, or dim-witted,' but that's another story.

One day Larry told me about a particular incident that was very funny. Someone had asked him to do something that to him made no sense.

I said.. "So, did you do it?"

He answered, "No, of course not, do you think I look stupid?"

I just smiled and said.. " No dear, but looks can be deceiving."

That was our laugh for the day, and still brings a chuckle each time we tell the story.

Author Notes A merry heart does good, like medicine.... Proverbs 17:22

Chapter 4
When love is enough

By Carolyn 'Deaton' Stephens

As many of you know, from previous writing, I am from a family of ten. My pecking order is number nine. You would think by the time I came around my folks would have invested in a television or some other distraction. But, no, they took it seriously when reading 'be fruitful and multiply.'

Mother and Daddy didn't set out to have a 'litter' but they did anyway.

Mother told me a story once about realizing she was pregnant again and sharing that with a friend. The friend told her in no uncertain terms that our family could not afford another baby and that my mother should do 'something' about it. She then offered to give Mother some of her own 'medicine', that she conveniently kept on hand. She told Mother she would start her monthly period as usual and not be pregnant anymore. Abortion by Quinine was evidently a home remedy often used in the case of unwanted pregnancy. Mother refused the offering...

I am now and ever will be, grateful to Mother for her respect for life and her determination to preserve it. That story was more than likely about nine down the line. I was born and one other after me. Making us a litter of ten.

I'm not sure if my parents could 'afford' me or not, as we were poor by many standards. But by our standards, we were rich. Rich in love for each other, respect for the Father in Heaven and His son.

What more could a family ask for?

Author Notes

I counted those puppies and I think there are only nine... I sure hope it's not me that's missing. LOL

Chapter 5
Who can know

By Carolyn 'Deaton' Stephens

I was just thinking....

Who can possibly know the mind of God? He who created all from nothing. Brought into existence with a word, the world and all its wonders.

Who can possibly know the mind of God? The fact that we can not, in this present life, is a part of the reason He is so awesome. His ways are not our ways. Nor will they ever be. We are not deity. Does that make us inferior? No, He made us in His own image. Therefore, we think. We ponder. We reason. And, we can make decisions based on knowledge. We can become wise.

Who can possibly know the mind of God? When we live in such a way that our life compliments His creation of us, then we are closer to knowing Him. Our responsibility is to find out all we can about Him, follow what we find, honor and glorify Him through obedience of His will. Let Him have His own way with us, by putting away our pride and letting Him do the molding and fashioning of our inner person.

The turmoil on our planet, in this world in which we live , would be so much less, if each person would determine to become acquainted with its creator. Who best would know what is needed for peace and prosperity than the designer.... the mind of God.

I was just thinking...

Chapter 6
If trees could talk

By Carolyn 'Deaton' Stephens

Have you ever wondered what a tree would say, if they could talk?

This picture is of my backyard in the fall of 2014. I often admire the beauty of nature and am very vocal about my feelings and appreciation for it. But, I just wonder......

Crab apple just stood there thinking.. "I would yawn if I could, I saw her yawn the other day. She was standing up there on the deck, just like she is now. (I know it's a deck because I listen and remember lots of words.) Why, she opened her mouth so wide, I could see her tonsils. She still has hers.. I heard the neighbor say one day that her little kid had his tonsils removed. That's how I know what those things are back there. Neighbor showed a picture to She. I wasn't peeking or anything, but it was right under my branch, so how could I not look."

"What's that noise.. What's She doing now? Holding that funny looking thing up to that little limb on the side of her trunk." Now She is making sounds. They sound nice, but not like the sounds She usually makes." I wonder what ... goochi.. goochi... goo means..?"

"Then I got a nice feeling, like the sun was shining, and the breeze was blowing, and my branches were full of fresh little baby birds, all at the same time. Yep, that's how I felt when I heard her say.....

"Grandma loves you."

Author Notes Have you ever wondered....

Chapter 7
Home sweet home

By Carolyn 'Deaton' Stephens

Hi everyone,

I have finally returned to my home in Missouri after a three-week road trip to the West. We went through Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico and into Arizona.

Larry and I had a wonderful time together and enjoyed each day. We certainly had a variety of weather. Snow, ice, rain and fog so thick you could cut it. His mother, a son, and two granddaughters live there. We returned a different route, driving through New Mexico, Texas, dipping into southern Oklahoma through Arkansas into Tennessee to see our other son, wife and twin teenage ,grand children, boy and girl.

I wanted to explain my erratic reviewing and writing pattern for this period of time. Hopefully I will be completely back on track in a few days.

Please don't feel that you have to write a review for this.

:-) Carolyn

Author Notes This picture was actually from an earlier trip to an old frontier town.. When I have time to download I will use current work.

Chapter 8
The simplicity of Life

By Carolyn 'Deaton' Stephens

Is life really so complicated?

I have a genuine feeling that when God breathed the breath of life into us, He intended for us all to live a rather simple existence. However, He, in His wisdom, didn't plan for us to be simple minded. Just simple people. Without pretense, enjoying the blessings offered to us by nature, love of family, enough food and drink to sustain us, a good place to live, and a deep appreciation for what He did for us. He wanted and still desires our obedience, worship and adoration of Him. Does that make Him an egotistical Spirit? God is everything and everywhere. He isn't self centered, He is the center. He doesn't have to build himself up. He is the ultimate being. He isn't selfish, He is worthy. And yet, in all of that, He allows us to make our own decisions in everything we do.

I know of someone who just came out of a lengthy coma. There is no blame in her attitude, only gratitude. There is no ego in the fact that her strength and determination to not give up, was present, even when her very being was not. She drifted for days, for weeks in an abyss of not knowing. Or did she? I have never been there. Have you?

What would we want when we returned to an environment where we are known, and given another chance to embrace life and to heal. I know that this person seeks and lives for simplicity of life.

What an unselfish and motivating force in the life of others she is. Give me music, give me a little food, the closeness of children and loved ones around me, and simplicity. Just give me the energy Lord, to enjoy the simple things of life. The waters of a quiet lake, the vibrancy of an evening sunset, the glory of a morning sunrise. Mist and fog, sounds of nature, laughter, give me simplicity.

May we all take a moment, and truly count our blessings, and determine today, to live a less complicated life. Value simple living. It is our legacy, our God given right. Go for it, you'll be glad you did.

Author Notes I am quite sure that many of you on FS will recognize the inspiration for this 'simple' post. :-) Carolyn

Chapter 9
The energy of Fall

By Carolyn 'Deaton' Stephens

I stood at the window sipping my first cup of coffee of the day, and immediately got caught up in the natural activities of the early morning view. The backyard was teeming with birds, flitting back and forth from the Bradford pear tree to the Crab-apple tree, which were both laden with small ripe fruit. I watched, as blue jays and cardinals shared the bounty with robins and other species, putting to rest, at least for the moment, the old adage that 'birds of a feather, flock together.' None of them seemed to mind the others presence, as their differences were put aside, in the sheer joy of 'breakfast as usual.'

As I stood there soaking in the glorious calmness that early morning brings, a soft meditative feeling swept over me. My pensive thoughts, however, were interrupted by a feisty, little grey squirrel, arriving on the scene. All fury broke loose as the birds started scolding the intruder as loudly as they could, in their own, very distinctive languages. He added to the din with the barking of his personal, very obvious displeasure, at such an unwelcoming gathering, of otherwise, complacent neighbors. Did he want the small pears and apples? Well of course he did ! They made a perfect accompaniment to the wonderful acorns still hanging in the colorful oak standing beside the other two trees.

As the little, grey squirrel scampered from limb to limb, he finally took a long leap and landed in the oak tree that contained the great acorns. His cheeks were already bulging as he had packed them full of fruit before leaving the pear tree. Wondering how he could carry any more with him, I watched with great interest as he maneuvered his way to a large bunch of acorns. He skilfully held the nuts in his front paws as he gnawed through the small branch leaving the entire bunch of acorns in tact. With a practiced toss of the paw he hurled the nuts to the ground below and raced down the tree to retrieve them before they could be taken by any other squirrel that might be nearby. As he picked up the twig with his acorn baggage, he was a comical sight to see.

With both cheeks full of fruit, and his harvest of acorns held in his mouth, much like the rose in the teeth of a Tango dancer, he went bounding and leaping across the yard to the taller tree in the back, which he called home.

I sipped my coffee and found it too be cooling off a bit to much for my taste. As I poured a 'warm up', I smiled, winter was on its way, but as long as nature lives, and God is in control, all is right with the world.

I could hear my husband stirring. Knowing he would be looking for some breakfast of his own, I took one more glance at the world outside, and got out the bacon...

Author Notes Fall is here

Chapter 10
The Greatest Book

By Carolyn 'Deaton' Stephens

Did you know?

The Bible is actually not 1 book but 66 books.

The Bible has 2 parts, the Old Testament, which has 39 books, and the New Testament, which has 27 books.

Did you know the Bible was written by 40 men? 32 men wrote the Old Testament and only 8 wrote the New Testament.

The writers were from many walks of life... Nehemiah served a King, David and Solomon 'were' Kings. Moses lived in a Pharaoh's palace and then became a shepherd. Luke was a Physician, Peter was a fisherman, Mark was a tax-collector and Paul was a tent-maker.

It was written over a time span of approximately 1,500 years.

There are no mistakes or contradictions in the Bible.

There is unity in the message, the flow of words is perfect, the main theme is Jesus Christ, from Genesis to the books of Prophecy, from the Gospels to Revelation.

There is one Author


Author Notes Just some points of interest for you to consider. These are easy things to remember about the Greatest Book ever written. There are many other fascinating facts about the Bible. What a treasure we have in knowing the will of God which He has given us in His own words.

Chapter 11
Prejudice #2

By Carolyn 'Deaton' Stephens

I was asked as to why I chose this picture to represent the Acrostic poem I had written entitled Prejudice.

After writing the poem, I was browsing through Fanart and came across this picture.

As VMargarite silhouettes much of her work, I felt this one was a good choice. The ball is 'up in the air.' We do not know where it will land, which child will catch it, or even if 'the ball will be dropped.' However, in some cases, especially where Pre-judice is involved, we just 'know' what we 'know' and no amount of intellect or reasonable deduction can change the mind. Only when the truth comes out, do we 'bitterly' accept it.

What a sad commentary on the mind of man.

Author Notes Let each of you look out, not only for his own interest, but for the interest of others.
Let this mind be in you which is also in Christ Jesus. Reference book: Bible, New Testament, Philippians 2:4-5

Chapter 12
Right is always right

By Carolyn 'Deaton' Stephens

When you know to do right, do right, right now.

Chapter 13
One pencil

By Carolyn 'Deaton' Stephens

Willie sat on a fence, as Ruth came walking by to school. They exchanged love-letters, having one pencil between them. Ruth left her letter,and the pencil, in the mailbox at night.Each morning, Willie's letter would be waiting,along with the pencil.They were married almost sixty years.

Author Notes In the age of technology, we text, email, phone and skipe. But I guess nothing will ever completely replace a 'good ole pencil.' I hope you enjoy this short, but true, little story about my folks. Willie and Ruth. Dad was 80 and Mother almost 98 when they passed away. Love, Carolyn

Chapter 14
Missouri my home State

By Carolyn 'Deaton' Stephens

Sometimes it is almost like an ache that I have, a yearning, to know and to be where some of my friends are. Our homes are so detached, and yet through our modern technology, we are blest to have a means of contact and fellowship with each other. Computers, instant messaging, phones and tablets, keep us connected in a way that is wonderful, explainable, and yet still completely beyond my ability to understand. Oh, I can fully know and explain the technology, but I will never understand how waves of radio current can pass through the air and carry data, voice and image with it in invisible, noiseless and flawless detail, a perfect copy of any original created.

For this cause this short essay is written.

I live in the mid-west, in the State of Missouri. It is just about right in the middle of the United States of America.

Missouri has four (4) very distinct seasons.

Spring, bursting with life, resurrection of brilliant greenery and birdsong. In addition Spring brings it's share of flooding and the terror of multiple Tornadoes that pop up every year. But along with all of that comes Cardinal baseball, and local band concerts. Summer, hot, humid, pungent with the fragrance of fresh mown hay throughout the rural farm land. Summer, Six flags family fun, Branson music shows and large lakes for boating, camping and fishing. Fall, in all it's splendor, colors painted by the Lord Himself, grace the deciduous trees of multiple species that are indigenous to the area. The large variety is comprised of Oak, Hickory, Maple, Black Walnut, Elm and many others. Combined with the National forest spread throughout the State with their evergreens of Cedars and Pines, Missouri's tree population is a wondrous sight to behold. In addition, Fall, brings the sports of the season, football, hockey and high school basketball tournaments. Deer and wild turkey season brings out the hunters, responsible sports people who look to this time of year to stock their freezers with venison for the winter. Winter in Missouri can be totally unpredictable, and most often has many surprises in store. It can vary from mild to severe. Low to moderate temperatures, to frigid, below zero and a foot or more of snow, that stays on the ground for weeks. Or on occasion, I have cut roses right before Christmas.

For all of that and more, Missouri is my home. I was born here, the ninth in a family of ten. I am the only one of that tribe, that still lives in the State. The low rolling hills, Ozark mountain range, the Mississippi and other rivers, meadows and plains are all a part of why I love it so much. Missouri's caves were hideouts for the Jesse James gang and Missouri is the home of Mark Twain, (Samuel Clemons).

Look us up on the map. You'll be glad you did. If you look real close, about 30 miles West of St. Louis, you'll see me waving to you. Come on over and see me sometime.

Author Notes Picture of our back yard, fall of 2013.

Chapter 15
Believe it or not

By Carolyn 'Deaton' Stephens

'I believe everything happens for a reason,' and , 'nothing last forever.' I have heard those two statements all my life. Sometimes I feel each is somewhat of a ridiculous quip. Other times, I am in tune with the philosophy of it.

For instance, I believe there is a good reason it rains, other than the fact that God created it. It rains to nourish the earth, to assist with growth of food necessary to feed this huge population. Some folks think it rains just to thwart their planned outing. Others think it rains on their parade. Others think, 'oh of course it will rain, I washed my car today.' In the Bible it states 'the rain falls on the just and the unjust.' There is a beautiful song that has in it's lyrics, 'I believe for every drop of rain that falls, a flower grows.'

I believe that all mankind benefits from rain.

If everything happens for a reason, consider some of the horrific things that happen in this life. Abduction of little children, the killing of our unborn babies, what could possibly be reasonable about any of that? Searching the heart, the only thing I can come up with, is that either of those two instances would make most parents of other children, hold their own a bit closer, hug them tighter, watch over them more lovingly, and thank God more frequently, for their very lives. For the parent of the abducted child, no good reason will ever be found.

The saying, 'I believe everything happens for a reason,' doesn't necessarily imply, for a good reason.

What does it take to bring you to your knees. Some terrible tragedy? Some loss of loved one? A loved one being stricken with an incurable disease? What does it take for you to question, everything happens for a reason?

And as far as nothing lasting forever. Unlike the old house that appears to be falling down, and at some point it will disintegrate and disappear, our souls are eternal. Material things will pass away, God's love will not. We will cease to exist on this earth, but we will exist. Where, will depend on each of us individually. I believe that God is forever and without end.

I believe, that as we pass through life, we ought to live it to the fullest. Each day have the, 'attitude of gratitude,' for all things great and small. Look for the good, be thankful in all things. Make a difference in your neighborhoods and community. Believe that your life can happen, for a reason.

You may not be eloquent, but speak out, and speak up, for what is right. Speak out and live in an exemplary manner, that will cause folks to see, that you are worth listening too, worth hearing and worth following. Let those around you see, that the reason for your life is to follow a purpose higher than yourself. That you have values worth fighting for. That you will leave this earth far better than you found it. You are a created being, one of His finest. Pray and pledge each day, to be the best you can be. To family, to friends and to yourself. Don't forget for a moment, what the whole duty of man is, 'to fear God and keep his commandments.'

I believe, 'we happened, for a reason.'


I believe, 'we will last forever.'

Author Notes 576 words

Matthew 5:45
Ecclesiastes 12:3

Chapter 16
Troubled Treasures

By Carolyn 'Deaton' Stephens

The box arrived by special mail. The address revealed, it was the porcelain doll we had all been waiting for. As the master sculptress gingerly opened the box, we looked in dismay at the wonderful little doll packed inside. She was in sad disarray. Sawdust from her legs were slowly seeping out from around the duct tape that had been applied as a temporary fix. Later removal of the tape would reveal a gaping hole underneath. Each limb was in pieces with some parts completely missing. This one would require major surgery. The cracked pieces made one imagine a life of physical abuse, in a home where domestic violence reigned unchecked and out of control.

However, that was not the case with our little gal. She came to us a result of an innocent but terrible accident. She was part of a beloved collection, that had been accosted by a curious three year old. Now the child was not to be blamed, and certainly not to be imprisoned for her dastardly acts. She only wanted to hug Dolly. She could not possibly 'fathom' the value of such a charming plaything. How was she to know, as she climbed gingerly up the shelves to reach Dolly, that the tile floor underneath would shatter her as she fell. It was like landing on the rocks below from a high hanging cliff. Not only did Dolly almost meet her demise, but the little girl was not in such fine shape either, having cracked her own wrist in the process.

One casualty went to the hospital, and one went to Hamlin's.

Oh yes, when dolls, bowls, vases, pitchers and such, plus dozens of Hummels, statuettes and clocks arrive, they all come with a story. Either by phone, email or in print, the source of the 'injury' is most always known.

So, you might well imagine my excitement, at recently becoming a member of the team at 'Hamlin Art Restoration Studio.'

As a matter of fact, sculpting is one form of art I had not pursued as heavily as I would like. Now I am happy to say, I can check that one off my bucket list.

Author Notes Where fact leaves off, fiction takes over. A part of this story is fiction, most of it is a true account of discovery and repairs necessary to the restoration of fine collectibles. I hope you enjoyed this. Pleas read the 5-7-5 Porcelain Treasures for a look at the completed 'Dolly.' :-) Carolyn

Chapter 17
What a week today has been

By Carolyn 'Deaton' Stephens

Have you had this thought, 'Is this day ever going to end?'

Well, I had one of those kind of days today.

But, was it so disimilar to one that you may have had in your life?
If not, if you live long enough yourself, you will have a day like this. A day of making arrangements, to commit a loved one, to their final resting place.

Have you written the obituary? Do you know where the deceased person was born? City, county,state? Do you have pertinent dates, birth dates, etc? Full names of both parents? Was the deceased in the military? Do you have discharge papers? Do you plan on a military service? Have you all survivors information? Spousal, how many years of marriage, dates of same. Children, spouses names, their children, names and so on down the line? Have you a list of family and friends to contact? Will there be a wake, a funeral, a grave side service, or both? Do you have speakers, singers, pallbearers? Will someone read scripture, lead a prayer? Mausoleum or cremation? Burial clothing, headstone? Flowers or in lieu of: donations to a charity, etc.

These are only a few of the many things to do on this inevitable day.

Have you made a check off list? Financial, will you contact Social Security for cancellation of benefits and perhaps spousal information. What about pensions? How about life insurance, burial policies? Do you have access to assets, home deeds, personal property and or bank accounts, investments? Does the deceased have a will? Is there an executor? Have you talked to the funeral director about the death certificate, did you think to request at least six?

Will there be a luncheon or meal following the service? Will it be catered or will the food be provided as in a pot-luck. Where will this event take place?

A day like this can feel like a week.

Even though you are never ready to give up a loved one, I can assure you, if you have some of these things preliminarily done, it can make all the difference in the world.

And finally, have you made time for yourself, to grieve, and to celebrate the life of the one you have lost?

Shorten your week today...... Pray.

Author Notes Just thoughts from my heart as we go through this difficult time. If these thoughts benefit any of you, then I am blessed. Carolyn

Chapter 18
Charlie's Promise

By Carolyn 'Deaton' Stephens

The last time I saw Charlie, was the first time I had seen him walk out of sight and actually thought to myself, "you know, Charlie just might make it this time."

You see Charlie was homeless. Not poor and homeless, just homeless.

Charlie had shown up one day at the down town shelter, about two years ago. I had volunteered there for a year or so as an administrator of services, and thought I had just about seen everything. But Charlie made me realized that I still had surprises in store for me.

I was sitting at my desk, just taking a short break, when I heard a man's voice saying rather angrily, "But you don't understand, I want to give everything.
Where is the director? I want to give everything."

As I rose from my desk and made my way quickly out into the hall-way, I was startled by the sight. There stood a man, holding a brief case, a cleaner bag with a tuxedo and all the accessories in it, designer shoes on his feet, and other wise stark naked.

Trying hard to keep my composure, I ask the gentleman if he would follow me. Waving the red-faced female attendant away, I motioned to one of the male volunteers to accompany us as we went into my office.

I invited the man to sit, as all I had were metal folding chairs, I cringed as he landed his bare bottom onto the cold seat. It didn't seem to bother him in the least. He sat there for a second and said, "I'm Charlie."

Without mentioning his appearance I ask, "Well Charlie, what can I do for you today?"

He shoved the briefcase my way and tossed the tuxedo bag onto the desk. "Take it, take it all, I don't want this life anymore."

Gently I ask, "Charlie, would you like a cup of coffee? And I just happen to have a pair of jeans and a shirt here that might fit you, may I loan them to you for a while." Charlie agreed to both offers. The volunteer, very obviously familiar with outfitting a variety of sizes, headed off for coffee and some clothing.

Charlie shifted a little on the folding chair, "Open the case, open the case."

I somehow felt that if I opened that case it would be a life changing experience. My gut told me it wasn't going to harm me, although, I had at one time opened a case with a poisonous snake in it, and on another occasion one with a severed hand. But I just felt this wasn't a bomb or anything harmful.

"Charlie, before I do that, why don't you tell me a little about yourself."

By that time Charlie had dressed into the jeans and flannel shirt and was settling down a little with his cup of coffee. He was visibly beginning to relax. The agitation and wildness etched into his well groomed face, slowly eased and he took on a melancholy appearance as he began to speak. His chiseled good looks were complimented by his impeccable vocabulary.

"Well to make a long story short, I am a wealthy man," he said. "So wealthy that I can't spend it all, can't waste it all, I can't even drink it up. Alcholol makes me vomit, and I break out in hives from drugs. I try to give it away but then another bank-account shows up." he said with such remorse it was almost humorous.

"Charlie, wealth can be a powerful and positive thing, why don't you want your money.?

"Because every where I turn, someone is there, with their hand out, wanting to start a new business, or wanting me to fund a project. I used to have a simple life, an uncle, who I didn't even know, died and left me his oil fortune. And I haven't had time to go fishing in over three years." Then he said, "my days are filled with greedy people, I dress in a suit when I would rather have on jeans, shave when I would rather wear a beard, eat eggs benedict when I would rather have biscuits and gravy, and you know, now someone came up the idea I should not have a glass of cold milk, but have hot tea instead. I can't stand it anymore, my life is not my own. You can have it all."

"Charlie, what are your plans, what will you do?"

"I'm going to disappear. Become invisible. I don't want to see anybody I know, I just want to be by myself and live, really live. And I am going to fish, everyday if I want to. So can you help me out or not?"

"Charlie, I think it is time for me to open your brief case." As I opened the case, I saw it was packed tight with stacks of one hundred dollar bills. I had no idea how much money was there, but more than I had ever seen in one place.

"There is one million dollars in there and seven million more in my car, which is parked in front of this building, you can have it too." Charlie said. " And there is plenty more where that came from." I want you to use it all, do whatever good you can with it, it's no good to me."

That was two years ago.

Charlie had stopped in today just to say hello. He told me he was happy with what the organization has done with the money, and thanked me for my help. As I saw Charlie walk away, I looked at the back of a happy man. He never wanted to be consulted as to where his donation was going, where it was being used or how many houses for the homeless it had built. He just wanted it used. It seemed the more we used the more we had.

And as for Charlie, he had a beard now and fished every day. The last I heard from him he was moving into a small house down by the river. It was one in a string of thirty his money had paid for. The huge park that was located there had bath houses, burn barrels, and a few little bridges to get under for when you just had to have a taste of sleeping out-side. You know, the good old days.

And every morning Charlie had a cold glass of milk.

Author Notes 1132 words Thanks to Cleo85 for the fine picture...

Chapter 19
Mother's love

By Carolyn 'Deaton' Stephens

Tonight, for a moment, I felt so overwhelmed with gratitude, for having had healthy children. Oh, they had the usual childhood diseases, mumps, chicken pox, and once even had scabies. One year an epidemic of scabies spread throughout the whole school they attended. If you aren't familiar with these red, irritating and itchy patches, count yourself lucky. They are caused by an itch mite, and in the past, were called 'the seven year itch.' Sounds like the title of a good 'ole' Marilyn Monroe movie, doesn't it?

I say all those things, to say this: I have experienced sitting by the bed of my sick child. I've sat with them in a tub of cool water to bring fever down. I've stayed up all night to make sure when they cough they don't choke. And I've cleaned up the 'vomit', after they barf all over the clean sheets you just put on their bed that morning. None of those times could possibly measure up, to hearing a doctor say, 'your child has cancer.'

I regularly contribute to a research hospital called St Jude. Because of that small donation, I am barraged with personalized name stickers. I get a small calendar once a year, and on occasion I receive a picture of one of the small patients graduating from the Kindergarten class they have, right on the hospital campus.

The remarkable thing about this research hospital, is that no child is ever turned away. If funds are not available to pay the hospital, they get treatment anyway.

I have never been one to desire riches, but, if by some wonderful chance, wealth should ever come my way, or perhaps a publisher should sweep up my writings, and present me with a huge advance, there will be a place where a goodly amount of my money will be sent. It will be St. Jude's hospital.

In the meanwhile, for the health of my own children, and all their children, I will remain grateful and blessed. I will pray with all my might, for Mothers who have not been so fortunate, and will keep sending my small, but loving, contribution to St. Jude.

Someday, with continued research, and the oversight of our Almighty and loving God, a cure for cancer will be found.

Author Notes Thanks to pattigirl from fanart for this fabulous picture.

For all my friends and family on Fanstory who have or have had cancer, you are in my thoughts and prayers always, for a full recovery. Love, Carolyn

Chapter 20
Butter in the Makin'

By Carolyn 'Deaton' Stephens

As a child, we always had fresh milk. Butter and home-made cottage cheese were plentiful, as well as whipped cream that would shame today's French chefs.

Mother taught all of us to hand milk our cows. We preferred Jersey cows, as their milk was sweeter and produced an abundance of cream. Or at least, that was Mother's opinion, and her opinion was always good enough for me. Jerseys were also very gentle and easy to handle.

As destiny would have it, I was powerfully influenced by my up-bringing. I just could not get the thought of that wonderful, sweet cream butter out of my mind. Oh, I know, you can buy butter any day at the super market. Fresh dairy butter is also available in certain Organic Deli's and in Amish stores and Farmers Markets.

But, being the person I am, I wanted to make it myself.

For years we bought cream from a local dairy. They went out of business a couple of years ago, so my butter making went by the way side. Until one day
we saw an ad on Craig's list for fresh, raw milk. We called the number and set up a time to visit the small family farm.

When we arrived at the Smith farm, we were delighted to see chickens and other barnyard critters running around everywhere. A few goats grazed in the yard, several huge turkeys gobbled from their pen, and in the barnyard stood a beautiful young Jersey cow. We were about to meet Daisy.

We talked to Mrs. Smith and she told us about their milking process. Daisy had her own portable milking machine, used only for her. It was stored in sanitary conditions until it was brought out twice a day for use. Daisy looked very healthy, grain and hay fed, with plenty of wonderful green pasture available to her.

Daisy was a butter maker's dream.

After purchasing two gallons of fresh milk, and several dozens of eggs, we headed home. I refrigerated the milk over night. In the morning the cream had risen to the top. I carefully skimmed the cream off both gallons of milk, and placed it into a glass quart jar. The beautiful, golden yellow cream, was thick, and sweet.

The remainder of the milk can be used raw or follow Internet directions for simple pasteurization. You are in for a treat.

As we had a very simple way of churning our butter when I was growing up, I preferred to use that method. Once the cream was in the jar, it usually was about three-quarter full, I placed the lid on tightly. (I use a new flat and band, the same used in home canning.) Then here comes the good part. Settle yourself into a comfortable recliner, lean back and turn on your favorite TV program, or just day dream if you like. Butter making will take about thirty minutes of 'shaking the jar.' The butter will separate from the milk and collect into a ball. You will be able to watch the process and will definitely know when it is complete.

Once the butter has formed in the jar, dip out into a bowl. Drain as much milk as you can. You must 'press' it, or 'paddle' it, to get all the milk out. After the majority of the milk is out of the butter, pour some cold water on it and press some more. Keep pouring the milk off the butter. The butter will start firming up. Add small amount of salt, about a quarter teaspoon, work in well, and place into a mold or cup. Chill and enjoy.

We purchased a cream separator and sometimes I now use my up-right mixer to make the butter. It is a faster process but doesn't provide the nostalgia I have grown to enjoy.

When I visit Daisy, it takes me back to memories of simple times. Don't be at all surprised if you find yourself baking cornbread or home-made rolls. They will go well with your home-made butter.

Warning: Not a fat free food.

Author Notes This is an easy process. If you decide to make butter there are several videos available on the Internet you can watch. There are a number of ways, including the jar method. If you can't find a cow, whole whipping cream from the store will work , don't stop at the whipped cream stage. Keep whipping and it will turn into butter. Have a great experience.

Chapter 21

By Carolyn 'Deaton' Stephens

I must have sat by that oak tree for two weeks straight. I was waiting for the mail man to deliver my very first new dress ever, that was ordered and bought, just for me.

You see, we were a very large family, ten of us, to be exact. I was number nine. Mother always made our clothes, unless we were fortunate enough to have something that fit given to us. At that time in my life, things were called hand-me-downs, now we call them 'gently used, pre-owned' or 'recycled.' All I know is, I don't think I had been this excited since I won the book report contest in Miss King's class, at the beginning of second grade. I loved to write and would take any opportunity to re-tell the story of books I had read. That was a good day, but this one was good in a different way.

It all started about a month before when Miss Clark came by to bring us some catalogues . She brought Sears Roebuck, Montgomery Ward and others that I don't recall the names of. Those catalogues were used for a number of things. The primary use was to place them in the outhouse, I guess you can imagine, they weren't there just for reading. I don't remember having 'Charmin' back in those days. Well, we got to look at the Catalogues before transporting them to the outhouse. We also got to cut out paper dolls and make a 'wish list' for Christmas.

I would study those Catalogues until my eyes hurt. I would show Mother different pictures of blouses, little skirts and dresses. She would encourage me to cut out anything I really liked and keep them as patterns. Sometimes she would sew my clothes to resemble those pictures as closely as possible. I can't say enough about Mother's skills. As a teenager I would design an outfit and show it to Mother. If she had the right material , the outfit would sometimes be hanging on the door when I got up in the morning, ready to wear. I never could figure out if Mother slept as much as the rest of us did.

Well, as I browsed through the thick catalogues I found a little girl model who had on the most beautiful blue dress I had ever seen. It was blue checked, had a white collar and puffed-sleeves. The catalogue it was in was outdated but Mother said sometimes they would show it in the next season too. We didn't have much money but she told me that it was time I got a store bought-dress. I almost peed my pants with delight.

Mother sat down and wrote a letter with the order form, and sent it to Sears Roebuck. She checked a COD box, she said that meant Cash on Delivery. We didn't have checks or anything so we would pay the mailman when he brought my package. Mother said we would "just keep our fingers crossed that the dress was still available."

The dress cost two dollars and ninety-nine cents. That was a lot of money. I had earned almost a dollar picking potato bugs off the potato plants in the garden. They were soft shelled but otherwise like a beetle, and were orange with beady red eyes. Daddy gave me a penny for each bug so I 'braved' up when the job was ready to do. After Daddy counted them, well sort of, he would look in the bucket and say, "pretty close to fifty I'd think," then I would feed them to our chickens. I also fed our neighbor's chickens sometimes and would get money for that. Mother gave me the rest of the money to go with it and the 'wait was on.'

It was summertime so I could sit with my back against the oak tree and read or draw while I waited for the mailman to come. I had just completed second grade, so that meant when school started again I would be a third grader. I day-dreamed, a third grader with a new blue dress.

I thought it would never happen, but after almost three weeks my package came. As I ripped the brown paper off, and saw the beautiful dress inside, I doubted that life, at that moment, could be any sweeter. To this day, several of my paintings have little girls with the blue dress on.

I wore that dress until it no longer fit. Then, you guessed it, number ten , my little sister laid claim to it. I think she loved it as much as I did.

What joy the simple things in life can bring.

Author Notes This is a true story.

Chapter 22
Instructions please

By Carolyn 'Deaton' Stephens

I recently read a short poem written by another Fanstorian and thought about all the ways that particular little poem could apply. The gist of it was,read the instructions before attempting assembly.

Sometimes it is difficult to teach or give an example of the importance of studying the Word of God. I have a little story to share which might make it a bit easier.

A couple bought a Tricycle and decided they knew exactly how to put that thing together. They got out the 'nuts and bolts', the pedals and handle bars, and all the various other parts. After hours of working, getting upset and totally frustrated, they were about to give up on the whole thing. They had never looked at the Instruction sheet which had been provided. Once they read and followed those instructions, the Trike went together perfectly, it turned out fine.

Our life is kind of like that. When we get to thinking we can 'do it our way' without any help from God, we make a mess out of things. Sometimes, just like that Tricycle, we must take it all apart and start completely over. We finally turn to the written word for instructions. Then we can get on with building our life according to His will, according to His Word.

My husband had a poster in his teenager's class which read:
B asic
I nstructions
B efore
L eaving
E arth

I always liked it.

Have you read the 'Good Book' lately ? The author is the most 'Creative Writer' I have ever had the pleasure to know. Absolutely inspiring, good for the Soul.

Love, :-) Carolyn

Author Notes Thanks to VisionaryPerspective for the use of this awesome picture.
I hope you enjoy this, it is not meant to be 'preachy' but 'practical'. :-) Carolyn

Chapter 23
Arizona Bound

By Carolyn 'Deaton' Stephens

Hi there everyone,

Larry and I are on our way to Phoenix to visit his elderly parents, a son and two granddaughters, and will be there through the end of the year. We opted to drive. Here I am in a hotel in Oklahoma, trying desperately to catch up on reviews. It is obviously not going to happen tonight. LOL

I hope and pray that each of you are having a great Holiday Season and that you and your families are healthy and happy. That may not seem much of a prayer, or a wish, or a hope to some, but to others, maybe it will bring a warm moment, knowing that someone is thinking about them with love. Someone is praying that the health they have not had in 2013 will be greatly improved in the New Year to come. Please rest assured that I am, keeping you in my heart, dwelling in my mind, and living in my prayers. Lord willing, I will never be too busy to think on things that matter the most in life. The souls and well being of family and friends.

Don't forget to do those 'random acts of kindness' to strangers as well as folks you know. It is fun to make them a part of every day.

Take care and I hope to work a little each evening. Until next time,
Love and Best wishes to all.
:-) Carolyn

Chapter 24
I sparkle for you

By Carolyn 'Deaton' Stephens

Hi there,

It has been almost a year since I joined this wonderful, International, writing site, called Fanstory. The experience has been so much more than I could have ever imagined. I had high hopes of posting, getting feed-back from my peers, and if all went as planned, I would improve somewhat in my skills as a writer. The support and encouragement you have extended to me, has been, and is, overwhelming. Never did I dream I would fall in love. You have made my eyes sparkle!

With the anniversary coming up, (and a little nudge from misscookie) I decided it was time to be brave, and post a picture of myself. It was taken this summer at an outdoor wedding. I hope you enjoy me, as much as I enjoy you. It has been a delight to visualize dear Maureen in Canada, Shari in Florida, Ritchie in Asia, Sagnik in India, and our sweet Evelyn in Arkansas, and so many others. So go ahead, take the plunge, 'post the pic', it is liberating!

My Dad used to tell me that my eyes were like mirrors to my soul. If that is true, then look into them, even though they are now behind glasses. (The better to see you with, of course.) When I think of lovely things, favorite things, mittens, kittens, jam, oh well, you know the song, then I sparkle.

When I think of children, God's love, rainbows and friendship, mud puddles and dandelions, I sparkle. When I feel a hug from a loved one or a friend, or give one to someone I don't know, but looks like they could use one, I sparkle. Family dinners, grandparent days, band concerts and choral festivals, smell of new babies, all those events make me sparkle. And when I read and review the written word of so many of you, I glow. It doesn't take a lot to make me happy as that is my general nature anyway. My little grand-daughter Faith asked me once, "GeGe, do you smile all of the time?" I had to admit, most of the time I do.

I love all of you, in one way or another. Some are beloved critics, some are all that and much more, all are valued to me. We are family.

What makes you sparkle?

Best regards, lots of love, and blessings to all of you,
:-) Carolyn AKA notesandmore

Chapter 25
The question of Faith

By Carolyn 'Deaton' Stephens

We heard a loud knocking on the door and PaPa said, "were we expecting Faith today?"

You see Faith has her own special little knock, she definitely wants us to know she has arrived. First she bangs on the door, then she rings the doorbell intermittently until someone opens it. There is no doubt who will be there when we open the door.

On this particular day, I ran to the door, "Just a minute", I said, and proceeded to open it and play the usual game of looking for Faith. This was not the day to be looking over her head, saying "I don't see anyone, I wonder who could have been ringing my doorbell? " And then she will say, "GeGe, I am down here, its' me Faith!" Well, not today, I got no hug, no hello, nothing, except, "Where is my PaPa, I have to talk to him, right now. "

I stepped aside of this possible little stampede and told her, "In the kitchen, PaPa is in the kitchen."

Faith, her mommy and I went into the kitchen where PaPa had already reached out his arms for the hug he was sure would follow. But, not today, no hug, no hello. She placed one hand on each of PaPa's arms and looking up into his face said, "PaPa, can I ask you a question? It is very serious."

PaPa said, "Of course Faith, you can ask me anything, anytime."

She said, "PaPa, I have just been thinking, you told me that God can see everything, right?"

PaPa answered, "that's right Faith, God can see everything."

Faith then said, "PaPa, what I want to know then, if God can see everything, how does He do it PaPa? Does He use a telescope?"

I wish you could have been here as PaPa tried to explain that one to his little five year old grand-daughter.

Author Notes Thanks to wrekless for the wonderful picture.

I hope you enjoy reading this little update on Faith. She is a little character. And as she is so willing to tell you, "Smart, too".

Chapter 26
Biker Babe and Her Man

By Carolyn 'Deaton' Stephens

"Hey honey, it's a beautiful day out, do you want to go for a ride?"

"That sounds great, can you give me a minute, I need to re-dress", I said.

"Sure, but hurry, we will make it to Hermann for lunch if we ride hard", my husband Larry hollered back from the garage.

It wasn't long before Larry had wheeled our motorcycle out of the garage. I fastened up my 'fanny pack', having made sure all the essentials were in it. Money for lunch and gas, the garage door opener, our Insurance cards, and of course, a comb and one of my most complementary lipsticks.

Larry was astride the bike and looked to be his old comfortable self. He had ridden for years and had even raced a bit in his younger life. I, on the other hand was rather a novice, but a willing one to be sure. I swung my leg over to mount the bike, (that had taken a lot of practice to develop that smooth move)and congratulated myself for not stumbling. Actually, I think I might have felt a slight twinge of smugness.

I am not sure why riders choose black attire, except that it just looks good. As we donned our matching, candy apple red helmets, we looked at each other and gave an admiring nod. Since we were 'all covered up', we for sure, did not show our age. I put my gloved hands on Larry's sides and smiled inside my 'full-faced' helmet as I settled down behind my man.

We took the back roads and marveled at the early fall colors of the trees, the rolling pasture lands, and the huge round bales of hay that graced the fields. Cows and horses were grazing, and we were lucky to spot several deer at the edge of the woods. A wild turkey crossed the road so close, we had to swerve the bike to miss it. Larry was a good 'swerve-er', remember, he used to race.

It took about an hour of wonderful riding to get out to Hermann. The Vintage restaurant there has the most delicious German food this side of the Missouri river.

As we circled the lot to find a good spot to park, several people were admiring the bike as they stood on the veranda of the restaurant.

We took off our helmets and gloves, combed our hair, and I, of course had to freshen my lipstick. We dismounted, turned around and began walking toward the entry.

All at once there arose such applause and cheers you would have enjoyed it yourselves. "Good for you," they were saying, and "Great, don't ever get to old to have fun", "Nice bike, good going", and such like comments.

As we turned around to thank every one, with my helmet under my left arm, I raised my right arm high in the air and shouted, as if stumping at a political rally,


When making memories, make the kind you would like to keep.

Author Notes Thanks to Sierra Treasures for the wonderful picture, now this could have been Larry years ago. He is not so daring now.

I hope you enjoy this true little memory. We certainly enjoyed participating in the making of it. :-) Carolyn

Chapter 27
Papa's squeaky chair

By Carolyn 'Deaton' Stephens

Papa loves Faith. They definitely have a special relationship. Faith will end up in the house wherever her Papa is. Be it watching television on his lap or in his office playing on the floor with her favorite 'Interactive Penguin', which yes, you probably guessed, Papa bought for her.

Faith's Mommy had told us that she and Daddy had been trying to teach Faith, and her brother Kohlton, that while passing gas is normal, it is just not something you talk about or laugh at, if some one does it. They felt they were having some measure of success.

Well, on this particular day, Faith was playing with her Penguin in Papa's office. Papa was at the computer working on a sermon. She was being very quiet and was contented to be there together, as was he.

Papa turned his chair and it let out a loud sound, about like, 'you know what' that word we don't say now in public.

Papa said later, as he couldn't contain his laughter, he heard Faith say very quietly, and without missing a beat in her play, "I sure hope my Penguin don't smell that".

What a little character and such a joy.

Author Notes Stories like this are repeated often and we never get tired of sharing them. Now you on the other hand....... might get tired of .... Naw, if you're a grandparent, not a chance.
:-) Carolyn

Chapter 28
Kindergarten with Faith

By Carolyn 'Deaton' Stephens

"Teacher, teacher, excuse me, teacher, "

"Yes Faith what can I help you with".

"Can I ask you a question Teacher?"

"Well of course Faith, out with it," said Teacher with a smile.

"I just want to know why we can't play on the Monkey Bars when we go out on the playground, like all the other kids do? We only get to watch. That's no fun", said Faith.

Teacher thought for a moment and said, "Well, it may be a safety issue because Kindergartner's are so small". You will get to play on them next year".

"But Teacher, you call us your 'little monkeys' so I just wondered why your 'little monkeys' can't play on the monkey bars".

Teacher stood there a minute, looking into those big brown eyes, and replied, "Faith, I guess we are just going to have to re-think that one".

It is really hard to get anything over on Faith.

Author Notes Another fun little story about Faith in kindergarten. She is a hoot. I hope you enjoy this one. If you have grandchildren stories to share I encourage them. It is great to get to know one another in this way. Carolyn

One of thousands of stories, poems and books available online at

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